重庆高中英语必修五 Unit3《Life in the future》全套教案
人教版新课标高中英语必修五 Unit 3 Life in the future Reading 配套练习 含答案详解

Unit 3Life in the futureWarming Up & ReadingⅠ单词拼写1.We hired a local g to show us around the old city.2.The special robot in that film left a deep i on us.3.She was always o, even when things were at their worst.4.A lot of people in China starved to death for l of food in 1942.5.I can’t t so much noise when I’m doing my homework.6.Sometimes we can solve our problems according to our (先前的) experience.7.The weather is a (时常发生的) topic of conversation in Britain.8.There was no one at the reception desk, so he (按,压) a bell for service.9.It’s clear that the twins are quite different in many (方面).10.The villagers decided to search the (周围的) areas for the missing boy.Ⅱ短语填空1.Playing games on the Internet (占用) most of his time last term.2.He (溜进) the room to look for an old watch that night.3.He didn’t leave the platform until he (看不见) her.4.Our classroom should be(打扫) after class every day.5.He(加快速度) the car in order not to be late for the meeting.6.(缺乏) sleep will severely influence the work in the daytime.7.We are informed that David has (康复) already.8.(结果), some areas of the world will become highly polluted.9.The film will (给……留下深刻印象) everybody who sees it.10.As soon as the man got home, he sat down and (打开) the TV. Ⅲ句型训练1.他在风雪中度过了7天,又冷又饿。

为了让你更好的学习⾼⼆频道为你整理了《⾼⼆英语必修五教案《Unit 3 Life in the future》》希望你喜欢! 教案【⼀】 本教学设计在新课程教学理念的指导下,⼒求在培养学⽣的语⾔知识、知识技能、情感态度、学习策略和⽂化意识等素养的基础上发展学⽣综合运⽤语⾔的能⼒,使学⽣通过观察、体验、探究等主动学习的⽅法优化英语学习⽅法,充分发挥⾃⼰的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略。
1. 开展学⽣活动,发挥主体作⽤ 新课程强调要充分发挥学⽣在教学过程中的主体作⽤。
2. 实施情景教学,统合三维⽬标 本课设计从教学需要出发,创设情景,进⾏情景设问、讨论,激起学⽣的情感体验,激活学⽣思维,帮助学⽣迅速、正确地理解和接受知识,并在学习过程中培养其积极进取的科学的⼈⽣观及价值观,较好地落实了三维⽬标。
3. 转变学习⽅式,增强教学效果 新课程要求提倡⾃主、合作、探究的学习⽅式,发挥学⽣的主体性、能动性和独⽴性,本课设计通过⾃学课本,⼩组讨论,综合分析,⾓⾊扮演等活动,为学⽣⾃主学习、合作学习、探究学习提供了空间,使学⽣体验了⾃主之乐,合作之趣,探究之悦,促进了学⽣知识的构建与运⽤,能⼒的培养和提⾼,情感体验和态度、价值观的形成,增强了教学效果。
4. 运⽤问题教学,启发学⽣思维 本课设计按照诱思探究理论要求,遵循学⽣的认知规律,引导学⽣去发现问题、分析问题和解决问题,从⽽掌握知识,形成能⼒,培养品质。
人教版高中英语必修五Unit3 life in the future 课文+知识点(共48页)

Before the journey(旅游)
Part 1 : Para.____1_
During the journey
写出下列句中take up的含义①The girl took up her bag and left the room.
②She took up his offer of a drink.
③At the age of sixty he took up the study o接f 受Russian. _________
度令人兴奋。②Previous to _____ (leave) for France, he studied a lot about the
country.他在启l程ea前vn往g 法国之前,对这个国家做了很多研究。③The building had
Dear Mum and Dad, I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize
that I won last year. I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in
Company Logo
Para.1 I won a travel to the year AD 3008.

