船舶专业外文翻译一船舶设计优化Ship Design OptimizationThis contribution is devoted to exploiting the analogy between a modern manufacturing plant and a heterogeneous parallel computer to construct a HPCN decision support tool for ship designers. The application is a HPCN one because of the scale of shipbuilding ・ a large container vessel is constructed by assembling about 1.5 million atomic components in a production hierarchy. The role of the decision support tool is to rapidly evaluate the manufacturing consequences of design changes. The implementation as a distributed multi-agent application running on top of PVM is described1 Analogies between Manufacturing and HPCNThere are a number of analogies between the manufacture of complex products such as ships, aircraft and cars and the execution of a parallel program. The manufacture of a ship is carried out according to a production plan which ensures that all the components come together at the right time at the right place.A parallel computer application should ensure that the appropriate data is available on the appropriate processor in a timely fashion.It is not surprising, therefore, that manufacturing is plagued by indeterminacy exactly as are parallel programs executing on multi-processor hardware. This has caused a number of researchers in production engineering to seek inspiration in other areas where managing complexity and unpredictability is important. A number of new paradigms^ such as Holonic Manufacturing and Fractal Factories have emerged [1,2] which contain Ideas rather reminiscent of those to be found inthe field of Multi- Agent Systems [3,4].Manufacturing tasks are analogous to operations carried out on data, within the context of planning, scheduling and control. Also, complex products are assembled at physically distributed workshops or production facilities^ so the components must be transported between them. This is analogous to communication of data between processors in a parallel computer, which thus also makes clear the analogy between workshops and processors.The remainder of this paper reports an attempt to exploit this analogy to build a parallel application for optimizing ship design with regard to manufacturing issues.2 Shipbuilding at Odense Steel ShipyardOdense Steel Shipyard is situated in the town of Munkebo on the island of Funen. It is recognized as being one of the most modern and highly automated in the world. Itspecializes in building VLCC's (supertankers) and very large container ships. The yard was the first in the world to build a double hulled supertanker and is currently building an order of 15 of the largest container ships ever built for the Maersk line. These container ships are about 340 metres long and can carry about 7000 containers at a top speed of 28 knots with a crew of 12.Odense Steel Shipyard is more like a ship factory than a traditional shipyard. The ship design is broken down into manufacturing modules which are assembled and processed in a number of workshops devoted to, for example, cutting, welding and surface treatment. At any one time, up to 3 identical ships are being built and a new ship is launched about every 100 days.The yard survives in the very competitive world of shipbuilding by extensive application of information technology and robots, so there are currently about 40 robots at the yard engaged in various production activities. The yard has a coininitment to research as well, so that there are about 10 industrial Ph・D・students working there, who are enrolled at various engineering schools in Denmark.3 Tomorrow's Manufacturing SystemsThe penetration of Information Technology into our lives will also have its effect in manufacturing Industry. For example, the Internet is expected to becomethe dominant trading medium for goods. This means that the customer can come Into direct digital contact with the manufacturer.The direct digital contact with customers will enable them to participate in the design process so that they get a product over which they have some influence. The element of unpredictability introduced by taking into account customer desires increases the need for flexibility in the manufacturing process, especially in the light of the tendency towards globalization of productioiLIntelligent robot systems, such as AMROSE, rely on the digital CAD model as the primary source of information about the work piece and the work cell [5,6].This information is used to construct task performing, collision avoiding trajectories for the robots, which because of the high precision of the shipbuilding process, can be corrected for small deviations of the actual world from the virtual one using ven r simple sensor systems. The trajectories are generated by numerically solving the constrained equations of motion for a model of the robot moving in an artificial force field designed to attract the tool centre to the goal and repell it from obstacles, such as the work piece and parts of itself. Finally, there are limits to what one can get a robot to do, so the actual manufacturing will be performed as a collaboration between human and mechatronic agents.Most industrial products, such as the windmill housing component shown in Fig. 1, are designed electronically in a variety of CAD systems.Fig> 1. Showing the CAD model for the housing of a windmilL The model, made using Bentley Microstation, includes both the work-piece and task-curve geometries.4 Today v s Manufacturing SystemsThe above scenario should be compared to today's realities enforced by traditional production engineering philosophy based on the ideas of mass production introduced about 100 years ago by Henry Ford. A typical production line has the same structure as a serial computer program, so that the whole process is driven by production requirements. This rigidity is reflected on the types of top-down planning and control systems used in manufacturing industry, which are badly suited to both complexity and unpredictability.In fact, the manufacturing environment has always been characterized by unpredictability. Today's manufacturing systems are based on idealized models where unpredictability is not taken into account but handled using complex and expensive logistics and buffering systems.Manufacturers are also becoming aware that one of the results of the top-down serial approach is an alienation of human workers. For example, some of the car manufacturers have experimented with having teams of human workers responsible for a particular car rather than performing repetitive operations in a production line. This model in fact better reflects the concurrency of the manufacturing process than the assembly line.5 A Decision Support Tool for Ship Design OptimizationLarge ships are, together with aircraft, some of the most complex things ever built A container ship consists of about 1.5 million atomic components which are assembled in a hierarchy of increasingly complex components. Thus any support tool for the manufacturing process can be expected to be a large HPCN application.Ships are designed with both functionality and ease of construction in mind, as well as issues such as economy, safety, insurance issues, maintenance and even decommissioning. Once a functional design is in place, a stepwise decomposition of the overall design into a hierarchy of manufacturing components is performed. The manufacturing process then starts with the individual basic building blocks such as steel plates and pipes. These building blocks are put together into ever more complex structures and finally assembled in the dock to form the flnished ship.Thus a very useful thing to know as soon as possible after design time are the manufacturing consequences of design decisions. This includes issues such as whether the intermediate structures can actually be built bv the availableproduction facilities, the implications on the use of material and whether or not the production can be efficiently scheduled [7].Fig.2. shows schematically how a redesign decision at a point in time during construction implies future costs, only some of which are known at the time. Thus a decision support tool is required to give better estimates of the implied costs as early as possible in the process.Simulation,both of the feasibility of the manufacturing tasks and the efficiency with which these tasks can be performed using the available equipment, is a very compute-intense application of simulation and optimization. In the next section, we describe how a decision support tool can be designed and implemented as a parallel application by modeling the main actors in the process as agents.Fig>2> Economic consequences of design decisions. A design decision implies a future commitment of economic resources which is only partially known at design time.6 Multi-Agent SystemsThe notion of a software agent, a sort of autonomous, dynamic generalization of an object (in the sense of Object Orientation) is probably unfamiliar to the typical HPCN reader in the area of scientific computation. An agent possesses its own beliefs, desires and intentions and is able to reason about and act oil its perceptionof other agents and the environment.A multi-agent system is a collection of agents which try to cooperate to solve some problem, typically in the areas of control and optimization. A good example is the process of learning to drive a car in traffic. Each driver is an autonomous agent which observes and reasons about the intentions of other drivers. Agents are in fact a very useful tool for modeling a wide range of dynamical processes in the real worlds such as the motion of protein molecules [8] or multi-link robots [9]. For other applications, see [4].One of the interesting properties of multi-agent systems is the way global behavior of the system emerges from the individual interactions of the agents [10]. The notion of emergence can be thought of as generalizing the concept of evolution in dynamical systems.Examples of agents present in the system are the assembly network generator agent which encapsulates knowledge about shipbuilding production methods for planning assembly sequences, the robot motion verification agent, which is a simulator capable of generating collision-free trajectories for robots carrying out their tasks, the quantity surveyor agent which possesses knowledge about various costs involved in the manufacturing process and the scheduling agent which designs a schedule for performing the manufacturing tasks using the production resources available.7 Parallel ImplementationThe decision support tool which implements all these agents is a piece of Object- Oriented software targeted at a multi-processor system, in this case, a network of Silicon Graphics workstations in the Design Department at Odense Steel Shipyard. Rather than hand-code all the communication between agents and meta-code for load balancing the parallel application, abstract interaction mechanisms were developed. These mechanisms are based on a task distribution agent being present on each processor. The society of task distribution agents is responsible for all aspects of communication and migration of tasks in the system.The overall agent system runs on top of PVM and achieves good speedup and load balancing. To give some idea of the size of the shipbuilding application^ it takes 7 hours to evaluate a single design on 25 SGI workstations.From:Applied Parallel Computing Large Scale Scientific and Industrial Problems LectureNotes in Computer Science, 1998, Volume1541/199& 476-482, DOI: 10.1007/BFb0095371.中文翻译:船舶设计优化这一贡献致力于开拓类比现代先进制造工厂和一个异构并行计算机,构建了一种HPCN决策支援工具给船舶设计师。
船舶制造中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Spatial scheduling for large assembly blocks inshipbuildingAbstract: This paper addresses the spatial scheduling problem (SPP) for large assembly blocks, which arises in a shipyard assembly shop. The spatial scheduling problem is to schedule a set of jobs, of which each requires its physical space in a restricted space. This problem is complicated because both the scheduling of assemblies with different due dates and earliest starting times and the spatial allocation of blocks with different sizes and loads must be considered simultaneously. This problem under consideration aims to the minimization of both the makespan and the load balance and includes various real-world constraints, which includes the possible directional rotation of blocks, the existence of symmetric blocks, and the assignment of some blocks to designated workplaces or work teams. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming (MIP) model and solved by a commercially available solver. A two-stage heuristic algorithm has been developed to use dispatching priority rules and a diagonal fill space allocation method, which is a modification ofbottom-left-fill space allocation method. The comparison and computational results shows the proposed MIP model accommodates various constraints and the proposed heuristic algorithm solves the spatial schedulingproblems effectively and efficiently.Keywords: Large assembly block; Spatial scheduling; Load balancing; Makespan; Shipbuilding1. IntroductionShipbuilding is a complex production process characterized by heavy and large parts, various equipment, skilled professionals, prolonged lead time, and heterogeneous resource requirements. The shipbuilding process is divided into sub processes in the shipyard, including ship design, cutting and bending operations, block assembly, outfitting, painting, pre-erection and erection. The assembly blocks are called the minor assembly block, the sub assembly block, and the large assembly block according to their size and progresses in the course of assembly processes. This paper focuses on the spatial scheduling problem of large assembly blocks in assembly shops. Fig. 1 shows a snapshot of large assembly blocks in a shipyard assembly shop.Recently, the researchers and practitioners at academia and shipbuilding industries recently got together at “Smart Production Technology Forum in Shipbuilding and Ocean Plant Industries” to recognize that there are various spatial scheduling problems in every aspect of shipbuilding due to the limited space, facilities, equipment, labor and time. The SPPs occur in various working areas such as cutting and blast shops, assembly shops, outfitting shops, pre-erection yard, and dry docks. The SPP at different areas has different requirements and constraints to characterize the unique SPPs. In addition, the depletion of energy resources on land put more emphasis on the ocean development. The shipbuilding industries face the transition of focus from the traditional shipbuilding to ocean plant manufacturing. Therefore, the diversity of assembly blocks, materials, facilities and operations in ship yards increases rapidly.There are some solution pr oviders such as Siemens™ and Dassult Systems™ to provide integrated software including product life management, enterprise resource planning system, simulation and etc. They indicated the needs of efficient algorithms to solve medium- to large-sized SPP problems in 20 min, so that the shop can quickly re-optimize the production plan upon the frequent and unexpected changes in shop floors with the ongoing operations on exiting blocks intact.There are many different applications which require efficient scheduling algorithms with various constraints and characteristics (Kim and Moon, 2003, Kim et al., 2013, Nguyen and Yun, 2014 and Yan et al., 2014). However, the spatial scheduling problem which considers spatial layout and dynamic job scheduling has not been studied extensively. Until now, spatial scheduling has to be carried out by human schedulers only with their experiences and historical data. Even when human experts have much experience in spatial scheduling, it takes a long time and intensive effort to produce a satisfactory schedule, due to the complexity of considering blocks’ geometric shapes, loads, required facilities, etc. In pract ice, spatial scheduling for more than asix-month period is beyond the human schedulers’ capacity. Moreover, the space in the working areas tends to be the most critical resource in shipbuilding. Therefore, the effective management of spatial resources through automation of the spatial scheduling process is a critical issue in the improvement of productivity in shipbuilding plants.A shipyard assembly shop is consisted of pinned workplaces, equipment, and overhang cranes. Due to the heavy weight of large assembly block, overhang cranes are used to access any areas over other objects without any hindrance in the assembly shop. The height of cranes can limit the height of blocks that can be assembled in the shop. The shop can be considered as a two-dimensional space. The blocks are placed on precisely pinned workplaces.Once the block is allocated to a certain area in a workplace, it is desirable not to move the block again to different locations due to the size and weight of the large assembly blocks. Therefore, it is important to allocate the workspace to each block carefully, so that the workspace in an assembly shop can be utilized in a most efficient way. In addition, since each block has its due date which is pre-determined at the stage of ship design, the tardiness of a block assembly can lead to severe delay in the following operations. Therefore, in the spatial scheduling problem for large assembly blocks, the scheduling of assembly processes for blocks and the allocation of blocks to specific locations in workplaces must be considered at the same time. As the terminology suggests, spatial scheduling pursues the optimal spatial layout and the dynamic schedule which can also satisfy traditional scheduling constraints simultaneously. In addition, there are many constraints or requirements which are serious concerns on shop floors and these complicate the SPP. The constraints or requirements this study considered are explained here: (1) Blocks can be put in either directions, horizontal or vertical. (2) Since the ship is symmetric around the centerline, there exist symmetric blocks. These symmetric blocks are required to be put next to each other on the same workplace. (3) Some blocks are required to be put on a certain special area of the workplace, because the work teams on that area has special equipment or skills to achieve a certain level of quality or complete the necessary tasks. (4) Frequently, the production plan may not be implemented as planned, so that frequent modifications in production plans are required to cope with the changes in the shop. At these modifications, it is required to produce a new modified production plan which does not remove or move the pre-existing blocks in the workplace to complete the ongoing operations.