
1、assets(资产):economicresources owned by the business that will benefit futureoperation,GAAP requires theyare valued at cost,notmarketvalue.2、Liabilities(负债):aredebets,the person or persons to whom they are owed are calledcreditors.3、Shareholders’equity(所有者权益):Creditors have legalpriority over theowners’claims.theshareholders’equity is theresidual amount.4、Revenues(收入):are increasesin stockholders’equityresulting from the costs ofselling goods,rending servicesor performing other businessactivities5、Expenses(费用):are decreasesin stockholders’equityresulting from the costs ofselling goods,rending serviceser performing other businessactivities.6、Balance sheet(资产负债表):is alisting of a company’s assets, liabilities and owners’ equity on a given date.it is designedto portray the financialposition of the company at aparticular time.7、Statement of owner’s equity(所有者权益表):shows the changestake place in the owner’scapital during a period of time net income or notloss.withdrawals,and owner’sinvestment for a business.8、Cash flow statement(现金流量表):reports cash receipt andpayments as well as cashinflows and actflows in threegroups:operatingactivites.investingactivites.and financingactivites.9、The income statement(利润表):reports the net income or nerless for the income: revenues-expenses.10、Accrual accounting(权责发生制):requires adjustment for prepaid unearned and accrued items thereforeit reports revenues when earnedand expenses when the expiration of benefit incurred.11、The matching rule(配比原则):states that expenses must be assigned to the accounting period in which they are used to produce revenue.12.going concern principle(持续经营):assumes that a business will continue for an indefinite period.13. time period principle(会计期间):an entity’s activities are divided into specific time periods.such as a year14. full disclosure(充分批露原则):financial statements must report all relevant information about the operations and financial position of the entity15.Consistency principle(一致性原则):an entry must use the same accounting methods period after period so that the financial statements of succeeding period will be comparable.16.materiality principle(重要性原则):an amount may be ignored if its affect on the financialstatements is not important to its users.17.conservatism principle(稳健性原则):the least optimistic estimate should be selected when two estimates of amounts to be received or paid are aboutequality likely;it is better to understate than over values.18.busniness entity principle(会计主体):each entity must keep accounting records and people reports that are distinct from those of the owner and any other entity.19.。

The accountant described his work to the sales staff.雇会计划得来。
It would pay (you) to use an accountant.他已由仓库调到会计室任职。
He has transferredfrom the warehouse to the accounts office.会计拐走了俱乐部的资金。
The treasurer has run off with the club's funds.会计科已完全计算机化了。
The accounts section has been completely computerized.我们的经理精通会计制度。
Our manager is conversant with account system.通过分析虚假会计报告的成因,提出了治理会计报告中虚假会计信息的对策。
The ctmse of the mendacious financial report is analyzed in this paper.会计信息资源是通过会计核算建造的人造资源;It is manmade resources by the wag of accounting.会计学就是一部会计伦理学。
Accounting science is accounting ethics.会计的双语例句1. The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants.被解雇的管理人员包括前销售经理、主管和会计。

accounting会计 financial position财务状况 stockholder股东investor 投资者 creditor 债务人 financial strength财务实力financial report财务报告 accounting process会计过程financial accounting财务会计 managerial accounting管理会计auditing 审计cost accounting 成本会计 tax returns纳税申报单Financial statement财务报表 balance sheet资产负债表Income statement 收益表 statement of cash flow现金流量表Liabilities 负债 asset 资产 owners’ equity 所以者权益Accounting equation 会计等式 current asset 流动资产Long-term asset 长期资产 cash 现金 liquidity 变现能力Accounts receivable 应收账款 fixed assets 固定资产Depreciable asset 应折旧资产 original cost 原始成本Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧 intangible asset 无形资产Goodwill 商誉 Notes payable 应付票据 current liability流动负债Accounts payable应付账款 bonds payable 应付债券 partnership 合伙Sole proprietorship 独资 corporation股份有限公司 capital stock股本Retained earnings留存收益 undistributed earnings 未分配收益Board of directors 董事会 dividend payable 应付股利 revenue 收入Expense 费用 Cost of goods sold销货成本 operating result 经营成本Operating Expense营业费用 sales returns and allowances 销货退回及折让Sales discounts 销货折扣 gross sales 销售总额 net sales 销售净额Beginning inventory期初存货 net purchase购货净额Ending inventory期末存货 purchase discounts购货折让purchase returns and allowances购货退还及折让transportation in购货运费 transportation out 销货运费cost of goods available for sale 可供销售的商品成本gross profit on sales 销售毛利 selling expense销售费用advertising expense 广告费用 administration expense 管理费用depreciation expense 折旧费 ledger 分类账 account 账户double-entry bookkeeping system 复式记账法source document 原始凭证 check stub 支票存根 journal 日记账post 过账 chart of accounts 账户一览表 subsidiary ledger明细分类账perpetual inventory system 永续盘存制uncollectible accounts expense 坏账费用loss from uncollectible accounts坏账损失loss from doubtful accounts 呆账损失bad debts expense 坏账费用 direct write-off method 直接销账法allowance method 备抵法allowance for uncollectible accounts备抵坏账specific identification 具体辨认weighted average 加权平均 first-in,first-out 先进先出last-in,first-out 后进先出 periodic inventory system 定期盘存制depletion折耗 amortization 摊销 equivalent 等同straight-line method 直线折旧法sum-of-the-year’s digits method 年数总和法double-declining-balance method 双倍递减法accelerated depreciation method 加速折旧法authorized stock 额定股本 issued stock 已发股本treasury stock 库存股本 outstanding stock 外发股本common stock 普通股 preferred stock优先股stock-option 股票期权 cash dividend 现金股利stock dividend 股票股利job order cost accounting分批成本会计process cost accounting 分步成本会计cost center 成本中心 conversion cost加工成本equivalent units 约当产量。

会计英语第一章Exercises1-1The following selected transactions were completed by Castle Delivery Service during November:(1)Received cash from owner as investment ,$2,000.(2)Paid advertising expense ,$500.(3)Purchased supplies of gas and oil for cash , $750.(4)Received cash from cash customers $2,500.(5)Paid creditors on account $480.(6)Paid cash to owner for personal use ,$600.Indicate the effect of each transactions on the accounting equation by a check mark listing theTranslation:1-1下列交易事项挑选自Castle Delivery Service公司十一月份的交易:(1)收到投资者现在投资2000美元(2)支付广告费500美元(3)现在购买汽和油,750美元(4)从购买者收到现金收入2500美元(5)偿还债权人借款480美元(6)支付现金给所有者作为个人用途600美元1-2Foreman Corporation, engaged in a service business , completed the following selected transactions during the period:1)Added additional investment, receiving cash2)Purchased supplies on account3)Returned defective supplies purchased on account and not yet paid for4)Received cash as a refund from the erroneous overpayment of an expense5)Charged customers for services sold on account6)Paid salary expense7)Paid a creditor on account8)Received cash on account from charge customer9)Paid cash for the owner’s personal use10)Determined the amount of supplies used during the monthTranslation :Foreman是一家从事服务行业的公司,以下是该公司在一段时间内的交易事项。

1.Accounting(会计)The process of indentifying, recording, summarizing and reporting economic information to decision makers.2.Financial accounting(财务会计)The field of accounting that serves external decision makers, such as stockholders, suppliers, banks and government agencies.3.Management accounting(管理会计)The field of accounting that serves internal decision makers, such as top executives, department heads and people at other management levels within an organization.4.Annual report(年报)A combination of financial statements, management discussion and analysis and graphs and charts that is provided annually to investors.5.Balance sheet (statement of financial position, statement of financial condition)(资产负债表)A financial statement that shows the financial status of a business entity at a particular instant in time.6.Balance sheet equation(资产负债方程式)Assets = Liabilities + Owners' equity.7.Assets(资产)Economic resources that are expected to help generate future cash inflows or help reduce future cash outflows.8.Liabilities (负债)Economic obligations of the organization to outsiders ,or claims against its assets by outsiders.9.Owners’ equity (所有者权益)The residual interest in the organization’s assets after deducting liabilities.10.Notes payable (应付票据)Promissory notes that are evidence of a debt and state the terms of payment.11.Entity (实体)An organization or a section of an organization that stands apart from other organization and individuals as a separate economics unit.12.Transaction (交易)Any event that both affects the financial position of an entity and be reliably recorded in money terms.13.Inventory (存货)Goods held by a company for the purpose of sale to customers.14.Account (帐户)A summary record of the changes in a particular assets, liability, or owner’ equity.15. Account payable (应付帐款)A liability that results from a purchase of goods or services on account.17.Creditor (债权人)A person or entity to whom money is owed.18.Debtor (债务人)A person or entity that owes money to another.19.Sole proprietorship (个体经营、独资经营)A separate organization with a single owner.20.Partnership (合伙)A form of organization that joins two or more individuals together as co-owners(共有人).21.Corporation (公司)A business organization that is created by individual state laws.22.Limited liability (有限责任)A feature of the corporate form of organization whereby corporate creditors ordinarily have claims against the corporate assets only.23.Publicly owned (公有)A corporation in which shares in the ownership are sold to the public.24.Privately owned (私有)A corporation owned by a family, a small group of shareholders, or a single individual, in which shares of ownership are not publicly sold.25.Stockholders’ equity (shareholders’ equity) (股东权益)Owners’ equity of a corporation. The excess of assets over liabilities of a corporation.26.Paid-in capital(实际投入资本)The total capital investment in a corporation by its owners both at and subsequent to the inception of business.27.Par value(票面值)The nominal dollar amount printed on stock certificates.29.Auditor (审计师)A person who examines the information used by managers to prepare the financial statements and attests to the credibility of those statements.31.Audit (审计)An examination of transactions and financial statement made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.33. Fiscal year (会计、财政年度)The year established for accounting purposes.34.Interim periods (中期)The time spans established for accounting purposes that are less than a year.35.Revenues(sales) (收入OR商品销售收入)Increases in owners’ equity arising from increases in assets received in exchange for the delivery of goods or services to customers.36.Expenses (费用)Decreases in owners’ equity that arise because goods or services are delivered to customers.37.Income (profit ,earnings) (收益、利润)The excess of revenues over expenses.39.Accrual basis (应计制、权责发生制)Accounting method that recognizes the impact of transactions on the financial statements in the time periods when revenues and expenses occur.40.Cash basis (收付实现制)Accounting method that recognizes the impact of transactions on the financial statements only when cash is received or disbursed.43.Cost of goods sold (cost of sales) (销售成本)The original acquisition cost of the inventory that was sold to customers during the reporting period.44.Matching (配比)The recording of expenses in the same time period as the related revenues are recognized.47.Depreciation (折旧)The systematic allocation of the acquisition cost of long-lived of fixed assets to the expenses accounts of particular periods that benefit from the use of the assets. income (净利润)The remainder after all expenses has been deducted from revenues.49.Income statement (statement of earnings, operating statement) (收益表)A report of all revenues and expenses pertaining to a specific time period.50.Statement of cash flows (cash flow statement) (现金流量表)A required statement that reports the cash receipts and cash payments of an entity during a particular period. loss (净损失)The difference between revenues and expenses when expenses exceed revenues.52.Cash dividends (现金股利)Distribution of cash to stockholders that reduce retained income.53.Statement of retained income (利润分配表)A statement that lists the beginning balance in retained income, followed by a description of any changes that occurred during the period, and the ending balance.54.Statement of income and retained income (收入及利润分配表)A statement that included a statement of retained income at the bottom of an income statement.55.Earnings per share (EPS) (每股收益)Net income divided by average number of common shares outstanding.56.Price-earnings ratio (P-E) (市盈率)Market price per share of common stock divided by earnings per share of common stock.57.Dividend-yield ratio (股息率)Common dividends per share dividend by market price per share.58.Dividend-payout ratio (派息率)Common dividends per share dividend by earnings per share.59.Double-entry system (复试记账法)The method usually followed for recording transactions, whereby at least two accounts are always affected by each transaction.60.Ledger (分类账)The records for a group of related accounts kept current in asystematic manner.61.General ledger (总分类账)The collection of accounts that accumulates the amounts reported in the major financial statements.62.T-account (T形账户)Simplified version of ledger accounts that takes the form of the capital letter T.63.Balance (余额)The difference between the total left-side and right-side amounts in an account at any particular time.64.Debit (借方)An entry or balance on the left side of an account.65.Credit (贷方)An entry or balance on the right side of an account.66.Charge (Debit)A word often used instead of debit.67.Source documents (原始凭证)The supporting original records of any transactions.68.Book of original entry (原始分录帐本)A formal chronological record of how the entity’s transactions affect the balances in pertinent accounts.69.General journal (普通日记账)The most common example of a book of original entry; a complete chronological record of transactions.70.Trial balance (试算表)A list of all accounts in the general ledger with their balance.71.Journalizing (记入分类帐)The process of entering transactions into the journal.72.Journal entry (日记帐分录)An analysis of the affects of a transaction on the accounts, usually accompanied by an explanation.81.Accumulated depreciation (allowance for depreciation) (累计折旧)The cumulative sum of all depreciation recognized since the date of acquisition of the particular assets described.82.Data processing 数据处理The totality to the procedures used to record, analyze store, and report on chosen activities.83.Explicit transactions (显性交易)Events such as cash receipts and disbursements, credit purchases, and credit sales that trigger nearly all day-to-day routine entries.84.Implicit transactions (非显性交易)Events (such as the passage of time) that do not generate source documents or visible evidence of the event and are not recognized in the accounting records until the end of an accounting period.85.Adjustments (adjusting entries) (调帐)End-of-period entries that assign the financial effects of implicit transactions to the appropriate time periods.86.Accrue (应计)To accumulate a receivable or payable during a given periodeven though no explicit transactions occurs.87.Unearned revenue (revenue received in advance, deferred revenue, deferred credit) (未实现收入)Revenue received and recorded before it is earned.88.Pretax income (税前利润)Income before income taxes.89.Classified balance sheet (分类资产负债表)A balance sheet that groups the accounts into subcategories to help readers quickly gain a perspective on the company’s financial position.90.Current assets (流动资产)Cash plus assets that are expected to be converted to cash or sold or consumed during the next 12 months or within the normal operating cycle if longer that a year.91.Current liabilities (流动负债)Liabilities that fall due within the coming year or within the normal operating cycle if longer than a year.92.Working capital (营运资金、资本)The excess of current assets over current liabilities.93.Solvency (偿付能力)An entity’s ability to meet its immediate financial obligations as they become due.94.Current ratio (working capital ratio) (流动比率)Current assets divided by current liabilities.Current ratio = Current assets / Current liabilities.95.Report format (报表格式之一)A classified balance sheet with the assets at the top. Example:Balance Sheet, January 31,20X2Assets 1999 1998Current assetsCashAccounts receivable……Total current assetsLong-term assetsStore equipmentAccumulated depreciationTotal assetsLiabilities and Owners’ Equity 1999 1998 Current liabilitiesNote payableAccounts payable…Total current liabilities Stockholder’s equityPaid-in capitalRetained incomeTotal liabilities and owners’ equity96.Account format (报表格式之二)A classified balance sheet with the assets at the left. Example:Balance Sheet, January 31,20X2Assets Liabilities and Owners’ EquityCurrent assets Current liabilitiesCash Note payableAccounts receivable Accounts payable… …Total current assets Total current liabilitiesLong-term assets Stockholder’s equityStore equipment Paid-in capitalAccumulated depreciation Retained incomeTotal Total97.Single-step income statement (单一步骤收入表)An income statement that groups all revenues together and then lists and deducts all expenses together without drawing any intermediate subtotals.98.Multiple-step income statement (复合步骤收入表)An income statement that contains one or more subtotals that highlight significant relationships.99.Gross profit (gross margin) (毛利)The excess of sales revenue over the cost of the inventory that was sold.100.Operating income (operating profit) (营业收入)Gross profit less all operating expenses.101.Profitability (收益能力)The ability of a company to provide investors with a particular rate of return on their investment.102.Gross profit percentage (gross margin percentage) (毛利率)Gross profit divided by sales.Gross profit percentage=Gross profit / Sales103.Return on sales ratio (销售收益率)Net income divided by sales,104.Return on stockholders’ equity ratio (股东权益收益率)Net income divided by invested capital (measured by average stockholder’s equity)。

