每小题3分,共45分)①我欲因之梦吴越,一夜飞度镜湖月②千里眼,顺风耳;夸父追日③海内存知己,天涯若比邻④秀才不出门,便知天下事A.①②B.③④ C.①③ D.②④2.国务院总理李克强2013年11月27日在罗马尼亚议会发表题为《让中罗友好合作继续扬帆远航》的演讲中指出:罗马尼亚有许多基础设施需要改造和建设,中国基建企业实力雄厚、经验丰富,技术装备先进、性价比高,中国制造可以说风靡世界。
李总理的这段话表明:A.中国已成为世界经济最发达的国家B.世界经济日益呈现出全球化的发展趋势C.中罗文化的差异性使合作非常困难 D.合作会削弱两国的竞争力,妨碍两国发展3. 9月5日至6日,第八次二十国集团(G20)领导人峰会将在俄罗斯圣彼得堡召开。
中国的声音能被各国普遍接受和认同的原因在:①中国声音代表性广②中国声音富有正义和建设意义③中国声音原则性强④是以维护国家和促进世界和平与发展为根本目的的A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①②③④D. ②③④4.漫画《贪心》表明影响当今世界和平与发展的主要障碍是:A.霸权主义和强权政治 B.民族宗教矛盾C.南北差距不断扩大 D.局部冲突此起彼伏5.下列新闻事件表明中国是个负责任的国家的是:①11月23日,中国国防部宣布划设东海防空识别区②十八届三中全会决定成立国家安全委员会③11月20日,蓝天救援队8名队员作为中国红十字会国际救援队的一部分,飞往菲律宾救援,④12月5日,中国首批赴马里维和部队先遣队135名官兵,搭乘专机,顺利抵达马里首都巴马科国际机场A.①②B.③④ C.①③ D.②④6. 环球时报援引法新社报道称,嫦娥三号探测器12月2日1时30分从四川西昌卫星基地发射升空,这成为中国太空探索的里程碑,暂时在某些领域将莫斯科和华盛顿都甩在身后。
四年级第一学期浦东新区小学期终质量调研试卷(试验教材)(完卷时间60分钟)第一部分(共36分) 1.直接写出得数。
(6﹪)500÷25= 50×18= 10-10÷10=175 172 97 95165 2.竖式计算。
(6%)97×103 10100÷283.递等式计算。
(18﹪)763+276+724 125×24 872-(12×30-28)(99+37×73)÷35 759÷[732-(732-69)] 26×74+74×744.求□中的数,并写出计算过程。
(6﹪)□÷19=108 51+□=54 + - 1- == =1、列综合式计算文字题。
(8﹪)(1) 30除159与441的和,商是多少?(2)75的4倍减去136与97的和,差是多少?2、列综合式解答应用题。
紫菊花有多少盆?(5)支援灾区的货物420吨,原计划5天运完,实际每天多装吨56吨,照这样计算,实际多少天完成?第三部分(共26分) 1、填空题。
(8﹪)(1)用进一法把一千零九万零九百凑成整万数,写作( )。
(2)在 三个分数中,最小的是( ),最大的是( )。
(3)在括号内填入合适的单位:街心花园占地约5800( )。
(4)原5个红圆片占整体的95,现拿走2个红圆片,这时红圆片占整体的( )。
(5)1300kg +3700kg -3t=( )t 。
Part II (15 minutes) 1、回答1-11题: Can Digital Textbook Truly Replace the Print Kind? The shortcomings of traditional print edition textbooks are obvious: Forstarters they're heavy, with the average physics textbook weighing 3.6 pounds.They're also expensive, especially when you factor in the average collegestudent's limited budget, typically costing hundreds of dollars every semester. But the worst part is that print version of textbooks are constantlyundergoing revisions. Many professors require that their students use only thelatest versions in the classroom, essentially rendering older texts unusable.For students, it means they're basically stuck with a four pound paper-weightthat they can't sell back. Which is why digital textbooks, if they live up to their promise, couldhelp ease many of these shortcomings. But till now, they've been something likea mirage (幻影) in the distance,more like a hazy (模糊的) dream thanan actual reality. Imagine the promise: Carrying all your textbooks in a 1.3pound iPad? It sounds almost too good to be true. But there are a few pilot schools already making the transition (过度) over to digital books. Universities like Cornell and Brown havejumped onboard. And one medical program at the University of California,Irvine, gave their entire class iPads with which to download textbooks justlast year. But not all were eager to jump aboard. "People were tired of using the iPad textbook besides using it forreading," says Kalpit Shah, who will be going into his second year atlrvine's medical program this fall. "They weren't using it as a source ofcommunication because they couldn't read or write in it. So a third of thepeople in my program were using the iPad in class to take notes, the otherthird were using laptops and the last third were using paper and pencil." The reason it hasn't caught on yet, he tells me, is that thefunctionality of e-edition textbooks is incredibly limited, and some studentsjust aren't motivated to learn new study behavior. But a new application called Inkling might change all that. The companyjust released an updated version last week, and it'll be utilized in over 50undergraduate and graduate classrooms this coming school year. Digital textbooks are not going to catch on," says Inkling CEO MattMaclnnis as he's giving me a demo (演⽰) over coffee. "What I mean by that is the current perspectiveof the digital textbook is it's an exact copy of the print book. There's CourseSmart, etc., these guys who take any image of the page and put it on a screen.If that's how we're defining digital textbooks, there's no hope of that becominga mainstream product." He calls Inkling a platform for publishers to build rich multimediacontent from the ground up, with a heavy emphasis on real-world functionality.The traditional textbook merely serves as a skeleton. At first glance Inkling is an impressive experience. After swiping (敲击) into the iPad app (软件), which youcan get for free here, he opens up a few different types of textbooks. Up first is a chemistry book. The boot time is pretty fast, and henavigates through (浏览) a fewchapters before swiping into a fully rendered 3D molecule that can be spunaround to view its various building blocks. "Publishers give us all of thesource media, artwork, videos," he says, "We help them think throughhow to actually build something for this platform." Next he pulls up a music composition textbook, complete with playabledemos. It's a learning experience that attacks you from multiple sensorydirections. It's clear why this would be something a music major would love. But the most exciting part about Inkling, to me, is its notation (批注) system. Here's how it works! When you purchase a used print book, it comes with its previous owner'shighlights and notes in the margins. It uses the experience of someone whoalready went through the class to help improve your reading (how much you trusteach notation is obviously up to you). But with lnkling, you can highlight a piece of content and make notes.Here's where things get interesting, though: If a particularly importantpassage is highlighted by multiple lnkling users, that infbrmation is stored onthe cloud and is available for anyone reading the same textbook to come across.Thai means users have access to notes from not only their classmates andFacebook friends, but anyone who purchased the book across the country. Thebest comments are then sorted democratically by a voting system, meaning thatyour social learning experience is shared with the best and brightest thinkers. As a bonus, professors can even chime in (插话) on discussions. They'll be able to answer the questions ofstudents who are in their class directly via the interactive book. Of course, Inkling addresses several of the other shortcomings intraditional print as well. Textbook versions are constanly updated, motivatingpublishers by minimizing production costs (the big ones like McGraw-Hill arealready onboard). Furthermore, students will be able to purchase sections ofthe text instead of buying the whole thing, with individual chapters costing aslittle as $2.99, There are, however, challenges. "It takes efforts to build each book," Maclnnis tells me. Andit's clear why, Each interactive textbook is a media-heavy experience built from theground up, and you can tell that it takes a respectable amount of manpower toput together each one. For now the app is also iPad-exclusive, and though a few of theseeducational institutions are giving the hardware away for free, for otherstudents who don't have such a luxury it's an added layer of cost ---and anexpensive one at that. But this much is clear. The traditional textbook model is and has beenbroken for quite some time. Whether digitally interactive ones like Inklingactually take off or not remains to be seen, and we probably won't have adefinite answer for the next few years. However the solution to any problem begins with a step in a direction.And at least for now, that hazy mirage in the distance? A little more tangible(可触摸的), a little less of a dream.The biggest problem with traditional print textbooks is that A.they are not reused once a new edition comes out B.they cost hundreds of dollars every semester C.they are too heavy to carry around D.they take a longer time to revise Part I Writing(30 minutes) 1、Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II (15 minutes) 2、What does the author say about digital textbooks? A.It's not likely they will replace traditional textbooks. B.They haven't fixed all the shortcomings of print books. C.Very few of them are available in the market. D.Many people still have difficulty using them. Part I Writing(30 minutes) 2、 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of reading literature. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II (15 minutes) 3、According to Kalpit Shah, some students still use paper and pencil because ________. A.they find it troublesome to take notes with an iPad B.they are unwilling to change their study behavior C.they have get tired of reading on the iPad D.they are not used to reading on the screen 4、Inkling CEO Matt Maclnnis explains that the problem with Course Smart's current digital textbooks is that ________. A.they have to be revised repeatedly B.they are inconvenient to use in class C.they are different from most mainstream products D.they are no more than print versions put on a screen 5、Matt Maclnnis describes the updated version of lnkling as ________. A.a good example of the mainstream products B.a marvelous product of many creative ideas C.a platform for building multimedia content D.a mere skeleton of traditional textbooks 6、The author is most excited about lnkling's notation system because one can________. A.share his learning experience with the best and brightest thinkers B.participate in discussions with classmates and Facebook friends C.vote for the best learners democratically D.store information on the cloud 7、One additional advantage of the interactive digital textbook is that ________. A.students can switch to different discussions at any point B.students can download relevant critical comments C.professors can join in students' online discussions D.professors can give prompt feedback to students' homework 8、One of the challenges to build an interactive digital textbook from the ground up is that is takes a great deal of ________. 9、One problem for students to replace traditional textbooks with interactive digital ones is the high of the hardware. 10、According to the author, whether digital textbooks will catch on still ________. Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension:11-35 11、听录⾳,回答11-47题:点击播放A.Children should be taught to be more careful. B.Children shouldn't drink so much orange juice. C.There is no need for the man to make such a fuss. D.Timmy should learn to do things in the right way.12、 A.Fitness training. B.The new job offer. C.Computer programming. D.Directorship of the club.13、 A.He needs to buy a new sweater. B.He has got to save on fuel bills. C.The fuel price has skyrocketed. D.The heating system doesn't work.14、 A.Committing theft. B.Taking pictures. C.Window shopping, D.Posing for the camera.15、 A.She is taking some medicine. B.She has not seen a doctor yet. C.She does not trust the man's advice.D.She has almost recovered from the cough.16、 A.Pamela's report is not finished as scheduled. B.Pamela has a habit of doing things in a hurry. C.Pamela is not good at writing research papers. D.Pamela's mistakes could have been avoided.17、 A.In the left-luggage office. B.At the hotel reception. C.In a hotel room. D.At an airport.18、 A.She was an excellent student at college. B.She works in the entertainment business. C.She is fond of telling stories in her speech. D.She is good at conveying her message.19、Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A.Arranging the woman's appointment with Mr. Romero. B.Fixing the time for the designer's latest fashion show. C.Talking about an important gathering on Tuesday. D.Preparing for the filming on Monday morning.20、 A.Her travel to Japan. B.The awards ceremony. C.The proper hairstyle for her new role. D.When to start the makeup session.21、 A.He is Mr. Romero's agent. B.He is an entertainment journalist. C.He is the woman's assistant. D.He is a famous movie star.22、Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A.Make an appointment for an interview.B.Send in an application letter. C.Fill in an application form. D.Make a brief self-introduction on the phone.23、 A.Someone having a college degree in advertising. B.Someone experienced in business management. C.Someone ready to take on more responsibilities. D.Someone willing to work beyond regular hours.24、 A.Travel opportunities. B.Handsome pay. C.Prospects for promotion. D.Flexible working hours.25、 A.It depends on the working hours. B.It's about 500 pound a week. C.It will be set by the Human Resources.D.It is to be negotiated.26、Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard. A.To give customers a wider range of choices. B.To make shoppers see as many items as possible. C.To supply as many varieties of goods as it can. D.To give space for more profitable products.27、 A.On the top shelves, B.On the bottom shelves. C.On easily accessible shelves. D.On clearly marked shelves.28、 A.Many of them buy things on impulse. B.A few of them are fathers with babies. C.A majority of them are young couples, D.Over 60% of them make shopping lists.29、 A.Sales assistants promoting high margin goods. B.Sales assistants following customers around. C.Customers competing for good bargains, D.Customers losing all sense of time,30、Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. A.Teaching mathematics at a school. B.Doing research in an institute. C.Studying for a college degree. D.Working in a high-tech company.31、 A.He studied the designs of various choices. B.He did experiments to different materials. C.He bought an alarm clock with a pig face. D.He asked different people for their opinions.32、 A.Its automatic mechanism. B.Its manufacturing pattern. C.Its way of waking people up. D.Its funny-looking pig face.33、Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. A.It's often caused by a change of circumstances. B.It usually doesn't require any special attention. C.It usually appears all of a sudden. D.It usually lasts for several years.34、 A.They can't mix well with others, B.They emotionally receive their friends. C.They depend severely on family members. D.They share similar interests with friends.35、 A.They lack consistent support from peers. B.They doubt their own popularity. C.They were born psychologically weak. D.They focus too much attention on themselves.。
1、给文中( )内正确的读音和词语打上“√”。(2分)
日出江花红胜火 言而有信
相看两不厌 春来江水绿如蓝
浮天水送无穷树 只有敬亭山
舟行碧波上 带雨云埋一半山
(1)那个最先听到夜莺叫的凝神地站着,好像钉(dīng dìng)在那里似(shì sì)的。
(2)听鸟叫的那个人回答:“应(yīng yìng)该对付得了(liǎo le)!”
