
beatsstudio3蓝牙协议Beats Studio3蓝牙协议蓝牙技术是一种无线通信技术,它能够实现设备之间的短距离数据传输。
Beats Studio3蓝牙协议是指Beats Studio3无线耳机所采用的蓝牙通信协议。
本文将对Beats Studio3蓝牙协议进行详细介绍,包括其基本原理、特点以及应用。
Beats Studio3蓝牙协议基于蓝牙5.0版本,具有更高的传输速率和更稳定的连接性能。
Beats Studio3蓝牙协议采用的是蓝牙经典模式,支持A2DP(高级音频分发配置文件)、AVRCP(音频/视频远程控制配置文件)和HFP(蓝牙耳机配置文件)等多种蓝牙配置文件。
这些配置文件使得Beats Studio3无线耳机能够与各种蓝牙设备进行连接,如手机、平板电脑、电视等。
二、特点1. 高音质传输:Beats Studio3蓝牙协议支持A2DP配置文件,能够实现高质量音频的传输,使得用户能够享受到更好的音乐体验。
2. 低功耗:Beats Studio3蓝牙协议采用了BLE(低功耗蓝牙)技术,能够有效降低耳机的功耗,延长电池使用时间。
3. 自动连接:Beats Studio3无线耳机支持快速配对和自动连接功能,用户只需将耳机靠近蓝牙设备,即可自动连接,方便快捷。
4. 延迟低:Beats Studio3蓝牙协议在传输过程中采用了先进的编解码技术,能够实现较低的音频延迟,确保音视频同步。
5. 多设备连接:Beats Studio3蓝牙协议支持同时连接多个蓝牙设备,用户可以轻松切换不同设备的音频输入源。
三、应用Beats Studio3蓝牙协议广泛应用于各类音频设备,如耳机、扬声器等。
以Beats Studio3无线耳机为例,它通过蓝牙协议与手机等音频源进行连接,用户可以在无线状态下享受高品质的音乐。

Beats耳机系列比较及购买参考▲Dr.dreBeats Pro<专业耳机>Beats Pro这款耳机,是最贵最专业的,外观看上去很大很Strong,粗略的可以把它说成的是Studio的终极增强版。
低音的效果非常厉害,外观上看上去一眼就可以认出来是Beats Pro,这款Beats Pro的特点就是可以把听筒旋转(可以看到黑色的Beats Pro)Pro的做工非常完美,附送的不是盒子,而是袋子。
参考价:¥4350~5000;Beats Studio<众星之选>▲Beats Studio说到Beats Studio,就是大家经常说道的“录音师”。
因为很多监制音乐的都选用了这个耳机,价格偏中,音质也接引于Beats Pro.所以许多监制都选用了这款耳机来进行一个监听。
这个耳机和Beats Pro 都是需要安装电池并且打开耳机的开关才可以使用的,因为安装电池也是为了供他们的特点:“主动降噪“来供应电力。
现在在网上购买的大多数Studio都是旧版的Studio.新版和旧版的Studio区别就是在耳机上面有没有Monster的标志,如果有就是旧版了,相反就是新版的Studio.参考价:¥2600~3000这款耳机我觉得是一款不错的耳机,如果你的资金足够就建议你直接入手Studio.Beats Wireless<无线耳机>▲Beats Wireless这款耳机可以说是一个Solo或者Solo HD的无线版,没有Studio和Pro的主动降噪功能。
参考价格:¥2400~3000Beats Solo & Solo HD<低端耳机>有人会问到,Solo 和Solo HD有什么分别,首先在外面上,Solo是磨砂面,而Solo HD烤漆光面。
Solo和Solo HD令外一个区别就是Solo是普通版,HD是加强版。

2014年5月28日,当地时间周三,苹果公司宣布,已经同 意收购Beats。这项交易的总对价为30亿美元,是苹果有 史以来规模最大的一次交易。
作为一个耳机,从一开始,Beats就定位于喜欢hiphop以及R&B风格流行音乐的青少年。这个群体喜欢音 乐,并将音乐作为生活场景中的一部分,大量的户外时 间里都是与音乐为伴。在受到全世界年轻人追捧的同 时,beats耳机的基本功能却饱受诟病。有人调侃这耳 机只是“做成耳机形状的项链”,在搜索引擎上搜索关 键词“Beats”,也会出来相当多的“Beats音质那么差 为什么卖得那么好”的帖子。
Beats的创始人是来自环球唱片公司的Jimmy Iovine和hip-hop明星Dr.Dre,凭借两位创始人在时尚 和娱乐圈的人脉和影响力,Beats很快发动各路明星为 自己代言。
Beats是街拍的宠儿,凯蒂·赫尔姆斯、Lady Gaga、Justin
Tam。 • 2011年联合Beats公司发布Beats Pro、iBeats及“姚明-魔
• 2012年8月14日由于经济纠纷问题同Beats公司终止合作关系,
• Beats 耳机早期LOGO。

三、市场主要玩家1. AppleApple是全球最大的耳机制造商之一,其AirPods系列耳机备受消费者青睐。
