

通过该课程的学习,学生将增强对欧洲文化历史的了解,对一些文化现象具有敏锐的观察鉴别能力, 并养成良好的阅读习惯。
教学用书:王佐良主编,《欧洲文化入门》, 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005。
欧洲文化入门Europe culture2 The Bible and Christianity

Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.
Around 3,800 years ago the Hebrews who were the ancestors of the Jews wandered through the deserts as traveling merchants until C.1300 BC when they settled in Canaan (modern day Israel/Palestine).
It is essential for students of any aspect of European culture and influence to have knowledge of the Bible. The Bible is constantly referred to in most western art and in common western sayings. Without knowing the stories of the Bible it is impossible to understand western culture.
Bible: a collection of religious writings comprising two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament.

欧洲文化入门【课程代码】【课程中文名称】欧洲文化入门【课程英文名称】Brief Introduction to European Culture【学分】1 学分【总学时】 28 学时【讲授学时】28 学时一、教学目标本课程教学目标为:了解欧洲文化的最基本知识,开阔视野,培养兴趣,促进英语学习。
四、教材选用选用教材:《欧洲文化入门》(王佐良外语教学与研究出版社)学生使用教材说明: A 需要学生购买教材 B 教师根据教材内容发放活页材料参考教材:《西方文化导论》(叶胜年著上海外语教育出版社)《西方文化概论》(赵林著高等教育出版社)《西方文化史》(姜守明洪霞著科学出版社)《西方文化史续编》(徐新主编北京大学出版社)五、教学内容IntroductionChapter 1 GREEK CULTURE AND ROMAN CULTURESection 1 Greek Culture1. The Historical Context2. Social and Political Structure3. Homer4. Lyric Poetry5. Drama6. History7. Philosophy and ScienceSection 2 Roman Culture1. Romans and Greeks2. Roman History3. Latin Literature4. Architecture, Painting and Sculpture【参考学时】6 学时【参考资料】《欧洲文化入门》P2-35《西方文化导论》叶盛年上海外语教育出版社 P9-37《古希腊和古罗马》Ancient Greece & Rome Richard Easby外语教学与研究出版社《雅典卫城》The Acropolis Jane Shuter 外语教学与研究出版社Chapter 2 THE BIBLE AND CHRISTIANITYSection 1 The Old Testament1. The Pentateuch2. The Historical Books3. The Poetical Books4. The ProphetsSection 2 Rise of Christianity1. The Life of Jesus2. The Spread of ChristianitySection 3 The New Testament1.The Birth of Jesus2.Jesus Is Tempted by the Devil3.The Sermon on the MountSection 4 Translations of the Bible【参考学时】4 学时【参考资料】《欧洲文化入门》P50-84《西方文化导论》叶盛年上海外语教育出版社P82-107Decoding Da Vinci CodeBible StoriesChapter 3 THE MIDDLE AGES【参考资料】《欧洲文化入门》P88-123《西方文化导论》叶盛年上海外语教育出版社P108-132《A History of Western Civilization》邓红风中国海洋大学出版社《The Outline of History》H.G. Wells (1866~1946 ) (张春光译)江西人民出版社《WESTERN CIVILIZATION A BRIEF HISTORY》Jackson J. Spiel V ogel 北京大学出版社Chapter 4 RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION【参考资料】《欧洲文化入门》P125-178《西方文化导论》叶盛年上海外语教育出版社P133-164《到古代去旅行》P87-89《文艺复兴》支顺福上海外语教育出版社2001.10《人类的故事》,143页,侯皓元陕西人民出版社2005.5《“第一周波”:西方自由主义的文化革命》,31页,马林韬社会科学文献出版社2005.2《卓越与迷茫欧洲文化发展进程综述》,华少庠西南交通大学出版社2005.3 Chapter 5 THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY【参考资料】《欧洲文化入门》P180-221六、教学方法1.主要教学方法:讲授法,研讨式教学法、案例教学法等。

欧洲文化简明教程_Classic Age Greek Culture and Roman Culture

Chapter OneClassic Age: Greek Culture and Roman CultureI.Greek culture1. The Historical BackgroundWhenever we talk about the ancient Greece, we cannot fail to mention the Trojan War which lasted ten years beginning from 1194 B.C. and ending in 1184 BC. Many stories have been told about this war. But Homer told the story more vividly in his Iliad.In the 5th century B.C. Greece entered a more glorious period when the Greek people drove away the Persian invaders and Athens established democracy in which only the adult male Greek citizens could use their power and rights. Athens developed its economy depending on the slave system. The Olympic Games also originated from ancient Greece, and it revived in 1896.During this period, science, philosophy, literature, art and history writing developed