
• • • • • • • • •
排比antithesis A legendary Star. A Timeless Classic. My Fair Lady The CORDIA: Shaped by the wind; born for the road. The Milk Chocolate melts in your month… not in your hand. 头韵alliteration Choosy mothers choose Jiff. 尾韵rhyme Compact impact Fresh up with Seven-Up.
• 疑问句 • Is your data piling up? 您的资料是否堆积 如山? • Have you driven a Ford lately? 您最近开过 福特车吗? • Are you going grey too early? 您的乌发是 否过早变白? • How can something so small be so smart? 体积虽小,功效惊人?
• 不论是夏季或是秋季展销会都吸引了英国 和国际上的高水准的2万家客户,他们踊跃 前来参观,是因为了解“顶尖”展销会将 为他们提供新颖有趣的产品。对客户来说, 这是一个重要的能使他们在竞争中处于领 先地位的展销会。 • 你舍得放弃这个展示自己的绝好机会吗?
• 古往今来,香脆可口的开心果以其令人难忘的口 味作为坚果中的 深受人们喜爱。如今,新奇士牌 开心果诚邀您亲身体验新鲜一流的加利福利亚开 心果。它们生长在我们自家的果园,在树上成熟 并自然开裂,从而以最佳状态获得新奇士的特有 风味。新鲜带壳的新奇士牌开心果,是您选择的 最佳美味。 • 无论何时何地,新奇士牌开心果是您健康、美味 的伙伴。


随着经济全球化的发展 , 中国对外经 贸活动的 日益频 繁, 世界各地 日益成为中国产 品的重要市场 。如何 翻译 出能有效吸引外 国潜在客户 的对外宣传资料 ( 括诸如广告语 、 包 商品名称 、 产品介绍 、 业简介 、 企 城 市招商引资书 以及旅游景点介绍等文字宣传 资料 )成为 了翻译工作人 , 员关注和研究的课题。笔者在查阅了近十多年 的有关 资料发现: 企业对 外宣传材料研究发展取得了很大成绩 , 每年发 文量几 乎成倍 增长 , 但涉 及到企业 简介翻译的系统研究不多 , 刚开始起 步。毫无疑 问, 且 企业简 介的翻译在对外宣传中起着关 键的作用 。因此 , 者以为有必要对近年 笔 来该领 域的研究成果做 一系统的梳理 , 以期为今后 的研 究提供一些 新 的思路 。 二 、 业 简 介 翻 译 研 究 视 角 企 ( ) 一 翻译技巧或原则探索 近年来 , 社会对企业 翻译 的需 求不断增长 , 而对指导此类 翻译 的原 则或标准问题的探讨也 日趋热 烈。对于企业外宣翻译标准或原则 的探 索, 刘法公( 9 9提 出了商 贸翻译 “ 19 ) 忠实 、 准确 、 统一” 的基本原则 , 并认 为广告汉英翻译 的原则应 为: 自然 、 准确 、 易懂 。 汤富华( 9 9 就企业简 19 ) 介英译 问题作了一些探讨 , 提 出了增补 省略和转换词类 两大翻译技 并 巧 。徐勤 , 颖(0 3 通过对经 贸外宣资料语篇 功能和翻译 实例 的分 吴 20 ) 析 , 出经 贸外宣资料翻译应遵 循译前编辑 , 提 信息等值 , 文通畅三原 译 则 。这些经典论述都是该领域 的专 家学者在长期的翻译实践 中摸索和 总结出来的 , 对从事企业 翻译 实践 和研 究的相关人员具有一定 的指导 意义。 ( ) 业 翻 译 的评 论 性 研 究 二 企 尽管企业简介翻译 已引起 了业界 的注意, 但综 观国 内的翻译 质量 却参差不齐 , 差强人意 。许多学者纷纷著文对此进行评析 , 并分析其成 因, 提出翻译对策 , 属于实践性的评论研究 。比如朱佳 , 明林 (O 4 就 张 2o ) 宁波的服装产业为调查对象, 分析了在对外宣传文本 中, 有拼写 、 打印错 误 或简单语法错误 , 中英版本内容有 出入 , 硬译 或死译 的等常见 的问题, 并 从语言 文化 层面探讨 企业对 外宣传 文本 的翻译方 法和 原则 。王爽 (o 6 认 为企业翻译 中存在 着译文不看受 众对象 、 2o ) 时效 性差等质 量问 题, 要提高企业翻译 质量, 需根据原文 内容, 采取恰 当的翻译策略。 徐芳 芳, 徐馨( 0 5 归纳 出企业 翻译 失误表现 在拘泥于原文 引起 的翻译 不 20 ) 当, 脱离原文引起的翻译不 当 , 文化差异导致 的拙译 , 语法错误 等 , 并认 为好 的翻译是要正确处理术语 和行业表达, 根据 中西方文化差异对译文 异化或归化, 针对不 同的 目标读者处理译文 。以上误译评析的论文收 并 集 了很多真实的翻译案例 , 注的是社会上企业翻译 的实 际现状 , 关 这对 翻译实践具有很好 的借鉴作用 。 ( ) 三 语言学理论下 的企业 翻译研究 语言学理论的企业研究 主要 是比较 中英企业简介在风格 , 域 , 语 文 体特征而后提出相应 的翻译策略或技巧 。 汤富华 ( 0 ) 2 0就企业 对外宣传 0 品作 了一些归纳并就该类 文体特 点 、语 言风格及英译技巧作 了一些探 讨, 出简洁 、 并提 达意 、 交代清 楚企业 基本内涵为翻译该类 文体的基准 。 熊玲林 (0 0 试 图运用语域理论, 20 ) 从范围, 风格 , 方式三方 面对企业 简 介文本进 行初步分析探讨 , 照中英 文本 差异性, 对 尝试先对文本译前处 理再进行 翻译 。刘艳艳 (0 9 以韩礼德 系统 功能语法 中人际功能 的理 20 ) 论为框架 ,对搜集到的企业简介从人称 和语 气系统方面进行 了人际意 义的分析 , 发现人称和语气 系统 的恰 当运用 能缩短与读者之间 的距离 , 提高语篇的可信度并达到企业 的 目的。不难 发现 , 此类研究更为微观 , 主要从语 言层面对企业简介的译技进行分析 、 。 探讨 ( ) 理 论 指 导 下 的研 究 四 翻译 () 1 语用 翻译理论 ; 文虹 (0 6 通过 对经贸外宣翻译 中的若干实例 20 ) 中问题的解析 , 以关联理论 为指导 , 分析信息关联及经济 简明的原则在 经贸外宣翻译中的应用 。周锰珍 , 曾利沙( 0 6 认为企业对外宣传, 20 ) 主 要 目的是 满足潜在 的海外合作者 、消费者或用户群体对特定产品或服 务的功能性 特征 的了解和需求 。为了达此 目的, 应采用“ 企业行业优势 , 产品 , 服务关联性信息 突出” 策略原则 。( ) 2 功能翻译理论 ; 目前 , 越来
企业外宣翻译国内外研究现状 外宣翻译

以下是本站分享的企业外宣翻译国内外研究现状 [外宣翻译研究现状及成因分析],希望能帮助到大家!企业外宣翻译国内外研究现状 [外宣翻译研究现状及成因分析]摘要我国外宣翻译研究体系不够完善,存在术语、译名不统一,缺乏系统性研究理论和定位不准确等问题,针对这些存在的问题,要充分认识外宣翻译的特点,加强基础理论研究和应用翻译的教学研究。
关键词:外宣翻译翻译理论现状成因中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A一引言要想世界了解真实的中国,能够在国际舞台上塑造国家形象,准确地传达观点,对外宣传一定起着举足轻重的作用。
传播学家费利克斯格林(Felix Green)说:我坦率地说,你们的对外翻译是失败的,你们的对外宣传没有说服力,有的反而会引起外国人的误解。


中国企业外宣资料汉英翻译问题与解决对策中期报告Mid-term Report on Problems and Countermeasures in Chinese Enterprise's External Publicity Materials Translation一、背景随着中国企业对外开放程度的加深,越来越多的企业开始注重对外宣传,尤其是英语宣传资料的翻译。
二、问题分析1. 语言表达不准确很多翻译人员只是简单地翻译句子而没有注意到其语言表达的准确性,导致翻译出来的文本含义不准确,严重损害了企业的形象和信誉。
2. 翻译质量参差不齐目前很多翻译人员的翻译能力、专业素质和服务意识都存在差异,因此翻译质量也会参差不齐。
3. 文化差异外宣资料翻译不仅需要翻译文字,还需要考虑文化差异。
三、对策建议1. 建立一支优秀的翻译团队企业可以通过招聘翻译人员、组织翻译培训等方式建立一支优秀的翻译团队,确保翻译人员的翻译技能和服务意识达到要求。
2. 严格的翻译质量管理体系建立严格的翻译质量管理体系,包括翻译流程管理、术语管理、文档管理等,确保翻译质量达到标准要求。
3. 了解目标语言国家文化翻译人员需要了解目标语言国家的文化背景、市场需求和传播途径等,从而更好地传达对外宣传的内容。
第七章 企业外宣文本翻译

第七章企业外宣文本翻译1. 企业外宣的目的企业宣传文本(Corporate Promotional Text)属于“信息文本”(informative text)和“呼唤文本”(vocative text),旨在宣传企业产品和服务、展示企业良好形象、吸引潜在顾客、扩大企业间的交流合作、开拓国际市场。
例2:中国石油化工集团公司(Sinopec Group)是1998年7月国家在原中国石油化工总公司基础上重组成立的特大型石油石化企业集团,是国家独资设立的国有公司、国家授权投资的机构和国家控股公司。

企业宣传资料的翻译On the Translation of Enterprise Profile企业对外宣传翻译的目的是让外国受众,或者更进一步说,是让外国的潜在客户明确无误地理解和把握译文所传递的信息要旨,从而取得良好的对外宣传效果。