⾼中英语-unit-3-Life-In-the-Future-全单元教案⾼⼆上学期第三次教案设计⼈:Unit 3 Life In the FuturePeriod 1 & 2 Warming Up & Pre-reading, ReadingTeaching Goals:1.To illustrate Ss’ imagination of future life.2.To arouse Ss to pay more attention to the problems that probably appeared in thefuture life.3.To make Ss know the difference of life between the past, present and future. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Leading-inPurpose: To talk about past and future changes of life.1. Group workLet Ss discuss the questions in groups of four.(1)How do you usually get to school?(2)Where do you live, in a city or in the countryside?(3)Where would you like to live in the future?(4)Do you live in a flat or a house?(5)Do you have a room of you won? Can you describe the room in the picture?(6)What kind of housing would you like to have in the future?(7)What would you like to have in your room?(8)What can we use to build houses? (brick, stone , steel , glass, ice, wood , plasticbamboo, …)2. ConclusionThis unit introduces what life in the future might be like to Ss. By discussing and answering the questions above can make Ss have a general understanding of the present and future life and can also illustrate Ss’ imagination about the future life. Step 2. Warming Up1. Pair workIn pairs let Ss list the changes in housing, transport, jobs, families and education will happen in the next century.2. Individual workAccording to the result of the above Pair work, fill in the chart.Step 3. Pre-reading1. Pair workAsk Ss to discuss the following questions in pairs.(1)Make a list of the problems human beings are facing today.(2) What problems do you think people will have overcome in one thousand years? Which ones do you think will still exist inAD 3008?Suggested Answers:①The first problem I would like to point out is the decline of morality.(道德沦丧)②The second problem is the racial bias problem. (种族歧视)③The third problem , which is a most serious problem , is the rapid depletion of resources on the Earth. (资源匮乏)④Now I come to the fourth problem, the problem of the large gap between the poor and the rich . (贫富悬殊)⑤The fifth problem is the pollution problem.(环境恶化)⑥Now I would like to talk about the sixth problem, the expensive arms race problem. (军备竞争)。

Unit 3 Life in the future (知识点剖析)(一)单词·巧记·典句·考点1. vehicle[v'i:ikl]n.交通工具;车辆【巧记提示】词根vect,“传送;运载”。
【经典例句】The street is dominated by car vehicles.街道上满是车辆。
【考点聚焦】1)vehicle 特指陆地上的交通工具。
2)vehicle还可以指“(思想、情报的)传达手段、媒介”,如:This radio station has become a vehicle for conservative opinion.这家电台已成为保守派意见的传播管道。
3)常见同义词有conveyance n.运输;财产让与;运输工具;carriage n.四轮马车;客车2. private[p'rivit] adj.私人的;私有的【巧记提示】priv(单独;个别;私下)+-ate(具有或显示某性质)。
【经典例句】This is private parking lot, you cannot park here.这是私人的停车点,你不能在这里停车。
【考点聚焦】1)固定搭配:in private 秘密的;不公开的;私下的反义词:in public 公开的;公众的2)同根词:privacy n.私生活;隐私如:Telling that on TV was invasion of her privacy.在电视上谈论那件事侵犯了她的隐私权。
']n.印象;感想;印记3. impression[im pre【巧记提示】im(置于某状态或条件中;向内)+press(给……以压力)+ion(表示行为;行为的状态或结果)【经典例句】His speech made quite an impression on the audience.他的演说给听众留下了相当好的印象。
必修五 3.3《Unit 3 Life in the Future》

lead to….
How will the schools of the future be different from what they are today? There may be more “schools on the air” and “e-schools”.
Transportation New technology ;new Cleaner, faster
fuels and engines
and safe smart cards.
Convenient, fun.
Health and Healthy diet ; exercising Enjoy a longer
lifelong learners.
Work in groups of four and discuss one of the topic you like. Take notes about the result of your discussion and choose one reporter in each group.
On-line shopping What will become more and more popular in the future business?
What can people do in the malls in the future?
