



题目标题The primary purpose of a research report is to ________________.What type of information is often transmitted through upward communication? What is an example of a written business inquiry?To “trade off” A for B, means to gain A ____________. For example, people often trade off price against product features.Tom is in charge of quality control at his company. Which type of job does Tom have?When someone “brings something to the table,” it means that he/she______________.A guideline for effective, written business communication is to write clear, direct letters that immediately explain to the reader the ______________.The money that someone borrows from a bank is called a _________________.Lucy, who works for the Green Corporation, is responsible for handling special events and responding to requests for information about the company. Lucy works in ________________.Individual economic decisions are coordinated by_______________.Jessica’s family goes to the same beach every summer for one week. All of the family members enjoy the quiet, relaxing atmosphere that the location offers. In this situation, the motive to travel to this beach is ___________.__ __ underwriting commitment is when the underwriter agrees to buy the entire issue and assume full financial responsibility for any unsold shares.To put a project “____________” means to focus on the importance of theproject and to devote most of one’s attention to the project.What can sales representatives do to help provide good service to customers? Which of the following ratios is the most useful to a manager for evaluating whether the assets of a division are used efficiently?Whether a company produces fishing rods mostly by hand or using high-tech machinery is a question of_______________.Which of the following is a typical behavior for a high-achiever?Tuition reimbursement is a way to combat the problem of limited__________. Company A has a capital structure of $80M debt and $20M equity. This year, the company reported a net income of $17M. What is Company A's return on equity? When someone is setting his/her financial goals, he/she should choose goals that are ___________.Making a list of tasks with the most important ones on top is called_____________.A positive result of handling customer complaints properly is that itwill________.For financial information to be relevant, it must also be_________________.The bank that lends money to a company expects to receive repayment of the loan with _____________.Technological progress makes the production possibilities frontier__________.Employees should demonstrate honest behavior on and off the job because theywill _____________.Joe accidentally spilt coffee in the tile hallway. What’s the first thing he should do?Which of the following is a safety procedure that businesses use to track employees who must evacuate a building during an emergency?Beth reads two magazines this afternoon. The marginal benefit that Beth gets from the second magazine is the ________.Programmers with ____________ or licenses are not necessarily better coders. When a project fails, put the failure within a context that a company understands; at Pioneer, IT project failures can be compared to the number of wells drilled that came up ________ — plenty!The owner of this cafe has announced that anyone can enter the cafe without needing to ________ a purchase.The new practices to be introduced will further improve our ability to deal with financial risks and better ________ our requirements to each market's special needs.The future of his job was at ________ when he made the decision to invest in new machinery.The latest problem that hits the world’s largest automaker is _______ brakes. An agreement to restrict production or output is illegal because reducing the supply of a product or service ________ drives up its price.Our company strives to continue bringing innovation to customers, __________ producing high-quality, high-performance devices with great user experience. They employees had to learn English ________ and in their free time.If beginning capital was $25,000, ending capital is $37,000, and the owner's withdrawals were $23,000, the amount of net income or net loss for the period was:Studies show that business in China is still _________.The chairman was obliged to bring the meeting to a ________ because a fire broke out in the adjoining room.Nowadays, accountants are ________ the services they offer with budget analysis, investment planning, and IT consulting.A measure of profitability is the____________.Studies have shown that the key to successful investing is to ________ your wealth among different asset classes.The government is committed to _______ sure that more businesses make the best use of women’s talents throughout the organization.His low salary has something to do with his ________.Microsoft will conduct another experiment in this country later this year and has asked employees for their ________.The marketing assistant has outdated customer information in her computer files. She kept sending mail to customers who have received multiple copies of her mailings. What should she use to update her customer database?Communication is a two-way ________; it requires a sender and a receiver: if no one is listening, you're just a crazy person talking to yourself.A social system is a complex set of human relationships interacting in many ways; within an organization, the social system includes all the people in it and their relationships to each other and to the ________ worldProduct selling price is ________ by the marketplace and is determined by analysis along the entire industry value chain and across all functions in a firm.Founded in 2006, this company ________ in furniture and decorative objects.The first old-age pension law was ________ in Germany in 1889.Written communication is less effective when readers must___________.A strong brand can help protect a business _______ risk, and position it for future growth.Before sending a professional email message to a business associate, a businessperson should____________________.At this stage, to change the original product ________, some form of approval is required.International Business Machines (IBM) plans to ______ $1.2 billion to expand its cloud services.After investment on the important priorities such as merchandise, location, staff, insurance, accountant, advertising, your carefully budgeted money can be lost if your store doesn't ________ up to the customers' expectations. Budgeting is a combination of mathematics and guesswork: some ________ are precisely known, while others are less clear.As coronavirus spreads, people across the country are stocking _______ on essentials.High quality accounting standards are critical ________ the development of a high quality global financial reporting structure.Tsukiji fish market is one of Tokyo’s most popular tourist ________.We do not yet live in a world of perfect capital ________, one in which savings move across borders to their most productive use without constraint in the form of capital controls.Imagine one of your staff loses her temper and shouts at you in front of others, how would you ________ with this?On the other hand, if their performance was better than the supervisor expected, a pay rise was in ________.In the stock market, ________ is associated with giving up any previous gains in stock price as investors sell equities in an effort to get out of the market and into less risky investments.Supply cannot meet the demand which has been created by ________ more than 41 million visitors to the city in 2006.In this day and ______ of supposed sexual equality, it is unbelievable that there is not a single woman among the top 10 positions in this company.Risk-taking: the aspirant can ________ status quo, explore options and pursue opportunities.________ are people who put money into a business in the hope of making a profit.A strong economy ________ with large swings in the health of world economies makes predicting the supply of labor increasingly difficult.According to business analysts, building up an international brand takes not only quality but time and _______.It is not uncommon for new markets to open rapidly, so companies need to have a strategy to move people and resources rapidly from areas of low to areas of a higher ________.She realized that her new business venture was paying off, and would be taking home a $1,000 profit for the month. Finally, she could reap the financial rewards of being the boss. This is an advantage of what type of business ownership?_______ women may earn less on this website, they have a better reputation as sellers than men.De La Rue, _________ having a French name, is a British company.We will make no ________ for the catalogue, which you can take with our compliments.In the _______ of a storm, the shell would break apart and let the waves rush under the house.From an accounting standpoint, capital is just the ________ equity as it is reported on the balance sheet.Products containing ________ defects that cause harm to a consumer of the product, or someone to whom the product was loaned, given, etc., are the subjects of products liability suits.An opinion was ________ that the monitoring of intellectual capital growth needs to take place at both the individual and the organizational level if monitoring is to be of real objective value.It is absolutely essential that the clerk takes care to ________ any decisions that have been reached during the meeting.Cadbury is one of the world’s ________ confectionery companies. It produces some of the most well-known chocolate and candy brands.To orientate tourists to exotic host cultures, it may be necessary to engage a 'culture broker', a ________ who functions as a link between diverse cultural systems.Both Lenovo and Huawei have acquired a ________ of the consumer market in western countries.Emergent global markets are populated by ________ companies that try to position themselves as local firms by emphasizing local content.A new medical study on the COVID-19 found that patients with certain blood type were more _________ to the infection and tended to develop more symptoms. Individualization is when employees successfully ________ influence on thesocial system by challenging the culture.The reason for the ________ in the economy is because there is a great deal of uncertainty at the moment.A firm that manages for strategic flexibility and constant renewal is able to________ above-average profits and thus is rewarded for its entrepreneurial behavior.At first______, the walls of factory look anything but hurricane-proof.Coca Cola sells its soft drink to more countries around the world than________ company.All personnel do better work, because they know what they should be doing and what their place is in the ________ of things.Governments help to ________ western companies by giving them tax breaks.Most companies are eager to _______ costs.This coffee shop plans to give customers a _______ if they bring their own cups, in order to reduce the amount of waste and recycle more.When the level of demand for Chinese goods and services is ________, it can push the economy against the limits of its capacity to produce.The government has _________ a plan to end the country’s shortage of toilet paper.Yahoo! and MSN are both good examples of ________ because both have sites in different languages specifically targeted at the people of several countries.选项A选项B选项Cestablish objectives summarize gatheredinformationsupport businessdecisionsSuggestions Instructions EvaluationsA report summarizing annual financial information A memo outlining anupcoming meetingagendaAn email requestingvendor pricing anddiscountsat the expense of for free as well asOperations management Business analytics Human resources managementbuys everyone lunch cooks for everyone has something to offer purpose of the message manager’s life employee’s address loaner lone loanmerchandising marketing research marketing communicationsgovernment through adjustments in sales taxes markets throughadjustments insales levelsgovernment throughadjustments in incometaxesadventure comfort prestigeBest efforts Firm commitment All-or-nonein the front front and center outrightArgue with customers Plan events Hang up phone callsreturn on equity return oninvestmentinventory turnoverfor whom will goods be produced why will the goodsbe producedwhere will the goods beproducedIrresponsibility Persistence Impatiencenatural resources human resources capital goods117.60%21.30%85.00%unrealistic and vague realistic andspecificunrealistic andspecificpriority writing prioritizing priorities increase returns promote goodwill foster objectionsdigital certified by anauditortimelyinterest initiative debtshift inward toward the origin become more linearand less bowedbecome less linear andmore bowedprobably earn more money.be less likely tohave problems.show that they can betrusted.Wait for the floor to dry Wipe it upimmediatelyTell others about thespillTraining an employee to perform CPR if others are injured Assigning anemployee to changethe smoke-alarmbatteriesRequiring employees tocall managers when theyarrive homeopportunity cost of producing both magazines opportunity cost ofproducing thesecond magazinemaximum amount that sheis willing to pay forthe second magazinepapers certified certifications cold dry emptyget have takealign design drawsteak state stakefault mistake faulty inevitably irrevocably readilywith a goal of in a goal goalon their own in their own by their ownnet loss of $35,000net income of$35,000net income of $14,000spend expanding extends cessation standstill stopping broadening lengthening openingcurrent ratio debt to totalassets ratioreturn on assets ratiodiverge expand range make making be made lazy crazy happiness put in input outputTabulation analysis Electronic datainterchangeData cleansinghandle radio streetentire outside public constrained contained restrained specialized specialize specializing pass been past passedfind the information they need within the communication.follow the writer'slogical train ofthought.work to understand whatthe communicationmeans.as from inmake sure that the message is typed in capital letters.code the message'simportance as "highpriority."proofread the messagefor spelling andgrammatical errors.classification generation identification harvesting vest investlevel measure reachfactions factors fallaciesup with ofof over toattraction attractions attractive mobility transferability utilitytake do handledue form order capitulation concession reconciliation no some theages aging nightabandon desert escape Spenders Borrowers Lenderscompared contrasted coordinated patient patience impatience competition impact return Merger Partnership CorporationHow What Whilein spite in despite despitecost debt chargedent event prevent accumulated retained revenue ingrained inherent instinctive explained exploited explored time minute detail leading lead leader mediator medium middleman portion propose port homeland homeless national susceptible contemptible contractible excite exempt exert slowness slowly slowdown engender generate permutatesight seeing seeany other others any another host plan processcontract attract detract cutting cut cutscount counter discount sagging slight stablecame come with come up culturalization glocalization ramification选项Dorganize a problem. CorrectionsA form describing an employee’s performance reviewcostlyOffice managementhas nothing to offer company’s goalslowprofessional selling markets through adjustments in prices priceFull-purchaserightResolve problems accounts receivable turnoverhow will the goods be producedRuthlessnessconsumer goods28.30% realistic and general advancingincrease markdowns perfectloanshift outward from the originbe more likely to receive promotions. Leave it for the cleaning crewDesignating a central meeting place for all employeesmaximum amount that she is willing to pay for the first magazine plus the maximum amount she is willing to pay for the second magazine certifyflatmaketailorstressmistakessteadilyat goalsat their ownnet loss of $14,000 attendinghaltreformattingworking capitalspreadbe makinglazinessput outEnvironmental scanningwirerealretainedspecializesbeing passedspend a minimum amount of time reading the communication.toinsert a vague statement in the message subject line.specificationdigeststretchfractionsoutunderattractsviabilitydealviewsubmissionyetagerenounceInvestorscoupledpatientlytrafficSole proprietorshipWherespitepaymentevenshareholderinternalexpressedmeasureledmoderator proportionate stateless suggestibleexhortslowproliferate sightseeingthe otherschemesubstract being cut calculatestrongcome up withspecialization。



