managerial theories

组织的三个特征:一个明确的目标;由人员组成;一种精细的结构1.3 广义上,管理就是管理者所从事的工作。
效率是以正确的方式做事;效果是做正确的事管理的四种只能:计划(定义目标、制定战略、制定计划);组织(对工作作出安排);领导(与其他人共事并且通过他们完成目标);控制(对工作绩效进行监控、比较或纠正)明茨伯格的管理角色(Mintzberg’s managerial roles)包括(1)人际关系角色(Interpersonal):挂名首脑figurehead领导者leader联络者liaison,这涉及与人打交道以及其他仪式性/象征性ceremonial/symbolic的活动(2)信息传递角色informational:监听者monitor传播者dissemination发言人spokesperson,指的是收集collecting、接受receiving和传播disseminating信息;(3)决策定制者decisional:企业家entrepreneur、混乱驾驭者disturbance handler、资源配置者resource allocator和谈判者negotiator,即制定决策管理者以三种方式来影响行为:通过对行为进行直接管理;通过对采取行动的人员进行管理;通过对推动人们采取行动的信息进行管理managing information that impels people to take action。
卡茨认为,管理技能包括katz’s managerial skills:技术技能technical(与具体工作相关的知识和技术)、人际技能human skill(与他人和谐共事的能力)和概念能力conceptual(思考和表达创意的能力)。
the managerial discretion theory

the managerial discretion theoryThe Managerial Discretion TheoryIntroduction:The managerial discretion theory is a popular theory in the field of management that explains how managers have the ability to exercise discretion in decision-making and shape the direction of their organization. This theory suggests that managers have a significant impact on organizational outcomes and that their discretion in decision-making plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of an organization. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of the managerial discretion theory, including its origins, key concepts, applications, and criticisms. Origins of the Managerial Discretion Theory:The managerial discretion theory emerged during the late 1960s and early 1970s, in response to the dominance of the bureaucratic management approach. This approach emphasized the importance of rules, procedures, and hierarchy in decision-making, leaving little room for managerial discretion. Theorists such as Richard Cyert and James March challenged this approach by arguing that managers should be allowed to exercise discretion and use their judgment in decision-making, as they possess unique knowledge and expertise about the organization and its environment.Key Concepts of the Managerial Discretion Theory:The managerial discretion theory is based on several key concepts that help to explain how managers exercise discretion and shape organizational outcomes. These concepts include bounded rationality, goal ambiguity, resource dependence, and institutionalpressures.Bounded rationality refers to the limitation of human rationality in decision-making. According to Cyert and March, managers are not capable of making fully rational decisions due to cognitive limitations, time constraints, and incomplete information. Instead, managers rely on heuristics and biases to make decisions, which may not always result in the optimal outcome.Goal ambiguity refers to the lack of clarity and consensus among organizational members about organizational goals. This ambiguity provides managers with room for discretion in interpreting and pursuing organizational goals. Managers can prioritize certain goals over others and allocate resources accordingly, based on their own judgment and interpretation of the situation.Resource dependence theory suggests that managers exercise discretion to manage their organization's resource dependencies. Organizations rely on external resources, such as capital, labor, and technology, to function effectively. Managers must negotiate and make decisions to acquire and allocate these resources, which gives them significant discretion in shaping the organization's strategy and direction.Institutional pressures refer to the external social, cultural, and political forces that influence managerial discretion. Managers face pressures from various stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, government agencies, and the broader society. These pressures shape the decision-making process and can limit orexpand the manager's discretion.Applications of the Managerial Discretion Theory:The managerial discretion theory has been extensively applied in organizational research to understand managerial decision-making and its impact on organizational outcomes. Researchers have examined how managers exercise discretion in various contexts, including strategic decision-making, organizational change, innovation, and corporate governance.Strategic decision-making is a key area where managers exercise discretion. They make choices about the organization's competitive positioning, resource allocation, product development, and diversification. The managerial discretion theory suggests that managers' cognitive biases, heuristics, and interpretation of organizational goals will influence these decisions and their subsequent impact on organizational performance.Organizational change is another area where managerial discretion plays a crucial role. Managers have discretion in initiating and implementing change initiatives, such as restructuring, mergers, acquisitions, and downsizing. The success of these change efforts depends on the manager's ability to exercise discretion effectively, navigate internal and external pressures, and align the organization's goals with the change initiative.Innovation is an important driver of organizational success and competitiveness. Managers play a critical role in fostering innovation within their organizations by creating a supportive culture, allocating resources, and providing necessary autonomyfor employees. The managerial discretion theory suggests that managers with high levels of discretion are more likely to support and promote innovation within their organizations.Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. The managerial discretion theory has been applied to understand how managers exercise discretion in corporate governance decisions, such as executive compensation, board composition, and shareholder relationships. Managers can shape the governance structure to align their interests with those of shareholders or other stakeholders, depending on their level of discretion.Criticisms of the Managerial Discretion Theory:While the managerial discretion theory has made significant contributions to the field of management, it is not without its criticisms. Some scholars argue that the theory overemphasizes the role of individual managers and neglects the importance of structural and contextual factors. They contend that managers' discretion is constrained by organizational structures, external pressures, and industry dynamics, which limit their ability to shape organizational outcomes.Another criticism of the theory is that it assumes managers always act in the best interest of the organization. However, managers may have their biases, self-interests, and personal agendas that can influence their decision-making and compromise organizational outcomes. This criticism raises questions about the ethical implications of managerial discretion and the need for accountability mechanisms to ensure that managers exercisediscretion responsibly.Conclusion:The managerial discretion theory provides valuable insights into how managers exercise discretion in decision-making and shape organizational outcomes. It emphasizes the importance of managers' knowledge, judgment, and interpretation of organizational goals in driving success. While the theory has been widely applied and has contributed to our understanding of managerial behavior, it is not without its limitations and criticisms. Future research should address these criticisms and further refine the theory to enhance its applicability and validity.。

关 系 行 为
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
成 熟 度
领 导 的 生 命 周 期 理 论
比较成熟 初步成熟
(3)目标—途径理论 ( Path-Goal Theory ) 该理论是由豪斯(Robert J. House)等人提出的, 是以期望理论和领导行为四分图理论为依据而发展 出来的。该理论认为领导者的效率是以能激励下属 达到组织目标并在其工作中使下属得到满足的能力
执 行 •通过具体详细的计划监 •动员人们克服改革中的包括自身政
结果 •具有一定程度的预见,并 •改革取得较大的进展
建立良好秩序 •取得各利益相关者所期 望的成果(如用户的交货 期,股东的分红等) •具备了进一步改革的潜力,诸如开发 出了用户期望的新产品,改善了有利 于增强竞争力的人际关系等
•同协作者进行言语沟通,为他 们指明方向和路线 •帮助人们更好地理解目标和 战略,以及目标实现后的效益 •指引人们根据需要组建工作 组和建立伙伴关系
活动 内容 管 理 领 导
治思想和官僚主义作风等方面的种 种障碍 •在改革条件初具的情况下,鼓动人们 克服人力与资源不足的困难,努力实 现改革
以激励组织成员时,组织成员就对获得这些报酬寄 予期望,并作出努力。但这种期望的实现必须有赖 于作出工作成绩,因此只有当员工确切地知道如何 达成组织目标时才能起到激励作用。领导应指明达

