四川理工学院 英文介绍




五十年自强不息; 五十年春风化雨, 五十年桃李滿天。 五十年历史,是艰 苦创业、励精图治 的春秋岁月;五十 年发展,是曲折奋 进、跨越向前的精 彩历程。当时间来 到 2015 年 4 月 18 日 这一刻,来自五湖 四海的理工人济济 一堂,同庆学校 50 华诞。
弘扬黄岭精神, 追寻大学之道 , 建设特色鲜明的应用型多科性大学
区 体 育 馆 举 行 杰 出 校 友 论 坛 。 3
自 豪昨 。天 你 月为 母 日校 晚骄 点傲 ,, 学今 校天 在母 汇校 名东为 杰校你 4 17 7

五十年来,一代又一代的 四川理工人,传承升华着 黄岭精神。无论是黄坡岭 上的辛勤耕耘者

还是营盘山下的人生引路 人
或是一对山旁的艰辛创业 者 都是在黄岭精神激励下
厚 德 达 理 、 励 志
字体为原中国书法家协会主席沈鹏题写, 图案色彩以墨绿色为主色。图案造型由 汉字“川”及“理、工”拼音第一个大 写字母“L”、“G”变形组合而成,呈 白鸽云端飞翔之态、帆船破浪航行之姿、 团结向上之势,体现了师生员工朝气勃 勃、奋发图强、团结一致的精神风貌和 高远志向。
四贡自自准 川教贡贡, 理育高师四年 工学等范川 学院专高轻月 院合科等化, 经 并学专工教 组校科学育 建和学院部 为自校与批 、
时 代 的 乐 章
命力,集中体现为:坚定理想信念、不断开拓进 取、维护和谐团结、始终艰苦奋斗、无私奉献。 传承“黄岭精神”就是要自觉加强党性修养,弘 扬优良作风,以昂扬向上的精神状态、勤勉务实 的工作作风、自觉高尚的道德追求激励师生、凝 心聚力促进黄岭校区科学发展。



自动化、电气工程及其自动化、电子信 息工程、通信工程、电子信息科学与技 术和生物医学工程
Sichuan University fo Science & Enginerring
机械设计制造及其自动化、过程装备 与控制工程、材料成型及控制工程、 工业设计和测控技术及仪器
Sichuan University fo Science & Enginerring
土木工程(房屋建筑工程、建设监理及工程造 价二个专业方向)、工程管理(四川省特色专 业)、给水排水工程、工业工程
Sichuan University fo Science & Enginerring
法学、行政管理、社会工作、劳动与社会保 障
Sichuan University fo Science & Enginerring
属学院正处级单位,实行两块牌子、一套班 子,下设办公室、学生工作办公室(吨挂靠 机构学生宿舍管理站)、教学管理办公室、 保卫办公室;组建黄岭校区管委会、基础教 学部党总支和团总支
谢 谢 观 赏!
Design 廖伟
宣 传 片
你是否也在追求技能? Whether you are in the pursuit of skills?
你是否也在寻找哪所学院好? If you are looking for which academy good?



About SCUSichuan University is one of China’s key universities under the direct supervision of Ministry ofEducation. Located in West China, it is identified as a key high-level comprehensive researchuniversity under Project 985 and Project 211. The CPC Committee Secretary of the University isProfessor Yang Quanming, and the President is Professor Xie Heping.Sichuan University is located in downtown Chengdu, a famous historic and cultural city known asf Wangjiang, Huaxi and Jiangan, and covers“the land of abundance”. It consists of three campuses oan area of 7050 mu (470 hectares) with a floor area of 308 hectares. The University, with its favorableenvironment and beautiful scenery, is a wonderful place for learning and doing research.Sichuan University is actually the product of a series of mergers involving 3 national universities:the former Sichuan University, the former Chengdu University of Science and Technology, and theformer West China University of Medical Sciences.The former Sichuan University began life as the Sichuan Chinese and Western School,established by Lu Chuanlin, Governor of Sichuan, on the orders of Emperor Guang Xu. It is the earliesthigher education institute in southwest China. The former Chengdu University of Science andTechnology was one of the earliest multidisciplinary universities of engineering to be establishedduring the restructuring of colleges and universities. The former West China University of MedicalSciences originated from West China Union University which was established by western Christiangroups in Chengdu in 1910. It was not only one of the first western-style universities, but also one ofthe first universities to offer postgraduate programs in China.In 1994, the former Sichuan University and the former Chengdu University of Science andTechnology merged into Sichuan United University, and in 1998, it was renamed as Sichuan Universityin. CPC and state leaders including Jiang Zemin and Li Peng wrote inscriptions and gave their bestwishes on the merger of the two universities. In 2000, Sichuan University and the former West ChinaUniversity of Medical Sciences merged and formed the new Sichuan University. “Sichuan University is a pioneer in the institutional reform of higher education as one of the first universities being reformedand has made historic contributions to the reforms of higher education in China.”, Li Lanqing, the former Vice Premier said. During the May 12th Wenchuan earthquake relief, CPC and state leadersincluding Wu Bangguo and Wen Jiabao paid visits to Sichuan University.Sichuan University enjoys a long tradition in education and boasts many renowned scholars. Overthe past century, the University has attracted masters such as historian Gu Jiegang, philosopher FengYoulan, writer Li Jieren, esthetician Zhu Guangqian, physicist Wu Dayou, biologist Tong Dizhou,botanist Fang Wenpei, public health expert C. C. Chen, and mathematician Ke Zhao. In its history, theUniversity has been administered by Wu Yuzhang and Zhang Lan. It has also graduated many famouspeople, including: Zhu De, one of the founding fathers of the People’s Republic of China; Yang Shangkun, former Chairman of China; Guo Moruo and Ba Jin, renowned writers; as well as nationalheroes Jiang Zhujun and Mao Yingcai. Over 50 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences andChinese Academy of Engineering are alumni of Sichuan University, and among the 50 “SichuanCultural Celebrities” in 2001, 36 were alumni of Sichuan University.Sichuan University has a comprehensive range of disciplines covering 11 categories, namely,liberal arts, science, engineering, medicine, economy, management, law, history, philosophy,agriculture and education. It consists of 30 colleges, including a postgraduate college and an overseaseducation college. Sichuan University has 27 primary disciplines which offer doctor and masterdegrees. Besides, the University offers 229 doctoral programs, 346 master programs, 13 professionalmaster’s programs, 126 undergraduate programs, and 28 post-doctoral research stations. It also has46 national key disciplines and 4 national key cultivated disciplines. There are 4 affiliated hospitals tothe university under the direct supervision of Ministry of Health.Sichuan University gathers many prominent scholars and professors. There are about 4000full-time teachers, 1395 of whom have senior titles and1841 have doctor’s degrees, 13 members ofChinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 6 Outstanding Professors, 3experts from the 1000-elite Program, 18 professors of Cheung Kong Scholars Program, 9 ChairProfessors, 6 Chief Scientists of 973 Project, 41 awardees of Young Scientists Fund and 10 awardeesof National Award for Distinguished Teachers.Sichuan University (SCU) boasts a qualified faculty of over 3900 full-time teachers, including 993full professors and 1437 associate professors, 12 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciencesrsand the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 6 “Sichuan University outstanding professors”, 3 professoof the national “one thousand scholars” program, 10 national outstanding teachers, 6 chief scientists ofProject 973, 8 chief experts of “National Social Science Fund of Major Tender (Commission) Project”18 chair professors and 9 lecture professors of the Chang Jiang Scholars Program, 41 "Young andMiddle-Aged Experts Nationally Acknowledged for Their Outstanding Achievements".In its long history of practicing education, Sichuan University has formed a rich culture and solidfoundation of education. The motto of the university is: the ocean is exclusive because it embraceshundreds of rivers, and its spirit is embodied in the following four words: preciseness, diligence,truth-seeking and innovation.In recent years, in order to achieve the goal of constructing a first-class comprehensiveresearch-oriented university, the school has formulated the modern concept of higher education in“putting people first, admiring scholarship and pursuing excellence”. It has formed a new management mechanism in which teachers are the main body of education, students as center of education, with themanagement focus on colleges and departments. The university is focused on providing “elite education, with quality as the main proviso, taking an integrated multi-disciplinary approach to researchand teaching”. The provision of this kind of education will be to “cultivate elites with profound humanity, solid expertise, strong sense of innovation and broad international sight”.There are over 40,000 undergraduate students, over 20,000 master and PhD candidatesand morethan 1000 foreign students and students from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Since 2003, theUniversity has been honored with 19 National Teaching Achievement Awards and 28 NationalExcellent Courses. 13 doctor students’ dissertations have been selected amongst the top 100Excellent Doctor Students Dissertations.Sichuan University has been strong in science and research and making remarkableachievements over the years. It has 9 national key laboratories and engineering centers, 1 keylaboratory for national defence, 9 key laboratories and 4 engineering research centers under thesupervision of Ministry of Education, and 3 key laboratories under the supervision of Ministry of Health.It also has 9 national centers for talent training, scientific research and teaching, 7 NationalExperimental Teaching Demonstration Centers, 1 National Base of Culture-Oriented Quality Educationfor College Students, 4 key National Research Bases for Philosophy and Social Sciences, 2 NationalDrug Clinical Experimental Institutes, 1 National Drug Clinical Research Base. Since 2001, theUniversity has won 20 awards out of three national major award categories for science and technology.In 2009, the research fund of the University reached 1.2 billion yuan, the number of papers publishedranked 4th in China, and the number of SCI articles ranked 6th. In humanities and social sciences,several major books in culture was compiled,, edited and published by experts of the University,including: a Chinese Dictionary, The Complete Works of Song Dynasty, A History of Chinese Daoism,The Confucianism. In recent years, the research results of 2 professors have been selected into thefirst and second top works of Selected works of the China National Fund for Social Sciences, the totalnumber of works being selected ranking 1st together with another university.Sichuan University has actively promoted both national and regional development of economy andsociety, and its capacity to contribute to the society is becoming stronger. The University is one of the 6national technology transferring centers and one of China’s 10 pilot universities in intellectual property rights protection. The Science and Technology Park of Sichuan University is one of the first 15 nationalcollege science and technology trial parks approved by the state and has incubated over 50 scienceand technology enterprises including one listed company. In recent years, the University hasestablished cooperative relations in production, education and research with over 50 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities including Jiangsu, Sichuan, Tibet, and Xinjiang. Similarly theUniversity has developed relationships with over a hundred enterprises and established 23 high-leveluniversity-enterprise platforms in production, education and research. It has undertaken 3068 projectsin technological development and technological restructuring for over 1000 enterprises in China. Aseries of major scientific and technological works have become leading technologies in relatedindustries.Sichuan University has established contacts and cooperative relationships with over 150renowned colleges and universities as well as research institutes from 42 countries and regions. It hasestablished all-dimensional, multi-layer and multi-form joint education programs with 33 famousuniversities from over 10 countries including United States and Australia and some European countries.The University has set up Jiuzhaigou International Study Center for Ecology, Environment andSustainability together with University of California and University of Washington, Sino-US Institute forUniversity Design with Arizona State University, Sino-German Joint Center for Energy Research withClausthal University of Technology, Western China Poverty-Reduction Research Center with the StateCouncil Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, State Council Leading GroupOffice of Western China Development, UNDP and the World Bank, Sichuan Post-DisasterReconstruction Support and Research Center with Hong Kong Polytechnic University.The three universities collect over 7 million volumes of books, and the Humanity Museum housesover 40,000 cultural relics, the Natural Museum, over 600,000 pieces of fauna and flora specimen, andthe Archives and History Exhibition Center, over 9000 volumes of historic archives. The university also has gymnasiums equipped with complete and advanced facilities, and other organizations including Campus Network, Analytical and Testing Center, Modern Education Technological Center, Intensive Language Training Center and Adult Education College and Distance Learning College. The University publishes 42 kinds of academic journals to both home and abroad.Looking into the future, Sichuan University has the social responsibility to attract brilliant minds, nurture talents to serve the country, break new academic ground and promote scientific and technological development, whilst guiding the society. It will write another brilliant chapter to add to its history--maintaining its heritage whilst looking to a bright future of innovation and new possibilities.。