(5) If possible at any time, the load balancing over the work teams, i.e., workplaces are desirable in order to keep all task assignments to work teams fair and uniform.Lee, Lee, and Choi (1996) studied a spatial scheduling that considers not only traditional scheduling constraints like resource capacity and due dates, but also dynamic spatial layout of the objects. They usedtwo-dimensional arrangement algorithm developed by Lozano-Perez (1983) to determine the spatial layout of blocks in shipbuilding. Koh, Park, Choi, and Joo (1999) developed a block assembly scheduling system for a shipbuilding company. They proposed a two-phase approach that includes a scheduling phase and a spatial layout phase. Koh, Eom, and Jang (2008) extended their precious works (Koh et al., 1999) by proposing the largest contact area policy to select a better allocation of blocks. Cho, Chung, Park, Park, and Kim (2001) proposed a spatial scheduling system for block painting process in shipbuilding, including block scheduling, four arrangement algorithms and block assignment algorithm. Park et al. (2002) extended Cho et al. (2001) utilizing strategy simulation in two consecutive operations of blasting and painting. Shin, Kwon, and Ryu (2008) proposed a bottom-left-fill heuristic method for spatial planning of block assemblies and suggested a placement algorithm for blocks by differential evolution arrangement algorithm. Liu, Chua, and Wee (2011) proposed a simulation model which enabled multiple priority rules to be compared. Zheng, Jiang, and Chen (2012) proposed a mathematical programming model for spatial scheduling and used several heuristic spatial scheduling strategies (grid searching and genetic algorithm). Zhang and Chen (2012) proposed another mathematical programming model and proposed the agglomeration algorithm.This study presents a novel mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation to consider block rotations, symmetrical blocks, pre-existing blocks, load balancing and allocation of certain blocks to pre-determined workspace. The proposed MIP models were implemented by commercially available software, LINGO® and problems of various sizes are tested. The computational results show that the MIP model is extremely difficult to solve as the size of problems grows. To efficiently solve the problem, a two-stage heuristic algorithm has been proposed.Section 2 describes spatial scheduling problems and assumptions which are used in this study. Section 3 presents a mixed integer programming formulation. In Section 4, a two-stage heuristic algorithm has been proposed, including block dispatching priority rules and a diagonal fill space allocation heuristic method, which is modified from the bottom-left-fill space allocation method. Computational results are provided in Section 5. The conclusions are given in Section 6.2. Problem descriptionsThe ship design decides how to divide the ship into many smaller pieces. The metal sheets are cut, blast, bend and weld to build small blocks. These small blocks are assembled to bigger assembly blocks. During this shipbuilding process, all blocks have their earliest starting times which are determined from the previous operational step and due dates which are required by the next operational step. At each step, the blocks have their own shapes of various sizes and handling requirements. During the assembly, no block can overlap physically with others or overhang the boundary of workplace.The spatial scheduling problem can be defined as a problem to determine the optimal schedule of a given set of blocks and the layout of workplaces by designating the blocks’ workplace simultaneously. As the term implies, spatial scheduling pursues the optimal dynamic spatial layout schedule which can also satisfy traditional scheduling constraints. Dynamic spatial layout schedule can be including the spatial allocation issue, temporal allocation issue and resource allocation issue.An example of spatial scheduling is given in Fig. 2. There are 4 blocks to be allocated and scheduled in a rectangular workplace. Each block is shaded in different patterns. Fig. 2 shows the 6-day spatial schedule of four large blocks on a given workplace. Blocks 1 and 2 are pre-existed or allocated at day 1. The earliest starting times of blocks 3 and 4 are days 2 and 4, respectively. The processing times of blocks 1, 2 and 3 are 4, 2 and 4 days, respectively.The spatial schedule must satisfy the time and space constraints at the same time. There are many objectives in spatial scheduling, including the minimization of makespan, the minimum tardiness, the maximum utilization of spatial and non-spatial resources and etc. The objective in this study is to minimize the makespan and balance the workload over the workspaces.There are many constraints for spatial scheduling problems in shipbuilding, depending on the types of ships built, the operational strategies of the shop, organizational restrictions and etc. Some basic constraints are given as follows; (1) all blocks must be allocated on given workplaces for assembly processes and must not overstep the boundary of the workplace; (2) any block cannot overlap with other blocks; (3) all blocks have their own earliest starting time and due dates; (4) symmetrical blocks needs to be placed side-by-side in the same workspace. Fig. 3 shows how symmetrical blocks need to be assigned; (5) some blocks need to be placed in the designated workspace; (6) there can be existing blocks before the planning horizon; (7) workloads forworkplaces needs to be balanced as much as possible.In addition to the constraints described above, the following assumptions are made.(1) The shape of blocks and workplaces is rectangular.(2 )Once a block is placed in a workplace, it cannot be moved or removed from its location until the process is completed.(3 ) Blocks can be rotated at angles of 0° and 90° (see Fig. 4).(4) The symmetric blocks have the same sizes, are rotated at the same angle and should be placed side-by-side on the same workplace.(5) The non-spatial resources (such as personnel or equipment) are adequate.3. A mixed integer programming modelA MIP model is formulated and given in this section. The objective function is to minimize makespan and the sum of deviation from average workload per workplace, considering the block rotation, the symmetrical blocks, pre-existing blocks, load balancing and the allocation of certain blocks to pre-determined workspace.A workspace with the length LENW and the width WIDW is considered two-dimensional rectangular space. Since the rectangular shapes for the blocks have been assumed, a block can be placed on workspace by determining (x, y) coordinates, where 0 ⩽ x ⩽ LENW and 0 ⩽ y ⩽ WIDW. Hence, the dynamic layout of blocks on workplaces is similar to two-dimensional bin packing problem. In addition to the block allocation, the optimal schedule needs to be considered at the same time in spatial scheduling problems. Z axis is introduced to describe the time dimension. Then, spatial scheduling problem becomes a three-dimensional bin packing problem with various objectives and constraints.The decision variables of spatial scheduling problem are (x, y, z) coordinates of all blocks within athree-dimensional space whose sizes are LENW, WIDW and T in x, y and z axes, where T represents the planning horizon. This space is illustrated in Fig. 5.In Fig. 6, the spatial scheduling of two blocks into a workplace is illustrated as an example. The parameters p1 and p2 indicate the processing times for Blocks 1 and 2, respectively. As shown in z axis, Block 2 is scheduled after Block 1 is completed.4. A two-stage heuristic algorithmThe computational experiments for the MIP model in Section 3 have been conducted using a commercially available solver, LINGO®. Obtaining global optimum solutions is very time consuming, considering the number of variables and constraints. A ship is consisted of more than 8 hundred large blocks and the size of problem using MIP model is beyond today’s computational ability. A two-stage heuristic algorithm has been proposed using the dispatching priority rules and a diagonal fill method.4.1. Stage 1: Load balancing and sequencingPast research on spatial scheduling problems considers various priority rules. Lee et al. (1996) used a priorityrule for the minimum slack time of blocks. Cho et al. (2001) and Park et al. (2002) used the earliest due date. Shin et al. (2008) considered three dispatching priority rules for start date, finish date and geometric characteristics (length, breadth, and area) of blocks. Liu and Teng (1999) compared 9 different dispatching priority rules including first-come first-serve, shortest processing time, least slack, earliest due date, critical ratio, most waiting time multiplied by tonnage, minimal area residue, and random job selection. Zheng et al. (2012) used a dispatching rule of longest processing time and earliest start time.Two priority rules are used in this study to divide all blocks into groups for load balancing and to sequence them considering the due date and earliest starting time. Two priority rules are streamlined to load-balance and sequence the blocks into an algorithm which is illustrated in Fig. 7. The first step of the algorithm in this stage is to group the blocks based on the urgency priority. The urgency priority is calculated by subtracting the earliest starting time and the processing time from the due date for each block. The smaller the urgency priority, the more urgent the block needs to bed scheduled. Then all blocks are grouped into an appropriate number of groups for a reasonable number of levels in urgency priorities. Let g be this discretionary number of groups. There are g groups of blocks based on the urgency of blocks. The number of blocks in each group does not need to be identical.Blocks in each group are re-ordered grouped into as many subgroups as workplaces, considering the workload of blocks such as the weight or welding length. The blocks in each subgroup have the similar urgency and workloads. Then, these blocks in each subgroup are ordered in an ascending order of the earliest starting time. This ordering will be used to block allocations in sequence. The subgroup corresponds to the workplace.If block i must be processed at workplace w and is currently allocated to other workplace or subgroup than w, block i is swapped with a block at the same position of block i in an ascending order of the earliest starting time at its workplace (or subgroup). Since the symmetric blocks must be located on a same workplace, a similar swapping method can be used. One of symmetric blocks which are allocated into different workplace (or subgroups) needs to be selected first. In this study, we selected one of symmetric blocks whichever has shown up earlier in an ascending order of the earliest starting time at their corresponding workplace (or subgroup). Then, the selected block is swapped with a block at the same position of symmetric blocks in an ascending order of the earliest starting time at its workplace (or subgroups).4.2. Stage 2: Spatial allocationOnce the blocks in a workplace (or subgroup) are sequentially ordered in different urgency priority groups, each block can be assigned to workplaces one by one, and allocated to a specific location on a workplace. There has been previous research on heuristic placement methods. The bottom-left (BL) placement method was proposed by Baker, Coffman, and Rivest (1980) and places rectangles sequentially in a bottom-left most position. Jakobs (1996) used a bottom-left method that is combined with a hybrid genetic algorithm (see Fig.8). Liu and Teng (1999) developed an extended bottom-left heuristic which gives priority to downward movement, where the rectangles is only slide leftwards if no downward movement is possible. Chazele (1983) proposed the bottom-left-fill (BLF) method, which searches for lowest bottom-left point, holes at the lowest bottom-left point and then place the rectangle sequentially in that bottom-left position. If the rectangle is not overlapped, the rectangle is placed and the point list is updated to indicate new placement positions. If the rectangle is overlapped, the next point in the point list is selected until the rectangle can be placed without any overlap. Hopper and Turton (2000) made a comparison between the BL and BLF methods. They concluded that the BLF method algorithm achieves better assignment patterns than the BL method for Hopper’s example problems.Spatial allocation in shipbuilding is different from two-dimensional packing problem. Blocks have irregular polygonal shapes in the spatial allocation and blocks continuously appear and disappear since they have their processing times. This frequent placement and removal of blocks makes BLF method less effective in spatial allocation of large assembly block.In order to solve these drawbacks, we have modified the BLF method appropriate to spatial scheduling for large assembly blocks. In a workplace, since the blocks are placed and removed continuously, it is more efficient to consider both the bottom-left and top-right points of placed blocks instead of bottom-left points only. We denote it as diagonal fill placement (see Fig. 9). Since the number of potential placement considerations increases, it takes a bit more time to implement diagonal fill but the computational results shows that it is negligible.The diagonal fill method shows better performances than the BLF method in spatial scheduling problems. When the BLF method is used in spatial allocation, the algorithm makes the allocation of some blocks delayed until the interference by pre-positioned blocks are removed. It generates a less effective and less efficient spatial schedule. The proposed diagonal fill placement method resolve this delays better by allocating the blocks as soon as possible in a greedy way, as shown in Fig. 10. The potential drawbacks from the greedy approaches is resolved by another placement strategy to minimize the possible dead spaces, which will be explained in the following