最准确银行常用单词中英文对照第一篇:最准确银行常用单词中英文对照本外币活期存款 RMB/foreign currency current deposit、本外币定期存款RMB/foreign currency time deposit 本外币通知存款RMB/foreign currency call deposit 协定存款 agreement deposit 固定资产贷款fixed asset loan 房地产开发贷款housing developing loan 单位流动资金贷款 working capitals loan 转贷款 transfers loan 银团贷款syndicated loan 委托贷款entrusted loan 票据贴现bill discount 证券公司股票质押贷款stock mortage loan 进口押汇import finance 出口押汇 export finance 打包贷款 packaging loan 外币存单质押贷款foreign exchange deposit certificate mortage loan 现金收付业务 cash/non-cash receiving and paying 银行汇票banks bill of exchange 银行本票banks promissory note 支票check 商业汇票commercial bill of exchange 汇兑(信汇、电汇)transfers(mail transfers、telegraphic transfers)票据承兑acceptance of bill 资信证明业务credit proof 代发工资wages paying 代理发行 agency of issuing 兑付债券 redeeming bond 代收公用事业费public utility charge collection 网上银行业务online banking 进口开证import letter of credit 进口代收import collection 出口信用证通知 advice of export letter of credit 出口信用证议付negotiation of export letter of credit 出口托收export collection 外汇光票托收 foreign exchange bill collection 外汇汇入汇款 foreign exchange outgoing remittance 外汇汇出汇款 foreign exchange incoming remittance 提货担保 shipping guarantee 银行保函 letter of guarantee 备用信用证standly letter of credit 结售汇money exchange 活期储蓄 current saving 定期储蓄 time saving 个人通知存款 individual call deposit 定期一本通 fixed time book 兴业卡存取款 depositing/drawing though XINGYE card POS消费转帐业务 POS consumptive transfers 银证通 transfer between bankand security company 银期通 transfer between bank and futures company 个人外汇买卖 personal money exchange 个人存款证明业务personal deposit proof 个人住房按揭贷款Personal housing mortgage loan 住房装修贷款 house renovation loan 个人有价单证质押贷款 personal valued certificate mortgage loan 汽车消费贷款automobile consumptive loan 个人旅游贷款personal travelling loan 个人商用房贷款 personal commercial housing loan 个人授信额度贷款 personal credit facility第二篇:管理学中英文单词对照[范文]第一章管理总论 Manager 管理者First-line managers 基层管理者 Middle managers 中层管理者Top managers 高层管理者Management 管理Efficiency 效率Effectiveness 效果Planning 计划Organizing 组织Leading 领导Controlling 控制Management process 管理过程 Management roles 管理角色Interpersonal roles 人际关系角色 Informational roles 信息传递角色Decisional roles 决策制定角色Technical skills 技术技能Human skills 人事技能 Conceptual skills 概念技能 System 系统Closed systems 封闭系统Open systems 开放系统Environment 环境Special environment 具体环境 General environment 一般环境Contingency perspective 权变观 Organization 组织 Universality of management 管理的普遍性Nonmanagerial employees / Operatives 操作者第二章管理的历史Division of labor 劳动分工Industrial revolution 产业革命Scientific management 科学管理Therbligs 基本动作元素General administrative theorists 一般行政管理理论家Principles of management 管理原则 Bureaucracy 官僚行政组织、层级组织Quantitative approach 定量方法Organizational behavior(OB)组织行为Hawthorne Studies 霍桑研究Workforcediversity 员工多样化 Entrepreneurship 企业家e-business(electronic business)电子商务e-commerce(electronic commerce)电子贸易、电子商务Intranet 内部互联网Total quality management(TQM)全面质量管理Learning organization 学习型组织Knowledge management 知识管理Workplace spirituality 团队精神第三章计划 Decision 决策Decision-making process 决策过程 Problem 问题Decision criteria 决策标准Implementation 实施Rational decision making 理性决策Bounded rationality 有限理性Satisficing 满意Escalation of commitment 承诺升级 Intuitive decision making 直觉决策Well-structured problems 结构良好问题Programmed decision 程序化决策 Procedure 程序 Rule 规则 Policy 政策Poorly structured problems 结构不良问题Nonprogrammed decisions 非程序化决策 Certainty 确定性 Risk 风险性Uncertainty 不确定性 Directive style 指导性风格 Analytic style 分析性风格 Conceptual style 概念性风格 Behavioral style 行为性风格 Planning 计划 Goals 目标 Plans 计划Strategic plans 战略计划Operational plans 作业计划Long-term plans 长期计划 Short-term plans 短期计划 Specific plans 具体性计划 Directional plans 指导性计划 Single-use plan 单一目标计划 Standing plans 标准计划Traditional goal setting 传统目标设定 Means-ends chain 手段-结果链Management by objectives(MBO)目标管理 Mission 使命Commitment concept 承诺概念Formal planning department 正式计划部门Strategic management 战略管理Strategic management process 战略管理过程Opportunities机会 Threats 威胁Core competencies 核心能力 Strengths 优势 Weaknesses 劣势SWOT analysis SWOT分析Corporate-level strategy 公司层战略 Stability strategy 稳定战略 Growth strategy 增长战略Related diversification 相关领域多元化经营Unrelated diversification 不相关领域多元化经营 Retrenchment strategy 收缩战略BCG matrix BCG矩阵波士顿咨询集团矩阵Business-level strategy 事业层战略Strategic business units 战略经营单位Competitive advantage 竞争优势 Cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略 Differentiation strategy 差异化战略 Focus strategy 集中化战略Functional-level strategy 职能层战略 Environmental Scanning 环境扫描Competitor intelligence 竞争者情报、竞争者信息 Forecasts 预测Quantitative forecasting 定量预测 Qualitative forecasting 定性预测 Forecasting Techniques 预测技术 Benchmarking 基准化、标杆 Resources 资源 Budget 预算Revenue Budgets 收入预算 Expense Budgets 费用预算 Profit Budgets 利润预算 Cash Budgets 现金预算 Scheduling 进度计划、规划 Gantt Charts 甘特图 Load Charts 负荷图PERT network 计划评审技术网络Events 事件Activities 活动Slack time 松弛时间 Critical path 关键线路Breakeven analysis 盈亏平衡分析 Linear programming 线性规划 Project 项目Project Management 项目管理 Scenario 设想方案第四章组织Organizing 组织Organizational structure 组织结构 Organizational design 组织设计 Work specialization 劳动分工 Departmentalization 部门化Functional departmentalization 职能部门化Product departmentalization 产品部门化Geographical departmentalization 地区部门化Process departmentalization 过程部门化Customer departmentalization 顾客部门化Cross-functional teams 跨职能团队 Chain of command 指挥链 Authority 职权Responsibility 职责Unity of command 统一指挥Span of control 管理幅度Centralization 集权化Decentralization 分权化Formalization 正规化Mechanistic organization 机械式组织 Organic organization 有机式组织Unit production 单件生产Mass production 大量生产Process production 连续生产 Simple structure 简单结构 Functional structure 职能型结构 Divisional structure 分部型结构 Team-based structure 团队结构 Matrix structure 矩阵结构 Project structure 项目结构Autonomous internal units 内部自治单位Boundaryless organization 无边界组织 Learning organization 学习型组织High-performance work practice 高绩效的工作实践Human resource management process 人力资源管理过程 Labor union 工会Human resource planning 人力资源规划 Job analysis 职务分析Job description 职务说明书Job specification 职务规范Recruitment 招聘 Decruitment 解聘Selection process 甄选过程 Validity 效度 Reliability 信度 Work sampling 工作抽样 Assessment centers 测评中心 Orientation 定向、导向Performance management system 绩效管理系统Written essay 书面描述法Critical incidents 关键事件法Graphic rating scales 评分表法Behaviorally anchored rating scales(BARS)行为定位评分法Multiperson comparisons 多人比较法 Group order ranking 分组排序法 Individual ranking 个体排序法 Paired comparison 配对比较法360 degree feedback 360度反馈skill-based pay 按技能付酬Career 职业生涯、职业Organizational change 组织变革Change agents 变革推动者Organizational development(OD)组织发展Stress 压力Creativity 创造 Innovation 创新第五章领导 Behavior 行为Organizational behavior 组织行为学 Attitudes 态度Cognitive component 认知成分 Affective component 情感成分Behavioral component 行为成分Job satisfaction 工作满意度Job involvement 工作投入Organizational commitment 组织承诺Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB)组织公民行为Cognitive dissonance 认知失调Attitude surveys 态度调查Personality 人性Big-five model 重要的五大模型 Emotional intelligence(EI)情感智商 Locus of control 控制点Machiavellianism 马基雅维里主义Self-esteem 自尊Self-monitoring 自我监控 Perception 知觉Attribution theory 归因理论Fundamental attribution error 基本归因错误 Self-serving bias 自我服务偏见 Selectivity 有选择地接受、选择性 Assumed similarity 假设相似性 Stereotyping 刻板印象 Learning 学习Operant conditioning 操作性条件反射 Social learning theory 社会学习理论 Shaping behavior 行为塑造 Motivation 动机 Need 需要Hierarchy of needs theory 需要层次理论 Physiological needs 生理需要Safety needs 安全需要Social needs 社会需要Esteem needs 尊重需要Self-actualization needs 自我实现需要 Theory X X理论 Theory Y Y理论Motivation-hygiene theory 激励-保健理论Hygiene factors 保健因素 Motivators 激励因素Three-needs theory 三种需要理论Need for achievement(nAch)成就需要Need for power(nPow)权力需要Need for affiliation(nAff)归属需要 Goal-setting theory 目标设定理论 Reinforcement theory 强化理论 Reinforcers 强化物 Job design 职务设计Job scope 职务范围Job enlargement 职务扩大化Job enrichment 工作丰富化 Job depth 职务深度Job characteristic model(JCM)职务特征模型 Skill variety 技能多样性Task identity 任务同一性Task significance 任务重要性Autonomy 自主性 Feedback 反馈Equity theory 公平理论 Referents 参照对象 Expectancy theory 期望理论 Compressed workweek 压缩工作周 Flexible work hours 弹性工作制Job sharing 职务分担Contingent workers 应急工Telecommuting 电子通信,远程办公Pay-for performance programs 基于绩效的薪酬管理Open-book management 公开帐簿管理 Leader 领导者 Leadership 领导Behavioral theories 行为理论Autocratic style 权威式Democratic style 民主式Laissez-faire style 放任式Initiating structure 定规维度 Consideration 关怀维度High-high leader 高-高型领导者 Managerial grid 管理方格论Fiedler contingency model 菲德勒权变模型Least-preferred co-worker(LPC)questionnaire 最难共事者问卷Leader-member relations 领导者-成员关系,上下级关系Task structure 任务结构 Position power 职位权力Situational leadership theory(SLT)情景领导理论 Readiness 准备状态 Maturity 成熟度Leader participation model 领导者参与模型 Path-goal theory 路径-目标理论Transactional leaders 事务型领导者Transformational leaders 变革型领导者 Charismatic leader 超凡魅力的领导者 Visionary leadership 愿景领导者 Legitimate power 法定权 Coercive power 强制权 Reward power 奖赏权 Expert power 专长权 Referent power 模范权 Credibility 可信度 Trust 诚信、信任Empowerment 授权 Communication 沟通Interpersonal communication 人际沟通Organizational communication 组织沟通 Message 信息 Encoding 编码 Channel 通道、渠道 Decoding 解码Communication process 沟通过程 Noise 噪音Nonverbal communication 非言语沟通 Body language 体态语言 Verbal intonation 语调 Filtering 过滤Selective perception 选择性知觉 Information overload 信息超载 Jargon 行话Active listening 积极倾听Formal communication 正式沟通Informal communication 非正式沟通 Downward communication 下行沟通、向下交流Upward communication 上行沟通、向上交流Lateral communication平行沟通、横向交流Diagonal communication 斜行沟通、越级交流 Communication networks 沟通网络 Grapevine 小道信息、谣言 E-mail 电子邮件Instant messaging(IM)即时信息 Voice mail 声音邮件 Fax 传真Electronic data interchange(EDI)电子数据交换Teleconferencing 电信会议Videoconferencing 视频会议Intranet 内部互联网 Extranet 外部互联网第六章控制 Control 控制Market control 市场控制Bureaucratic control 官僚组织控制、层级控制 Control process 控制过程Management by walking around(MBWA)走动式管理 Range of variation 偏差范围Immediate corrective action 立即纠正行动Basic corrective action 彻底纠正行动 Feedforward control 前馈控制Concurrent control 同期控制、现场控制 Feedback control 反第三篇:银行常用语中英文对照中国民生银行新街口支行China Minsheng Banking.Cop., LTD 网银体验区E-Banking Experience Zone 暂停服务,请稍后Out of Service, Please Wait 自动存取款机Automatic Withdraw/Deposit Machine 请刷卡 Please Swipe Card 营业时间 Business Hour 对公 For Corporate 储蓄 Saving 24小时自助服务Hour Self Service中国银行 Bank of China 新街口对公业务CORPRATE BANKING(拼写错误)节假日不办理Public Holiday Closed 个人业务 PRIVATE BANKING 节假日营业时间 Public Holiday Opening Hours 理财服务 Wealth Management 私人金融业务 Personal Banking 领取汇票 To draw the draft here 汇兑 EXCHANGE & TRANSFER 印鉴挂失 Report of lost seal 密码挂失Report of lost password 存款证明 Certificate of Deposit 10元/笔/份/张RMB 10 per item 退汇Refunding 挂失止付(汇票)Loss reporting and payment stopping(draft)存入收款人现汇账户Credit the payee’s amount of spot exchange 代售Agency sale 买汇Exchange purchase 光票托收Clean collection 现钞托收Banknote collection 退票Dishonor 年费Annual Fee 工本费(包括开卡和补发)Service Charge(card issue and replacement)个人人民币汇款Personal RMB remittance(CASH)人民币对公结算The Corporate settlement of RMB 外币对公结算The Corporate settlement of Foreign Exchanges 银行卡服务业务The custom service of bank card 服务星级SERVICE LEVEL 您对本次服务的评价PLEASE LEAVE YOUR VALUABLE OPINIONS 满意SATISFACTORY 基本满意AVERAGE 不满意DISSATISFIED 代保管业务SAFE DEPOSIT DEPT.货币兑换EXCHANGE 24小时自助服务hour self-service banking 理财Wealth Management 兑换机EXCHANGE MACHINE 自动取款机AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE 请将银行卡正确插入插卡处Insert your card into the slot correctly 输入正确密码(请注意安全防止他人窃取)Input your correct password(watch out to avoid being peeped)按屏幕提示进行转账、存折补登、代缴费、查询业务Make transfer, entry account to passbook, payment, and query according to the direction on the screen.出门请按钮(一按即放)PLEASE PRESS THE BUTTON(PRESS THEN REALASE)灭火器箱FIRE EXTINGGUISHER BOX东亚银行 The Bank of East Asia(China)Ltd.新街口 24小时自助服务Hour Banking Services 南京分行 Nanjing branch 营业时间Banking Hour 投诉箱 Complain Box 小心地滑Slippery Floor 请在此排队Please Queue Here 个人理财服务 Personal Financial Services 企业银行服务Corporate Banking 企业及银团贷款部Corporate Lending and Syndication Department 房地产贷款部Property Lending Department 贸易融资部Trade Finance Department 柜台服务Counter Services 小心地滑CAUTION WET FLOOR交通银行 Bank of Communications新街口 24小时自助服务Self Service Banking进门请刷卡,无需输密码Please Insert Your Card For Entry 营业时间Business Hour星期六、日休息Closed on Saturday and Sunday 储蓄时间Business Hours for Savings Deposits 存取款一体机Cash Recycling Machine 金融快线BOCOM EXPRESS 自动终端Multimedia Self Banking 现金服务Cash-related Services 对公服务Corporate Banking 交行理财BOCOM Fortune 交通银行湖南路对私服务Private Banking 理财服务Financing Service 外汇兑换Foreign Exchange 注意自动门Caution Automatic Door 中国建设银行China Construction Bank 新街口外汇储蓄营业点Foreign Currency Deposit Taking Office 24小时自助服务Hour Self Banking 中山路支行Zhongshan Road Sub-branch 对公服务Corporate Banking 节假日不办理Public Holiday Close 个人业务Private Banking 周一至周五Monday to Friday 节假日营业时间Public Holiday Operate Hours 个人理财中心Personal Finance Center 现役军人优先Servicemen Priority 大堂经理Lobby Leader 客户服务电话Customer Service Hotline 残疾人优先窗口Particular Counter for the Disabled 个人业务顾问Personal Banker 叫号机Queuing Machine 存款机Cash Deposit Machine 自动门Automatic江苏银行Bank of Jiangsu 总行营业部Headquarters Business Dept.广东发展银行玄武支行Guangdong Development Bank对公业务CORPORAT SERVICE拼写错误储蓄业务PRIVATE SERVICE 营业时间BUSINESS HOURS 24小时自助服务HOURS SELF-SERVICE 银行提示REMINDER请妥善保管银行卡和密码Please Safeguard Your Bank Cards and PIN 安全提示 SafetyHints 个人服务 Personal Banking 对公服务 Corporate Banking VIP服务VIP Banking 等候区Waiting Area上海浦东发展银行Shanghai Pudong Development Bank新街口对公业务Corporate Banking 个人业务Personal Banking 营业时间Business Hour 理财经理Financial Planner 叫号机Cueing Machine 24小时自助服务 Self Service Banking 现金业务Teller Counter 公司业务Corporate Account 等待区Waiting Area 理财专区Wealth Management Service 自助银行Self-service Banking 大堂经理Duty Manager中国工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 自助服务银行Self-service Banking 大堂经理CLIENT MANEGER 现金服务 CASH SERVICE华夏银行Huaxia Bank 新街口对公业务Wholesale Banking Service 对私业务Retail Banking Service 等待区Waiting Areas 保管箱Safe Deposit Box 自助银行区Self-service Areas长江路支行储蓄*出纳Savings 出纳Cash 涉外服务For Foreigners 保管箱Safe keeping box 收费项目Items 开卡工本费Administrative charge for card activation 补卡工本费Administrative charge for card replacement 卡挂失手续费Administrative charge for card loss reporting.免费Free of charge 每笔十元The charge is 10 yuan per transaction 外汇业务Foreign Exchange Business 汇入/汇出汇款Inward/Outward Remittance 多币种汇款Multiple currency remittance 电子邮件通知Email Notification 强行改密(密码挂失)Overriding change of password(loss of password)异地柜台存款Exterritorial counter deposit 取款Withdrawal 卡卡转账Card-Card Transfer 跨行取款Inter-bank withdrawal 跨行查询Inter-bank enquiry 退汇Rejected Remittance 止付Payment termination 自动取款机Self-Drawing 自动存款机Self-Saving 服务流程图Service Flow Chart 华夏银行湖南路营业时间Opening Time 节假日不营业Weekend/Holiday Closed渣打银行Standard Charted Bank 新街口业务办理时间Banking Hours 理财咨询时间Financial Consultancy Hours 投诉热线Complaint Hotline 电话银行服务Phone Bank Service中国邮政储蓄China Postal Savings浮桥外币储蓄点Foreign Deposit Service Available 意见箱Suggestion Box 业务办理Postal Service深圳发展银行Shenzhen Development Bank新街口自动查询缴费机Automatic Inquiry Payment Machine 营业时间Business Hours 存取款一体机CRS 大堂经理Lobby Manage 填单处Form Filling Area 业务咨询处Information 个人柜台Personal Banking Counter 本行网址Bank Web Address 网点咨询电话Network Information 非本行人员莫入Only Stuff自动取款机操作指引ATM Operational Guide 服务热线Service Line 存取款机操作指引CRS Operation Guide招商银行China Merchants Bank 营业时间Business Hours 个人营业时间Personal Business Hours 对公营业时间Corporate Business Hours 节假日照常营业Holiday Business as Usual 自助服务区Self Service Area 监督Oversight 理财中心Premier Customers 投诉Complaints 全国统一客户服务电话China Client Service Telephone 综合业务Integrated Services 代发业务Salary Release Service 现金快速通道Fast Track Deposit and Withdrawal 接待区Reception 理财服务区Financial Services 个人贷款业务咨询Personal Loan Business Consultant 会计结算Accounting Settlement 个人理财专柜Wealth Management Area 一卡通金卡业务All-in-one-card gold card service.储蓄专柜Cashier Service 因您而变We are here just for you光大银行China Everbright Bank新街口营业时间Customer Service 个人业务Retail Service 出纳Cashier 会计结算Accounting 理财缴费机Self Help Machine for Paying Bill 现金存取款机Cash Deposit & Drawing Machine 现金取款机Cash Drawing Machine 多媒体查询机Multi-media Checking Machine 取款机操作提示Note for ATM Operation南京银行Bank of Nanjing 新街口综合业务General Services 私人业务Personal Banking 公司业务Corporate Banking 国际业务International Banking 大堂经理Reception Manager 现金取款机Cash Drawing Machine 现金存取款机Cash Deposit & Drawing Machine 自助服务终端Self-help Service Terminal 操作说明Operating Instruction中信银行China Citic Bank湖南路营业时间Business Time 储蓄时间Deposit Time 大堂经理HALL MANAGER 对公业务Corporating Banking Business 对私业务Retail Banking Business 现金结算Cash Settlement 24小时服务热线Hour Hotline 紧急按钮Emergency Button中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China 现金服务区Cash Service 自助服务区Self-Service Area 客户等候区Customer Waiting Area 咨询引导区Consulting Area 保管箱Lock Box 24小时自助服务Hours Banking 自助服务终端Self-service Terminal 操作指南Operation Instructions 插卡Insert card 输入密码Key in PIN湖南路查询Inquiry 转账Account Transfer 改密Modify PIN 挂失Reporting a loss 理财卡Wealth Management Card 查询子帐户Inquiry Subaccount 通知存款Call Deposit 外汇查询Foreign Exchange Inquiry 市价交易Market price transaction 委托Request 银证Banxecurity第三方存款The third partysafe keeping 银期转账Bank-option account transfer 银行转期货Bank-to-futures 查期方余额Inquiry the balance of the future 输入账号、密码Input account number, password 代缴费Charging service as agents 存折补登The passbook renewed 交易结束Transaction end 退出、取卡或存折Exit, take card or passbook 无卡存折Non-card deposit 核对户名Check Username 放入现金Put in Banknote 核对张数、金额Check up number of sheets, account 确认存款Confirm the deposit 活期存折Demand account for passbook 活期/定期Demand account/Time account 自动存取款机Automatic Deposit and Withdrawal Machine 自动取款机Automatic Teller Machine 自助服务终端使用说明User’s guides for Self-service Terminal 本机只受理农行金穗系列卡和存折等业务Kin card series and passbook of Agriculture Bank of China only 本机不能办理存取款业务Non-cash Business 客户热线Custom Service Hot-line 本机可受理加入“银联”的其他银联卡This machine can handle any “union pay” card 请妥善保管好银行卡和密码,在使用时请用时候身体挡住他人视线,谨防他人窥视您的密码Please take of your bank card and PIN, guide against others peeping your PIN while using the card 每次取款上限2000元,每日累计最多取款十次,每日累计取款限额20000元Ceiling of 2000 yuan per withdrawal, with 10 times at most, for amount of 20000 limit per day 存款现钞面额仅限100元Deposit domination: 100 yuan only 请不要将残币、不平整的钞票或其他异物放入本机Please do not put the damaged, untidy banknotes or things other banknotes into this machine.如遇机器吞卡,请于次日持本人有效证件到营业厅柜台领取In case of card-swallowing, please go to the business hall with your own identity documents to take back your card the next day恒丰银行Evergrowing Bank湖南路中国人寿保险股份有限公司China Life Insurance Company Limited第四篇:各类茶叶品种中英文单词翻译对照(音标)茶学专业英语词汇茶叶品种 Tea varietiesTea 茶Green tea 绿茶 Black tea 红茶White tea 白茶Scented tea花茶Pu'er tea;Pu Erh tea;Puu Eel tea普洱茶 Yellow tea 黄茶Dark tea黑茶 Sincha 新茶Yü-chien tea 雨前茶 Teabag 袋泡茶Mugi-cha 大麦茶 Herbal tea [ˈɜ:rbl]花草茶Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 Chrysanthemum tea [krɪˈsænθəməm,-ˈzæn-]菊花茶Block Puer tea 普洱(砖)Aged Pu'er tea 陈年普洱Oolong tea;Oulung tea 乌龙茶 Bohea tea [boʊ'hi:] 武夷茶Hyson Tea 熙春茶 Kungfu Tea;Gongfu Tea 功夫茶Twankay Tea [ˈtwæŋkei]屯溪茶 Keemun Tea;Qimen tea 祁门茶Loungjing Tea; Longjing Tea;Lung Ching tea 龙井茶Drogon Well 是对“龙井”这一名词的非正规翻译,不建议使用。