How will people pay for their purchases?
of new technologies. Many new
inventions will be made. Imagine
高二英语人教必修5练习:unit3 life in the future section ⅲ word版含解析

1.When it is seen from the top of the mountain,the city looks very beautiful with lights on at night.the top of the mountain,the city looks very beautiful with lights on at night.答案:Seen from2.As he was surrounded by a group of young people,the old man felt happy.a group of young people,the old man felt happy.答案:Surrounded by3.Because the girl was hurt badly in the earthquake,she was sent to hospital immediately.in the earthquake,the girl was sent to hospital immediately.alone at home,John didn’t feel afraid at1.The minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,(add) that he had enjoyed his stay here.答案:adding2.The meeting,(attend) by over five thousand people,welcomed the great hero.答案:attended3.The missing boys were last seen (play) near the river.答案:playing4.There was a terrible noise (follow) the sudden burst of light.答案:following5.She stood in front of him,with her eyes (fix) on his face.答案:fixed6.Football is played in more than 80 countries,(make) it the most popular sport in the world.答案:making7.He stood there silently,(move)to tears.答案:moved三、用分词改写句子1.Here is a cake.Tom’s mother made it.答案:Here’s a cake made by Tom’s mother.2.We have been told to read the book.It was written by a news reporter.答案:We have been told to read the book written by a news reporter.3.We have been very satisfied with the service in the space hotel.It was recommended by Li Qing.答案:We have been very satisfied with the service in the space hotel recommended by Li Qing.4.After she was accused of stealing the mobile phone in the office,she found that all her friends deserted her.答案:Accused of stealing the mobile phone in the office,she found that all her friends deserted her.5.Because she is worried about the missing child,she finds it difficult to go to work these days.答案:Worried about the missing child,she finds it difficult to go to work these days.6.As she was supported by her family,she decided to settle in the northwest of China.答案:Supported by her family,she decided to settle in the northwest of China.四、阅读理解AA strange accident put my eyesight in danger.A quick operation fixed things,but recuperation (恢复) was slow.Then I learned to see the world in another way.The accident happened so fast that I wasn’t sure what hit me.Somehow,my 85-pound yellow dog Harry,had managed to kick me in my left eye with his leg while he slept.My eye hurt badly.I knew immediately something was wrong.My left eye wouldn’t move together with my right one.After a couple of minutes,the movement of my left eye seemed to return to normal.I shook it off and began my day,slightly worried,but sure it was nothing.Late the following afternoon,I noticed a curtain of blackness in the lower right corner of my left eye as I was walking down the hall at work.I ran into my office and called my ophthalmologist (眼科医生).Trying to stay calm,I raced across town and made it to his office within 15 minutes.After a three-hour operation,I couldn’t lift my head for the first week.While I recuperated,life went on.My boyfriend took care of me and our dogs,Homer and Harry.After a full day at work he fed us,got us everything we needed,and then went to the hospital,where his mother lay dying.She sent some of her flowers home with him to me.I never got the chance to see her again.I returned to work after three months at home.Slowly my left eye has returned to normal.I appreciate a lot more since my injury:the ability to see the world;to have a safe home and roof over my head;to have both my parents alive and in good health;to laugh at my sweet,silly dogs;and to be fortunate enough to share my life with someone who loves and cares for me.(一)根据短文内容,选择正确答案1.What happened to the author?A.Someone hit her on the head.B.Her dog hit her in the left eye.C.A stone hit her in the left eye.D.She suffered from a deadly disease.答案:B解析:细节理解题。
高中英语 Unit 3《Life in the Future》教案(10) 新人教版必修5

Module 5 Unit 3 A healthy life单元教学目标Content analyze:本单元以健康话题为主题,听说读写等活动主要围绕如何健身,怎样成为健康人展开,其中涉及许多社会热点问题,如抽烟,吸毒,艾滋病,学习与工作压力等影响健康的棘手问题。
