五年级下册英语中的let’s talk
五年级下册英语中的let’s talkFive years old English is an essential subject for students in Grade 5. In this semester, the curriculum includes a section called "Let's Talk". This article aims to explore the importance and benefits of the "Let's Talk" section in English language learning for fifth graders.1. IntroductionThe "Let's Talk" section serves as a platform for students to practice and improve their spoken English skills. It encourages active participation and provides opportunities to enhance their vocabulary and fluency. This section focuses on developing students' ability to communicate effectively in English, both in and out of the classroom.2. Enhancing Verbal Communication Skills"Let's Talk" offers a range of conversations based on daily life scenarios. By engaging in dialogues with their peers or teachers, students learn to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions in English. They become more comfortable and confident in having conversations in various situations, such as introducing themselves, talking about their hobbies, or discussing their favorite foods.3. Vocabulary ExpansionThrough the "Let's Talk" section, fifth-grade students are exposed to a wide range of new vocabulary words. They learn how to use these words appropriately in different contexts and practice their pronunciation. By regularly using the language during the conversations, the studentsconsolidate their vocabulary knowledge and expand their word bank, increasing their language proficiency.4. Building FluencyRepeated practice of the conversations in the "Let's Talk" section helps students develop fluency in English. As they become more familiar with the dialogues, they gradually reduce their dependence on the written text. This process enables the students to think and respond quickly in English, promoting their fluency and improving their overall language skills.5. Improving Pronunciation and IntonationThe "Let's Talk" section emphasizes pronunciation and intonation, allowing students to mimic and practice the correct pronunciation of English words and sentences. By listening to the recorded dialogues and imitating the native-like pronunciation, students refine their spoken English skills. They learn the proper stress and intonation patterns, which contribute to effective communication.6. Promoting Collaborative Learning"Let's Talk" encourages collaborative learning among students. Through group discussions and role-plays, students not only practice their English skills but also learn from their peers. They actively engage in conversations, exchanging ideas and opinions, thus fostering a supportive learning environment and promoting teamwork.7. Developing Cultural AwarenessIn addition to language skills, the "Let's Talk" section enables students to learn about different cultures. The conversations often revolve around topics like festivals, traditions, and customs from around the world. By exploring these cultural aspects, students gain a deeper understanding of different societies, broadening their horizons and developing cultural awareness and sensitivity.8. ConclusionThe "Let's Talk" section in the fifth-grade English curriculum plays a vital role in enhancing students' spoken English skills. Through engaging conversations and activities, students not only improve their vocabulary and fluency but also develop confidence, cultural awareness, and effective communication abilities. The continued practice and exposure to English will undoubtedly benefit students throughout their academic journey and future endeavors.。