[转载]管理学核心概念中英文对照原文地址:管理学核心概念中英文对照作者:jaywang第一章管理总论Manager 管理者First-line managers 基层管理者Middle managers 中层管理者Top managers 高层管理者Management 管理Efficiency 效率Effectiveness 效果Planning 计划Organizing 组织Leading 领导Controlling 控制Management process 管理过程Management roles 管理角色Interpersonal roles 人际关系角色Informational roles 信息传递角色Decisional roles 决策制定角色Technical skills 技术技能Human skills 人事技能Conceptual skills 概念技能System 系统Closed systems 封闭系统Open systems 开放系统Environment 环境Special environment 具体环境General environment 一般环境Contingency perspective 权变观Organization 组织Universality of management 管理的普遍性Nonmanagerial employees / Operatives 操作者第二章管理的历史Division of labor 劳动分工Industrial revolution 产业革命Scientific management 科学管理Therbligs 基本动作元素General administrative theorists 一般行政管理理论家Principles of management 管理原则Bureaucracy 官僚行政组织、层级组织Quantitative approach 定量方法Organizational behavior (OB) 组织行为Hawthorne Studies 霍桑研究Workforce diversity 员工多样化Entrepreneurship 企业家e-business (electronic business) 电子商务e-commerce (electronic commerce) 电子贸易、电子商务Intranet 内部互联网Total quality management (TQM) 全面质量管理Learning organization 学习型组织Knowledge management 知识管理Workplace spirituality 团队精神第三章计划Decision 决策Decision-making process 决策过程Problem 问题Decision criteria 决策标准Implementation 实施Rational decision making 理性决策Bounded rationality 有限理性Satisficing 满意Escalation of commitment 承诺升级Intuitive decision making 直觉决策Well-structured problems 结构良好问题Programmed decision 程序化决策Procedure 程序Rule 规则Policy 政策Poorly structured problems 结构不良问题Nonprogrammed decisions 非程序化决策Certainty 确定性Risk 风险性Uncertainty 不确定性Directive style 指导性风格Analytic style 分析性风格Conceptual style 概念性风格Behavioral style 行为性风格Planning 计划Goals 目标Plans 计划Strategic plans 战略计划Operational plans 作业计划Long-term plans 长期计划Short-term plans 短期计划Specific plans 具体性计划Directional plans 指导性计划Single-use plan 单一目标计划Standing plans 标准计划Traditional goal setting 传统目标设定Means-ends chain 手段-结果链Management by objectives (MBO) 目标管理Mission 使命Commitment concept 承诺概念Formal planning department 正式计划部门Strategic management 战略管理Strategic management process 战略管理过程Opportunities 机会Threats 威胁Core competencies 核心能力Strengths 优势Weaknesses 劣势SWOT analysis SWOT分析Corporate-level strategy 公司层战略Stability strategy 稳定战略Growth strategy 增长战略Related diversification 相关领域多元化经营Unrelated diversification 不相关领域多元化经营Retrenchment strategy 收缩战略BCG matrix BCG矩阵波士顿咨询集团矩阵Business-level strategy 事业层战略Strategic business units 战略经营单位Competitive advantage 竞争优势Cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略Differentiation strategy 差异化战略Focus strategy 集中化战略Functional-level strategy 职能层战略Environmental Scanning 环境扫描Competitor intelligence 竞争者情报、竞争者信息Forecasts 预测Quantitative forecasting 定量预测Qualitative forecasting 定性预测Forecasting Techniques 预测技术Benchmarking 基准化、标杆Resources 资源Budget 预算Revenue Budgets 收入预算Expense Budgets 费用预算Profit Budgets 利润预算Cash Budgets 现金预算Scheduling 进度计划、规划Gantt Charts 甘特图Load Charts 负荷图PERT network 计划评审技术网络Events 事件Activities 活动Slack time 松弛时间Critical path 关键线路Breakeven analysis 盈亏平衡分析Linear programming 线性规划Project 项目Project Management 项目管理Scenario 设想方案第四章组织Organizing 组织Organizational structure 组织结构Organizational design 组织设计Work specialization 劳动分工Departmentalization 部门化Functional departmentalization 职能部门化Product departmentalization 产品部门化Geographical departmentalization 地区部门化Process departmentalization 过程部门化Customer departmentalization 顾客部门化Cross-functional teams 跨职能团队Chain of command 指挥链Authority 职权Responsibility 职责Unity of command 统一指挥Span of control 管理幅度Centralization 集权化Decentralization 分权化Formalization 正规化Mechanistic organization 机械式组织Organic organization 有机式组织Unit production 单件生产Mass production 大量生产Process production 连续生产Simple structure 简单结构Functional structure 职能型结构Divisional structure 分部型结构Team-based structure 团队结构Matrix structure 矩阵结构Project structure 项目结构Autonomous internal units 内部自治单位Boundaryless organization 无边界组织Learning organization 学习型组织High-performance work practice 高绩效的工作实践Human resource management process 人力资源管理过程Labor union 工会Human resource planning 人力资源规划Job analysis 职务分析Job description 职务说明书Job specification 职务规范Recruitment 招聘Decruitment 解聘Selection process 甄选过程Validity 效度Reliability 信度Work sampling 工作抽样Assessment centers 测评中心Orientation 定向、导向Performance management system 绩效管理系统Written essay 书面描述法Critical incidents 关键事件法Graphic rating scales 评分表法Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) 行为定位评分法Multiperson comparisons 多人比较法Group order ranking 分组排序法Individual ranking 个体排序法Paired comparison 配对比较法360 degree feedback 360度反馈skill-based pay 按技能付酬Career 职业生涯、职业Organizational change 组织变革Change agents 变革推动者Organizational development (OD) 组织发展Stress 压力Creativity 创造Innovation 创新第五章领导Behavior 行为Organizational behavior 组织行为学Attitudes 态度Cognitive component 认知成分Affective component 情感成分Behavioral component 行为成分Job satisfaction 工作满意度Job involvement 工作投入Organizational commitment 组织承诺Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) 组织公民行为Cognitive dissonance 认知失调Attitude surveys 态度调查Personality 人性Big-five model 重要的五大模型Emotional intelligence (EI) 情感智商Locus of control 控制点Machiavellianism 马基雅维里主义Self-esteem 自尊Self-monitoring 自我监控Perception 知觉Attribution theory 归因理论Fundamental attribution error 基本归因错误Self-serving bias 自我服务偏见Selectivity 有选择地接受、选择性Assumed similarity 假设相似性Stereotyping 刻板印象Learning 学习Operant conditioning 操作性条件反射Social learning theory 社会学习理论Shaping behavior 行为塑造Motivation 动机Need 需要Hierarchy of needs theory 需要层次理论Physiological needs 生理需要Safety needs 安全需要Social needs 社会需要Esteem needs 尊重需要Self-actualization needs 自我实现需要Theory X X理论Theory Y Y理论Motivation-hygiene theory 激励-保健理论Hygiene factors 保健因素Motivators 激励因素Three-needs theory 三种需要理论Need for achievement (nAch) 成就需要Need for power (nPow) 权力需要Need for affiliation (nAff) 归属需要Goal-setting theory 目标设定理论Reinforcement theory 强化理论Reinforcers 强化物Job design 职务设计Job scope 职务范围Job enlargement 职务扩大化Job enrichment 工作丰富化Job depth 职务深度Job characteristic model (JCM) 职务特征模型Skill variety 技能多样性Task identity 任务同一性Task significance 任务重要性Autonomy 自主性Feedback 反馈Equity theory 公平理论Referents 参照对象Expectancy theory 期望理论Compressed workweek 压缩工作周Flexible work hours 弹性工作制Job sharing 职务分担Contingent workers 应急工Telecommuting 电子通信,远程办公Pay-for performance programs 基于绩效的薪酬管理Open-book management 公开帐簿管理Leader 领导者Leadership 领导Behavioral theories 行为理论Autocratic style 权威式Democratic style 民主式Laissez-faire style 放任式Initiating structure 定规维度Consideration 关怀维度High-high leader 高-高型领导者Managerial grid 管理方格论Fiedler contingency model 菲德勒权变模型Least-preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire 最难共事者问卷Leader-member relations 领导者-成员关系,上下级关系Task structure 任务结构Position power 职位权力Situational leadership theory (SLT) 情景领导理论Readiness 准备状态Maturity 成熟度Leader participation model 领导者参与模型Path-goal theory 路径-目标理论Transactional leaders 事务型领导者Transformational leaders 变革型领导者Charismatic leader 超凡魅力的领导者Visionary leadership 愿景领导者Legitimate power 法定权Coercive power 强制权Reward power 奖赏权Expert power 专长权Referent power 模范权Credibility 可信度Trust 诚信、信任Empowerment 授权Communication 沟通Interpersonal communication 人际沟通Organizational communication 组织沟通Message 信息Encoding 编码Channel 通道、渠道Decoding 解码Communication process 沟通过程Noise 噪音Nonverbal communication 非言语沟通Body language 体态语言Verbal intonation 语调Filtering 过滤Selective perception 选择性知觉Information overload 信息超载Jargon 行话Active listening 积极倾听Formal communication 正式沟通Informal communication 非正式沟通Downward communication 下行沟通、向下交流Upward communication 上行沟通、向上交流Lateral communication 平行沟通、横向交流Diagonal communication 斜行沟通、越级交流Communication networks 沟通网络Grapevine 小道信息、谣言E-mail 电子邮件Instant messaging (IM) 即时信息Voice mail 声音邮件Fax 传真Electronic data interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换Teleconferencing 电信会议Videoconferencing 视频会议Intranet 内部互联网Extranet 外部互联网第六章控制Control 控制Market control 市场控制Bureaucratic control 官僚组织控制、层级控制Control process 控制过程Management by walking around (MBWA) 走动式管理Range of variation 偏差范围Immediate corrective action 立即纠正行动Basic corrective action 彻底纠正行动Feedforward control 前馈控制Concurrent control 同期控制、现场控制Feedback control 反馈控制。

[转载]管理学核心概念中英文对照原文地址:管理学核心概念中英文对照作者:jaywang第一章管理总论Manager 管理者First—line managers 基层管理者Middle managers 中层管理者Top managers 高层管理者Management 管理Efficiency 效率Effectiveness 效果Planning 计划Organizing 组织Leading 领导Controlling 控制Management process 管理过程Management roles 管理角色Interpersonal roles 人际关系角色Informational roles 信息传递角色Decisional roles 决策制定角色Technical skills 技术技能Human skills 人事技能Conceptual skills 概念技能System 系统Closed systems 封闭系统Open systems 开放系统Environment 环境Special environment 具体环境General environment 一般环境Contingency perspective 权变观Organization 组织Universality of management 管理的普遍性Nonmanagerial employees / Operatives 操作者第二章管理的历史Division of labor 劳动分工Industrial revolution 产业革命Scientific management 科学管理Therbligs 基本动作元素General administrative theorists 一般行政管理理论家Principles of management 管理原则Bureaucracy 官僚行政组织、层级组织Quantitative approach 定量方法Organizational behavior (OB) 组织行为Hawthorne Studies 霍桑研究Workforce diversity 员工多样化Entrepreneurship 企业家e—business (electronic business) 电子商务e-commerce (electronic commerce)电子贸易、电子商务Intranet 内部互联网Total quality management (TQM)全面质量管理Learning organization 学习型组织Knowledge management 知识管理Workplace spirituality 团队精神第三章计划Decision 决策Decision-making process 决策过程Problem 问题Decision criteria 决策标准Implementation 实施Rational decision making 理性决策Bounded rationality 有限理性Satisficing 满意Escalation of commitment 承诺升级Intuitive decision making 直觉决策Well—structured problems 结构良好问题Programmed decision 程序化决策Procedure 程序Rule 规则Policy 政策Poorly structured problems 结构不良问题Nonprogrammed decisions 非程序化决策Certainty 确定性Risk 风险性Uncertainty 不确定性Directive style 指导性风格Analytic style 分析性风格Conceptual style 概念性风格Behavioral style 行为性风格Planning 计划Goals 目标Plans 计划Strategic plans 战略计划Operational plans 作业计划Long—term plans 长期计划Short-term plans 短期计划Specific plans 具体性计划Directional plans 指导性计划Single—use plan 单一目标计划Standing plans 标准计划Traditional goal setting 传统目标设定Means-ends chain 手段-结果链Management by objectives (MBO)目标管理Mission 使命Commitment concept 承诺概念Formal planning department 正式计划部门Strategic management 战略管理Strategic management process 战略管理过程Opportunities 机会Threats 威胁Core competencies 核心能力Strengths 优势Weaknesses 劣势SWOT analysis SWOT分析Corporate—level strategy 公司层战略Stability strategy 稳定战略Growth strategy 增长战略Related diversification 相关领域多元化经营Unrelated diversification 不相关领域多元化经营Retrenchment strategy 收缩战略BCG matrix BCG矩阵波士顿咨询集团矩阵Business-level strategy 事业层战略Strategic business units 战略经营单位Competitive advantage 竞争优势Cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略Differentiation strategy 差异化战略Focus strategy 集中化战略Functional-level strategy 职能层战略Environmental Scanning 环境扫描Competitor intelligence 竞争者情报、竞争者信息Forecasts 预测Quantitative forecasting 定量预测Qualitative forecasting 定性预测Forecasting Techniques 预测技术Benchmarking 基准化、标杆Resources 资源Budget 预算Revenue Budgets 收入预算Expense Budgets 费用预算Profit Budgets 利润预算Cash Budgets 现金预算Scheduling 进度计划、规划Gantt Charts 甘特图Load Charts 负荷图PERT network 计划评审技术网络Events 事件Activities 活动Slack time 松弛时间Critical path 关键线路Breakeven analysis 盈亏平衡分析Linear programming 线性规划Project 项目Project Management 项目管理Scenario 设想方案第四章组织Organizing 组织Organizational structure 组织结构Organizational design 组织设计Work specialization 劳动分工Departmentalization 部门化Functional departmentalization 职能部门化Product departmentalization 产品部门化Geographical departmentalization 地区部门化Process departmentalization 过程部门化Customer departmentalization 顾客部门化Cross-functional teams 跨职能团队Chain of command 指挥链Authority 职权Responsibility 职责Unity of command 统一指挥Span of control 管理幅度Centralization 集权化Decentralization 分权化Formalization 正规化Mechanistic organization 机械式组织Organic organization 有机式组织Unit production 单件生产Mass production 大量生产Process production 连续生产Simple structure 简单结构Functional structure 职能型结构Divisional structure 分部型结构Team—based structure 团队结构Matrix structure 矩阵结构Project structure 项目结构Autonomous internal units 内部自治单位Boundaryless organization 无边界组织Learning organization 学习型组织High-performance work practice 高绩效的工作实践Human resource management process 人力资源管理过程Labor union 工会Human resource planning 人力资源规划Job analysis 职务分析Job description 职务说明书Job specification 职务规范Recruitment 招聘Decruitment 解聘Selection process 甄选过程Validity 效度Reliability 信度Work sampling 工作抽样Assessment centers 测评中心Orientation 定向、导向Performance management system 绩效管理系统Written essay 书面描述法Critical incidents 关键事件法Graphic rating scales 评分表法Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)行为定位评分法Multiperson comparisons 多人比较法Group order ranking 分组排序法Individual ranking 个体排序法Paired comparison 配对比较法360 degree feedback 360度反馈skill—based pay 按技能付酬Career 职业生涯、职业Organizational change 组织变革Change agents 变革推动者Organizational development (OD) 组织发展Stress 压力Creativity 创造Innovation 创新第五章领导Behavior 行为Organizational behavior 组织行为学Attitudes 态度Cognitive component 认知成分Affective component 情感成分Behavioral component 行为成分Job satisfaction 工作满意度Job involvement 工作投入Organizational commitment 组织承诺Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)组织公民行为Cognitive dissonance 认知失调Attitude surveys 态度调查Personality 人性Big—five model 重要的五大模型Emotional intelligence (EI)情感智商Locus of control 控制点Machiavellianism 马基雅维里主义Self-esteem 自尊Self—monitoring 自我监控Perception 知觉Attribution theory 归因理论Fundamental attribution error 基本归因错误Self-serving bias 自我服务偏见Selectivity 有选择地接受、选择性Assumed similarity 假设相似性Stereotyping 刻板印象Learning 学习Operant conditioning 操作性条件反射Social learning theory 社会学习理论Shaping behavior 行为塑造Motivation 动机Need 需要Hierarchy of needs theory 需要层次理论Physiological needs 生理需要Safety needs 安全需要Social needs 社会需要Esteem needs 尊重需要Self-actualization needs 自我实现需要Theory X X理论Theory Y Y理论Motivation-hygiene theory 激励-保健理论Hygiene factors 保健因素Motivators 激励因素Three—needs theory 三种需要理论Need for achievement (nAch) 成就需要Need for power (nPow) 权力需要Need for affiliation (nAff) 归属需要Goal-setting theory 目标设定理论Reinforcement theory 强化理论Reinforcers 强化物Job design 职务设计Job scope 职务范围Job enlargement 职务扩大化Job enrichment 工作丰富化Job depth 职务深度Job characteristic model (JCM) 职务特征模型Skill variety 技能多样性Task identity 任务同一性Task significance 任务重要性Autonomy 自主性Feedback 反馈Equity theory 公平理论Referents 参照对象Expectancy theory 期望理论Compressed workweek 压缩工作周Flexible work hours 弹性工作制Job sharing 职务分担Contingent workers 应急工Telecommuting 电子通信,远程办公Pay—for performance programs 基于绩效的薪酬管理Open—book management 公开帐簿管理Leader 领导者Leadership 领导Behavioral theories 行为理论Autocratic style 权威式Democratic style 民主式Laissez-faire style 放任式Initiating structure 定规维度Consideration 关怀维度High-high leader 高-高型领导者Managerial grid 管理方格论Fiedler contingency model 菲德勒权变模型Least-preferred co—worker (LPC) questionnaire 最难共事者问卷Leader-member relations 领导者-成员关系,上下级关系Task structure 任务结构Position power 职位权力Situational leadership theory (SLT) 情景领导理论Readiness 准备状态Maturity 成熟度Leader participation model 领导者参与模型Path—goal theory 路径-目标理论Transactional leaders 事务型领导者Transformational leaders 变革型领导者Charismatic leader 超凡魅力的领导者Visionary leadership 愿景领导者Legitimate power 法定权Coercive power 强制权Reward power 奖赏权Expert power 专长权Referent power 模范权Credibility 可信度Trust 诚信、信任Empowerment 授权Communication 沟通Interpersonal communication 人际沟通Organizational communication 组织沟通Message 信息Encoding 编码Channel 通道、渠道Decoding 解码Communication process 沟通过程Noise 噪音Nonverbal communication 非言语沟通Body language 体态语言Verbal intonation 语调Filtering 过滤Selective perception 选择性知觉Information overload 信息超载Jargon 行话Active listening 积极倾听Formal communication 正式沟通Informal communication 非正式沟通Downward communication 下行沟通、向下交流Upward communication 上行沟通、向上交流Lateral communication 平行沟通、横向交流Diagonal communication 斜行沟通、越级交流Communication networks 沟通网络Grapevine 小道信息、谣言E—mail 电子邮件Instant messaging (IM)即时信息Voice mail 声音邮件Fax 传真Electronic data interchange (EDI)电子数据交换Teleconferencing 电信会议Videoconferencing 视频会议Intranet 内部互联网Extranet 外部互联网第六章控制Control 控制Market control 市场控制Bureaucratic control 官僚组织控制、层级控制Control process 控制过程Management by walking around (MBWA) 走动式管理Range of variation 偏差范围Immediate corrective action 立即纠正行动Basic corrective action 彻底纠正行动Feedforward control 前馈控制Concurrent control 同期控制、现场控制Feedback control 反馈控制。

操作者(Operatives) 效率Efficiency (Means) 效果Effectiveness (Ends)管理职能(Management functions) 管理者角色(Management roles)专业技能(technical skills) 人际技能(human skills) 概念技能(conceptual skills) 古典管理理论 (Classical Management Theories)科学管理理论(Scientific Management)行为管理理论(Behavior Management Theories)现代管理理论(Modern Management Theories)一般行政管理理论(组织管理理论)(General Administrative Theories)定量管理学派(Quantitative Management)系统方法(The Systems Approach)权变方法(The Contingency Approach)——也称“情境方法”开发方案(Developing Alternatives ) 程序化决策(programmed Decisions)非程序化决策( Non-programmed Decisions)组织层次(organizational level)组织生命周期(life-cycle) 环境不确定性程度(environment uncertainty)未来许诺期限(commitments) 资源(resource):指组织的资产能力(capabilities):开展企业活动所需要的技能核心竞争力(core competencies):指公司创造价值的主要能力和技能。
Vertical & Lateral Communication(垂直与水平沟通)Formal &Informal Communication(正式与非正式沟通)One-way &two-ways Communication (单向与双向沟通)Verbal &Nonverbal Communication (言语与非言语沟通)职能型结构(functional structure)分部型结构(divisional structure)复杂化(complexity)正规化(formalization)集权化(centralization)职能部门化(functional departmentalization)产品部门化(product departmentalization)地区部门化(geographical departmentalization)过程部门化(process departmentalization)顾客部门化(customer departmentalization)SOURCES(招聘渠道) DERECRUITMENT(解聘)解雇(Firing)临时解雇(Layoffs)绩效模拟测试(Performancesumulationtest)培训(Training)激励(motivation)激励过程(motivation process)Equity Theory (公平理论) Reinforcement Theory(强化理论)需要层次理论(Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs )X理论和Y理论(McGregor’s Theory“X” &TheoryY“Y”)激励—保健理论(Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene)赫茨伯格的激励—保健理论(Motivation-hygiene theory)当代激励理论(Modern Motivation Theory)组织设计organization design期望理论(Expectancy Theory) 挫折理论(Setback Theory)特质理论Trait Theory 行为理论(Behavioral Theories)领导的二维理论(Biaxial theories) 管理方格理论(Managerial grid)关怀维度(Consideration) 成就需要(need for Acheievement)权力需要(need for power)归属需要(need for affiliation)定规维度(Initiating Structure) 权变理论(Contingency Theories)菲德勒的权变模型(Contingency Model 路径-目标理论(Path-goal Theory)战略管理(定义)The set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of an organization管理者为制定组织战略而做的工作。

Chapter 2课本第一章An Era of Change改变的年代、时代Introduction引言There has been a transformation(转化、变革)in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries.在发达国家的公共部门的管理已经有了一个变革。
This new paradigm poses(形成,造成)a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration.这个新的范例对几个原先被认为是传统公共行政的基础规则提出了直接挑战。
These seven seeming verities(真理)have been challenged.这几个真理被挑战。
Economic problems in the 1980s meant governments reassessed(重新评估)their bureaucracies and demanded changes. 1980s的经济问题意味着政府重新评估他们的官僚制并且需要改变。
All these points will be discussed at greater length(长度)later, but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.这些观点会在以后做更大范围的讨论,但是这里强调的主要是一点:一百年来很少发生变革的公共职业领域发生了全面变革。
A new paradigm一个新的范例There is some debate over whether or not public managemnet, particularly the new public management, is a new paradigm for public sector management.有个争论,关于公共管理尤其是新的公共管理是不是公共部门管理的一个新的范例。

成本及价格 品质
四 决定合作或竞争的因素
1 厂商的数目 2 成本结构 3 产业需求成长率 4 产品的同质性 5 产业的经济循环
五 合作的方式
1 明显合作方式 盖瑞晚餐;固定价格;划分市场;月亮系统方式 2 潜在合作方式 产业公会;转包;专利授权;价格领导;最惠国
第一章 策略的基本概念
一 策略管理与决策体系
二 策略的特性
1 策略的第一个特性:做对的事情;而不是 仅将事做对
2 策略的要件四个要件
•产品市场的界定 •竞争市场的优势 •企业的成长方向 •综效
旧方 向市 场来自矩新阵
市场渗透 产品发展
多角化 市场发展 或
3 基本策略
• 成本领导 • 产品差异化 • 集中策略
4 基本策略的要件
市场/产品 范围
成本领导 产品差异化
六 合作不能持久的因素
1 价格隐蔽性 2 发现受骗到报复有时间差 3 在市场需求比较高时或有大订单来的时候;合作
容易瓦解 4 合作造成的超额利润会吸引新进入者
2015 年11月19日和21日雅思阅读预测

2015 年11月19日和21日雅思阅读预测----外朗教育决策解析27 根据题目细节信息“Gordian knot “定位于原文段落A段最后一句“Ever since, the notion of a 'Gordian solution' has referred to the attractiveness of a simple answer to an otherwise intractable(棘手的,难处理的) problem.”原文说自此之后高迪姆之结就被用于“快刀斩乱麻”的语境之中。
28 根据题目细节信息“conflict model”“Janis and Mann”定位于原文“In particular, the …conflict model' of decision making proposed by psychologists Irving Janis and Leon Mann in their 1977 book, Dicision Making, argued that a complex decision making process is essential for guarding individuals and groups from the peril of 'group-think'(团体迷思). Decisions made without through canvassing(canvass v. 仔细讨论), surveying, weighing(weigh v. 权衡,称量), examining and reexamining relevant information and options(选择) would be suboptimal(optimal最佳的,sub-次一等的) and often disastrous(灾难性的).这里面提到了“冲突模式”然后在1977年还出了一本书,提出在缺少游说、调查、权衡、检查、复查相关信息和可用选项的一系列过程而做出的决定将不会是最优的选择甚至会是灾难性的后果。
领导心理学术语表 Glossary

决策领导角色(Decisional leadership roles)包括企业家(Entrepreneur)、问题处理者(Disturbance-handler)、资源分配者(Resource-allocator)和谈判者(Negotiator)。
职能团队(Functional Team)指属于同一职能部门有着共同的目标的一组员工,如营销、研发、生产、人力资源或信息系统等部门。
二元关系理论(Dyadic Theory)是一种研究领导力的方法,它试图解释领导者为何用差别行为对待不同的下属。
高效的下属(Effective Follower)是那些具有批判性思维,同时参与度又高的人。
人际领导角色(Interpersonal leadership roles)包括名义领袖(Figurehead)、领导者(Leader)和联络者(Liaison)。
职业指导培训(Job Instructional Training)步骤包括(1)受训者做好准备(2)培训者提出任务(3)受训者执行任务(4)培训师的后续工作。
组织行为学 英文版

Critique of scientific management
According to Brooks Scientific Management “ facilitated mass production techniques and wages rises which enabled mass production.” which resulted in rapid economic growth in the western world. The principles of Taylor‟s scientific management appear still to be relevant today (e.g. division of labour in Macdonald‟s & KFC)
A Leader in International Education in China
Theories of management
simply, these 4 activities are PLANNING (look at mission or vision statement), CONTROLLING (supervising, disciplining, evaluating), ORGANISING (manager‟s group people, information, & equipment & allocating resources to each group), DIRECTING (leading and motivating)!
A Leader in International Education in China

治理理论(Theories of Governance)·作者介绍:乔治·弗雷德里克森教授(1934-)是新公共行政学派的代表人物,曾任《公共行政理论与研究》杂志的主编,美国公共行政学会会长。
自1991年以来,弗雷德里克森一直担任《公共行政研究与理论》(Journal of Public Administration Research and Thory)杂志的主编,并曾担任过美国公共行政学会的主席。
20世纪60年代后期,以弗雷德里克森为代表的新公共行政学理论(New Public Administration),发展了社会公平理论,认为经济和效率不是公共行政的核心价值,核心价值应是社会公平(social equity),主张将“效率至上”转为“公平至上”;强调公共行政组织变革的终极目标是建立民生行政之模型,强调公共行政的顾客导向。

按照时间的顺序,在20世纪40年代末,也就是领导理论出现的初期,研究者主要从事的是领导的特制理论的研究,其核心观点是:领导能力是天生的;从40年代末至60 末,主要进行的是领导行为理论的研究,其核心观点是:领导效能与领导行为、领导风格有关;从60年代末至80年代初,出现领导权变理论,其核心观点是:有效的领导受不同情景的影响;从80年代初至今,大量的出现了领导风格理论的研究,其主要观点是:有效的领导需要提供愿景、鼓舞和注重行动。
一、领导特性理论(Trait theories)1、传统的特性理论2、现代特性理论3、魅力型领导(Charismatic leadership)4、管理者胜任力(Managerial competencies)5、领导艺术(Romance of leadership)二、领导作风理论(Style theories)1、勒温的领导风格类型理论2、利克特的四种管理方式三、领导行为理论(Behavioral theories)1、密执安大学领导行为的研究(University of Michigan Studies)2、俄亥俄大学领导行为的研究(Ohio State Studies)3、管理方格图(The Managerial Grid)4、关怀/主动模型(Consideration/Initiating Structure)5、任务/关系导向行为(Task-oriented/relations-oriented Behavior)四、领导权变理论(Contingency Theories)1、专制-民主连续体模型2、菲德勒模型(Fiedler’s Model)3、领导参与模型(Leader-participation model)4、认知资源理论(Cognitive resource theory)5、目标-通路理论(Path-Goal theory)6、常规决策模式(Normative decision model)7、领导-成员交换理论(Leader-member exchangetheory, LMX)8、垂直对偶带/领导成员交换理论(V ertical dyad linkage/leader–member exchange)9、隐涵领导模式(implicit leadership theory),10、领导生命周期理论(Life-cycle approach to leadership)五、领导理论研究的新动向1、领导归因理论(Attribution theory of leadership)2、领导魅力理论(Charismatic leadership theory)3、处理型与变革型领导理论(transactional andtransformational leadership theory)4、超越型领导理论(Super-leadership theory)5、愿景领导(visionary leadership)6、电子化领导(E-leadership)7、领导创意人群(Leading creative people)8、跨文化领导(Leading across cultures)9、领导伦理(Ethical leadership)。

行?为什么? 2.讨论这一提法:“从长期来看,那些不以社会认 为负责的方式使用权力的人将会失去权力。” 3.盗版软件为何屡禁不止?
对于你已经选择跟踪的这家组织: 1.它是否满足了重要利益相关者(包括员工、顾客、股 东以及一般公众)的权益主张?如果是,如何满足?如 果不是,原因何在? 2.你会如何描述这家组织的道德氛围?有什么证据可以 支持你的结论? 3.该组织近年来是否出现过什么道德问题(查看历史新 闻报道)?如果出现过,试着判断这是个别管理人员的 单独行为还是组织范围内的系统行为。 4.该组织是否超越了自身的经济利益,进行过社会投资? 如果进行过,是什么样的投资?谁是受益人?你是否赞 成这些投资?
道德的权利观 道德的公正观
有利于提高效率和生产率; 会导致资源配置不合理;少数人的利益被忽视。
保护个人的自由和隐私; 形成过分墨守规章的习惯,阻碍生产力的提高。
道德困境(ethical dilemma)
作,现在,你要去推销一种每剂价格高达2500美元的 新药。你了解到,这种新药比另外一种同类药的有效 率只高出一个百分点,但价格却相当于那种药的4倍。 你能问心无愧地去推销这种昂贵的药品吗?如果不能, 由于缺少这1%的疗效,是否有的患者会因此而失去生 命? 在印度,为了尽快拿到进口许可证,你必须付出一笔 额外的费用。这是当地的惯例,如果你不掏钱,你的 公司可能会因此而蒙受损失。这和饭店里给服务员付 小费是一回事吗?

M factor 联想记忆因素MA心理年龄MAB 多底算术块MAB 人和生物圈计划Mac Quarrie s Test麦夸里试验macaca 弥猴属macaque 弥猴MacCollough effect 麦克卡罗效应Mach band 马赫带Mach number 马赫数Mach Scale 权术量表Machiavellian Scale 马基雅维里量表Machiavellian Scale 权术量表Machiavellianism 马基雅维里主义Machiavellianism 权术主义machinate 图谋machine 机器machine function 机器功能machine intelligence 机器智慧machine language 机器语言machine learning 机器学习machine model 机器模型machine teaching 机器教学machine translation 机器翻译machismo 男性自豪的强烈观念Machover Draw a Person Test麦氏画人测验Mackenzie s syndrome麦肯齐综合症麦肯齐徵候MacQuarrie Test for Mechanical Ability 麦氏机械能力测验macrencephalia 巨脑macrencephalic 巨脑的macrencephalus 巨脑者macrencephaly 巨脑macrencranus 巨颅者macrocephalia 巨头macrocephaly 巨头畸型macroconsumer 大型消费者macrocosm 大宇宙macrocosm 宏观世界macrocultural belief 宏观文化信念macrocyclic 长周期的macrocyclic 大循环macrodystrophia 营养异常性巨大发育营养macroesthesia 触物显大症macroevolution 宏观进化macroglia 大神经胶质macroglossia 巨舌畸型macrograph 宏观图macrography 写字过大症macrogyria 巨脑回macrolesion 大损伤macromania 夸大狂macrometabolic element 大量代谢物macromethod 常量法macromimia 模仿过分macromutation 大突变macropia 视物显大症macroptic 患视物显大症的macroptic hallucination 大形象视幻觉macroreaction 宏观反应macroscopic 宏观的macroscopic analysis 宏观分析macroscopic behavior 宏观行为macroscopic causality 宏观因果性macroscopic intercourse 宏观交往macroscopic system 宏观系统macroscopical 目视的macroscopy 肉眼检查macrosmatic 嗅觉敏锐的macrosomatic 大驱体型macrostereognosia 物体巨大感macrostructure 宏观结构macro demography宏观人口统计macro engineering大工程学macro environment宏观环境macro forecasting宏观预测macula 听斑maculae acusticae 听斑maculae lutea 黄斑maculae staticae 位觉斑mad 癫狂mad house 疯人院made feeling 被强加情感madman 疯子madness 疯狂madwoman 疯女人MAF 最小可听场magazine advertising 杂志广告magazine training 饮食盒训练magic eye 电眼magic number 幻数magic stage 奇幻期magical thinking 奇幻思维Magnan s movement马尼安运动magnet signal 电磁标magnetic apraxia 磁性失用症magnetic interaction 磁相互作用magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成象magnetic susceptibility 磁性感受性magnetocardiogram 心磁图magnetoencephalograph 脑磁波描记器magnetoencephalography 脑磁图描记术magnification factor 扩大因素magnitude 幅度magnitude estimation 量值估计magnitude method 量法magnitude of deviation 差异量magnitude scale 量值量表maieusiophobia 分娩恐怖症mail survey 邮寄调查maim 伤残main activity 主要活动main chance 最有利的机会main effect 主效应main feature 主要特点mainstreaming 回归主流maintain 维持maintainability 可维修性maintaining stimulus 维持刺激maintenance 维持maintenance energy 维持力maintenance function 稳定机能maintenance level 稳定水平maintenance proficiency 维修熟练程度maintenance rehearsal 维持性复练maintenance subsystem 维系子系统maintenance support index 维修保障指数maintenance theories of motivation 激励的维持理论major affective disorder 主要情感失常major casualty 主要灾害major class features 主要类别特征major defect 主要缺陷major depressive disorder 重度抑郁症major gene 主要基因major hemisphere 大脑主半球major income source 主要收入来源major investigation 重点调查major premise 大前提major psychosis 重度精神病major solution 主解法major tranquilizers 强安定剂major trend 主要趋势major variable 主要变量majority 大多数make and break shock 通电与断电震动make believe 假装make like 模仿Make a Picture Story Test组图说故事测验make believe play假定游戏making determination 立志Malacarne s pyramid马拉卡内锥体malacia 嗜调味品癖maladaptation 不良适应maladjusted child 不良适应儿童maladjustment 失调maladjustment 适应不良maladministration 管理不善male 男性male 雄性male menopause 男性更年期male parent 父亲male sex hormone 雄性激素maleness 男性maleness 雄性malevolence 恶意malformation 畸形malfunction 机能障碍malicious remarks 恶言毒语malign 恶毒的malignant behavior 邪恶行为malinger 诈病malingerer 诈病者malingering 诈病malleus 槌骨malnutrition 营养不良malpractice 不法行为malpractice 治疗不当Malthusianism 马尔萨斯论maltreat 虐待mammal 哺乳动物mammalian 哺乳动物的mammalogy 哺乳动物学mammary gland 乳腺mammilary bodies 乳状体mammogen 乳腺发育激素mammogenic hormone 乳腺发育激素man 人man analysis 人员分析management 管理management ability 管理能力management activity 管理活动management analysis 管理分析management by objectives 目标管理management control 管理控制management cycle 管理循环management decision making 管理决策管理决策management development 管理发展management development existential view 管理发展的存在主义观点management development instrumental view 管理发展的工具主义观点management function 管理功能management game 管理对策management information system 管理信息系统management level 管理水平management method 管理方法management on large 大规模管理management on small scale 小规模管理management participation 管理参与management personnel 管理人员management philosophy 经营哲学management principle 管理原则management procedure 管理程序management process 管理过程management process school 管理过程学派management psychological thought 管理心理学思想management psychology 管理心理学management research 管理研究Management Review 管理评论management science 管理科学management strategy 管理策略management structure 经营结构management supervisory training 管理监督者训练management synergy 管理协调作用management system 管理系统management system theory 管理系统理论management technique 管理技术management terms 管理术语management theory 管理理论management training 管理训练management training program 管理训练计划manager 管理者managerial aptitude 管理才能managerial characteristics 管理人员特征管理人员特徵managerial function 管理功能managerial grid 管理方格managerial influence 管理的影响managerial life 管理生活managerial motivation 管理动机managerial position 管理职位Managerial Position Description Questionnaire 管理职位描述性问卷managerial psychology 管理心理学managerial pyramid 管理金字塔managerial roles 管理角色managerial science 管理科学managerial skills 管理技能managerial subsystem 管理子系统manhood 成年期mania 噪狂症mania for disparagement 贬低诽谤狂mania for flattery 虚荣狂mania religiosa 宗教狂maniac 噪狂者manic defence 躁性防卫manic depression 躁郁症manic type 躁型躁郁病manic depressive disorder躁郁症manic depressive psychosis躁郁型精神病manifest anxiety 显性焦虑Manifest Anxiety Scale 焦虑量表manifest anxiety scale 显性焦虑量表manifest content 显性内容manifest dream 显性梦manifest dream content 显性梦境manifest need 显性需求manifestation mode 表现方式manifold 多样的manikin 人体模型manikin 侏儒manikin test 人象测验manipulanda 个人操作性特征manipulated variables 操纵变量manipulation 操作manipulation check 操作检查manipulation strength 操作强度manipulative behavior 操纵行为manipulative drive 操作驱力manipulative skill 操作技能mankind 人类manly sports 适合男子的运动manned 载人的manned orbiting laboratory 人操纵的轨道实验室manned space flight 载人的宇宙飞行manned spacecraft 人操纵的宇宙飞船manned vehicle 人操纵的飞行器manner 方式manner 风度manner of discourse 谈话方式mannerism 呆板姿态mannerism 造作Mannkopf s sign曼科普夫症Mann s sign曼氏症Mann Whithey U test曼惠二氏U检验Mann Whithey U Test曼惠二氏U考验manoptoscope 主视检查器MANOV A多变量方差分析manpower 人力manpower development 人力开发manpower forecasting 人才预测manpower management 人力管理manpower utilization 人力利用mantra 咒语manual 手的manual alphabet 手势法manual alphabet 手语字母manual concept 手语概念manual control response ratio 手控反应比manual dexterity 手的灵巧manual dexterity test 手灵巧测验manual dexterity testing apparatus 手指灵活性测验仪manual dominance 手偏利manual expression of emotion 情绪的手势表达manual expression of emotion 手的表情manual hand crank force手轮力manual labour 手工劳动manual lifting capacity 手举重能力manual manipulation 手工操作manual method 手语法manual simulation 人工模拟manual speech 手势语manual steadiness 手动作稳定manual task 手作业manual technology 手工技术manual tool 手用工具manual training 手工训练manual work 手工作业manual worker 体力劳动者manualism 手势教法many sided interest多边兴趣man ape人猿man caused人为的man computer dialogue人 计算机对话人 电脑对话man computer interaction人 计算机相互作用man computer simulation人机模拟man environment system人 环境系统man machine best composition人机系统优化组合man machine chart人机图man machine communication人机沟通人机交流man machine compatibility人机相容性人机相容性man machine dialog人机对话man machine dialogue人机对话man machine efficiency人机效益man machine function allocation人机功能分配man machine function disposition人机功能分配man machine harmonization人机协调性人机协调性man machine installation drawings人机装配图man machine interaction人机相互作用人机相互作用man machine interface人机界面man machine interrelation人机相关性人机相关性man machine matchi n g 人机匹配man machine relation人机关系man machine system人机系统man machine system design人机系统设计man machine system in parallel并联式人机系统man machine system in series串联式人机系统man machine task performance人机工作效能man machine environment benefit人机环境效益man machine environment system人机环境系统man machine environment system engineering 人机环境系统工程man made ecosystem人为生态系统man made environment人造环境man to man rating scale人对人评价量表MAO 单胺氧化酶MAOI 单胺氧化酶抑制剂MAP 最低听压map 地图map 图谱map displays 地图显示器marasmus 虚弱marathon group 马拉松小组marathon group meeting 马拉松小组会marathon group therapy 马拉松小组治疗Marbe s law马比定律Marchi method 马奇法Marchi s tract顶盖脊髓束Marfan s syndrome马凡氏综合症margin 边缘margin of error 误差边际margin of security 保险范围margin of uncertainty 不确定性边际marginal analysis 边际分析marginal area 边缘区域marginal attention 边层注意marginal citizenship 边际公民marginal consciousness 边意识marginal contrast 边际对比marginal distribution 边缘分布marginal frequency 边栏次数合计marginal group 边缘团体marginal intelligence 边缘智力marginal likelihood 边缘相似性marginal man 边缘人marginal personality 边缘人格marginal total 边栏总次数marginal value 临界值marginality 边缘性margo thalamicus丘脑缘Marie s ataxia遗传性小脑性运动失调marijuana 大麻marine personnel 海军人员Mariotte s blind spot马里奥特盲点Mariotte s experiment马里奥特实验Mariotte s spot盲点marital 夫妇间的marital adjustment 婚姻适应marital choice 婚姻选择marital conflict 婚姻冲突marital counseling 婚姻咨询marital maladjustment 婚姻不良适应marital problem 婚姻问题marital relations 婚姻关系marital schism 婚姻分裂marital separation 分居marital skew 婚姻偏态marital status 婚姻状况marital therapy 婚姻疗法mark 标记marked difference 显著差别marked feature 显著特征marker effect 标记效应marker gene 标记基因marker search m odel 标记探索模型market analysis 市场分析market competition 市场竞争market dealings 市场交易market demand 市场需求market development 市场开发market difference 行情差异market economy 市场经济market exploration 市场探测market factors 市场因素market feedback 市场反馈market fluctuation 市场波动market game 市场对策market management 市场管理market mechanism 市场机制market of consumers goods消费品市场market outlook 市场展望market prospect 市场前景market purchasing power 市场购买力market quotation 市场行情market report 市场报告market research 市场研究market risk 市场风险market role 市场角色market segmentation 市场分析market share 市场占有率market size forecasting 市场规模预测market stable 市场平稳market stagnant 市场萧条market survey 市场调查market terms 市场用语market trend 市场趋势market unhealthy 市场不稳定marketing 市场学marketing activity 市场活动marketing analysis 销售分析marketing channel 市场通道marketing character 市场特性marketing control 销售控制marketing leader 市场领导marketing management 市场管理marketing mix 市场手段统合marketing orientation 市场取向marketing personality 市场人格marketing psychology 市场心理学marketing research 市场研究marking 评分marking scheme 评分方案marking system 评分系统Markov model of learning 马尔柯夫学习模型Markov process 马尔柯夫过程Marlowe Crowne Social Desirability Scale 马克二氏社会赞许性量表marriage 结婚marriage age 结婚年龄marriage attitude 婚姻态度marriage conjoint therapy 婚姻联合治疗法marriage counseling 婚姻咨询marriage guidance 婚姻辅导marriage prediction test 婚姻预测测验marriage therapy 婚姻疗法married couple 已婚夫妇married life 婚后生活marrow 髓marrowbrain 脑脊髓Marr s computation theory of vision马尔视觉计算理论masculin 雄性素masculine 雄性的masculine identity 男性认同masculine protest 男性反抗masculinism 男性化masculinity 男性特征masculinity femininity男性 女性Masculinity Femininity Scale男女气质量表masculinization 女性男性化masculinize 男性化mask 面具mask 掩蔽masked affection 掩饰性情感masked depression 掩饰抑郁masked deprivation 掩蔽性剥夺masked homosexuality 假同性恋masking 掩蔽masking audiogram 掩蔽听力图masking effect 掩蔽效果masking limen 掩蔽阈限masking of temperament 气质掩盖masking stimulus 掩蔽刺激Maslow s hierarchy of needs马斯洛需求层次Maslow s model of motivation马斯洛动机论Maslow s need hierarchy theory马斯洛需求层次论Maslow s personality theory马斯洛个性人格理论Maslow s theory of human motivation马斯洛人类动机论masochism 受虐狂masochist 受虐狂者masochistic character 被虐性格masochistic fantasy 被虐幻想masochistic personality 受虐狂人格mass 大众mass 质量mass action 大量动作mass action 群众活动mass action law 质量作用定律mass activity 大众活动mass audience analysis 大量观众分析mass behavior 群众行为mass communication 大众沟通mass consciousness 群众意识mass contagion 群众感染mass effect 质量效应mass hysteria 集体歇斯底里mass media 大众媒介mass media of communication 大众传播媒介mass method 大数法mass mind 群众心理mass movement 群众运动mass observation 大量观察mass observation 民意测验mass phenomenon 群众现象mass polarization 大众偏极化mass psychology 群众心理学mass purchasing power 群众购买力mass reflex 总体反射Massachusetts Hearing Test 麻州听觉测验massed learning 集中学习massed practice 集中练习Masson disk 马森盘Masson disk 梅逊视觉差别阈测定盘mass action principle整体活动原则mass action theory整体活动论mass specific development整体 特殊发展master gland 主腺master shunter 主分流器mastery 精熟mastery 掌握mastery gene 主宰基因mastery gland 主腺mastery instinct 争胜本能mastery learning 精熟学习mastery motive 求精动机mastery of character form 字形掌握mastery of knowledge 知识掌握mastery of word meaning 字义掌握mastery of word pronunciation 字音掌握mastery play 掌握游戏mastery reaction 主导作用mastery routine 主程序mastery test 精熟测验mastication 咀嚼作用masturbation 手淫masturbator 手淫者match 匹配matched group 对照组matched group design 配对组设计matched groups procedure 对等组法matched pair design 配对设计matched pair technique 配对法matched pairs procedure 配对法matched random assignment 配对随机作业matched sample 对等样本matched sampling 配对取样matched dependent behavior一致依存行为matching 竞赛matching 匹配Matching Familiar Figures Test 匹配熟悉图测验matching form test 匹配式测验matching hypothesis 相配假说matching law 匹配律matching method 对等法matching method 匹配法matching response 对等反应matching test 对照测验matching test 匹配测验matching to sample 取样匹配matching type 对比法matching to sample method取样匹配法取样匹配法mate 配偶mate 同伴mateless 无配偶material 材料material 身体的material for memory experiment 记忆实验材料material object 实物materialism 唯物论materialistic 唯物论的materialistic dialectics 唯物辩证法materialization 物质化materiel 物质maternal 母性的maternal adaptation 母体适应maternal aggression 母性攻击maternal attachment 母性依附maternal behavior 母性行为maternal blood relationship 母系血缘系统maternal deprivation 母爱剥夺maternal drive 母性驱力maternal effect 母体效应maternal family 母系家族maternal fixation 母情固着maternal genealogy 母系家系maternal impression 母体影响maternal instinct 母性本能maternal love 母爱maternal prototype 恋母原型maternal separation 母体分离maternal deprivation syndrome母爱剥夺综合症maternity 母性maternity blues 产妇沮丧mateship 配偶mateship system 配偶制mateswapping 配偶交换mate choosing选择伴侣mathematical ability 数学能力mathematical calculation 数学计算mathematical knowledge 数学知识mathematical learning theory 数学学习理论mathematical model 数学模型mathematical model of learning 学习的数学模型mathematical neuron 数学神经元mathematical psychology 数学心理学mathematical school 数理学派mathematical structure 数学结构mathematical symbol 数学符号mathematics 数学mating 交配mating 接合mating behavior 交配行为mating reaction 交配反应matriarchy 母权制matrical 基质的matrilineal 母系的matrilineal inheritance 母系遗传matrix 矩阵matrix calculus 矩阵计算matrix equation 矩阵方程matrix fitting 矩阵拟合matrix management 矩阵式管理matrix method 矩阵法matrix of contents and objectives 内容 目标矩阵matrix operations 矩阵运算matrix organization 矩阵组织matrix organization design 矩阵式组织设计matrix properties 矩阵性质matrix questions 矩阵题目matrix sampling 矩阵抽样matrix size in displays 显示器的点阵尺寸matrix structure 矩阵结构matroclinal inheritance 偏母遗传matroclinous 母性遗传特征的matrocliny 母性遗传matter 物质maturation 成熟maturation division 成熟分裂maturation effect 成熟效应maturation hypothesis 成熟假说maturation lag 成熟落后maturation learning principle 成熟学习原则maturation period 成熟阶段maturation phase 成熟期maturation process 成熟过程maturational crisis 成熟危机maturational readiness 成熟准备mature 成熟的mature age 成人年龄mature deliberation 周密考虑mature groups 成熟群体maturitas praecox 早熟maturity 成熟maturity phase 壮年期Maudsley Personality Inventory 马兹雷人格调查表Mausley Personality Inventory 莫斯利性格量表Mauthner s test毛特纳试验maximal aerobic power 最大需氧量maximal age 上限年龄maximal heart rate 最大心拍数maximal movable area 最大可动范围maximal oxygen uptake 最大氧气摄取量最大氧气摄取量maximal sensation 上限感觉maximal stimulus 最大刺激maximal work space最大工作空间maximization 最大化maximization of utility 效用最大化maximizing 最大化maximum 最大maximum acceptable concentration 可接受的最大浓度maximum arm reach from back上肢最大前展长maximum average temperature 最高平均温度maximum body breadth 最大体宽maximum error 最大误差maximum hand reach capability手最大可及范围maximum head breadth 最大头宽maximum head length 最大头长maximum likelihood estimate 最大相似估计maximum likelihood estimation 最大相似估计法maximum likelihood method 最大似然法最大相似法maximum limit 最大极限maximum metabolic rate 最大代谢率maximum of probability 最大概率maximum permissible levels 最大容许程度maximum phase 最高期maximum potentiality 最大潜在性maximum shoulder breadth 最大肩宽maximum standard deviation 最大标准差最大标准差maximum temperature 最高温度Maxwell disk 马克斯威尔混色盘May s theory of anxiety梅的焦虑说maze 迷津maze experiment 迷宫实验maze learning 迷津学习maze pathway 迷津通路maze runway 迷津跑道maze test 迷津测验maze learning ability迷津学习能力Mazzoni s corpuscles马佐尼小体MBD 轻度脑障碍MBO 目标管理MBTI 曼布二氏类型指标McCarthy Scale of Children s Abilities 麦卡锡儿童能力量表McClelland s theory of need麦克兰莱德的需要理论McCollough after ef fect 麦克洛后效McCollough effect 麦克洛效应McCraw Hill Basic Skills System麦希二氏基本技能系统McDougall theory of instinct 麦孤独本能说McNaughton rule 麦诺顿裁决MD 平均差MDA最小维度分析Mdn 中数MDS 多维量表ME 医用电子学医用电子学mean 平均数mean activity 平均活动mean body temperature 平均体温mean deviation 平均差mean effective value 平均有效值mean error 平均误mean radiant temperature 平均辐射温度平均辐射温度mean skin temperature 平均皮肤温度mean square 均方mean square deviation 均方差mean square error 均方误mean square of treatment 处理均方mean temperature 平均温度mean time between failures 事故平均间隔时间mean value 平均值meaning 涵义meaning analysis 意义分析meaning grasped imageries forgotten 得意忘象meaning grasped words forgotten 得意忘言meaning not full expressible in words 言不尽意meaningful 有意义的meaningful learning 有意义学习meaningful memorization 意义识记meaningful memorizing 意义识记meaningful memory 意义记忆meaningful reception learning 意义接受学习meaningful verbal learning 有意义言语学习meaningfulness 意义性meaningless 无意义means 手段means of artistic expression 艺术手法meansigma methods 平均值means end analysis手段 目的分析手段 目的分析means end capacity手段 目的能力手段 目的能力means end expectation手段 结果期望手段 结果期望means end readiness手段 目的预备状态means end relation手段 目的关系手段 目的关means objects relationship手段 对象关系measure 测量measure 量数measure of accuracy 正确度测量measure of central tendency 集中量数measure of learning 学习测量measure of precision 精度测量measure of probability 确率测量measure of response amplitude 反应幅度测量measure of time 时间测量measurement 测量measurement and evaluation 测量和评价测量和评价measurement error 测量误差measurement in psychology 心理学测量心理学测量measurement method 测量法measurement movement in education 教育测量运动measurement of adult intelligence 成人智力测验measurement of advertisement effectiveness 广告效果测量measurement of attention distribution 注意分配测定measurement of attention stability 注意稳定性测定measurement of attitude 态度测量measurement of creativity 创造性测定measurement of learning 学习测量measurement of learning transfer 学习迁移测量measurement of motor sensibility 运动感受性测定measurement of visual area 视域测量measurement of work load 工作负荷测定工作负荷测定measurement psychology 测量心理学measures of central tendency 集中趋势测量measures of deviation 离差度测量measures of difference 差异量数measures of dispersion 离中趋势测量measures of variability 差异量数measures of variation 变异量数measuring instruments for anthropometry 人体测量仪measuring scale 量表MEA Tmeatus acusticus externusmeatus acusticus internus 内耳道meatus nasi 鼻道mechanical 机械的mechanical ability 机械能力mechanical ability test 机械能力测验mechanical aptitude 机械能力倾向mechanical aptitude test 机械能力倾向测验mechanical assembly test 机械装配能力测验mechanical causality 机械式因果关系机械式因果关mechanical comprehension 机械理解力机械理解力mechanical control mode 机控方式mechanical excitation 机械性兴奋mechanical hand 机械手mechanical intelligence 机械智能mechanical irritant 机械刺激物mechanical isolating factor 机械性隔离因素mechanical materialism 机械唯物主义机械唯物主义mechanical memory 机械记忆mechanical rehearsal 机械复述mechanical stimulus 机械刺激mechanical vibration 机械振动mechanicalism 机械论mechanical aptitude test机械能力倾向测验mechanism 机制mechanistic 机械的mechanistic approach 机械观mechanistic aptitude test 机械能力倾向测验mechanistic model 机械模型mechanistic philosophy 机械哲学mechanistic theory 机械论mechanization of office work 办公室工作机械化mechanoceptor 机械性刺激感受器mechanogram 机械性运动记录图mechanomorphism 机械形态学说mechanomorphosis 机械变态mechanoreception 机械性感受mechanoreceptor 机械感受器mechanotherapy 机械疗法meconium 鸦片meddle age 中年meddle ear 中耳meddle type 中间型media 媒介media mix 媒介组合medial 中间medial forebrain bundle 内侧前脑束medial geniculate nucleus 内侧膝状核medial lemniscus 内侧丘系medial longitudinal fasciculus 内侧纵束内侧纵束medial vestibulospinal tract 内侧前庭脊髓径median 中数median class 中位数组median deviation 中数差median group 中数组median interpolation 中插法median interval 中数组距median test 中数检验mediannerve cord 中神经索mediate 传递mediate 中介mediate association 间接联想mediate heredity 间接遗传mediate inference 间接推理mediate knowledge 间接知识mediate memory 间接记忆mediate process 中介过程mediated association 中介联想mediated generalization 中介类化mediated relation 中介关系mediated response 中介后反应mediating association 中介联想mediating idea 中介观念mediating process 中介过程mediation 中介mediation process 中介过程mediation responses 居中反应mediation theory 中介说mediational defic iency 中介缺乏mediator 调停人mediator 媒体mediator 中介物medical anthropology 医学人类学medical certificate 健康证明medical cytogenetics 医学细胞遗传学医学细胞遗传学medical examination 体格检查medical genetics 医学遗传学medical jurisprudence 法医学medical model 医疗模式medical physiology 医学生理学Medical psychology 医学心理medical psychology 医学心理学medical psychotherapy 医药心理治疗法医药心理治疗法medical record 病历卡medical rehabilitation 医疗康复medical statistics 医疗统计medicament 药剂medication 药疗法medicine 医药medicopsychology 医学心理学medico legal法医学的medico legal genetics法医遗传学mediocrity 平庸meditate 沉思meditation 沉思meditation training 冥想训练medium 媒介medulla 延髓medulla externa 外髓medulla hormone 髓质激素medulla oblongata 延髓medulla spinalis 脊髓medullary cast 髓膜medullary cavity 髓腔medullary fasciculus 髓索medullary fold 髓褶medullary nerve fiber 有髓神经纤维medullary plate 髓板medullary sheath 髓鞘medullary substance 髓质medullary tube 神经管medullated 有髓鞘的medullated fiber 髓鞘钎维medullated nerve fiber 髓鞘神经钎维medullation 髓鞘形成meet trouble halfway 自寻烦恼MEG 脑磁图描记术megalomania 夸大狂megalopsia 视物显大症megrim 周期偏头痛Meier Aesthetic Perception Test 梅耶美感测验Meier Art Judgment Test 梅耶美术判断测验meiosis 成熟分裂meiosis 减数分裂Meissner s corpuscles触觉小体Meissner s corpuscles麦氏小体melancholia 忧郁症melancholia attonita 僵性忧郁症melancholia hypochondriaca 疑病性忧郁症melancholia involutionis 衰老性忧郁症衰老性忧郁症melancholia menstryalis 经期忧郁症melancholia metamorphosis 变形性忧郁症melancholia misanthropica 嫌人性忧郁症melancholia nostalgica 怀乡性忧郁症melancholia persecutionis 被迫害忧郁症被迫害忧郁症melancholia praesenilis 初老性忧郁症初老性忧郁症melancholia recurrens 反复性忧郁症melancholia religiosa 宗教性忧郁症melancholia simplex 单纯性忧郁症melancholia with delirium 谵妄性忧郁症谵妄性忧郁症melancholiac 忧郁症患者melancholic 忧郁症的melancholic temperament 抑郁质melancholy 忧郁melanin 黑色素melanocyte stimulating hormone 黑素细胞刺激激素melanosis 黑变病melatonin 黑素紧张素melatonin 退黑素melody 旋律Melton learning curve 梅尔顿学习曲线梅尔顿学习曲Meltzer s law梅尔泽定律member 成员membership group 所属集团membership relation 从属关系membrana 膜membrana articulata 关节膜membrana olfactory 嗅膜membrana oralis 口膜membrana pupillaris 瞳孔膜membrana reticulata 网状膜membrane 膜membrane inductance 膜电感membrane permeability 膜透性membrane potential 膜电位membrane theory of conduction 膜传导说膜传导说membrane transport 膜输送membranous labyrinth 膜性迷路memo motion study 摄影动作研究memorability 记忆率memorization 铭记memorization of subject matter 教材的识记memorize 识记memorizer 存储器memorizing 熟记memory 记忆memory ability 记忆能力memory afterimage 记忆后像memory aids 记忆辅助物Memory and Cognition 记忆与认知memory apparatus 记忆器memory area 存储区域memory capacity 记忆容量memory cell 记忆细胞memory centre 记忆中枢memory coding 记忆编码memory color 记忆色memory curve 记忆曲线memory decay 记忆退化memory density 存储密度memory development 记忆发展memory disorder 记忆障碍memory drawing 记忆画memory drum 记忆鼓memory effect 记忆效率memory element 存储单元memory exactitude 记忆正确性memory experiment 记忆实验memory factor 记忆因素Memory for Designs Test 图案记忆测验memory gap 记忆隙memory illusion 记忆错觉memory image 记忆表象memory imagination 记忆想象memory lapse 记忆差错memory level 记忆水平memory location 存储单元memory models 记忆模型memory molecule 记忆分子memory neuron 记忆神经元memory operating characteristic curve 记忆动作特性曲线memory organization 记忆组织memory persistence 记忆持久性memory reconstruction 记忆改造memory search 记忆搜索memory span 记忆广度memory span method 记忆广度法Memory Span Test 记忆广度测验memory storage 记忆储存memory synapse 记忆突触memory system 记忆系统memory trace 记忆痕迹memory transfer 记忆移植memory types 记忆类型menarche 月经初潮mendacity 谎言mendacity 说谎癖Mendelian characters 孟德尔性状Mendelian inheritance 孟德尔式遗传Mendelian trait 孟德尔形质Mendelism 孟德尔遗传学说Mendelism inheritance 孟德尔遗传学Mendelism Morganism孟德尔 摩尔根主义Mendel s law孟德尔定律Mendel s law of inheritance孟德尔遗传定律mendicancy 乞讨生活Menier s syndrome梅尼尔氏综合症梅尼尔氏徵候meninges 脊膜meninges 脑膜meningitis 脑膜炎meningocephalitis 脑膜脑炎meningocephalopathy 脑膜脑病meningocortical 脑膜皮层的meningocyte 脑膜细胞meningoencephalomyelitis 脑膜脑脊髓炎脑膜脑脊髓炎meningomyelitis 脊髓脊膜炎meningopathy 脑膜病meningoradiculitis 脑膜神经根炎meniscus 凹凸透镜meniscus 半月板menopausal depression 更年期抑郁menopause 更年期menotaxis 补偿向性menotaxis 不全定向menses 月经menstrual age 月经年龄menstrual cycle 月经周期menstrual disorder 月经失调menstrual flow 月经menstruation 月经mental 精神的mental 心智的mental aberration 心理失常mental ability 心智能力mental accommodation 心理调适mental activism 心理能动性mental activity 心理活动mental adaptation 心理适应mental adjustment 心理调适mental adjustment after competition 赛后心理调适mental adjustment in competition 赛中心理调适mental age 心理年龄mental analysis 心理分析mental anesthesia 精神性感觉缺失mental apparatus 精神结构mental aptitude 心理适应性mental arithmetic 心算mental asthenia 心力衰弱mental atomism 心理原子论mental blindness 心理盲mental block 心理障碍mental calculation 心算mental capacity 心理能量mental capacity 智能mental characteristics 心理特征mental characteristics of individual 个性心理特征mental chemistry 心理化学mental chronometry 心理时间的测量mental clinic 心理诊疗所mental communication 心理沟通mental compatibility 心理相容mental compound 心理组合mental conflict 心理冲突mental confusion 心智惑乱mental contagion 心理感染mental content 心理内容mental control 心理控制mental deafness 心理聋mental defect 心智缺陷mental defective 心智缺陷者mental defense 心理防御mental defic iency 心智缺陷mental deterioration 心智衰退mental development 心理发展mental discipline 心能训练mental disease 心理疾病mental disorder 心理失常mental disposition 心理倾向mental effect 心理效应mental element 心理元素mental endurance 心理耐力mental energy 心理能量mental environment 心理环境mental evolution 心理演进mental examination 心理测验mental experiment 心理实验mental eye 灵眼mental factor 心理因素mental faculty theory 心理官能论mental fatigue 心理疲劳mental function 心理功能mental growth 心理成长mental growth curve 心理成长曲线mental handicap 心理缺陷mental handicap 心理障碍mental health 心理健康mental health program 心理健康计划mental health program evaluation 心理健康计划评鉴mental hospital 精神病院mental hygiene 心理卫生mental hygiene clinic 心理卫生诊疗所心理卫生诊疗所mental hygiene movement 心理卫生运动心理卫生运动mental illness 心理疾病Mental Illness A wareness Week 心理卫生周mental image 心象mental imagery 心象mental impairment test 心理伤害测验mental intensity 心理强度mental labour 脑力劳动mental level 心理水平mental lexicon 心理词汇mental life space 心理生活空间mental load 心理负荷mental maladjustment 心理障碍mental masochism 心理受虐mental maturity 心智成熟mental maze 心智迷津mental measurement 心理测量Mental Measurements Y ear Book心理测量年鉴mental mechanism 心理机制mental micro ad justment 心理微调mental module 心理模块mental operation 心理操作mental organization 心理组织mental orientation 心理定向mental orientation in competition 比赛心理定向mental phenomena 心理现象mental plasticity 心理可塑性mental power 心理能力mental practice 心智练习mental preparation 心理准备mental pressure 心理压力mental process 心理过程mental profile 心理图案mental programming 心理编码mental purification 心理净化。

2.领导与管理的职能和行为方式不同 第一,领导和管理都有决策的职能,但这两种决策的依据、 内容和方法却迥然有别。 第二,领导与管理职能的区别,不仅突出地表现在决策职能 的不同上,同时也表现在其它一些方面。影响力与监督、控制; 用人;沟通;协调;激励。 第三,领导的职能还包含了变革与创新,相比之下,管理则 更多地侧重于维持秩序、完善规则。 第四,管理的着眼点是人的行为,而领导的着眼点却是人的 思想。 第五,从行为方式上看,领导是一种艺术,即领导行为是艺 术化的;而管理行为则更注重规范性、程序性、角色的定位及 其行为规范。 3.领导与管理的行为主体不同
引起变化 创造一种共同价值观的文化 建立与下属的情感纽带 运用个人权力 注重人力资源
保持现状与稳定 实施政策与程序 对下属冷漠、客观公正、控制 使用位置权力 注重组织结构
制定计划,精打细算,作好准备和预算工作---将 目标、任务做细致划分,建立时间表,然后将任 务斟酌分派,以取得最佳效果。 组织和调度—确定完成既定目标所需要的人员结 构,然后调动得力人员来充实它,确定相应的规 定、政策来对工作人员进行指导和适当约束。
成功欲和进取 责任心 主动 任务导向 合作性 善于交际 领导意愿
三、 为什么特质论在解释领导行为方面并不成功?
三、管理方格论(managerial grid)
布雷克和莫顿(Black & Mouton)发展了 领导风格的2维度观点,在“关心人”和“关心 生产”的基础上提出了管理方格论。充分概括 了上两所大学的研究。 9×9(等级)生成81种不同的领导类型。

