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1 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Forum 企业社会责任(CSR)论坛
2 Position Paper 2008/09 建议书(2008年9月)
3 Introduction to the CSR Forum CSR论坛简介
4 The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Forum was established in Beijing in the spring of 200
5 and in Shanghai two years later. 企业社会责任(CSR)论坛于2005年春在北京创立,并于两年后在上海举行。

5 The CSR Forum serves as a platform for European enterprises operating in China to exchange experiences and provide practical information to support their responsible business practices in China. CSR论坛为欧洲企业在中国的经营充当了一个平台,它们可在这个平台上交流经验、提供活动信息,以支持它们在中国有责任感的业务活动。

6 The CSR Forum is an event-driven platform that regularly organises seminars with topics that are of interest to all European Chamber members. CSR论坛是一个由事件驱动的平台,这定期举办的研讨会所讨论的话题都事关所有欧盟商会成员的切身利益。

7 The aim is to share CSR experiences in China, exchange best practice, improve the understanding of different approaches and expectations and where possible, to collectively find solutions to challenges in implementing responsible business practice in order to facilitate the creation of harmonious and sustainable business practice in China. 研讨会的目标是分享CSR 在中国的经验、交流最好的活动、提高对不同措施和期望的理解以及在可能的情况下,共同为在实施有责任的业务活动中所出现的挑战而找到解决方案,从而促进在中国创立和谐而持续发展的业务活动。

8 The European Chamber has organised seminars and meetings on supply chain management, corporate governance practices, labour issues, the environment, health and safety practices and engaging with the community and NGOs in China, amongst others. 欧盟商会已经举办了许多研讨会和会议,如:供应链管理、公司管理实务、劳工问题以及环境、健康与安全方面的活动等,得到了中国的社区和非政府组织的参与。

9 The CSR Forum has also benefited from specialised CSR training from CSR Asia, a non-profit organisation based in Hong Kong. CSR论坛还从由CSR亚洲协会(设立在香港的非盈利性组织)专门提供的CSR培训中获益菲浅。

10 In June 2008, the European Chamber organised a two-day CSR conference jointly with the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) on “Responsible Competitiveness in China –from Concept to Implementation”, which w as attended by over 200 people from Chinese and foreign businesses, non-governmental organisations, academics and government officials. 2008年6月,欧盟商会与中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)联合举办了为期两天的CSR研讨会,其主题为“中国有责任的竞争–从概念到实施”,来自于中外企业、非政府组织、学术团体以及政府部门的200多人出席了此研讨会。

11 The theme for the conference was chosen in response to a real demand by companies operating in China to discourage irresponsible behaviour by companies, which can result in costs whether in the form of fines, damage to a brand or reputation, labour disputes or product recalls due to safety concerns. 会议主旨的选择正好回应了中国的公司在运营中出现的现实需求,对企业不负责任的行为加以阻止,因为这些行为将会产生各种各样的费用。


12 Many critics note that it is difficult enough for a company to be competitive in China without having to be “responsible”too. 许多评论家指出:对于一个企业,要想在中国市场上具

13 However, more and more companies understand the fact that it is imperative to broaden their view of the bottom line to account for CSR since doing so can not only mitigate risks, but also improve customer loyalty and staff retention in some cases. 然而,越来越多的企业明白了一个事实,即参与CSR论坛必定会拓宽它们看待问题的底线,因为只要这样做了,不仅可以减轻风险,还可提高客户的忠诚度以及员工在某些情况下的承受能力。

14 The business case for a CSR strategy to be successful is similar to that of other initiatives within a business. 在CSR战略中,成功的业务案例与一个企业的其它措施很相似。

15 Like in any other project, companies must define goals for CSR, work to achieve them and continuously review and improve the process. 如同在其它项目中的目标一样,企业必须为CSR制定一个目标,通过采取行动来实现它,并且对整个过程不断进行评价和改进。

16 The willingness of the government to work side by side with companies to ensure that their efforts are being rewarded through labour compliance, environmental protection or the establishment of public-private partnerships is crucial, particularly in China. 政府愿意同企业进行肩并肩地密切合作,这确保企业所作出的努力通过员工的遵纪守法以及对环境的保护而受到奖励,也就是说,在中国建立一种公私伙伴关系是至关重要的。

17 Transparency in the application of regulations is also vital in China where increased trade is becoming a strong driver of CSR practices. 在法律的适应性上,其透明度在中国也同样至关重要,因为在中国不断增长的贸易正成为CSR活动的重要推动器。

