
FLUENT教程赵玉新I、目录第一章、开始第二章、操作界面第三章、文件的读写第四章、单位系统第五章、读入和操作网格第六章、边界条件第七章、物理特性第八章、基本物理模型第九章、湍流模型第十章、辐射模型第十一章、化学输运与反应流第十二章、污染形成模型第十三章、相变模拟第十四章、多相流模型第十五章、动坐标系下的流动第十六章、解算器的使用第十七章、网格适应第十八章、数据显示与报告界面的产生第十九章、图形与可视化第二十章、Alphanumeric Reporting第二十一章、流场函数定义第二十二章、并行处理第二十三章、自定义函数第二十四章、参考向导第二十五章、索引(Bibliography)第二十六章、命令索引II、如何使用该教程概述本教程主要介绍了FLUENT的使用,其中附带了相关的算例,从而能够使每一位使用者在学习的同时积累相关的经验。

☐化学组分输运和反应流:描述了化学组分输运和反应流的模型及其使用方法,并详细叙述了prePDF 的使用方法。
ansys fluent中文版流体计算工程案例详解

ansys fluent中文版流体计算工程案例详解ANSYS Fluent是一种流体计算动力学软件,可用于解决各种流体力学问题。
本文将详细介绍ANSYS Fluent中文版的流体计算工程案例,包括案例的基本背景、模拟过程和结果分析。
这些案例旨在帮助用户深入了解ANSYS Fluent的使用方法和流体计算工程实践。
水的初始速度为1 m/s,管道的壁面是光滑的,管道两端的压差为100Pa。
现在需要使用ANSYS Fluent模拟该流体流动过程,并进一步分析不同参数对流动的影响。
首先,在ANSYS Fluent中创建一个新的仿真项目,并选择“仿真”模块。
将管道两端的压力差设置为100Pa,在入口处设置水的初始速度为1 m/s。
在计算过程中,可以实时观察流体场的变化情况,并通过Fluent Post-processing工具进行结果分析。

Flue nt使用步骤指南(新手参考)步骤一:网格1.读入网格(*Msh )File — Read —Case读入网格后,在窗口显示进程2.检查网格Grid —Check'Flue nt对网格进行多种检查,并显示结果。
3.显示网格Display —Grid①以默认格式显示网格可以用鼠标右键检查边界区域、数量、名称、类型将在窗口显示,本操作对于同样类型的多个区域情况非常有用,以便快速区别它们。
4.网格显示操作Display —Views(a)在Mirror Planes 面板下,axis(b)点击Apply,将显示整个网格(c)点击Auto scale,自动调整比例,并放在视窗中间(d)点击Camera调整目标物体位置(e)用鼠标左键拖动指标钟,使目标位置为正(f)点击Apply,并关闭Camera Parameters 和Views 窗口步骤二:模型1.定义瞬时、轴对称模型Define 宀models 宀Solver(a)保留默认的,Segregated解法设置,该项设置,在多相计算时使用。
(b)在Space面板下,选择Axisymmetric;(c)在Time面板下,选择Un steady2.采用欧拉多相模型Define 宀Models 宀Multiphase(a)选择Eulerian作为模型(b)如果两相速度差较大,则需解滑移速度方程(c)如果Body force比粘性力和对流力大得多,则需选择implicit body force 通过考虑压力梯度和体力,加快收敛(d)保留设置不变3.米用K- e湍流模型(米用标准壁面函数)Define 宀Models 宀Viscous⑻选择K- e ( 2 eqn模型)(b)保留Near wall Treatment 面板下的Standard Wall Function设置(c)在K-e Multiphase Model 面板下,采用Dispersed 模型, dispersed湍流模型在一相为连续相,而材料密度较大情况下采用,而且Stocks数远小于1,颗粒动能意义不大。

P6计划你的CFD分析当你决定使FLUENT 解决某一问题时,首先要考虑如下几点问题:定义模型目标:从CFD 模型中需要得到什么样的结果?从模型中需要得到什么样的精度;选择计算模型:你将如何隔绝所需要模拟的物理系统,计算区域的起点和终点是什么?在模型的边界处使用什么样的边界条件?二维问题还是三维问题?什么样的网格拓扑结构适合解决问题?物理模型的选取:无粘,层流还湍流?定常还是非定常?可压流还是不可压流?是否需要应用其它的物理模型?确定解的程序:问题可否简化?是否使用缺省的解的格式与参数值?采用哪种解格式可以加速收敛?使用多重网格计算机的内存是否够用?得到收敛解需要多久的时间?在使用CFD 分析之前详细考虑这些问题,对你的模拟来说是很有意义的。
当你计划一个CFD 工程时,请利用提供给FLUENT 使用者的技术支持。
你可以在Adapt 下拉菜单中选中Iso-Value...来确定问题之所在,其它关于网格检查的信息请参阅“网格检查”一章。
关于数值耗散有如下几点:1. 当真实耗散很小时,即对流占主导地位时,数值耗散是显而易见的。