特点一:程式化用语经营:engage in, deal in, handle, operate…专营怎么翻译??奉行/坚持…原则;以…为宗旨Hold/abide by/adhere to/followBased on the motto… with the enterprise spirit of …Principle/tenet/motto/spirit …经…批准be approved/appointed/permitted by…集…于一体integrate/combine获得奖项:Be awarded the gold prize通过ISO9002质量认证:Pass/gain/obtain/be granted the Certificate of ISO9002 (International Organization for Standardization.各种企业的英文翻译:个人独资企业:sole proprietorship enterprise/sole investment enterprise国营企业:state-run enterprise国有企业:state-owned enterprise集体企业:collectively-run enterprise乡镇企业:township enterprise公营企业:public enterprise私营企业:private enterprise私营工商业:privately owned individual and commercial enterprise公私合营企业:joint state-private enterprise合作社企业:cooperative enterprise合资企业:joint venture外向型企业:export-oriented enterprise劳动密集型企业:labor-intensive enterprise技术密集型企业:technology-intensive enterprise国有大中型企业:big-and-medium-sized state-owned enterprise亏损企业:money-losing enterprise联合企业:conglomerate工业企业:industrial complex生产型企业:production enterprise三资企业(中外合资企业、中外合作企业、外方独资企业):Sino-foreign joint venturesSino-foreign cooperative enterpriseforeign-funded enterprise特点2:频繁使用标语口号英语注重名称的使用,汉语注重动词的使用;汉语标语常常使用主谓结构,动词标志明显,英语标题名词多,所以汉英翻译实践中要注意转换。
第五讲 企业外宣资料的翻译 (新版)

二.“功能翻译理论”与企业单位宣传材 功能翻译理论” 料中的语篇重构。 料中的语篇重构。
2.1 企业单位宣传材料中的“语篇重构”: 企业单位宣传材料中的“语篇重构”
1).形式上的语篇重构 1).形式上的语篇重构: 形式上的语篇重构:
中国人的思维重直觉与形象,重整体,表现在文章的行文方式 中国人的思维重直觉与形象,重整体, 重直觉与形象 就是常采用具体——归纳的推理方法。 具体——归纳的推理方法 上,就是常采用具体——归纳的推理方法。 英语读者的思维重理性与逻辑,重个体, 英语读者的思维重理性与逻辑,重个体,反映在文章的行文方 思维重理性与逻辑 式上,就是先点名中心 再进行具体叙述, 先点名中心, 式上,就是先点名中心,再进行具体叙述,因而常采用开门见 直奔主题的演绎推理方法。 演绎推理方法 山、直奔主题的演绎推理方法。 因此,在企业单位宣传材料的汉英翻译中,译者需要采取语 因此,在企业单位宣传材料的汉英翻译中, 篇重构,按照英语文化的行文方式,先点明主题, 篇重构,按照英语文化的行文方式,先点明主题,再进行具体 描述,从而实现译文预期功能。 描述,从而实现译文预期功能。
例2. [原文] 公司年产150万至180万双鞋,远销 [原文 公司年产150万至180万双鞋, 原文] 150万至180万双鞋
美国、加拿大、欧共体诸国、中南美、东欧诸国、 美国、加拿大、欧共体诸国、中南美、东欧诸国、 中东地区、俄罗斯、东南亚以及中国香港等40 40多个 中东地区、俄罗斯、东南亚以及中国香港等40多个 国家和地区。 国家和地区。 [ 译 文 ] The company’s annual output of shoes ranges from 1.5 to 1.8 million pairs. These have been exported to more than 40 countries and regions such as America, Canada, the EEC countries, Central and South Americas, East European countries, the Middle East, Russia, Southeast Asia, and China’s Hong Kong SAR.


第七章企业宣传材料的翻译Chapter 7: Translation of Enterprise Promotional Materials into Chinese企业宣传材料的中文翻译Introduction引言企业宣传材料的中文翻译在吸引和互动中文读者上起着至关重要的作用。
Understanding the Target Audience理解目标受众Before starting the translation process, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the target audience. China has a diverse population with varying cultural, regional, and linguistic nuances. Consider factors such as age, gender, education level, and cultural preferences when translating promotional materials.在开始翻译过程之前,了解清楚目标受众非常重要。
Maintaining Brand Consistency保持品牌一致性Translating enterprise promotional materials into Chinese requires maintaining brand consistency. It is essential toensure that the translated content aligns with the brand's voice, tone, and identity. This consistency helps the target audience recognize and relate to the brand's values and messaging.将企业宣传材料翻译成中文需要保持品牌的一致性。

享有称心满意的服务,全凭此“优质”标记 Shop and dine with peace of mind wherever you see this sign
本土化策略----改写Local adaptation 本土化的必要性Necessity local adaptation Pert-Plus,Rejoice,飘柔 Google “谷歌” 可口可乐: 美国本土“Can’t beat the real thing” 日本“I feel Coke” 香港“Coca Cola Is It” 中国内地 “Enjoy Coca Cola”尽情享受可口可乐 White Elephant
3.3.2 运用修辞手段Use of figures of speech/rhetorical devices 修辞手段在英文广告中的应用Use of rhetorical devices in English advertising 双关pun I’m More satisfied. “莫尔”香烟,我更满意。 夸张hyperbole There's no place like Spiegel. There's no place like home to shop. 斯匹克天下无双! 到斯匹克购物宾至如归!
本土化策略的应用Application 英-汉例: Geo 几何 Giant捷安特 Avon雅芳(化妆品) Coca Cola 可口可乐(饮料) Sprite 雪碧(饮料) Benz 奔驰 (汽车) Lactogen力多精(婴儿奶粉) Mazda 马自达(汽车) Minolta 美能达(相机) Polaroid 拍立得(一次成像照相机) Decis 敌杀死(农药)

CHINA VANKE CO., LTD.China Vanke Co., Ltd. was established in 1984. After 30 years of development, it has become a leading urban and rural development and living services provider in China. The Group centers on the three most vibrant economic circles nationwide and hub cities in Midwest China. In July 2016, the Group was first listed on Fortune Global 500, ranking 356th. In 2017, the Group ranked 307th.In 2014, Vanke had extended its position as a company offering “good houses, good services, good com munity” to an “integrated urban services provider” in its fourth ten-year development plan.In 2018, Vanke will further upgrade such position to “urban and rural development and living services provider” and refine it into four roles: a solution provider of better life, a contributor to real economy, an innovator for future development and a creator of harmonious ecosystem.In 2017, SZMC became the largest shareholder of the Group. SZMC always supports the mixed ownership structure, integrated urban ancillary services provider strategy and business partner mechanism of Vanke, and supports the operation and management undertaken by Vanke’s management team in accordance with pre-determined strategic objective as well as the deepening of the “Railway + Property” development model.Vanke always upheld the vision of “building quality housing for ordinary people, developing premises for accommodation”. The Company adhered to two main development policies of synchronous development with the municipalities and our customers. Vanke will insist on providing quality products and services to ordinary people and contribute to satisfying people’s demand for a better life with its best efforts. . The core business of the Group includes property development, property service and rental housing.In 2018, the Group further enhanced its positioning to “urban and rural development and living services provider”. The ecological system formed had already taken its shape. On the basis of consolidating the inherent advantages of residential properties development and property services, our businesses were extended to areas such as commercial development and operations, logistics and warehousing services, rental housing, industrial towns, skiing resort business, elderly care and education.This had laid a sound foundation for better serving the people’s needs for a better life and achieving sustainable development.。



英语企事业单位宣传材料的特点: 例1: The Firm Sinter
The objective of the firm is to satisfy the buyers with high quality service of its broad production program. The Sinter disposes to perform these services on the highest possible level, besides 45 years of work experience also with: *6,500 sq. meters of modernly equipped production and business premises, *25,000 sq. meters of storages for raw materials and for finished products, *Its own modernly equipped development and research laboratory, *High professional skill of its technical and administrative personnel. The firm Sinter was founded in 1957. In 2000 it is present, with its sales net in 14 countries of Europe and Asia already.