外贸商务英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a typical payment term in international trade?A. FOBB. CIFC. DDPD. COD答案:D2. In international trade, what does "EXW" stand for?A. Ex WorksB. Free CarrierC. Cost and FreightD. Delivered Duty Paid答案:A3. What is the most common mode of transportation for international trade?A. AirB. SeaC. RoadD. Rail答案:B4. Which of the following is not a document required for exporting goods?A. Commercial InvoiceB. Packing ListC. Certificate of OriginD. Birth Certificate答案:D5. What is the primary function of a Letter of Credit in international trade?A. To guarantee paymentB. To provide insuranceC. To offer a discountD. To arrange transportation答案:A6. In which currency is the price of oil typically quoted in international markets?A. USDB. EURC. GBPD. JPY答案:A7. What is the meaning of "T/T" in international trade transactions?A. Telex TransferB. Trust TransferC. Trade TransferD. Telegraphic Transfer答案:D8. Which of the following is a type of non-tariff barrier to trade?A. QuotasB. Import dutiesC. SubsidiesD. Embargoes答案:A9. What is the term used to describe the process of adjusting prices to reflect changes in exchange rates?A. Price adjustmentB. Currency fluctuationC. Exchange rate adjustmentD. Price stabilization答案:C10. What does "MOQ" stand for in the context of international trade?A. Minimum Order QuantityB. Maximum Order QuantityC. Market Order QuantityD. Merchandise Order Quantity答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The ________ is the document that proves the ownership of goods in international trade.答案:Bill of Lading2. When goods are sold on a ________ basis, the seller bears all costs and risks until the goods are delivered to the buyer.答案:DDP3. A ________ is a formal request from a buyer to a sellerfor a specific product or service.答案:Purchase Order4. The ________ is a document that provides details about the goods being exported, including their description, quantity, and price.答案:Commercial Invoice5. In international trade, a ________ is a document that certifies the origin of the goods.答案:Certificate of Origin6. The ________ is a document that lists the types and quantities of goods being shipped, often used for customs clearance.答案:Packing List7. A ________ is a type of insurance that covers the risk of loss or damage to goods during transportation.答案:Marine Insurance8. The ________ is a document that shows the terms and conditions agreed upon by the buyer and seller for the saleof goods.答案:Sales Contract9. In international trade, a ________ is a document thatlists the goods being transported, their weight, and other relevant details.答案:Manifest10. The ________ is a document that provides proof of the quality, quantity, and condition of the goods at the time of shipment.答案:Inspection Certificate三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between FOB and CIF terms in international trade.答案:FOB (Free On Board) means the seller's responsibility ends once the goods are loaded onto the ship, while CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) includes the seller's responsibilityfor the cost of the goods, insurance, and freight until they reach the destination port.2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using aLetter of Credit in international trade?答案:Advantages include security of payment for the seller and assurance of goods for the buyer. Disadvantages include higher bank fees and potential delays in payment due todocumentation issues.3. Describe the process of negotiating a contract in international trade.答案:The process includes initial contact, exchange of information, negotiation of terms, drafting the contract, legal review, and final signing by both parties.4. What are the main factors that influence the choice of transportation mode in international trade?答案:Factors include cost, speed, reliability, cargo type, distance, and infrastructure availability.四、案例分析题(每题20分,共20分)A company has received an order for 1000 units of a product, with the following terms: EXW, payment by T/T, and delivery within 30 days. The company needs。



商务英语试卷及参考答案商务英语试卷一、选择题1、In business negotiations, which of the following is the most effective opening gambit? A. Aggressive posturing B. Passive concession C. Tactical maneuvering D. Bold assertion2、Which of the following is NOT an example of business etiquette?A. Dressing professionallyB. Handling emails appropriatelyC. Maintaining a positive attitude during meetingsD. Cursing in front of clients3、Which of the following best defines the concept of "soft skills" in business? A. Technical abilities related to a specific job B. Abilities to handle interpersonal relationships effectively C. Abilities to perform complex analytical tasks D. Abilities to manage and lead teams4、In a meeting, a colleague starts a tirade about a supplier who has disappointed them. The best way to handle this situation is to: A. Interrupt and redirect the conversation B. Agree with the colleague and pile on the criticism C. Listen patiently andevaluate the supplier's performance yourself D. Remain silent and avoid getting involved5、Which of the following best represents the concept of "win-win" in business? A. A situation where one party benefits more than the other B. A situation where both parties benefit equally C. A situation where neither party benefits D. A situation where both parties benefit as a result of conflict二、简答题6、Please explain the concept of "bartering" and provide a real-life example.61、How can businesses use social media effectively to promote their products or services?611、Describe a challenging business situation you have faced and how you overcame it.6111、What are the primary goals of a business letter? Provide an example of a well-written business letter.61111、What are some common mistakes made in business emails and how can they be avoided?参考答案一、选择题1、正确答案是C. Tactical maneuvering。



第六届全国高校商务英语竞赛试题1.In the meantime, please keep us posted of ____ at your end.A.developingB.developmentC.being developedD.develop答案:B2. The shakehands is firm in the following country ,expect___.A.AmericaB.GermanyC.IndonesiaD.Russia3. After entering the Arabian house, you shake hands with _____ person first, usually but not invariably the host.A.the more seniorB.the most seniorC.the more juniorD.the most junior答案:B4. In___, people are famous for their black-slapping,death-grip handshake upon greeting and leaving.A. BrazilB.GermanyC.ItalyD.America5. which statement will be considered to be rude in the Dutch's mind?____A.Shake hands with women.B.Shake hands again when leaving.C.Shake hands and say their last name, not "Hello".D. Not to identify yourself.6. ____are famous for their back-slapping, death-grip handshake. They are also like to maintain eye contact during handshake.A. ChineseB. AmericansC. BelgiansD. Japanese答案:B7. In ____, handshake are common for both sexes, and may include grasping the arm with the other hand.A. ItalyB.AmericaC. JapanD. Germany答案:A8. When greeting ____, you should never greet a woman with a kiss and never offer your hand to a woman first.A. an American womanB. a Japanese womanC. a Chinese womanD. an Islamic woman答案:D9. In ____, shaking hand is normal when being introduced, and it's also normal for two men kissing when they meet.A. South AfricaB. AmericaC. Argentina D Gremany答案:C10. The firm handshake with eye contact and smiling is an important first gesture of communication for any person ,male or female ,______ to make an impression.A to desireB desiringC desiredD be desired答案:B11. The seller may cancel the contract and reserve the right to claim _________buyer’s breach of contract.A. in case aboutB. in caseC. in event ofD. in eventANSWER:C12. In reply, we are making you the following offer: 10,000 pieces of T-shirt _________US$ 5 per piece, CFR 2% Copenhagen.A. aboutB. toC. atD. in ANSWER: C13. We shall appreciate it if you will see to it that amendment is cabled _________ delay.A. inB. out ofC. withinD. without ANSWER: D14. We offer these goods subject _________ their being unsold on receipt of your order.A. inB. withC. onD. to ANSWER: D15. _________ the above, we would suggest that you accept our original offer without any delay.A. BecauseB. AsC. In case ofD. In view of ANSWER: D16. We hope you will quote us competitive _________ Liverpool_________ Printed Shirting.A. of CIF , forB. CIF ,forC. of CIF , onD. of CIF ,onANSWER: B17. We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied _________.A. from stockB. in stockC. out of stockD. of stockANSWER: A18. Shipment is to be made _________ 3 months on receipt of the relative L/C.A. inB. byC. duringD. withinANSWER: D19. If you could make a reduction _________ 5% in quotation, please let us know.A. toB. byC. ofD. atANSWER: C20. Much to our regret, we are unable to _________ the price to your level.A. changeB. reduceC. declineD. lowerANSWER: B21.It is _________ that the matter should still be hanging unsettled.A. regretfulB. with regretC. regrettedD. regrettableANSWER: D22. We think it advisable for you to make a _________ if you wish to remain competitive.A. reducing in priceB. price reductionC. cutting priceD. price cuttingANSWER: B23. We will place an order without delay if you would reduce your price _________ 5% _________ your cotton shoes.A. of/toB. of/toC. by/inD. by/atANSWER: C24.may not be expected at subsequent metting or on social occasions. A Germany B Italy C Britain D Japan 答案:C25. In the international business, count-offers can be divided into ____ kinds.A 3B 4C 2D 5答案:C。



2022商务英语实践技能大赛试题1、The street was named _____ George Washington who led the American war for independence. [单选题] *A. fromB. withC. asD. after(正确答案)2、29.There is a book in your left hand. What’s in your ___________ hand? [单选题] *A.the othersB.other (正确答案)C.anotherD.others3、—What’s wrong with you, Mike?—I’m really tired because I studied for today’s test ______ midnight last night. ()[单选题] *A. althoughB. unlessC. until(正确答案)D. so that4、33.Body language is even___________ and ___________ than any other language. [单选题] *A.stronger, loudB.strong, louderC.strong, loudD.stronger, louder (正确答案)5、The people’s Republic of China _______ on October 1, 1 [单选题] *A. foundB. was founded(正确答案)C. is foundedD. was found6、There is a bank ______ the street. [单选题] *A. on the end ofB. in the end ofC. at the end of(正确答案)D. by the end of7、We _____ three major snowstorms so far this winter. [单选题] *A.hadB. haveC. have had(正确答案)D.had had8、I walked too much yesterday and ()are still aching now. [单选题] *A. my leg's musclesB. my leg muscles(正确答案)C. my muscles' of legD. my legs' muscles9、Jim, we have _______ important to tell you right now . [单选题] *A. someB. something(正确答案)C. anyD. anything10、They took _____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [单选题] *A.efficientB.beneficialC.validD.effective(正确答案)11、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard12、25.—I ______ Beijing for a holiday.—________. [单选题] *A.will go;GoodbyeB.will go;Have a good time(正确答案)C.will go to;Have a good timeD.am going to;Have a fun13、--Miss Li, could you please help me _______ math problem?--OK. Let me try. [单选题] *A. look upB. work out(正确答案)C. set upD. put up14、I saw the boy _______?the classroom. [单选题] *A. enter intoB. enter(正确答案)C. to enter intoD. to enter15、We should have breakfast every day to keep ______. [单选题] *A. healthB. healthy(正确答案)C. healthilyD. the healthy16、Almost every one of us could see her anxiety from the()on her face. [单选题] *A. appearanceB. feelingC. movementD. expression(正确答案)17、Taking the subway is quite fast and cheap. It can _______ both time and money. [单选题] *A. savesB. save(正确答案)C. earnD. use18、She spoke with a strong Scottish()[单选题] *A. speechB. accent(正确答案)C.voiceD. sound19、Lily is a very_____person and never wastes anything. [单选题] *A.generousB.economical(正确答案)C.economicD.efficient20、In order to find the missing child, villagers _______ all they can over the past five hours. [单选题] *A. didB. doC. had doneD. have been doing(正确答案)21、( ) .Would you please ______me the gifts from your friends? [单选题] *A.to showB. showingC. show(正确答案)D. shown22、Boys and girls, _______ up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp(夏令营).[单选题] *A. puttingB. to putC. put(正确答案)D. puts23、—Mum, could you buy a schoolbag ______ me when you go shopping?—No problem.()[单选题] *A. ofB. toC. inD. for(正确答案)24、It’s usually windy in spring, ______ you can see lots of people flying kites.()[单选题] *A. so(正确答案)B. orC. butD. for25、You can distinguish the twins very easily, _____Tom is quite while Jack is active. [单选题] *A. soB. butC. for(正确答案)D. and26、The car is _______. It needs washing. [单选题] *A. cleanB. dirty(正确答案)C. oldD. new27、—______ pencils are these?—They are Tony’s.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhereC WhoD. Whose(正确答案)28、Is there ____ for one more in the car? [单选题] *A. seatB. situationC. positionD. room(正确答案)29、This message is _______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *A. surprising; surprisingB. surprised; surprisedC. surprising; surprised(正确答案)D. surprised; surprising30、61.How is online shopping changing our way? ? ? ? ? ? life? [单选题] * A.of(正确答案)B.inC.onD.for。