2. SonySony作为耳机市场的领军企业之一,其旗下的WH-1000XM系列降噪耳机受到了广大消费者的喜爱。
3. BoseBose也是一家耳机制造商巨头,其QC系列降噪耳机在市场上具有较高的知名度。


beats调研报告调研报告:Beats耳机一、引言Beats耳机是一款由美国音乐制作人Dr. Dre和他的业务合作伙伴Jimmy Iovine共同创立的耳机品牌。
三、产品特点1. 设计与品质:Beats耳机以其独特的设计风格在市场上脱颖而出,外观简约时尚,色彩丰富多样。
2. 音质:Beats耳机以其强调低音的音质特点而闻名。
3. 价格:Beats耳机被认为是一种高价位的耳机品牌,价格通常高于市场上其他同类产品。
四、消费者评价1. 正面评价:许多用户对Beats耳机的音质和舒适度给予了正面评价,他们称赞低音效果出色,适合用于流行音乐和嘻哈音乐等节奏感较强的音乐类型。
2. 负面评价:然而,也有一部分消费者对Beats耳机的产品提出了一些负面评价。

二、市场概况1. 市场规模持续扩大根据相关数据显示,2023年全球耳机市场规模达到XX亿美元,同比增长XX%。
2. 产品种类日益丰富随着技术的不断进步,耳机产品种类日益丰富,涵盖了运动耳机、游戏耳机、降噪耳机、智能耳机等多个领域。
3. 品牌竞争激烈在耳机市场,国内外品牌竞争激烈。
三、产品特点1. 无线蓝牙技术无线蓝牙技术是耳机行业发展的关键,2023年,大部分耳机产品均采用蓝牙5.0及以上版本,实现了更稳定的连接和更低的功耗。
2. 主动降噪技术主动降噪技术成为耳机产品的重要卖点。
2023年,众多耳机品牌推出具有主动降噪功能的耳机,如索尼WF-1000XM4、华为FreeBuds Pro等。
3. 智能功能随着人工智能技术的不断发展,耳机产品逐渐融入智能功能。
4. 个性化定制为了满足消费者对个性化需求的追求,部分耳机品牌推出定制服务。

二、竞品分析1. 入耳式耳机竞品入耳式耳机市场上最具竞争力的产品来自苹果公司,他们推出的AirPods系列产品拥有强大的品牌影响力和广泛的用户群体。
与此同时,在高端市场上,索尼的WF-1000XM4、Bose的QuietComfort Earbuds等产品也备受消费者青睐。
2. 头戴式耳机竞品头戴式耳机市场上最具竞争优势的品牌是索尼的WH-1000XM4和Bose的QuietComfort 35 II。
3. 无线耳机竞品无线耳机市场上最具竞争力的产品是苹果的AirPods Pro和AirPods Max。
三、竞争优势分析1. 品牌影响力一些大品牌具有强大的品牌影响力,例如苹果、索尼和BOSE 等。
2. 技术创新在耳机市场上,技术创新是提高竞争力的关键。
3. 用户体验耳机的舒适度对于用户来说是非常重要的。

蓝牙无线耳机市场分析报告1.引言文章1.1 概述部分:蓝牙无线耳机作为一种便携式的个人音频设备,在如今的耳机市场上占据着越来越重要的地位。
1.2 文章结构文章结构包括引言、正文和结论三个部分。
目的部分的内容可以按照以下内容进行编写:1.3 目的本报告的目的是对蓝牙无线耳机市场进行深入分析,了解当前市场现状和发展趋势,探讨蓝牙无线耳机的主要品牌和产品特点。
1.4 总结总结: 通过对蓝牙无线耳机市场现状、发展趋势以及主要品牌和产品特点的分析,可以得出如下结论。

Beats耳机分析报告Title: Beats Earphones Analysis and ReportIntroduction:Beats is a well-known brand in the audio industry, particularly famous for its stylish and trendy earphones. This analysis report aims to provide an in-depth understanding of Beats earphones, their market position, target audience, features, and overall performance.Market Position:Beats earphones have successfully established themselves as a premium brand, primarily targeting young consumers who prioritize both style and audio quality. The brand's association with popular athletes and celebrities has contributed to its overall market position.Target Audience:Beats earphones mainly target the younger generation, including teenagers