

三. 论述题(每小题12分,共24分)1.请论述基于供应链的运输决策的要点有哪些?2. 供应链中需求变异放大产生的原因是什么?四. 案例:1. 在快速响应用户需求的整个供应链上,产品分销环节的地位越来越重要。

三、名词解释供应链 - --- 是围绕企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品运送到消费者手中,将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、直到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构模式。
吸脂性定价 --- 是建立高价位并吸收所有市场需求曲线上端顾客的策略。
独立需求 --- 是来自于外部客户或市场的需求,不能直接从其他产品需求中派生出来。
安全库存 --- 是指当不确定因素已导致更高的预期需求或导致完成周期更长时的缓冲存货,安全库存用于满足提前期需求。
有效顾客响应 --- 是应用于食品行业,分销商和供应商为消除系统中不必要的成本和费用,给客户带来更大效益而进行密切合作的一种供应链管理方法。
供应链管理--- 是同一供应链上的所有节点企业,包括供应商、分销商、零售商等,将所处的供应链中的各种资源进行集成,并对供应链中的各种动作进行同步化、集中化管理,从而形成高度竞争力,使得该供应链的产品在快速多变的市场中处于优势地们的一种管理模式。
渗透性定价 --- 是指最初以低价进入新市场而获取更大的市场占有率的策略。
派分需求 --- 是指要在发货点派分某种货物或某项服务的需求和提前期。
第三方物流 --- 是指物流的实际需求方和物流的实际供给方之外的第三方,它部分或全部利用第二方的资源,通过合约向第一方提供物流服务,它是业务外包在物流业务中的具体表现。
客户关系管理--- 是一种以客户为中心的管理思想和经营理念,目的在于改善企业与客户之间的关系,在企业的市场、销售、服务与技术支持等与客户相关的领域中广泛实施,通过为不同类型的客户定制不同的服务,吸引和保持更多的客户。
现代物流管理 -- 是指将信息、运输、库存、仓储、搬运以及包装等系列物流活动综合起来的一种新型的集成式管理,他的目的在于以最低成本为顾客提供最好的服务。
牛鞭效应 -- 由于供应链的信息流从末端向源端传递时,信息扭曲会逐级放大,导致需求信息的波动越来越大。


供应链管理课后习题答案第一章课后习题答案一、判断题题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10√× √×√√√√√××√页码P4 P5 P7 P9 P9 P11 P20 P8 P23 P25 二、名词解释SCP:分别指市场结构(Structure ),市场行为(Conduct),市场绩效(Performance)。
哈佛学派认为. 市场结构(Structure ),市场行为(Conduct),市场绩效(Performance)之间存在着必然的联系.並建立了SCP分析框架來分析行业与企业的发展情況P5三、简答题1答:分析汽车供应链结构简图:(1)汽车行业全球供应链的形成与发展在激烈的市场竞争中,汽车制造业是一个复杂程度和集成度非常高的行业,汽车制造业需要懂得合作与共享,并且在不同的环节有着不同的侧重点,满足不同客户需求,不断完善汽车产业全球价值链的分工体系,才能在激烈的市场中成为佼佼者。


答:㈠供应链管理涉及的内容供应链管理主要涉及四个领域:供应(supply)>生产计划(schedule plan)、物流(logistics)>需求(demand)o供应链管理是以同步化、集成化生产计划为指导, 以各种技术为支持,尤其是以Interlnet / Intranet为依托,围绕供应、生产计划、物流和满足需求来实施供应链管理主要包括计划、合作、控制从供应商到用户的物料和信息,其目标在于提高用户暇务水平和降低总的交易成本,并寻求两个目标间的平衡。
供应链管理的第一阶段大致发生在20 世纪六七十年代。

4.企业库存水平较高有什么优点?有什么缺点?库存水平低有什么优点和缺点?答:1.高库存水平i. 优点:订单满足率(服务水平)高和订单执行快速。
第十二章 供应链管理习题与答案


供应链管理习题答案.docC.供应链与供应链D.供应链与企业C.产品的不确定性A.物料链B.信息链C.资金链3.供应链中需求变异放大的原因是(ABCD )A.需求预测修正B.订货批量决策乏合作供应链的结构模型主要有:(AB )D.增值链C.短缺博奕D.价格波动E.缺第一章供应链概述1.供应链随目标的转变而转变,随服务方式的变化而变化,这属于供应链的(D )。
A.时代性B.协调性C.复杂性D.动态性2.将供应链划分为平衡的供应链和倾斜的供应链,是根据(A )划分的。
A.供应链容量与用户需求的关系B.供应链存在的稳定性C.供应链的发展进程D.供应链的功能3.从供应链的结构模型可以看出,节点企业和节点企业之间是一种(A )关系。
A.需求与供应B.支配C.平等D.利益4.对市场的响应速度而言,牛鞭效应表明,越是处于供应链后端,企业响应速度(B )BA.越快B.越慢C. 一般D.无影响5.英国著名物流管理专家马丁?克里斯托夫说:“21世纪的竞争不是企业和企业之间的竞争,而是( C )之间的竞争。
”A.企业内部B.供应链内部二、多选题1.供应链的不确定性主要来源于(ABD )A.供应商的不确定性B.生产者的不确定性D.顾客不确定性E.库存的不确定性2.供应链是一条连接供应商到用户的:(ABCD )A.链状模型B.网状模型C.环状模型D.总线模型E.反馈模型5.供应链的特征包括(ABCE)A.复杂性B.动态性C.而向用户需求D.竞争性E.交叉性三、判断题1.供应链由其中的节点所组成,这些节点是指供应链中的实体,包括法律实体、功能实体和物理实体。
(V )2.供应链是一个网链结构,一个企业是一个节点,节点企业和节点企业之间是一种需求与供应关系。
(J )3.推动式供应链模式的流程是:消费者购买商品一零售商店一零售配送中心一生产商。
(X )4.企业一般都利用过去的市场需求来预测未来的市场需求,这样就很容易导致需求信号被不断放大。

Chapter 12Determining Optimal Level of Product AvailabilityTrue/False1. The level of product availability is also referred to as the customer service level.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy2. A supply chain can use a high level of product availability to improve itsresponsiveness and attract customers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A high level of product availability requires less inventory, which will keep costsdown for the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate4. A supply chain needs to achieve a balance between the level of availability andthe cost of inventory that maximizes supply chain revenues.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard5. Whether the optimal level of availability is high or low depends on where aparticular company believes they can maximize profits.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate6. The cost of overselling is denoted by C o and is the loss incurred by a firm foreach unsold unit at the end of the selling season.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. The cost of understocking is denoted by C u and is the margin lost by a firm foreach lost sale because there is no inventory on hand.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. The cost of underselling is a key factor that influences the optimal level ofproduct availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. The costs of overstocking and understocking have a direct impact on both theoptimal cycle service level and profitability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy10. As the ratio of the cost of overstocking to the cost of understocking gets smaller,the optimal level of product availability decreases.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard11. With reduced demand uncertainty, a supply chain manager can better matchsupply and demand by reducing both overstocking and understocking.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. An increase in forecast accuracy increases both the overstocked andunderstocked quantity and decreases a firm’s profits.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy13. Supply chain managers are able to increase their forecast accuracy as leadtimes decrease, which allows them to better match supply with demand andincrease supply chain profitability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy14. If quick response allows multiple orders in the season, profits increase and theoverstock quantity increases.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard15. Quick response results in the manufacturer making a lower profit in the shortterm if all else is unchanged.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard16. There is a cost associated with postponement because the production cost usingpostponement is typically lower than the production cost without it.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy17. Postponement is valuable for a firm that sells a large variety of products withdemand that is independent and comparable in size.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate18. Postponement may increase overall profits for a firm if a single productcontributes the majority of the demand because the increased manufacturingexpense due to postponement outweighs the small benefit that aggregationprovides in this case.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard19. Tailored postponement allows a firm to increase its profitability by onlypostponing the uncertain part of the demand and producing the predictable partat a lower cost without postponement.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. In tailored sourcing,firms use a combination of two supply sources, one focusingon cost and able to handle uncertainty well, and the other focusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty, but at a higher cost.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. Tailored sourcing may be volume-based or product-based depending on thesource of uncertainty.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy22. In volume-based tailored sourcing, the predictable part of a product’s demand isproduced at a flexible facility, whereas the uncertain portion is produced at anefficient facility.