Introducing Sichuan UniversitySichuan University, located in the beautiful city of Chengdu, is a prestigious institution of higher learning in China. With a long history and rich cultural heritage, it has become a symbol of excellence in education.The university boasts a diverse range of academic programs, covering various fields such as humanities, sciences, engineering, and medicine. Its faculty members are highly qualified and dedicated to providing quality education to students. The university also emphasizes research and innovation, encouraging students to explore new ideas and pursue their passions.In addition to its academic excellence, Sichuan University is also renowned for its beautiful campus. The lush greenery and scenic landscapes create a peaceful and inspiring learning environment. Students can often be found studying under the shade of trees or walking along the scenic paths, enjoying the natural beauty of the campus.Moreover, the university places great emphasis on cultural exchange and international cooperation. It hasestablished partnerships with numerous universities around the world, providing students with opportunities to study abroad and broaden their horizons. This international perspective not only enhances their academic experience but also prepares them for a globalized world.Overall, Sichuan University is a top-tier institution that offers a comprehensive and enriching educational experience. Its commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and cultural exchange makes it a highly sought-after destination for students from all over the world.**介绍四川大学**四川大学位于中国美丽的城市成都,是一所享有盛誉的高等学府。



介绍四川师范大学的英语作文Sichuan Normal University is a key university in Sichuan Province, the first batch of national universities to implement the "Basic Capacity Building Project for Universities in Central and Western China" and a national model school to deepen innovation and entrepreneurship education reform. It is the earliest university to hold undergraduate normal education in Sichuan Province and the oldest one among normal universities. The school is located in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, with two campuses, Lion Mountain Campus and Chenglong Campus. Running a school has a long history. The school was founded in 1946, and its birth has a direct historical origin with Northeastern University. At the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, Northeastern University moved to Santai County, Sichuan Province to run a school. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Northeastern University moved back to Shenyang, and the teachers and students in Liuchuan founded the private North Sichuan A&M College on the original site. In 1949, the school absorbed Xishan Academy and changed its name to private North Sichuan University. In 1950, the school merged with the private North Sichuan College of Literature to form the public North Sichuan University, which moved to Nanchong City, Sichuan Province and was renamed North Sichuan University. In 1952, with North Sichuan University as the main body, Sichuan NormalUniversity was established by merging some specialties of East Sichuan Education College (formerly China Rural Construction College), Sichuan University and West China University. In 1953, teachers and students from some departments of Chongqing Normal University entered Sichuan Normal University. In 1956, the undergraduate major of Sichuan Normal University moved to Lion Mountain in Chengdu. In 1964,。



省级工程技术研究中心2个、省重点实验室3个、省高校重点实验室5个、 省人文社科重点研究基地2个、省高校人文社科重点研究基地3个。

截至2016年3月,学校共有三个校区,校园占地面积2245余亩,校舍建筑总面积86余万 平方米,教学科研仪器设备总值2.42亿元,图书馆馆藏文献250万余册。下设19个二级学 院,开办81个本科专业,面向全国23个省(市、自治区)招生,有全日制在校学生近3 万人。
学院 对口职业 经济管理学院 高考 文史 经济管理学院
截止2016年1月,该校 下设19个二级学院, 开办本科专业81个、 专科专业19个,涵盖 了工学、理学、管理 学、经济学、法学、 文学、艺术学、教育 学、历史学等9个学科门类。
1965年,创办华东化工学院西南分院(对外称之为“652工程”)。 1979年,经国家教委批准,在原华东化工学院西南分院基础上组建四
专业 会计学 会计学
分数 626 527.1
经济管理学院会计学516.1 根据2016年4月学校官网显示,该校有专任教师1500余人,教授、
副教授近700人,具有博士、硕士学位教师1000余人。有国家杰 出青年科学基金获得者1人,享受政府特殊津贴专家8人,四川 省学术技术带头人、四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家、四川省教 学名师等40余人。学校聘请二级学院名誉院长、特聘教授、兼