那天,漓江公安局刑警大队何贵华正在五台办事处民制村调(tiáo diào)查情况。地震一发生,他就招呼人们赶快离开房子站到安全地带。这时他发现,一栋即将倒塌的房屋里,有三个孩子哇哇直哭,他马上冲进去,一手抱着一个孩子跑了出来。回头看时,只见剩下的男孩还在哭,他再次跑进屋里。眼看房子在倾斜,周围的人们大喊:“不能进去!不能进去!”可何贵华义无反顾,他跨进屋里,抱起男孩子就往外跑。刚迈出两步,房子轰然倒塌下来,何贵华赶忙把孩子搂在怀里,用身体挡住砸下来的屋架和瓦片……
2013—2014学年上学期高一年级第四次双周练物理试卷考试时间:2013年11月02日一、选择题〔48分,全对4分,漏选2分,错选0分〕1. 关于相互作用,如下说法正确的答案是〔〕A.地球对较近的月球有引力的作用,对遥远的火星如此没有引力作用。
2.设物体运动的加速度为a、速度为v、位移为x.现有四个不同物体的运动图象如下列图,假设物体在t=0时的速度均为零,如此其中表示物体做单向直线运动的图象是( )3.物体以速度v沿光滑水平面向右运动,再冲上外表粗糙的斜面,物体在冲上斜面的过程中,受到的作用力为:A. 重力、沿斜面向上的冲力B. 重力、沿斜面向上的冲力、沿斜面向下的摩擦力C. 重力、沿斜面向上的冲力、斜面的支持力、沿斜面向下的滑动摩擦力D. 重力、斜面的支持力、沿斜面向下的滑动摩擦力4.将一个8N的力分解成两个分力,如下各组值不可能的有A. 1N和10NB. 10N和10NC. 10N和5ND. 20N和20N5.假期里,一位同学在厨房里协助妈妈做菜,对菜刀发生了兴趣.他发现菜刀的刀刃前部和后部的厚薄不一样,刀刃前部的顶角小,后部的顶角大(如下列图),他先后做出过几个猜测,其中合理的是( )A. 刀刃前部和后部厚薄不匀,仅是为了打造方便,外形美观,跟使用功能无关B. 在刀背上加上同样的力时,分开其他物体的力跟刀刃厚薄无关C. 在刀背上加上同样的压力时,顶角越大,分开其他物体的力越大D.在刀背上加上同样的压力时,顶角越小,分开其他物体的力越大6.一匀变速直线运动的物体,设全程的平均速度为v1,运动中间时刻的速度为v2,经过全程位移中点的速度为v3,如此如下关系正确的答案是〔〕A.v1>v2>v3B.v1<v2=v3C.v1=v2<v3D.v1>v2=v37.一条易断的均匀细绳两端固定在天花板的A、B两点,今在细绳O处挂一砝码,如果AO=2BO,如此:A.增加砝码时,AO先断B.增加砝码时,BO先断C.B端向左移,绳子易断D.B端向右移,绳子易断F 1 F 2 F 3 8. 一个质量为m 的物体受到三个共点力F 1、F 2、F 3的作用,这三个力的大小和方向刚好构成如下列图的三角形,如此这物体所受的合力是( ) A.2F l B.2F 2C.2F 3D. 09.如下列图容器内盛有水,器壁AB 呈倾斜状,有一个小物块P 处于图示状态,并保持静止,如此该物体受力情况正确的答案是( )A .P 可能只受一个力B .P 可能只受三个力C .P 不可能只受二个力D .P 不是受到二个力就是四个力10.(福建厦门一中09-10学年高一上学期期中)如下列图,小球用细绳系住放置在倾角为θ的光滑斜面上,当细绳由水平方向逐渐向上偏移时,细绳上的拉力F和斜面对小球的支持力N 将:( )A .N 逐渐增大B .N 逐渐减小C .F 先增大后减小D .F 先减小后增大11.轻绳一端系在质量为m 的物体A 上,另一端系在一个套在粗糙竖直杆MN 的圆环上.现用水平力F 拉住绳子上一点O ,使物体A 从图中实线位置缓慢下降到虚线位置,但圆环仍保持在原来位置不动.如此在这一过程中,环对杆的摩擦力F 1和环对杆的压力F 2的变化情况是( )A . F 1保持不变,F 2逐渐增大 F 1逐渐增大,F 2保持不变C .F 1保持不变,F 2逐渐减小D .F 1逐渐减小,F 2保持不变12.[2012·北师大附中模拟]如图甲所示是一种速度传感器的工作原理图,在这个系统中B为一个能发射超声波的固定小盒子,工作时B 向被测物体发出短暂的超声波脉冲,脉冲被运动的物体反射后又被B 接收,从B 发射超声波开始计时,经时间Δt 0再次发射超声波脉冲,图乙是连续两次发射的超声波的位移—时间图象,如此如下说法正确的答案是( )甲 乙A .超声波的速度为v 声=2x 1t 1B .超声波的速度为v 声=2x 2t 2C .物体的平均速度为v =2()x 2-x 1t 2-t 1+2Δt 0D .物体的平均速度为v =2()x 2-x 1t 2-t 1+Δt 0二、实验题〔每题6分,共12分〕13.图是研究物体做匀变速直线运动的实验得到的一条纸带〔实验中打点计时器所接低压交流电源的频率为50赫兹〕,从O 点后开始每5个计时点取一个记数点,依照打点的先后顺序依次编为0、1、2、3、4、5、6,测得s1=5.18cm,s2=4.40cm,s3=3.62cm,s4=2.78cm, s5=2.00cm, s6=1.22cm.〔1〕相邻两记数点间的时间间隔为 s。
(每小题2分,共10分)1. 下面各数只读一个零的是()。
A. 3070008000B. 5008500C. 4009050D. 10950022. 两个锐角拼成的角不可能是()。
A. 锐角B. 钝角C. 周角D. 直角3. 过一点可以画()条直线。
A 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 无数4. 老师在黑板上画的角的45度的角与小明在纸上画的45度的角相比较()。
A. 黑板上角大B. 纸上的角大C. 一样大D. 没法比较5. 下图中有()个小于180°的角。
A. 5B. 10C. 15D. 18二、判断。
(4分)6. 个位、十位、百位……都是计数单位。
()7. 1平方千米=100公顷。
()8. 角的两边越长,角越大。
()9. 线段可以不断向两端延伸.()三、填空题。
(17分)10. 由二千万,五十万,五千和八十组成的数写作()。
11. 一个人每天的心跳大约是100000次,把它改写成用万作单位的数是()万次.12. 10个十万是(),10个一百万是(),1亿里面有()个一千万;从个位起,第()位是千万位.13. 6005009080读作(),它的最高位是()位。
14. 1周角=()平角1平角=()直角15. 9时整,时钟的时针与分针所成的角是________度,是________角.16. 一个因数不变,另一个因数扩大到原来的10倍,积()。
17. 最大的九位数是(),最小的九位数是()。
18. 要使39□876≈39万,□里可以填的数是()。
19. 最大的三位数乘最大的两位数的积是______.四、计算题。
(34分)20. 直接写出得数。
30×20=360×0=15×70=25×40=22×30=3600÷6=60×120=5400÷9=21. 列竖式计算,带※验算。
608×15=372×45=46×216=※928÷9=22. 脱式计算732+185÷524×(75÷3)49×24÷8(164-56)×254.列式计算。
QUESTION BOOKLETTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013)—GRADE FOUR—TIME LIMIT: 135 MINPART I DICTATION [15 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation.1.According to the conversation, an example of “Christmas trimmings” could beA. presents.B. fruits.C. sauce.D. meat.2. A Christmas lunch would include all the following EXCEPTA. roast turkey.B. sweet potatoes.C. meat.D. carrots.3.Why did Helen come to Rob‟s house?A. She wanted to talk to Rob.B. She had come to help Rob.C. She had been invited to lunch.D. She was interested in cooking.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation.4.Why did the woman phone the club?A. She wanted to know more about it.B. She was a new comer and felt lonely.C. She wanted to learn a new language.D. She was interested in social activities.5.We learn from the conversation that the clubA. mainly organizes language activities.B. accepts members from local students.C. has been set up for a long time.D. is increasing its membership.6.According to the conversation, the woman might come to practice German onA. Wednesday.B. Tuesday.C. Monday.D. Friday.7.What is the man going to do after the conversation?A. Call up the woman for her address.B. Wait for the woman to call him again.C. Mail the woman some information.D. Wait for the woman to pick up a form.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation.8.According to the woman, what actually makes her job difficult?A. Difficult questions from interviewees.B. Embarrassing requests from interviewees.C. Lack of professional background.D. Lack of interviewing skills.9.The woman uses all the following adjectives when talking about attending job fairsEXCEPTA. prospective.B. useful.C. important.D. tiring.10.We learn from the conversation that the womanA. works better at job fairs.B. prefers honest people.C. often works on her own.D. is experienced in her work.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.11.According to today's weather forecast, which part of Europe has dry weather?A. Scandinavian mountains.B. Northwestern Europe.C. Northern Europe.D. Southern Europe.12.In which part of Europe does the weather stay both fine and cool?A. Southern Europe.B. Northern Europe.C. Eastern Europe.D. Northwestern Europe.13.In which region will the weather change tomorrow?A. Northern parts of the Mediterranean.B. Eastern parts of the Mediterranean.C. Central parts of the Mediterranean.D. Southern parts of the Mediterranean.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.14.According to the passage, what benefit can technology bring to people?A. Closer contact with modern devices.B. Greater changes in social organization.C. Better understanding of mass media.D. More useful information to better their life.15.The speaker questions about everybody's access to technological advances. The mainreason isA. illiteracy.B. poverty.C. food shortage.D. ignorance.16.According to the UN plan, all the following will be achieved within ten years EXCEPTA. giving everyone a radio or TV.B. starting to carry out the scheme in ten years.C. offering internet service to more people.D. providing more job opportunities.17.What could be the topic of the passage?A. Growth in telecommunications.B. Technology and the developing world.C. Education and medical care.D. Building an information society.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.18.People in Latin America wear something __________ to express their hopes for wealth inthe New Year.A. newB. redC. whiteD. yellow19.Which o f the following New Year‟s traditions signals friendship?A. Throwing old dishes.B. Wearing something red.C. Wearing something white.D. Eating round fruits.20.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one's own New Year's tradition?A. Watching TV at home.B. Going to bed early.C. Visiting friends.D. Running and shouting outside.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.21.What is happening to the schools in Fairfax County this school year?A. 15 schools have started social studies.B. 15 schools have used digital textbooks.C. Students are ready to use electronic resources.D. Digital textbooks are used for social studies.22.With digital textbooks, schools have saved about __________ million dollars.A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.23.Who found the suspicious item at the airport?A. TSA agents.B. FBI agents.C. The police.D. Passengers.24.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A. The terminal was closed temporarily afterwards.B. There was a thorough search inside the airport.C. Passengers at the airport were safe and sound.D. The security authorities identified the explosives.Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.25.According to the news item, doctors use art therapy to treat the following problemsEXCEPTA. alcohol abuse.B. smoking.C. depression.D. schizophrenia.26.Why did doctors introduce art therapy in the first place?A. To prevent patients from smoking.B. To better understand patients.C. To get patients occupied.D. To teach patients some skills.Question 27 and 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.27.What is the main purpose of the new rules?A. To reduce the number of pilots on duty.B. To prevent pilots from working overtime.C. To ensure an adequate amount of sleep.D. To fix the amount of work for each pilot.28.The Independent Pilots Association was unhappy about the new rules because theyA. had only covered cargo plane pilots.B. had failed to cover all the pilots.C. would be put into effect in two years.D. would be too costly if implemented.Questions 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.29.Why is increase in livestock production necessary?A. Because livestock production is highly efficient.B. Because more people will become wealthier.C. Because it may help double food production.D. Because it has fewer ecological risks.30.What does the word “challenge” mean in the news item?A. Balance between human survival and ecology.B. Conflict between less land and more production.C. Difference between present and future needs.D. Calls by environmental critics to consume less meat.PART III CLOZE [15 MIN]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two.Everyone knows that taxation is necessary in a modern state: without it, it (31) ______ not be possible to pay the soldiers and policemen who protect us; (32) ______ the workers in government offices who (33) ______ our health, our food, our water, and all the other things that we cannot do for ourselves. (34) ______ taxation, we pay for things that we need just (35) ______ we need somewhere to live and something to eat. But (36) ______ everyone knows that taxation is necessary, different people have different ideas about (37) ______ taxation should be arranged. 31. A. canB. mayC. couldD. would32. A. norB. neitherC. neverD. not33. A. look intoB. look overC. look afterD. look through34. A. In accordance withB. By means ofC. With reference toD. On account of35. A. as well asB. as good asC. as such asD. as much as36. A. ifB. whenC. thoughD. as37. A. whenB. howC. whyD. whichIn most countries, a direct tax on (38) ______, which is called income tax, (39) ______. It is arranged in such (40) ______ that the poorest people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows (41) ______ as the taxpayer's income grows. In some countries, for example, the tax on the richest people (42) ______ as high as ninety-five per cent!(43) ______ countries with taxation nearly (44) ______ have indirect taxation too. Many things imported into the country have to pay taxes or “duties.” Of course,it is the men and women who buy these imported things in the shops (45) ______ really have to pay the duties, in the (46) 38. A. personsB. sectorsC. communitiesD. classes39. A. remainsB. staysC. existsD. happens40. A. formB. wayC. measureD. method41. A. quickerB. speedierC. moreD. larger42. A. grows upB. increases upC. goes upD. lifts up43. A. ButB. ConsequentlyC. SimilarlyD. And44. A. periodicallyB. almostC. oftenD. always45. A. whichB. whoC. what______ of higher prices. In some countries, (47) ______, there is a tax on things sold in the shops. If the most necessary things are taxed, a lot of money is (48) ______ but the poor people suffer most. If unnecessary things (49) ______ jewels and fur coats are taxed, less money is obtained but the tax is (50) ______, as the rich pay it. 46. A. mannerB. formC. meansD. way47. A. eitherB. alsoC. tooD. often48. A. lentB. savedC. borrowedD. collected49. A. alikeB. likeC. asD. for50. A. heavierB. fairerC. finerD. betterPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two.51. Facing the board of directors, he didn‟t deny __________ breaking the agreement.A. himB. itC. hisD. its52. Xinchun returned from aboard a different man. The italicized part functions as a (n)__________.A. appositive (同位语)B. objectC. adverbialD. complement.53. Which of the following is a compound word (复合词)?A. Nonsmoker.B. Deadline.C. Meanness.D. Misfit.54. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood?A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o‟clock?B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro.C. Walk straight ahead, and don't turn till the second traffic lights.D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.55. The following determiners(限定词) can be used with both plural and uncountable nounsEXCEPTA. more.B. enough.C. many.D. such.56. Which of the italicized parts indicates CONTRAST?A. She opened the door and quietly went in.B. Victoria likes music and Sam is fond of sports.C. Think it over again and you‟ll get an answer.D. He is somewhat arrogant, and I don't like this.57. Which of the following CANNOT be used as a nominal substitute(名词替代词)?A. Much.B. Neither.C. One.D. Quarter.58. All the following sentences definitely indicate future time EXCEPTA. Mother is to have tea with Aunt Betty at four.B. The President is coming to the UN next week,C. The school pupils will be home by now.D. He is going to email me the necessary information.59. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT?A. Politics are the art or science of government.B. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.C. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.D. All the furniture has arrived undamaged.60. Which of in the following phrases indicates a subject-predicate relationship?A. The arrival of the touristsB. The law of NewtonC. The occupation of the islandD. The plays of Oscar Wilde61. Which of the following italicized parts serves as an appositive?A. He is not the man to draw back.B. Tony hit back the urge to tell a lie.C. Larry has a large family to support.D. There is really nothing to fear.62. Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence?A. Let me drive you home, shall I?B. You will mind your own business!C. Come and have dinner with us.D. I wish you could stay behind.63. If it _______ tomorrow, the match would be put off.A. were to rainB. was to rainC. was rainingD. had rained64. Which of the following sentences expresses a fact?A. Mary and her son must be home by now.B. Careless reading must give poor results.C. It‟s getting late, and I must leave now.D. He must be working late at the office.65. The following are all dynamic verbs(动态动词) EXCEPTA. remain.B. turn.C. write.D. knock.66. __________ to school life was less difficult than the pupil had expected.A. AdheringB. AdoptingC. AdjustingD. Acquainting67. He is fed up with the same old dreary routine, and wants to quit his job. The underlinedpart means __________.A. dullB. boringC. longD. hard68. At last night‟s party Larry said something that I though was beyond me. The underlinedpart means __________.A. I was unable to doB. I couldn‟t understandC. I was unable to stopD. I couldn‟t tolerate69. The couple __________their old house and sold it for a vast profit.A. did forB. did inC. did withD. did up70. Sally contributed a lot to the project, but she never once accepted all the __________ forherself.A. creditB. attentionC. focusD. award71. The child nodded, apparently content with his mother‟s promise. The underlined partmeans __________.A. as far as one has learntB. as far as one is concernedC. as far as one can seeD. as far as one is told72. The __________ that sport builds character is well accepted by people nowadays.A. issueB. argumentC. pointD. sentence73. Everyone in the office knows that Melinda takes infinite care over her work. Theunderlined part means __________.A. limitedB. unnecessaryC. overdueD. much74. The new measure will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident.The underlined part means __________.A. if an accident happensB. if an accident can be preventedC. before an accidentD. during an accident75. Traditionally, local midwives would __________ all the babies in the area.A. handleB. produceC. deliverD. help76. No food or drink is allowed on the premises. The underlined part means __________.A. propositionB. advertisementC. buildingD. string77. The court would not accept his appeal unless __________ evidence is provided.A. conclusiveB. definiteC. eventualD. concluding78. As soon as he opened the door, a __________ of cold air swept through the house.A. flowB. movementC. rushD. blast79. She really wanted to say something at the meeting, but eventually __________ from it.A. preventedB. refrainedC. limitedD. restricted80. The couple told the decorator that they wanted their bedroom gaily painted. Theunderlined part means __________.A. brightlyB. light-heartedlyC. cheerfullyD. lightlyPART V READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two.TEXT AThe art of public speaking began in ancient Greece over 2,000 years ago. Now, twitter, instant messaging, e-mail, blogs and chat forums offer rival approaches to communication—but none can replace the role of a great speech.The spoken word can handle various vital functions: persuading or inspiring, informing, paying tribute, entertaining, or simply introducing someone or something or accepting something.Over the past year, the human voice has helped guide us over the ups and downs of what was certainly a stormy time.Persuasion is used in dealing with or reconciling different points of view. When the leaders met in Copenhagen in December 2009, persuasive words from activists encouraged them to commit themselves to firmer action.Inspirational speeches confront the emotions. They focus on topics and matters that are close to people's hearts. During wars, generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops for battle.A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding can inform us. The information must be clear, accurate, and expressed in a meaningful and interesting way. When the H1N1 pandemic(流行病)was announced, the idea of “swine flu”(猪流感)scared many people. Informative speeches from World Health Organization officials helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions.Sad events are never easy to deal with but a speech that pays tribute to the loss of a loved one and gives praise for their contribution can be comforting. Madonna's speech about Michael Jackson, after his death, highlighted the fact that he will continue to live on through his music.It's not only in world forums where public speaking plays an important role. It can also be surprisingly helpful in the course of our own lives.If you‟re taking part in a debate you need to persuade the listeners of the soundness of your argument. In sports, athletes know the importance of a pep talk(鼓舞士气的讲话)before a match to inspire teammates. You yourself may be asked to do a presentation at college or work to inform the others about an area of vital importance.On a more personal level, a friend may be upset and need comforting. Or you might be asked to introduce a speaker at a family event or to speak at a wedding, where your language will be needed to move people or make them laugh.Great speaking ability is not something we're born with. Even Barack Obama works hard to perfect every speech. For a brilliant speech, there are rules that you can put to good use. To learn those rules you have to practice and learn from some outstanding speeches in the past.81. The author thinks the spoken word is still irreplaceable becauseA. it has always been used to inspire or persuade people.B. it has a big role to play in the entertainment business.C. it plays important roles in human communication.D. it is of great use in everyday-life context.82. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the role of public speaking?A. Speeches at world forums can lead to effective solutions to world problems.B. Speeches from medical authorities can calm people down in times of pandemics.C. The morale of soldiers before a battle can be boosted by senior officers' speeches.D. Speeches paying tribute to the dead can comfort the mourners.83. Public speaking can play all the following roles EXCEPTA. to convince people in a debate.B. to inform people at a presentation.C. to advise people at work.D. to entertain people at a wedding.84. According to the passage, which of the following best explains the author's view on“great speaking ability”?A. It comes from observing rules.B. It can be perfected with easy effort.C. It can be acquired from birth.D. It comes from learning and practice.85. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Public speaking in international forums.B. The many uses of public speaking.C. Public speaking in daily life context.D. The rules of public speaking.TEXT BEvery business needs two things, says Skullcandy CEO Rick Alden: inspiration and desperation. In 2001, Alden had both. He'd sold two snowboarding businesses, and he was desperately bored. But he had an idea: He wanted to make a new kind of headphone.“I kept seeing people missing their cell phone calls because they were listening to music,” he explains. Then I'm in a chairlift(索道), I've got my headphones on, and I realize my phone is ringing. As 1 take my gloves off and reach for my phone, I think, “It can't be that tough to make headphones with two plugs, one for music and one for your cell phone.” Alden described what he wanted to a designer, perfected a prototype, and outsourced(外包)manufacturing overseas.Alden then started designing headphones into helmets, backpacks - anywhere that would make it easy to listen to music while snowboarding. “Selling into board and skate shops wasn't a big research effort,” he explains. “Those were the only guys I knew!”Alden didn‟t want to be a manufacturer. And by outsourcing, he'd hoped he could get the business off the ground without debt. But he was wrong. So he asked his wife, “Can I put a mortgage(抵押贷款)on the house? She said, …What is the worst thing that can happen? We lose the house, we sell our cars, and we start all over again.‟ I definitely married the right woman!”For the next two years, Alden juggled mortgage payments and payments to his manufacturers. “Factories won't ship your product till they get paid,” he says. “But it takes four or five months to get a mortgage company so upset that they knock on your door. So we paid the factory first.”Gradually, non-snowboarders began to notice the colorful headphones. In 2006, the company started selling them in 1,400 FYE (For Your Entertainment) stores. “We knew that nine out often people walking into that store would be learning about Skullcandy for the first time. Why would they look at brands they knew and take home a new brand instead? We had agreed to buy back anything we didn‟t sell, but we were dealing with huge numbers. I t‟d killus to take back all the products.”Alden‟s fears faded as Skullcandy became the No. 1 headphone selle r in those stores and tripled its revenue to $120 million in one year. His key insight was that headphones weren‟t gadgets; they were a fashion accessory. “In the beginning,” he says, “that little white wire that said you had an iPod—that was cool. But now wearing the white bud means you‟re just like everyone else. Headphones occupy this critical piece of cranial real estate and are highly visible.”Today, Skullcandy is America's second-largest headphone supplier, after Sony. With 79 employees, the company is bigger than Alden ever imagined.86. Alden came up with the idea of a new kind of headphone because heA. was no longer in snowboarding business.B. had no other business opportunities.C. was very fond of modern music.D. saw an inconvenience among mobile users.87. The new headphone was originally designed forA. snowboarders.B. motorcyclists.C. mountain hikers.D. marathon runners.88. Did Alden solve the money problem?A. He sold his house and his cars.B. Factories could ship products before being paid.C. He borrowed money from a mortgage company.D. He borrowed money from his wife's family.89. What did Alden do to promote sales in FYE stores?A. He spent more money on product advertising.B. He promised to buy back products not sold.C. He agreed to sell products at a discount.D. He improved the colour design of the product.90. Alden sees headphones asA. a sign of self-confidence.B. a symbol of status.C. part of fashion.D. a kind of device.TEXT CI was standing in my kitchen wondering what to have for lunch when my friend Taj called.