paragraphs.The BLF method only focused on two-dimensional bin packing. Frequent removal and placement of blocks in a workspace may lead to accumulation of dead spaces, which are small and unusable spaces among blocks. A minimal possible-dead space strategy has been used along with the BLF method. Possible-dead spaces are being generated over the spatial scheduling and they have less chance to be allocated for future blocks. The minimal possible-dead space strategy minimizes the potential dead space after allocating the following blocks (Chung, 2001 and Koh et al., 2008) by considering the 0° and 90° rotation of the block and allocating the following block for minimal possible-dead space. Fig. 11 shows an example of three possible-dead space calculations using the neighbor block search method. When a new scheduling block is considered to be allocated, the rectangular boundary of neighboring blocks and the scheduling blocks is searched. This boundary can be calculated by obtaining the smallest and the largest x and y coordinates of neighboring blocks and the scheduling blocks. Through this procedure, the possible-dead space can be calculated as shown in Fig.11. Considering the rotation of the scheduling blocks and the placement consideration points from the diagonal fill placement methods, the scheduling blocks will be finally allocated.In this two-stage algorithm, blocks tend to be placed adjacent to one of the alternative edges and their assignments are done preferentially to minimize fractured spaces.5. Computational resultsTo demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed MIP formulation and heuristic algorithm, the actual data about 800+ large assembly blocks from one of major shipbuilding companies has been obtainedand used. All test problems are generated from this real-world data.All computational experiments have been carried out on a personal computer with a Intel® Core™ i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10 GHz with 2 GB RAM. The MIP model in Section 3 has been programmed and solved using LINGO® version 10.0, a commercially available software which can solve linear and nonlinear models. The proposed two-stage heuristic algorithm has been programmed in JAVA programming language.Because our computational efforts to obtain the optimal solutions for even small problems are more than significant, the complexity of SPP can be recognized as one of most difficult and time consuming problems.Depending on the scaling factor α in objective function of the proposed MIP formulation, the performance of the MIP model varies significantly. Setting α less than 0.01 makes the load balancing capability to be ignored from the optimal solution in the MIP model. For computational experiments in this study, the results with the scaling factor set to 0.01 is shown and discussed. The value needs to be fine-turned to obtain the desirable outcomes.Table 1 shows a comparison of computational results and performance between the MIP models andtwo-stage heuristic algorithm. As shown in Table 1, the proposed two-stage heuristic algorithm finds thenear-optimal solutions for medium and large problems very quickly while the optimal MIP models was not able to solve the problems of medium or large sizes due to the memory shortage on computers. It is observed that the computational times for the MIP problems are rapidly growing as the problem sizes increases. The test problems in Table 1 have 2 workplaces.Table 1.Computational results and performance between the MIP models and two-stage heuristic algorithm.The MIP model Two-stage heuristic algorithmNumber of blocksOptimal solution Time (s) Best known solution Time (s)10 12.360 1014.000 12.360 0.02620 22.380a 38250.000 21.380 0.07830 98.344a 38255.000 30.740 0.21850 ––53.760 0.719100 ––133.780 2.948200 ––328.860 12.523The MIP model Two-stage heuristic algorithmNumber of blocksOptimal solution Time (s) Best known solution Time (s)300 ––416.060 40.154400 ––532.360 73.214Best feasible solution after 10 h in Global Solver of LINGO®.Full-size tableTable optionsView in workspaceDownload as CSVThe optimal solutions for test problems with more than 50 blocks in Table 1 have been not obtained even after 24 h. The best known feasible solutions after 10 h for the test problems with 20 blocks and 30 blocks are reported in Table 1. It is observed that the LINGO® does not solve the nonlinear constraints very well as shown in Table 1. For very small problem with 10 blocks, the LINGO® was able to achieve the optimal solutions. For slightly bigger problems, the LINGO® took significantly more time to find feasible solutions. From this observation, the approaches to obtain the lower bound through the relaxation method and upper bounds are significant required in future research.In contrary, the proposed two-stage heuristic algorithm was able to find the good solutions very quickly. For the smallest test problem with 10 blocks, it was able to find the optimal solution as well. The computational times are 1014 and 0.026 s, respectively, for the MIP approach and the proposed algorithm. Interestingly, the proposed heuristic algorithm found significantly better solutions in only 0.078 and 0.218 s, respectively, for the test problems with 20 and 30 blocks. For these two problems, the LINGO® generates the worse solutions than the heuristics after 10 h of computational times. The symbol ‘–’ in Table 1 indicates that the Global Solver of LINGO® did not find the feasible solutions.Another observation on the two-stage heuristic algorithms is the robust computational times. The computation times does not change much as the problem sizes increase. It is because the simple priority rules are used without considering many combinatorial configurations.Fig. 12 shows partial solutions of test problems with 20 and 30 blocks on 2 workplaces. The purpose of Fig. 12 is to show the progress of production planning generated by the two-stage heuristic algorithm. Two workplaces are in different sizes of (40, 30) and (35, 40), respectively.6. ConclusionsAs global warming is expected to open a new way to transport among continent through North Pole Sea and to expedite the oceans more aggressively, the needs for more ships and ocean plants are forthcoming. The shipbuilding industries currently face increased diversity of assembly blocks in limited production shipyard. Spatial scheduling for large assembly blocks holds the key role in successful operations of the shipbuilding。
船舶设计论文中英文外文翻译文献XXX shipbuilding。
with a single large container vessel consisting of approximately 1.5 n atomic components in a n hierarchy。
this n is considered a XXX involves a distributed multi-agent n that runs on top of PVM.2 XXXShip XXX process。
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there is a need for a more XXX designers.3 The Role of HPCN in Ship Design nHPCN。
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HPCN can handle the complex XXX。
XXX.4 XXX XXX of the HPCN n Support ToolThe XXX ship designers is implemented as a distributed multi-agent n that runs on top of PVM。
船舶结构与设备常用英语词汇(总14页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--船舶结构与设备--1 Terms relating to a ship’s hull 有关船体的术语The main deck 主甲板Frame 肋骨,框架Bow船首Stern 船尾Watertight compartment 水密舱Bulkhead舱壁Tweendeck 二层甲板The fore peak tank首尖舱The after peak tank尾尖舱Double bottom tank双层底舱Amidships船中Quarter 船尾Overall Length (LOA) 总长Length between perpendiculars (LBP) 两柱间长 Registered length 登记长度Freeboard 干舷Draught (draft)吃水Extreme breadth全宽,船舶最大宽度Registered breadth 登记宽度Terms relating to superstructure 有关上层建筑的术语Forecastle 船首楼Poop 船尾楼Shaft tunnel 地轴弄,轴隧Air draught 水面上高度Under keel clearance (龙骨下)富余水深Jackstaff 船首旗杆Mast 主桅Samson post 将军柱Funnel 烟囱Ensign 船尾旗Terms relating to a ship’s movement有关船舶运动的术语 Pitching 纵摇Rolling 横摇Surging 纵荡,涌动(船先向前动,再向后动)Swaying 横荡(船先向左移动,再向右动)Yawing 偏荡(船头先向左动,再向右动)Heaving 船上下起浮Headway 前进Sternway 后退Leeway 偏航To overhaul 赶上,追上To fall astern 落后To heave (hove or heaved) to 顶风停船To bear away 避开风而改变航向Terms relating to weighting anchor 有关起锚的术语Compressor or bow stopper 锚链制,船首制链器Devil’s claw 锚链制Spurling pipe 锚链管Bollard (码头,突堤或水中的)系缆桩Bitt 系缆桩Windlass 起锚机Capstan 绞盘Fairlead 导缆器Roller fairlead 滚柱导缆器Goggle 护目镜Hawse pipe 锚链筒Anchor ball/anchor light 锚球/锚灯Terms relating to cargo handling gear 有关起货机的术语Rope sling 绳吊索Canvas sling 帆布吊兜Board sling 吊货盘Snotter (=snorter) 单套绳,(两端带眼环的)吊货索 Chain sling 吊链,钓钩Plate clamp (吊钢板用的)钢板夹钳Can hook吊桶钩Tray 吊货盘Box 吊货箱Net 吊货网Car sling 吊车索Heavy lifting beam 重吊杆Samson 吊杆柱,将军柱Standing guy 稳索Cargo runner 吊货钢丝Derrick plumbing hatch 吊杆支撑Bulwark 舷墙Outboard derrick 伸出舷外的吊杆Terms relating to hatchways 有关舱口的术语Hatch beam 舱口(活动)梁Bean bolt 横梁销钉Hatch cover 舱盖Hatch batten 舱围压条Wooden wedge 木楔Beam socket 舱口(活动)梁座End coaming 舱口端围板Ring balt 带环螺栓Side coaming 舱口侧围板Cleat 导缆钳,羊角Description of lowering a lifeboat 有关放艇的术语 Coxswain 艇长Fall in 集合Number off 点名Harbor pin 艇首缆销The plug is shipped 解脱塞子Toggle painter 艇首缆系桩Gripes 救生艇固定索Embarkation deck 登艇甲板Tricing pennants 艇吊绳Bowsing tackles 绞辘滑车Cradle 吊艇架Bridge equipment 驾驶台设备Pulse 脉冲船舶结构与设备--2 Personal life-saving appliancesVisual signalsSurvival craft?The normal equipment of every liferaft shall consist of:The normal equipment of every lifeboat shall consist of:船舶结构与设备—3 Sonar system 声呐系统Radar scanner 雷达天线Interpretation of the picture on the screen 荧光屏图像的理解Homing beacon 导引指向标Hyperbolic Positioning systems 双曲线定位系统Steering gear and autopilot 舵机和自动舵Rudder angle indicator 舵角指示器Periscope 潜望镜Compass deviation card 磁罗经自差卡片Gyro compass error 陀螺罗经差Digital selective calling (DSC) 数字选择性呼叫Search And Rescue 搜索和救助NAVTEX receiver 航行电传接收机Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) 应急无线电示位标Life-saving appliances 救生设备Personal life-saving appliances 个人救生设备Not more than /not less than 不大于/不小于Outer diameter / inner diameter 外径/内径Inherently buoyant material 自然浮力材料The quick release arrangement 快速抛投装置The self-activated smoke signals 自发烟雾信号Self-igniting light 自亮灯Grabline 把手索Luminous intensity 光强度Drop test 投落实验In a seaway 在海浪中Swamp 淹没Buoyant lifelines 可浮救生素Be non-linking 不打纽结Breaking strength 破断强度Don 穿上Dislodge 移位,驱逐Cord 绳索Inflatable lifejacket 气胀式救生衣A lifejacket which depends on inflation for buoyancy 靠充气作浮力的救生衣Lifejacket lights 救生衣灯Immersion suits 浸水服Thermal performance 热性能Anti-exposure suits 抗暴露服Inherent buoyancy 固有浮力Hood 防护罩Lateral field of vision 侧向视野Visual signals 视觉信号Rocket parachute flares 火箭降落伞火焰信号Water-resistant casing 防水包装Integral means of ignition 具有完整的点焰装置Trajectory 弹道Rate of descent 降落速度Hand flares 手持火焰信号Residue 残渣Buoyant smoke signals 漂浮烟雾信号Survival craft 救生筏General requirements for liferaft 救生筏的总体要求Davit-launched liferaft 吊架降落救生筏Inflatable liferaft 气胀式救生筏Main buoyancy chamber 主浮力舱Nonreturn inflation valve 止回充气阀Non-toxic gas 无毒气体Ambient temperature 环境温度Rigid liferaft 刚性救生筏Emergency pack 应急袋Lifeboat 救生艇Fire-retardant or non-combustible 阻燃或不燃Lifeboat equipment 救生艇设备Rescue boats 救助艇Strecher 担架Other life-saving appliances: Line-throwing appliance 其他救生设备Line-throwing appliance 抛缆设备Projectile 射弹,抛绳体Muster list and emergency instructions 应变部署表与应变须知Muster list 应变部署表The general emergency alarm 通用紧急警报信号Trappe 陷在Watertight door 水密门Fire door 防火门Scupper 排水孔阀门Sidescuttle 船舷小窗Skylight 天窗Porthole 舷窗Passageway 通道Stairway 楼梯道Fire protection 防火Checking status of equipment 设备检查Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems 固定式气体灭火系统Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems 固定式探火和失火报警系统Have fire patrols 进行消防巡逻Have permanent fire watch 进行固定消防值班Check fire/smoke alarms 检查火焰烟雾报警器Portable extinguisher 手提式灭火器Fire main 消防总管Hydrant 消防栓Nozzle 喷嘴Fire pump 消防泵Fixed foam/gas fire extinguishing system 固定式泡沫/气体灭火系统Sprinkler system 喷洒灭火系统Ventilation system 通风系统Damper 调节风门Emergency power supply 应急电源Firemen’s outfit 消防员装备Breathing apparatus 氧气面罩Smoke helmet 防毒面罩Fire fighting and drills 消防和演习Toxic 有毒的。
Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。
or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。
竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体—self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。
This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。
The Maximum Sinkage of a ShipT. P. Gourlay and E. O. TuckDepartment of Applied Mathematics, TheUniversity of Adelaide, AustraliaA ship moving steadily forward in shallow water of constant depth h is usually subject to downward forces and hence squat, which is a potentially dangerous sinkage or increase in draft. Sinkage increases with ship speed, until it reaches a maximum at just below the critical speedHere we use both a linear transcritical shallow-water equation and a fully dispersive finite-depth theory to discuss the flow near that critical speed and to compute the maximum sinkage, trim angle, and stern displacement for some example hulls.IntroductionFor a thin vertical-sided obstruction extending from bottom to top of a shallow stream of depth h and infinite width, Michell (1898) showed that the small disturbance velocity potential φ(x,y)satisfies the linearized equation of shallow-water theory(SWT)yy 0xx βφ + φ= (1)Where 2F h β=1-, with F =U /h x -wise stream velocity U and water depth h . This is the same equation that describes linearized aerodynamic flow past a thin airfoil (see e.g., Newman 1977 p. 375), with F h replacing the Mach number. For a slender ship of a general cross-sectionalshape, Tuck (1966) showed that equation (1) is to be solved subject to a body boundary condition of the form'US ()(x,0)=2y x h ±Φ± (2)where S(x) is the ship’s submerged cross -section area at station x . The boundary condition (2) indicates that the ship behaves in the (x ,y) horizontal plane as if it were a symmetric thin airfoil whose thickness S(x)/h is obtained by averaging the ship’s cross -section thickness over the water depth. There are also boundaryconditions at infinity, essentially that the disturbance velocity ∇Φ vanishes in subcritical flow(0β<).As in aerodynamics, the solution of (1) is straightforward for either fully subcritical flow (where it is elliptic) or fully supercritical flow (where it is hyperbolic). In either case, the solutionhas a singularity as 0β→, or F 1h →.In particular the subcritical (positive upward) force isgiven by Tuck (1966) as2F =B'(x)S'()log dxd x ξξξ- (3)with B(x) the local beam at station x . Here and subsequently the integrations are over the wetted length of the ship, i.e.,22L L X -<<where L is the ship’s waterline length. This force F is usually negative, i.e., downward, and for a fore-aft symmetric ship, theresulting midship sinkage is given hydrostatically by22S V s C L ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭ (4) where ()V S x dx =⎰is the ship’s displaced volume, and2'()'()log 2s W L C dxd B x S x A Vξξξπ=-⎰⎰ (5) where ()w A B x dx =⎰is the ship’s waterplane area. The nondimensional coefficient 1.4s C ≈ has been shown by Tuck &Taylor(1970) to be almost a universal constant, depending only weakly on the ship’s hull shape.Hence the sinkage appears according to this linear dispersionless theory to tend to infinity as 1h F →.However, in practice, there are dispersive effects near 1h F = which limit the sinkage, and which cause it to reach a maximum value at just below the critical speed.Accurate full-scale experimental data for maximum sinkage are scarce. However,, according to linear inviscid theory, the maximum sinkage is directly proportional to the ship length for a given shape of ship and depth-to-draft ratio (see later). This means that model experiments for maximum sinkage (e.g., Graff et al 1964) can be scaled proportionally to length to yield full-scale results, provided the depth-to-draft ratio remains the same.The magnitude of this maximum sinkage is considerable. For example, the Taylor Series A3 model studied by Graff et al (1964) had a maximum sinkage of 0.89% of the ship length for the depth-to-draft ratio h/T = 4.0. This corresponds to a midship sinkage of 1.88 meters for a 200 meter ship. Experiments on maximum squat were also performed by Du & Millward (1991) using NPL round bilge series hulls. They obtained a maximum midship sinkage of 1.4% of the ship length for model 150B with h/T =2.3. This corresponds to 2.8 meters midship sinkage for a 200 meter ship. Taking into account the fact that there is usually a significant bow-up trim angle at the speed where the maximum sinkage occurs, the downward displacement of the stern can be even greater, of the order of 4 meters or more for a 200-meter long ship.It is important to note that only ships that are capable of traveling