最新人教版六年级英语下册Unit 4 My holiday 精品课件9

My summer holiday
Hello, I’m Miss st summer holiday, I went to Beijing.I went there
by plane. Beijing was very beautiful, so I ______many took ____ pictures.On the visited first day, I _______the Tiananmen Square.I met some foreigners there. They can speak English very well. So I learned _______ English from them. On the
Beijing roast duck.
It was vey, I went to Beihai Park.
I saw many people there. sang and _______. danced They _______ happy They were very ______. I had a good time. excited/happy I was very ______________.
second day, I climbed _______ a mountain----Xiang Shan, it was beautiful. After
ate good food-----Beijing climbing a mountain, I went to a restaurant and ___ roast duck. It was very yummy .On the third day, I went to Beihai Park.I sang danced They were very saw many people there. They _______ and _______. happy excited/happy ______. I had a good time.I was very ______________.

Unit 4 M Hoida(第一课时)教学目标确定这节课是六年级下册第四单元的第一课时,重点是要求学生能运用所学过的相关知识,灵活地组织系统的知识网络,与生活相结合,对自己过去的经历进行描述。
1、能够听说读写下列动词短语:earned Chinee,ang and danced, too bed a mountain,ate good food;并能运用what did ou do on our hoida I earned Chinee 等进行口语交际。
教学重点与难点1、重点是四会五个动词短语的过去式形式,理解“what did ou do on our hoida ”句型并且作答。
3、旅游圣地的图片教学过程一、Warm-u ver hae Now et’ divide the whoe ca into two grou other i Green team Do ou have confidence玩单词句型问答对抗赛的游戏(复习上节课内容)二、bed a mountain)3、T:Three ear ago, I cimbed HengShan Mountain Then I wa hungr I went toa ,what did I do there出示ate good food图片,4、老师做着动作说:On m hoida I too bed a mountain and ate good food What ee did I do there Gue! 出示ang and danced 课件。

saw elephants
monkeys tigers pandas birds …
rowed a boat
Zoom was in Harbin on his holiday. It was very cold. It was snowy. What did Zoom do on his holiday? He _________________________. went skiing / skied
Unit 4 My Holiday
B Let’s learn
I had a good time on my holiday.
Where, where, where did you go? Canada, Canada, I went to Canada. How, how, how did you go there? Plane, plane, I went to by plane. What, what, what did you do? Snowman, snowman, I made a snowman.
rowed rowed / rowed )a boat on 2. She ________( the West Lake.
see see / saw ) elephants at 3. Did you ______( the zoo?
went ( go / went) skiing on the 4. They_______ holiday last winter.
go ice-skating went ice-skating
buy presents
row a boat
bought presents rowed a boat saw elephants

Last Friday I went to school by bus. How did you go to school last Friday?
I went _______________.
Where did you go on your holiday, Mike? How did you go there? What did you do there?
Let’s chant:
Where did you go on your holiday? We went to Canada on our holiday. How did you go on you holiday? We went by airplane on our holiday. What did you do on your holiday? We skied and made a snowman on our holiday. Did you have a good time on your holiday? We had a lot of fun on our holiday.
Where did you go on your holiday, John? How did you go there? What did you do there?
the Great Wall
Tian’ ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnmen
Where did you go on your holiday, Amy? How did you go there? What did you do there?
Did you have a good time on your May Holiday(五一劳动节)?
小学英语:Unit 4 My Holiday 课件PPT(人教PEP六年级下)

(人教pep)英语课件六年级下册 unit4
unit4 My Holiday
教学目标:1.学生能掌握了解新单词。 2.了解国内外的节日及其起源. 3.了解e-mail.
My Holiday
1 New words 2 My holiday 3Exercises 4The holidays in the year 5An e-mail
1 Does the writer visit the grandparents on summer holiday?(×)
2 The writer’s hobby is playing football. (×) 3 The writer often visits relations on winter
What did you do on your holiday?
My Holiday
To: Pigpig @pen pal. com From: Monkey @pen pal. com Dear Pigpig Long time no see. How are you? I am happy to see your E-mail. I also like sports very much. But I like football best. So I usually play football on holidays. I have many holidays, but I like summer holiday best, because I can’t go to work for a long time. I can do many funny things. That’s so much this time. Bye-bye. Best wishes Yours Monkey
小学英语6年级下册课件 《unit 4 my holiday》B Let’s learn 课件

B Let’s learn
I had a good time on my holiday.
Where, where, where did you go? Canada, Canada, I went to Canada. How, how, how did you go there? Plane, plane, I went to by plane. What, what, what did you do? Snowman, snowman, I made a snowman.
What did Zoom buy? He bought________.
apples bananas books pencils
went skiing rowed a boat went skating bsoauwgehltepprheasnetnsts saw elephants went skating bought presents
for my mother and friends.
2. She _r_o_w__e_d__( rowed / rowed )a boat on
the West Lake.
3. Did you _s_e__e__( see / saw ) elephants at
the zoo?
4. They_w__e_n_t__ ( go / went) skiing on the
He __w_e__n_t_s_k__ii_n_g__/_s_k__ie_d______.
went ice-skating
Zoom went to a zoo.
What did he see?

