Chinese Zodiac
The Chinese Zodiac(十二生肖)[中学小学]
The origin of Chinese Zodiac
The Chinese Zodiac came into use in the Eastern Han Dynasty.
It was first used in our western and northern nomad(游牧民族).
子(zǐ) 丑(chǒu) 寅(yín) 卯(mǎo) 辰(chén) 巳(sì) 午(wǔ) 未(wèi) 申(shēn) 酉(yǒu) 戌(xū) 亥(hài)
Ten Heavenly Stems(十天干):
甲(jiǎ) 乙(yǐ) 丙(bǐng) 丁(dīng) 戊(wù) 己(jǐ) 庚(gēng) 辛(xīn) 壬(rén) 癸(guǐ)
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Snake 10
Why these animals are arranged in this order?
子时:夜晚十一时到凌晨一时,此时老鼠最为活跃。 丑时:凌晨一时到三时,牛正在反刍。 寅时:三时到五时,此时老虎到处游荡觅食,最为凶猛。 卯时:五时到七时,这时太阳尚未升起,月亮还挂在天上, 此时玉兔捣药正忙。 辰时:上午七时到九时,这正是神龙行雨的好时光。 巳时:九时到十一时,蛇开始活跃起来。 午时:上午十一时到下午一时,阳气正盛,正是天马行空的时候。 未时:下午一时到三时,羊在这时吃草,会长得更壮。 申时:下午三时到五时,这时猴子活跃起来。 酉时:五时到七时,夜幕降临,鸡开始归窝。 戌时:晚上七时到九时,狗开始守夜。 亥时:晚上九时到十一时,此时万籁俱寂,猪正在鼾睡。
Chinese Zodiac
狗:晚上7-9时,黑夜来临,狗 看家,守夜的警惕性最高,并 产生一种特殊的视力和听力,看 的最远,听得最清楚。
Pig:9pm-11pm.At this time the pig is intoxicated with sleep.Its snoring resounds,the muscles of its body twitch fiercely,producing meat the fastest. 猪:晚上9-11时,这 时候猪睡得最酣,发 出的鼾声最洪亮,全 身肌肉抖动得最厉害, 长肉最快。
Rabbit:5am-7am.At this time the sun is not yet exposed[ɪkˈspoʊzd],the moon’s radiance[ˈrediəns] not yet vanished.In the
mythology [mɪˈθɑ:lədʒi]. Jade Hare is the only animal
Ram:1pm-3pm.It is said that at this time rams urinate frequently,and in this way cures itself of mental illness.
羊:下午1-3时。据 说羊在这时候撒尿, 撒出的尿可以治愈自 身一种惊疯病。
The ox was to be the first to arrive in the Heavenly Court,however,the rat,seeing an opportunity,jumped from the ox’s horn,becoming the first in rank of the zodiac animals.Thus the ox became second in the hierarchy[ˈhaɪərɑ:ki](等级制度).Due to the pig’s extremely slow walk,it was naturally last in line. 当老牛第一个赶到天庭的时候,投机取巧的老鼠立刻由牛 角一跃而下拔得头筹,受封为十二生肖的首领,老牛屈居 第二。猪由于走的最慢,就排在了最后。
•Chinese Zodiac Culture——中国 生肖文化 完整版
•Chinese Zodiac Culture——中国 生肖文化 完整版
Conclusion Chinese Zodiac is more complex than what we displayed. So welcome to learn more about the culture.
It is said that in ancient times, in order to make people easily remember the years , our ancestors came up with an idea ―― using the animals to represent the years. •Chinese Zodiac Culture——中国
Vigor Power Proud Self-confident Intelligent Perfectionist
•Chinese Zodiac Culture——中国 生肖文化 完整版
Great wisdom Soft-spoken Deep thinker Different
•Chinese Zodiac Culture——中国 生肖文化 完整版
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Twelve Earthly Branches (十二 地支)
子(zǐ) 丑(chǒu) 寅(yín) 卯(mǎo) 辰(chén) 巳(sì) 午(wǔ) 未(wèi) 申(shēn) 酉(yǒu) 戌(xū) 亥(hài)
•Chinese Zodiac Culture——中国 生肖文化 完整版
Chinese Zodiac SignsChinese zodiac signs represent twelve different types of personalities. The zodiac traditionally begins with the sign of the Rat, and there are many stories about the origins of the Chinese Zodiac which explain why this is so (see below). The following are the twelve zodiac signs in order and their characteristics.[1]The Chinese animal zodiac, or sheng xiao in pinyin (literally translated as "born resembling"), is a rotating cycle of 12 years, with each year being represented by an animal and its reputed attributes.Traditionally these recurring animals were used to date the years, a different animal for each year, with each animal year repeated every 12 years. There are altogether 12 animals, which are, in order: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.Actually the Chinese animal zodiac has certain similarities with the Western zodiac. Both have rotating cycles divided in to 12 parts, and both imply the influence of each sign on a person’s personality. However, the differences are major. The Chinese animal zodiac is divided into years, while the Western zodiac is divided into months, and the animals are not associated with constellations.There is no correlation between the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac and the twelve signs of the Western Zodiac.Western astrology is based upon a system which uses the path of the sun (and the moon and planets) through the heavens and look to the constellations (e.g. Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc) which lie along this path.The Chinese system, on the other hand, focuses on Zi Wei or the Pole Star and the constellations which relate to it.The Chinese system of time keeping is based on the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches forming a 60 year cycle. There are 10 sets of Heavenly Stems and 12 sets of Earthly Branches. The 10 Heavenly Stems have to be repeated 6 six times in order to match the 12 Earthly Branches which are repeated 5 times to give you sixty pairs of stems and branches.The names of the year are taken from the pairs of Stems and Branch in the sixty year cycle. For example 1924 marks the start of the sixty year cycle and has the name of Jia Zi (Jia is the Stem and Zi the Branch). This cycle is repeated every sixty year.Most of you are familiar with the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. They are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.The Legend of the Order of the Zodiac AnimalsThere is an interesting folktale about how the order of the 12 animals was determined. Once upon a time, the 12 animals quarreled about the order of the cycle. Because every one wanted to take the lead, no decision was made. Finally the animals agreed to ask the Jade Emperor, the ruler of all gods in Chinese mythology, to decide the order. The Jade Emperor decreed to hold a competition. The animals would run across a river, and each animal’s position in the cycle would be set by its place in the race.At that time the cat and the rat were very close friends. The cat wanted to take up a position in the cycle, but he was a sleepy head. So the cat told the rat to wake him up the next morning. The rat promised to do so, but the next morning he was so excited about the competition that he forgot to wake up the cat.All the other animals gathered at the bank of a river, and the race began. The rat jumped into the ox's ear without being noticed. Just as the ox was about to reach the opposite side of the river, the rat jumped out of his ear, won the race and became the lead sign of the cycle. The ox became the second, and the others also reached the bank one after another. The pig, lazy and slow, ended up last. The cat didn't wake up until the race was over, but it was too late, and he was not able to make it into the cycle.From then on, the cat and the rat became enemies. The cat hates the rat so much that every time they meet the cat chases and tries to kill the rat.Chinese Zodiac Years of Birth / Animal Year / Ben Ming Nian Because the Chinese animal zodiac is a rotating cycle of 12 years, every 12 years a certain animal year recurs. For example, if a person was born in the year 1990, which was the year of the horse, then this person's animal sign is the horse. Every 12 years, when this person is 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 etc., the year of the horse recurs, which is this person's year of birth, or ben ming nian (roughly translated as 'origin of life year')According to ancient Chinese superstition, in one’s year of birth, he will offend Tai Sui, the god of age in Chinese mythology, and will have bad luck during that year. The best way to avoid bad luck during this year is by wearing something red given by someone else, such as socks, a ribbon, clothes, underwear, a waistband or a bracelet.The twelve animal signs each represent different types of personalities. The following are the twelve signs in order and their characteristics. Find the year you were born to determine your own sign.Rat - CharmingRat–鼠 (子) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Water):Year of Birth: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020Personality:Quick-witted, clever, clairvoyant, short-tempered, ambitious