
以下是一些常见的英语作业评语参考内容,供您参考:1. Well done! Your answers are accurate and well-written.干得好!你的答案准确且写得很好。
2. Good job! Your understanding of the text is impressive.干得不错!你对课文的理解令人印象深刻。
3. Great effort! Your vocabulary use is becoming more sophisticated.努力很棒!你的词汇应用越来越成熟。
4. Excellent work! Your grammar usage is almost flawless.出色的工作!你的语法运用几乎完美无瑕。
5. Keep it up! Your speaking skills are improving steadily.保持下去!你的口语能力正在稳步提高。
6. Very good! Your pronunciation is clear and understandable.非常好!你的发音清晰易懂。
7. Well organized! Your essay has a logical structure.组织得很好!你的论文结构合乎逻辑。
8. Nicely done! Your presentation skills are impressive.做得很好!你的演讲技巧令人印象深刻。
9. Good effort! Your writing style is becoming more expressive. 努力很好!你的写作风格越来越富有表现力。
10. Pay attention to spelling errors. Make sure to proofread your work.注意拼写错误。

例如:A一个词:●Great! / Nice! / Perfect! / Good! / Very good! / Wonderful!/ Correct! / Excellent! / Careless! / Unclear! / Untidy!B. 短语:●Well done! / Neat and tidy! / Very nice! /Quite correct! /Quite OK (Okay)! /Well-written! /Just so- so. /Far from correct. /So careless!C..语气:● Your English is excellent.● I wish you would work harder.● How I wish you would be more careful.● Pay attention to your spelling.D.格言:●Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧●Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成●A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。
● A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问。
●A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。
●Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。
●Complacency is the enemy of study. 学习的敌人是自己的满足。

英语作业批改表扬用语1. Good! 好;棒!2. Perfect! 完美!3. Wonderful! 极好的;精彩的!4. Come on! 加油!5. Good job! 干得好!6. Well done! 做得好!7. Excellent! 优秀的!8. That's correct! 正确!9. Great!伟大的!10. Super! 极好的!11. You're Special! 你不一般!12. Outstanding! 太出色了!13. Way to go! 就该这么做!14. That's OK! 可以;不错!15. Neat and tidy! 真整洁!16. Work hard!努力学习!17. Nice work!干得好!18. I knew you could do it! 我知道你能做的!19. I'm proud of you!我为你而骄傲!20. Fantastic!太奇妙了!21. Keep it up! 坚持!22. Super Star!超级明星!23. Not bad! 不错!24. Great! Nice going! 做得不错!25. Looking good! 看上去不错!26. That's the best! 真出色!27. Now you've got it! 现在你做到了!28. You can do it! 你能做到!29. How nice! 多好啊!30. Let's try again! 再试试!31. You care! 你很认真!32. Try your best. Much better! 好多了!33. Pay attention to you writing! That's right! 不错!34. Good thinking. 好思路。
35. Your handwriting is very nice! 你的字很漂亮!36. A smart boy /girl! Outstanding! 太出色了!37. Work hard! Th at’s great. 棒极了。


英语作业评语简短1.Well done!做得很好!2.Great job!做得很出色!3.Excellent work!做得非常优秀!4.Your effort is appreciated.谢谢你的努力。
5.Keep up the good work!继续保持!6.Needs improvement.需要改进。
7.You have some good ideas here.你的思路很好。
8.You've made some progress,but there's still room for improvement.你已经有了一些进步,但还有提高的空间。
9.I'm impressed with your writing skills.我对你的写作技能非常印象深刻。
10.You need to pay closer attention to grammar and spelling.你需要更加注意语法和拼写。
11.Your work shows promise.你的作品很有潜力。
12.Your writing is clear and concise.你的写作清晰简洁。
13.Good effort,but you need to work on creating more complex sentences.努力了,但是你需要努力创造更复杂的句子。
14.You have a good understanding of the material.你对材料有很好的理解。
15.Your work demonstrates creativity and originality.你的作品展示了创造性和独创性。