“Sit down,” she said.I thought she was going to tell me she had just gotten the haircut from hell. I laughed and said, “It can't be that bad.”But it was. Before the phone call, I had 30 years of re tirement saving in a “safe” fund with a brilliant financial guru(金融大亨).When I put down the phone, my savings were gone. I felt as if I had died and, for some unknown reason, was still breathing.Since Bernie Madoff‟s arrest on charges of running a $65 million Ponzi scheme, I‟ve read many articles about how we investors should have known what was going on. I wish I could say I had reservations about Madoff before “the Call”, but I did not.On New Year‟s Eve, three weeks after we lost our savings, six of us M adoff people gathered at Taj's house for dinner. As we were sitting around the table, someone asked, “If you could have your money back right now, but it would mean giving up what you have learned by losing it, would you take the money or would you take what losing the money has given you?”My husband was still in financial shock. He said, “I just want the money back.” I wasn't certain where I stood. I knew that losing our money had cracked me wide open. I‟d been walking around like what the Buddhists call a hungry ghost: always focused on the bite that was yet to come, not the one in my mouth. No matter how much I ate or had or experienced, it didn‟t satisfy me, because I wasn‟t really taking it in, wasn't absorbing it. Now I was forced to pay attention.Still, I couldn't honestly say that if someone had offered me the money back, I would turn it down.But the other four all said that what they were seeing about themselves was incalculable, and they didn‟t think it would have become apparent without the gro und of financial stability being ripped out from underneath them.。
)1.下列属于等位基因的是()A.A与b B.R与r C.E与E D.f与f2.母马的体细胞有染色体64条,公驴的体细胞有染色体62条。
母马与公驴杂交的后代骡子的体细胞染色体数为()A.62 条 B.63 条 C.64 条 D.66条3.基因型分别为aaBbCCDd和AABbCCdd的两种豌豆杂交(各对基因独立遗传),其子代中纯合体的比例为()A.0 B.1/8 C.1/16 D.14.下列是对“一对相对性状的杂交实验”中性状分离现象的各项假设性解释,其中错误的是()A.生物的性状是由遗传因子决定的 B.体细胞中的遗传因子成对存在,互不融合C.在配子中只含每对遗传因子的一个 D.生物的雌雄配子数量相等,且随机结合5.纯种的甜玉米和非甜玉米实行间行种植,收获时发现,在甜玉米的果穗上结有非甜玉米的子粒,但是在非甜玉米果穗上找不到甜玉米的子粒,原因是()A.甜是显性性状 B.非甜是显性性状 C.相互混杂 D.非甜是隐性性状6.下图表示豌豆杂交实验时F1自交产生F2的结果统计。
甲水稻(DdRr)与乙水稻杂交,其后代四种表现型的比例是3∶3∶1∶1,则乙水稻的基因型可能是()A.Ddrr B.DdRR C.ddRR D.DdRr8.在西葫芦的皮色遗传中,已知黄皮基因(Y)对绿皮基因(y)显性,但在另一白色显性基因(W)存在时,则基因Y和y都不能表达。
现有基因型WwYy的个体自交,其后代表现型种类是()A.2种 B.3种 C.4种 D.5种9.控制植物果实重量的三对等位基因A、a;B、b和C、c,对果实重量的作用相等,分别位于三对同源染色体上。
第 1 页 共 5 页学校:_______________ 班级:_______________ 姓名:_______________ 考试号:_______________---------------------------密----------------------------封----------------------------线----------------------------内----------------------------不----------------------------准----------------------------答----------------------------题-----------------------2013-2014学年度第二学期六年级中期测试第I 卷 基础积累与运用(40分)一、读拼音,写词语。
(10分)ch ū x ún x ìng ãr k ū w ěi ji ã r án c án b ào ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) pi ě zu ǐ q ī fu ch ōu y ē d ǎ ji ǎo āi s ī ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、把正确选项填在括号中。
(3分) (1)下列词语中读音错误的是( ) ①曝.(p ù)晒 ②喷.(p ân )香 ③榛.(q ín )子 ④膝.(x ī)盖 (2)下面带点字读音相同的一组是( ) ①待.会儿、等待. ②引吭.高歌、吭.声 ③结.巴、结.果 ④喝.彩、吃喝. (3)“江姐、许云峰、华子良、小萝卜头”这几个人物出自小说( )①《红日》 ②《红岩》 ③《赤色小子》 ④《铁道游击队》 (4)“死得其所”的“所”的解释是( )①处所 ②明代驻兵的地点 ③量词 ④办事地方的名称 (5)“越剧”是( )地方的剧种。
最新苏教版小学数学四年级下册期中考试测试卷及答案 共七套 2020春 第二学期
7 、三位数乘两位数积最多是()位数,最少是()位数。
9、在○里填上“>”“<”或“=”240×15 ○ 240×5×10450×5 ○ 40×55250×3 ○ 25×3010、张阿姨准备在水果店购买100千克苹果,后来发现梨的价钱只有苹果的一半,就拿出买苹果钱的一半去买梨。
小学四年级数学下册期中试卷篇1一、填空题(32分)1. 308的15倍是( ),360是15的( )倍。
2.一瓶牛奶的容量大约是250( ),小强家的电热水器能盛水50( )。
950毫升 1升 3升 3000毫升 2升20毫升 2002毫升4. 汽车每小时的速度是每小时80千米,可以写成( );每辆自行车的单价是600元,可以写成( )。
5. 根据15×6=90直接写出:15×12=( ) 150×60=( )6.( )≈6万,括号里能填的最大的数是( ),最小的数是( )。
(1)组成最大的八位数 ( ) (2)一个“零“也不读 ( )(3)只读一个“零”( ) (4)读两个“零“ ( )(5)读三个“零”( )8. 1095050是由( )个万和( )个一组成的,它的最高位是( )位,这个数读作( )。
它省略万后面的尾数约是( )万。
9. 找一找规律,直接写出下面的得数。
(1)9×9=81 (2)1×8+1=99×99=9801 12×8+2=999×999= 998001 123×8+3=9999×9999= × + =99999×99999= × + =10.甲、乙两筐苹果共64千克,从甲筐里取出5千克放到乙筐里去,两筐苹果的重量相等。
甲筐原有苹果( )千克。
11. 从9:15到9:30,分针旋转了( )°。
苏教版数学四年级下学期期中测试卷学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________一.我会算(共3小题,共29分)1.(2019秋•吉水县期中)直接写出得数.(共8分)⨯=6240⨯=⨯=2250⨯=70602080⨯=20520⨯=⨯=250401603⨯=501102.(2019春•江宁区期末)用竖式计算(共12分)⨯=75046⨯=65060⨯=18558⨯=403933.(2019秋•慈利县期中)列式计算.(共9分)(1)158个30是多少? (2)253的23倍是多少?(3)248与47的积是多少?二.我会填(共11小题,每题2分,共22分)4.(2019秋•洪泽区期中)中国陆地面积9600000平方千米,居世界第三,改写成以“万”为单位的数是万平方千米.中国人口数居世界第一,有1395330000人,保留整数约是亿人.5.(2019秋•高新区期中)用3、4、5和3个0组成一个最大的六位数是;只读一个零的六位数是;读两个零的六位数是;一个零也不读的六位数是.6.(2019秋•石林县校级期中)用1、3、5、6、7、9组成一个六位数,这个六位数的近似数是57万,这个数最大是,最小是.7.(2019秋•甘肃期中)124的15倍是;196与72相乘,积是.8.(2019春•贵阳月考)将按逆时针方向旋转90度,形状是,按顺时针方向旋转180度,形状是9.(2019•固原模拟)小明在镜子中看到钟面上是4:30,实际钟面上是.10.(2019秋•全州县期中)9□35010≈亿,□里最大填.≈万,□里最小填;65□97600006511.(2019•北京模拟)先观察,找出规律,再填数.⨯+8888888=.⨯+=9⨯+=,9896888⨯+=,9879588889978812.(2019秋•醴陵市期末)用计算器计算“133649⨯”时,发现键“4”坏了.如果还用这个计算器,你会怎样计算?请写出算式.13.(2019秋•朝阳区期末)新学期,王老师为学校篮球队购买运动服,每套运动153元,王老师准备了6000元;这些钱【横线里填“能”或“不能”】购买39运动服吗?14.(2019•长沙)把如图所示的方格中的图形向右平移格就可以与图形重合;如果每小格表示1平分厘米,图形的面积是平面厘米.三.我会判(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)15.(2019春•东兴市期中)计算器面板上的“AC”是消除键()16.(2019秋•长安区期末)84951四舍五入到万位约等于90000 ()17.(2019秋•盐山县期末)小朋友荡秋千时,秋千的运动是旋转现象()18.(2019秋•天峨县期末)两个因数的末尾有几个0,积的末尾一定有几个0 ()19.(2019秋•洛川县期末)两个因数的积是100,一个因数不变,另一个因数缩小5倍,积缩小5倍()四.我会选(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)20.(2019•衡水模拟)下面这些汽车标志中,有()个不是轴对称图形.A.2B.3C.4D.521.(2019秋•威海期末)下列图()是由如图平移得到的.A.B.C.D22.(2019秋•凉州区校级期末)下面的式子错误的是()A.3028000302≈亿≈万B.4580000458=万C.386500000423.(2019秋•嘉陵区期末)与51300⨯的得数相等的算式是()A.51030⨯⨯D.50300⨯B.5130⨯C.51030024.(2019秋•高新区期中)小林每分钟可以打99个字,一篇3000字的文章,他在28分钟内()打完.A.能B.不能C.不能确定五.我会操作(共2小题,4分+4分=共8分)25.(2019秋•高碑店市期中)画一条虚线,把对称的图形分成完全一样的两部分.26.(2019春•泗洪县校级月考)按要求画图.(1)画出三角形绕A点顺时针旋转90度后的图形,再向左平移5格.(2)画出右面图形的另一半使它成为轴对称图形.六.我会应用(共6小题,第32题6分,其余每题5分,共31分)27.(2019秋•福泉市期末)一辆汽车以80千米?小时的速度从甲地开往乙地,用了5小时,返回时只用了4小时,这辆车返回每小时行驶多少千米?28.(2019秋•宁波校级期中)一列火车通过1200米的大桥共用了30秒钟,已知火车的速度为50米/秒,这列火车长多少米?29.(2019秋•游仙区期中)妈妈计划买6千克苹果和4千克樱桃,应付多少钱?30.(2019•衡阳模拟)有956个座位的礼堂举办音乐会,每张入场券15元.(1)已售出542张入场券,收款多少元?(2)剩余的票,按每张12元售出最多可以收款多少元?31.有一条宽为4米的人行道,占地面积为480平方米,为了方便人们行走,道路的宽度要增加到12米,长不变,问拓宽后这条人行道的面积是多少平方米.(请用两种方法解答)32.(2019秋•景县期末)(1)买15台微波炉和10个电饭煲,准备6000元够吗?(2)已知每台电饭煲的进价是178元,若商场以现价卖出48台电饭煲,一共盈利多少元?答案与解析一.我会算(共3小题)1.(2019秋•吉水县期中)直接写出得数. 2080⨯= 7060⨯= 2250⨯= 6240⨯= 1603⨯=25040⨯=50110⨯=20520⨯=【分析】根据整数乘法的计算方法进行口算即可. 【解答】解: 20801600⨯= 70604200⨯= 22501100⨯= 62402480⨯= 1603480⨯=2504010000⨯=501105500⨯=205204100⨯=【点评】本题属于基本的计算,在平时注意积累经验,逐步提高运算的速度和准确性. 2.(2019春•江宁区期末)用竖式计算75046⨯= 40393⨯= 18558⨯= 65060⨯=【分析】根据整数乘法的计算方法进行计算. 【解答】解:7504634500⨯=4039337479⨯=1855810730⨯=6506039000⨯=【点评】考查了整数乘法的笔算,根据其计算方法进行计算. 3.(2019秋•慈利县期中)列式计算.(1)158个30是多少?(2)253的23倍是多少?(3)248与47的积是多少?【分析】(1)求158个30是多少,用158乘30;(2)求253的23倍是多少,用253乘23;(3)248与47的积是多少,用248乘47.【解答】解:(1)158304740⨯=答:158个30是4740.(2)253235819⨯=答:253的23倍是5819.(3)2484711656⨯=答:248与47的积是11656.【点评】解答依据是:求一个数的几倍是多少,用乘法计算;求几个相同加数的和用乘法计算.二.我会填(共11小题)4.(2019秋•洪泽区期中)中国陆地面积9600000平方千米,居世界第三,改写成以“万”为单位的数是万平方千米.中国人口数居世界第一,有1395330000人,保留整数约是亿人.【分析】改写成用“万”作单位的数,就是在万位数的右下角点上小数点,然后把小数末尾的0去掉,再在数的后面写上“万”字,据此改写.把1395330000保留整数就是把改写成的用“亿”作单位的数的小数部分四舍五入取整数.【解答】解:9600000960=万;1395330000万14≈亿.故答案为:960,14.【点评】本题主要考查整数的写法和改写,注意改写时要带计数单位.5.(2019秋•高新区期中)用3、4、5和3个0组成一个最大的六位数是;只读一个零的六位数是;读两个零的六位数是;一个零也不读的六位数是.【分析】要想组成的数最大,要把数按照从大到小的顺序从高位到低位排下来;根据整数中“零”的读法,每一级末尾的0都不读出来,其余数位连续几个0都只读一个零.要想只读一个“零”,就要有一个0或连续几个0不能写在每级的末尾;要想读出两个“零”,就要有两个或两组0不能写在每级的末尾,且不能相邻;要想一个“零”也不读,就要把所有的0都写在每级的末尾.