


马克· 扎克伯格
马克· 扎克伯格,美国最大的社交网站Facebook的创办人, 被人们冠以“盖茨第二”的美誉。哈佛大学计算机和心理 学专业辍学生。据《福布斯》杂志保守估计,马克· 扎克伯 格拥有135亿美元身家,是2008年全球最年轻的亿万富翁, 也是历来全球最年轻的自行创业亿万富豪。2012年5月19 日和华裔女友普莉希拉-陈成婚。
马克扎克伯格 成长与创业经历 The Facebook 个人照片
姓名: 马克· 扎克伯格 外文名: mark zuckerberg 国籍: 美国 出生地: 美国纽约州 出生日期: 1984年05月14日 职业: facebook社交网ceo 毕业院校: 哈佛大学 主要成就: facebook的创办人 性格:怪癖
另 外 两 位 室 友
Facebook是一个社交网络 服务网站.是美国排名第一 的照片分享站点,每天上载 八百五十万张照片。在 Facebook上可以查看您的 新闻提要,照片,查找朋友 的个人资料,发送和接收邮 件,查看照片,评论和更多 的亮点。 2010年2月2日,Facebook赶超雅虎成为全球第三大网站,与 微 软谷歌领衔前三。 Facebook市值约1047亿美元,市值超过了惠普和戴尔两家公 司的总合,也超过了亚马逊。不过其估值仍低于谷歌、微软 和苹果。目前,微软市值约为2500亿美元,谷歌2040亿美 元,苹果则接近5000亿美元。
马克扎克伯格,1984年 05月14日出生,在美国 纽约州白原市长大。作为 牙医和心理医生的儿子, 扎克伯格从小就受到了良 好的教育,从小就是个电 脑神童.他为学校设计了 一款MP3播放机。
2004年,他在哈佛的大 学宿舍创办Facebook。 年底,网站注册人数突 破一百万,他干脆从哈 佛退学,全职营运网站。 短短数年,这一网站迅 速风靡全世界,如今, 它已成为世界上最重要 的社交网站之一。

Facebook 马克·扎克伯格

Facebook 马克·扎克伯格

墙(The Wall)
墙就是用户档案页上的留言板。有权浏览某一个用户完整档 案页的其他用户,都可以看到该用户的墙。 朋友们可以互送“礼物”一些有趣的小图标。礼物从 Facebook的虚拟礼品店选择,赠送时附上一条消息。 让用户向他们的朋友和Facebook社区显示他们现在在哪里、 做什么。
礼物(Giftkerberg 马克·扎克伯格
马克·扎克伯格,美国社交网站Facebook的创 办人,被人们冠以“盖茨第二”的美誉。哈佛大学 计算机和心理学专业辍学生。据《福布斯》杂志保 守估计,马克·扎克伯格拥有15亿美元身家,是08 年全球最年轻的单身巨富,也是历来全球最年轻的 自行创业亿万富豪。
1、公司创办不久,Facebook 另一创始人马克· 扎克伯格 (Mark Zuckerberg) 被一家叫 ConnectU 的公司控告盗窃它的点子和技术,此事后来以赔钱私了了。 2、今天,有 4 亿的用户每个月至少登录一次 Facebook,而其中有一半的用 户每天都登录。 3、Facebook 非常国际化,有 70%的用户来自美国以外的地区,并且它的网 站提供超过 70 种不同的语言。丹麦有 500 多万人,其中有一半使用 Facebook。 4、所有的用户一个月花费 83 个小时在 FaceBook 上。 5、平均每个 Facebook 用户有 130 个朋友。 6、Facebook 大概有 10,000 台服务器,这些服务器大概需要 1 亿美金。 7、在美国,55 岁以上的女性 Facebook 用户数量增加最快。 8、Facebook 会保存用户的资料,哪怕你的帐号已经停用。事实上, Facebook 用户的资料(比如照片)也可以保存在其他用户的个人主页上。 9、由于 Facebook 是如此的受欢迎,心理学家们发明了一种新的精神病面谱 上瘾症。 10、在澳大利亚,Facebook 还被用于法院系统。法院通知可以通过 Facebook 传达,并且 Facebook 传票是合法有效的。 11、2010年,中国社会科学院在京发布的《中国新媒体发展报告(2010)》 指出,社交网站的病毒式营销手段、泄露个人隐私以及政治、军事、商业机密信息 等问题也引发质疑,Facebook等社交网站被西方国家情报机构所利用,其特殊的 政治功能则让人心生恐惧。

马克扎克伯格简介 英文版

马克扎克伯格简介 英文版

reading in spare time
Inquisitive Don't
be ashamed to admit his ignorance, also not afraid to present difficult problems
I. II.
Continue to study hard Eager to help others, focus on charity
Harvard years
My college age

