

Pel 102 Pel 103 测量仪说明书

Pel 102 Pel 103 测量仪说明书

BOTÓN ENCENDIDO / APAGADO:-Puesta en marcha: conecte el cable de alimenta-ción a un enchufe.-Apagado: desconecte el cable de alimentación del enchufe y pulse el botón de Encendido / Apagado durante más de 2 s.OBSERVACIÓN: No se puede apagar el instrumento cuando está conectado a la red eléctrica o registrando.Entradas de tensión Ubicación de los identificadores de colorCable de red UbicaciónTarjeta SDConexión USB Ethernet RJ 45Entradas de corrientePEL 103(PEL 103 únicamente):Permite buscar y seleccionar la visualización de datos.BOTÓN SELECCIÓN:Inicia o detiene la sesión de registro y activa o des-activa la conexión Bluetooth.La función se obtiene pulsando durante 2 s el botón SELECCIÓN, encendiendo sucesivamente el piloto REC durante 3 s, y luego el piloto Bluetooth.PILOTO REC (INICIO / PARO)-El soltar el botón cuando el piloto está encendi-do inicia el registro (si estaba parado)-El soltar el botón cuando el piloto está apagado detiene el registro (si se estaba registrando)PILOTO BLUETOOTH (ACTIVAR / DESACTIVAR) -El soltar el botón cuando el piloto está encendi-do activa el Bluetooth (si estaba desactivado) -El soltar el botón cuando el piloto está apagado desactiva el Bluetooth (si estaba activado)754321698Instalación de DataView ®N O CON ECTE EL IN STRUMEN TO AL PC AN TES DE HABER IN STALADO LOS SOFT -WARE Y LOS DRIVER.1Introduzca el CD en el lector.Si la ejecución automática está activada, el programa se inicia automáticamente en su navegador. Si la ejecución automática no está activada, seleccione Start.html en D:\SETUP (si su lector de CD-ROM es el lector D; si no fuera así, sustituya el D por la letra del lector apropiada).2 Seleccione su idioma y haga clic en ENTER. Permita que su navegador abra el archivo.3 Seleccione la columna Software.4 Seleccione DataView o PEL Transfer si sólo desea instalar PEL Transfer.5 Descargue el archivo y descomprímelo.6Seleccione Setup.exe y siga las instrucciones.OBSERVACIÓN: Para obtener instrucciones de instalación completas, remítase al manual suministrado en CD-ROM.Tarjeta SDIntroduzca la tarjeta SD suministrada en el PEL.El PEL es compatible con las tarjetas SD (hasta 2 Gb) y SDHC (entre 4 y 32 Gb).• Una tarjeta de 2 Gb puede contener 4 semanas de registros, si Vd. no registra los armónicos.• Cuando la tarjeta SD está en el instrumento, se puede formatear, en ciertas condiciones, si está conec-tado a DataView ®.• Un formateado es posible sin restricción si la tarjeta se ha insertado en el PC utilizando el lector de tarjetasuministrado.• Se puede extraer la tarjeta directamente si no se está regis-trando.Abrir el PEL Transfer• Conecte el cable de alimentación a un enchufe. El instrumen-to se enciende.• Conecte el PEL al PC con el cable USB suministrado. Espere que los driver acaben de instalarse antes de seguir.• Haga doble clic en el icono del PELque se encuentra en el escritorio para abrir el PEL Transfer.• Seleccione el icono Agregar un instrumento en la barra de herramientas o en el menú principal Instrumento .•Siga las instrucciones del asistente Agregar un instrumento . SI PEL Transfer no detecta el instrumento en la lista desple-gable, haga clic en el botón Actualizar o desconecte y vuelva a conectar el cable USB.•Cuando se haya establecido la conexión con el instrumento,el nombre del mismo debe aparecer a la izquierda de la ven-tana en la rama Red PEL del árbol de directorios.Configuración del instrumentoPara configurar su PEL, seleccione el instrumento en el directorio Red PEL.Abra el cuadro de diálogoConfigurar al instrumento haciendo clic en el icono Configurar en la barra deherramientas, en el menúInstrumento o en la zona Estado .Este cuadro de diálogo consta de cinco pestañas:•General: Consta de campos que permiten asignar nombres al instrumento, opciones de auto apagado, de la pantalla LCD, de botones de funcionamiento, de programación del reloj y de formateado de la tarjeta SD.• Comunicación: Opciones relativas a la conexión Bluetooth y a la red LAN.• Medida: Selección del sistema de distribución, relación de las tensiones, selección de la frecuencia y ajuste de los sensores de corriente.• Registro: Opciones de selección de los parámetros de registro.•Contadores:Reinicialización de los contadores y opciones de reinicialización de los contadores de energía parcial.Haga clic en el botónpara transferir al instrumento la nueva configuración.Instalación de las sondas y de los sensores de corrienteSe entregan doce juegos de anillos e identificadores de color con el instrumento. Utilícelos para identificar las sondas y los bornes de entrada.• Quite los identificadores y colóquelos en los agujeros situados debajo de los bornes (los grandes para los bornes de corriente, los pequeños para los bornes de tensión).• Enganche un anillo del mismo color al extremo de la soda que se conectará al borne.• Medida de corriente: conectores 4 puntos I1, I2 y I3• Medida de la tensión: bornes V1, V2, V3 y NLas sondas de medida deben estar conectadas al circuito a vigilar según el esquema de conexión seleccionado. No se olvide definir la relación de transformación cuando sea necesario.MontajeEl PEL está dotado de imanes incorporados que permiten fijarlo a una superficie magnética.Inicio de un registro (Inicio / Paro)Para iniciar un registro, proceda como se indica a continuación:• En PEL Transfer: Seleccione la opción adecuada en la pestaña Registro del cuadro de diálogo Configura-ción. El instrumento se puede configurar para iniciar un registro o bien a una fecha y hora por venir, o bien inmediatamente al acabar la configuración del instrumento.• En el instrumento: Pulse el botón SELECCIÓN y manténgalo pulsado hasta que el piloto verde se encienda, luego suéltelo. El instrumento inicia el registro según los anteriores ajustes de configuración. Para detener un registro, proceda como se indica a continuación:• En PEL Transfer: En el menú, seleccione Instrumento > Detener el registro .• En el instrumento: Pulse el botón SELECCIÓN y manténgalo pulsado hasta que el piloto verde se encienda, luego suéltelo.Visualización del registroLos datos guardados se puede transferir de dos maneras a su PC para poder visualizarlos y generar informes:• La tarjeta SD se puede quitar del instrumento y conectar al PC mediante el lector de tarjeta SD suministrado.Inicie PEL Transfer, seleccione Abrir en el menú Archivo, apunte el archivo ICP que lleva el número de sesión deseado en la tarjeta SD y seleccione Abrir.• Conexión directa entre el PC y el PEL (USB, red o Bluetooth). Inicie PEL Transfer, abra una conexión al instru-mento, selecciónelo (compruebe que está conectado) en el árbol de directorios, luego seleccione Sesiones guardadas. Haga doble clic en la sesión de registro deseada.Una vez finalizad la descarga, seleccione la prueba descargada y haga clic en el botón Abrir en el cuadro de diálogo Descarga. En ambos casos, la sesión se añade a Mis sesiones abiertas en el árbol de directorios. Se podrán mostrar entonces los datos.09 - 2012Code 693779A05 - Ed. 1。



1 .目的为维持本公司各测量仪器及测试/实验设备之精确度与使用寿命,对测量,检测,实验等仪器设备进行有效管理,以确保其测量精度满足使用要求,确保测量,检测,实验等仪器处于良好的运行状态。

2 .范围适用本公司所有的测量仪器/设备,量具,实验设备。

3 .定义3.1 标准仪器:用作校验测量仪器,仪表,及量具等,标准仪器需经国家计量机构校验合格。

3. 2校验:用标准仪器对量规,测量仪器/设备进行校正和调整。

3. 3免校:测量仪器/设备的使用不直接影响产品品质或仅提供为参考使用。

3. 4外校:凡本公司无法校验的测量仪器或量校所需之标准条件,经由国家认可校验单位,仪器设备之原供应商或者经本公司评估合格的供应商,可提供检验报告书,并可追溯国家或国际标准。

4. 5内校:利用可追溯国家或国际标准之品保部的仪器,校验其它单位的仪器量具。

5. 6报废:无法维修或无维修价值之仪器设备。

6. 7校正周期:外校仪器设备周期一年,内校仪器设备周期为6个月。

4.职责4. 1品保部:4.1.1 负责公司所有量规,仪器/设备,实验设备的统一申购。

4.1.2 统筹量规,仪器/设备校正工作,按照公司年度内外校计划安排校正并保存记录。

4.1.3 负责量规,仪器/设备的会同验收,对量规,仪器/设备保养记录和作业指导书进行编制。

4. 2财务部:4. 2.1负责公司所有量规,仪器/设备,实验设备的资产管制。

7. 3采购部4. 3.1公司所有量规,仪器/设备的采购,外校及相关事项。

4. 4使用单位:4. 4.1仪器/设备采购有关事项的审查,会同验收。


4. 4.3保持本部门所用量规,仪器/设备完好及不超过校正周期。

4. 4.4如丢失,损坏,失准应及时报告品保部。

4 . 5. 5要求所有操作员严格按照仪器/设备作业指导书执行。

5 .工作内容5.1 量规,仪器/设备校正作业流程见附件。



RoHS环保测试仪作业指导书RoHS environmental testing working instruction班级:姓名:学号一.目的purpose:为正确使用仪器,避免因不当使用导致仪器损坏,确保仪器使用寿命及测试准确度。

For the proper use of equipment, avoid the improper use of cause equipment damage, ensure the service life of the apparatus and testing accuracy.二.范围Range:用于进料、制程、出货阶段之( 原物料、辅材、半成品、成品等 )环境有害物质检测分析。

For feed, process, ship stage (raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products such as auxiliary, environmental hazardous substances testing analysis).三.权责Responsibilities:3.1. 仪校人员负责操作指导书制定。

3.1. Instrument school personnel responsible for operating instructions.3.2. 测试人员负责仪器保养与维护。

3.2. The test personnel responsible for the equipment maintenance and maintenance.3.3. 测试人员必须为接受过相关仪器操作培训合格之品保课人员。

3.3. The test must have received relevant equipment operation training of qualified quality assurance staff.四.仪器开机与关机顺序Instrument boot and shutdown sequence:4.1. 开机顺序: 开稳压电源开测试仪(绿灯亮) 开电脑主机打开测试程序软件。



校正作业指导书文件版本修订章节修订说明A0 --编制部门批准审核编制技术研发中心共页第页一目的:完成自动分BIN机的校正二适用范围:用于大功率自动分BIN机.。


四步骤:1. 选择标准件,根据所测试的产品型号选择相应的标准件。

2. 设置积分时间,根据产品型号即产品的光通量值,当标准件值大于150Lm时积分时间应设置在30~50ms之间,当标准件值小于150Lm时积分时间应设置在40~80ms之间,即光谱卡值应在80%左右。

3. 大功率自动分BIN机,其校正件数至少为2PCS,最多为5PCS。

选择好标准件后,在电压的校正方式选择为 偏置;光通量的校正方式为 增益-偏置;X、y的校正方式为偏置;主波长的校正方式为偏置4. 校正误差即校正完后测试值与标准值之间的误差,其误差范围如下:V F±0.05(V)Flux±5%x、y±0.005λD ±0.5nm5. 在校正页面的标准值框内输入正确的标准件值。

6. 保证在校正测试前,其增益都为“1”偏置都为“0”,依次测试标准件,在校正页面上 会显示《测试值》,《误差值》和《误差百份比》,如有以下情况表明有标准件不符合校正要求。

6.1 光通量不符;当某个标准件光通量的误差值比其他标准件的误差值偏大或偏小5%以上 证明该标准件的光通量已不符合校正要求。

6.2 电压值不符;当某个标准件电压值的误差值比其他标准件的误差值偏大或偏小0.05V以上证明该标准件的电压值已不符合校正要求。

6.3 光色值不符;当某个标准件光色值即x和y值的误差值比其他标准件的误差值偏大或偏小0.005以上证明该标准件光色值已不符校正要求。

6.4 主波长不符;当某个标准件主波长的误差值比其他标准件的误差值偏大或偏小0.5nm以上证明该标准件的主波长已不符合校正要求。













5.1 校准环境确认在进行测量仪器校准之前,用户需要确认校准环境是否符合要求。


5.2 校准设备准备校准过程中所使用的校准设备需要事先进行准备,包括仪器的选择、检查和校准设备的校准等内容。


5.3 校准标准准备校准标准是进行测量仪器校准时的依据,用户需要根据实际情况选择合适的校准标准,并确保其准确度和可靠性。


5.4 校准操作步骤校准过程应按照一定的操作步骤进行,用户需要仔细阅读校准操作步骤,并按照要求进行操作。




6.1 校准结果分析用户应根据校准结果进行分析,包括结果的准确度、可重复性和稳定性等方面。




日本東京光電(株)LMG D5型雙顯示幕雷射測定機VOL.960208序感謝您向本公司購買日本東京光電子工業株式會社TOKYO OPTO-ELECTRONICS CO., LTD精心製作之高速高精度、非接觸式LMG機型雷射外徑測定機。






※10組OFF SET功能,可單一比測外徑,提昇量測精度。






謝謝!目錄一、前言 ………………………………………….…P.1二、LMG D5雷射面板說明………………………….…P.2三、LMG D5 雷射測定機待機量測時狀態…………....P.3四、LMG D5雷射測定機精度校正方法…………….…P.4~P.6五、自動量測與手動量測方法……………………….…P.7六、新增減程式組號設定方法………………………….P.8七、單一程式組運算方式設定方法…………………….P.9八、程式組保護鎖定方法……………………………….P.10九、選擇模式(DIA或GAP)說明…………………...P.11十、測定外徑及間隔(偏擺)設定方法…… …………….P.12十一、表示間隔/點數(POINT)設定方法……………….P.13~P.14 十二、OFF SET 補正值設定…………………………. P.15~P.15-2 十三、雷射故障及排除………………………………… P.16十四、使用注意事項及日常保養方法………………….P.17【補充說明】十五、精度校正步驟快速圖表法……………………….P.18十六、單一程式組運算方式快速設定圖表法………….P.19~P.21十七、取消右單一側已設定程式步驟………………….P.22十八、標準值、上、下限公差值設定………………….P.23十九、公英制(mm/inch)單位切換方法………………P.24二十、雷射量測值小數位數增減設定方法……………..P.25二十一、表示間隔之定義及變更方法…………………..P.26~P.28 二十二、量測奇數刃外接圓之最大外徑設定方法……..P.29~P.30 【註:2006年10月以後生產雷射適用】二十三、LMG D5雷射測定機初期化操作方法…….…..P.31 【註:2006年12月以後生產雷射適用】前言雷射測定機使用前準備動作:1. 長時間未使用時,開機後請先熱機30分鐘。

Omega CL514-PLUS 自动 universal RTD 校准仪说明书

Omega CL514-PLUS 自动 universal RTD 校准仪说明书

e-mail:**************For latest product manuals:User’s GuideCL514-PLUSAutomatedUniversal RTD Calibrator®Shop online atIt is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.Page 1• Easy to useWith the CL514-PLUS you can check & calibrate all your RTD instruments and measure RTD Sensors. Automatic indication of connections on the display for simple hookups.• Take it without into the shop, plant or field Carry it without worry - it comes protected with a rubber boot and rugged, low profile switch. Easy to operate even in the dark areas of the plant with the backlit display.• Calibrate directly in temperature (°C & °F)Stop carrying around a decade box and RTDresistance tables. The CL514-PLUS works with the RTDs you use including Platinm 100 (alpha = 3850, 3902, 3926) & 1000 (alpha = 3850, 3750) Ohm, Copper 10 & 50 Ohm, Nickel 100 and 120 Ohm. Easily set any value quickly to within 0.1° with the adjustable digital potentiometer “DIAL ” plus store any three temperatures for instant recall with the OMEGA switch.• Calibrate quickly with automatic output stepping Choose between 2, 3, 5, 11 and 21 steps toautomatically increment the output in 100%, 50%, 25%, 10% or 5% of span. Select the step time to match your system from 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 60 seconds.• Compatible with all process instruments Connect directly to the RTD inputs of smarttransmitters, PLCs, DCS and multichannel recorders and verify their outputs or displays. Works with older instruments with fixed excitation currents and newer multichannel instruments that switch the excitation current between input channels.• Measure RTD SensorsTrouble shoot sensor connections and find broken wires with patented technology. Connect your two, three or four wire RTDs and the CL514-PLUS automatically detects the connections and measures the RTD in degrees C or F.Page 2OMEGA SWITCHSOURCE: Instantly output two preset RTD temperatures by moving the OMEGA switch to the “LO” position or “HI” position. For fast three point checks select the “DIAL ” position. The CL514-PLUS will remember the last “DIAL ” value, even with the power off.These values can easily be changed to suit the calibration requirements. The temperatures stored in the HI and LO positions are also used for Auto Stepping.READ: Slide the switch to the DIAL position. The CL514-PLUS will display the current temperature from the RTD sensor. Slide the switch to HI and the highest temperature measured since turn-on or reset will be displayed; slide the switch to LO and the lowest temperature measured since turn-on or reset will be displayed.2 SOURCE/OFF/READ SwitchSelect “SOURCE ” to output in °C, °F or ohms. Select “READ ” to read an RTD sensor or ohms.3 PUSH-BUTTON KNOBSOURCE: Turn the knob to adjust the outputlevel. Turn clockwise to increase the output, °1.0 n i t u p t u o e h t e s a e r c e d o t e s i w k c o l c r e t n u o c steps at a time. Push down and turn the PUSH-BUTTON knob for faster dialing.Press and hold the knob for two seconds to store desired OMEGA HI/LO points in SIMULATE mode. Continue to press and hold the knob for two more seconds to start the automatic ramping.READ: Press and hold to transfer the current temperature into the OMEGA HI/LO points. This clears the HI/LO temperature readings which will update as the temperature changes.Double click the knob to get into the CL514-PLUS Configuration Mode. Use configuration to select °C or °F , T/C Type, Backlight On/Off, Step Size, Step Time and Auto Off On/Off.CHANGING BATTERIESLow battery is indicated by “BAT” on the display. Approximately one to four hours of typical operation remain before the CL514-PLUS will automatically turn off. T o change the batteries; remove the rubber boot, remove the battery door from the back of the unit by sliding the door downward. This allows access to the battery compartment. Replace with four (4) “AA ” 1.5V batteries being careful to check the polarity. Replace the battery door and replace the boot. All stored configuration options (RTD Type, OMEGA Memories, etc., are reset to factory settings when the batteries are removed.Note: Alkaline batteries are supplied and recommended for maximum battery life and performance.values to factory defaults.Turn the 3 PUSH-BUTTON knob to movethrough the menu. Press the 3 PUSH-BUTTONknob to toggle between OFF and ON or to scrollthrough the settings.Page 3Page 4SOURCEChoose this function to provide a simulated RTD signal into controllers, temperature transmitters, indicators or any input devices that measure thermocouple sensors.1)Disconnect the RTDsensor fromthe devicebe calibrated.2) Select “SOURCE ” with slide switch 2.3) 3 or 4 wires matching the connections of sensor that was just removed.The output is adjusted in 0.1° (or 0.01/0.1 increments by turning the knob 3 while OMEGA switch 1 with 10° (or 1.00/10.0 ohm) increments.The OVERLOAD indicator will light if voltage or current is detected by the calibrator.READChoose this function to measure temperatures with an RTD probe or sensor.1) Disconnect the RTD sensor from any other device.2) Select “READ ” with slide switch 2.3) Place the OMEGA switch into the READ position.4) Connect the CL514-PLUS to the device using 2, 3 or 4 wires.The CL514-PLUS measures the temperature signal and constantly updates the display with the current temperature reading. Move the OMEGA switch to MAX to see the highest temperature reading and to MIN to see the lowest temperature reading. Press and hold the knob 3 to clear the MAX and MIN readings.The OVERLOAD indicator will light if excessive voltage or current is detected by the calibrator.Page 5To change the Automatic Stepping settingsDouble click the 3 PUSH-BUTTON knob at any time the unit is on and the following display will appear for 30 seconds:Turn the 3 PUSH-BUTTON knob to move through the menu. Press the 3 PUSH-BUTTON knob to toggle between OFFand ON or to change the STEPS and the STEP TIME settings.These settings are remembered even with the power off. EXIT MENU - exits this menu immediately and saves anychanges. Menu will automatically exit after 30 seconds of inactivity.STEPS - pressing the knob will cycle through 2, 3, 5, 11 and 21 steps then reverse dircetion. The endpoints of the steps are based on the values stored in the HI and LO EZ-CHECK outputs. 2 steps will automatically switch between the values stored in the HI & LO OMEGA (0 & 100%).3 steps between the HI, Midpoint and LO OMEGA (0, 50 & 100%).5 steps between the HI and LO OMEGA in 25% increments (0, 25, 50, 75 & 100%).11 steps between the HI and LO OMEGA in 10% increments (0, 10, 20...80, 90 &100%).21 steps between the HI and LO OMEGA in 5% increments (0, 5, 10... 90, 95 & 100%).STEP TIME - pressing the knob will cycle through 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 60 seconds. To start the Automatic SteppingStart automatic stepping or ramping by placing the OMEGA Switch into the HI or LO position then press and hold the 3 PUSH-BUTTON knob for 6 seconds (the word STORE will appear on the display after 3 seconds and continue to press the PUSH-BUTTON knob) until the wordSTEPPING appears on the display. The word STEPPING will appear on the display anytime the selected automatic function is running. Stop the stepping by again pressing and holding the 3 PUSH-BUTTON knob for 3 seconds.STORING HI and LO OMEGA OutputsChoose this function to provide a simulated thermocouple signal into controllers, temperature transmitters, indicators or any other input device that measure thermocouple sensors..1) Store your high (SPAN) output temperature by moving the OMEGA switch to the HI position and turn the 3 PUSH-BUTTON knob until the desired temperature is on the display. Press and hold the knob until STORED appears to store the value. Release the PUSH-BUTTON knob.2) Store your low (ZERO) output temperature by moving the OMEGA switch to the LO position and turn the 3 PUSH-BUTTON knob until the desired temperature is on the display. Press and hold the PUSH-BUTTON knob until STORED appears to store the value. Release the PUSH-BUTTON knob. 3) Instantly output your SPAN and ZERO temperature outputs by moving the OMEGA switch between HI and LO. Y ou may also select any third temperature output (such as mid-range) using the SET position on the OMEGA switch.EXIT 15> STEPS 3 STEP TIME 8 AUTO OFF ONPage 6(Unless otherwise indicated all specifications are rated from a nominal 23°C,70% RH for 1 year from calibration)Page 7This product is calibrated on equipment traceable to NIST and includes a Certificate of Calibration. Test Data is available for an additional charge.Included:Rubber Boot, Four “AA” Alkaline batteries, Certificate of CalibrationLarge Carrying Case Part No. SC-530 Omega RTD Wire Kit2 Red & 2 Black Leads with Retractable Shield Banana Plugs & Spade LugsPage 8WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 37 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal three (3) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. U pon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification.This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty,negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1)as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/ DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department.BEFORE RETU RNING ANY PRODU CT(S) TO OMEGA, PU RCHASER MU ST OBTAIN AN AU THORIZED RETU RN (AR) NU MBER FROM OMEGA’S CU STOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please havethe following information available BEFOREcontacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number under whichthe product was PURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of the productunder warranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specificproblems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS,consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2.Model and serial number of theproduct, and 3.Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2010 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied,reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, withoutthe prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at SMTEMPERATUREⅪߜThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesⅪߜWire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorⅪߜCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesⅪߜRecorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsⅪߜInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEⅪߜTransducers & Strain GagesⅪߜLoad Cells & Pressure GagesⅪߜDisplacement TransducersⅪߜInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELⅪߜRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersⅪߜAir Velocity IndicatorsⅪߜTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsⅪߜTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYⅪߜpH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesⅪߜBenchtop/Laboratory MetersⅪߜControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsⅪߜIndustrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONⅪߜData Acquisition & Engineering SoftwareⅪߜCommunications-Based Acquisition SystemsⅪߜPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & CompatiblesⅪߜData Logging SystemsⅪߜRecorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSⅪߜHeating CableⅪߜCartridge & Strip HeatersⅪߜImmersion & Band HeatersⅪߜFlexible HeatersⅪߜLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLⅪߜMetering & Control InstrumentationⅪߜRefractometersⅪߜPumps & TubingⅪߜAir, Soil & Water MonitorsⅪߜIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentⅪߜpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen Instruments M4839/0710。



PASS灯亮绿色 Fail 灯亮红色
LED荧幕 找点探棒插座 模块测试点 操作按键
按鍵介紹~~~功能說明 1/3
Func Setup Print File Save Learn Stat
系统功能选单 系统设定选单 打印功能选单 档案管理设定 储存测试&数据文件设定 短断路学习 列示测试统计资料
产品不通过某项设定造成的结果 开路是指该产品某个功能节点断开
短路是指该产品某两个或多个功能节点并在 一起 绝缘是指功能点与点之间电阻达不到要求 导通是指线材电阻过大达不到设定参数要求 错位是指功能点的位置与标准的不一样
Fail LED(红色) Pass LED(绿色) LED屏幕
I/O PORT(模块测试点)
按键介绍~~~功能说明 1/3
自我读取标准资料 执行测试 单边测试 循序测试 功能键 系统重新启动
3.2 测试电压设定(V) 按
.. V Hipot
A. V/Ω SETUP 1 .Cond. Ω:1Ω 2 .Hipot V:500V 3 .Ins. Ω:50 ΜΩ
3.3 绝缘阻抗设定(ΜΩ) 按 进行绝缘设定
H.V. 进行高压时间设定 TIME B. HV/INS SETUP 1 .HV Time:0.1s 2 .Ins Fail No:3


二、基本元件 1.仪器中包括下述用于检测的基本元件: (1)外壳:可容纳其它所有元件的喷塑容器。 (2)吊钩:安置在仪器外壳的顶端,使用者可以通过吊钩将仪器挂起来使用。 (3)样品过滤器:过滤导入仪器的样品中的油蒸气和其它杂质。 (4)控制板:显示屏可以双行显示,每行可显示器 6 个符号,另有 2 个按钮开关。显示屏 将显示分析结果并为使用者提供操作指导。通过两个按钮开关使用者可以与仪器微处理器 相沟通。 (5)进空气口:将新鲜空气导入仪器来进行红外线和化学燃料电池检测装置的校正。
(8)分析结果将保留在仪器的显示屏上,直到使用者按下 A 按钮。按下 A 按钮后要根 据显示屏的提示进行操作。
(9)如果需要对另一个样品进行检测,直接从步骤 5 开始操作如果不需要再进行检测, 拆下仪器的电源线,检测完毕。 3.操作结束后的清理步骤
(1)从仪器样品入口处拆下采样管。观察管子是否有磨损,裂纹,油堵或污染,并及 时更换。擦净管子的外表面,将管子卷起放入盒子中。
冷却至工作温度范围之内,并再试一次。在使用前,仪器通电后需要更多的预热时 间。
(5) 要清除错误信息,需要断掉仪器的电源,错误信息将自动清除。 DETECTOR FAULT(探测器故障):由于存在温度极限而出现内部红外传感器故障。 正确的操作: (1) 使用前保持仪器处于室温状态至少 30 分钟。 (2) 要清除错误信息,需要断掉仪器的电源,错误信息将自动清除。 CALIBRATION FAULT(校正故障):显示红外线校正故障。 正确的操作: (1) 确认空气进口和样品出口没有被堵塞。 (2) 如果仪器是在一个封闭的环境中使用,环境大气中将出现制冷剂蒸气,而且在校正
三、操作说明 1.操作前的检查
(1)检查仪器外面的圆柱形容器中的白色过滤芯上是否有红点。任何红点的出现都说明 过滤器需要更换以避免仪器失效。

MODEL 3165 3166 使用说明说明书

MODEL 3165 3166 使用说明说明书





1. 请确认测试导线完全插入仪器的接线端。

2. 测量时请勿超过测量范围的最大允许输入。

3. 请确认仪器和接地的接线端间施加电压不超过600V AC/DC。

4. 请勿在易爆炸性气体的环境中测量(例如可燃气体或烟)。

5. 使用前认真检查测试导线和附件是否存在损坏或异常。


6. 测试导线连接时请勿按下测试开关。

7. 绝缘测试时请勿触摸电路。

8. 打开电池盖更换电池前请取下测试导线,关闭仪器电源。

9. 使用后请关闭仪器电源。

10. 请勿将仪器暴露于直射太阳,潮湿或高温环境中。

11. 请勿将仪器存放于50℃以上的温度条件下。

12. 仪器的校正和修理应该由受过正规训练、合格的技术人员进行操作。

13. 不要使用其它的附件,如仪器出现故障不要由非受过正规训练人员进行修理,应将仪器返回至你的经销商由正规人员进行修理。

14. 本仪器必须由受过正规训练的、合格的技术人员进行操作,并在本说明书规定的条件下使用。




●仅使用R6(AA)(1.5V)×4电池类型3.规格●测量范围精确度(在23±5℃, 相对湿度45~75%)绝缘电阻范围:MODEL3165MODEL3166测试电压500V1000V测量范围1000MΩ2000MΩ中刻度值20MΩ50MΩ输出电压额定测试电压+20%-0%输出短路电流230μA最大450μA最大1-500MΩ:读数的±5%2-1000MΩ:读数的±5%精确性其他测试范围刻度的±0.7%交流电压警告警告范围0-600V交流精确性刻度的±3%电源 1.5V×4 (R6)(SUM-3)(AA)或等量电量。

OMEGA CL561多功能校准仪说明书

OMEGA CL561多功能校准仪说明书

Multifunction Calibrator$Basic UnitCL561 is a modular all-in-onemultifunction calibrator that can be fully equipped with all the temperature, pressure, and electrical modules and optionspresented in the following pages, or upgraded with modules and/or options as requirements arise.CL562 shown smaller than actual sizeߜMultifunction Calibrator: Temperature, Pressure,Electrical Measurement (mA, mV, V, Ohm, Hz)ߜMultiple Datalogging Channels (Optional)ߜField Entry of Data and TextߜHart ®Communication (Optional)ߜNIST Certificate Included ߜ10 Hours (Average) of Battery Operation.Rechargeable BatteryPack IncludedOMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page.Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor and equivalent loanersPRESSURE MODULES (INT & EXT) (Optional, ordered with base unit or field installable)CL561 can have up to three (3) internal pressure modules. All the internal pressure modules, up to INT6C,are equipped with relief valves as overpressure protection. This together with the possibility to also use external pressure modules, gives CL561 a unique pressure calibration capability.A unit fitted with the barometric module allows all other pressure modules to also measure absolute pressure. The pressure modules incorporate advanced pressure measurement technology, whichmeans that only a few modules are needed to cover a very wide pressure range with excellent uncertainty.CL561 supports more than 30 different pressure units as standard.Electrical Module (Included With All Models)The electrical module (E), which is galvanically isolated from all the other modules, measures electrical quantities including frequency. Additionally it counts pulses and detects the state of switches (opening and closing values). It includes a +24V DC loop supply and also generates current.The E module hosts the optional Hart ®modem which allows digital communications with instruments which support the Hart ®protocol. CL561 automatically includes an internal modem plus 250 Ohm resistor needed for Hart ®communication when the +24V DC loop supply is used.for mentioned period. (k=2)2) Bias current <10 nA 3) Impedance >1 Mohm 4) Impedance < 7.5 ohm5) Impedance > 1 Mohm. Frequency measurement minimum amplitude 0.5 Vpp (< 5 kHz), 1 Vpp (5 to 50 kHz).Pulse counting minimum amplitude 0.5 Vpp (pulse length > 100 µs), 1 Vpp (pulse length 100 µs to 10 µs), Trigger level range -1 to +15 V.6) Maximum load impedance 800 ohmE Module FeaturesߜVoltage Measurement ߜPulse CountingߜLow Voltage Measurement ߜFrequency Measurement ߜCurrent Measurement ߜSwitch TestingߜCurrent Generation ߜ+24V DC Loop SupplyߜHosts the Hart ®Communication (Optional)Multifunction Calibrator (cont’d)Internal (INT) & External (EXT) Pressure Modulesfor mentioned period. (k=2)2)Every internal/external pressure module’s range may be displayed also in absolute pressure if the Barometric Module (B) is installed. Supports the following pressure units as standard: Pa, hPa, kPa, MPa, mbar, bar, lbf/ft 2, psi, gf/cm2, kgf/cm2, kgf/m2, kp/cm2,at, mm H2O, cm H2O, m H2O, iwc, ft H2O, mm Hg, cm Hg, m Hg, in Hg, mm Hg(0°C), in Hg(0°C), mm H2O (4°C), in H2O (4°C), ft H2O (4°C), in H2O (60°F), mm H2O (68°F), in H2O (68°F), ft H2O (68°F), torr, atm.Pressure modules 20bar and below, pressure connection G 1/8 (ISO 228/1) 60°internal cone.INT60, INT100, INT160 module pressure connection G 1/8 (ISO 228/1) female.EXT60, EXT100, EXT160, EXT250, EXT600, EXT1000 pressure module pressure connection G 1/4 (ISO 228/1) male.Wetted parts AISI316 stainless steel, Hastelloy, Nitrile rubber.In the INT20C, EXT20C, INT60, EXT60, INT100, EXT100, INT160, EXT160 and EXT250 themaximum overpressure is twice the range.The maximum overpressure for EXT600 is 900 bar and for EXT1000 1100 bar.module (see chart above)Additional RTD Types Included• Pt50 (385)• Pt400 (385)• Pt100 (3923)• Pt100 (391)• Ni100 (618)• Pt100 (385)• Pt500 (385)• Pt100 (389)• Pt100 (375)• Ni120 (672)• Pt200 (385)• Pt1000 (385)• Pt100 (3926)• Cu10 (427)RTD/ohm simulation excitation current 0.2 … 5 mA (1 … 1000 ohm), 0.1 … 1 mA (1 ... 4 kohm).TEMPERATURE ELECTRICAL MODULE (ET)(Included with the CL562)With the temperature and electrical module (ET) you can simulate and measure a great variety of RTD’s and thermocouples. Additionally you can generate electrical signals including frequency and pulses as well as measure and generate / simulate mV and ohm signals with the same module.Both the ITS90 and IPTS68 International Temperature Scales are selectable from the configuration menu in the CL562.The ET module hosts the reference junction (RJ) module. The RJ module operates using advanced temperature measurement technology providing very accurate internal cold junctioncompensation when measuring or simulating thermocouples.The unique design of the RJ module makes it possible to use practically any connector type or plain TC wires.ET Module FeaturesߜRTD Measurement/Simulation ߜFrequency Generation ߜResistance Measurement/SimulationߜPulse GenerationߜThermocouple Measurement/SimulationߜVoltage GenerationߜLow Voltage Measurement/GenerationߜCurrent GenerationߜHosts the Optional InternalReference Junction Module (RJ)2)Load effect < 5 µV/mA. Maximum output current 5 mA.3)Load effect < 100 µV/mA. Maximum output current 10 mA (0 .. 10 V), 3 mA (10 .. 12 V).4)Maximum load impedance 400 ohm.5)Amplitude range 0 .. 12 Vpp. Amplitude setting accuracy up to 5 kHz ±(200 mV + 5% of set value). Waveforms: Square wave (positive /symmetric) and sinewave (above 40 Hz).6)Pulse generation frequency range 0.1 ... 1000 Hz. Amplitude setting 0 ... 12 Vpp.7)Valid with measurement current 0.2 ... 5 mA (1 ... 1000 ohm), 0.1 .. 1mA (1 ... 4 kohm). Ohm/RTD simulation speed 1 ms.8)Which ever is greater.9)Specification valid with 4 wire connection. In 3 wire connection add 10 mohm.10)Bias current < 10 nA.Multifunction Calibrator (cont’d)Resolution 0.01°C.With internal reference junction (module RJ)add 0.1°C uncertainty.Thermocouple types C3(ASTM E 988 - 96), G3 (ASTM E 1751 - 95e1) and D3(ASTM E 988 - 96)also available as standard.Also other thermocouple types available as option.1)Uncertainty includes reference standard uncertainty, hysteresis, nonlinearity, repeatability and typical long term stability for mentioned period. (k=2)2)IEC 584, NIST MN 175, BS 4937, ANSI MC96.13)±(0.02 % RDG + 4) µV4)DIN 43710General / Physical• Multifunction Calibrator in one box• Modular construction- pressure calibrator- temperature calibrator- multifunction calibrator• Internal pressure modules• External pressure modules• IP65 water / dust proof casing• Membrane protected keypad• Integrated impact protectors• Expansion capabilitiesUser Interface• Graphical display of calibration results• Back-lit LCD display• Variable back-lit intensity• Menu driven user interface• Multilingual• On-line helpMiscellaneous• Hart®communication (optional)• Portable printer connection• Program version updates through RS-port Pressure• Integral relief valve (modules up to INT6C)• Multimode pressure modules (vac/gauge/abs)• Supports more than 30 different pressure units as standard• P/P transmitter calibrationTemperature / Electrical• Galvanically isolated input andoutput sections• Electrical measurement / source: mA,mV, V, ohm, Hz• Pulse generating and counting• Many different RTD types as standard• Many different T/C types as standard• Special temperature sensors• High accuracy internal coldjunction compensation• Simultaneous mA source and measurement Usability• Field entry of data and text• Automatic storage of ambient/UUT temperature • Datalogging, multiple channels• Resolution setting• Filter setting (damping)• Ramp and step generationCL561 SpecificationsGeneralDisplay:96 x 72 mm (3.78" x 2.83"),320 x 240 pixels, backlit LCDWeight:1.7 - 2.3 kg (3.7 - 5.1 lb)Dimensions:245 D x 192 W x 74 mm H (9.6 x 7.5 x 2.9") Case Protection:IP65 (dust and water proof) Keyboard:Membrane protected individual keys Battery Type:Rechargeable NiMH,4000 mAh, 7.2V DC (included)Battery Operation:Average 10 hoursCharger Supply:100-240 Vac, 50 to 60 Hz Operating Temperature:-10 to 50°C (14 to 122°F) Specifications Valid:15 to 35°C (59 to 95°F) Temperature Coefficient:< ±0.001% RDG/°C outside of 15 to 35°C (59 to 95°F)Storage Temperature:-20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F) Humidity:0 to 80% R.H. non condensing Measurement Sample Rate:2.5 / second Warranty for CL561: 3 years as standard, battery pack 1 yearNOTE: All specifications are subjectto change without prior notice.pressure module or option code from tables below or leave blank for none.Hart ®is a registered trademark of Hart ®Communication Foundation.Multifunction Calibrator (cont’d)leads and clips, RS232 cable, battery charger, carrying strap, manual,NIST certificate and pressure hose set (only if unit is equipped with INT pressure modules).Ordering Examples: CL562-INT2C-INT20C-BP is a multifunction calibrator with -1 to 2 Bar and -1 to 20 Bar internal pressure modules and a barometric sensor, $4400 + 1800 + 1800 + 1200 = $9200.CL561-MD is a multifunction calibrator with electrical module and multi-channel datalogging, $3300 + 550 = $3850.OCW-2, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 3-year warranty to a total of 5 years, ($250), $4400 + 250 = $4650.CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.fr Guyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。










校准过程如下:1. 插上欲校准的力传感器,如量程为50kg的力传感器,在左侧选中一个力传感器通道;2. 在“量程”输入框输入传感器的量程,如“50”kg;3. 在“零值”输入框输入传感器的零值力,一般输入“0”;4. 点击“清空”按钮将校准表清空;5. 校准第1点:将传感器空载,并在“标准砝码值”右侧的输入框输入“0”kg,再点击“取点”按钮,则第1点的AD值和标准砝码值被取入校准表;6. 校准第2点:将传感器加载一定值的负荷,如挂上5kg的砝码,并在“标准砝码值”右侧的输入框输入负荷值“5”kg,再点击“取点”按钮,则第2点的AD值和标准砝码值被取入校准表;7. 校准第3点:方法同第2点,如果继续校准第3点,则“AD值”和“标准砝码值”均只能比第2点更大,否则校准会不准确;8. 校准第4点:方法同第2点,如果继续校准第4点,则“AD值”和“标准砝码值”均只能比第3点更大,否则校准会不准确;9. 校准第5点:方法同第2点,如果继续校准第5点,则“AD值”和“标准砝码值”均只能比第4点更大,否则校准会不准确;10. 校准第6点:方法同第2点,如果继续校准第6点,则“AD值”和“标准砝码值”均只能比第5点更大,否则校准会不准确;11.点击“将校准数据写入采集卡”按钮,如果提示“写入成功”,则完成一个力传感器的校准,如果提示“写入失败”,请再重试几次。




安全信息主要有以下几种形式: 危险- 指可能死亡的危险。

警告- 指身体可能受伤的风险。

重要信息– 指存在车辆或工具损坏的风险。

备注– 指附加的确认和帮助提示。







简介目录简介 (3)安全须知 (3)国际电气符号 (7)电气测量单位 (7)开始使用 (8)仪表基础信息 (8)数字显示与模拟显示 (9)旋钮 (11)按钮功能 (12)输入端子 (14)仪表功能 (15)电压(V) (15)RPM (16)负载循环 (17)频率 (18)温度 (20)电阻 (21)连续性 (22)二极管检查 (23)交流/直流电流 (24)电池消耗/校准 (25)负载 (26)接地测试 (28)充电系统测试 (30)氧传感器 (32)TSP传感器 (34)MAP传感器 (35)MAF传感器 (36)EGR传感器 (37)CRNK(霍尔效应)传感器 (38)MAG传感器 (39)燃油 (40)点火 (43)高级功能 (47)维护 (48)保险丝和电池的更换 (48)规格 (49)一般规格 (49)电气规格 (50)简介简介安全须知危险发动机会产生一种无味的气体——一氧化碳,会造成反应变慢并引起严重伤害。



(About this product improvement and the partial renewal, we will not give the additional explanation. If you have any question, please ask your agent or us.)
(Suggest to keep this packing material, It’s need when to ship this machine, and use impertinent packing possibly to cause the machine damage.
3.2.5 动态可调校方式(单动/连动).
(3.2.5 The dynamic state adjustable method.(single / continuous strike.)
3.2.6 速度可调方便观察压料盖磨损情况.
(3.2.6 The speed adjustable convenient observation to feeder tape guide cover fray conditions.)
(3.2.3 50X CCD;with LED lighting, appearance clearer.)
3.2.4 配置气动方式,单动或者连续打击 LEVER, 模拟机器
(3.2.4 Install dynamoelectric, single and continuous strike LEVER, simulate machine action.)

Roundtest RA-120 120P 2 圆形精度测量仪说明书

Roundtest RA-120 120P 2 圆形精度测量仪说明书

Roundtest RA-120This compact roundness measuring machine includes numerous features that are user-friendly such as a wider range for the detector, an easy-to-understand operation panel with large color LCD, a D.A.T . function for centering and leveling adjustments, and many others.The large LCD screen with backlight shows easy-to-understand measurement results and graphs. Forms can be checked and notch processing can be set while observing the displayed graphs.• Set the position of the detector and measurement conditions here • During measurement, graphs are displayed in real time• Filter, display magnification, etc., can be altered• Besides circles, development views can also be displayedMeasurement screenMeasurement resultsResult screenMeasurement in progress screenMeasurement screenSimple, interactive display screen• B est-in-class rotational accuracy in compact type roundness measuring instruments• Fine adjustment on both X- and Z-axes • Multiple analyses through simple operation• D.A.T. function *except for Analog mic-head type centering/leveling device.• Scaled Z-axis• Continuous ID and OD measurement • High-precision air bearing • Wide-range detector• Simple setup and display of results • Built-in printer • Supports 16 languagesUnwanted data, such as that produced by notches or scratches, can be excluded from the analysis if desired. Select between [Automatic setting] and [Arbitrary setting].Save and access [Measurement files] and [Result files] in USB memory. Data can also be totaled using the data output function with commercial tabulation software.Print measurement conditions, computation results, result graphs,comments, etc., to the thermal printer. Change development graphs and output items as desired.Sample prints[Measurement file] [Measurement data (Data output)][Result file] [Result data (Data output)]Notch processingHigh-grade thermal printerFile saveHungarian, Turkish, Swedish, DutchAnalysis typeSelection buttons provide access to a wide variety of analysis typesSwitching screen modesSwitch the display at the touch of a button, providing access to the [Calibration], [Centering and Leveling], [Measurement], and [Result] screens.Zero-setting buttonNo fine adjustment necessary for setting the measurement positionSimple setupApply the current measurement setup in one goSimple operation helps prevent operational errorsJog dialMake detailed changes to setup and other operationsRecording paper set (optional set of 10 rolls)Simplified communication program for ROUNDTEST RA-120The Roundtest RA-120 has a USB interface, enabling data to be transferred to a spreadsheet or other software.Roundtest RA-120PBy using a mouse and buttons, identified by corresponding icons, to control the machine, the Roundtest RA-120P’s interface provides excellent usability. Functions such as recalculation and graph reading are handled swiftly with easy-to-understand operations.Result screenMeasurement setup screenMeasurement in progress screenWindows graphical interfaceMain screen• B est-in-class rotational accuracy in the Compact Type Roundness Measuring Instruments • Fine adjustment on both X- and Z-axes • Multiple analyses through simple operation • D.A.T. function*except for Analog mic-head type centering/leveling device.• Scaled Z-axis• Continuous ID and OD measurement • Display function for various graphs • High-precision air bearing • Wide-range detector • Supports 18 languagesThis entry-level desktop tester incorporates the ROUNDPAK multi-analysis evaluation program, which provides it with analytical power close to that of more elaborate models. This is, therefore, a highly functional multi-analysis roundness measuring machine that is suitable for use not only in measurement rooms, but also in research and development sections.Sample print outputsLayout setting screenComplete with a wide range of functions including partial enlargement, auxiliary line setup, color change, displacement/angular difference of data between two points, and so on. Also equipped with notch processing and graph reading functions, which make the machine useful in research departments. Recalculation can also be performed with the filter and evaluation method changed.Computation results for multiple items can be laid out in multiple forms on a single sheet and printed.This function also supports output to a color printer (optional).Simplified layout functionMulti-analysis functionMeasurement screen makes ample use of graphsDisplays amountof offset/inclination Two preliminary measurements are made at cross-sections [A] and [B]This instrument uses the D.A.T. (Digital Adjustment Table) function available on higher-end models, and this provides powerful support for centering and leveling operations. To perform such operations, the user need only adjust the digital micrometer heads attached to the rotary table by the amounts indicated on the display. This function also supports measurement of notched workpieces.RA-120This function comes in very handy when outside diameter and inside diameter surfaces need to be measured repeatedly, for example, with respect to coaxiality, deviation in wall thickness, etc. The inner surface can be measured and evaluated with the detector, maintaining the same measuring position for the outside diameter without changing its orientation, as illustrated on the right.Inside diameters down to 50 mm can be measured.Centering LevelingD.A.T. function *except for Analog mic-head type centering/leveling device.Continuous ID and OD measuring functionZ-axis scaleFunctions that implement greater efficiency of measurement and range of analysis typesContinuous inside and outside diameter function (outside dia. surface)This scale is useful when the measuring height position needs to be entered, such as whenmeasuring coaxiality, etc. The machine uses an ABS Digimatic scale unit to provide an effective means for repetitive measurement and position setting.Continuous inside and outside diameter function (inside dia. surface)The range of this detector has been extended from that of a conventional lever head by as much as four times, and is now wider than ever before. The detector can provide sufficient margin for centering and leveling jobs, or when measuring large differences. Moreover, the measuring direction can be switched between inside and outside diameters with the rotary selector located on the top of the detector.IN/OUT switchable wide-range detectorConventional lever head typeRA-120/120PIN/OUT Switchable wide-rangedetectorTypes of AnalysisOptional Accessories*■ portion shows stylus except for the cranked stylus and stylus for flat surface.*( ) dimension shows a distance from the tip end of stylus or the center of tip ball to the connecting surface of detector.*Customized special interchangeable styli are available on request. Please contact any Mitutoyo office for more information.■ Interchangeable StyliUnit: inch (mm)Required environment: • OS: Windows XP-SP3 • Spreadsheet software: Microsoft Excel 2010 Windows VISTA Microsoft Excel 2016 Windows 7 (32bit/64bit) Windows 10*Windows OS and Microsoft Excel are products of Microsoft Corporation. The optional USB cable is also required. • USB cable for RA-120 series 12AAH490This program can be downloaded for FREE from the Mitutoyo website. https://www.mitutoyo.co.jp/eng/■ Individual collets*4These collets are for use with the collet chuck shown at left and are acquired to match theworkpiece diameter range required.■ Centering chuck (knurled ring operated)Provides good operability when measuring a small-diameter workpiece. The knurled ring allows the workpiece to be clamped easily.■ Three-jaw chuck (key operated)Useful where it is necessary to apply a higher clamping force to the workpiece than can be applied with the centering chuck.■ MicrochuckFor clamping a small workpiece, 1 mm or less in diameter, that cannot be held in the centering chuck.■ Vibration-damping stand■ Auxiliary stage for a short workpieceOrder No. 356038■ Magnification checking gageOrder No. 211-045■ X-axis stopAllows the user to return the detector rapidly and easily to a fixed position in the X axis.■ Collet chuckProvides high clamping repeatability due to the use of optional precision collets. (See table at right.)■ Reference hemisphereOrder No. 211-016■ Gage block set for calibrationOrder No. 997090■ Replacement elements for the air filterOrder No. 358592 (for filter)358593 (filter regulator)■ Simplified communication program for ROUNDTEST RA-120The Roundtest RA-120 has a USB interface, enabling data to be transferred to a spreadsheet or other software.We also provide a program that lets you create inspection record tables using a Microsoft Excel* macro.this chuck.*3: When measured with ø5 mm pin gauge at measuring height of 30mm.*4:YCC10-** Class AA, made by Yukiwa Seiko Inc. or its equivalent.SpecificationsDimensions■ ■ Turntable top view■ Installation floor planSensor SystemsTest EquipmentDigital Scale and DRO SystemsSmall Tool Instruments and Data ManagementMitutoyo America Corporation One Number to Serve You Better 1-888-MITUTOYO (1-888-648-8869)M 3Solution Centers:Aurora, Illinois (Headquarters)Boston, Massachusetts Charlotte, North Carolina Cincinnati, Ohio Detroit, Michigan Los Angeles, California Seattle, Washington Houston, Texas© 2022 M i t u t o y o A m e r i c a C o r p o r a t i o nFind additional product literature and our product catalogNote: All inform ation regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dim ensional and perform ance data contained in this printed matter as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs. The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of our General Trading Conditions will apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive. Specifications are subject to change without notice.Mitutoyo products are subject to US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Re-export or relocation of our products may require prior approval by an appropriate governing authority.Trademarks and RegistrationsDesignations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where Mitutoyo Am erica Corporation is aware of a claim, the product nam es appear in initial capital or all capital letters. The appropriate companies should be contacted for more complete trademark and registration information.500 0722 • Printed in USA • July 2022。

Fluke T+ 和 T+ PRO 电气测试仪校准信息说明书

Fluke T+ 和 T+ PRO 电气测试仪校准信息说明书

®P/N 2823862 July 2007© 2007 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in USA. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.1T+ and T+ PROElectrical TesterCalibration InformationIntroductionThis document provides the following information for the T+ and T+ PRO Electrical Testers (hereafter referred to as the “Tester” or UUT): • Safety information • Symbols • Contacting Fluke • Specifications • Maintenance • Performance tests • Parts and accessories list • Product Warranty StatementFor complete operating instructions, refer to the T+ and T+ PRO Instruction Sheet .Safety InformationXW WarningTo avoid possible electric shock or personal injury, follow these guidelines:• Use the Tester only as specified in this document, otherwise the protection provided by the Tester may be impaired. • The Tester is to be used only by qualified personnel.• Do not use the Tester if it is damaged. Inspect the casebefore use. Look for cracks or missing plastic. Pay particular attention to the insulation surrounding the connectors. • Inspect the test leads for damaged insulation or exposed metal. Check the test leads for continuity. Replace damaged test leads before using the Tester. • Do not use the Tester if it operates abnormally. Protection provided by the Tester may be impaired. When in doubt, have the Tester serviced.T+ and T+ PRO Calibration Information2 •Do not operate the Tester around explosive gas, vapor, or dust.•Do not apply more than the rated voltage, as marked on the Tester, between terminals or between any terminal and earth ground.•When measuring hazardous voltage, verify the Tester’s operation by measuring a known voltage.•Only the test probes and batteries are serviceable. When servicing, use only specified replacement parts.•To determine the LEDs and beeper are working correctly, short the test leads together. The beeper sounds (if enabled) and all LEDs and display segments (T+ PRO) switch onbriefly indicating correct operation.•Comply with local and national safety requirements when working in hazardous locations.•Use proper protective equipment, as required by local or national authorities when working in hazardous areas. •Use caution when working above 30 V ac rms, 42 V peak, or60 V dc. Such voltages pose a shock hazard.•When using probes, keep fingers away from the probe tips. •Connect the common test lead before connecting the live test lead. When disconnecting the test leads, disconnect the live test lead first.•Do not operate the Tester with the battery door or portions of the cover removed or loosened.•When the batteries are depleted, self test will not function. •When the beeper is disabled, it will not sound until the beeper is reactivated.•For voltages above 240 V, you must only connect to a voltage source for a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds and then disconnect for a MINIMUM of 300 seconds.•Perform a self test before any measurements are taken for voltage, continuity, resistance, or rotary field. See “Self Test.” •Exercise caution when performing measurements on PLC inputs. When measuring relay control voltages on PLCs, be aware that this may open or close the relay/switch.W CautionAlthough the Tester may be used with depleted batteries, replace depleted batteries immediately to avoid Tester damage from battery acid leakage.Electrical TesterSymbols3SymbolsTable 1 describes the symbols that appear on the Tester or in this document.Table 1. SymbolsSymbol Explanation SymbolExplanationW Important information X Hazardous VoltageT Double insulated P Conforms to European Union Directives JEarth groundRContinuity beeper) Canadian Standards AssociationtUnderwriters Laboratories Certification~Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste. Visit Fluke’s Web site for recycling information.; N10140Conforms to relevant Australian standardsCAT III CAT III equipment is designed to protect against transients in equipment in fixed-equipment installations, such as distribution panels, feeders and short branch circuits, and lighting systems in large buildings.CAT IVCAT IV equipment is designed to protect against transients from the primary supply level, such as an electricity meter or an overhead or underground utility service.Contacting FlukeTo order parts, or for warranty service, contact Fluke as follows: USA: 1-888-99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853) Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853) Europe: +31 402-675-200 Japan: +81-3-3434-0181 Singapore: +65-738-5655Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-5500Or, visit Fluke's Web site at . To register your product, go to .SpecificationsTemperature PerformanceOperating ...........................................................−10 °C to 55 °C (14 °F to 131 °F) Storage...............................................................−30 °C to 60 °C (−22 °F to 140 °F) Relative Humidity90 %....................................................................0 °C to 30 °C (32 °F to 86 °F) 75 %....................................................................30 °C to 40 °C (86 °F to 104 °F) 45 %....................................................................40 °C to 50 °C (104 °F to 122 °F) AltitudeOperating............................................................2,000 m Storage...............................................................10,000 m Battery Type/Life ...................................................AAA (2); 40 hoursShock, Vibration ....................................................Sinusoidal vibration per MIL-PRF-28800F for a Class 2 instrument Safety .....................................................................ANSI/ISA S82.02.01, CSA C22.2-1010.1, IEC 61010-1 to 1000 V CATIII/600 V CAT IV AC Bandwidth .......................................................45 Hz to 66 HzT+ and T+ PRO Calibration Information4 Earth Ground.........................................................MAXIMUM working voltage 1000 V ac or dcMAXIMUM measurable voltage 600 V ac or dcThis will be displayed on the LED and LCD (T+ PRO)Duty Cycle.............................................................Indefinitely for voltages up to 240 V.For voltages between 240 V to 600 V, the duty cycle is 30 s on / 300 soff. For voltages above 240 V, the Tester must connect to a voltagesource only for a MAXIMUM of 30 s and then disconnect for aMINIMUM of 300 s.Voltage Hazard LED..............................................LEDs turn on @ voltages > 30 V ac/dc ± 35 % LEDs.......................................................................LEDs turn on @ between 70 % and 100 % of the indicated voltage onthe LED, except for the 12 V LED that turns on @ between 50 % and100 %.AccuracyAC voltage..........................................................± (3 % rdg + 2 digits)DC voltage..........................................................± (2 % rdg + 2 digits)Resistance..........................................................± (5 % rdg + 3 digits)LCD Resolution...................................................0.1 V for voltages < 50 V, 1 V for voltages ≥ 50 V, 0.01 kΩ atresistance measurementGFCI Test Current..............................................100 V to 150 V @ 6 mA to 9 mA ac150 V to 240 V < 12 mAStandard Input Test Current................................< 5 mASize (HxWxL).........................................................1.3 x 2.15 x 7.6 in. Weight....................................................................9.9 ozMaintenanceBasic maintenance for the Tester includes cleaning, checking the battery charge, and replacing depleted batteries.Cleaning the TesterXW WarningTo avoid electrical shock or damage to the Tester, never allowwater inside the case. To avoid damaging the Tester case,never use solvents on the Tester.If the Tester requires cleaning, wipe it down with a cloth that is lightly dampened with water or a mild detergent. Do not use aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, or methanol-based fluids when wiping down the tester. These cleaning agents will damage the Tester case.Testing the BatteriesPerform a self test, described later in this document, to determine the charge state of the batteries on the Tester. The self test will not work with depleted batteries. On T+ PRO Testers, the low battery icon ( B ) on the LCD indicates that the batteries need to be replaced.Replacing the BatteriesXW WarningTo avoid possible electric shock or personal injury:•Disconnect test leads from any electrical source before opening the battery compartment.•Do not operate the Tester with the battery door or portions of the cover removed or loosened.To replace the batteries, do the following:1.Remove the battery door by using a flat blade screwdriver to turn the battery doorfastener one-quarter turn counterclockwise.Electrical Tester Calibration Adjustment52. Observing proper polarity, replace the batteries with two new AAA alkaline batteries.3. Replace the battery door and secure it by turning the battery door fastener one-quarterturn clockwise.Calibration AdjustmentThe T+ and T+ Pro have no field calibration. If the UUT fails any performance test, contact Fluke Service for repair. See “Contacting Fluke .”Performance TestsXW WarningTo avoid possible electric shock, do not perform the performance test procedures unless the Tester is fully assembled and you are qualified to do so.The following performance tests verify the complete operation of the Tester and check theaccuracy of each Tester function against its specifications. The recommended calibration interval is 12 months. In the performance tests, the Tester is referred to as the unit under test (UUT). If the UUT fails any performance test, contact Fluke Service for repair. See “Contacting Fluke .” Required EquipmentTable 2 lists equipment that is required to complete the performance tests:Table 2. Equipment RequirementsEquipment Minimum Required Characteristics Recommended Model Calibratorac / dc voltage range: 10 V to 600 V Accuracy: ± 5 % Frequency 50/60 HzResistance range: 100 Ω to 9 k Ω Accuracy: ± 1.25 %)Fluke 5520A High Performance Multi-Product Calibrator or5500A Multi-Product Calibrator 3-phase power supply 120 V, 3-phase output Elgar 5250A or equivalent Digital multimeterac current range: 0 to 20 mA ± 7Fluke 189 Digital MultimeterSelf TestXW WarningTo avoid possible electric shock or personal injury:• Perform a self test before any measurements are taken for voltage, continuity, resistance, or rotary field. • When the batteries are depleted, self test will not function. Replace the batteries. W CautionAlthough the Tester may be used with depleted batteries,replace depleted batteries immediately to avoid Tester damage from battery acid leakage.To perform the self test, short the two probes. The self test lights all LEDs, and all LCD segments (T+ PRO). The beeper sounds (unless disabled) and the Tester switches to continuity mode. ToT+ and T+ PROCalibration Informationcomplete the self test, measure a known voltage before use. If the Tester fails self test, it must notbe used and requires service. See “Contacting Fluke.”Testing the LCD Display (T+ PRO)Use the following procedure to test the LCD display:NoteThe Tester must remain inactive for approximately 30 seconds beforeperforming the following test. This will force a processor reset that willdisplay all LCD segments for approximately 1 second at power up.1.Observe the LCD and short the test probes together. All LCD segments shown inFigure 1 should light.eqc001f.epsFigure 1. LCD DisplayTesting the LEDsUse the following procedure to test the LEDs:NoteThe Tester must remain inactive for approximately 30 seconds beforeperforming the following test. This will force a processor reset that willdisplay all LCD segments for approximately 1 second at power up.1.Short the test probes together.2.Observe that all LEDs light (voltage range, hazard, volts ac and dc, and continuity).Testing the Backlight (T+ PRO)Use the following procedure to test the backlight:1.Insert the test probes into a voltage source of > 10 V ac or dc.2.Observe that the backlight lights.Testing the Audible SignalUse the following procedure to test the audible signal:1.Short the UUT test probes together. The beeper should sound.2.If inactivated, press and hold Z until you hear three beeps.Testing the FlashlightUse the following procedure to test the flashlight:6Electrical TesterPerformance Tests71. Press the UUT headlight button.2. Observe that the flashlight turns on for approximately five seconds.Accuracy TestsPerform the accuracy and verification tests in Table 3.Table 3. T+ and T+ PRO Accuracy TestsStep Function Range Input ValueUUT Response(LED) LCD Display (T+ PRO) Measurement Limits1 Pos Off 12 V +20 V 12 V LED On - - - 2 Neg Off 12 V −20 V 12 V LED On - - - 3Pos On24 V+40 V+ LED On12 V, 24 V LED On Hazard On - - -4 Neg On 24 V −40 V − LED On12 V, 24 V LED On Hazard On - - -5 +10.5 V 12 V LED On 10.1 to 10.9 6−10.5 V12 V LED On−10.1 to −10.97 +48 V + LED On12 – 48 V LED OnHazard OnBeeper & Vibration On46.8 to 49.2 8dc V 0 – 50 V −48 V − LED On12 – 48 V LED On Hazard OnBeeper & Vibration On−46.8 to −49.29 +55 V+ LED On12 – 48 V LED OnHazard OnBeeper & Vibration On52 to 58 10 −55 V− LED On 12 – 48 V LED On Hazard OnBeeper & Vibration On −52 to −58 11 +590 V+ LED On12 – 600 V LED OnHazard OnBeeper & Vibration On576 to 604 12dc V 0 – 600 V−590 V − LED On12 – 600 V LED On Hazard OnBeeper & Vibration On −576 to −60413Digital DisplayVoltageMeasurementac V0 – 600 V55 V, 60 Hz ac LED On12 – 48 V LED On Hazard OnBeeper & Vibration On51 to 59T+ and T+ PRO Calibration Information8Table 3. T+ and T+ PRO Accuracy Tests (cont.)Step Function RangeInputValueUUT Response(LED)LCD Display (T+ PRO)Measurement Limits14 24 V 24 V 24 V LED On - - -15 120 V 120 V 120 V LED On - - -16 208 V 208 V 208 V LED On - - -17 240 V 240 V 240 V LED On - - -18 277 V 277 V 277 V LED On - - -19347 V(Canada)347 V 347 V LED On - - -20Voltage LEDs480 V 480 V 480 V LED On - - -21 Continuity 0 – 20 kΩShort Continuity LED On Continuity Sign22 Short None 0.00 to 0.0323 100ΩNone 0.06 to 0.1424Resistance0.00 – 9.99kΩ9 ΩNone 8.52 to 9.48Load Current TestTo test the load current, set up the UUT with equipment as shown in Figure 2 and complete the following procedure:1.Set the DMM to the mA dc function.2.Apply 600 V dc from the Source. The DMM reading should be < 5 mA.3.Apply −600 V dc from the Source. The DMM reading should be < 5 mA.Electrical TesterPerformance Testseqc90.epsFigure 2. Load Current/GFCI Current TestGFCI Trip TestTo test the GFCI Trip current accuracy, set up the UUT and equipment as shown in Figure 2, andcomplete the following procedure:NoteWhen you press the GFCI pushbutton, the resulting test will last for up toseven seconds.1.Set the DMM to the mA ac function.2.Apply 100 V, 60 Hz from the Source. The DMM reading should light the 12 – 48 VLEDs and Hazard symbol.3.Press the UUT GFCI pushbutton for one second. The UUT DC + and DC – LEDsshould alternately switch on and off while the beeper sounds. The DMM readingshould be between 6 and 9 mA ac during the test.Rotary Field Test (T+ PRO)To test the rotary field direction indicator, complete the following procedure:1.Connect the UUT to a 60 Hz, three-phase source of > 120 V, with the UUT red leadto A-phase and the UUT COM lead to B-phase. The UUT’s rotary field directionindicator arrow should point to the right.2.Move the UUT COM lead to C-phase. The rotary field direction indicator arrowshould point to the left.9T+ and T+ PRO Calibration Information10 Parts and Accessories ListTable 4 lists the replacement parts and accessories that are available from Fluke for the T+ andT+ PRO.Table 4. Replacement Parts and AccessoriesDescription Fluke Part NumberCalibration Information 2823862Battery Access Door 2558967Test Lead Set 2559535TP2 Replaceable Test Probe (black) 2637501TP2 Replaceable Test Probe (red) 2637512Limited Warranty and Limitation of LiabilityEach Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. The warranty period is two years and begins on the date of shipment. Parts, product repairs, and services are warranted for 90 days. This warranty extends only to the original buyer or end-user customer of a Fluke authorized reseller, and does not apply to fuses, disposable batteries, or to any product which, in Fluke's opinion, has been misused, altered, neglected, contaminated, or damaged by accident or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Fluke warrants that software will operate substantially in accordance with its functional specifications for 90 days and that it has been properly recorded on non-defective media. Fluke does not warrant that software will be error free or operate without interruption.Fluke authorized resellers shall extend this warranty on new and unused products to end-user customers only but have no authority to extend a greater or different warranty on behalf of Fluke. Warranty support is available only if product is purchased through a Fluke authorized sales outlet or Buyer has paid the applicable international price. Fluke reserves the right to invoice Buyer for importation costs of repair/replacement parts when product purchased in one country is submitted for repair in another country.Fluke's warranty obligation is limited, at Fluke's option, to refund of the purchase price, free of charge repair, or replacement of a defective product which is returned to a Fluke authorized service center within the warranty period.To obtain warranty service, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service center to obtain return authorization information, then send the product to that service center, with a description of the difficulty, postage and insurance prepaid (FOB Destination). Fluke assumes no risk for damage in transit. Following warranty repair, the product will be returned to Buyer, transportation prepaid (FOB Destination). If Fluke determines that failure was caused by neglect, misuse, contamination, alteration, accident, or abnormal condition of operation or handling, including overvoltage failures caused by use outside the product’s specified rating, or normal wear and tear of mechanical components, Fluke will provide an estimate of repair costs and obtain authorization before commencing the work. Following repair, the product will be returned to the Buyer transportation prepaid and the Buyer will be billed for the repair and return transportation charges (FOB Shipping Point).THIS WARRANTY IS BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FLUKE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OR THEORY.Since some countries or states do not allow limitation of the term of an implied warranty, or exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the limitations and exclusions of this warranty may not apply to every buyer. If any provision of this Warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court or other decision-maker of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.Fluke CorporationP.O. Box 9090Everett, WA 98206-9090U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V.P.O. Box 11865602 BD EindhovenThe Netherlands11/99。

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6.6.2 RT9600进入校验模式方法为:依次按附属功能,列印,显示,脱离,下方向键进入“F系统校正”项再依校验要求依次校验导通阻抗,高压及绝缘阻抗。


6.5.8 CB-D边绝缘阻抗依2MΩ,20MΩ,100MΩ及500MΩ分别执行。校验完成后,LCD屏幕出现讯息: