
(2)俯仰运动:在图(b)中,电机1的转速上升,电机3 的转速下降(改变量大小应相等),电机2、电机4 的转速保持不变。
由于旋翼1 的升力上升,旋翼3 的升力下降,产生的不平衡力矩使机身绕y 轴旋转,同理,当电机1 的转速下降,电机3的转速上升,机身便绕y轴向另一个方向旋转,实现飞行器的俯仰运动。
(3)滚转运动:与图b 的原理相同,在图c 中,改变电机2和电机4的转速,保持电机1和电机3的转速不变,则可使机身绕x 轴旋转(正向和反向),实现飞行器的滚转运动。

• 外环: (我的外环仅仅用了p项) • 外环输出值=p*(实际姿态解算角度值-平衡位置 姿态值-控制量) • exValue.Pitch_p =expidPitch.p*(Attitude.pitchControldata_PITCH-XStaticSet ); exValue.Roll_p =expidRoll.p*(Attitude.rollControldata_ROLL-YStaticSet ); • exValue.Yaw_p =expidYaw.p* (Attitude.yawSETYAW+Controldata_YAW);
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • if( PWM_XZ<MinPeriod) PWM_XZ=MinPeriod; else if( PWM_XZ>MaxPeriod) PWM_XZ=MaxPeriod; if( PWM_XF<MinPeriod) PWM_XF=MinPeriod; else if( PWM_XF>MaxPeriod) PWM_XF=MaxPeriod; if( PWM_YZ<MinPeriod) PWM_YZ=MinPeriod; else if( PWM_YZ>MaxPeriod) PWM_YZ=MaxPeriod; if( PWM_YF<MinPeriod) PWM_YF=MinPeriod; else if( PWM_YF>MaxPeriod) PWM_YF=MaxPeriod;
• 内环输出=p*(实际角速度值+外环输出角 度值)-d*(当前角速度-上一次角速度) • 也就是将外环输出的角度值作为期望值加 入内环控制当中。

式 1-1
z ]T 为四旋翼飞行器在导航坐标系下的线位移, [ x y z ]T 为运动加速度,m
为飞行器质量, , , 分别为机体的偏航角、俯仰角和横滚角,l 为旋翼面中心到四旋翼飞行 器质心的距离,I X , IY , I Z 为轴向惯性主矩。该动力学模型对四旋翼飞行器的真实飞行状态进 行了合理的简化,忽略了空气阻力等对系统运行影响较小的参数,使得飞行控制算法更加简 洁。 2.2 PID 控制算法结构分析 在动力学模型的基础上,将小型四旋翼飞行器实时控制算法分为两个控制回路,即位置
其中, xd , yd , zd 为航姿参考系统测量到的加速度积分得到的位移量。
1.2 电机的选择与论证
四旋翼无人飞行器是通过控制四个不同无刷直流电机的转速,达到控制四旋翼无人飞行 器的飞行姿态和位置,与传统直升机通过控制舵机来改变螺旋桨的桨距角,达到控制直升机 的目的不同。在电机的选型上,主要有直流有刷电机和直流无刷电机两种。 方案一:直流有刷电机是当前普遍使用的一种直流电机,它的驱动电路简单、控制方法 成熟,但是直流有刷电机使用电刷进行换向,换向时电刷与线圈触电存在机械接触,电机长 时间高速转动使极易因磨损导致电气接触不良等问题,而且有刷电机效率低、力矩小、重量 大,不适合对功率重量比敏感的电动小型飞行器。 方案二:直流无刷电机能量密度高、力矩大、重量轻,采用非接触式的电子换向方法, 消除了电刷磨损,较好地解决了直流有刷电机的缺点,适用于对功率重量比敏感的用途,同 时增强了电机的可靠性。
1.3 电机驱动方案的选择与论证
方案一:采用电阻网络或数字电位器调整电动机的分压,从而达到调速的目的。但是电阻 网络只能实现有级调速,而数字电阻的元器件价格比较昂贵。更主要的问题在于一般电动机 的电阻很小,但电流很大;分压不仅会降低效率,而且实现很困难。 方案二:采用继电器对电动机的开或关进行控制,通过开关的切换对小车的速度进行调 整。这个方案的优点是电路较为简单,缺点是继电器的响应时间慢、机械结构易损坏、寿命 较 短、可靠性不高。 方案三:采用全桥驱动 PWM 电路。这种驱动的优点是使管子工作在占空比可调的开关状 态,提高使用效率实现电机转速的微调。并且保证了可以简单的方式实现方向控制。 基于上述理论分析,选择方案三。

**机架** :就是个架子,用来把各种东西拼上去。
**电机** :这玩意讲究可就多了。
一般玩四轴的也就是22xx 系列的规格。

1 四轴飞行器的结构与基本飞行原理四轴飞行器结构主要由主控板和呈十字交叉结构的4个电子调速器、电机、旋浆组成,电机由电子调速器控制,主控板主要负责解算当前飞行姿态、控制电调等功能。
图1 四轴飞行器结构图参照飞行状态表1变化电机转速,由于四个电机转速不同,使其与水平面倾斜一定角度,如图l所示。
2 姿态解算四轴飞行器运用姿态解算计算出空间三轴欧拉角。
图2 姿态解算结构图由于传感器存在器件误差,因此在使用前需要标定。

四轴飞行器飞控原理四轴飞行器飞控原理 (1)一、六种姿态控制原理示意 (3)二、四轴翼飞行器系统建模 (4)2.1假设条件: (4)2.2建立坐标系: (5)2.3转换矩阵推导: (6)2.4非线性模型 (7)2.5模型线性化 (11)三、基于PID的飞行控制 (15)四、硬件设计与实现 (17)4.1四轴飞行器硬件电路 (17)五、国内外四轴飞行器 (17)5.1 Kesterl (17)5.2 Unav3500 (18)5.3 MikroKoper (18)5.4 ArduPilot (19)5.5 Crazyflie (20)一、六种姿态控制原理示意图1 上下(高度)控制,就是四个螺旋桨同时增加(减小)转速;图2 前进、后退图3 左飞、右飞图4 类似打方向盘,改变航向二、四轴翼飞行器系统建模2.1假设条件:微小型四旋翼飞行器在三维空间中可视为刚体,飞行器在空间中的运动具有六个自由度,即飞行器质心在空间中的三个平移自由度和三个旋转自由度。
由于该飞行器一般为低空低速飞行,因此可以对其动力学模型的建立做如下假设:1)微小型四旋翼飞行器在研究中视为刚体,忽略其弹性影响,总质量m 为常数;2)将地球视为惯性系统,忽略地球自转和公转对飞行器的影响;3)假设地面为水平平面,忽略地球曲率的影响;4)重力加速度g为常数,不随地理位置和飞行高度的变化而变化;5)飞行器机机体几何外形完全对称且质量分布均勻,质心与几何中心重合。
四轴飞行器 遥控 硬件+全套源代码 + 飞控Arm Cortex 硬件原理图PCB 联系

BK2425Low Power High Performance 2.4 GHz GFSK Transceiver Features Pin Assignments⏹2400-2483.5 MHz ISM band operation⏹Support 250Kbps, 1Mbps and 2 Mbps airdata rate⏹Programmable output power⏹Low power consumption⏹Tolerate +/- 60ppm 16 MHz crystal⏹Variable payload length from 1 to 32bytes⏹Automatic packet processing⏹ 6 data pipes for 1:6 star networks⏹ 1.9V to 3.6V power supply⏹4-pin SPI interface with maximum 8 MHzclock rate⏹20-pin 4x4mm QFN packageApplications⏹Wireless PC peripherals⏹Wireless gamepads⏹Wireless audio⏹Remote controls⏹Home automation⏹ToysBlock DiagramNC CDVDD VDD VSS VDD20 19 18 17 16CE 1 15 VDDCSN 2 14 VSSSCKBK2425 RF3 13MOSI 4 12 NCMISO 5 11 NC6 7 8 9 10IRQ NC NC XO XI四轴飞行器遥控硬件+全套源代码 + 飞控Arm Cortex 硬件原理图PCB 联系:QQ 766384919RFPFMData SlicerRx FIFOInterfaceSPICSN RFN SCKDemodulatorMOSIMISOIntegratedPowerPacketIRQ TDD RF Processing &ManagementTransceiver State Control CEFM ModulatorGaussianbanksRegistershaping Tx FIFOXTALP XTALNRevision 1.0 Copyright © 2013 Beken Corporation Jan, 2013 Page 1 of 30BK2425 Table of Contents1 General Description (3)2 Abbreviations (4)3 Pin Information (5)4 State Control (6)4.1 State Control Diagram (6)4.2 Power Down Mode (7)4.3 Standby-I Mode (7)4.4 Standby-II Mode (7)4.5 TX Mode (7)4.6 RX Mode (8)5 Packet Processing (8)5.1 Packet Format (8)5.1.1 Preamble (9)5.1.2 Address (9)5.1.3 Packet Control (9)5.1.4 Payload (10)5.1.5 CRC (10)5.2 Packet Handling (10)6 Data and Control Interface (11)6.1 TX/RX FIFO (11)6.2 Interrupt (11)6.3 SPI Interface (12)6.3.1 SPI Command (12)6.3.2 SPI Timing (13)7 Register Map (15)7.1 Register Bank 0 (15)7.2 Register Bank 1 (21)8 Electrical Specifications (22)9 Typical