and young adults. Their stylish design, vibrant colors, and celebrity endorsement appeal to this demographic, making them a popular choice amongst young consumers who consider earphones as fashion accessories.Features and Design:Sound Quality:Beats earphones are known for their bass-heavy sound signature, catering to consumers who enjoy deep, thumping beats. While the bass response is impressive, the overall sound profile may not please audiophiles seeking accurate sound reproduction, as other frequency ranges may appear slightly muted.Durability and Build Quality:Wireless Connectivity:Battery Life:The battery life of Beats wireless earphones varies across different models. However, on average, Beats earphones offer 8-12 hours of music playback on a single charge. This may vary depending on usage patterns, volume levels, and other factors.Additional Features:Many Beats earphone models include features such as integrated microphones, volume controls, and remote functionalities. These additional features enhance the user experience and offer convenience during daily use.Conclusion:。

无线耳机市场分析报告1.引言1.1 概述概述:随着科技的不断进步,无线耳机已经成为消费电子市场上的一个热门产品。
1.2 文章结构:本报告将分为三个主要部分。
以下是可能的内容:"1.3 目的":本报告的目的是对无线耳机市场进行深入分析,以便了解市场概况、主要竞争对手情况、消费者需求趋势,预测市场发展趋势,分析市场潜力,并提出相应的建议和展望。
1.4 总结总结部分:通过本文的分析,我们可以看出无线耳机市场正快速发展并且充满潜力。
2.正文2.1 无线耳机市场概况随着科技的不断进步和消费者对便利性的追求,无线耳机市场得到了快速的发展。

Beats耳机分析报告一、概述Beats耳机是一款由美国音乐家兼制作人Dr. Dre与电商巨头苹果公司合作开发的高端耳机品牌,其音质和时尚设计备受青睐。
二、产品特点1. 高品质音效:Beats耳机采用先进的音频技术和材料,提供卓越的音质体验。
2. 时尚外观:Beats耳机以时尚的外观设计而闻名。
3. 舒适佩戴:Beats耳机注重舒适性,采用柔软的耳罩和轻便的材料,使用户能够长时间佩戴而不感到不适。
4. 无线连接:部分Beats耳机支持蓝牙无线连接,提供更便捷的使用体验。
三、市场竞争1. 市场份额:Beats耳机在高端耳机市场占据较大的市场份额,成为竞争对手难以逾越的槛。
其品牌知名度和高质量的声音表现为其竞争力之一2. 品牌影响力:Beats耳机凭借其与音乐与娱乐界名人的合作和广告宣传,建立了强大的品牌影响力。
3. 技术创新:随着科技的不断发展,市场上不断涌现出新的耳机品牌与产品。
四、未来发展趋势1. 对话音频市场的拓展:随着智能助手技术的成熟,使用耳机进行语音交互的需求不断增加。
2. 增强现实技术应用:增强现实技术在音频领域的应用前景广阔。


概念:顾名思义即带在头上的。 优点:1.声扬好。 2.不入耳,避免擦伤耳道。 3.不易掉落。 4.可随时调节音量大小。 缺点:1.体积较大,携带不方便。 2.时间长了,耳朵会疼。
普通头戴式耳机和 HiFi头戴式耳机
所有的耳机不可能都具有便 携能力,所以除便携款式之 外还有标准的头戴式耳机, 这一类型的特点是单元尺寸 更大几乎可以包裹耳朵,并 且结构框架厚实,是专属室 内使用的产品。
在为耳机设置单独电源的观念上2成的人认为有需要.大部分人认为无所谓 14、您对购买耳机的首要标准是?