电子科技大学介绍英文作文英文:Electronic Science and Technology University (UESTC) is a prestigious university located in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. It is renowned for its strong emphasis on electronic engineering and information technology. The university hasa long history of providing high-quality education and has produced many outstanding graduates who have madesignificant contributions to the field of electronicscience and technology.I chose to study at UESTC because of its excellent reputation and its comprehensive programs in electronic engineering. The university has state-of-the-art facilities and a dynamic learning environment, which have greatly enriched my academic experience. In addition, the faculty members are experts in their respective fields and are dedicated to helping students succeed. I have had the opportunity to work closely with my professors on researchprojects, which has allowed me to gain practical skills and knowledge that will be invaluable in my future career.Aside from academics, UESTC also offers a vibrant campus life with a wide range of extracurricular activities.I have participated in various student clubs and organizations, which have helped me develop leadership and teamwork skills. The university also hosts numerouscultural events and festivals, providing students with the opportunity to learn about different cultures andtraditions.Overall, my time at UESTC has been incredibly rewarding.I have not only received a top-notch education but havealso made lifelong friends and unforgettable memories. I am confident that the knowledge and experiences I have gained here will pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career in the field of electronic science and technology.中文:电子科技大学(UESTC)是一所位于中国四川成都的知名大学。



About SCUSichuan University is one of China’s key universities under the direct supervision of Ministry of Education. Located in West China, it is identified as a key high-level comprehensive research university under Project 985 and Project 211. The CPC Committee Secretary of the University is Professor Yang Quanming, and the President is Professor Xie Heping.Sichuan University is located in downtown Chengdu, a famous historic and cultural city known as “the land of abundance”. It consists of three campuses o f Wangjiang, Huaxi and Jiangan, and covers an area of 7050 mu (470 hectares) with a floor area of 308 hectares. The University, with its favorable environment and beautiful scenery, is a wonderful place for learning and doing research.Sichuan University is actually the product of a series of mergers involving 3 national universities: the former Sichuan University, the former Chengdu University of Science and Technology, and the former West China University of Medical Sciences.The former Sichuan University began life as the Sichuan Chinese and Western School, established by Lu Chuanlin, Governor of Sichuan, on the orders of Emperor Guang Xu. It is the earliest higher education institute in southwest China. The former Chengdu University of Science and Technology was one of the earliest multidisciplinary universities of engineering to be established during the restructuring of colleges and universities. The former West China University of Medical Sciences originated from West China Union University which was established by western Christian groups in Chengdu in 1910. It was not only one of the first western-style universities, but also one of the first universities to offer postgraduate programs in China.In 1994, the former Sichuan University and the former Chengdu University of Science and Technology merged into Sichuan United University, and in 1998, it was renamed as Sichuan University in. CPC and state leaders including Jiang Zemin and Li Peng wrote inscriptions and gave their best wishes on the merger of the two universities. In 2000, Sichuan University and the former West China University of Medical Sciences merged and formed the new Sichuan University. “Sichuan University is a pioneer in the institutional reform of higher education as one of the first universities being reformed and has made historic contributions to the reforms of higher education in China.”, Li Lanqing, the former Vice Premier said. During the May 12th Wenchuan earthquake relief, CPC and state leaders including Wu Bangguo and Wen Jiabao paid visits to Sichuan University.Sichuan University enjoys a long tradition in education and boasts many renowned scholars. Over the past century, the University has attracted masters such as historian Gu Jiegang, philosopher Feng Youlan, writer Li Jieren, esthetician Zhu Guangqian, physicist Wu Dayou, biologist Tong Dizhou, botanist Fang Wenpei, public health expert C. C. Chen, and mathematician Ke Zhao. In its history, the University has been administered by Wu Yuzhang and Zhang Lan. It has also graduated many famous people, including: Zhu De, one of the founding fathers of the People’s Republic of China; Yang Shangkun, former Chairman of China; Guo Moruo and Ba Jin, renowned writers; as well as national heroes Jiang Zhujun and Mao Yingcai. Over 50 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering are alumni of Sichuan University, and among the 50 “SichuanCultural Celebrities” in 2001, 36 were alumni of Sichuan University.Sichuan University has a comprehensive range of disciplines covering 11 categories, namely, liberal arts, science, engineering, medicine, economy, management, law, history, philosophy, agriculture and education. It consists of 30 colleges, including a postgraduate college and an overseas education college. Sichuan University has 27 primary disciplines which offer doctor and master degrees. Besides, the University offers 229 doctoral programs, 346 master programs, 13 professional master’s programs, 126 undergraduate programs, and 28 post-doctoral research stations. It also has 46 national key disciplines and 4 national key cultivated disciplines. There are 4 affiliated hospitals to the university under the direct supervision of Ministry of Health.Sichuan University gathers many prominent scholars and professors. There are about 4000full-time teachers, 1395 of whom have senior titles and1841 have doctor’s degrees, 13 members of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 6 Outstanding Professors, 3 experts from the 1000-elite Program, 18 professors of Cheung Kong Scholars Program, 9 Chair Professors, 6 Chief Scientists of 973 Project, 41 awardees of Young Scientists Fund and 10 awardees of National Award for Distinguished Teachers.Sichuan University (SCU) boasts a qualified faculty of over 3900 full-time teachers, including 993 full professors and 1437 associate professors, 12 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 6 “Sichuan University outstanding professors”, 3 professo rs of the national “one thousand scholars” program, 10 national outstanding teachers, 6 chief scientists of Project 973, 8 chief experts of “National Social Science Fund of Major Tender (Commission) Project”, 18 chair professors and 9 lecture professors of the Chang Jiang Scholars Program, 41 "Young and Middle-Aged Experts Nationally Acknowledged for Their Outstanding Achievements".In its long history of practicing education, Sichuan University has formed a rich culture and solid foundation of education. The motto of the university is: the ocean is exclusive because it embraces hundreds of rivers, and its spirit is embodied in the following four words: preciseness, diligence,truth-seeking and innovation.In recent years, in order to achieve the goal of constructing a first-class comprehensiveresearch-oriented university, the school has formulated the modern concept of higher education in “putting people first, admiring scholarship and pursuing excellence”. It has formed a new management mechanism in which teachers are the main body of education, students as center of education, with the management focus on colleges and departments. The university is focused on providing “elite education, with quality as the main proviso, taking an integrated multi-disciplinary approach to research and teaching”. The provision of this kind of education will be to “cultivate elites with profound humanity, solid expertise, strong sense of innovation and broad international sight”.There are over 40,000 undergraduate students, over 20,000 master and PhD candidatesand more than 1000 foreign students and students from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Since 2003, the University has been honored with 19 National Teaching Achievement Awards and 28 National Excellent Courses. 13 doctor students’ dissertations have been selected amongst the top 100 Excellent Doctor Students Dissertations.Sichuan University has been strong in science and research and making remarkable achievements over the years. It has 9 national key laboratories and engineering centers, 1 key laboratory for national defence, 9 key laboratories and 4 engineering research centers under the supervision of Ministry of Education, and 3 key laboratories under the supervision of Ministry of Health. It also has 9 national centers for talent training, scientific research and teaching, 7 National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Centers, 1 National Base of Culture-Oriented Quality Education for College Students, 4 key National Research Bases for Philosophy and Social Sciences, 2 National Drug Clinical Experimental Institutes, 1 National Drug Clinical Research Base. Since 2001, the University has won 20 awards out of three national major award categories for science and technology. In 2009, the research fund of the University reached 1.2 billion yuan, the number of papers published ranked 4th in China, and the number of SCI articles ranked 6th. In humanities and social sciences, several major books in culture was compiled,, edited and published by experts of the University, including: a Chinese Dictionary, The Complete Works of Song Dynasty, A History of Chinese Daoism, The Confucianism. In recent years, the research results of 2 professors have been selected into the first and second top works of Selected works of the China National Fund for Social Sciences, the total number of works being selected ranking 1st together with another university.Sichuan University has actively promoted both national and regional development of economy and society, and its capacity to contribute to the society is becoming stronger. The University is one of the 6 national technology transferring centers and one of China’s 10 pilot universities in intellectual property rights protection. The Science and Technology Park of Sichuan University is one of the first 15 national college science and technology trial parks approved by the state and has incubated over 50 science and technology enterprises including one listed company. In recent years, the University has established cooperative relations in production, education and research with over 50 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities including Jiangsu, Sichuan, Tibet, and Xinjiang. Similarly the University has developed relationships with over a hundred enterprises and established 23 high-level university-enterprise platforms in production, education and research. It has undertaken 3068 projects in technological development and technological restructuring for over 1000 enterprises in China. A series of major scientific and technological works have become leading technologies in related industries.Sichuan University has established contacts and cooperative relationships with over 150 renowned colleges and universities as well as research institutes from 42 countries and regions. It has established all-dimensional, multi-layer and multi-form joint education programs with 33 famous universities from over 10 countries including United States and Australia and some European countries. The University has set up Jiuzhaigou International Study Center for Ecology, Environment and Sustainability together with University of California and University of Washington, Sino-US Institute for University Design with Arizona State University, Sino-German Joint Center for Energy Research with Clausthal University of Technology, Western China Poverty-Reduction Research Center with the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, State Council Leading Group Office of Western China Development, UNDP and the World Bank, Sichuan Post-Disaster Reconstruction Support and Research Center with Hong Kong Polytechnic University.The three universities collect over 7 million volumes of books, and the Humanity Museum houses over 40,000 cultural relics, the Natural Museum, over 600,000 pieces of fauna and flora specimen, andthe Archives and History Exhibition Center, over 9000 volumes of historic archives. The university also has gymnasiums equipped with complete and advanced facilities, and other organizations including Campus Network, Analytical and Testing Center, Modern Education Technological Center, Intensive Language Training Center and Adult Education College and Distance Learning College. The University publishes 42 kinds of academic journals to both home and abroad.Looking into the future, Sichuan University has the social responsibility to attract brilliant minds, nurture talents to serve the country, break new academic ground and promote scientific and technological development, whilst guiding the society. It will write another brilliant chapter to add to its history--maintaining its heritage whilst looking to a bright future of innovation and new possibilities.。