and manipulative. They are charming and attractive to the opposite sex, loyal and generous to people that they considers part of their pack. They are resourceful and eager to seek knowledge.Forthright, tenacious, intense, meticulous, charismatic, sensitive, intellectual, industrious, charming, eloquent, sociable, artistic, shrewd. Can be manipulative, vindictive, self-destructive, envious, mendacious, venal, obstinate, critical, over-ambitious, ruthless, intolerant, scheming.1.Ox–牛 (丑) (Water buffalo in Vietnam) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Water):Dependable, ambitious, calm, methodical, born leader, patient, hardworking,conventional, steady, modest, logical, resolute, tenacious. Can be stubborn,dogmatic, hot-tempered, narrow-minded, materialistic, rigid, demanding.2.Tiger–虎 (寅) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Unpredictable,rebellious, colorful, powerful, passionate, daring, impulsive, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous. Can be restless, reckless, impatient, quick-tempered, obstinate, selfish, aggressive, moody.3.Hare–兔 or 兎 (卯) (Cat in Vietnam) (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Wood):Gracious, good friend, kind, sensitive, soft-spoken, amiable, elegant, reserved,cautious, artistic, thorough, tender, self-assured, shy, astute, compassionate, lucky, flexible. Can be moody, detached, superficial, self-indulgent, opportunistic,stubborn.4.Dragon–龍 / 龙 (辰) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Magnanimous,stately, vigorous, strong, self-assured, proud, noble, direct, dignified, eccentric,intellectual, fiery, passionate, decisive, pioneering, artistic, generous, loyal. Canbe tactless, arrogant, imperious, tyrannical, demanding, intolerant, dogmatic,violent, impetuous, brash.5.Snake–蛇 (巳) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Deep thinker, wise, mystic,graceful, soft-spoken, sensual, creative, prudent, shrewd, elegant, cautious,responsible, calm, strong, constant, purposeful. Can be loner, bad communicator,possessive, hedonistic, self-doubting, distrustful, mendacious, suffocating, cold.6.Horse–馬 / 马 (午) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Cheerful, popular,quick-witted, changeable, earthy, perceptive, talkative, agile—mentally andphysically, magnetic, intelligent, astute, flexible, open-minded. Can be fickle,arrogant, childish, anxious, rude, gullible, stubborn.7.Ram–羊 (未) (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Righteous, sincere,sympathetic, mild-mannered, shy, artistic, creative, gentle, compassionate,understanding, mothering, peaceful, generous, seeks security. Can be moody,indecisive, over-passive, worrier, pessimistic, over-sensitive, complainer, weak-willed.8.Monkey–猴 (申) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Inventor, motivator,improviser, quick-witted, inquisitive, flexible, innovative, problem solver, self-assured, sociable, artistic, polite, dignified, competitive, objective, factual,intellectual. Can be egotistical, vain, arrogant, selfish, reckless, snobbish,deceptive, manipulative, cunning, jealous, suspicious.9.Rooster–雞 / 鸡 (酉) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Acute, neat,meticulous, organized, self-assured, decisive, conservative, critical, perfectionist,alert, zealous, practical, scientific, responsible. Can be over zealous and critical,puritanical, egotistical, abrasive, proud, opinionated, given to empty bravado.10.Dog–狗 / 犬 (戌) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Honest, intelligent,straightforward, loyal, sense of justice and fair play, attractive, amicable,unpretentious, sociable, open-minded, idealistic, moralistic, practical, affectionate, sensitive, easy going. Can be cynical, lazy, cold, judgmental, pessimistic, worrier, stubborn, quarrelsome.11.Pig–豬 / 猪 (亥) (Boar in Japan and Elephant in Northern Thailand) (Yin, 4thTrine, Fixed Element Water): Honest, gallant, sturdy, sociable, peace-loving,patient, loyal, hard-working, trusting, sincere, calm, understanding, thoughtful,scrupulous, passionate, intelligent. Can be naïve, over-reliant, self-indulgent,gullible, fatalistic, materialistic.Ox - PatientYear of Birth: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021Personality:Calm, diligent, modest, honest, straight-forward, easy-going but sometimes can be stubborn. A born leader, the ox has a tendency to inspire confidence in others. They hate failure and don't like to be challenged.Tiger - SensitiveYear of Birth: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022Personality:Thoughtful, rebellious, sensitive, success-oriented, humanitarian, impatient and aggressive. Tigers are embodiment of lordliness and power. They are respected by other people, though they sometimes act antiauthoritarian and get into conflict with authority or elder people. Rabbit - ArticulateYear of Birth: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023Personality:Popular, amiable, affectionate, sincere, and opportunistic. Rabbits enjoy being surrounded by family and friends. Sometimes they tend to get sentimental, but rarely lose temper. Being cautious and conservative, they are said to be financially lucky and will be successful in business.Dragon - HealthyYear of Birth: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024Personality:Energetic, intelligent, gifted, healthy, charismatic, noble and brave. The dragon is a popular and respected individual. A natural born leader, the dragon tends to inspire trust and confidence, and is good at giving orders, though sometimes they can be tactless and brash.Snake - IsolatedYear of Birth: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025Personality:Smart, intuitive, sympathetic, analytical, cautious, introverted and insecure. Snakes prefer to be loners, relying strongly on their own intuition and judgment, and have little faith in other’s judgment. They hold a stingy attitude towards money. Being financially lucky, they seldom worry about money.Horse - PopularYear of Birth: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026Personality:Sharp-witted, cheerful, agile, open-minded, talkative and talented. Horses enjoy traveling, entertainment and large crowds. An indep endent thinker, the horse does not like to hear other peoples’ suggestions. They sometimes tend to talk too much and become impatientGoat - ElegantYear of Birth: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027Personality:Gentle, calm, shy, creative, understanding, insecure and pessimistic. They worry a lot and like to complain. Appearance and material comfort are very important to them. They need lots of support, love, care, and reassurance.Monkey - CleverYear of Birth:1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028Personality:Upbeat, clever, inquisitive, sociable and flexible. They are good at solving problems and making decisions. Monkeys can be loose cannons because they lack self-control and give up easily. Rooster - Good ThinkersYear of Birth:1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029Personality:practical, meticulous, conservative, alert, shrewd and opinionated. Roosters do not get along very well with others because they seem boastful and emotionally cold. They like dreaming and bravado. Firm in sticking to their own decisions, they often speak their mind.Dog - LoyalYear of Birth:1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030Personality:Loyal, trustworthy, faithful, amicable and unpretentious. They excel in business, but have trouble finding mates. Dogs have a sharp tongue and tend to find faults with many things. Dogs often feel guilty of telling white lies, and sometimes are too sensitive and moodyPig - ChivalrousYear of