at transcritical Froude numbers will ever reach this maximum sinkage. Therefore, maximum sinkage predictions will be less relevant for slower ships such as tankers or bulk carriers. Since the ships or catamarans that frequently travel at transcritical Froude numbers are usually comparatively slender, we expect that slender-body theory will provide good results for the maximum sinkage of these ships.For ships traveling in channels, the width of the channel becomes increasingly importantaround 1h F =when the flow is unsteady and solitons are emitted forward of the ship (see e.g.,Wu& Wu 1982). Hence experiments performed in channels cannot be used to accurately predict maximum sinkage for ships in open water. The experiments of Graff et al were done in a wide tank, approximately 36 times the model beam, and are the best results available with which to compare an open-water theory. However, even with this large tank width, sidewalls still affect the flow near 1h F =, as we shall discuss.Transcritical shallow-water theory (TSWT)It is not possible simply to set ‚0β= in (1) in order to gain useful information about the flow near 1h F =. As with transonic aerodynamics, it is necessary to include other terms that have been neglected in the linearized derivation of SWT (1).An approach suggested by Mei (1976) (see also Mei & Choi,1987) is to derive an evolution equation of Korteweg-de Varies (KdV) type for the flow near 1h F =. The usual one-dimensional forms of such equations contain both nonlinear and dispersive terms. It is not difficult to incorporate the second space dimension y into the derivation, resulting in a two-dimensional KdV equation, which generalizes (1) by adding two terms to give231h 03xx yy X XX xxxx U βΦ+Φ-ΦΦ+Φ= (6) The nonlinear term in X XX ΦΦbut not the dispersive term inxxxx Φwas included by Lea & Feldman (1972). Further solutions of this nonlinear but nondispersive equation were obtained by Ang (1993) for a ship in a channel. Chen & Sharma (1995) considered the unsteady problem of soliton generation by a ship in a channel, using the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, which is essentially an unsteady version of equation (6). Although they concentrated on finite-width domains, their method is also applicable to open water, albeit computationally intensive. Further nonlinear and dispersive terms were included by Chen (1999), allowing finite-width results to be computed over a larger range of Froude numbers.Mei (1976) considered the full equation (6) in open water and provided an analytic solution for the linear case where the term X XX ΦΦis omitted. He showed that for sufficiently slender ships the nonlinear term in equation (6) is of less importance than the dispersive term and can be neglected; also that the reverse is true for full-form ships where the nonlinear term is dominant. This is also discussed in Gourlay (2000).As stated earlier, most ships that are capable of traveling at transcritical speeds are comparatively slender. For these ships it is dispersion, not nonlinearity, that limits the sinkage in open water. Nonlinearity is usually included in one-dimensional KdV equations by necessity, as a steepening agent to provide a balance to the broadening effect of the dispersive term in xxxx Φ.Inopen water, however, there is already an adequate balance with the two-dimensional term in yyΦ.This is in contrast to finite-width domains, which tend to amplify transcritical effects and cause the flow to be more nearly unidirectional. Hence nonlinearity becomes important in finite-width channels to such an extent that steady flow becomes impossible in a narrow range of speeds close to critical (see e.g., Constantine 1961, Wu & Wu 1982).Therefore, for slender ships in shallow water of large or in finite width, we can solve for maximum squat using the simple transcritical shallow-water (TSWT) equation0xx yy xxxx βγΦ+Φ+Φ= (7) (Writing23h γ=), subject to the same boundary condition (2). The term in ƒ provides dispersion that was absent in the SWT,and limits the maximum sinkage.ConclusionsWe have used two slender-body methods to solve for the sinkage and trim of a ship traveling at arbitrary Froude number, including the transcritical region.The transcritical shallow water theory (TSWT) developed by Mei (1976) has been extended and exploited numerically, using numerical Fourier transform methods to give sinkage and trim via a double numerical integration. This theory has also been extended to the case of a ship moving in a channel of finite width; however, the numerical difficulty in computing the resulting force integral, and its limited validity, mean that the open-water theory is more practically useful.The finite-depth theory (FDT) developed by Tuck & Taylor (1970) has also been improved and used for general hull shapes. This theory gives a sinkage force and trim moment that are slightly oscillatory in h F . Since the theory involves summing infinite-depth and finite-depthcontributions, both of which vary with 2U at high Froude numbers, any error will growapproximately quadratically with U . Therefore we cannot use this theory at large supercritical Froude numbers. Also, the difficulty in finding the infinite-depth contributions numerically, as well as the extra numerical integration needed to compute the force and moment, make the FDT slightly more dif. cult to implement than TSWT.In practice, scenarios in which ships are at risk of grounding will normally have h/L <0.125. Since the TSWT is a shallow water theory and it works well at h/L = 0.125, we expect that it will give even better results at smaller, practically useful values of h=L . Also, since the TSWT and FDT give almost identical results for h/L <0.125, and the TSWT is a much simpler theory, we recommend it as a simple and accurate method for predicting transcritical squat in open water.备注:T.P.Gourlay and E.O.Tuck .The Maximum Sinkage of a ship[J].Jourmal of Ship Research ,2001.50~58<文献翻译二:译文>船舶最大下沉量T. P. Gourlay and E. O. Tuck澳大利亚阿德莱德大学一艘在等深为h 的浅水中平稳前行的船舶通常趋向于受到向下的合力并产生船体下沉,处我们同时利用”线性跨临界浅水方程”和”完全分散限深理论”研究典型船体在接近临界速度时的水流和计算这些船体的最大下沉量、纵倾角和船尾位移。
Forward perpendiculars 艏垂线After perpendiculars 艉垂线Grid 格子线Ordinate station 站(在型线图中,沿基线将垂线间长或设计水线长分成若干间距的各点,及其在半宽水线图上沿中线面的相应投影点。
)Mid station 中站(位于垂线间长或设计水线长中点处的站)Station ordinates 站线Molded lines 型线Mathematical lines 数学型线Offsets 型值Table of offsets 型值表Transverse sections 横剖面Mid ship section 中横剖面Maximum section 最大横剖面Water plane 水线面Longitudinal section in center plane 中纵剖面Buttocks 纵剖线Body lines 横剖线Diagonal 斜剖线Profile 外廓线(中线面与船体型表面的交线)Waterline 水线Designed waterline 设计水线Loaded waterline 满载水线Parallel middle-body length 平行中体长Length of entrance 进流段长Length of run 去流段长Half angle of entrance 半进流角Deck line 甲板线Deck side line 甲板边线Deck center line 甲板中线Sheer 舷弧Camber 梁拱Camber curve Deadrise Bilge radius Keel line Rake of keel梁拱线舭部升高舭部半径龙骨线龙骨设计斜度Knuckle line of keel, chine line of keelHalf-siding 龙骨水平半宽Floor line 船底斜升线Knuckle line 折角线Tunnel top line 隧道顶线龙骨折角线Tumble home 内倾Flare 外倾Flare 外飘Immersed transom beam 方艉浸宽Immersed transom draft 方艉浸深Coefficients of form 船型系数Block coefficient 方形系数Prismatic coefficient 棱形系数Vertical prismatic coefficient 垂向棱型系数Waterline coefficient 水线面系数Mid ship section coefficient 中纵剖面系数Maximum transverse section coefficient 最大横剖面系数Dimension ratio 主尺度比Fore body 前体After body 后体Parallel waterline 水线平行段Waterline beginning 水线前段Waterline ending 水线后段Parallel middle body 平行中体Entrance 进流段Run 去流段Shoulder 肩Bilge 舭Transom 方艉端面Forefoot 艏踵Aft foot 艉踵Shaft bossing 轴包套Propeller shaft bracket, A-bracket, propeller struts 艉轴架Deadwood skeg 艉鳍Twin-skeg 双艉鳍Raked bow 前倾型艏Vertical bow 直立型艏Icebreaker bow 破冰型艏Bulbous bow 球鼻艏Elliptical stern 椭圆艉Transom stern 方艉Cruiser stern 巡洋舰艉Tunnel stern 隧道艉Bulbous stern 球形艉Bulb section 球臌型剖面U-section U 型剖面V-section V 型剖面Displacement 排水量Molded displacement 型排水量Total displacement 总排水量Light weight 空船重量Full load displacement 满载排水量Designed displacement 设计排水量Displacement margin 储备排水量Dead weight 载重量Cargo dead weight 载货量Deadweight displacement ratio 载重量系数Ballast 压载Tonnage 吨位Gross tonnage 总吨位Net tonnage 净吨位Suez canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位Panama canal tonnage 巴拿马运河吨位Tonnage measurement 吨位丈量Exempted space 免除处所Enclosure 围蔽处所Freeboard 干舷Freeboard deck 干舷甲板Loadline 载重线Loadline mark 载重线标志Deadweight scale 载重量标尺Tank capacity 液舱容积Cargo capacity 货舱容积Grain cargo capacity 散装舱容Bale cargo capacity 包装舱容Allowance for expansion 膨胀容积Capacity curve 容积曲线Capacity plan 舱容图Stowage 积载Stowage factor 积载因素Ship ‘s stowage factor 全船积载因素River boat, inland-water-ways ship 内河船Coaster 沿海船Sea-going ship 海船Ocean-going ship 远洋船Coast cargo ship 沿海货船Ocean-going cargo ship 远洋货船Dry cargo ship 干货船General cargo ship 杂货船Bulk carrier 散货船Multipurpose cargo carrier 多用途货船Container ship 集装箱船Combination bulk-container ship 集散两用船Oil tanker 油船Crude oil tanker 原油船Products tanker 成品油船Chemical tanker 化学品液货船LNG ship, liquefied natural gas ship 液化天然气运输船LPG ship, liquefied petroleum gas ship 液化石油气运输船Diesel oil supply ship 柴油供应船Fresh water supply ship 淡水供应船OBO ship, ore-bulk-oil ship 矿-散-油船Ore carrier 矿砂船Refrigerator ship 冷藏船Refrigerated container ship 冷藏集装箱船RO/RO ship 滚装船Passenger ship 客船Passenger-and-cargo ship 客货船Barge 驳船Cargo barge 货驳Oil barge 油驳Gasoline barge, petrol barge 汽油驳Sludge barge 渣油驳Heavy diesel oil barge 重柴油驳Large opening barge 舱口驳Deck barge 甲板驳Well-deck barge 半舱驳Potoon 趸船Integrated barge 分节驳Semi-integrated barge 半分节驳Hopper barge 开底泥驳Split hopper barge 开体泥驳Dredger barge 泥驳Dredger 挖泥船Ferry 渡船Automobile ferry 汽车渡船Automobile ferry with — II propeller Z 推汽车渡船Channel automobile ferry 海峡车渡Tug 拖船Pusher 推船Tug boat with — II propeller Z 推拖船Harbor tug 港作拖船Crane ship 起重船、浮吊Fishing vessel 渔船Patrol boat 巡逻艇Hull 船体Ship structure 船体结构Main hull 主船体Framing 骨架Girder 桁材Web 腹板Face plate 面板Longitudinal framing 纵骨架式Transverse framing 横骨架式Combined system 混合骨架式Member 构件Primary member 主要构件Secondary member 次要构件Continuous member 连续构件Intercostal member 间断构件Expansion joint 伸缩接头Strengthening for navigation in ice Bracket 肘板Flanged bracket 折边肘板Tripping bracket 防倾肘板Through bracket 贯通肘板Rib, stiffener 加强筋Insert plate 嵌补板Doubling plate 覆板冰区加强Gusset plate 扣板Swaged plate 压筋板Man hole 人孔Scallop 齿型孔Bracket connection 肘板连接Lug connection 直接连接Clip connection 面板切斜连接Snip end 切斜端Longitudinal 纵骨Shell plating 外板Bar keel 方龙骨Plate keel 平板龙骨Garboard strake 龙骨翼板Bottom plating 船底板Bilge strake 舭列板 Bilge keel 舭龙骨 Side plating 舷侧外板Sheer strake 舷项列板 Bulwark 舷墙Single bottom 单底 Double bottom 双层底 Inner bottomplating 内底板 Margin plate 内底边板 Center girder 中桁材Side girder 旁桁材 Half depth girder 半高底纵桁 Duct keel 箱形龙骨 Center keelson 中内龙骨 Side keelson 旁内龙骨Plate floor, solid floor 实肋板 Water tight floor 水密肋板Bracket floor, open floor 组合肋板 Bottom frame 船底横骨Reverse frame 内底横骨 Strut 撑材 Lightened floor 轻型肋板Transom floor 艉肋板Bottom transverse 船底横桁 Bottom longitudinal 船底纵骨Inner bottom longitudinal 内底纵骨 Tank side bracket, holdframe bracket Bilge well 污水井 Side framing 船侧骨架Frame 肋骨Frame spacing, spacing of framingHold frame 底舱肋骨 Main frame 主肋骨 Peak frame 尖舱肋骨 Cant frame斜肋骨 ?tween deck frame 甲板间肋骨 Web frame 强肋骨 Intermediate frame中间肋骨 Side longitudinal 船侧纵骨 Side stringer 船侧纵桁Side transverse 船侧竖桁 Fender 护舷材Deck 甲板Platform 平台Sheathed deck 覆材甲板 Strength deck 强力甲板 Seconddeck第二甲板 Lower decks 下甲板 Bulkhead deck 舱壁甲板 Wag(g)on deck, vehicle deck 车辆甲板 Sponson deck 舷伸甲板 Deck stringer, stringer plate 甲板边板 Coaming plate 围板Trunk 围井Hatch, hatchway 舱口Companion, companion way 围罩梯口 Engine room casing 机舱棚 Deck framing 甲板骨架Beam 横梁Beam knee 梁肘板 Half beam 半梁 Web beam 强横梁 Hatchend beam 舱口端梁 Deck transverse 甲板横桁 Deck girder 甲板纵桁 Hatch side girder 舱口纵桁 Carling 短纵桁Deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨Cant beam 斜梁 Transom beam 艉横梁Tubular pillar, pipe stanchion 管形支柱 Built-up pillar 组合支柱Bulkhead 舱壁舭肘板肋距Transverse bulkhead 横舱壁Longitudinal bulkhead 纵舱壁Slopping bulkhead 斜舱壁‘ tween deck bulkhead 甲板间舱壁Collision bulkhead 防撞舱壁After peak bulkhead 艉尖舱舱壁Plain bulkhead, plane bulkhead 平面舱壁Corrugated bulkhead 槽型舱壁Swash bulkhead 制荡舱壁Swash plate 制当板Bulkhead stool 舱壁座Bulkhead recess 舱壁龛Watertight bulkhead 水密舱壁Stiffener 扶强材,防挠材Horizontal girder 水平桁Vertical girder 竖桁Shaft tunnel 轴隧Stem 膄柱Stern frame, stern post 艉柱Propeller post 推进器柱Propeller boss 轴毂Rudder post 舵柱Rudder horn 持舵臂Panting beam 强胸横梁Main engine foundation 主机基座Thrust bearing foundation, thrust block seating 推力轴承座Auxiliary seating 辅机基座Boiler foundation, boiler bearer, boiler stool 锅炉座Superstructure 上层建筑Bridge 桥楼Forecastle 艏楼Poop 艉楼Deck house 甲板室Strength of ships 船体强度Longitudinal strength 总纵强度Hogging 中拱Sagging 中垂Light weight distribution 空船重量分布Dead weight distribution 载重量分布Still water shearing force 静水剪力曲线Still water bending moment curve 静水弯矩曲线Wave induced shearing force curve 波浪剪力曲线Wave induced bending moment curve 波浪弯矩曲线Neutral axis 船体中和轴Deck section modulus, top section modulus 甲板剖面模数Bottom section modulus 船底剖面模数Hull deflection 船体挠度Hull horizontal bending strength 船体水平弯曲强度Hull torsional strength 船体扭转强度Transverse strength 横强度Local strength 局部强度Racking 横向歪斜Sloshing 晃击Ship hull vibration 船体振动Hull girder vibration 船体梁振动Global vibration 总振动Vertical flexural vibration 垂向弯曲振动Horizontal flexural vibration 水平弯曲振动Longitudinal vibration 纵向振动Hull torsional vibration 船体扭转振动Local vibration 局部振动Hull natural frequency 船体固有振动频率Stern vibration 艉部振动Vibration severity 振动烈度Technology of hull construction 船体建造工艺Accuracy control 精度管理Steel pretreatment 钢材预处理Surplus 余量Compensation 补偿量Preset 焊接反变形Assembly frame 假舱壁Cocking up of fore body 艏翘Cocking up of after body 艉翘Lofting floor 放样间Scale lofting table 比例放样台Lofting 船体放样Full scale lofting 实尺放样Scale lofting 比例放样Mathematical lofting 数学放样Manual lofting 手工放样Laying-off of hull lines 型线放样Longitudinal scale lofting 纵向缩尺放样Structural member lofting 结构放样Mathematical ship lines 数学型线Lines fairing 型线光顺Mathematical fairing of lines 数学光顺Sectional curved method 剖面线法Spline function 样条函数Frame interpolation 肋骨插值Selected mould section 改型剖面Finished table of offsets 完工型值表Seam arrangement 板缝排列Shell plate development 外板展开Thickness modification in plate development 板厚修正Curvature of frame 肋骨弯度Model 模样Template 样板Mock-up 样箱Batten 样条Mould bar 样棒Adjustable template 可调样板Triangular template三角加工样板Beam mould 梁拱样板Frame mould 肋骨样板Section mould 加工样板Template for marking —ff 号料样板Marking of hull parts 船体零件号料Manual marking -off 手工号料Marking -off from sketches 草图号料Projection marking 投影号料Photosensitive marking 感光号料Electro-print marking 电印号料Facsimile marking 电传真号料Numerical controlled marking 数控号料Photoelectric tracing marking 光电号料Secondary marking-off 二次号料Nesting 套料Hull steel fabrication 船体加工Symbols of hull steel fabrication 船体加工符号Edge preparation 边缘加工Groove preparation 坡口加工Scarting 削料Shearing sequence 剪切顺序Cutting sequence 切割顺序Concave bending of frame 型材内弯Convex bending of frame 型材外弯Roll bending 滚弯Press bending; bending 压弯Push bending 顶弯Knuckle 折角Hemming; folding 折边Channeling 压筋Line neat forming 水火成形Hot forming 大火成形Distortion correction by flame 火工矫正Heated-side cooling method 正面水冷法Back-side cooling method 背面水冷法Straighten anti-curve line 逆直线Hull assembly 船体装配Positioning 装配定位Individuals of hull structure 船体零件Sub-assembly of hull structure 船体部件Plate alignment 拼板Panel 板列(由两块或两块以上的板材组成的船体部件)Frame ring 肋骨框架Subassembly 部件装配Section assembly; unit 分段装配Section ; assembly; unit 分段Flat section 平面分段Curved section 曲面分段Three-dimensional unit 立体分段Joining section 嵌补分段Basic section 基准分段Complete cross section; block 总段Upright method of hull section construction 正装法Upside-down method of hull-section construction 倒装法Lateral method of hull section construction 侧装法Jig; moulding bed 胎架Fixed moulding bed 固定胎架Tilting jig 摇摆胎架Rotating jig 回转胎架Adjustable moulding bed 可调胎架Normal moulding bed 正切胎架Skew moulding bed 斜切胎架Berth assembly 船台装配Sectional method of hull construction 分段建造法Block method of hull construction 总段建造法Horizontal method of hull construction 水平建造法Pyramid method of hull construction 塔式建造法Island method of hull construction 岛式建造法Two-part hull construction 两段造船法Tamdem shipbuilding method 串联造船法Joining ship sections afloat 水上合拢launching 下水lift by the stern 艉浮tipping 艉落dropping 艏落dipping 艏沉launching weight 下水重量end launching 纵向下水side launching 横向下水gravity launching 重力式下水tractor launching 牵引式下水floating launching 漂浮式下水shiplift launching 起升机械下水air bag launching 气囊下水fore poppet pressure 前支架压力way end pressure 滑道末端压力hull outfitting 船装machinery fitting 机装piping outfitting 管装electric fitting 电装reference for installation 安装基准running a measuring wire 拉线determination of center lines 找中centering 校中installation for marine power plant 船舶动力装置安装complex layout 综合布置complex installation drawing 