例4: Bayside is your complete motion resource, offering both individual components and integrated solutions. We have the people facilities and technology to supply you with innovative motion control products. If we don’t have it, we’ll build it. If it doesn’t exist we’ll create if. For innovation, service, and superior value, Bayside is second to none.
论视野下的企业外宣翻译 英文

目的论视野下的企业外宣翻译——以萍乡百斯特电瓷有限公司外宣译文为例On the Translation of Foreign Publicity Materials of Enterprises from the Perspective of Skopos Theory——A Case Study of the English Version of Pingxiang BestInsulator Group Co., Ltd摘要摘要:随着对外宣传工作在国际交流中的作用日益突显,企业外宣翻译也越来越重要。
关键词:外宣;问题;成因;目的论;翻译策略Abstract:In view of the increasing significance of foreign publicity in China,the current situation of the translation of foreign publicity materials of enterprises have become more and more important. This paper mainly analyzes the problems existing in the translation of corporate publicity materials and the causes for the poor translation by taking Pingxiang Best Insulator Group Co., Ltd. as an example. From the perspective of Skopostheory, it explores the translation strategies adopted in the translation of corporate propaganda so as to improve the quality of translation and achieve the desired goals of the source text.Key words: foreign publicity materials; problems; causes; Skopostheory; translation strategies1. IntroductionUnder the trend of economic globalization, China's comprehensive national strength has been continuously enhanced; its international status has been raised; its opening to the outside world has been deepening; and its exchanges with foreign countries have become more and more frequent. The Chinese government has putforward the macro strategic concept of "Belt and Road". In the future, Chinese enterprises will have more and more opportunities to enter the international market and participate in broader international competition and cooperation. In this process, enterprises should not only create high-quality products, but also devote themselves to displaying and promoting a good corporate image through high-quality foreign publicity materials, thus greatly enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises in overseas markets.Therefore, the translation of foreign publicity materials plays a vital role in the development of enterprises. From the perspective of Skopostheory, this paper briefly expounds the translation of foreign publicity materials of enterprises, and takes Pingxiang Best Insulator Group Co., Ltd. as an example to analyze some common problems in the translation of foreign publicity materials and causes for poor translation. In order to improve the translation quality of foreign publicity materials, some translation strategies are put forward from the perspective of Skopostheory so that overseas readers can accurately obtain relevant enterprise information. This will help enterprises to establish a good external image in overseas markets, and enhance the overall communication with the international market.2. SkopostheoryIn 1971, the publication of the famous German translation theorist Katharina Reiss's book Possibility and Limitation of Translation Criticism marked the establishment of the German functional school. Reiss introduced the concept of "function" into translation criticism research, and first proposed that "the special purpose that translation behavior hopes to achieve" should be regarded as a new model of translation criticism.Hans J. Vermeer studied with Katharina Reiss for a long time in language and translation studies. He has published many translation studies, such as "About Translation Theory" (1983), co-authored with Reiss, "Basic Translation Theory" (1984) and "Theory of Translation Purposes: Controversy and Countermeasure" (1996). Vermeer officially proposed the Skopos Theory in his book Basic Theory ofTranslation (1984), which he co-authored with Reiss. He believes that the translator's reference system throughout the translation process should not be equivalent. The original text and its functions that the theory pays attention to should be one or several communicative functions expected by the translation in the cultural environment of the target language. Translation is not just a process of code-switching from source to target language, but a specific pattern of human behavior, which has a certain purpose. The translator's task is to bridge the gap between different languages and cultural groups. The three principles proposed by Vermeer in Skopostheory have an important guiding significance for specific translation practice.2.1 The principle of purposeThe principle of purpose is the golden rule of Skopostheory, which is at the top of the list. Throughout the translation process, the purpose of translation, to a largest extent, determines the choice of translation method and translation strategy. That is what we call “the method of decision-making”.2.2 The principle of CoherenceThis principle mainly emphasizes that the translation should conform to the intra-language coherence standard, that is, the target language reader should be able to understand the translation version smoothly.2.3 The principle of loyaltyThe