英语作业的评语简短1. "Excellent effort! Keep up the great work."2. "Well done! Your progress is impressive."3. "Great job on the vocabulary usage."4. "Your grammar is improving nicely."5. "Nicely written, clear and concise."6. "Good attention to detail in your sentences."7. "Your essay is well-structured and informative."8. "Keep practicing, your fluency is getting better."9. "Your creativity shines through in your writing."10. "Great improvement in spelling."11. "Your use of complex sentences is commendable."12. "Your understanding of the text is evident in your answers."13. "Your comprehension of the material is excellent."14. "Your pronunciation is clear and easy to understand."15. "Your listening skills are improving well."16. "Your participation in class discussions is appreciated."17. "Your commitment to learning is inspiring."18. "Your essay reflects a deep understanding of the topic."19. "Your ability to articulate complex ideas is impressive."20. "You've shown a positive attitude towards learning English."。

【一个词】Great! / Nice! / Perfect! / Good! / Very good! / Wonderful! / Correct! / Excellent! / Careless! / Unclear! / Untidy!【短语】Well done! / Neat and tidy! / Very nice! /Quite correct! /Quite OK (Okay)! /Well-written! /Just so- so. /Far from correct. /So careless! / Try hard!【语气】Your English is excellent.I wish you would work harder.How I wish you would be more careful.Pay attention to your spelling.【格言】学习无坦途。
—There is no royal road to learning.光阴一去不复返。
—Lose time is never found again.学习从不嫌晚。
—It's never too late to learn.熟能生巧。
—Practice makes perfect.不劳无获。
—No pains, no gains.昨日不再来。
—No one can call back yesterday.放弃就是失败。
—To give up is to fail.百说不如一干。
—Actions speak louder than words.有志者事竟成。
—Where there is a will there is a way.一知半解很危险。

小学英语作业评语1. 温故而知新希望你的英语成绩会上升的4. Dno‘t give up!6. 英语写得多,记得牢,成绩才会提高。
8. 懒惰要不得,勤奋才重要!9. 只要认真写,你写的会比我写的还漂亮,我相信你。
16. Well done!17. Excellent!18. 你真棒!我真佩服你。
19. 继续这样下去。
22. 你很棒!胜利向你招手!25. 你写得好极了!让人看了就高兴。
你越来越牛了!29. 胜利之翼将飞向你!33. 你永远是强者!相信你能行!努力吧,坚持就是胜利,爱拼才会赢!42. 你不要懈气,俗话说“胜不骄,败不馁”继续努力!_------会的,我怕谁!43. 你很不错,我相信你会成功!54. 用心!你的英语会强中强!55. 水滴石穿加油!63. 不错,下次写勾画的内容.-----用心!没有最好,只有更好!64. 打好基础是关键!-----要再加劲,写勾画的词语。
68. 要用自己最大的本领为全班创造奇迹。
69. 你可以为全班创造奇迹吗?71. 越来越清秀了!没有最好,只有更好!72. 要加油噢,不要太懒惰了!774. 前面的路还很遥远,不要半途而废!加油!76. 很棒,我相信你!!!78. 要用心你才会记住,我知道这英语单词你越记不住就越不喜欢记,希望你踏下心来用心记!——挑战82. 你真棒,继续努力!84. 你是好样的。
志高则智高!92. 争取把单词写得更好!96. 成功的秘诀在于恒心!97. 拼搏吧!98. 继续努力,有希望!101. 爱拼才会赢!102. 努力吧!相信你的梦想会实现。
——清秀起来了!120. 一分耕耘一分收获。
付出总会有回报的,努力!加油!OK!121. 好勤奋呀!真让俺大开眼界,可要虚心,多多努力呀!122. 看见没有,胜利在向你招手,你要做的更好,更棒。
他永远追随你!159. 认真+努力=成功177. 作业认真,态度可嘉,坚持下去,就是胜利!188. 只要多一份努力,就会多一份收获!207. 志高则智高!树立正确的目标很重要。

1. 语法准确:在本次作业中,你的语法使用非常准确,句子结构完整,没有明显的语法错误。
2. 单词运用恰当:你在作业中运用了丰富的词汇,并且把它们运用到了正确的语境中。
3. 交际能力进步:你在作业中展示了良好的交际能力,能够流畅地表达自己的想法,并且适当地运用了各种交际策略。
4. 文章结构清晰:你的文章结构清晰,段落衔接自然流畅。
5. 逻辑思维清晰:你在作业中展示了良好的逻辑思维能力,能够将观点有条理地组织起来。
6. 阅读理解能力提高:你对阅读材料理解得非常好,能够准确地抓住文章的中心思想和细节。
7. 学习积极主动:你在作业中表现出了积极主动的学习态度,主动查找资料、加深理解并提出问题。
8. 注意细节:你在作业中注重细节,并且能够准确地运用所学的知识。
9. 用词恰当:你在作业中用词恰当,使文章更加地丰富有趣。
10. 自我反思能力强:你在作业中表现出了较强的自我反思能力,能够主动发现自己的问题并积极改进。