一、技能目标 Skill Goals◆Talk about health◆Learn the harm of smoking and how to stop smoking◆Learn to advise people about what to do and what not to do◆Learn about AIDS and how to keep safe from HIV二、语言目标(一)功能句式How to advise people about what to do and what not to do◆Do/don’t…◆Don’t forge to…◆It is not/would be a good idea to…◆You should…◆Yo u don’t have to…◆Mind your head/step!◆It’s OK/all right to…(二) 词汇(三) 语法The use of it(四)重点句子The 1st period Warming up and pre-readingTeaching aims:1. Talk about health2. Learn the issues that the young people are concerned about3. Learn to advise people about what to do and what not to do4. Talk about smoking and its harmTeaching procedures:Step one Warming upThis step is to lead the students to the topic of this unit ―― A healthy life 1.What health issues do you think concern young people the most?(After about 3 minutes)A sample list:Cigarette smoking Drinking alcohol Drug taking Diet Physical fitness Sexual health Stress AIDS and infections Cancer Anxiety and so on2. Group worka. Choose one health issue you think is particularly important.b. List five things you would like to tell other people about this issue.*Show some pictures on the computerDirections:Looking at the following pictures. What are they doing ?Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities?(Ask the students to describe the pictures using their own words) Straightforward description:Picture one:They are Singing. HealthyPicture two:They are Dancing. HealthyPicture three:They are Playing basketball. HealthyPicture four:They are Doing Taiji. HealthyPicture five:They are Drinking alcohol. HealthyPicture six:They are Eating too much. UnhealthyPicture seven:They are Smoking, coughing. UnhealthyStep two Pre-reading*Questions:1. Have you ever smoked? If you have, have you ever tried to stop?2. Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?Possible answer:Some adolescents start smoking because they are falsely influenced by some media.Some think it’s cool. Maybe some want to lighten some stress.3. In what ways is smoking harmful?Mentally and healthily.4. What advice would you give to someone when wanted to stop smoking?Possible answer:Let them get interested in some positive hobbies like sports, playing music, reading, playing chess and so on.5. Where could you get good advice on stopping smoking?Step three HomeworkFind out some information from the Internet and write a short passage about the present situation of young people’s smoking in China as well as giving them some advice.The 2nd period ReadingTeaching aims:1.To promote the students’understanding of the text.2.To solve the problems and difficulties they meet in understanding the text bycooperation.3. Enable the Ss to learn how to give advice on stopping smoking.4. To talk about the importance of health and the harmful effects of smoking Teaching methods:Discussion, cooperative learning and oral practice.Teaching procedures:Step one Greetings.Greet the Ss as usual.Step two Pre-readingPredicting:Read the title of the text and the headings within it, and find out:1. Who wrote the letter?2. What is the purpose of the letter?Step three Skimming1. Read and check the answers to the two questions.2. Listen to the tape and find out the main idea of each paragraph.A. The writer leads to the topic of the letter by talking about James’ problem ofsmoking.B. Introducing some different ways of becoming addicted.C. Telling the writer’s hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking.D. Telling the harmful effects of smoking.E. From the life the writer is leading now, we can know the importance of healthylife.Keys: 2—A 3----B 5-----C 4-----D 1-----EStep four Detail reading1. List the details under the following subtitles.The ways to become addicted to cigarettesThe harmful effects of smokingSuggestions to quit smokingThe ways to become addicted to cigarettes1).Become physically addicted to nicotine2).Become addicted through habit3).Become mentally addictedThe harmful effects of smoking1). Do terrible damage to your heart and lungs2). Have difficulty in becoming pregnant3). Affect the health of non-smokers4). Smell terrible5). Have the ends of the fingers turn yellow6). Be unable to run fastSuggestions to quit smoking1). Prepare yourself2). Be determined3). Break the habit4). Relax5). Get help If you need it6). Keep trying2. Answer some questions. ( refer to PPT)4.Let students find the expressions in the passage that can be used to advise people about what to do and what not to do.Step five DiscussionSituation 1: Suppose you are a teacher, how will you persuade your