International Trade国际贸易英文版 期末复习题
国际贸易实务(下划线为重点记忆和理解,无的为一般记忆和了解)Chapter one1. 国际贸易概念:International trade is also known as world trade, foreigntrade, overseas trade. It refers to the process of fair and deliberate exchange of goods or services between two or more countries, involving the use of two or more currencies. Besides, international trade concerns trade operations of both import and export and includes the purchase and sale of both visible and invisible goods.2. 国际贸易产生的原因:(了解)1) Resource reasons (natural resource, human resource and technology)2) Economic reasons (economic benefits, comparative advantage andeconomies of scale)3) Other reasons (political reasons, differences in tastes, preferences andconsumption patterns)3. 国际贸易与国内贸易的不同:In particular, international trade is more subject to:1) Language habits and cultural differences2) Foreign laws, customs and regulations or international rules3) Exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate4) Higher level of political, financial and transportation risks5) More complex business procedures therefore managers need a broaderrange of management skills4. 国际贸易的分类:1)从货物流向(direction of cargo flow)分: export trade, import trade and transit trade(过境贸易)2)从参与的贸易方(the number of participants )分:direct trade, indirect trade and entrepot trade(转口贸易)转口贸易:entrepot trade refers to the transaction which involves importing the goods abroad. 转口贸易又称中转贸易或再输出贸易,是指国际贸易中进出口货物的买卖,不是在生产国和消费国之间直接进行,而是通过第三国转手进行的贸易。
国际贸易英⽂习题(含答案)国际经济学模拟习题(3)⼀、True or F al se (10*1’=10’)1. Trad e i s a zero-su m activi t y; i f one country gain s, the oth er must lose.2. A nation maxi mi zes satisfaction b y reachin g th e highest possibl e indi fference curve, and inthe absence o f t rad e will p roduce where it s productio n possibili ties sch edule is tangent to an indifference curve.3. Th e factor endo wment s mod el predict s th at int ernational trad e will t end to equali ze theprices o f trade-abl e good s amon g nations, but to in crease the wage gap b et weencapit al-abundant and labo r-abundant nations.4. A tax o f 10 percent on i mport s o f sho es would be an exampl e o f a sp eci fi c tari ff.5. An i mport quot a wi ll not rai se the do mesti c pri ce o f the produ ct as would a t ari ff, becau seit is not a t ax on i mport s.6. In bal anc e-o f-payment s account, a t ran saction resultin g in receipt o f a p ayment is recordedas a credit, wh ereas a tran saction resul ting in a p ayment to other n ations is recorded as adebit.7. Becau se they do not in clude an exchan ge o f goods or servi ces, unil at er al transfers do notappear on a n ation's b al ance o f payment s account.8. David Hu me was one of th e fi rst econo mi sts to provide an al yti cal support fo r mercan tili sttrad e polici es.9. A nat ion would be mo st li kel y to find it s trad e balan ce i mp rovin g aft er a curren cydepreci ation i f th at nation’s d emand fo r i mport s and forei gn d emand fo r i ts expo rts was ver y inelasti c.10. A nation with n eith er a bal ance o f p ayment s surplus nor a bal ance o f p ayments defici t i s saidto be in int ernal bal ance.⼆、choi ces(15*3’=45’)1. The law o f co mp arati ve advant agea). was rati fied b y th e Wo rld Trad e Organizationb). explains ho w all countries can ben efit when each specializes in producin g it ems in wh ich i t hasthe great est relati ve effi ci encyc). explain s ho w onl y the mo st effi ci ent nations can benefi t fro m traded). is used to evalu at e a country’s mi lit ary stren gth2. The theory o f absolut e advant age was developed b ya. the Mercantili stsb. David Hu mec. Ad am S mithd. David Ricardo3. David Ricardo developed the pr inciple o f co mparative advantage sho win g th ata. a nation must b e th e least-cost produ cer o f a good in order to export th at it emb. no nation could have an absolut e ad vantage in all goodsc. in a t wo-country exampl e, onl y one nation can have a co mp arati v e ad vantaged. even a nat ion that has lower producti vit y in all goo ds can ben efi t b y export ing the it em in which it is rel ati vel y l ess inefficient4. An indi fferen ce curvea. sho ws th at most p eople reall y are indifferent abou t intern ational tradeb. sho ws th e demand preferences o f con su mersc. refl ects th e rel ati ve co sts o f product ion within a n ationd. indicat es ho w mu ch l ab or a country h as5. To maxi mize it s sati sfaction, a nation will ensure that it s t erms-o f-trad e lin ea. is tan gent to its produ ct ion possibiliti es fronti er at one point (production po int) and also to th e highest att ainabl e indi fference cu rve at another poin t (consu mption point)b. is t angent to it s product ion possibilit ies fronti er and intersects an indi fferen ce curvec. int ersects its p roduction possibili ties frontier and is t angent to an indi fferen ce curved. intersect s it s productio n possibilit ies fronti er at one point and an indi fference curve at another point6. Facto r-p rice equali zatio n predicts th at with int ern ational trad ea. the price o f a n ation’s abundant factor will rise an d that o f it s scarce factor will fallb. the pri ce o f a n ation’s abundant factor will fall an d that o f it s scarce factor will risec. the prices o f a nation’s abundant and scarce factors both will rised. the pri ces o f a nat ion’s abundant and scarce factors both will fall7. The effecti ve rat e o f p rotect iona. distingui shes bet ween t ari ffs th at are effecti ve an d those th at are ineffecti veb. is the mini mu m level at which a t ari ff b eco mes effecti v e in li mitin g i mportsc. sho ws th e increase in value-added for do mestic production that a parti cular tari ff st ructure makes po ssibl e, in p ercent age t ermsd. sho ws ho w effecti ve a t ari ff is in rai sin g revenu e8. The institut ional frame wo rk developed in 1947 to pro mote trade lib erali zati on is kno wn asa. the GATTb. the WTOc. the IMFd. The World Ban k9. Developing n ationsa. have very li mited invol vement in int ern ational tradeb. trad e mo stl y with each otherc. rel y heavil y on export s of pri mary pr oducts to ind ustri al nationsd. rel y h eavil y on exports of manu factured product s10. A custo ms union i s uni que in that ita. has no tari ffs on trade among memb er n ationsb. has no t ari ffs on trade among memb er n ations and a co mmon set o f t ari ffs on i mpo rt s fro mnon-membersc. has no tari ffs on trade among memb er n ations, a co mmon set o f tari ffs on i mports fro mnon-members, and free mo bilit y o f factors o f product ion such as labor and capit al amon g membersd. allo ws unrest ricted l abo r i mmi gration fro m non-memb er n ations11. A n ation's b al ance o f p ayments st at ementa. is a record o f th at n atio n's assets abro ad and it s li abiliti es to those fro m oth er nationsb. is an accounting adjust ment pro cess en surin g that a nation's exports will be equal to its i mpor tsc. does not includ e transactions o f forei gn citi zen s o r co mp ani es l iving o r operatin g wi thin thatnation d. i s a record of th e econo mic t ran sactio ns bet ween resid ents o f th at nation and the rest o f th e world, usual l y for a p eriod o f one year.12. Since b alan ce-o f-p ayments accountin g is a doubl e-entry accounting syst em, an export o f U.S.wh eat to M exico p aid for b y a d eposit to the U.S. exporters account in a M exican ban k would b e recorded on the U.S. b al ance o f payment s asa. a credit fo r merch andi se exports and a credit to sh ort-term finan ci al flo wsb. a credit for merch andise export s and a deb it to sh ort-term finan ci al flo ws.c. a credit fo r merch andise exports and a d ebit to uni lat eral transfersd. a credit for merch andise export s and a deb it to o ffi ci al set tlements13. The fo rei gn-exchan ge marketa. is locat ed in New Yorkb. is a market in Chi cago for the int ern ational trading o f co mmoditi es such as wh eat or copper.c. is a mechani sm fo r individual s and insti tutions to exch ange one nation al or regional cu rren cy o rdebt inst ru ment for those of oth er n ations or region s.d. is open fro m 9:00 a.m. t o 3:00 p.m. New Yo rk ti me, Monday throu gh Frid ay.14. Market fund ament als t hat mi ght be exp ected to i nflu ence exchan ge rat e mo vements in clude all o fthe follo wing factors excepta. di fferences in real in co me gro wth rat es b et ween countriesb. differences in real interest rates bet ween countriesc. sp ecul ati ve opinion abo ut futu re exch ange rat esd. chan ges in p ercei ved profit abili t y o f econo mi c in ve st ment s b et ween t wo countries15. If in fl ation is high er i n Mexico th an in the Unit ed States, th e law o f on e price would predict thata. t rad e bet ween M exi co and th e Unit ed States would declin eb. the dollar pri ce o f au tos purchased in Mexi co would be hi gher th an the dollar pri ce ofco mp arable autos purchased in the Unit ed Statesc. the p eso would appreci ate relati ve to th e dollar b y an amount equal in p ercen tage t erms to thedifference bet ween th e t wo infl ation rat esd. the peso would depreci ate rel at ive to the dollar b y an amount equal in percen tage t erms to thedifference bet ween th e t wo infl ation rat es三、Questi ons(45’, answer these questi ons i n Chi nese)1. Assu me that l abor i s th e onl y factor used in production, and that the cost s o f producing b utt er and cloth are gi ven b y the t abl e belo w.(8’)Cost in labor-hours to produce Home Foreign1 unit of butter 1/8 11 unit of cloth 1/4 1/2(1) Express the pri ce o f bu tter rel ati ve to th e pri ce o f cloth in t erms o f l abor content for Ho me and Forei gn in the ab sen ce o f t rade.(2) Wh at do these relati ve prices reveal about each country’s co mparati ve advantage?(3) Wh at do these rel ati ve prices su ggest about the wo rld pri ce o f butt er rel at ive to cloth th at wi ll exist on ce these countri es trad e wi th each oth er?(4) If the world price st abilizes at 1 wi th trad e, what are the gain s b y the Ho me country achieved through trade with th e Forei gn country?2. Expl ain th e i mmi seri zi ng gro wth and li st the case for i mmiserizin g gro wth to be occur. (8’)3. Expl ain the ex chan ge rate o vershootin g theory (8’)4. Suppose that the no min al interest rate on 3-month Treasury bill s is 8 percent in the United Stat esand 6 percent in th e Unit ed Kingdo m, and the rat e o f infl ation i s 10 percent in the Unit ed Stat es and 4 percent in th e Unit ed Kingdo m.(9’)(1) Wh at i s the real interest rat e in each nation?(2) In whi ch direction wou ld intern ational invest men t flo w in response to these real int erest rates?(3) Wh at i mpact would these in vest ment flo ws h ave on the dollar’s exch ange value?5. Wh at effects do es labor mi gration have on th e country o f i mmi gration? Th e country o f emi gration?Th e world as a whole?(12’)国际经济学模拟习题(3)参考答案⼀、判断题(每题1分,共10分)╳√ ╳╳╳√ ╳╳╳╳⼆、选择题(每题3分,共45分)bcdba acacb dbccd三、简答题(共45分)1、(1) 封闭条件下,本国可以⽤⼀半的⽣产⼀单位布的劳动时间⽣产⼀单位黄油。