Title:a programming prodigy Study: Psychology and Computing Science

University grade
two:CourseMatch(According to
other students' course selection
Early Years
I just a little boy
:Jewish family Faith: atheist(not god) Middle school period: Write program,Study with a software developer Software:ZuckNet(To allow the father to communicate with the dentist at home.) Synapse Media Player
•Create Facebook •Ranked first in the latest wealth list in 2010 •be elected "time" magazine annual figures •Be rated as the best CEO •The youngest of the world's most influential people •The youngest billionaire



Facebook创始人简介Facebook创始人简介创始人: Mark Zuckerberg 马克·扎克伯格创始人公司: FaceBook 脸谱网成立日期: 2004年2月4日资产结构: 由 Peter Thiel and Accel合伙人共同成立雇员: 32个在帕拉阿图,4个在波士顿总部: 帕拉阿图马克·扎克伯格简介:从外表上看,25岁的美国人马克·扎克伯格和刚刚走出校园的普通年轻人没什么不同。











两人都在19 岁开始创业,同样是哈佛大学的辍学生,同样年纪轻轻就赢得世人的尊敬。




10 岁的时候,他得到第一台电脑,从此开始了一段奇妙的电脑人生。






Facebook创始人扎克伯格英文演讲稿We're designing stuff, we look not necessarily just about what any given users going to experience,but what's going to be better for the whole coummunity and the whole product. And I mean, it's gonna be a lot of trade-off going all over the place in a product. Probably the most that you see every day is that you can't see the profiles of people at other schools. That's a really a major trade-off in the application. 当我们设计应用程序的时候,我们并不注重单一用户的使用体验,而更关注其是否有意与整个社区和产品。




For those of you who aren't familiar with this, we spilt up the user base by what school they go to and we make it so that people at a given school can only see the profiles and contact information of people at their school. And the reason for this was mostly to, because we realized that the people around you, at your school, are the people who you want to look at mostly anyway. And if we made the space too broad and let anyone see your information. then that probably fine. I mean, look up some people, but you also probably won't put up your cellphone.你们有些人对此不太了解,我们将用户按照学校分类,所以只有来自相同学校的人才能互相看到对方的信息和联系方式。

商务英语 发送

商务英语  发送

人物介绍Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is best known as one of five co-founders of the social networking website Facebook. Zuckerberg is the chairman and chief executive of Facebook.In 2011, Zuckerberg ranked first on the list of the "Most Influential Jews in the World" by The Jerusalem Post马克·埃利奥特·扎克伯格(英语:Mark Elliot Zuckerberg,1984年5月14日-)出生于美国纽约州白原市,是知名的社交网站Facebook的创始人、董事长兼首席执行官,同时也是一名软件设计师。

Facebook是由他和哈佛大学的同学达斯汀·莫斯科维兹、爱德华多·萨维林、克里斯·休斯于2004年共同创立,被誉为Facebook教主.early lifeZuckerberg was born in 1984 in White Plains, New York.He is the son of a dentist and a psychiatristZuckerberg began using computers and writing software in middle school. His father taught him Atari BASIC Programming in the 1990s, and later hired software developer to tutor him privately. Zuckerberg took a graduate course in the subject at Mercy College near his home while still in high school. He enjoyed developing computer programs, especially communication tools and games.he Built a software program he called "ZuckNet" that allowed all the computers between the house and dental office to communicate with each other. It is considered a "primitive" version ofAOL's Instant MessMark扎克伯格开始写程序是中学时期,他的思想也远超于同龄人。



扎克伯格表示,现在的互联网只是由一堆网页间毫无组织的链接所组成。 这只是互联网的开端。“开放图谱”将让所有人都位于网络的中心。我们将赋 能于人们,让他们能创建一个更智能更个性化的网络。
扎克伯格有两套名片,一套只写着‘CEO’, 另一套则写着‘我是CEO,混蛋!’”。 他的办公室门上则贴着“我没时间,滚蛋。” “如果你是鬼,进来。那么你是白痴,滚远 点。”
“Different from the social networking website MySpace”, Zuckerberg said, “Usually an ordinary user can only see less than Facebook group in the others information 0.5%, this is because the Facebook took the information protection mechanism, not let the information disaster caused by flooding water, ensure user privacy safe and sound. In contrast, MySpace registered users as long as they wish, you can browse all other user data."
Facebook 就像是时尚 时尚永远都不会终结。 —— 扎克伯格
We are a private company, has no obligation to disclose the company ownership structure. The elder Bill Gate, personally I quite successful example of respect, he is also in the IT industry. If the outside to give me plus' Gates second 'hat, this is your wishful thinking. Why should I be Bill Gate? Microsoft is on the Windows and Office fortune, carrying my dream is the Internet, more specifically Facebook."