Application Schematic (23)10 Package and Die Bonding Information (24)10.1 Package Information (24)10.2 Die Bonding Information (25)10.3 PCB Bonding diagram (27)11 Order Information (28)12 Contact Information (29)13 Update History (30)BK2425 1 General DescriptionBK2425 is a GFSK transceiver operating in theworld wide ISM frequency band at 2400-2483.5 MHz. Burst mode transmission and upto 2Mbps air data rate make them suitable forapplications requiring ultra low powerconsumption. The embedded packet processingengines enable their full operation with a verysimple MCU as a radio system. Auto re-transmission and auto acknowledge givereliable link without any MCU interference.BK2425 operates in TDD mode, either as atransmitter or as a receiver.The RF channel frequency determines thecenter of the channel used by BK2425. Thefrequency is set by the RF_CH register inregister bank 0 according to the followingformula: F0= 2400 + RF_CH (MHz). Theresolution of the RF channel frequency is1MHz.A transmitter and a receiver must beprogrammed with the same RF channelfrequency to be able to communicate with eachother.The output power of BK2425 is set by theRF_PWR bits in the RF_SETUP register.Demodulation is done with embedded dataslicer and bit recovery logic. The air data ratecan be programmed to 250Kbps, 1Mbps or2Mbps by RF_DR_HIGH and RF_DR_LOWregister. A transmitter and a receiver must beprogrammed with the same setting.In the following chapters, all registers are inregister bank 0 except with explicit claim.RFPFMData SlicerRx FIFOInterfaceSPICSN RFN SCKDemodulatorMOSIMISOIntegratedPowerPacketIRQ TDD RF Processing &ManagementTransceiver State Control CEFM ModulatorGaussianbanksRegistershaping Tx FIFOXTALP XTALNFigure 1 BK2425 Chip Block DiagramBK2425 2 AbbreviationsACK AcknowledgementARC Auto Retransmission CountARD Auto Retransmission DelayCD Carrier DetectionCE Chip EnableCRC Cyclic Redundancy CheckCSN Chip Select NotDPL Dynamic Payload LengthFIFO First-In-First-OutGFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift KeyingGHz GigahertzLNA Low Noise AmplifierIRQ Interrupt RequestISM Industrial-Scientific-MedicalLSB Least Significant BitMAX_RT Maximum RetransmitMbps Megabit per secondMCU Microcontroller UnitMHz MegahertzMISO Master In Slave OutMOSI Master Out Slave InMSB Most Significant BitPA Power AmplifierPID Packet Identity BitsPLD PayloadPRX Primary RXPTX Primary TXPWD_DWN Power DownPWD_UP Power UpRF_CH Radio Frequency ChannelRSSI Received Signal Strength IndicatorRX ReceiveRX_DR Receive Data ReadySCK SPI ClockSPI Serial Peripheral InterfaceTDD Time Division DuplexTX TransmitTX_DS Transmit Data SentXTAL CrystalBK2425 3 Pin InformationNC CDVDD VDD VSS VDD20 19 18 17 16CE 1 15 VDDCSN 2 14 VSSBK2425 RFSCK 3 13MOSI 4 12 NCMISO 5 11 NC6 7 8 9 10IRQ NC NC XO XIFigure 2 BK2425 pin assignments (top view) for the QFN20 packagePIN Name Pin Function Description1 CE Digital Input Chip Enable Activates RX or TX mode2 CSN Digital Input SPI Chip Select, Active low3 SCK Digital Input SPI Clock4 MOSI Digital Input SPI Slave Data Input5 MISO Digital Output SPI Slave Data Output with tri-state option6 IRQ Digital Output Maskable interrupt pin, Active low7 NC No Connection8 NC No Connection9 XO Analog Output Crystal oscillator, node P (inverter output)10 XI Analog Input Crystal oscillator, node N (inverter input)11 NC No Connection12 NC No Connection13 RFN RF port RF output (PA) /Input (LNA), port N.14 VSS Ground Ground (0 V)15 VDD Power Power Supply (1.9 V to 3.6 V DC)16 VDD Power Supply (1.9 V to 3.6 V DC)17 VSS Ground Ground (0 V)18 VDD Power Power Supply (1.9 V to 3.6 V DC)19 CDVDD Analog Output Digital regulator output decoupling capacitor20 NC No ConnectionTable 1 BK2425 QFN20 pin functionsRevision 1.0Proprietary and Confidential Page 5 of 30BK24254 State Control4.1 State Control Diagram⏹ Pin signal: VDD, CE⏹ SPI register: PWR_UP, PRIM_RX, EN_AA, NO_ACK, ARC, ARD⏹System information: Time out, ACK received, ARD elapsed, ARC_CNT, TX FIFO empty, ACK packet transmitted, Packet receivedBK2425 has built-in state machines that control the state transition between different modes.When auto acknowledge feature is disabled, state transition will be fully controlled by MCU.Figure 3 PTX (PRIM_RX=0) state control diagramBK2425Figure 4 PRX (PRIM_RX=1) state control diagram4.2 Power Down ModeIn power down mode BK2425 is in sleep mode with minimal current consumption. SPI interface is still active in this mode, and all register values are available by SPI. Power down mode is entered by setting the PWR_UP bit in the CONFIG register to low.4.3 Standby-I ModeBy setting the PWR_UP bit in the CONFIG register to 1 and de-asserting CE to 0, the device enters standby-I mode. Standby-I mode is used to minimize average current consumption while maintaining short start-up time. In this mode, part of the crystal oscillator is active. This is also the mode which the BK2425 returns to from TX or RX mode when CE is set low.4.4 Standby-II ModeIn standby -II mode more clock buffers are active than in standby-I mode and much more current is used. Standby-II occurs when CE is held high on a PTX device with empty TX FIFO. If a new packet is uploaded to the TX FIFO in this mode, the device will automatically enter TX mode and the packet is transmitted.4.5 TX Mode⏹ PTX device (PRIM_RX=0)The TX mode is an active mode where the PTX device transmits a packet. To enter this mode from power down mode, the PTX device must have the PWR_UP bit set high, PRIM_RX bit set low, a payload in the TX FIFO, and a high pulse on the CE for more than 10µs.BK2425The PTX device stays in TX mode until it finishes transmitting the current packet. If CE = 0 it returns to standby-I mode. If CE = 1, the next action is determined by the status of the TX FIFO. If the TX FIFO is not empty the PTX device remains in TX mode, transmitting the next packet. If the TX FIFO is empty the PTX device goes into standby-II mode. It is important to never stay in TX mode for more than 4ms at one time.If the auto retransmit is enabled (EN_AA=1) and auto acknowledge is required (NO_ACK=0), the PTX device will enter TX mode from standby-I mode when ARD elapsed and number of retried is less than ARC.⏹ PRX device (PRIM_RX=1)The PRX device will enter TX mode from RX mode only when EN_AA=1 and NO_ACK=0 in received packet to transmit acknowledge packet with pending payload in TX FIFO.4.6 RX Mode⏹ PRX device (PRIM_RX=1)The RX mode is an active mode where the BK2425 radio is configured to be a receiver. To enter this mode from standby-I mode, the PRX device must have the PWR_UP bit set5 Packet Processinghigh, PRIM_RX bit set high and the CE pin set high. Or PRX device can enter this mode from TX mode after transmitting an acknowledge packet when EN_AA=1 and NO_ACK=0 in received packet.In this mode the receiver demodulates the signals from the RF channel, constantly presenting the demodulated data to the packet processing engine. The packet processing engine continuously searches for a valid packet. If a valid packet is found (by a matching address and a valid CRC) the payload of the packet is presented in a vacant slot in the RX FIFO. If the RX FIFO is full, the received packet is discarded.The PRX device remains in RX mode until the MCU configures it to standby-I mode or power down mode.In RX mode a carrier detection (CD) signal is available. The CD is set to high when a RF signal is detected inside the receiving frequency channel. The internal CD signal is filtered before presented to CD register. The RF signal must be present for at least 128 µs before the CD is set high.⏹ PTX device (PRIM_RX=0)The PTX device will enter RX mode from TX mode only when EN_AA=1 and NO_ACK=0 to receive acknowledge packet.5.1 Packet FormatThe packet format has a preamble, address, packet control, payload and CRC field.Preamble 1 byteAddress 3~5 byte Packet Control 9/0 bit Payload 0~32 byte CRC 2/1 bytePayload Length 6 bitPID 2 bitNO_ACK 1 bitFigure 5 Packet FormatBK24255.1.1PreambleThe preamble is a bit sequence used to detect 0 and 1 levels in the receiver. The preamble is one byte long and is either 01010101 or 10101010. If the first bit in the address is 1 the preamble is automatically set to 10101010 and if the first bit is 0 the preamble is automatically set to 01010101. This is done to ensure there are enough transitions in the preamble to stabilize the receiver.5.1.2AddressThis is the address for the receiver. An address ensures that the packet is detected by the target receiver. The address field can be configured to be 3, 4, or 5 bytes long by the AW register.The PRX device can open up to six data pipes to support up to six PTX devices with unique addresses. All six PTX device addresses are searched simultaneously. In PRX side, the data pipes are enabled with the bits in the EN_RXADDR register. By default only data pipe 0 and 1 are enabled.Each data pipe address is configured in the RX_ADDR_PX registers.Each pipe can have up to 5 bytes configurable address. Data pipe 0 has a unique 5 byte address. Data pipes 1-5 share the 4 most significant address bytes. The LSB byte must be unique for all 6 pipes.To ensure that the ACK packet from the PRX is transmitted to the correct PTX, the PRX takes the data pipe address where it received the packet and uses it as the TX address when transmitting the ACK packet.On the PRX, the RX_ADDR_Pn, defined as the pipe address, must be unique. On the PTX the TX_ADDR must be the same as the RX_ADDR_P0 on the PTX, and as the pipe address for the designated pipe on the PRX. No other data pipe can receive data until a complete packet is received by a data pipe that has detected its address. When multiple PTX devices are transmitting to a PRX, the ARD can be used to skew the auto retransmission so that they only block each other once.5.1.3Packet ControlWhen Dynamic Payload Length function is enabled, the packet control field contains a 6 bit payload length field, a 2 bit PID (Packet Identity) field and, a 1 bit NO_ACK flag.⏹Payload lengthThe payload length field is only used if the Dynamic Payload Length function is enabled.⏹PIDThe 2 bit PID field is used to detect whether the received packet is new or retransmitted. PID prevents the PRX device from presenting the same payload more than once to the MCU. The PID field is incremented at the TX side for each new packet received through the SPI. The PID and CRC fields are used by the PRX device to determine whether a packet is old or new. When several data packets are lost on the link, the PID fields may become equal to the last received PID. If a packet has the same PID as the previous packet, BK2425 compares the CRC sums from both packets. If the CRC sums are also equal, the last received packet is considered a copy of the previously received packet and discarded.⏹NO_ACKThe NO_ACK flag is only used when the auto acknowledgement feature is used. Setting the flag high, tells the receiver that the packet is not to be auto acknowledged.The PTX can set the NO_ACK flag bit in the Packet Control Field with the command: W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK. However, the function must first be enabled in the FEATURE register by setting theRevision 1.0Proprietary and Confidential Page 9 of 30BK2425EN_DYN_ACK bit. When you use this option, the PTX goes directly to standby-I mode after transmitting the packet and the PRX does not transmit an ACK packet when it receives the packet.5.1.4PayloadThe payload is the user defined content of the packet. It can be 0 to 32 bytes wide, and it is transmitted on-air as it is uploaded (unmodified) to the device.The BK2425 provides two alternatives for handling payload lengths, static and dynamic payload length. The static payload length of each of six data pipes can be individually set. The default alternative is static payload length. With static payload length all packets between a transmitter and a receiver have the same length. Static payload length is set by the RX_PW_Px registers. The payload length on the transmitter side is set by the number of bytes clocked into the TX_FIFO and must equal the value in the RX_PW_Px register on the receiver side. Each pipe has its own payload length.Dynamic Payload Length (DPL) is an alternative to static payload length. DPL enables the transmitter to send packets with variable payload length to the receiver. This means for a system with different payload lengths it is not necessary to scale the packet length to the longest payload.With DPL feature the BK2425 can decode the payload length of the received packet automatically instead of using the RX_PW_Px registers. The MCU can read the length of the received payload by using the command: R_RX_PL_WID.In order to enable DPL the EN_DPL bit in the FEATURE register must be set. In RX mode the DYNPD register has to be set. A PTX that transmits to a PRX with DPL enabled must have the DPL_P0 bit in DYNPD set. 5.1.5CRCThe CRC is the error detection mechanism in the packet. The number of bytes in the CRC is set by the CRCO bit in the CONFIG register. It may be either 1 or 2 bytes and is calculated over the address, Packet Control Field, and Payload.The polynomial for 1 byte CRC is X8 + X2 + X + 1. Initial value is 0xFF.The polynomial for 2 byte CRC is X16 + X12 + X5 + 1. Initial value is 0xFFFF.No packet is accepted by receiver side if the CRC fails.5.2Packet HandlingBK2425 uses burst mode for payload transmission and receive.The transmitter fetches payload from TX FIFO, automatically assembles it into packet and transmits the packet in a very short burst period with 1Mbps or 2Mbps air data rate.After