《国际服务贸易》(全英语)试卷Ⅰ. Translate the following into Chinese (15 points, 1 point/term)1.Public monopolies2.Natural monopoly3.Inadequate information4.Externality5.Universal access6.Schedule of commitment7.Market access8.National treatment9.Quota-type limits10.Discriminatory taxes11.Domestic regulations12.Trade barriers13.Physical proximity14.increasing returns to scale15.lock-inII. Translate the following key terms into English (15 points, 1points/term)1.综合性集聚2.专业性集聚3.中心外围结构4.劳动密集型服务5.供给模式的替代性6.保护的工具7.政府采购政策8.国内监管缺乏透明性9.许可和证书要求10. 企业特定固定成本11.固定资本形成总值12.关税等价13.非承诺部门14.市场定位效应15.承诺价值Ⅲ. Single-Choice Questions(20 points, 1 points/Question)Please write the answer here:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Array14 15 16 17 18 19 201.The software services provided by a supplier in one country through electronic means belong to:A Cross-borderB Consumption abroadC Commercial presenceD Presence of natural persons2.Establishing right related to:A Cross-borderB Consumption abroadC Commercial presenceD Presence of natural persons3.The privatization of state monopolies without creating competition, the result may beA Lower pricesB Transfers of monopoly rentsC Improved qualityD Greater variety4.Services are highly regulated is because ofA Natural monopolyB Inadequate informationC ExternalityD Social equity5.The common feature of roads and rails for land transport, cables and satellites for communications, and pipes for sewage and energy distribution is:A Natural monopolyB Inadequate informationC ExternalityD Social equity6.The remedy of inadequate information problem in service should beA CompetitionB RegulationC Public monopoly C Privatization7.Which is more efficient the following remedies of externality problem in service?A Subsidy the poorB Entry restrictionC CompetitionD Regulation8.In which conditions can the commitments be modified or suspended?A Protect the poorB For social equityC Serious financial difficultiesD Insufficient Information9.What is the following the most probably unconditional obligations fora member?A Establish right to foreignersB Free movement of laborC Transparency obligationsD Capital account opening10.What is the following limitations quota-type limits on market accss?A Joint venture requirementsB Foreign equity ceilingsC Value of assetsD Foreign capital participation limits11.What does the following facilitate to competition in telecommunication services?A Partially privatizing the traditional monopolistB The great sunk cost.C The government regulation.D The network effects12.Services goods are seldom suffered from:A Discriminatory taxesB Trade tariffsC Domestic regulationsD Quota-type limits13.Specialization gains usually comes from:A Agglomeration effectsB Arable landC Skilled laborD Capital resources14.The gains driven by the market-niche effect can not potentiallygenerate:A Variety of productsB Scale economiesC competitive effectsD Market-expansion effects15.What does the following services have the typical networks effects?A TelecommunicationsB Hotel servicesC Restaurant servicesD Recreational services16.What does the following services have the least networks effects?A TelecommunicationsB Hotel servicesC Financial servicesD Transportation services17.The competitive advantage of a firm are mainly from:A The firm-specific fixed costsB The sunk costC The plant-level fixed costsD The variable cost18.In which account is the data of services trade displayed in BOP?The current account The capital accountThe financial account None of them19.Which one of the modes of services supply data are hard to be found inBOP?A mode 1B mode 2C mode 3D mode 420.The FDI enterprise may be:A A subsidiaryB An associate,C A branchD All of themⅣ.Questions and problems(30 points, 10points/each)1.What are the four modes of services supply? Please give examples of eachmode.Answer:2.What are the trade barriers of services trade? and please give examples to illustrate the different effects of different types of tradebarriers.Answer:3. What is the negative list or“top-down” approach in services liberalization?Answer:Ⅴ.Please select one from the following three topics to write an essay of about 200 words. (20 points)1.Please describe the international background of the establishment of Shanghai FTZ(hints: please referring to the following International Events: The TTP(Trans-Pacific Partnership), TTIP(Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), TISA(Trade in Services Agreement), BIT(Bilateral Investment Treaty)).2.Please discuss the reasons and effects of China’s economic growthslow-down since 2007.3. Please describe the i mpact on China’s financial position of the foundingof the New Development Bank (NDB) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB).。
国际经济与贸易全英试题国际经济与贸易期末考(全英)时间:2⼩时班级学号姓名成绩I.Please explain the following definitions.( 3 for each, totally 15 )1. Stolper-Samuelson theorem2. internal economies3. effective tariff rate4. trade creation5.The law of comparative advantage:II. Drawing Figures without explanations. ( 5 for each, totally 20 )1.(5)The Effects of an Import Quota under Monopolist Conditions2. (5)Rybczynshi theorem3. (5)Different Tastes as a Basis For Trade(即需求偏好不同所导致的国际贸易)4.(5)D umpingIII.Briefly answering the follow question.(10 for each, totally 20. )1. (10) The concept and conditions necessary for immiserizing growth.2. (10) Describing the changes of the factor intensity during the product cycle.IV.Calculation.( totally 15 )1. ( 5 ) Assumption : US is a large country in importing steel. There is same elastisity both importing demand curve and exporting supply curve.(进⼝需求曲线和出⼝供给曲线的弹性相同)。
第4 章问答题1.What are the main funcitions of B/L?选择题1.——can be freely bought and sold just like commodities.A.Railway billB.Airway billC.Shipping adviceD.Ocean bill of lading2.Freight under liner transportation——A.needs to stipulate demurrage and dispatch money between the shipper and the carrierB.does not include loading and unloading costC.consists of basic charges and additional collected based on gross weight of the goods3.Airway bill is NOT——A.a transport contact between the consignor and the carrierB.a document for customs clearanceC.a document for bank negotiationD.a document of title4. ——is the most commonly used transportation mode,which occupies 2/3 of international transportation.A.Railway transportationB.Maritime transportationC.Air transportationD.Parcel transportation5.In international trade, the importer often does not require——A.shipped B/LB.clean B/LC.blank B/LD.order B/L6.——can be transferred after endorsement.A.Straight B/LB.Blank B/LC.Order B/LD.through B/L7.Multi-model transport operator is responsible for——A.the first voyageB.the whole voyageC.the ocean transportD.the last voyage8.Under——charter, the ship owner only rents the charterer the boat.A.demiseB.timeC.voyageD.booking9. ——is suitable for conveying fresh, emergent and seasonal goods.A.Scheduled airlinesB.Chartered carriesC.Consolidated consignmentD.Liners10. If items marked with “AD Val.”, the freight is to be calculated on the basis——of the cargo concerned.A.weightB.price or valueC.measurementD.volume判断题1.The loading and unloading charges are included in the freight of the liners.( )2.Demurrage is the extra charge a shipper pays to datai a freight ship beyond time permitted for loading or unloading.( )3.Dispatch money is a fine imposed on the charterer for the delay in the loading and unloading of the goods.( )4.A straight B/L can be transferred through endorsement.( )5.A bill of lading is both a receipt for merchandise and an evidence of contract to deliver it as freight.( )6.Advantages of containerization include less handing of cargo, more protection against pilferage, less exposure to the elements, and reduced time of shipping.( )7.An order B/L can be transferred with or without endorsement.( )8.In international multi-modal transportation, a multi-modal transport operator will issue a combined transport document and be responsible for the safe carriage of the whole voyage.( )9.In order to clarify who will bear the loading and unloading charges in voyage charter transportation, the clause “Free in and out” is set forth in the Voyage Charter Party. This means the charter shall be responsible for both loading and unloading charges.( )10.Free in and free out means that te ship owner is responsible for both loading and unloading charges.( )计算题1.There is one consignment of 10 cartons of leather shoes. Measurement of each carton is 50*50*50 cm, and gross weight of each is 15 kg. Freight basis is W/M and the quotation is USD100 per F/T. How much is the total freight?any A is to export their goods by three 20’ FCL containers from Shanghai, China to Felixstowe, UK. The quatation is as follows:O/F rate: USD 750.00/20’B AF: USD 500.00/20’CAF: 12% on the freight rateI SPS (International ship and port facility security): USD 10.00/20’How much is the total freight?简答题1.In international cargo transportation, the most widely adopted bill of lading is——A . straight bill of ladingB . unclean bill of ladingC . bearer bill of ladingD . order bill of lading2. In DAT contracts , a reasonable order for time of shipment and time of delivery is——A . July 1 and June 1B . June 1 and July 1C . June 1 and June 1D . July 1 and July 13. A bill of lading is ——when its date of shipment is indicated earlier than the actual time of shipment.A . staleB / L B . confirmed B / LC . ante - dated B / LD . straight B / L4.A ( An ) ——represents title to the cargo .A . CTDB . air waybillC . road waybillD . bill of lading5. In the import and export business , ——can be made out to negotiable document .A . a rail waybillB . an ocean B / LC . an air waybillD . a parcel post receipt6.The bill of lading presented to the consignee or buyer or his bank after the stipulated expiry date of presentation or after the goods are due at the port of destination is a ——.A . staleB / L B . confirmed B / LC . ante - dated B / LD . straight B / L .7. A " freight to be collected " B / L is acceptable to the buyer when the contract is based on——.A.FOBB.CFRC.CIFD.CPT8. A——normally has regular scheduled departures , specified routes and comparatively fixed freight rates .A . time charterB . voyage charterC . conference linerD . non - conference liner9. An order B / L with blank endorsement is a B / L showing——A . neither the name of consignee nor the name of transferorB . neither the name of consignee nor the name of transfereeC . both the name of consignee and the name of transferorD . both the name of consignee and the name of transferee10. A ( An ) ——B / L refers to the one that is made out to a designated consignee .A . straightB . orderC . specific orderD .bearer判断题1. Liner freight has covered the loading and unloading fee.( )2. When the ship-owner speeds up his ship and arrives at the destination at an earlier date than stipulated , he can obtain dispatch money from the charterer .( )3. When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods within the stipulated period of time , he has to pay demurrage to the ship owner .( )4. Ocean bills of lading , air waybills and rail waybills are property documents presenting title to cargoes , so they are all negotiable .( )5. Bills of lading are usually made out in a full set including several originals and copies .( )6. Since straight B / L bears higher risk than the open B / L , it is rarely used in international transportation .( )7. A clean B / L is issued by the seller to the buyer to certify that the goods delivered are in apparent goods condition .( )8. In international trade practice , the time of shipment is actually the time of delivery .( )9.Sometimes when the buyer cannot determine a specific port of discharge during negotiation , he may require two or three ports to be written on the contract as optional ports ( )10. UCP 600 stipulates that partial shipment and transshipment are allowed unless it is stipulated otherwise .( )第5章简答题1.What is insurance?2.What parties are involved in insurance?3.What risks are covered by marine insurance?4. How is insurance claim lodged ?5. What documents are needed in filing a claim ?判断题1.If the insured has insured the goods against F.P.A., it means that the insurance company would cover the partial loss or damage to the cargo.( )2. If the insured has insured the goods against All Risks , the insurance company would cover the loss of the goods caused by war .( )3.According to China Insurance Clause , the general additional risks have to be insured together with W . P . A . or W . A .( )4. In the international practice , the insurance policy and the insurance certificate have the same legal effect .( )5. General extraneous risks include war risks , strikes , failure to deliver due to certain regulations .( )6. Sue and labor expenses are extraordinary costs and expenses reasonably incurred after any casualty for the purpose of avoiding or minimizing any liabilities , costs or expenses .( )7. Generally speaking , the insured will cover the goods for 1 0 0 % of the invoice value against certain risk .( )8. The With average is written on a warehouse - to - warehouse basis .( )9. The actual total loss takes place when the cargo or ship insured against the perils of sea is totally destroyed .( )10. Fortuitous accidents refer to earthquakes , volcanic eruptions , tsunami , floods and heavy weather , etc .( )案例分析题1. A Chinese exporter signed an FOB contract with an American company and a CIF contract with a Korean company . All the cargoes were covered for marine cargo insurance . Unfortunately , the goods were damaged in the transit from the factory to the port of departure .Question :Under this circumstance , which party should obtain insurance and which party should bear the loss ?2 . A ship started on its voyage after loading , but in the course of the journey a fire broke out during transit in Hold A , which had been loaded with stationary and tea . The caption ordered his crew to pour water on the fire . It was found out , after the fire was extinguished , that part of the stationery had been burned , the remainder and all the tea had been soaked through .Questions :( 1 ) What were the natures of the respective losses ?( 2 ) What risks would you have covered if you had wanted to be compensated for the losses ?3.A Chinese company exported 6 0 0 cases of tableware on CIF basis . The export company covered the insurance on the goods against FPA for 1 1 0 % of the CIF value . Before the goods were loaded on the ship , 2 0 cases were off the hook and fell into the sea .Questions :( 1 ) Do you think the insurance company should undertake to compensate for the loss ?