Eff Diff Coef of species-n ( t, sp, dil)n 种 Eff Diff 系数
Thermal Diff Coef of species-n ( sp)n 种热量 Diff 系数
Enthalpy of species-n ( sp)n 种焓
species-n Source Term ( rc, cpl)n 种 Source Term
Mole fraction of species-n ( sp, pdf, or ppmx)n 种摩尔分数
Concentration of species-n ( sp, pdf, or ppmx)n 种浓度
Lam Diff Coef of species-n ( sp, dil)n 种 Lam Diff 系数
Fine Scale Transfer Rate ( edc)精密标度传输率
1-Fine Scale Volume Fraction ( edc)精密标度体积分率
Reactions...反应 Rate of Reaction-n ( rc)n 反应速度
Arrhenius Rate of Reaction-n ( rc)n 反应阿伦纽斯速度
Mean Molecular Weight ( seg, pdf)平均分子量
Sound Speed ( id)声速
Wall Fluxes...间隔层通量
Wall Shear Stress ( v, cv)间隔层剪应力
phase-n Wall Shear Stress ( v, cv, emm)n 相间隔层剪应力
表 27.3.9:性质,间隔层通量,用户定义标量和用户定义存储列表
Category 类别
ansys fluent中文版流体计算工程案例详解

ansys fluent中文版流体计算工程案例详解ANSYS Fluent是一种用于计算流体力学的软件,通过数值模拟的方式进行流体分析和设计。
使用ANSYS Fluent可以对汽车外形进行流体分析,如气流、气压、气动力等。
使用ANSYS Fluent可以对船舶外形和水动力性能进行分析。
通过ANSYS Fluent对风场进行数值模拟,可以预测风力发电机的性能和稳定性。
使用ANSYS Fluent对液体的流动情况进行数值模拟,可以预测液体的流动速度和压降,优化钻井液的配比,提高钻井效率。
通过使用ANSYS Fluent分析注射器的流场,可以优化注射器的设计。
总之,ANSYS Fluent可以应用于各种流体力学领域,帮助工程师们进行流体力学设计与分析,取得更高效准确的结果。
ansys fluent中的气穴算例之中文版

21.3. 问题描述这个问题是考虑由于孔边缘变化剧烈而形成的气穴。
21.4.1. 预备下载cavitation.zip,解压cavitation.zip.获得cav.msh .2D模式打开FLUENT,选择Double Precision.(多相流一般推荐Double Precision)21.4.2. Step 1: 网格读取网格文件cav.msh.File》Read》Mesh...21.4.3. Step 2: General Settings 普通设置1、Check the mesh.检查网格选择窗口左面的General,在General中的mesh窗口中选择check。
2、Check the mesh scale.检查网格的尺寸在General中的mesh窗口中选择scale。
保持默认设置关闭Scale Mesh窗口Examine the mesh (Figure 21.2).Figure 21.2 The Mesh in the Orifice利用轴对称建立了一半的问题模型,四边网格朝向孔口方向逐渐细化,在孔内,网格的比率为1 。
由于气泡较小,流速很快, 重力忽略不计,完全轴对称. 否则的话,你就要建立一个3D模型了。
4、Specify an axisymmetric model.设定轴对称模型在General中的solver窗口中的Type选项中保持Pressure-Based(多相流必须选择pressure-based 求解器);在2D Space选项中,选择Axisymmetric。
Fluent 并行计算(中文)

这些研究是基于使用Fluent软件对Navier–Stokes 方程进行的求解。

west_wing@ -4-
FLUENT 第十一章中文帮助
11.2 导热与对流换热 FLUENT 允许用户在其模型中包含有流体与/和固体的传热求解。从流体热混合到固体的 热传导可以在 FLUENT 中应用这一节所介绍的模型和用户输入项进行耦合求解。11.3 节介 绍辐射传热模型、11.5 节介绍自然对流。
o o o o
west_wing@ -3-
FLUENT 第十一章中文帮助
11.1 FLUENT 中的传热模型概述 占据一定体积的物质所据有的热能从一处转移到另一处,这种现象称为传热。引发传热 的原因有三种:导热、对流传热、辐射传热。只涉及热传导或/和对流的传热过程是最简单 的情况,而涉及到浮力驱动流动或者自然对流、辐射的传热过程却比较复杂。依据问题的不 同,FLUENT 求解不同的能量方程以考虑用户设定的传热模型。FLUENT 也可以预报出具 有周期对称性几何结构所对应的周期性传热,这样就可以大大减少计算量。
o o o o o
11.2.1 Theory 理论 11.2.2 User Inputs for Heat Transfer 有关传热的用户输入项 11.2.3 Solution Process for Heat Transfer 传热计算的求解过程 11.2.4 Reporting and Displaying Heat Transfer Quantities 传热变量的输出与显示 11.2.5 Exporting Heat Flux Data 热流数据的输出
u r
p v2 + ρ 2
其中,显焓 h 的定义(对理想气体)为:
h = ∑Yj hj