18 CSR strategies will enable globalising Chinese companies to make a positive impression when investing in foreign countries and allow them to make more attractive debuts on overseas stock exchanges. CSR战略使全球化的中国企业对在国外进行投资留下积极的印象,并允许他们以更加吸引人的姿态在海外的股票交易所中闪亮登场。

19 Already some Chinese companies are including CSR reports as part of their particulars for NASDAQ listings. 部分中国企业已经将CSR的报告作为一部分纳入它们为在纳斯达克(NASDAQ)上市而准备的材料之中。

20 CSR in China CSR在中国
21 The European Commission regards CSR as an aspect of the European social model and a means of defending solidarity, cohesion and equal opportunities against a backdrop of increasing global competition. 欧盟委员会将CSR视为在全球竞争日益增长的背景之下欧洲社会模型的一个方面以及对统一、团结和平等机遇进行捍卫的一种方式。

22 CSR is also a way of addressing population ageing and can help to achieve a better quality of life in a healthy environment. CSR同时还是一种表达老龄化人口观点的一种方法,它有助于在健康的环境中实现更高质量的生活。

23 The importance attached to CSR is reflected in many strategies proposed by the European Commission. CSR的重要性在欧盟委员会所提议的许多战略报告中都有所反映。

24 The importance of CSR is also becoming more obvious in China and at the National People’s Congress in March 2008 the Chinese government reaffirmed its adherence to the policy of “harmonious society”, tightening its policies to ensure that social and environmental standards in China are met. CSR的重要意义同样在中国变得越来越明显。


25 Labour standards and environmental protection are two areas in which the Chinese government has made considerable progress in recent years. 劳工标准和环境保护这两个领

26 In today’s competitive global economy, businesses are re-examining their roles in society in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility. 现在,全球经济处于激烈竞争之中,各个企业都在企业社会责任方面重新检视自己在社会中的作用。

27 Traditional business thinking and approaches that define corporate value solely in terms of the financial measures of profitability and growth are rapidly giving way to the understanding that companies are not merely creators of economic well-being but also of cultural, environmental and social well-being. 传统的企业观点和措施将企业的价值仅仅定义在盈利和增长方面的财务措施。


28 In China, CSR has taken on Chinese dimensions in “creating a harmonious society” whereby sustainable development has emerged as a key focus for government policy objectives and responsible business conduct codes are being integrated to all new policies. 在中国,CSR已经呈现出“创建和谐社会”的中国元素。


29 Uptake of CSR has improved in recent years thanks to social dialogue and buy-in from external stakeholders. CSR在近几年得到了很大的发展,这得益于与社会的交流以及外部持股者的大宗买入。

30 However, more can always be done by governments and businesses to further increase the uptake of CSR by playing a more active role in rewarding responsible business conduct. 然而,通过对有责任的企业活动进行奖励以发挥CSR的更大作用,政府通常会做很多工作,CSR也得到更大发展。

31 Improved conduct by businesses in China can help address the important challenges that China is facing such as environmental protection, occupational health and safety and labour rights. 在中国,企业对其行动作出改善将向世界传达出这样的讯息,即中国正面临着一个重要挑战。


32 On 1st January 2008, the new Labour Contract Law, which has brought positive changes to workers’rights and conditions, came into effect in China. 2008年1月1日,新的《劳动合同法》生效。


33 The Employment Promotion Law has also come into effect, legislation which assures workers’rights in terms of education and training, age discrimination and equal treatment for migrant workers seeking employment. 《就业促进法》也生效了。


34 However, implementation of laws in China is not sufficiently imposed; therefore, whilst some companies may be conducting responsible business practices in accordance with the law, many others are not. 但是,在中国,法律的执行往往不力,因此,当一些企业可能会依法履行企业责任而另一些企业可能会不这样做。

35 The Chinese National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) has become a leader in providing CSR awareness and training in the textiles industry in China, which is a particularly labour-intensive industry. 中国纺织工作协会(CNTAC)在中国的纺织行业(一个明显劳动密集行业)中率先提供有关CSR的知识与培训。

36 CSC9000T, a textile industry standard, was developed within CNTAC with government
endorsement and adopted in 2005. CSC9000T是纺织工业的标准,由CNTAC制定并于2005年被政府所认可和采用。

37 It is based on Chinese legislation and provides a management system for companies wishing to be socially responsible. 它以中国的法律规定作为基础,为具有社会责任感的企业提供了一个管理系统。