商务英语实践技能大赛试题1、--Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am a stranger here. [单选题] *A. whatB. how(正确答案)C. whenD. why2、It was _____ that the policy of reform and opening up came into being in China. [单选题] *A. in the 1970s(正确答案)B. in 1970sC. in the 1970s'D. in 1970's3、The plane arrived at London airport _______ Wednesday morning. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. atC. inD. for4、_______ your help, I can’t finish my job. [单选题] *A. withB. without(正确答案)C. inD. into5、Experts are making an investigation on the spot. They want to find a way to()the tower. [单选题] *A. Restore(正确答案)B. resumeC. recoverD. reunite6、David ______ at home when I called at seven o’clock yesterday evening. ()[单选题] *A. didn’tB. doesn’tC. wasn’t(正确答案)D. isn’t7、--Is that the correct spelling?--I don’t know. You can _______ in a dictionary [单选题] *A. look up itB. look it forC. look it up(正确答案)D. look for it8、Jim, it’s dark now. Please _______ the light in the room. [单选题] *A. turn on(正确答案)B. turn upC. turn offD. turn down9、This seat is vacant and you can take it. [单选题] *A. 干净的B. 没人的(正确答案)C. 舒适的D. 前排的10、You needn’t _______ me. I’m old enough to take care of myself. [单选题] *A. worry about(正确答案)B. write downC. put awayD. wake up11、When you have trouble, you can _______ the police. They will help you. [单选题] *A. turn offB. turn to(正确答案)C. turn onD. turn over12、Betty works as a waitress to earn money for her education. [单选题] *A. 服务员(正确答案)B. 打字员C. 秘书D. 演员13、What about _______ there by bike? [单选题] *A. goesB. wentC. goD. going(正确答案)14、Some people were born with a good sense of direction. [单选题] *A. 听觉B. 方向感(正确答案)C. 辨别力D. 抽象思维15、A brown bear escaped from the zoo, which was a()to everyone in the town. [单选题] *A. HarmB. violenceC. hurtD. threat(正确答案)16、He was proud of what he had done. [单选题] *A. 对…感到自豪(正确答案)B. 对…感到满足C. 对…表示不满D. 对…表示后悔17、They might have found a better hotel if they _________ a few more kilometers. [单选题]*A. droveB. would driveC. were to driveD. had driven(正确答案)18、I’d?like _______ the English club. [单选题] *A. to join inB. joinC. to join(正确答案)D. join in19、She passed me in the street, but took no()of me. [单选题] * Attention (正确答案)B. watchC. careD. notice20、When we take a trip,we usually have to _______ a hotel. [单选题] *A. takeB. stayC. book(正确答案)D. bring21、There _____ wrong with my radio. [单选题] *A. are somethingB. are anythingC. is anythingD. is something(正确答案)22、He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones. [单选题] *A. anyB. someC. few(正确答案)D. many23、The trouble turned out to have nothing to do with them. [单选题] *A. 由…引发的B. 与…有牵连C. 给…带来麻烦D. 与…不相干(正确答案)24、I do not have my own room,_____. [单选题] *A. neither does Tom(正确答案)B. neither has TomC. so does TomD. so has Tom25、There are still some wild tigers alive. [单选题] *A. 聪明的B. 凶恶的C. 野生的(正确答案)D. 珍贵的26、Two()in our school were sent to a remote village to teach for a month. [单选题] *A. women teachers(正确答案)B. woman teachersC. women teacherD. woman teacher27、( )Keep quiet, please. It’s ________ noisy here. [单选题] *A. many tooB. too manyC. too muchD. much too(正确答案)28、Mum is ill. I have to _______ her at home. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look forC. look outD. look forward to29、As I know, his salary as a doctor is much higher_____. [单选题] *A. than that of a teacher(正确答案)B. than a teacherC. to that of a teacherD. to a teacher30、You’d ______ give up smoking. [单选题] *A. goodB. wellC. better(正确答案)D. best。

第六届全国高校商务英语竞赛 热身赛试题

第六届全国高校商务英语竞赛 热身赛试题

第六届全国高校商务英语竞赛热身赛试题单项选择(每小题2分,共30道题)1. She refused to ___ the door key to the landlady until she got back her deposit. [单选题] *A. hand inB.hand outC.hand downD.hand over(正确答案)2. I've never been to Lhasa, but that's the city___. [单选题] *A.I'd most like to visit(正确答案)B. where I like to visit?C. which I like to visit mostlyD. I'd like much to visit3. He ___ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful. [单选题] *A. may have acted(正确答案)B. must have actedC. should actD. would act4. The government____ to approve the use of wide-spead surveillance when the Justice Department took objections. [单选题] *A. is goingB. had beenC. was about(正确答案)D. is coming5. Although ____ Spanish, he attended the course. [单选题] *A. he was knowingB. he is knowingC. having a knowledge of(正确答案)D. knows6. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are so excited today, for they bought____ yesterday. [单选题] *A. many furnituresB. so much furnitureC. many piece of furnitureD. a lot of furniture(正确答案)7. Despite their good service provided, most inns are less expensive than hotelsof____standards. [单选题] *A. equivalent(正确答案)B. likelyC. alikeD. uniform8. The back garden of our house contains a lawn, ____ very pleasant to sit on in summer. [单选题] *A. which is(正确答案)B. which it isC. it isD. where it is9. If you have really been studying English for so long. It's about time you ___ able to write letters in English. [单选题] *A. should beB. were(正确答案)C. must beD . are10. He's ___ as a “bellyacher”—— he's always complaining about some thing. [单选题] *A. who is knownB. whom is knownC. what is known(正确答案)D. which is known11. way(). [单选题] *A.路,道路;方法,方式;方面(正确答案)B.高速公路C.快速干道,高速公路D.传送,运送;传达,表达12. expressway() [单选题] *A.路,道路;方法,方式;方面B.高速公路C.快速干道,高速公路(正确答案)D.传送,运送;传达,表达13. freeway() [单选题] *A.路,道路;方法,方式;方面B.高速公路(正确答案)C.快速干道,高速公路D.传送,运送;传达,表达14. convey() [单选题] *A.交通工具,车辆;传播媒介,工具,手段B.显然的,明显的C.先前的,以前的D.传送,运送;传达,表达(正确答案)15. vehicle() [单选题] *A.交通工具,车辆;传播媒介,工具,手段(正确答案)B.显然的,明显的C.先前的,以前的D.传送,运送;传达,表达16. obvious() [单选题] *A.经由,经过,通过;凭借,通过…传递…,借助于B.显然的,明显的(正确答案)C.先前的,以前的D.传送,运送;传达,表达17. previous() [单选题] *A.经由,经过,通过;凭借,通过…传递…,借助于B.显然的,明显的C.先前的,以前的(正确答案)D.传送,运送;传达,表达18. via() [单选题] *A.经由,经过,通过;凭借,通过…传递…,借助于(正确答案)B.显然的,明显的C.先前的,以前的D.传送,运送;传达,表达19. want() [单选题] *A.突然不见,消失;绝迹,不复存在B.想要;需要;缺乏(正确答案)C.假期;度假D.徒劳的,无效的;自负的,自视过高的20. vanish() [单选题] *A.突然不见,消失;绝迹,不复存在(正确答案)B.想要;需要;缺乏C.假期;度假D.徒劳的,无效的;自负的,自视过高的21. vain() [单选题] *A.突然不见,消失;绝迹,不复存在B.想要;需要;缺乏C.假期;度假D.徒劳的,无效的;自负的,自视过高的(正确答案)22. vacation() [单选题] *A.突然不见,消失;绝迹,不复存在B.想要;需要;缺乏C.假期;度假(正确答案)D.徒劳的,无效的;自负的,自视过高的23. vacant() [单选题] *A.突然不见,消失;绝迹,不复存在B.未被占用的,空着的;空缺的;空虚的(正确答案)C.真空;真空吸尘器;用真空吸尘器清扫D.徒劳的,无效的;自负的,自视过高的24. vacuum() [单选题] *A.突然不见,消失;绝迹,不复存在B.未被占用的,空着的;空缺的;空虚的C.真空;真空吸尘器;用真空吸尘器清扫(正确答案)D.徒劳的,无效的;自负的,自视过高的25. win() [单选题] *A.获胜,赢(正确答案)B.宣判…有罪;囚犯C.说服,劝服;使确信,使信服D.胜利26. convince() [单选题] *A.获胜,赢B.宣判…有罪;囚犯C.说服,劝服;使确信,使信服(正确答案)D.胜利27. victory() [单选题] *A.获胜,赢B.宣判…有罪;囚犯C.说服,劝服;使确信,使信服D.胜利(正确答案)28. convict() [单选题] *A.获胜,赢B.宣判…有罪;囚犯(正确答案)C.说服,劝服;使确信,使信服D.胜利29. conviction() [单选题] *A.确信,坚定的信仰;坚信,信服;定罪,判罪(正确答案)B.宣判…有罪;囚犯C.牺牲品,受害者D.胜利30. victim() [单选题] *A.确信,坚定的信仰;坚信,信服;定罪,判罪B.宣判…有罪;囚犯C.牺牲品,受害者(正确答案)D.胜利阅读理解一:In the classic marriage vow(誓约), couples promise to stay together in sickness and in health. But a new study finds that the risk of divorce among older couples rises when the wife-not the husband—becomes seriously ill.“Married women diagnosed with a serious health condition may find themselves struggling with the impact of their disease while also experiencing the stress of divorce,”said researcher Amelia Karraker.Karraker and co-author Kenzie Latham analyzed 20 years of data on 2,717 marriages from a study conducted by Indiana University since 1992. At the time of the first interview, at least one of the partners was over the age of 50.The researchers examined how the onset(发生)of four serious physical illnesses affected marriages. They found that, overall, 31% of marriages ended in divorce over theperiod studied. The incidence of new chronic(慢性的)illness onset increased over time as well, with more husbands than wives developing serious health problems.“We found that women are doubly vulnerable to marital break-up in the face of illness,”Karraker said. “They’re more likely to be widowed, and if they’re the ones who become ill, they’re more likely to get divorced.”While the study didn’t assess why divorce in more likely when wives but not husbands become seriously ill, Karraker offers a few possible reasons. “Gender norms and social expectations about caregiving many make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses,” Karraker said. “And because of the imbalance in marriage markets, especially in older ages, divorced men have more choices among prospective partners than divorced women.”Given the increasing concern about health care costs for the aging population, Karraker believes policymakers should be aware of the relationship between disease and risk of divorce.“Offering support services to spouses caring for their other halves may reduce marital stress and prevent divorce at older ages,” she said. “But it’s also important to recognize that the pressure to divorce may be health-related and that sick ex-wives may need additional care and services to prevent worsening health and increased health costs.”31. What can we learn about marriage vows from the passage? [单选题] *A) They may not guarantee a lasting marriage.(正确答案)B) They are as binding as they used to be.C) They are not taken seriously any more.D) They may help couples tide over hard times.32. What did Karraker and co-author Kenzie Latham find about elderly husbands? [单选题] *A) They are generally not good at taking care of themselves.B) They can become increasingly vulnerable to serious illnesses.C) They can develop different kinds of illnesses just like their wives.D) They are more likely to contract serious illnesses than their wives.(正确答案)33. What does Karraker say about women who fall ill? [单选题] *A) They are more likely to be widowed.B) They are more likely to get divorced.(正确答案)C) They are less likely to receive good care.D) They are less likely to bother their spouses.34. Why is it more difficult for men to take care of their sick spouses according to Karraker? [单选题] *A) They are more accustomed to receiving care.(正确答案)B) They find it more important to make money for the family.C) They think it more urgent to fulfill their social obligations.D) They expect society to do more of the job.35. What does Karraker think is also important? [单选题] *A) Reducing marital stress on wives.B) Stabilizing old couples’s relations.C) Providing extra care for divorced women.(正确答案)D) Making men pay for their wives’ health costs.阅读理解二:If you were like most children, you probably got upset when your mother called you by a sibling’s(兄弟姐妹的)name. How could she not know you? Did it mean she loved youless?The study, published online in April in the journal Memory and Cognition,found that the “wrong” name is not random but is invariably fished out from the same relationship pond: children, siblings, friends. The study did not examine the possibility of deep psychological significance to the mistake, says psychologist David Rubin, “but it doestell us who’s in and who’s out of the group.”The study also found that within that group, misnamings occurred where the names shared initial or internal sounds, like Jimmy and Joanie or John and Bob. Physical resemblance between people was not a factor. Nor was gender.The researchers conducted five separate surveys of more than 1,700 people. Some of the surveys included only college students; others were done with a mixed-age population. Some asked subjects about incidents where someone close to them—family or friend—had called them by another person’s name. The other surveys asked about times when subjects had themselves called someone close to them by the wrong name. All the surveys found that people mixed up names within relationship groups such as grandchildren, friends and siblings but hardly ever crossed these boundaries.In general, the study found that undergraduates were almost as likely as old people to make this mistake and men as likely as women. Older people and women made the mistake slightly more often, but that may be because grandparents have more grandchildren to mix up than parents have children. Also, mothers may call on their children more often than fathers, given traditional gender norms. There was no evidence that errors occurred more when the misnamer was frustrated, tired or angry.36. How might people often feel when they were misnamed? [单选题] *A)Unwanted.B)Unhappy.(正确答案)C)Confused.D)Indifferent.37. What did David Rubin’s research find about misnaming? [单选题] *A)It is related to the way our memories work.(正确答案)B)It is a possible indicator of a faulty memory.C)It occurs mostly between kids and their friends.D)It often causes misunderstandings among people.38. What is most likely the cause of misnaming? [单选题] *A) Similar personality traits.B) Similar spellings of names.C) Similar physical appearance.D) Similar pronunciation of names.(正确答案)39. What did the surveys of more than 1,700 subjects find about misnaming? [单选题] *A) It more often than not hurts relationships.B) It hardly occurs across gender boundaries.C) It is most frequently found in extended families.D) It most often occurs within a relationship groups.(正确答案)40. Why do mothers misname their children more often than fathers? [单选题] *A) They suffer more frustrations.B) They become worn out more often.C) They communicate more with their children.(正确答案)D) They generally take on more work at home.。