transmission, if the PTX packet has the NO_ACK flag set, BK2425 sets TX_DS and gives an active low interrupt IRQ to MCU. If the PTX is ACK packet, the PTX needs receive ACK from the PRX and then asserts the TX_DS IRQ.The receiver automatically validates and disassembles received packet, if there is a valid packet within the new payload, it will write the payload into RX FIFO, set RX_DR and give an active low interrupt IRQ to MCU.When auto acknowledge is enabled (EN_AA=1), the PTX device will automatically wait for acknowledge packet after transmission, and re- transmit original packet with the delay of ARD until an acknowledge packet is received or the number of re-transmission exceeds a threshold ARC. If the later one happens, BK2425 will set MAX_RT and give an active low interruptRevision 1.0Proprietary and Confidential Page 10 of 30BK2425IRQ to MCU. Two packet loss counters (ARC_CNT and PLOS_CNT) are incremented each time a packet is lost. The ARC_CNT counts the number of retransmissions for the current transaction. The PLOS_CNT counts the total number of retransmissions since the last channel change. ARC_CNT is reset by initiating a new transaction. PLOS_CNT is reset by writing to the RF_CH register. It is possible to use the information in the OBSERVE _TX register to make an overall assessment of the channel quality.The PTX device will retransmit if its RX FIFO is full but received ACK frame has payload.As an alternative for PTX device to auto retransmit it is possible to manually set the BK2425 to retransmit a packet a number of times. This is done by the REUSE_TX_PL command.When auto acknowledge is enabled, the PRX device will automatically check the NO_ACK field in received packet, and if NO_ACK=0, it will automatically send an acknowledge packet to PTX device. If EN_ACK_PAY is set, and the acknowledge packet can also include pending payload in TX FIFO.6 Data and Control Interface 6.1TX/RX FIFOThe data FIFOs are used to store payload that is to be transmitted (TX FIFO) or payload that is received and ready to be clocked out (RX FIFO). The FIFO is accessible in both PTX mode and PRX mode.There are three levels 32 bytes FIFO for both TX and RX, supporting both acknowledge mode or no acknowledge mode with up to six pipes.⏹TX three levels, 32 byte FIFO⏹RX three levels, 32 byte FIFOBoth FIFOs have a controller and are accessible through the SPI by using dedicated SPI commands. A TX FIFO in PRX can store payload for ACK packets to three different PTX devices. If the TX FIFO contains more than one payload to a pipe, payloads are handled using the first in first out principle. The TX FIFO in a PRX is blocked if all pending payloads are addressed to pipes where the link to the PTX is lost. In this case, the MCU can flush the TX FIFO by using the FLUSH_TX command.The RX FIFO in PRX may contain payload from up to three different PTX devices.A TX FIFO in PTX can have up to three payloads stored.The TX FIFO can be written to by three commands, W_TX_PAYLOAD and W_ TX_PAYLOAD_NO_ACK in PTX mode and W_ACK_PAYLOAD in PRX mode. All three commands give access to the TX_PLD register. The RX FIFO can be read by the command R_RX _PAYLOAD in both PTX and PRX mode. This command gives access to the RX_PLD register.The payload in TX FIFO in a PTX is NOT removed if the MAX_RT IRQ is asserted.In the FIFO_STATUS register it is possible to read if the TX and RX FIFO are full or empty. The TX_REUSE bit is also available in the FIFO_STATUS register. TX_REUSE is set by the SPI command REUSE_TX_PL, and is reset by the SPI command: W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX.6.2InterruptIn BK2425 there is an active low interrupt (IRQ) pin, which is activated when TX_ DS IRQ, RX_DR IRQ or MAX_RT IRQ are set high by the state machine in the STATUS register. The IRQ pin resets when MCU writes '1' to the IRQ source bit in the STATUS register. The IRQ mask in the CONFIGRevision 1.0Proprietary and Confidential Page 11 of 30BK2425register is used to select the IRQ sources that are allowed to assert the IRQ pin. By setting one of the MASK bits high, the corresponding IRQ source is disabled. By default all IRQ sources are enabled.The 3 bit pipe information in the STATUS register is updated during the IRQ pin high to low transition. If the STATUS register is read during an IRQ pin high to low transition, the pipe information is unreliable.6.3SPI Interface6.3.1SPI CommandThe SPI commands are shown in Table 3. Every new command must be started by a high to low transition on CSN.In parallel to the