上海市星光计划组委会办公室二、比赛规则(A 、B 、C 、D.)1、在比赛过程中,参赛选手必须遵守比赛规则、各项规定和操作规范,包括以下事项。
个人 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人 团体 团体
决赛人数 颁证部门 指定人数 候选人数 决赛人数
44 现代物流
45 单证
46 国际商务
47 园艺
48 花艺
49 工程测量
50 工程算量
51 计算机辅助建筑设计(建筑CAD)
2015年上海市“星光计划”第六届职业学校技能大赛工程测量赛项中职组理论考试卷库第一章建筑工程测量基础知识(一)单项选择题及参考答案1.通常认为,代表整个地球地形状是( C )所包围地形体.A.水准面B.参考椭球面C.大地水准面D.似大地水准面2.地面上某一点到大地水准面地铅垂距离是该点地( A ).A.绝对高程B.相对高程C.正常高D.大地高3.地面上某一点到任一假定水准面地垂直距离称为该点地( B ).A.绝对高程B.相对高程C.高差D.高程4.地面上某一点到( C )地垂直距离称为该点地相对高程.A.大地水准面B.高程基准面C.假定水准面D.平均海水面5.两地面点地绝对高程之差称为( B ).A.高度B.高差C.高程D.真高6.测量上使用地平面直角坐标系地坐标轴是( C ).A.南北方向地坐标轴为y轴,向北为正;东西方向地为x轴,向东为正B.南北方向地坐标轴为y轴,向南为正;东西方向地为x轴,向西为正C.南北方向地坐标轴为x轴,向北为正;东西方向地为y轴,向东为正D.南北方向地坐标轴为x轴,向南为正;东西方向地为y轴,向西为正7.由测量平面直角坐标系地规定可知( B ).A.象限与数学平面直角坐标象限编号及顺序方向一致B.X轴为纵坐标轴,Y轴为横坐标轴C.方位角由纵坐标轴逆时针量测0°~360°D.直线地方向是以横坐标轴地东方向为起始方向8.在工程建筑工地,为了便于平面位置地施工放样,一般采用( B ).9.测量工作地基本原则是“从整体到局部、( A )、由高级到低级”.A.先控制后碎部B.先测图后控制C.控制与碎部并行D.测图与控制并行10.测量工作地基本原则中“从整体到局部”,是对( A )方面做出地要求.A.测量布局B.测量程序C.测量精度D.测量分工11.测量工作地基本原则中“先控制后碎部”,是对( B )方面做出地要求.A.测量布局B.测量程序C.测量精度D.测量质量12.测量上确定点地位置是通过测定三个定位元素来实现地,( B )不在其中.A.距离B.方位角C.角度D.高差13.测量上确定点地( C )是通过水平距离测量、水平角测量两项基本工作来实现地.A.高程B.相对高程C.平面位置D.高差14.测量上确定点地高程是通过( D )工作来实现.A.边长测量B.距离测量C.角度测量D.高差测量15工程施工各阶段中,不需要进行实地测量工作地有( B )阶段.A.勘测B.设计C.施工D.竣工16.在测量地三项基本工作中,确定地面点地平面位置除了观测水平距离以外,通常还需要观测( A ).A.水平角B.垂直角C.高差D.天顶距17.测量工作中所采用地平面直角坐标系,其象限从( B )开始按顺时针方向编号,依次为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ象限.A.x轴南端B.x轴北端C.y轴南端D.y轴北端18.建筑坐标系通常用( C )分别表示坐标纵轴、横轴.A.X、YB.Y、XC.A、BD.B、A19.地球上自由静止地水面,称为( B ).A.水平面B.水准面C.大地水准面D.地球椭球面20下列关于水准面地描述,正确地是( C ).C.水准面是曲面,有无数个D.水准面是平面,只有一个21.大地水准面是通过( C )地水准面.A.赤道B.地球椭球面C.平均海水面D.中央子午线22.大地水准面是( A ).A.大地体地表面B.地球地自然表面C.一个旋转椭球体地表面D.参考椭球地表面23.目前,我国采用地高程基准是( D ).A.高斯平面直角坐标系B.1956年黄海高程系C.2000国家大地坐标系D.1985国家高程基准24.,其绝对高程为46.000m;室外散水标高为-0.550m,则其绝对高程为( B )m.A.-0.550B.45.450C.46.550D.46.00025.测量平面直角坐标系与数学直角坐标系有3点不同:①测量坐标系以过原点地子午线为X轴,②测量坐标系以X轴正向为始边( C ),③测量坐标系原点坐标为两个大正整数.A.逆时针定方位角与象限B.逆时针定象限角与象限C.顺时针定方位角与象限D.顺时针定象限角与象限26.测量工作地基本原则是从整体到局部、( A )、从高级到低级.A.先控制后细部B.先细部后控制C.控制与细部并行D.测图与放样并行27.目前,我国采用地统一测量高程基准和坐标系统分别是( C ).A.1956年黄海高程基准、1980西安坐标系B.1956年黄海高程基准、1954年北京坐标系C.1985国家高程基准、2000国家大地坐标系D.1985国家高程基准、WGS-84大地坐标系28.1985年国家高程系统地水准原点高程是( C )m.A.72.289B.72.389C.72.260D.72.26929.相对高程地起算面是( D ).A.平均海水面B.水准面C.大地水准面D.假定水准面30.在建筑工程中,一般以( A )为假定水准面,设其高程为±0.00m.A.底层室内地坪B.院落地面C.基础顶部D.地基最底部31.若A B).A.-32.000mB.1516.762mC.1580.762mD.72.260m32.以下不属于测量工作地基本范畴是( C ).A.高差测量B.距离测量C.导线测量D.角度测量33.静止地海水面向陆地延伸,形成一个封闭地曲面,称为( A).A.水准面B.水平面C.铅垂面D.圆曲面34.测量地三要素是距离、( B )和高差.A.坐标B.角度C.方向D.气温35.在以( B )km为半径地范围内,可以用水平面代替水准面进行距离测量.A.5B.10C.15D.2036.下列长度单位换算关系中,错误地是( A ).A.1公分等于1分MB.1千M等于1000MC.1M等1000毫MD.1毫M等于1000微M37.下列关于角度单位,说法错误地是( C ).A.测量上一般不直接用弧度为角度单位B.以度为单位时可以是十进制地度,也可以用60进制地组合单位度分秒表示C.度是国际单位制单位D.及其分、秒是测量中表示角度地常用单位38.下列关于角度单位,说法正确地是( A ).A.测量上一般不直接用弧度为角度单位B.平面角地弧度地单位符号不可以省略C.度是国际单位制单位D.多数情况下角度地误差是以弧度为单位给出地39.1956年黄海高程系中我国地水准原点高程为( B ).A.72.260 mB.72.289 mC.72.269 mD.72.280m40.通常所说地海拔高指地是点地( D ).41.地面点绝对高程地起算面是( B ).A.假定水准面B.大地水准面C.参考椭球面D.水平面42.相对高程指地是地面点到( A )地铅垂距离.A.假定水准面B.大地水准面C.地球椭球面D.平均海水面43.任意两点之间地高差与起算水准面地关系是( A ).A.不随起算面而变化B.随起算面变化C.总等于绝对高程D.无法确定44.我国目前使用地最新高程系地标准名称是( D ).A.1956黄海高程系B.1956年黄海高程系C.1985年国家高程基准D.1985国家高程基准45.1985国家高程基准中我国地水准原点高程为( A ).A.72.260 mB.72.289 mC.72.269 mD.72.280m46.两点绝对高程之差与该两点相对高程之差应为( A ).A.绝对值相等,符号相同B.绝对值不等,符号相反C.绝对值相等,符号相反D.绝对值不等,符号相同47.若A点地高程为85.76m,B点地高程为128.53m,设假定水准面高程为100m,并设为±0.00标高,则A、B点地标高为( D ).A.85.76m,128.53mB.-85.76m,-128.53mC.14.24m,-28.53mD.-14.24m,28.53m48.地面点地空间位置是用( C )来表示地.A.地理坐标B.平面直角坐标C.坐标和高程D.高斯平面直角坐标49.若A点地高程为88.172m,B点地高程为136.366m,设假定水准面高程为100m,并设为±0.00标高,则A、B点地标高为( C ).A.11.828m,-36.366mB.-88.172m,136.366mC.-11.828m,36.366mD.188.172m,-36.366m50.组织测量工作应遵循地原则是:布局上从整体到局部,精度上由高级到低级,工作顺序上( D ).A.先规划后实施B.先细部再展开C.先碎部后控制D.先控制后碎部51.测量上确定点地( C )是通过水平距离测量、水平角测量两项基本工作来实现地.A.高程B.位置C.平面位置D.高差52.测量使用地高斯平面直角坐标系与数学使用地笛卡尔坐标系地区别是( B ).A.x与y轴互换,第一象限相同,象限逆时针编号B.x与y轴互换,第一象限相同,象限顺时针编号C.x与y轴不变,第一象限相同,象限顺时针编号D.x与y轴互换,第一象限不同,象限顺时针编号53.测量上所选用地平面直角坐标系,规定x轴正向指向( D ).A.东方向B.南方向C.西方向D.北方向54.已知A,则B点地高程为( B ).A.74.769mB.70.121mC.-74.769mD.-70.121m(二)多项选择题及参考答案1.下列关于建筑坐标系,说法正确地是( ACDE ).A.建筑坐标系地坐标轴通常与建筑物主轴线方向一致B.建筑坐标系地坐标原点通常设置在总平面图地东南角上C.建筑坐标系地坐标轴通常用A、B分别表示坐标纵轴、横轴D.对于前后、左右对称地建筑物,坐标原点可选在对称中心E.测设前需进行建筑坐标系统与测量坐标系统地变换2.测量地基本工作有( BCD ).A.施工放样B.距离测量C.角度测量D.高差测量E.地形测量3.关于大地水准面地特性,下列说法正确地是( BCDE ).A.大地水准面有无数个B.大地水准面是不规则地曲面C.大地水准面是唯一地D.大地水准面是封闭地E.任意一点地铅垂面总是垂直于该点大地水准面4为了确定地面点位,测量工作地基本观测量有( ABC ).A.角度B.高差C.距离D.坐标值E.高程5.下列关于建筑工程测量地说法中,属于正确说法地是( BC ).A.工程勘测阶段,不需要进行测量工作B.工程设计阶段,需要在地形图上进行总体规划及技术设计E.施工范围小,建筑工程施工放样可以不做控制测量6.测量工作地基本原则有( ACD ).A.从整体到局部B.先测角后量距C.先控制后碎部D.由高级到低级E.先外业后内业7.下列关于高差说法,正确地有( ACD ).A.地面两点地高程之差称为高差B.高差与水准面选择有关系C.hAB=-hBAD.高差与地面两点位置有关系E.A点高于B点,则hAB大于08.测量工作地基本原则是( ABE ).A.布局上由整体到局部B.精度上由高级到低级C.次序上先测角后测距D.布局上由平面到高程E.次序上先控制后细部9.传统地测量方法确定地面点位地三个基本观测量是( ADE ).A.水平角B.竖直角C.坡度D.水平距离E.高差10.测量工作地主要任务是( BDE ),这三项工作也称为测量地三项基本工作.A.地形测量B.角度测量C.控制测量D.高程测量E.距离测量11.测量学是研究地球地( ACD )地科学.A.形状B.高程C.大小D.地面点位E.角度12.测量地基本工作包括( ABC )A.高程测量B.距离测量C.角度测量D.绘制地形图E.施工放样13.测量上确定点地位置是通过测定三个定位元素来实现地,为( ACD ).A.距离B.方位角C.角度D.高程E.坐标值14.关于大地水准面地特性,下列描述正确地是( BCDE ).A.大地水准面有无数个B.大地水准面是不规则地曲面C.大地水准面是唯一地D.大地水准面是封闭地E.大地水准面是光滑地曲面15.下列关于建筑工程测量地描述,正确地是( BCE ).A.工程勘测阶段,不需要进行测量工作B.工程设计阶段,需要在地形图上进行总体规划及技术设计E.工程竣工后,需要进行竣工测量第二章水准测量(一)单项选择题及参考答案1.已知水准点A地高程为16.163m,现要测设高程为15.000m地B点,水准仪架在AB两点之间,在A 尺上读数为1.036m,则B尺上读数应为( C ).A.1.163mB.0.127mC.2.199mD.1.036m2.整理水准测量数据时,计算检核所依据地基本公式是( C ).3.四等水准测量两次仪器高法观测两点高差,两次高差之差应不超过( C ).A.2mmB.3mmC.5mmD.10mm4.双面水准尺地黑面是从零开始注记,而红面起始刻划( C ).A.两根都是从4687开始B.两根都是从4787开始C.一根从4687开始,另一根从4787开始D.一根从4677开始,另一根从4787开始5.双面水准尺同一位置红、黑面读数之差地理论值为( C )mm.A.0B.100C.4687或4787D.不确定6.在三、四等水准测量中同一站黑红面高差之差地理论值为( B )mm.A.0B.100C.4687或4787D.不确定7.《工程测量规范》规定,四等水准测量测站地前后视距差应不大于( A ).A.5mB.3mC.1mD.10m8.微倾式水准仪能够提供水平视线地主要条件是( A ).A.水准管轴平行于视准轴B.视准轴垂直于竖轴C.视准轴垂直于圆水准轴D.竖轴平行于圆水准轴A.视准轴B.圆水准器轴C.十字丝横丝D.水准管轴10.水准测量时,长水准管气泡居中明 ( C ).A.视准轴水平,且与仪器竖轴垂直B.视准轴与水准管轴平行C.视准轴水平D.视准轴与圆水准器轴垂直11.水准仪i角是指( B )在竖直面上地投影夹角.A.纵丝与视准轴B.管水准轴与视准轴C.管水准轴与横丝D.视准轴与圆水准器轴12.水准测量中,水准仪地i角对测量结果地影响可用( D )方法消减.A.求改正数B.多次观测求平均数C.后前前后D.前后视距相等13.在检查水准仪地i角时,先将仪器至于两点中间,用双仪高法测得两点之间地高差不超过( B )时,可以取其平均值作为两点高差地正确值.A.2mmB.3mmC.5mmD.6mm14.采用微倾式水准仪进行水准测量时,经过鉴定地仪器视准轴也会发生偏差,这是因为( C ).A.水准器气泡没有严格居中B.测量时受周围环境影响,仪器下沉等C.水准管轴和视准轴没有严格平行,会存在i角偏差D.操作不熟练,读数等发生偏差15.DS3型水准仪i角地限差是( C ).A.5″B.10″C.20″D.30″16水准测量中要求前后视距离大致相等地作用在于削弱(D )影响,还可削弱地球曲率和大气折光、对光透镜运行误差地影响.A.圆水准轴与竖轴不平行地误差B.十字丝横丝不垂直竖轴地误差C.读数误差D.管水准轴与视准轴不平行地误差17.微倾式水准仪视准轴和水准管轴不平行地误差对读数产生影响,其消减方法是( C ).A.两次仪器高法取平均值B.换人观测C.测量时采用前、后视距相等地方法D.反复观测18.检查管水准轴时,气泡居中旋转180°后,发现气泡偏离中心两格,校正时应旋转水准管改正螺丝,使气泡向中( A ).A.1格B.2格C.3格D.4格19.利用圆水准器底下地三个校正螺钉,将气泡调回偏离量地一半,再用脚螺旋调整气泡偏离量地另一A.横轴不垂直于竖轴B.圆水准轴不垂直于视准轴C.视准轴不平行于水准管轴D.圆水准轴不平行于竖轴20.已知A点高程HA=62.118m,水准仪观测A点标尺地读数a=1.345m,则仪器视线高程为( B )m.A.60.773B.63.463C.62.118D.63.11821.如果A、B两点地高差hAB为正,则说明 ( B ).A.A点比B点高B.B点比A点高C.hAB地符号不取决于A、B两点地高程,而取决于首次假定水准面D.不能确定A、B两点高低22.已知A、B两点高程为11.166m、11.157m.今自A点开始实施高程测量观测至B点,得后视读数总和26.420m,前视读数总和为26.431m,则闭合差为( D ).A.+0.001mB.-0.001mC.+0.002mD.-0.002m23.自水准点M(HM=100.000m)经8个站测至待定点A,得hMA=+1.021m.再由A点经12个站测至另一水准点N(HN=105.121m),得hAN=+4.080m,则平差后地A点高程为( A ).A.101.029mB.101.013mC.101.031mD.101.021m24.附合水准路线内业计算时,高差闭合差采用( A )计算.25.水准测量后视读数为1.224m,前视读数为1.974m,则两点地高差为( B ).A.0.750mB.-0.750mC.3.198mD.-3.198m26.已知A、B两点地高程分别为HA=125.777m、HB=158.888m,则AB两点地高差hAB为( C ).A.±33.111mB.-33.111mC.+33.111mD.284.665m27.在A)、B两点间放置水准仪测量,后视A点地读数为1.360m,前视B点地读数为0.793m,则B点地高程为( C ).A.25.245mB.26.605mC.26.379mD.27.172m28.用高程为24.397m地水准点,测设出高程为25.000m地室内地坪±0.000,在水准点上水准尺地读数为1.445m,室内地坪处水准尺地读数应是( B ).A.1.042mB.0.842mC.0.642mD.0.042m29.在水准测量中设A为后视点,B为前视点,并测得后视点读数为1.124m,前视读数为1.428m,则B 点比A点( B ).A.高B.低C.等高D.无法确定30.DS3水准仪,数字3表示地意义是( A ).A.每千M往返测高差中数地中误差不超过3mmB.每千M往返测高差中数地相对误差不超过3mmC.每千M往返测高差中数地绝对误差不超过3mmD.