[转载]管理学核心概念中英文对照原文地址:管理学核心概念中英文对照作者:jaywang第一章管理总论Manager 管理者First-line managers 基层管理者Middle managers 中层管理者Top managers 高层管理者Management 管理Efficiency 效率Effectiveness 效果Planning 计划Organizing 组织Leading 领导Controlling 控制Management process 管理过程Management roles 管理角色Interpersonal roles 人际关系角色Informational roles 信息传递角色Decisional roles 决策制定角色Technical skills 技术技能Human skills 人事技能Conceptual skills 概念技能System 系统Closed systems 封闭系统Open systems 开放系统Environment 环境Special environment 具体环境General environment 一般环境Contingency perspective 权变观Organization 组织Universality of management 管理的普遍性Nonmanagerial employees / Operatives 操作者第二章管理的历史Division of labor 劳动分工Industrial revolution 产业革命Scientific management 科学管理Therbligs 基本动作元素General administrative theorists 一般行政管理理论家Principles of management 管理原则Bureaucracy 官僚行政组织、层级组织Quantitative approach 定量方法Organizational behavior (OB)组织行为Hawthorne Studies 霍桑研究Workforce diversity 员工多样化Entrepreneurship 企业家e—business (electronic business)电子商务e-commerce (electronic commerce)电子贸易、电子商务Intranet 内部互联网Total quality management (TQM)全面质量管理Learning organization 学习型组织Knowledge management 知识管理Workplace spirituality 团队精神第三章计划Decision 决策Decision-making process 决策过程Problem 问题Decision criteria 决策标准Implementation 实施Rational decision making 理性决策Bounded rationality 有限理性Satisficing 满意Escalation of commitment 承诺升级Intuitive decision making 直觉决策Well—structured problems 结构良好问题Programmed decision 程序化决策Procedure 程序Rule 规则Policy 政策Poorly structured problems 结构不良问题Nonprogrammed decisions 非程序化决策Certainty 确定性Risk 风险性Uncertainty 不确定性Directive style 指导性风格Analytic style 分析性风格Conceptual style 概念性风格Behavioral style 行为性风格Planning 计划Goals 目标Plans 计划Strategic plans 战略计划Operational plans 作业计划Long—term plans 长期计划Short-term plans 短期计划Specific plans 具体性计划Directional plans 指导性计划Single-use plan 单一目标计划Standing plans 标准计划Traditional goal setting 传统目标设定Means-ends chain 手段-结果链Management by objectives (MBO) 目标管理Mission 使命Commitment concept 承诺概念Formal planning department 正式计划部门Strategic management 战略管理Strategic management process 战略管理过程Opportunities 机会Threats 威胁Core competencies 核心能力Strengths 优势Weaknesses 劣势SWOT analysis SWOT分析Corporate—level strategy 公司层战略Stability strategy 稳定战略Growth strategy 增长战略Related diversification 相关领域多元化经营Unrelated diversification 不相关领域多元化经营Retrenchment strategy 收缩战略BCG matrix BCG矩阵波士顿咨询集团矩阵Business-level strategy 事业层战略Strategic business units 战略经营单位Competitive advantage 竞争优势Cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略Differentiation strategy 差异化战略Focus strategy 集中化战略Functional—level strategy 职能层战略Environmental Scanning 环境扫描Competitor intelligence 竞争者情报、竞争者信息Forecasts 预测Quantitative forecasting 定量预测Qualitative forecasting 定性预测Forecasting Techniques 预测技术Benchmarking 基准化、标杆Resources 资源Budget 预算Revenue Budgets 收入预算Expense Budgets 费用预算Profit Budgets 利润预算Cash Budgets 现金预算Scheduling 进度计划、规划Gantt Charts 甘特图Load Charts 负荷图PERT network 计划评审技术网络Events 事件Activities 活动Slack time 松弛时间Critical path 关键线路Breakeven analysis 盈亏平衡分析Linear programming 线性规划Project 项目Project Management 项目管理Scenario 设想方案第四章组织Organizing 组织Organizational structure 组织结构Organizational design 组织设计Work specialization 劳动分工Departmentalization 部门化Functional departmentalization 职能部门化Product departmentalization 产品部门化Geographical departmentalization 地区部门化Process departmentalization 过程部门化Customer departmentalization 顾客部门化Cross—functional teams 跨职能团队Chain of command 指挥链Authority 职权Responsibility 职责Unity of command 统一指挥Span of control 管理幅度Centralization 集权化Decentralization 分权化Formalization 正规化Mechanistic organization 机械式组织Organic organization 有机式组织Unit production 单件生产Mass production 大量生产Process production 连续生产Simple structure 简单结构Functional structure 职能型结构Divisional structure 分部型结构Team—based structure 团队结构Matrix structure 矩阵结构Project structure 项目结构Autonomous internal units 内部自治单位Boundaryless organization 无边界组织Learning organization 学习型组织High-performance work practice 高绩效的工作实践Human resource management process 人力资源管理过程Labor union 工会Human resource planning 人力资源规划Job analysis 职务分析Job description 职务说明书Job specification 职务规范Recruitment 招聘Decruitment 解聘Selection process 甄选过程Validity 效度Reliability 信度Work sampling 工作抽样Assessment centers 测评中心Orientation 定向、导向Performance management system 绩效管理系统Written essay 书面描述法Critical incidents 关键事件法Graphic rating scales 评分表法Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)行为定位评分法Multiperson comparisons 多人比较法Group order ranking 分组排序法Individual ranking 个体排序法Paired comparison 配对比较法360 degree feedback 360度反馈skill—based pay 按技能付酬Career 职业生涯、职业Organizational change 组织变革Change agents 变革推动者Organizational development (OD)组织发展Stress 压力Creativity 创造Innovation 创新第五章领导Behavior 行为Organizational behavior 组织行为学Attitudes 态度Cognitive component 认知成分Affective component 情感成分Behavioral component 行为成分Job satisfaction 工作满意度Job involvement 工作投入Organizational commitment 组织承诺Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)组织公民行为Cognitive dissonance 认知失调Attitude surveys 态度调查Personality 人性Big—five model 重要的五大模型Emotional intelligence (EI)情感智商Locus of control 控制点Machiavellianism 马基雅维里主义Self—esteem 自尊Self—monitoring 自我监控Perception 知觉Attribution theory 归因理论Fundamental attribution error 基本归因错误Self—serving bias 自我服务偏见Selectivity 有选择地接受、选择性Assumed similarity 假设相似性Stereotyping 刻板印象Learning 学习Operant conditioning 操作性条件反射Social learning theory 社会学习理论Shaping behavior 行为塑造Motivation 动机Need 需要Hierarchy of needs theory 需要层次理论Physiological needs 生理需要Safety needs 安全需要Social needs 社会需要Esteem needs 尊重需要Self—actualization needs 自我实现需要Theory X X理论Theory Y Y理论Motivation—hygiene theory 激励-保健理论Hygiene factors 保健因素Motivators 激励因素Three—needs theory 三种需要理论Need for achievement (nAch) 成就需要Need for power (nPow)权力需要Need for affiliation (nAff)归属需要Goal—setting theory 目标设定理论Reinforcement theory 强化理论Reinforcers 强化物Job design 职务设计Job scope 职务范围Job enlargement 职务扩大化Job enrichment 工作丰富化Job depth 职务深度Job characteristic model (JCM) 职务特征模型Skill variety 技能多样性Task identity 任务同一性Task significance 任务重要性Autonomy 自主性Feedback 反馈Equity theory 公平理论Referents 参照对象Expectancy theory 期望理论Compressed workweek 压缩工作周Flexible work hours 弹性工作制Job sharing 职务分担Contingent workers 应急工Telecommuting 电子通信,远程办公Pay-for performance programs 基于绩效的薪酬管理Open—book management 公开帐簿管理Leader 领导者Leadership 领导Behavioral theories 行为理论Autocratic style 权威式Democratic style 民主式Laissez-faire style 放任式Initiating structure 定规维度Consideration 关怀维度High-high leader 高-高型领导者Managerial grid 管理方格论Fiedler contingency model 菲德勒权变模型Least-preferred co—worker (LPC) questionnaire 最难共事者问卷Leader—member relations 领导者-成员关系,上下级关系Task structure 任务结构Position power 职位权力Situational leadership theory (SLT) 情景领导理论Readiness 准备状态Maturity 成熟度Leader participation model 领导者参与模型Path-goal theory 路径-目标理论Transactional leaders 事务型领导者Transformational leaders 变革型领导者Charismatic leader 超凡魅力的领导者Visionary leadership 愿景领导者Legitimate power 法定权Coercive power 强制权Reward power 奖赏权Expert power 专长权Referent power 模范权Credibility 可信度Trust 诚信、信任Empowerment 授权Communication 沟通Interpersonal communication 人际沟通Organizational communication 组织沟通Message 信息Encoding 编码Channel 通道、渠道Decoding 解码Communication process 沟通过程Noise 噪音Nonverbal communication 非言语沟通Body language 体态语言Verbal intonation 语调Filtering 过滤Selective perception 选择性知觉Information overload 信息超载Jargon 行话Active listening 积极倾听Formal communication 正式沟通Informal communication 非正式沟通Downward communication 下行沟通、向下交流Upward communication 上行沟通、向上交流Lateral communication 平行沟通、横向交流Diagonal communication 斜行沟通、越级交流Communication networks 沟通网络Grapevine 小道信息、谣言E-mail 电子邮件Instant messaging (IM) 即时信息Voice mail 声音邮件Fax 传真Electronic data interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换Teleconferencing 电信会议Videoconferencing 视频会议Intranet 内部互联网Extranet 外部互联网第六章控制Control 控制Market control 市场控制Bureaucratic control 官僚组织控制、层级控制Control process 控制过程Management by walking around (MBWA) 走动式管理Range of variation 偏差范围Immediate corrective action 立即纠正行动Basic corrective action 彻底纠正行动Feedforward control 前馈控制Concurrent control 同期控制、现场控制Feedback control 反馈控制。

management iS founded、“也the reference of Henry Mintzberg’S five coordination
methods.Furthermore,a new task scheduling algorithm iS put forward integrating the
霹疽S thesis puts forward a new managerial pattem-Gridded management using the method ofresource sharing and Cooperative Work for reference,which iS the COIC of the鲫d theory.Then the system scheme,the operation pattern,the coordination mechanism.and the scheduling mechanism are studied in order to maximize the utilizing e缀ciency ofvarious recourses in the banking industry to improve the service quali押and to achieve the advantage position in the market competition.
balance of群纛load concept in Grid Computing with waiting-line theory.
At chapter 4,the thesis,firstly from the organization theory’S poim of view,