students to quit smoking.Situation 2: Suppose your teacher is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking.Situation 3: Suppose you are a father, how will you persuade your son to quit smoking. Situation 4: Suppose your father is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking.Step six Homework1. Discuss the questions after class.2. Find out the key points of the text.3. Search some more information about the harmful effects of smoking and advice onstopping smoking.The 3rd Period Listening& SpeakingTeaching aims:1. To learn what should be paid attention to when going to the party and how to give advice and warnings to others.2. To train the ability of listening and speaking.Teaching procedures:Step one Listening1. Pre-listening1) Individual work:To show some pictures and make students judge which are the ways of keeping a health life.2) Group work:Discussion: Suppose you are invited to have a party in a nightclub by your friends,would you like to go there? If not, what are you worried about?2.While-listening1)Listen to what Tina and Sara are talking about and tick the things Sara is worriedabout.2)Listen again and complete Tina’s sentences.3)Listen to the tape for the third time. Understand the whole dialogue fully andcheck if the answers are complete, especially pay attention to different structures of giving advice.3.Post-listening1)Guessing: Will Sara still be nervous about going after listen ing to Tina’sadvice?2)To ask students what useful expressions we can use to give advice and teacherwrite them on the blackboard.Step two Speaking1.Review the target function by giving students two situations.Situation1: Your friend is worried about theEnglish test the class is having on Friday. (giving some advice)Situation2: Your friend tries to cross the road and you see a car speeding towards him/ her.(giving some warnings)2.Have a discussion to make students list the rules for behavingproperly in the party and share the lists with all the classmates.Step three Homework:1. Review the expressions of giving advice, warnings and prohibitions.2. Write a short passage to persuade one of your relatives to give up smoking. The 4th Period Learning about languageTeaching aims:1. To get students to learn and master the usage of the new words and the useful expressions in the reading.2. To enable students to grasp the grammar: the use of “it”.Teaching procedures:Step one ReviewReview the main idea of the letter and the suggestions to quit smoking orally. Step two Word study1.Find words and expressions from the text and match.accustomed feeling foolish or uncomfortable because of somethingmanage stop doingashamed having an unborn child or young in the bodyautomatically pressure caused by the problems of living, too much work, etc. quit done without conscious thought, esp. as a habitstress in the habit of; used topregnant because ofmental succeed in doingadolescents of the minddue to a boy or girl in the period between being a child and an adult.plete the text with words from above. (Ex 1,P 20)1. Rice production has increased greatly in china over the last few years, largely _______super hybrid rice.2. Having lived in Hawaii all his life, he was not __________to the cold of Northern Europe.3. He was_________ of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.4. In spite of her wounded leg, she ________to get up the stairs.5. He told me the same story _____________ until I felt like screaming.6. With exams only a week away, I am under a lot of ______.7. When I ____________playing sport I become very fat and unhealthy.8._______health is as important as physical health.9. Now that I am __________ I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be born healthy.10.