四川理工学院专升本英语真题Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11. What is the boy doing?A. Reviewing his lessons in school.B. Studying at home.C. Taking the final exam.2. What will the woman do when she gets home?A. Help the boy do his homework.B. Give the boy a present.C. Check the boy’s homework.Conversation 23. What is the woman’s reason for not going out with the man?A. She needs to wash her hair.B. She isn’t feeling well.C. She needs to have her hair cut.4. What do we know about the man?A. He’ll see a movie with the woman tomorrow night.B. He washes his hair every night.C. He hasn’t won the woman’s heart yet.Conversation35. How long does the man ask the woman to wait?A. At least one weekB. At most one weekC. At least one month6. What will the woman do next?A. Go to another shop.B. Wait for the man’s call.C. Try on another pair of boots. Conversation47. Why doesn’t Michael have good fiends in his class?A. They have different interests.B. His classmates d on’t have much spare time.C. It’s difficult to get along with his classmates.8. What does Michael like?A. Music.B. Sports.C. Reading.9. How did he get to know the boys from the other classes?A. His neighbors are in those classes.B. They attend the same club.C. He has the same teachers with them.Conversation 510. Where is the gas station?A. To the left.B. Next to the bank.C. Across from the post-office.11. How will the man pay for the gas?A. By credit card.B. By cash.C. By check.12. What does the woman suggest the man buy?A. Some postcards.B. Some souvenirs.C. A map.Conversation 613. What are the speakers going to do tonight?A. See a movie.B. Have a meeting.C. Attend a party.14. What kind of food does the woman prefer?A. Chinese food.B. Mexican food.C. American food.15. What do we know about Tina?A. She lives in the city.B. She is a humorous and nice girl.C. She and the woman went to the same school.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Weather in EnglandⅠ. A forever topic●People often talk about the weather because they can experience 16 in the same day.Ⅱ. Summer or winter●You may see the British go 17 in winter and wear 18 in summer.Ⅲ. Just in case●They always take an umbrella or 19 with them even when it is 20 .Part II Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. When Li Lei was a small child, he hoped to be ______ policeman after he grew up and finally his dream came true.A. aB. anC. theD. 不填22. More and more foreigners are working in China, ______?A. are theyB. aren’t theyC. do theyD. don’t they23. The day before yesterday, I ______ one of my old friends in the street.A. meetB. metC. will meetD. have met24. ______ he did was quite right.A. ThatB. WhichC. WhatD. Who25. I failed in the examination last week and I regret_____________ hard.A. not to studyB. did not studyC. have not studiedD. not studying26. When hearing the good news, both the child and the mother ______ very happy.A. wasn’tB. wereC. isD. aren’t27. Don’t make any noise. The baby _________.A. sleepB. sleepsC. is sleepingD. slept28. His tired face suggested that he ________ really tired after the long walk.A. had beenB. wasC. beD. should be29. Do you live near the building ______ color is yellow?A. thatB. whichC. whoseD. its30. A great number of students said they were forced to practise the piano.A. to questionB. to be questionedC. questioningD. questioned31. Follow your teacher’s advice, __________ you will catch up with your classmates.A. orB. andC. asD. but32. I think_____ necessary for a student to master a foreign language.A. itsB. thisC. thatD. it33. We __________3,000 English words by the end of last year.A. have learnedB. had learnedC. learnedD. learn34. You _________ pay more attention to your spelling next time.A. wouldB. shouldC. willD. shall35. _____ in her best suit, the girl tried to make herself _____ at the party.A. Dressed; noticedB. Dressing; noticingC. Dressed; noticingD. Dressing; noticedSection B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I will have many things to do in my future. I want to have a beautiful home and a good car. I want to get married and have children ... I want to join different clubs and organizations. I want to 36 children in trouble. I want to 37 around the world and see different places and different cultures.How can I do these things? If I 38 go to college, I will leave high school and begin working in a difficult 39 for little pay. I may work longer hours. I will have 40 time to look for a wife and get married. Children are out of the question because they 41 a great amount of time a nd money. I won’t be able to have a holiday to see the world42 I won’t have any paid vacation.However, 43 I can go to college, I will begin my life in the city I like. I can learn in and out of the classroom about the new and exciting ideas of technology. I can grow into a responsible adult. I can join college organizations, 44 new people, and have fun as well. I can receive my degrees and work where I want to work. I will be able to have the time and 45 to show my children 46 important knowledge is. I can find the wife of my dreams and have children, without 47 about money. And I will be able to travel around the world.36. A. have B. help C. accept D. catch37. A. show B. build C. travel D. clean[38. A. could B. will C. can D. can’t39. A. job B. work C. money D. chance40. A. more B. less C. longer D. fewer41. A. need B. save C. have D. make42. A. unless B. after C. when D. because43. A. So B. If C. Only D. Suddenly44. A. ask B. miss C. meet D. teach45. A. ability B. space C. name D. scene46. A. what B. which C. how D. when47. A. worry B. worried C. talking D. worryingSection C (12 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Today we read a passage about “dying to be thin”. It was about a Canadian actress 48 had to go to hospital because she took some weigh-loss pills. She lost 7kg in 2 months. 49 , the pills contained something that causes liver failure, so she had to get 50 new liver. A young Chinese man donated more than half of his liver to save 51 life.Recently, my cousin learned about a new weight-loss pill 52 she really wants to try it. I’ve told her the story of the actress, but she won’t listen. She’s only 12, but has become a girl who is worried 53 her figure and how she looks. She often refuses to eat. My aunt is worried that my cousin will buy the pills in secret. She says health is 54 . She thinks that children must eat properly as they are growing all the time. What do you think I should do?55 can I help my cousin?Part III Reading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in thepassage.AFoodBritish people like good food, and more than half of them go to a restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular---30% of all adults have a hamburger every three months, but 46% have fish and chips!SportsBritish people don’t do a lot of sports. O nly 17% of people go swimming every week, about 9% go cycling and 8% play golf--- and only 6% of people play football (but 32% go to watch it). Cinema and TVFilms are very popular in Britain, and about 60% of the young people go to the cinema every month. At home, men watch TV for about three hours every day ---30 minutes more than women.HolidaysBritish people love going on holiday, and have 56 holidays every year. Most of these holidays aren’t spent in the UK---27% are in Spain. 10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. Maybe this is because the weather in Britain isn’t very good!PresentsBritish people don’t send others expensive presents like other Europeans. They often send chocolates, wine and flowers of good quality.56. Which food could be more popular among British adults,a hamburger or fish and chips?A. A hamburger.B. Fish and chips.C. Both.D. Neither.57. Those who are interested in movies are _____.A. menB. womenC. young peopleD. old people58. How long do British women spend watching TV every day?A. Three hours.B. Three hours and a half.C. Two hours.D. Two hours and a half.59. British people’s favorite country for a holiday is _____.A. SpainB. FranceC. AmericaD. Australia60. What present don’t British people often send?A. Chocolates.B. Wine.C. Flowers.D. Money.BEveryone has got two personalities (性格) —the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake because you can control yourself, but when you’re asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, you often change your sleeping positions. The important position that best shows your secret personality is the one that you go to sleep.If you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person.You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by new ideas. You don’t like to make people unhappy, so you never express your rea l feelin gs. You’re quite shy and you aren’t very confident.If you sleep on your stomach, you are a person who likes to keep secrets. You worry a lot and you’re always easily becoming sad. You never want to change your ideas, but you are satisfied with your life the way it is. You usually live for today not for tomorrow.If you sleep on curled up (蜷缩), you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt, so you are very defensive. You’re shy and you don’t usually like meeting people. You like to be on your own.If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced (平衡的) personality. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You’re usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometime s feel worried, but you don’t often get unhappy. You always say what you think, even if it makes people angry.61. You may find the passage in_____.A. a science magazineB. a guide bookC. a sports newspaperD. a story book62. When does the sleeping position best show your secret personality?A. In the daytime.B. At the beginning of sleep.C. At night.D. During the deep sleep.63. Tina hardly tells her secrets to her friends. She probably goes to sleep _______.A. on curled upB. on her stomachC. on her backD. on her side64. What does the word "defensive" mean in the passage?A. 易怒的B. 攻击性的C. 外向的D. 有戒心的[65. What does the passage tell us?A. Sleeping on your side is the best way of sleeping.B. Changing positions will cause sleeping problems.C. S leeping positions show people’s secret personalities.D. Enough sleep makes people look better and healthier.CMany people know the names Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison. However, most people don’t know the name of the man who invented the television, Philo Farnsworth.Philo Farnsworth was born in 1906 and grew up on a potato farm. As a boy, he loved to learn about science, and he read a lot of science books. When he was only thirteen years old, he drew a picture of a machine that could send pictures as radio sends sounds. He got the idea from the way the potatoes were planted in the field. The potatoes grew in long lines, side by side. This made a shape in Philo’s mind. This shape helped Philo think of a way to send the TV picture onto a piece of glass. But he was poor, so Philo could not try to make his idea into a machine atthat time.Later, Philo worked at many different jobs. He worked with trees. He worked on broken radios. He worked on trains. He also worked as a street cleaner. At last, two rich men heard about his idea for television, and they gave him the money to make it. On September 7th, 1927, they watched Philo test the machine he built. When Philo turned on the machine, a small line could be seen on the glass. Philo said, “There you ha ve it, electric television.”Later, a big company, RCA, said they had made the first television. Philo had to spend a lot of money on lawyers to fight them. Finally, he won. Then, World War Two started in 1939. During the war, Philo spent a lot of money helping the US army instead of building up his television company. After the war, other bigger, richer companies started making televisions. In the end, Philo had to sell his company.66. Why does the author mention Bell and Edison at the beginning of the text?A. To remember both of them.B. To prove their wisdom.C. To introduce the topic of the text.D. To explain their relationships.67. According to the text, how old was Philo when he finished his invention of TV?A. 27 years old.B. 21 years old.C. 33 years oldD. 39 years old68. Philo Farnsworth got the idea for TV from ______.A. the radioB. science booksC. potato fieldsD. a machine69. The underlined part “building up” in the last paragraph probably means “______”.A. startingB. sellingC. putting upD. making bigger70. Which is the correct order of the following events?a. Two rich men gave Philo money to do experiments.b. Philo sold his own company.c. Philo beat RCA in law.d. Philo fixed broken radios.e. Philo showed his invention to others.A. d, a, e, c, bB. e, d, c, b, aC. d, c, e, b, aD. a, c, b, d, ePart IV Writing (45 marks)Section A (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Chinese are very generous(慷慨) when it comes to educating their children. Parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad. They also want their children to take extra -course activities. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is. So parents will spend unreasonable amount of money on education. Even poor coupleswill buy a computer for their son or daughter.As a result, parents can see that their children have some skills that o thers don’t have. And their children will probably do better in study in the future.But the problem is that parents are not educating them the most important skills they need—to be confident, happy and clever in life.In fact, the best education can also be very cheap. Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework.Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking needs patience and time. It is an enjoyable but difficult experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and finish his job successfully. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of confidence.Besides, some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play with will make him curious and arouse(激发) his interest. Your child might become an engineer when he grows up. These activities are not only teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.What Chinese parents do in 71.________Ⅰ. Parents’ beliefthe72.________ they spend on education, the betterⅡ. Phenomena1. sending children to the best schools or abroad2. letting children 73.________3. 74.________for children even if they are poorⅢ. 75.________1. children’s skills different from others2. children’s performance in study in the future 76.________Ⅳ.77.________children’s lack of cleverness, 78.________Ⅴ. Solutions1. teaching children 79.________ such as cooking, sewing and doing other housework2. letting children play with old machines to arouse their 80.________Section B (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage, Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Most Chinese hotels often provide guests with things like disposable (一次性的) toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and slippers. Many guests like the idea because they don't have to bring their own. But, if you travel to Beijing, remember to bring your own things. Starting from June, some hotels in Beijing will no longer provide guests with these disposables. They want to ask people to use less disposable things.Many disposable things are made of plastic, not easy to rot away. People throw them away after using them only once. It is a waste of natural resources and is very bad for the environment. Do you know, one Chinese person makes as much as 400kg of waste a year! Most of that waste comes from disposable things. In Beijing, people throw away about 19,000 tons of plastic bags and 1,320 tons of plastic lunch bowls every year! Plastic can take between 100 and 400 years to break down. So the less plastic wethrow out, the better. So, wherever you travel, bring your own things and use them again and again.At home and school, you can also do something to make our world a better place. Try to use daily necessities (日用品)once more. Use cloth shopping bags, not plastic ones. After using a plastic bag, wash it out and let it dry. Then you can use it over and over again. Do not use paper cups. At your school canteen, use your own bowl and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.81. Please list at least 4 disposable things mentioned in the passage. (No more than 5 words)82. What will happen in some hotels in Beijing starting from June according to the passage?(No more than 9 words)83. Why is it bad to throw disposables away after using them only once?(No more than 15words)84. How can we be more environmentally friendly when we are in our canteen?(No more than 11 words)Section C (25 marks)Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below inChinese.请以My favorite sport为题,写一篇英语短文。



川外专业介绍英语作文模板Sure, here's a template for introducing Sichuan International Studies University (SISU) and its majors in English:---。

Introduction to Sichuan International StudiesUniversity (SISU) and Majors。

Sichuan International Studies University (SISU), located in Chongqing, China, is renowned for its excellence in language education and international studies. Founded in 1950, SISU has since become a leading institution in preparing students for careers in diplomacy, translation, international business, and more. Here, we'll delve into the various majors offered at SISU, highlighting their unique features and career prospects.1. English Language and Literature。

The English Language and Literature major at SISU provides students with comprehensive training in English proficiency, literary analysis, and cultural understanding. Through courses in linguistics, literature, and cultural studies, students develop advanced language skills and critical thinking abilities. Graduates of this major often pursue careers in teaching, translation, publishing, and international relations.2. International Business。



Байду номын сангаас
艰苦奋斗 无私奉献 校兴我荣。
校训 厚德达理、励志勤工
办学特色 传承黄岭精神 培养富有创新精神 具有艰苦创业和实 践能力的高素质应用型人才
• 办学指导思想 以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持社会 主义办学方向,全面贯彻党的教育方针;弘扬黄岭精神, 坚持以团结为生命,以创新为灵魂,调动一切积极因素, 切实提高学校的教育质量和办学水平;坚持以科学发展观 统领全局,坚持全面、协调、可持续发展战略,以人为本, 和谐发展,办一所让人民满意的大学。 • 学校定位 立足四川,面向西部,服务全国,把四川理工学院建设成 为一所以工学为主,理、管、经、文、法、历史、教育学 协调发展,学科特色鲜明的多科性教学型本科院校。面向 行业、面向地方经济与社会发展,培养德、智、体、美全 面发展,社会适应性强,基础扎实,富有创新精神,具有 艰苦创业和实践能力的高素质应用型人才。
材料与化学工程学院 生物工程学院 外语学院 经济与管理学院 自动化与电子信息学院 机械工程学院 计算机学院 理学院 人文学院 建筑工程学院 艺术学院 政法学院 化学与制药工程学院 体育部 基础教学部
1965 年
根据毛泽东主席“备战、备荒、为人民”的战略决策,国务院总理周恩来亲自 批示,作为教育部重点高等学校的华东化工学院(现华东理工大学)内迁部分保 密专业,选址自贡黄岭创建华东化工学院西南分院(对外称之为“652工程” ),开始了四川理工学院本科教育的办学历程。
1979 年
经教育部批准,在原华东化工学院西南分院基础上组建四川化工学院 四川化工学院。学院保留了化工 四川化工学院 系和化机系的建制及两系的师资、实验和图书,同时筹办一批新专业,并积极从全国引 四川轻化工学院。 进各类人才,投入学院的本科教学工作中。1983年更名为四川轻化工学院 四川轻化工学院



介绍四川轻化工大学的英语作文Sichuan University of Science and Engineering is a comprehensive university with a focus on engineering and science disciplines. It was founded in 1951 and is locatedin Zigong City, Sichuan Province, China. The university has a beautiful campus covering an area of 2,000 acres with modern facilities and a pleasant environment for studying.The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields such as engineering, science, management, arts, and law. It has 16 schools and departments including the School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, School of Computer Science,and School of Economics and Management. The university also has research institutes and centers focusing on key areasof research and innovation.Sichuan University of Science and Engineering has astrong faculty team with more than 1,500 full-time teachers, including many renowned scholars and experts in their respective fields. The university places a strong emphasis on teaching quality and academic research, and hasestablished collaborations with many international universities and research institutions.The university provides a vibrant campus life for students with a wide range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports facilities. Students have the opportunity to participate in academic competitions, cultural events, and community service activities. The university also has a strong student support system with counseling services, career guidance, and international exchange programs.四川轻化工大学是一所以工程和科学学科为主的综合性大学。



介绍西昌学院的英文作文Xichang College, nestled in the picturesque city of Xichang in Sichuan Province, China, is an esteemedinstitution of higher learning that has been nurturing the minds of students for decades. With a rich history and a strong commitment to academic excellence, the college has become a beacon of knowledge and innovation in the region.History and BackgroundEstablished in the year 1978, Xichang College has evolved significantly over the years. It started as a small educational institution with a focus on local development and has now grown into a comprehensive college offering a wide array of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Thecollege's motto, "Integrity, Application, Innovation, and Excellence," resonates throughout its campus and is reflected in the quality of education it provides.Academic ProgramsThe academic landscape at Xichang College is diverse and vibrant. It offers a multitude of programs across various disciplines such as engineering, agriculture, management, literature, and arts. The college is particularly renownedfor its programs in aerospace engineering, which aligns with the city's significance as a satellite launch center. The curriculum is designed to be rigorous yet flexible, allowingstudents to pursue their interests while gaining a solid foundation in their chosen fields.Faculty and ResearchXichang College boasts a distinguished faculty comprising experienced scholars and researchers who are experts in their respective fields. The college encourages a culture of research and innovation, with numerous research centers and labs equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. Students are often involved in cutting-edge research projects, which not only enhances their learning experience but also contributes to the global body of knowledge.Campus Life and FacilitiesThe campus of Xichang College is a blend of modern architecture and traditional Chinese elements, creating a serene environment conducive to learning. It is equipped with well-stocked libraries, advanced laboratories, and comfortable living quarters for its students. The college also places a strong emphasis on extracurricular activities, with various clubs and societies that cater to a wide range of interests, from sports to cultural and artistic pursuits.International Relations and Exchange ProgramsRecognizing the importance of global perspectives, Xichang College actively engages in international cooperation and exchange. It has established partnerships with numerous universities and institutions worldwide, offering itsstudents the opportunity to participate in exchange programs, international conferences, and collaborative research projects. This exposure to international academia helps students to broaden their horizons and gain a global outlook.Future ProspectsAs Xichang College continues to grow and expand its offerings, it remains committed to its core values ofintegrity and excellence. The college is focused on preparing its students for the challenges of the future by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to succeed in their chosen careers. With its strong foundation and forward-thinking approach, Xichang College is poised to make a significant impact on the future of education and research in China and beyond.In conclusion, Xichang College is more than just an educational institution; it is a community that fosters growth, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence. For students seeking a well-rounded education in a supportive and dynamic environment, Xichang College is an ideal choice.。