本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文:The different dimensions of loyaltyThe first problem in studying loyalty in human organizations is that there seems to be no generally accepted definition of this concept. Often, loyalty is taken to mean remaining in an organization for a long time. But some studies have shown how it can have many different dimensions. Cole (2000), for instance, interviewed David L. Sturn, President of the Loyalty Institute, an arm of Chicago-based Aon Consulting, about a study undertaken by that organization interviewing the employees of more that 200 of its corporate clients.According to that study, what characterizes a “committed” employee is that (1) he is a team player; (2) willing to make sacrifices for the good of the company; (3) beli eves in the company‟s products; (4) will recommend the company as among the best places to work, and (5) is prepared to stay in the company for the next several years, even if offered a modest pay increase elsewhere (Cole, 2000).Obviously, the first four characteristics of a committed employee go well beyond the fifth one, which is the only one related with remaining in the organization; and, still qualifying the fact of remaining in the organization by rejecting a change with a “modest” pay increase elsew here.Employees are the basic ingredients, their enthusiasm on behalf of corporate morale, awareness of their work reflected in the subtle strength of the enterprise. Employee loyalty will greatly stimulate their initiative and creativity. So that potential employees into full play. Loyalty is the efficiency, increase employee loyalty and increase customer satisfaction there is promotion. Business per employee increased loyalty, competitive strength will have been improved.In the modern economy, employees will be judged according to their own personal development continue to find their own space, the flow of talent to be a common phenomenon. Enterprises as always in the dynamic development of economicorganizations, employees and business contract between the text. Does not guarantee a stable relationship between employees and enterprises. To maintain this long-term stable relationship, and in good faith reliance on the need to build the employment relationship, nurture and increase employee loyalty.Powers (2000) offers an interesting set of indicators of loyalty:– Remaining with the company; not leaving, not job hunting– Staying late to complete a project–Keeping the company‟s business confidential; no whistle-blowing– Promoting the company to customers and community– Adhering to rules without close supervision–Sacrificing personal goals to achieve company‟s goals– No gossiping, lying, cheating or stealing–Buying company‟s products– Contribution to company-sponsored charities– Offering improvement suggestions–Participating in company‟s extracurricular activities– Following orders– Taking care of company property and not being wasteful– Working safely– Not abusing leave policies; including sick leave– Helping coworkers; cooperatingAgain, remaining with the company is a symptom of loyalty, but only a symptom. And a symptom is an indication, a noisy signal. A headache may be a symptom of a malignant brain tumor or a symptom of poor eyesight. The remaining indicators are also noisy signals, which go along with the basic intuitive concept of loyalty.In summary, both in the Cole and Powers articles, the basic idea is that an employee is committed, or loyal, to an organization when he holds two kinds of beliefs: (1) believes that what t he organization is doing “is worth the while”, i.e., feels that the products of the company are really solving some type of human need; and (2) feels that the people he works with (superiors, subordinates, or at the same level) arepeople he can work with, and, therefore, is willing to cooperate with them, is willing to have initiatives, and be a team player.It is interesting to point out though, that in these analyses, loyalty and commitment are viewed as very positive for the organization and (possibly) for the individual. On the opposite side, some researchers have noticed some negative characteristics of loyalty and commitment. Randall (1987), for instance, signals as disadvantages of a strong commitment to an organization: (a) for the individual, that it may stymie individual growth and limit opportunities for mobility, as well as stifle creativity and innovation, and (b) for the organization, that it may blindly devote the individuals to their employers, and therefore perhaps waste their time and tal ents in jobs they don‟t like, making it a situation that is unprofitable both for the individual and for the organization. Essentially then, the unfavorable consequences of loyalty are reduced to the possible loss of efficiency that is obtained if an individual is used where he shouldn‟t be, which harms both the individual and the organization, but much more the former than the latter, and has to do with a misallocation of resources that is rather an error in judgement than a mistake arising from loyalty itself.Improve related incentives. Incentives for employees means recognition of the work of employees, whether an enterprise to meet the core needs of employees largely determines the respect and recognition of the core staff of the enterprise and work attitudes. First, material incentives, improve pay and benefits system of enterprises and the establishment of an effective performance appraisal system, so that pay and reward key employees as much as possible match; second spiritual motivation for the core employees is more important incentive in this regard , enterprises should fully express the respect and trust of key employees, such as regular communication with key employees, interest in and solve their problems, give them challenging work distribution and give the appropriate permissions and so on.The premise of the Herzberg et al. (1959) theory, known as the Two-Factor Theory of Motivation, was that managers could use factors known as…motivators‟ to encourage employees to gain satisfaction and, subsequently, better performance in the workplace. Similarly, managers could try to minimize those factors that increase jobdissatisfaction, 'hygiene factors' or ' hygienes ' for short. Maximizing the motivators associated with their jobs could enhance empl oyees‟ job satisfaction. On the other hand, if employees believe that factors associated with hygienes drop below acceptable levels, job dissatisfaction grows. An interesting point of the theory is that lack of satisfaction does not equate to dissatisfaction. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are on two separate continua. This means that when employees do not perceive satisfaction among the motivators, they also may not perceive dissatisfaction among the hygienes. Employees may well be in a state of limbo, where they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. This is an unproductive state for both employees and organizations, as it does not fuel growth, creativity or innovation. Therefore, there is entity value for organizational leaders and managers to recognize those aspects of the jobs within their purview that can promote satisfaction among employees and optimize them.According to Herzberg (1966), the factors associated with work considered to be motivators include: achievement; recognition; tasks (the work itself); responsibility; advancement; and personal growth. The factors associated with work considered to be hygienes include: policies and administration; supervision/managerial relationships; salary; working conditions; status; security; and coworker relationships.Other motivation theories have been studied extensively in the business literature, but they do not break down the components of motivation as specifically as the Two-Factor Theory and consequently do not allow for such detailed analysis. For example, Maslow‟s Theory of Needs (1954) states that individuals reach higher level needs such as self-esteem and self-actualization only after lower level needs such as belongingness and safety needs have been met. While useful in other contexts, this theory is not geared towards job-related motivation. Alderfer‟s ERG Theory (1972) states that people have three core needs: existence; that people have three core needs: existence; relatedness; and growth. This scheme does not include the rigid hierarchy of Maslow, indicating that employees may experience needs concurrently. But its broad categories lead to a generalized evaluation of motivation. McClelland‟s Needs Theory (1961) also acknowledges three sets of needs: achievement; power; andaffiliation. His research suggests that achievement needs, and to a esser degree, power and affiliation needs, are related to job performance, thus linking employee motivation with job outcomes. While beneficial at an individual level, the Needs Theory does not focus on the dynamics of group-level motivation. Adams‟ Equity Theory (1965) explains that employees will strive for equitable situations when comparing themselves to coworkers as they consider inputs to a job, level of effort expended and job outcomes. However, Equity Theory does not expound upon the actual motivators that cause individuals to act the way that they do in the workplace. Thus, Herzberg‟s (1966) theory is best suited to this study because it contains many categories for analysis which allow for cultural evaluation, it is tailored to the workplace, and it considers both individual and group level motivation.Herzberg‟s work (1966) is considered a major advancement in the literature. Befittingly , it has also been used recently by researchers in the study of job satisfaction (Brislin, MacNab, Worthley, Kabigting and Zukis 2005; DeShields, Kara and Kaynak 2005) with support for the theory. Herzberg‟s work has been employed to evaluate travellers‟ satisfaction (Crompton 2003) and student satisfaction (C hyung and Vachon 2005), illustrating its applicability to a variety of settings. Yet all tests of the theory have not been confirmatory. Park (1988) and Al-Mekhlafie (1991) found partial support for the motivator-hygiene dichotomy with samples from Korea and Yemen, while Williams (1992) and Timmreck (2001) found mixed results using US samples. In an evaluation of Herzberg et al. (1959) of the Thai construction industry,Ruthankoon and Ogunlana (2003) found partial support for the theory. They attribute differences in the literature to the varying occupations and variety of workplaces included in the research. Despite these mixed theory results, motivation has been often associated with job satisfaction. Those employees who express satisfaction with their jobs often are motivated in their jobs (Thierry 1998). Tietjen and Myers (1998) also linked motivation and job satisfaction using the Herzberg (1966) framework. They concluded that once managers understood what motivated employees, managers could focus on the appropriate strategies to create job satisfaction among those workers. These varying results set the stage for additionalresearch to occur with a new emphasis, i.e. the role of culture.Interestingly, the hospitality industry has been the focus of many job satisfaction studies. In a study of over 4,000 hotel workers, Barsky and Nash (2004) found that employee satisfaction on the job was driven by the emotions of the employees and their beliefs about their company. Aksu and Aktas (2005) studied job satisfaction among Turkish managers in first-class hotels. They discovered that despite long hours, low salaries and little colleague support (all hygienes), the managers were generally satisfied with their jobs due to the nature of the work itself and the authority (motivators) that came from managing a first-class facility. In a study of employee job satisfaction among Taiwanese hotel workers, Hwang and Chi (2005) found that internal marketing, or treating employees as customers, was positively related to job satisfaction and job satisfaction was positively related to organizational performance. Sizoo, Plank, Iskat and Serrie (2005) determined that among hotel workers at four-star hotels in Florida, employees with higher intercultural sensitivity expressed higher levels of job satisfaction and social satisfaction. This finding indicates that culture may influence employee perception of job satisfaction.Although a great deal of research has been completed in the area of job satisfaction, an examination of South American businesses remains a topic of value considering the continent‟s rapidly increasing economic and development status. Recent scholarship has been promising. Ritter and Anker (2002) found workplace safety and job security issues were important to Brazilians, while Spector, Cooper, Poelmans and Allen (2004) found that Latin Americans in general had high job satisfaction. Barreto (2005) found that hotel guest satisfaction in Bahia, Brazil increased when employee satisfaction programmes were implemented. Though interesting, these studies did not comprehensively address all of Herzberg‟s (1966) factors and they did not fully consider the role of culture in the workplace.Source: Josep M. Rosanas and Manuel Velilla. Loyalty and Trust as the Ethical Bases of Organizations.[D]Journal of Business Ethics , 2003(1): 29~44.译文:不同层面的忠诚度在研究人类组织中的忠诚度的论题时,我们第一个面临的问题是人们对于忠诚还没有一个广泛接受的定义。
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Separation of ownership and management combined with the desire for steady performance which ensures satisfactory profits, tend to make the managers risk avoiders. Top Managers in the modern firm are generally reluctant to adopt highly promising but risk-prone projects. But this approach stabilises the economic performance of the firm and leads to development of orderly markets.
Liquidity Ratio: Current ratio – ratio of liquid assets to total assets. Low liquidity increases the risk of insolvency (risk=+ve) Leverage/Debt or Debt-Equity ratio: ratio of debt to total assets. High debt-equity ratio exposes the firm to bankruptcy.(risk=+ve) Profit retention ratio: High retention of profits, adds to the reserves contributing to the growth of capital.(risk= -ve) Combining all the above into a single parameter will amount to financial constraint of the firm.
Marris’s Theory of The Managerial Enterprise(contd.) “ The Managers have other ideas. Their utility function includes variables such as Salaries, Job security, Power and status.
Marris’s Theory of The Managerial Enterprise
“In Corporate firms, there is structural division of ownership and management which allows managers to set goals which do not necessarily conform with those of the owners. The shareholders are the owners. Their utility function includes variables such as profits, size of output, size of capital, market share and 10 public image.
Baumol’s Model : (contd.)
4 A steady performance with satisfactory amount of profits is preferably to irregular spectacular profits in some one or two years. Having shown high profits, if the level is not maintained, it will lead to discontent of shareholders. 5. Large sales strengthens the competitive power of the firm vis-avis competitors, while low or declining sales diminishes this power of bargaining.
Baumol’s Model : (contd.)
Rationale of the Hypothesis: 1. Management has been separated from ownership in modern times. 2. This has given powers to Managers who pursue their own goals rather than the goal of the owners. 3. Managers ensure a minimum acceptable level of profit to satisfy the shareholders, but would pursue a goal which enhances their own utility.
Marris’s Theory of The Managerial Enterprise(contd.)
• Owners being interested in the growth of the firm want maximisation of the growth of the supply of capital, which is assumed to maximise the owner’s utility. • Managers wanting to maximise rate of growth of the firm rather than absolute size of the firm, believe that growth of demand for the products is an appropriate indicator of the growth of the firm.
• There are two constrains in the Marris’s Model: • 1. The Managerial Team Constraint. Since Management is a teamwork, hiring new managers does not expand managerial capaqcity immediately. New managers take time to get integrated in the team. Managerial tream constraint sets limits to both the rate of growth of demand and rate of growth of capital. • 2. The Job Security Constraint. Managers want job security. Job security attained by pursuing a prudent financial policy which requires the three crucial financial ratios to be maintained at optimum levels.
Baumol’s Model of Sales Revenue Maximisation
W.J.Baumol suggested Sales Revenue maximisation as an alternative goal to profit maximisation. Managers only ensure acceptable level of profit, pursuing a goal which enhances their own utility.
Basic assumptions in Baumol’s Static Models:
1. A firm’s decision making is limited to a single period. During this period, the firm attempts to maximise total revenue rather than physical volume of sales. 2. Sales revenue maximisation is subject to provision of minimum required profit to ensure a fair dividend to shareholders, thus ensuring stability of his job. 3. Conventional Cost and Revenue functions are assumed – Cost curves are U-shaped, Demand curve is downwa’s Model : (contd.)
Why Managers attempt to maximise sales rather than profits:1. Incomes of top executives are closely related to sales rather than profits. 2. Banks and financial institutions are impressed by the amount of sales and treat this as a good indicator of the performance of the firm. 3. Large and continuing sales enhance prestige of the Managers, who ensure regular distribution of dividends.