



与其 F R AN D许 可违 背 的不公平 的许 可要求 , 由此 构 成垄 断, 从
假设 F T C的最 终决 定与前 述 一致 , 则F T C对 博世 公司和 谷
而 违反 《 谢 尔曼 法》 第二条 。法 院 以诺 尔. 本灵 顿 ( No e r r - P e n n i n g - 歌公 司的 决定对后 续案 件 的影响 需要继 续观 察 。 重要 的是 , F T C t o n ) 原则拒 绝 了苹果 的主 张, 表 示摩托 罗拉 维护其 专利 权 , 包括 的意见 主张 的是这 种行 为违 反 《 联邦 贸易委 员会 》 第五条 而不是
{ I } J 占 乎 ▲ 金 2 0 1 4・ 2 ( 上)
各国在必要专利的禁令 救济中 对反垄断 法的 适用
摘 要 标 准化 中的专利 纠纷 已经 引起 了各 国相 关 产业界 和法律 界 的关 注 , 特 别是 对标 准 中必要 专利的侵 权诉 讼 中的禁 令 救 济请 求是 否受到反 垄断法规 制 的问题 。 本文 通过介 绍各 国在 必要 专利的 禁令救 济 中对反 垄断 法的适 用以及相 关案例 . 试 寻找 其 中的合 理性 和相 关性 。 关 键词 标准 必要 专利 禁令救 济 反 垄断 法 文献 标识码 : A 文 章编 号: l 0 0 9 . 0 5 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 2 . 0 9 7 . 0 2
2 . F T C反 垄断 实践 作为 重要 的发展趋 势 , F T C最近提 出与两个 必要专 利的专 利
权人 达成一致 , 这 两个必要 专利 的专利权人 被指控 为通 过请求 禁 解为 对先 前合法 获得 的实 力 的实践 , 这不违 反 《 谢尔曼 法》 。 令救 济来 实施 其专 利权 , 从 而构成 《 联邦 贸易委员会 法》 第 五条 中 规定 的不 正当 的竞 争方法 。



总737期第三期2021年1月河南科技Henan Science and Technology标准涉及专利的处置规则分析张哲(中煤科工集团西安研究院有限公司,陕西西安710077)摘要:标准实施阶段,一些专利许可及收费的关键控制点主要在于标准制定时期可能纳入技术标准的一些专利和专利要求的披露、评估以及确认。





关键词:标准;技术;必要专利;标准组织;规则中图分类号:G306文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2021)03-0140-03 Analysis of Disposal Rules for Standards Related to PatentsZHANG Zhe(Xi'an Research Institute of China Coal Technology and Industry Group Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an Shaanxi710077)Abstract:In the implementation stage of standards,the key control points of some patent licensing and charging mainly lie in the disclosure,evaluation and confirmation of some patents and patent requirements that may be includ⁃ed in the technical standards during the standard formulation period.In other words,the definition and identification of patent have a great impact on the determination and implementation of technical standards.At present,there are still some problems in the disposal of some patent research in China.People should examine the definition and deter⁃mination of the existing international general essential patents,analyze essential patents and their claims,and elabo⁃rate on the selection of technical and commercial factors in the patent judgment elements and their impact.In gener⁃al,the disposal of patents involved in standards must comply with the requirements of the national standards for dis⁃posal of patents.Keywords:standards;technology;essential patents;standards organization;rules近年来,技术标准知识产权层面有着众多课题研究,其已经逐步细化到标准中的必要专利及评估。


世界贸易组织某些协定中的弹性规定,给技 术性贸易壁垒的设置提供了可乘之机
技术法规 技术标准 合格评定程序
根据WTO/TBT协议,技术法规是规定产品特性或相应 的加工过程和生产方法的技术文件,也包括可适用的行 政管理规定。
任何直接或间接用以确定某一产品是否满足 技术法规或标准中的相关要求的程序。
合格评定程序一般由认证、认可和相互承认 组成,影响较大的是第三方认证。
认证是指由授权机构出具的证明,一般由第 三方对某一事物、行为或活动的本质或特征, 就当事人提出的文件或实物审核后给予的证 明,这通常被称为第三方认证。
这些技术文件是强制性的。包括:法律和法规;政府部 门颁布的命令、决定、条例;技术规范、指南、准则、 指示;专门术语、符号、包装、标志或标签要求。
标准是为了通用或反复使用的目的,由公 认机构批准的文件。
标准规定了产品或相关加工和生产方法的 规则、指南和特性。有关专门术语、符号、 包装、标志或标签要求也是标准的组成部 分。
地理标志是特定产品来源的 标志。它可以是国家名称及 不会引起误认的行政区划名 称和地区、地域名称
标明了商品或服务的真实来源(即原产地 的地理位置)
该商品或服务具有独特品质、声誉或其他 特点
该品质或特点本质上可归因于其特殊的地 理来源
地理标志和原产地名称是基本属于同一概念 强调商品特色和该地理来源相关联这一因素 地理标志的定义范围比原产地名称宽泛 所有的原产地名称都是地理标志,但一些地理标志不是
评估必须包括“信息技术系统由中国拥有、主导或资助 的一个或多个实体生产、制造或组装相关的任何风险”。 该法案还规定,美国商务部、司法部、国家航空航天局 和国家科学基金会不得利用任何拨款采购由中国政府拥 有、管理或资助的一个或多个机构生产或组装的信息技 术系统。