【解答】解:组成最大的六位数是:543000读一个零的有:500430读两个零的有:500403;一个零也不读的有504300.故答案为:543000,500430,500403,543000、504300.(答案不唯一)【点评】本题是考查整数的读、写法,分级读、写或借助数位表读、写数能较好的避免读、写错0的情况,是常用的方法,要熟练掌握.6.(2019秋•石林县校级期中)用1、3、5、6、7、9组成一个六位数,这个六位数的近似数是57万,这个数最大是,最小是.【分析】由于这个六位数四舍五入到万位是57万,可知前面两位四舍是57,五入是57,四舍的数较大,五入的数较小,组成最大的六位数确定前面两位是57,千位是3,再把其余数字按照从大到小的顺序排列写成一个六位数;组成最小的六位数确定前面两位是56,千位是7,再把其余数字字按照从小到大的顺序排列后写成一个六位数.【解答】解:用1、3、5、6、7、9组成一个六位数,这个六位数的近似数是57万,这个数最大是573961,最小是567139.故答案为:573961,567139.【点评】给定数字写出这些数字组成的最大的数和最小的数,这是常见的一类题目,最大把这些数按照从大到小排列,最小就按照从小到大排列,注意0不能放在最高位.7.(2019秋•甘肃期中)124的15倍是;196与72相乘,积是.【分析】求124的15倍,就用124乘15即可;求196与72相乘的积,就用196乘12即可.【解答】解:124151860⨯=1967214112⨯=答:124的15倍是1860;196与72相乘,积是14112.故答案为:1860,14112.【点评】本题考查了整数倍数的意义,以及整数乘法计算的方法.8.(2019春•贵阳月考)将按逆时针方向旋转90度,形状是C,按顺时针方向旋转180度,形状是【分析】图形旋转有三个关键要素:一是旋转的中心,二是旋转的方向,三是旋转的角度;由此结合题意解答即可.【解答】解:将按逆时针方向旋转90度,形状是,按顺时针方向旋转180度,形状是;故选:C,B.【点评】此题是考查对旋转的理解及在实际当中的运用.9.(2019•固原模拟)小明在镜子中看到钟面上是4:30,实际钟面上是7:30.【分析】根据镜面对称的性质求解,在平面镜中的像与现实中的事物恰好左右相反,且关于镜面对称.【解答】解:根据镜面对称的性质,题中所显示的时刻成轴对称,所以此时实际时刻为7:30.故答案为:7:30.【点评】本题考查镜面反射的原理与性质.解决此类题应认真观察,注意技巧.10.(2019秋•全州县期中)9□35010≈亿,□里最大填.≈万,□里最小填5;65□976000065【分析】9□35010≈万,显然是用“五入”法求出的近似数,所以空格里可以填5、6、7、8、9.根据求一个数的近似数的方法,要省略“亿位”后面的尾数,本题必须用“四舍”法来确定最大填几.【解答】解:9□35010≈万,空格里可以填5、6、7、8、9.最小填写5.65□976000065≈亿,显然是用“四舍”法,所以最大能填4.故答案为:5,4.【点评】此题主要考查利用“四舍五入法”,省略万位后面的尾数求近似数的方法.11.(2019•北京模拟)先观察,找出规律,再填数.⨯+=⨯+=,98795888899788⨯+=,98968889876549=.⨯+8888888【分析】纵观各算式,都是乘、加混合运算,第一个因数分别是9、98、987⋯,即从高位到低位是递减的自然数;第二个因数都是9,加数分别是7、6、5⋯;加数等于9减积的位数;计算结果各位上的数字都是8,位数是第一个因数的位数加1.据此即可写出最后一个算式所空缺的数即可.【解答】解:8888888是7位数,所以第一个因数是716-=位数,即987654,加数是:972-=,所以算式是:987654928888888⨯+=.故答案为:987654;2.【点评】解答此题的关键是找规律,只要找到规律,再根据规律填写所空缺的数就比较容易了.12.(2019秋•醴陵市期末)用计算器计算“133649⨯”时,发现键“4”坏了.如果还用这个计算器,你会怎样计算?请写出算式133677⨯⨯.【分析】根据题意,把49分成两个数的乘积的形式,即4977=⨯,然后再求解即可.【解答】解:133649⨯=⨯⨯133677故答案为:133677⨯⨯.【点评】此题主要考查了计算器的使用方法,解答此题的关键是把49分成两个数的乘积的形式.13.(2019秋•朝阳区期末)新学期,王老师为学校篮球队购买运动服,每套运动153元,王老师准备了6000元;这些钱能【横线里填“能”或“不能”】购买39运动服吗?【分析】根据总价=单价⨯数量,用每套运动的单价乘所买数量求出购买39运动服需要的钱数,再和王老师带的钱数比较,即可解答.【解答】解:153395967⨯=(元)5967元6000<元答:这些钱能购买39运动服.故答案为:能.【点评】此题考查了单价、数量和总价之间的关系.14.(2019•长沙)把如图所示的方格中的图形向右平移5格就可以与图形重合;如果每小格表示1平分厘米,图形的面积是平面厘米.【分析】(1)根据平移的特征、两个图形的相对位置及对应部分间的距离即可确定阴影图形平移的方向和距离;(2)再把这个图形的左边弓形部分切割、平移,即可组成一个边长为3厘米的正方形,根据正方形的面积计算公式“2=”即可求出它的面积.S a【解答】解:(1)答:把如图所示的方格中的图形向右平移5格就可以与图形重合.(2)如图,⨯=(平方厘米)339答:图形的面积是9平面厘米.故答案为:5,9.【点评】此题主要是考查平移的特征、平移的实际应用.(2)通过把这个图形进行切割、平移,计算其面积就比较容易了.三.我会判(共5小题)15.(2019春•东兴市期中)计算器面板上的“AC”是消除键.√()【分析】计算器上AC键是清除键,据此解答.【解答】解:计算器上的“AC”是清除键,所以本题说法正确;故答案为:√.【点评】本题关键是明确计算器的各键的作用和功能.16.(2019秋•长安区期末)84951四舍五入到万位约等于90000.⨯()【分析】改写成用万作单位的数,就是在万位数的右下角点上小数点,然后把小数末尾的0去掉,再在数的后面写上“万”字;省略“万”后面的尾数就是四舍五入到万位,把万位后的千位上的数进行四舍五入,再在数的后面写上“万”字.【解答】解:84951四舍五入到万位约等于800008=万.题干的说法是错误的.故答案为:⨯.【点评】本题主要考查整数的求近似数,注意求近似数时要带计数单位.17.(2019秋•盐山县期末)小朋友荡秋千时,秋千的运动是旋转现象.√()【分析】旋转是物体运动时,每一个点离同一个点(可以在物体外)的距离不变的运动,称为绕这个点的转动,这个点称为物体的转动中心,旋转自然是转动的;推拉门窗是把整个门窗按一定的方向来回运动,根据图形平移的意义,在平面内,将一个图形沿某个方向移动一定的距离,这样的图形运动称为平移,依此根据平移与旋转定义判断即可.【解答】解:小朋友荡秋千时,秋千的运动是旋转现象,说法正确;故答案为:√.【点评】此题考查了在生活实际当中对平移与旋转的理解.18.(2019秋•天峨县期末)两个因数的末尾有几个0,积的末尾一定有几个0.⨯.()【分析】根据整数末尾有零的乘法的计算方法可知,两个因数的末尾一共有几个零,积的末尾就有几个零的说法错误,如果两个因数0前边的数相乘的积的末尾仍然有零,则积的末尾零的个数就多于两个因数末尾零的个数.如250205000⨯=.因数末尾共有两个零,积的末尾有3个0.【解答】解:两个因数的末尾一共有几个零,积的末尾就有几个零的说法错误,如250205000⨯=.因数末尾共有两个零,积的末尾有3个0.故答案为:⨯.【点评】整数末尾有0的乘法:可以先把0前面的数相乘,然后看各因数的末尾一共有几个0,就在乘得的数的末尾添写几个0.19.(2019秋•洛川县期末)两个因数的积是100,一个因数不变,另一个因数缩小5倍,积缩小5倍.√()【分析】根据积的变化规律,原来两个因数的积是100,如果一个因数不变,另一个因数缩小5倍,积也缩小5倍,由100变成20.【解答】解:两个因数的积是100,如果一个因数不变,另一个因数缩小5倍,积是20;所以原题说法正确.故答案为:√.【点评】此题考查积的变化规律的运用:一个因数不变,另一个因数扩大或缩小若干倍(0除外),积就扩大或缩小相同的倍数.四.我会选(共5小题)20.(2019•衡水模拟)下面这些汽车标志中,有()个不是轴对称图形.A.2B.3C.4D.5【分析】根据轴对称图形的意义:如果一个图形沿着一条直线对折后两部分完全重合,这样的图形叫做轴对称图形,这条直线叫做对称轴;依次进行判断即可.【解答】解:根据轴对称图形的意义可知:从左数,第1、3、5、7个图形是轴对称图形,而第2、4、6个图形不是轴对称图形;所以有3个不是轴对称图形.故选:B.【点评】此题考查了轴对称图形的意义,判断轴对称图形的关键是寻找对称轴,看图形对折后两部分是否完全重合.21.(2019秋•威海期末)下列图()是由如图平移得到的.A.B.C.D【分析】图形平移后,只是位置的变化,图形大小、形状、方向不变.A图、B图、D图大小没变,但方向变了,不是原图平移后得到的;C图大小、形状、方向没变,是原图平移后的图形.【解答】解:经过平移后得到即图形C是由原图平移得到的.故选:C.【点评】关键抓住平移的特征:图形平移后,只是位置的变化,图形大小、形状、方向不变.22.(2019秋•凉州区校级期末)下面的式子错误的是()A.3028000302=万≈万B.4580000458C.3865000004≈亿【分析】四舍五入到万位就是省略“万”后面的尾数,根据万位后的千位上的数进行四舍五入,再在数的后面写上“万”字;改写成用“万”作单位的数,在万位的右下角点上小数点,省略末尾的0,加上“万”即可;四舍五入到亿位就是省略“亿”后面的尾数,根据亿位后的千万位上的数进行四舍五入,再在数的后面写上“亿”字.据此解答即可.【解答】解:302 8000303≈万458 0000458=万3 8650 00004≈亿式子错误的是A选项.故选:A.【点评】本题主要考查整数的改写和求近似数,注意改写和求近似数的区别.23.(2019秋•嘉陵区期末)与51300⨯的得数相等的算式是()A.51030⨯⨯D.50300⨯B.5130⨯C.510300【分析】根据整数乘法的计算方法,分别求出各个算式的结果,再比较解答.【解答】解:5130015300⨯=A、5103015300⨯=B、51301530⨯=⨯=C、510300153000D、5030015000⨯=所以,5130051030⨯=⨯.故选:A.【点评】本题关键是根据乘法的计算方法,求出各自的乘积,然后再进一步解答.24.(2019秋•高新区期中)小林每分钟可以打99个字,一篇3000字的文章,他在28分钟内()打完.A.能B.不能C.不能确定【分析】小林每分钟可以打99个字,他28分钟能打28个99,即9928⨯,然后再比较解答.【解答】解:99282772⨯=(个)<27723000答:他在28分钟内不能打完.故选:B.【点评】本题关键是根据整数乘法的意义,求出28分钟能打字的个数,然后再比较解答.五.我会操作(共2小题)25.(2019秋•高碑店市期中)画一条虚线,把对称的图形分成完全一样的两部分.【分析】一个图形沿一条直线对折,直线两旁的部分能够完全重合,那么这个图形就是轴对称图形,这条直线就是这个图形的对称轴.根据轴对称图形的定义,找出并画出轴对称图形的对称轴即可.【解答】解:【点评】此题考查了根据轴对称图形定义画出轴对称图形的对称轴的方法.26.(2019春•泗洪县校级月考)按要求画图.(1)画出三角形绕A点顺时针旋转90度后的图形,再向左平移5格.(2)画出右面图形的另一半使它成为轴对称图形.【分析】(1)根据旋转的意义,找出图中三角形3个关键处,按顺时针方向旋转90度后,然后根据平移的特征,把三角形的各点分别向左平移5格,再依次连结即可.(2)根据轴对称图形的特征,对称点到对称轴的距离相等,对称点的连线垂直于对称轴,在对称轴的下边画出图形A的关键对称点,连结即可.【解答】解:如图:(1)三角形绕A点顺时针旋转90度后的图形,再向左平移5格.如图所示.(2)右面图形的另一半使它成为轴对称图形,如图.【点评】此题是考查作轴对称图形、作平移的图形、作旋转图形.关键是确定对称点(对应点)的位置.六.我会应用(共6小题)27.(2019秋•福泉市期末)一辆汽车以80千米?小时的速度从甲地开往乙地,用了5小时,返回时只用了4小时,这辆车返回每小时行驶多少千米?【分析】首先根据速度⨯时间=路程,用这辆汽车去时的速度乘以用的时间,求出两地之间的距离是多少;然后用它除以返回用的时间,求出这辆车返回每小时行驶多少千米即可.【解答】解:8054⨯÷4004=÷=(千米)100答:这辆车返回每小时行驶100千米.【点评】此题主要考查了行程问题中速度、时间和路程的关系:速度⨯时间=路程,路程÷时间=速度,路程÷速度=时间,要熟练掌握,解答此题的关键是求出两地之间的距离是多少.28.(2011秋•宁波校级期中)一列火车通过1200米的大桥共用了30秒钟,已知火车的速度为50米/秒,这列火车长多少米?【分析】根据路程=速度⨯时间,求出火车过桥所经过的路程:50301500⨯=(米),再根据火车过桥所经过的路程是车身长加桥长,然后减去1200米,列式解答即可.【解答】解:50301200⨯-,=-,15001200=(米);300答:火车的长度是300米.【点评】答这类应用题,必须考虑到车身的长度,这就是说,列车运动的总路程是桥长加上车长,这是解答过桥问题应用题的关键.29.(2010秋•游仙区期中)妈妈计划买6千克苹果和4千克樱桃,应付多少钱?【分析】可以先分别求出樱桃和苹果的单价,然后用购买樱桃的钱数加购买苹果的钱就是应付的钱.【解答】解:1024536÷⨯+÷⨯,=+,201030=(元),答:应付30元钱.【点评】解答此题的关键是求出樱桃和苹果的单价,然后再列式解答即可.30.(2019•衡阳模拟)有956个座位的礼堂举办音乐会,每张入场券15元.(1)已售出542张入场券,收款多少元?(2)剩余的票,按每张12元售出最多可以收款多少元?【分析】(1)每张入场券15元,已售出542张入场券,那么收款的钱数就是542个15元,即54215⨯元;(2)先用座位总数减去售出的542张,求出剩下票的张数,再乘12即可求出按剩下的票最多可以收款多少元.【解答】解:(1)542158130⨯=(元)答:收款8130元.(2)(956542)12-⨯=⨯41412=(元)4968答:按每张12元售出最多可以收款4968元.【点评】此题主要依据单价、数量和总价之间的关系解决问题.31.有一条宽为4米的人行道,占地面积为480平方米,为了方便人们行走,道路的宽度要增加到12米,长不变,问拓宽后这条人行道的面积是多少平方米.(请用两种方法解答)【分析】首先用原来的面积除以宽求出原来的长,再根据长方形的面积公式:s ab=,把数据代入公式解答,或者先求出宽增加了多少米,再求出增加的面积,然后用原来的面积加上增加的面积即可.【解答】解:方法一:÷⨯480412=⨯12012=(平方米);1440方法二:4804120÷=(米),+⨯-480120(124)=+⨯4801208480960=+=(平方米);1440答:拓宽后这条人行道的面积是1440平方米.【点评】此题主要考查长方形面积公式的灵活运用,关键是熟记公式.32.(2019秋•景县期末)(1)买15台微波炉和10个电饭煲,准备6000元够吗?(2)已知每台电饭煲的进价是178元,若商场以现价卖出48台电饭煲,一共盈利多少元?【分析】(1)根据单价⨯数量=总价,先求出买15台微波炉和10个电饭煲一共需要多少钱,再与6000元相比较即可解答;(2)已知每台电饭煲的进价是178元,现价是225元,则一台电饭煲的盈利是22517847-=元,再乘48,就是一共盈利多少元.【解答】解:(1)1524810225⨯+⨯=+37202250=(元)5970<59706000答:准备6000元够.(2)(225178)48-⨯=⨯47482256=(元)答:能盈利2256元.【点评】此题主要考查了单价、数量与总价之间的关系的灵活应用.。
安徽省太和中学2013-2014学年高二上学期期中考试历史(实验班)试题 Word版含答案
上述言论体现的是A.君民对立、加强统治的法家思想 B.实行仁政、缓和冲突的儒家思想C.消退等级、主见兼爱的墨家思想 D.憎恶权术、无为而治的道家思想2.唐宋时期是我国历史上一个大变动时期。
下列支持这一结论的历史依据有①科举制度的产生与进展②程朱理学的消灭③交子的消灭④世俗文化兴起A.①③ B.②③④ C.②④ D.①③④3.桐城人方东树1825年在一篇文章中写道:“藏书满家好而读之,著书满家刊而传之,诚为学十之雅素,然陈编万卷,浩如烟海,苟学不知要,敝精耗神,与之毕世,验之身心性命,试之国计民生,无些生好处,此只谓之嗜好,不行谓之学。
”这番话表明作者A.呼吁挽救民族危机 B.提倡崇实学风C.潜心争辩考据学 D.主见文人藏书著书4.苏格拉底曾用一个比方来说明他的政治主见,“一条船,应由生疏航海的人驾驶:纺羊毛时,妇女应管理男子,由于她们精于此道……”在这里凸显出其政治思想是()A.反对雅典实行直接民主 B.主见男女公平C.批判雅典公民滥用民主 D.提倡“精英治国”5.马丁·路德在《致德意志基督教贵族公开书》中说:“一个皮匠、铁匠、农夫,各有各的工作和职务,但都是被授予圣职的神甫和主教”。
(第4、10小题每空0.5分,其余每空1分,共22分)1. 一个数由5个亿、607个万和570个一组成,这个数是( ),读作:( ),这个数省略亿位后面的尾数约是( )。
2. 写“三千五百零三万八千二百一十”这个数时,共写出( )个0。
3. 在括号里填上合适的数或单位。
(1)我国陆地领土面积约为960万( )(2)2000000平方米=( )公顷=( )平方千米4. 下图是一张圆形纸连续对折三次的过程。
(360°) ( ) ( ) ( )(周角) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 括号里最大能填几?6780000>6( )700009( )8765000≈9亿60×( )<4886. 一个数“四舍五入”到万位约是8万,这个数最小是( )。
7. 如图中∠1=( ),∠2=( )。
8. 在一个3倍的放大镜下看一个50°的角,看到的角是( )度。
9. 小明用18颗珠子在计数器上拨出了一个大于6亿的九位数,这个数最小是( ),最大是( )。