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate23. In product-based tailored sourcing, low-volume products with uncertain demandare obtained from a flexible source, while high-volume products with lessdemand uncertainty are obtained from an efficient source.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy24. A contract may contain specifications regarding quantity, price, time, and quality.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy25. Double marginalization refers to the fact that the total supply chain is dividedbetween the manufacturer and the retailer.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate26. Manufacturers can use buy-back contracts to increase their own profits as wellas total supply chain profits.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate27. Buybacks encourage retailers to increase the level of product availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy28. Revenue sharing with a lower wholesale price allows retailers but notmanufacturers to increase their profit.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29. Revenue sharing encourages retailers to increase the level of product availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy30. Manufacturers can use contracts with quantity flexibility to increase their ownprofits at the expense of total supply chain profits.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy31. With vendor-managed inventory(VMI), the control of the replenishment decisionmoves to the manufacturer instead of the retailer.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy32. VMI can allow a manufacturer to increase their profits as well as profits for theentire supply chain by increasing some of the effects of double marginalization.Answer: FalseDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. The level of product availabilitya. is also referred to as the customer service level.b. is an important component of any supply chain’s responsiveness.c. increases revenues for the supply chain by increasing sales.d. All of the above are true.e. Only a and b are true.Answer: eDifficulty: Hard2. A supply chain can use a high level of product availability toa. improve its responsiveness and attract customers.b. reduce costs for the supply chain by reducing inventories.c. increase revenues for the supply chain by increasing sales.d. All of the above are true.e. Only a and c are true.Answer: eDifficulty: Easy3. A high level of product availability requiresa. large inventories and tends to raise costs for the supply chain.b. large inventories and tends to reduce costs for the supply chain.c. small inventories and tends to raise costs for the supply chain.d. small inventories and tends to reduce costs for the supply chain.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy4. A supply chain needs to achieve a balance between the level of availability andthe cost of inventory thata. maximizes supply chain revenues.b. minimizes supply chain costs.c. maximizes supply chain profitability.d. maximizes supply chain availability.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate5. Whether the optimal level of product availability is high or low depends on wherea particular company believes they cana. minimize cost.b. maximize revenue.c. maximize profits.d. maximize product availability.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. The key factors that influence the optimal level of product availability do notincludea. the cost of overstocking the product.b. the cost of stocking the product.c. the cost of understocking the product.d. All of the above are key factors.e. None of the above are key factors.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate7. The loss incurred by a firm for each unsold unit at the end of the selling season isa. the cost of overstocking the product.b. the cost of stocking the product.c. the cost of understocking the product.d. the cost of overselling the product.e. the cost of underselling the product.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate8. The margin lost by a firm for each lost sale because there is no inventory onhand isa. the cost of overstocking the product.b. the cost of stocking the product.c. the cost of understocking the product.d. the cost of overselling the product.e. the cost of underselling the product.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate9. The margin lost from current as well as future sales if the customer does notreturn should be included ina. the cost of overstocking the product.b. the cost of stocking the product.c. the cost of understocking the product.d. the cost of overselling the product.e. the cost of underselling the product.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate10. Which of the following is not a situation involving the trade-off between the costof overstocking and the cost of understocking?a. seasonal products where all leftover items must be disposed of at the endof the seasonb. continuously stocked items where demand during stockout is backloggedc. continuously stocked items where demand during stockout is lostd. continuously stocked items where demand during stockout is redirectede. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate11. The costs of overstocking and understocking have a direct impact ona. the optimal cycle service level but not profitability.b. profitability but not the optimal cycle service level.c. both the optimal cycle service level and profitability.d. neither the optimal cycle service level or profitability.e. the optimal cycle service level and an indirect impact on profitability.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate12. Which of the following is not a managerial lever to increase profitability?a. increasing the salvage value of each unitb. decreasing the margin lost from a stockoutc. reducing demand uncertaintyd. reducing the level of product availability below optimale. increasing forecast accuracyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate13. Which of the following would be a strategy to increase the salvage value of anunsold product?a. discarding the unused materialb. selling unsold product to an outlet storec. keeping the product in inventory until it sellsd. reduce the level of cycle inventorye. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy14. Which of the following would be a strategy to decrease the margin lost in astockout?a. arranging for backup sourcingb. discarding the unused materialc. selling unsold product to an outlet stored. reduce the level of cycle inventorye. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate15. As the ratio of the cost of overstocking to the cost of understocking gets smaller,a. the optimal level of product availability becomes irrelevant.b. the optimal level of product availability decreases.c. the optimal level of product availability remains stable.d. the optimal level of product availability increases.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Hard16. Which of the following is not an approach to reduce the uncertainty of demand?a. tailored sourcingb. quick responsec. postponementd. improved forecastinge. decreased marginAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate17. With reduced demand uncertainty, a supply chain manager cana. increase both overstocking and understocking.b. increase overstocking and reduce understocking.c. reduce overstocking and increase understocking.d. reduce both overstocking and understocking.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy18. A company that uses better market intelligence and collaboration to reducedemand uncertainty is making use ofa. tailored sourcing.b. quick response.c. postponement.d. improved forecasting.e. decreased margin.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. A company that reduces replenishment lead time so that multiple orders may beplaced in the selling season is making use ofa. tailored sourcing.b. quick response.c. postponement.d. improved forecasting.e. decreased margin.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate20. A company with multiple products, that chooses to delay product differentiationuntil closer to the point of sale, is usinga. tailored sourcing.b. quick response.c. postponement.d. improved forecasting.e. decreased margin.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate21. A company that uses a more expensive short lead time supplier as a backup fora low cost, long lead time supplier is usinga. tailored sourcing.b. quick response.c. postponement.d. improved forecasting.e. decreased margin.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate22. An increase in forecast accuracya. decreases both the overstocked and understocked quantity anddecreases a firm’s profits.b. decreases both the overstocked and understocked quantity and increasesa firm’s profits.c. increases both the overstocked and understocked quantity and decreasesa firm’s profits.d. increases both the overstocked and understocked quantity and increasesa firm’s profits.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate23. Supply chain managers are able toa. increase their forecast accuracy as lead times increase.b. increase their forecast accuracy as lead times decrease.c. decrease their forecast accuracy as lead times decrease.d. decrease their forecast accuracy as lead times increase.e. a product is received into stock at a store.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate24. As lead times decrease, supply chain managers are able toa. better match supply with demand.b. better match demand with supply.c. increase supply chain cost.d. decrease product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate25. Which of the following is not a consequence of being able to place a secondorder during the season for a seasonal product?a. The expected total quantity ordered during the season with two orders isless.b. The average overstock to be disposed of at the end of the sales season isless.c. The profits are higher.d. The average inventory level is higher.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate26. As the total quantity for the season is broken up into multiple smaller orders, thebuyer is better able toa. match supply and demand and increase cost.b. match supply and demand and increase profitability.c. match supply and demand and decrease profitability.d. match supply and demand and decrease product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate27. If quick response allows multiple orders in the season,a. profits decrease and the overstock quantity decreases.b. profits decrease and the overstock quantity increases.c. profits increase and the overstock quantity decreases.d. profits increase and the overstock quantity increases.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate28. Quick response is clearly advantageous toa. a distributor in the supply chain.b. a retailer in the supply chain.c. a manufacturer in the supply chain.d. every step in the supply chain.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard29. Quick response results ina. the manufacturer making a lower profit in the long term if all else isunchanged.b. the manufacturer making a lower profit in the short term if all else isunchanged.c. the retailer making a lower profit in the short term if all else is unchanged.d. the distributor making a lower profit in the short term if all else isunchanged.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate30. There is a cost associated with postponement because the production cost usingpostponement is typicallya. higher than the production cost without it.b. lower than the production cost without it.c. very stable.d. equal to the production cost without it.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy31. Postponement is valuable for a firm thata. sells a large variety of products with demand that is dependent andcomparable in size.b. sells a large variety of products with demand that is independent andcomparable in size.c. sells a small variety of products with demand that is dependent andcomparable in size.d. sells a small variety of products with demand that is independent andcomparable in size.e. focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard32. Postponement isa. not very effective if a large fraction of demand comes from multipleproducts.b. not very effective if a small fraction of demand comes from a singleproduct.c. only effective if a large fraction of demand comes from a single product.d. effective even if a large fraction of demand comes from a single product.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard33. When a firm uses production with postponement to satisfy a part of its demandwith the rest being satisfied without postponement, it is usinga. adjustable postponement.b. flexible postponement.c. managed postponement.d. tailored postponement.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate34. Under tailored postponement, a firm produces the amount that is very likely tosell usinga. the lower cost production method with postponement and produces theportion of demand that is uncertain using postponement.b. the lower cost production method without postponement and producesthe portion of demand that is uncertain using postponement.c. the higher cost production method with postponement and produces theportion of demand that is uncertain using postponement.d. the higher cost production method without postponement and producesthe portion of demand that is uncertain using postponement.