综合安装图pre- outfitting 预舾装unit-assembling 单元组装unit-outfitting 单元舾装section-outfitting 分段舾装block outfitting 总段舾装berth outfitting 船台舾装dock outfitting 船坞舾装quay outfitting 码头舾装lifting and mounting complete superstructure of a ship 上层建筑整体吊装pallet 托盘pallet control 托盘管理pallet code 托盘编码deck outfitting 外舾装steel outfitting 铁舾装installation of rudder and steering gear 舵设备安装running a measuring wire for rudder system 舵系拉线rudder to zero 舵对零位alignment of rudder blade and rudder stock on platen 舵叶与舵杆平台找正measurement of clearance of rudder bearing 舵承间隙测量installation of anchoring equipment 锚设备安装positioning of anchor 锚定位positioning of cable stopper 掣链器定位installation of mooring equipment 系泊设备安装 installation of pushing andtowing equipment 推拖设备安装 in stallati on of life —aving equipme nt 救生设备安装fixing of boat 艇固定installation of cargo handling gear 起货设备安装 fixing of stays 支索紧固installation of hatch cover 舱口盖安装 installation of deck equipment and fitting舱面属具安装accommodation outfitting 内舾装wood outfitting 木舾装 installation of accommodation equipment deck coveringlaying 甲板敷料敷设insulator laying 绝缘敷设 scaling of surface表面封闭 fixing of built-in piece 预埋件安装 fixing of wall panel 围壁板安装fixing of insulated structure with metal framefixing of insulated structure without metal framemoisture -proofed laying for refrigerated roominstallation for main engine 主机安装installation for complete set of engine 整机安装 assembling on board 上船组装determination for main engine 主机校中 location for main engine 主机定位adjustment for main engine heat expansion 主机热膨胀调整 measurement forcrank deflection 曲臂差测量 measurement for main engine chock 主机垫片测量 installation for auxiliary machinery 辅机安装 pad fitting 配垫 leveling offoundation plane 基座找平installation of double wedge piece 斜面垫块安装 installation for epoxy basedresin chock 塑料垫片安装 hydraulic bolt connection 液压拉伸螺栓连接positioning for welding pad焊接垫片定位 shafting center line轴系中线 shafting alignment 轴系找中marking for shafting boring轴系孔划线 shafting alignment by wiring 拉线轴系找中 shafting alignment by opticalmethod 光学轴系找中 basic target 基准靶 projection target 投影靶 boring forshafting 轴系镗孔 installation for stern tube 尾轴管安装 fitting rubber liner forstern tube 尾轴管橡胶衬套嵌套 fitting plastic bearing stuffing for stern tube 尾轴管塑料衬套嵌套 installation of tail shaft 尾轴安装 installation of tail shaftseal stuffing 尾轴密封装置安装 measurement of fit clearance for tail shaft 尾轴安装间隙测量 centering for shafting 轴系校中 centering for shafting bycalculation 计算法轴系校中 centering for shafting by loading method 轴承负荷法轴系校中 centering for shafting by direct connection 平轴法轴系校中 paralleloffset 两轴偏移 deflection 两轴曲折 calculation for shaft end sag 轴端下垂量计舱室设备安装 带金属骨架绝缘安装 无金属骨架绝缘安装 冷库防潮处理算installation for intermediate bearing 中间轴承安装installation for thrust shaft bearing 推力轴承安装installation of propeller 螺旋桨安装mounting propeller by bonding 螺旋桨胶合连接mounting for keyless propeller by hydraulic jack 无键螺旋桨液压安装mounting for key propeller 有键螺旋桨连接adjusting -zero llposition for control pitch propeller 调距桨零位调正installation for boiler on board 锅炉本体上船安装installation for boiler accessory 锅炉附件安装piping layout 管系放样computer aided piping layout 管系数学放样working diagram for pipe fabrication 管子制作图表pipe marking 管子划线pipe marking on slab 管子平台划线pipe cutting 管子下料cutting pipe without surplus 管子无余量下料mould bar for piping 管子样棒medium frequency bending of pipe 中频弯管numerical controlled bending of pipe 数控弯管seam-lap of vent duct 风管咬扣manufacture for coil pipe 盘形管制作pipe cleaning 管子清洗pipe reshaping and positioning 校管fabricating of spiral seamlapped pipe 螺旋卷管fabrication of miter welded pipe 虾壳管制作flange joint 法兰连接sleeve joint 套管连接union joint 螺纹接头连接ferrule fitting connection 卡套接头连接pipe insulation 管子绝缘compensation of pipeline 管路补偿flushing of pipeline 管路冲洗inserting pipe 嵌补管unit of pipe 管子单元pre-outfitting of pipe 管子预装installation of pipe 管系安装installation of pipe penetration piece 通舱管件安装installation of vent duct 通风管安装installation of air conditioning pipe 空调管安装cables installation 电缆敷设main cable 主干电缆branch cable 分支电缆bunched cables installation 成束敷设cable installation in pipe 穿管敷设cable installation in conduit 管道敷设space factor 穿管系数penetration space factor 贯通件利用系数cable supporting fittings 电缆支承件cable installation fittings 电缆紧固件cable installation with rack; cable installation with hanger cable installation with fastening hanger 紧钩敷设cable installation with saddle; cable installation with clip cable installation with strap; cable installation with tie layer-built cables installation 分层敷设bunch separated cables installation 分束敷设far separated cables installation 运离敷设cable capping; cable casing 电缆护罩cable penetration fittings 电缆贯通件cable coaming, cable trunk 电缆框(筒)multi-gland 电缆填料盒cable liner 电缆衬套cable expansion box 电缆伸缩箱cable expansion loop 电缆伸缩环电缆支架敷设电缆卡子敷设绑扎敷设multi-cables transit (MCT) 积木式电缆填料盒cable gland 电缆填料函multi-cables gland 组合电缆填料函pressure-tight gland 耐压填料函fire stopfor bunched cables 成束电缆阻燃工艺fire stop metal plate 止火隔板point inwiring 布线利用点tapping 分接cables data book 电缆册sealing stuff forcables penetration 电缆贯穿密封填料caulking material for cable penetration;retaining frontwall for cable penetration 赌料vibration-proof type installation 减震式安装cable inlet plate 封口板cable inletbracket 托线板water tight cable entrance 水密进线cold pressed joint 冷压连电缆贯穿密封接screw type connection 螺栓式接线plug-in type connection 插入式接线earthing (grounding ) 接地electrical continuity 电气连续性bond 跨接two end earthed 两端接地single end earthed 单端接地earthedwith special conductor 专用导体接地earthed with equipment bedplate 设备底脚接地earthed with metal band 金属夹箍接地earthed by continuity conductor电缆连续导体接地items for inspection 报验项目request for inspection 交验验收通知书finalinspection 完工检验open-up examination 拆验inspection of products formarine service 船用产品检验mould bar for inspection 检验样条inspectiontemplate 检验样板mock-ups for inspection 检验样箱inspection by mould bar,inspection by mould batten 样条法检验inspection by template 样板法检验inspection of mould lofting 船体放样检验inspection of body lines 型线检验inspection of shell plate development 外板展开检验inspection of developmentof structural members 船体构件展开检验inspection of grid lines 格子线检查tolerance of hull construction 船体建造公差special survey during construction船舶建造检验inspection of hull steel work 船体零件加工检验inspection ofsub-assemblies 部件检验inspection of sections 船体分段检验inspection ofpreassembled frame work 肋骨框架装配检验inspection of erection on berth 船台装配检验check of ship structure 全船结构检查check of hull deformationbefore launching 全船矫正检查measurement of principle dimensions 主尺度测量inspection of hull completeness 船体完整性检验inspection of load line anddraft marks 载重线标记和水尺检验check of ballast before launching 下水压载检查inspection before launching 下水检查inspection of jigs 胎架检验reference lines for frames 肋骨检验线inspection of frame spacing 肋骨间距测量measurement of curvature of frame 肋骨弯势测量inspection of center lineof building berth 船台中心线测量vertical template for hull assembly 船台标杆线check of reference center line 船体中线测量joining lines for hull assembly船体装配对合线tightness test for hull 船体密性试验hose test 冲水试验waterfilling test 灌水试验hydrostatic test 水压试验oil test 油压试验water pouringtest 淋水试验airtight test 气密试验kerosene test 煤油试验oil fog test 油雾试验drop test for anchor 锚投落试验tension test for anchor 锚拉力试验tension test for anchor chain 锚链拉力试验breaking test for chain cable 锚链拉断试验anchoring trial 抛锚试验manual emergency anchoring test 人力应急起锚试验inspection of welding of rudder structures 舵结构装焊检验inspection of rudder installation 舵装置检验steering test 操舵试验nabaual emergency steering test 人力应急操舵试验drop test for lifeboat 救生艇抛落试验lowering and lifting test for lifeboat 救生艇起落试验proof test for lifeboat davit 救生艇架强度试验general inspection of lifesaving appliance 救生设备到位检查load test for cargo handling gear 起货设备吊重试验inspection of hatch cover installation 货舱口盖装配检验inspection of hatch coamings 货舱口围板安装检验proof test for accommodation ladder 舷梯强度试验proof test for pilot ladder 引航员梯试验inspection of shaft bracket installation 轴支架安装检验drop test for shaft bracket 轴支架投落试验mooring arrangement test 系泊设备试验towing equipment test 拖拽设备试验emergency draining test 应急疏水试验proof test for fire-extinguishing systems 消防系统效用试验inspection of bearing offset 轴承位移量检验inspection of mounting of bearing seating 轴承座安装检验inspection of shafting installation 轴系安装质量检验inspection of stern tube boring bar center 艉轴管镗杆中心校验hydraulic test of stern tube 艉轴管水压试验hydraulic test of tail shaft sleeve 轴套水压试验oil test of tail shaft sleeve 轴套油压试验measurement of finished propeller 螺旋桨完工测量inspection of fit clearance of propeller 螺旋桨配合检查static balance test for propeller 螺旋桨静平衡试验inspection of installing of propeller 螺旋桨安装检查measurement of fit clearance of propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴安装间隙测量mooring trial 系泊试验sea trial 航行试验inclining test 倾斜试验rolling test 摇摆试验standardization trial 航速试验astern trial 倒车试验stop inertia test 惯性试验course keeping test 航向稳定性试验rudder effectiveness test in low speed 低速舵效试验turning test 回转试验torsional vibration measurement of shafting 轴系扭振测量main engine bollard test 主机系泊试验main engine trial test 主机航行试验starting test for main engine 主机起动试验rotation reversal test for main engine 主机换向试验minimum steady speed operation test for main engine 主机最低稳定工作转速试验main boiler test 主锅炉试验auxiliary boiler test 辅锅炉试验exhaust-heat boiler test 废气锅炉试验accumulation test for boiler safety valves 锅炉安全阀试验tightness test of pipeline 管路密性试验operational test for piping 管系效用试验bollard test for generator set 发电机组系泊试验operational test for emergency generator set 应急发电机组自动起动效用试验static characteristic test for generator set 发电机组静态特性试验dynamic characteristic test for generator set 发电机组动态特性试验load test for generator set 发电机组负载试验parallel operation test for generator set 发电机组并联运行试验insulation test for refrigerated cargo chambers 冷藏货舱绝热效能试验cooling down test 制冷试验vacuum test for refrigerant piping system 制冷系统真空试验airtight test for refrigerant piping systems 制冷系统气密试验operational test for receivers and transmitters 收发信机效用试验determination of range of audibility for sound signals 音响试验determination of range of visibility for navigation lights 号灯灯光试验operational test for portable radio apparatus for lifeboat 救生艇手提电台效用试验operational test for auto alarm signal sender 警报信号自动拍发器效用试验operational test for auto alarm system 警报信号自动报警器效用试验operational test for automatic fire alarm systems 火灾自动报警系统效用试验operational test for automatic sprinkler systems 自动喷水系统工作试验operational testfor water fire-extinguishing systems 水灭火系统效用试验test for fixed carbon releasing dioxide fire-extinguishing systems 二氧化碳灭火系统施放试验releasing test for fixed halon fire-extinguishing systems 卤化物灭火系统施放试验releasing test for fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems 水雾灭火系统喷射试验operational test for inert gas system 惰性气体系统效用试验releasing test for fixed foam fire-extinguishing systems 泡沫灭火系统喷射试验rudder 舵jenkel rudder 差动舵streamline rudder 流线型舵spade rudder, underhung rudder 悬挂舵balanced rudder 平衡舵simplex rudder 舵轴舵reaction rudder 反应舵bulb-type rudder 导流罩舵flap-type rudder, articulated rudder 襟翼舵 flow straightening rudder end-plate rudder single plate rudder 平板舵 rudder blade 舵叶 rudder arm 舵臂 rudder stock 舵杆 rudder main stock 主舵杆 rudder pintle 舵销 rudder axle 舵轴rudder bearer, rudder bearing, rudder carrierstuffing box 舵杆填料函 jumping collar 舵杆挡圈 gudgeon 舵钮 rotating cylinder rudder转柱舵 reversing rudder 反射舵 activerudder 主动舵 steering wheel 操舵轮 tiller 舵柄 quadrant 舵扇 rudder brake 舵掣 mast 桅 tripod mast 三脚桅 cage mast, lattice mast 桁架桅 collapsible mast 可倒桅 lower mast 桅柱 top mast 顶桅 outrigger 桅肩 truck 桅冠 yard 桅横杆 crow ‘s nest 瞭望台 radar platform 雷达平台 mast rigging 桅索具 derrick rig 吊杆装置 swinging derrick 摆动吊杆装置 heavy lift derrick 重型吊杆装置 union purchase (system) 双杆吊货装置 derrick boom 吊杆 boom outreach 舷外跨距 boom topping angle 吊杆仰角 slewing angle 吊杆偏角suspension height-boom length ratio 悬高杆长比 derrick post 起重柱 goalpost 门型柱 biped mast 人字桅V-type derrick post V 型起重柱King-post 吊杆柱 Guy post 牵索柱 Derrick rest 吊杆托架 Cargo purchase eye 吊货眼板 Guy eye 牵索眼板 Derrick heel 吊杆叉头 Gooseneck bracket 吊杆座 Topping bracket 千斤座 Derrickrigging 起货索具 Cargo purchase ringing 吊货索具 Span rigging; span tackle 千斤索具 Guy tackle 牵索索具 Cargo hook gear hook assembly 吊钩装置 Cargo runner , cargo fall 吊货索 Span rope 千斤索 Guy, slewing guy 牵索 Preventer guy 稳索 Triangular plate 三角眼板Towing beam 拖缆承梁Stop posts for towline 拖缆限位器Towing hook 拖钩Towing hook platform 拖钩台Towing arch, towing gallow 拖拽弓架Towing post 拖桩Main push-towing rope 主缆 Push-towing steering rope 操纵缆 Ropeless linkage 无缆系结装置 Anchoring and mooring equipment 系船设备 Mooring equipment 锚泊设备 Mooring equipment 系泊设备Ground tackle 锚具 Mooring fittings 系缆具制流板舵舵承Anchor 锚Bower anchor 首锚Stern anchor 尾锚Kedge anchor 移船锚Mooring anchor 固定锚Sea anchor, floating anchor 浮锚Stockless anchor 无杆锚Stock anchor 有杆锚High holding power anchor 大抓力锚Anchor stock 锚横杆Anchor shank 锚干Anchor fluke, anchor palm 锚爪Anchor head 锚头Anchor shackle 锚卸扣Fluke angle 锚爪折角Angle of attack 锚爪袭角Holding efficiency, anchor holding power to weight ratio Anchor penetration 锚哧入性Anchor holding power 锚抓力Drag 拖距Drop test 坠落试验Anchor cable 锚索Anchor hawser 锚抓重比缆Anchor chain 锚链Anchor chain diameter 链径Shackle of chain cable 链节Grade of chain cable 锚链等级Swivel piece, outboard shot 锚端链节Inboard end chain length, bitter end length 末端链节Senhouse slip 脱钩链节Chain link 锚链环Lugless joining shackle connecting link 连接链环Joining shackle 连接卸扣Joining shackle 末端卸扣Swivel 锚链转环Swivel shackle 转环卸扣Mooring swivel 双链转环Cable stopper 掣链器Anchor stopper 掣锚器Devil ‘s claw 掣链器Cable releaser 弃链器Hawse pipe 锚链筒Chain pipe 锚链管Anchor bed 锚床Anchor recess 锚穴Anchor rack 锚架Anchor davit 吊锚杆Cat tackle 吊锚索具Roller fairlead for chain cable 导链滚轮Anchor buoy 锚浮标Bollard 带缆桩Mooring cleat 带缆羊角Fairlead 导缆器Chock 导缆钳Pedestal roller 导向滚轮Fairlead with horizontal roller 滚柱导缆器Roller fairlead 滚轮导缆器Mooring pipe 导缆孔Banama chock 巴拿马运河导缆孔Saint Lawrence fairlead 圣劳伦斯航道导缆器Universal chock 转动导缆孔Buoy shackle 浮筒卸扣Rope stopper 掣锁器Rope storage rell 缆索卷车Rope tub 缆索盘Hawser 缆索Mooring line 系缆索Deck equipment and fittings 舱面属具Weather tightness 风雨密性Clear size of opening 通孔尺寸Clear light size 透光尺寸Left hand model 左开式Right hand model 右开式Non-watertight door 非水密门Weathertight door 风雨密门Fire retarding door 防火门Watertight door 水密门Sliding watertight door 滑移式水密门Gangway port 舷墙门Side port 舷门Gas-tight door 气密门Escape scuttle 脱险口Side scuttle 舷窗Rectangular window 矩形窗Non-opening window 固定窗Deck light 甲板窗Sliding window 滑移式窗Skylight 天窗Counterbalanced window 平衡窗Common hinged window 共铰式窗Clear-view screen 旋转视窗Deadlight 风暴盖Wind scooper 导风罩Lock nut 保险螺母Visor 眉毛板Vertical ladder 直梯Inclined ladder 斜梯Deck ladder 甲板梯Accommodation ladder 舷梯Wharf ladder 舷桥Bulwark ladder 舷墙梯Rope ladder 软梯Pilot hoist 引航员升降装置Pilot ladder 引航员软梯Draught ladder 吃水梯Dog steps 踏步Rigging 索具Rigging screw 螺旋扣Cleat 系索羊角Eye plate 眼板Ring plate 眼环Socket 索节Awning 天幕Awning curtains 天幕帘Weather screen 围帘Awning rope 天幕索Railing 栏杆Storm rail 风暴扶手Life line 安全索Cargo hatch cover 货舱盖Lift-off covers 拼装舱盖Mechanical hatch cover 机械舱盖Pontoon hatch cover 箱形舱盖Corrugated hatch cover 波形舱盖Folding hatch cover 折叠式舱盖Rolling hatch cover 滚动式舱盖Single pull hatch cover 滚翻式舱盖Portable beam 舱口活动梁Hatch battening arrangement 封舱装置Tarpaulin 防水盖布Hatch batten 舱口压条Locking bar 封舱锁条Hatch wedge 封舱楔Betten cleat 封舱楔耳Dogging device 舱盖压紧装置Flexibility sealing arrangement 挠性密封装置Inflatable gasket 气胀密封垫Hatch cover controlling gear 舱盖启闭装置Hatch cover jacking device 舱盖起升器Hatch cover towing gear 舱盖拽行装置Access hatch cover 出入舱口盖Escape cover 逃生口盖Oil tank hatch cover 油舱盖Coal hole cover 煤舱盖Balanced hatch cover 平衡舱盖Quick-closing hatch cover 速闭舱盖Manhole cover 人孔盖Boatswain ‘s tools 帆缆用具Boatswain ‘s chair 吊板Fender 碰垫Rat guard 防鼠板Heaving line 撇缆绳Heaving line pistol 撇缆枪Canvas ventilator 帆布通风筒Flood protection materials 堵漏用具Davit 杂物吊杆Sounding platform 测深台Hand lead 测深锤Life-saving appliance 救生设备Personal life-saving appliance 个人救生设备Lifeboat 救生艇Open lifeboat 开敞式救生艇Partially enclosed lifeboat 部分封闭救生艇Totally enclosed lifeboat 全封闭救生艇Lifeboat with self-contained air support system Fire-protected lifeboat 耐火救生艇Oar-propelled lifeboat 划桨救生艇Motor lifeboat 机动救生艇Length of lifeboat自供空气救生艇救生艇总长Breadth of lifeboat 救生艇宽Depthof lifeboat 救生艇深Total mass of lifeboat 救生艇总重量Buoyancy of lifeboat 救生艇浮力Self-righting 自行复正Carrying capacity of lifeboat 救生艇乘员定额Seat 座板Watertight air case 空气箱Inherent buoyancy material 自然浮力材料Lifting hook 艇吊钩Simultaneous disengaging gear 联动脱钩装置Underside handholds 舭部扶手Buoyant lifeline 舷沿救生索Skate lifeboat 艇滑架Rescue boat 求助艇Launching appliance 降落装置Boat handling gear 吊艇装置Boat davit 吊艇架Gravity-type davit 重力式吊艇架Radial davit 转出式吊艇架Boat chock 艇座Boat rope 固艇索具Boat fall 吊艇索Davit span 横张索Life rope 放艇安全索Loading capacity of boat davit 吊艇架额定负荷Outreach of boat davit 吊艇架跨距Safety falling velocity 安全降落速度Liferaft 救生筏Rigid liferaft 刚性救生筏Inflatable appliance 气胀式设备Inflated appliance 充气式设备Inflatable liferaft 气胀救生筏Davit launched type liferaft 可吊救生筏Raft davit 吊筏架Hydrostatic release unit 静水压力释放器Embarkation ladder 救生登乘梯Boarding ladder 登艇梯Immersion suit 救生服Lifebuoy 救生圈Lifejacket 救生衣Thermal protective aid 保温用具Rocket parachute flare signal 火箭降落伞火焰信号Buoyant smoke signal 漂浮烟雾信号Hand fire signal 手持火烟信号Lifebuoy self-igniting light 救生圈自亮浮灯Lifebuoy self-activating smoke signal 救生圈自发烟雾信号Lifejacket light 救生衣灯Retro reflective material 逆回反光材料Life-line 救生索Life-equipment 救生索具Life-throwing appliance 救生抛绳设备。