principle of faithfulness in Skopostheory mainly means that the target text should convey the real meaning of the source text. Simply speaking, the translation should be faithful to the source text, while the degree of loyalty and faithfulness depends on the purpose of the translation and the translator's understanding of the source text. Before the Skopos theory, Western translation scholars mainly interpreted the translation theory from the perspective of linguistics, and regarded the source textas the main research object. Relatively speaking, from the perspective of deconstruction, the translation teleology proposed a new cognitive model of translation theory. It introduces the purpose of translation into the translation evaluation standard and opens up a new research field.3. Overview of the Translation of Foreign Publicity Materials of EnterprisesAs is known to all, the purpose of the C-E translation is to make its recipients understand the information in the translation without any obstacle. And as Chinese publicity materials of enterprises play a significant role in cultural diffusion and international communication, it is necessary to know the definition and characteristics of such translation process in order to improve the translation quality and even better the world.3.1 The DefinitionThe translation of foreign publicity materials refers to the task of completing the translation of foreign publicity materials. In China, the main task of foreign-language translation is to translate Chinese into English, or other foreign languages. And we publish and disseminate these materials through books, periodicals, newspapers, radio, television, Internet and other international conferences. The company's translation tasks are naturally to translate the company profile, corporate website, and product introduction into foreign languages in order to promote the company's products and services, display the good image of the company, attract potential customers to expand exchanges and cooperation between enterprises and explore the international market. When translating the company's foreign publicity materials, we should try to follow the three principles of Skopostheory so as to publicize products and facilitate communication.3.2 CharacteristicsEvery document has its own style and characteristics, let alone foreign publicity materials of enterprises. In order to better translation and deepen understanding, we should fully know such materials' features.3.2.1 Information-orientedThe materials of Chinese enterprises are expressed in a straightforward manner. They are quoted in classics and long-formed. In them conceptual and empty exaggerated descriptive phrases are used. The certifications of authoritative organizations and various awards obtained by enterprises are listed. The image and products fully express the facts, spread real information and speak with facts. Therefore, the translation of the company's foreign publicity materials should be informative.3.2.2 Persuasion-orientedThe purpose of corporate translation is to promote foreign products, introduce foreign products and services to foreign readers, attract foreign consumers and open up foreign markets. Therefore, the translation materials of the company's foreign publicity materials should be persuasive, and the translation must be retained as a propaganda material.3.2.3 Culture-orientedAs the social background and language habits of English and Chinese readers are different, foreigners have different levels of understanding of China's national conditions and cultures. So there is a certain difficulty in understanding certain information. This requires external translation materials to reflect cultural adaptability, requiring translators to cater to the psychology and aesthetics of the translated language and avoid cultural divides.4. Common Errors in the Translation of Foreign Publicity Materials of Enterprises and its CausesIn recent years, the translation from Chinese to English has become a hotspot issue in the translation study, scholars have conducted in-depth discussions on translation from the macro and micro levels. However, due to the essential differences between China’s socialist system and the capitalist systems, there are big differences between the two languages, and there are many problems in the translation of foreign languages. These problems are mainly manifested in the problems of the Chinese-English translation caused by the differences in cultural backgrounds, values and ways of thinking between Chinese and English people, and the lack of understanding of the external translation of practitioners and the quality of translations.4.1 Common ErrorsCurrently, the translation of Chinese publicity materials has a long way to go because there are many problems needed to be solved urgently. Common errors are picked out as follows so as to improve the translation quality.4.1.1. Chinglish errorsChinglish refers to a malformed and hybrid language that does not conform to Standard English, and it is neither English nor Chinese. In China it is not strange to hear "long time no see"(好久不见), "red tea" (红茶), "good good study, day day up" (好好学习,天天向上)etc. Those are typical Chinglish that comes into being because we Chinese people are easy to be affected by the Chinese thinking and lack the understanding of cultural differences between China and the West. Some examples are given and analyzed as follows.