Birth:1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031Personality:Polite, obliging, tolerant, sociable, naïve and perfectionist. Pigs make a wonderful companion. Though they tend not to make lots of friends, they keep a few real and loyal friends. They like helping others, but also expect the same from others. Pigs have good taste and enjoy fine things. When they face a problem, they solve it with fortitude and honesty.Learn Chinese-History and CultureICharacter of Persons under Each SignYear of the Rat -1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044Though in people’s eyes, the rat is not adorable, and even some Chinese sayings that related to it have almost derogatory meanings, it ranged as the head of the Chinese zodiac. It was recognized as an animal with spirit, wit, alertness, delicacy, flexibility and vitality.People under the rat sign are usually smart and willing to accumulate wealth and to make efforts to be successful. Throughout their lives, there will be many other people who can bring great fortune to them. Thus despite timidity, most of them are happy and harmonious with others.Year of the Ox - 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045Ranked as the second zodiac, the ox has a large volume. In the life, people often used the ox to indicate something big or large in number. The ox is sedulous, simple, honest, and straightforward. Fractious people are said to have an ‘oxen temper’.People born in this year are probably honest, laborious, patient, obstinate, and poor at communication. Leaders in their career may not discover their abilities. In their old age, they would be bestowed with happiness. Women are usually good wives who pay attention to children’s education, but are likely to believe others’ cajolery, so should be cautious.Year of the Tiger - 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046Tigers, considered to be brave, cruel, forceful and terrifying, are the symbol of power and lordliness. In ancient times, people usually compared emperors or grandees with the tiger. Court officials often said that ‘accompanying the emperor is just like being at the side of a tiger’. There are also many legends on hunting tigers dealing with struggling against evil might.People born in the year of the tiger are tolerant, staunch, valiant, and respected. In their middle age, their fate may be uneven, but afterwards will enjoy a bright prospect. Their shortcoming is to project themselves before others. But most women under the tiger sign are intelligent, faithful and virtuous.Year of the Rabbit - 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2036, 2047The rabbit has represented hope of the Chinese people for a long time. It is tender and lovely. The moon goddess Chang’e in Chinese legend had a rabbit as her pet, which stimulated the thought that only the rabbit was amiable enough to match her noble beauty. The Chinese character ‘Tu’ (rabbit) is part of ‘Yi’ (escape or leisure) indicating speed and distance. The Han people have a custom that a pregnant woman is not allowed to eat rabbit meat for fear that the child will be born with a harelip. The newborn is given paintings of children and rabbits representing that the child will have a peaceful and happy life.People born under the sign of the rabbit are gentle, sensitive, modest, and merciful and have strong memory. They like to communicate with others in a humorous manner. They cannot bear dull life, so they are good at creating romantic or interesting spice. But they lack meditative abilities and often sink money into ideas that may cause failures in their career.Year of the Dragon - 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048The dragon enjoys a very high reputation in Chinese culture. It is the token of authority, dignity, honor, success, luck, and capacity. In ancient China, a dragon was thought to speed across the sky with divine power. Emperors entitled themselves exclusively as ‘dragon’; their thrones were called ‘dragon thrones’, their clothes ‘dragon gowns’.People under the sign of the dragon are lively, energetic and fortunate. They often can beleaders and try to go for perfection. When they meet with difficulties, they are not discouraged. But they are a little arrogant, and impatient, and women are over- confident. If they overcome these defects, they can have a brighter future.Year of the Snake - 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049In the Chinese zodiac, snake is listed after the dragon, but its place and the significance as the symbol of worship is far behind the dragon’s. The snake carries the meanings of malevolence, cattiness and mystery, as well as acumen, divination and the ability to distinguish herbs. In some places, people believe that a snake found in their court can bring delight. In Spring Festival, people like to paste onto their doors and windows the paper-cut ‘Fu’ character (happiness), combined with the snake twisting around a rabbit as a popular pattern indicating wealth.People born in the year of the snake often have a good temper, a skill of communicating, and a gracious morality, but they are likely to be jealous and suspicious. They should be cautious about discussion with others, as that might cause them to lose friendship and opportunities. Women under the sign of the snake do well in housework but are irritable. They might gradually enjoy happiness in their old age.Year of Horse - 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038, 2050The spirit of the horse is recognized to be the Chinese people’s ethos - making unremitting efforts to improve themselves. It is energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent and able. Ancient people liked to designate an able person as ‘Qianli Ma’ (a horse that covers a thousand li a day).People born in the year of the horse have ingenious communicating techniques and in their community they always want to be in the limelight. They are active, clever, kind to others, and like to join in a venture career. They cannot bear too much constraint. However they are interested in only the superficial level of an object, neglecting the essence. Once they suffer from failure, they become pessimistic.Year of the Sheep - 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051The sheep is among the animals that people like most. It is gentle and calm. Since ancient times, people have learned to use its fleece to make writing brushes and skin to keep warm. As it is white, people describe delicate and precious white jade to be ’suet jade’. Thus it is close to the meaning of good things.People under the sign of the sheep are tender, polite, filial, clever, and kind-hearted. They have special sensitivity to art and beauty, faith in a certain religion and a special fondness for quiet living. They cope with business cautiously and circumspectly. In their daily life, they try to be economical. Women born in this year are willing to take good care of others, but they should avoid pessimism and hesitation.Year of the Monkey - 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052The monkey is a clever animal. People used to compare it to a smart person. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC - 476 BC), the dignified official title, marquis with the pronunciation ‘Hou’, was the same as the monkey’s. The monkey was thereby bestowed with auspicious meaning. It appeared on pictures pasted on the walls and doors to predict good fortune in officialdom.Most people born in the Year of the Monkey are lively, flexible, and versatile. They love moving and sports. To help others they put their own business aside. Whencommunicating, they do not like to be controlled and have a strong desire to present themselves. In their work, they will show amazing creativity. If they are not impatient and mouthy, they can gain more achievement.Year of the Rooster - 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041, 2053The rooster is almost the epitome of fidelity and punctuality. For ancestors who had no alarm clocks, the rooster’s crowing was significant, as it could awaken people to get up and start to work. Another symbolic meaning the rooster carries is exorcising evil spirits. People used to worship ancestors and believed in fortune telling for a long time.Roosters are considered to be honest, bright, communicative, ambitious and warm-hearted. They might be enthusiastic about something quickly, but soon might be impassive. They have strong self-respect and seldom rely on others. As most roosters are born pretty or handsome, they might have several loves in their lives, treating each lover seriously. If they can overcome their arrogance, they will make more progress.Year of the Dog - 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, 2054The dog is the human’s friend who can understand the human’s spirit and obey its master, whether he is wealthy or not. TheChinese regard the dog as an auspicious animal. If a dog happens to come to a house, usually the host will be very glad to adopt it, for it symbolizes the coming of fortune. Poodles, especially black poodles, bring more luck. The masters of dogs are not only humans, but the immortal in legends as well. The invincible God Erlang used a wolf-dog mix to help him capture monsters. One born in the Year of Dog has a straightforward character. In their career and love, they are faithful, courageous, dexterous, smart and warm-hearted. Most women under this sign are appealing but lack stability. Correct this defect and good fortune will come to them.Year of the Pig - 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2020, 2031, 2043A pig is not as smart as a dog in understanding human thought. It likes sleeping and eating and becomes fat. Thus it usually features laziness and clumsiness. On the positive side, it behaves itself, has no calculation to harm others, and can bring affluence to people. Consequently, pigs were once regarded as wealth. People born in the Year of the Pig are honest and frank. They have a calm appearance and strong heart, but they lack patience and independence. As they do not like to talk in a roundabout way, they are thought to be unsociable. Luckily, they are tolerant and optimistic, so not until they become your friends can their virtue, advantages and fidelity to friendship be found.The link between the animal signs and the sixty year cycle is made through the earthly branches. Each of the 12 Earthly Branches is linked to one of the twelve animals as shown below.Branc hes Chinese CharacterAnimal Zi 子 RatChou 丑 OxYin 寅 TigerMao 卯 RabbitChen 晨 DragonSi 巳 SnakeWu 午 HorseWei 未 GoatShen 神 MonkeyYou 酉 RoosterXu 戌DogHai 亥PigEach of the Heavenly Stems is associated with an element. Jia (甲) and Yi (乙) are associated with wood while Bing (丙) and Ding (丁) with fire. Wu (戊) and Ji (己) are associated with Earth while Geng (庚) and Xin (辛) with Metal. Lastly Ren (任) and Gui (癸) are associated with water.Hence 1924 which carry the name Jia Zi is also known as a Wood Rat year since Jia is associated with wood while Zi is associated with the Rat. The following year Yi Chou and is a Wood Ox year since Yi is wood while Chou is link to the Ox. This Stem Branch pairing goes on to form a 60-year cycle.The Chinese Lunar calendar year does not begin on the same day every year. It can fall somewhere between late January and late February of the Western or Gregorian calendar.Click here to find out your Chinese zodiac using your date of birth.People born under each of the animal sign will display characteristics related to the animal sign for example the tiger is fierce, the snake cunning while the dog is loyal.These characteristics are further modified by the Stem. Take the Rat for example. You can be a Wood Rat (1924, 1984), Fire Rat (1936, 1996), Earth Rat (1948, 2008), Metal Rat (1960, 2020) or Water Rat (1972, 2032).According to the Chinese zodiac, Rat people are highly adaptable. They are sociable, intelligent, polite and humorous. They make friends easily but do not form deep friendships. They have strong imagination, good judgment and can translate ideas into reality but underneath a carefree and happy exterior they can be calculating and miserly.However not all Rats are equal. You are luckier if you are a Metal Rat (1960, 2020). You will be recognized, have support from friends and be prosperous and successful in your career. On the other hand if you are a Wood Rat (1924, 1984) you are likely to be plagued by illness and accidents and will not get support from relatives and friends.The pairing of Stem and Branch is also extended to the month. For example the first lunar month is linked to the Branch Yin (tiger) and a corresponding Stem. This is extended to the day and time. For example the hour between 11 PM and 1 AM is link to the Branch Zi (Rat) and a corresponding stem. These additional Stem and Branch pairs in the month, day and time of birth further modifies your luck. For example a person born in the first lunar month in a Wood Rat year (1924, 1984) is likely to be straightforward and can be independent and calm even under duress. If this person is also born during the between the hours 11 PM and 1 AM, then he or she may also be thrifty or even stingy.For most people the Chinese zodiac is the animal sign of the year of birth. At a deeper level it can include the Stem of the year as well as the Stem and Branch pair of the month, day and hour of birth. They further influence the destiny and luck of the person.。
中国的生肖有哪些英语作文Chinese Zodiac: An Emblem of Cultural Heritage。
The Chinese Zodiac, also known as Shengxiao (生肖), is a system that assigns an animal to each year in a repeating 12-year cycle. This cultural tradition holds significant importance in Chinese culture, representing a blend of astrology, mythology, and folklore. In this essay, we delve into the depths of the Chinese Zodiac, exploring its origins, significance, and how it continues to influence Chinese culture today.Origins of the Chinese Zodiac。
The origins of the Chinese Zodiac trace back thousands of years to ancient China. Legend has it that the Jade Emperor, the ruler of the heavens, summoned all the animals on earth for a race. The order in which they arrived determined their position in the zodiac cycle. The rat cleverly hitched a ride on the ox's back and won the raceby jumping off ahead of the finish line, securing the first position. The other animals followed in the order of their arrival, establishing the 12-year cycle.Significance of Each Animal。
• 为了让人们更好地记住年份,我们的祖先 用12只动物来代表年份,即“十二生肖” (Chinese Zodiac)。每一年由一种动物代 表,每隔12年进行一个循环,从鼠开始, 以猪为结尾。每一种动物还有其独特的文 化内涵(cultural connotation)。例如,牛 年出生的人据说“勤奋、冷静、可靠”,
in the Year of Ox is said to be hard
working, calm, and reliable, while the
person born in the year of Tiger is powerful,
brave, and impatient.
• 4. 十二生肖在亚洲的其他国家,如韩国和 日本也很流行。
• 第2句中的“每隔12年进行一个循环”可以 用every 12 year comes in a circle表达,主 语every 12 years 为整体概念的单数名词。
“从鼠开始,以猪为结尾”用现在分词短 语beginning with Rat and ending with Pig 来表达,作“循环”的后置定语。
部分资料从网络收集整 理而来,供大家参考,
代表 represent 独特的 unique 勤奋的 hard working 虎年 the year of Tiger 急躁的 impatient 以…结尾 end with
• 第1句中的“为了让人们更好地记住年份”, 如果直译成in order to make people remember the years more easily,表达不够 地道,有中国式英语的感觉。“让人们” 是汉语中约定俗成的表达,可省译,此处 即可译为 in order to remember。 “即‘十 二生肖’”可紧跟上文,用which引导的非 限制性定语从句来表达。
Ten Heavenly Stems(十天干):
甲(jiǎ) 乙(yǐ) 丙(bǐng) 丁(dīng) 戊(wù) 己(jǐ) 庚(gēng) 辛(xīn) 壬(rén) 癸(guǐ)
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Why these animals are arranged in this order?