quickly. But when foreign threat was removed, a civil war broke out between Athens and Sparta at the end of the century.In the second half of the 4th century B. C, one of the Greek states called Macedon became more and more powerful under the leadership of Alexander the King who unified the whole Greece as Qinshihuang (the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty) unified the whole China. Macedon enjoyed large territories including parts of Europe, Asia and Africa.But history is always like such that fall comes after rise. No country can avoid such a fate. In 146 B.C. Greece was conquered by the Romans.2. Literature1) Homer (荷马)HomerHomer lived around 700 B.C. It is said that he was a slave and blind. It is considered that he wrote two epics,namely,the Iliad and the Odyssey.The Iliad deals with the war between Troy and the united forces of the states on the mainland of southern Greece.The Odyssey tells the story about the return of Odysseus after the Trojan War to his country Ithaca.2) Lyric PoetryThe famous lyric poet of this time is worth remembering. She is Sappho (萨福).Sappho (ca. 612-580 B.C.), born in Lesbos, is the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece and is famous for her burning love poems because of which the English Romantic poet George Gordon Lord Byron called her “burning Sappho” . Plato called her the tenth Muse.3.DramaGreek drama developed quickly and prosperously in the 5th century B.C. based on its rich tradition. The Greek drama has the following features. First, most early plays were performed at religious festivals. Second, the plays were performed in open-air theaters. Third, actors wore masks. Fourth, there was a big chorus but few actors.In the Greek drama during this period, tragedy is the most noteworthy. The achievements of tragedy are greater than those of comedy. The tragedies mostly wrote about royal families, noble families and great heroes. It gives the impression that the term “tragedy” is applied only to high-born people. In this sense, some tragedies in Chinese drama cannot use this term because some tragedies in Chinese drama talk about the fate of the common people.The Greek drama has something in common with the ancient Chinese drama in which actors wore masks and dramatic faces with diverse colors and designs as symbols of character. In Sichuan drama, the dramatic faces are more mysterious and interesting.A. Aeschylus (埃斯库罗斯, 525-456B.C.)AeschylusB. Sophocles (索福克勒斯, 496-406 B.C.)SophoclesSophocles wrote Oedipus the King (《俄狄浦斯王》)Sophocles made his contribution to the art of drama. He used three actors and decreased the size and the function of the chorus. He made the drama develop in the direction of performing rather than narrating by the chorus.C. Euripides (欧里庇得斯, 484-406 B.C.)EuripidesIn comparison with Aeschylus and Sophocles, Euripides was less influential but more realistic, always concerned with conflicts, on account of which he was referred to as the first playwright of “problem plays”.D. Comedy and Aristophanes (阿里斯托芬, ca. 450-380 B.C.)AristophanesComedy also developed quickly in the 5th century B.C. But it was less brilliant than tragedy.The best comedy playwright is Aristophanes who left 11 plays among which Frogs, Clouds, Wasps and Birds are worth seeing. Aristophanes was bold enough to satirize even some of the famous people of his day, including Socrates and Euripides respectively in his Clouds and Frogs.He was often criticized for his use of coarse language in his plays.1) Herodotus (希罗多德, 484-430 B.C.)HerodotusHerodotus is