PEP人教版小学英语五年级下册第二单元第17页Let27s talk
Learning aims:
1. 能熟练朗读对话; 2. 能准确翻译对话。
Guiding 1:
请同学们认真朗读 第17页的Let’s talk中的 对话,并划出不会读的 内容,三分钟后,小组 交流。
Guiding 2:
2、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的 人谈话 。02:2 4:3802: 24:3802 :2412/ 10/2020 2:24:38 AM
3、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。 20.12.1 002:24: 3802:2 4Dec-20 10-Dec-20
4、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的 错儿。 02:24:3 802:24: 3802:2 4Thursday, December 10, 2020
5、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力 ,自胜 者强。 20.12.1 020.12. 1002:2 4:3802: 24:38D ecembe r 10, 2020
6、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像 泥块一 样任意 揉捏。 2020年 12月10 日星期 四上午 2时24 分38秒0 2:24:38 20.12.1 0
请同学们把Page8 Let’s talk中的内容翻译 为汉语,遇到不会的内 容请划出来,三分钟后, 小组交流。
Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节? Fall. It’s always sunny and cool. 秋天。天总是又晴朗又凉爽。 Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节? Winter. I can play with snow. 冬天。我可以玩雪。 I don’t like winter. It’s too cold. 我不喜欢冬天。天太冷了。
新版五年级英语下册Unit2B Lets talk完美版
如这山间清晨一般明亮清爽的人,如奔赴古城道路上阳光一般的人,温暖而不炙热,覆盖我所有肌肤。由起点到夜晚,由山野到书房,一切问题的答案都很简单。 我希望有个如你一般的人,贯彻未来,数遍生命的公路牌。 岁月极美,在于它必然的流逝。春花、秋月、夏日、冬雪说并用程这为再年余生,风雪是你,成多每内
话那就不是选择了而是正确答案了,一半一半,选哪一半都很困难,所以这才是选择。跟着你,在哪里,做什么,都好。眠。我倾尽一生,囚你无期。择一人深爱, 等一人终老。痴一人情深,留一世繁华。断一根琴弦,歌一曲离别。我背弃一切,共度朝夕。 人总是在接近幸福时倍感幸福,在幸福进行时却患得患失。路过的已 经路过,留下的且当珍惜 我相信,真正在乎我的人是不会被别人抢走的,无论是友情,还是爱情。我还是相信,星星会说话,石头会开花,穿过夏天的木栅栏和冬 天的风雪之后,你终会抵达! 每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。 每个清晨都像一记响亮的耳光,提醒我,若不学会遗忘,就背负绝望。 那一年夏天的 雨,像天上的星星一样多,给我美丽的晴空,我们都有小小的伤口,把年轻的爱缝缝又补补,我会一直站在你左右,陪你到最后的最后。 如果一开始就知道是这样的结局, 我不知道自己是不是会那样的奋不顾身。 黄昏是一天最美丽的时刻,愿每一颗流浪的心,在一盏灯光下,得到永远的归宿。 因为有了因为,所以有了所以。既然
带来家业丰厚,儿孙满堂,行走一生的脚步,起点,终点,归根到底,都是家所在的地方,这是中国人秉持千年的信仰,朴素,但有力量。风吹不倒有根的树我能 承受多少磨难,就可以问老天要多少人生。心,若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是流浪...如果有来生,要做一只鸟,飞越永恒,没有迷途的苦恼。东方有火红的希望, 南方有温暖的巢床,向西逐退残阳,向北唤醒芬芳。如果有来生,希望每次相遇,都能化为永恒。不乱于心,不困于情。不畏将来,不念过往。如此,安好。 笑, 全世界便与你同声笑,哭,你便独自哭。 一辈子,不说后悔,不诉离伤。上帝作证,我是真的想忘记,但上帝也知道,我是真的忘不了 如果其中一半是百分百的
五年级年级下册英语48页let's talk
一、简介《let's talk》是五年级下册英语教材中的一个重要章节,该章节主要围绕日常生活中的交流对话展开,帮助学生提高英语口语交流能力。
本文将对《let's talk》的内容进行详细分析,帮助读者深入了解这一章节的教学内容和教学目标。
二、教学内容分析1. 对话情境呈现《let's talk》中呈现了多个日常生活中的情境对话,包括家庭、学校、朋友间的交流对话等。
2. 语言表达规范在对话情境中,《let's talk》注重规范的语言表达。
3. 交际技能培养《let's talk》还注重培养学生的交际技能。
三、教学目标分析1. 提高学生的语言运用能力《let's talk》的教学目标之一是帮助学生提高英语语言的运用能力。
2. 培养学生的交际技能除了语言运用能力,本章节还旨在培养学生的交际技能。
3. 拓展学生的文化视野《let's talk》还希望通过对话情境的呈现,拓展学生的国际文化视野,使学生了解英语国家的日常生活和文化风俗,增强对英语的兴趣和学习动力。
四、教学方法与策略1. 任务型教学法针对《let's talk》的教学内容,教师可采用任务型教学法,让学生在实际对话练习中学习、掌握相关的语言知识和交际技巧。
五年级下册英语第六单元第二课lets talk
第一部分:概述1. “Let’s Talk”教材内容2. 本文旨在探讨五年级下册英语第六单元第二课“Let’s Talk”内容,帮助学生更好地掌握对话内容和相关词汇。
第二部分:对话内容分析1. 对话一:介绍新同学对话内容包括问候和介绍自己,以及询问对方尊称和芳龄。
2. 对话二:询问学校情况学生之间询问对方所在的学校情况,包括学校名称、老师和课程等。
3. 对话三:询问起居习惯学生之间介绍自己的起居习惯,包括作业时间、睡觉时间等。
4. 对话四:询问课外活动学生之间询问对方的课外活动,包括爱好、运动和游戏等。
第三部分:相关词汇学习1. 问候词汇包括“Hello”、“Hi”、“Good morning”等。
2. 介绍自己包括“My name is…”、“I am…”等。
3. 学校相关词汇包括“school”、“teacher”、“class”等。
4. 起居习惯词汇包括“homework”、“bedtime”、“get up”等。
5. 课外活动词汇包括“hobby”、“sports”、“game”等。
第四部分:语法和句型运用1. 介绍自己的句型“My name is…”、“I am…”等句型的使用。
2. 询问对方情况的句型“What is your name?”、“How old are you?”等句型的运用。
3. 描述学校情况的句型“My school is…”、“My teacher is…”等句型的运用。
4. 询问起居习惯的句型“What time do you do your homework?”、“When do you go to bed?”等句型的使用。
5. 描述课外活动的句型“I like…”、“I enjoy…”等句型的运用。
第五部分:教学方法与建议1. 培养学生的听说能力通过对话练习和角色扮演,培养学生的听说能力,增强他们的口语表达能力。
2. 多媒体辅助教学利用多媒体资源,播放相关视瓶或音频教材,让学生更直观地了解对话内容和语言表达。
五年级下册英语中的let’s talk
五年级下册英语课程中的let’s talk一、介绍let’s talk课程内容1. let’s talk是五年级下册英语课程中的一个重要模块,旨在帮助学生提高口语表达能力。
2. 该模块以日常生活中常见的场景为背景,设置了一系列的对话情境,让学生在实际交流中学会运用所学的英语知识。
3. 课程内容涵盖了问候、介绍自己、询问他人情况、表达自己的看法等实用的交际技能,有助于学生在日常生活中更自如地运用英语进行交流。
二、let’s talk课程实施方式1. let’s talk课程一般采用小组讨论或角色扮演的形式进行。
2. 在对话练习中,老师会鼓励学生多使用英语进行交流,提供必要的词汇和句型支持,同时也鼓励学生积极表达自己的想法和看法。
3. 通过角色扮演和小组讨论的形式,学生在轻松愉快的氛围中进行英语口语练习,从而更好地掌握日常交际所需的基本表达能力。
三、let’s talk课程的优势1. 提高学生的口语表达能力:通过大量的口语练习,学生能够更自如地应对日常生活中的各种交际情景,提高自己的口语表达能力。
2. 拓展学生的词汇量:let’s talk课程中设置了各种场景对话,丰富了学生的日常用语和交际用语,有助于拓展学生的词汇量。
3. 培养学生的交际能力:通过角色扮演和小组讨论,学生在实际交流中培养了自己的交际能力,学会了如何与他人进行有效的交流和沟通。
四、let’s talk课程的应用1. 在课堂教学中,老师可以将let’s talk课程作为一个重要的教学环节,通过实际对话练习,帮助学生提高口语表达能力。
2. 考试中也可以设置let’s talk的相关题型,考查学生在实际情境中运用英语的能力,更好地检验学生的口语交际水平。
3. 学校可以积极开展英语角等活动,为学生提供更多的口语交流机会,让学生在实践中不断提高口语表达能力。
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Which season is it?
Autumn is my favourite season. I really like the colours.
What about you?
I like autumn ,too. We usually have a school trip in autumn.
Unit 3 My school calendar
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Easter party
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May Day May Day
Mother’s Day
Children’s Day
Father’s Day
When is the trip this year?
It’s in October.
the eat Wall
We’ll go to the Great Wall.
Cool! I love the Great Wall.
When is Mother’s Day? It’s in May.
write her a letter
tell her a story
play the pipa for her
What about you and your partner?
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五年级下册第六单元let's let's talk
五年级下册第六单元let's let's talk摘要:一、引入:五年级下册第六单元的学习内容二、Let"s talk 的教学目标三、Let"s talk 的教学重点与难点四、教学策略与方法五、课堂活动设计与实践六、总结与反思正文:一、引入:五年级下册第六单元的学习内容本单元是小学五年级下册的第六单元,以“Let"s talk”为主题,引导学生学习和掌握日常生活中的交际用语。
二、Let"s talk 的教学目标1.学生能听懂、会说、会读本单元的交际用语。
三、Let"s talk 的教学重点与难点1.教学重点:日常交际用语的听说读写。
新PEP五下UnitBLetstalk ppt课件
That sounds
like + 名词 形容词
That sounds __/____ nice. That sounds __/____ good. That sounds __li_k_e__ a great idea. That sounds __/____ delicious. That sounds __l_ik_e__ my sister. That sounds __li_k_e__ a sad story. That sounds __/____ wonderful.
C: What do you do on the weekend ?
D: I sometimes……
副词吧! ppt课件
I always go shopping with my mum on Saturdays.
I often take a dancing class with my friend on Sundays.
She sometimes cooks dinner.
II oofftteenn w..a.tcahndTV and play pin..g.-pwointhg w..i.t.h my father.
I uIsuuaslluyalwlyas.h..m. y clothes. SSoommeettiimmeess II c.o.o.k. dinner.
Read again and answer
Shopkeeper: Why are you shopping today? Sarah: My mum worked last night.