第一届全国高校商务英语知识竞赛(邀请赛)The First Invitational Contest of College Business English Knowledge Directions: Mark A, B, C or D that best completes the following sentences.1 This advertisement ______ the customers by bringing them back to their best memories.A.distractsB. persuadesC. resonate withD. takes over2. We need an advertising campaign that _______ customers to switch to our new calling plan.A. encouragesB. forcesC. asksD. requires3. Based on the market survey, the marketing manager wanted to _______ the product’s shortcomings.A. revokeB. addressC. announceD. challenge4. The CEO of a company can be said to be “at the ______” of that company.A. pinnacleB. summitC. helmD. center5. Their products were sold very well this year, therefore their profits went _____.A. by the waysideB. through the roofC. on and onD. flying6. Not many people use this product, that is to say, the _______ for this product is weak.A. requestB. callC. needD. demand7. The company decided to ______ a public letter announcing the retirement of their CEO.A. issueB. ensureC. spreadD. invoke8. Through three hours hot discussion, they finally______ a deal.A. put outB. come acrossC. hammer outD. decide on9. There is no progress being made at the talks, so the cooperation is at a _______.A. standstillB. bankruptcyC. landslideD. blind path10. We’re ______ a new series of our most popular products this winter.A. givingB. showingC. havingD. launching11. We ______ about 500 new customers as a result of this summer’s trade show.A. engenderedB. generatedC. endangeredD. encountered12. A “qualified” lead is a potential customer that has______.A. expressed interest in your productB. not expressed interest in your productC. enough money D .enough time13. A person who attends a trade show is called______.A. an attendantB. an attendeeC. attentiveD. attention14. Make sure you __________ and prioritize all the leads that you generated at the show last week.A. categoryB. categorizationC. categorizeD. categorizes15. Another word for trade show is ______.A.conventionB. trading showC. company showD. fashion show16. Apple, Huawei, Samsung and Motorola are all the ________ of mobile phone producers.A. leading playingB. good playersC. leading playersD. good plays17. The biggest industry trade show of the year _________ in New York from October 8-10.A. takes partB. takes placeC. takes timeD. takes around18. We ______our mortgage last year so we have no debts now.A. paid outB. paid upC. paid offD. paid on19. You can get 3% _____ on your savings at our bank.A. mortgageB. loanC. fundD. interest20. It’s essential we ______ good relations with potential business partners.A. maintainB. breakC. repairD. maintenance21. The bookcase we bought was very easy to ______. There were detailed instructions in the box.A.disassemble B .assemble C. arrange D. manage22. The balance sheet is a statement as of a certain date of assets, liabilities, and ______. goodsB. gross worth worth assets23. A good business plan defines your business and __________your goals.A.indentsB. idealizesC. definesD. identifies24. A list of your assets, liabilities and net worth is what's known as a __________ sheet.A.balancedB. balancingC. balanceD. balances25. Many new business owners rely on __________ to start and develop their business.A.outer fundingB. outside fundingC. other fundsD. domesticfunding26. A cash ____________ analysis is an analysis of a company's financial "health".A. flowB. flowingC. floodD. frequency27. Your business's ____________ refers to how easy (or difficult) it is to market/promote it.A. market surveyB. marketabilityC. market planD. market share28. Any bank will want to make sure your business has a good chance of being _________ before givingyou a loan.A. profit-orientedB. profitableC. profit-sharingD. profitability29. The stock market was down 400 points, but finished up 50 points. What are some of the reasons for this________?A. turnaroundB. turndownC. turnoffD. turnabout30. I'm sorry, Mr. Davis, but your check hasn't _____________ yet.A.transferredB. claimedC. issuedD. cleared31. I keep half of my savings in an account, and the other half in a ____________ at my bank.A. safety boxB. safe-deposit boxC. safe-keeping boxD. safe32. Facebook recently launched a mobile ____________.A. platformB. zoneC. copyD. type33. The last project I was working on had a tight deadline, so once decisions were made, we couldn't _____.A. reworkB. move backwardsC. backtrackD. move forward34. It's my job to ensure that all the work is done to _____________.A. specificsB. speculationC. specificationsD. specialization35. I use Critical Path Analysis to _________ and manage complex projects.A. stallB. scheduleC. sketchD. specify36. A term such as "significant progress" is ambiguous. It's open to _____________.A. interpretersB. interpretationC. translationD. argument37. This contract ______________ that your company will be the sole provider of catering services for ourevents.A. issuesB. enduresC. ensuresD. insures38. When one speaks of _______________ differences, one is saying that there are substantial differencesin the negotiating parties' positions.A. hollowB. expandedC. deepD. wide39. If we want to sign this contract successfully, we have to _____ these differences as soon as possible.A.ironB. iron out C .iron through D. iron up40. "I've always done my best to show that I appreciate the ______ _ and achievements of every member of myteam."A. trialsB. attemptsC. effortsD. costs41. "In my last two positions I have proven myself to be ____________ at resolving any problemsthat customers might have.A. outlandishB. resilientC. effectiveD. efficient42. "When there are competing priorities, I usually make my decision on a ____________ basis."A. problem-by-problemB. challenge-by-challengeC. side-by-sideD. case-by-case43. In the modern business world, people aren't used, they're ___________.A. leveragedB. leveledC. led-onD. lowered44. Actually, in many an office environment, people aren't even people anymore - they're ____________.A. resourcefulB. resonanceC. resourcesD. source45. You can discuss with Mr. Zhang, because he takes ___________ of the process of this contract.A. ownB. overC. ownerD. ownership46. Sending someone a "hidden" copy of an email is known as ___________.A. cheatingB. cc-ing someoneC. bcc-ing someoneD. forwarding47. You should always use appropriate, businesslike language in all ____________ communications.A. electronicB. electricC. electrodeD. elective48. The unemployment rate has been holding _________________ over the past couple of months.A. steadfastB. sturdyC. steadyD. still49. This company's debt ________________ is pretty high.A. managementB. loadC. consolidationD. work50. Low interest rates were one of the ____________ factors of the current financial crisis.A. promisingB. presupposedC. precipitatingD. preparing51. The important banking document is said ______ into Chinese.A. to have translatedB. to be translateC. to have been translatedD. to translate52. It will be difficult to dissuade the general manager now that he ______ his mind.A. is making upB. made upC. has madeD. has made up53. He will probably be awarded a Nobel Prize on account of his ______ achievements in economics.A. highB. worthwhileC. outstandingD. powerful54. The business negotiation seemed to have ______ only a short time, although the clock said it had goneon for more than an hour.A. costB. lastedC. spentD. passed55. In the world of business, ______ is not always easy for women to do the same things as men.A. thisB. itC. sheD. that56. Without someone to______ for advice, making the best choice can be difficult for the customer.A. turn toB. turn upC. turn overD. turn on57. He went there ______ meeting some of his friends.A. hopeB. hopedC. in the hope ofD. with the hope of58. The plane ______ a few minutes after it took off and most of the passengers died.A. collidedB. crushedC. crashedD. smashed59. ______, The new employees complained that they couldn't work in the office where there is no air conditioner.A. Being a hot dayB. It being a hot dayC. It being hot a dayD. Because the day being hot60. He was employed as an interpreter to the boss because he was ______ in three languages.A. intimateB. proficientC. efficientD. sufficient61. Which of the following is considered as a good example of monopolistic competition?A. U.S. agricultureB. Stationery storeC. Steel industryD. Public utility62. Which of the following company is most famous for its excellent reputations in their responsibility to theircustomers?A. Continental AirlinesB. General ElectricC. LexusD. Toyota63. Which of the following types of payments are usually received by an exporter as an ongoing paymentcalculated as a percentage of the license holder's sales?A. flat feesB. royaltiesC. agent feesD. direct investments64. Which of the following is NOT the step of formulating a company’s strategy?A. Setting strategic goalsB. Matching the organization and its environmentC. Defining corporate cultureD. SWOT analysis65. The ________ is the flow of information, materials, and services from raw-materials suppliers throughstages in the operations process until the product reaches the end customer.A. distribution chainB. supply chainC. service channelD. distribution channel66. Maslow's theory recognizes that ________.A. people are basically motivated by the same thingsB. lower- and higher-level needs can be motivators at the same timeC. the hierarchy of needs does not apply to everyoneD. physiological needs take precedence over safety and social needs67. Jean’ s paycheck is calculated by the number of weekly working hours times her hourly rate. Jean is paidunder a ________ system.A. crowdfundingB. salaryC. profit sharingD. wage68. The sales manager is teaching the sales representatives how to use a new e-mail system while they areseated at their workstations. This is an example of ________.A. on-the-job trainingB. vestibule trainingC. off-the-job trainingD. incentive training69. Which type of business is owned by its customers?A. Public companyB. Private companyC. Mutual companyD. Multinational company70. Which of the following is an external stakeholder?A. ShareholdersB. CustomersC. SuppliersD. Pressure groupsAnswers1.C2.A3.B4.C5.B6.D7.A8.C9.A10.D11.B12.A13.B14.C15.A16.C17.B18.C19.D20.A21.B22.C23.D24.C25.B26.A27.B28.B29.A 30.A 31.A 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.C 38.B 39.B 40.C 41.D 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.C 49.B 50.C 51.C 52.D 53.C 54.B 55.B 56.A 57.C 58.C 59.A 60.B 61.B 62.C 63.B 64.C 65.B 66.D 67.D 68.B 69.C 70.D。

