舱室可以在“SM”任务下的ship model中被定义。
1.1 船尾和船首的设计现在我们可以具体看一下船舶设计的过程。
外文文献翻译(译成中文1000字左右):【主要阅读文献不少于5篇,译文后附注文献信息,包括:作者、书名(或论文题目)、出版社(或刊物名称)、出版时间(或刊号)、页码.提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文】Ships Typed According to Means of Physical SupportThe mode of physical support by which vessels can be categorized assumes that the vessel is operating under designed conditions。
Ships are designed to operate above, on, or below the surface of the sea,so the air-sea interface will be used as the reference datum. Because the nature of the physical environment is quite different for the three regions just mentioned, the physical characteristics of ships designed to operate in those regions can be diverse.Aerostatic SupportThere are two categories of vessels that are supported above the surface of the sea on a self-induced cushion of air. These relatively lightweight vehicles are capable of high speeds,since air resistance is considerably less than water resistance, and the absence of contact with small waves combined with flexible seals reduces the effects of wave impact at high speed。
船舶设计 -构造专业英语横剖图 transverse section中横剖图 midship section最大横剖图 maximum section中纵剖图 longitudinal section in centre plan甲板线 deck line甲板边线 deck side line甲板中线 deck centre line舷弧 sheer梁拱 camber梁拱线 camber curve舭部 bilge舭部高升 deadrise舭部半径 bilge radius龙骨线 keelline龙骨设计斜度 rake of keel龙骨折角线 knuckle line of keel龙骨水平半宽 half-siding折角线 knuckle line地道顶线 tunnel top line首踵 forefoot尾踵 aftfoot轴包套 shaft bossing尾轴架 propeller shaft bracket 尾鳍 deadwood skeg双尾鳍 twin-skeg球鼻首 bulbous bow椭圆尾 elliptical bow方尾 transom stern巡洋舰尾 cruiser stern地道尾 tunnel球形尾 bulbous船体 hull主船体 main hull船体构造 hull structure甲板板架 deck grillage舷侧板架 side grillage船底板架 bottom grillage舱壁板架 bulkhead grillage骨架 framing横骨架式 transverse纵骨架式 longitudinal混淆骨架式 combined桁材 girder腹板 web面板 face plate构件 member列板 strake主要构件 primary member次要构件 secondry member连续构件 continuous member 间段构件 intercostal member 伸缩接头 expansion joint冰区增强 ice strengthening纵骨 longitudinal纵桁 longitudinal girder stringer 肘板 bracket防倾肘板 tripping bracket折边肘板 flanged bracket贯穿肘板 through bracket水平肘板 horizontal bracket增强筋 stiffer rib覆板 doubling plate扣板 gusset plate压筋板 swaged plate人孔 man hole扇形孔 scallop流水孔 drain hole流水渠 gutterway透气孔 air hole通焊孔 clearance hole减少孔 lightening hole洗舱孔 tank cleaning opening肘板连结 bracket connection直接连结 lug connection面板切斜连结 clip connection切斜端 snip end跨距 span纵骨间距 spacing of longitudinals 肋距 frame spacing外板 shell plate方龙骨 bar keel平板龙骨 plate keel船底板 bottom plating舭列板 bilge strake舭龙骨 bilge keel舷侧外板 side plating舷顶列板 sheer strake舷墙 bulwark单底 single bottom双层底 double bottom内陆板inner bottom plating内陆边板 margin plate龙骨 keel中内龙骨 center keelson旁内龙骨 side keelson中桁材 center girder旁桁材 side girder箱形中桁材 duct center girder半高底桁材 half depth girder船底纵骨 bottom longitudinal内底纵骨 inner bottom longitudinal 肋板 floor实肋板 solid floor水密肋板 water tight floor油密肋板 oil tight floor组合肋板 bracket floor轻型肋板 lightened floor尾肋板 transom floor船底横骨 bottom frame内底横骨 reverse frame撑材 strut舭肘板 bilge bracket污水井 bilge well坞龙骨 docking keel船侧骨架 side framing肋骨 frame主肋骨 main frame强肋骨 web frame深舱肋骨 deep tank frame尖舱肋骨 peak frame甲板间肋骨 tweendeck frame 斜肋骨 cant frame中间肋骨 intermediate frame 舷侧纵骨 side longitudinal舷侧纵桁 side stringer护舷材 fender甲板 deck覆材甲板 sheathed deck强力甲板 strength deck舱壁甲板 bulkhead deck载货甲板 cargo deck舷伸甲板sponson deck高升甲板 raised deck上层建筑甲板 superstructure deck甲板板 deck plate甲板边板stringer plate平台 platform横梁 beam强悍梁 web beam; deck transverse舱口端梁 hatch end beam舱口悬臂梁 hatch side cantilever beam 甲板横桁 deck transverse半梁 half beam斜梁 cant beam尾横梁 transom beam梁肘板 beam knee甲板纵桁 deck girder舱口纵桁 hatch side girder短纵桁 carling甲板纵骨 deck longitudinal管形支柱 tubular pillar组合支柱 built-up pillar双向桁架 two-direction truss单向桁架 one-direction truss舱口 hatch货舱口 cargo hatch应急舱口 escape hatch舱口围板 hatch coaming机舱棚 engine room casing围井 trunk围罩梯口 companion挡浪板 breakwater舱壁 bulkhead横舱壁 transverse bulkhead纵舱壁 longitudinal斜舱壁 sloping bulkhead中纵舱壁 centerline bulkhead平面舱壁 plane bulkhead槽形舱壁 corrugated bulkhead 双层板舱壁 double plate bulkhead 轻舱壁 partition bulkhead甲板间舱壁 tweendeck bulkhead 防撞舱壁 collision尾尖舱舱壁 aft peak bulkhead深舱舱壁 deep tank bulkhead水密舱壁 watertight bulkhead非水密舱壁 non-watertight bulkhead 油密舱壁 oiltight bulkhead防火舱壁 fireproof bulkhead制荡舱壁 swash plate制荡板 swash plate局部舱壁 partial bulkhead舱壁座 bulkhead stool舱壁龛 bulkhead recess舱壁板 bulkhead plate舱壁骨架 bulkhead framing舱壁扶强材 bulkhead stiffer水平桁 horizontal girder垂直桁 vertical girder轴遂 shaft tunnel轴遂尾室 tunnel recess推力轴承龛 thrust block niche主机基座 main engine foundation辅机机座 auxiliary seating锅炉座 boiler foundation ;boiler bearer 推力轴承座 thrust bearing seating首部构造 bow structure首柱 stem首封板 bow transom plate 强胸横梁 panting beam尾部构造 stern structure尾封板 stern transom plate 尾柱 stern post舵柱 rudder post挂舵臂 rubber horn推动器柱 propeller post轴毂 propeller boss尾柱底骨 sole piece高肋板 depth floor上层建筑 superstructure首楼 forecastle桥楼 bridge尾楼 poop甲板室 deck house围壁 trunk bulkhead前端壁 front bulkhead后端壁 aft bulkhead炉舱棚 boiler room casing 檐板 curtain plate天桥 connecting bridge抗扭箱 torsion box船体强度 hull strength总纵强度 longitudinal strength扭转强度 torsional strength横向强度 transverse strength局部强度 local strength船体板架强度 hull grillage strength肋骨框架强度 frame ring strength上层建筑强度 superstructure strength图纸用语舷侧平台, SIDE PLATFORM舷侧水密平台 WATER TIGHT PLATFORM 开孔环筋, C.S扁钢 FB舷侧肋骨 SF角钢 BP强肋骨 SSF二甲板下强肋骨 F.OF POOP尾楼肋骨 S.S.F.OF T.DK.舷侧纵桁 S.L.G.舷侧纵骨: S.L.内壳纵骨: I.S.S.L.底斜板纵骨: I.I.L.主甲板下舷侧肋骨S.F.UN . M. DK.主甲板下强肋骨S.S.F.UN . M. DK.主甲板上舷侧肋骨S.F.AB . M. DK.主甲板上强肋骨S.S.F.AB. M. DK.平台开孔 O.平台板 P.P.平台纵桁 P.L.G.横梁 BM.基本结构图 BASIC STRUCTUREPLAN 主甲板 DK.P.主甲板纵桁、强梁L.G. & S.BM.主甲板纵桁、强梁L.G. & S.BM.甲板纵骨 DK.L.甲板边板 DK.S.P.主甲板 DK.P.高升甲板纵桁、强梁L.G. & S.BM.高升甲板 DK.P尾楼甲板 POOP DECK内围壁 I.W.内围壁扶强材 S.O F I.W.侧壁 S.W.后端壁扶强材 S.OF B.W.后端壁 B.W.前端壁扶强材 S.OF F.W.前端壁 F.W.艇甲板 DK.P侧壁 S.W.驾驶甲板 DK.P实肋板 S.FL.二甲板纵桁、强梁L.G. & S.BM.船底板 BOT.P.平板龙骨 K.P.水密肋板 W.T.FL.中桁材、水密旁桁材 C.G. & W.T.S.G. 旁桁材 S.G.内底板 I.BOT.P.实肋板 S.FL.船底纵骨 BOT.L.内底纵骨 I.BOT.L.平板龙骨 K.P.船底板 BOT.P.内底板 I.BOT.P.槽形舱壁下非水密桁材N.W.T.G.UN .T.B. 槽形舱壁下水密桁材W.T.G.UN .T.B.中桁材 C.G.尾部侧形图 S TERN P ROFILE侧视图 S IDE VIEW正视图 FORWARD VIEW。
船体结构中英文对照表!!中英文对照船体结构主船体main hull上层建筑superstructure上层连续甲板upper deck船底bottom舷侧broadside艏艉fore and aft舱壁bulkhead水密watertight艏部bow艉部stern/quarter二层甲板second deck平台甲板platform deck桅屋masthouse罗经甲板compass deck驾驶甲板bridge deck船长甲板master deck高级船员甲板office deck艇甲板boat deck船员甲板crew deck机舱engine room货舱cargo hold货舱口cargo hatch压载舱ballast tank 深舱deep tank 燃油舱fuel oil tank 滑油舱lubricating oil tank淡水舱fresh water tank污油水舱slop tank 隔离空舱/干隔舱caisson球鼻艏标志bulbous bow mark/BB mark首侧推器标志 bow thruster mark/BT mark吃水标志draft mark甲板线deck line 干舷甲板freeboard deck载重线标志load line mark热带淡水载重线 tropical fresh water load line/TF夏季淡水载重线 fresh water load line/F热带载重线 tropical load line/T夏季载重线 summer load line/S冬季载重线winter load line北大西洋冬季载重线 winter North Atlantic load line/WNA国际船舶载重线证书 international load line certificate吃水指示系统 draft indicating system船舶尺度ship dimension最大尺度/全部尺度/周界尺度 overall dimension最大长度/全长/总长 length overall/LOA最大宽度/全宽 extreme breadth最大高度maximum height净空高度air draught船型尺度/型尺度/主持度 moulded dimension垂线间长 L/length between perpendiculars型宽B/moulded breadth型深D/moulded depth型吃水d/moulded draft登记尺度register dimension登记长度register length登记宽度register breadth登记深度register depth船舶主尺度比dimension ratio船长型宽比L/B , length breadth ratio 船长型深比L/D , length depth ratio船长型吃水比L/d , length draft ratio型宽型吃水比B/d , breadth draft ratio型深型吃水比D/d , depth draft ratio重量吨weight tonnage排水量displacement满载排水量dead displacement空船排水量light displacement装载排水量load displacement总载重量deadweight/DW净载重量 net deadweight/NDW容积吨/登记吨capacity tonnage总吨位/总吨gross tonnage/GT净吨位net tonnage/NT运河吨位canal tonnage/CT抗沉性floatability全客船passenger vessel客货船passenger-cargo vessel货客船cargo-passenger vessel客滚船ro-ro passenger ship集装箱船container ship箱格导轨系统 cellguide system散装货船bulk carrier散装货物bulk cargo舱口围板hatch coaming横剖面cross-section边舱side tank压载舱ballast tank矿砂船ore carrier压载边舱side ballast tank内底板inner bottom plating兼用船 combination carrier矿砂/石油两用船 O/O船, ore/oil carrier矿砂/散货/石油三用船 OBO船, ore/bulk/oil carrier 杂货船general cargo ship滚装船roll on/roll off ship , Ro/Ro ship木材船timber carrier冷藏船refrigerated ship多用途船multi-purpose ship液货船liquid cargo ship易燃液体inflammable liquid油船oil tanker污油水舱slop tank液体化学品船liquid chemical tanker液化气船liquefied gas carrier液化天然气船liquefied natural gas carrier/LNG carrier 液化石油气船 liquefied petroleum gas carrier/LPG carrier 乙烯运输船ethylene tanker工程船engineering ship挖泥船dredger起重船floating crane海洋调查船marine survey ship敷缆船cable ship航标船navigation mark ship工作船working ship拖船tug供应船supply boat破冰船icebreaker海难救助船rescue ship消防船fire boat科学考察船 scientific research ship船体结构ship construction钢板plate 型钢section steel扁钢flat bar 球扁钢bulb bar角钢angle bar , A/B工字钢I-bar T型钢T-bar槽钢channel bar铸钢,铸件casting锻钢,锻件forging焊接welding 周围焊around welding电弧焊/电焊 electric arc welding气焊gas welding焊缝weld 塞焊plug welding端接焊end welding角接焊fillet welding对接焊butt welding搭接焊lap welding坡口groove 覆板doubling plate铆接riveting 板材deals and battens骨架skeleton总纵强度total longitudinal strength 扭转强度torsional strength横向强度transverse strength局部强度local strength坐坞强度docking strength刚度rigidity 稳定性stability 应力集中stress concentration船台building berth横骨架式transverse framing system横向构件transverse member舷顶列板sheer strake舷侧板side plating舭列板bilge strake船底板bottom plating中内龙骨center keelson旁内龙骨side keelson梁肘板beam knee平板龙骨(flat) plate keel甲板纵桁deck girder肋骨frame 强肋骨web frame舷侧纵桁side girder肋板floor 横梁beam横舱壁板transverse bulkhead plating舱容hold capacity外板shell plate内底板inner bottom plating纵向构件longitudinal member自重sole weight纵骨架式longitudinal framing system船底纵骨bottom longitudinal中桁材center girder旁桁材side girder舷顶列板sheer strake舷侧纵骨side longitudinal撑材strut 甲板纵骨deck longitudinal强横梁web beam舱口围板hatch coaming纵舱壁longitudinal bulkhead舭龙骨bilge keel二层甲板tween deck内底边板margin plate实肋板/主肋板 solid floor内底纵骨 inner bottom longitudinal加强筋 stiffener人孔 manhole舱口端梁 hatch end beam支柱 pillar船舱肋骨 hold frame甲板间肋骨 tweendeck frame舷侧列板 side strake舭肘板/污水沟三角板 bilge bracket舱口端横梁 hatch end beam防倾肘板 tripping bracket舷墙板 bulwark plating舷强扶强材 bulwark stiffener换新 renew基本结构图 basic construction plan纵中剖面结构图 central fore-and-aft plane construction plan各层甲板图 deck plan内底结构图 inner bottom construction plan列板 strake舭列板 bilge strake甲板边板 deck stringer基线 base line横剖面图 transverse cross-section plan中横剖面图midship transverse cross-section plan 机舱处横剖面图 engine-room transverse cross-section plan货舱口处横剖面图 cargo hatch transverse cross-section plan舱壁图 bulkhead plan总布置图 general arrangement plan船底结构 bottom construction下甲板横梁 lower deck beam上甲板横梁 upper deck beam支柱肘板 pillar bracket双层底结构 double bottom construction骨架 framing首防撞舱壁 fore collision bulkhead尾尖舱舱壁 afterpeak bulkhead肘板 bracket水密肋板 watertight floor内底纵骨 inner bottom longitudinal实肋板 solid floor组合肋板/框架肋板 bracket floor扶强材 side girder船底横骨 bottom frame流水孔 drain hole透气孔 air hole减轻孔 lightening hole切口 incision内底横骨 inner bottom frame水密舱壁 watertight bulkhead横骨架式双层底结构 transversely framed double bottom construction 轻型肋板 lightened floor面板 face plate折边 flanging中桁材/中底桁 center girder中内底板 center inner bottom plating箱形中桁材/箱形龙骨 duct keel管隧 pipe tunnel水密纵桁 watertight longitudinal girder 内底纵骨 inner bottom longitudinal内底横骨 inner bottom frame船底中心线 bottom center line旁桁材/旁底桁/旁龙骨 side girder人孔盖 manhole cover污水沟 bilge drainage/side bilge污水井 bilge well/bilge sump单层底结构 single bottom construction 中内龙骨 center keelson旁内龙骨 side keelson舷侧外板 side plating甲板边板 deck stringer主肋骨 main frame甲板间肋骨 tweendeck frame尖舱肋骨 peak frame肋距 frame space中间肋骨 intermediate frame普通肋骨 ordinary frame强肋骨 web frame舷侧纵桁 side stringer舷侧纵骨 side longitudinal舷边角钢 gunwale angle bar止裂 crack arrest舷墙 bulwark舷墙板 bulwark plating支撑肘板 buttress bracket扶手 armrest栏杆 hand rail舱口纵桁 hatch side girder甲板纵中线 deck center line舱口端梁 hatch end beam强力甲板 strength deck甲板间舱 tweendeck space遮蔽甲板 shelter deck舱壁甲板 bulkhead deck干舷甲板 freeboard deck量吨甲板 tonnage deck半梁 half beam斜置加强筋 tilt stowing stiffener 管型支柱 tubular pillar水平加强筋 horizontal stiffener 菱形面板 diamond plate悬臂梁 cantilever beam梁拱 camber舷弧线 sheer curve首舷弧 fore sheer尾舷弧 after sheer首尖舱 fore peak tank首尖舱舱壁 fore peak tank bulkhead防撞舱壁 collision bulkhead尾尖舱舱壁 after peak tank bulkhead防火舱壁 fireproof bulkhead液体舱壁 liquid bulkhead油密 oiltight制荡舱壁 wash bulkhead平面舱壁 plane bulkhead舱壁板 bulkhead plate舱壁扶强材 bulkhead stiffener水平桁 horizontal girder对称槽形舱壁 symmetrical corrugated bulkhead 三角形 triangle矩形 rectangle梯形 trapezoid弧形 arc双层底 double bottom tank底边舱 lower side tank顶边舱 top side tank底登 lower stool直立型首 straight bow首柱 stem/stem post驳船 barge前倾型首 raked bow飞剪型首 clipper bow首楼甲板 forecastle deck破冰型首 ice resistant bow兴波阻力 wave making resistance 形状阻力 form resistance铸钢首柱 cast steel stem post 钢板首柱 steel plate stem post 锚链舱 chain locker升高肋板 raised floor强胸横梁 panting beam外板 shell plate开孔平台 trepanned platform椭圆形尾 elliptical stern巡洋舰形尾 cruiser stern方型尾 transom stern尾封板 stern transom plate船首结构 bow construction强力构件 strength member剖面模数 section modulus船尾结构 stern construction尾肋板 transom floor尾柱底骨 sole piece推进器柱 propeller post轴毂 propeller boss舵钮 rudder gudgeon舵柱 rudder post斜横梁 cant beam舵机舱平台 steering gear room platform 尾升高肋板 stern raised floor斜肋骨 cant frame舵杆管 rudder case防火措施 fire precaution防火结构 fire structure耐火材料 refractory material主竖区 main vertical zone不燃材料 non-combustible material自燃 autoignition易燃蒸气 inflammable vapour可燃材料 combustible material等效材料 equivalent material防火分隔 fire resisting divisionA级分隔/甲级分隔 A class division天花板 ceiling衬板 furring轴隧 shaft tunnel推进器轴 propeller shaft逃生孔 escape trunk中机型船 amidship-engined ship尾机型船 stern-engined ship单车船 single-screw ship顶板 top plating木铺板 batten ceiling滑动式水密门 slid watertight door拱形顶板 arch top plating平顶板 flat top plating轴承基座 stool supporting shaft bearing 管系 piping格子板 grating舭龙骨/减摇龙骨 bilge keel坞修 dock repair船底塞 docking plug坞墩 docking block锰黄铜 manganese brass不锈钢 stainless steel舭部外板 bilge plate舷侧型线 moulded line of side shell船底型线 moulded line of bottom shell 垫圈 insertion ring垫板 pad隔离空舱 caisson双层舷侧 double side shell双层壳 double shell中间舱 center tank边舱 side tank甲板下纵桁 deck lower girder业务衡准数criterion of service numeral 舱底水管系 bilge system舱底水管路 bilge pipe吸口 suction过滤器 filtrator舱底水总管 bilge main line止回阀 non-return valve舱底泵 bilge pump阀箱 valve casing泥箱 mud box油水分离器 oil-water separator测量管/测深管 sounding pipe旋塞 faucet螺纹盖 thread cap防击板 striking plate压载管系 ballast system压载水 ballast water压载管路 ballast pipe调驳阀箱 control valve easing压载泵 ballast pump截止阀 stop valve海底阀/通海阀 sea suction valve舷侧排水阀 overboard discharge valve空气管 air pipe花钢板 diamond plate自动关闭阀 automatic closing valve通风管系 ventilating system自然通风 natural ventilation烟斗式通风筒 cowl-head ventilator排风筒 uptake ventilator蘑菇形通风筒 mushroom ventilator起重柱 Samson post鹅颈式通风筒 gooseneck ventilator机械通风 mechanical ventilator风机 aerator管路 pipe conduit吸口空气滤器 suction air filter空气调节 air conditioning system消防管系 fire extinguishing system固定式灭火系统 fixed fire extinguishing system水灭火系统 water fire extinguishing system气体灭火系统 gas fire extinguishing system泡沫灭火系统 foam fire extinguishing system水雾灭火系统 water fog fire extinguishing system自动喷水系统 automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system 惰性气体保护系统 inert gas system日用水管系 domestic water supply system日用淡水系统 domestic fresh water system 日用热水系统 domestic warm water system 饮用水系统 potable water system重力水柜 gravity tank压力水柜 pressure tank循环泵 circulating pump甲板排水管系 deck scupper system甲板排水器 deck scupper排水管 scupper pipe卫生排泄系统 sanitary water system锚 anchor锚穴 anchor recess锚链筒 hawse pipe制链器 chain stopper锚机 windlass锚链管 chain pipe锚链舱 chain locker锚链 chain cable闸刀 switch blade制动销 detent pin松紧螺丝扣 turnbuckle弃链器 releasing gear横闩式弃链器 dog type cable clench螺旋弃链器 screw type cable releaser手轮 hand wheel螺杆 screw脱钩 senhouse slip末端链环 end open link首锚 bow anchor尾锚 stern anchor有杆锚/海军锚 stocked anchor锚铃环 anchor ring锚干 anchor shank锚爪 anchor fluke锚冠 anchor crown锚爪臂 anchor arm锚尖 anchor bill锚爪掌 anchor flukepalm锚杆销 forelock pin横杆 folding stock无杆锚/山字锚 stockless anchor锚卸扣 anchor shackle锚肩/助抓突角 anchor shoulder销轴 pintle横销 pin cotter大抓力锚 high holding power anchor 普通链环 common link加大链环 enlarged link末端链环 end open link散合式连接链环 detachable link肯特卸扣 Kenter link转环 swivel link电动锚机 electric windlass电动液压锚机 hydraulic windlass 电动机 electromotor减速器 reducer传动齿轮 drive gear离合器 clutch链轮 chain wheel刹车操纵杆 brake control rod带缆卷筒 rope drum带式刹车 brake绞盘 capstan锚机间 windlass room锚链末端 bitter end舾装数/船具数 N/equipment number 备锚 spare anchor大抓力锚 HHP超大抓力锚 SHHP挂锚 hanging off an anchor单花 cross双花 elbow锚链绞缠 foul hawse清解锚链 cleaning a foul hawse 力链 riding cable惰链 sleeping