( 2 ) If this transaction was concluded on FOB or CFR basis , should the insurance company compensate for the loss ? Why or why not ?选择题1. If the CIF price of a product is USD 1 0 0 per set , freight charge USD 1 0 per set , insurance premium USD 1 0 per set , the FOB price should beA . USD 1 1 0 / setB . USD 9 0 / setC . USD 8 0 / set D . USD 1 2 0 / set2.If the CIF price of a product is USD 1 0 0 per set , commission rate 2 % , the commission payment based on CIF price should beA . USD 1 . 6 0 / setB . USD 1 . 6 3 / setC . USD 2 . 0 0 / set D . USD 2 . 0 4 / set3 . Which one of the following prices is correctly expressed ?A . CNY 3 . 5 0 CIF Hong KongB . USD 3 . 5 0 per piece CIFC . RMB 3 . 5 0 per piece CIFC LondonD . USD 3 . 5 0 per piece CIFC 2 London4 . The standard form of a price consists of the following items EXCEPTA . currencyB . port or place of destinationC . unitD . amount5 . If we import commodities from Germany , what kind of currency we ' d better choose to make the payment ?A . Hard currency , which exchange rate is stable and would increase continuously .B . Weak currency , which exchange rate is unstable and would decrease continuously .C . A third country ' s currency that the two parties didn ' t agree to use .D . Currency that can ' t convert freely .计算题1 . A company exports commodity X to Canada . The total amount is USD 3 8 5 0 0 CIF Vancouver , including USD 1 7 0 0 of freight and USD2 1 7 of insurance premium . If the total purchase price(including VAT 1 7 % ) is RMB 2 4 5 7 0 0 , the rate of expense standard is 5 % and the rate of export tax rebate is 1 4 % , what is the foreign exchange cost of export products ? ( Rate of foreign exchange : USD 1 . 0 0 =RMB 6 . 5 0 )2 . The price quoted by a Shanghai exporter was " USD 1 2 0 0 per M / T CFR Liverpool " . The buyer requested a revised FOB price including 2 % commission . The freight for Shanghai to Liverpool was USD 2 0 0 per M / T . To keep the export revenue constant , what would be FOB 2 % price ?3 . A company offered to sell goods at " USD 2 0 0 0 per M / T CIF Toronto with all risks for 11 0 % of the value " . The importer requested a revised quota for FOB Ningbo . The freight for Ningbo to Toronto was USD 5 0 per M / T , and the premium rate was 1 % . To get the same export revenue , what FOB price should be the exporter offer ?1 . What are the differences between the commercial bill and the banker ' s bill ?2 . Who are the involved parties in a bill of exchange ? Why is the drawer the main debtor ( before the acceptance of the draft ) ?3 . Which one is the payer in the involved parties in B / E , promissory note and check ?4 . What is the title of the B / E ? How many ways are there for the title of the B / E ?5 . What is the endorsement of the B / E ? How many types are there for the endorsement ?第8章简答题1. What are the differences between the commercial bill and the banker ' s bill?2. Who are the involved parties in a bill of exchange? Why is the drawer the main debtor (before the acceptance of the draft)?3. Which one is the payer in the involved parties in B / E, promissory note and check?4. What is the title of the B / E? How many ways are there for the title of the B / E?5. What is the endorsement of the B / E? How many types are there for the endorsement?6. What are basic parties and their roles of a collection?7. Please compare the different terms of releasing documents and explains their advantages and disadvantages.8. What are the risks of documentary collection?9. Please list the methods of financing under collection.1 0. What is the property of the collection? How is it used in the international trade?1 1. What are the differences between D / P after 3 0 days sight and D / A after 3 0 days sight?判断题1. Remittance refers to the transfer of funds from one party to another among different countries through banks.()2. Mail transfer can be replaced in the time of telecommunication developed rapidly.()3. Under the serial payment method, the instruction to credit a beneficiary account is sent together with the instruction to debit sender ' s account.()4. The serial payment method cannot, however, delay the payment between different time zones.()5. A collection on the basis of commercial credit is usually processed through banks acting as the intermediary.()6. Banks have responsibility to examine the documents thoroughly.()7. The collecting bank handles the collection business according to the collection instruction.()8. In receipt of dishonor advice, the remitting bank must give appropriate instructions as to the further handling by the collecting bank.()。
A 、10%B 、5%C 、2.5%D 、1.5%2、班轮运费应该()A 、包括装卸费,但不计滞期费、速遣费B 、包括装卸费,但应计滞期费、速遣费C 、包括装卸费和滞期费,但不计速遣费D 、包括装卸费和速遣费,但不计滞期费3、信用证的到期日为12月31日,最迟装运期为12月16日,最迟交单日期为运输单)向银行交单议付。
根据《UCP500》的解释,信用证的第一付款人是(B 、一般不预先规定C 、由第三方代为规定 按《公约》规定,一项发盘在尚未送达受盘人之前,是可以阻止其生效的,这叫发盘的()。
A 、撤回B 、撤销C 、还盘D 、接受8、进口许可证自签发之日起()内有效。
A 、三个月B 、一年C 、一个月D 、半年9、拍卖的特点是()据出单后15天,出口人备妥货物安排出运的时间是12月 10 日, 则出口人最迟应于 4、 A 、12月16日B 、12月25日在货物买卖中,收取佣金的通常是(A 、买方B 、保险公司C 、12月28日 (船方D 、 D 、 12月31日 中间商 5、6、 A 、进口人 B 、开证行 C 、议付行 D 、 通知行异议与索赔条款适用于品质、数量、包装等方面的违约行为,它的赔偿金额( )。
A 、一般预先规定D 、由受损方确定7、A 、卖主之间的竞争C 、买主与买主之间的竞争 B 、买主之间的竞争D 、拍卖行与拍卖行之间的竞争10、投标人发出的标书是一项()A、不可撤销的发盘B、可撤销的发盘C、可随时修改的发盘D、有条件的发盘11、如果我方准备进口一套机电设备,一般应选用的表示品质的依据为()A、凭卖方样品B、凭买方样品C、凭说明书买卖D、凭商标和牌名买卖12、在以规格与样品同时使用的出口贸易中,国外买方验货的质量依据一般为()A、规格B、样品C、规格和样品D、规格或样品13、在定程租船方式下,装卸费采用的办法是()A.船方不负担装卸费B.船方负担装卸费C.船方负担装货费,而不负担卸货费D.船方只负担卸货费,而不负担装货费14.所谓空白抬头,空白背书提单是指()A.提单的收货人一栏内填上“空白”二字,在提单的背面也写上“空白”二字B.提单的收货人一栏什么也不填,也不背书C.提单的收货人一栏填上“TOORDER”,在提单背面由托运人签字D.提单的收货人一栏填上“TOORDER”,在提单背面由承运人签字15.交易一方认为对方未能全部或部分履行合同规定责任与义务而引起的纠纷是()。
国际贸易实务英文版考试题及答案1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)1.1. Which of the following is not a term of Incoterms 2020?a) EXWb) DAPc) FOBd) CNFAnswer: d) CNF1.2. What does the acronym "CIF" stand for in international trade?a) Cost, Insurance, Freightb) Cost, Insurance, and Freightc) Cost, Insurance, and Freightd) Cost, Insurance, FreightAnswer: a) Cost, Insurance, Freight2. True or False Questions2.1. The Incoterms are a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in international trade.Answer: True2.2. Letters of credit are always issued by the buyer to the seller in international trade.Answer: False (Letters of credit are issued by a bank on behalf of the buyer.)3. Short Answer Questions3.1. Define the term "FOB" in international trade.Answer: FOB stands for "Free On Board," which meansthat the seller fulfills their obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship's rail at the named port of shipment.3.2. What is the role of a freight forwarder ininternational trade?Answer: A freight forwarder is responsible for organizing the transportation of goods from the point oforigin to the point of destination. They handle the logistics, documentation, and coordination of the shipment.4. Case Study Questions4.1. A company in China exports goods to a buyer in the United States. The contract terms are CIF New York. What are the responsibilities of the seller and the buyer under these terms?Answer: Under CIF terms, the seller is responsible for paying the cost of the goods, insurance, and freight to the port of destination (New York). The buyer is responsible for paying for the goods upon arrival and for any additionalcosts incurred after the goods have been delivered to the carrier.4.2. A buyer in Germany has ordered goods from a supplierin India with the payment term being a documentary collection. What documents will the buyer receive and what are the risks involved for both parties?Answer: The buyer will receive the shipping documents against payment or acceptance. The risks for the sellerinclude non-payment if the buyer refuses to pay or accept the documents. The risks for the buyer include receiving goodsthat do not match the description or are damaged, as they do not have control over the goods until they pay or accept the documents.5. Essay Questions5.1. Discuss the importance of understanding Incoterms in international trade.Answer: Understanding Incoterms is crucial in international trade as they define the responsibilities ofthe seller and the buyer regarding the costs and risks associated with the delivery of goods. This clarity helps in avoiding disputes and ensures that both parties are aware of their obligations, which can lead to smoother transactionsand reduced legal complications.5.2. Explain the role of a letter of credit infacilitating international trade.Answer: A letter of credit is a financial instrument used in international trade to ensure that payment is made to the seller under specific conditions. It provides a guarantee from a bank that the seller will receive payment as long asthe terms of the letter of credit are met. This reduces therisk for both parties, as it ensures that the seller will receive payment and the buyer will receive the goods as agreed upon in the contract.。
国际贸易英文名词解释International Trade国际贸易International trade is the international exchange of goods and services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events.Free Trade自由贸易The main idea of free trade is that supply and demand factors, operating on a global scale, will ensure that production happens efficiently. Therefore, nothing needs to protect or promote trade and growth because market forces will do so automatically.Protectionism贸易保护主义In contrast, protectionism holds that regulation of international trade is important to ensure that markets function properly. Advocates of this theory believe that market inefficiencies may hamper the benefits of international trade and they aim to guide the market accordingly. Production Possibilities Curve /Frontier生产可能性曲线/边界A Production Possibilities Frontier is a graph that shows the various combinations of output that the economy can possibly produce, given the available factors of production and the existing technology . Opportunity Cost机会成本Opportunity Cost means whatever must be given up to obtain some item.Supply Curve供给曲线A Supply Curve is a graph that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied.Demand Curve 需求曲线A Demand Curve is a graph that describes the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded.Excess Supply Curve出口供给曲线Because Excess Supply is a situation in which quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded, Excess Supply Curve can be defined as a graph that depicts the relationship between the price and the available quantity for export of a product. Excess Supply Curve can be derived from subtracting a supply curve with a corresponding demand curve.Excess Demand Curve进口需求曲线Because Excess Demand is a situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied, Excess Demand Curve can be defined as a graph that depicts the relationship between the price and the desirable quantity for import of a product. Excess Demand Curve can be derived from subtracting a demand curve with a corresponding supply curve.Consumer Surplus消费者剩余Consumer Surplus means a buyer’s willingness to pay minus the amount the buyer actually pays. Consumer surplus measures the benefit to buyers of participating in a market.Producer Surplus 生产者剩余Producer Surplus is the amount a seller is paid for a good minus the seller’s cost. Producer surplus measures the benefit to sellers of participating in a market.Economies of Scale规模经济Economies of Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost falls as the quantity of output increases.Diseconomies of Scale规模不经济Diseconomies of Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost rises as the quantity of output increases.Constant Returns to Scale规模报酬不变Constant Returns to Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost stays the same as the quantity of output changes. Indifference Curve无差异曲线Indifference Curve is a curve that shows consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfaction.The Gravity Model引力模型In its basic form, the gravity model assumes that only size and distance 经济规模和距离 are important for trade in the following way:Tij = A x Yi x Yj /Dij两国之间的贸易规模与经济规模成正比,与两国之间的距离成反比;Service Outsourcing服务外包Service outsourcing occurs when a firm that provides services moves its operations to a foreign location.