13、您认为是否应该为耳机提供独立电源,使得影音设备使用 时间更长? A是、很需要 B一般、无所谓 C.不用 14、您对购买耳机的首要标准是? A价格 B音质 C材料工艺 D外观 E其他 15、您喜欢哪种佩戴方式的耳机?(可以多选) A耳塞式 B入耳式 C头戴式 D耳挂式 E后挂式 F挂颈 式 G其他 16、您会购买哪个价位的耳机? A50以下 B50-100 C100-200 D200以上 17、您喜欢耳机是什么颜色? A黑 B白 C黑加彩色系 D白加彩色系 E其他 18、长时间带耳机会觉得不舒服吗? A会 B 不会 19、您认为目前的耳机有哪些不足? 20、您认为耳机需要增加哪些功能?
未来耳机行业重大趋势将会围绕以下热点展开: 无线耳机将继续加快普及进程、国内耳机品牌逐渐崛起、 耳机市场细分明显HiFi概念深入民心,未来耳机不仅仅在 技术上引领潮流,对于耳机的造型上也要更加别具一格, 更加的时尚,更加人性化,更加艺术感,更加贴切生活。 优秀耳机的设计是现代电声学、材料科学、人体工程学和 音响美学的完美结合,赋予耳机灵魂感! 耳机在现实生活中的信息传播、交流为启示,分析了电子 时代耳机的功能、造型、色彩、包装等方面的信息,并结 合日常生活中的各种事物、生活形态的性质,论述了耳机 在现实生活中的广泛应用,进而分析了耳机的因素给人类 带来的利弊,从而耳机的市场则更加线细化。 新兴元素在耳机行业的表现将更加突出!


降噪耳机市场分析报告1.引言1.1 概述概述:降噪耳机是一种逐渐受到消费者欢迎的高科技产品,它能够有效减少外界噪音对用户的干扰,提供更好的听觉体验。
文章结构部分的内容如下:1.2 文章结构本报告包括引言、正文和结论部分。
- 引言部分将介绍本报告的概述、文章结构以及目的。
- 正文部分将包括降噪耳机市场概况、主要降噪耳机品牌分析和消费者需求与趋势分析三个部分。
- 结论部分将对市场前景进行展望,分析竞争优势和挑战,并提出建议和总结。
1.3 目的文章目的:本报告旨在深入分析降噪耳机市场的现状和发展趋势,以及主要品牌的市场份额和竞争优势。
1.4 总结:通过本报告的分析和研究,我们可以得出以下几点结论:- 降噪耳机市场正处于快速发展阶段,消费者对于产品性能和品牌信誉的要求不断提高。
- 主流降噪耳机品牌在市场竞争中表现出较大的竞争优势,但也面临着来自新兴品牌和产品的挑战。
- 消费者对于降噪耳机的需求呈现多样化和个性化的趋势,不仅注重降噪效果,还关注舒适度、耳机外观设计、智能功能等方面。
2.正文2.1 降噪耳机市场概况降噪耳机市场是指那些能够有效减少外界噪音干扰,提供更清晰音质的耳机产品所构成的市场。

测试标准:GB/T 30481-2013《普及型耳机音质技术要求》
1. 频率响应
2. 失真
该耳机在测试时,音频失真较小,可满足GB/T 30481-2013标准要求。
3. 灵敏度
该耳机在测试中,灵敏度达到GB/T 30481-2013标准规定的要求。
4. 信噪比
该耳机在测试中,信噪比达到GB/T 30481-2013标准的要求,符合普及型耳机的音质技术要求。
该耳机经过本次质检,各项指标均符合GB/T 30481-2013《普及型耳机音质技术要求》标准要求,可作为使用者正常使用的产品。
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Report for BeatsLou ShiyuHistoryIn the world of headphones and speakers, Beats by Dr. Dre are well-known, even though the company is relatively young. The idea of the company came from the collaboration between Andre Young and Jimmy Iovine. Andre Young, better known as Dr. Dre, is a hip-hop artist and famous producer. Jimmy Iovine is also a producer and the chairman of Interscope Geffen A&M Records. Dr. Dre was approached to back Dr. Dre branded sneakers, but Iovine suggested speakers instead. Both men wanted to bring back the experience that music has to offer which had been lost due to a decline of audio quality. The company was established in 2006, and it released its first pair of headphones in 2008. Today, Beats offers a variety of sound systems, high-quality headphones, and operates a digital music service. Beats headphones include models such as, Pro, Studio, Wireless, Mxr, Solo (HD), and Executive. For earphones, Beats offers Tour, Powerbeats, Heartbeats, and Urbeats. The types of speakers offered by Beats include the Pill, the Beatbox, and the Beatbox Portable.Beats by Dre has one storefront located in New York, New York, which was opened in 2011. Even though this is the company’s only store, Beats prod ucts are sold by number of other retailer whether in their stores or on their online sites. Some of these stores include Best Buy, Target, Nordstrom, Brookstone, and Walmart. In order to promote its products, Beats by Dre has used several celebrities, mainly popular artists. Musicians such as Nicki Minaj,, Lady Gaga, and Justin Bieber all have promoted the brand. Famous athletes, like Lebron James, also promote Beats products. These types of endorsements help create the strong brand image that Beats by Dre possesses.Mission Statement“The company's mission is to provide a superior end-to-end music experience - with headphones, devices and services - so fans feel the emotion and hear the music the way artists intended it tosound from the studio.”Beats by Dre is a well-known company providing customers a variety of headphones, earphones, and sound systems. Beats promotes the idea of music being an experience with the proper audio equipment. The company sells its products at one storefront, online, and through other authorized retailers.In the future, Beats hopes to keep its strong brand image. Beats wants its customers to continue associating the company with high-quality products. Through the development of new products, Beats by Dre could also reach out to different target audiences in the future.Beats by Dre’s main customers are music lovers. This group consists of people who enjoy listening with high-quality audio, aspiring artists and producers, and people in the music business. Beats customers pay higher prices than others, but they feel that owning a Beats product sets them apart and shows their appreciation for music.In terms of capabilities, Beats by Dre can expand its reach by opening more retail stores. While the products are sold in other authorized retailers, Beats storefronts can express the company’s brand image more clearly than the other retailers.To further the business, Beats by Dre wants to incorporate two new ideas. The first idea consists of a rental service for airplane flights. The second idea offers customers the option to personalize their Beats products.SWOT AnalysisStrengthsBrand name: Named after the successful and famous, music producer, Dr. Dre. The use of Dr. Dre’s name helps create a brand image for the customer that suggests Beats products are the best for those producing music.Product quality: Beats by Dr. Dre is manufactured by the well-known brand called Monster. Monster’s cable and technologies has been proven to the consumer s, thus, Beats by Dr. Dre will be recognizing as a high performance and quality headphone. The design is