第 6 步:边界条件设置
Define Boundary Conditions... 1. 设置喷管入口边界条件(inlet)。
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《数值计算与工程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
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《数值计算与程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
(a)设置 Gauge Pressure(表压) 为 0.7369atm
(b)在 Turbulence Specification Method 下拉菜单中选择 Turbulent Viscosity Ratio
(c) 在 Turbulence Specification Method (湍流定义方法)下拉菜单 中选择 Turbulent Viscosity Ratio(湍流粘性比)。
(d) 设置 Turbulent Viscosity Ratio 为 1
对于中等偏下的入口湍流,粘性比为 1 是建议值。
2. 设置喷管出口边界条件( outlet).
(c) 在 Normalization,一栏中选择 Scale, 注意:网格匹配受到梯度原始值的影响,包括标度值(范围 内的平均值)、规格化值(范围内的最大值)。为了保 证动态网格匹配的问题,在计算过程中必须用到标度值
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《数值计算与工程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
《数值计算与工程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
算例 4 非定常可压缩流动模型
在这个算例中,将会解决二维方箱中的辐射与自然对流相结合的问题,网 格采用四边形单元网格。
Fluent_第1-2章 fluent(实例)(授课)-1

1. Fluent求解器的选 择
通过桌面快捷启动fluent,打开 如图2-1所示对话框,选择单精度求 解器(2d),单击run图标启动 fluent求解器。
图1-4 建立新文件
图1-5 确认保存文件对话框
点击Operation → Geometry → Vertex 打开创建点 的表单图1-6。创建(0,0,0)、(0,0.1,0)、(0.5,0.1,0) (0.5,0.2,0)、(2,0.2,0)、(2,0,0)六个控制点。点击控制面板图 标 ,弹出一个对话框,单击label前面的复选框,点击apply,了解 控制点名称,如图1-7所示
图1-11 六个控制点所连成的区域和几何单元名称的显示
选中Operation → Geometry → Face 打开如图1-12所 示Create Face From Wireframe表单, 首先选折创建界面表单中Edges后 面的文本框,然后按住Shift,依次左键单击窗口上的六条边。在单击apply图 标,图形窗口所创建区域的边变成蓝色,说明创建界面成功。
图1-15 计算域网格划分情况
图1-14 Mesh Face 对话框
选择Operation → Zones Types对话框,如图1-16所示。 ,打开Specify Boundary
①边界条件的设定:边界类型设定操作 Action选项是指对边界条件进行任何操作。Add, 对某以计算域添加边界条件;Modify对某个边界 条件经行修改;Delete对某一边界条件进行删除; Delete All 删除所有的边界条件。 ②给出边界名称:Name选项是给指定的边界 条件命名。一般为方便辨认,最好有一定的意义。 ③ 指定边界条件类型:Type类型包含许多选 项,单击下方可以查看对应子菜单。 ④图1-16中的Entity下方表示的是对实体进行 边界条件设定。选择edges,然后在后方黄框用左 键单击。准备选择VELOCTITY-INLET速度入口 的边界条件对应的边edge.1,即左边入口。然后 单击apply。重复上述操作,指定右边出口边界条 件为充分发展OUTFLOW,取名为outlet;指定下 边为AXIS,取名为axial,其他的所有边指定为 图1-16 Specify Boundary wall,不用取名 Types 对话框