会计专业英语词汇会计专业英语词汇大全会计专业的'基础词汇会计accounting会计职能accountingfunction会计核算financialaccounting会计控制accountingcontrol会计学科accountingscience会计职业accountingprofession非营利组织会计non-profitorganizationaccounting 企业会计enterpriseaccounting财务会计financialaccounting成本会计costaccounting管理会计managementaccounting税务会计taxaccounting审计audit电算化会计computerizedaccounting会计信息accountinginformation会计目标accountingobjective企业会计准则accountingcriteriaforenterprises存货会计准则inventoryaccounting长期股权投资会计准则accountingstandards,long-termequityinvestment投资性房地产会计准则investmentpropertyaccountingstandards固定资产会计准则fixedassetsaccountingstandards生物资产会计准则biologicalassetsaccountingstandards无形资产会计准则intangibleassetsaccountingstandards非货币性资产交换会计准则ofnon-monetaryassets,theexchangeofaccountingstandards部门的称谓市场部MarketingDepartment销售部SalesDepartment客户服务CustomerService人事部HumanResourcePersonnelDepartment行政部AdministrationDepartment财务部MinistryofFinance/FinancialDepartment产品供应ProductSupply人员的称谓助理Assistant秘书Secretary前台接待小姐Receptionist文员clerk会计文员为AccountingClerk主任supervisor经理Manager总经理GM,GeneralManager总监Director总会计师FinanceControllerSeniorManager高级经理VP(VicePresident)副总裁FVP(FirstVicePresident)第一副总裁AVP(AssistantVicePresident)副总裁助理CEO(ChiefExecutiveOfficer)首席执行官COO(ChiefOperationsOfficer)首席运营官CFO(ChiefFinancialOfficer)首席财务官CIO(ChiefInformationOfficer)首席信息官HRD(HumanResourceDirector)人力资源总监OD(OperationsDirector)运营总监(MarketingDirector)市场总监OM(OperationsManager)运作经理PM(ProductionManager)生产经理(ProductManager)产品经理。