___________often take more risks than adults.Keys: 1.due to 2. accustomed 3. ashamed 4.manage 5.automatically 6.stress7.quit8. Mental 9. pregnant 10.Adolescents3. Complete the text with words from below. (Ex 2, P21)Before filling in the blacks, review the meaning of each with the whole class. adolescents 青少年 cigarettes 香烟quit 停止,戒 drugs毒品due to 归因于 stress压力eventually 终于 alcohol酒addicted 上瘾的 manage管理,努力做Smoking ________, drinking ______or taking other_______ produce many harmful effects and have no real benefits. So why do __________do it? Some because they believe it makes them look cool. Others think it will help with _________in their life possibly_____ pressure from their parents or teachers. Some just want to see what it is like. What they don’t realize is that they will get into the habit and ________become _______. It will then be difficult to _____the habit. A few people ________to quit easily but for many it is a very painful process. Of course, the best way to deal with these drugs is not to start in the first place.Keys: 1. cigarettes 2. alcohol 3. drugs 4. adolescents 5. stress 6. due to 7.eventually 8.addicted 9.quit 10.manageStep three Discovering useful structures1. Go over the first reading passage again and find out all sentences with “it”.a. It’s a beautiful day here---b. It’s a mazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.c. It’s my birthday in two weeks time---d. Your mother tells me that you have started smoking and that you are finding it difficult to give up.e. Believe me, I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how hard it is to stop.f. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it and ---g. As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it automatically.h. I think I was addicted in all three ways, so it was difficult to give up.i. I didn’t know it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that I was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.j. When I was taken off the school football team because I was too slow, I knew it was time to quit smoking.k. It might help you to stop.2. Discuss with their partner about the use of“it” (pairwork)3. Explain the use of it.“It” can be used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive, -ing form or a clause.Impersonal “it” can be used to talk about time, date, distance or weather4. Let students sort all the sentences.It stands for an infinitive: h.It stands for-ing formIt stands for time: c.It stands for date:It stands for distance:It stands for weather: a.It stands for others: d, e, f, g, I, j, k5. Explain and extend.It stands for an infinitive: h.I think I was addicted in all three ways, so it was difficult to give up.真正的主语to give up it形式主语 structure: it is+ adj.+ to do---补充1.手头边有个小笔记本是个好主意。

Unit 3 life in the future 说课稿尊敬的评委:早上好。
今天我说课的主题是必修五第三单元life in the future,第一篇课文First impressions我准备从教材,学情,教学,学法,教学过程,板书设计六方面来说。
一.说教材1. 未来生活在必修5 中是一个重要话题。
本课是一节泛读课,First impressions讲述了李强如何安全到达“未来世界”以及在“未来”的第一印象。
2. 新课标提出:英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富社会经历、开发思维能力和提高人文素养的过程。
基于教材和学情分析本课教学目标: 知识目标:让学生理解课文中心大意,并在文中巩固一些重要的词,短语,句子。
所以我采用了:1. 多媒体的使用,采用视频情境导入。

必修五Unit3 Life in the future---I HA VE SEEN AMAZING THINGS教学设计设计意图This is the second reading of this unit. The first reading is mainly about Li Qiang’s trip to the future and his first impressions of it. It mainly improve students’ rea ding ability. In this part, students learn to express their ideas about the future. At the end of the class, students can be in interested in the future life by expressing themselves in English.教学目标1. To introduce a passage about the amazing things and t rain students’ reading ability and writing ability.2.To help students express their ideas about the future freely through self-directed study and cooperation.3.To help students be interested in the future life教学重点1.Got students to master the key words, phrases and sentences.2.Help students understand the passage and learn to how to describe new things of the future.教学难点fHelp students describe the future life in English.教学方法Task-based Language Teaching Method学生学法Cooperative Learning Method, Task-based Language Learning Method教学器材Multimedia教学过程Step1 Lead-inT: Hello, everyone. In the last reading, we have learnt a letter which is about Li Qiang’s trip to the future and his first impressions of it. Now let us look at the following pictures and learn more the future things.(Talk about the pictures with your classmates )S: ……..T: Don’t you think they look amazing? Do you want to know more about amazing things? OK, turn to page 22.Step2 ReadingFast ReadingTask 1: Skim the text and answer the questions.1.How many stops did they visit?2.How many inventions did the guide introduce to us? What are they?(Ask two students to answer the two questions.)答案:1.Three.2.Three inventions: a thoughtpad, a machine and robots.Task 2:Read the text and find out the information below.Modern Inventions of the 31st CenturyOnly to be seen on the Space StationCommunication Waste Disposal Manufacturing invention thoughtpad manufacturing robotsadvantages NoneCome and see how they work today!