Flow over an AirfoilRajesh BhaskaranProblem SpecificationConsider air flowing over the given airfoil. The freestream velocity is 50 m/s and the angle of attack is 5o. Assume standard sea-level values for the freestream properties:Pressure = 101,325 PaDensity = 1.2250 kg/m3Temperature = 288.16 KKinematic viscosity v = 1.4607e-5 m2/sDetermine the lift and drag coefficients under these conditions using FLUENT.Step 1: Create Geometry in GAMBITThis tutorial leads you through the steps for generating a mesh in GAMBIT for an airfoil geometry. This mesh can then be read into FLUENT for fluid flow simulation.In an external flow such as that over an airfoil, we have to define a farfield boundary and mesh the region between the airfoil geometry and the farfield boundary. It is a good idea to place the farfield boundary well away from the airfoil since we'll use the ambient conditions to define the boundary conditions at the farfield. The farther we are from the airfoil, the less effect it has on the flow and so more accurate is the farfield boundary condition.The farfield boundary we'll use is the line ABCDEFA in the figure above. c is the chord length.Start GAMBITCreate a new directory called airfoil and start GAMBIT from that directory by typing gambit -id airfoil at the command prompt.Under Main Menu, select Solver > FLUENT 5/6 since the mesh to be created is to be used in FLUENT 6.0.Import EdgeTo specify the airfoil geometry, we'll import a file containing a list of vertices along the surface and have GAMBIT join these vertices to create two edges, corresponding to the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil. We'll then split these edges into 4 distinct edges to help us control the mesh size at the surface.Let's take a look at the vertices.dat file:The first line of the file represents the number of points on each edge (61) and the number of edges (2). The first 61 set of vertices are connected to form the edge corresponding to the upper surface; the next 61 are connected to form the edge for the lower surface.The chord length c for the geometry in vertices.dat file is 1, so x varies between 0 and 1. If you are using a different airfoil geometry specification file, note the range of x values in the file and determine the chord length c. You'll need this later on.Main Menu > File > Import > ICEM Input ...For File Name, browse and select the vertices.dat file. Select both Vertices and Edges under Geometry to Create: since these are the geometric entities we need to create. Deselect Face. Click Accept.Split EdgesNext, we will split the top and bottom edges into two edges each as shown in the figure below.We need to do this because a non-uniform grid spacing will be used for x<0.3c and a uniform grid spacing for x>0.3c. To split the top edge into HI and IG, selectMake sure Point is selected next to Split With in the Split Edge window.Select the top edge of the airfoil by Shift-clicking on it. You should see something similar to the picture below:We'll use the point at x=0.3c on the upper surface to split this edge into HI and IG. To do this, enter 0.3 for x: under Global. If your c is not equal to one, enter the value of 0.3*c instead of just 0.3.For instance, if c=4, enter 1.2. From here on, whenever you're asked to enter (some factor)*c, calculate the appropriate value for your c and enter it.You should see that the white circle has moved to the correct location on the edge.Click Apply. You will see a message saying ``Edge edge.1 was split, and edge edge.3 created'' in the Transcript window.Note the yellow marker in place of the white circle, indicating the original edge has been split into two edges with the yellow marker as its dividing point.Repeat this procedure for the lower surface to split it into HJ and JG. Use the point at x=0.3c on the lower surface to split this edge.Create Farfield BoundaryNext we'll create the farfield boundary by creating vertices and joining them appropriately to form edges.Create the following vertices by entering the coordinates under Global and the label under Label:Click the FIT TO WINDOW button to scale the display so that you can see all the vertices.As you create the edges for the farfield boundary, keep the picture of the farfield nomenclature given at the top of this step handy.Create the edge AB by selecting the vertex A followed by vertex B. Enter AB for Label. Click Apply. GAMBIT will create the edge. You will see a message saying something like "Created edge: AB'' in the Transcript window.Similarly, create the edges BC, CD, DE, EG, GA and CG. Note that you might have to zoom in on the airfoil to select vertex G correctly.Next we'll create the circular arc AF. Right-click on the Create Edge button and select Arc.In the Create Real Circular Arc men o Center will be yellow. That meansu, the box next tthat the vertex you select will be taken as the center of the arc. Select vertex G and click Apply.Now the box next to End Points will be highlighted in yellow. This means that you can now select the two vertices that form the end points of the arc. Select vertex A and then vertex F. Enter AF under Label. Click Apply.If you did this right, the arc AF will be created. If you look in the transcript window, you'll see a message saying that an edge has been created.Similarly, create an edge corresponding to arc EF.Create FacesThe edges can be joined together to form faces (which are planar surfaces in 2D). We'll create three faces: ABCGA, EDCGE and GAFEG+airfoil surface. Then we'll mesh each face.This brings up the Create Face From Wireframe menu. Recall that we had selected vertices in order to create edges. Similarly, we will select edges in order to form a face.To create the face ABCGA, select the edges AB, BC, CG, and GA and click Apply. GAMBIT will tell you that it has "Created face: face.1'' in the transcript window.Similarly, create the face EDCGE.To create the face consisting of GAFEG+airfoil surface, select the edges in the following order: AG, AF, EF, EG, and JG, HJ, HI and IG (around the airfoil in the clockwise direction). Click Apply.Step 2: Mesh Geometry in GAMBITMesh FacesWe'll mesh each of the 3 faces separately to get our final mesh. Before we mesh a face, we need to define the point distribution for each of the edges that form the face i.e. we first have to mesh the edges. We'll select the mesh stretching parameters and number of divisions for each edge based on three criteria:1.We'd like to cluster points near the airfoil since this is where the flow is modified the most; the meshresolution as we approach the farfield boundaries can become progressively coarser since the flow gradients approach zero.2.Close to the surface, we need the most resolution near the leading and trailing edges since these arecritical areas with the steepest gradients.3.We want transitions in mesh size to be smooth; large, discontinuous changes in the mesh sizesignificantly decrease the numerical accuracy.The edge mesh parameters we'll use for controlling the stretching are successive ratio, first length and last length. Each edge has a direction as indicated by the arrow in the graphics window. The successive ratio R is the ratio of the length of any two successive divisions in the arrow direction as shown below. Go to the index of the GAMBIT User Guide and look under Edge>Meshing for this figure and accompanying explanation. This help page also explains what the first and last lengths are; make sure you understand what they are.Select the edge GA. The edge will change color and an arrow and several circles will appear on the edge. This indicates that you are ready to mesh this edge. Make sure the arrow is pointing upwards. You can reverse the direction of the edge by clicking on the Reverse button in the Mesh Edges menu. Enter a ratio of 1.15. This means that each successive mesh division will be 1.15 times bigger in the direction of the arrow. Select Interval Count under Spacing. Enter 45 for Interval Count. Click Apply. GAMBIT will create 45 intervals on this edge with a successive ratio of 1.15.For edges AB and CG, we'll set the First Length (i.e. the length of the division at the start of the edge) rather than the Successive Ratio. Repeat the same steps for edges BC, AB and CG with the following specifications:Note that later we'll select the length at the trailing edge to be 0.02c so that the mesh length is continuous between IG and CG, and HG and CG.Now that the appropriate edge meshes have been specified, mesh the face ABCGA:Select the face ABCGA. The face will changecolor. You can use the defaults of Quad(i.e. quadrilaterals) and Map. Click Apply. The meshed face should look as follows:Next mesh face EDCGE in a similar fashion. The following table shows the parameters to use for the different edges:The resultant mesh should be symmetric about CG as shown in the figure below.Finally, let's mesh the face consisting of GAFEG and the airfoil surface. For edges HI and HJ on the front part of the airfoil surface, use the following parameters to create edge meshes:For edges IG and JG, we'll set the divisions to be uniform and equal to 0.02c. Use Interval Size rather than Interval Count and create the edge meshes:For edge AF, the number of divisions needs to be equal to the number of divisions on the line opposite to it i.e. the upper surface of the airfoil (this is a subtle point; chew over it). To determine the number of divisions that GAMBIT has created on edge IG, selectSelect edge IG and then Elements under Component and click Apply. This will give the total number of nodes (i.e. points) and elements (i.e. divisions) on the edge in the Transcript window. The number of divisions on edge IG is 35. (If you are using a different geometry, this number will be different; I'll refer to it as N IG). So the Interval Count for edge AF is N+N IG= 40+35= 75.HISimilarly, determine the number of divisions on edge JG. This also comes out as 35 for the current geometry. So the Interval Count for edge EF also is 75.Create the mesh for edges AF and EF with the following parameters:Mesh the face. The resultant mesh is shown below.Step 3: Specify Boundary Types in GAMBITWe'll label the boundary AFE as farfield1, ABDE as farfield2 and the airfoil surface as airfoil. Recall that these will be the names that show up under boundary zones when the mesh is read into FLUENT.Group EdgesWe'll create groups of edges and then create boundary entities from these groups.First, we will group AF and EF together.Select Edges and enter farfield1 for Label, which is the name of the group. Select the edges AF and EF.Note that GAMBIT adds the edge to the list as it is selected in the GUI.Click Apply.In the transcript window, you will see the message “Created group: farfield1 group”.Similarly, create the other two farfield groups. You should have created a total of three groups:Define Boundary TypesNow that we have grouped each of the edges into the desired groups, we can assign appropriate boundary types to these groups.Under Entity, select Groups.Select any edge belonging to the airfoil surface and that will select the airfoil group. Next to Name:, enter airfoil. Leave the Type as WALL.Click Apply.Similarly, create boundary entities corresponding to farfield1, farfield2 and farfield3 groups. Set the Type to Pressure Farfield in each case.Save Your WorkMain Menu > File > SaveExport MeshMain Menu > File > Export > Mesh...Save the file as airfoil.msh.Make sure that the Export 2d Mesh option is selected.Check to make sure that the file is createdStep 4: Set Up Problem in FLUENTLaunch FLUENTStart > Programs > Fluent Inc > FLUENT 6.0Select 2ddp from the list of options and click Run.Import FileMain Menu > File > Read > Case...Navigate to your working directory and select the airfoil.msh file. Click OK.The following should appear in the FLUENT window:Check that the displayed information is consistent with our expectations of the airfoil grid. Analyze GridGrid > Info > SizeHow many cells and nodes does the grid have?Display > GridNote what the surfaces farfield1, farfield2, etc. correspond to by selecting and plotting them in turn.Zoom into the airfoil.Where are the nodes clustered? Why?Define PropertiesDefine > Models > Solver...Under the Solver box, select Segregated.Click OK.Define > Models > ViscousSelect Inviscid under Model.Click OK.Define > Models > EnergyThe speed of sound under SSL conditions is 340 m/s so that our freestream Mach number is around 0.15. This is low enough that we'll assume that the flow is incompressible. So the energy equation can be turned off.Make sure there is no check in the box next to Energy Equation and click OK. Define > MaterialsMake sure air is selected under Fluid Materials. Set Density to constant and equal to 1.225 kg/m3.Click Change/Create.Define > Operating ConditionsWe'll work in terms of gauge pressures in this example. So set Operating Pressure to the ambient value of 101,325 Pa.Click OK.Define > Boundary ConditionsSet farfield1 and farfield2 to the velocity-inlet boundary type.For each, click Set.... Then, choose Components under Velocity Specification Method and set the x- and y-components to that for the freestream. For instance, the x-component is 50*cos(5o)=49.81.Click OK.Set farfield3 to pressure-outlet boundary type, click Set... and set the Gauge Pressure at this boundary to 0.Click OK.Step 5: Solve!Solve > Control > SolutionTake a look at the options available.Under Discretization, set Pressure to PRESTO! and Momentum to Second-Order Upwind.Click OK.Solve > Initialize > Initialize...As you may recall from the previous tutorials, this is where we set the initial guess values (the base case) for the iterative solution. Once again, we'll set these values to be the ones at the inlet. Select farfield1 under Compute From.Click Init.Solve > Monitors > Residual...Now we will set the residual values (the criteria for a good enough solution). Once again, we'll set this value to 1e-06.Solve > Monitors > Force...Under Coefficient, choose Lift. Under Options, select Print and Plot. Then, Choose airfoil under Wall Zones.Lastly, set the Force Vector components for the lift. The lift is the force perpendicular to the direction of the freestream. So to get the lift coefficient, set X to -sin(5°)=-0.0872 and Y to cos(5°)=0.9962.Click Apply for these changes to take effect.Similarly, set the Force Monitor options for the Drag force. The drag is defined as the force component in the direction of the freestream. So under Force Vector, set X to cos(5°)=0.9962 and Y to sin(5°)=0.0872. Turn on only Print for it.Report > Reference ValuesNow, set the reference values to set the base cases for our iteration. Select farfield1 under Compute From.Main Menu > File > Write > Case...Save the case file before you start the iterations.Solve > IterateWhat does the convergence plot look like?How many iterations does it take to converge?Main Menu > File > Write > Case & Data...Save case and data after you have obtained a converged solution.Step 6: Analyze ResultsPlot Pressure CoefficientPlot > XY Plot...Change the Y Axis Function to Pressure..., followed by Pressure Coefficient. Then, select airfoil under Surfaces.Click Plot.Plot Pressure ContoursDisplay > Contours...Select Pressure ... and Static Pressure from under Contours Of . Click Display .Where are the highest and lowest pressures occurring?Problem 1Consider the incompressible , inviscid airfoil calculation in FLUENT presented in class. Recall that the angle of attack, a, was 5°.Repeat the calculation for the airfoil for a = 0° and a = 10°. Save your calculation for each angle of attack as a different case file.(a) Graph the pressure coefficient (Cp ) distribution along the airfoil surface at a = 5° and a = 10° in the manner discussed in class (i.e., follow the aeronautical convention of letting Cp decrease with increasing ordinate (y -axis) values).What change do you see in the Cp distribution on the upper and lower surfaces as you increase the angle of attack?Which part of the airfoil surface contributes most to the increase in lift with increasing a? Hint: The area under the Cp vs. x curve is approximately equal to Cl .(b) Make a table of Cl and Cd values obtained for a = 0°, 5°, and 10°. Plot Cl vs.a for the three values of a. Make a linear leastsquares fit of this data and obtain the slope. Compare your result to that obtained from inviscid, thinairfoil theory:180αd 22π=dC l where a is in degrees.Problem 2Repeat the incompressible calculation at a = 5° including viscous effects . Since thewith the enhanced wall treatment option. At the farfield boundaries, set turbulence intensity=1% and turbulent length scale=0.01.(a) Graph the pressure coefficient (Cp) distribution along the airfoil surface for this calculation and the inviscid calculation done in the previous problem at a = 5°. Comment on any differences you observe.(b) Compare the Cl and Cd values obtained with the corresponding values from the inviscid calculation. Discuss briefly the similarities and differences between the two results. Copyright 2002.Cornell UniversitySibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering。
fluent 简单算例