商务英语测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common way to address a business letter?A. Dear Sir/MadamB. Hello everyoneC. To whom it may concernD. Hi there2. Which of the following is NOT a business expense?A. Office suppliesB. Travel costsC. Entertainment expensesD. Personal car payments3. The term "B2B" refers to:A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Consumer to ConsumerD. Business to Government4. In a business context, what does "ROI" stand for?A. Return on InvestmentB. Risk of InvestmentC. Revenue of InvestmentD. Rate of Interest5. Which of the following is an example of a SWOT analysis?A. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, ThreatsB. Sales, Workforce, Opportunities, TechnologyC. Strategies, Workforce, Opportunities, TacticsD. Systems, Workflows, Objectives, Technology二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)6. The process of negotiating a contract is known as ________.7. A ________ is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a contract.8. The term "due diligence" refers to the investigation or audit of a potential investment.9. A ________ is a person who buys goods or services from a business.10. The abbreviation "CEO" stands for Chief Executive Officer.三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)11. Explain the difference between a sole proprietorship anda partnership.12. What are the three main types of business structures?13. Describe the role of a marketing manager in a company.14. What are some common reasons for a company to expand internationally?四、案例分析题(共40分)15. Read the following business scenario and answer the questions below.Company X is a manufacturer of high-quality electronic components. They have been approached by Company Y, a distributor interested in purchasing a large order of components. Company X is considering offering a discount to secure the deal.a. What factors should Company X consider before offeringa discount? (10 points)b. How can Company X ensure that the discount does not negatively impact their profit margins? (15 points)c. What are some potential risks associated with offering a discount to a large distributor? (15 points)答案:一、选择题1. A2. D3. A4. A5. A二、填空题6. Negotiation7. Contract8. Audit9. Customer10. Officer三、简答题11. A sole proprietorship is a type of business owned by one person who has complete control and unlimited liability for the business debts. A partnership is a business owned by two or more people who share the profits, losses, and management of the business and have unlimited liability for the business debts.12. The three main types of business structures are sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation.13. A marketing manager is responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies, managing marketing campaigns, and analyzing market trends to guide the company's marketing efforts.14. Common reasons for a company to expand internationally include seeking new markets, accessing cheaper labor, diversifying risk, and taking advantage of cultural or economic opportunities.四、案例分析题15. a. Factors to consider include the cost of production, the company's financial position, the potential volume of the order, and the impact on existing customer relationships.b. Company X can ensure profit margins by analyzing the cost-benefit of the discount, setting a minimum acceptable profit margin, and negotiating terms that protect their interests.c. Potential risks include devaluing the product in the market, setting a precedent for future discounts, and damaging relationships with other customers who did not receive the discount.。



成人商务英语考试题库及答案大全一、选择题1. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to address a business email to a client?A. Hey there!B. Dear Mr. Smith,C. Hi buddy,D. Hello everyone,Answer: B. Dear Mr. Smith,2. In a business meeting, what is the best way to introduce yourself?A. Just call me Bob.B. I'm Bob, the new intern.C. My name is Robert Brown, and I'm the CEO of XYZ Corp.D. I'm Bob, nice to meet you.Answer: C. My name is Robert Brown, and I'm the CEO of XYZ Corp.3. When should you use the phrase "I apologize for the inconvenience"?A. When you have to cancel a meeting.B. When you are introducing a new product.C. When you are congratulating someone on their promotion.D. When you are asking for a raise.Answer: A. When you have to cancel a meeting.4. Which of the following is the correct way to end a business email?A. Yours faithfully,B. Best regards,C. Take care,D. See you soon.Answer: B. Best regards,5. What is the most professional way to handle a disagreement in a business setting?A. Insist on your point of view loudly.B. Ignore the disagreement and move on.C. Listen to the other party's perspective and find a compromise.D. Agree to disagree and never speak of it again.Answer: C. Listen to the other party's perspective and find a compromise.6. In a business context, what does the acronym "ROI" stand for?A. Return on InvestmentB. Risk of InvestmentC. Rate of IncreaseD. Revenue of InvestmentAnswer: A. Return on Investment7. Which of the following is a good example of a business negotiation tactic?A. Offering a lower price to close the deal quickly.B. Threatening to walk away if the other party doesn't agree.C. Providing detailed information to support your position.D. Making personal attacks on the other party.Answer: C. Providing detailed information to support your position.8. What is the most effective way to handle a complaint from a customer?A. Deflecting the complaint to someone else.B. Ignoring the complaint and hoping it goes away.C. Listening carefully and offering a solution.D. Arguing with the customer about the validity of their complaint.Answer: C. Listening carefully and offering a solution.9. Which of the following is the best way to start a business proposal?A. With a personal story about why you're passionate about the project.B. With a list of all the products and services you offer.C. With a clear statement of the problem you're proposing to solve.D. With a request for a meeting to discuss the proposal.Answer: C. With a clear statement of the problem you're proposing to solve.10. In a business presentation, what should you do when you encounter a question you can't answer?A. Make up an answer on the spot.B. Admit that you don't know and promise to find out.C. Change the subject and avoid the question.D. Ask the audience to answer the question for you.Answer: B. Admit that you don't know and promise to find out.二、填空题1. When conducting a business meeting, it is important to stay on _______ and keep the discussion focused on the agenda.Answer: schedule2. A _______ is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a business deal.Answer: contract3. In business, a _______ is a person who buys goods or services from a company.Answer: client4. A _______ is a financial statement that shows a company's revenues, expenses, and profits over a specific period.Answer: profit and loss statement5. When dealing with international business, it is crucial to be aware of cultural _______ to avoid misunderstandings.Answer: differences6. A _______ is a type of business meeting where employees discuss their work progress and any issues they are facing.Answer: progress meeting7. In business, a _______ is a person who sells goods or services on behalf of a company.Answer: salesperson8. A _______ is a type of financial risk that involves the possibility of losing some or all of the money invested in a project.Answer: investment risk9. A _______ is a document that provides a detailed description of a product or service, including its features, benefits, and pricing.Answer: brochure10. In business, a _______ is a person who is responsible for managing the financial aspects of a company, such as budgeting and financial planning.Answer: financial manager三、简答题1. What are the key components of a business plan?Answer: The key components of a business plan include an executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management structure, product or service line description, marketing and sales strategy, funding request, and financial projections.2. How can a company improve its customer service?Answer: A company can improve its customer service by training employees to handle customer interactions effectively, providing multiple channels for customer communication, regularly solicitingcustomer feedback, and implementing a system for resolving customer complaints quickly and efficiently.3. What are some strategies for effective business networking?Answer: Some strategies for effective business networking include attending industry events and conferences, joining professional associations, using social media platforms to connect with industry professionals, and following up with new contacts to build relationships.4. How can a company maintain a positive corporate image?Answer: A company can maintain a positive corporate image by consistently delivering high-quality products and services, engaging in ethical business practices, actively participating in community outreach programs, and effectively managing its online presence through social media and other digital platforms.5. What are the benefits of using technology in business operations?Answer: The benefits of using technology in business operations include increased efficiency, improved communication, better datamanagement, enhanced customer service, and the ability to stay competitive in a rapidly changing market.四、论述题1. Discuss the importance of effective communication in a business environment.Answer: Effective communication is crucial in a business environment as it facilitates the exchange of ideas, helps in making informed decisions, and fosters collaboration among team members. It also plays a vital role in building relationships with clients and partners, managing conflicts, and maintaining a positive company culture. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, reduced productivity, and a negative impact on the company's reputation.2. Explain the role of leadership in driving business success.Answer: Leadership plays a significant role in driving business success by setting a clear vision and direction for the company, motivating and inspiring employees, making strategic decisions, and managing change effectively. Good leaders also foster a culture ofinnovation, encourage teamwork, and hold themselves and their team accountable for results. They are able to adapt to new challenges and opportunities, ensuring the company's long-term growth and sustainability.请注意,以上内容为示例性质,实际考试题库及答案可能会有所不同,具体内容应以官方发布的考试大纲和题库为准。