( Find out the answers together)答案:Modern Inventions of the 31st CenturyOnly to be seen on the Space StationCommunication Waste Disposal Manufacturing invention thoughtpad a giant machine manufacturing robotsadvantages 1.efficient2.environmentallyfriendly1.disposes of the waste2.turns the rubbish intoseveral grades of usefulmaterial1.no waste2.no pollution3.no environmental damagedisadvantages Thoughts must be clear,or an unclear messagemay be sent.NonePeople must live and work inspace settlements to monitorthe robots and theproduction.Come and see how they work today!Careful Reading重点句子1.My first visit was to a space station considered the most modern in space.我首先参观的是一个太空站,这个站被认为是太空中最现代的地方。
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Unit 3 life in the future说课稿尊敬的评委:早上好。
今天我说课的主题是必修五第三单元life in the future,第一篇课文First impressions。
一.说教材1. 未来生活在必修5中是一个重要话题。
本课是一节泛读课,First impressions 讲述了李强如何安全到达“未来世界”以及在“未来”的第一印象。
2. 新课标提出:英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富社会经历、开发思维能力和提高人文素养的过程。
所以我采用了:1. 多媒体的使用,采用视频情境导入。
2. 略读(借助图片,每段首尾句),(带着中心词)查读,推断(根据课文提供的信息)3. 任务型教学法:围绕课文设计预测,连线,填词。
4,独立思考,同桌、小组讨论和合作的学习方法5. 学案辅助教学四.说教学设计:Teaching DesignStep1. Lead-inStep2.Reading1) Predicting2) Fast reading3) Careful readingStep3. Deep ComprehendingStep4. DiscussionStep5. SummaryStep6. Homework具体步骤如下:Step1 lead-in导入环节使用了视频,电影<变人中>的一小段。
主要是让学生对未来生活展开想象力,引起兴趣. 然后反问Do you want to know more about future?接着用一些图片吸引学生。
最后反问do you want to travel to future now?Step2. Reading1.Predicting (预测环节主要是让学生利用课文的图片思考文章中有可能出现的内容。
带着问题,中心词去文中查找)Task1. Answer questions1.Whose first impressions are these?2. Who guided my trip?3. How did he get to the year 3008?Task 2: Match the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1 Staying in Wang Ping’s homePara.2 My impressions of life in AD 3008Para.3 How I came to take a time travel journeyPara.4 The journey3. Careful-reading(仔细阅读设计了两个活动。
)Task1. Fill in the blanks(设计了一个表格,让学生填词,降低了难度,同时结合了本单元的语法--过去分词做状语从而进步掌握文章的重点句)Step4. Deep comprehending(深层理解部分一是对难句分析并翻译, 二是基于文章事实做一个推断题。
)Task1. TranslationHowever, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.然而,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,由于有太多车子向四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。
Task2.What can you infer from the passage?A. Global warming still exists in AD 3008. Before the journey ________about the journey, I was __________for the first few days. as a result, he suffered from “ time lag ”. During the journey The surroundings were difficult to tolerate. ______by a _____ of fresh air and his head ______. Collect a hovering carriage __________by computer. After the journey Li was showed into a large bright, clean room with a green wall made of______. Exhausted, he _____ into bed and _____ fast asleep.B. Everyone would have to put on a mask when they went outside in the futureC. In the year AD 3008, the air in private houses was poor quality.D. Li Qiang regretted having traveled tothe year AD 3008.Step 5.Discussion: the writer’s view of futurePessimistic or optimisticReasons:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Pessimistic:1. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.2. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.3. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached1.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.(讨论环节的设计是让学生通过讨论,深刻理解作者的观点,需要从课文中找出证据。
)Step6. Summary (走向高考)The passage is about Li Qiang’s future journey in a time capsule. He traveled to AD 3008. He was unsettled as ______result of suffering from “time lag”But his guide , Wang Ping gave him some _________ (tablet) which helped a lot. It took only a few minutes ______ they came to 1,000 years in the future. At first his new ____________(surround) were difficult to tolerate . Hit by a lack ______ fresh air, his head ached. But after putting on a mask , he felt ________(good) in no time. He collected a hovering carriage __________(float) above the ground. He caught _________(sight) of Wang Ping and flew after him to Wang Ping’s house, ________everything was strange. The wall was made of trees, which provided the room with oxygen. Exhausted, he ______(slide) into bed and fell asleep.(联系高考设计了词汇语法填空,这10个空,分别冠词,名词的单复数,连词,固定短语中的介词,形容词比较级,固定词组,非谓语动词和动词的时态着手,目的一是对课文再次从整体把握中心,在文中对重点词汇,短语,句子进行巩固,二是平时的阅读也要要向高考靠拢。