famous for the writing of wars between the Greeks and the Persians, because he believed that “the great and wonderful deeds done by Greeks and Persians should not lack renown.”The remarkable features of his history writing are his application of anecdotes, digressions and lively dialogue, Herodotus, though not very accurate, as the forerunner of history writing, is thus often called “Father of History”.5. PhilosophyThe Greek people’s curiosity about things a nd the nature of them cultivated their enquiring mind to search, doubt, speculate, imagine and form new ideas. Imagination is not science, but it is the foundation of science and base of philosophy. So the Greeks created their mythologies and formed their ideas about the universe and its operation.1) Pythagoras (毕达哥拉斯, c a. 580-500 B.C.)Pythagoras, founder of scientific mathematics, is one of the early philosophers who boldly thought about the universe. In his eyes, only numbers spoke and all things in the world were numbers. He used numbers to understand the world and the universe2) Socrates (苏格拉底, c a. 470-399 B.C.)SocratesSocrates is often mentioned together with Plato and Aristotle whenever people talk about the ancient Greek philosophy and thinking. Socrates taught Plato. Plato taught Aristotle. They were all great masters in the field of philosophy. In terms of teaching methodology, it is Socrates who invented the teaching method of interrogative and interactive approach in the same manner as Confucius did when he taught his disciples.3) Plato (柏拉图, ca. 428-348 B.C.)PlatoPlato, as the disciple of Socrates, made his greatest contribution to the world inwriting The Dialogues, a collection of Socrates’ life and ideas, like the Analects in which Confucius’ teaching and his dialogues with his dis ciples were recorded.4) Aristotle (亚里士多德, 384-322 B.C.)AristotleTo Athens, Aristotle was a foreigner, who was born in Stagire. He was Plato’s disciple, but he was more versatile in that he taught and wrote about logic, ethics, politics, metaphysics, psychology, physics, zoology, poetry and rhetoric. Most of his ideas on the above-mentioned fields dominated the world culture for over a thousand years. So it is not overstatement to say that Aristotle is the “father of science or knowledge”.5. ScienceBesides many people who were both philosophers and scientists like Pythagoras, Democritus, Plato and Aristotle, two other men were worth mentioning. One was Euclid(欧几里德, 330-275 B. C.), who was, noted for his Element s (《解析几何》), called the father of geometry. The other was Archimedes(阿基米德, 287-212 B. C.) .6. Art, Architecture, Sculpture and Pottery1) ArtGreek art is the witness of Greek civilization, because it reflected the Greek civilization in many fields including science, literature, philosophy, mythology and whatever the Greek people admired and worshipped. It recorded the progress of the Greek civilization in the form of art.2) ArchitectureIt is always a wonder to see the ancient Greeks to have built so many miraculous buildings at the early times when construction machinery was under-developed. Parthenon (巴特浓神庙) was one of the brilliant examples. It was built in 438 B.C. It was a temple 240 feet long and 110 feet wide, with many spectacular columns evenly spaced.Parthenon in the twilightParthenon at daytimeThere were three styles of Greek architecture, namely, the Doric style (多力克式), the Ionic style(挨奥尼克式)and the Corinthian style(科林斯式).The following picture is the Acropolis at Athens(雅典卫城)which was built in the 5th century B. C. for the purpose of praising Athens