(2)创建节点操作2:鼠标左键依次单击Operation Geometry进入下图图2操作3:左键单击上图Apply,创建第一个点(坐标(0、0、0)),如下图,可以发现坐标原点显示白色图3操作4:在上图2中Global下输入x:200,y:0,z: 0,左键单击Apply, 如下图,操作5:左键单击(作用:窗口显示),如下图重复操作4和操作5,以此建立点(0,-0.0025,0)、(0.05,-0.0025,0)、(0.05、-0.0125)(0.15,0.0025,0),(0.15,0.0125,0),(0.2,0.0025),如下图,(3)节点成线操作1:左键依次单击,然后Shift+鼠标左键依次(为沿围成图形各点顺序)单击所创建的点,如下图,左键单击Apply,如下图,(4)连线成面操作1:左键单击,Shift+左键依次单击图中各线段,如下图,左键单击Apply,如下图,(5)网格划分网格划分遵循原则与模型创建类似操作1:左键依次单击,如下图,操作2:Shift+左键选中模型中一条边操作3:左键单击,弹出菜单中选择interval count,在左侧输入框中输入;200(为该条边上网格节点数),如下图重复操作2和操作3,将沿y方向的短边和长边节点数分别设定为20和80.注意:对于相互平行两边,节点设置可只在一边进行;如果两边均设定,切记两边节点数要一致。
操作4:左键单击,Shift+左键单击图中任一边,所有边显示红色,然后左键单击Apply,如下图,(6)设置边界类型操作1: 左键单击,如下图,操作2:Shift+左键单击模型最左侧沿y方向的短边(显红色),单击,弹出菜单中选择PRESSURE-INLET,左键单击Apply,如下图,操作3:Shift+左键单击模型最右侧沿y方向的短边(显红色),单击,弹出菜单中选择PRESSURE-OUTLET,左键单击Apply,如下图,操作4:其它边不设置,默认为壁面条件。