常用会计英语词汇基本词汇1. account账户,报表2. account ing postula te 会计假设3. account ing valuati on 会计计价4. account abilit y concept经营责任概念5. account ancy 会计职业6. account ant 会计师7. account ing 会计8. agencycost 代理成本9. account ing bases 会计基础10. account ing manual会计手册11. account ing period会计期间12. account ing policie s 会计方针13. account ing rate of return会计报酬率14. account ing referen ce date 会计参照日15. account ing referen ce period会计参照期间16. accrual concept应计概念17. accrual expense s 应计费用18. acid test ratio 速动比率(酸性测试比率)19. acquisi tion 收购20. acquisi tion account ing 收购会计21. adjusti ng events调整事项22. adminis trativ e expense s 行政管理费23. amortiz ation摊销24. analyti cal review分析性复核25. annualequival ent cost 年度等量成本法26. annualreportand account s 年度报告和报表27. apprais al cost 检验成本28. appropr iation account盈余分配账户29. article s of associa tion 公司章程细则30. assets资产31. assetscover 资产担保32. asset value per share 每股资产价值33. associa ted company联营公司34. attaina ble standar d 可达标准35. attribu tableprofit可归属利润36. audit 审计37. audit report审计报告38. auditin g standar ds 审计准则39. authori zed share capital额定股本40. availab le hours 可用小时41. avoidab le costs 可避免成本42. back-to-back loan 易币贷款43. backflu sh account ing 倒退成本计算44. bad debts 坏帐45. bad debts ratio 坏帐比率46. bank charges银行手续费47. bank overdra ft 银行透支48. bank reconci liatio n 银行存款调节表49. bank stateme nt 银行对账单50. bankrup tcy 破产51. basis of apporti onment分摊基础52. batch 批量53. batch costing分批成本计算54. beta factorB (市场)风险因素B55. bill 账单56. bill of exchang e 汇票57. bill of lading提单58. bill of materia ls 用料预计单59. bill payable应付票据60. bill receiva ble 应收票据61. bin card 存货记录卡62. bonus 红利63. book-keeping薄记64. Bostonclassif icatio n 波士顿分类65. breakev en chart 保本图66. breakev en point 保本点67. breakin g-down time 复位时间68. budget预算69. budgetcenter预算中心70. budgetcost allowan ce 预算成本折让71. budgetmanual预算手册72. budgetperiod预算期间73. budgeta ry control预算控制74. budgete d capacit y 预算生产能力75. busines s center经营中心76. busines s entity营业个体77. busines s unit 经营单位78. by-product副产品79. called-up share capital催缴股本80. capacit y 生产能力81. capacit y ratios生产能力比率82. capital资本83. capital assetspricing model 资本资产计价模式84. capital commitm ent 承诺资本85. capital employe d 已运用的资本86. capital expendi ture 资本支出87. capital expendi ture authori zation资本支出核准88. capital expendi ture control资本支出控制89. capital expendi ture proposa l 资本支出申请90. capital funding plannin g 资本基金筹集计划91. capital gain 资本收益92. capital investm ent apprais al 资本投资评估93. capital mainten ance 资本保全94. capital resourc e plannin g 资本资源计划95. capital surplus资本盈余96. capital turnove r 资本周转率97. card 记录卡98. cash 现金99. cash account现金账户100. cash book 现金账薄101. cash cow 金牛产品102. cash flow 现金流量103. cash flow budget现金流量预算104. cash flow stateme nt 现金流量表105. cash ledger现金分类账106. cash limit 现金限额107. CCA 现时成本会计108. center中心109. changeo ver time 变更时间110. charter ed entity特许经济个体111. cheque支票112. chequeregiste r 支票登记薄113. classif icatio n 分类114. clock card 工时卡115. code 代码116. commitm ent account ing 承诺确认会计117. commoncost 共同成本118. company limited by guarant ee 有限担保责任公司119. company limited by shares股份有限公司120. competi tive positio n 竞争能力状况121. concept概念122. conglom erate跨行业企业123. consist ency concept一致性概念124. consoli datedaccount s 合并报表125. consoli dation account ing 合并会计126. consort ium 财团127. conting ency plan 应急计划128. conting ent liabili ties 或有负债129. continu ous operati on 连续生产130. contra抵消131. contrac t cost 合同成本132. contrac t costing合同成本计算133. contrib utioncentre贡献中心134. contrib utionchart 贡献图135. control控制136. control account控制账户137. control limits控制限度138. control labili ty concept可控制概念139. control lablecost 可控制成本140. convers ion cost 加工成本141. convert ible loan stock 可转换为股票的贷款142. corpora te apprais al 公司评估143. corpora te plannin g 公司计划144. corpora te socialreporti ng 公司社会报告145. cost 成本146. cost account成本账户147. cost account ing 成本会计148. cost account ing manual成本手册149. cost adjustm ent 成本调整150. cost allocat ion 成本分配151. cost apporti onment成本分摊152. cost attribu tion 成本归属153. cost audit 成本审计154. cost benefit analysi s 成本效益分析155. cost center成本中心156. cost driver成本动因157. cost of capital资本成本158. cost of goods sold 销货成本159. cost of non-conform ance 非相符成本160. cost of sales 销售成本161. cost reducti on 成本降低162. cost structu re 成本结构163. cost unit 成本单位164. cost-volume-profitanalysi s(CVP) 本量利分析165. costing成本计算166. creditnote 贷项通知167. creditreport信贷报告书168. credito r 债权人169. credito r days ratio 应付账款天数率170. credito rs ledger应付账款分类账171. critica l event 关键事项172. critica l path 关键路线173. cumulat ive prefere nce shares累积优先股174. current asset 流动资产175. current cost account ing 现时成本会计176. current liabili ties 流动负债177. current purchas ing power account ing 现时购买力会计178. current ratio 流动比率179. cut-off 截止180. CVP 本量利分析181. cycle time 周转时间182. debentu re 债券183. debit note 借项通知184. debit capacit y 举债能力185. debt ratio 债务比率186. debtor债务人;应收账款187. debtordays ratio 应收账款天数率188. debtors ledger应收账款分类账189. debtor' age analysi s 应收账款账龄分析190. decisio n drivencosts 决策连动成本191. decisio n tree 决策树192. defects次品193. deferre d expendi ture 递延支出194. deferre d shares递延股份195. deferre d taxatio n 递延税款196. deliver y note 交货单197. departm entalaccount s 部门报表198. departm entalbudget部门预算199. depreci ation折旧200. dispatc h note 发运单201. develop ment cost 开发成本202. differe ntialcost 差别成本203. directcost 直接成本204. directdebit 直接借项205. directhours yield 直接小时产出率206. directlabourcost percent age rate 直接人工成本百分比207. directlabourhour rate 直接人工小时率208. directs on indirec t work 间接工作事项上的工时209. discoun t rate 贴现率210. discoun ted cash flow 现金流量贴现211. discret ionary cost 酌量成本212. distrib utioncost 摊销成本213. diversi ons 移用214. diverte d hours 移用小时215. diverte d hours ratio 移用工时比率216. dividen d 股利217. dividen d cover 股利产出率218. dividen d per share 每股股利219. dog 疲软产品220. doubleentry account ing 复式会计221. double-entry book-keeping复式薄记222. doubtfu l debts 可疑债务223. down time 停工时间224. dynamic program ming 动态规划225. earning per share 每股盈利226. earning ratio 市盈率227. economi c order quantit y(EOQ) 经济订购批量228. efficie nt markethypothe sis 有效市场假设229. efficie ncy ration效率性比率230. element of cost 成本要素231. entity经济个体232. environ mental audit 环境审计233. environ mental impactassessm ent 环境影响评价234. EOQ 经济订购批量235. equity权益236. equitymethodof account ing 权益法会计计算237. equityshare capital权益股本238. equival ent units 当量239. event 事项240. excepti onal items 例外事项241. expecte d value 期望值242. expendi ture 支出243. expense s 费用244. externa l audit 外部审计245. externa l failure cost 外部损失成本246. extraor dinary items 非常事项247. factory goods 让售商品248. factori ng 应收帐款让售249. fair value 公允价值250. feedbac k 反馈251. FIFO 先近先出法252. final account s 年终报表253. finance lease 融资租赁254. financi al account ing 财务会计255. financi al account s calenda r adjustm ent 财务报表的日历时间调整256. financi al managem ent 财务管理257. financi al plannin g 财务计划258. financi al stateme nt 财务报表259. finishe d goods 完成品260. fixed asset 固定资产261. fixed overhea d 固定制造费用262. fixed asset turnove r 固定资产周转率263. fixed assetsregiste r 固定资产登记薄264. fixed cost 固定成本265. flexedbudget变动限额预算266. flexibl e budget弹性预算267. float time 浮动时间268. floatin g charge流动抵押269. flow of funds stateme nt 资金流量表270. forecas ting 预测271. founder's shares发起人股份272. full capacit y 满负荷生产能力273. functio n costing职能成本计算274. functio nal budget职能预算275. fund account ing 基金会计276. fundame ntal account ing concept基础会计概念277. fungibl e assets可互换资产278. futuris tic plannin g 远景计划279. gap analysi s 间距分析280. gearing举债经营比率(杠杆)281. goal c ongrue nce 目标一致性282. going concern concept持续经营概念283. goods receive d note 商品收讫单284. goodwil l 商誉285. gross dividen d yield 总股息产出率286. gross margin总边际287. gross profit毛利润288. gross profitpercent age 毛利润百分比289. group 企业集团290. group account s 集团报表291. high-geared高结合杠杆(比例)292. hire purchas e 租购293. histori cal cost 历史成本294. histori cal cost account ing 历史成本会计295. hours 小时296. hurdlerate 最低可接受的报酬率297. ideal standar d 理想标准298. idle capacit y ration闲置生产能力比率299. idle time 闲置时间300. imperso nal account s 非记名账户301. imprest system定额备用制度302. incomeand expendi ture account收益和支出报表303. incompl ete records不完善记录304. increme ntal cost 增量成本305. increme ntal yield 增量产出率306. indirec t cost 间接成本307. indirec t hours 间接小时308. insolve ncy 无力偿付309. intangi ble asset 无形资产310. integra ted account s 综合报表311. interde penden cy concept关联性概念312. interes t cover 利息保障倍数313. interlo ckingaccount s 连锁报表314. interna l audit 内部审计315. interna l check 内部牵制316. interna l control system内部控制体系317. interna l failure cost 内部损失成本318. interna l rate of return(IRR) 内含报酬率319. invento ry 存货320. investm ent 投资321. investm ent center投资中心322. invoice registe r 发票登记薄323. issuedshare capital已发行股本324. job 定单325. job card 工作卡326. job costing工作成本计算327. job sheet 工作单328. joint cost 联合成本329. joint product s 联产品330. joint stock company股份公司331. joint venture合资经营332. journal日记账333. just-in-time(JIT) 适时制度334. just-in-time product ion 适时生产335. just-in-time purchas ing 适时购买336. key factor关键因素337. labour人工338. labourtransfe r note 人工转移单339. leaning curve 学习曲线340. ledger分类账户341. lengthof order book 定单平均周期342. letterof credit信用证343. leverag e 举债经营比率344. liabili ties 负债345. life cycle costing寿命周期成本计算346. LIFO 后近先出法347. limited liabili ty company有限责任公司348. limitin g factor限制因素349. line-item budget明细支出预算350. liner program ming 线性规划351. liquidassets变现资产352. liquida tion 清算353. liquidi ty ratios易变现比率354. loan 贷款355. loan capital借入资本356. long range plannin g 长期计划357. lost time record虚耗时间记录358. low geared低结合杠杆(比例)359. lower of cost or net realiza ble value concept成本或可变净价孰低概念360. machine hour rate 机器小时率361. machine time record机器时间记录362. managed cost 管理成本363. managem ent account ing 管理会计364. managem ent account ing concept管理会计概念365. managem ent account ing guides管理会计指导方针366. managem ent audit 管理审计367. managem ent buy-out 管理性购买产权368. managem ent by excepti on 例外管理原则369. margin边际370. marginof safetyration安全边际比率371. margincost 边际成本372. margincosting边际成本计算373. mark-down 降低标价374. mark-up 提高标价375. marketrisk premium市场分险补偿376. marketshare 市场份额377. marketi ng cost 营销成本378. matchin g concept配比概念379. materia lity concept重要性概念380. materia ls requisi tion 领料单381. materia ls returne d note 退料单382. materia ls transfe r note 材料转移单383. memoran dum of associa tion 公司设立细则384. merger兼并385. mergeraccount ing 兼并会计386. minorit y interes t 少数股权387. mixed cost 混合成本388. net assets净资产389. net book value 净账面价值390. net liquidfunds 净可变现资金391. net margin净边际392. net present value(NPV) 净现值393. net profit净利润394. net realiza ble value 可变现净值395. net worth 资产净值396. network analysi s 网络分析397. noise 干捞398. nominal account名义账户399. nominal share capital名义股本400. nominal holding代理持有股份401. non-adjusti ng events非调整事项402. non-financi al perform ance measure ment 非财务业绩计量403. non-integra ted account s 非综合报表404. non-liner program ming 非线性规划405. non-votingshares无表决权的股份406. notiona l cost 名义成本407. numberof days stock 存货周转天数408. numberof weeks stock 存货周转周数409. objecti ve classif icatio n 客体分类410. obsoles cence陈旧411. off balance sheet finance资产负债表外筹资412. offer for sale 标价出售413. operati ng budget经营预算414. operati ng lease 经营租赁415. operati ng stateme nt 营业报表416. operati on time 操作时间417. operati onal control经营控制418. operati onal gearing经营杠杆419. operati ng plans 经营计划420. opportu nity cost 机会成本421. order 定单422. ordinar y shares普通股423. out-of-date cheque过期支票424. over capital izatio n 过分资本化425. overhea d 制造费用426. overhea d absorpt ion rate 制造费用分配率427. overhea d cost 制造费用428. overtra ding 超过营业资金的经营429. paid cheque已付支票430. paid-up share capital认定股本431. parentcompany母公司432. paretodistrib ution帕累托分布433. partici pating prefere nce shares参与优先股434. partner ship 合伙435. payable ledger应付款项账户436. payback回收期437. payment s and receipt s account收入和支出报表438. payment s withhel d 保留款额439. payroll工资单440. payroll analysi s 工资分析441. percent age profiton turnove r 利润对营业额比率442. periodcost 期间成本443. perpetu al invento ry 永续盘存444. persona l account记名账户445. PEPT 项目评审法446. petty cash account备用金账户447. petty cash voucher备用金凭证448. physica l invento ry 实地盘存449. plannin g 计划450. plannin g horizon计划时限451. plannin g period计划期间452. policycost 政策成本453. positio n audit 状况审计454. post balance sheet events资产负债表编后事项455. practic al capacit y 实际生产能力456. pre-acquisi tion losses购置前损失457. pre-acquisi tion profits购置前利润458. prefere nce shares优先股459. prefere nce credito rs 优先债权人460. preferr ed credito rs 优先债权人461. prepaym ents 预付款项462. present value 现值463. prevent ion cost 预防成本464. price ratio 市盈率465. prime cost 主要成本466. prime entry-books of 原始分录登记薄467. princip al budgetfactor主要预算因素468. prior chargecapital优先股469. prior year adjustm ents 以前年度调整470. priorit y base budgeti ng 优先顺序体制的预算471. private company私人公司472. pro-forma invoice预开发票473. problem child 问号产品474. process costing分步成本计算475. process time 加工时间476. product cost 产品成本477. Product life cycle 产品寿命周期478. product ion cost 生产成本479. product ion cost of sales 售货成本480. product ion volumeratio 生产业务量比率481. profitcenter利润中心482. profitper employe e 每员工利润483. profitretaine d for the year 年度利润留存484. profitto turnove r ratio 利润对营业额比率485. profit-volumegraph 利量图486. profita bility index 盈利指数487. program ming 规划488. project evaluat ion and reviewtechniq ue 项目评审法489. project ion 预计490. promiss ory note 本票491. prospec tus 募债说明书492. provisi ons for liabili ties and charges偿债和费用准备493. prudent concept稳健性概念494. publiccompany公开公司495. purchas e order 订购单496. purchas e requisi tion 请购单497. purchas e ledger采购账户498. quality related costs 质量有关成本499. queuing time 排队时间500. rate 率501. ratio 比率502. rationpyramid比率金字塔503. raw materia l 原材料504. receipt s and payment s account收入和支付报表505. receiva ble ledger应收款项账户506. redeema ble shares可赎回股份507. redempt ion 赎回508. registe red share capital注册资本509. rejects废品510. relevan cy concept相关性概念511. relevan t costs 相关成本512. relevan t range 相关范围513. reliabi lity concept可靠性概念514. replace ment price 重置价格515. report报表516. reporti ng 报告517. researc h cost, applied应用性研究成本518. researc h cost, pure or basic 理论或基础研究成本519. reserve s 留存收益520. residua l income剩余收益521. respons ibilit y center责任中心522. retenti on money 保留款额523. returnon capital employe d 运用资本报酬率524. returns退回525. revenue收入526. revenue center收入中心527. revenue expendi ture 收益支出528. revenue investm ent 收入性投资529. right issue 认股权发行530. rolling budget滚动预算531. rolling forecas t 滚动预测532. sales ledger销售分类账533. sales order 销售定单534. sales per employe e 每员工销售额535. scrap 废料536. scrip issue 红股发行537. secured credito rs 有担保的债权人538. segment al reporti ng 分部报告539. selling cost 销售成本540. semi-fixed cost 半固定成本541. semi-variabl e cost 半变动成本542. sensiti vity analysi s 敏感性分析543. service cost center服务成本中心544. service costing服务成本计算545. set-up time 安装时间546. shadowprices影子价格547. share 股票548. share capital股份资本549. share optionscheme购股权证方案550. share premium股票溢价551. sight draft 即期汇票552. single-entry book-keeping单式薄记553. sinking fund 偿债基金554. slack time 松弛时间555. socialrespons ibilit y cost 社会责任成本556. sole trader独资经营者557. sourceand applica tion of funds stateme nt 资金来源和运用表558. special order costing特殊定单成本计算559. staff costs 职工成本560. stateme nt of account营业账单561. stateme nt of affairs财务状况表562. statuto ry body 法定实体563. stock 存货564. stock control存货控制565. stock turnove r 存货周转率566. stockta king 盘点存货567. storesrequisi tion 领料申请单568. strateg ic busines s unit 战略性经营单位569. strateg ic managem ent account ing 战略管理会计570. strateg ic plannin g 战略计划571. strateg y 战略572. subject ive classif icatio n 主体分类573. subscri bed share capital已认购的股本574. subsidi ary underta king 子公司575. sunk cost 沉没成本576. supplyestimat e 预算估计577. supplyexpendi ture 预算支出578. suspens e account暂记账户579. SWOT analysi s 长处和短处,机会和威胁分析580. system制度,体系581. tactica l plannin g 策略计划582. tactics策略583. take-over 接收584. tangibl e asset 有形资产585. tangibl e fixed asset stateme nt 有形固定资产表586. targetcost 目标成本587. terotec hnolog y 设备综合工程学588. through put account ing 生产量会计589. time 时间590. time sheet 时间记录表591. total assets总资产592. total quality managem ent 全面质量管理593. total stocks存货总计594. trade credito rs 购货客户(应付账款)595. trade debtors销货客户(应收账款)596. trading profitand loss account营业损益表597. transfe r price 转让价格598. transit time 中转时间599. treasur ership财务长制度600. trail balance试算平衡表601. turnove r 营业额602. uncalle d share capital未催缴股本603. under capital izatio n 不足资本化604. under or over-absorbe d overhea d 少吸收或多吸收的制造费用605. uniform account ing 统一会计606. uniform costing统一成本计算607. unissue d share capital未发行股本608. value 价值609. value added 增值610. value analysi s 价值分析611. value for money audit 经济效益审计612. vote 表决613. voucher凭证614. waiting time 等候时间615. waste 废品(料)616. wasting asset 递耗资产617. weighte d average cost of capital资本的加权平均成本618. weighte d average price 加权平均价格619. with resourc e 有追索权620. without recours e 无追索权621. working capital营运资本622. write-down 减值623. zero base budgeti ng 零基预算624. zero couponbond 无息债券625. Z score 破产预测计分法。