所谓的FRAND原则是“Fair、Reasonable、Non-Discriminatory (公平、合理和非歧视)”的简称,常见于通信公司有关的标准必要专利(Standards Essential Patents,SEP)的诉讼中。





欧盟委员会也在2017年的阐述欧盟标准必要专利的方法一文中提到,目前由于FRAND 的含义不清,存在不同的解释,使得授权受到阻碍,在估价原则上的争论尤其激烈。







根据国家知识产权局知识产权发展研究中心2022年6月6日发布的报告显示,当前全球声明的5G 标准必要专利共21万件,涉及4.7万项专利族。

其中,中国声明1.8万项专利族,占比近40%,排名第一;华为公司声明5G 标准必要专利族6500余项,占比14%,全球居首。

中国的技术创新在全球5G 通信产业中的引领效应愈发抢眼。


另一方面,标准必要专利权利人虽承诺在FRAND (公平、合理、无歧视)原则下对专利使用进行许可,但鉴于实施者和权利人立场的天然对立属性,双方可能对于许可条款产生争议,最终无法取得一致,在标准实施过程中往往产生许多诉讼案件,即便最终达成一致,在协商过程中也会产生较高的谈判成本[2]。



在法律法规框架内,《国家标准涉及专利的管理规定(暂行)》(以下简称《管理规定》)规定:参与标准制定的组织或者个人未按要求披露其拥有的专利,违反诚实信用原则的,应当承担相应法律责任;对于涉及专利的国家标准批准发布之前,Research on Information Disclosure System of Standard Essential Patent under FRAND PrincipleZHANG Chenyu(Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center 〔Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology 〕,Taiyuan030006,China )Abstract :This paper analyzes the existing standard essential patent information disclosure system in China ,and under the FRAND principle ,puts forward suggestions on five aspects of information disclosure applicable objects ,information disclosure obligors ,information disclosure period ,information disclosure content and treatment of undisclosed information.The purpose of this paper is to provide reference for the improvement of China's standard essential patent information disclosure system by standardizing information disclosure behavior.Key words :FRAND principle ;standard essential patent ;information disclosureFRAND 原则下标准必要专利信息披露制度研究张辰宇(山西省检验检测中心〔山西省标准计量技术研究院〕,山西太原030006)【摘要】本文对我国现有的标准必要专利信息披露制度进行了分析,并在FRAND 原则下,对信息披露适用对象、信息披露义务人、信息披露期间、信息披露内容及信息未披露的处理五个方面提出了建议,旨在通过规范信息披露行为,对完善我国标准必要专利信息披露制度提供参考。



中美贸易摩擦背景下涉及国家安全的知识产权面临的风险及对策建议 ●吴潇菲[内容提要] 随着国际形势的发展,知识产权早已和国家安全紧密不可分离。





[关键词] 知识产权 国家安全 中美贸易摩擦 风险 制度化中图分类号:F742 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-0670(2020)11-0087-06知识产权是国家发展的战略性资源和国际竞争力的核心要素,知识产权保护全球化的趋势越来越明显,知识产权国际争端日益复杂和深化,世界各国均高度关注自身在国际知识产权保护领域的参与权、话语权和主动权。







摘 要:近期,欧盟出台了《关于标准必要专利和修订(EU)2017/1001号条例的提案》,本文对该提案的发布背景和具体措施进行了分析,并围绕该提案对我国企业的影响、知识产权政策启示以及我国产业与企业应对进行了探讨。




关键词:标准必要专利,知识产权政策,欧盟提案DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5698.2023.11.006Comment on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Standard Essential Patents and Amending Regulation (EU)2017/1001 and China’s ResponseJI Yu XING Yu * ZHENG Xuan(China Jiliang University )Abstract: Recently, the European Union has issued the “Proposal on Standard Essential Patents and Amendment(EU) Regulation 2017/1001”. This paper analyzes the background and specific measures of the proposal, and explores the impact of the proposal on Chinese enterprises, the inspiration of intellectual property policies, and the response of Chinese industries and enterprises. The proposal aims to establish a more transparent and predictable system to promote SEP licensing, proposing measures such as “establishing functional centers”, “determining total licensing rates”, and “supporting small and medium-sized enterprises”. Although the proposal increases the burden on SEP rights holders, it helps to enhance transparency and predictability in SEP licensing for many SEP implementers in China. Our government, scholars, and industry can learn from the practices of the European Union,欧盟《关于标准必要专利和修订(EU)2017/1001号条例的提案》述评与我国应对冀 瑜 邢 禹* 郑 璇(中国计量大学)基金项目: 本课题受之江实验室开放项目“智能计算领域标准必要专利的导航策略研究”(项目编号:K2022NH0AB03) 和浙江省科技计划重点软科学研究项目“科技型中小企业知识产权证券化路径研究—以温州为例”(项目编 号:2021C25030)资助。