山东商务英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. The term "B2B" refers to:A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Consumer to ConsumerD. Business to Government2. In international trade, "FOB" stands for:A. Free on BoardB. Freight on BoardC. Free of BoardD. Full of Board3. Which of the following is not a type of trade barrier?A. TariffB. QuotaC. SubsidyD. None of the above4. The abbreviation "GDP" stands for:A. Gross Domestic ProductB. Gross Domestic ProfitC. Gross Domestic PurchaseD. Gross Domestic Price5. The phrase "going public" in business terms means:A. Becoming bankruptB. Becoming a publicly traded companyC. Going into private ownershipD. Going out of business6. The "BOP" in economic terms refers to:A. Balance of PaymentsB. Balance of PowerC. Balance of ProfitsD. Balance of Prices7. "CIF" in international trade is short for:A. Cost, Insurance, and FreightB. Cost, Insurance, and FreightingC. Cost, Insurance, FreightD. Cost, Insurance, and Freighting Costs8. Which of the following is a common method of payment in international trade?A. Cash on delivery (COD)B. Letter of Credit (L/C)C. Both A and BD. None of the above9. The term "dumping" in trade refers to:A. Selling products at a price lower than the cost of productionB. Selling products at a price higher than the market priceC. Selling products at a price equal to the cost of productionD. Selling products at a price equal to the market price10. "FDI" stands for:A. Foreign Direct InvestmentB. Foreign Domestic InvestmentC. Financial Development IndicatorD. Free Development Initiative答案:1. A2. A3. C4. A5. B6. A7. A8. C9. A 10. A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The process of a company becoming a publicly traded company is known as _________.答案:going public2. When a country's imports exceed its exports, it is said to have a(n) _________.答案:trade deficit3. The term used to describe the exchange of goods and services between countries is _________.答案:international trade4. A(n) _________ is a document that proves the ownership of goods and the terms of their transfer.答案:bill of lading5. The _________ is an economic indicator that measures the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given period.答案:GDP6. A(n) _________ is a type of trade agreement where two or more countries agree to reduce trade barriers.答案:free trade agreement7. The _________ is a document that outlines the terms of a sale, including the price, quantity, and description of goods.答案:sales contract8. A(n) _________ is a financial instrument used in international trade to guarantee payment.答案:Letter of Credit (L/C)9. The _________ is the difference between a country's total imports and exports of goods and services.答案:balance of trade10. The _________ is a measure of the value of a country's currency in relation to another currency or group of currencies.答案:exchange rate三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 什么是国际贸易中的“最惠国待遇”?答案:最惠国待遇(Most Favored Nation Treatment)是指一个国家给予另一个国家在贸易上最优惠的待遇,这种待遇不得低于给予任何第三国的待遇。



商务英语试题库及答案一、选择题1. In business communication, which of the following is NOT considered a formal salutation?A. Dear Sir or MadamB. To Whom It May ConcernC. HelloD. Yours sincerely2. When discussing a business proposal, it is important to use clear and concise language to:A. Show off your vocabularyB. Avoid misunderstandingsC. Impress with complex sentencesD. Demonstrate your knowledge of jargon3. What does the acronym "B2B" stand for in the context of business?A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Business to GovernmentD. Business to Industry4. If a company is described as having a "vertical integration", it means that the company:A. Merged with another companyB. Consolidated its operations within a single industryC. Outsourced its productionD. Expanded into different industries5. Which of the following is an example of a non-verbal communication in a business setting?A. Sending an emailB. Making a phone callC. Shaking handsD. Writing a report二、填空题6. The process of negotiating a contract is often referred to as the _______ phase.7. When a company is looking to expand its market, it may consider _______ into new regions.8. A _______ is a type of financial statement that shows the company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.9. In business, the term "synergy" refers to the benefit that is greater than the sum of the benefits of the parts working separately, which is often seen in a(n) _______.10. The _______ is the person responsible for managing the financial resources of a company, including investments and capital.三、简答题11. What are the key components of a business plan?12. Describe the role of a project manager in a business setting.13. Explain the concept of "branding" in the context of marketing.四、论述题14. Discuss the importance of cultural awareness in international business transactions.15. Analyze the impact of technological advancements on the way businesses operate today.五、案例分析题16. A company is considering entering a new market. What factors should they consider before making a decision?17. A business has been accused of unfair labor practices.How should they respond to such allegations?六、翻译题18. 将以下句子从中文翻译成英文:“我们公司致力于提供高质量的产品和卓越的客户服务。



全国大学生商务英语竞赛决赛题库题目标题The primary purpose of a research report is to ________________.What type of information is often transmitted through upward communication? What is an example of a written business inquiry?To “trade off” A for B, means to gain A ____________. For example, people often trade off price against product features.Tom is in charge of quality control at his company. Which type of job does T om have?When someone “brings something to the table,” it means that he/she______________.A guideline for effective, written business communication is to write clear, direct letters that immediately explain to the reader the ______________.The money that someone borrows from a bank is called a _________________.Lucy, who works for the Green Corporation, is responsible for handling special events and responding to requests for information about the company. Lucy works in ________________.Individual economic decisions are coordinated by_______________.Jessica’s family goes to the same beach every summer for one week. All of the family members enjoy the quiet, relaxing atmosphere that the location offers. In this situation, the motive to travel to this beach is ___________.__ __ underwriting commitment is when the underwriteragrees to buy the entire issue and assume full financial responsibility for any unsold shares.To put a project “____________” means to focus on the importance of theproject and to devote most of one’s attention to the project.What can sales representatives do to help provide good service to customers? Which of the following ratios is the most useful to a manager for evaluating whether the assets of a division are used efficiently?Whether a company produces fishing rods mostly by hand or using high-tech machinery is a question of_______________.Which of the following is a typical behavior for a high-achiever?Tuition reimbursement is a way to combat the problem of limited__________. Company A has a capital structure of $80M debt and $20M equity. This year, the company reported a net income of $17M. What is Company A's return on equity? When someone is setting his/her financial goals, he/she should choose goals that are ___________.Making a list of tasks with the most important ones on top is called_____________.A positive result of handling customer complaints properly is that itwill________.For financial information to be relevant, it must also be_________________.The bank that lends money to a company expects to receive repayment of the loan with _____________.Technological progress makes the production possibilitiesfrontier__________.Employees should demonstrate honest behavior on and off the job because theywill _____________.Joe accidentally spilt coffee in the tile hallway. What’s the first thing he should do?Which of the following is a safety procedure that businesses use to track employees who must evacuate a building during an emergency?Beth reads two magazines this afternoon. The marginal benefit that Beth gets from the second magazine is the ________.Programmers with ____________ or licenses are not necessarily better coders. When a project fails, put the failure within a context that a company understands; at Pioneer, IT project failures can be compared to the number of wells drilled that came up ________ — plenty!The owner of this cafe has announced that anyone can enter the cafe without needing to ________ a purchase.The new practices to be introduced will further improve our ability to deal with financial risks and better ________ our requirements to each market's special needs.The future of his job was at ________ when he made the decision to invest in new machinery.The latest problem that hits the world’s largest automaker is _______ brakes. An agreement to restrict production or output is illegal because reducing the supply of a product or service ________ drives up its price.Our company strives to continue bringing innovation to customers, __________ producing high-quality, high-performance devices with great user experience. They employees had to learnEnglish ________ and in their free time.If beginning capital was $25,000, ending capital is $37,000, and the owner's withdrawals were $23,000, the amount of net income or net loss for the period was:Studies show that business in China is still _________.The chairman was obliged to bring the meeting to a ________ because a fire broke out in the adjoining room.Nowadays, accountants are ________ the services they offer with budget analysis, investment planning, and IT consulting.A measure of profitability is the____________.Studies have shown that the key to successful investing is to ________ your wealth among different asset classes.The government is committed to _______ sure that more businesses make the best use of women’s talents throughout the organization.His low salary has something to do with his ________.Microsoft will conduct another experiment in this country later this year and has asked employees for their ________.The marketing assistant has outdated customer information in her computer files. She kept sending mail to customers who have received multiple copies of her mailings. What should she use to update her customer database?Communication is a two-way ________; it requires a sender and a receiver: if no one is listening, you're just a crazy person talking to yourself.A social system is a complex set of human relationships interacting in many ways; within an organization, the social system includes all the people in it and their relationships to each other and to the ________ worldProduct selling price is ________ by the marketplace and isdetermined by analysis along the entire industry value chain and across all functions in a firm.Founded in 2006, this company ________ in furniture and decorative objects.The first old-age pension law was ________ in Germany in 1889.Written communication is less effective when readers must___________.A strong brand can help protect a business _______ risk, and position it for future growth.Before sending a professional email message to a business associate, a businessperson should____________________.At this stage, to change the original product ________, some form of approval is required.International Business Machines (IBM) plans to ______ $1.2 billion to expand its cloud services.After investment on the important priorities such as merchandise, location, staff, insurance, accountant, advertising, your carefully budgeted money can be lost if your store doesn't ________ up to the customers' expectations. Budgeting is a combination of mathematics and guesswork: some ________ are precisely known, while others are less clear.As coronavirus spreads, people across the country are stocking _______ on essentials.High quality accounting standards are critical ________ the development of a high quality global financial reporting structure.Tsukiji fish market is one of T okyo’s m ost popular tourist ________.We do not yet live in a world of perfect capital ________, one in which savings move across borders to their most productiveuse without constraint in the form of capital controls.Imagine one of your staff loses her temper and shouts at you in front of others, how would you ________ with this?On the other hand, if their performance was better than the supervisor expected, a pay rise was in ________.In the stock market, ________ is associated with giving up any previous gains in stock price as investors sell equities in an effort to get out of the market and into less risky investments.Supply cannot meet the demand which has been created by ________ more than 41 million visitors to the city in 2006.In this day and ______ of supposed sexual equality, it is unbelievable that there is not a single woman among the top 10 positions in this company.Risk-taking: the aspirant can ________ status quo, explore options and pursue opportunities.________ are people who put money into a business in the hope of making a profit.A strong economy ________ with large swings in the health of world economies makes predicting the supply of labor increasingly difficult.According to business analysts, building up an international brand takes not only quality but time and _______.It is not uncommon for new markets to open rapidly, so companies need to have a strategy to move people and resources rapidly from areas of low to areas of a higher ________.She realized that her new business venture was paying off, and would be taking home a $1,000 profit for the month. Finally, she could reap the financial rewards of being the boss. This is an advantage of what type of business ownership?_______ women may earn less on this website, they have abetter reputation as sellers than men.De La Rue, _________ having a French name, is a British company.We will make no ________ for the catalogue, which you can take with our compliments.In the _______ of a storm, the shell would break apart and let the waves rush under the house.From an accounting standpoint, capital is just the ________ equity as it is reported on the balance sheet.Products containing ________ defects that cause harm to a consumer of the product, or someone to whom the product was loaned, given, etc., are the subjects of products liability suits.An opinion was ________ that the monitoring of intellectual capital growth needs to take place at both the individual and the organizational level if monitoring is to be of real objective value.It is absolutely essential that the clerk takes care to ________ any decisions that have been reached during the meeting.Cadbury is one of the world’s ________ confectionery companies. It produces some of the most well-known chocolate and candy brands.To orientate tourists to exotic host cultures, it may be necessary to engage a 'culture broker', a ________ who functions as a link between diverse cultural systems.Both Lenovo and Huawei have acquired a ________ of the consumer market in western countries.Emergent global markets are populated by ________ companies that try to position themselves as local firms by emphasizing local content.A new medical study on the COVID-19 found that patients with certain blood type were more _________ to the infection andtended to develop more symptoms. Individualization is when employees successfully ________ influence on thesocial system by challenging the culture.The reason for the ________ in the economy is because there is a great deal of uncertainty at the moment.A firm that manages for strategic flexibility and constant renewal is able to________ above-average profits and thus is rewarded for its entrepreneurial behavior.At first______, the walls of factory look anything but hurricane-proof.Coca Cola sells its soft drink to more countries around the world than________ company.All personnel do better work, because they know what they should be doing and what their place is in the ________ of things.Governments help to ________ western companies by giving them tax breaks.Most companies are eager to _______ costs.This coffee shop plans to give customers a _______ if they bring their own cups, in order to reduce the amount of waste and recycle more.When the level of demand for Chinese goods and services is ________, it can push the economy against the limits of its capacity to produce.The government has _________ a plan to end the country’s shortage of toilet paper.Yahoo! and MSN are both good examples of ________ because both have sites in different languages specifically targeted at the people of several countries.选项A选项B选项Cestablish objectives summarize gatheredinformationsupport businessdecisionsSuggestions Instructions EvaluationsA report summarizing annual financial information A memo outlining anupcoming meetingagendaAn email requestingvendor pricing anddiscountsat the expense of for free as well asOperations management Business analytics Human resources managementbuys everyone lunch cooks for everyone has something to offer purpose of the me ssage manager’s life employee’s address loaner lone loanmerchandising marketing research marketing communicationsgovernment through adjustments in sales taxes markets throughadjustments insales levelsgovernment throughadjustments in incometaxesadventure comfort prestigeBest efforts Firm commitment All-or-nonein the front front and center outrightArgue with customers Plan events Hang up phone callsreturn on equity return oninvestmentinventory turnoverfor whom will goods be produced why will the goodsbe producedwhere will the goods beproducedIrresponsibility Persistence Impatiencenatural resources human resources capital goods117.60%21.30%85.00%unrealistic and vague realistic andspecificunrealistic andspecificpriority writing prioritizing priorities increase returns promote goodwill foster objectionsdigital certified by anauditortimelyinterest initiative debtshift inward toward the origin become more linearand less bowedbecome less linear andmore bowedprobably earn more money.be less likely tohave problems.show that they can betrusted.Wait for the floor to dry Wipe it upimmediatelyTell others about thespillTraining an employee to perform CPR if others are injured Assigning anemployee to changethe smoke-alarmbatteriesRequiring employees tocall managers when theyarrive homeopportunity cost of producing both magazines opportunity cost ofproducing thesecond magazinemaximum amount that sheis willing to pay forthe second magazinepapers certified certifications cold dry emptyget have takealign design drawsteak state stakefault mistake faulty inevitably irrevocably readilywith a goal of in a goal goalon their own in their own by their ownnet loss of $35,000net income of$35,000net income of $14,000spend expanding extends cessation standstill stopping broadening lengthening openingcurrent ratio debt to totalassets ratioreturn on assets ratiodiverge expand range make making be made lazy crazy happiness put in input outputTabulation analysis Electronic datainterchangeData cleansinghandle radio streetentire outside public constrained contained restrained specialized specialize specializing pass been past passed find the information they need within the communication.follow the writer'slogical train ofthought.work to understand whatthe communicationmeans.as from inmake sure that the message is typed in capital letters.code the message'simportance as "highpriority."proofread the messagefor spelling andgrammatical errors.classification generation identification harvesting vest invest level measure reachfactions factors fallaciesup with ofof over toattraction attractions attractive mobility transferability utility take do handledue form order capitulation concession reconciliation no some theages aging nightabandon desert escape Spenders Borrowers Lenderscompared contrasted coordinated patient patience impatience competition impact return Merger Partnership CorporationHow What Whilein spite in despite despitecost debt chargedent event prevent accumulated retained revenue ingrained inherent instinctive explained exploited explored time minute detail leading lead leader mediator medium middleman portion propose port homeland homeless national susceptible contemptible contractible excite exempt exert slowness slowly slowdown engender generate permutatesight seeing seeany other others any another host plan processcontract attract detract cutting cut cutscount counter discount sagging slight stablecame come with come up culturalization glocalization ramification选项Dorganize a problem. CorrectionsA form describing an employee’s performance reviewcostlyOffice managementhas nothing to offer company’s goalslowprofessional selling markets through adjustments in prices priceFull-purchaserightResolve problems accounts receivable turnoverhow will the goods be producedRuthlessnessconsumer goods28.30% realistic and general advancingincrease markdowns perfectloanshift outward from the originbe more likely to receive promotions. Leave it for the cleaning crewDesignating a central meeting place for all employeesmaximum amount that she is willing to pay for the first magazine plus the maximum amount she is willing to pay for the second magazine certifyflatmaketailorstressmistakessteadilyat goalsat their ownnet loss of $14,000 attendinghaltreformattingworking capitalspreadbe makinglazinessput outEnvironmental scanningwirerealretainedspecializesbeing passedspend a minimum amount of time reading the communication.toinsert a vague statement in the message subject line.specificationdigeststretchfractionsoutunderattractsviabilitydealviewsubmissionyetagerenounceInvestorscoupledpatientlytrafficSole proprietorshipWherespitepaymentevenshareholderinternalexpressedmeasureledmoderator proportionate stateless suggestible exhortslowproliferate sightseeingthe otherschemesubstract being cut calculatestrongcome up withspecialization。