例如:A一个词:●Great! / Nice! / Perfect! / Good! / Very good! / Wonderful!/ Correct! / Excellent! / Careless! / Unclear! / Untidy!B. 短语:●Well done! / Neat and tidy! / Very nice! /Quite correct! /Quite OK (Okay)! /Well-written! /Just so— so. /Far from correct。
/So careless!C。
.语气:● Your English is excellent。
● I wish you would work harder。
● How I wish you would be more careful.● Pay attention to your spelling。
D.格言:●Practice makes perfect。
熟能生巧●Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成●A good beginning is half done。
● A man becomes learned by asking questions。
●A man cannot spin and reel at the same time。
一心不能二用.●C are and diligence bring luck。
谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇.●Complacency is the enemy of study. 学习的敌人是自己的满足。

英语作业检查评语【最新篇】1. 你进步了! You are doing better now! You are better than you were before! You have made much progress!2. 很棒!—Great!/Well done!/Wonderful! .优秀!—Excellent!3. Good Job.干得好 .Work hard next time.下次要努力4. Take your homework seriously!请认真对待你的作业!5. 学习无坦途。
—There is no royal road to learning.6. 光阴一去不复返。
—Lose time is never found again.7. 学习从不嫌晚。
—It's never too late to learn.8. 熟能生巧。
—Practice makes perfect.9. 不劳无获。
—No pains, no gains.10. 昨日不再来。
—No one can call back yesterday.英语作业检查评语【经典篇】1. 放弃就是失败。
—To give up is to fail.2. 百说不如一干。
—Actions speak louder than words.3. 有志者事竟成。
—Where there is a will there is a way.4. 一知半解很危险。
—A little learning is a dangerous thing.5. 苦尽甘来最是甜。
—Sweet is pleasure after pain.6. 学问无涯,人生有限。

例如:A一个词:●Great! / Nice! / Perfect! / Good! / Very good! / Wonderful!/ Correct! / Excellent! / Careless! / Unclear! / Untidy!B、短语:●Well done! / Neat and tidy! / Very nice! /Quite correct! /Quite OK (Okay)! /Well-written! /Just so- so、 /Far from correct、/So careless!C、、语气:● Your English is excellent、● I wish you would work harder、● How I wish you would be more careful、● Pay attention to y our spelling、D、格言:●Practice makes perfect、熟能生巧●Where there is a will, there is a way、有志者事竟成●A good beginning is half done、良好得开端就是成功得一半。
● A man becomes learned by asking questions、不耻下问才能有学问。
●A man cannot spin and reel at the same time、一心不能二用。
●Care and diligence bring luck、谨慎与勤奋才能抓住机遇。
●Complacency is the enemy of study、学习得敌人就是自己得满足。

It's very clever of you to do so.It's nice of you to write this way.Wonderful!Your English is very good and your answers are correct.I'm sure you can do your work better next time.You've done a good job.You are doing wonderfully!You can do better now than you did before.You have improved a am proud of you.That's never give up comes through hard work and constant effort. No pains,no hope you will make more progress in the future. Whatgood work!You are the pride of our class.Work harder,and you will make more progress.The harder you work,the sooner you will improve.Come on!I am sure you will catch up soon.It's good to be 's also important to be creative.haven't made any mistakes,but do try to make your handwriting neater. You had better be more careful!Pay more attention to the tenses.Your work is quite goodexcept for a few spelling mis- takes.Keep it that little by little one goes far.则格言。