“我们始终坚持‘以客户为中心’的经营管理思想和‘一切按经济价值规律办事’的原则”is translated as "We always adhere to the 'customer-centered' operationmanagement ideology and the principle of 'all work according to the law of economic value". Several nouns here are used as attributes to modify another noun. Obviously, this is not correct in translation. In the book The Translator's Guide to Chinglish, the author pointed out that most often the sentence will be clearer and flow more naturally if the noun is not made to serve as an adjective. (Joan Pinkham, 2003) To avoid redundancy and complication, we can translate like this——"We always adhere to the 'customer-centered' ideology of operation and management and the principle of 'all work according to the law of economic value".“百斯特电瓷公司一直致力于通过创新解决方案,引领市场变革和提高产品品质来推动行业可持续发展,连续5年内进入中国电器工业协会绝缘子避雷器分会认定的绝缘子行业五强企业之一,也是国内最大的绝缘子生产研发基地之一” is translated as "Pingxiang Best Insulator Group Co., Ltd has been committed to promoting the sustainable development of the industry through innovative solutions, leading the market transformation and improving product quality. It has entered one of the top five enterprises in the insulator industry identified by the insulator arrester branch of the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association for five years running. It is also one of the largest insulator R&D centers in China". In this case, it is not easy to find out where the error is. But some people are quick to know the key to the problem because they have learned many English idioms, slangs and jargons. The problem lies in the misusage of "enter". In English we usually say "have been listed as". This is what a native speaker commonly say.4.1.2. Semantic errors“2012年投入1500多万建设成的研发中心,具备1000kV及以下线路绝缘子的研发与所有试验项目的全方位检测能力,大大提升了公司自主创新的能力” is translated as "In 2012 we invest 15 million to build R&D center, we can do all relevant test items in it, thus improve our company's independent innovation capability". The translator didn't understand the original text and failed to figure out who should be the subject and what the logistics in it. The most important step intranslation is to find out what's the main idea or center meaning of every sentence. And the focus of the sentence is “研发中心具备研发和全方位检测能力”. In addition, other components can be used as secondary parts like adverbials, attributes, appositives etc. So the better translation version can be "The R&D center, established in 2012 with the investment of more than 15 million yuan, has the capacity of researching and developing Insulators above 1000kV and testing projects in all aspects, thus improving the self-innovation of the company."There is another example needed to be paid attention to. “其硅橡胶伞裙采用整体注压工艺,从而解决了影响复合绝缘子可靠性的关键问题——界面电气击穿” is translated as "The silastic shed adopt the whole packing pressure technique, and then to solve the key problem——interface electric spark puncture, which would affect the reliability of composite insulator". This seems to be awkward and easy to trigger misunderstanding. In the translation process, we shouldn't do word-for-word translation like machines. Not every word should be translated. Sometimes a few words can be ignored or transformed after grasping the real meaning of the original text. In the material we can understand in this way——“其硅橡胶伞裙采用整体注压工艺,从而使界面电气击穿无法影响复合绝缘子可靠性”. So the source text can be translated into "The silicone rubber uses an integral injection process to prevent the reliability of composite insulator from being affected by interface electrical spark puncture". This translation version is precise, accurate and faithful to the source text.4.1.3. Spelling errorsSpelling errors are superficial and can be easily found. Such mistakes are generally not causing misunderstandings, but they can make people feel “sloppy”. So, the first step in the translation process is to avoid such errors. Followings are some mistakes found in the translation of Chinese publicity materials from Pingxiang Best Insulator Group Co., Ltd.“强度高,外形美观,体积小,重量轻”is translated as "It has high strength, beautiful outline, smsll volum and light weight." We can easily find that the word"small" is incorrectly written as "smsll".4.1.4. Grammatical errorsEnglish grammar is tricky, complicated and irregular. But to win readers' hearts and minds, one indispensable thing is that we should do everything possible to avoid grammatical errors. Here are some basic mistakes found in the material.“萍乡百斯特电瓷有限公司成立于2007年4月9日,位于江西省萍乡市安源区富田工业园” is translated as "Pingxiang Best Insulator Group Co., Ltd. was established on April 9, 2007, and was located in Futian Ind-ustrial Park, Anyuan District, Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province. The error lies in "Ind-ustrial". According to the pronunciation rules of Hyphen in word, the word "Ind-ustrial" should be "Indus-trial".