子时:夜晚十一时到凌晨一时,此时老鼠最为活跃。 丑时:凌晨一时到三时,牛正在反刍。 寅时:三时到五时,此时老虎到处游荡觅食,最为凶猛。 卯时:五时到七时,这时太阳尚未升起,月亮还挂在天上, 此时玉兔捣药正忙。 辰时:上午七时到九时,这正是神龙行雨的好时光。 巳时:九时到十一时,蛇开始活跃起来。 午时:上午十一时到下午一时,阳气正盛,正是天马行空的时候。 未时:下午一时到三时,羊在这时吃草,会长得更壮。 申时:下午三时到五时,这时猴子活跃起来。 酉时:五时到七时,夜幕降临,鸡开始归窝。 戌时:晚上七时到九时,狗开始守夜。 亥时:晚上九时到十一时,此时万籁俱寂,猪正在鼾睡。
3. 【牛耳之盟】古代歃血为盟。 4. 【牛衣对泣】比喻贫贱夫妇生活困苦的情形。 5. 【牛山濯濯】(1)形容山区林木被砍伐殆尽。(2)转化其义,形容一个人头顶 光秃秃的样子。
6. 【牛角挂书】形容勤奋向学。与「悬梁刺股」、「囊萤夜读」、「凿壁借 光」意同。
7. 【牛鬼蛇神】(1)形容一个人面貌丑陋吓人。(2)比喻行事荒诞凶恶之人。 8. 【牛头马面】(1)形容一个人面貌丑陋吓人。(2)比喻行事荒诞凶恶之人。 9. 【牛马风尘】形容人奔走於道途,风尘仆仆,非常劳累。 10. 【牛溲马勃】比喻低贱之人或物。 11. 【牛鼎烹鸡】比喻大材小用。 12. 【牛头不对马嘴】比喻两件事完全不能凑在一起,通常用来形容一个人答 非所问。
Chinese Zodiac 十二生肖英文译法
Dog loyalty, 戌狗
Pig chivalrous. 亥猪
Rat charm, 子鼠
Ox patient, 丑牛
Tiger ulate, 卯兔
Dragon healthy, 辰龙
Snake deep, 巳蛇
Horse popular, 午马
Goat elegant, 未羊
Monkey clever, 申猴
Chinese Zodiac 十二生肖英文译法
英语中,当谈个人出生的属相时,表达为“ What animal sign were you born under? 你属什么? I was born in the year of the Rat./Mine is the Rat. 我属鼠。” 汉语中,人们往往以十二生肖中的动物来比喻人,即把不同 ( 性格、特征、习性等 ) 的人比作动物,如常以“毒如蛇蝎”,“笨猪”、“胆小如鼠”来比喻心毒手辣的人、笨人、胆小怯懦的人等。英语中同样可用十二生肖中的动物喻人,其所表达的意思不尽相同。从下面的十二生肖英语翻译中就能看出各种属相在英语中表达的意义。
Chinese Zodiac Culture——中国生肖文化 完整版
Tiger head shoes (虎头鞋)
Conclusion Chinese Zodiac is more complex than what we displayed. So welcome to learn more about the culture.
Ten Heavenly Stems(十天干): 甲(jiǎ) 乙(yǐ) 丙(bǐng) 丁(dīng) 戊(wù) 己(jǐ) 庚(gēng) 辛(xīn) 壬(rén) 癸(guǐ)
Twelve Earthly Branches (十二 地支) 子(zǐ) 丑(chǒu) 寅(yí n) 卯(mǎo) 辰(chén) 巳(sì ) 午(wǔ) 未(wèi) 申(shēn) 酉(yǒu) 戌(xū) 亥(hài)
Vigor Power Proud Self-confident Intelligent Perfectionist
Great wisdom Soft-spoken Deep thinker Different
Reliability Cheerfullness Attractive Independent Hate petty rules Explore Perceptive Quick-witted
Active Ambitious Talented, Sharp Debate Woking alone Extravagant in dress
I'm dog.
Loyalty Faithfulness Sensitive Sympathy
Studious Well-informed Reliable Peace-makers Modest Understanding
Chinese zodiac(备用)
Chinese zodiacrat ox tiger haredragon snake horse sheepmonkey rooster dog pigReplicas of looted Yuanmingyuan animal heads pop up(出炉)Loot:n.掠夺物,战利品;(官吏的)赃物,非法收入;抢劫;外快;vt.& vi.抢劫,掠夺;(官吏)贪污;The photo taken on April 25,2015, shows copies of 12Yuanmingyuan animal headsculptures spraying water onthe street in Taiyuan, capitalof North China's Shanxiprovince. Twelve bronzeanimal head figures werelooted from Yuanmingyuan,the Old Summer Palace,when the site was ransackedby French and British troopsin 1860.Sculpture[ˈskʌlptʃə(r)]:n.雕刻(术),塑像;雕刻品;刻纹;vt.雕塑;以雕刻装饰;侵蚀;vi.雕刻;ransack [ˈrænsæk] vt.彻底搜查; 抢劫,掠夺; 仔细思索;By the end of 2014, the heads of rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, horse, monkey, and pig had been brought back to the Chinese mainland. The dragon head is reportedly in Taiwan, while the heads of snake, sheep, rooster, and dog still remain missing.commentsThe value of twelve animal heads is not simple as a few pieces of cultural relics, is the dignity a nation must take back.It seems like yesterday's shame, our chinese cannot forget.。
中华十二生肖探秘 英语
中华十二生肖探秘英语The Enigmatic Allure of the Chinese ZodiacThe Chinese zodiac, a timeless and captivating system rooted in ancient Chinese culture, has long captivated the imagination of people around the world. This intricate tapestry of twelve animal signs, each imbued with its own unique characteristics and symbolic meanings, offers a profound insight into the human experience and the rhythms of the natural world. As we delve into the mysteries of the Chinese zodiac, we uncover a rich tapestry of history, tradition, and the enduring wisdom of the East.The twelve animals that make up the Chinese zodiac – the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig – each possess a distinct personality and set of traits that are believed to shape the lives and destinies of those born under their influence. These animal archetypes serve as a framework for understanding our individual strengths, weaknesses, and the dynamic interplay between the elements that govern our lives.The Rat, for instance, is often associated with resourcefulness, adaptability, and a keen intellect. Those born in the Year of the Ratare said to be quick-witted, ambitious, and adept at navigating the complexities of the world around them. In contrast, the Ox is revered for its steadfastness, diligence, and unwavering determination, making those born under this sign natural leaders and problem-solvers.The Tiger, on the other hand, is a symbol of power, courage, and ferocity, with those born in the Year of the Tiger often exhibiting a bold and adventurous spirit. The Rabbit, meanwhile, is known for its gentleness, sensitivity, and diplomatic nature, making those born under this sign natural peacemakers and conflict-resolvers.The Dragon, the most revered of the zodiac animals, is a representation of strength, wisdom, and good fortune. Those born in the Year of the Dragon are believed to possess an innate sense of leadership, creativity, and a touch of the divine. The Snake, in turn, is associated with intuition, elegance, and a deep understanding of the complexities of life.The Horse, a symbol of freedom, energy, and independence, is often linked to those born under its influence, who are said to be adventurous, sociable, and always on the move. The Goat, on the other hand, is a sign of kindness, artistry, and a deep appreciation for the finer things in life, with those born under this sign often possessing a nurturing and compassionate nature.The Monkey, a symbol of intelligence, adaptability, and mischief, is believed to bestow those born in its year with a quick wit, a love of adventure, and a knack for problem-solving. The Rooster, in turn, is associated with confidence, punctuality, and a strong sense of self, with those born under this sign often being natural leaders and self-promoters.The Dog, a symbol of loyalty, honesty, and a strong sense of justice, is believed to endow those born under its influence with a deep commitment to their loved ones and a strong moral compass. Finally, the Pig, a representation of abundance, good fortune, and a love of indulgence, is often linked to those born in its year, who are said to be generous, kind-hearted, and possess a zest for life.As we delve deeper into the intricate tapestry of the Chinese zodiac, we begin to appreciate the profound wisdom and insight it offers into the human experience. Each animal sign, with its unique blend of qualities and characteristics, serves as a mirror to our own personalities, guiding us in our personal growth and self-discovery.Beyond the individual, the Chinese zodiac also reflects the cyclical nature of time and the interconnectedness of all things. The twelve animal signs, each representing a year in the lunar calendar, are believed to embody the natural rhythms and energies that shape theebb and flow of our lives. This holistic understanding of the world, rooted in the principles of Yin and Yang, encourages us to embrace the duality and balance inherent in the human experience.In a world that often values linear progress and individual achievement, the Chinese zodiac offers a refreshing perspective that celebrates the cyclical nature of life and the interdependence of all beings. It reminds us that our lives are not isolated events, but rather part of a larger tapestry woven by the intricate dance of the elements and the wisdom of the natural world.As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the Chinese zodiac, we are reminded of the enduring power of tradition and the timeless wisdom that can be found in the stories and symbols of the East. Whether we are drawn to the captivating tales of our own zodiac sign or find ourselves fascinated by the interplay of the twelve animal archetypes, the Chinese zodiac invites us to step into a world of wonder, where the boundaries between the physical and the spiritual, the individual and the collective, are blurred, and the true essence of the human experience is revealed.。
China's Horse Culture
With the development of the horse breeding
industry, abundant experience were accumulated throughout the ages. The most famous master was named Bole, and others like him that followed also adopted the name .The word "Bole "became a Chinese idiom. The monograph on distinguish fine breeds of horses by Bole is the earliest of its kind in the world. Other monographs on the subject also appeared during the Tang Dynasty.