10. 一个足球115元,王老师买了14个,一共花了多少钱?在括号里填上合适的数。
(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(5分)11. 一个数的最高位是亿位,这个数是九位数。
( )12. 两个数相乘,积一定大于其中的任何一个因数。
( )13. “小明5小时走了10600米,他每小时走多少米?”这道题是求路程。
( )14. 两个锐角的和不一定是一个钝角。
( )15. 一块地面积是1公顷,它一定是边长100米正方形。
( )三、认真选一选。
(5分)16. 下列各数中,一个零也不读出来的是( )。
A 60090000 B. 60900000 C. 600900017. 在7和8之间添()个0,这个数才能成为七亿零八。
A. 6B. 7C. 818. 一个长方形游泳池长50米,宽25米,( )个这样游泳池面积为1公顷。
2013年上半年、2013年下半年、2014年上半年教师资格考试教育知识与能力真题及答案详解三套全国家教师资格证考试真题试卷教育教学知识与能力_____________________________ 1 2013年下半年教师资格考试教育教学知识与能力(小学)试题 ____________________ 16 2014年上半年中小学教师资格考试教育教学知识与能力试题(小学) ______________ 30国家教师资格证考试真题试卷教育教学知识与能力一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)1.苟子日:“不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之。
”这句话所体现的教学原则是( )A.启发性原则B.量力性原则C.巩固性原则D.直观性原则2.从提高学生的认识人手,循序渐进、以理服人地调动学生的主动性,引导他们积极向上的德育原则是( )A.导向性原则B.因材施教原则C.启发性原则D.疏导原则3.小学生从认识燕子、麻雀、鸟等,概括出鸟的本质特征。
这一思维方式是( )A.综合B.推理C.判断D.概念4.由学校组织的社会公益活动、兴趣小组和同学帮扶课外教育活动,不属于( )A.教学计划之内的活动B.教学计划之外的活动C.综合活动D.社会实践活动5.小学数学运算技能形成的基本途径是( )A.讲解B.观察C.练习D.示范6.一个新教师把自己工作的重点放在维系与领导、同事的关系上,他目前处于( )阶段。
A.关注情境B.自我感受C.关注学生D.关注生存7.在学校教育过程中,家长督促并检查孩子完成作业,其承担的角色是( )A.决策者B.支持者C.志愿者D.学习者8.老师与学生、学生与学生之间有一定的了解和信任,班级的组织比较健全时,班集体发展处于( )阶段。
A.成熟B.组建C.核心形成D.自主活动9.《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010~2020年)》指出,我国教育发展的工作方针包括( )①优先发展②育人为本③改革创新④促进公平⑤提高质量⑥均衡发展A.①③④⑤⑥B.①②③④⑤C.①②③⑤⑥D.①②④⑤⑥10.教师对学生个体内部的各方面纵横比较,以判断其学习状况的评价是( )A.绝对评价B.相对评价C.个体内差异评价D.甄别评价11.从课程论角度来看,教室座位安排、图书角的设置属于( )A.活动课程B.综合课程C.隐性课程D.显性课程12.小学数学课程中“概率与统计”这一部分的知识按照由浅入深、由易到难,以关键概念和基本原理为主并出现逐步扩展。
(第9题2分,其余每空或每式1分,计31分)1. 在括号里填上合适的单位名称。
一个篮球场的面积是420( )。
北京故宫占地面积是72( )。
香港特别行政区面积约1100( )教室黑板的面积约是600( )。
2. 705006050是个( )位数,最高位是( )位,从左往右数第二个5表示( ),这个数读作:( )。
3. 9公顷=800平方米+( )平方米;64000000平方米=( )公顷=( )平方千米。
4. 目前,我国建立了2750个自然保护区,其中国家级的有474个,自然保护区的总面积达到一亿四千七百万公顷。
5. 根据24×15=360,直接写出下面算式结果。
240×15=( )48×15=( )( )×15=180( )×( )=18006. 一个正常人心脏一年大约要跳42000000次,也就是( )万次。
7. 两个因数的积是125,如果其中一个因数不变,另一个因数乘8,积是( );如果两个因数都乘8,积是( )。
8. 四大名著是中国的经典作品,是世界宝贵的文化遗产。
表中的数,( )和( )的字数是比较接近的。
红楼梦水浒传三国演义西游记9. 某超市9月1日的的营业额是446元,估算一下,这个超市8月份的营业额大约是( )元。
10. 730□888≈731万,□里最小应填( ),692□890≈692万,□里最大应填( )。
11. 下图中∠1=35°,∠2=( ),∠3=( ),∠4=( )。
12. 某市少年宫的长方形泳池,长50米,宽40米,它的面积是( )平方米,( )个这样的游泳池面积为2公顷。
(每空2分,计10分)13. 如图,∠1=( )。
A. 130°B. 50°C. 132°D. 48°14. 一盆仙人掌17元,卖出了120盆,共卖了多少钱?竖式中箭头所指的这一步表示( )。
。( 4 分)
4.1mA ABC
5、放大电路中三极管的二个电极电流如图 2 所示,另一个电极的电流
并在图上标出其方向;试分析 A ,B,C 对应的管脚,集电极是
( NPN 管
/PNP 管),是
(锗管 /硅管)。
; A+AB=
; 0 ?A =
14、函数真值表如下, 写出输出 Y 与输入 AB 之间的逻辑表达式
。(2 分)
15、组合逻辑电路的特点是: 任意时刻的
Y 1 1 1 0 仅取决于该时刻
电子技术基础 期末考试卷
第 1 页 共 8 页 2020-06-21
16、LED 数码管根据其原理分为
。(4 分)
0 1
10、(21.5)10 =(
)2 =(
) 8421BCD( 3 分)
11、在米利型电路中, 输出信号不仅取决于
态;在摩尔型电路中, 输入信号仅取决
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每段对话后有一个小题.从题中所给的A. B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
例: How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.15.C. £9.18.答案是B。
1. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a bookstore.B. In a classroom.C. In a library.2. At what time will the film begin?A. 7:20B. 7:15C. 7:003. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. Their friend Jane.B. A weekend trip.C. A radio programme.4. What will the woman probably do?A. Catch a train.B. See the man off.C. Go shopping.5. Why did the woman apologize?A. She made a late delivery.B. She went to the wrong place.C. She couldn't take the cake back.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。
听第6段材料.回答第6. 7题。
6. Whose CD is broken?A. Kathy's.B. Mum's.C. Jack's.7. What does the boy promise to do for the girl?A. Buy her a new CD.B. Do some cleaning.C. Give her 10 dollars.听第7段材料.回答第8、9题。
8. What did the man think of the meal?A. Just so-so.B. Quite satisfactory.C. A bit disappointing.9. What was the 15% on the bill paid for?A. The food.B. The drinks.C. The service.听第8段材料,回答第I0至12题。
10. Why is the man at the shop?A. To order a camera for his wife.B. To have a camera repaired.C. To get a camera changed.11. What colour does the man want?A. Pink.B. Black.C. Orange.12. What will the man do afterwards?A. Make a phone call.B. Wait until further notice.C. Come again the next day. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13. What would Joe probably do during the Thanksgiving holiday?A. Go to a play.B. Stay at home.C. Visit Kingston.14. What is Ariel going to do in Toronto?A. Attend a party.B. Meet her aunt.C. See a car show.I5. Why is Ariel in a hurry to leave?A. To call up Betty.B. To buy some DVDs.C. To pick up Daniel.16. What might be the relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Fellow workers.C. Guide and tourist.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. Where does Thomas Manning work?A. In the Guinness Company.B. At a radio station.C. In a museum.18. Where did the idea of a book of records come from?A. A bird-shooting trip.B. A visit to Europe.C. A television talk show.19. When did Sir Hugh's first book of recordsA. In 1875.B. In 1950.C. In 1955.20. What are the two speakers going to talk about next?A. More records of unusual facts.B. The founder of the company.C. The oldest person in the world第二部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)ALang Lang was born in Shenyang. His father Lang Guoren is also a famous musician who specializes in the erhu, a Chinese instrument. At the age of two, Lang Lang watched Tom and Jerry cartoon on television when he first heard Western classical music. According to Lang Lang, this first contact with Western music is what motivated him to learn piano. He began lessons with Professor Zhu Yafen at three. At the age of five, he won first place at the Shenyang Piano Competition.When he was nine years old, Lang Lang attended his audition (试音) for Beijing’s Central Conservatory of Music, and, having difficulties with his lessons, he was forced to leave his piano tutor’s studio for lack of talent. His music teacher at his state school noticed Lang Lang’s sadness, and decided to comfort him by playing a record of Mozart’s Piano sonata (奏鸣曲); she asked him to play along with the second movement (乐章). This reminded Lang Lang of his love of the instrument. “Playing the sonata brought me hope again,” said Lang Lang.Lang Lang was later admitted into the conservatory under the study of Professor Zhao Pingguo. In 1993, Lang Lang won the Xinghai Cup Piano Competition in Beijing and was awarded first prize for outstanding artistic performance at the fourth International Competition for Young Pianists in Ettlingen, Germany, the next year. In 1995, at thirteen, he played the Op. 10 and Op. 25 études (练习曲) by Chopin at the Beijing Concert Hall and, in the same year, won first place at the International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians in Japan. At thirteen he was a featured soloist at the China National Symphony’s inaugural (开幕的) concert, which was broadcast by China Central Television and attended by President Jiang Zemin.21. What can we infer from the first paragraph?A. Lang Lang’s father played the erhu well.B. Lang Lang didn’t like cartoons when young.C. Lang Lang’s family forced him to learn piano.D. Lang Lang began his piano lessons at five.22. Which of the following orders can correctly describe Lang Lang’s process of growth?①Lang Lang began his piano lessons with Professor Zhu Yafen.②Lang Lang won first place at the International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians.③Lang Lang was later admitted into the Central Conservatory of Music.④Lang Lang was awarded first prize at the fourth International Competition for Young Pianists.⑤Playing Mozart’s Piano sonata brought Lang Lang hope again.A. ①③④②⑤B. ①⑤②③④C. ①⑤③②④D. ①⑤③④②23. When was Lang Lang born according to the text?A. In 1982.B. In 1985.C. In 1993.D. In 1995.BHalf the world’s population could face a shortage of food by 2100 due to climate change, a new report by US scientists warns. Rapid global warming is likely to reduce crop production in the tropics and subtropics (热带和亚热带地区), according to Professor David Battisti of the University of Washington.The most extreme summers of the last century will become common, he says. We must immediately create crops that can bear heat and drought if we are to adapt in time, he writes in Science journal.