商务英语考试题库及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is NOT a common business English phrase?A. "Let's make a deal."B. "I'd like to propose a toast."C. "We need to crunch the numbers."D. "I'm not a fan of your proposal."答案:B2. In a business meeting, what does "table" mean?A. To put something on the table.B. To put a topic aside for later discussion.C. To eat at the table.D. To clean the table.答案:B3. What is the meaning of "blue-sky thinking" in a business context?A. To think about the weather.B. To think creatively and without limitations.C. To think about the sky.D. To think about the color blue.答案:B4. If a business person says "We're in the red," what does this mean?A. They are in debt.B. They are profitable.C. They are in a good mood.D. They are in a bad mood.答案:A5. What does "low-hanging fruit" refer to in business?A. Easy-to-reach fruit on a tree.B. Easy-to-achieve goals or tasks.C. Fruit that is difficult to reach.D. A type of fruit that is not ripe.答案:B二、填空题6. When you want to express that a project is progressing well, you can say, "We are on ________."答案:track7. If you need to discuss a problem with a colleague, you might say, "Let's ________ the issue."答案:touch base8. To express that a decision is final and cannot be changed, you can say, "It's ________ in stone."答案:set9. When you want to emphasize that a meeting is important, you can say, "This is a ________ meeting."答案:must-attend10. If you need to find out more information before making a decision, you might say, "I need to ________ my ducks in a row."答案:get三、阅读理解题阅读以下商务邮件,并回答问题。



商务英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common method of payment in international trade?A. CashB. Letter of CreditC. ChequeD. Electronic transfer2. The term "FOB" in shipping refers to:A. Free on BoardB. Full of BoatC. For the BoardD. Freight on Board3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good business proposal?A. It is concise.B. It is persuasive.C. It is vague and lacks details.D. It is well-structured.4. In a business negotiation, what does "BATNA" stand for?A. Best Alternative to a Negotiated AgreementB. Bad Agreement To Negotiate AgreementC. Better Agreement To Negotiate AgreementD. Bad Alternative To Negotiate Agreement5. The acronym "B2B" stands for:A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Business to GovernmentD. Business to Industry6. What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis in business?A. To identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.B. To evaluate the financial performance of a company.C. To determine the market share of a product.D. To analyze the competition in the industry.7. The term "due diligence" in business refers to:A. The process of verifying all facts and figures related to a business deal.B. The process of conducting a financial audit.C. The process of negotiating the terms of a contract.D. The process of closing a business deal.8. Which of the following is a common risk associated with international trade?A. Currency fluctuationB. High demand for the productC. Stable political environmentD. Low transportation costs9. The "4Ps" of marketing are:A. Product, Price, Promotion, PlaceB. Planning, Positioning, Promotion, PerformanceC. Product, Positioning, Price, PerformanceD. Planning, Price, Positioning, Place10. What is the role of a "middleman" in business transactions?A. To act as a mediator in negotiations.B. To provide financial services.C. To facilitate the exchange of goods between buyer and seller.D. To manufacture the goods.二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The process of identifying potential customers and persuading them to buy a product or service is known as_______.12. In business, a _______ is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sale.13. A _______ is a type of insurance that covers the risk of loss or damage to goods during transportation.14. When a company offers a lower price to a customer in exchange for a larger order, this is known as a _______.15. The acronym "ROI" stands for _______.16. A _______ is a document that provides evidence of the ownership of goods or property.17. The term "blue ocean strategy" refers to creating a_______ in the market by developing new products or services that have no direct competition.18. A _______ is a financial statement that shows the income, expenses, and profit or loss of a business over a specific period.19. The _______ is the process of setting the price of a product or service based on its perceived value to thecustomer.20. In business, a _______ is a document that summarizes the financial transactions of a company during a specific period.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. What are the key elements of a business plan?22. Explain the concept of "first-mover advantage" in business.23. Describe the importance of corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) in today's business environment.24. What is the difference between a franchise and a joint venture?四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)25. Analyze the following scenario: A small business owner is considering expanding into a new international market. What factors should they consider before making this decision? 26. Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using social media for business promotion.五、论述题(共20分)27. Discuss the role of technology in modern business and how it has transformed the way companies operate.答案:一、选择题1. B2. A3. C4. A5. A6. A7. A8. A9. A 10. C二、填空题11. Marketing 12. Contract 13. Marine insurance 14. Discount 15. Return on Investment 16。



商务英语考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The company is expected to release its financial results next month. What does "release" mean in this context?A. To let go ofB. To make publicC. To give awayD. To launch答案:B2. Which of the following is NOT a typical function of a marketing department?A. Product developmentB. AdvertisingC. Market researchD. Sales promotion答案:A3. In a business negotiation, what is the term for a preliminary agreement that outlines the main points of a deal?A. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)B. Letter of Intent (LOI)C. ContractD. Agreement答案:A4. What does "bottom line" refer to in a financial statement?A. The total revenueB. The net incomeC. The total expensesD. The gross profit答案:B5. If a company's stock is "over-the-counter," where is it traded?A. On a stock exchangeB. Through a brokerC. ElectronicallyD. In a physical location答案:C6. What is the term used to describe a situation where a company's costs are higher than its revenue?A. ProfitB. LossC. Break-evenD. Equity答案:B7. In business, what does "due diligence" mean?A. The process of paying attention to detailsB. The process of verifying all facts in a business dealC. The process of paying debtsD. The process of conducting a thorough investigation答案:B8. Which of the following is NOT a type of business structure?A. Sole proprietorshipB. PartnershipC. CorporationD. Alliance答案:D9. What is the term for the process of selling a company's products or services to customers?A. DistributionB. MarketingC. SalesD. Production答案:C10. In business, what does "to go public" mean?A. To become a private companyB. To start a new businessC. To become a publicly traded companyD. To close the business答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. When a company's stock is listed on a stock exchange, itbecomes ________.答案:publicly traded2. The process of evaluating a potential investment is known as ________.答案:due diligence3. A ________ is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a contract.答案:clause4. The ________ is the final amount of profit a company makes after all expenses have been deducted from the revenue.答案:bottom line5. A ________ is a financial statement that shows a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. 答案:balance sheet6. When a company's revenue is greater than its expenses, it is said to be ________.答案:in the black7. A ________ is a formal agreement between two or more parties to do or not to do certain things.答案:contract8. The ________ is the process of identifying, anticipating, and influencing customer needs and wants.答案:marketing9. A ________ is a company that has a single owner who is responsible for all aspects of the business.答案:sole proprietorship10. The ________ is the process of determining the value of a company or an asset.答案:valuation三、阅读理解题(每题3分,共30分)阅读以下段落,并回答问题。