服务外包是指一个企业将原本由自己提供的服务转移给国外供应商;Mercantilism重商主义Belief that nation could become rich and powerful only by exporting more than it imported.Mercantilists measured wealth of a nation by stock of precious metals it possessedAbsolute Advantage绝对优势A nation has absolute advantage over another nation if it can produce a commodity more efficiently. When one nation has absolute advantage in production of a commodity, but an absolute disadvantage with respect to the other nation in a second commodity, both nations can gain by specializing in their absolute advantage good and exchanging part of the output for the commodity of its absolute disadvantage.Comparative Advantage比较优势Even if one nation is less efficient than has absolute disadvantage with respect to the other nation in production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.Production Possibilities生产可能性The production possibility frontier PPF of an economy shows the maximum amount of a goods that can be produced for a fixed amount of resources.Factor Endowment 要素禀赋the overall amount of productive factors , such as capital, labor, and land, available to one nation.Factor Abundance要素丰裕度There are two ways to define factor abundance. One way is in terms of physical units., in terms of the overall amount of capital and labor available to each nation. Another way is in terms of relative factor price., in terms of the rental price of capital and the price of labor time in each nation.Factor Intensity 要素密集度In a world of two commodities X and Y and two factors labor and capital, at any given wage-interest, we say that commodity Y is capital intensive if the capital-labor ratio K/L used in the production of Y is greater than K/L used in the production of X.Heckscher-OhlinTheoremH-O定理An economy is predicted to export goods that are intensive in its abundant factors of production and import goods that are intensive in its scarce factors of production.一个国家将出口密集使用其相对丰富要素的商品,进口密集使用其相对稀缺要素的商品;Stolper-Samuelson theorem S-S定理:长期内,出口产品生产部门密集使用的生产要素本国的充裕要素的报酬提高;进口产品生产中密集使用的生产要素本国的稀缺要素的报酬下降;The factor price equalization theorem要素价格均等化定理Because relative output prices are equalized and because of the direct relationship between output prices and factor prices, factor prices are also equalized. 由于产品价格和要素价格的一一对应关系,贸易后,产品相对价格的趋同会导致土地和劳动的相对价格的趋同Economies of scale规模经济Economies of scale could mean either that larger firms or a larger industry is more efficient: the cost per unit of output falls as a firm or industry increases output.Internal economies of scale内部规模经济Internal economies of scale occur when the cost per unit of output depends on the size of a firm.随着工厂或企业规模的扩大,单位产品成本下降; External economies of scale外部规模经济External economies of scale occur when cost per unit of output depends on the size of the industry.是指行业规模经济,由于行业内企业数量的增加和产业集聚所引起的产业规模的扩大,使行业中的单个企业获得单位成本下降的好处;Monopolistic competition垄断竞争Monopolistic competition is a model of an imperfectly competitive industry 垄断竞争是一个不完全竞争产业模式Inter-industry Trade产业间贸易Trade occurs only between industries贸易只在产业之间发生Intra-industry Trade产业内贸易Trade occurs within the industry由于产品的多样化或经济规模的扩大等原因,贸易在产业内发生Index of intra-industrial trade, IIT产业内贸易指数表示产业内贸易在国际贸易中所占比重,用来衡量产业内贸易的发展程度; Dumping 倾销Dumping is the practice of charging a lower price for exported goods than for goods sold is an example of price discrimination价格歧视: the practice of charging different customers different prices.倾销的前提条件:imperfect competition exists: firms are able to influence market prices.不完全竞争的存在:企业能够影响价格markets are segmented so that goods are not easily bought in one market and resold in another. and Anti-Dumping;市场是分割的,以至于商品Anti-Dumping反倾销Dumping as well as price discrimination in domestic markets is widely regarded as unfair. 倾销被认为是一种不公平的贸易行为The Commerce Department may impose an “anti-dumping duty反倾销税,” or tax, as a precaution against possible injury.External Economies外部经济External economies: a country that has a large industry will have low average costs of producing that industry’s good or service.当规模经济存在于一个行业内部而不是单个厂商内部时,就被称作外部经济Dynamic Increasing Returns动态收益递增Dynamic increasing returns to scale exist if average costs fall as cumulative output over time rises.当平均成本随着累积产量而非当前产量的增加而下降的情形就是动态规模报酬递增learning curve学习曲线A graphical representation of dynamic increasing returns to scale is called a learning curve学习曲线.The efficiency case for free trade自由贸易的效率.The first case for free trade is the argument that producers and consumers allocate resources most efficiently when governments do not distort market prices through trade policy.Political argument for free trade主张自由贸易的政治依据Political argument for free trade,says that free trade is the best feasible political policy, even though there may be better policies in principle.The Terms of Trade Argument for a Tariff赞成关税的贸易条件改善论For a “large” country, a tarif f or quota lowers the price of imports in world markets and generates a terms of trade gain. In fact, a small tariff will lead to an increase in national welfare for a large country.The Optimum Tariff最优关税For a large country, there is an optimum tariff t0 at which the marginal gain from improved terms of trade just equals the marginal efficiency lossfrom production and consumption distortion.A tariff rate tp that completely prohibits imports leaves a country worse off, but tariff rate t0 may exist that maximizes national welfare: an optimum tariff.The Domestic Market Failure Argument Against Free Trade反对自由贸易的国内市场失灵论A second argument against free trade is that domestic market failures 国内市场失灵 may exist that cause free trade to be a suboptimal policy 次优政策.theory of the second best次优理论The domestic market failure argument against free trade is an example of a more general argument called the theory of the second best次优理论.次优理论认为,在任何一个市场上,只有所有其他市场都能正常发挥作用时,自由放任才是最理想的政策;如果不是这样,政府干预虽会扭曲市场激励,但有可能通过抵消市场失灵的影响而增加国家福利;Median Voter Theorem中点选民理论The median voter theorem predicts that democratic political parties may change their policies to court争取 the voter in the middle of the ideological spectrum意识形态范围 ., the median voter. 越接近中点选民意见的政策越能得到大多数选民的支持;Collective Action 集体行动While consumers as a group have an incentive to advocate free trade,each individual consumer has no incentive because his benefit is not large compared to the cost and time required to advocate free that impose large losses for society as a whole but small losses on each individual may therefore not face strong opposition.国际贸易简答题1. 贸易引力模型的主要内容及运用;在其他条件不变的情况下,两个国家间的贸易与两国的国内生产总值成正比,与两国间的距离成反比;引力模型的重要用途之一就是有助于明确国际贸易中的异常现象;运用:贸易引力模型不是万能的,对于服务贸易和资本贸易领域验证效果不显着,对于商品贸易领域的验证效果显着;实例比较:中国与日本&中国与越南的商品贸易量对比比较生产总值,中国与东盟&中国与美国的商品贸易量对比比较距离2. 重商主义、绝对优势理论、比较优势理论的贸易思想及贸易政策主张;重商主义认为,一个国家的财富由其拥有的贵金属代表,拥有的贵金属越多,这个国家就越富有;由于世界资源是有限的,因此,国与国之间的经济交往是一种零和博弈,即一方所得为另一方所失;对于国际贸易,贸易盈余是贸易所得,而贸易赤字为贸易所失,因此重商主义主张贸易要实现盈余;在当时的金属本位币制度下,贸易盈余意味着贵金属的流入,这将有助于缓解货币缺口;绝对优势理论:当两个国家生产两种商品,使用一种生产要素——劳动时,如果刚好A国家在一种商品上劳动生产率高,B国家在这种商品上劳动生产率低,则A国该商品生产上具有绝对优势;两国按各自的绝对优势进行专业生产分工并参与贸易,则两国都能从贸易中得到利益;这种贸易利益来自专业化分工促进劳动生产率的提高;比较优势理论:如果一个国家在本国生产一种产品的机会成本低于在其他国家生产该种产品的机会成本,则这个国家在生产该种产品上就拥有比较优势;贸易政策:每个国家都出口本国具有比较优势的商品;3. 衡量比较优势的主要指标;如果一个国家在本国生产一种产品的机会成本用其他产品来衡量低于在其他国家生产该种产品的机会成本的话,则这个过家在生产该种产品上就拥有比较优势;4. 要素禀赋理论的贸易思想、政策主张以及贸易对收入分配的影响;要素禀赋理论:根据生产要素禀赋理论,在各国生产同一产品的技术水平相同的情况下,两国生产同一产品的价格差来自于产品的成本差别,这种成本差别来自于生产过程中所使用的生产要素的价格差别,这种生产要素的价格差别则决定于该国各种生产要素的相对丰裕程度;一个国家供给相对多的生产要素,称为这个国家的充裕要素;供给相对少的要素,称为这个国家的稀缺要素;国际贸易收入分配效应的一般结论如下:一个国家充裕要素的所有者可以从贸易中获利,稀缺要素的所有者会因贸易而受损;5. H-O理论和S-S定理的主要内容及其运用;H-O理论:一个国家将出口密集使用其相对丰富要素的商品,进口密集使用其相对稀缺要素的商品;S-S定理:长期内,出口产品生产部门密集使用的生产要素本国的充裕要素的报酬提高;进口产品生产中密集使用的生产要素本国的稀缺要素的报酬下降;6. 要素价格均等化定理的主要内容及要素价格均等化实现的前提条件;要素价格均等化定理:由于产品价格和要素价格的一一对应关系,贸易后,产品相对价格的趋同会导致土地和劳动的相对价格的趋同前提条件:1 两个国家同时生产两种相同的产品;2 两国的技术水平相同; 3 贸易会使得两个国家的产品价格相等;7. 产业内贸易的基础;产业内贸易是产业内国际贸易的简称,是指一个国家或地区,在一段时间内,同一产业部门产品既进口又出口的现象;产业内贸易还包括中间产品的贸易,即是某项产品的半制成品、零部件在两国间的贸易;产业内贸易是建立在不完全竞争的基础上的;8. 产业内贸易发生需要具备的条件;造成产业内贸易现象的主要原因基础:1、产品差异2、规模经济3、消费者需求偏好差别 4、国家之间产品层次结构和消费层次结构的重叠10. 倾销以及反倾销需要满足的前提条件;倾销:指一国或地区的生产商或出口商以低于其正常价格或低于成本将其商品销售到另一国或地区市场的行为;确定某出口产品是否存在倾销,主要看这一产品是否以低于它的正常价格在国外市场销售;倾销实际是一种国际间的价格歧视,出口企业实施倾销必须具备三个条件:1企业在国内市场上有一定的垄断力量,有能力决定其销售价格;2本国和外国市场是分割的,本国出口产品不能回流;3出口商在国外市场面临较高的需求弹性;反倾销:是指进口国主管当局根据受到损害的国内企业的申诉,按照一定的法律程序对以低于正常价格在进口国进行销售的、并对进口国生产相似产品的产业造成法定损害的外国产品,进行立案、调查和处理的过程和措施;进口国实施反倾销措施必须满足三个条件:1 倾销成立;2 国内产业受到实质性损害;3 倾销与损害有因果关系;11.结合名义关税率和有效保护率评价关税的贸易保护作用;名义保护率:表示实施保护政策后一种商品的国内价格高于国际价格的百分率; 有效保护率:指一个国家的一整套贸易政策使某一产业每单位产出的增加值提高的百分率;评价:当最终产品的名义保护率大于原材料等中间产品的名义保护率时,最终产品的有效保护率就大于其名义保护率;当最终产品的名义保护率小于原材料等中间产品的名义保护率时,最终产品的有效保护率就小于其名义保护率;只有当最终产品的名义保护率等于原材料等中间产品的名义保护率时,最终产品的有效保护率才等于其名义保护率;研究关税结构,区分名义保护率与实际保护率的差异,具有重要的意义;当最终产品名义税率一定时,对所需的原材料等中间投入品征收的名义税率越低,则最终产品名义税率的保护作用就越大有效保护率越高;因此,如果要保护某产业,不仅要考虑对该产业最终产品的关税率,而且要把整个关税结构与该产业的生产结构结合起来进行考虑,再来制定相应的政策措施;基于有效保护率的考虑,发达国家常常采用逐步升级的关税结构关税升级:对初级产品进口免税或只征很低的关税,对半成品征收较高的关税,但对制成品,特别是劳动密集型制成品征收更高的关税;关税升级的结果是:国内加工程度越深,有效保护率超出名义保护率的比率就越大;12. 从量关税与从价关税的比较;从价关税ad valorem tariff是以进口商品的价格为标准计征的关税,其税率表现为货物价格的一定百分率;从价税随商品价格的变动而变动,商品价格上涨,从价税额也随之增加,因此其保护作用受价格变动的影响较大;在通货膨胀时,从价税有较强的保护作用;从价税不具有累进性和累退性,按照商品价格的一定比例征收;一些特殊商品如绘画等艺术品的价格相差悬殊,适合从价税;从量关税specific tariff是根据商品的的实物单位重量、数量、长度、容积和面积等征收的关税;从量税操作简单,海关人员只需要将商品按照重量、体积等进行分类即可;在征收从量税的情况下,商品价格下跌时,实际上等于增加了关税,因而从量关税对外国出口商的低价倾销有着较高的保护作用;从量税具有累退性,对发展中国家的出口不利;因为发展中国家出口的制成品和半制成品大多属于低档货,如果进口国仍按一定数量征收一定的关税,这与同一种商品中的高档货相比,等于提高了关税税率;13. 进口配额与关税的比较;进口配额import quota又称进口限额,是一国政府在个一定时期如一个季度、半年或一年内,对某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接的数量控制;在规定的期限内,配额以内的货品可以进口,超过配额的不能进口,或者征收较高的关税或罚款;它是众多国家实行进口数量限制的重要手段之一;关税是对通过一国关境海关的贸易商品课征的税收,是历史上最重要的一类贸易壁垒;在竞争条件下,进口配额对本国生产、消费、价格的影响与征收同样数量的进口关税相似,只不过关税是通过提高进口商品的价格来减少进口和增加国内生产,而配额则从相反的途径,即先减少进口造成价格上涨从而增加国内生产;对政府收入的影响:配额对国内经济福利的影响与关税不同之处主要反映在政府税收上;关税给政府带来收益,而配额带来的“经济租”c则不一定归政府所有;“经济租”的归属取决于政府如何分配进口配额;配额相对于关税的优点:第一,配额可以比关税更有效地控制进口;第二,实施配额更灵活,政府可以通过发放进口许可证随时调节进口数量;第三,配额给政府更多的权力;第四,配额比关税承受相对小的国际贸易自由化压力;14. “自愿”出口配额的优点及其本质;国家一般都是鼓励出口的,某些国家往往用配额来限制资源性产品和农产品的出口;除了保护本国的资源供给以外,现实世界中的出口配额往往是出口国家或地区在进口国的要求或压力下“自动”制定的;所以出口配额又称“自愿”出口配额; 优点:增强企业的出口竞争力;如果企业通过获得出口许可证,将获得的额外出口利润用于再投资,则可能增强企业竞争力;实施自愿出口配额,在出口国可能形成既得利益集团;“自愿”出口配额是由出口国直接控制这些商品对指定进口国家的出口;但是就进口国单方面来说,自动出口配额象绝对进口配额一样,起到了限制商品进口的作用,因而其实质还是进口配额,具有等效进口配额的所有经济效应;15. 产业补贴政策与关税、配额的比较;出口补贴,又称出口奖金,它是政府为了降低出口商品的价格,增强出口商品在国外市场上的竞争力,在出口某种商品时给予出口厂商的补贴;包括直接补助和间接补助;直接补助是政府直接向出口商提供现金补助,或津贴;间接补助是政府对选定商品的出口给予财政税收上的优惠;关税是对通过一国关境海关的贸易商品课征的税收,是历史上最重要的一类贸易壁垒;配额是指对进出口商品的数量或金额加以限制,分为进口配额和出口配额两种; 进口配额import quota指一国政府在一定时期内,对某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接的限制,在规定的配额内,商品可以进口,超过的则不准进口,或征收较高的关税,甚至罚款;它分为绝对配额和关税配额两种形式;关税、配额与补贴是一个国家用来保护国内市场、帮助国内厂商抵御国外对手竞争的常用措施;由于保护机制不同,关税、配额与补贴对不同利益主体的利益再分配会产生不同的影响:1.关税措施有利于生产者和政府,不利于消费者;2.配额措施有利于生产者,不利于消费者,政府利益影响则视乎配额的分配方式而定;3.补贴措施有利于生产者和消费者,不利于政府;一个国家可以根据其要保护的利益主体不同采取相应的保护措施;进口配额与关税的比较对需求变化的反应不同;进口配额将进口限定到一个确定的水平,而进口关税的贸易效果则不确定;进口配额涉及进口配额的发放,而关税则没有内在作用机制不同;对生产者的保护程度不同对消费者福利的损失程度不同16. 小国和大国征收进口关税的经济效应;所谓小国指不是某种商品的重要的进口国;大国,指某种商品的重要进口国;大小国征收关税上消费效应,生产效应和贸易效应等等;1.消费效应;小国征收关税后,国内市场价格上升造成需求下降,人们消费水平收缩或减少;大国征收关税后,因国内市场价格上涨,使消费水平减少;2.生产效应;小国征收关税后,国内市场价格因进口减少而上升,国内厂商扩大生产,产量增加;大国征收关税后,国内产品价格上升,产量提高,生产者剩余增加;3.税收效应;小国征收的税收将由政府获得,形成政府的财政收入;大国征收关税后,政府财政收入增加;4.保护效应;小国征收关税后,国内价格上升,原来在世界价格下因成本太高而退出生产的厂商,这时在较高价格下又重新进入生产,国内供给增加;而,大国征收关税,税率越高,关税的保护作用越大;除此之外,大国征收关税后产生的效应不同于小国的有:1大国征收关税后,使该进口商品的的国内价格上升,而国内该进口商品的价格上升会引导国内生产扩大,消费减少,总体效果会使进口需求下降;该大国进口的下降又使得该商品的国际市场供应量增加,直接导致该商品的世界市场价格下降;大国的贸易条件改善,即会产生贸易条件效应,这是在小国情形下所没有的效应;2大国征收关税所得财政税收效应比小国情形时大;18. 小国实施进口配额的经济效应;进口配额是指一国政府在一定时期内,对于某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接限制的措施,它对于进口的阻碍作用是十分明晰的;一、进口配额的含义指一国政府在一定时期内,对于某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接限制的措施; 在实践中存在着超过配额不得进口绝对配额与对超额进口部分实行惩罚性关税关税配额,以及针对国别与全球发放进口配额的做法;二、进口配额的效应1、贸易小国进口配额的效应小国模型国内价格从到;生产者剩余:增加了部分;消费者剩余减少:配额的净福利效应:配额净损失::一种垄断利润;也许归之于获得进口配额的企业,也许进入政府;2、贸易大国进口配额的效应消费者剩余:减少了图a中的P1P0FB 部分;生产者剩余:增加了图a中的P1P0CA 部分;在大国条件下,由于大国对一种商品的供求变化会影响到商品出口国的国内供求变化,因此大国实施配额限制不仅会减少本国的福利,而且还将减少外国的福利;19. 支持贸易自由化和支持贸易保护的主要观点及其理由;支持贸易自由化的主要观点:1、支持自由贸易效率的观点:生产者和消费者最有效地分配资源时,政府通过贸易政策不扭曲市场的价格;2、自由贸易的额外收益:1自由贸易避免了寻租所带来的效率损失;2在被保护的市场中,不仅生产被分割,而且由于减少了竞争和提高了利润,从而吸引了太多的厂商进入被保护的行业;在一个狭小的国内市场中拥挤着那么多的厂商,各厂商的生产规模都很小;3自由贸易后,企业可以寻求新的出口途径和参与同进口产品的竞争,从而获得比管理贸易下多得多的学习和革新的机会;3、支持自由贸易的政治依据:尽管理论上可能还有比自由贸易更好的政策,但现实中,从政治上认可和支持自由贸易的原则也许更重要;理由:自由贸易可以避免保护政策所带来的效率损失;除了消除生产与消费的扭曲,自由贸易还能产生额外的收益;即使在认为自由贸易并非绝对完美之策的经济学家中,仍有许多人相信在通常情况下自由贸易比其他任何可供采取的替代政策都要好;支持贸易保护的主要观点:1赞成关税的贸易条件改善论;支持非自由贸易政策的论据之一就直接来自成本——收益分析:对一个能够影响出口国价格的大国而言,关税可以降低进口产品的价格从而使贸易条件得到改善,但这一收益必须抵补剔除关税带来的成本,因为它扭曲了生产与消费的动因,但是,在某些情况下,贸易条件改善的收益可能会超过其成本;2反对自由贸易的国内市场失灵论;国内市场失灵论实质上是经济学中所说的次优理论的特例;该理论认为,在任何一。