用户界面是通过Scheme语言及LISP dialect写就的。
程序结构该FLUENT光盘包括:FLUENT解算器;prePDF,模拟PDF燃烧的程序;GAMBIT, 几何图形模拟以及网格生成的预处理程序;TGrid, 能够从已有边界网格中生成体网格的附加前处理程序;filters (translators)从CAD/CAE软件如:ANSYS,I-DEAS,NASTRAN,PATRAN 等的文件中输入面网格或者体网格。
注意:在Fluent 使用手册中"grid" 和"mesh"是具有相同所指的两个单词图一:差不多程序结构我们能够用GAMBIT产生所需的几何结构以及网格(如想了解得更多能够参考GAMBIT的关心文件,具体的关心文件在本光盘中有,也能够在互联网上找到),也能够在已知边界网格(由GAMBIT或者第三方CAD/CAE软件产生的)中用Tgrid产生三角网格,四面体网格或者混合网格,详情请见Tgrid用户手册。

FLUENT帮助里自带的多孔介质算例-经典资料Tutorial 7. Modeling Flow Through Porous Media IntroductionMany industrial applications involve the modeling of ow through porous media, such as _lters, catalyst beds, and packing. This tutorial illustrates how to set up and solve a problem involving gas ow through porous media.The industrial problem solved here involves gas ow through a catalytic converter. Catalytic converters are commonly used to purify emissions from gasoline and diesel engines by converting environmentally hazardous exhaust emissions to acceptable substances.Examples of such emissions include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and unburned hydrocarbon fuels. These exhaust gas emissions are forced through a substrate, which is a ceramic structure coated with a metal catalyst such as platinum or palladium.The nature of the exhaust gas ow is a very important factor in determining the performance of the catalytic converter. Of particular importance is the pressure gradient and velocity distribution through the substrate. Hence CFD analysis is used to designe_cient catalytic converters: by modeling the exhaust gas ow, the pressure drop andthe uniformity of ow through the substrate can be determined. In this tutorial, FLUENTis used to model the ow of nitrogen gas through a catalytic converter geometry, so that the ow _eld structure may be analyzed.This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:_ Set up a porous zone for the substrate with appropriate resistances._ Calculate a solution for gas ow through the catalytic converter using the pressurebased solver._ Plot pressure and velocity distribution on speci_ed planes of the geometry._ Determine the pressure drop through the substrate and the degree of non-uniformityof ow through cross sections of the geometry using X-Y plots and numerical reports.许多工业应用都涉及通过多孔介质(如过滤器,催化剂床和填料)的流动模型。