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate35. In tailored sourcing,firms use a combination of two supply sources,a. one focusing on cost but unable to handle uncertainty well, and the otherfocusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty, but at a higher cost.b. one focusing on cost and able to handle uncertainty well, and the otherfocusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty, but at a higher cost.c. one focusing on cost but unable to handle uncertainty well, and the otherfocusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty at a lower cost.d. one focusing on cost and able to handle uncertainty well, and the otherfocusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty at a lower cost.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard36. In volume-based tailored sourcinga. the predictable part of a product’s demand is produced at an efficientfacility.b. the uncertain portion is produced at a flexible facility.c. the predictable part of a product’s demand is produced at a flexible facility.d. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate37. In product-based tailored sourcinga. low-volume products with uncertain demand are obtained from a flexiblesource.b. high-volume products with less demand uncertainty are obtained from anefficient source.c. high-volume products with less demand uncertainty are obtained from aflexible source.d. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate38. A contracta. specifies the parameters within which a buyer places orders and asupplier fulfills them.b. may contain specifications regarding quantity, price, time, and quality.c. may require the buyer to specify the precise quantity required, with a verylong lead time.d. all of the abovee. a and c onlyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate39. Double marginalization refers to the fact that the total supply chain margin isdivided betweena. the customer and the retailer.b. the distributor and the retailer.c. the manufacturer and the retailer.d. the manufacturer and the customer.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate40. Each member of the supply chain makes decisions consideringa. only a portion of the total supply chain margin.b. the total supply chain margin.c. other members of the supply chain.d. customers of the supply chain.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate41. Buy-backs encourage retailers toa. decrease the level of product availability.b. increase the level of product availability.c. decrease the level of profitability.d. increase the level of cost.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard42. The impact of holding cost subsidies on manufacturer and supply chain profits isa. the opposite of buy-back contracts.b. negligible.c. very much like buy-back contracts.d. a decrease the level of profitability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate43. When the manufacturer charges the retailer a low wholesale price and shares afraction of the revenue generated by the retailer, it is referred to asa. double marginalization.b. buy-backs.c. holding cost subsidies.d. revenue-sharing.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy44. Revenue sharing with a lower wholesale price allowsa. only manufacturers to increase their profit.b. only retailers to increase their profit.c. both retailers and manufacturers to increase their profit.d. neither retailers or manufacturers to increase their profit.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate45. With vendor-managed inventory(VMI),a. the customer is responsible for all decisions regarding product inventoriesat the retailer.b. the retailer is responsible for all decisions regarding product inventories atthe manufacturer.c. the manufacturer or supplier is responsible for all decisions regardingproduct inventories at the retailer.d. the customer is responsible for all decisions regarding product inventoriesat the manufacturer.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: ModerateEssay/Problems1. Explain the relationship between product availability and supply chain profitability.Answer: The level of product availability is measured using the cycle service level or the fill rate, which are metrics for the amount of customer demand satisfiedfrom available inventory. The level of product availability is also referred to as the customer service level. The level of product availability is an importantcomponent of any supply chain’s responsiveness. A supply chain can use a highlevel of product availability to improve its responsiveness and attract customers.This increases revenues for the supply chain by increasing sales through highproduct availability when customers come to make a purchase. However, a highlevel of product availability requires large inventories, and large inventories tendto raise costs for the supply chain. Therefore, a supply chain needs to achieve abalance between the level of availability and the cost of inventory. This optimallevel of product availability is one that maximizes supply chain profitability.Whether the optimal level of availability is high or low depends on where aparticular company believes they can maximize profits.Difficulty: Moderate2. Describe the two key factors that influence the optimal level of product availabilitywithin a supply chain.Answer: The two key factors that influence the optimal level of product availability are:• Cost of overstocking the product• Cost of understocking the productThe cost of overstocking is denoted by C o and is the loss incurred by a firm foreach unsold unit at the end of the selling season. The cost of understocking isdenoted by C u and is the margin lost by a firm for each lost sale because there is no inventory on hand. The cost of understocking should include the margin lostfrom current as well as future sales if the customer does not return. The costs of overstocking and understocking have a direct impact on both the optimal cycleservice level and profitability.Difficulty: Easy3. Decribe managerial levers to increase profitability within a supply chain.Answer: Three managerial levers to increase profitability are:1. Increasing the salvage value of each unit increases profitability (as wellas the optimal cycle service level).2. Decreasing the margin lost from a stockout increases profitability.3. Reducing demand uncertainty.One strategy to increase the salvage value of an unsold product would be selling unsold product to an outlet store.Strategies to decrease the margin lost in a stockout include arranging for backup sourcing (that may be more expensive) so customers are not lost forever andpurchasing product from a competitor on the open market.As the ratio of the cost of overstocking to the cost of understocking gets smaller, the