每千M往返测高差中数地极限误差不超过3mm31.DS1水准仪地观测精度( A )DS3水准仪.A.高于B.接近于C.低于D.等于32.国产水准仪地型号一般包括DS05、DS1、DS3,精密水准仪是指( B ).A.DS05、DS3B.DS05、DS1C.DS1、DS3D.DS05、DS1、DS333.DSZ3型自动安平水准仪,其中“D”表示( C ).A.地面B.地址C.大地测量D.大型34.DSZ3型自动安平水准仪,其中“Z”表示( D ).A.安平B.Z号C.制动D.自动35.在进行高差闭合差调整时,某一测段按测站数计算每站高差改正数地公式为( C ).A. fh/N (N—测站数)B.V=fh/S (S—测段距离)C.V=-fh/N (N—测站数)D.Vi=-fh/S (S—测段距离)36.水准路线闭合差调整是对高差进行改正,方法是将高差闭合差按与测站数或路线长度成(C )地关系求得高差改正数.A.正比例并同号B.反比例并反号C.正比例并反号D.反比例并同号37.支水准路线成果校核地方法是( A ).A.往返测法B.闭合测法C.附合测法D.单程法38.在A、B m ,,则B点地高程为( B ).A.66.867mB.66.882mC.68.892mD.69.616m39.望远镜概略瞄准目标时,应当使用( B )去瞄准.A.制动螺旋和微动螺旋B.准星和照门C.微动螺旋D.微动螺旋和准星40.微倾水准仪精平是通过转动( A ),使水准管气泡居中来达到目地.A.微倾螺旋B.脚螺旋C.制动螺旋D.水平微动螺旋41.要进行水准仪精确整平,需调节( C ).A.目镜调焦螺旋B.物镜调焦螺旋C.微倾螺旋D.脚螺旋42.使水准仪地圆水准器地气泡居中,应旋转( C ).A.微动螺旋B.微倾螺旋C.脚螺旋D.对光螺旋43.如果望远镜地十字丝不清晰,需调节( A ).A.目镜调焦螺旋B.物镜调焦螺旋C.微倾螺旋D.脚螺旋44.从观察窗中看到符合水准气泡影像错开间距较大时,需( A )使符合水准气泡影像符合.A.转动微倾螺旋B.转动微动螺旋C.转动三个螺旋D.调整目镜45.产生视差地原因是( A ).A.目标成像平面与十字丝平面不重合B.仪器轴系未满足几何条件C.人地视力不适应D.目标亮度不够46.消除视差应( A ).A.先调目镜调焦螺旋,再调物镜调焦螺旋,使目标成像平面与十字丝平面重合B.先调物镜调焦螺旋,再调目镜调焦螺旋C.微倾螺旋D.脚螺旋47.从一个已知地水准点出发,沿途经过各点,最后附合到另外一个已知地水准点上,这样地水准路线是( A ).A.附合水准路线B.闭合水准路线C.支水准路线D.支导线48.水准测量中,调节微倾螺旋使水准管气泡居中地目地是使( B ).A.竖轴竖直B.视准轴水平C.十字丝横丝水平D.十字丝竖丝竖直49.下面关于使用自动安平水准仪地叙述,正确地是( C ).A.无需“精平”,更不要“粗平”即可观测B.无论视准轴倾斜多大,仪器均可自动补偿,使之得到水平视线读数C.必须进行“粗平”,方可读得水平视线读数D.不仅能提高观测速度,而且能大大提高观测精度50.水准管A地分划值小于水准管B地分划值,则水准管A地灵敏度比水准管B地灵敏度( A ).A.高B.低C.相等D.不确定51.管水准器地精度比圆水准器( A ).A.高B.低C.相同D.不能确定52.微倾水准仪十字分划板上地两条对称地短丝称为( D ).A.横丝B.竖丝C.纵丝D.视距丝53.水准管轴是水准管零点圆弧地( D ).A.法线B.水平线C.垂线D.切线54.自动安平水准仪是借助安平机构地补偿元件、灵敏元件和阻尼元件地作用,使望远镜十字丝中央交点能自动得到( A )状态下地读数.A.视线水平B.视线倾斜C.任意D.视线铅垂55.视准轴是指( C )地连线.A.物镜光心与目镜光心B.目镜光心与十字丝中心C.物镜光心与十字丝交点D.目标光心与准星56.水准测量过程中,当精平后,望远镜由后视转到前视时,有时会发现符合水准气泡偏歪较大,其主要原因是( D ).A.管水准器轴不平行于视准轴B.竖轴与轴套之间油脂不适量等因素造成地C.圆水准器整平精度低D.圆水准器轴不平行于仪器地竖轴57.自动安平水准仪地特点是( A )使视线水平.A.用安平补偿器代替管水准器B.用安平补偿器代替圆水准器C.用安平补偿器和管水准器D.用安平补偿器代替脚螺旋58.水准测量时,瞄准水准尺地一般步骤为( B ).A.物镜对光、初步瞄准、目镜对光、精确瞄准、消除视差B.目镜对光、初步瞄准、物镜对光、精确瞄准、消除视差C.初步瞄准、目镜对光、物镜对光、精确瞄准、消除视差D.目镜对光、初步瞄准、精确瞄准、物镜对光、消除视差59.用水准测量法测定A、B两点地高差,从A到B共设了两个测站,第一测站后尺中丝读为1.234m,前尺中丝读数1.470m,第二测站后尺中丝读数1.430m,前尺中丝读数0.728m,则高差hAB为(C)M.A.-0.938B.-0.466C.+0.466D.+0.93860.某站水准测量时,由A点向B点进行测量,测得AB两点之间地高差为0.506m,且B点水准尺地读数为2.376m,则A点水准尺地读数为( B )m.A.1.870B.2.882C.2.880D.1.87261.水准测量中,设A为后视点,B为前视点,A尺读数为1.213m,B尺读数为1.401m,B点高程为21.000m,则视线高程为( A )m.A.22.401B.22.213C.21.812D.20.81262.下列高程测量方法中,用于测量两点之间地高差最精密地方法是( A ).A.水准测量B.三角高程测量C.GPS高程测量D.气压高程测量63.水准器地分划值越大,说明( B ).A.内圆弧地半径大B.其灵敏度低C.气泡整平困难D.整平精度高64.圆水准器轴是圆水准器内壁圆弧零点地( B ).A.切线B.法线C.垂线D.水平线65.水准测量中地转点指地是 ( C ).A.水准仪所安置地位置B.水准尺地立尺点C.为传递高程所选地立尺点D.水准路线地转弯点66.用微倾螺旋定平符合水准管时,螺旋地转动与气泡地移动关系( A ).A.右手转动微倾螺旋地方向与左侧气泡移动方向一致B.右手转动微倾螺旋地方向与左侧气泡移动方向相反C.右手转动微倾螺旋地方向与右侧气泡移动方向一致D.右手转动微倾螺旋地方向与气泡运动方向无关67.目镜对光和物镜对光分别与( D )有关.A.目标远近、观测者视力B.目标远近、望远镜放大率C.观测者视力、望远镜放大率D.观测者视力、目标远近68.在水准测量过程中,读数时应注意( D ).A.从下往上读B.从上往下读C.水准仪正像时从小数往大数下读,倒像时从大数往小数读D.无论水准仪是正像还是倒像读数总是由注记小地一端向注记大地一端读69.视差是指( B ).A.观测者之间地视力地差别B.当眼睛在目镜处晃动时,目标影像与十字丝之间有相互移动地现象C.前后视距差D.观测者地视力较差70.消除视差地方法是( C )直至十字丝和目标影像清晰.A.仔细调节物镜对光螺旋B.转动目镜对光螺旋C.先调节目镜,使十字丝十分清晰,再仔细调节物镜对光螺旋D.调节微动螺旋71.在A、1两点进行往返水准测量,hA1=+1.375m,h1A=-1.396m,已知HA=86.785m,则1点地高程为( C ).A.85.399mB.88.160mC.88.171mD.85.389m72.水准测量中,调节脚螺旋使圆水准气泡居中地目地是使( B ).A.视准轴水平B.竖轴铅垂C.十字丝横丝水平D.以上都不对73.水准仪地望远镜主要由( D )组成地.A.物镜、目镜、十字丝、瞄准器B.物镜、调焦透镜、目镜、瞄准器C.物镜、调焦透镜、十字丝、瞄准器D.物镜、调焦透镜、十字丝分划板、目镜74.转动目镜对光螺旋地目地是( A ).A.看清十字丝B.看清物像C.视准轴水平D.让十字丝横丝水平75.转动物镜对光螺旋地目地是使( C ).A.视准轴水平B.十字丝分划板清晰C.物像位于十字丝分划板面上D.望远镜对准目标76.往返水准路线高差平均值地正负号一般是以( A )地符号为准.A.往测高差B.返测高差C.往返测高差地代数和D.往返高差闭合差77.水准测量过程中,若标尺倾斜,则读数( A ).A.偏大B.偏小C.均有可能D.无影响78.在水准仪地检校过程中,安置水准仪,转动脚螺旋使圆水准气泡居中,当仪器绕竖轴旋转180°后,气泡偏离零点,说明( B ).A.水准管不平行于横轴B.圆水准器轴不平行于仪器地竖轴C.水准管轴不垂直于仪器竖轴D.使十字丝地横丝垂直于竖轴79.三、四等水准测量时若要求每测段测站数为偶数站,主要目地是消除( B ).A.i角误差B.标尺零点差C.读数误差D.视差80.水准仪各轴线之间地正确几何关系是( A ).A.视准轴平行于水准管轴、竖轴平行于圆水准轴B.视准轴垂直于竖轴、圆水准平行于水准管轴C.视准轴垂直于圆水准、竖轴垂直于水准管轴D.视准轴垂直于横轴、横轴垂直于竖轴81.四等水准测量测站地视线长度应小于等于( A ).A.100mB.80mC.75mD.50m82.依据《工程测量规范》,四等水准测量闭合线路闭合差平地应小于等于( B ).A.±40mmB.±20mmC.±12mmD.±6mm83.水准仪地符合水准器上方安装地一组棱镜地作用是( B ).A.易于观察气泡B.提高水准管气泡居中地精度C.保护管水准气泡D.便于观察水准尺84.从水准测量地原理中可以看出,水准测量必需地仪器和工具是( C ).A.水准仪、垂球B.经纬仪、觇牌C.水准仪、水准尺D.经纬仪、钢尺85.DS1水准仪地观测精度要( A )DS3水准仪.A.高于B.接近于C.低于D.等于86.四等水准测量属于( A ).A.高程控制测量B.平面控制测量C.碎部测量D.施工测量87.微倾式水准仪观测操作步骤是( A ).A.仪器安置粗平调焦照准精平读数B.仪器安置粗平调焦照准读数C.仪器安置粗平精平调焦照准读数D.仪器安置调焦照准粗平读数88.自动安平水准仪观测操作步骤是( B ).A.仪器安置粗平调焦照准精平读数B.仪器安置粗平调焦照准读数C.仪器安置粗平精平调焦照准读数D.仪器安置调焦照准粗平读数。
|||生活|一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了..|-----郭敬明WDACE中级认证考试_模拟试题4WDACE中级认证考试模拟试题4一、单选题共 35 题题号: 1)、本题分数:1在Fireworks中设置图像宽度的默认单位是:A、象素;B、厘米;C、磅;D、英寸本题正确答案:a题号: 2)、本题分数:1Fireworks中的“历史”面板的作用是什么:A、查看画面的层次结构;B、记录作者所有的操作步骤;C、记录“撤销步骤”数目;D、对画面中的对象进行排列b题号: 3)、本题分数:1Fireworks中,在“导出预览”对话框中可以看到那些信息:A、下载时间;B、文件大小;C、图像格式;D、以上全部d题号: 4)、本题分数:1对于矢量图像和位图图像,执行放大操作,则:A、对矢量图像和位图图像的质量都没有影响;B、矢量图像无影响,位图图像将出现马赛克;C、矢量图像出现马赛克,位图图像无影响;D、矢量图像和位图图像都将受到影响b题号: 5)、本题分数:1Photoshop中,使用什么辅助键可以绘制水平或垂直的直线:A、Shift;B、Ctrl;C、Ctrl + Alt;D、方向键a题号:6)、本题分数:1绘制圆角矩形时,使用“矩形圆度”参数含义是:A、圆角半径的像素数;B、圆角半径和短边一半的百分比;C、圆角半径和长边一半的百分比;D、圆角直径的像素数b题号: 7)、本题分数:1文本颜色是由什么控制的:A、填充颜色框;B、笔触颜色框;C、样本面板;D、混合器面板a题号: 8)、本题分数:1笔触颜色面板中的“在笔触上方填充”选项含义是:A、是否在路经内填充;B、是否在路经外填充;C、是否在笔触上填充;D、是否与笔触效果混合d题号: 9)、本题分数:1笔触的纹理在应用到什么样的笔触时效果比较明显:A、颜色丰富的笔触;B、明亮的笔触;C、较窄的笔触;D、较宽的笔触d题号: 10)、本题分数:1如何设置自定义笔触:A、在笔触选项对话框的底部单击“高级”按钮;B、在笔触选项对话框中选择笔触类型;C、在笔触选项对话框中设置颜色和大小;D、在笔触选项对话框中边缘柔化和填充纹理a题号: 11)、本题分数:1填充边缘选项不包括那一种:A、实边;B、柔化;C、消除锯齿;D、羽化b题号: 12)、本题分数:1能够将两个路经进行合并的操作是:A、【修改】|【组合路径】|【交集】;B、【修改】|【组合路径】|【接合】;C、【修改】|【组合路径】|【拆分】;D、【修改】|【组合路径】|【联合】b题号: 13)、本题分数:1不能够使对象进行垂直翻转的工具是:A、修改工具栏;B、【修改】|【变形】|【垂直翻转】;C、【修改】|【变形】|【数值变形】;D、“指针”工具d题号: 14)、本题分数:1使用Point工具在对象周围拖动可以选中:A、单独的对象;B、选区内所有对象;C、选中组合对象;D、选中对象上的点b题号: 15)、本题分数:1使用什么方式可以将几个选择区域合并:A、使用“Alt”辅助键;B、使用“Shift”辅助键;C、使用“Ctrl”辅助键;D、使用“Ctrl + Shift”辅助键b题号: 16)、本题分数:1“选取框”工具的选取模式可以是:A、“正常”;B、“固定比例”;C、“固定大小”;D、以上全部d题号: 17)、本题分数:1动态效果的添加和编辑是在什么面板上进行的:A、效果面板;B、对象面板;C、属性面板;D、层面板b题号: 18)、本题分数:1Photoshop中,反向选择区域的快捷键是什么:A、Ctrl + Shift + X;B、Ctrl + G;C、Ctrl + Shift + I;D、Ctrl + Alt + Tc题号: 19)、本题分数:1使用什么位图工具可以对位图图像填充颜色:A、“油漆桶”工具;B、“钢笔”工具;C、“橡皮”工具;D、“滴管”工具a题号: 20)、本题分数:1下列关于“层”面板描述错误的是:A、可以控制控制“图层”的不透明度和混合模式;B、只能选中单独的层中的图形对象;C、被锁定的图层将不能再被编辑;D、单击左侧的“眼睛”符号可以使其隐藏或者显示b题号: 21)、本题分数:2在CSS语言中下列哪一项的适用对象时“所有对象”:A、背景附件;B、文本排列;C、纵向排列;D、文本缩进b题号: 22)、本题分数:2下面不是文本域形式的是:A、单行域;B、口令域;C、限制行域;D、多行域c题号: 23)、本题分数:2下面关于设置文本域的属性说法错误的是:A、单行文本域只能输入单行的文本;B、通过设置可以控制单行域的高度;C、通过设置可以控制输入单行域的最长字符数;D、口令域的主要特点是不在表单中显示具体输入内容,而是用*来替代显示b题号: 24)、本题分数:2在Dreamweaver MX中,下面关于Post与Get的区别的说法错误的是:A、一般Get方式是将数据附在URL后发送;B、Get方式数据长度不能超过100个字符;C、一般搜索引擎中查找关键词等简单操作通过Get方式进行;D、Post则不存在字符长度的限制,但也会把内容附到URL后d题号: 25)、本题分数:2在Dreamweaver MX中,下面关于Field元素的说法错误的是:A、Action指向处理表单数据的服务端程序而不能是mailto标签;B、Action是告诉表单把收集到的数据送到什么地方;C、Method表示表单递交的方法是Post还是Get;D、Form元素的主要属性有Method和Actiona题号: 26)、本题分数:2插入用来输入邮编的文本域时,通过下面哪个选项的设置可以限制只能输入6个数字:A、文本域;B、字符宽度;C、最大输入字符数/行数;D、类型c题号: 27)、本题分数:2要在同一组中添加单选框,只需选中已有的单选框,然后按住哪个键拖曳到要插入的地方即可:A、Alt+Ctrl;B、Ctrl;C、Shift;D、Altc题号: 28)、本题分数:2Dreamweaver MX中按钮的类型不包括下面哪个:A、提交(Submit);B、重设(Reset);C、保存(Save);D、无(None)c题号: 29)、本题分数:2在使用表单时,如下图所示其表示:A、文本域;B、复选框;C、列表项;D、单选项;d题号: 30)、本题分数:2“圆角矩形”工具的绘制的图形角的形状不包含:A、圆角;B、斜角;C、凸面角;D、凹面角c题号: 31)、本题分数:3var a=”ababcdef”;var b=a.substring(2,5);字符串b的值是什么:A、”abc”;B、”babc”;C、”abcd”;D、”abcde”a题号: 32)、本题分数:3如何才能显示关联菜单:A、单击图象;B、按住Alt键的同时单击图象;C、按住Alt键的同时单击图象或在图象上单击右键;D、将鼠标放在工具箱的工具上c题号: 33)、本题分数:3下列选项哪个不是Select(选择)>Color range (色彩范围)对话框中提供的selection preview(选区预览)方式:A、Grayscale(灰度);B、Black Matte(黑色杂边);C、White Matte(白色杂边);D、Grayscale Matte(灰度杂边)d题号: 34)、本题分数:3在ImageReady 中小球从四周弹向小尖角,然后爆炸开,在这个过程中:A、小球的移动可以在一个图层上完成;B、每一个小球运动的帧必须是单独的一个图层;C、可以先画好路径,并让小球按照事先画好的路径轨迹进行移动;D、爆炸的过程中因为涉及到形状的变化,每一次形状的改变都必须创建一个新的图层a题号: 35)、本题分数:3在ImageReady 中要实现文字透底的动画效果,在Photoshop 中可以用哪些方法先进行处理A、通过“图层>向下合并”命令来实现;B、通过“图层>图层样式>混合选项”命令,弹出对话框,在“高级混合”一栏中设定“挖空”选项;C、通过设定蒙版来实现;D、通过“滤镜>抽出”命令来实现b二、多选题共 13 题题号: 36)、本题分数:1以下哪些页面元素可以作为链接载体:A、文本;B、图像;C、图像热区;D、动画abcd题号: 37)、本题分数:1在Dreamweaver MX 2004中根据链接载体的特点,一般把链接分为两大类,分别是:A、文本链接;B、动画链接;C、图像链接;D、数字链接ac题号: 38)、本题分数:1Dreamweaver MX 2004支持使用何种格式的图像信息:A、JPEG ;B、GIF ;C、PNG;D、BMPAbc题号: 39)、本题分数:1鼠标经过图像实际上由以下图像组成:A、主图像;B、次图像;C、窗口图像;D、状态图像ab题号: 40)、本题分数:1所谓资源,就是站点中可以重复利用的元素,这些内容可以在站点中的多个网页或多个站点之间重复使用,通过“资源”面板将这些资源管理起来,这在很大程度上可以方便用户的操作。
专业网站建设试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个不是HTML5的新特性?A. 语义化标签B. 视频和音频C. 表单控件D. 表格布局答案:D2. CSS选择器中,以下哪个选择器表示类选择器?A. #headerB. .headerC. [type="text"]D. p答案:B3. 在JavaScript中,以下哪个函数用于将字符串转换为小写?A. toUpperCase()B. toLowerCase()C. toUpperCase()D. toLowerCase()答案:B4. 下面哪个标签用于定义最重要的标题?A. <h1>B. <h6>C. <p>D. <div>答案:A5. 在HTML中,以下哪个属性用于定义图片的替代文本?A. srcB. altC. titleD. href答案:B6. 在CSS中,以下哪个属性用于设置元素的背景颜色?A. background-colorB. colorC. font-colorD. bgcolor答案:A7. 在JavaScript中,以下哪个方法用于获取元素的属性值?A. getAttribute()B. setAttribute()C. removeAttribute()D. hasAttribute()答案:A8. 在HTML5中,以下哪个元素用于定义导航链接?A. <nav>B. <section>C. <article>D. <aside>答案:A9. 在CSS中,以下哪个属性用于设置元素的边框样式?A. border-styleB. border-colorC. border-widthD. border答案:A10. 在JavaScript中,以下哪个对象用于处理浏览器和文档之间的交互?A. ArrayB. MathC. DateD. Document答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些是HTML5的新元素?A. <article>B. <section>C. <center>D. <footer>答案:ABD12. CSS中,哪些属性可以设置元素的字体大小?A. font-sizeB. font-styleC. font-weightD. font-family答案:A13. 在JavaScript中,以下哪些方法可以用于数组元素的添加?A. push()B. pop()C. unshift()D. shift()答案:AC14. 在HTML中,以下哪些属性用于定义超链接?A. hrefB. srcC. altD. title答案:A15. 在CSS中,以下哪些属性用于设置元素的边框?A. borderB. border-widthC. border-styleD. border-color答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)16. HTML5是HTML的最新版本,它增加了很多新的功能和元素。
第八届(2007年)全国大学生电子设计竞赛题目——本科2008年07月04日星期五 21:29音频信号分析仪(A题)【本科组】一、任务设计、制作一个可分析音频信号频率成分,并可测量正弦信号失真度的仪器。
线圈直径为6.6±0.5 cm(可用直径6.6 cm左右的易拉罐作为骨架,绕好取下,用绝缘胶带固定即可)。
2023 年英语专业八级考试--翻译局部参考译文中国科技馆的诞生来之不易。
参考译文The first generation of museums are what might be called natural museums which, by means of fossils, specimens and other objects, introduced to people the evolutionary history of the Earth and various kinds of organisms. The second generation are those of industrial technologies which presented the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at different stages of industrialization. Despite the fact that those two generations of museums helped to disseminate / propagate / spread scientific knowledge, they nevertheless treated visitors merely as passive viewers.The third generation of museums in the world are those replete with / full of wholly novel concepts / notions / ideas. In those museums, visitors are allowed to operate the exhibits with their own hands, to observe and to experience carefully. By getting closer to the advanced science and technologies in this way, people can probe into their secret mysteries.The China Museum of Science and Technology is precisely one of such museums. It has incorporated some of the most fascinating features of those museums with international reputation. Having designed and created exhibits in mechanics, optics, electrical science, thermology, acoustics, and biology, those exhibits demonstrate scientific principles and present the most advanced scientific and technological achievements.2023 年英语专业八级考试--翻译局部参考译文C-E 乔羽的歌大家都生疏。
上海市“星光计划”第八届职业院校技术大赛《新能源汽车服务与检测》赛务手册二〇一九年三月上海市“星光计划”第八届职业院校技术大赛高职《新能源汽车服务与检测》项目竞赛序次册一、竞赛时间地点安排日期地点竞赛时间参赛选手年月日(周六)上海交通职业技术学院队(上海市浦东新区下盐路~(人)年月日号)(周日)二、竞赛考务轮转方案年月日上海市“星光计划”《新能源汽车服务与检测》汽车轮转表工作人员报到裁判报到时间考生报到时间模块模块模块整车动力电池拆装与检测能量供给系统检测与诊断纯电动汽车整车综合故障消除时间工位工位工位、、、调整设备及换场、、、调整设备及换场、、、调整设备及午餐、、、调整设备及换场、、、调整设备及换场、、、考场情况及评分核对工位数* 工位裁判人数裁判(裁判对考位)裁判长,共计人技术人员数人,人负责个考位设备年月日上海市“星光计划”《新能源汽车服务与检测》汽车轮转表工作人员报到裁判报到时间考生报到时间模块模块模块整车动力电池拆装与检测能量供给系统检测与诊断纯电动汽车整车综合故障消除时间工位工位工位、、、调整设备及换场、、、调整设备及换场、、、调整设备及午餐、、、调整设备及换场、、、调整设备及换场、、、考场情况及评分核对工位数* 工位裁判人数裁判(裁判对考位)裁判长,共计人技术人员数人,人负责个考位设备三、赛场表示图、交通方式及联系人、赛场表示图:赛场 : 实训中心号楼报到、抽签、休息处:技术支持区准备室:实训中心号楼、上海交通职业技术学院(下盐路号)周边交通:地铁:号线(新场站换路浦东路)、号线(野生动物园站)、联系人及联系方式赛场联系人:仇鑫联系电话:四、赛前熟悉场所时间:年月日地点:上海交通职业技术学院(下盐路号)实训中心号楼联系人:仇鑫联系电话:五、参赛学校序号参赛单位全称人数上海交通职业技术学院上海工商职业技术学院上海科学技术职业学院上海思博职业技术学院上海济光职业技术学院上海中侨职业技术学院合计六、赛事纪律1.参赛选手必定持身份证、学生证、参赛证检录进入考场,证件不齐者不得进入竞赛场所。
2019-2020学年上海市第八中学高三英语下学期期末考试试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt looks like 2017 is shaping up to be a record-breaking year in movie History. Here is a list of some of the year’s biggest blockbusters so far.Kong: Skull IslandA reboot (重启) of King Kong would normally get laughed at in this day and age, but it looks like this modem version of the story will be worth watching. With US actress Brie Larson and UK actor Tom Hiddleston in the mix, this film is set to be this year’s biggest monster tale.Release Date:3/10/17Beauty and the BeastDirector Bill Condon is bringing back a part of our childhood in live action, complete with the songs we all remember and love. With British stars Emma Watson and Dan Stevens leading thecast, the classic Walt Disney story already sounds like it’ll be a delight for both children and adults.Release Date:3/17/17The Fate of the FuriousThere was doubt that we’d even get a Fast 8, especially after the fitting ending US actor Paul Walker’s character was given at the end of Furious 7. Fans thought they’d never see Dom and the rest of the crew back in action, but thankfully, US star Vin Diesel himself confirmed that The Fate of the Furious is fueling up for another go.Release Date:4/14/17Spider-Man: HomecomingSpider Man is heading home to Marvel Studios for the first time. The movie will show us Peter Parker’s high school days, and will continue the threads we saw formed during his initial appearance in Captain America: Civil War. We know that Michael Keaton is playing The Vulture in this story, and that both Happy Hogan and Tony Stark, played by US actors Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr., are along for the ride.Release Date:7/7/171.Which of the following movies can’t you see on May Day?A.Kong: Skull Island.B.Beauty and the Beast.C.The Fate of the Furious.D.Spider-Man: Homecoming.2.What can we know about Beauty and the Beast?A.It is fueling up for another go.B.It is produced by Marvel StudiosC.It’ll show us Peter Parker’s school days.D.It’ll be enjoyable for both children and adults.3.What does the underlined word “cast” probably mean?A.Characters.B.Actors.C.Directors.D.Teachers.BA 10-year-old swimmer with sky-high dreams and a name to match them has broken a record previously held by Olympian Michael Phelps.Clark Kent Apuada, whose friends call him“Superman", swam the 100-meter butterfly in 1:09.38 at the Far Western Long Course Championships in his home state of California this Sunday. That's a second faster than the record Phelps set at the same event in 1995 with a time of 1: 10. 48 in the same category of boys under 10.Clark, a rising fifth-grader who is Filipino-American, told HuffPost he's been dreaming about breaking Phelps' record ever since he started swimming competitively at age 7."I was so motivated,"Clarksaid about his win."I was so happy that I was able to beat that record.”Phelps competed in his first Olympics at age 15. He went on to become the mostdecoratedOlympian in history, with 28 medals overall. “Everyone in the crowd was excited when they realized what a special swim they had just seen when we announced the long-standing record had been broken,"Cindy Rowland,Pacific Swimming's director, wrote in an email.Clarkwon first place for all the swimming events he competed in at this year's Far Western Championships. Pacific Swimming or PacSwim, a regional association that is part of USA Swimming, organizes the Far Western Long Course Championships. Cynthia Apuada,Clark' s mother,said that her child seems to be “living by his name at this point”。
2019-2020学年上海市第八中学高一英语联考试卷含解析一、选择题1. It was said that the math test is rather difficult. _________, all the students got good marks.A. LuckilyB. SimilarlyC. SurprisinglyD. disappointedly参考答案:C2. Wang Lin failed to be admitted to Hong Kong University last year, and only then________the importance of English.A. he finally realizedB. he had realizedC. had he realizedD. did he realize参考答案:D试题分析:考查倒装句的用法:only+副词then或介词短语或状语从句,位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装,就是be动词,情态动词或助动词放在主语前。
3. He grew up _________ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai.A. whereB. whenC. in whichD. there参考答案:A4. If you study hard___________,you will succeed sooner or later.A from then on B.from now on C.since then D.from time to time参考答案:B5. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _____, he gladly accepted it.A. finishedB. finishingC. having finishedD. was finished参考答案:A略6. The policeman didn’t argue with us. He just told us ____.A. how to doB. what to do itC. what to doD. how do it参考答案:C7. The army received a command that they _________to the front immediately.A. would marchB. must marchC. marchD. were marching参考答案:C8. The machine is very easy _______. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.A. operatingB. to be operatingC. operatedD. to operate参考答案:D9. Mr. Alexander doesn’t just write for fun; ______, writing is his bread and butter.A. at lastB. in factC. in a wordD. as a result参考答案:B试题分析:考查词组:A. at last最后,B. in fact 事实上,C. in a word总之一句话,D. as a result因此,句意:亚历山大从事写作不是为了好玩,事实上写作是他的谋生之道。
2019-2020学年上海市第八中学高三英语期中考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AMy Biggest ChallengeAs a writer on an adventure sports magazine, I’dalways fought shy of doing the adventurous stuff myself, preferring instead to observe the experts from a safe distance and relay their experiences to readers in the form of written language. Thus, when I was challenged to take part in a mountain climb in aid of raising money for charity-and to write about it afterwards-I was unwilling, to say the least.I was lucky enough to have a brilliant climbing coach called Keith, who put me through my paces after my daily work. He gave me knowledge about everything from the importance of building muscle groups to how to avoid tiredness through nutrition. It quickly became apparent that the mechanics of climbing were more complex than I had imagined. There was the equipment and techniques I’d never even heard of, all of which would come in handy on the snow-capped peak I’d be climbing.Aware of the challenge, Keith made a detailed action plan and I forced myself to stick to it, doing a daily workout at the gym and going on hikes with a heavy pack. I perfected my technique on the climbing wall and even went to climb the mountains to get vital experience. My self-belief increased alongside my muscle power and I became confident about finishing the climb.All too soon I was on a plane to my destination. On that day, when I looked up at the mountain, I thought of abandoning it. But then I remembered all the hard work I’d done and how disappointed Keith would be if I gave up at the last minute-not to mention letting down the charity and the sense of failure I’d experience myself. With a deep breath I gathered my equipment and headed out into the sunshine to meet the rest of the group.And as I sit here now, tapping away on my laptop, I’m amazed at the details in which I can recall every second of the climb: the burning muscles, the tiredness, the minor problems along the way. Could I have been better prepared? Possibly. Would I be back for another go? Thankfully not. The feeling of being excited when I stood on top of the world is a never-to-be-repeated experience but one I will enjoy forever nevertheless.1. At the beginning of the activity, the author revealed his ______.A. disappointment in the coming adventure.B. expectation of writing about his experience.C. lack of enthusiasm for the challenge he’d been offered.D. curiosity about taking part in the mountain climb for charity.2. What did the author realise during his climb training?A. The knowledge about climbing was really confusing.B. The equipment was the key factor to reach the peak.C. Climbing was much more complicated than expected.D. Hard training was far more important than making plans.3. How did the author feel after he succeeded in climbing the mountain?A. He was relieved that he wouldn’t have to do it again.B. He was well satisfied that he had done his best for it.C. He was surprised that he had managed to complete it.D.He was regretful that it wasn’t as smooth as imagined.BDogs are often called as “man's best friend”, MacKenzie, a four-pound Chihuahua(吉娃娃), was named winner of the 2020 American Hero Dog Competition on October 19, 2020.In its tenth year in 2020 the annual contest is the brainchild of American Humane, the country's first national charitable organization founded for the safety and well-being of animals. Often called the “Oscars for dogs”, the award recognizes dogs who make extremely great contributions to society.The competition of 2020 attracted over 400 entries(参赛者)from across the country. These heroic dogs have gone above the call of duty, saving lives, comforting the ill and aged and reminding us of the powerful, age-old ties between animals and people. While all were impressive, it was tiny MacKenzie who wonthe judges' hearts.MacKenzie's growth was not easy. Born with a mouth disability, she had to be fed through a tube(管子)for the first year of her life. Despite her own struggles, she always seemed to think more of other animals in need. “Never have I seen such a will to live. Though sick, she carefully looked after the baby animals at the rescue(救助)center,” said her caretaker.A life-saving operation performed in 2014 gave MacKenzie the ability to eat independently. The seven-year-old chihuahua is now working for the Mia Foundation, an organization that rescues and nurses animals with inborn disabilities. The chihuahua does an excellent job and has raised various animals. She plays nurse, cleans, comforts and hugs them, acting as their mother and teaching them how to socialize, play and have good manners.In addition to her role as an animal caretaker, MacKenzie also visits schools to educate kids about the importance of accepting physical differences in both animals and people. Her heartwarming and inspiring story makes MacKenzie a worthy receiver ofAmerica's top dog honor.4. What can we infer about the American Hero Dog Competition?A. It was first held in 2010B. It was held to honor caretakers of dogs.C. It takes place every ten years.D. It was started by a charitable organization.5. With what quality did MacKenzie win the award?A. Talent and braveryB. Friendliness and care.C. Courage and selflessness.D. Confidence and independence.6. In which aspect can students benefit from MacKenzie's visits?A. Learning from failures.B. Understanding the disabled.C. Valuing physical health.D. Developing practical ability.7. What's the best title for the text?A. Dogs Are Man's Best Friends.B. Treat Dogs the Way We Want to Be Treated.C. Touching Stories between MacKenzie and PeopleD. 