国际贸易英语期末复习题Chapter 1 International Economics is Different Multiple Choice Questions1. Sovereign nations:a. Are subject to laws passed by the United Nations.b. Must be concerned with the interests of foreigners whendeveloping economic policy.c. O ften ignore the interests of foreigners.d. Must coordinate their monetary policy with the WorldBank.ANSWER: C2. Outsourcing of services to foreign countries:a. Cost the U.S. economy an estimated 5 million jobs by2005.b. Mainly impacts workers in business services such as dataentry and software development.c. Is a serious concern for workers in high-wagemanufacturing industries.d. Will have a serious negative impact on all service sectorjobs in the United States.ANSWER: B3. Globalization:a. Is the process of intensifying the connections betweennational economies through international trade, foreign directinvestments by multinational firms, and international financialinvestments.b. Has been proven to worsen working conditions andincrease poverty in poor countries.c. Requires governments to weaken labor andenvironmental regulations in order to remain competitive.d. Is coordinated by the International Labor Organization toensure respect for the four core labor standards.ANSWER: A4. The long-run solution to eliminating child labor is to:a. Boycott companies whose products are produced usingchild labor.b. Impose trade sanctions against countries that violate childlabor standards.c. Stimulate economic growth and rising incomes in poorcountries.d. There is no long-run solution as demand for cheap laborwill always exist.ANSWER: C5. In early 2002, the national moneys of 12 European countriesdisappeared. They were replaced by one new money, the euro. Thebenefits to those countries included all of the following EXCEPT:a. It is convenient –there is no need to change moneywhen crossing national borders.b. It is less risky –there is no need to worry about thechanging value of one country’s money relative to another country’s money.c. It is economical – travel and trade are made easier due toa decrease in transaction costs.d. It strengthens domestic policy –using an internationalmoney gives a country’s Cent ral Bank a greater ability to influence national prices, production, and jobs.ANSWER: D6. The Chinese government’s intervention in the foreign exchangemarket - buying U.S. dollars and selling yuan – had the effect of:a. Weakening the U.S dollar and increasing the U.S. tradedeficit with China.b. Strengthening the U.S dollar and increasing the U.S. tradedeficit with China.c. Strengthening the yuan and increasing the U.S. tradedeficit with China.d. Strengthening the yuan and decreasing the U.S. tradedeficit with China.ANSWER: B7. On July 21st, 2005, the Chinese government changed the valueof the yuan from 8.28 yuan per U.S. dollar to 8.11 yuan per U.S. dollar.This implies a __________ dollar and a __________ yuan.a. Weaker; weakerb. Weaker; strongerc. Stronger; strongerd. Stronger; weakerANSWER: B8. Since the early 2000s, a variety of services has been subject tooutsourcing in the United States EXCEPT for:a. Data entry.b. Telephone call centers.c. Software development.d. Haircuts.ANSWER: D9. Since the late nineties, to keep the exchange rate of the yuan tothe U.S. dollar fixed, the Chinese government:a. Has been trying to hold predominantly euros and Britishpounds as foreign assets.b. Has been buying dollars and selling Y uan.c. Has been trying not to sell its domestic currency (Yuan).d. Has been keeping a trade deficit with many countriesincluding Australia, Russia, Japan, andBrazil.ANSWER: B10. The exchange rate policy of a ―crawling peg‖ adopted by theChinese government since 2005 means that the government:a. Allowed small daily changes which over time resulted ina slow, tightly controlled trend.b. Vehemently defended the yuan by selling U.S. dollars.c. Held a balanced portfolio of assets including a variety offoreign currencies.d. Tried to unwind the trade surplus with the U.S.ANSWER: A11. Outsourcing is the process of:a. Shifting business activities abroad.b. Allowing foreign workers on temporary visas.c. Eliminating business activities that require foreign labor.d. Paying foreign workers lower wages compared todomestic workers.ANSWER: A12. In recent years, the European Union:a. Attempted a geographic expansion to include Turkey.b. Adopted a formal constitution in which was decided thatall countries should pay their debt in their own currencies.c. Made progress on the formation of a monetary union,and on an expansion of the European Union, but could not adopt a formal constitution due to the negative vote of France in2005.d. Made significant progress on the formation of a monetaryunion, a formal constitution, and on accepting some eastern European countries as members.ANSWER: CTrue/False Questions13. Child labor virtually vanishes in a developing economy whenincome per capita reaches about $8,400.ANSWER: TRUE14. It has been estimated that worldwide approximately 100 millionchildren under the age of 15 work full-time and at least that number work part-time.ANSWER: TRUE15. While Britain, Denmark, and Sweden do not use the euro, theEuropean Central Bank makes monetary policy for the entire EU. ANSWER: FALSE16. While there are many countries interested in joining the EU, it isunlikely that the EU will be enlarged because there seems little desireon the part of member countries to have a larger union. ANSWER: FALSE17. The World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund,the United Nations, and the World Bank control the international economy by imposing binding rules that control international trade and exchange markets.ANSWER: FALSE18. The four core labor standards agreed upon in the InternationalLabor Organization were that all countries should: respect collective bargaining, ban forced labor, ban child labor, and ban discrimination in the workplace.ANSWER: TRUE19. Labor may be internationally mobile, but capital and land do notmigrate from one country to another.ANSWER: FALSE20. Politicians do not erect barriers to trade with other countriesbecause they are also concerned with the well-being of foreigners. ANSWER: FALSE21. Firms are always trying to lower the costs they incur in theirproduction activities, and that is the main reason for them to shift jobs abroad.ANSWER: TRUE22. India and China are among the main providers ofoutsourcingservices.ANSWER: TRUE23. Turkey is scheduled to join the European Union in 2009. ANSWER: FALSE24. Each country has to abide by the decisions of the InternationalMonetary Fund and the World Bank because they are the only recognized international organizations who manage the global economy.ANSWER: FALSEEssay Questions25. One of the basic requirements for a country to join the EuropeanUnion is the capacity and willingness to adopt and to implement EU rules and standards. Why would a country agree to make changes to its national laws and regulations to conform to outside requirements?POSSIBLE RESPONSE: It is true that being a member of the European Union comes at a cost: every member has in some respect to cede national sovereignty and to abide by the laws and regulations of the European Union. However, for these countries there are benefits to being members of this Union that significantly exceed this cost.First, these rules and regulations are not imposed by a third party, butdesigned by the members of theUnion themselves. So, each country has the opportunity, to a greater or lesser extent, to take part in the design of these laws and regulations.Second, giving up national sovereignty might be popular incountries where national policies have been disastrous. This is particularly true for countries which did not have a well controlled monetary policy and oversupplied their own currencies until inflation made these national currencies nearly worthless. These countries might indeed be gaining by ceding their monetary sovereignty to the European Central Bank.Finally, even though each member is subjected to the same rules and regulations, each country is gaining because all other members abide by those laws and policies. Probably most importantly, this ensures a free trade among members, and free movement of factors of production (labor and capital). This openness gives a chance for a greater economic prosperity for all members of the Union.26. , , Discuss the economic consequences of outsourcing or offshoring ofservices, and explain who is gaining and who is losing from the process of outsourcing. Why is outsourcing such a debatable issue?POSSIBLE RESPONSE: Outsourcing is the process of shifting economic activities abroad. This process is triggered by the desire of firms to lower the cost of labor in the production process. Overall, it isbelieved that outsourcing, similarly to international trade, promotes global economic efficiency. It helps firms lower their cost of production, and allows them to bring goods to the final consumer at lower prices. The main fear from outsourcing comes from workers in occupations that are subject to outsourcing: call centers, data entry, and software development.Chapter 3 Why Everybody Trades: Comparative Advantage Multiple Choice Questions1Based on mercantilist thinking, governmentsshould:Subsidize and encourage imports.1Subsidize and encourage exports.1Allow for free trade unencumbered by governmentregulations and restrictions.1Both (a) and (b).ANSWER: B1The author of the Wealth of Nations was:David Ricardo.1Paul Samuelson.1Adam Smith.1Karl Marx.ANSWER: C1When Adam Smith presented his theory of absoluteadvantage, he thought that all value was measured in terms ofthe amount of __________ used in the production of the good. 1Land1Labor1Capital1MoneyANSWER: B1Labor productivity is:The number of units of output that a worker can produce in one hour.1The total number of units that all workers in a firm produce in one day.1The number of hours it takes a worker to produce one unit of output.1The total number of hours it takes all the workers in a firm to produce a day’s output.ANSWER: A1Which of the following is NOT true about mercantilism?Under mercantilism, exports were encouraged and imports were discouraged.1Mercantilists believe d that one country’s gains from trade came at the expense of another country or countries’ well being. 1Domestic producers were often hurt by mercantilism.1Mercantilism focused on the accumulation of gold and silverbullion.ANSWER: C1If Britain’s labor productivity in the production of umbrellas is greater than the rest of the world’s labor productivity in umbrellas, we would say that Britain has a(n) __________ in the production of umbrellas.1Comparative advantage1Absolute advantage1Opportunity cost1SuperiorityANSWER: B1In the two-country, two-good model, which of the following is true?I. As a result of trade, at least one country is better off and thatcountry’s gain does not reduce the economic welfare of the other country.II. Both countries can gain from trade by dividing the benefits of the enhanced global production.a. Ib. IIc. Both I and IId. Neither I nor IIANSWER: CTable 3.1In the United Kingdom In the Rest of the WorldProductivityUmbrellas per laborhour1.00 0.50Units of corn perlabor hour0.20 0.701Refer to Table 3.1. The number of labor hours to make 1umbrella in the United Kingdom is:0.5.1 1.1 1.43.1 2.ANSWER: B1Refer to Table 3.1. The number of labor hours to produce 1 unit of corn in the Rest of the World is:0.5.1 1.1 1.43.1 2.ANSWER: C1Refer to Table 3.1. Given the productivity information inTable 3.1, the Rest of the World has an absolute advantage in the production of __________ and the United Kingdom has an absolute advantage in the production of __________.Umbrellas; corn1Corn; umbrellas1Corn; neither good1Neither good; umbrellasANSWER: B1Refer to Table 3.1. If the United Kingdom shifts 1 hour of labor from the production of corn to the production of umbrellas and the Rest of the World shifts 1 hour of labor from the production of umbrellas to the production of corn, total world production of corn will __________ by __________ units and total world production of umbrellas will __________ by __________.Increase; 1; decrease; 11Increase; 1.43; increase 11Increase; 0.5; increase; 0.51Decrease; 0.5; increase; 0.7ANSWER: C1The theory of comparative advantage was first presented by:Adam Smith.1Karl Marx.1David Ricardo.1Eli Heckscher.ANSWER: C1If a country exports the good that it can produce at a low opportunity cost and imports those goods that it would otherwise produce at a high opportunity cost, we say that such trade is based upon:Absolute advantage.1Arbitrage.1Labor productivity differences.1Comparative advantage.ANSWER: DTable 3.2In the United Kingdom In the Rest of the WorldLabor hours to make:1 umbrella 3.00 2.001 unit of corn 1.00 0.251Refer to Table 3.2. The United Kingdom has an absoluteadvantage in the production of __________ and the Rest of the World has an absolute advantage in the production of__________.Neither good; corn1Neither good; both goods1Both goods; neither goods1Corn; umbrellasANSWER: B1Refer to Table 3.2. The United Kingdom has a comparative advantage in the production of __________ and the Rest of the World has a comparative advantage in the production of __________.Neither good; corn1Neither good; both goods1Umbrellas; corn1Corn; umbrellasANSWER: C1Refer to Table 3.2. The opportunity cost of producing a unit of corn in the United Kingdom is __________ umbrellas and the opportunity cost of producing a unit of corn in the Rest of the World is __________ umbrellas.1/8; 1/311/3; 1/813; 818; 3ANSWER: B1Refer to Table 3.2. The opportunity cost of producing an umbrella in the United Kingdom is __________ units of corn and the opportunity cost of producing an umbrella in the Rest of the World is __________ units of corn.1/8; 1/311/3; 1/813; 818; 3ANSWER: C1Refer to Table 3.2. Once trade is opened, we can anticipate that the international price of umbrellas will lie between __________ and __________.1/3 of a unit of corn; 3 units of corn18 units of corn; 3 units of corn11/8 of a unit of corn; 1/3 of a unit of corn18 units of corn; 1/8 of a unit of cornANSWER: B1Refer to Table 3.2. Once trade is open, we can anticipate that the international price of corn will lie between __________ and __________.1/3 of an umbrella; 3 umbrellas18 umbrellas; 3 umbrellas11/8 of an umbrella; 1/3 of an umbrella18 umbrellas; 1/8 of an umbrellaANSWER: CTable 3.3In the United Kingdom In the Rest of the WorldProductivityUmbrellas per laborhour6 1Units of corn perlabor hour4 31Refer to Table 3.3. The United Kingdom has an absoluteadvantage in the production of __________ and the Rest of the World has an absolute advantage in the production of__________.Both goods; neither good1Neither good; both goods1Umbrellas; corn1Corn; umbrellasANSWER: A1Refer to Table 3.3. The United Kingdom has a comparative advantage in the production of __________ and the Rest of the World has a comparative advantage in the production of__________.Both goods; neither good1Neither good; both goods1Umbrellas; corn1Corn; umbrellasANSWER: C1Refer to Table 3.3. The opportunity cost of producing a unit of corn in the United Kingdom is __________ umbrellas and the opportunity cost of producing a unit of corn in the Rest of the World is __________ umbrellas.2/3; 313; 2/313/2; 1/311/3; 3/2ANSWER: C1Refer to Table 3.3. The opportunity cost of producing an umbrella in the United Kingdom is __________ units of corn and the opportunity cost of producing an umbrella in the Rest of the World is __________ units of corn.2/3; 313; 2/313/2; 1/311/3; 3/2ANSWER: A1Refer to Table 3.3. Once trade is opened, we can anticipatethat the international price of umbrellas will lie between __________ and __________.2/3 of a unit of corn; 3 units of corn 13/2 units of corn; 2/3 of a unit of corn。