“The stresses on global food production from temperature alone are going to be huge,” said Mr. Battisti. “And that doesn’t take into account water supplies stressed by the higher temperatures.”He worked with Professor Rosamond Naylor on Food Security and the Environment, to examine the influence of climate change on the world’s food supplies. They predict there is a greater than 90% probability that by 2100, the average growing season temperatures in the tropics and subtropics will be higher than any temperatures recorded there to date.“We are taking the worst of what we’ve seen historically and saying that in the future it is going to be a lot worse unless there is some kind of adaptation,” said Professor Naylor. “This is a powerful reason for us to invest (投资) in adaptation, because it is clear that this is the direction we are going in terms of temperature and it will take decades to develop new food crop varieties that can better bear a warmer climate.”In the tropics, the higher temperatures could be expected to cut production of the primary food crops by 20-40%, the researchers said. Rising temperatures are also likely to reduce soil moisture (湿度), cutting production even further.Three billion people live in the tropics and subtropics now, and their number is expected nearly to double by the end of the century.“You are talking about hundreds of millions of additional people looking for food because they won’t be able to find it where they find it now,” said Professor Battisti.Crop failures would not be limited to the tropics, the scientists concluded.24. According to Professor David Battisti, what should be done to deal with crops reduction caused byglobal warming?A. To plant more crops.B. To develop new crops.C. To control population growth.D. To improve farming technology.25. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. To reduce the temperature.B. New food crop variety.C. To invest in adaptation.D. Some kind of adaptation.26. We can know from the text that _____.A. the number of people living in the tropics is reducingB. temperatures will rise most in the tropicsC. crop failures will be a global problemD. new food crop varieties will be developed soon27. The text intends to tell us that _____.A. our world is becoming warmer and warmerB. high temperatures may cause food shortagesC. the consequences of global warmingD. the ways to adapt to high temperaturesCMost people consider skydiving (高空跳伞) a product of the 20th century, but its history actually goes further back than that. The Chinese attempted to parachute (跳伞) in the 10th century, a thousand years before we did. The Chinese did what we would today call base diving; that is, they jumped off a place that would allow them to float from a height to the ground.The first person to attempt to parachute was a Frenchman named Jacques Garnerin. He jumped from his hot-air balloon at the end of the 18th century and did tricks on the way down and stupefied the crowds by landing safely on the ground. At the end of the 19th century, Kathie Paulus, a brave German woman, became famous for her skydiving skills.Once the airplane was invented, skydiving took on a whole new form. The airplane made it possible to dive from greater heights at greater speeds, allowing for more range in the movements in the air. A woman named Tiny Broadwick became the first woman to jump from a plane in 1913 and dive free fall in 1914.Skydiving was not called skydiving until the middle of the 1950s, when Ronald Young invented the word. It had been called parachuting before this and was mainly used by the military to land troops in inland locations, or for pilots to jump out of their planes when necessary. Once World War Iwas over, parachuting became a sport, which we now call skydiving.After World War II, this activity became more a hobby than a military action. Soldiers were trained in parachuting and enjoyed the thrill so much that they continued on for fun. From this, teams and competitions were formed. Skydiving schools appeared in the late 1950s and now it is a recognized extreme sport enjoyed by many.28. The underlined word “stupefied” in Paragraph 2 probably means “______”.A. disappointedB. encouragedC. surprisedD. attacked29. Who was the first woman to jump from a plane?A. Jacques Garnerin.B. Kathie Paulus.C. Tiny Broadwick.D. Ronald Young.30. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The Chinese attempted different skydiving skills in the 10th century.B. Skydiving became popular after the airplane was invented.C. The word skydiving was first used in a military action.D. There were no skydiving schools until the late 1950s.31. What would be the best title for this text?A. The history of skydivingB. The popularity of skydivingC. What is skydiving?D. Why is skydiving an extreme sport?DIn this article you will discover several techniques you can use to improve your interpersonal relations with friends, family, coworkers, and employees. In fact, you can use these techniques to influence others to have a positive attitude toward you in just about any type of relationship.1. Don’t crit icize or complain about people.There’s no faster way to create resentment (忿恨) toward you than to criticize or complain about a person. Instead of telling people they’re doing something wrong, consider asking them questions to try to find out why they do what they do. Offer them an alternative in a way that comes across as (给人以……的印象) trying to help. Show them how doing things the way you would like them done can benefit them or lead to reward.2. Appreciate people.I’ll let you know a secret that can vastly improve your interpersonal relations very quickly: whenever you see someone, imagine them wearing a flashing sign on their chest that says APPRECIATE ME, PLEASE! Then, give them what they want.3. Be genuinely interested in others.You’ll make a lot of friends by being interested in others. Not everyone will admit it, but t hetruth is, most people’s favorite subject is themselves. Use this to your advantage. Become genuinely interested in other people. Ask them questions. Talk to them about things they’re interested in. Put the focus on them. You’ll quickly gain their friend ship.4. Be a good listener.This goes back to the principle of focusing on the other person. Listen more than you speak and encourage others to talk about themselves and you’ll quickly develop good interpersonal relations with them.5. Make others feel important.If someone is important to you in any way, tell them so! This goes for any type of interpersonal relationship! People like to feel important. Give them what they want and they will love you for it.32. When your friends do something wrong, you are advised to ______.A. point out their mistakesB. correct their mistakesC. put forward a new planD. solve the problem for them33. What’s the purpose of an imagined flashing sign on people’s chest?A. To attract others’ attenti on.B. To remind people to talk to them.C. To remind people to praise them.D. To help people to remember them.34. What should we do if we want to improve interpersonal relations according to the text?A. Listen more than we speak.B. Try to argue when we are right.C. Get people to be interested in us.D. Talk more about things we’re interested in.35. Which of the following is true?A. You can tell people directly when they are doing something wrong.B. You’ll make a lot of friends only by being interested in others.C. The fastest way to create resentment towards you is to criticize or complain about a person.D. All the people’s favorite subject is themselves.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。