SPI command word applied on the MOSI pin, the STATUS register is shifted serially out on the MISO pin.The serial shifting SPI commands is in the following format:⏹<Command word: MSB bit to LSB bit(one byte)>⏹<Data bytes: LSB byte to MSB byte, MSBbit in each byte first> for all registers atbank 0 and register 9 to register 14 at bank1⏹<Data bytes: MSB byte to LSB byte, MSBbit in each byte first> for register 0 toregister 8 at bank 1Command# DataOperation Command name wordbytes(binary)R_REGISTER 000A AAAA 1 to 5 Read command and status registers. AAAAA = LSB byte first 5 bit Register Map Address1 to 5Write command and status registers. AAAAA = 5W_REGISTER 001A AAAA bit Register Map AddressLSB byte first Executable in power down or standby modes only.1 to 32 Read RX-payload: 1 – 32 bytes. A read operationR_RX_PAYLOAD 0110 0001 always starts at byte 0. Payload is deleted from FIFOLSB byte first after it is read. Used in RX mode.W_TX_PAYLOAD 1010 0000 1 to 32 Write TX-payload: 1 – 32 bytes. A write operation LSB byte first always starts at byte 0 used in TX payload.FLUSH_TX 1110 0001 0 Flush TX FIFO, used in TX modeFlush RX FIFO, used in RX modeFLUSH_RX 1110 0010 0 Should not be executed during transmission of acknowledge, that is, acknowledge package will not be completed.Used for a PTX deviceReuse last transmitted payload. Packets are repeatedly retransmitted as long as CE is high.REUSE_TX_PL 1110 0011 0 TX payload reuse is active untilW_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmissionRevision 1.0Proprietary and Confidential Page 12 of 30BK2425 This write command followed by data 0x73 activates the following features:• R_RX_PL_WID• W_ACK_PAYLOAD• W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACKA new ACTIVATE command with the same data deactivates them again. This is executable in power down or stand by modes only.ACTIVATE 0101 0000 1 The R_RX_PL_WID, W_ACK_PAYLOAD, andW_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK features registers are initially in a deactivated state; a write has no effect, a read only results in zeros on MISO. To activate these registers, use the ACTIVATE command followed by data 0x73. Then they can be accessed as any other register. Use the same command and data to deactivate the registers again.This write command followed by data 0x53 toggles the register bank, and the current register bank number can be read out from REG7 [7]R_RX_PL_WID 0110 0000 Read RX-payload width for the topR_RX_PAYLOAD in the RX FIFO.Used in RX mode.Write Payload to be transmitted together with ACK packet on PIPE PPP. (PPP valid in the rangeW_ACK_PAYLOAD 1010 1PPP 1 to 32 from 000 to 101). Maximum three ACK packetLSB byte first payloads can be pending. Payloads with same PPP are handled using first in - first out principle. Writepayload: 1– 32 bytes. A write operation always startsat byte 0.W_TX_PAYLOAD_NO1011 0000 1 to 32 Used in TX mode. Disables AUTOACK on thisACK LSB byte first specific packet.NOP 1111 1111 0 No Operation. Might be used to read the STATUS registerTable 2 SPI command6.3.2SPI TimingS C KC S NW r i t e t o S P I r e g i s t e r:M O S I x C 7 C 6 C 5 C 4 C 3 C 2 C 1 C 0 x D 7 D 6 D 5 D 4 D 3 D 2 D 1 D 0 x M I S O H I - Z S 7 S 6 S 5 S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H i - Z R e a d f r o m S P I r e g i s t e r:M O S I x C 7 C 6 C 5 C 4 C 3 C 2 C 1 C 0 xM I S O x S 7 S 6 S 5 S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 D 7 D 6 D 5 D 4 D 3 D 2 D 1 D 0 xFigure 6 SPI timingRevision 1.0Proprietary and Confidential Page 13 of 30BK2425 Cn: SPI command bitSn: STATUS register bitDn: Data Bit (LSB byte to MSB byte, MSB bit in each byte first)Note: The SPI timing is for bank 0 and register 9 to 14 at bank 1. For register 0 to 8 at bank 1, the byte order is inversed that the MSB byte is R/W before LSB byte.Figure 7 SPI NOP timing diagramSymbol Parameters Min Max UnitsTdc Data to SCK Setup 10 nsTdh SCK to Data Hold 20 nsTcsd CSN to Data Valid 38 nsTcd SCK to Data Valid 55 nsTcl SCK Low Time 40 nsTch SCK High Time 40 nsFsck SCK Frequency 0 8 MHzTr,Tf SCK Rise and Fall 100 nsTcc CSN to SCK Setup 2 nsTcch SCK to CSN Hold 2 nsTcwh CSN Inactive time 50 nsTcdz CSN to Output High Z 38 nsTable 3 SPI timing parameterRevision 1.0Proprietary and Confidential Page 14 of 30BK24257 Register MapThere are two register banks, which can be toggled by SPI command “ACTIVATE” followed with0x53 byte, and bank status can be read from Bank0_REG7 [7].7.1Register Bank 0AddressMnemonic Bit ResetType Description(Hex) Value00 CONFIG