初三英语中考总复习 答案

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铅笔pencil s钢笔pen s橡皮eraser s直尺ruler s 信letter s地图map s照片photo s图片picture s 字典dictionary家庭作业homework杯子cup s

钥匙key s被子quilt s夹克衫jacket s学校school s 书book s书桌desk s书柜bookcase s书架bookshel f(ves)书店bookstore s书包schoolbag s

双肩背包backpack s文具盒pencil case s卷笔刀pencil sharpene r s笔记本notebook s

图书馆librar y(ies)博物馆museum s

餐厅restaurant s房间room s教室classroom s

卧室bedroom s飞机plane s播放机player s

收音机radio s桌子table s椅子chair s手表watch es 沙发sofa s电脑computer s时钟clock s

2. 人物类名词(用红笔加复数)

(祖父/母) grandparent s祖父grandfather s/grandpa s 祖母grandmother s/grandma s父亲或母亲parent s 爸爸father s母亲mother s姐;妹sister s 兄;弟brother s儿子son s女儿daughter s

叔;伯; uncle s姨母;姑母;婶母aunt s

堂(表)兄弟姐妹cousin s男孩boy s女孩girl s

小孩child ren朋友friend s教师teacher s 3. 颜色类名词

颜色color红色red 黄色yellow绿色green 蓝色blue黑色black白色white紫色purple 橙色orange褐色brown 苍白色pale

粉红色pink灰色grey黑白相间black and white


a. 主格人称代词:我I 他he 她she 它it

我们we你(们) you他们they b. 宾格人称代词:我me你(们) you他him她

her它it我们us他们them c.形容词性物主代词:

我的my你(们)的your他的his 她的her 它的its我们的our 他们的their

d. 名词性物主代词:

我的mine你(们)的yours他的his她的hers 它的its我们的ours 他们的theirs

e. 指示代词:

这个this这些these那个that那些those f.疑问代词:

什么what谁(主格)who (宾格)whom 谁的whose哪一个which

g. 反身代词:


himself她自己herself它自己itself 我们



help oneself to some fish enjoy oneself

dress oneself hurt oneself by oneself

lose oneself for oneself teach oneself

learn by oneself come to oneself 苏醒;醒

悟;恢复知觉keep….to oneself

look at oneself in a mirror leave sb. by oneself

relax oneself say to oneself buy oneself look

after oneself call oneself

behave oneself

h. 不定代词:

更多的;更大的more某人someone/somebody 每个each/ ever y 任何人anyone/anybody


5. 数词:(写出基数词与序数词)

1 one first

2 two second

3 three third

4 four fourth

5 fi ve fifth

6 six sixth

7 seven seventh 8 eigh t eighth

9 nin e ninth 10 ten tenth

11 eleven eleventh12 twel ve twelfth

13 thirteen thirteenth 15 fifteen fifteenth

18 eighteen eighteenth20 twent y twentieth

21 twenty-one twenty-first

29 twenty-nine twenty-ninth

30 thirt y thirt ieth40 fort y fortieth

50 fift y fiftieth 80 eight y eightieth

90 ninet y ninetieth

100 one/a hundred one/a hundredth



十亿billion 成百上千hundreds of

成千上万thousands of 五百万five million

六十亿人口six billion population

4. 动词:

(动词原形三单现过去式过去分词现在分词)是be—is —was—been —being