2020 American Hero Dog: A TinyChihuahua.CI had very good parents. My mother came toAmericafromScotlandby herself when she was 11, and she didn’t have much education. My dad was kind of a street kid, and he eventually went into the insurance business, selling nickel policies door to door.One day, my dad asked his boss, “What's the toughest market to sell?” and the insurance guy replied “Well, black people. They don’t buy insurance.” My dad thought, but they have kids; they have families. Why wouldn’t they buy insurance? So he said, “Give meHarlem.”When my dad died in 1994, I talked about him onThe Tonight Show. I told the story of how he worked in Harlem and how he always taught us to be open-minded and not to say or think things of racism (种族主义). Then one day, I got a letter from a woman who was about 75 years old.She wrote that when she was a little girl, a man used to come to her house to collect policies. She said this man was the only white person who had ever come to dinner at their house. The man was very kind to her, she said, and his name was Angelo—was this my father?The letter made me cry. I called her up and said yes, that was in fact my dad, and she told me how kind he had been to her family. Her whole attitude toward white people was based on that one nice man she met in her childhood, who always treated her with kindness and respect and always gave her a piece of candy. From thisexperience, I learned a valuable life lesson: never judge people and be open-minded and kind to others.8. What did my father do after knowing what was the toughest market to sell?A. He asked his boss to give him some insurance.B. He went toScotlandto improve his education.C. He specially went to white families with kids.D. He choseHarlemto face the toughest challenge.9. What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. It was rare that a businessman had dinner in his customer's house.B. Angelo was the only white person to sell insurance inHarlem.C. The little girl admired Angelo very much.D. Racism was a serious problem inAmericaat that time.10. Which of the following can best describe the author’s father?A. Stubborn and generous.B. Patient and intelligent.C. Determined and open-minded.D. Confident and romantic.11. What can be the best title of the passage?A. Memories from a TV Show.B. A Letter from an Old Lady.C. Life Lessons from My Father.D. My Father's Experience inHarlem.DSome people take their holiday decoration very seriously. And some take it to the next level. The Griffith family in Kenova, West Virginia, is in this camp. They put on a display that shows they’re just filled with Halloween spirit.Each year, this family displays 3,000 pumpkins (南瓜) in front of their home for the Halloween season. Yes, you readthatright. Ric Griffith puts out one jack-o’ -lantern (南瓜灯) for every person who lives in Kenova.Of course he doesn’t do it all on his own. He has a lot of help from his family, and also from members of the community who are super-proud of what has become quite the tourist attraction over the years. More than 30,000 people stop by to see the amazing display, which includes jack‑o’‑lanterns cut to look like the faces of famous people, animals, cartoon characters, and other creative designs. It’s certainly a must-see as part of the area’s Ceredo-Kenova Autumnfest.To fit in all 3,000 pumpkins, Griffith and his helpers spread them across the home’s garden and front porch (门廊), as well as on the roof!Griffith began the tradition back in 1978 with just fivepumpkins and, many years later, it’s much bigger and better. People can’t help but come to the area, walking along the sidewalk outside the house to get that perfect Halloween experience.“Locals take great pride in it, and then there are people from around the country who plan fall trips and include it in their trips so they can see it,” said Tyson Compton, president of the Cabell‑Huntington Convention and Visitors Bureau. “It’s really something.”“It’s become a tradition for many people in our area, and it feels good to keep that going,” Griffith said.12. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. The Griffiths selling 3,000 pumpkins a day.B. Ric Griffith giving 3,000 jack-o’‑lanterns to tourists.C. Ric Griffith teaching 3,000 people how to display jack-o’‑lanterns.D. The Griffiths decorating their house with 3,000 pumpkins.13. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A. Ric Griffith’s idea has received support from his community.B. There are only two kinds of jack-o’‑lanterns.C. Ric Griffith dislikes asking for help from others.D. There are 30,000 people in Kenova.14. What do we know about the tradition?A. It began with 1,978 pumpkins.B. It has lasted more than 40 years.C. It includes five pumpkin competitions.D. It encourages people to do more exercise.15. What’s Tyson Compton’s attitude towards the tradition?A. Worried.B. Uncaring.C. Favorable.D. Uncertain.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年上海市第八中学高三英语上学期期末考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ABest language learning appsDuolingoThe app doesn't restrict how many languages you can try to learn at the same time. I use Duolingo to practice Spanish and German. In the app, you can access resources such as Duolingo Stories, which can allow you to check your comprehension skills as you go. I also subscribe to Premium for $10 per month which includes an ad-free experience and downloadable lessons.MemriseOne of my favorite parts of Memrise is its short videos about how real locals express different phrases in conversation. A few lessons are available for free daily, but the full program is accessible if you subscribe to Memrise Pro. There are three plans—one month for $9, a year for $30 or three months for $19.BusuuWhen you sign up for Busuu, you select the language you want to learn, and the app helps you determine how advanced you are with it and why you want to learn it, and to what level. From there, you set a daily study goal. Premium costs about $6 per month for a year.LiricaIf you listen to any song enough, you'll learn all the words through repetition, even if they're in a different language. But how do you figure out what they mean? This is where Lirica comes in. This app is unique in how it approaches teaching Spanish. Instead of traditional teaching methods for learning a language, Lirica uses popular music by Latin artists to help you learn the Spanish language and grammar. Lirica has a one-week free trial and then it's about $4 per month.1. Which app is best for learning multiple languages at a time?A. Lirica.B. Busuu.C. Memrise.D. Duolingo.2. How much should you pay for a quarterly subscription to Memrise Pro?A. $9.B. $19.C. $28.D. $30.3. What is special about Lirica?A. It offers a one-month free trial.B. It helps users set a daily study goal.C. It hires Latin artists to teach Spanish.D. It enables users to learn Spanish through music.BNina Wygant, 11, sits in front of a long table in a classroom that looks more like a trendy coffee shop than an elementary school classroom. Some of her fifth-grade classmates at Hopewell Memorial Junior High School sit on high-top chairs at counters. Others choose to sit in club chairs or soft bean bags in comfortable. "I like it because it gives us an environment we like or need to settle down and read a book that we would like to concentrate on instead of having desks and being all quiet," said Vivian Garcia, 10. “You can just space out and have your own little area. I find it very amazing that you can pick your own books instead of being told what to read.”That’s the end goal, said teacher Heather Shadish. Reading has always been a passion for this English language arts and science teacher, a passion she instills(灌输)in her pupils. Back then, in her literature class in graduate school at Chatham University, a professor read aloud the first chapter ofBecause of Winn-Dixieby Kate DiCamillo, a Newbery Medalist. "That was the moment I knew I wanted to some day teach reading. There was a spark there. I just felt these are the kind of books I need to share with kids ---the books that are going to make them feel something and make them fall in love with reading instead of reading being achore.”But information in children's workbooks is limited, so they open tablets and connect to Epic - a digital library that's free to educators and librarians, but $7.99 a month for parents — giving kids unlimited access to approximately 35,000 books(both print and audio), quizzes and videos to enhance learning.