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微博 @鬼谷源自文库喵
..比...更能满足...的需要:It seems that...can better satisfy ....than.... 仿写: 经典文化比通俗文化更能满足人民群众的需要。 It seems that classical culture can better satisfy the demands of people than popular culture.
微博 @鬼谷一喵
仿写: 只要不放弃,就有希望。 As long as you don’t give up, there is hope. 7)就吾弟个人而言,可谓忠孝两全。 as far as you yourself are concerned, this will be an expression of both loyalty and filial piety. 提炼: As far as sb. be concerned,…… 仿写: 就我而言,他们很反对它。 As far as i am concerned, they are strongly against it. 8)你想孩子小时不教育,长大能好得了?! You see, if a child is not brought up properly from infancy, you cannot expect him to grow up in the right way, can you? 提炼: If ..., you cannot expect sb. to do sth. 仿写: 若你不守信,你的朋友会相信你?! If you do not keep faith, you cannot expect your friends to trust you, can you? 9)主人得价疾行,待我城西二十里大树下。 As soon as you get the money, get away from here quickly and wait for me under a big tree about twenty R west of town. 提炼: As soon as+状从 仿写: 他一做完课堂作业,就跑出了教室。 As soon as he finishes his classwork, he runs out of the class. 10)方便是方便,可就是没有一样是你们自己的。 Though they make your life easy and comfortable, none of them belongs to you in the rest sense of the word. 提炼:Though ... 仿写:Though the outside world is in chaos, you can have your own peace. 11)在喧嚣的日子,在钢筋棍凝土的单元里,守着一坛平静的心情,酝酿着古老而纯朴的乡 下味道. Amid the hustle and bustle of our everyday life and in the apartment of reinforced concrete, the pot stood there by itself, brewing an old and simple flavor. 提炼: 在....中间 :Amid ... 仿写 Amidthe hustle and bustle of our everyday life, she lives a peaceful life. 12)母亲突然大笑起来,笑着笑着,流出了一脸泪。我和妻子也流了泪。 Mother burst into laughter, and then into tears, as my wife and I shared with her all her sorrow and joy. 提炼: 伴随/也:as...
主语从句/it 做形式主语类 1)后来忽然有人发明了一个方法,就是把植物的种子放在要解剖的头盖骨里,给它以温度 与湿度,使它发芽。 It so happened that, at the suggestion of someone, some seeds of plant were placed inside a human skull awaiting dissection before heat and moisture were applied to cause them to grow. 提炼: It so happens that 碰巧发生某事,so 表强调,说明事情发生的偶然程度。 仿写: 事情就是这么巧,我和他生日同一天。 It so happens that we have the same birthday. 注:句中“将…未…”的表达较好 2)像苏东坡说的“月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间”,完全是我无法想象的。 It was beyond my wildest dream to understand what the poet Su Dongpo said in his poem: "The moon rises above the Eastern Mountain and lingers between the Southern Dipper and Altair." 提炼: It was beyond my wildest dream to do … 仿写: 成为著名小说家,完全是我无法想象的。 It was beyond my wildest dream to become a famous novelist. 3)而且我这样大年纪的人,难道还不能料理自己吗? Besides, it was certainly no problem for a person of my age to look after himself. 提炼: 对于我这样年纪的人来说,...是没问题的:it is certainly no problem for a person of my age to do sth. 仿写: 我已经 20 岁了,对于我这样年纪的人来说独自外出旅行是没有问题的。 I am already 20,it is certainly no problem for a person of my age to travel alone 4)要坐轮船坐飞机,自然也有办法. It stands to reason that I can go by steamer or aircraft if I care to. 提炼: .....也是合情合理的/也是自然的: It stands to reason that ..... 仿写: 显然,如果你通情达理,对人友善,纳闷你肯定会获得多回报 It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back. 5)对你来说,这不算什么;可对我来说,却可以减轻不少负担。
when I heard…,it was like…. 仿写: 听见这个坏消息,如同一把刀插进了心里。 When I heard this bad news, it was like a dagger stuck in my heart. 3)它只把果子埋在地底,等到成熟,才容人把它挖出来。 It does not show itself until you dig it out when it is ripe. 提炼:not...until+从句 仿写:她一直等到女儿回来才去睡觉。 She didn’t go to bed until her daughter came back. 4)只有在我过度劳累的时候,在我长时间不间断地工作的时侯,在我感到内心空虚、需要充 实的时候,我才会感到寂寞。 I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. 提炼: 主句+ only when +从句 仿写: 只有在忙碌过后来个小憩我才会感到满足。 I feel satisfied only when I have a snap after busy work. 5)这好处我到了离学校以后才知道。 It was not until I had already left school that I began to realize this advantage. 提炼:直到.....某人才意识到....: It was not until....that sb began to realize 仿写:离家之时才理解了“儿行千里母担忧”。
It is nothing for you but is a big relief for me. 提炼:
It is nothing for you but is … for me. 仿写: 对你来说,这不算什么;可对我来说,却是难忘的记忆。
It is nothing for you but is an forgettable memory for me. 6)借来的书,在我好像过不来瘾似的,必要是自己买的才满足。 It seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed. 提炼:.
It was not until I left home that I began to realize the meaning of old saying,A mother always worries about her son while he is thousand miles away from home. 6)然则只要竖起天线,捕捉乐观的信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉得年轻 As long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there’s hope you may die young at 80. 提炼: As long as+从句,there is sth.
微博 @鬼谷一喵
仿写: She jumped out of the car as I was drving carefully.
比较句类 1)它比逢年过节还使鲁迅兴奋。 To young lu xun it was even more thrilling than the new year holiday or a festival. 提炼: Sth. is adj.( 比较级) than… 仿写: 对学生来说,在公众面前发言比面对面说话更具挑战性。 To students to speak in public is more challenging than face to face. 2)在我这个小孩子眼中,虽不能像洞庭湖“八月湖水平”那样有气派,但也颇有一点烟波浩 渺之势。 In the eyes of a kid such as me, those ponds were not as magnificent as Lake Dongting whose "waters in August are placid," but they did seem to extend far and wide. 提炼:
状语从句类 1)隔了这么久,恐怕连谢罪自谴的有效期也早过了吧。 The reply has been delayed for so long that I'm afraid even a heartfelt apology has already lost its power. 提炼: So…that… 仿写: 这里人太多,我找不到她。 There are so many people that I can’t find her. 2)接着听见了它有力的鸣声,如同一个巨大的心的呼号 And when I heard its piercing cry, it was like a terrible cry from the heart. 提炼: