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For students in Ruichang, Jiangxi Province, the first class after the November 26, 2005 earthquake was special.

All the lessons were about earthquake safety. Teachers told students earthquake ABC and showed them what to do during a disaster(灾难). There was neither a ringing bell nor a classroom for these earthquake learners. The weekend earthquake destroyed many buildings at their school, so students had classes on the playground.

Not just students in Ruichang suffered from the disaster.

The quake hit Jiangxi’s northern areas between Jiujiang and Ruichang. It also affected(影响) neighbouring Hubei, Anhui and Hunan provinces.

The earthquake killed more than ten people and injured more than 8,000 in above provinces.

Many students in the disaster areas were living in tents (帐篷) and having classes in the open amid(在……中) cold winds.

People all over the country gave their help. The government sent seven teams to the worst-hit areas with food, water and tents. Wonder what you could do? You could send money or clothes to those in trouble. Or you might volunteer to work with other people, groups or organizations that were helping out.

“Since the earthquake, I realize what we learn about earthquakes in textbooks can be very important,” said 14-year-old Yang Siyi from Jiangxi. “I’ll spread what I know to everyone around me in case of(以防) any possible disaster in the future. Choose the best answer according to the passage.

( )1. The first class was about _______ after November 26, 2005 in all the schools in Ruichang, Jiangxi Province.

A. earthquake

B. earthquake safety

C. helping and supporting

D. going to visit injured people

( )2. How many provinces did the earthquake affect at least?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five.

( )3. The underlined(划线的) word “spread” means “_______”.

A. make sth. known widely

B. keep sth. secretly

C. announce

D. speak out


Is human blood all the same? “Yes,” you may say. “It’s all red.”

Well, it’s not as simple as you might think.

Blood is made up of different parts, such as red blood cells(红血球), white blood cells and platelets(血小板).

Two chemical molecules(分子) on the red blood cells make people’s blood different. Scientists mark one molecule “A” and the other molecule “B”. According to which and how many molecules are on the red cell, scientists divide blood into four types: A, B, AB and O.

Your blood type will stay the same all your life.

Scientists have been wondering if there are some links(联系) between people’s blood types and their personalities(个性), but they don’t know for sure yet.

But some say that people with the same blood type may have things in common.

What’s your blood type? Do you have family members or friends who are of the same type as you? Read the following.

People with type A: They look peaceful from the outside. But they ask too much of themselves that they may be very nervous inside. They get happy or sad easily. Sometimes they are shy but always very careful. They can easily win people’s trust(信任).

People with type B: They have strong minds. Once they start a task, they don’t give up easily. They’ll try their best to finish it and do it well. Type B people always try to make themselves different from others. They want to do things in their own way.

People with type AB: They are maybe the strangest among all blood types. They can be both open and shy, noisy and quiet at the same time! They are

responsible(负责的) and always ready to help others.

People with type O:They’re open and good at making friends. They always start tasks but don’t always finish them. They have lots of new ideas and love to be the centre of attention. They always strongly believe in themselves.

Choose the best answer according to the passage.

( )1. The passage mainly talks about _______.

A. blood types

B. personalities

C. blood types and personalities

D. scientific research on blood