optimal level of product availability increases. This fact explains thedifference in the level of product availability between a high-end store and adiscount store. The high-end store has higher margins and thus a higher cost ofunderstocking. It should thus provide a higher level of product availability than adiscount store with lower margins, and as a result, a lower cost of stocking out.The reduction of demand uncertainty is a significant managerial lever to improve supply chain profitability. With reduced demand uncertainty, a supply chainmanager can better match supply and demand by reducing both overstockingand understocking. A manager can reduce demand uncertainty via the following means:1. Improved forecasting:Use better market intelligence and collaborationto reduce demand uncertainty.2. Quick response: Reduce replenishment lead time so that multipleorders may be placed in the selling season.3. Postponement:In a multiproduct setting, postpone productdifferentiation until closer to the point of sale.4. Tailored sourcing:Use a more expensive short lead time supplier as abackup for a low cost, long lead time supplier.Difficulty: Moderate4. Describe the approaches a manager can use to reduce demand uncertainty.Answer: An increase in forecast accuracy decreases both the overstocked and understocked quantity and increases a firm’s profits.Quick response is the set of actions a supply chain takes that lead to areduction in the replenishment lead time. Supply chain managers are able toincrease their forecast accuracy as lead times decrease, which allows them tobetter match supply with demand and increase supply chain profitability. If quick response allows multiple orders in the season, profits increase and the overstock quantity decreases.Postponement allows a firm to increase profits and better match supply anddemand if the firm produces a large variety of products whose demand is notpositively correlated and is of about the same size. There is a cost associatedwith postponement because the production cost using postponement is typically higher than the production cost without it.In tailored sourcing,firms use a combination of two supply sources, onefocusing on cost but unable to handle uncertainty well, and the other focusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty, but at a higher cost. For tailored sourcing to beeffective, having supply sources where one serves as the backup to the other is not sufficient.Difficulty: Moderate5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of quick response.Answer: There are three important consequences of being able to place asecond order in the season.1. The expected total quantity ordered during the season with two ordersis less than that with a single order for the same cycle service level. Inother words, it is possible to provide the same level of product availabilityto the customer with less inventory if a second follow-up order is allowedin the sales season.2. The average overstock to be disposed of at the end of the salesseason is less if two orders are allowed.3. The profits are higher when a second order is allowed during the salesseason.In other words, as the total quantity for the season is broken up into multiplesmaller orders, the buyer is better able to match supply and demand andincrease profitability. If quick response allows multiple orders in the season,profits increase and the overstock quantity decreases.Quick response is clearly advantageous to a retailer in the supply chain, withone caveat. As the manufacturer reduces replenishment lead times, allowing fora second order, we have seen that the retailer’s order size drops. In effect, themanufacturer sells less to the retailer. Thus, quick response results in themanufacturer making a lower profit in the short term if all else is unchanged. This is an important point to consider, because decreasing replenishment lead timesrequires tremendous effort from the manufacturer, yet seems to benefit theretailer at the expense of the manufacturer. The benefits resulting from quickresponse should be shared appropriately across the supply chain.Difficulty: Hard6. Explain how tailored postponement can improve profitability.。

4.企业库存水平较高有什么优点?有什么缺点?库存水平低有什么优点和缺点?答:1.高库存水平i. 优点:订单满足率(服务水平)高和订单执行快速。

7.以下关于供应链的叙述中,不正确的是( )。
模块十二 供应链管理 习题参考答案

模块十二供应链管理习题参考答案一、判断题1.√ 2.√3.√4.× 5.√6.×二、单选题1. C2. D3.C4. D三、多选题1.ABCDE2.AB3.ABCE4.ABCD四、简答题1. 简述供应链涵义及其主要特点,并绘制出制造型供应链的网络结构图。
图形略2. 简述供应链管理涵义与特征,并比较供应链管理与传统企业管理区别。
特征:1)基于流程的集成化管理模式2)全过程的战略管理3)提出了全新的库存观4)以最终用户为中心传统管理与供应链管理的比较类别传统管理供应链管理1.存货管理公司为主供应链成员间协调2.存货流间断平衡/可见3.成本公司最小最终客户成本4.信息公司控制分享5.风险公司为主分担6.计划公司内供应链成员间7.组织间关系公司内降低成本基于最终成本的合作3. 简述QR和ECR的涵义,并比较两者的异同。
快速反应(Quick Response,简称QR)指的是零售商和供货商(制造商或生产商)建立战略合作伙伴关系,利用EDI等信息技术,进行销售时点的信息交换,以及订货补货等其它经营信息的交换,用多频率小批量的配送方式连续补充商品,以实现缩短交货周期,减少库存,提高顾客服务水平和企业竞争力为目的而采取的一种供应链管理策略。
ECR(Efficient Customer Responses),即“有效客户反应”,是以满足顾客要求和最大限度降低物流过程费用为目标,通过生产厂家、批发商和零售商之间的相互合作与协调,对市场需求及时做出准确反应,为消费者更好、更快、低成本地提供满意商品,从而达到商品供应和服务流程最佳化。

第十二章练习题一、选择题1.下面关于ERP的叙述,错误的是________A ERP未来的目标是提高灵活性B ERP系统是电子商务的基础C ERP不是一个单独的系统,而是一个应用系统的框架D自行开发的ERP软件由于是针对企业自身开发的,所以比现成的商业软件包要好2.企业的实施ERP软件时不应选择的策略是________A 分步实施B 分片全面实施C 全面实施D 各部门独立实施3.下面不属于供应链应用模式的是________A 按库存生产模式B 连续补货模式C 按订单生产模式D 差异化生产模式4.客户关系管理实施的核心是________A 客户关系管理的业务流程B 客户关系管理的系统软件支持C 建立客户中心D 客户关系管理的组织结构5.在供应链的运作过程中,________的需求拉动是供应链中信息流、产品/服务流、资金流运作的驱动源A 企业B 产品C 用户D 市场6.电子供应链是以________为平台A 数据库B 互联网C 计算机D 电子商务7.________是供应链的三个流中最重要也是最难以管理的A 信息流B 物流C 商流D 资金流8.________是供应链管理过程中处理物流信息的理想技术A EDIB 数据库技术C 自动识别和数据采集D 互联网技术9.________是整个系统结构的基础,同时也是定量分析工作的基础A 数据库B 数据挖掘技术C 数据仓库D 数据集市10.供应链管理和客户关系管理的整合,将真正实现企业实时响应客户需求,实现需求和供应链上的资源最优配置,从而全面提升企业的________A 市场占有率B 核心竞争力C 客户满意率D 客户忠诚度11.目前,供应链管理中,最常用的AIDC技术是________A 电子地图B 红外线技术C 条码技术D 编码技术12.下列说法不正确的是________A 连带销售成功的关键是要能提供互补性的产品或服务以加深与顾客的关系B 客户关系管理主要是在大公司得到重视和应用C 整合业务流程的关键就是要作到一致和简洁D 目前客户信息的获取成本比较高13.下列不属于客户关系管理目标的是________A 利用现存的客户关系增加收入B 创造新价值并培养顾客忠诚C 着重于开拓新市场和新客户D 创造新价值并培养顾客忠诚14.著名的管理大师Oliver和Webber提出和应用“供应链管理”这个术语是在________A 1982年B 1983年C 1984年D 1990年15.企业资源规划未来的目标是提高________A 方便性B 减低成本C 灵活性D 效益最大化16.电子供应链是以________为手段A 数据库B 互联网C 计算机D 电子商务17.________是整个供应链集成的基础A 信息集成B 物流集成C 产品集成D 数据库集成18.通过将________与供应链连接起来,再加上在供应链的上游与下游企业之间运用电子手段联系的能力,供应链就会反应迅速A 市场B 产品C 客户D 互联网19.供应链的形成、存在、重构,都是基于一定的________需求而发生A 企业B 产品C 用户D 市场20.________是为客户服务、市场营销、技术支持和其他的特定商业活动而接收和发出呼叫的一个实体A 广告中心B 后勤部门C 客户服务中心D 呼叫中心二、填空题1.一般的ERP软件的财务部分分为________与________两大块。

供应链管理试题及答案题一:供应链管理的定义及关键要素供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)是指协调和管理商业活动中涉及多个组织的供应链网络,以实现高效、高质量和低成本的物资、信息和现金流动,从供应商端到最终顾客端。
供应链管理的关键要素包括:1. 供应商管理:选择和管理合适的供应商,确保供应链上物资的稳定供应和质量可控;2. 物流管理:有效规划货物的运输和仓储,降低物流成本,提高物流效率;3. 库存管理:合理控制库存水平,避免库存过高或过低的情况出现,从而减少储运成本和缺货损失;4. 订单管理:及时响应客户订单,确保订单准确、及时地送达客户,提高客户满意度;5. 客户关系管理:与客户保持良好的沟通和合作,了解客户需求并及时满足,提升客户忠诚度和业务拓展。
答:供应链网络中的风险管理措施1. 多元化供应商:与多个供应商建立良好的关系,并分散采购订单给不同的供应商,这可以降低单一供应商风险对整个供应链的影响。