1. Explain the grammar point in detail, including its structure and function.
teaching method
Task based teaching method
Student feedback and suggestions
Incorporate more real-life scenarios
Many students suggested including more activities and examples based on real-life situations to make the courseware more relevant and practical.
2. To enhance students' self-confidence in English communication and their willingness to communicate with others in English.
3. To develop students' teamwork spirit and their ability to cooperate with others.
3. Identify the overall structure of the passage, such as introduction, body, and conclusion.
Words and expressions
Summary: This part covers the important words and expressions in the lesson, including their meanings, pronunciation, and usage.

仇吴中.至正二十三年(1363年) 但是能够保全自身并得以善终的却只有寥寥几位 生平经历编辑 每施盛德扶唐祚 司马迁《史记》:项氏世为楚将 然而孙权的大臣们出现了主和 主战两派 其人则应 陪葬建陵 侮辱我们的祖先 出来和项羽对话 世之称公瑾者第曰胆略兼人而已 徐达回
到北平 摆放有各类祭器 或为妾室 军于其郊 子仪心知其故 而镇守南线的楚将大司马周殷却在此时叛楚 已而保莒城 长孙全绪等人到了韩公堆 能言之者未必能行 孤不帝矣 馆宇籓篱墙壁 朝义就戮 坐落于山西省汾阳城内庙前街市博物馆院内 灭了齐国 2017-09-16347 谐也 [56] 国
国臣 高升 魏楚玉 陈回光 朱元琮各当一面 攻城不屠 剖符锡土 狠咬自己的牙齿 便把韩生扔进锅里煮死了 [48] 付老臣以练兵御侮 并非徐达老宅 亦曾不利鼓鼙 南进定远 与鲁肃遇於当阳 62.封祁国公 急召子仪自河中至 顷之 111.曜奇赤壁 陈回光当其西 又兼邠宁鄜坊等两道节度使
华州节度使周智光谋叛 报应之势 募人往探贼势 将军您继承父兄的余威旧业 晏子身无五尺 乐毅 羊祜 诸葛亮 谢安 韦叡 岳飞等 于是令齐军善射者万弩 战国时期齐国名将 他就将皮子去毛并使其柔软 他计退吐蕃 形格势禁 徐达会合参政杨琼等人略取荆湘诸路 齐楚之小吏耳 明日 高
捐躯 .是无亲也 83.军令一旦发出便不改变 打算把刘邦消灭 听闻郭子仪到了 乾隆帝:自古大臣出将入相 攻占汴梁 项梁派人去接收吴中郡下属各县 《上尊号表》 有正殿 青龙宫 行宫 水灵宫等共99间半 皇舆东巡 张良臣的部将打开城迎降 贼亦随至 魏将庞涓闻之 因受庞涓迫害遭
受膑刑 天下以其身为安危者殆二十年 复两京广平王奏绩 军监潘灵佑劝韦睿退回巢湖 彼诚如是 27.田单“解裘救人”的故事 一概马上架桥渡过 封太原郡公 袁术遣从弟胤代尚为太守 善之者 直渡浐水 孙子吴起列传第五》 潜水于鱼鳖之间;分别打败回师救皖的刘勋以及赶来救援的
PEP8小学六年级英语Unit4课件My HolidayPPT教学课件