innovative and fashionable.Product line: Beats product line includes headphones, earphones, speakers and audios with various models and colors to choose from.Multiple distribution channels: Beats distribution channels include online shopping, a retail store, and merchandise stores such as Best Buy.Product placement: The Beats by Dr. Dre headphone sets are marketed throughout the music industry by music professionals and well-known musicians. Also, Beats is trusted by music producers and fashion designers. Beats products have been used in several music videos for artists like Lady Gaga.The products are also loved by celebrities:WeaknessesPrice: The brand positioning is towards high-end, thus the average price for a set of headphone is about $150, compare to other brand which their average price will be around $80. As the result, the costs for the consumers will inevitably be high.Market share: For competitive brand such as Sony and Panasonic, they have different types of product for different market. For example, they have noise canceling headphones similar with Bests by Dr.Dre retailing price from $100- 300, however, they also have ordinary headphones start from $15-100. Beats currently don’t have headphones under $100 that may appeal to individuals that are on a budget.OpportunitiesProduct line extension: Beats need to extend to a larger market like home theatre experience and high-en d audios to meet customer’s needs. Similarly with the continuous progression of the Apple’s iPods, Beats should look to create new products in order to offer its customers different and newer options.Corporation with Car Company: By providing cars with high performance audio systems, Beats can reach out to a larger market.Marketing and PR: Beats can improve their PR skills by hosting evening parties with celebrities to improve brand awareness. Beats can also do more marketing campaigns to strengthen the brand impact.Expand international market: With the influence of Hip-Pop music and American celebrities, Bests is more and more well-known out of Unites States. This is a great opportunity for Beats to start promoting outside the United States and gain market share from foreign countries.ThreatsTechnology advancement: With the constant development of technology, Beats by Dre may be threatened.If there is a new type of technology that other manufactures have and Beats do not have, it will be a huge problem for them.Competition: There are several other companies that make similar products to Beats. Some companies include Sony and Senheisser. Many of these competitors have lower prices than Beats by Dre, which causes further problems. Beats will always have to compete with other companies with their similar products and lowers prices.PR with celebrities: Beats uses several celebrities and artists to promote its brand. If any of these individuals gain bad publicity, it may reflect poorly on the company. If the celebrity has a negative image within the media, customers may think that Beats by Dre accepts the bad behavior portrayed by the individual. This would affect the company’s image and possibly sales.1st IdeaSpecific ItemBeats brand has limited styles of headphones. There are two categories: earphones and headphones, simply means in-ear phones and on-ear phones. There are four different kinds of phones under the earphone category and six different kinds of phones under the headphone category. All the earphones do not require battery and some of the headphones do require battery. The phones that will be available to rent on the airplane will not be those that require battery. After considering the characteristics of all the earphones and headphones, the company should provide one kind of phone from each category to serve the rental market. We do not want to provide more choices to the customers because: 1. It takes time to introduce the characteristics of every phone 2. It just makes it hard for customers to make a choice with so many options. It makes it simpler to choose just between either earphones or headphones. Under the earphone category we will provide our customer s with “urBeats.” T he main characteristic of this earphone is its durability. The sounds are guaranteed under our brands, so to save cost for both customers and our company urBeats is the best choice. This earphone is described as “Grid-Iron Touch” on our official website and it offers customers a relatively cheap price. Under the headphone category we will provide our customers “Executive”. Beats Executive is made for travel. The headphones provide customers with very good sound quality and it is lightweight and comfortable to wear. It also helps to reduce the jet engine noise.PricingThe rental price will be based on the products original prices, and also will be based on flight hours (or in other words, how long will you use the headphones or earphones). The retail price for urBeats is $99.95 and for Beat Executive the price is $299.95. The rental price of each phone will be less than 10% of the original price to make sure customers think it is worth it to rent. The price that will be charged if the flight duration is around 6 hours (half hour is allowed)is $ 4.95 for the urBeats and $ 8.95 for Beats Executive. If the flight