The Use of Zodiac Animal Signs
A Chinese horoscope may predict that a person born in the
Year of the Horse is " cheerful, popular and quick to compliment others". The year of a person's birth is considered the primary factor in determining a person's personality, physical and mental attributes, ability and level of success and happiness throughout his or her lifetime. Events and occurrences in a given year are influenced by the nature of that year's animal. Animal signs also have a useful social function for determining someone's age. Instead of asking directly how old a person is, the Chinese often ask about his or her animal sign, which places a person within a cycle of 12 years. This is a popular way to socialize.
十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac
十二生肖Chinese Zodiac鼠Rat牛Ox虎Tiger兔Rabbit龙Dragon蛇Snake马Horse羊Goat猴Money鸡Rooster狗Dog猪PigThe Book of Changes易经万年历the Chinese calendar 中华历法二十四节气The 24 Solar Terms:立春Spring begins 雨水The rains 惊蛰Insects awaken 春分Vernal Equinox清明Clear and bright 谷雨Grain rain 立夏Summer begins 小满Grain buds芒种Grain in ear 夏至Summer solstice 小暑Slight heat 大暑Great heat立秋Autumn begins 处暑Stopping the heat 白露White dews秋分Autumn Equinox 寒露Cold dews 霜降Hoar-frost falls 立冬Winter begins 小雪Light snow 大雪Heavy snow 冬至Winter Solstice 小寒Slight cold大寒Great coldHeavenly Stems and Earthly Branches天干地支天干:Heavenly Stems甲:the first of the ten Heavenly Stems.乙:the 2nd of the ten Heavenly Stems.丙:the 3rd of the ten Heavenly Stems.丁:the 4th of the ten Heavenly Stems.戊:the 5th of the ten Heavenly Stems.己:the 6th of the ten Heavenly Stems.庚:the 7th of the ten Heavenly Stems.辛:the 8th of the ten Heavenly Stems.壬:the 9th of the ten Heavenly Stems.癸:the last of the ten Heavenly Stems.地支:Earthly Branches子:the first of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 2nd of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 3rd of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 4th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 5th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 6th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 7th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 8th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 9th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 10th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 11th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the last of the twelve Earthly Branches.民俗宜忌- Folk should avoid民间穿戴禁忌- People wear taboo民间行旅禁忌- Taboo Folk Streams取名禁忌- Jihong taboo民间丧葬禁忌- Private funeral taboo民间婚礼禁忌- Civil wedding taboo民间农事禁忌- Private farming taboo 传统礼俗- Traditional customs婚恋信物- Love tokenEarrings耳环sachet 香囊钗- HairpinBracelet手镯jade pendant玉佩a true love knot同心结ring 戒指hairpin簪skirt 裙传统结婚礼仪- Traditional wedding etiquette 传统择日- Optional on the traditional生肖与启示- Lunar New Year with Inspiration。
The Chinese Zodiac
汉族民间故事说:当年轩辕黄帝要选十二动物担任宫廷卫士, 猫托老鼠报名 ,老鼠给忘了,结果猫没有选上,从此与鼠结 下冤家。大象也来参赛,被老鼠钻进鼻子,给赶跑了,其余 的动物,原本推牛为首,老鼠却窜到牛背上,猪也跟着起哄 , 于是老鼠排第一,猪排最后。虎和龙不服,被封为山中之王 和海中之王,排在鼠和牛的后面。兔子又不服,和龙赛跑, 结果排在了龙的前面。狗又不平,一气之下咬了兔子,为此 被罚在了倒数第二。蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡也经过一番较量, 一一排定了位置,最后形成了鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、 羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪的顺序。传说故事虽不是对问题的科学 解释 ,但它却体现了人们希望对十二生肖的选择做出解释的 愿望。
在中国文化中,十二生肖有影响婚姻的力量。有些中国人 认为一对动物的标志应该是(合得来)。例如,如果有人 天生的在龙年,有一个机会,他们的父母会反对婚姻。
பைடு நூலகம்
When a couple plans to have a baby ,they often consider the animal signs very carefully.Many people want their baby to be born in the Year of Dragon ,because the dragon has a high repuyation in Chinese culture ,and is the symbol of authority ,dignity, honour,and success. ‘Dragon baby booms ’can put a strain on educational resources and lead to fierce competition.
Chinese Zodiac Signs汇总
Incompatibility: Tiger
• Rooster Year of Birth:
• 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029 • Personality: • Practical, meticulous, conservative, • Alert, shrewd and opinionated. • Compatibility: • Snake, ox
this is my animal year.
Some intro of 12 animal signs
• Year of Birth: • 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 • Personality: • Quick-witted, clever, short-tempered, ambitious,
Chinese Zodiac Signs
What is zodiac?
• The zodiac is an imaginary area through which the sun, moon, and planet appear to travel.
2. Each is widely associated with a culture of attributing influence of a person's relationship to the cycle upon their personality and/or events in their life.