Unit OneAccounting Profession第一单元会计职业INTRODUCTION OF ACCOUNTING. Accounting is a process of recorded, classifying, summarizing, and interpreting of those business activities that can be in expressed in monetary terms. A person who specializes in this field is known as an accountant.会计简介会计是一个以货币形式对经济活动进行记录、分类、汇总以及解释的过程。
Accounting frequently offers the qualified person an opportunity to move ahead quickly in today’s business world. Indeed, many of the heads of large corporations throughout the world have advanced to their position from the accounting department. Accounting is a basic and vital element in every modern business. It records the past growth or decline of the business. Careful analysis of these results and trends may suggest the ways in which the business may grow in future. Expan-sion or reorganization should not be planned without proper analysis of the accounting informa-tion; and new products and the campaign to advertise and sell them should not be launched with-out the help of accounting expertise.会计这一职业在当今经济社会中给有能力的人提供了升迁的机会。

一名词解释1.会计Accounting: Is an information system that indentifies ,records ,andcommunicates relevant, reliable ,and comparable information about an organization’s business activities that can be expressed in monetary terms.(会计是一个信息系统,用以确认,记录和披露企业可以用货币计量的经营活动的,可靠的可比的信息)2.资产assets:Assets are resources with future benefits that are owned orcontrolled by a company.(资产是由公司拥有和控制的未来能给企业带来经济利益的资源)3.权责发生制accrual basis of accounting: Means that revenues, expenses andother changes in assets, liabilities, and owners’equity are accounted for in the period in which the economic event takes place, not necessarily when the cash inflows and outflows take place.(收入,费用,资产和负债和所有者权益的变动应记录于交易发生的时期而不是相关的现金流入和流出的时期)4.总账账户control accounts: Grouped according to the elements of financialstatement, the general ledger holds the individual control accounts.5.负债Liabilities are defined as “ probable future sacrifices of economic benefitsarising from present obligations of a particular entity to transfer assets or provide services to other entities in the future as a result of past transactions or events.”(负债是指企业由过去的交易和事项引起的现行义务,即在未来向企业提供资产和服务,该义务的履行将导致企业经济利益的流出)6.利润表income statement :An income statement is a financial statement showingthe results of operations for a business by matching revenue and related expenses for a particular accounting period .It shows the net income or net loss.(利润表是财务报表的一种,通过将收入和费用配比反映一个企业一定时期的经营成果即净利润或净亏损)7.费用Expense: Generally speaking, expenses are costs that are charged against ,revenue and that are related to the entity’s basic business.(一般来说,费用就是企业与主要经营活动收入相配比的那部分成本)8.资产负债表balance sheet is a financial statement which shows the financialposition of a business entity by summarizing the assets ,liabilities and owners’equality at a specific date.(资产负债表是用来列示公司的资产,负债和所有者权益,反映企业财务状况的报表)9.永续盘存制perpetual inventory system:Is a system of accounting formerchandise that provides a continuous record showing the quantity and cost of all goods on hand.(永续盘存制就是对库存商品进行连续性记录以反映特有商品数量和金额的方法)10.无形资产Intangible assets :Intangible assets form a sub-section of this groupand are further defined as identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance.(是指企业的过去的活动形成的,由企业控制的,预期会给企业带来经济利益的资源)二简答题1.State the steps of establishing internal control over cash(简述建立现金内部控制的程序)Separate the function of handling cash from the maintenance of accounting records (将现金收付与记账职务分离)(1)Prepare an immediate control listing of cash receipts at the time and place that themoney is received(在收到现金的当时当地编制一份现金收入控制清单)(2)Require that all cash receipts be deposited daily in the bank(每日都要将现金收入存入银行)(3)Make all payments by check(所有的付款都以支票形式通过银行支付)(4)Separate the function of approving expenditures from the function of signingchecks(将核准支出职务与签发支票职务分离)2.What are the quality chatacteristics of accounting information(会计信息质量特征):Relevance(相关性),reliability(可靠性),understandability(可理解性),comparability(可比性)3.Describe the steps(procedures) of accounting cycle(描述会计循环的步骤)(1)identify transactions or events to be recorded(确认需要记录的交易或事项)(2)journalize transactions and events(将交易或事项登记到日记账)(3)posting from journal to ledger(从日记账过入)(4)prepare unadjusted trial balance(编制调整前余额试算表)(5)journalize and post adjusting journal entries(将调整分录计入日记账并过入分类账)(6)prepare adjusted trial balance(编制调整后余额试算表)(7)prepare financial statements(编制财务报表)(8)journalize and post closing entries(将结账分录计入日记账并过账)(9)prepare post-closing trial balance(编制结账后余额试算表)4.Briefly state the four assumptions and explain(简述四个会计假设)Separate entity(会计主体假设),going concern(持续经营假设).,time-period(会计分期假设),monetary unit(货币计量假设)5.Briefly state the classification investment in securities(简述有价证券的列报)Trading securities(交易性证券),held-to-maturity securities(持有至到期投资),available-for-sale securities(可供出售的金融资产),long-term investment in equity securities(长期股权投资)6.What are the accounting elements(会计要素)Assets(资产),liabilities(负债),owners’ equity(所有者权益),revenues(收入),expenses(费用),income(利润)三、计算分录题1.应收账款题The balance of A/R is $300000, Allowance for Doubtful Debt is $400 at end of 2007.The company use the percent of account received method to estimate the bad debts expense, The percentage is 0.3%, At 2008 The balance of A/R is $500000, Allowance for Doubtful Debt is $1650.Do adjusting entry for 2007 and 2008.(计算及分录)①The bad debts expense is 300000*0.3%=900Allowance for Doubtful Debt is 400 应计提的坏账=900-400=500Dr: Bad Debts Expense 500Cr: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 500②The bad debts expense is 500000*0.3%=1500Allowance for Doubtful Debt is 16501500-1650=-150(冲销)Dr: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 150Cr: Bad Debts Expense 1502固定资产计提折旧问题购买固定资产原值155000 分五年计提折旧第五年的残值为5000 用三种方法计提折旧并写出会计分录。

会计英语Unit OneI. Useful Wordseconomic entity 经济实体physical properties 物质财产on credit 信用交易account receivable 应收帐户prepaid rent 预付租金insurance coverage 承保范围setup charges 准备费用cost principle 成本原则account payable 应付帐户owner’s equity 业主权益II. Key Sentences1. The accounting structure has five basic parts or classifications: assets, liabilities, owner’sequity or capital, revenue and expense.会计结构由五部分组成:资产、负债、业主权益或资金、收入和花费。
2. Liabilities represent the debts owed to others known as creditors, and are referred to as―payables‖.负债就是别人欠债权人的债务,通常被看作―应付款‖。
3. Owner’s equity, often referred to as capital, represents the portion of the assets thatbelong to the owner of the business.业主权益通常被看作资本,代表属于企业主所拥有的那部分财产。
4. Revenues are earned through selling a product or providing a service to som eone.收入是通过出售一件产品或提供一项服务而赚得的。
5. Expenses are outflows or the using up of assets as a result of the major or central operationof a business.费用是企业主要经营中财产的流出或使用。

一.定义1.accounting 会计:Accounting is an information system that identifies ,records ,and communicates relevant ,reliable ,and comparable information about organization’s business activities that can be expressed inmonetary terms.会计是一个信息系统,用于确认、记录和披露企业可以用货币计量的经营活动相关的、可靠的、可比的信息。
2.public accounting 公共会计:Public accounting is the field of accounting that provides a variety of accounting services to clients for a fee.公共会计是指为客户提供多种服务并收取服务费的会计领域。
3. accrual basis of accounting 权责发生制:Using the accrual basis of accountingmeans that revenues , expenses and other changes in assets ,liabilities ,and owners’equity are accounted for in the period inwhich the economic event takes place ,notnecessarily when the cash inflows and outflows take place.在权责发生制下,收入、费用、资产、负债和所有者权益的变动应记录与交易发生的时期,而不是相关的现金流入或流出的时期。
4.assets资产:Assets are resources with future benefits that are owned or controlled by a company.资产是指企业所拥有或控制的、能够在未来给企业带来利益的资源。

Decision Making
Economic Events
Exhibit 1-1
Financial statements report accounting information about resources, earning prospects, expected cash collections, incurred expenses, repayment ability, tax collection and negotiating wage agreements.
1、transaction n.交易;处理 Related transactions 关联交易 Transactions cost 交易成本 Business transactions 经济业务;商业交易 2、accounts n.帐目;会计账户;会计账簿 Accounts manager 会计部经理 Accounts receivables 应收账款 Accounts payable应付账款 Accounts department 会计部 3、Statements n.报告;报表 Accounting statement 会计报表=financial statement=statements Financial statements analysis 财务报表分析 Combination statements 汇总报表;合并报表 Suppliers statements 供应商对账单
Recording Transactions
Adjusting the Accounts, Preparing the Statements, and Completing the Accounting Cycle

会计英语常用术语1.accounting n.会计;会计学account n..账,账目a/c;账户e.g.T-account: T型账户;account payable应付账款receivable 应收账款);accountant n.会计人员,会计师CPA (certified public accountant)注册会计师2.Accounting concepts 会计的基本前提1)accounting entity 会计主体;entity 实体,主体2)going concern 持续经营3)accounting period 会计分期financial year/ fiscal year 会计年度(financial adj.财务的,金融的;fiscal adj.财政的)4)money measurement货币计量人民币RMB¥美元US$ 英镑£法国法郎FFr*权责发生制accrual basis.accrual n.本身是应计未付的意思,accrue v.应计未付,应计未收,e.g.accrued liabilities,应计未付负债3.Quality of accounting information 会计信息质量要求(1)可靠性reliability(2)相关性relevance(3)可理解性understandability(4)可比性comparability(5)实质重于形式substance over form(6)重要性materiality(7)谨慎性prudence(8)及时性timeliness4.Elements of accounting会计要素1)Assets: 资产– current assets 流动资产cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物(bank deposit)inventory存货receivable应收账款prepaid expense 预付费用– non-current assets 固定资产property (land and building)不动产, plant 厂房, equipment 设备(PPE)e.g.The total assets owned by Wilson company on December 31, 2006 was US$1,500,000. 2)Liabilities: 负债funds provided by the creditors. creditor债权人,赊销方– current liabilities 当期负债non-current liabilities 长期负债total liabilitiesaccount payable应付账款loan贷款advance from customers 预收款bond债券(由政府发行, government bond /treasury bond政府债券,国库券)debenture债券(由有限公司发行)3)Owners’ equity: 所有者权益(Net assets)funds provided by the investors. Investor 投资者– paid in capital (contributed capital)实收资本– shares /capital stock (u.s.)股票retained earnings 留存收益同时记住几个单词dividend 分红beginning retained earnings ending retained earnings– reserve 储备金(资产重估储备金,股票溢价账户)e.g.The company offered/issued 10,000 shares at the price of US$2.30 each.4)Revenue: 收入sales revenue销售收入interest revenue利息收入rent revenue租金收入5)Expense: 费用cost of sales销售成本, wages expense工资费用6)Profit (income, gain):利润net profit, net income5.Financial statement 财务报表1)balance sheet 资产负债表2)income statement 利润表3)statement of retained earnings 所有者权益变动表4)cash flow statement 现金流量表6.Accounting cycle1)journal entries 日记账general journal总日记账general ledger总分类账trial balance试算平衡表adjusting entries 调整分录adjusted trial balance调整后的试算平衡表Financial statements 财务报表closing entry 完结分录2)Dr.—Debit 借Cr.—Credit 贷Double-entry system 复式记账7.Exercise 练习1)purchases of inventory in cash for RMB¥3,000 现金人民币3,000元购买存货Dr.inventory 3,000借:存货3,000Cr.cash 3,000 贷:现金3,0002)sales on account of US$10,000 赊销方式销售,收入10,000美元Dr.account receivable 10,000借:应收账款10,000Cr.sales revenue 10,000 贷:销售收入10,0003)paid RMB¥50,000 in salaries & wages 支付工资人民币50,000元Dr.wages & salaries expense 50,000 借:职工薪酬50,000Cr.bank deposit 50,000贷:银行存款50,0004)cash sale of US$1,180 销售收入现金1,180美元Dr.cash 1,180 借:现金1,180Cr.sales revenue 1,180贷:销售收入1,1805)pre-paid insurance for US$12,000 预付保险费12,000美元Dr.prepaid insurance 12,000借:预付保险12,000Cr.bank deposit 12,000贷:银行存款12,000常用会计科目英文名称1.资产类科目Assets现金:Cash and cash equivalents银行存款:Bank deposit应收账款:Account receivable应收票据:Notes receivable应收股利:Dividend receivable应收利息:Interestreceivable其他应收款:Other receivables原材料:Raw materials在途物资:Materials in transport库存商品:inventory存货跌价准备:provision forthe declinein value ofinventories坏账准备:Bad debt provision待摊费用:Prepaid expense交易性金融资产:Trading financial assets持有至到期投资:held-to-maturity investment可供出售金融资产:Available-for-sale financial assets短期投资:Short-term investment长期股权投资:Long-term equity investment固定资产:Fixed assets累计折旧:Accumulated depreciation在建工程:Construction-in-process固定资产减值准备:provision for the decline in value of fixed assets 无形资产:Intangible assets累计摊销:Accumulated amortization商誉:Goodwill递延所得税资产:deferred tax assets ( DTA )2.负债类Liability短期借款:Short-term loans/ borrowing长期借款:Long-term loans/ borrowing预收账款:advance from customers/ Deposit received应付票据:Notes payable应付账款:Account payable应付工资薪酬:wages payable应付股利:Dividends payable应付利息:Interest payable应交税费:Tax payable其他应付款:Other payables递延所得税负债:Deferred tax liabilities3.所有者权益类 OWNERS' EQUITY实收资本:Paid-in capital (paid-up)资本公积:Capital reserves盈余公积:Surplus reserves未确认投资损失:Unrealized investment losses未分配利润:Retained earnings after appropriation4.成本类科目Cost生产成本:Manufacturing Cost制造费用:Manufacturing overhead劳务成本:labor costs研发支出:R & D expenditure5.损益类Profit and loss主营业务收入:Main operating revenue其他业务收入:Other operating revenue营业外收入:Non-operating income投资收益:Investment income产品销售收入:sales revenue主营业务成本:Main operating costscost of goods sold / cost of sales其他业务支出:Other operating costs营业外支出:Non-operating expense销售费用:Selling expense管理费用:General and administration expense (G&A expense)财务费用:Finance expense公允价值变动损益:Gain/loss of the change of fair value所得税:Income tax。