英语作业评语100条小学英语作业评语100条1. 你写的真好呀!PF! PF!2. 写清楚,你也会变得美丽。
3. 希望你能胜利。
4. Dn‘t give up!5. 你真棒!你能行!6. 英语写得多,记得牢,成绩才会提高。
7. 你进步了,太棒了!奖你; 画一朵小花8. 懒惰要不得,勤奋才重要!9. 只要认真写,你写的会比我写的还漂亮,我相信你。
10. 把英语写美观,你绝对不会是英语的蛋白质!教本了啦!11. 你觉得你是为别人而写作业吗?那你就错了!12. 乖仔,把单词写美观点好不好?13. 风起了,飞吧,努力飞翔。
14. 继续努力。
15. 努力!相信你会成功.16. ell dne!17. Exellent!18. 你真棒!我真佩服你。
19. 继续这样下去。
20. 要写标准!21. 温故而知新希望你的英语成绩会上升的22. 你很棒!胜利向你招手!23. 你人旺,福旺,成绩旺,你一定能旺!24. 极品呀!绝品英语啊!25. 你写得好极了!让人看了就高兴。
你越越牛了!26. 你是二组的骄傲!27. 你最牛了!28. 让人看了就舒服!29. 胜利之翼将飞向你!30. 嫉妒死我了!你居然写得这么好!31. 恭喜你,你已经满载英语了。
32. 非常好,努力!加油!33. 你永远是强者!相信你能行!努力吧,坚持就是胜利,爱拼才会赢!34. 五颗星35. 笑脸36. 你很棒,你要加油,考个好成绩。
37. 你人旺,福旺,运气旺。
你一定会旺起!38. 很好。
39. 写得真漂亮!40. 你要努力,在明天的考试中不要紧张,祝你考个好成绩,加油!41. 你很棒,考试一定不错吧!——还不错呢,糊了,唉!42. 你不要懈气,俗话说“胜不骄,败不馁”继续努力!_------会的,我怕谁!43. 你很不错,我相信你会成功!44. 很不错,我佩服你的信心!45. 我看你写的英语很美,可为什么总不占优势呢?加油吧!46. 我们组又出了一位“女强人”一定要加油!G! G! G!47. 你很棒呦!你的成绩一定会旺起!48. 你要加油!不要在起跑线上停下.49. 你的成绩一定会旺上加旺!50. 好美呀!继续努力,加油吧!!!51. 说实话,我很佩服你写的英语呦!52. 很不错,你是我们组的英语榜样!53. Very Gd! 奖你一杯葡萄汁画一杯葡萄汁54. 用心!你的英语会强中强!55. 水滴石穿加油!56. 我们为你写的英语感到自豪!57. 光写不记=白写要记住呦!58. 你的成绩一定会是一架名副其实的火箭直线上升!59. 你不要光写题,写一写我们钩的重点句子多好呀!60. 你有了很大的进步,G! G!61. 对于你已经不错了,不过每个单词和每个单词之间要有距离噢62. 写得整齐,你也会帅气!他人看了也舒服。

英语批改作业的评语1. Excellent work! Your understanding of the past tense is spot on.2. Great effort on the vocabulary usage. Keep expanding your word bank!3. Your sentence structure is improving. Continue to practice complex sentences.4. Well done on the grammar exercises. Keep up the good work!5. I see a lot of progress in your writing. Keep refining your skills.6. Your essay is well-organized. The introduction and conclusion are particularly strong.7. Nice use of adjectives and adverbs to enhance your descriptions.8. Your dialogues are engaging. Keep working on making them more natural.9. Your spelling has improved significantly. Keep it up!10. Your comprehension of the reading material is impressive. Great job!11. The use of idiomatic expressions adds a nice touch to your writing.12. Your paragraph transitions are smooth. It shows your ability to organize your thoughts effectively.13. Your active voice usage is commendable. It makes your writing more dynamic.14. You've made some minor errors, but don't be discouraged. Learning is a process.15. Your creativity in the writing task is inspiring. Keepexploring new ideas.16. Your punctuation is mostly correct. Just watch out for those commas!17. Your research skills are evident in the depth of your essay. Well done!18. Your attention to detail is paying off. Your writing is becoming more polished.19. Your use of synonyms is helping to avoid repetition in your writing.20. Your essay has a clear thesis statement. It sets a strong foundation for your arguments.。

英语作业评语大全鼓励第一部分【1】Well done! Your effort in completing the assignments is evident, and it shows in the quality of your work.做得很好!你在完成作业方面付出了努力,这也体现在你作业的质量上。
【2】Great job! Your English skills are improving steadily, and it's evident from your homework. 非常棒!你的英语能力在稳步提高,从你的作业中可以看出来。
【3】Excellent work! Your answers are accurate, and you have shown a good understanding of the lesson concepts.做得出色!你的答案准确,对课堂概念有很好的理解。
【4】Keep up the good work! Your commitment topracticing English is commendable, and it reflects in your homework.保持良好的努力!你对练习英语的执着令人钦佩,这也反映在你的作业中。
【5】Good effort! I appreciate your attempt to use new vocabulary and sentence structures in your assignments.努力了!我赞赏你在作业中尝试使用新的词汇和句子结构。
【6】You're on the right track! Pay attention to grammar and spelling to further enhance the clarity of your work.你走在正确的道路上!注意语法和拼写,以进一步提高作业的清晰度。