Configuration RegisterReserved 7 0 R/W Only '0' allowedMASK_RX_DR 6 0 R/W Mask interrupt caused by RX_DR1: Interrupt not reflected on the IRQ pin0: Reflect RX_DR as active low interrupton the IRQ pinMASK_TX_DS 5 0 R/W Mask interrupt caused by TX_DS1: Interrupt not reflected on the IRQ pin0: Reflect TX_DS as active low interrupton the IRQ pinMASK_MAX_RT 4 0 R/W Mask interrupt caused by MAX_RT1: Interrupt not reflected on the IRQ pin0: Reflect MAX_RT as active lowinterrupt on the IRQ pinEN_CRC 3 1 R/W Enable CRC. Forced high if one of the bits in the EN_AA is highCRCO 2 0 R/W CRC encoding scheme'0' - 1 byte'1' - 2 bytesPWR_UP 1 0 R/W 1: POWER UP, 0:POWER DOWNPRIM_RX 0 0 R/W RX/TX control,1: PRX, 0: PTX01 EN_AA Enable ‘Auto Acknowledgment’ FunctionReserved 7:6 00 R/W Only '00' allowedENAA_P5 5 1 R/W Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 5ENAA_P4 4 1 R/W Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 4ENAA_P3 3 1 R/W Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 3ENAA_P2 2 1 R/W Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 2ENAA_P1 1 1 R/W Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 1ENAA_P0 0 1 R/W Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 0 02 EN_RXADDR Enabled RX AddressesReserved 7:6 00 R/W Only '00' allowedERX_P5 5 0 R/W Enable data pipe 5.ERX_P4 4 0 R/W Enable data pipe 4.ERX_P3 3 0 R/W Enable data pipe 3.ERX_P2 2 0 R/W Enable data pipe 2.ERX_P1 1 1 R/W Enable data pipe 1.ERX_P0 0 1 R/W Enable data pipe 0.Revision 1.0 Proprietary and Confidential Page 15 of 30BK2425 03 SETUP_AW Setup of Address Widths(common for all data pipes)Reserved 7:2 000000 R/W Only '000000' allowedAW 1:0 11 R/W RX/TX Address field width'00' - Illegal'01' - 3 bytes'10' - 4 bytes'11' - 5 bytesLSB bytes are used if address width is below 5 bytes04 SETUP_RETR Setup of Automatic RetransmissionARD 7:4 0000 R/W Auto Retransmission Delay‘0000’ – Wait 250 us‘0001’ – Wait 500 us‘0010’ – Wait 750 us……..‘1111’ – Wait 4000 us(Delay defined from end of transmission tostart of next transmission)ARC 3:0 0011 R/W Auto Retransmission Count‘0000’ –Re-Transmit disabled‘0001’ – Up to 1 Re-Transmission on fail of AA……‘1111’ – Up to 15 Re-Transmission on fail of AA05 RF_CH RF ChannelReserved 7 0 R/W Only '0' allowedRF_CH 6:0 0000010 R/W Sets the frequency channel 06 RF_SETUP RF Setup RegisterReserved 7:6 0 R/W Only '00' allowedRF_DR_LOW 5 0 R/W Set Air Data Rate. See RF_DR_HIGH for encoding.PLL_LOCK 4 0 R/W Force PLL lock signal. Only used in testSet Air Data Rate.RF_DR_HIGH 3 1 R/W Encoding: RF_DR_LOW, RF_DR_HIGH: ‘00’ – 1Mbps‘01’ – 2Mbps (default)‘10’ – 250Kbps‘11’ – 2MbpsRF_PWR[1:0] 2:1Set RF output power in TX mode 11 R/W RF_PWR[1:0]Setup LNA gainLNA_HCURR 0 1 R/W 0:Low gain(20dB down)1:High gainStatus Register (In parallel to the SPI07 STATUS command word applied on the MOSI pin,the STATUS register is shifted serially outon the MISO pin)Register bank selection states. SwitchRBANK 7 0 R register bank is done by SPI command “ACTIVATE” followed by 0x530: Register bank 0。

无人机各模块详解与技术分析如今无人机成为了展会最大的热点之一,大疆(DJI)、Parrot、3D Robotics、AirDog 等知名无人机公司都有展示他们的最新产品。
例如小四轴的飞行主控,因功能单纯,体积小,必须同时整合遥控接收,飞行控制及动力驱动功能;中高阶多轴飞行器则采用内建DSP 及浮点运算单元的,负责飞行主控功能,驱动无刷电机的电调(ESC)板则采用MINI5($1.0889)系列设计。
低阶遥控器使用SOP20 封装的4T 8051 N79E814;中高阶遥控器则采用Cortex-M0 M051系列。
另外,内建ARM9及H.264视频边译码器的N329系列SOC则应用于2.4G 及5.8G的航拍系统。


遥控系统可分为飞行器遥控设备(系统)和地面遥控设备(系统), 它们一般由指令程序机构(或计算机)、传输设备和监测设备组 成。
① 控制指令产生 根据预定状态数据和被控对象的实时数据,由操纵人员人工
发出,或由程序机构或计算机自动产生各种控制指令。 ② 传输设备
1.2 遥控装置(系统)及其分类
➢ 完成遥控任务的整套设备称为遥控系统或遥控装置。通常 、将控制距离远、设备较复杂的称为遥控系统;而将控制 距离较近、设备简单的称为遥控装置或遥控器。
➢ 遥控系统(装置)的分类:①按被控对象及其特性分类,有 固定式遥控和活动式遥控。②按被控对象的控制特性或控 制信号(指令)的特性可分两类:一是开关型控制——对被 控对象的状态进行单一的通断控制;另—类是连续型控制 :对被控对象的状态进行连续调整。
应用实例:比例调速无线遥控电动机电路(见下图1-8)。由入空比可变 的发射电路和接收驱动电路两大部分组成。
多谐 振荡器
倍压 整流
接收 电路
音频 功放
电机 驱动
频分制无线电遥控与频分制无线电语音通信的工作原理类同:两者都要 利用调制器对要传送的语音信号(天线电通信信号)或指令信号(无线电遥控 信号)进行副载波调制,实施频谱迁移;两者都要进行高频载波调制,实现 无线电波的对空发射和接收。
一般用无线电信道传输控制信息(指 令),如遥控距离较近或被控对象在低 空飞行(如反坦克 导弹),也可用光通 信线路或有线电通信方法传输控制信息。

四旋翼飞行器的6种 基本运动状态
电调1 电调2 电调3 电调4
电机1 电机2 电机3 电机4
四旋翼飞行器采用3.7伏 锂电池供电,用1sUSB充 电器给锂电池进行充电。
四旋翼飞行控制板计划采用STM32作 为主控制器,STM32是一款基于ARM的 32位MCU的闪存、USB、CAN、7个16 位定时器、两个ADC和9个通信接口的芯片。 STM32丰富的片上资源可满足各类传感器 通讯需求,与传统飞行控制器相比,大大的 降低了开发成本,节约了资源。是一款非常 适合本项目开发使用的单片机。
无限通信模块采用2.4G无线收发 模块nRF24L01来实现四旋翼飞行器 与遥控器之间信息的交互,实现遥控 器对四旋翼飞行器的操控,遥控器用 一块1S锂电池经升压板输出9伏电压 作为电源。
为实现四旋翼飞行器的人工智能,除采用传 统的6轴传感器MPU6050,我们将尝试用超声 波传感器,红外传感器,增加摄像头,用DSP芯 片进行数据处理实现自动壁障,加入电压传感器, 实现对电源的实时监控,加入了GPS全球卫星定 位系统使其拥有了自动导航等功能,在本系统的 基础上,我们还将添加电子罗盘,将偏航角引入 到导航计算中,从而使飞行器的飞行路线更加精 确与稳定。
开始 系统初始化 接受解码遥控信号 设置相应飞行参数
进行短周期数据融合 数据采集次数=160xn?