国际贸易实务英文版复习资料编者—刘鸿明Chapter 1一、词汇流动性过剩excess liquidity自给自足self-sufficient经济资源economic resources直接投资direct investment国际收支balance of payments易货交易barter出口退税export tax rebate倾销dumping出口型经济增长export-driven economic growth东道国host country贸易差额balance of trade贸易顺差/贸易逆差favorable /unfavorable balance of trade欧盟European Union国际收支顺差/国际收支逆差favorable /unfavorable balance of payments有形贸易visible trade无形贸易invisible trade货物贸易trade in goods服务贸易trade in services二、词语填空1.Export goods are tangible goods sent out of countries.2.Trade in services are international earnings other than those derived from the exporting and importing of tangible goods.3.Import goods are tangible goods brought in.4.International trade is all business transactions that involve two or more countries.5.FDI is one that gives the investor a controlling interest in a foreign company.6.Investment is used primarily as financial means for a company to earn more money on its money with relative safety.一、词汇关税壁垒tariff barriers非关税壁垒non-tariff barriers从量税specific duties配额quota保护性关税protective tariff市场失灵market failure幼稚产业infant industry许可证制度licensing system财政关税revenue tariff政府采购government procurement 贸易保护主义trade protectionism 从价税Ad valorem Duties最低限价floor price本地采购规则“buy local”rules 增加内需raise domestic demand Domestic content 国内含量Red-tape barriers 进口环节壁垒Export subsidies 出口补贴Binding quota 绑定配额Absolute quotas 绝对配额VER 自愿出口限制Tariff-rate quotas 关税配额Zero quota 零配额“Buy local”rules本地采购原则一、词汇APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operationFTAAP Free Trade Agreement of Asia and the PacificEU European UnionNAFTA North American Free Trade AgreementMERCOSUR Mercado Comun del Cono Sur /Southern Common Market ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian NationsEFTA European Free Trade AreaAFTA ASEAN Free Trade AreaPTAs Preferential Trade agreementsTrade bloc 贸易集团Trade block 贸易禁运/封锁Open regionalism 开放式区域主义Free trade area 自由贸易区Customs union 关税联盟Common market 共同市场Economic union 经济联盟Trade embargoes 贸易禁运Boycotts 抵制歧视性关税discriminatory tariffs经济制裁economic sanction贸易弹性trade elasticity双边贸易协定bilateral trade agreements多边贸易协定multilateral trade agreements最惠国most favored nation一、词汇GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeHOD Heads of DelegationsTRIPs Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights GATS General Agreement on Trade in ServicesTRIMs Trade Related Investment MeasuresMFN Most Favored Nations最惠国Patronage nations受惠国Favored nations缔约国Contracting Parties市场准入market access透明度transparency紧急进口措施Urgent Importing Measures争端解决机制dispute settlement mechanism可持续发展sustainable development特许经营franchise一、词汇FOB 班轮条件FOB liner term清关customs clearanceFOB 吊钩下交货FOB Under Tackle平舱trim多式联运multimodal transport船舷shipboard内陆水运marine navigation on inland waterway理舱stow卸货费discharge expense投保cover insuranceCFR 卸至岸上(含着陆费)CFR Landed班轮liner单据买卖documentary salesCFR 舱底交货CFR Ex-ship’s HoldCFR 班轮条件CFR liner terms象征性交货symbolic delivery二、词语填空1.Under CFR, buyer should effect insurance.2.Under CIF Ex-Ship’s Hold, buyer should pay the discharge charges.3.Under CIF, the insured amount should be US$22000 if the contracted price is US$20000.4.Under CIP, seller has to procure insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to thegoods during the carriage.5.The FAS term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.6.The DAT term requires the seller to proceed with the customs clearance for imports andpayment of all customs duty.7.Under DDP, the seller must pay the costs of customs duties as well as all duties, taxes andother official charges payable upon exportation and importation of the goods.8.Under DAP the seller fulfills his obligation as the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyeron the arriving means of transport at the named place of destination, ready for unloading.三、翻译1.The price quoted includes 5%commission on FOB basis.该报价为FOB 的价格并含5%的佣金。
《国际贸易实务》期末考试试卷(英文版)(doc7页)《国际贸易实务》期末考试试卷(英文版)(doc 7页)广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《国际贸易实务》2009-2010学年第一学期期末考试试卷(A卷)考核对象:‘4+0’国贸084班‘4+0’国贸085班考试时间:2小时班级:_______ 学号:________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________Ⅰ. Put T for true or F for false in the brackets at the end of each statement. ( 15% )1.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, if the seller exportsceramics using CIF term, he must insure the goodsagainst All Risks plus Risk of Clash and Breakage.2.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, under CIF Liner TermsHamburg, the buyer must pay the discharging fees inthe port of destination.3.()International customs and practice is the internationalstandard which is of some guiding significance tointernational business men. So all the internationalbusiness men should abide by the internationalcustoms and practice.4.()When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods withinthe stipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrageto the ship-owner.5.()In order to avoid complications, we should try our best touse much more kinds of methods to stipulate thequality of the goods.6.()According to CISG, if the package of the goods is not inacordance with the terms and conditions of the contract,the buyer could lo dge claims, but he couldn’t reject thegoods.7.()According to CISG, if the seller delivers a quantity of goodsgreater than that provided for in the contract, the buyermay take delivery or refuse to take delivery of all thequantity (including the excess quantity and thecontracted quantity).8.()A chinese company exports 1500 bags of cement using CIFterm in the contract and has insured the goods againstF.P.A. before shipment. However five bags fall intowater when loading in the port of shipment. Becausethe five bags have not been on board yet, the insurancecompany is not responsible for the loss of the five bags.9.()According to UCP 600, if there isn’t any other stipulation,the transshipment is allowed.10.()The cl ause of “ CIF London, New York or Tokyo, atbuyer’s option” is reasonable and we could agree whenexporting goods.11.()According to UCP 600, the L/C is independent of theunderlying transactions.12.()According to CISG, the offeror can withdraw his offer, buthe can not revoke it no matter what happened.13.()The colletcing bank should promise to get the moneyfrom the buyer under Collection.14.()According to UCP 600, the beneficiary should present fullset clean on board B/Ls if the L/C requires B/Ls with nospecial terms and conditions.15.()Under Collection, the payer of the draft should be thebuyer’s bank.Ⅱ. Please choose the best answer from the following choices of each question. ( 20% )1. An exporter in Guangzhou has agreed to sell goods to acompany in New York. The exporter is responsible for arrangingtransport but not insurance. Which of the following shipping terms is correct? ( )A. CIF New YorkB. FOB New YorkC. CFR New YorkD. FOB Guangzhou2. According to UCP 600, if there is no special description aboutthe form of the L/C in it, then this L/C is ( )A. irrevocable and non-transferableB. revocable andtransferableC. irrevocable and transferableD. revocable and non-transferable3. Which term means the minimum cost coverage by the seller?( )A. EXWB. FCAC. FASD.FOB4. According to CISG, when sale by sample and there are not anyother detailed stipulations in contract, the goods delivered bythe seller should be ( )A. About same as the sampleB. same as the sampleC. different a little from sampleD. A, B, C are all right.5. A B/L acts as ( )A. a receipt of goods by the carrierB. an evidence of the contract of carriageC. a document of title for the goodsD. A, B, C are all right.6. Under D/A, the draft must be ( )A. sight draftB. time draftC. banker’s draftD. clean draft7. According to CISG, the offer can be submitted ( )A. in written formB. orallyC. in written form or be sent orally8. The shipping Mark usually doesn’t contain ( )A. the code name of shipper or consigneeB. number of packagesC. name of destinationD. chemical characteristics9. In the following payment terms, ( ) is the safest term to theseller.A. sight payment L/CB. D/P at sightC. Payment at 30 days after delivery of goodsD. Cash with order10. In the following statements about loading and dischargingcharges in charter party, ( ) is correct.A. F.I. means the shipper should unload the goods by himself.B. F.O. means the shipper should load the goods by himself.C. The time charter party shouldn’t stipulate terms about these charges.D. The ship-owner isn’t responsible for these charges in tramp shipping.Ⅲ. Calculation ( 25% )1. A Company in Guangzhou quotes its exporting price, USD950Per Metric Ton FOB Guangzhou, to a German company. But theGerman company requires the exporter to offer CIF Hamburg price ( with the goods insured W.P.A. plus War Risk). If thefreight from Guangzhou to Hamburg is USD180 Per Metric Ton,the insured amount is 110% of CIF value and the premium rateis 1.3% of W.P.A. plus War Risk.(1) Please calculate how much this exporting companyshould offer CIF Hamburg price per Metric Ton with thesame profit. ( 10% )(2) If the German company requires the exporter to offerCIFC5% Hamburg price ( with the goods insured War Risk). Please calculate how much this exportingcompany should offer CIFC5% Hamburg price per MetricTon with the same profit. ( 5% )2. A company in Shanghai exports some garments to a foreigncompany. the total exporting amount is USD 70000 FOBShanghai. If the domestic purchasing price of these garments is450000 RMB. The domestic total charges (including all kinds ofdomestic fees and taxes) are 40000 RMB. And the export tax rebate is 3000 RMB. And the exchange rate is USD1:RMB7.Please calculate the rate of profit or loss of this exporttransaction. ( 10% )Ⅳ. Fill in the contract form in English with the following particulars (40%)卖方:中国粮油食品公司买方:温哥华加拿大食品公司合同号码:88-SC-3商品名称:长城牌草莓酱 (strawberry jam)规格:340克听装in cans。