英语作业本评语1.Your effort in completing this assignment is evident,keep up the goodwork!2.Excellent job on tackling the challenging questions in the Englishworkbook.3.Your attention to detail and accuracy in the exercises is commendable.4.I appreciate your thoughtful responses to the writing prompts.5.It's clear that you've put time and thought into crafting your answers.6.Your dedication to improving your English skills is truly admirable.7.Well done in demonstrating a solid understanding of the grammarconcepts covered.8.I encourage you to continue expanding your vocabulary;your progressis noticeable.9.Your creativity shines through in the way you approached the creativewriting tasks.10.I'm impressed by the improvement I've seen in your sentencestructure and syntax.11.Your commitment to reviewing and correcting errors is paying off.12.Keep practicing your pronunciation;your oral responses areimproving.13.The effort you've invested in this assignment is reflected in the qualityof your responses.14.Your ability to express ideas clearly in writing is developing nicely.15.I see that you've taken the feedback from previous assignments intoaccount–great job!16.It's evident that you've been actively engaging with the materialcovered in class.17.I encourage you to continue challenging yourself with more complexexercises.18.Your consistent dedication to language learning is commendable.19.I appreciate the thoughtfulness you've put into youranswers,demonstrating a deep understanding.20.Your positive attitude towards learning English is contributing to youroverall success.。

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●Great! / Nice! / Perfect! / Good! / Very good! / Wonderful!
/ Correct! / Excellent! / Careless! / Unclear! / Untidy!
B. 短语:
●Well done! / N eat and tidy! / Very nice! /Quite correct! /Quit
e OK (Okay)! /Well-written! /Just so- so. /Far from correct. /
So careless!
● Your English is excellent.
● I wish you would work harder.
● How I wish you would be more careful.
● Pay attention to your spelling.
●Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧
●Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成
●A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。
● A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才
●A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不
●C are and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机
●Complacency is the enemy of study. 学习的敌人是自己的满足。
●Confidence in yourself is the first step on the roa
d to success.
●Industry is the parent of success. 勤奋是成功之母。
●.Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do to day.
.●.Diligence is the mother of good fortune. 勤勉是好运之母。
●Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母
E. 句型:
●That's OK!/ That’s all right! / That's wrong.
What a good job you have done!
/What a good boy you are! /
●How carefully you've worked! /How nice your work is!
●Now you can do better than before.
●Your handwriting is excellent!
●Your English will become better if you work harder.
● It is clever of you to do so. /It's nice of you to say so.
/It's careless of you to write this way.
●You've done so nicely. /You've made such a careless mistake!
●Try to do better next time! /See what you've done! /
Correct your mistakes. /Don't do that again!
● I find you've made a lot of progress!
I think you can work more carefully next time.
I' m sorry you've made so many mistakes in your work.
● Your handwriting is not so nice as Maggie's.
You've done better than last time.
You can do best of all if you try harder.
F .段落:
●Although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever
Success belongs to the diligent learners. I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practicing your spoken English.
“What a beautiful handwriting! If only be more careful!”
“Well done! But would you please improve your handwriting?”
“I'm so glad to see your great progress in your exercises.”
“I'm pleased that you have made so great progress now. Thank you!
“Try again; I'm sure you will do better next time!”
“Well done! Try to be better next time, will you?”
“If only your handwriting were better! ”
“How I wish you did your homework all by yourself! I think you can!”
“Would you please pay attention to……?”(请你注意……好吗?)“I'm afraid you used Chinglish here, do you think so?”
(“Chinglish”是“Chinese English”的幽默说法)
“I’ve found your handwriting is better than before. Thank you!”
“Wonderful in spite of a few mistakes! You have made progress now!”
对啊,我何不利用写作业评语的方法来激励某些同学呢! 还记得初一初二时的英语作业,每次要么就是听写单词,短语,要么就是抄课文,翻译课文。
例如:“I believe you can do it better next time!”
“You must believe in yourself!”
“You have made much progress,work harder and you will realize
your dream.”