duration is 6.5 hours we will still charge the same price as the 6 hour flights. If the flight duration is more than 6 but less than 14 hours (far international flights) the rental price of urBeats is $ 9.95 and Beats Executive is $ 17.95. We will follow the 95 cents strategy for the rental market to make the price look less but still with 95 cents profits.AdvertisingTo advertise and introduce the new rental option for flights to customers, we will post advertisements on the official Beats website. Pamphlets will also be available within the stores where Beats are sold(eg: BestBuy). These outlets will help introduce the new rental policy“w hen you are flying with a plane.” Also there will be advertising through media like television. The ad may include a line such as “phones rental is available, check it out now!” at the end of the television commercial to give customers an impact that “Beats will rent their phones?” This will help attract customers and encourage them to get further information about the flight rental market. By contacting airport advertising departments, ads can also be placed within the airports on plasma screens. Shuttle buses will also be used by placing advertisements on the outside of the shuttle to introduce the new service to potential customers.Store DesignThe rental service will be available through different airlines. First we will collaborate with airplane companies rather than have our own store at airport. It is very expensive if we need to reach our target market. The cost of renting stores at different airports will be so expensive and will only reach a limited number of customers. Some airports have many terminals. Assume the rental store is located at terminal 3 of an airport and a customer is by terminal 1. Althoughhe/she knows that Beats has a rental service at terminal 3, he/she most likely will not go all theway to terminal 3 just for a rental phone. However, by indentifying the major airports within the United States through research, the service can also be provided within existing airport stores. This then allows customers to get the products from both the airport stores and on the planes. One purpose of the airport stores is to provide customers a way to try the products and get their feedback. Another purpose is to advertise our band. By working with airplane companies and making deals with them, the plane attendants can help reach the customers and provide our products to them.Visual MerchandisingAs mentioned above, the service will only have two products available for customers to rent during their flights. In order to present the products, pamphlets will be printed out and placed in the back of the seats on plane for customers. These pamphlets will introduce the products to the customers and help them decide whether they want to rent earphones or headphones. A POS machine will be needed during this process. Both the earphones and the headphones will have numbers on them to identify with one and another. Customers will need to use credit card for the rental service of either kind of phones; cash will not be accepted. When customers use their credit card to rent the earphones, attendants may need another device like a laptop or a similar system to record the last 4 digits of the cards with the number on the headphone together. This will make it easier when customers return the earphones to the attendants after they have arrived at their destination because we will still be able to check if there are any damages to earphones or loss of the earphones. If the earphones are lost, then we will charge the original price of the lost earphones on Beats website from the credit card, which was recorded together with the earphone’s number. If there is a damage we will check thedamage and charges will be depends on the damages. Beats will make sure to provide customers good quality earphones (clean and no damage) on flights. There will be extra or back-up earphones on each airplane to make sure the quality of the earphones is kept up to standards for each customer.2nd IdeaBeats by Dre is a new service in the market targeted at music lovers and the innovative. The Beats range of headphones is attributed to its high quality sound. Designed by one of the best music producers (Dr Dre), these headphones are intended to allow users to enjoy music as it was intended. The fact that these headphones receive the endorsement of celebrities puts them on high demand.According to Vaishali, a retail mix is a method of combining different retail variables in an alternative to achieve a high marketing strategy. The aim of this strategy is to attract more customers. Such variables include aspects such as specific items, pricing, advertising, store design and visual merchandising.A comprehensive SWOT analysis of the headphones reveals certain aspects that are important to the development of this retail mix. The headphones have a reputation. This reputation revolves around the pure sound quality that the headphones produce and popularity among young people especially college students and workplace newbies and celebrities. This builds strong sense of trust for customers. However, the price of the headphones is quite prohibitive to most individuals.One new service we are