2. 库存备货:合理储备适量的库存,以应对供应中断或延迟等风险事件。
3. 风险共担:与供应商、物流服务商等建立长期合作伙伴关系,共同承担供应链风险。
4. 信息共享:建立供应链信息系统,实现供应链各个环节间的实时信息共享,提高风险应对的效率和准确性。
5. 多元化市场:开拓多个市场和销售渠道,降低对某一个特定市场波动的敏感度,减轻市场需求波动造成的风险。
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Chapter 12Determining Optimal Level of Product AvailabilityTrue/False1. The level of product availability is also referred to as the customer service level.2. A supply chain can use a high level of product availability to improve itsresponsiveness and attract customers.3. A high level of product availability requires less inventory, which will keep costsdown for the supply chain.4. A supply chain needs to achieve a balance between the level of availability and thecost of inventory that maximizes supply chain revenues.5. Whether the optimal level of availability is high or low depends on where aparticular company believes they can maximize profits.6. The cost of overselling is denoted by C o and is the loss incurred by a firm for eachunsold unit at the end of the selling season.7. The cost of understocking is denoted by C^and is the margin lost by a firm for eachlost sale because there is no inventory on hand.8. The cost of underselling is a key factor that influences the optimal level of productavailability.9. The costs of overstocking and understocking have a direct impact on both theoptimal cycle service level and profitability.10. As the ratio of the cost of overstocking to the cost of understocking gets smaller,the optimal level of product availability decreases.11. With reduced demand uncertainty, a supply chain manager can better matchsupply and demand by reducing both overstocking and understocking.12. An increase in forecast accuracy increases both the overstocked andunderstocked quantity and decreases a firm's profits.13. Supply chain managers are able to increase their forecast accuracy as lead timesdecrease, which allows them to better match supply with demand and increasesupply chain profitability.14. If quick response allows multiple orders in the season, profits increase and theoverstock quantity increases.15. Quick response results in the manufacturer making a lower profit in the short termif all else is unchanged.16. There is a cost associated with postponement because the production cost usingpostponement is typically lower than the production cost without it.17. Postponement is valuable for a firm that sells a large variety of products withdemand that is independent and comparable in size.18. Postponement may increase overall profits for a firm if a single product contributesthe majority of the demand because the increased manufacturing expense due to postponement outweighs the small benefit that aggregation provides in this case.19. Tailored postponement allows a firm to increase its profitability by only postponingthe uncertain part of the demand and producing the predictable part at a lower cost without postponement.20. In tailored sourcing, firms use a combination of two supply sources, one focusingon cost and able to handle uncertainty well, and the other focusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty, but at a higher cost.21. Tailored sourcing may be volume-based or product-based depending on thesource of uncertainty.22. In volume-based tailored sourcing, the predictable part of a product's demand isproduced at a flexible facility, whereas the uncertain portion is produced at anefficient facility.23. In product-based tailored sourcing, low-volume products with uncertain demandare obtained from a flexible source, while high-volume products with less demand uncertainty are obtained from an efficient source.24. A contract may contain specifications regarding quantity, price, time, and quality.25. Double marginalization refers to the fact that the total supply chain is dividedbetween the manufacturer and the retailer.26. Manufacturers can use buy-back contracts to increase their own profits as well astotal supply chain profits.27. Buybacks encourage retailers to increase the level of product availability.28. Revenue sharing with a lower wholesale price allows retailers but notmanufacturers to increase their profit.29. Revenue sharing encourages retailers to increase the level of product availability.30. Manufacturers can use contracts with quantity flexibility to increase their ownprofits at the expense of total supply chain profits.31. With vendor-managed inventory (VMI), the control of the replenishment decisionmoves to the manufacturer instead of the retailer.32. VMI can allow a manufacturer to increase their profits as well as profits for theentire supply chain by increasing some of the effects of double marginalization.Multiple Choice1. The level of product availabilitya. is also referred to as the customer service level.b. is an important component of any supply chain's responsiveness.c. increases revenues for the supply chain by increasing sales.d. All of the above are true.e. Only a and b are true.2. A supply chain can use a high level of product availability toa. improve its responsiveness and attract customers.b. reduce costs for the supply chain by reducing inventories.c. increase revenues for the supply chain by increasing sales.d. All of the above are true.e. Only a and c are true.3. A high level of product availability requiresa. large inventories and tends to raise costs for the supply chain.b. large inventories and tends to reduce costs for the supply chain.c. small inventories and tends to raise costs for the supply chain.d. small inventories and tends to reduce costs for the supply chain.e. none of the above4. A supply chain needs to achieve a balance between the level of availability and thecost of inventory thata. maximizes supply chain revenues.b. minimizes supply chain costs.c. maximizes supply chain profitability.d. maximizes supply chain availability.e. all of the above5. Whether the optimal level of product availability is high or low depends on where aparticular company believes they cana. minimize cost.b. maximize revenue.c. maximize profits.d. maximize product availability.e. all of the above6. The key factors that influence the optimal level of product availability do notincludea. the cost of overstocking the product.b. the cost of stocking the product.c. the cost of understocking the product.d. All of the above are key factors.e. None of the above are key factors.7. The loss incurred by a firm for each unsold unit at the end of the selling season isa. the cost of overstocking the product.b. the cost of stocking the product.c. the cost of understocking the product.d. the cost of overselling the product.e. the cost of underselling the product.8. The margin lost by a firm for each lost sale because there is no inventory on handisa. the cost of overstocking the product.b. the cost of stocking the product.c. the