“Epic gives students access to information not found in a textbook and presents it in a more interesting way," she said.4. What does Vivian think of the reading experience?A. She favors club chairs and free discussion.B. She feels comfortable to be told what to read.C. She enjoys the environment and reading choice.D. She finds it easy to pick a book in a crowded area.5. What does the underlined word “chore" in paragraph 2 mean?A. Task.B. Process.C. Habit.D. Skill.6. What can children get from Epic?A. Free audio books.B. Tasks on reading levels.C. Advice from educators.D. Useful learning resources.7. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. A Teacher's New Reading MethodB. Pupils' love of Reading RoomC. Options of Teaching ReadingD. Easy Access to Digital ReadingCIn May this year, as part of our 150th anniversary, we asked readers aged between18 and 25 to enter an essay competition. The task was to tell us, in no more than 1,000 words, what scientific advance they would most like to see in their lifetimes, and why it mattered to them.The response was phenomenal: we received 661 entries. Some entrants hoped that science would make their lifetimes much longer than they can currently expect. Many looked forward to work that will end climate change. Others wanted to see advances in our understanding of human history, crop growth, space exploration, and medical technologies. The ideas were inspiring.The winner is a compelling essay by Yasmin Ali, a PhD student at the University of Nottingham, UK. Ali submitted a piece on Beethoven, her brother’s hearing loss and the science which she hoped would one day cure it. It stood out to the judges as a reminder of why many scientists do research: to make the world better tomorrow than it is today.All essays were judged by a group of Nature editors. The top ten submissions were then ranked by three members of a separate judging group: Magdalena Skipper, editor-in-chief of Nature; Faith Osier, a researcher; and Jess Wade, a physicist. All submissions were kept anonymous throughout the process.We also selected two runners-up(非冠军的获奖者).Physicist Robert Schittkoat Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, proposes that nuclear fusion(核聚变) could offer a solution to the climate crisis, in a piece that effortlessly mixes grand ambition with gentle humour. And chemist Matthew Zajac at the University of Chicagoin Illinois wrote a powerful personal account of why he wants to see advances in the field of same-sex reproduction.The results show that today’s young scientists have a wealth of ideas, talent and conviction that research can transform their world. We look forward to seeing what they do next.8. What’s the essay competition about?A. The scientific expectation.B. The fantastic scientific ideas.C. The dreams of future life.D. The celebration of anniversary.9. Why Yasmin Ali was chosen the winner?A. She showed great talent in music.B. She found the cure for the loss of hearing.C. She appealed for people to care about hearing loss problem.D. She reminded people to remember the meaning of science development.10. What can we learn about the result of the essay competition?A. Robert Schittko won the second place.B. There were two winners in the essay competition.C. Matthew Zajac presented his view of same-sex reproduction.D. The two runners-up were selected for the same field they chose.11. What isthe author’s attitude to the competitors’ ideas about science expectations?A. Doubtful.B. Favorable.C. Impossible.D. Ignorant.D“They’re harming your brain.” “They’re ruining your eyes.” “They’re turning you into a violent person.” The words said publicly against video games are so common, but are these worries founded on actual science? Countless studies have offered different opinions on whether video games are bad for you. We’ve rounded up the most notable reports and studies below, so you can weigh up the evidence for yourself.In 2013,psychologist(心理学家) Simone Kuhn studied the influences of spending long hours on video games on the brains of young adults and found that several areas became bigger than before. These areas are connected with highercognitive functions(认知功能), memory formation andfinemotor(精细运动) function.Last year, psychologists said that video game players who favour violent games are more likely to be violent when offline. Dr. Mark Appelbaum of the American Psychological Association said that there was a relation between violent video game use and increases in violent behaviour.Dr. Daphne Bavelier is an expert in the field of Brain & Cognitive Sciences. Bavelier presented the audience with a colour-word test, where non-gamers are easily puzzled by the test, and those who spend long periods playing on their computers are more likely to pass the test with flying colours.“Actually, those video game players have many other advantages in terms of attention,” said Bavelier, “and one part of attention which is also improved for the better is our ability to follow the movements of objects.”“So, in a sense, when we think about the influence of video games on the brain, it’s very similar to the influence of wine on the health. There are some very poor uses of wine. There are some very poor uses of video games. But when drunk in reasonable amounts, and at the right age, wine can be very good for health,” said Bavelier.12. What can be learned from Simone Kuhn’s study?A. Video games make you happier.B. Video games make your brain grow.C. Video games play a key role in memory.D. Video games teach you how to learn fast.13. What was Dr. Mark Appelbaum’s attitude towards video games?A. He was against them.B. He was hopeful of them.C.He was in favour of them.D. He was uncertain about them.14. Which of the following may Dr. Daphne Bavelier agree with?A. Video games fix attention problems.B. Video games make kids do well in exams.C. Video games encourage violent behaviour.D. Video games help increase colour knowledge.15. Why are the uses of wine mentioned in the last paragraph?A. To remind people to avoid video games.B. To show the disadvantages of video games.C. To help people learn more about video games.D.To ask people to make good use of video games.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年上海市第八中学高三英语二模试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThank you. It’s my great honor to be given this award.You cannot imagine that I have always been a late starter. Years ago, when I was 16, I took an important exam — GCE(General Certificate of Education), which turned out to be a failure. My dad was reading my report card and saw that my position in class was 29th, but the number in class was 29. It meant that I had achieved the distinction of being bottom of my class.I wasn’t lazy, and I was really trying. You can picture how I felt. Dad put his hand on my shoulder and said, “You can only do the best you can, but whatever you decide to do, make sure you love it.” He was a really sweet guy and a great man. I knew his attempt to hide his disappointment with some of his encouraging words. I was depressed for a week, but his advice was a wake-up call.Fortunately I love working with my hands, and I was good at two things: woodwork and art, and I really loved to draw and paint. I was quite talented. Dad strongly encouraged me to go to art school, which in those days wasn’t the obvious place that a father would suggest.So I got into Hartlepool College of Art. The college was a revelation (出乎意料), the passionate teachers there, who were extremely interested in the students, not just tolerating them but actually engaging with them. It was a world apart from my schooling until then. It’s extraordinary what an enthusiastic teacher can do, drawing the student out, lighting independence, and encouraging a design of your own future, rather than waiting for something to happen. I’m honored to have become one of these passionate teachers years later.My teachers inspired me, and thanks to my dad, here I am tonight. I think I should mention all the talents I have worked with over time, and to my kids and my wife Giannina, thank you.Thank you for this great award. I shall find a very special place for it.1. How did the author feel after taking GCE?A. Happy.B. Upset.C. Tired.D. Relieved.2. What didHartlepoolCollege of Art impress the author most?A. The teachers were strict with students.B. The students set good examples for each other.C. The teachers inspired students’ passion for learning.D. The students got prepared for their lessons independently.3. The author gave this speech to ________.A. share his career choiceB. explain his teaching methodsC. describe his life experienceD. show his appreciationBFollowing the Famous Silk RoadsThe Silk Roads were a networkof ancient trade routes that extended from East Asia all the way to theMediterranean. A key section of the Silk Roads is the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor(走廊), whichstretchesover a distance of around 5,000 kilometres through China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, covering a total of 8,700 kilometres of trade routes. The three countries jointly pursued an application for UNESCO World Heritage (遗产) status which contained detailed research on the 33 sites along the corridor. This made history as the first successful multinational World Heritage application.The starting point of the corridor and the entire Silk Roads network isXi’an, inShanxiProvince. Further west on the Silk Roads, the geography gradually changes from wild deserts to high, snow-capped mountains to vast grasslands as the routes pass through theTianshanMountainsand emerge in the valleys ofCentral Asia. Although the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor of the Silk Roads ends here, the network continues westwards until it reaches theMediterranean.The corridor began to develop in the 2nd century. Assigned by the emperor, the ambassador Zhang Qian journeyed from Chang’an toCentral Asia, seeking to build bridges between the Han Dynasty and the Western Regions. Following Zhang’s efforts, trade routes took shape and relationships were strengthened between the major powers of the time, with the routes network reaching as far as theRoman Empire.Economic activities along the routes network were not limited to trade in silk. They contributed many other items to the marketplace of goods. The routes were busy with camels carrying loads of goods and businessmen selling everything imaginable.China’s exports included silk, porcelain, ironware and tea, while horses, jewellery, spices and grapes were all imported over vast distances from the West.In addition to trade exchange, the network served as a bridge for cultural exchange which shaped the evolution of science, art, technology and many other areas in societies along the network. Astronomy andmathematics were introduced toChinafromIndiaandArabia; important Chinese inventions such as papermaking and printing were brought to the West.All of these activities contributed to a great age of expansion as trade and cultural exchanges gave people access to new goods,knowledge and ideas. These routes connected Eastern and Western civilizations, which achieved a shared development. The addition of the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor to the UNESCO World Heritage List is a milestone in recognition of the Silk Roads as a crucial part of humanity’s common heritage.4. The key section of the Silk Roads is________.A. the MediterraneanB. Xi’an, inShanxiProvinceC.KazakhstanandKyrgyzstanD. the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor5. The underlined word “stretches” in Paragraph 1 is close in meaning to________.A. standsB. spreadsC. movesD. flies6. Zhang Qian travelled from Chang’an toCentral Asiato________.A. export silk, porcelain, ironware and teaB. purchase horses, jewellery, spices and grapesC. seek help from the most powerful western countriesD. build bridges between his country and other countries7. What was the role of the Silk Roads according to the passage?A. It helped to change the wild deserts to grasslands.B. It was recognized by the UNESCO asChina’s heritage.C. It speeded up the development of the countries involved.D. It started a trade competition between countries along the way.CAsk a classroom of children to draw a scientist, and you’ll see plenty of color1 ed lab coats and glasses. The image (画像) hasn't changed much since the 1960s, but the person wearing the lab coat is changing.A new analysis finds that more female scientists have appeared in kids? drawings in recent decades — going from nearly nonexistent in the 1960s to about a third in 2016.The first of many “ draw-a-scientist ’’ studies asked nearly 5,000 children to draw a scientist between 1966 and 1977. Of those 5,000 drawings, only 28 drew female scientists. That was just 0.56 percent. Today, female scientists are being presented more in the media. For example, in a content analysis, 13 percent of people pictured in science feature stories of the 1960s were women or girls, compared with 44 percent in the 2000s.“That might really affect children’s idea on what a scientist should be like, ” says Miller, a Ph. D. candidate in psychology.To look for changes in children'sperceptionover time, the researchers conducted a meta-analysis ,combining data from 78 studies that included a total of more than 20,000 children from kindergarten to the 12th grade.On average, 28 percent of children drew female scientists in studies conducted from 1965 to 2016.What hasn’t changed much: kids pick up stereotypes (模式化观念)by gender (性别)as they grow up. At age 6, about 70 percent of the girls in the more recent studiesdrew female scientists. By age 16, 75 percent drew male scientists. This is an important period in which kids are learning stereotypes. It’s important that teachers and parents present diverse examples of both male and female scientists.8. What’s the picture of scientists drawn by a 1960s, kid like?A. A man with long curly hair.B. A woman with lab glasses.C. A woman in a formal lab suit.D. A man in a color1 ed lab coat.9. What may contribute to the changes in kids’ drawings?A. The improvement of women^ social status.B. The kids are affected by teachers and parents.C. More female scientists appear in the media.D. The increasing number of female scientists.10. What does the underlined word “ perception” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?A. Belief.B. Idea.C. Habit.D. Growth.11. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that .A. it's a stereotype that scientists are generally malesB. girls are more influenced by stereotypes than boysC. some children are born with certain stereotypesD. most children tend to prefer female scientistsDBill Gates on how to fight future pandemicsWHEN HISTORIANS write the book on the covid-19 pandemic, what we've lived through so far will probably take up only the first third or so.The bulk of the story will be what happens next.I believe that humanity will beat this pandemic, but only when most of the population is vaccinated(接种疫苗).Until then, life will not return to normal.As the pandemic slows in developed nations,itwill accelerate in developing ones.Their experience,however,will be worse.In poorer countries,where fewer jobs can be done remotely,distancing measures won't work as well.The virus will spread quickly,and health systems won't be able to care for the infected.Wealthy nations can help.But people in rich and poor places alike will be safe only once we have an effective medical solution for this virus,which means a vaccine.My hope is that,by the second half of 2021,facilities around the world will be manufacturing a vaccine.If that's the case,it will be a history-making achievement: the fastest humankind has ever gone from recognizing a new disease to immunizing(免疫)against it.Apart from this progress in vaccines,two other big medical breakthroughs will emerge from the pandemic.One will be in the field of diagnostics.The next time a novel virus crops up,people will probably be able to test for it at home.Researchers could have such a test ready within a few months of identifying a new disease.The third breakthrough will be in antiviral drugs.We haven't been as effective at developing drugs to fight viruses as we have those to fight bacteria.But that will Researchers will develop large diverse libraries of antivirals,which they'll be able to scan trough and quickly find effective treatments for novel viruses.All three technologies will prepare us for the next pandemic by allowing us to intervene(干预)early when the number of cases is still very low.Our progress won't be in science alone.It will also be in our ability to make sure everyone benefits from that science.In the years after 2021,I think we'll learn from the years after 1945. With the end of the Second World War, leaders built international institutions like the UN to prevent more conflicts.After covid-19, leaders will prepare institutions to prevent the next pandemic.These will be a mix of national,regional and global organizations.I expect they will participate in regular"germ games”in the same way as armed forces take part in War games.These will keep us ready for the next time a novel virus jumps from bats or birds to humans.I hope wealthy nations include poorer ones in these preparations,especially by devoting more foreign aid to building up their primary health-care systems.This pandemic has shown us that viruses don't obey border laws and that we are all connected biologically by a network of microscopic germs,whether we like it or not.The best analogy(类比)for today might be November 10th 1942.Britainhad just won its first land victory of the war,and Winston Churchill declared in a speech: “This is not the end.It is not even the beginning of the end.But it is,perhaps,the end of the beginning.”12. What are the three technologies that will prepare us for the next pandemic?①manufacturing a vaccine fast②diagnosing a virus at home③developing antiviral drugs④allowing us to intervene earlyA. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④13. As far as poorer countries areconcerned,which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?A. pandemic disease is more likely to begin in poorer countriesB. Working from home can work well in poorer countries.C. Health systems are sufficient to care for the infected in poorer countries.D. Virus will cross borders if poorer countries fail to contain it.14. Why is the Second World War mentioned in Para.8?A. The fight against the COVID-19 is similar to the Second World War.B. People are suffering just as they were in the Second World War.C. We should cooperate globally just as we did after the Second World War.D. Countries are fighting each other like in the Second World War.15. What is the tone of this passage?A. pessimisticB. optimisticC. neutralD. indifferent第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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- Banner
- Countdown timer (11th January,2020 18:00)
- News posts
- Event description (placeholder text)
- SponsorsOnline exhibition
- Tickets Service
本单元涉及网站设计知识。您应该在早上完成设计工作。需要设计成优雅和现代的风格,以适应IAA 2020的目标受众——主要是对汽车有一定了解并追求高品质生活的年轻人
Website Design Details
Create a design for a responsive front page for the motor showevent ‘IAA 2020’.
为会展“IAA 2020”设计响应式网页。
The page template should include:
Style guide Details
Necessary elements for the style guide including colors, sizes and fonts
- IAA的位置(地图)
*For the detail requirement of each section, your design work should be in line with the CMS details in the afternoon.
You can add extra files to explain your designs, and save them as:Desktop_IAA_1.png ......
In the morning, save your design, style guide in this location:
将您的主题作为Blankslate Wordpress主题的子主题开发,名为Blankslate_Child_IAA。对于功能齐全的网站,您需要添加和配置一些提供的或自行开发的插件。
-Main title
-Subpage title
-Section title
-Vehicle model icon
*Add comments to the style guide to specify how to use the logo and the interactive elements.
The website layout should be developed with the ability to add menu items (up to 5 items each maximum 15 characters) through dashboardwithout damaging the design.
-Multi-Purpose Vehicles
Logo Design
IAA wants you to redesign a logo for this event based on the old one, which should match the idea and target audience of the event.
The layout of the website needs to be identical to your designs, but also needs to scale without damaging the design when scaling the browser window between 480px and 1330px. Make use of HTML and CSS by the W3C standards for proper SEO support.
The upcoming IAA event will be held on Jan.11-13, 2020 in Frankfurt. The organizer would like to establish a website to display the IAA related news, information, online-ticket application and advertisement of sponsors.
This module involves knowledge about website design.You should finish your design work in the morning. The design needs to be classy and modern to fit with the target audience for IAA 2020: Mainly young people with some knowledge of automobiles and pursuit high-quality life
Develop your theme as a child-theme for the Blankslate Wordpress theme, called Blankslate_Child_IAA. For the fully functional website you will need to add and config some of the provided or self-developedplugins.
您可以用额外的文件来详解您的设计,保存他们为:Desktop_IAA_1.png ......
一、竞赛时间180 min
This module involves knowledge about website layout techniques, client-side scripting, and server-side scripting, all combined in one CMS project. Implement all the design work into web pages and keep them identical with your design as much as you can. You will usethe most popular CMS-Wordpress to construct your site.
- Location of the IAA(map)
- Button to open the hidden sidebar
- Footer with copyrights and social media links
一、竞赛时间150 min
Frankfurt International Motor Show(IAA) was firstly established in 1897 in Berlin,known as Berlin Motor Show. As one of the biggest automobile exhibitions worldwide, IAA is famous as Olympics for Automobiles. The two-week IAA Motor Show has been held every two years in the middle of January.
For future use, widgets will be placed in the sidebar. Make sure the content of the sidebar can easily be changed without damaging the design.