介绍四川高考作文范文英语Sichuan College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) is a crucial exam for students in Sichuan province. It determines their future academic paths and career prospects. In this essay, I will introduce a sample essay for the Gaokao writing section in English.Title: The Importance of Environmental ProtectionNowadays, environmental protection has become a pressing issue that needs immediate attention and actions. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the environment is facing various challenges, including pollution, deforestation, and climate change. Therefore, it is essential for us to emphasize the importance of protecting the environment and take actions to preserve it.Firstly, environmental protection is crucial for the well-being of human beings. A clean and healthy environment is essential for us to thrive and lead a quality life. Environmental pollution, such as air pollution and water pollution, not only affects our physical health but also harms our mental well-being. For instance, people living in heavily polluted areas are more prone to respiratory diseases and other health issues. By protecting the environment, we can ensure a better and healthier life for ourselves and future generations.Secondly, environmental protection is closely related to economic development. Many industries and businesses heavily rely on natural resources to function. However, if we exploit these resources without considering their long-term impacts, we mightend up depleting them entirely. Sustainable development, on the other hand, emphasizes the harmony between economic progress and environmental conservation. By adopting green technologies, practicing sustainable agriculture, and reducing waste production, we can achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental protection.Moreover, environmental protection is crucial for the preservation of biodiversity. The earth is home to countless species, and the existence of each species is interconnected with others. If we fail to protect the environment, we might face the risk of losing various plant and animal species forever. The extinction of certain species can disrupt the balance of ecosystems, leading to a cascading negative impact on the environment. By protecting the environment, we can safeguard biodiversity and maintain a healthy ecological system.In conclusion, environmental protection is of paramount importance. It is crucial for our well-being, economic development, and biodiversity preservation. We need to acknowledge the significance of protecting the environment and take immediate actions to mitigate the challenges we are facing. By adopting sustainable practices, reducing our carbon footprint, and promoting environmental education, we can create a better future for ourselves and future generations. Let's work together to protect and preserve our environment.Word count: 350 words。



介绍自贡的英语作文大学Here is an essay about Self-Gong University, a university in China, written in English with over 1000 words as requested:Self-Gong University, located in the city of Zigong in Sichuan Province, China, is one of the premier higher education institutions in the region. Established in 1958, the university has a rich history and a reputation for excellence in both teaching and research. With a diverse range of academic programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and a vibrant campus life, Self-Gong University offers students a well-rounded educational experience.One of the standout features of Self-Gong University is its strong emphasis on the sciences. The university's College of Engineering is particularly renowned, with cutting-edge laboratories and research facilities that allow students to engage in hands-on learning and cutting-edge research projects. The university's programs in fields such as materials science, electrical engineering, and computer science are highly respected, and graduates often go on to successful careers in industry and academia.In addition to its technical programs, Self-Gong University also has astrong liberal arts tradition. The College of Humanities and Social Sciences offers a diverse range of programs in fields such as literature, history, philosophy, and linguistics. These programs are designed to cultivate critical thinking, communication skills, and a deep appreciation for the human experience. Students in these programs often engage in interdisciplinary research and collaborative projects, which help them develop a well-rounded understanding of the world.One of the university's most impressive features is its commitment to internationalization. Self-Gong University has established partnerships with universities around the world, allowing students to participate in exchange programs, study abroad opportunities, and collaborative research projects. The university also attracts a significant number of international students, who come to Self-Gong to take advantage of its high-quality education and vibrant campus life.The campus of Self-Gong University is a testament to the university's commitment to providing a world-class educational experience. The university's facilities are state-of-the-art, with modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and cutting-edge technology that support innovative teaching and research. The university's library, which houses an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources, is a hub of intellectual activity, attracting students andscholars from around the world.Beyond the classroom, Self-Gong University offers a rich and diverse array of extracurricular activities. The university has a vibrant student life, with a wide range of student organizations, clubs, and cultural events that cater to a variety of interests and backgrounds. From sports teams and performing arts groups to volunteer organizations and political societies, there is something for everyone at Self-Gong University.One of the university's most unique features is its emphasis on community engagement and social responsibility. Self-Gong University has a strong tradition of community outreach, with students and faculty members involved in a wide range of initiatives that address local and global challenges. This commitment to social impact is reflected in the university's curriculum, which often incorporates service-learning and community-based projects.Overall, Self-Gong University is an outstanding institution of higher education that is poised to continue making significant contributions to the intellectual and cultural life of China and the world. With its strong academic programs, world-class facilities, and vibrant campus life, the university is an attractive destination for students from all over the globe who are seeking a transformative educational experience.。



An Introduction to Sichuan University ofScience and EngineeringNestled in the scenic and culturally rich city of Zigong, Sichuan Province, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering (SUSE) stands as a beacon of academic excellence and technological innovation. Since its establishment in 1965, SUSE has grown to become a comprehensive institution of higher learning, renowned for its contributions to the fields of light industry and chemical engineering.The university boasts a diverse array of academic departments and research centers, covering a wide range of disciplines including engineering, science, economics, management, literature, law, education, and art. The curriculum at SUSE is designed to provide students with a solid theoretical foundation and hands-on practical experience, preparing them for successful careers in various industries.One of the most notable aspects of SUSE is its commitment to research and innovation. The university has established numerous laboratories and research teams thatare actively engaged in cutting-edge research projects, often collaborating with industry partners and other academic institutions. This focus on research has led to numerous patents, publications, and technological advancements that have had a significant impact on thelocal and national economy.In addition to its academic and research excellence, SUSE also prides itself on its beautiful campus and vibrant student life. The campus is a lush green oasis, filled with modern buildings, well-maintained facilities, and ample spaces for students to relax and unwind. Student activities are diverse and inclusive, with clubs and organizations catering to a wide range of interests and hobbies.Moreover, SUSE places a strong emphasis on internationalization, attracting students and scholars from around the world. The university has established partnerships with numerous international institutions, facilitating exchange programs, joint research projects, and cultural exchanges. This international perspective enriches the academic environment and broadens the horizons of students and faculty alike.SUSE also maintains a strong commitment to social responsibility, engaging in community service projects and contributing to the local community. The university's graduates are often highly sought-after by employers due to their strong technical skills, innovative thinking, and commitment to ethical practices.In conclusion, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering is a vibrant and dynamic institution thatoffers a rich academic experience and countlessopportunities for personal and professional growth. Its commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement makes it a standout among higher education institutions in China and beyond.**四川轻化工大学介绍**坐落于风景秀丽、文化底蕴深厚的四川省自贡市,四川轻化工大学(SUSE)作为学术卓越和技术创新的典范,自1965年建校以来,已发展成为一所综合性高等教育机构,在轻工业和化学工程领域享有盛誉。



介绍川美英语作文Introduction to Sichuan Fine Arts Institute English Writing。

Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (SFAI) is one of the most prestigious art schools in China, located in the beautiful city of Chongqing. It is renowned for its exceptional English writing program, which has attracted countless students from all over the country.At SFAI, the English writing curriculum aims to enhance students' writing skills, foster creativity, and develop a deep understanding of the English language. The program is designed to cater to students of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners, providing them with the necessary tools to excel in various writing genres.One of the key features of SFAI's English writing program is the emphasis on practical application. Students are encouraged to engage in real-world writing projects,such as creating advertisements, writing news articles, and crafting persuasive essays. This hands-on approach allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge and develop their own unique writing styles.The faculty at SFAI's English writing department consists of experienced professors and industry professionals who are dedicated to nurturing students' writing talents. They provide personalized guidance and feedback, ensuring that students receive the necessary support to improve their writing skills. The small class sizes also enable students to receive individual attention and actively participate in class discussions.In addition to the core writing courses, SFAI offers a wide range of electives to cater to students' diverse interests. These electives include creative writing, academic writing, business writing, and technical writing. Students have the flexibility to choose courses that align with their career aspirations and personal preferences.Furthermore, SFAI's English writing program providesnumerous opportunities for students to showcase their work and gain recognition. The institute organizes regularwriting competitions, where students can submit theirpieces for evaluation by a panel of experts. Winning these competitions not only boosts students' confidence but also helps them establish a strong portfolio for future endeavors.Moreover, SFAI understands the importance ofinternational exposure in today's globalized world. Therefore, the institute offers exchange programs with renowned universities abroad, allowing students to immerse themselves in different cultures and broaden their horizons. These experiences not only enhance students' writingabilities but also foster a global perspective.In conclusion, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute's English writing program is a comprehensive and dynamic curriculum that equips students with the necessary skills to excel in the field of writing. With its practical approach, experienced faculty, diverse elective options, andinternational exposure opportunities, SFAI has become a leading institution for English writing education in China.。