ansysfluent中文版流体计算工程案例详解以汽车空气动力学为例,我们可以利用ANSYS Fluent来模拟车辆行驶过程中的风阻和气动性能。
ANSYS Fluent使用的是控制方程的有限差分形式来近似求解。
综上所述,ANSYS Fluent可以应用于各种流体力学计算工程。
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在学习此向导之前,假设用户还没有使用 Fluent 的经验,不过,已经学习 过用户指南第一章中的简单算例,并且熟悉 Fluent 的界面及其指南中的规约。
问题如图 1-1 所示。一股温度为 26℃的冷流体流入大管道,在弯管处与另 一股温度为 40℃热流体混合。管道的长度单位为英寸,而流体的属性和边界条 件则使用国际单位。入口管道的雷诺数为 2.03×105,因此,选择湍流流动模型。
Fluent 的信息反馈窗口会显示如下信息: Grid Check
Domain Extents: x-coordinate: min (m) = 0.000000e+00, max (m) = 6.400001e+01 y-coordinate: min (m) = -4.538534e+00, max (m) = 6.400000e+01
2. 启动 Fluent,选择 2D 求解器。
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《数值计算与工程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
第 1 步:与网格相关的操作
1. 读取网格文件 elbow.msh。 File Read Case...
a) 在 Files 项中点击选中 elbow.msh,然后点击 OK 完成操作。 注意:
当 Fluent 读取网格文件的同时,信息会不断显示在反馈窗口内,报告网格 转化的过程。当读取网格文件完毕,Fluent 的反馈窗口会显示一共读取了 918 个三角形的流体单元,以及许多带着不同分区标识符的边界面。
2. 网格检查。 Grid Check
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《数值计算与工程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
通过此向导,用户可学会以下内容: 在 Fluent 中输入网格文件 使ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้混合单位制去定义几何体和流体的属性 设置强制对流的湍流流动的流体物性和边界条件 迭代计算并使用残差监视器监测计算过程及其收敛性 使用隔离求解器进行求解 使用等势图检察流场和温度场 运用二阶离散化方法重新计算以获得更佳的温度分布 对网格进行温度梯度自适应,进一步求解更佳的温度场分布
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《数值计算与工程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
前言…………………………………………………………………….………...…...2 目录………………………………………………………………………………...…3
FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
清洁能源论坛 翻译整理 () 2005 年 4 月 12 日
《数值计算与工程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
目前广大FLUENT初学者遇到的主要困难之一就是缺少中文学习资料,有 很多网友在论坛上寻求中文算例,为了给学习FLUENT的朋友提供参考和帮助, 迅速提高其应用FLUENT软件的水平,清洁能源技术论坛《数值计算与工程仿真 分类区》组织一些会员翻译了 FLUENT 6.1 Tutorial Guide 的部分算例, 因为 人力精力的限制,本次翻译仅选择了 Tutorial Guide中的7个经典算例。因为本 文是会员利用业余时间翻译的,而且翻译者的水平有限,翻译中的错误在所难 免,希望大家批评指正,以便我们进一步改进工作。
算例 13 算例 15 算例 18 算例 21
使用非预混燃烧模型………………………………………..…………151 蒸发性液体喷雾建模………………………………………….….……214 使用混合物多相模型和欧拉多相模型……………………………..…252 使用欧拉多相粒子传热模型………………………………..…………278
在翻译期间,得到“清洁能源技术论坛”各位会员的大力支持,具体的翻 译工作如下:
算例 1 sgseal
算例 4 yangjch1023 译
算例 5 caohuali
算例 13 lhy
算例 15 sgseal
算例 18 gongzeru
算例 21 gongzeru
caoqx yangs yangs pkyforever caoqx summered summered
校对 校对 校对 校对 校对 校对 校对
本次工作由caoqx编辑整理完成,本次工作还得到了“清洁能源技术论坛” 论坛的brightsun、jackywzq、caohuali、sfsm、mufei等几位版主的大力支持,在 此对他们付出的心血和汗水表示衷心感谢。
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《数值计算与工程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
图 1-1 问题说明
1. 从 Fluent 的文件光盘中拷贝文件 elbow / elbow.msh 到电脑的 Fluent 工作目 录中。 对于 Unix 系统,当把文件光盘放入电脑光驱后,可以在以下目录找到这个
FLUENT 经典算例翻译之一
算例 1 介绍如何使用 Fluent……………………….……………………...…..…..4 算例 4 非定常可压缩流动模型………………………………….…………..…..52 算例 5 辐射与自然对流模拟…………………………………………….…..…..99
FLUENT 经典算例翻译之二
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《数值计算与工程仿真》专刊—FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版(一)
算例 1 介绍如何使用 Fluent
此向导通过图例说明了一个发生在混合弯管处的两维湍流流动和传热问题 的求解方法和过程。这种混合弯管的结构常见于发电厂和化工厂的管道系统中。 正确计算出弯管内流体交汇处附近的流场和温度场分布,对于设计合适的入口 管道位置具有重要意义。
文件: / cdrom / fluent 6.1 / help / tutfiles / 上述 cdrom 为电脑的光驱目录 对于 windows 系统,当把文件光盘放入电脑光驱后,可以在以下目录找到
这个文件: cdrom : \ fluent 6.1 \ help \ tutfiles \ 上述 cdrom 为电脑的光驱目录