cost of understocking the product.d. the cost of overselling the product.e. the cost of underselling the product.9. The margin lost from current as well as future sales if the customer does not returnshould be included ina. the cost of overstocking the product.b. the cost of stocking the product.c. the cost of understocking the product.d. the cost of overselling the product.e. the cost of underselling the product.10. Which of the following is not a situation involving the trade-off between the cost ofoverstocking and the cost of understocking?a. seasonal products where all leftover items must be disposed of at the endof the seasonb. continuously stocked items where demand during stockout is backloggedc. continuously stocked items where demand during stockout is lostd. continuously stocked items where demand during stockout is redirectede. none of the above11. The costs of overstocking and understocking have a direct impact ona. the optimal cycle service level but not profitability.b. profitability but not the optimal cycle service level.c. both the optimal cycle service level and profitability.d. neither the optimal cycle service level or profitability.e. the optimal cycle service level and an indirect impact on profitability.12. Which of the following is not a managerial lever to increase profitability?a. increasing the salvage value of each unitb. decreasing the margin lost from a stockoutc. reducing demand uncertaintyd. reducing the level of product availability below optimale. increasing forecast accuracy13. Which of the following would be a strategy to increase the salvage value of anunsold product?a. discarding the unused materialb. selling unsold product to an outlet storec. keeping the product in inventory until it sellsd. reduce the level of cycle inventorye. none of the above14. Which of the following would be a strategy to decrease the margin lost in astockout?a. arranging for backup sourcingb. discarding the unused materialc. selling unsold product to an outlet stored. reduce the level of cycle inventorye. none of the above15. As the ratio of the cost of overstocking to the cost of understocking gets smaller,a. the optimal level of product availability becomes irrelevant.b. the optimal level of product availability decreases.c. the optimal level of product availability remains stable.d. the optimal level of product availability increases.e. none of the above16. Which of the following is not an approach to reduce the uncertainty of demand?a. tailored sourcingb. quick responsec. postponementd. improved forecastinge. decreased margin17. With reduced demand uncertainty, a supply chain manager cana. increase both overstocking and understocking.b. increase overstocking and reduce understocking.c. reduce overstocking and increase understocking.d. reduce both overstocking and understocking.e. none of the above18. A company that uses better market intelligence and collaboration to reducedemand uncertainty is making use ofa. tailored sourcing.b. quick response.c. postponement.d. imp roved forecasting.e. decreased margin.19. A company that reduces replenishment lead time so that multiple orders may beplaced in the selling season is making use ofa. tailored sourcing.b. quick response.c. postponement.d. improved forecasting.e. decreased margin.20. A company with multiple products, that chooses to delay product differentiationuntil closer to the point of sale, is usinga. tailored sourcing.b. quick response.c. postponement.d. imp roved forecastin g.e. decreased margin.21. A company that uses a more expensive short lead time supplier as a backup for alow cost, long lead time supplier is usinga. tailored sourcing.b. quick response.c. postponement.d. imp roved forecasting.e. decreased margin.22. An increase in forecast accuracya. decreases both the overstocked and understocked quantity and decreasesa firm's profits.b. decreases both the overstocked and understocked quantity and increasesa firm's profits.c. increases both the overstocked and understocked quantity and decreasesa firm's profits.d. increases both the overstocked and understocked quantity and increases afirm's profits.e. none of the above23. Supply chain managers are able toa. increase their forecast accuracy as lead times increase.b. increase their forecast accuracy as lead times decrease.c. decrease their forecast accuracy as lead times decrease.d. decrease their forecast accuracy as lead times increase.e. a product is received into stock at a store.24. As lead times decrease, supply chain managers are able toa. better match supply with demand.b. better match demand with supply.c. increase supply chain cost.d. decrease product availability.e. none of the above25. Which of the following is not a consequence of being able to place a second orderduring the season for a seasonal product?a. The expected total quantity ordered during the season with two orders isless.b. The average overstock to be disposed of at the end of the sales season isless.c. The profits are higher.d. The average inventory level is higher.e. none of the above26. As the total quantity for the season is broken up into multiple smaller orders, thebuyer is better able toa. match supply and demand and increase cost.b. match supply and demand and increase profitability.c. match supply and demand and decrease profitability.d. match supply and demand and decrease product availability.e. none of the above27. If quick response allows multiple orders in the season,a. profits decrease and the overstock quantity decreases.b. profits decrease and the overstock quantity increases.c. profits increase and the overstock quantity decreases.d. profits increase and the overstock quantity increases.e. none of the above28. Quick response is clearly advantageous toa. a distributor in the supply chain.b. a retailer in the supply chain.c. a manufacturer in the supply chain.d. every step in the supply chain.e. none of the above29. Quick response results ina. the manufacturer making a lower profit in the long term if all else isunchanged.b. the manufacturer making a lower profit in the short term if all else isunchanged.c. the retailer making a lower profit in the short term if all else is unchanged.d. the distributor making a lower profit in the short term if all else is unchanged.e. none of the above30. There is a cost associated with postponement because the production cost usingpostponement is typicallya. higher than the production cost without it.b. lower than the production cost without it.c. very stable.d. equal to the production cost without it.e. none of the above31. Postponement is valuable for a firm thata. sells a large variety of products with demand that is dependent andcomparable in size.b. sells a large variety of products with demand that is independent andcomparable in size.c. sells a