cable保险缆 safety line挂缆 hang line送出缆 removing rope纤维缆绳 fibre rope钢丝缆绳 wire rope尼龙绳 nylon rope涤纶绳 polyester rope丙纶绳 polypropylene乙纶绳 polyethylene维尼龙绳 vinylon rope硬钢丝绳 stiff wire rope半硬钢丝绳 semi-flexible wire rope 软钢丝绳 flexible wire rope钢丝股 strand油麻芯股 jute heart钢丝 wire油麻芯 jute or wire core复合缆 compound rope破断强度 breaking load/BL安全强度 safety load安全工作负荷 safe working load/SWL 试验强度 test strength/TS验证负荷 proof load/PL头缆/首缆 head line前横缆 forward breast line后横缆 aft breast line前倒缆/首倒缆 fore spring line后倒缆 aft spring line单头缆 buoy line回头缆 slip line吊拖 leading ahead巴拿马导缆孔 Panama fairlead缆桩 bitt/bollard导向滚轮 pedestal fairlead万向导缆孔 multi-angled fairlead导向滚轮 guide roller单十字缆桩 single cross bitt羊角桩 cleat单柱系缆桩 single-post bitt双柱系缆桩 double-post bitt斜式双柱系缆桩 double raked bitt双十字缆桩 double cross bitt导缆孔 chock导向滚柱 fairlead roller导缆钳 fairleader转动导缆器/万向导缆器 universal fairlead 水平滚柱 horizontal roller垂直滚柱 vertical roller卷筒 cable drum挡角 horn基座 pedestal绞缆机/系缆绞车 mooring winch系缆绞盘 capstan圆盘刹车 disc brake主卷筒 main drum减速箱 reduction gear box联轴节 union joint主轴 main shaft滚筒 capstan head检查盖 inspection cover控制开关 control switch接线盒 terminal box自动张力绞缆机 automatic tension mooring winch 压力调节阀 pressure adjusting valve液压泵 hydraulic pump卷筒/缆车 reel制缆索 stopper撇缆绳 heaving line撇缆头 heaving line ball碰垫/靠把 fender防鼠板 rat guard撇缆器 throwing line apparatus离泊 unberthing乔塞尔公式 Joessel平板舵/单板舵 single-plate rudder流线型舵 streamline rudder舵杆 rudder stock连接法兰 coupling flange舵臂 rudder stay舵板 rudder plate舵销 rudder pin水平加强筋 horizontal stiffener焊接衬板 welding bracket垂直加强筋 vertical stiffener吊舵孔 lifting rudder tube不平衡舵 unbalanced rudder平衡舵 balanced rudder半平衡舵 semi-balanced rudder支承舵 bearing rudder多支承舵 multi-pintle rudder双支承舵 double bearing rudder穿心舵轴平衡舵 balanced rudder with axle 悬挂舵 underhung rudder半悬挂舵 partially underhung rudder反应舵/迎流舵 reaction rudder主动舵 active rudder整流帽舵 bulb rudder襟翼舵 flettner rudder/flap rudder科特导流管舵 Kort nozzle rudder组合舵 unit rudder希林舵 Schilling rudder舵叶 rudder blade固定导流管 fixed nozzle可转动导流管 movable nozzle翼片 fin螺旋桨舵 rudder propeller水平法兰连接 horizontal coupling joint 垂直法兰连接 vertical coupling joint 上轴承 upper bearing舵轴 rudder axle下轴承 lower bearing吊舵孔 tube hole骨架肋板 webs舵底塞 drain plug舵板 rudder plate衬套 cylinder liner止推滚珠轴承 non-return ball bearing 舵承体 rudder bearing frame填料 packing舵承盖 rudder bearer cover挡板 shield水密填料 watertight packing 螺钉 screw舵杆衬套 stock bushing本体 rudder body压盖 screw cover滚珠轴承 ball bearing底座 bed plate蜗杆 worm蜗轮 worm wheel小齿轮 small gear舵扇 rudder quadrant缓冲弹簧 buffer spring舵柄 tiller液缸 hydraulic cylinder柱塞 ram滑块 cod piece动力装置 PU/power units换向阀 CO/changeover valve 溢流阀 RV/relief valve锁紧阀 LV/locking valve阀门箱 VC/valve chest伺服控制 SC/servo control 辅助泵 auxiliary pump固定体/定子 stator回转体/转子 rotor动叶 movable vane压力舱室 pressure chamber定叶 fixed vane油管路 manifold储油箱 oil tank舵角限位器 rudder angle stopper随动系统 follow-up system手柄控制系统/直接控制系统/应急控制系统 non-follow-up system 舵轮 wheel液缸 liquid tank活塞 piston轴 axle齿条 gear rank弹簧 spring活塞杆 piston lever杠杆 lever液压管路 hydraulic pipe自动操舵装置控制系统 automatic course-keeping control system 自动舵 autopilot比例旋钮/舵角调节旋钮 rudder adjust微分旋钮/反舵角调节旋钮/速率调节 rate adjust灵敏度旋钮/天气调节旋钮/航摆角调节 weather adjust航摆角 yawing自动改向旋钮 course adjust自适应舵 adaptive autopilot恒向线 rhumb line自动驾驶仪/航迹舵 automatic navigation 综合导航仪 integrated NAV system航路数据 routeing data微处理器 micro-processing计程仪 Log speed船舶动态 vessel movement显示器 display警报系统 alarm system选择开关 select switch舵角反馈器 rudder angle feedback计划航线 navigation plan计划航向 predetermined course大圆航法 great circle滑车 block挂头 oval eye车壳 steel side plate车带 tail strop制动板 stopping plate轴 spindle滑轮 cast-iron sheave车尾 tail绞辘 tackle辘绳 tackle-fall力端 running end根端 standing end定滑车 fixed block动滑车 movable block卸扣 shackle钩 hook眼板 eye plate眼环 ring plate心环 thimble紧索夹/绳头卸扣 clamp索头环 socket/swaged terminal松紧螺丝扣/花篮螺丝 rigging screw起重机/克令吊 crane控制室 cabin变幅/旋转操纵杆 control lever for slewing/luffing 起货操纵杆 control lever for hoisting吊臂 jib油马达 oil motor 上油柜 head tank过滤器 oil strainer冷却器 oil cooler限位器箱 differential limit switch box变幅绞车 luffing winch起货绞车 hoisting winch吊货滑车 falling block液压千斤顶 hydraulic cylinder安全工作负荷 safe working load/SWL 吊货索 cargo fall千斤索 topping lift起货机 cargo winch千斤索绞车 topping lift winch吊杆 boom吊货钩 cargo hook起重柱 Samson post/SP双杆联合 union purchase舷内吊杆/大关 inside boom舷外吊杆/小关 outside boom调整稳索 adjustable guy保险稳索 insurance guy三角眼板 triangle eye-plate吊货索滑车组 cargo fall tackle千斤索滑车组 topping lift tackle 稳索 guy导向滑车 leading block桅柱 mast重型吊杆 heavy derrick控制台 cross-tree轻型吊杆 derrick山字吊货钩 Flemish hook连接横杆 connecting traverse拉索 pull guy滚动式 rolling type滚翻式 rolling and tipping type舱口围板支架 brackets偏心轮 eccentric wheel连接链 connecting chain上滚轮 upper roller压紧器 cleat halve上升轨 wheel ramp导装面板 leading panel折叠式 folding type铰链 slotted hinge固定钩 fixed hook存放臂 stowing arm钢索 wire pendant铰接滑车 hinged sheave拖拽眼板 hauling eye plate关闭臂 closing arm固定钩 securing hook熏舱 fumigation《货物系固手册》 cargo securing manual/CSM 货物单元 cargo unit标准货 standardized cargo半标准货 semi-standardized cargo非标准货 non-standardized cargo货物系固设备 cargo securing device系固 secure支持 support最大系固负荷 maximum securing load/MSL固定式系固设备 fixed securing device携式系固设备 portable securing device地铃 lashing eye系固链条 lashing chain紧链器 tension lever钢丝绳 lashing wire rope系固钢带 lashing steel band花篮螺丝/松紧螺旋扣 turnbuckle系固槽座 lashing pot绑扎带 lashing band象脚 elephant feet拖车支架 trailer trestle拖车千斤顶 trailer support jack轮楔 wheel chock系固钢丝 lashing wire快速释放紧索器 quick release lashing 底座 foundation 滑移底座 sliding foundation埋入式底座 imbed foundation燕尾槽/燕尾底座 dovetail foundation板式底座 doubling plate foundation插座 socket固定锥 welding cone可折地铃/D形环 D-ring眼板 lashing plate箱格导轨系统 cellguide system横撑材 transverse prop导箱构件 container guide member横向支撑底座 lateral support foundation集装箱绑扎桥 lashing bridge扭锁 twistlock操作杆 operating rod半自动扭锁 semi-automatic twistlock锁销 locking pin底座扭锁 bottom twistlock堆锥 stacking cone中间堆锥 inter-bridge stacking cone底座堆锥 bottom stacking cone可移动锥板 removable cone plate自动定位锥 automatic fixing cone锁紧装置 locking device调整堆锥/高度补偿锥 leveling stacking cone 桥锁 bridge fitting绑扎杆/绑扎棒 lashing bar横向撑柱 lateral support element辅助工具 accessory appliance分舱因数 factor of subdivision重心 gravity/G稳心 metacenter/M船舶修理 ship repair计划修理 planned repair临时修理 occasional repair航修 voyage repair小修 current repair岁修 annual repair检修 overhaul船坞 dock坞修 dock repair事故修理 accident repair自修 self repair防腐锌板 ZINC protector/anticorrosion zinc plate进坞图 docking plan舵结构图 rudder construction plan浮坞 floating dock船底望光 light measure with eye for the bottom deforming 裂缝 crack止裂孔 stopper hole船舶修理单 repair list缺陷清单 defect list外观检查 external examination内部检查 internal examination缺陷修补 imperfection mend系泊试验 docking test密性试验 watertight test冲水试验 hose testing压水试验 water test气密试验 gastight test舷梯 gangway航行与信号设备 navigation and signal equipment通信设备 communication equipment倾斜试验 inclining test航行试验 navigation test加强检验附加标志 ESP/Enhanced Survey Program水下检验 in-water survey压载水管理计划 BWMP/ballast water management plan 入级检验 classification survey保持船级检验 survey for class maintenance年度检验 annual survey中间检验 intermediate survey坞内检验 docking survey特别检验 special survey循环检验 continuous survey法定检验 statutory survey营运中检验 survey for ships in service定期检验 periodical survey换证检验 change certificate survey附加检验 additional survey。
船舶各处名称中英文对照(值得收藏)1.1船长1)总长Loa:length of overall2)垂线间长Lbp:length between perpendiculars 3)登记船长L:registered length4)干舷长Lf:freeboard length5)船舶分舱长度LS:subdivision length6)艉垂线:aft perpendicular7)艏垂线:forward perpendicular8)后端点:aft end point9)挪威规范,英国规范:Oslo Rules, UK Rules 10)前端点:fore end point11)美国规范:USA Rules12)艏楼甲板:F’cle Dk13)日本规范: Japanese Rules14)艏柱:stem15)水线长:length of water line16)干舷长前端点: forward end of freeboard length 1.2 船宽1)登记船宽B:registered breadth2)上甲板 Upp Deck3)角隅圆弧的断点:termination of corner radius 4)干舷船宽Bf : breadth of ship for freeboard5)分舱船宽Bs : subdivision breadth of ship1.3 型深(D)depth1.4 吃水d: draught or draft1.5 干舷: freeboard1.6 吨位及舱容 tonnage and cargo capacity总吨 gross tonnage 净吨 net tonnage苏伊士运河吨位 Suez Canal tonnage巴拿马运河吨位 Panama Canal tonnage排水量 displacement载重吨 deadweight国家吨位 national tonnage国际吨位 international tonnage包装货物舱容 bale capacity谷物舱容 grain capacity外板 shell plating 护肋材 sparring谷物容积限度 grain capacity捆包容积限度 limit of bale capacityg表示谷物容积g indicates grain capacity b表示捆包容积b indicates bale capacity底部垫木 bottom ceiling1.7船速 speed1.8 船型系数 block coefficient细长型fine form 肥大型full form 方形系数block coefficient (Cb)中横剖面系数 midship coefficient (Cm)棱形系数 prismatic coefficient (Cp)水线面系数 water plane coefficient (Cw)1.9描述船舶动态及静态的词汇 terms to describe the dynamic [dai’nAmik] conditions and static positions纵倾trim 艉翘 trim by stern 艏翘 trim by head无纵倾状态 even keel (non-trimmed condition)横倾 heel or list 船体运动 ship motion横摇rolling纵摇pitching艏摇yawing垂荡heaving横荡swaying纵荡 surging1.10描述船体构件受力及变形的词汇 describe the movement of hull structural member弯曲 bending 扭曲 twisting 屈曲buckling振动 vibration 剪切 sheering 横摇rolling 强摇 racking1.11其他基本词汇 (1)1)左舷 port side 2) 右舷 starboard side3) 纵向 longitudinal 4) 横向 transverse5) 水平 horizontal 6) 垂直 vertical 7) 中心线 centre line (CL & )8) 舯 midship or amidships (expressed by symbol )9) 船中区域 midship part (0.4L ~ 0.5L)10) 船首 bow 11) 艏柱 stem 12) 艏部 bow part or fore part13) 艏垂线 fore perpendicular (FP)14) 艉柱 stern 15) 艉部stern part or aft part16) 艉垂线 aft perpendicular (AP)17) 尾端 ends: these normally signify the end parts of the hull of a ship with 0.1L通常是指自船尾端始的0.1L的范围18) 基线 base line (BL): normally the keel line 通常是指龙骨线19) 肋骨间距 frame space 20) 肋骨线 frame line21) 船体围长girth length: the length measured at the transverse section of the hull of a ship from gunnel to gunnel 在船体横截面上从一侧的船舷上沿量取到另一侧的船舷上沿的距离22) 龙骨上面 top of keel 23) 折角线 knuckle line (KL) 24) 折角点 knuckle point25) 舷弧 sheer 26) 艏舷弧 fore sheer 27) 艉舷弧 aft sheer 28) 梁拱camber29)甲板内倾 tumble home 30) 外飘 flare31)舭部升高 rise of floor 32)平行部 parallel part1.12其他基本词汇(2)1) 船桥甲板上缘top of bridge deck beam 2) 船桥楼外缘outline of bridge enclosure3) 上甲板梁上缘top of upper deck beam 4)梁拱 camber5) 主甲板的内倾tumble home at upper deck6) 船桥甲板的内倾 tumble home at bridge deck7) 上甲板边 upper deck at side 8) 船中心线 centre line of ship9) 舭部 bilge part 10) 平板龙骨的一半 half-side dimension of flat portion at keel11) 船中船桥甲板的型深 moulded depth to bridge deck12) 船中主甲板处的型深 moulded depth to upper deck13) 船中型吃水 moulded draught1.13 线型 lines1) 横剖线图 body plan 2) 纵剖线图 profile or sheer plan 3)半宽图水线 half-breadth plan1.14其他图纸文件 other plans and documents1) 除线型图之外,下列图纸被称为关键图(key plans):总体布置图 general arrangement 中横剖面图 midship section 钢材构造图 construction profile 外板展开图 shell expansion2) 其他关键图以外的船体图纸被称为船厂图 (yard plan):(1) 船体方面艏柱、艉柱、螺旋桨柱和舵结构stem, stern frame, propeller post and rudder甲板结构图deck plans 单底、双底结构图single bottom and double bottom水密和油密舱壁结构图 watertight and oil tight bulkheads上层建筑端壁图 superstructure end bulkhead船首、船尾、船底部抗拍击结构图arrangement to resist panting in both peaks and their vicinity [vi’siniti] 邻近, 接近支柱和甲板纵桁图 pillars and deck girders 轴隧图 shaft tunnels 锅炉、主机、推力轴承、中间轴承、发电机和其它重要辅机基座图Seating of boiler, engine, thrust and plummer blocks dynamos 发电机机舱棚图 machinery casings长甲板室结构图 long deckhouse桅杆、桅室和绞车平台结构图masts and mast houses and winch platforms泵布置图 pumping arrangements甲板装原木时绑扎装置布置图timber deck cargo security arrangements防火构造图 construction for fire protection消防布置图 plans showing fire extinguishing arrangement逃生路径布置图 plans showing escape routes舱室路径图plans showing arrangement for access of tank and space(2) 轮机方面机器处所布置图 machinery arrangement of machinery space 船内通讯系统图 diagram for internal communication system 主、辅机图 main and auxiliary engines动力传动齿轮、轴系及螺旋桨图power transmission gears, shafting and propellers锅炉及压力容器图 boiler and pressure vessel辅机和管系图 auxiliary machinery and piping操舵装置图 steering gear自动控制及遥控装置图 automatic and remote controls备件spare part 电气装置electrical installations 船桥视界navigation bridge visibility(3) 其他图纸文件船体轮机设计说明书 specifications for hull and machinery船中横剖面模数计算书calculation sheets for minimum athwartship (横越) section modulus (模数) in way of the midship part防腐式样书 corrosion prevention scheme 稳性计算书 stabilitycalculation sheets破舱稳性计算书 damage stability calculation sheets装载手册 loading manual 绑扎手册 security manual1.15 静水力曲线 hydrostatic curves浮心距基线高度 centre of buoyancy above base line (KB)浮心距船中 centre of buoyancy from midship (B)漂心距船中centre of floatation from midship (F)每厘米吃水吨数 tons per one centimeter immersion (TPC)每厘米纵倾力矩 moment to change one centimeter (CTM)水线系数 water plane coefficient (Cw)纵稳心距基线高longitudinal metacentre above base line (LKM)横稳心距基线高 transverse metacentre above base line (KM) 棱形系数prismatic [priz’mAtik] coefficient (Cp)垂直棱形系数 vertical prismatic coefficient (Cvp)方形系数 block coefficient (Cb)型排水量 displacement in tons excluding appendages (附件,附属物)总排水量 displacement in tons including appendages船体湿表面面积 wetted surface area (W.S.)1.16 稳性 stability1)静态稳性 intact stability 2)动态稳性 dynamic stability3)稳性判据stability criteria (标准)4)稳性曲线stability curves5)倾斜试验 inclining test 6)重心高度 KG (height of centre of gravity)7)稳心高度 KM (height of metacentre)8)初稳性高度 GM 9)静稳性力臂 GZ10)自由液面的影响 free water effect11)大倾角稳性 stability at a large inclination angle12)稳性十字曲线 cross curves of stability13)纵向稳性longitudinal stability 14)横向稳性transverse stability15)破舱稳性damage stability 16)浸水计算flooding calculation17)浸水概率 flooding probability 18)分舱 compartment19)生存条件 survival requirement 20)最终状态 final stage 21)生存概率survival probability 22)分舱指数subdivision index23)处所渗透率 permeability of a space24)许用GM0曲线 permissible GM0 curve1.17 波浪 wave斯托克波stokes wave 正弦波sine wave 摆动波trochoidal wave船行波 wave generated by ship sailing 散波 divergent wave 船尾横波 stern transverse eave 船首横波 bow transverse wave1.18 船体强度 strength of ship船体垂向弯曲最终强度 vertical bending ultimate strength船体梁强度 hull girder strength 纵向强度 longitudinal strength 纵向弯距 longitudinal bending moment 剪切力 sheering force 中拱 hogging 中垂 sagging静水弯距 longitudinal bending moment in still water (Ms)波浪弯矩Mw(+) and Mw (-) wave induced longitudinal bending moment横向强度 transverse strength 扭转强度 twisting strength局部强度 local strength 失稳强度 buckling strength受压失稳强度 compressive buckling strength剪切失稳强度 sheer buckling strength直接强度计算/分析 direct strength calculation / analyzing疲劳强度 fatigue strength疲劳强度解析、评价 fatigue strength anlyze, assessment应力集中 stress concentration波浪周期 wave period 随浪 following wave 顶浪 heading sea 横浪 beam wave波浪载荷wave load 垂向波浪弯距vertical wave bending moment波浪变动压 hydrodynamic (水力,流体动力学)pressure舱室内压 internal pressure 许用应力 allowable stress最小弯距 Wmin 剖面模数 section modulus惯性矩 moment of inertia强度连续性 continuity of strength 板架、板单元 plate panel1.19 船体尺寸限制Panama 圣。
第1章 船舶尺度及有关术语 英文版
English on International Shipping Ch1 Ship’s principal dimensions and rela精te品PdPTterms
main topmast主桅,中桅
main topsail主中帆
gaff 帆船上缘的斜桁 main mast
English on International Shipping Ch1 Ship’s principal dimensions and rela精te品PdPTterms
2. Breadth Moulded
the distance from the inside of plating on one side to a similar point on the other side measured at the broadest part of the ship
Ch1 Ship’s principal dimensions and rela精te品PdPTterms
Ship’s principal dimensions Terms relating to a ship’s hull
English on International Shipping Ch1 Ship’s principal dimensions and rela精te品PdPTterms
main sail主桅的帆, 主帆
main boom主帆桁,主桅驶帆杆 quarter deck后甲板