第一讲会计英语的经常使用术语1.account n..账,账目a/c;账户e.g.T-account: T型账户;account payable应付账款receivable 应收账款);2.Accounting concepts 会计的大体前提1)accounting entity 会计主体;entity 实体,主体2)going concern 持续经营3)accounting period 会计分期financial year/ fiscal year 会计年度(financial adj.财务的,金融的;fiscal adj.财政的)4)money measurement货币计量*权责发生制accrual basis.accrual n.本身是应计未付的意思,accrue v.应计未付,应计未收,e.g.accrued liabilities,应计未付欠债3.Quality of accounting information 会计信息质量要求(1)靠得住性reliability(2)相关性relevance(3)可明白得性understandability(4)可比性comparability(5)实质重于形式substance over form(6)重要性materiality(7)谨慎性prudence(8)及时性timeliness4.Elements of accounting会计要素1)Assets: 资产– current assets 流动资产cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物(bank deposit)inventory存货receivable应收账款prepaid expense 预付费用– non-current assets 固定资产property (land and building)不动产, plant 厂房, equipment 设备(PPE)e.g.The total assets owned by Wilson company on December 31, 2006 was US$1,500,000.2)Liabilities: 欠债funds provided by the creditors. creditor债权人,赊销方– current liabilities 当期欠债non-current liabilities 长期欠债total liabilitiesaccount payable应付账款loan贷款advance from customers 预收款bond债券(由政府发行, government bond /treasury bond政府债券,国库券)debenture债券(由发行)3)Owners’ equity: 所有者权益(Net assets)funds provided by the investors. Investor 投资者– paid in capital (contributed capital)实收资本– shares /capital stock (u.s.)股票retained earnings 留存收益同时记住几个单词dividend 分红beginning retained earnings ending retained earnings– reserve 储蓄金(资产重估储蓄金,股票溢价账户)e.g.The company offered/issued 10,000 shares at the price of US$2.30 each.4)Revenue: 收入sales revenue销售收入interest revenue利息收入rent revenue租金收入5)Expense: 费用cost of sales销售本钱, wages expense工资费用6)Profit (income, gain):利润net profit, net income5.Financial statement 财务报表1)balance sheet 资产欠债表2)income statement 利润表3)statement of retained earnings 所有者权益变更表4)cash flow statement 现金流量表6.Accounting cycle1)journal entries 日记账general journal 总日记账general ledger 总分类账trial balance试算平稳表adjusting entries 调整分录adjusted trial balance调整后的试算平稳表Financial statements 财务报表closing entry 完结分录2)Dr.—Debit 借Cr.—Credit 贷Double-entry system 复式记账7.Exercise 练习1)purchases of inventory in cash for RMB¥3,000 现金人民币3,000元购买存货Dr.inventory 3,000 借:存货3,000Cr.cash 3,000 贷:现金3,000 2)sales on account of US$10,000 赊销方式销售,收入10,000美元Dr.account receivable 10,000 借:应收账款10,000Cr.sales revenue 10,000 贷:销售收入10,000 3)paid RMB¥50,000 in salaries & wages 支付工资人民币50,000元Dr.wages & salaries expense 50,000 借:职工薪酬50,000Cr.bank deposit 50,000 贷:银行存款50,000 4)cash sale of US$1,180 销售收入现金1,180美元Dr.cash 1,180 借:现金1,180Cr.sales revenue 1,180 贷:销售收入1,180 5)pre-paid insurance for US$12,000 预付保险费12,000美元Dr.prepaid insurance 12,000 借:预付保险12,000Cr.bank deposit 12,000 贷:银行存款12,000第二讲存货1.Inventory n. 存货,库存(c.f.stock英式英语用法)常见词组inventory turnover 存货周转率inventory control 存货操纵beginning inventory初始存货ending inventory 期末存货take a physical inventory 盘库常见的存货形式:Type of business Type of inventory MerchandisingcompanyMerchandise inventory 商品存货Manufacturing company Raw materials 原材料Work in process(WIP)(处在生产过程中的)在制品,半成品Finished goods成品2.Inventory valuation存货的价值计量cost n. 本钱,费用direct costs 直接本钱indirect costs 间接本钱fixed costs 固定本钱cost accounting 本钱会计v.花费e.g. The office furniture of our company costs us $5,000.unit cost 单个本钱total cost 总本钱cost of sales (COS)= cost of goods sold(CGS)销货本钱sales revenue 销售收入这两个词常常被放在一路做计算Lecture examples:①A company sold 15 computers for US$1000 each.某公司以1000美元一台的价钱售出电脑共15台。