马克扎克伯格简介 英文版(课堂PPT)

马克扎克伯格简介 英文版(课堂PPT)

Drop out
Hey ~ Come on!
Background: Harvard University student, exchange platform——FACEBOOK
Influence:a lot of people log in every day, Politicians are also attending。
transparency, the
organization will be
Keen to charity
In 2012,donated $4.8 billion in Facebook stock to Silicon Valley Community Foundation
、In 2013,donated $100 million to repair the school in Newark, New Jersey
Early Years
I just a little boy
Family :Jewish family
Faith: atheist(not god)
Middle schsoftware developer
Software:ZuckNet(To allow the father to communicate with the dentist at home.) Synapse Media Player
Work together!
Personal life The wife ① Wife: Priscilla Chan
② Personal information:Born in the United States of Massachusetts.

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg(1)

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg(1)

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is anAmerican programmer,Internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is the chairman, chief executive, and co-founder of the social networking website Facebook.[4][5] His net worth is estimated to be US$51.2 billion June 2016.Together with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum,Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, he launched Facebook from Harvard's dormitory rooms. The group then introduced Facebook to other campuses. Facebook expanded rapidly, with one billion users by 2012. Zuckerberg was involved in various legal disputes that were initiated by others in the group, who claimed a share of the company based upon their involvement during the development phase of Facebook.In December 2012, Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan announced they would give the majority of their wealth over the course of their lives to "advancing human potential and promoting equality" in the spirit of The Giving Pledge.[7] On December 1, 2015, they announced they would give 99% of their Facebook shares (worth about $45 billion at the time) to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.[8][9]Since 2010, Time magazine has named Zuckerberg among the 100 wealthiest and most influential people in the world as a part of its Person of the Year distinction.马克扎克伯格艾略特(生于1984年5月14日)是一个美国人程序员,,互联网企业家和慈善家。


Bold Decision Making
Zuckerberg's visual leadership extends to his willingness to make bold decisions, even when they are transitional or unpopular He has a track record of making calculated risks that pay off in the long run, so as his decision to prioritize mobile over desktop
Facebook Platform
Mark's programming skills were instrumental in building Facebook into what it is today He started Facebook from his dorm room and has since grown it into a global social media giant
Programming Skills
Mark taught himself to program at a young age He built several websites including "ZuckNet" (a messaging system for his dad's dental practice) and "CourseMatch" (a program that helped students choose courses)
Fake News and Election Meddling


Wedding date: May 20, 2012
Wedding location:The home in Palo Alto, California
Keeping reading in spare time
Don't be ashamed to admit his ignorance, also not afraid to present difficult problems
Frequently-used Vocabulary: Transparency, trust, contact, sharing
Motto:"A world of high transparency, the organization will be better and more fair"
User:2015 FaceBook registered users reached 52.5million in the United States
•Create Facebook
•Ranked first in the latest wealth list in 2010
•be elected "time" magazine annual figures
In 2012,donated $4.8 billion in Facebook stock to Silicon Valley Community Foundation
、In 2013,donated $100 million to repair the school in Newark, New Jersey
Mark Zuckerberg
Name: Mark Elliot Zuckerberg Birthday:14th May,1984



第一篇:Facebook创始人扎克伯格英文演讲稿Facebook创始人扎克伯格英文演讲稿We're designing stuff, we look not necessarily just about what any given users going to experience,but what's going to be better for the whole coummunity and the whole product. And I mean, it's gonna be a lot of trade-off going all over the place in a product. Probably the most that you see every day is that you can't see the profiles of people at other schools. That's a really a major trade-off in the application. 当我们设计应用程序的时候,我们并不注重单一用户的使用体验,而更关注其是否有意与整个社区和产品。




For those of you who aren't familiar with this, we spilt up the user base by what school they go to and we make it so that people at a given school can only see the profiles and contact information of people at their school. And the reason for this was mostly to, because we realized that the people around you, at your school, are the people who you want to look at mostly anyway. And if we made the space too broad and let anyone see your information. then that probably fine. I mean, look up some people, but you also probably won't put up your cellphone.你们有些人对此不太了解,我们将用户按照学校分类,所以只有来自相同学校的人才能互相看到对方的信息和联系方式。



盖茨第二——马克·扎克伯格作者:暂无来源:《投资与理财》 2014年第6期投资与理财编辑 Mia马克·艾略特·扎克伯格(Mark ElliotZuckerberg),1984年5月14日出生,在美国纽约州白原市长大,哈佛大学计算机和心理学专业辍学生,被人们冠以“盖茨第二”的美誉。