38 CSC9000T is a “code of conduct”not only for manufacturers, but also for the entire supply chain and it has been extremely successful in the textiles industry in China. CSC9000T不仅对制造商而且对整个供应链而言都是行动守则,它在中国的纺织行业中已经取得了巨大成功。

39 The success of the CSR initiatives in the textiles sector is encouraging the Chinese government to promote CSR policies more widely across other sectors. CSR在纺织行业中的成功创举正激励着中国政府推动CSR的政策在其它行业中的广泛应用。

40 There are many examples of good cooperation between the European Union and China on CSR issues. 对于CSR所提到的问题,欧盟与中国之间开展了良好的合作,这样的例子有很多。

41 The EU China Trade Project (EUCTP), for example, offers cooperation on the development of CSR policy in China and assistance to the Chinese government and industry in understanding European approaches to CSR. 例如:中欧世贸项目(EUCTP)为CSR的政策在中国的发展提供合作,并帮助中国政府和各个行业更好地理解欧洲对CSR计划的参与。

42 The EUCTP also runs capacity building projects at a local level of relevant government authorities. EUCTP还对地方级别的政府部门进行能力建设项目的运作。

43 Challenges to CSR practices in China CSR活动在中国的挑战
44 Investment in CSR is often seen as a direct risk to profitability and the popular perception in China is that CSR costs money. 投资于CSR被认为是一种在盈利上的直接风险,而且其在中国受欢迎的程度表明CSR活动会花费颇多。

45 However, CSR can reap enormous benefits for a company in the long term. 但是,CSR将会为企业带来长期的巨大收益。

46 Responsible business practice is not just about complying with the law. 有责任的业务活动不仅仅事关遵守法律。

47 It is about going beyond the law. 它超乎于遵守法律之外。

48 Large multinational companies operating in China understand this and are already heavily involved in CSR initiatives. 在中国开展业务的大型跨国企业(MNC)对此有很好的理解,并且已经深入地参与到CSR的活动之中。

49 Large Chinese companies are following suit. 大型的中国企业也在追风而动。

50 However, the level of CSR awareness in small and medium sized companies, often the backbone of the workforce in China, is severely deficient and the lack of law enforcement at a local level in China remains the single most important challenge to CSR practice in China. 但是,中国的中小型企业(它们通常是中国劳动力的主力军)对CSR观点的认识严重匮乏,而且地方政府执法不力,这依然是在中国开展CSR活动所面临的唯一最重要的挑战。

51 A major challenge for MNC's in applying CSR principles in China is understanding the
motivation for and therefore effective implementation of CSR initiatives in this country. 对于跨国企业在中国应用CSR原则所遇到的主要挑战是如何理解应用这些原则的动机是什么以及因而如何在中国有效地实施CSR计划。

52 In European countries, CSR initiatives are often inspired by awareness raising campaigns lead by NGO's. 在欧洲国家,CSR计划通常被非政府组织所领导的CSR认识提高活动所激励。

53 In contrast, in China, CSR is more likely to be effective when the will of the people is reflected by the legislation of the government e.g. the Ministry of Commerce regulation that as of 1st June 2008 retailers could be fined up to $1400 for providing free plastic bags to customers. 在中国则相反。



54 The European Chamber strongly encourages the Chinese government to implement clear regulations to facilitate the registration of international and national organisations and NGOs. 欧盟商会强烈建议中国政府严格执法,促进国际性和全国性组织及非政府组织在中国的注册。

55 Similarly, with regards to laws and regulations, the European Chamber strongly supports greater stakeholder and public consultation in the development of new legislation. 类似地,在制定新的法律法规方面,欧盟商会将对大股东和公众咨询予以大力支持。

56 The European Chamber is committed to supporting its members in the development of their CSR strategies in China and to work with local governments to enhance the role of CSR throughout the supply chain, in environmental and health and safety issues, through corporate governance and community involvement. 欧盟商会致力于支持其成员在中国发展CSR战略,并同地方政府合作,以扩大CSR在整个供应链中,在环境、健康及安全问题、公司管理以及社会事务上的作用。

57 CSR is not just good for business –it is essential. CSR不只是对业务有好处–它是最基本的。

58 Abbreviations 缩略语
59 CEIBS China Europe International Business School 中欧国际工商学院
60 CSR Corporate Social Responsibility 企业社会责任
61 EUCTP EU –China Trade Project 中欧世贸项目
62 MNC Multinational Companies 跨国企业。