Chinese Zodiac Animals / Chinese Zodiac SignsThese 12 animals represent the rotating 12-year cycle that is the basis of the Chinese Zodiac. You’ve likely heard reference to a particular year being the “Year of the Rabbit” or “Year of the Pig.” Displayed b elow are the characteristics of those born in the year of the listed animals.RatThose born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rat are quick-witted, clever, charming, sharp and funny. They have excellent taste, are a good friend and are generous and loyal to others considered part of its pack. Motivated by money, can be greedy, is ever curious, seeks knowledge and welcomes challenges. Compatible with Dragon or Monkey.OxAnother of the powerful Chinese Zodiac signs, the Ox is steadfast, solid, a goal-oriented leader, detail-oriented, hard-working, stubborn, serious and introverted but can feel lonely and insecure. Takes comfort in friends and family and is a reliable, protective and strong companion. Compatible with Snake or Rooster.TigerThose born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Tiger are authoritative, self-possessed, have strong leadership qualities, are charming, ambitious, courageous, warm-hearted, highly seductive, moody, intense, and they’re ready to pounce at any time. Compatible with Horse or Dog.RabbitThose born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rabbit enjoy being surrounded by family and friends. They’re popular, compassionate, sincere, and they like to avoid conflict and are sometimes seen as pushovers. Rabbits enjoy home and entertaining at home. Compatible with Goat or Pig.DragonA powerful sign, those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dragon are energetic and warm-hearted, charismatic, lucky at love and egotistic. They’re natural born leaders, good at g iving orders and doing what’s necessary to remain on top. Compatible with Monkey and Rat. SnakeThose born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Snake are seductive, gregarious, introverted, generous, charming, good with money, analytical, insecure, jealous, slightly dangerous, smart, they rely on gut feelings, are hard-working and intelligent. Compatible with Rooster or Ox. HorseThose born under t he Chinese Zodiac sign of the Horse love to roam free. They’re energetic, self-reliant, money-wise, and they enjoy traveling, love and intimacy. They’re great at seducing, sharp-witted, impatient and sometimes seen as a drifter. Compatible with Dog or Tiger.GoatThose born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Goat enjoy being alone in their thoughts. They’re creative, thinkers, wanderers, unorganized, high-strung and insecure, and can be anxiety-ridden. They need lots of love, support and reassurance. Appearance is important too. Compatible with Pig or Rabbit.MonkeyThose born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Monkey thrive on having fun. They’r e energetic, upbeat, and good at listening but lack self-control. They like being active and stimulated and enjoypleasing self before pleasing others. They’re heart-breakers, not good at long-term relationships, morals are weak. Compatible with Rat or Dragon.RoosterThose born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rooster are practical, resourceful, observant, analytical, straightforward, trusting, honest, perfectionists, neat and conservative. Compatible with Ox or Snake.DogThose born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dog are loyal, faithful, honest, distrustful, often guilty of telling white lies, temperamental, prone to mood swings, dogmatic, and sensitive. Dogs excel in business but have trouble finding mates. Compatible with Tiger or Horse.PigThose born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Pig are extremely nice, good-mannered and tast eful. They’re perfectionists who enjoy finer things but are not perceived as snobs. They enjoy helping others and are good companions until someone close crosses them, then look out! They’re intelligent, always seeking more knowledge, and exclusive. Compatible with Rabbit or Goat.。
生肖英文解释Chinese zodiac
1.Rat–鼠 (子) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Water): Forthright, tenacious, intense,meticulous, charismatic, sensitive, intellectual, industrious, charming, eloquent, sociable, artistic, and shrewd. Can be manipulative, vindictive, self-destructive, envious, mendacious, venal, obstinate, critical, over-ambitious, ruthless, intolerant, and scheming.2.Ox–牛 (丑) (Water buffalo in Vietnam) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Water): Dependable,ambitious, calm, methodical, born leader, patient, hardworking, conventional, steady, modest, logical, resolute, tenacious. Can be stubborn, dogmatic, hot-tempered, narrow-minded, materialistic, rigid, demanding.3.Tiger–虎 (寅) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element (Fire): Unpredictable, rebellious, colorful,powerful, passionate, daring, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous. Can be restless, reckless, obstinate, selfish, aggressiveindependent,self-controlled and moody.4.Rabbit–兔 or 兎 (卯) (Cat in Vietnam) (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Gracious, goodfriend, kind, sensitive, soft-spoken, amiable, elegant, reserved, cautious, artistic, thorough, tender, self-assured, shy, astute, compassionate, lucky, flexible. Can be moody, detached, superficial, self-indulgent, opportunistic and stubborn.5.Dragon–龍 / (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element fire): Magnanimous, stately, vigorous, strong,self-assured, proud, noble, direct, dignified, eccentric, intellectual, fiery, passionate, decisive, pioneering, artistic, generous, loyal,wise, humble, imperious, foresighted, demanding, intolerant, peaceful, impetuous,understanding, and blunt.6.Snake–蛇 (巳) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Deep thinker, wise, mystic, graceful,soft-spoken, sensual, creative, prudent, shrewd, elegant, cautious, responsible, calm, strong, constant, purposeful. Can be a loner, a bad communicator, possessive, hedonistic, self-doubting, distrustful, mendacious, suffocating and cold.7.Horse–馬 / 马 (午) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Cheerful, popular, quick-witted,changeable, earthy, perceptive, talkative, agile, magnetic, intelligent, astute, flexible, open-minded. Can be fickle, arrogant, childish, anxious, rude, gullible and stubborn.8.Sheep–羊 (未) (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Righteous, sincere, sympathetic,mild-mannered, shy, artistic, mothering, peaceful, generous, seeks security. Can beindecisive, over-passive, worrier, pessimistic, over-sensitive, complainer and weak-willed.9.Monkey–猴 (申) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Inventor, motivator, improviser,quick-witted, inquisitive, flexible, innovative, problem solver, self-assured, sociable, artistic, polite, dignified, competitive, objective, factual, intellectual. Can beegotistical, vain, arrogant, selfish, reckless, snobbish, deceptive, manipulative, cunning, jealous and suspicious.10.Rooster–雞 / 鸡 (酉) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Acute, neat, meticulous,organized, self-assured, decisive, conservative, critical, perfectionist, alert, zealous, practical, scientific, responsible. Can be over zealous and critical, puritanical,egotistical, abrasive, proud, opinionated, given to empty bravado.11.Dog–狗 / 犬 (戌) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Honest, intelligent,straightforward, loyal, sense of justice and fair play, attractive, amicable, unpretentious, sociable, open-minded, idealistic, moralistic, practical, affectionate, sensitive, easy going. Can be cynical, lazy, cold, judgmental, pessimistic, worrier, stubborn, quarrelsome.12.Pig–豬 / 猪 (亥) (Boar in Japan and Elephant in Northern Thailand) (Yin, 4th Trine, FixedElement Water): Honest, gallant, sturdy, sociable, peace-loving, patient, loyal,hard-working, trusting, sincere, calm, understanding, thoughtful, scrupulous, passionate, intelligent. Can be naïve, over-reliant, self-indulgent, gullible, fatalistic,materialistic.。
Chinese Zodiac十二生肖
Chinese Zodiac十二生肖作者:***来源:《疯狂英语·初中天地》2022年第06期在 2022 年北京冬奧会闭幕式上,载着孩子们飞舞滑行的十二只巨大冰鞋,采用了十二生肖的造型。
实际上,在我国传统文化中,十二生肖不仅是用 12 种动物纪年这么简单,背后还蕴含着古天文历法逻辑。
On the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, the Chinese Zodiac is based on a 12-year cycle,with each year represented by an animal. On New Year’s Day, we enter a new Chinese zodiac cycle, which follows this order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse,Ram/Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.As sometimes happens with historical developments, several versions of the origin of the Chinese zodiac exist. Most stories do seem to agree on one thing: the animals that make up the signs were the animals that appeared in response to an invitation. As a 1)reward for appearing, these 12 animals were included on the Chinese zodiac. As interesting as the story of the animals is,there’s much more to the origin of the Chinese zodiac than that.Whether it was Buddha inviting the animals to take part in a race or it was the Jade Emperor who invited the animals to attend a birthday celebration is one difference you’ll uncover when researching the origin of the Chinese zodiac. Another difference is the invitation itself. Some myths state that all animals were invited to a feast. Other storiesmention that the animals were invited to1) reward [rɪˈwɔːd] n. 奖励;奖金词组加油站(be) based on 以……为基础make up 组成take part in a race and as a reward for crossing the finish line. The first 12 animals would appear on the Chinese zodiac. Their order would 2)correspond with the order that each crossed the finish line.The first to cross the finish line was the rat, followed by the ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon,snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and finally, the pig. Interestingly,you’ll find that most discussion of the origin of the Chinese zodiac tends to focus on the order of the appearance of these animals. Perhaps this is because the story is easier to understand and much more entertaining than learning about the various physical and celestial elements that led to the creation of Chinese numbering systems.There is 3)evidence that the Chinese zodiac came out a long time ago. The 12 earthly branches, which is a system devised by early Chinese astronomers for reckoning time. These astronomers closely monitored the orbit of the planet Jupiter which they referred to asthe “Year Star”. After extensive study,they realized that Jupiter’s orbit 4)occurred every 12 years. That’s probabl y why the Chinese zodiac is based on a system of years, not months.Another evidence that the Chinese zodiac came out early is the use of the 10 heavenly stems. This is an early cycle numbering system developed and used during the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC ~1046 BC). The 10 heavenly stems system is based on the 5)belief that 10 heavenly suns each appeared in 10-day cycles. Each cycle was given a name and the names were supposedly based on the clans that made up the ruling class at that time.2)correspond [ˌkɒrəˈspɒnd ] v. 相一致;符合3) evidence [evidəns] n. 證据4) occur [əˈkɜːr] v. 发生;出现5) belief [bɪˈliːf] n. 信念;信仰词组加油站focus on 聚焦于refer to…as 把……称作Just like the Western zodiac, the Chinese zodiac attributes personality qualities to each of the 12 animal signs. These are often derived from observations about how animals behave and also come from the story of how the animals traveled to the Jade Emperor’s banquet.The dragon, for example, could have been the first to arrive at the banquet, since he could fly. But he stopped to help some villagers and then helped the rabbit on his way. So those born in the year of the dragon are described as being interested in the world and willing to give a helping hand.The rat, on the other hand, arrived at the banquet by taking a ride on the ox. Just as the ox arrived at the palace, the rat stuck his nose forward, so it was the first to arrive. Those born in the year of the rat are described as shrewd and manipulative.在中国传统农历中,生肖以十二年为一周期,每年由一种动物作为代表。
• Connected with human life,
(清晨5时至7时 )
• Wit, cleanliness, discretion, skill, longevity, agile, and virtue, secret, amateur, self display, blue, hope
• Rats' vitality is strong.
• Attractive, social ability, intelligence, thriftiness, charm, nervous, desire for power ,greed.
1. 【投鼠忌器】打老鼠怕伤了器具,比喻作事有所顾忌。 2. 【抱头鼠窜】形容狼狈逃避旳情形。 3. 【梧鼠技穷】比喻技能虽多,而不能专一。 4. 【鼠牙雀角】比喻与人争诵。 5. 【鼠肝虫臂】指极为低贱微小旳东西。 6. 【鼹鼠饮河】比喻小量,所取不多;或没什麼了不起。 7. 【獐头鼠目】用以形容一种人旳长相奸邪,如獐之头、鼠之目。
Chinese Zodiac
1、 Origin 2、Sort Rank 3、Legend(传说)
4、The symbolize
6、The folk-customs 7、Beliefs 8、literature and art 9、Comparison 10、Conclusion
3. 【牛耳之盟】古代歃血为盟。 4. 【牛衣对泣】比喻贫贱夫妇生活困苦旳情形。 5. 【牛山濯濯】(1)形容山区林木被砍伐殆尽。(2)转化其义,形容一种人头顶 光秃秃旳样子。
6. 【牛角挂书】形容勤奋向学。与「悬梁刺股」、「囊萤夜读」、「凿壁借 光」意同。
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Quiz on Chinese zodiac signs
4. People born under this sign are intelligent, entertaining, strongwilled and generous to friends. They like to be noticed, just like the animal which performs an important task each morning.
A. Rat
B. Snake Mao Ze-Dong, Indira Gandhi, and US presidents JFK and Abraham Lincoln.
can also be hot-tempered and overly critical. It doesn't say if
they are good at finding their way through mazes.
A. Rat
B. Dog C. Horse D. Tiger
According to legend, when Buddha called a meeting of all the animals, cat and rat made a deal that whoever woke up first should wake the other, but rat broke his promise so cat got there late and has no sign. This is supposedly the reason that cats kill rats.
5. In Western cultures this animal is often considered creepy, but in the Chinese zodiac it is intelligent, talented, determined and a good organizer. On the downside, people born under this sign can be mysterious and are capable of lying, as well as bearing grudges for a long time. They make good politicians.
A. Rabbit
B. Dog
C. Snake
D. Rat
A Dog’s lucky gemstone (宝 石) is the diamond.
Active reading 1: Embarkation
Quiz on Chinese zodiac signs
3. Stephen King was born under this sign. Its members are open, honest and straightforward but can be too trusting. The animal symbolizes good luck, wealth and prosperity both in China and many Western countries.
Active reading 1: Embarkation
Quiz on Chinese zodiac signs
Take a quiz about Chinese zodiac signs.
The Sheng xiao, better known as Chinese Zodiac, are 12 animals which are representatives of years. Each year of the 12-year cycle is named after one of the original 12 animals. Each animal has a different personality and different characteristics.
A. Rooster
B. Snake C. Dragon D. Fish
Liu Che, Great Emperor Wu of Han, Zhu Geliang, Aristotle are roosters.
Active reading 1: Embarkation
Quiz on Chinese zodiac signs
Active reading 1: Embarkation
Quiz on Chinese zodiac signs
1. This is the first sign in the Chinese zodiac. People born under
this sign tend to be imaginative, charming and generous, but
A. Sheep
B. Pig
C. Rabbit
D. Dragon
Because of their trusting nature, pigs should avoid going into business as they can be easily cheated.
Active reading 1: Embarkation
Active reading 1: Embarkation
Quiz on Chinese zodiac signs
2. This sign gets along well with horse, rabbit, tiger and is man's best friend. These people are loyal, honest and affectionate but often unlucky in love. A famous person born under this sign was Winston Churchill.