“2011年成为国家电网公司总部110kV线路用绝缘子的合格供应商” is translated as "We have passed the State Grid panel review in 2011 become the headquarters of state grid corporation 110kV lines with the Insulator qualified supplier honor." But we can clearly see that a past tense should be used in the translation version. In addition, a comma should also be used because comma goes after the first clause and before the coordinating conjunction that separates the clauses. So in the version of publicity material, we'd better say that "we have passed the State Grid panel review in 2011, and became the headquarters of state grid corporation 110kV lines with the Insulator qualified supplier honor."4.2 Causes for the Imperfect Chinese-English TranslationThere are various causes for the poor translation including new terminologies, cultural differences, unqualified translators and less advanced translation technology. The main reasons for the imperfect translation can be summarized as follows:4.2.1 Unqualified translatorsIt may first come to blame the translators when there is any mistake or error found in the translation text. That’s because translators play a significant role in theChinese-English translation, and in a broader sense, they directly determine the translation quality. In the translation industry, translators are required to have wonderful language skills, encyclopedic knowledge, professional responsibilities as well as the awareness of culture. However, poor translation will be made if translators lose one of them.Thus, professional translators need to read through the original. Before translation, they should consult a lot of Chinese-language materials, find out the ins and outs of large and small political events in the original text, and understand the deep meaning of political entries. Furthermore, they need to learn to draw on parallel texts. Parallel text refers to the translated material similar to the original content, mainly used to understand the original text in depth. This requires translators to accumulate a unified translation of certain political terms on weekdays, read China Daily, Beijing Review, US President's State of the Union report, government work report, etc., to strengthen their political awareness. Most importantly, they need to strengthen mother tongue learning. In the political texts, the poetry dictionary in Chinese often appears, which requires the translator to consolidate the Chinese language and enrich the knowledge4.2.2 Cultural differences between Chinese and EnglishAs an ancient country in the East, China embraces a long history of more 5,000 years, which gives rise to many confusions and obstacles in the Chinese-English translation of publicity materials. A thinking pattern is one of the cultural elements that exert an influence on the quality of translation. “The ways of thinking is quite different, actually, people live in certain area have their own way of thinking. It connects to various kinds of factors, such as geography, history, nation and so on. The ways of thinking are the important reason of cultural difference. It includes knowledge, concepts, methods, language and custom and so on.”(Deng Yanchang, 1997) Chinese people, socked up in the Chinese culture for a long time, are apt to be influenced by the way of Chinese thinking that normally results in Chinglish,mistranslation, and undertranslation. The differences of the thinking patterns between Chinese and English nations are increasingly affecting the translation process.4.2.3 Slower development cause of the translation of publicity materialsAs the Chinese-English translation of publicity materials has been developing at the slow pace, more and more problems and deficiencies are exposed in the translation. And compared with literary translation, the Chinese publicity translation has a long way to go. At present, more relevant studies and trainings should be given attention to.5. Translation StrategiesCurrently, extensive studies have been done in the field of translation strategies. And most experts agree that strategies are used by translators when they encounter a difficulty in performing translation and literal translation does not work. Several translation strategies are illustrated to help improve the C-E translation of foreign publicity materials.5.1 Understand the logic relationships of sentencesAn essential prerequisite in doing the C-E translation is that one needs to understand the source text completely. Only the equivalent comprehension will lead to the further process——expression. And the most crucial part in comprehension is the understanding of the logic relationships including the inter-sentence relationship and the intra-sentence relationship. However, translators who fail to be aware of those relationships are usually unable to achieve high-quality translation and cause a failure in communication.The former one attempts to show the relationship between or among different sentences and how they are related to each other. As the Chinese are hypotaxis-oriented while the English are parataxis-considerate, Chinese sentences are inclined to convey meanings with demanding few conjunctive phrases, thus providingtranslators more freedom in thought and expression. For example, when translating the sentence “我们要夯实管理基础,创新发展。
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