进行长周期数据融合 控制量输出

四轴飞行器飞控原理四轴飞行器飞控原理 (1)一、六种姿态控制原理示意 (3)二、四轴翼飞行器系统建模 (4)2.1假设条件: (4)2.2建立坐标系: (5)2.3转换矩阵推导: (6)2.4非线性模型 (7)2.5模型线性化 (11)三、基于PID的飞行控制 (15)四、硬件设计与实现 (17)4.1四轴飞行器硬件电路 (17)五、国内外四轴飞行器 (17)5.1 Kesterl (17)5.2 Unav3500 (18)5.3 MikroKoper (18)5.4 ArduPilot (19)5.5 Crazyflie (20)一、六种姿态控制原理示意图1 上下(高度)控制,就是四个螺旋桨同时增加(减小)转速;图2 前进、后退图3 左飞、右飞图4 类似打方向盘,改变航向二、四轴翼飞行器系统建模2.1假设条件:微小型四旋翼飞行器在三维空间中可视为刚体,飞行器在空间中的运动具有六个自由度,即飞行器质心在空间中的三个平移自由度和三个旋转自由度。
由于该飞行器一般为低空低速飞行,因此可以对其动力学模型的建立做如下假设:1)微小型四旋翼飞行器在研究中视为刚体,忽略其弹性影响,总质量m 为常数;2)将地球视为惯性系统,忽略地球自转和公转对飞行器的影响;3)假设地面为水平平面,忽略地球曲率的影响;4)重力加速度g为常数,不随地理位置和飞行高度的变化而变化;5)飞行器机机体几何外形完全对称且质量分布均勻,质心与几何中心重合。

在上图中,电机1和电机3作逆时针旋转,电机2和电机4作顺时针旋转,规定沿x 轴正方向运动称为向前运动,箭头在旋翼的运动平面上方表示此电机转速提高,在下方表示此电机转速下降。
(2)俯仰运动:在图(b)中,电机1的转速上升,电机 3 的转速下降(改变量大小应相等),电机2、电机4 的转速保持不变。
由于旋翼1 的升力上升,旋翼 3 的升力下降,产生的不平衡力矩使机身绕y 轴旋转,同理,当电机 1 的转速下降,电机3的转速上升,机身便绕y轴向另一个方向旋转,实现飞行器的俯仰运动。
(3)滚转运动:与图 b 的原理相同,在图 c 中,改变电机2和电机4的转速,保持电机1和电机3的转速不变,则可使机身绕x 轴旋转(正向和反向),实现飞行器的滚转运动。
在图d中,当电机1和电机 3 的转速上升,电机 2 和电机 4 的转速下降时,旋翼1和旋翼3对机身的反扭矩大于旋翼2和旋翼4对机身的反扭矩,机身便在富余反扭矩的作用下绕z轴转动,实现飞行器的偏航运动,转向与电机1、电机3的转向相反。

2.3角度测量模块的方案 MPU6050三轴陀螺仪。MPU6050三轴陀螺仪就是可以在同一时间内测 量三个不同方向的加速度、角速度、角度。单轴的话,就只可以测定 一个方向的量,那么一个三轴陀螺就可以代替三个单轴陀螺。它现在 已经成为激光陀螺的发展趋向,具有可靠性很好、结构简单不复杂、 重量很轻和体积很小等等特点,但是其输出数据需要大量的浮点预算 才能保证较高的精度,这样会影响主控板对最终的姿态控制的响应速 率。
摄像头固定夹和支架 飞行控制板制作
螺旋桨*4 超声波测距模块
舵机载物装置 电源等其他配件
50 30 20 100 100 45 30 20 150 600元以上
2016.4——2016.5.1 2016.5.1——2016.6
查阅相关书籍和文献资料, 了解研究背景,明确研究内 容,了解研究所需学习的理 论基础知识和掌握设计中需 要应用的软件操作.整套系统 的各模块硬件设计,以及组 装。
对整个系统的各个模块进行编程 及其模拟、实际测试。
2.1控制系统的选择方案 主控板使用stm32。Stm32板子的I/O口很多,自带定时器和多路 PWM,可以实现的功能较多,符合实验要求。Stm32迷你板在体积 和重量上也不是很大,对飞机的载重量要求不是很高。
2.2飞行姿态控制方案 十字飞行方式。四轴的四个电机以 十字的方式排列,x轴和y轴成直角, 调整俯仰角和翻滚角的时候分开调 整,角度融合简单,适合初学者, 能明确头尾,飞行时机体动作精准, 飞控起来也容易。 鉴于我们是初 次设计,所以选择了十字飞行方式。

四旋翼飞行器结构和原理1. 结构形式旋翼对称分布在机体的前后、左右四个方向,四个旋翼处于同一高度平面,且四个旋翼的结构和半径都相同,四个电机对称的安装在飞行器的支架端,支架中间空间安放飞行控制计算机和外部设备。
结构形式如图 1.1所示。
2. 工作原理四旋翼飞行器通过调节四个电机转速来改变旋翼转速, 实现升力的变化, 从而控制飞行器的姿态和位置。
四旋翼飞行器的电机 1和电机 3逆时针旋转的同时,电机 2和电机 4顺时针旋转,因此当飞行器平衡飞行时, 陀螺效应和空气动力扭矩效应均被抵消。
在上图中,电机 1和电机 3作逆时针旋转,电机 2和电机 4作顺时针旋转,规定沿x 轴正方向运动称为向前运动,箭头在旋翼的运动平面上方表示此电机转速提高,在下方表示此电机转速下降。
(1垂直运动:同时增加四个电机的输出功率,旋翼转速增加使得总的拉力增大,当总拉力足以克服整机的重量时, 四旋翼飞行器便离地垂直上升;反之,同时减小四个电机的输出功率,四旋翼飞行器则垂直下降,直至平衡落地,实现了沿 z 轴的垂直运动。
(2俯仰运动:在图(b 中,电机 1的转速上升,电机 3 的转速下降(改变量大小应相等,电机 2、电机 4 的转速保持不变。
由于旋翼 1 的升力上升,旋翼 3 的升力下降,产生的不平衡力矩使机身绕 y 轴旋转,同理,当电机 1 的转速下降,电机 3的转速上升,机身便绕 y 轴向另一个方向旋转,实现飞行器的俯仰运动。
(3滚转运动:与图 b 的原理相同,在图 c 中,改变电机 2和电机 4的转速,保持电机1和电机 3的转速不变, 则可使机身绕 x 轴旋转(正向和反向,实现飞行器的滚转运动。

在上图中,电机1和电机3作逆时针旋转,电机2和电机4作顺时针旋转,规定沿x 轴正方向运动称为向前运动,箭头在旋翼的运动平面上方表示此电机转速提高,在下方表示此电机转速下降。
(2)俯仰运动:在图(b)中,电机1的转速上升,电机 3 的转速下降(改变量大小应相等),电机2、电机 4 的转速保持不变。
由于旋翼1 的升力上升,旋翼 3 的升力下降,产生的不平衡力矩使机身绕y 轴旋转,同理,当电机 1 的转速下降,电机3的转速上升,机身便绕y轴向另一个方向旋转,实现飞行器的俯仰运动。
(3)滚转运动:与图 b 的原理相同,在图 c 中,改变电机2和电机4的转速,保持电机1和电机3的转速不变,则可使机身绕x 轴旋转(正向和反向),实现飞行器的滚转运动。