五年级英语下册课文let‘s tok
五年级英语下册课文let‘s tokLearning a new language can be an exciting and rewarding experience It allows us to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds expand our horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us One of the most important aspects of language learning is the ability to engage in conversation and practice speaking the language regularly This is the focus of the English textbook lesson Let's TalkIn this lesson students are introduced to various conversational scenarios and learn how to initiate small talk exchange greetings and information and respond appropriately These are essential skills for anyone who wants to become a confident and fluent speaker of English Mastering the art of conversation not only helps improve language proficiency but also fosters important social and interpersonal skillsOne of the key things students learn in this lesson is how to start a conversation politely and naturally There are many different ways to begin a chat with someone new such as commenting on the weatherasking a question about their day or weekend or simply introducing yourself and expressing an interest in getting to know them Better yet you can combine these strategies to make the opening line more engaging For example you might say "Hi my name is John I noticed you're reading a really interesting looking book what's it about" This immediately demonstrates your curiosity about the other person and gives them an opportunity to share something about their interestsAnother crucial component of conversational ability is learning how to keep the dialogue flowing smoothly Once the initial greeting is out of the way it's important to be able to ask follow up questions keep the conversation going and respond in a way that shows you're actively listening This could involve paraphrasing what the other person has said asking for clarification or sharing a relevant personal anecdote The goal is to make the other person feel heard and valued so that they feel comfortable opening up and sharing moreOf course conversation is a two way street so it's equally important to know how to politely respond when someone else is speaking Nodding your head making eye contact and using affirmative phrases like "I see" "That's really interesting" or "I understand" are all great ways to demonstrate that you're engaged and attentive Avoiding interruptions and allowing the other person to fully express their thoughts is also key to maintaining a respectful and productive exchangeBeyond just making small talk the Let's Talk lesson also provides guidance on how to navigate more substantive conversations and discuss topics like hobbies interests and personal experiences This helps students develop the vocabulary and conversational skills needed to form deeper connections and build meaningful relationshipsFor example the lesson might present a scenario where you meet a new classmate and want to get to know them better You could ask open ended questions like "What do you like to do for fun" or "Tell me a little bit about your family" and then actively listen as they share information about their life and interests From there you can find common ground discuss your own experiences and experiences and maybe even discover new shared passionsUltimately the goal of the Let's Talk lesson is to empower students to step out of their comfort zones engage with others and practice using English in real world conversational situations This is such a crucial skill not just for academic success but for future professional and personal development as well Being able to communicate effectively and make meaningful connections with people from diverse backgrounds is an asset that will serve students well throughout their livesLearning a new language can be daunting but the rewards are immense Beyond the practical benefits of expanded career opportunities and the ability to travel and experience new cultures the process of learning a language also helps to develop important cognitive and social skills Conversation in particular is a skill that requires patience practice and a willingness to step outside one's linguistic comfort zone But the payoff is worthwhile as it enables us to share our stories connect with others and continually grow and evolve as individualsSo whether you're a student tackling the Let's Talk lesson or an adult learner looking to improve your conversational English skills the key is to embrace the challenge dive in and start talking Remember that every conversation is an opportunity to learn and every mistake is a chance to get better The more you practice the more confident and capable you'll become Until one day you'll realize that the language you once found so daunting is now a tool for expressing your authentic self and forging meaningful bonds with people from all walks of life。
五年级下册英语第五单元lets talka
五年级下册英语第五单元lets talkaIn the fifth unit of the fifth grade English textbook, "Let's Talk," students delve into various conversational scenarios, enhancing their language skills through interactive dialogues. This unit emphasizes practical communication, encouraging students to engage in conversations about daily activities, preferences, and experiences. By actively participating in these conversations, students not only improve their speaking and listening abilities but also develop confidence in using English in real-life situations.The unit begins by introducing vocabulary related to hobbies and interests. Students learn words and phrases associated with different activities, such as playing sports, painting, reading books, and playing musical instruments. Through engaging exercises and activities, students familiarize themselves with these new words, allowing them to express their own interests and preferences confidently.Following the vocabulary introduction, students