会计英语accounting [4'kaunti6]n. 会计学,清算帐目information ['inf4'mei54n]n. 消息,知识,报告,通知,起诉,信息,情报n. 信息system ['sistim]n. 系统,体系,制度,分类,秩序,方式objective [3b'd9ektiv]n. 目的,受格,实物a. 客观的,外在的,受词的preparation ['prep4'rei54n]n. 准备,预备,预习statement ['steitm4nt]n. 陈述,指令,声明presentation ['prezen'tei54n]n. 赠与,陈述,介绍n. 简报cash [k15]n. 现金vt. 兑现,付现款profession [pr4'fe54n]n. 职业,表白,声明,公开宣布element ['elim4nt]n. 元件,元素,要素equation [i'kwei54n]n. 相等,等式,平衡ethics ['e7iks]n. 道德规范principle ['prins4pl]n. 原则,原理,主义environment [in'vai4r4nm4nt]n. 环境,外界,围绕discuss [dis'k8s]vt. 讨论,论述various ['vA4ri4s]a. 不同的,各种的,多方面的,杂色的,个别的,许多的affect [4'fekt]vt. 影响,假装,倾向于,感动n. 感情conduct ['k3nd4kt, k4n'd8kt]n. 行为,举动,指导vt. 引导,指挥,管理,实施vi. 引导,传导,指挥present ['preznt]n. 礼物,现在,瞄准a. 现在的,出席的,当面的vt. 介绍,引见,赠送,上演,呈现vi. 举枪瞄准introduce ['intr4'dju:s]vt. 介绍,引入,采用,输入concept ['k3nsept]n. 观念,概念explain [iks'plein]vt.vi. 解释,说明asset ['1set]n. 资产,有用的东西liability ['lai4'biliti]n. 责任,债务,倾向define [di'fain]vt. 定义,详细说明v. 定义illustrate ['il4streit]vt. 举例说明,作图解,阐明vi. 举例emphasize ['emf4saiz]vt. 强调,加强语气,着重interrelation [int4ri'lei54n]n. 相互关系interrelationshipn. 相护关系describe [dis'kraib]vt. 描述,描绘,画measure ['me94]n. 尺寸,量度器,量度标准,测量,量具,标准,程度,范围,限度,方法vt. 测量,测度,估量,分派,调节vi. 量activity [1k'tiviti]n. 活动,动作,活力impact ['imp1kt]n. 冲击,冲突,影响,效果vt. 挤入,撞击,压紧,对...发生影响communicate [k4'mju:nikeit]vt. 沟通,传达,感染vi. 通讯finding [faindi6]n. 发现,发现物,决定,裁决decision [di'si94n]n. 决定,决心,决断力maker ['meik4]n. 制造者,上帝,发期票的人scope [sk4up]n. 范围,机会,广度,导弹射程,观察仪器,眼界identify [ai'dentifai]vt. 识别,认明,鉴定,使等同于vi. 一致,变成一致economic [i:k4'n3mik]a. 经济上的,实用的,节省的event [i'vent]n. 事件,结果,竞赛n. 事件summarize ['s8m4raiz]vt.vi. 概述,总结,摘要而言broad [br3:d]a. 宽广的,辽阔的,主要的,显著的,广大的ad. 宽阔地n. 宽阔部分bookkeeping ['bukki:pi6]n. 簿记exhibit [ig'zibit]n. 展览品,陈列品,展览vt. 展现,陈列,展览vi. 开展览会flow [fl4u]n. 流程,流动,涨潮,泛滥,洋溢,流量vi. 流动,流泄,畅流,涌出,飘扬,川流不息vt. 淹没record ['rek3:d, ri'k3:d]n. 记录,履历,档案,诉状,唱片,报告,最高纪录vt. 记录,记载,标明,将...录音vi. 录音,被录音a. 创纪录的transaction [tr1n'z1k54n]n. 交易,办理,执行,和解,学报,报告书interpretation [in't4:pri'tei54n]n. 解释,演出,翻译intend [in'tend]vt. 计划,打算,意欲external [eks't4:nl]n. 外部,外面a. 外部的,客观的,表面的internal [in't4:nl]a. 内在的,国内的primary ['praim4ri]n. 最主要者,原色a. 主要的,初期的,根本的,基本的,首要的,原始的investor [in'vest4]n. 投资者creditor ['kredit4]n. 债权人labour ['leib4]n. 劳动,努力,工作,分娩,工人,劳工vi. 劳动,努力,苦干vt. 详细分析,麻烦union ['ju:nj4n]n. 联盟,联合,团结,协会,工会,结合resource [ri's3:s]n. 资源,财力,办法,消遣,机智earning ['4:ni6]n. 所赚的钱,所得,收入prospect ['pr3spekt, pr4s'pekt]n. 景色,希望,展望vt. 勘探,寻找vi. 勘探,有前途expect [iks'pekt]vt. 预期,盼望,期待collection [k4'lek54n]n. 收集,采集,募捐,丛书,文集expense [iks'pens]n. 费用,代价,损失,开支repayment [ri'peim4nt]n. 付还,偿还,报复,付还的钱negotiate [ni'g4u5ieit]vi. 商议,谈判,交涉vt. 谈妥,转让,处理wage [weid9]n. 薪水,工资,代价,报偿vt. 开展,进行vi. 在进行中agreement [4'gri:m4nt]n. 同意,合约,协议organization ['3:g4nai'zei54n]n. 组织,结构,团体form [f3:m]n. 形状,表格,形式vt.vi. 形成,排列,(使)组成n. 表单ownership ['4un45ip]n. 所有权,物主身份below [bi'l4u]ad. 在下面prep. 在下面sole [s4ul]n. 脚掌,鞋底,底部a. 唯一的,仅有的,单独的,独身的vt. 上以鞋底,触底single ['si6gl]a. 单身的,单纯的,单一的,专一的,孤独的,个别的n. 一个,单打vt. 选出n. 单精度型proprietorship [pr4'prai4t45ip]n. 所有权partnership ['pa:tn45ip]n. 合伙,合股corporation ['k3:p4'rei54n]n. 公司,合作,法人团体individual ['indi'vidju4l]n. 人,个人,个体a. 个别的,独特的entity ['entiti]n. 实体,实存物,存在legal ['li:gl]a. 法律的,法定的,合法的responsible [ris'p3ns4bl]a. 有责任的,负责的,责任重大的,可靠的debt [det]n. 债务,罪过unlimited ['8n'limitid]a. 无限的,不受限制的,无条件的obviously ['3bvi4sli]adv. (无比较级、最高级)[修饰整句]显然disadvantage ['dis4d'va:ntid9]n. 缺点,不利,坏处differ ['dif4]vi. 不一致,不同partner ['pa:tn4]n. 合伙人,股东,伙伴,伴侣vt. 与...合伙,组成一对vi. 做伙伴,当助手incorporate [in'k3:p4reit]a. 合并的,公司组织的,一体化的vt. 合并,使组成公司,具体表现vi. 合并,混合,组成公司local ['l4uk4l]a. 地方性的,当地的,局部的,乡土的n. 当地居民,本地新闻a. 本地的n. 局部law [l3:]n. 法律,法则,定律,法治,诉讼,司法界vi.vt. 起诉,控告separate ['sep4reit, 'sep4rit]n. 分开,抽印本a. 分开的,各别的,灵魂的,分隔的,单独的vi. 分开,隔开,分居hence [hens]ad. 因此,从此shareholder ['5A4hould4]n. 股东stockholder ['st3k4uld4]n. 股东liable ['lai4bl]a. 有义务的,应负责的,有...倾向的obvious ['3bvi4s]a. 明显的,明白的,显然的advantage [4d'va:ntid9]n. 优点,便利,好处,优势vt. 有助于divide [di'vaid]vi. 分开,分类,分裂vt. 分,分开,分裂,除n. 分配,分水岭v. 除share [5A4]n. 部分,参与,份额,参股,一份vt. 均分,分担,共有,分配,分享vi. 分享n. 共享stock [st3k]n. 树干,托盘,祖先,血统,原料,备料,股份a. 存货的,常备的,平凡的,繁殖用的,股票的,普通的vt. 装把手于,进货,备有,放牧vi. 出新芽,采购transferredv. 转移,移动,转让,迁移,迁移;vbl. 转移framework ['freimw4:k]n. 结构,骨架,组织,机构standard ['st1nd4d]n. 标准,规格,本位,军旗,旗a. 标准的,本位的,合规格的process ['pr4uses]n. 程序,进行,过程vt. 加工,处理,对...处置,对...起诉a. 经加工的,三色版的model ['m3dl]n. 模型,模范,模特儿a. 模范的,作模型用的vi. 做模型,做模特儿vt. 使模仿,塑造condition [k4n'di54n]n. 情况,条件vt. 以...为条件,决定,支配,使适应nationally ['n154n4li]ad. 以国民立场,举国一致,全国性represent ['repri'zent]vt. 表现,表示,描绘,讲述,声称,代表,象征,扮演,再上演vi. 提出异议acceptable [4k'sept4bl]a. 可接受的,合意的,合适的practice ['pr1ktis]n. 实践,练习,实行,开业,习惯vt.vi. 实践,实行,开业,实习,练习necessary ['nesis4ri]n. 必需品,日用品a. 必需的,必要的,必然的harmonization [h2:m4nai'zei54n]n. 调和化,融洽,一致global ['gl4ub4l]a. 通用的,全球的,全世界的,普遍的,综合的,球形的communication [k4'mju:nikei54n]n. 沟通,交通,通讯relevant ['reliv4nt]a. 有关联的,中肯的,有关系的,相应的,成比例的,适当的reliable [ri'lai4bl]a. 可靠的,可信赖的response [ris'p3ns]n. 反应,回答,响应v. 应答committee [k4'miti]n. 委员会engage [in'geid9]vi. 答应,从事,交战vt. 使忙碌,雇佣,使参加,使从事于recognize ['rek4gnaiz]vt. 认出,认可,赏识,公认vi. 具结achieve [4't5i:v]vt. 完成goal [g4ul]n. 目标,终点,守门员,球门,得分vi. 得分restructure [ri:'str8kt54]vt. 更改结构,重建构造,调整board [b3:d]n. 木板,甲板,会议桌,海岸vt. 乘船,供膳食,用板铺vi. 搭伙n. 板recommendation ['rek4men'dei54n]n. 推荐,介绍,推荐信,劝告shapingn. 整形addition [4'di54n]n. 附加,增加,加法issue ['i5u:]n. 发行,问题,后果,争端,出口vi. 发行,流出,传下,进行辩护,造成...结果vt. 使流出,放出,发给,发布underlying ['8nd4'laii6]a. 在下面的assumption [4's8mp54n]n. 假定,假装,视为当然之事qualitative ['kw3lit4tiv]a. 性质上的,质的,定性的characteristicsn. 特性capital ['k1pitl]n. 首都,大写字母,资产a. 首都的,重要的maintenance ['meintin4ns]n. 维护,保持,维修,生活费用,瞻养义务,扶养,坚持explanation ['ekspl4'nei54n]n. 解释,解说,说明provide [pr4'vaid]vt. 提供,供应,预备,装备vi.作准备,瞻养,规定overview ['ouv4vju:]n. 概观,总的看法n. 概述rule [ru:l]n. 规则,惯例,统治,控制,支配,规律,准则,破折号vt. 规定,统治,管理,裁决,支配,控制vi. 统治,管辖,裁定n. 规则,水线independent ['indi'pend4nt]n. 中立派,无党派者a. 独立的,自主的,不须依赖的,不受约束的unbiased [8n'bai4st]a. 没有偏见的verifiable ['verifai4bl]a. 能作证的,能证实的evidence ['evid4ns]n. 证据,迹象objectivity ['3bd9ek'tiv4ti](U) 1 客观性2 对象性cost [k3st]n. 代价,价值,费用vi. 花费vt. 使失去,值,需要,使花费concern [k4n's4:n]n. 关心,忧虑vt. 与...有关,使担心,挂虑monetary ['m8nit4ri]a. 货币的,金钱的unit ['ju:nit]n. 单位,分队,部队,装置,部件,单元a. 单位的,单元的common ['k3m4n]a. 通常的,共同的,通俗的,公共的currency ['k8r4nsi]n. 通货,流通,通用n. 货币,货币型assume [4'sju:m]vt. 假定,承担,摆架子vi. 专擅reflect [ri'flekt]vt. 反射,反映,招致,想到,思考vi. 反射,映出,思考,怀疑,指责,考虑operation ['3p4'rei54n]n. 操作,动作,手术,业务,作用,运算n. 运算oppose [4'p4uz]vt. 反对,以...对抗,抗争vi. 反对closed [kl4uzd]a. 关闭的,限于少数人的provided [pr4'vaidid]conj. 倘若contrary ['k3ntr4ri]a. 相反的,矛盾的,对立的n. 相反,对立面ad. 相反地period ['pi4ri4d]n. 时期,节,句点,周期a. 过去某段时期的int. 没有了specific [spi'sifik]n. 特效药,特性a. 特殊的,明确的,具体的,特定的,具有特效的periodicity [piri4'disiti]n. 定期性,周期性,周期数revenue ['revinju:]n. 收入,岁入,税务局,税收,岁入细目recognition ['rek4g'ni54n]n. 赞誉,认得,承认,重视,认识,认可relate [ri'leit]vt. 讲,叙述,与...有关vi. 有关,符合,相处得好realize ['ri4laiz]vt. 了解,实现,使显得逼真,把...变为现金vi. 变卖为现金regardless [ri'ga:dlis]a. 不管,不注意,不顾realization ['ri4lai'zei54n]n. 实现,领悟,实得match [m1t5]n. 比赛,火柴,对手vt. 使相配,使比赛,与...竞争vi. 结婚,相配allocate ['1l4'keit]vt. 分派,分配disclosure [dis'klou94]n. 发觉,败露,败露的事情full [ful]n. 全部a. 充满的,完全的,丰富的,详尽的,丰满的ad. 完全地,整整,十分n. 完整position\ [p4'zi54n]n. 位置,地位,身分,形势,姿势,立场,阵地vt. 安置,决定...的位置consistency [k4n'sist4nsi]n. 坚固性,浓度,一致性method ['me74d]n. 方法,办法,条理,秩序succeed [s4k'si:d]vi. 成功,继承,继续vt. 继承,接替comparable ['k3mp4r4bl]a. 可比较的,比得上的materiality [m4ti4ri'1liti]n. 实质性,具体性,有形ignore [ig'n3:]vt.不理睬,忽视,驳回v. 忽略benefit ['benifit]n. 利益vt. 有益于vi. 受益constraint [k4n'streint]n. 强制,局促conservatism [k4n's4:v4tiz4m](U) 1 a. 保守主义b. 保守性,保守的倾向2 [常 C~] (尤指英国) 保守党的主张[政策] least [li:st]n. 最少,最小,最小限度a. 最少的,最小的ad. 最没有,最少optimistic ['3ptimistik]a. 