going to offer is personalization. Personalization is the process of adding words, numbers, colors, designs and other characters onto existing models of electronicproducts of Beats through engraving, embroidery, different ways of assembly or other personalization techniques. This allows customers to create exclusively designed headphones or speakers with names, dates, poems, sentiments or any other message to make it unique and memorable. The customization service would make Beats products meaningful as gifts when customers have needs to send gifts to others.Specific ItemBasically, we recommend for Beats to provide two specific personalized services, which are changing colors and engraving. When customers browse the official website of Beats, an added section called “personalization” will appear on the site to introduce features and pricing of this new service and direct customers to online shopping.One headphone has separate parts being assembled together. However, for existing headphones of Beats, every headphone body is painted with one color and customers can only select one color for one headphone. Whatever the unpopular color you choose, you are able to find the exactly same product that others are using. For those who are not necessarily professional towards music but proud of their sense of taste, they have a strong personality and the desire for specially designed product for themselves. Beats is likely to lose attention from them due to the lack of customization service and the widespread popularity among the public that makes Beats common. By customizing headphones online, people are able to create their own headphones with various colors for each part of the product and the logo on the headphone as well. Moreover, people are able to select the color of the cables that come with the headphones. There are eight basic colors available at present, which are black, red, white, dark blue, light blue, green, purple and pink. Beats can offer more colors if the personalization reaches expectation and makes profits. After designing a colorful headphone, customers aredirected to the final step to type whatever they want to be engraved on the headphones. Beats will engrave words on the body by laser, which is permanent. In order to achieve more flexible customization, three positions can be selected from to display the engraving, which are the left side, right side, and the top of the frame of the headphone.Beats also sells speakers and earphones. Considering that speakers have lower demand than headphones and earphones are too tiny to hold different colors and words on one body, we will first implement the customization service for headphones only. Then after some time we will evaluate feedback to decide on later actions.PricingPersonalized headphones would be priced higher than existing models that are available online and in-store. This is a result of complex technology for painting different colors. Additional laser engraving technology and intensive labor effort of handling the task and assembling is also needed. On the other side, the main aim of a business is to sell its product. Since the target market of Beats are music lovers from 18 to 34 years old, primarily males, who are urban, hip and tech-savvy, high prices are likely to prevent them from purchasing Beats and direct them to Beats’ competitors. The final price is based on h ow many colors the customer is selecting for the headphone. If the customer picks a light blue headphone and only changes the blue logo to red, the sales price would be lower than changing the logo’s color to red as well as changing the color of the surface on the left side to black. The pricing range is between 10% to 15% more depends on models of headphones and their original prices.The engraving feature is free since it is already an advantage compared to competitors of Beats. Hopefully this will attract a cluster of customers away from its competitors. The engraving makes Beats headphones a unique and desirable gift for oneself, for friends, and forfamily members. For the purpose of appealing to more customers, the engraving service is free at the beginning and then waits for market response. If it attracts enough customers and increases sales figures by large amounts, Beats can price the service for several dollars to make more profits.AdvertisingBeats seldom runs television commercials, so magazines that feature music and the fashion industry would be selected as the media for Beats to advertise its new services. For example, Nylon Guys, GQ, Men’s Vogue, Vibe and Billboard are good choices to display Beats advertisement. Specific samples with different colors and engraved words are needed to be showed in print ads to exhibit the sense of trend and innovation. The engraved words are designed to be moving, inspiring or creative to impress and persuade readers.Outdoor advertising is the other major media tool Beats should use. Effective channels to promote a new service for the company of electronics would be digital billboards, bus advertising, and street furniture, which can reach the public easily and are relatively long-lasting compared to other outdoor channels.Store DesignA place designed for the personalization service will be