他的父亲在9 0年代教导他At a r i BAS ICP r o g r a m m i n g之后,聘请软件研发者David Newman当他的家教。


他还开发过名为Zuck Net的软件程序,让父亲可以在家里和牙医诊所之间消息交流。


2004年,扎克伯格在哈佛大学创办了社交网站Face book,即横扫整个哈佛校园。


短短数年,这一网站迅速风靡全世界,如今,它已成为世界上最重要的社交网站之一,就连美国总统奥巴马、英国女王伊丽莎白二世等政界要人都成了Facebook 的用户。

媒体称,Face book 的市值已高达18 0 0亿美元,扎克伯格本人也因这一成功创业,成为世界上最年轻的亿万富翁,同时也是最积极从事慈善事业的美国富豪之一。

据《福布斯》杂志保守估计,马克·扎克伯格拥有13 5亿美元身家,是2 0 08年全球最年轻的单身巨富,也是历来全球最年轻的自行创业的亿万富豪。


2012年5月19日凌晨消息,Facebook于美国东部时间周五11:30在纳斯达克上市交易,开盘价42 .05美元,较38美元的发行价上涨10. 6%;收盘价3 8 . 23美元,较发行价涨0. 61%。



“It’s not due to a single moment of inspiration or brilliance, it’s due to years of practice and hard work … Anything that’s really awesome takes a lot of work.”

t h e b i r t h of Fa c e b o o k

Facebook in his dormitory in Harvard on February 4th, 2004.
The photo directories were an important part of the student social experience in many private schools. With the help of them, students were able to list their attributes, such as the class years, the proximities to friends, and the telephone numbers.
What Had He Said

To build up great relationships is the most important thing — “No one ever does anything alone. Great friendships make life fun and meaningful.”
and president of the social networking site Facebook.



Describe a famous businessperson you admires. You should say:Who this person is and what job he does?How you found out about him?Explain why you admire him.马克·艾略特·扎克伯格(Mark Elliot Zuckerberg),美国社交网站Facebook的创办人,被人们冠以“第二盖茨”的美誉。










Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, the founder of the social networking site Facebook, is called"the second Gates" because of their similar experience that they drop out of Harvard University . According to a conservative estimat ion of Forbes magazine, , Mark Elliot Zuckerberg has a net worth $135 million, and he is the world's youngest billionaire in 2008. I know him because that he is the CEO of the facebook. The reasons why I admire him are as follows. First and foremost, when he had the ideal of facebook, he was willing to persevere and stubbornly pursue until the final success. Secondly, when saw many campuses appear similar LAN to the Facebook , he developed a strategy to make facebook more comprehensive in advance, which shows that he has the real strategic thinking ability. W hat attract s me most is that he understands his lack of leadership experience and he is not ashamed to admit his ignorance, nor afraid to ask questions of difficulty. As to get over these problems, he often follows some famous leaders to discuss issues and do a lot of reading. ByMark's efficient leadership and long-term development strategy , facebook continuously develops under the increasing pressure.。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Software:ZuckNet(To allow the father to communicate with the dentist at home.) Synapse Media Player
Harvard years
My college age

Title:a programming prodigy Study: Psychology and
Frequently-used Vocabulary: Transparency, trust, contact, sharing
Motto:"A world of high transparency, the organization will be better and more fair"
I. Continue to study hard II. Eager to help others, focus on charity III. Accept others' opinions with an open mind IV. set a good example
Work together!
Wedding date: May 20, 2012
Wedding location:The home in Palo Alto, California
Keeping reading in spare time
Don't be ashamed to admit his ignorance, also not afraid to present difficult problems
Mark Zuckerberg
Name: Mark Elliot Zuckerberg Birthday:14th May,1984
Birthplace: White City, New York, USA
Occupation: Facebook social network CEO
Graduate School: Harvard University(But dropped out of school)
User:2015 FaceBook registered users reached 52.5million in the United States
•Create Facebook
•Ranked first in the latest wealth list in 2010
•be elected "time" magazine annual figures
Hey ~ Come on!
Background: Harvard University student, exchange platform—— FACEBOOK
Influence:a lot of people log in every day, Politicians are also attending。
•Be rated as the best CEO
•The youngest of the world's most influential people
•The youngest billionaire
Up~ Up~~ Up~~~
Attitude:Optimistic, positive, upward
Language :English, Chinese, German
Nation: Jews
Early Years
I just a little boy
Family :Jewish family
Faith: atheist(not god)
Middle school period: Write program,Study with a software developer
① Wife: Priscilla Chan
② Personal information:Born in the United States of Massachusetts.
③ Language: Cantonese, Spanish and English
④ Hobby:Cooking
How to meet: Meeting each other when they lined up for toilet at a party
In 2012,donated $4.8 billion in Facebook stock to Silicon Valley Community Foundation
、In 2013,donated $100 million to repair the school in Newark, New Jersey
Computing Science University grade
two:CourseMatch(According to other students' course selection logic and let users refer to the course of the program) Facemash(Such as FaceBook)