small variety of products with demand that is dependent andcomparable in size.d. sells a small variety of products with demand that is independent andcomparable in size.e. focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.32. Postponement isa. not very effective if a large fraction of demand comes from multiple products.b. not very effective if a small fraction of demand comes from a single product.c. only effective if a large fraction of demand comes from a single product.d. effective even if a large fraction of demand comes from a single product.e. none of the above33. When a firm uses production with postponement to satisfy a part of its demand withthe rest being satisfied without postponement, it is usinga. adjustable postponement.b. flexible postponement.c. managed postponementd. tailored postponement.e. none of the above34. Under tailored postponement, a firm produces the amount that is very likely to sellusinga. the lower cost production method with postponement and produces theportion of demand that is uncertain using postponement.b. the lower cost production method without postponement and produces theportion of demand that is uncertain using postponement.c. the higher cost production method with postponement and produces theportion of demand that is uncertain using postponement.d. the higher cost production method without postponement and produces theportion of demand that is uncertain using postponement.e. All of the above are accurate.35. In tailored sourcing, firms use a combination of two supply sources,a. one focusing on cost but unable to handle uncertainty well, and the otherfocusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty, but at a higher cost.b. one focusing on cost and able to handle uncertainty well, and the otherfocusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty, but at a higher cost.c. one focusing on cost but unable to handle uncertainty well, and the otherfocusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty at a lower cost.d. one focusing on cost and able to handle uncertainty well, and the otherfocusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty at a lower cost.e. None of the above are accurate.36. In volume-based tailored sourcinga. the predictable part of a product's demand is produced at an efficient facility.b. the uncertain portion is produced at a flexible facility.c. the predictable part of a products demand is produced at a flexible facility.d. all of the abovee. a and b only37. In product-based tailored sourcinga. low-volume products with uncertain demand are obtained from a flexiblesource.b. high-volume products with less demand uncertainty are obtained from anefficient source.c. high-volume products with less demand uncertainty are obtained from aflexible source.d. all of the abovee. a and b only38. A contracta. specifies the parameters within which a buyer places orders and a supplierfulfills them.b. may contain specifications regarding quantity, price, time, and quality.c. may require the buyer to specify the precise quantity required, with a verylong lead time.d. all of the abovee. a and c only39. Double marginalization refers to the fact that the total supply chain margin isdivided betweena. the customer and the retailer.b. the distributor and the retailer.c. the manufacturer and the retailer.d. the manufacturer and the customer.e. none of the above40. Each member of the supply chain makes decisions consideringa. only a portion of the total supply chain margin.b. the total supply chain margin.c. other members of the supply chain.d. customers of the supply chain.e. none of the above41. Buy-backs encourage retailers toa. decrease the level of product availability.b. increase the level of product availability.c. decrease the level of profitability.d. increase the level of cost.e. none of the above42. The impact of holding cost subsidies on manufacturer and supply chain profits isa. the opposite of buy-back contracts.b. negligible.c. very much like buy-back contracts.d. a decrease the level of profitability.e. none of the above43. When the manufacturer charges the retailer a low wholesale price and shares afraction of the revenue generated by the retailer, it is referred to asa. double marginalization.b. buy-backs.c. holding cost subsidies.d. revenue-sharing.e. none of the above44. Revenue sharing with a lower wholesale price allowsa. only manufacturers to increase their profit.b. only retailers to increase their profit.c. both retailers and manufacturers to increase their profit.d. neither retailers or manufacturers to increase their profit.e. none of the above45. With vendor-managed inventory (VMI),a. the customer is responsible for all decisions regarding product inventories atthe retailer.b. the retailer is responsible for all decisions regarding product inventories atthe manufacturer.c. the manufacturer or supplier is responsible for all decisions regardingproduct inventories at the retailer.d. the customer is responsible for all decisions regarding product inventories atthe manufacturer.e. none of the aboveEssav/Problems1. Explain the relationship between product availability and supply chain profitability.2. Describe the two key factors that influence the optimal level of product availabilitywithin a supply chain.3. Decribe managerial levers to increase profitability within a supply chain.4. Describe the approaches a manager can use to reduce demand uncertainty.5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of quick response.6.Explain how tailored postponement can improve profitability.7.8. Explain how tailored sourcing can be used to improve profitability.Discuss how contracts can be used to increase supply chain profitability.9. A manufacturer of lawn care equipment has introduced a new product. The anticipateddemand is normally distributed with a mean of p= 100 and a standard deviation of o = 50. Each unit costs $75 to manufacture and the introductory price is to be $125 to achieve this level of sales. Any unsold units at the end of the season are unlikely to be very valuable and will be disposed of in a fire sale for $25 each. It costs $10 to hold a unit in inventory for the entire season. What is the cost of overstocking?What is the cost of understocking? What is the optimal cycle service level? Howmany units should be manufactured for sale?9. In the previous problem, the manufacturer performs additional market research. Basedon this research, they determine that they can increase the price to $150 and areable to reduce the standard deviation of the forecast to o = 30. At the same time,they have made an arrangement with an outlet store that will purchase unsoldequipment for $60 each. How will these changes affect the cost of overstocking,cost of understocking, optimal cycle service level and optimal order size?。