乐观的,乐观主义的,乐天的estimate ['estimit, 'estimeit]n. 估计,判断vt. 估计,评价,判断vi. 估计selectedpp. 选择amount [4'maunt]n. 数量,总额vi. 总计,等于equally ['i:kw4li]ad. 相等地,同样地,平等地likely ['laikli]a. 有可能的,合适的,前途有望的ad. 或许,可能overstate ['ouv4'steit]vt. 夸大的叙述,夸张value ['v1lju:]n. 价值,重要性,价格,估价,评价vt. 评价,估价,重视n. 计算结果akin [4'kin]a. 血族的,同族的,同种的conceptual [k4n'sept5u4l]a. 概念上的noted ['n4utid]a. 著名的,显著的,扬名的exception [ik'sep54n]n. 例外,除外,异议evaluate [i'v1ljueit]vt. 评估,评价,赋值profitability [pr3fit4'biliti]n. 收益性,利益率solvency ['s3lv4nsi]n. 偿付能力,资力,溶解力final ['fainl]n. 结局,决赛,期末考试a. 最后的,终极的,决定性的product ['pr3d4kt]n. 产品,结果,成绩,乘积manner ['m1n4]n. 样子,礼貌,风格fulfill [ful'fil]vt. 实践,履行,实行,满足,结束interrelate [int4ri'leit]vt.vi. (使)相互关连arisen [4'rizn]a. 兴起的,出现的probable ['pr3b4bl]n. 有希望的候选人,可能的事情a. 很可能的,大概的,象真实的obtain [4b'tein]vt. 获得,达到vi. 流行create [kri1:3'eit]vt. 创造,建造,引起,把...列为announce [4'nauns]vt. 宣布,显示,预告vi. 当报幕员,宣布参加竞选adopt [4'd3pt]vt. 采用,收养,接受substantial [s4b'st1n54l]n. 重要部分,本质a. 实质上的,物质的,有内容的,结实的address [4'dres]n. 住址,演说,灵巧,求爱vt. 发表,写地址particular [p4'tikjul4]n. 个别项目,详细说明a. 特别的,独有的,挑剔的past [past]n. 过去,往时a. 过去的,结束的,卸任的prep. 越过,晚于,超越vbl. pass的过去分词tangible [t1nd94bl]n. 有形资产a. 实体的,明白的,有形的,明确的intangible [in't1nd94bl]a. 难以明了的,无形的account [4'kaunt]n. 帐目,报告,估计,原因,记录,算账vi. 解释,认为,占,杀死,得分vt. 认为receivable [ri'si:v4bl]a. 可接受的,可信的n. 应收帐款merchandise ['m4:t54ndaiz]n. 商品,存货vi.vt. 交易,买卖inventory ['inv4n't4uri]n. 详细目录,存货清单vt. 列入详细目录,清点存货supply [s4'plai]n. 补给,供给,供应品vt. 补给,供给,代理,补充,提供vi. 替代equipment [i'kwipm4nt]n. 装备,设备品,才能machine [m4'5i:n]n. 机器,机械装置,机械般工作的人,设计vt. 以机器制造patent ['peit4nt]n. 专利权,执照,专利品a. 专利的,显著的,新奇的vt. 取得...的专利权,请准专利trademark ['treidm2:k]n. 商标copyright ['k3pirait]n. 版权,著作权source [s3:s]n. 来源,水源,源,原始资料n. 来源sacrifice ['s1krifais]n. 牺牲,供俸,祭品vt. 牺牲,祭祀,贱卖vi. 献祭arise [4'raiz]vi. 站立,出现,起来obligation ['3bli'gei54n]n. 义务,责任,恩惠,契约,约束transfer [tr1ns'f4:]n. 迁移,移动,传递,转让,转移,换车vt. 转移,调转,调任,转让,传递,改变vi. 转移,转学,换车service ['s4:vis]n. 服务,贡献,雇佣,公职,劳役,服役,功劳,行政部门,送达,仪式vt. 保养,维修a. 武装部队的,服务性的,仆人的,耐用的payable ['pei4bl]a. 可付的,应付的,有利益的note [n4ut]n. 笔记,记录,注解,评论,符号,显要,照会,便笺,备忘录vt. 记录,注解,注意interest ['intrist]n. 兴趣,嗜好,利息,利益,势力,趣味,爱好vt. 使感兴趣,与...有关系bond [b3nd]n. 结合,债券,契约,粘合剂,关栈保留,键,保证人vt. 存入关栈,粘着vi. 结合simply ['simpli]ad. 只是,简直,坦白地,简单地,只须residual [ri'zidju4l]a. 残渣的,剩余的n. 残渣,剩余,余数remain [ri'mein]vi. 保持,逗留,剩余deduct [di'd8kt]vt. 扣除,演绎enterprise ['ent4praiz]n. 企业,事业心,进取心,干事业claim [kleim]n. 要求,要求权,断定vt. 要求,请求,主张net [net]n. 网,网状物,实价,净利,罗网a. 净余的,纯粹的vt. 用网捕,撒网,净赚,得到vi. 编网determine [di't4:min]vt.vi. 决定,决心formula ['f3:mjul4]n. 公式,定则,客套语increase [in'kri:s, 'inkri:s]n. 增加,增进,利益vt. 增加,加大vi. 增加,繁殖during ['dju4ri6]prep. 在...的时候inflow ['inflou]n. 流入,流入物enhancement增强enhance [in'ha:ns]vt. 提高,加强,增加decrease [di'kri:s, 'di:kri:s]n. 减少,减少之量vi.vt. 减少contribution ['k3ntri'bju:54n]n. 捐助,捐助之物,贡献participant [pa:'tisip4nt](C) 参加者,参与者; 有关系者[in] adj. 参与的,参加的; 有关系的definition ['defi'ni54n]n. 定义,精确度,清晰度encompass [in'k8mp4s]vt. (文语)1 围绕,包围2 包含,含有3 造成 <坏的结果等>gain [gein]n. 增益,获得,利润,腰槽,增加,收获vt. 得到,增进,赚到,开腰槽于vi. 获利,增加ordinary ['3:din4ri]a. 平常的,普通的,平凡的n. 推事sale [seil]n. 出售,卖,拍卖,销售额fee [fi:]n. 费用,小费,所有权vt. 付费给dividend ['dividend]n. 被除数,股利royalty ['r3i4lti]n. 皇室,王权,庄严rent [rent]n. 租金,房租,出租物,分裂,破裂处,裂缝vt. 租用,租出,强夺vi. 出租a. 分裂的,破裂的vbl. rend 的过去式和过去分词detail ['di:teil]n. 细节,详情vt. 详述,选派vi. 画详图property ['pr3p4ti]n. 财产,所有权,性质n. 属性exchange [iks't5eind9]n. 交换,汇兑,交易所vt.vi. 交换,交易,兑换customern. 消费者central ['sentr4l]a. 中央的,重要的confuse [k4n'fju:z]vt. 使混乱,使狼狈,使困惑outflow ['autflou]n. 流出,流出物depletion [di'pli:54n]n. 消耗,耗尽,放血incurrence [in'k8r4ns]n. 招致distribution ['distri'bju:54n]n. 分配change [t5eind9]n. 变化,找回的零钱,找头,更换vt. 改变,换车,兑换withdrawal [wi0'dr3:l]n. 撤退,退回,取消,停止服药,退股,退隐retain [ri'tein]vt. 保持,保有,聘请,记得,留住parallel ['p1r4lel]n. 平行,对比,相匹敌之物a. 平行的,相似的vt. 与...平行,与...相似,相比,使平行prepare [pri'pA4]vt. 准备,筹备,使有准备,训练,调配,制订,配备vi. 预备closing ['klouzi6]n. 结束a. 结束的section ['sek54n]n. 区段,部分,区域,节,一段,截面,处,科,界,区,组vt. 分段,切片vi. 被切成片n. 扇区corporate ['k3:p4rit]n. 组织similar ['simil4]a. 相似的,类似的n. 相似的东西manager ['m1nid94]n. 经理,管理员n. 管理器consulting [k4n's8lti6]a. 商议的,咨询的,顾问资格的rental ['rentl]n. 地租的,总额,地租收入a. 租借的,地租的figure ['fig4]n. 图形,数字,形状vt. 描绘,表示,演算,认为vi. 出现,估计,出名construct [k4n'str8kt]vt. 构造,建造,想出,作图n. 构成物receipt [ri'si:t]n. 收据,收入,收到vt. 开...的收据payment ['peim4nt]n. 付款,支付,报应,偿还,偿还financing [fai'n1nsi6]n. 融资,财务,资金perform [p4'f3:m]vt. 履行,完成,执行,表演vi. 行动,演出audit ['3:dit]n. 稽核,查帐vt. 稽核,旁听vi. 查账regulatory ['regjul4t4ri]a. 取缔的,统制的,调整的forensic [f4'rensik]a. 法院的,关于法庭的,适合于辩论的n. 辩论术budget ['b8d9it]n. 预算vi. 编预算vt. 编入预算,安排a. 廉价的management ['m1nid9m4nt]n. 经营,支配,管理investigation [in'vesti'gei54n]n. 调查,研究related [ri'leitid]a. 有关系的,有关联的,叙述的,讲述的lendern. 出借人,贷方trader ['treid4]n. 商人,商船director [di'rekt4]n. 主任,主管,导演planner ['pl1n4]n. 计划者categorize ['k1tig4raiz]vt. 把…分类; 将…归类private ['praivit]a. 私人的,秘密的,私立的,隐蔽的n. 士兵,阴部a. 私人的employer [im'pl3i4]n. 雇主,老板offer ['3f4]n. 出价,提议,意图,报价vt. 提供,出价,奉献,演出,使出现,企图vi. 出现,献祭,提议general ['d9en4r4l]n. 一般,将军,大体a. 一般的,普遍的,总的,大体的n. 常规accountant [4'kaunt4nt]n. 会计员,会计师client ['klai4nt]n. 客户,顾客,委托人n. 客户advisory [4d'vaiz4ri]a. 劝告的,顾问的,咨询的return [ri't4:n]n.回来,返回,来回票,归还,报答,报告书a. 返回的,回程的,重现的,反向的vi. 回返,归还,回来vt. 归还,还,回报,回答,获得,申报government ['g8v4nm4nt]n. 政府,内阁accumulate [4'kju:mjuleit]vt.vi. 积聚,堆积federal ['fed4r4l]a. 联邦的,联合的,同盟的provincial [pr4'vin54l]n. 乡下人,地方人民a. 省的,地方的,偏狭的municipal [mju:'nisip4l]a. 市政的,自治区的,内政的classification ['kl1sifi'kei54n]n. 分类,分级essential [i'sen54l]n. 要素,要点,本质a. 必要的,重要的,本质的against [4'geinst, 4'genst]prep. 反对,靠,倚effect [i'fekt]n. 结果,影响,效果,印象vt. 招致,引起,完成v. 效果function ['f86k54n]n. 功能,函数vi. 活动,运行,行使职责simplesta. 简单的,单纯的complex ['k3mpleks]n. 合成物,情结,复杂a. 复杂的,合成的calculate ['k1lkjuleit]vt.vi. 计算,考虑,计划,打算purchase ['p4:t54s]n. 购买,购买品,起重装置,紧握,价值vt. 购买,赢得,努力取得,举起schedule ['5edju:l]n. 时间表,一览表,计划表,议事日程vt. 预定,编制目录,制...表,安排firm [f4:m]n. 公司,商号a. 坚定的,坚强的,牢固的,结实的,坚硬的,确定的,严格的,坚挺的vt. 使牢固,使坚定vi. 变稳固,变坚实ad. 稳固地prominent ['pr3min4nt]a. 卓越的,显著的,凸出的,突起的sensitive ['sensitiv]a. 敏感的,易感的,灵敏的,感光的ethical ['e7ikl]a. 伦理的,民族的,民族特有的code [k4ud]n. 码,密码,法规,法典vt. 把...编码,制成法典n. 代码serve [s4:v]vt. 可作...用,服务,经历,招待,对待,送交vi. 服务,服役,侍应,开球,有用,适合n. 发球,开球develop [di'vel4p]vt. 发展,发达,显影,洗印,进步vi. 发展,生长moral ['m3r4l]n. 道德,品行,寓意a. 道德的,品性端正的,良心的authority [3:'73riti]n. 权威,专家,威信overemphasis [ouv4r'emf4sis]n. 过分的强调vt.vi. 过分强调eliminate [i'limineit]vt. 除去,排除,剔除,消除criticism ['kritisiz4m]n. 批评,评论,非难character ['k1rikt4]n. 个性,字元,人物,资格,品格reason ['ri:zn]n. 理由,原因,理智,理性,前提,道理vt. 说服,推论,辩论vi. 推论,劝说,思考ability [4'biliti]n. 能力,才干widespread ['waidspred]a. 广布的,普及的,流传宽广的media ['mi:di4]n. 媒体coverage ['k8v4rid9]n. 覆盖的范围,保险总额,新闻报导involve [in'v3lv]vt. 包括,使陷于,潜心于,包围host [h4ust]n. 许多,主人,旅馆招待vt. 当主人招待misdeed ['mis'di:d]n. 罪行,犯罪insider ['in'said4]n. 内部的人,会员,知道内情的人tradingn. 交易evasion [i've94n]n. 逃避,藉口failure ['feilj4]n. 失败,失败者,破产,缺乏,不足fraud [fr3:d]n. 骗子,欺骗,欺诈,诡计unethical [8n'e7ikl]adj. 1 不道德的2 违反 (特定职业等的) 道义 [规范]的,卑鄙的behaviour [bi'heivj4]n. (英)= behaviorthreat [7ret]n. 恐吓,恶兆,威胁confidence ['k3nfid4ns]n. 信心lawn [l3:n]n. 草地,草坪,薄麻布several ['sevr4l]a. 几,一些,各自的,不同的pron. 几个contract ['k3ntr1kt, k4n'tr1kt]n. 合约,婚约,契约vt. 使缩短,感染,缔结,承包,订约vi. 订约,承包deposit [di'p3zit]n. 存款,定金,堆积物vt. 存放,堆积vi. 沉淀cheque [t5ek]n. 支票truck [tr8k]n. 卡车,货车,交易,来往,实物工资,废话,废物,供应市场的蔬菜vt. 交易,交往,以卡车运输vi. 驾驶卡车,以物易物gas [g1s]n. 汽油,瓦斯,气体lubrication ['lu:bri'kei5n](U) 润滑,油润; 注油 (法)hire ['hai4]n. 租金,租用,雇用vt. 雇请,出租vi. 受雇insurance [in'5u4r4ns]n. 保险,保险业,保险费require [ri'kwai4]vt. 需要,命令,要求worksheetn. 操作说明column ['k3l4m]n. 专栏,圆柱,纵队n. 列,柱形图heading ['hedi6]n. 标题,起始字,方向n. 上标题item ['ait4m]n. 项目,条款n. 项false [f3:ls]a. 错误的,虚伪的,假的,不老实的ad. 欺诈地protect [pr4'tekt]vt. 防卫,保护,警戒lend [lend]vt. 借,贷款给,出租,提供,增添vi. 贷款。