溶液浓度 10g/100ml 溶液制备 10g/100ml 1g/100ml 0.5g/50ml 0.25g/25ml 0.1g/10ml 1g/1000ml 1g/1000ml 0.5g/500ml 0.25g/25ml 100mg/100ml 50mg/50ml 10mg/10ml 0.1g/1000ml 100g/1000ml 50g/500ml 25g/250ml 10g/100ml 5g/50ml 1g/10ml 0.01g/1000ml 10g/1000ml 5mg/500ml 1mg/100ml 相对不确定度(%) 称量 <0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.2 0.4 2.0 0.2 0.4 0.8 2.0 4.0 20.0 2.0 4.0 20.0 体积 0.05 0.12 0.17 0.23 0.50 0.05 0.07 0.23 0.12 0.17 0.50 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.17 0.50 0.05 0.07 0.12 总不确定度 0.05 0.12 0.17 0.24 0.54 0.05 0.08 0.24 0.23 0.43 2.06 0.21 0.41 0.80 2.0 4.0 20.0 2.0 4.0 20.0
欧至关重要,应根据相对误差(允许误差除以标示体积)从常用玻璃仪器中 选用适当的移液管和容量瓶并制定最优的稀释方法(按照常用公式:每步稀释的相对误差平方之 和的平方根作为对照溶液稀释的相对误差的估计). 根据文献中玻璃仪器的容量公差限度标准,在给定的稀释比条件下,表 2 给出了最佳的稀释次数 和稀释效果.相关指南详见表 2(需要注意的是,这些因素当中不包括计数误差). 表 1 制备分析用供试品溶液的相对不确定度
假定称量的不确定度为 0.2mg,以此计算相对不确定度. *译者注.按照 1g/1000ml 计算溶液制备应为 0.25mg/250ml.



EUROPEANCOMMISSIONBrussels, 29.11.2017COM(2017) 712 finalCOMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIALCOMMITTEESetting out the EU approach to Standard Essential PatentsI NTRODUCTIONThe interplay between patents and standards is important for innovation and growth. Standards ensure that interoperable and safe technologies are widely disseminated among companies and consumers. Patents provide R&D with incentives and enable innovative companies to receive an adequate return on investments. Standards1frequently make reference to technologies that are protected by patents. A patent that protects technology essential to a standard is called a standard-essential patent (SEP). SEPs therefore protect technologies that are essential for complying with technical standards and for marketing products based on such standards.Standards support innovation and growth in Europe, in particular providing for interoperability of digital technologies that are the foundation of the Digital Single Market (DSM). For example, computers, smartphones or tablets connect to the internet or other devices via standardised technologies such as long-term evolution (LTE), WiFi, or Bluetooth, all of which are protected by SEPs. Without the widespread use of such standardised technologies, such interconnectivity would not be possible2.In the hyper-connected era, interconnectivity becomes even more crucial. A wide range of new products need to be interconnected, as to provide consumers with additional products and services (e.g. smart house appliances) and to create new business opportunities for European companies.The digitalisation of the economy creates great opportunities for EU industry. The estimated economic potential of IoT applications in devices for humans, homes, offices, factories, worksites, retail environments, cities, vehicles and the outdoors will be up to EUR 9 trillion per year by 2025 in developed countries3. The digitalisation of products and services can add more than EUR 110 billion in revenue to the European economy per year over the next five years4. The ability of connected devices and systems to work together is crucial for maximising this economic potential. Without interoperability, enabled by standards, 40 % of the potential benefits of IoT systems would not be reaped5.Without formal standardisation and SEPs, there would be, for example, no connected vehicles. Telediagnosis or remote operations with distant hospitals or to exchange patient information would not be possible either. Patent holders contribute technology for developing standards within standard developing organisations (SDOs). Once a standard is established and the holders of the SEPs have given a commitment to license them on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms, the technology included in the standard should be available to any potential user of the standard. Smooth licensing practices are therefore essential to guarantee fair, reasonable and non-1Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European standardisation defines the meaning of the terms “standard” and “technical specification”. In this document the term “standard” is used with both meanings for the sake of brevity.2 For instance, company X marketing residential alarm systems connected to the internet both via WiFi and LTE to provide consumers with enhanced security in case of power cut, would need a licence for these standardised technologies.3McKinsey, 2015. See also the objective set by President Juncker for 5G and the IoT in the State of the Union speech, 14.9.2016.4PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2015 and Boston Consulting Group, 2015. See also: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/digitising-european-industry#usefullinks5 See McKinsey (2015).discriminatory access to the standardised technologies and to reward patent holders so they continue to invest in R&D and standardisation activities. This in turn plays a prominent role in developing a connected society, where new market players outside the traditional ICT sectors (producers of household appliances, connected cars, etc.) need access to the standardised technology.The evidence however suggests that the licensing and enforcement of SEPs is not seamless and may lead to conflicts. Technology users accuse SEP holders of charging excessive licensing fees based on weak patent portfolios and of using litigation threats. SEP holders claim that technology users 'free ride' on their innovations and consciously infringe intellectual property rights (IPR) without engaging in good faith licensing negotiations6. Problems may be particularly acute when players coming from new industrial sectors who are unfamiliar with the traditional ICT business need access to standardised technologies. Disputes and delays in negotiations between technological users and holders may ultimately delay the widespread use of key standardised technologies. This can hamper the development of interconnected products in Europe, eventually affecting the competitiveness of the EU economy.In its April 2016 Communication on Standardisation Priorities for the Digital Single Market7, the Commission identified three main areas where the SEP licensing environment could be improved: opaque information on SEP exposure; unclear valuation of patented technologies reading on standards and the definition of FRAND; and the risk of uncertainty in enforcement of SEPs. In addition, the role of open source communities in the development of standards also should be assessed.There is therefore a need for a clear, balanced and reasonable policy for Standard Essential Patents in the EU with the aim of contributing to the development of the Internet of Things and harnessing Europe's lead role in in this context.Conflicting interests of stakeholders in certain SDOs may make it difficult for these organisations to provide effective guidance on such complex legal and intellectual property (IP) policy issues. Licensing platform initiatives in this area are still at an early stage and have not yet been adopted by implementers, who may well be hesitant given the uncertainty in the current SEP regulatory environment and who have little incentive to enter into a deal in this context.In addition, the standardisation of 5G and IoT is a global issue. Europe's industry retains a leading position in many sectors in global markets. The Commission notes the important role European standardisation plays in the global context8.The Commission therefore considers that there is an urgent need to set out key principles that foster a balanced, smooth and predictable framework for SEPs. These key principles reflect two main objectives: incentivising the development and inclusion of top technologies in standards, by preserving fair and adequate return for these contributions, and ensuring smooth and wide dissemination of standardised technologies based on fair access conditions. A balanced and successful policy on SEPs licensing should work to the benefit of start-ups in 6The economic stakes are very high: for example, the royalty income for 2G, 3G and 4G standards is approximately EUR 18 billion per year (CRA 2016).7The public consultation organised by the Commission in 2014 clearly shows divergent opinions on the challenges and solutions concerning the SEP environment. See http://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/newsroom/cf/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=7833.8 Patents declared to the ETSI represent 70% of worldwide SEPs (IPlytics, 2017).Europe and should serve all EU citizens by giving them access to products and services based on the best performing standardised technology.This Communication draws on the responsibility of all actors in the SEP licensing context, and all stakeholders are encouraged to contribute to making this framework work in practice. It is not intended to represent a statement of the law and is without prejudice to the interpretation of EU law by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). It does not bind the Commission as regards the application of EU rules on competition, and in particular Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).1.I NCREASING TRANSPARENCY ON SEP S EXPOSUREInformation on the existence, scope and relevance of SEPs is vital for fair licensing negotiations and for allowing potential users of a standard to identify the scale of their exposure to SEPs and necessary licensing partners. However, currently the only information on SEPs accessible to users can be found in declaration databases maintained by SDOs which may lack transparency. This situation makes licensing negotiations and the anticipation of risks related to SEPs particularly difficult to navigate for start-ups and SMEs. The primary purpose of declarations is to reassure an SDO and all third parties that the technology will be accessible to users, typically under a commitment to license under FRAND conditions.SDO databases may record tens of thousands of SEPs for a single standard, and this trend is growing9. The declarations are based on a self-assessment by the patent holder, and are not subject to scrutiny regarding the essentiality of the declared patent, which can evolve in the course of the standard adoption procedure. In addition, stakeholders report that even in concrete licensing negotiations licensors fail to substantiate their claims with more precise information. This is particularly unsatisfactory in the context of IoT where new players with little experience of SEPs licensing are continually entering the market for connectivity. The Commission therefore believes that measures, as outlined below, are needed to improve the information on SEPs.1.1.I MPROVING QUALITY AND ACCESSIBILITY OF INFORMATION RECORDED IN SDODATABASESThe Commission believes that SDOs should provide detailed information in their databases to support the SEP licensing framework. While SDO databases collect large amounts of declaration data10, they often do not provide user-friendly accessibility to interested parties, and lack essential quality features. The Commission therefore takes the view that the quality and accessibility of the databases should be improved11. First, data should be easily accessible through user friendly interfaces, both for patent holders, implementers and third parties. All declared information should be searchable based on the relevant standardisation projects, which may also require the transformation of historic data into current formats. Quality processes should eliminate also duplications and other obvious flaws. Finally, there should be links to patent office databases, including updates of patent status, ownership and its transfer. 9For instance, more than 23 500 patents have been declared essential to the Global System for Mobile Communication standard and the 3G or Universal Mobile Telecommunication System standards developed at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Such standard apply to all smartphones and devices having a mobile connection. For more figures, see 'Landscaping study on SEPs' IPlytics (2017) and 'Patents and Standards - A modern framework for IPR-based standardization' ECSIP (2014).10 Some SDOs require specific patent disclosures as they recognise their benefits, while others permit blanket declarations. This section of the Communication refers to SDOs with specific patent disclosure.11See for example the long running 'DARE' project to improve the ETSI’s database.Work on improving databases needs to be combined with a stricter scrutiny on compliance with declaration obligations as defined in current SDO policies to avoid incomplete declarations12.1.2.D EVELOPING AN INFORMATION TOOL TO ASSIST LICENSING NEGOTIATIONSThe Commission notes that the current declaration system in SDOs supports the technical standard setting process and is not geared towards future SEP licensing. However, it is clear that there are net benefits in extending the current practice and purpose of declarations and databases to the creation of new transparency tools which, without losing their main purpose, can greatly facilitate licensing negotiation. Proportionality considerations are essential in this context. Whilst excessive burdens for stakeholders should be avoided, it should be born in mind that in concrete licensing negotiations, patent holders necessarily have to invest in substantiating to SEP users why patents from the patent holders' portfolio are essential to the standard or how these patents are being infringed13. The Commission therefore believes that proposed incremental improvements with controlled costs can substantially reduce overall transaction costs during licensing negotiations as well as infringement risks, to benefit both parties in negotiations14.1.2.1.More up-to-date and precise declarationsDeclarations occur early on in the standardisation process, with normally no review later on. However, technical solutions proposed in standards negotiations evolve up until the final standard15 is agreed. While the majority of declarations concern patent applications, the patent claims under the final patent granted after adoption of the standard can differ considerably16, as their content may change during the granting process. Therefore, rightholders should review the relevance of their declarations at the time of adoption of the final standard (and subsequent significant revisions) and when a final granting decision on the patent is taken. Declarations should also include enough information to assess patent exposure. Patent holders should at least make reference to the section of the standard that is relevant to the SEP and to the link with the patent family. Declarations should also clearly identify a contact for the owner/licensor of the declared SEP.Finally, it should be noted that SEPs on key technologies are more frequently litigated17. Associated information is relevant for all interested licensees and can play a role in limiting the possibility of future litigation. SDOs should therefore provide the possibility and incentives for patent holders and technology users to report the case reference and main outcome of final decisions, positive or negative, on declared SEPs (including on essentiality and patent validity). As companies usually only litigate a few valuable patents within a portfolio, and both patent holders and users should have an interest in reporting decisions in their respective favour, the associated burden of this measure would be limited.12 For further details, please see the summary report of the public consultation organised by DG GROW in 2015. http://ec.europa.eu/DocsRoom/documents/14482/attachments/1/translations/en/renditions/native.13 See CRA (2016).14 See section 3 below in relation to effective enforcement.15 For instance, a potential patent or patent application initially declared for a candidate technology may not be retained in the released standard, or the declared patent application may be revised during the granting process.16 For instance, 71% of SEPs declared at major SDOs (73% at the ETSI) are only granted after the standard has been released (IPlytics, 2017).17 See ECSIP (2014).1.2.2.Essentiality checksEvidence points to the risk of broad over-declarations and makes a strong case for more reliability with respect to SEP essentiality18. Stakeholders report that recorded declarations create a de facto presumption of essentiality in negotiations with licensees19. This scenario places a high burden on any willing licensee, especially SMEs and start-ups, to check the essentiality of a large number of SEPs in licensing negotiations.There is therefore a need for a higher degree of scrutiny on essentiality claims. This would require scrutiny being performed by an independent party with technical capabilities and market recognition, at the right point in time. Having said this, introducing such a scrutiny requirement to SEPs must be balanced against the cost20. However, an incremental approach, whereby scrutiny takes place at the request of either rightholders or prospective users, calibrating the depth of scrutiny and limiting checks to one patent within a family and to samples, could ensure the right cost-benefit balance of this measure21.1.2.3.Means of implementationWhile there are clear benefits to such increased transparency, the related burden needs to remain proportionate. Measures could therefore be extended gradually, and apply to new and key standards only, e.g. 5G.As a first step, stakeholders could be incentivised to value increased transparency, e.g. by way of certification that their declared SEP portfolios comply with transparency criteria. This certification could later be used in licensing negotiations and litigation. In addition, a recent study undertaken for the Commission suggests that SDOs may consider introducing (modest) fees for confirming SEP declarations after standard release and patent grants, to incentive SEP holders to revise and maintain only relevant declarations22.When considering essentiality checks, patent offices may well be natural candidates for exploiting synergies and reducing costs23. The Commission will support further analysis of their feasibility to ensure effective and proportionate solutions.Depending on the outcome of this project, an independent European body could be tasked to proceed with SEP essentiality assessment.18 See IPlytics (2017) and CRA (2016) and the summary of DG GROW public consultation on SEPs (2015).19 A number of studies on various key technologies suggests that when rigorously tested, only between 10% and 50% of declared patents are essential (CRA, 2016 and IPlytics, 2017).20 The cost of essentiality checks may be negligible compared to licensing revenues for key technologies (see CRA, 2016).21 For an analysis of cost and benefits, please see IPlytics (2017).22 See CRA (2016).23 See IPlytics (2017).2.G ENERAL PRINCIPLES FOR FRAND LICENSING TERMS FOR SEP SThe Commission considers that the parties are best placed to arrive at a common understanding of what are fair licensing conditions and fair rates, through good faith negotiations. Currently, licensing is hampered by unclear and diverging interpretations of the meaning of FRAND. The debate is particularly heated when it comes to valuation principles. Divergent views and litigation over FRAND licensing risk delaying the uptake of new technologies, standardisation processes and the roll-out of IoT in Europe. The Commission considers therefore that it is both necessary and beneficial to establish a first set of key signposts on the FRAND concept, so as to provide for a more stable licensing environment, guide parties in their negotiations and reduce litigation.The guiding elements set out below are based on the results of a public consultation24, analysis of best practices25, studies26, as well as national case law27. The Commission encourages stakeholders to engage in dialogue with each other and with the Commission, with the view to achieving further clarification and developing best practices. The Commission will monitor progress achieved and take complementary action on FRAND licensing, as needed.2.1.L ICENSING PRINCIPLESAs the CJEU has confirmed, an 'undertaking to grant licences on FRAND terms creates legitimate expectations on the part of third parties that the proprietor of the SEP will in fact grant licences on such terms'28.Both parties must be willing to engage in good faith negotiations, with the view to establishing licensing conditions that are fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory. Parties to a SEP licensing agreement, negotiating in good faith, are in the best position to determine the FRAND terms most appropriate to their specific situation.Efficiency considerations, reasonable licence fee expectations on both sides, the facilitation of the uptake by implementers to promote wide diffusion of the standard should be taken into account. It should be stressed in this respect that there is no one-size-fit-all solution to what FRAND is: what can be considered fair and reasonable differs from sector to sector and over time. For this reason, the Commission encourages stakeholders to pursue sectoral discussions with a view to establishing common licensing practices, based on the principles reflected in this Communication.The Commission considers that the following IP valuation principles should be taken into account:Licensing terms have to bear a clear relationship to the economic value of the patented technology. That value primarily needs to focus on the technology itself and in principle should not include any element resulting from the decision to include the technology in the standard.In cases where the technology is developed mainly for the standard and has little market value outside the standard, alternative evaluation 24 Public consultation on patents and standards: A modern framework for standardisation involving intellectual property rights.25 Licensing Terms of Standard Essential Patents: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cases, JRC 201726Study on Transparency, Predictability and Efficiency of SDO-based Standardization and SEP Licensing, Published on: 12/12/2016, (CRA study).27 See, in particular, Unwired Planet v. Huaweï [2017] EWHC 711 (Pat).28 Case C-170/13 Huawei Technologies, EU:C:2015:477, paragraph 53methods, such as the relative importance of the technology in the standard compared to other contributions in the standard, should be considered.∙Determining a FRAND value should require taking into account the present value added29of the patented technology. That value should be irrespective of the market success of the product which is unrelated to the patented technology.∙FRAND valuation should ensure continued incentives for SEP holders to contribute their best available technology to standards.∙Finally, to avoid royalty stacking, in defining a FRAND value, an individual SEP cannot be considered in isolation. Parties need to take into account a reasonable aggregate rate for the standard, assessing the overall added value of the technology30.The implementation of measures on SEP transparency can already support this objective. It can be addressed further, within the scope of EU competition law, by the creation of industry licensing platforms and patent pools, or based on indications by standardisation participants on the maximum cumulative rate that could be reasonably envisaged or expected.2.2.E FFICIENCY AND NON-DISCRIMINATIONThe non-discrimination element of FRAND indicates that rightholders cannot discriminate between implementers that are 'similarly situated'31.Given that FRAND is not one-size-fits-all, solutions can differ from sector to sector and depending on the business models in question.As mentioned above, FRAND negotiations imply good faith negotiations from both parties. Efficiency considerations can come into play as well. Transaction costs relating to the negotiation of a licence should be kept to the minimum necessary. Furthermore, in sectors where cross-licencing practices are widespread, efficiency gains related to such practices should be taken into account. These points need to be taken into account when assessing on a case by case basis whether a licensing offer is compatible with FRAND.In line with the approach presented above, the Commission considers that the same principles of efficiency support the practice of SEP portfolio licensing for products with global circulation32. As noted in a recent ruling33, a country-by-country licensing approach may not be efficient and may not be in line with a recognised commercial practice in the sector.2.3.P ATENT POOLS AND LICENSING PLATFORMS TO FACILITATE SEP LICENSINGThe creation of patent pools or other licensing platforms, within the scope of EU competition law, should be encouraged. They can address many of the SEP licensing challenges by offering better scrutiny on essentiality, more clarity on aggregate licensing fees and one-stop- shop solutions. For IoT industries, and particularly SMEs, newly exposed to SEP licensing disputes, this will bring more clarity to licensing conditions of SEP holders in a specific sector.29The present value is the value discounted to the time of the conclusion of the licence agreement. Allowing for the discounting over time is important against the backdrop of licence agreement running over several years in sometimes technologically fast moving business environments.30 On royalty stacking see CRA study.31 Unwired Planet v. Huaweï [2017] EWHC 711 (Pat).32However, FRAND licensing requires remuneration to be calculated in a manner that implementers wishing to develop a product for a specific, geographically limited area are not placed at a disadvantage.33 Unwired Planet v. Huaweï [2017] EWHC 711 (Pat).Measures to encourage the setting up of pools for key standardised technologies should be encouraged, e.g. facilitating access to pool management offers and technical assistance by SDO34. The Commission will consider further measures if these efforts are ineffective in IoT sectors.2.4.E XPLOITING AND DEEPENING FRAND EXPERTISEThere is a need to increase accessibility of experience, expertise and know-how around FRAND determination. Valuable insight has been gained and approaches developed from licensing agreements, mediations, arbitrations and court decisions over many years. Significant resources and efforts have been devoted to clarifying, analysing and valuing patents and technology. As there is no common repository for such expertise, work and research may be unnecessarily duplicated at serious cost to the parties involved. More accessible FRAND-related information could increase predictability for businesses such as IoT players, facilitate the licensing process in general and provide support and benchmarks in dispute settlement.The Commission will therefore set up an expert group with the view to gathering industry practice and additional expertise on FRAND licencing. In addition, the Commission will use all appropriate tools available to obtain further information to support its policy making with sufficient evidence.34For instance, the creation of pools may be encouraged by means of measures such as strengthening the relationship between SDOs and pools, providing incentives to participation and making universities and SMEs more aware of the advantages of becoming a licensor in a pool (ECSIP, 2015).3.A PREDICTABLE ENFORCEMENT ENVIRONMENT FOR SEP SDisputes on SEPs are an important factor in the licensing system when negotiations fail. A balanced and predictable enforcement environment has particularly positive effects on parties’ behaviour during negotiations, which in turn can speed up the spread of standardised technologies. IoT stakeholders report however that uncertainties and imbalances in the enforcement system have serious implications for market entry. SEPs show a higher degree of litigation than other patents35, which reinforces the need for a clear dispute framework in this area. While this Communication focuses on specific guidance on Standard Essential Patents, the Guidance on certain aspects of Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the enforcement of intellectual property rights36 clarifies the IPRED regime more generally.The possibility to enforce is one of the key aspects of intellectual property rights37. The debate in the SEPs area has mainly focused on the availability of injunctive relief. Such relief aims to protect SEP holders against infringers unwilling to conclude a licence on FRAND terms. At the same time, safeguards are needed against the risk that good-faith technology users threatened with an injunction accept licensing terms that are not FRAND, or in the worst case, are unable to market their products (hold-ups).3.1.AVAILABILITY OF INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE H UAWEI VS ZTE JURISPRUDENCE In its Huawei judgment38, the CJEU established obligations applying to both sides of a SEP-licensing agreement, when assessing whether the holder of a SEP can seek an injunction against a potential licensee without being in breach of Article 102 TFEU. SEP holders may not seek injunctions against users willing to enter into a licence on FRAND terms, and the CJEU established behavioural criteria to assess when a potential licensee can be considered willing to enter into such a licence.The Commission considers that the elements below – which arise from national case-law in applying the Huawei judgment39, provide useful additional guidance for stakeholders.A number of courts have stressed that a prospective SEP licensee has to receive sufficiently detailed and relevant information to determine the relevance of the SEP portfolio and 35 ECSIP (2014).36COM(2017)70837Directive 2004/48/EC of 29.4.2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights, pub. OJ L 195 of 2.6.2004, recital 338 Case C-170/13 Huawei Technologies, EU:C:2015:477.39 The CJEU held that Article 102 TFEU must be interpreted as meaning that the proprietor of a patent essential to a standard established by a standardisation body, which has given an irrevocable undertaking to that body to grant a licence to third parties on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (‘FRAND’) terms, does not abuse its dominant position, within the meaning of that article, by bringing an action for infringement seeking an injunction prohibiting the infringement of its patent or seeking the recall of products for the manufacture of which that patent has been used, as long as:(1) prior to bringing that action, the proprietor has, first, alerted the alleged infringer of the infringement complained about by designating that patent and specifying the way in which it has been infringed, and, secondly, after the alleged infringer has expressed its willingness to conclude a licensing agreement on FRAND terms, presented to that infringer a specific, written offer for a licence on such terms, specifying, in particular, the royalty and the way in which it is to be calculated, and(2) where the alleged infringer continues to use the patent in question, the alleged infringer has not diligently responded to that offer, in accordance with recognised commercial practices in the field and in good faith, this being a matter which must be established on the basis of objective factors and which implies, in particular, that there are no delaying tactics.。




附件6( the ETSI Rules of Procedure的附件6)也没有定义“基于公平、合理、不歧视(FRAND,即fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory)原则授予专利”的概念为何。

本案的争议及相关问题需要法院的初步裁决(preliminary ruling)。

华为技术有限公司(以下简称“华为”)是一家活跃在电信行业的跨国公司,此外,华为掌握了“在通信系统中建立同步信号的方法和设备”技术,由EPC缔约国的德意志联邦共和国授予的EP 2 090 050 B 1号专利。

2009年3月4日,华为告知ETSI该专利对“长期演进技术”(Long Term Evolution)标准起着实质性作用。


提请法院(the referring court)指出,该专利对“长期演进技术”标准来说至关重要,因为任何使用该标准的人都不可避免地使用该专利(该意见仅供参考)。

在2010年11月至2011年3月底之间,华为和中兴通讯股份有限公司(以下简称“中兴”)进行谈判,协商有关侵犯EP 2 090 050 B 1号专利和基于FRAND 条款授予这些产品专利许可的可能性。




尽管如此,中兴开拓根据“长期演进技术”标准运作产品的市场,并使用了EP 2 090 050 B 1号专利。





要 :近年 来标 准化 中由专利行 使行 为所引起 的各 种法律 纠纷 在 学界和 业界引 发 了热烈讨论 。在标 准的制
定 和 实 施 过 程 中 , 由于 信 息 不 对 称 ,容 易 导致 专 利 劫 持 和 技 术 锁 定 且 可 能 会排 除 、 限 制 竞 争 。有 鉴 于 此 ,各 标 准 化 组 织纷 纷 制 定专 利 政 策 ,如 信 息披 露 制 度 和 R AND许 可 原 则 对 标 准化 中的 专 利 权 行 使 行 为进 行 事 前 预 防 ;但如 果相 关专利权 行使行 为 已经对 竞争产 生 了限制和排 除作 用,则需要 反 垄断法进 行事后纠正 。就 目前 而 言 ,美 国和 欧 盟 的 反 垄 断 法执 法机 构 主 要 关 注违 背 专利 信 息披 露 义 务 、R A ND许 可 原 则 下 寻 求 禁 令 救 济、 通 过 专利转让规避专利许可声 明这三 类较为典型 的专利权行 使行为 。相比之 下,我 国 2 0 l 3 年的 《 工商行政 管理 机关禁止滥 用知 识产权 、排 除限制竞 争行 为的规 定 ( 征 求意 见稿 )》 第1 2 条虽然对经营者利 用标 准的制 定和 实施从事排 除、限制竞 争行 为进 行 了规 定,但尚有一 些不 足之处 ;未来 ,应结合反 垄断法规 范标 准化 中专利 权 行使行为的要 点,针对我 国相 关司法和行政执法实际情况进行完善。
所 谓专利劫持 ,广义 而言是指 “ 专利持有 人使用法 专 利 ,亦 即 ,遵循 相 关标 准 而又 未取 得 相 关专 利 人 的许 可
院签 发 的禁 令 ( 或者 仅仅 是 禁令 威 胁 )而 阻碍 被 控侵 权 人 必 然侵 犯 其 专 利 权 ,具体 包 括 两 种情 形 : 1 、技 术 标 准 所 使 用 专 利技 术 ,除非被 控 侵权 人 支付 非常 高 昂的 专 利许 可 规 定 的技 术 方 案 已经 落入 相 关 专 利权 保 护 范 围 之 内 ;2 、

























欧盟防伪指令2011-62-EU(中英文)2011年6月8日通过的欧洲议会和理事会指令2011/62/EU 就防止假药进入合法的供应链,修订指令2001/83/EC,该指令是人用药品的共同体法典欧洲议会和欧盟理事会.关于欧盟的运行条款,特别是条款114和条款168(4)的(C)点.关于欧洲共同体的提案.关于欧洲经济和社会委员会关于各区域委员会的意见.按照一般立法程序执行.鉴于以下内容:(1)欧洲议会和欧盟理事会指令2001/83/EC制定的关于,尤其是,在欧盟境内生产、进口、上市和销售的药品和活性成分的管理条例。


这些假药通常包含不符合标准的或造假的组分,或缺少组分,或包括API 在内的组分的含量不准确,这些都将严重威胁到公众健康。



























标准必要专利一、标准必要专利简介标准必要专利(standards-Essential Patents,SEP)目前尚无统一明确的定义,一般认为,如果技术标准的实施必须以侵害专利权为前提,则即使存在其他可以被纳入标准的技术,该专利对相关技术标准而言,就是必要的专利。



标准的制定由标准化组织(standard setting organization,SSO)负责,标准化组织根据市场、成员的需求等,从成员提议的若干选项中选择特定的技术作为标准。





























数据法案 frand原则

数据法案 frand原则

数据法案 frand原则英文回答:The Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) principle is a set of guidelines that governs the licensing of standard-essential patents (SEPs). SEPs are patents that cover technologies that are essential to the implementation of a technical standard. The FRAND principle requires that the owner of an SEP license the patent on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms.The FRAND principle is based on the idea that the owner of an SEP has a duty to share the technology with others in order to promote the development of the standard. The principle also recognizes that the owner of an SEP is entitled to a fair return on their investment.The FRAND principle has been incorporated into the antitrust laws of many countries, including the United States and the European Union. In the United States, theFRAND principle is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). In the European Union, the FRAND principle is enforced by the European Commission.The FRAND principle has been the subject of much debate in recent years. Some companies have argued that the FRAND principle is too restrictive and that it stifles innovation. Others have argued that the FRAND principle is necessary to protect consumers from being overcharged for access to essential technologies.The FRAND principle is a complex issue with no easy answers. However, it is an important principle that helpsto ensure that the development of technical standards isfair and competitive.中文回答:公平、合理和非歧视 (FRAND) 原则是规范标准必要专利 (SEP) 许可的一套准则。





1. 合理许可条件,欧盟提倡标准必要专利持有人以合理和公平

2. 非歧视许可,标准必要专利持有人应该在合理的条件下向所

3. 专利滥用,欧盟的标准必要专利提案禁止专利持有人滥用其

4. 争端解决机制,欧盟提倡建立有效的争端解决机制,以解决




标准必要专利全球性许可的管辖权比较发布时间:2021-11-24T07:30:15.845Z 来源:《中国经济评论》2021年第10期作者:陈文斌[导读] 标准必要专利是指标准实施人必然要使用的,且在技术层面或者商业层面没有其他可替代方案的专利技术。












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保护一项标准中必要技术的专利被称为标准必要专利(standard-essential patent, SEP)。


标准支撑了欧洲的技术创新和经济增长,特别是数字技术的互通性,这是数字统一市场(Digital Single Market, DSM)的基础。

例如,与互联网相连的计算机、智能手机以及平板电脑,或者通过诸如长期演进(long-term evolution, LTE)、WiFi或者蓝牙这样的标准化技术与互联网相连的其他设备,所有的这些都被SEPs所保护。










标准发展组织(standard developing organizations, SDOs)中的专利权人为标准的开发提供技术。

标准建立之后,SEPs持有人做出(fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory, FRAND)许可承诺,任何潜在的标准使用者都可以获得该标准技术。








技术使用者和SEPs 持有人在谈判过程中的争论和拖延最终会延迟关键标准技术的推广。




















声明的主要目的,典型的就是在FRAND 条件下进行许可的声明,是为了确保SDO和所有第三方能够保证该技术能够被使用者获得。






1.1 提高记录在SDO数据库中的信息的质量和可访问性委员会认为,SDO应该在其数据库中提供详细信息,以支持SEPs许可框架。








1.2 开发一个信息工具以协助许可谈判委员会注意到,目前SDO的声明体系支持技术标准的制定过程,并没有面向未来的SEPs许可。





1.2.1 更多最新和准确的声明声明一般都发生在标准化进程的初期,通常情况下标准发布之后也不会重新审核。











1.2.2 必要性检查有证据表明,存在广泛且过度声明的风险,并有力地证明了SEPs的可靠性[18]。







1.2.3 实施工具虽然提高透明度有明显的好处,但相关负担仍需保持平衡。