外贸英语期末考试试题### 外贸英语期末考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "FOB" in international trade refers to:A. Free on BoardB. Free of BoardC. Freight on BoardD. Full of Board2. Which of the following is not a payment term in international trade?A. DAPB. EXWC. DDPD. COD (Cash on Delivery)3. The abbreviation "L/C" stands for:A. Letter of CreditB. Logistics CenterC. Loading CertificateD. Long-term Contract4. In a sales contract, "INCOTERMS" refers to:A. International Commercial TermsB. International Contract TermsC. International Communication TermsD. International Customs Terms5. The "B/L" in international trade documents is:A. Bill of LadingB. Bill of LandingC. Bill of LoadingD. Bill of Ledger二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)6. The standard international trade terms are published by the ________.7. When a seller quotes a price "CIF," it means the price includes ________ and insurance.8. A "proforma invoice" is a preliminary invoice that includes details of the goods, quantities, prices, and________.9. The term "D/P" in international trade refers to "documents against payment," where the documents are released once the ________ is received.10. An "open account" is a trade transaction where the goods are shipped before payment is ________.三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. Explain the difference between "CIF" and "CFR" terms in international trade.12. What are the key components of a Letter of Credit (L/C) and why are they important?13. Describe the process of negotiating a sales contract in international trade.四、案例分析题(共30分)14. [Case Study] A Chinese exporter has agreed to sell 10,000 units of a product to a foreign buyer under DAP terms. The buyer has requested to pay via a Letter of Credit (L/C). The exporter is concerned about the risks involved with this transaction. Discuss the following:- What are the risks associated with DAP terms for the exporter?- How can a Letter of Credit mitigate these risks?- What steps should the exporter take to ensure a smooth transaction?五、作文题(共30分)15. Write an essay on the importance of cultural awareness in international business negotiations. Discuss how understanding cultural differences can lead to more successful outcomes in trade agreements.注意:- 请在规定时间内完成所有题目。
国际贸易英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common mode of international trade?A. BarterB. Cash on deliveryC. Letters of creditD. Countertrade2. Which of the following is not a type of documentary credit?A. Sight L/CB. Usance L/CC. Standby L/CD. Promissory note3. What does "FOB" stand for in international trade terms?A. Free on BoardB. Free of BoardC. Freight on BoardD. Freight or Board4. In a letter of credit transaction, who is responsible for the payment to the seller?A. The buyerB. The sellerC. The issuing bankD. The advising bank5. What is the meaning of "CIF" in international trade?A. Cost, Insurance, and FreightB. Cost, Insurance, and Freight to the PortC. Cost, Insurance, and Freight to the DestinationD. Cost, Insurance, and Freight to the Seller6. Which of the following is not a risk associated with international trade?A. Currency fluctuationB. Political instabilityC. Market demandD. Transportation delays7. What is the role of an export license in international trade?A. To authorize the export of goodsB. To guarantee the quality of goodsC. To provide insurance for the goodsD. To ensure the goods are not counterfeit8. What does "GSP" stand for?A. Generalized System of PreferencesB. Global System of PreferencesC. Government Sponsored ProgramD. Governmental Support Plan9. Which of the following is not a form of international trade agreement?A. Bilateral agreementB. Multilateral agreementC. Unilateral agreementD. Regional trade agreement10. What is the purpose of a bill of lading in international trade?A. To confirm the receipt of goodsB. To serve as a contract of carriageC. To provide insurance for the goodsD. To authorize the payment of goods二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The term "DAP" in international trade refers to _________ (Delivered at Place).12. An _________ (International Chamber of Commerce) provides rules for international trade.13. The _________ (World Trade Organization) regulates international trade.14. A _________ (Letter of Credit) is a written commitment bya bank to pay a specified amount to the seller.15. The _________ (International Monetary Fund) provides financial assistance to member countries.16. The term "EXW" stands for _________ (Ex Works).17. The _________ (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) promotes international trade.18. A _________ (Commercial Invoice) is a document issued by the seller to the buyer.19. The _________ (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System) is used for classifying goods for customs purposes.20. An _________ (Import License) is required to import certain types of goods into a country.三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between a documentary collection and a documentary credit.22. What are the benefits of using a letter of credit in international trade?23. Describe the process of a typical international trade transaction involving a letter of credit.24. What are the main factors to consider when negotiating the terms of an international sales contract?四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)25. A company in China has agreed to sell goods to a buyer in the United States. The terms of the sale are FOB Shanghai. What are the responsibilities of the seller and the buyer under these terms?26. A buyer in Germany has received a shipment of goods froma seller in India. Upon inspection, the buyer finds that the goods are damaged. The terms of the sale were CIF Hamburg. What are the buyer's options and what should be the seller's response?五、论述题(每题10分,共10分)27. Discuss the impact of globalization on international trade and how it has changed the way businesses operate internationally.答案:一、选择题1-5 CADCA6-10 DABCA二、填空题11. Delivered at Place12. International Chamber of Commerce13. World Trade Organization14. Letter of Credit15. International Monetary Fund16. Ex Works17. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development18. Commercial Invoice19. Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System20. Import License三、简答题21. A documentary collection involves the collection of payment for goods shipped, usually through a bank, while a documentary credit is a commitment by a bank to。
一、单项选择题:(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)1. Which of the following says that any dollar of gain or loss will be equally valued, regardless of who experiences it?A.Consumer surplusB.Producer surplusC.ArbitrageD.One-dollar, one-vote metric2. Consider a typical two-country model. In the exporting country, consumers will be ______ and producers will be______ with the opening of international trade. A. Happy; happy B. Unhappy; happy C. Unhappy; unhappy D. Happy; unhappy3. The author of the Wealth of Nations was:A. David RicardoB. Paul SamuelsonC. Adam SmithD. Karl Marx4. The theory of comparative advantage was first presented by: A. Adam Smith B. Karl MarxC. David RicardoD. Eli Heckscher5. The theory that predicts that trade occurs because of differences in the availability of factor inputs across countries and the differences in the proportions in which the factor inputs are used in producing different products is called:A. The Stolper-Samuelson theoryB. The Heckscher-Ohlin theoryC. Comparative advantageD. Absolute advantage6. The Stolper-Samuelson theorem would predict that trade between the United States, a capital-abundant country, and Mexico, a labor-abundant country, should lead to:A. Higher wages in both countriesB. Lower wages in both countriesC. Higher wages in MexicoD. Lower wages in Mexico7. If the domestic country is labor abundant, which of the following groups will gain in the short-run, but lose in the long-run? A. Domestic landowners in the farming sectorB. Domestic landowners in the cloth-making sectorC. Foreign landowners in the farming sectorD. Foreign workers in the cloth-making sector 8. Immiserizing growth effect can occur when:A. A large country experiences a growth in the production of its export-oriented goods.B. There is a decline in the research and development investments in a large country.C. The terms of trade of a small country decline.D. The import-competing goods are overproduced in a large country.9. Which of the following is the value of the difference between exports and imports for a product? tradeB.Intra-industry tradeC.Product differentiationD.Returns to scale 10. China is a net importer of:A. Shoes and other footwearB. Scientific equipmentC. ToysD. Clothing and accessories11. The clustering of some industries, such as banking and finance in New York City and high-technology computer production in Silicon Valley, can be explained by: A. External scale economies. B. Monopolistic competition. C. Intra-industry trade. D. The demand for variety. 12. If a small country imposes a tariff on imported motorcycles, the world price of motorcycles will _____ and the domestic price of motorcycles will _____. A. Rise; rise B. Fall; riseC. Stay constant; riseD. Stay constant; fall13. If a country with monopsony (买方垄断) power imposes a tariff on imported farm equipment, the world price of farm equipment will: A. Fall B. Rise院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线C. Be unaffectedD. Become equal to the domestic price of farm equipment. 14. A nontariff barrier operates by: A. Limiting the quantity of imports.B. Increasing the cost of getting imports to market.C. Creating uncertainty about the conditions under which imports will be permitted.D. All of the above.15. One of the reasons that protectionists and government officials may favor using a quota instead of a tariff is:A. Quotas generate more revenue for the government than do tariffs.B. A quota ensures that the quantity of imports is strictly limited.C. Quotas create less market distortions than do tariffs.D. Quotas give less power to politicians than do tariffs.16. Which of the following subsidies is prohibited under WTO rules? A. Subsidies to research and development.B. Subsidies to assist disadvantaged regions within the exporting country.C. Subsidies that are used to assist firms in meeting environmental regulations.D. Subsidies that are used to encourage firms to export more.17. Which of the following allows member countries to import from other member countries freely, but imposes trade barriers against imports from outside countries? A. A trade embargo B. A trade bloc C. The most favored nation principle D. Trade creation 18. Which of the following features does a customs union have? I. Free trade among the members. II. Common external tariffs.III. Free movement of factors of production. IV. Harmonization of all economic policies.A. IB. I and IIC. I, II, and IIID. I, II, III, and IV19. Which of the following is a free-trade area that includes the United States, Mexico, and Canada?A. NAFTAB. MERCOSURC. EUD. ASEAN 20. When a large country imposes an import quota:A. World prices rise.B. World prices fall.C. Domestic prices fall.D. Domestic production falls.21. Which of the following countries provides government supports to its farmers? A. The United States B. JapanC. The European UnionD. All of the above22. Which of the following states that any trade concession given to any foreign country must be given to all other countries having the same status? A.A trade embargo B.A trade bloc C.The most favored nation principle D.Trade creation23. China’s policies towards FDI _____ inv estments that bring in advanced technology, _____investments that use old technologies and_____ investments in traditional Chinese crafts.A. Encourage; encourage; prohibitB. Discourage; encourage; encourageC. Encourage; discourage; prohibitD. Discourage; discourage; encourage24. ______ is the movement of people from one country to another country in which they plan to reside for some noticeable period of time.A. Domestic tradeB. International tradeC. Internal migrationD. International migration25. Which of the following has overseen the global rules of government policy toward international trade since 1995?A. World Trade OrganizationB. General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeC. International Monetary FundD. World Bank二、判断题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. The value of foreign trade is the total amount of a nation’s foreign trade, i.e. the total amount of import and export (of goods) within a certain period. Then the value of international trade is the total value of foreign trade of all countries throughout the world.2. While international trade will benefit both the importing and exporting country in a two-country world, the gains from trade in the exporting country will usually be greater than the gains from trade in the importing country.3. Free trade is a zero-sum activity. That is, one county always gains and the other always loses from free trade.: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线4. Mercantilists believe that when one country benefited from international trade it was at the expense of another country or countries.5. In the two-country, two-good model, both countries can gain from trade as long as their relative advantages and disadvantages in producing different goods are different.6. Factor-price equalization theory predicts that the price of labor and land within a country will equalize.7. In the short-run after trade opens, wages and land rents can be expected to rise in the expanding sector.8. It is possible for a large country to be better off, worse off, or no better off/no worse off as a result of a tariff being imposed.9. The use of a trade restriction by one country can cause other countries to retaliate, and may lead to a trade war in which all countries use high import barriers.10. Antidumping duties increase economic well-being in the United States by protecting import-competing firms.三、计算分析题(共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)(1) For each product for Japan, calculate the IIT share.(2) Japan is an importer of large civilian aircraft. What economic theory or concept best explain s this aspect of Japan’s trade?2. Suppose that $80 of imported wool (input) goes into the domestic production of a suit(final commodity). Suppose also that the free trade price of the suit is $100, but thenation imposes a 10% nominal tariff on each imported suit. The price of suits to domestic consumers would be $110.(a) Suppose that no tariff is imposed on the imported wool. (b) Suppose that the tariff rate on the imported wool is 10%. (c) Suppose that the tariff rate on the imported wool is 12%. (d) Suppose that the tariff rate on the imported wool is 20%. (1) Calculate the ERP for the domestic suits industry. (2) Interpret the meaning of this calculated ERP.四、简答题(共4小题,每小题8分,共32分)1. “According to Ricardo’s analysis, a country exports any good whose production requires fewer labor hours per unit than the labor hours per unit needed to produce the good in the foreign country. That is, the country exports any good in which its labor productivity is higher than the labor productivity for this good in the foreign country.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?2. A free-trade equilibrium exists in which the United States exports machinery and imports clothing from the rest of the world. The goods are produced with two factors: capital and labor. The trade pattern is the one predicted by the H-O theory. An increase now occurs in the U.S. endowment of capital, its abundant factor.a. What is the effect on the shape and position of the U.S. production-possibility curve?b. What is the effect on the actual production quantities in the United States if the product price ratio is unchanged? Explain.3. What are the two official definitions of dumping? Under the Anti-Dumping Agreement, under what circumstances, WTO Members can impose anti-dumping measures?4. How are trade creation and trade diversion defined, and what roles do they play in the world gains and losses from a trade bloc?五、论述题(共1小题,共13分)1. A country currently prohibits any FDI into the country. Its government is considering liberalizing this policy. You have been hired as a consultant to a group of foreign firms that wants to see the policy loosed. They ask you to prepare a report on the major arguments for why the country should liberalize the policy. What will your report say?专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线2020-2021《国际贸易学》(双语)期末课程考试试卷A 答案二、判断题:(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)三、计算分析题(共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)1. (1) Here is the calculation for perfumes: M X IIT --=||1=016.0|2422|1=--(2) The theory based on substantial scale economies, for the world, two firms produce large civilian aircraft. Boeing produces most of its aircraft in the U.S., and Airbus in Europe. It would be very difficult for a Japanese firm to achieve sufficient scale if it tried to enter into aircraft production. With no local production, Japan imports large civilian aircraft. (3分)2. (1) According to the formula ERP=[(t-a i t i )/(1-a i )]×100%, or ERP=[(V’-V)/V]×100%, we can get the following answers:(a) If t i =0%, we have ERP=50%(2分);(b) If t i =10%, we have ERP=10% (2分);(c) If t i =12%, we have ERP=2%(2分);(d) If t i =20%, we have ERP=-30%(2分)(2) ①If t>t i , ERP>t; ②If t=t i , ERP=t; ③If t<t i , ERP<t ; ④If t i becomes extremely high, then ERP will become negative. (2分)四、简答题(共4小题,每小题8分,共32分)1. Disagree. This statement describes absolute advantage. It would imply that a country that has a higher labor productivity in all goods would export all goods and import nothing.(2分)Ricardo instead showed that mutually beneficial trade is based on comparative advantage —trading according to maximum relative advantage.(3分)The country will export those goods whose relative labor productivity (relative to the other country and relative to other goods) is high, and import those other goods whose relative labor productivity is low.(3分)2. a. The entire U.S. production-possibilities curve shifts out, with the outward shift relatively larger for t he good that is intensive in capital. If the U.S. trade pattern follows the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, then this good is machinery. Growth is biased toward machinery production. (4分)b. According to the Rybczynski theory, the quantity produced of machinery increases and the quantity produced of clothing decreases if the product price ratio is unchanged. The extra capital is employed in producing more machinery, and the machinery industry must also employ some extra labor to use with the extra capital. The extra labor is drawn from the clothing industry, so clothing production declines. (4分)3. One definition of dumping is selling an export at a price lower than the price charged to domestic buyers of the product within the exporting country. This definition emphasizes international price discrimination.(2分)The second definition is selling an export at a price that is lower than the full average cost of the product plus a reasonable profit margin.(2分)(1) Dumping is occurring;(1分) (2) The domestic industry producing the like product is suffering material injury or threat of material injury.(2分) (3) There is a causal link between the two.(1分)4. (1) Trade creation is the increase in total imports resulting from the formation of a trade bloc. Trade creation occurs because importing from the partner country lowers the price in the importing country, so that some high-cost domestic production is replaced by lower-priced imports from the partner, and because the lower price increased the total quantity demanded in the importing country. (2分)Trade diversion is the replacement of imports from lower-cost suppliers outside the trade bloc with higher-cost imports from the partner. It occurs because the outside suppliers remain hindered by tariffs, while there is no tariff on imports from the partner. (2分)(2) Trade creation creates a gain for the importing country and the world. Trade diversion creates a loss for the importing country and the world.(2分)The importing country and the world gain from the trade bloc if trade creation gains exceed trade diversion losses. (2分)五、论述题(共1小题,共13分)1. Key points that should be included in the report.(1) FDI brings new technologies into the country.(1分)(2) FDI brings new managerial practices into the country.(1分)(3) FDI brings marketing capabilities into the country. These can be used to better meet the needs of the local market. They may be particularly important in expanding the country’s exports by improving the international marketing of products produced by the multinational firms that begin production in the country.(3分)(4) FDI brings financial capital into the country, and expands the country’s ability to invest in domestic production capabilities.(2分)(5) The local affiliates of the multinationals raise labor skills by training local workers.(1分)(6) Technological spillover benefits accrue to the country as it hosts FDI, because some of themultinationals’ technology, managerial practices, and marketing capabilities spread to local firms as they learn about and imitate the multinational’s intangible assets. Taken together, these first six items serve to increas e the country’s supply-side capabilities for producing (and selling) goods and services.(3分)(7) In addition, the country’s government can gain tax revenues by taxing the profits of the local affiliates established by the foreign multinationals.(2分)。
5W1、实际购货成本= 采购成本(1+增值税率-出口退税率)/(1+增值税率)= 12 (1+17%-9%)/(1+17%)=11.0769(元/只)2、国内费用= 2500/(400 ×50)+ 0.3FOB=0.125+0.3FOB3、FOB=( 实际购货成本+国内费用)/1-预期利润率= [(11.0769+0.125+0.3FOB)/8.2778]/1-10%0.9FOB×8.2778-0.3FOB =11.2019FOB=1.5667(美元/只)4、CIF = (FOB+F+银行费用额)/[1-(1+投保成本)×保率-银行费率]={(1.5667+2688/(400×50)+ [(100+200)/(400 ×50)×8.2778])/[1-(1+10%)×0.3%-1.25‰]= (1.5667+0.1344+0.0018)/0.99545=1.7029/0.99545=1.7107(美元/只)7W:1、实际购货成本= 采购成本(1+增值税率-出口退税率)/(1+增值税率)= 15 (1+17%-9%)/(1+17%)=13.8462(元/只)2、国内费用= 2500/(400 ×50)+ 0.3FOB=0.125+0.3FOB3、FOB=( 实际购货成本+国内费用)/1-预期利润率= [(13.8462+0.125+0.3FOB)/8.2778]/1-10%0.9FOB×8.2778-0.3FOB =13.9712FOB=1.9540(美元/只)4、CIF = (FOB+F+银行费用额)/[1-(1+投保成本)×保率-银行费率]={(1.9540+2688/(400×50)+ [(100+200)/(400 ×50)×8.2778])/[1-(1+10%)×0.3%-1.25‰]= (1.9540+0.1344+0.0018)/0.99545=2.090/0.99545=2.0996 (美元/只)22W:1、实际购货成本= 采购成本(1+增值税率-出口退税率)/(1+增值税率)= 22 (1+17%-9%)/(1+17%)=20.3077(元/只)2、国内费用= 2500/(400 ×50)+ 0.3FOB=0.125+0.3FOB3、FOB=( 实际购货成本+国内费用)/1-预期利润率= [(20.3077+0.125+0.3FOB)/8.2778]/1-10%0.9FOB×8.2778-0.3FOB =20.4327FOB=2.8577(美元/只)4、CIF = (FOB+F+银行费用额)/[1-(1+投保成本)×保率-银行费率]={(2.8577+2688/(400×50)+ [(100+200)/(400 ×50)×8.2778])/[1-(1+10%)×0.3%-1.25‰]= (2.8577+0.1344+0.0018)/0.99545=2.9939/0.99545=3.0076(美元/只)26W:1、实际购货成本= 采购成本(1+增值税率-出口退税率)/(1+增值税率)= 25(1+17%-9%)/(1+17%)=23.0769(元/只)2、国内费用= 2500/(400 ×50)+ 0.3FOB=0.125+0.3FOB3、FOB=( 实际购货成本+国内费用)/1-预期利润率= [(23.0769+0.125+0.3FOB)/8.2778]/1-10%0.9FOB×8.2778-0.3FOB =23.2019FOB=3.2450(美元/只)4、CIF = (FOB+F+银行费用额)/[1-(1+投保成本)×保率-银行费率]={(3.2450+2688/(400×50)+ [(100+200)/(400 ×50)×8.2778])/[1-(1+10%)×0.3%-1.25‰]= (3.2450+0.1344+0.0018)/0.99545=3.3812/0.99545=3.3967(美元/只)因此各个型号的产品对外报价为5W: 1.8美元/只;7W: 2.1美元/只;22W:3.0美元/只26W:3.4美元/只操作二:支付方式为不可撤销即期信用证,以我方为受益人,6月30日前装运,允许分批装运和转船。
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Classicl trade theory
This table shows bushels of wheat and the yards of cloth that the US and the UK can produce with one hour of labor time under four different hypothetical situations.
Suppose that the US exchange 4W for 4C with the UK
a. How much does the US gain?
b. How much does the UK gain?
c. What is the range for mutually beneficial trade?
Suppose that the US exchange 4W for 6C with the UK
a. How much does the US gain?
b. How much does the UK gain?
c. What is the range for mutually beneficial trade?
Neo-classical trade theory
The country of Pugelovia has an endowment (total supply) of 20 units of labor and 3 units of land, whereas the rest of the world has 80 units of labor and 7 units of land. Is Pugelovia labor-abundant? Is Pugelovi land-abundant? If wheat is land-intensive and cloth is labor-intensive, what is the Heckscher-Ohlin prediction for the pattern of trade between Pugelovia and the rest of the world?
From the following information calculate the total input shares of labor and capital in each dollar of cloth output:
Cloth is the only product that this country exports. The total input share of labor in producing $1.00 of import substitutes in this country is $0.55, and the total input share of capital is $0.45. Is this trade pattern consistent with the fact that this country is relatively labor-abundant and capital-scarce?
You have been asked to quantify the effects of a country’s tariff on sugar. The hard part of the work is already done: Somebody has esimated how many pounds of sugar would be produced, consumed, and imported by the country if there were no sugar duty. You are given the information shown in the table.
Calculate the following measures:
a.The domestic consumers’ gain from removing the tariff.
b.The domestic producers’ loss from removing the tariff.
c.The government tariff revenue loss.
d.The net efeect on national well-being.
You have been asked to quantify the effects of a country’s tariff on sugar. The hard part of the work is already done: Somebody has esimated how many pounds of sugar would be produced, consumed, and imported by the country if there were no sugar duty. You are given the information shown in the table.
Calculate the following measures:
e.The domestic consumers’ gain from removing the tarif
f.The domestic producers’ loss from removing the tariff.
g.The government tariff revenue loss.
h.The net efeect on national well-being.
Suppose that US has three choices about the trade policy of skates imported from Canada: Free trade with no protections; A special tariff of $80 per pair; A V oluntary export restraint. Calculate the US net national gains or losses from the tariff, and those from the VER, relative to free trade. Which of the three choices looks best for the US as a whole? Which looks worst?
(unit: millions pairs)
According to the information shown in the table, quantify the effects of a country’s import quota on sugar. Suppose that the government auctions the quota right.
Calculate the following measures:
a.Calculate how much domesitic producers gain or loss form the quota.
b.Calculate how much domesitic consumers gain or loss form the quota.
c.Calculate how much the government receives in payment when it auctions the quota rights to import.
d.Calculate the net national gain or loss from the quota.。