and holding religious activities.The Acropolis at Athens3) SculptureThe ancient Greek sculptures were all connected with gods or goddesses who were presented as lifeless figures. Sculpture developed quickly in the 5th century B.C. the sculpture began to show beauty and strength of the people or things sculptured. A.Discus Thrower(铁饼运动员; 掷铁饼者)The Discus Thrower was the work of Myron (米隆,date of birth unknown, but active 480-440 B. C.). T he sculpture shows the sculptor’s skill in presenting the thrower’s beauty, strength and balance. As a duplicate of the former bronze statue, this statue made of marble can clearly display even the muscles and ribs of the handsome young man.Discus Thrower4) PotteryPottery, unlike sculptures, was closely connected with daily needs in life at home and abroad.There were mainly Black-figure paintings (700-600 B.C.) and Red-figurepaintings (—50 B.C.).The Black-figure paintings are paintings on pottery with red background and black figure. The red-figure paintings are paintings on pottery with black background and pink figure.7. Influence and ContributionThe influence of Greek culture can be felt in many ways and fields. The ancient Greek culture made its greatest contribution to the world culture, especially in the Renaissance in Europe. The ancient Greeks made their never-dying contribution to the whole world with their invention of mathematics, philosophy, history writing and other things. They made the utmost achievements in all walks of life.The Greeks’ spirit of innovation or invention and their effort to understand the world with daring spirit set a good example for the whole world.In literature, the Greeks heavily influenced the later writers of many countries at all times. Many of the Greek works are studied, quoted and borrowed from by the later writers. The Greek literature has always been one the fountain heads for writers of different countries. To some writers, the Greek literature has been the inspiration for their creation. Many writers modeled on the Greek writers for their masterpieces.II. Roman Culture1. The Historical BackgroundThe Romans also had their long civilization. In about 2000 B.C., different tribes from many places, among them a Latin race, entered the present Italy. In the 8th century B.C., they moved to Rome. Between the end of the 7th century and the end of the 6th century, tribes began to form city states. From the 5th century B.C., Rome became more powerful and conquered many city-states. In 146 B.C., it conquered Corinth, which, together with the whole Greece became a province of Roman Empire. Through wars and diplomatic measures, the Roman Empire became a large empire covering many parts of Africa, Europe and Asia. In 27 B.C., the republic became an empire with Octavius taking power calling himself emperor with the title Augustus.Beginning from the 3rd century, the empire became weaker and was often confronted with threats from invaders such as the Goths and the Huns. In 324, Constantine became the only ruler. He moved the capital to Byzantium which he renamed it as Constantinople. In 395, the empire was divided into the West Empire where people spoke Latin and the East Roman Empire (also called Byzantine Empire) where people spoke Greek. The capital of the East Roman Empire was Constantinople (the ancient Byzantium and modern Istanbul).In the West Empire, economic crises appeared constantly. Foreign invasions came unceasingly. In 410, the Goths took Rome. In 452, the Huns took some part of Italy. In 455, the Vandals took Rome again. In 