商务英语题库(1)一、搭配题:Personnel1.The department in an organization that recruits and trains employees and deals with their problem.Reference2.Statement about a person’s character or abilities.Subsidiary3.A company which is owned by another company, called a parent company or holding company.Shareholder4.A person who owns shares in a company and is, therefore, a member of the company. Dividend5.A sum of money paid to shareholder as their part of the company’s profit.Viability6.Ability to succeed in operation; ability to continue to exist as a living thing.Symptom7.Change in the body that indicates an illness; sign of the existence of something bad. Etiquette8.The formal rules of proper behavior.Itinerary9.A plan of a journey including places to be seen and visited.Courteous10.Having or showing good manners; polite and kind.Rapport11.Close relationship or understandingReservation12.Travel arrangement to keep something for somebody, such as a seat in a train or aircraft.Refreshment13.That which refreshes, esp. food and drink.Videoconference14.A teleconference using video technology, such as closed-circuit television.Inherent15.Existing as a natural and permanent part or quality of.16.That which incites, rouses or encourages a person.Banquet17.A dinner for many people in honor of a special person or occasion, esp. one at which speeches re made.Flexitime18.An arrangement by which employees may set their work schedules, esp. their starting and finishing hours.Brainstorming19.Method of solving problems in which all the members of a group suggest ideas which are then discussed.Routine20.A fixed way of doing something.Proofread21.To read and correct the printer’s proofs of.Second22.To support an idea put forward by somebody else at a meeting.Motion23.Formal suggestion to be discussed and voted upon at a meeting.Monitor24.T o make continue observation of; record or test the operation of.Transmitter25.Telegraph or radio apparatus for sending out signals, messages, and so on. Synchronize26.To arrange for two or more actions to happen at exactly the same time.Terminal27.A piece of computer equipment consisting of at least a keyboard and a screen that you use for a large computer.Prosperity28.State of being successful; good fortune.Eloquent29.Skillful in using language to persuade or to appeal to the feelings.Nuance30.A slight delicate quality or difference in color, meaning, and so on.31.A person or thing that serves the same purpose as another.Arrogant32.Behaving in a proud, superior manner.Diplomacy33.Art of, skill in, dealing with people so that business is done smoothly.Editorial34.Main article in a newspaper, written by the editor.Insult35.To speak or act in a way that hurts or is intended to hurt a person’s feeling or dignity. Backfire36.To have an unexpected effect opposite to the effect intended.Connotation37.A meaning or idea suggested by a word or thing in addition to the formal meaning or nature of the word or thing.Dilemma38.A situation in which one has to choose between two things, two courses of action, both unfavorable or desirable.Stipulate39.T o arrange definitely; demand as a condition of agreement.Breakdown40.Separation or division of anything into parts, steps, or other units; analysis. Consultant41. An expert who changes a fee for advice or work on a particular subject.Shorthand42. Rapid writing in a system using signal or shorter forms for letter, words, phrases and so on.Permanent43. Going on for a long time.Dividend44. A sum of money paid to shareholders as their part of the company’s profit.Envisage45. To picture in the mind as a future possibility.Impersonal46. Not influenced by personal feeling.Badge47. To arrange for in a budget.Professionalism48. The expertness characteristic of a professional person.Embassy49. Duty and mission of an ambassador; his official residence.Sensitivity50. Quality, degree of being sensitive.Penalty51. Punishment for wrong doing, for the failure to obey rules or keep an agreement; what is imposed as punishment.Precaution52. Care taken in advance or avoid a risk.Vegetarian53. Person who, for human or religious reasons or for his health’s sake, eats no meat. Doomsday54. The day of judgment; the end of the worldCoordinate55. To bring or put into proper relationPitfall56. Unexpected danger of difficultyCorporate57. Relating to a company or groupSubscriber58. A person who receives the use of a service over a period of time, for which he pays Demarcate59. To mark the limits of; to set apart; separateCherish59. Keep alive in one’s heartMinimize60. To reduce to the least possible amount or degreeFacility61. Something that makes an action easy; an aid二、短语翻译1.财政年度fiscal year2.货运单据shipping documents3.远期跟单信用证term documentary credit 4.信用证letter of credit5.卖方报价selling offer6.最低价rock-bottom price7.销售确认书sales confirmation8.销售合同sales contract9.反还盘counter counter-offer10.剪样sample cutting11.根据样本as per sample12.公平竞争 a fair play13.贸易展销会trade fair14.增值税value added tax15.免税额duty-free allowance16.免税品商店duty-free shop17.所得税income tax18.领导体系system of command19.合资公司joint venture20.并购merger and acquisition21.战略联盟strategic alliance22.房地产real estate23.多元化经营的公司a diversified company 24.跨国公司multinational company25.求职信cover letter26.直接投资foreign direct investment 27.国有企业state-owned enterprise28.汇率foreign exchange rate29.证券交易所security exchange30.上市公司listed company31.目标管理management by objective 32.国际航班international flight33.往返票round-trip ticket34.建设性的建议constructive suggestion 35.相互促进mutual promotion36.经济活力economic vitality37.年会annual meeting38.直达航班direct flight39.销售代表sales respective40.销售份额sales share41.佣金商commission agent42.经销渠道distribution channel 42.目标市场target market 43.拍卖市场auction market44.头等品质first-class quality45.平均良好品质FAQ46.资信状况credit standing/status 37.经营方式modes of business48.实盘firm offer49.虚盘non-firm offer50.新订单fresh order51.邮购mail order52.接受订单to accept an order53.批发价wholesale price54.零售价retail price55.财政预算fiscal budget56.履行合同honor the contact57.信守诺言keep the promise58.滞销品dead stock59.商务关系business relations60.饼状图pie chart61.柱状图bar chart62.履约保函guarantee of performance63.第三产业the tertiary industry64.服务贸易service trade65.市场份额market share66.重工业heavy industry67.发电厂power plant68.出口导向型公司Export-oriented company69.客串演讲者gust speaker70.财务控制financial control71.金融危机financial crisis72.短量short weight73.合资公司joint venture三、翻译题1.如果你处在我的位置,你希望你的雇员具备哪些素质?If you were in my shoes, what sort of qualities you’d look for in your employees?2.我想在贵公司会有更多个人发展的机会,而且这里的工作对我来说更具有挑战性。



商业英语测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What does "B2B" stand for in business?A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Business to GovernmentD. Business to Individual答案:A2. Which of the following is not a common payment term in international trade?A. FOBB. CIFC. DDPD. COD答案:D3. In a business context, what does "ROI" mean?A. Return on InvestmentB. Risk of InvestmentC. Rate of InterestD. Revenue of Investment答案:A4. What is the abbreviation for "Limited Liability Company"?A. LLCB. LLPC. PLCD. PTY答案:A5. Which of the following is not a type of business insurance?A. Professional Liability InsuranceB. Property InsuranceC. Life InsuranceD. Product Liability Insurance答案:C6. What does "P/O" stand for in a business document?A. Purchase OrderB. Payment OrderC. Price OrderD. Product Order答案:A7. What is the term for a business that operates in more than one country?A. Multinational CorporationB. International CorporationC. Global CorporationD. Transnational Corporation答案:A8. In business, what does "QC" stand for?A. Quality ControlB. Quick ControlC. Quantity ControlD. Quota Control答案:A9. Which of the following is not a typical function of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)?A. Strategic planningB. Financial managementC. Human resources managementD. Directing the sales team答案:D10. What is the meaning of "EBITDA" in financial terms?A. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and AmortizationB. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, and DepreciationC. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and DebtD. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, and Amortization答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of selling goods or services to customers is known as ________.答案:sales2. A(n) ________ is a document that details the terms and conditions of a business transaction.答案:contract3. The term ________ refers to the process of identifying and resolving conflicts within an organization.答案:conflict resolution4. A(n) ________ is a person who is responsible for thefinancial health of a company.答案:financial manager5. When a company provides a service to a customer before payment is made, this is known as ________.答案:credit6. The process of analyzing a company's financial statements is called ________.答案:financial analysis7. A(n) ________ is a person who is responsible for the marketing activities of a company.答案:marketing manager8. The term ________ refers to the process of planning, organizing, and controlling the production of goods or services.答案:operations management9. A(n) ________ is a person who is responsible for the overall management of a company.答案:executive10. The process of evaluating the performance of a company's investments is known as ________.答案:investment analysis三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between a sole proprietorship and a partnership.答案:A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person who is responsible for all aspects of the business, including its debts. A partnership is a business owned by two or more people who share the profits and losses of the business and are jointly responsible for its debts.2. What are the key components of a business plan?答案:The key components of a business plan include an executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management structure, product or service line, marketing and sales strategy, funding request, and financial projections.3. Describe the role of a human resources manager in a company.答案:A human resources manager is responsible for overseeing the recruitment, hiring, training, and development of employees. They also handle employee relations, benefits administration, and compliance with labor laws.4. What is the purpose of a balance sheet in business?答案:A balance sheet is a financial statement that provides an overview of a company's financial position at a specific point in time. It lists the company's assets, liabilities, and equity, and is used to assess the company's financial health and stability.。

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A、本国进出口商B、进口货物C、出口货物D、外国进出口商29、按照要素禀赋理论,在中国与西方发达国家的贸易中,中国应出口()A.劳动力密集型产品B.资本密集型产品C.技术密集型产品D.土地资源密集型产品30、《洛美协定》规定欧盟对参加协定的发展中国家所提供的进口关税是()A、最惠国税B、差价税C、特惠税D、普惠税31、进口附加税是一种( )A.特定的临时性措施B.普遍采用的措施C.经常性的措施D.非关税措施32、某国2004年粮食出口万吨,进口万吨,则该国是()A.粮食净进口国B.粮食专门贸易国C.粮食专门进口国D.粮食贸易逆差国33、完税价格是()A、商品计征关税额B、商品征关税后的价格C、商品计征关税所依据的价格D、商品征税所依据的数量34、进口国与出口国为了稳定产品价格和保护供销等目的所缔结的政府间的多边协定是( )。


它是( )A、国别配额B、全球配额C、关税配额D、地区配额36、凯恩斯主义的贸易保护理论是一种()。


















D.出现负保护57、当一国货币贬值后,可起到的双重作用是()A.促进出口,促进进口B.限制出口,限制进口C.促进出口,限制进口D.限制出口,促进进口58、由非确定的或偶然的因素引起的国际收支不平衡是( )A、临时性不平衡B、收入性不平衡C、货币性不平衡D、周期性不平衡59、隔日交割,即在成交后的第一个营业日内进行交割的是()A、即期外汇交易B、远期外汇交易C、中期外汇交易D、长期外汇交易60、在我国的国际收支平衡表中,各种实务和资产的往来均以()作为计算单位,以便于统计比较。

A、人民币B、美元C、欧元D、英磅61、国际货币基金组织的主要资金来源是()A、贷款B、信托基金C、会员国向基金组织交纳的份额D、捐资62 、当前国际债券发行最多的是()。



A、伦敦B、东京C、纽约D、上海市66、当一国货币贬值后,可起到的双重作用是()A.促进出口,促进进口B.限制出口,限制进口C.促进出口,限制进口D.限制出口,促进进口67、因为销售旺季已过,或因公司改营其他业务,在国内市场上不能售出“剩余货物",而向国外市场倾销,称之为( )。

A.偶然性倾销B.间歇性倾销C.掠夺性倾销D.长期性倾销68、一定时期内,若一国一定量商品出口所能换得的进口商品数量增加,该国的贸易便( )。

A.恶化B.不利C.改善D.增加69、英国里丁大学教授邓宁提出( )理论。

A.内部化B.国际生产折衷C.产品生命周期D.垄断优势70、贸易转移效果和贸易创造效果是从( )方面考察关税同盟的贸易影响的。