beginning inventory :期初存货cost of goods sold :销货成本depreciation :n.折旧distribution :n.配销freight :n.运费gross margin :毛利income statement :损益表net income :净损益,净收入net sales :销货净额operating expense :营业费用sales revenue :销货收入accumulated depreciation :备抵折旧asset :n.资产balance sheet :资产负债表contributed capital :实缴股本fixed asset :固定资产liability :n.负债notes payable :应付票据prepaid expense :预付款项retained earnings :保留盈余stockholders' equity :股东权益cash on delivery :货到付款delay :v.延迟free on board :船上交货ground delivery :海陆运输letter of credit :信用状lump sum :一次付清Net 30 :货到后三十日付款net weight :净重pallet :n.(装卸、搬运货物用的)货板rush order :紧急订单;急件shipment :n.货运物;货运customs duty :关税duty-free :a.免税的export :n.出口import ban :进口禁令import restriction :进口限制import substitution :进口替代non-tariff barrier :非关税壁垒quarantine :n.检疫;隔离quota :n.配额smuggling :n.走私currency :n.货币,通货devalue :v.贬值downward :a.下降的,向下的exchange rate :汇率float :v.浮动fluctuation :n.变动,波动foreign exchange :外汇foreign exchange loss :汇兑损失in dollar terms :以美元换算intervention :n.干预;介入peg :n.连动;紧盯(某货币) purchasing power parity :购买力平价selling pressure :卖压volatile :a.不稳定的;易波动的bailout :n.紧急援助creditor nation :债权国developed country :已开发国家emerging market :新兴市场European Union :欧盟G10 :十大工业国globalization :n.全球化IMF :国际货币基金sanction :n.制裁summit :n.高峰会World Bank :世界银行WTO :世贸组织budget bill :预算案budget deficit :预算赤字economic policy :经济政策economic reform :经济改革electricity :n.电力infrastructure :n.基础建设investment environment :投资环境monetary policy :货币政策real estate :房地产subsidy :n.补助,补贴unemployment rate :失业率economic fluctuation :经济波动inflation :n.通货膨胀lagging indicator :落后指标optimistic :a.乐观的outlook :n.展望recession :n.景气衰退recovery :n.复苏stagnant :a.停滞的turnaround :n.(营业、经济等的)突然好转bubble economy :泡沫经济current account :经常帐deficit :n.赤字;逆差domestic demand :国内需求economic growth :经济成长economic statistics :经济统计export-oriented economy :出口导向经济foreign exchange reserve :外汇存底GDP :n.国内生产毛额index :n.指数indicator :n.指标liberalization :n.自由化macroeconomics :n.总体经济学market economy :市场经济standard of living :生活水平undersupply :n.供给不足assignment :n.分派;任务audit :n.稽查;稽核authority :n.权限bankruptcy :n.破产corner the market :垄断市场corporate culture :企业文化development :n.发展;开发diversify :v.多角化;多样化downsize :v.缩编innovation :n.创新merger :n.合并;并购operation :n.营运risk :n.危机;风险strategy :n.策略subordinate :n.下属track record :绩效纪录branch office :分公司company profile :公司概况core business :核心事业corporation :n.公司,企业found :v.创立headquarters :n.总公司joint venture :合资企业limited liability :有限责任listed company :上市公司market capitalization :市价总值merger :n.合并nonprofit :a.非营利的state-run enterprise :国营企业subsidiary :n.子公司charitable donation :慈善捐款deduction :n.扣除;扣除额dependent :n.被抚养人e-filing :n.网络报税exemption :n.免税额filing status :报税身分head of household :户长married filing separately :已婚分报return :n.退税;收益tax arrears :欠税,滞纳税金tax credit :税款扣抵额tax evasion :逃(漏)税tax return :报税单tax saving :节税unearned income :非劳动收入alimony :n.赡养费corporate tax :企业税direct tax :直接税excluding tax :不含税gift tax :赠与税income tax :所得税inheritance tax :遗产税IRS (Internal Revenue Service) :美国国税局progressive taxation :累进课税tax break :减税优惠tax increase :增税tax reform :税务改革tax revenue :税收taxation :n.课税;征税taxpayer :n.纳税人cashier's check:本票check:n.支票clearing house:票据交换所;清算所endorse:v.背书financial institution:金融机构mature:v.(定存、票据等)到期money order:汇票paycheck:n.薪资支票stop payment:止付postdated check:远期支票traveler's check:旅行支票invoice :n.发票ledger :n.分类帐non-payment :n.未付,未缴outstanding :a.未偿付的overcharge :v.索价过高,溢收费用overdue :a.逾期的payment terms :付款条件receipt :n.收据reimbursement request :请款单remittance :n.汇款。
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输方式常用表达2009-8-14 10:42:21-字体:大小14291.Transport by sea is the most important mode of transportation in the world today.海运是目前世界上最重要的一种运输方式。
ually,it is cheaper to have the goods sent by sea than by railway.通常,海运比铁路运输便宜。
3.For such a big order,we propose to have the goods dispatched by sea.数量如此多的货物,我们建议走海运。
4.Please dispatch the TV sets we ordered by sea.请海运我们订购的电视机。
5.Because of the high cost of railway transportation,we prefer sea transportation.因为铁路运输费用高,我们愿意走海运。
6.Sometimes sea transport is a problem for us.有时海运对我们来说是件麻烦事。
7.Please have the goods transported by air.请空运此批货。
8.To move the goods by railway is quicker.铁路运输较快。
9.We don't think it is proper to transport the goods by railway.我们认为此货不适合用铁路运输。
10.Can you have them sent by railway?能采用陆运方式吗?11.You may have some difficulties in arranging railway transportation,I think.我想你们安排铁路运输有困难。
12.We have arranged to transport the rice you purchased by rail.我们已安排用火车运输你们所购的大米。
13.We would prefer to have goods carried by road and not by railway.我们宁愿用公路运输而不用铁路。
会计日常用语(中英文)2008-7-4 15:36:20-字体:大小3507会计报表statement of account往来账目account current现在往来账||存款额current accout销货账account sales共同计算账项joint account未决账项outstanding account贷方账项credit account||creditor account借方账项debit account||debtor account应付账||应付未付账account payable应收账||应收未收账account receivable新交易||新账new account未决账||老账old account现金账cash account流水账running account暂记账||未定账suspense account过期账||延滞账overdue account||pastdue account杂项账户sundry account详细账单||明细表detail account呆账bad account会计项目title of account会计簿||帐簿account-book营业报告书||损益计算表account of budiness||business report 借贷细账||交验账account rendered明细账account stated与…… 银行开立一户头to open an account with与…… 银行建立交易to keep account with继续记账to keep account与…… 有交易to have an account with作成会计账||有往来账项to make out an account with清算||清理债务to make up an account清洁账目||与…… 停止交易to close one's account with结账to close an account清理未付款to ask an account||to demand an account结清差额to balance the account with清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account 审查账目||监查账目to audit an account检查账目to examine an account转入A的账户to charge the amount to A's account以计账方式付款to pay on account代理某人||为某人on one's account||on account of one为自己计算||独立账目on one's own account由某人收益并负风险on one's account and risk||for one's account and risk 由某人负担for one's account||for account of one按某人指示||列入某人账户by order and for account of one列入5月份账目for May account编入某中账项下to pass to the account of||to place to the account of寄出清算书to send in an account||to send in render an account会计账目用语大全2008-9-28 9:41:51恒星英语学习论坛字体:大小13887对账单,结单statement of account往来账户,活期存款账户,流通账account current经常账户current account销货账account sales两人共有之银行账户joint account应收[未清]账款;未付账单,未结算账目 outstanding account贷方账项credit account借方账项debtor account应付账account payable应收账account receivable新交易||新账new account未决账||老账old account现金账cash account流水账running account暂记账||未定账suspense account逾期账款,过期未付账款||延滞账overdue account||pastdue account杂项账户sundry account详细账单||明细表detail account坏账bad account会计项目title of account会计薄||账薄account-book营业报告书||损益计算表account of business||business report借贷细账||交验账account rendered明细账account stated与... 银行开立一户头to open an account with与……继续交易,与……有账务往来to keep account with继续记账to keep account与……有交易to have an account with作成会计账||有往来账项to make out an account with清算||清理债务to make up an account与……停止交易to close one's account with结账to close an account请求付账to ask an account||to demand an account结清差额to balance the account with清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account审查账目||监查账目to audit an account检查账目to examine an account转入A的账户to charge the amount to A's account先付……to pay on account代理某人||为某人on one's account||on account of one为自己计算||独立账目on one's own account由某人收益并负风险on one's account and risk||for one's account and risk由某人负担for one's account||for account of one按某人指示||列入某人账户by order and for account of one列入5月份账目for May account报账render an account款业务名称的英汉对照2008-9-28 10:48:58考试大字体:大小3059付款方法mode of payment现金付款payment by cash||cash payment||payment by ready cash 以支票支付payment by cheque以汇票支付payment by bill以物品支付payment in kind付清||支付全部货款payment in full||full payment支付部分货款||分批付款payment in part||part payment||partial payment记帐付款||会计帐目内付款payment on account定期付款payment on term年分期付款annual payment月分期付款monthly payment||monthly instalment延滞付款payment in arrear预付货||先付payment in advance||prepayment延付货款deferred payment立即付款prompt payment||immediate payment暂付款suspense payment延期付款delay in payment||extension of payment支付票据payment bill名誉支付||干与付款payment for honour||payment by intervention结帐||清算||支付settlement分期付款instalment滞付||拖欠||尾数款未付中英文资产负债表对照2007-11-15 17:05:07不详字体:大小6899BALANCE SHEET Printed by For the year(or,quarter,month)ended JULY31,1998ASSETSLIABLITIES ANDOWNER'EQUITY LINENOAT BEGOFYEARAT END OFYEARCURRENT ASSETS EQUI CURRENT LIABILITIESCash on handIT 1 Short term loansSCash in bankloan 2 Notes payableansS Marketable securities 4 Accounts payableties Notes receivableetie 5 Accrued payrolletie Accounts receivablees 6 Taxes payablevablLess:Provision for baddebts F 7 Dividends payablebadAdvance to suppliersd de 8 Advances from customersbtsOther receivablesustom 10 Other payablesesustDeferred and prepaidexpenses For 11 Accrued expensesaidInventoriesns 12 Staff and worker' bonus and welfare fundhe year(oLess:Provision for loss on realizationof inventoriesquarter,mo 13 Long-term liabilities due within one yearinventorieLong-term investmentsmaturing within one yeartoriesquar 15 Other current liabilitiesg withOther current assetslities 16Total current assetsg with 17 Total current liabilitiesg withLONG TERM INVESTMENTSliti LONG-TERM LIABILITIESlitiLong-terminvestmentsiesg 18 Long-term loansmentReceivables clooectableafter onr yearne yearto 20 Debentures payablee aftFIXED ASSETS: pay Premium (discount) on debentures payableeartorieFixed assets-cost) on d 21 一年以上的应付款Payable due after one yearentures pLess:Accumulated depreciationes pa 22 Total long term liabilitiesbleearFixed assets-netvalueerm li 23Disposal of fixed assetsmliab 27CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESSsm l OTHER LIABILITIESROGRConstruction inprogressliab 28 Exchange gain during start-up periodsbleeartINTANGIBLE ASSETS:ing Deferred gain on investmentsperiodLand occupancyrightvestm 29 Deferred taxes creditstmentProprietary technologyand patentsriodsblee 30 Other deferred creditd pateOther intangible assetsdpate 31 Unamortized exchange gainatentsrTotal intangibleassetsriodsb 32 Total other liabilities assetOTHER ASSETSer l Total liabilitiesssetOrganizationexpensesies 33 OWNERS' EQUITYationExchange loss duringstart-up perioddsbleear 34 Registered capital Currency and amount)oddsbleeartDeferred taxs debit and a 35 Paid in capital(amount of foreign currency atend ofperiod,month)ended DDeferred loss oninvestmentsn curr 36Other deferred expensesmentsn 37 Chineseinvestment(amount of foreign currency at end of periodnth)ended DECUnamortized exchangeloss foreig 38 Foreigninvestment(amount of foreign currency at end of periodnth)ended DECLess:Investment returnedeign cCapital surplusnedeReserve fundusneEnterprise expansion fundign cuProfit capitalised on return of investmentnd ofCurrent year profitrn oUndistributed profitstrn oTotal other assetsted pr Total owners' equityrn of iTOTAL ASSETS Tot TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITYnvestmentnNotes:1. Customer' materials to be processed____;2. Consignment in____;3.资Goods held for others____;4. Notes receivable discounted with recourse____;5. Fixed assets under operating lease____;6. Current year payment of import taxes____.d for others____;资产负债表MONETARY UNIT:YUAN资产行次年初数资期末数资负债及所有者权益行次年初数所有者期末数所有者流动资产流动负债:现金 1 短期借款42 银行存款 2 应付票据43 有价债券 4 应付帐款44 应收票据 5 应付工资45 应收帐款 6 应交税金46 减:坏帐准备7 应付股利47 预付帐款8 预收货款48 其他应收款10 其他应付款50 待摊费用11 预提费用51存货12 职工奖励及福利基金52减:存货变现损失准备13 一年内到期的长期负债53一年内到期的长期投资15 其他流动负债54 其他流动资产16流动资产合计17 流动负债合计55 长期投资: 长期负债:长期投资18 长期借款56 一年以上的应收帐款20 应付公司债57固定资产: 应付公司溢价(折价) 58固定资产原价21 一年以上的应付款项59减:累计折旧22 长期负债合计60 固定资产净值23固定资产清理27在建工程: 其他负债:在建工程28 筹建期间汇兑收益61无形资产: 递延投资收益62 场地使用权29 递延税款贷项63 工业产权及专有技术30 其他递延贷项64其他无形资产31 待转销汇兑收益65无形资产合计32 其他负债合计66 其他资产: 负债合计67 开办费33 所有者权益:筹建期间汇兑损失34 资本总额货币名称及金额递延税款借项35 实收资本(非人民币资本期末金额) 68递延投资损失36 其中:资损其他递延支出37 中方投资(非人民币资本期末金额69待转销汇兑损失38 外方投资(非人民币资本期末金额) 70 减:已归还投资71 资本公积72 储备基金74 企业发展基金75 利润归还投资76 本年利润77 未分配利润78其他资产合计所有者权益合计80资产合计负债及所有者权益总计81附注: 1.受托加工材料____;2.受托代销商品____;3.代管商品物资____;4.由企业负责的应收票据贴现____;5.租入固定资产____;6.本年支付的进口环节税金____. ____;中英文损益表对照2007-11-15 17:00:52不详字体:大小2968项目产品销售收入其中:出口产品销售收入减:销售折扣与折让产品销售净额减:产品销售税金产品销售成本其中:出口产品销售成本产品销售毛利减:销售费用管理费用财务费用其中:利息支出(减利息收入)汇兑损失(减汇兑收益)产品销售利润加:其他业务利润营业利润加:投资收益营业外收入减:营业外支出加:以前年度损益调整利润总额减:所得税净利润ITEMSSalesIncluding:Export salesLess:Sales discounts and allowances Net salesLess:Sales taxCost of salesCost of salesIncluding:Cost of export salesGross profitLess:Selling expenseGeneral and administrative expenseFinancial expenseIncluding:Interest expense ( less interest income ) Exchange loss ( less exchange gain )Income from main operationAdd:Income from other operationsOperating incomeAdd:Investment incomeNon-operating incomeLess:Non-operating expenseAdd:Adjustment to prior year\'s income and expense Income before taxLess:Income taxNET INCOME请求付款、催款的英语用语2008-9-28 10:00:44考试大字体:大小2525请求付款恳请速予汇款为荷。