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Unit2 English around the world

official adj 官方的.正式的.公务的voyage n 航行.航海

conquer 征服.占领because of 因为come up 走近,上来.提出

native 本国的;本地的n 本地人.本国人actually实际上,事实上

base根据n 基部;基地,墓础at present 现在;目前

gradual 逐渐的.逐步的enrich 使富裕;充实,改善vocabulary 词汇.词汇量.词表

make use of 利用使用latter 较后的后平的;(两者中)后者的. fluent 流利的.流畅的frequent adj 频繁的.常见的usage 使用.用法.词语惯用法command命令;指令;掌握request请求;要求dialect 方言expression 词语;表示表达

play a part ( in )扮演个角色:参与


1. 不只有一种英语more than one kind of English

2. 在一些重要方面in some important ways

3. 彼此不同be different from one another

4. 与现代英语不同be different from modern / present day English

5. 起着的重要作用play an important role / part

6. 起着越来越重要的作用play a more and more /an increasingly important part / role

7. 因为它特殊的作用because of its special role

8. 国际语言an international language

9. 在16世纪末at the end of the 16th century

10. 在17世纪初at the beginning of the 17th century

11. 在20世纪前期in the early 20 th century

12. 即使even if / even though

13. 以德语为基础be based on German

14. 使用更大的词汇量make use of a wider vocabulary

15. 它自己的特色its own identity

16. 众多讲英语的人 a very large number of English speakers

17. 学英语的人数the number of people learning English

18. 信不信由你believe it or not

19. 讲最好的英语speak excellent English

20. 从一个地方搬到另一个地方move from one place to another

21. 充分利用不同的方言make full use of different dialects

22. 国际组织an international organization

23. 辨认出他的口音recognize his accent

24. 发出命令give commands

25. 提出客气的请求make a polite request

要点提炼Section A


1. voyage/journey/travel/trip/tour


voyage: 去国外或较远地方的海上旅行

Columbus succeeded in making a voyage to America in 1942.

journey: 指较远的从一地到另一地旅行,距离较远,多指陆地

They will make a journey to Beijing by train.

travel: 一系列的旅程,泛指旅游

We had six days’ travel by car.

trip: (短途)旅行

The Greens will take a weekend trip to the Great Wall.

tour: 为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的旅行

We will make a tour of Hainan next week.


1). It is tiring to take a long _______ by train from Paris to Moscow.

2). The _________ from England to Australia used to take several months.

3). We’ll

have time for a ______ to France next weekend.

4). We went on a guided ______ round the castle.

1. recognize/realize/know

(1)recognize 指原来很熟悉,经过一段时间的间隔或别的原因后又重新认出来。

(2)realize 强调在经过一个过程后的了解。

(3)know 是延续性动词,指互相间十分熟悉、十分了解

[应用1](1)Only after you lose your health will you ____________ the importance of health.

(2)I've ________________ Tom for years.

(3)I __________ him as soon as he came into the room

2. such as/for example/that is/and so on

(1)such as 用于列举事物时常放在所列举事物与前面的名词之间,且其后不用逗号,直接跟所列举的事物,可与like互换。它所列举的事物的数量不能等同于前面所提的事物的总和,否则就用that is或namely。

(2)for example 主要用于举例说明,其前后多用符号隔开。其位置比较灵活,可位于句首、句中或

句末(such as只能位于所列举的事物之前)。

(3)that is 相当于namely,它所列举的事物的总量等于前面所提到的事物的总和。

(4)and so on 对几个事物进行列举时,在说了其中的几个以后,用...and so on进行概括,说明还


[练习](1)My daughter studies four subjects in school, ____________,Chinese, maths, English and P.E.

(2)Overcooking(烹饪过度), ____________,destroys many nutrients(营养素).

(3)He can speak some other languages, ____________ French and German.

(4)There are some books, pens, erasers ____________ in my bag.

4 a number of / the number of


a number of意思是“若干;许多”

the number of意思是“……的数目”


1). Today ___________ people learning Chinese in the world is raising rapidly.

2). ____________ books in the market are in English.