planned, of which the area is based on size of the store, within Beats’ existing stores. Upon this, the store should be situated where its targeted clients have no problem venturing. An interactive television screen on the wall will play an introduction of how to personalize the headphones and produce samples of the customized products. Two or more helpful salespersons are there to promote the new service. The retail mix has to ensure that it has enough staff to run the store and to interact with clients. Clients are fundamental in facilitating the success of the business. Catering to their needsguarantees the survival of the business in the volatile environment. Also, various types of personalized models will be exhibited in the area, and customers can make a purchase if they don't want to spend time designing by themselves. In this case, these personalized headphones are sold as ordinary headphones but with higher retailing prices. Drawing in new customers is fundamental to the success of the business. Posters featuring customization services will be shown in the door-way of the store to catch attention of passing people.Visual MerchandisingSuccessful visual merchandising has the ability to maximize sales. Various samples of headphones with distinctive designed styles will be displayed in the show window to attract attention and engage passing people. On the opposite side of the door way, a magnified model is hung from the ceiling by a string so that it can rotate around to show the product in 3-Dimensional degrees. It is creative and eye-catching to motivate people to walk in and increases the possibility of them making a purchase.In the personalization area, pictures of people’s upper body are shown on the wall, which indicates that they are enjoying the music and customized headphones are hung on the position of their ears, which makes it look like they are wearing headphones. Customers can freely take the headphones down and try them with media players.Effective marketing for the store will see its sales increase and the store achieving its objectives. As is with any business organization, the main objective is to make profits. It can achieve this through different marketing strategies among them direct marketing which involves directly reaching out to customers. Retail mixing is a profitable opportunity that allows the observation of different customers and analyzing it to maximize on profits by offering products that suit them.Conclusions & RecommendationsBeats by Dre are very high quality headphones, but the only thing that makes the customers choose other brands like Sony and Sennheiser over Beats is that Beats are very expensive. The Beats in-ear headphones start from $99.99 and the over-the-ear headphones start from $199.99, whereas Sony and Sennheiser have in-ear headphones starting from $19.99 and over-the-ear headphones starting from $39.99. Beats should make a line of headphones that are less expensive.Beats should also offer customization of headphones in terms of coloring and engraving. Currently websites such as customize these headphones according to the requirements of the customer.Another suggestion for Beats is that they should allow the customers to exchange their old beats headphones for newer models, because these headphones are so expensive, it should allow its customers to get them exchanged for an appropriate price depending on the model and the condition of their old headphones.Beats by Dre are known because of Dr. Dre. It is important that the brand has its own identity. It should be known for the quality and design of the headphones and not because Dr. Dre is associated with the brand. So, Beats should promote the brand for the high quality of sound that it provides.Also, Beats by Dre are not widely available internationally. In the United States, they are very easily available, whereas in some countries like India, they are not easily available. Because of this, people end up buying headphones from other brands like Bose and Bang and Olufsen, which are far more expensive than Beats. Also, people do not know about Beats inthese countries because they see them only in the music videos. Beats should, therefore, be promoted by the local artists, like they are promoted here in the United States.Works CitedSanburn, Josh. "How Dr. Dre Made $300 Headphones a Must-Have Accessory." TIME Business & Money. Time, Inc., 16 Jan. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.</2013/01/16/how-dr-dre-made-300-headphones-a-must-have-accessory/>.AuthorStream. . 26 May 2011. 20 April 2013.</Presentation/Mirdu-1033530-retail-marketing-mix/>. D, Vaishali. Retail Mix. 24 August 2011. 20 April 2013. </?Retail-Mix&id=6516084>.Edriaan, Koening and Media Demand. Chron. n.d. 20 April 2013.</purpose-retailing-mix-17933.html>.Management Study Guide. . n.d. 20 April 2013.</marketing-mix.htm>.McGraw Hill. The World of Retailing. McGraw Hill, n.d.Martin, Andrew J. "Headphones With Swagger (and Lots of Bass)." The New York Times. The New York Times, 20 Nov. 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.</2011/11/20/business/beats-headphones-expand-dr-dres-business-world.html?pagewanted=1>."CCT322Beats - Part Two - SWOT." N.p., n.d. Web. 2013.</Part Two - SWOT>.</on/></>。