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对话部分的场景设置大致可分为8 种(以2005-2012 年专业四级考试为分析对象):场景一:面试招聘

此类场景在对话听力考试中共出现过 3 次,由于该场景的词汇简单,且招聘与面试是几乎每个学生都要接触到的事件,所以该场景在专四听力对话试题中出现的频率较大。


A. 校园与专业:major in 专业(动),major 主修,minor 辅修,courses 课程,courses taken 所学课程‘recreational activities 娱乐活动,interest 兴趣,academic activities 学术活动,president 校长,dean 院长,professor 教授,degree 学

位,post doctorate 博士后,doctor 博士, master 硕士, bachelor 学士, university 大学,educational background 教育背景, curriculum 课程, scholarship 奖学金, subject 科目, specialization 专业, specialized 专业的, specialize in 专业(动), social practice 社会实践

B. 工作与经历 :objective 目标,career objective 职业目标,position wanted 希望的职位,due to (close-down of company, expiry of employment …)由于(公司倒闭,雇佣期满…),work experience 工作经历,occupational history 工作经历,link with 与...有关,employment 雇佣,achievements 成就,accomplish 完成,appointed 被任命, adept in 善于,assistant助理,break the record 打破纪录,be promoted to 被提升为,be proposed as被提名为

C. 个人品质:adaptable适应性强的,ambitious雄心壮志的,amiable和蔼的,analytical善于分析的,apprehensive 有理解力的,capable有能力的,careful小心谨慎的,competent有能力的,constructive建设性的,cooperative合作的, creative 创造性的, dedicated 奉献的, disciplined 守纪律的, well-educated 受过良好教育的, efficient 有效

率的, energetic 精力充沛的, enthusiastic 充满热情的, expressive 善于表达的, generous 慷慨大方的, genteel 有教养的,independent独立的‘intelligen t聪明的,modest谦虚的,precise精确的‘responsible负责的,strict严格的, temperate 温和的


Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. (TEM4-2007)

Now, listen to the conversation.

1. At the university Mr. Robinson specialized in

A. maths.

B. physics.

C. water management.

D. geography.

2. Mr. Robinson worked for the Indian Government because of

A. university links.

B. government agreements.

C. company projects.

D. degree requirements.

3. After Mr. Robinson returned from India, he

A. changed jobs several times.

B. went to live in Manchester.

C. did similar work as in India.

D. became head of a research team.

Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation,

you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. (TEM-2011)

Now, listen to the conversation.

4. John has worked in all the following places EXCEPT

A. a book shop.

B. a paper factory.

C. a school.

D. a fastfood restaurant.

5. From the conversation, we learn that John

A. has no interest.

B. has only one interest.

C. has two interests.

D. has quite a few interests.

6. Sue Green seems to be more interested in John's experience of

A. working in a paper factory

B. working in a youth club.

C. looking after his brother and sister

D. looking after his young friends.


1. M: I went to the Manchester University and got an engineering degree, with water management as my

specialization.由划线部分可知Mr. Robinson的专业是water management,因此第一题选择C.

2. M: No, no. My university had links with an Indian Engineering University. So it was organized at that level.

Mr. Robinson为印度政府工作是因为他的大学和印度的一所工程大学有联系,固第二题选择 A.

3. M: No. It was a three-year water irrigation project.

M: Ah, I' m working n water irrigation again, this time as a project researcher assistant. 听至寸again 和this

time,可推断出第三题选 C.

4. M: Yes, I had a job in a paper factory for a few months after I left school. Then I worked in the summer holidays

in the university, first in a fastfood restaurant, then in a book shop. 只有学校没有被提至U, 因此第四题选择C.

5. M: Interests? Well, I like traveling. I play a lot of sports and I play the piano. 由戈H线部分可知他的兴趣爱


6. W: A youth club?此处疑问语气,表示感兴趣,好奇。第六题选择 B.





A. 新生报道:facilities 设施,departments 系,campus 校园‘Common Room/House 公共休息室,corridor 走廊,the ground floor 一楼,canteen 食堂,dining hall 食堂,cafeteria 自助餐厅,accommodation 住宿,dorm/dormitory 宿

舍,laboratory/lab 实验室,auditorium 会堂,gymnasium/gym 体育馆,Recreation Center 娱乐中心,attendance出

勤,homesickness想家,financial 财务的,too high expectations 期望值太高

B. 选课:course课程,lectures 大课,讲座,selective/elective/optional 选修的,prerequisite/required/compulsory 必修的,fundamental/elementary/basic/Level 1/beginning/primary 基础的,intermediate/secondary 中级的,advanced 高级的,semester/term学期

C. 论文及考试:paper 论文,score/points/marks/grades 分数,supervise 监督,revise/rewrite 修改,summary 总结, research研究,deadline 最后期限,theoretical 理论的

D. 图书馆:catalog/catalogue 目录,deadline/date of expiry 最后期限,due至U期,overdue and pay a fine 过期并