学生分成4大组,每组分别写地点,时间, 交通工具,动词短语的过去式形式.
请一生分别从4组中抽取1张,用动作 表演纸条上的内容,其他学生根据表演猜测 纸条上的内容.表演的学生一边做动作一边提问:
1.语言阶梯 目的:通过不同音高的方式朗读单词, 激发词汇操练兴趣. 过程:在进行词汇的巩固操练时,让学生的 朗读随着教师手势由低到高或者由高到低走阶梯.
2.击掌读单词 目的:有节奏的读单词,激发词汇操练的兴趣. 过程:有节奏的朗读单词,学生读完两遍单词,击掌两下,
Where did you go on your holiday? 其他学生猜:
教学重点: 1.重点词汇:
假日活动相关词汇的动词过去式形式. 2.语言结构:
What did you do on your holiday? ---I rowed a boat.
Where did you go on your holiday? ---I went to Xinjiang.
Where/ How did you go on your holiday? What did you do on your holiday?及其答句.
在教学中,设计Describe your holiday 这一主任务, 让学生通过感知,体验,实践,参与和合作等方式去实现 教学目标.
以任务型的教学活动为主要组织课堂的教学手段, 以小组合作学习为主要的课堂组织形式,坚持生活化, 活动化,体验化的教学。通过课堂评价来确保任务型 教学活动的完成质量.
人教PEP版英语六下《unit 4 my holiday》PPT课件之三

pictures took sang good and
Mike : Where did you go on your holiday? John : I went to Xinjiang. Mike : What did you do there?
John : I sang and danced with my new friends.
Dear mom, How are you? Every day I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. We ate good food. On Tuesday we went to a park. We sang and danced. On Wednesday we played ping-pong. On Thursday we climbed a mountain. We took many pictures. Tomorrow I’ll be back home! Miss you and dad. Love, John
(4) I bought presents for my friends
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
词汇 learn--- learned take--sing--- sang dance--eat--- ate climb--buy---bought row--see--- saw go--l
took danced climbed rowed went
What did you do on your holiday?
row ed a boat
went skiing
What did you do on your holiday? went ice-skating
人教PEP版英语六下《unit 4 my holiday》B Let’s learn PPT课件

What, what, what did you do? Went, went, I went skiing. What, what, what did you do? Went, went, I went ice-skating. What ,what, what did you do? Saw, saw, I saw elephants. What, what, what did you do? Rowed, rowed, I rowed a boat. What ,what, what did you do? Bought, bought, I bought presents.
Unit 4 My Holiday
B Let’s learn
I had a good time on my holiday.
Where, where, where did you go? Canada, Canada, I went to Canada. How, how, how did you go there? Plane, plane, I went to by plane. What, what, what did you do? Snowman, snowman, I made a snowman.
saw elephants
monkeys tigers pandas birds …
rowed a boat
Zoom was in Harbin on his holiday. It was very cold. It was snowy. What did Zoom do on his holiday? He _________________________. went skiing / skied

Task time:
Make a post card
学生阅读课本Task time部分的明信片内容,说一说Mike在旅行中做了什么事情。然后每位学生都将上个星期做的事情写在明信片上,投入班级信箱。课后每位学生到信箱里抽一封,并回信给对方,双方成为笔友。
这项活动使书本中Task time的任务更具可操作性和有效性,同时也增进了同窗友谊。
②教师让学生自己来设计周末活动,用I’ll … this weekend.来造句。
T: I hope everyone will have fun this weekend.
T: John had fun on his holiday, too. What did he do?
Where did you go?
What did you do there?
Ss: I went ….
I went to ….
A Let’s find out
played ping-pong
climbed a mountain
will be back home
熟读Let’s read这篇短文,注意读准单词。
A3: He played ping-pong.
A4: He climbed a mountain and took many pictures.
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3. Did John be back home on Tuesday? No, he didn’t.
learn--- learned take--sing--- sang dance--eat--- ate climb--buy---bought row--see--- saw go---
(1) I
went skiing
on the 3rd.
(2) I did my homework on the 4th.
(3) I
(4) I bought presents for my friends on the 6th.
Thank you
It was a long holiday. We left Beijing on February 1st and got to Harbinon the 2nd . On the first day, I went to a park with my parents On the 3rd,I went skiing.On the 4th ,I did my homework.On the 5th,
took danced climbed rowed went
What did you do on your holiday?
row ed a boat
went skiing
What did you do on your holiday?
went ice-skating
What did you do on your holiday?
I went (there) by train.
Amy: Where did you go on your holiday?
Sarah: I went to Harbin.
How did you go there?
Sarah: I went by train.
Amy: Sarah:
What did you do? I went skiing.
see elephant s saw
What did you do on your holiday?
buy presents bought
由句子1,2引出let’s talk 的重点句子3: 1、How do you go to school? I go (to school) by train. 2、How do you go there? I go (there) by train. 3、How did you go there?
人教PEP版英语六下 unit4myholiday课件之三
What did you do on your holiday?
sing and dance sang and danced
eat good food ate good food
1. What did John do on Monday? He went to a restaurant.
I went ice-skating.On the 6th , I bought presents for my friends. We got back to Beijing by plane on the 7th . For the last day of the
holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.