476, when the Goths took Rome again, they deposed the last emperor of the West Empire. This marked the ending of the West Roman Empire.Around the 7th century, the East Roman Empire entered feudalism after it underwent a series of uprisings, invasions and reforms. In 1453, the East Roman Empire was ended by the Turks.In the forming of the Roman Empire with a territory much larger than that of Greek Empire in times of Alexander the Great, the Romans relied on a strong army commonly called the Roman legions with a very well-organized discipline and battle tactics, quite confident in both their military and management capabilities. It swept over and occupied many places where they built roads and castles. There are still many traces of their roads in Britain even now.In the development of the empire, the Romans also relied on the laws they made which benefited not only the rulers but also the common people. Many of the laws were codified which foreshadowed the modern law in the west. In this field, the Romans made greater contribution to the world civilization than the Greeks.2. Literature1) Roman MythologyThe Roman mythology is a rich legacy the Romans left for the world civilization and the world culture. It is the evidence of the Roman people’s imagination andwisdom which shows the wishes of the people in their stories of different kinds about different gods and common people. But it is said the Roman mythology is an imitation of the Greek mythology.The famous worth remembering is Vergil2) ProseTwo prose writers who were politicians at the same time were more active during this period and they should be specially mentioned here.A.Marcus Tullius Cicero (马库斯·图留斯·西塞罗, 106-43B.C.)Marcus Tullius CiceroB. Gaius Julius Caesar (盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒, 102/100? - 44 B.C.)Gaius Julius Caesar3) PoetryA. Titus Lucretius Carus (提图斯·卢克莱提乌斯·卡鲁斯,根据英语词译为“卢克莱修”, ca. 99/95-55/51B.C.)Lucretius was the first important Roman poet and materialist philosopher, a contemporary of Virgil.B. Publius Vergilius V. Maro,usually called Virgil (普布留斯·维吉留斯·马罗, 根据英文名字译为“维吉尔”, 70-19 B.C.)VirgilPublius Vergilius V. Maro,usually called Virgil,born in a village in Gaul, received his education, at 17, in Rome and southern Italy where he studied philosophy, rhetoric, mathematics and medicine after which he returned to his hometown about 44 B. C. He wrote poetry and did farm work in the fields.Virgil occupies a very important place in European literature in that he lived in the closing period of classical civilization and in a period when Christianity was about to reign the European thought and life. His position foreshadowed that of Dante who lived at the turn of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in modern times. Dante adored and worshipped Virgil whom he referred to as his teacher in his Divine Comedy.3. Architecture and Sculpture1) ArchitectureA. The Pantheon (罗马万神殿)The PantheonThe Pantheon, a Greek word meaning “all the gods”, was built in 27 or 25 B.C. and was reconstructed in the 2nd century A.D. It is the only well-preserved building built in the period of the Roman Empire. In the heart of the Romans, it is the temple for all the gods or goddesses including Gaea (地神该亚), Uranus (天神乌拉诺斯), Titans(泰坦巨神), Cronus (天神克洛诺斯), Rhea (泰坦女神瑞亚), Prometheus (泰坦巨神普罗米修斯), Epimetheus (泰坦巨神厄庇米修斯), Zeus (天神宙斯), Hera (天后赫拉), Poseidon (海神波塞冬), Hades (冥王哈得斯), Demeter (农神得墨忒耳), Hestia (灶神赫斯提亚), Apollo (太阳神阿波罗), Artemis (月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯), Aphrodite (爱与美之神阿佛洛狄忒), Athene (智能女神雅典娜), Persephone (冥后珀耳塞福涅), Ares (战神阿瑞斯), Hephaestus (火神赫淮斯托斯), Hebe (青春女神赫拍), Hermes (神使赫耳墨斯), Dionysus (酒神狄俄倪索斯), Eros (小爱神厄洛斯) , Pan (牧神潘), Nike (胜利女神尼姬), Heracles (英雄赫拉克勒斯). It is very spacious inside and its interior decoration is much better than the outer appearance. The opening for natural lighting on the roof is 9metersin diameter. There is not any supporting pillar in the spacious temple which is 43 metersin height and width. It is a wonder of architecture.The front of the Pantheonb. The Colosseum (古罗马圆形大竞技场)The ColosseumThe Colosseum (Amphitheatrum Flavium, 弗莱文圆形剧场,亦译:罗马斗兽场、罗马大角斗场、罗马竞技场、罗马圆形竞技场、科洛西姆、哥罗塞姆) is situated south of the Venice Square in the center of Rome. It is 20,000 square meters in area with a big diameter of 188 meters and the small diameter of 156 meters. The circumference is 527 meters and the height of the wall is 57 meters. It can seat nearly 90,000 people. The colosseum is the symbol of Rome. It is also a witness of the ancient Romans’wisdom in that the mechanics of the colosseum was quite like that of a present arena. It had very good systems showing where the animals entered, where the fighters entered, from where the wounded were carried out, son so forth. Anyone who sees itwould marvel at the achievements of the architects. Of course, it is also a witness of the cruelty of the rulers who delighted to see the fights between men and fierce animals.A bird’s eye-view of the ColosseumThe Colosseum at night2) SculptureThe creation of the Romans on art is the sculpture-portrait style in their images of wax which aims to show respect to the dead and the powerful.The System of RoadLaw System。


参考文献1.《西方文化概论》,冯一平,社会科学文献出版社2.《英语单词词典》,Oxford Dictionary3.《欧洲文化推荐读本》,洛阳市人民出版社以上是针对欧洲文化入门教学设计的一份简要计划,希望能够对初学者提供一些有用的参考和帮助。

欧洲文化入门百度中文版2009-10-11 15:16《欧洲文化入门》由于其内容庞杂,琐碎,因而是一门学习起来比较困难的课程。
我们要牢记文化的五分法:一、社会历史(包括政治、经济、宗教、历史) 二、哲学三、文学四、科学
欧洲文化入门精讲 1

1.Greek Culture &Roman CultureGreek CultureGreek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C.This was marked by the successful repulse of the Persian invasion early in the century. 公元前五世纪古希腊文化达到了鼎盛时期,其标志就是古希腊人在世纪初成功地击退了波斯人的进攻。
In the second half of the 4th century B.C.,all Greece was brought under the rule of Alexander,King of Macedon.在公元前4世纪后半叶,整个希腊在马其顿国王亚历山大大帝的统治之下。
In 146 B.C.,the Romans conquered Greece.公元前146年,罗马征服希腊。
The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slave labour.雅典的经济以大规模的奴隶劳动为基础。
The Greeks loved sports.Once every 4 years the Greeks had a big festival on Olympus Mount which included contests of sports.Thus began the Olympic Games.Revived in 1896,the Olympic Games have become the world’s formost amateur sports competition. 希腊人热爱运动,每隔4年希腊人都会在奥林匹斯山举行盛大的体育比赛,这就是奥运会的开端。

《欧洲文化入门》“European Culture:An Introduction
出版社:外语教学与研究出版社Foreign Language Teaching And Rearch Press

1、纪律是管理关系的形式。——阿法 纳西耶 夫 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行为训练,不是通过语言影响 ,而是 让儿童 练习良 好道德 行为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯
5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养 成儿童 自觉的 纪律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。—— 陈鹤琴
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹
42、只有在人群中间,才能认识自 己。——德国
43、重复别人所说的话,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔
44、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰 难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬
Hale Waihona Puke
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第27 卷第6 期潍坊工程职业学院学报Vol.27 No.6 2014 年11 月JOURNAL OF WEIFANG ENGINEERING VOCATIONAL COLLEGE Nov.2014doi: 10.3969 / j.issn.1009 - 2080. 2014. 06.022欧洲文化教学的经典之作———评李正栓《欧洲文化简明教程》张瑞民,谢捷,郭志斌( 衡水学院,河北衡水053000)摘要:《欧洲文化简明教程》是一本有着深厚学术背景的经典教材,是作者多年教学的积累。