用写信的方式介绍内江英语作文Dear Reader,I am writing to introduce you to the fascinating world of Nanchong English Composition. Nanchong, a vibrant city located in the Sichuan province of China, has a rich history and cultural heritage that is reflected in its approach to English writing. English composition in Nanchong has evolved over the years to become a significant aspect of education, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and language proficiency among students.The development of English composition in Nanchong can be traced back to the early 20th century when Western education began to influence China. With the increasing globalization and the importance of English as a global language, Nanchong recognized the need to enhance English writing skills among its population. As a result, English composition classes were introduced in schools and universities, providing students with the opportunity to express themselves creatively and effectively in English.Various perspectives exist regarding the significance of English compositionin Nanchong. Some believe that mastering English composition is essential for academic and professional success in today's globalized world. It not only improves communication skills but also enhances critical thinking and analytical abilities. On the other hand, some critics argue that too much emphasis on English composition may neglect the development of other important skills and subjects, leading to a narrow educational focus.To illustrate the importance of English composition in Nanchong, let me share a case study of a student named Li Wei. Li Wei, a high school student in Nanchong, struggled with English composition initially but with dedicated practice and guidance from teachers, he gradually improved his writing skills. Eventually, he participated in an English composition competition and won the first prize, boosting his confidence and opening up new opportunities for him in the future.Despite the benefits of English composition, there are drawbacks to consider as well. Some students may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to excel in English writing, leading to stress and anxiety. Moreover, the emphasis on English composition may overshadow other important subjects, creating an imbalance in the educational curriculum. It is essential to strike a balance between promoting English composition and ensuring a holistic approach to education in Nanchong.In conclusion, English composition in Nanchong plays a crucial role in shaping the academic and professional development of students. While it offers numerous benefits such as improved communication skills and critical thinking abilities, it is important to address the potential drawbacks and challenges associated with it. Moving forward, Nanchong should continue to prioritize English composition education while also integrating it harmoniously with other subjects to provide a well-rounded educational experience for students.Thank you for taking the time to explore the world of Nanchong English Composition with me. I hope this introduction has provided you with valuable insights into the significance and complexities of English writing in Nanchong.Warm regards,[Your Name]。

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Sichuan University of Science and EngineeringSichuan University of Science and Engineering (SUSE) is located in Zigong City of Sichuan Province. Zigong is a historic and cultural city of China, which is well known home and abroad as “Dinosaur Habitat”,“Salt City of More than Two Thousand Years”, and “Lantern City of Southern China”. SUSE is one of the key universities supported by “Foundation Ability Construction Project for China’s Middle West Universities”, and the “Model Scientific Research Institution of Provincial High and New Technology Indust ry” affirmed by People’s Government of Sichuan Province.The university possesses 3 campuses that are respectively called Huidong, Yingpan and Huangling, covering an area of more than 2000 mu(133 hectares). The state property of SUSE reaches the total amount of 1.08 billion RMB, in which the total value of the equipment applied to teaching and scientific research amounts to nearly 0.24 billion RMB. The university library has a collection of 2.33 million books, as well as 3.55 million electronic books and journals. The university is well-equipped with modern facilities. The beautiful campuses are ideal place for realizing the ambition of the students and teachers.Currently, SUSE has about 1500 full-time teachers, 700 professors and associate professors, and about 1000 teachers with master or doctor degrees. There are 1 national outstanding teacher, 8 “Experts Receiving Special Governmental Allowance for Distinguished Contribution”,43 teachers with title such as “Leading Scholars and Candidates of Sichuan Province”, “Teaching Masters of Sichuan Province”, “Model Teachers of Sichuan Province”. SUSE has hired about 100 adjunct professors and guest professors, including 4 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 6 Cheung Kong Scholars and winners of National Outstanding Youth Science Fund. SUSE receives students from over 23 provinces (municipalities) all across China. Now, there are about 29,000 undergraduate students and 600 postgraduates.SUSE consists of 17 schools. It has 4 primary disciplines which offer master degrees, 30 grade-2 disciplines which offer master degrees, 2 professional master’s programs (5 subjects for master of engineering) and 74 undergraduate programs. SUSE has a comprehensive range of disciplines covering 9 categories, namely, engineering, science, management, economy, law, literature, art, education and history.SUSE has 1 academician(expert) work station, 3 key provincial laboratories, 3 provincial-level key disciplines and 2 key provincial philosophy and social science research bases, 8 key provincial laboratories for universities,4 key provincial humane and social Science research bases for universities, 1 key provincial tourism research base, 2 national engineering and technology research center, 3 provincial sharing platforms for foundation of science and technology, 2 provincial engineering and technology research center, 1 collaborative innovation cultivation base of 2011 Project and 9 provincial enterprise - university - research innovation alliances. In recent years, SUSE has undertaken 32 national scientific research projects, 266 provincial scientific research projects, 803 city-level scientific research projects. SUSE has won156 prizes awarded for scientific and technological achievements at different levels, including 1 national prize for progress in science and technology, 25 provincial scientific and technology achievement awards. 116 books and 8, 665 academic papers have been published, in which 1661 research papers were indexed into SCI, EI or ISTP.128 patents have been granted.SUSE abides by the core idea of improving the talent training quality, vigorously implementsteaching quality project, actively conducts teaching reform and continuously improves the teaching quality. In 2007, SUSE was evaluated "Excellence" in the assessment of undergraduate teaching efficiency sponsored by Ministry of Education. In 2011, SUSE was affirmed by the Ministry of Education as the university undertaking the education and training of excellent engineers. Now, SUSE has 3 national engineer practice education centers, 1 national off-campus education and practice base for students, 1 provincial post-doctoral innovation base, 2 provincial demonstration centers for experiment teaching, 1 provincial talent training model innovation demonstration center, 4 national characteristic specialties, 9 provincial characteristic specialties, 6 provincial shared excellent courses, 5 majors training students supported by national excellent engineer program, 8 majors training students supported by provincial excellent engineer program. SUSE has won 16 provincial teaching achievement prizes, including 1 first prize, 5 second prizes, 10 third prizes.SUSE cooperate with universities home and abroad actively and broadly. Students can attend the exchange programs with East China University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Tech University, Wuhan Institute of Technology Hebei University of Science and Technology and Qingdao University of Science and Technology. Now, universities and research institutions from America, UK, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan, etc. have set up partnership with SUSE. Students of SUSE can attend many programs, such as China-America exchange program, China-UK master program, Aupair program, etc. Students from Singapore, Sierra Leone, France, UK, Italy, America, etc, have come to study in SUSE.In recent years, students of SUSE have attended many important competitions, such as national electronic design competition and national mathematic modeling competition, and have won 226 national prizes and 272 provincial prizes. The overall employment rate of the students is above 95%.SUSE is also fully committed to serving the development of local economic and social projects, having signed full scale cooperation framework agreements and enterprise-university- research cooperation agreements with 13 local governments and over 100 famous enterprises (including Luzhou Laojiao, Chenguang Chemical Research Institute), undertaking more than 2200 scientific programs at different levels.SUSE will bear in mind the mission of the university, including lay the foundation for the success of students and provide support for the local development through the transmission, innovation and application of scholarship; will stick to the basic idea, including educating people oriented, undertaking social responsibility and academic freedom; will rich the connotation of running model, including culture, idea, system and practice; will fully implement the internal management strategy, talents developing strategy, international cooperation strategy, university-local cooperation strategy and university-university cooperation strategy. SUSE will strive for the aim of building an application-oriented, multi-disciplinary university with characteristics and strength.。