engage in dialogues that revolve around discussing hobbies and interests. These dialogues provide models for students to follow and imitate, helping them understand how to initiate and sustain conversations on these topics. By practicing these dialogues with their peers, students gain fluency and develop their conversational skills further.As the unit progresses, the focus shifts to discussing daily routines and schedules. Students learn how to talk about their typical day, including activities they do in the morning, afternoon, and evening. They also learn time-related vocabulary and phrases, enabling them to express the time of day and discuss their schedules with others.In addition to discussing hobbies and daily routines, students explore the theme of making plans with friends. They learn how to suggest activities, make arrangements, and confirm plans with others. Through role-plays and group activities, students practice making plans and negotiating preferences, developing important social and communicative skills in the process.Towards the end of the unit, students engage in conversations about past experiences and memories. They learn how to talk about events they have participated in, places they have visited, and things they have done in the past. This section of the unit encourages students to share personal anecdotes and experiences, fostering a sense of connection and camaraderie within the classroom.Overall, the fifth unit of the fifth grade English textbook, "Let's Talk," provides students with valuable opportunities to improve their speaking and listening skills in English. By exploring topics related to hobbies, daily routines, making plans, and sharing experiences, students develop the confidence and proficiency needed to communicate effectively in various real-life situations. Through interactive dialogues, engaging activities, and collaborative exercises, students embark on a journey of language acquisition and self-expression, laying a solid foundation for their ongoing language learning journey.。
五年级下册英语第一单元lets talk
五年级下册英语第一单元lets talk'Let's Talk' is the first unit of the fifth grade English textbook. This unit is designed to help students communicate in English more effectively by providing them with vocabulary and phrases to use in everyday situations. In this unit, students will learn how to introduce themselves, ask and answer questions, and express opinions.To start the unit, students will learn how to introduce themselves by stating their name, age, and where they come from. They will also learn how to greet others and respond to greetings. This is an important skill for students to learn as it allows them to build relationships with others and form connections.Next, students will learn how to ask and answer questions. They will practice asking and answering questions about personal information, such as hobbies and interests. This is a great way for students to get to know each other and learn about each other's interests.The last part of the unit focuses on expressing opinions. Students will learn how to express their likes and dislikes, agree and disagree with others, and give reasons for their opinions. This skill is important for students to learn as ithelps them develop critical thinking skills and learn how to express themselves in a respectful manner.Overall, the 'Let's Talk' unit is a great way for students to develop their English communication skills. Students will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations, which will help them in their future personal and professional lives.。
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U1 A
When do you get up?
Zhang:At 6:00.What about you?
Amy usually get up at 6:30.When do you eat breakfast?
Zhang: At 6:20
Amy:When do you go to school?
Zhang: At 7:00.And you?
Amy: At 7:00 too.
U1 B
Chen:what do you do on weekend?
John:I often play football.Sometimes I go hiking.What about you?
Chen:Usually.I clear my room.I often go hiking too.
John:Let’s go hiking together next Sunday.
U2 A
Zhang:Which season do you like best?
Mike:Fall.it’s always sunny and cold.Which season do you like best? Zhang:Winter.I can play with snow.
Mike:I don't likewinter.It's too cold~
U2 B
Chen: What's your favourite season , Sarah?你喜欢什么季节?,莎拉?Sarah:spring
Chen:Why do you like spring? 你为什么喜欢春天吗?
Sarah:Because l can plant trees. Which season do you like best? 因为我可以种树,喜欢哪个季节
Chen:winter 冬天
Sarah:why do you like winter? 你为什么喜欢冬天?
Chen:Because l can skate因为我可以滑冰
U3 A
Mike:When is your birthday?
Amy:My birthday is in February.Is your birthday in Feburary,too?
Mike:No,my birthday is in December.What about you,Zhang Peng?
Zhang:My birthday is in October.
U3 B
Sarah:Who has a birthday in October?
Zhang: Me.
Sarah:What’s the date?
Zhang: It’s October 1st.What about you?
Sarah:My birthday is March 12th
U4 A
Amy: Hello
Chen:Hi,Amy.It’S Chen Jie.
Amy: Hi,Chen Jie.What are you doing?
Chen:I’m drawing pictures. What are you doing?
Amy: I’m reading a book
U4 B
Chen: Hello
Womsn: Hello.This is Nina.Can I speak to yor mom,please? Chen:She is cooking dinner.Please hold on.
Womsn:Thank you
Chen:Mom,there’s a call for you.
Mom: Thank you
U5 B let's talk
What do you see?你看见了什么?
I see two elephants.我看见了两头大象。
What are they doing?它们正在做什么?
They are drinking water.它们正在喝水。
Can you see the monkey?你看见猴子了吗?
Yes.They are swinging. 是的。
U5 A
Chen:I see the mother elephant。
Amy: What is she doing?
Chen:She’s walking。
Amy: What about the baby elephant?What are it doing? Chen:It’S running。
U6 A
Teacher:What are you doing?
John:I’m watching my classmates。
Teacher:Where are they?
John:They are in the woods。
Teacher:Are they catching butterflies?
John:No,they aren’t。
They are picking up leaves。
Wu:What are you see?
John:I see two elephant。
Wu:What are they doing?
John:They are drinking water。
Wu:Can you see the monkeys?
They are swinging。