关键词:《欧洲文化简明教程》; 欧洲文化; 经典中图分类号: K500 文献标志码: B 文章编号: 1009 -2080( 2014) 06 -0078 -03大学的英语课程不仅是旨在提高语言技能的语言课程,也是旨在拓宽知识、了解世界文化知识和提高人文素养的素质教育课程。
早在2011 年,全国人大常委会副委员长王光英指出: 中华文化和西方文化可以互相吸取,受中华文化熏陶的中国人,能够根据民族和国家的根本利益,主动吸取西方文化的营养,推动民族的强盛和国家的兴旺。
李正栓主编的《欧洲文化简明教程》( 以下简称《简明教程》) 正是这样一部极具学术价值和指导意义的应时之作。
2014 年5 月,商务印书馆出版了李正栓主编的《欧洲文化简明教程》,这是中国外国文化教学界的一件幸事。
该部著作依据但不照搬国内外已有研究,结合学生语言接受水平和欣赏水平,科学并客观地讲述欧洲文化历史发展脉络; 从历史发展的角度,阐述欧洲文化上下数千年的发展过程; 站在人类总体文学的高度,把欧洲文学放在它们所处的文化体系中加以考察,肯定其特征与意义。
全书共分十章,从古希腊罗马开始,到当代结束,涉及欧洲文化的各个方面,包括历史、哲学、宗教、文学、艺收稿日期: 2014 -09 -27作者简介: 张瑞民( 1962 -) ,男,河北新河人,衡水学院教授; 谢捷( 1970 -) ,女,河北阜城人,衡水学院教授;郭志斌( 1972 -) ,男,河北衡水人,衡水学院教授。
一、内容丰富,层次分明该书采用多源头、多方位、多层次的叙述方法, 比较全面地展示欧洲经典文化。
全书共分十章,第一 章介绍了西方文化源头的古希腊、罗马文明,分别介 绍了古希腊罗马灿烂的艺术之花、历史概貌、文学、哲 学、科学、艺术雕塑及其历史贡献和影响。
第二章是 对圣经文化的概述,包括: 旧约,基督教的兴起,新约 《圣经》译本在欧洲文化发展中的重要作用等方面。
罗马帝国黄金时代后,欧洲进入黯淡的中世纪,但是 中世纪的黑暗表象并没有完全掩盖中世纪的文化成 就,中世纪欧洲仍具有巨大的创造力,这便是第三章 的内容和主要观点。
第四章讲述欧洲文艺复兴和宗 教改革,中世纪的欧洲为欧洲文化复兴时期提供了物 质基础、阶级基础和文化基础,本章还介绍了法国、英 国、西班牙、荷兰和德国等其他国家的文艺复兴。
第 五章介绍十七世纪欧洲的科技革命、新的社会体系的 尝试以及巴洛克艺术风格。
资本主义萌芽不但为复 兴运动,同时也为启蒙运动提供了可能。
第六章主要 介绍欧洲启蒙运动、法国大革命、工业革命、洛可可式 艺术、古典音乐等。
第七章成功地从启蒙运动转入浪 漫主义,侧重介绍了欧洲各国浪漫主义文学和浪漫主 义文艺。
第九章分别介绍了欧洲现实主义文学、印象主 义和后印象主义艺术风格。
第十章首先介绍了深受 一战影响的欧洲现代主义文学思潮,包括意象派、意 识流、新小说、荒诞戏剧、愤怒的青年等主潮。
然后介 绍了欧洲现代艺术运动,这场运动中,表现主义、达达 主义、立体派、野兽派和超现实主义对现代设计的影 响最为明显。
二、内容安排和研究视角创新从内容的安排上看,这本书突出了各个时期的 历史状况、欧洲民族文学发展概貌、代表作者作品的 评介。
作者对于各个时期社会历史状况的概述很有 特色,有选择地重点介绍了与当时文学艺术活动密 切相关的文化现象,其中特别突出了民族文化和文 学发展史。
首先以扫描的形式概括出某一时期文学 的整体面貌、主要特质和成就,然后以史纲的形式勾 勒具有代表性的各国民族文学的特质和发展规律,最后对重点作家作品进行评介。
重点关注其中的哲 学思潮、政治变革、宗教运动和自然科学的发展对文学所产生的影响。
还采用网络式的结构,既注意到 了各个阶段文学发 展 的 历 时 性,以纵向叙述为主, 又关照到同一个发展阶段各国文学的思潮和流派、影 响和差异、共性和民族性,作共时性的横断面展示, 这样线和面都照顾到了。
这种编排论述体现了编写 者研究世界文化与文学发展脉络的新视角。
三、语言简明,易学易懂,夹注音标,选配课文 该教材没有照搬国外教材相关内容,用浅显易懂的语言接近学生的认知和欣赏水平,易学易记。
该书 脉络清晰,详略得当。
以历史发展为脉络,在宏观和 微观的论证中,较好地做到了脉络清晰而又细致深入,达到了重点突出、详略得当的效果。
本书的撰写 更是深入浅出,娓娓道来,不拿晦涩的术语吓人,既 充分考虑了通俗易懂,又不缺乏理论深度,是一本难 得的通俗易懂的好教材。
另外,该书还加注音标,选 配译文,使文化学习无障碍,语言学习轻松活泼,趣 味盎然。
四、设计丰富的练习、评价研讨环节,凸显应用性和实用性 该书的主要目的应该是介绍欧洲经典文化,但 并不满足于纯粹的单方面介绍,也没有一味地罗列概念和理论。
与以往的国内西方文化著作相比,本 书增加了练习和评论型思考题,做到了形式多样,举 一反三,主客观相结合,记忆型和批评型相结合和学 练结合。
同时作者对一些问题进行适度分析论述后, 提出了自己的见解,并适当地拓展和创新,这是该 著作的又一大特点。
通过阅读读者可以领会到宗教 与文学、艺术与文学的同源混生、天然亲缘的关系。
宗教对文化的影响是十分巨大的,世界各民族的文 学,同样受到各民族宗教的极大影响。
作为社会现 象的宗教与文学,千百年来无处不在并共同影响着 人类生活的方方面 面,左右着人们的思想和精神。
作为西方文化重要源头之一的基督教,不仅对西方 中世纪文化产生了决定性的影响,而且对近代和现当 代西方文化也产生了不可忽视的巨大影响。
不了解 基督教,就不能正确地认识和评价西方文学和艺术。
文学与宗教之间不仅存 在着积极与消极的相互影79响、联系,而且还存在着互补与对立的共生关系。
参考文献:[1]李正栓.欧洲文化简明教程[M].北京: 商务印书馆,2014.[2]徐行言.中西文化比较[M].北京: 北京大学出版社,2005.A Classic of Teaching European Culture———on A Concise Course Book of European Culture by LI Zheng -shuanZHANG Rui -min,XIE Jie,GUO Zhi -bin( Hengshui University,hengshui Hebei 053000)Abstract: A Concise Course Book of European Culture is a classic of teaching European culture,which has a rich academic background. The book is a product of the author's years of teaching experiences.The book is rich in content and clear in organization.Being unique and practical,it is a bridge for both the readers and the author to discuss and communicate about European culture.It starts with ancient Greek and Rome culture and ends up with contemporary culture,including all aspects,such as history,philosophy,religion,literature,art and architecture,and so on.What is more important is that its language is brief,easy,well -designed and integrated,which is in accordance with the development of students' psychology and cognition.Key words: A Concise Course Book of European Culture; European Culture; classic( 责任编辑: 张连军)80。