船舶专业英语a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船尾abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accommodation 居住(舱室)accommodation ladder 舷梯adjust valve 调节阀adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部advance coefficient 进速系数aerostatic 空气静力学的aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁aft peak tank 艉尖舱aileron 副鳍air cushion vehicle 气垫船air diffuser 空气扩散器air intake 进气口aircraft carrier 航空母舰air-driven water pump 气动水泵airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社amidships 舯amphibious 两栖的anchor arm 锚臂anchor chain 锚链anchor crown 锚冠anchor fluke 锚爪anchor mouth 锚唇anchor recess 锚穴anchor shackle 锚卸扣anchor stock 锚杆angle bar 角钢angle of attack 攻角angle plate 角钢angled deck 斜角甲板anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配流水线at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统auxiliary tank 调节水舱axial advance 轴向进速backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板balance weight 平衡锤ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball valve 球阀ballast tank 压载水舱bar 型材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船baseline 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条beam 船宽,梁beam bracket 横梁肘板beam knee 横梁肘板bed-plate girder 基座纵桁bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli’s law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bidder 投标人bilge 舭,舱底bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge radius 舭半径bilge sounding pipe 舭部边舱水深探管bitt 单柱系缆桩blade root 叶跟blade section 叶元剖面blast 喷丸block coefficient 方形系数blue peter 出航旗boarding deck 登艇甲板boat davit 吊艇架boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台BSRA 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱Bureau Veritas 法国船级社butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图CAPP(computer –aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船catamaran 双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计connecting tank 连接水柜constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件container 集装箱containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable-pitch 可控螺距式corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crow’s nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drillship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计e.h.p 有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/afer perpendicular 艏艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁gaff foresail 前桅主帆gangway 舷梯gantt chart 甘特图gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general cargo ship 杂货船generatrix 母线geometrically similar form 外形相似船型girder 桁梁,桁架girder of foundation 基座纵桁governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度graving dock 槽式船坞Green Book 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船gross ton 长吨(1.016公吨)group technology 成祖建造技术GT 成组建造技术guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰gunwale 船舷上缘gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale rounded thick strake 舷边圆弧厚板guyline 定位索gypsy 链轮gyro-pilot steering indicator 自动操舵操纵台gyroscope 回转仪half breadth plan 半宽图half depth girder 半深纵骨half rounded flat plate 半圆扁钢hard chine 尖舭hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch cover 舱口盖板hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的IAGG(interactive computer graphics) 交互式计算机图像技术icebreaker 破冰船icebreaker 破冰船IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) 国际海事质询组织immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的International Association of Classification Society (IACS) 国际船级社联合会International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) 国际船模试验水池会议intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)inventory control 存货管理iterative process 迭代过程jack 船首旗jack 千斤顶joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造kenter shackle 双半式连接链环Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器landing craft 登陆艇launch 发射,下水launch 汽艇launching equipmeng (向水中)投放设备LCC 大型原油轮leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机life saving appliance 救生设备lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light load draft 空载吃水lightening hole 减轻孔light-ship 空船limbers board 舭部污水道顶板liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines 型线lines plan 型线图Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林式等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气船liquefied petroleum gas carrier 液化石油气船liquid bulk cargo carrier 液体散货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船list 倾斜living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Lloyd’s Register of shipping 劳埃德船级社Lloyd’s Rules 劳埃德规范Load Line Convention 载重线公约load line regulations 载重线公约,规范load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台longitudinal (transverse) 纵(横)稳心高longitudinal bending 纵总弯曲longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向菱形系数longitudinal strength 纵总强度longitudinally framed system 纵骨架式结构luffing winch 变幅绞车machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门吊maiden voyage 处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manhole 人孔margin plate 边板maritime 海事的,海运的,靠海的mark disk of speed adjusting 速度调整标度盘mast 桅杆mast clutch 桅座matrix 矩阵merchant ship 商船Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate path 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit 公制单位middle line plane 中线面midship section 舯横剖面midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数ML 物资清单,物料表model tank 船模试验水池monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂mould loft 放样间multihull vessel 多体船multi-purpose carrier 多用途船multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性N/C 数值控制nautical mile 海里naval architecture 造船学navigation area 航区navigation deck 航海甲板near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮net-load curve 静载荷曲线neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴neutral equilibrium 中性平衡non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍normal 法向的,正交的normal operating condition 常规运作状况nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽notch 开槽,开凹口oar 橹,桨oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩ocean going ship 远洋船off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物oil filler 加油点oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距pitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Registo Italiano Navade 意大利船级社regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section moulus 剖面模数sectiongs 剖面,横剖面self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架shaft bossing 轴榖shaft bracket 轴支架shear 剪切,剪力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线sheer 舷弧sheer aft 艉舷弧sheer drawing 剖面图sheer forward 艏舷弧sheer plane 纵剖面sheer profile 总剖线sheer profile 纵剖图shell plating 船壳板ship fitter 船舶装配工ship hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学shipway 船台shipyard 船厂shrouded screw 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨side frame 舷边肋骨side keelson 旁内龙骨side plate 舷侧外板side stringer 甲板边板single-cylinder engine 单缸引擎sinkage 升沉six degrees of freedom 六自由度skin friction 表面摩擦力skirt (气垫船)围裙slamming 砰击sleeve 套管,套筒,套环slewing hydraulic motor 回转液压马达slice 一部分,薄片sloping shipway 有坡度船台sloping top plate of bottom side tank 底边舱斜顶板slopint bottom plate of topside tank 定边舱斜底板soft chine 圆舭sonar 声纳spade rudder 悬挂舵spectacle frame 眼睛型骨架speed-to-length ratio 速长比sponson deck 舷伸甲板springing 颤振stability 稳性stable equilibrium 稳定平衡starboard 右舷static equilibrium 静平衡steamer 汽轮船steering gear 操纵装置,舵机stem 船艏stem contour 艏柱型线stern 船艉stern barrel 尾拖网滚筒stern counter 尾突体stern ramp 尾滑道,尾跳板stern transom plate 尾封板stern wave 艉波stiffen 加劲,加强stiffener 扶强材,加劲杆straddle 跨立,外包式叶片strain 应变strake 船体列板streamline 流线streamlined casing 流线型套管strength curves 强度曲线strength deck 强力甲板stress concentration 应力集中structural instability 结构不稳定性strut 支柱,支撑构型subassembly 分部装配subdivision 分舱submerged nozzle 浸没式喷口submersible 潜期suction back of a blade 桨叶片抽吸叶背Suez Canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位限制summer load water line 夏季载重水线superintendent 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任superstructure 上层建筑Supervision of the Society’s surveyor 船级社验船师的监造书supper cavitating propeller 超空泡螺旋桨surface nozzle 水面式喷口surface piercing 穿透水面的surface preparation and coating 表面加工处理与喷涂surge 纵荡surmount 顶上覆盖,越过swage plate 压筋板swash bulkhead 止荡舱壁SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) 小水线面双体船sway 横荡tail-stabilizer anchor 尾翼式锚talking paper 讨论文件tangential 切向的,正切的tangential viscous force 切向粘性力tanker 油船tee T型构件,三通管tender 交通小艇tensile stress 拉(张)应力thermal effect 热效应throttle valve 节流阀throughput 物料流量thrust 推力thruster 推力器,助推器timber carrier 木材运输船tip of a blade 桨叶叶梢tip vortex 梢涡toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯tonnage 吨位torpedo 鱼雷torque 扭矩torque 扭矩trailing edge 随边transom stern 方尾transverse bulkhead plating 横隔舱壁板transverse section 横剖面transverse stability 横稳性trawling 拖网trial 实船试验trim 纵倾trim by the stern/bow 艉艏倾trimaran 三体的tripping bracket 防倾肘板trough 波谷tugboat 拖船tumble home (船侧)内倾tunnel wall effect 水桶壁面效应turnable blade 可转动式桨叶turnable shrouded screw 转动导管螺旋桨tweendeck cargo space 甲板间舱tweendedk frame 甲板间肋骨two nodded frequency 双节点频率ULCC 超级大型原油轮ultrasonic 超声波的underwriter (海运)保险商unsymmetrical 非对称的upright position 正浮位置vapor pocket 气化阱ventilation and air conditioning diagram 通风与空调铺设设计图Venturi section 文丘里试验段vertical prismatic coefficient 横剖面系数vertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller 直叶(摆线)推进器vessel component vender 造船部件销售商viscosity 粘性VLCC 巨型原油轮Voith-Schneider propeller 外摆线直翼式推进器v-section v型剖面wake current 伴流,尾流water jet 喷水(推进)管water plane 水线面watertight integrity 水密完整性wave pattern 波形wave suppressor 消波器,消波板wave-making resistance 兴波阻力weather deck 露天甲板web 腹板web beam 强横梁web frame 腹肋板weler 焊工wetted surface 湿表面积winch 绞车windlass 起锚机wing shaft 侧轴wing-keel 翅龙骨(游艇)working allowance 有效使用修正量worm gear 蜗轮,蜗杆yacht 快艇yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书yards 帆桁yaw 首摇。
Angle of loll负稳性初倾角,负稳性横倾角,失稳横倾角A ship having a very small negative initial metacentric height GM need not necessarily capsize. This situation produces an angle of loll. 初稳性高度为一个非常小的负值的船舶不一定倾覆。
As the angle of heel increases, the centre of buoyancy will move out still further to the low side. If the centre of buoyancy moves out to a position vertically under G, the capsizing moment will have disappeared. The angle of heel at which this occurs is called the angle of loll. It will be noticed that at the angle of loll, the GZ is zero. 随着横倾角增大,浮心将缓慢向外移,进一步移到较低的一舷。
【美国原题】1. An upright vessel has negative GM. GM becomes positive at the angle of loll because the ______.A. free surface effects are reduced due to pocketingB. KG is reduced as the vessel seeks the angle of lollC. effective beam is increased causing BM to increase有效船宽增大导致BM增大[GM=KB+BM-KG,如果(KB-KG)不变而BM增大,从而导致GM增大并转为正值]。
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附录二、外文翻译<文献翻译一:原文>ship squat in open water andin confined channelsWhat exactly is ship squat?When a ship proceeds through water, she pushes water ahead of her. In order not to leave a ‘hole’ in the water, this volume of water must return down the sides and under the bottom of the ship. The streamlines of return flow are speeded up under the ship. This causes a drop in pressure, resulting in the ship dropping vertically in the water.As well as dropping vertically, the ship generally trims for’d or aft. Ship squat thus is made up of two components, namely mean bodily sinkage plus a trimming effect. If the ship is on evenC being considered.keel when static, the trimming effect depends on the ship type andbThe overall decrease in the static underkeel clearance (ukc), for’d or aft, is called ship squat. It is not the difference between the draughts when stationary and the draughts when the ship is moving ahead.If the ship moves forward at too great a speed when she is in shallow water, say where this static even-keel ukc is 1.0–1.5 m, then grounding due to excessive squat could occur at the bow or at the stern.For full-form ships such as Supertankers or OBO vessels, grounding will occur generally at the bow. For fine-form vessels such as Passenger Liners or Container ships the grounding will generally occur at the stern. This is assuming that they are on even keel when stationary.C is >0.700, then maximum squat will occur at the bow.IfbC is <0.700, then maximum squat will occur at the stern.IfbC is very near to 0.700, then maximum squat will occur at the stern,amidships and at theIfbbow. The squat will consist only of mean bodilysinkage, with no trimming effects.It must be generally, because in the last two decades, several ship types have tended to be shorter in length between perpendiculars (LBP) and wider in Breadth Moulded (Br. Mld). This has lead to reported groundings due to ship squat at the bilge strakes at or near to amidships when rolling motions have been present.Why has ship squat become so important in the last 40 years?Ship squat has always existed on smaller and slower vessels when under-way. These squats have only been a matter of centimetres and thus have been inconsequential.However, from the mid-1960s to this new millennium, ship size steadily has grown until we have Supertankers of the order of 350 000 tonnes dead-weight (dwt) and above. These Supertankers have almost out-grown the Ports they visit, resulting in small static even-keel ukc of only 1.0–1.5 m.Alongside this development in ship size has been an increase in service speed on several ships, e.g. Container ships, where speeds have gradually increased from 16 up to about 25 kt.Ship design has seen tremendous changes in the 1980s and 1990s. In Oil Tanker design we have the ‘Jahre Viking’ with a dwt of 564 739 tonnes and an LBP of 440 m. This is equivalent tothe length of five football pitches.In 2002, the biggest Container ship to date, namely the ‘Hong Kong Express’ came into service. She has a dwt of 82 800 tonnes, a service speed of 25.3 kt, an LBP of 304 m, Br. Mld of 42.8 m and a draft moulded of 13 m.As the static ukc have decreased and as the service speeds have increased, ship squats have gradually increased. They can now be of the order of 1.50-1.75m, which are of course by no means inconsequential.Department of Transport ‘M’ noticesIn the UK, over the last 20 years the UK Department of Transport have shown their concern by issuing four ‘M’ notices concerning the problems of ship squat and accompanying problems in shallow water. These alert all Mariners to the associated dangers.Signs that a ship has entered shallow water conditions can be one or more of the following:1. Wave-making increases, especially at the forward end of the ship.2. Ship becomes more sluggish to manoeuvre. A pilot’s quote … ‘almost like being in porridge.’3. Draught indicators on the bridge or echo sounders will indicate changes in the end draughts.4. Propeller rpm indicator will show a decrease. If the ship is in ‘open water’ conditions, i.e. without breadth restrictions, this decrease may be up to 15% of the Service rpm in deep water. If the ship is in a confined channel, this decrease in rpm can be up to 20% of the service rpm.5. There will be a drop in speed. If the ship is in open water conditions this decrease may be up to 30%. If the ship is in a confined channel such as a river or a canal then this decrease can be up to 60%.6. The ship may start to vibrate suddenly. This is because of the entrained water effects causing the natural hull frequency to become resonant with another frequency associated with the vessel.7. Any rolling, pitching and heaving motions will all be reduced as ship moves from deep water to shallow water conditions. This is because of the cushioning effects produced by the narrow layer of water under the bottom shell of the vessel.8.Turning circle diameter (TCD) increases. TCD in shallow water could increase 100%.9. Stopping distances and stopping times increase, compared to when a vessel is in deep waters.10. Rudder is less effective when a ship is in shallow waters.What are the factors governing ship squat?The main factor is ship speed V. Detailed analysis has shown that squat varies as speed to the power of 2.08. However, squat can be said to vary approximately with the speed squared. In other words, we can take as an example that if we have the speed we quarter the squat. Put another way, if we double the speed we quadruple the squat!!In this context, speed V is the ship’s speed relative to the water. Effect of current/tide speed with or against the ship must therefore be taken into account.Another important factor is the block coefficient CB. Squat varies directly with CB. Oil Tankers will therefore have comparatively more squat than Passenger Liners.Procedures for reducing ship squat1. Reduce the mean draft of the vessel if possible by the discharge of water ballast. This causes two reductions in one:(a) At the lower draft, the block coefficient CB will be slightly lower in value, although with Passenger Liners it will not make for a signifi-cant reduction. (b) At the lower draft, for a similar water depth, the H/T will be higher in value. It has been shown that higher H/T values lead to smaller squat values.2. Move the vessel into deeper water depths. For a similar mean ship draft, H/T will increase, leading again to a decrease in ship squat.3. When in a river if possible, avoid interaction effects from nearby moving ships or with adjacent riverbanks. A greater width of water will lead to less ship squat unless the vessel is outside her width of influence.4. The quickest and most effective way to reduce squat is to reduce the speed of the ship.False draftsIf a moored ship’s drafts are read at a quayside when there is an ebb tide of say 4 kt then the draft readings will be false. They will be incorrect because the ebb tide will have caused a mean bodily sinkage and trimming effects. In many respects this is similar to the ship moving forward at a speed of 4 kt. It is actually a case of the squatting of a static ship.It will appear that the ship has more tonnes displacement than she actually has. If a Marine Draft Survey is carried out at the next Port of Call (with zero tide speed), there will be a deficiency in the displacement ‘constant.’ O bviously, larger ships such as Supertankers and Passenger Liners will have greater errors in displacement predictions.SummaryIn conclusion, it can be stated that if we can predict the maximum ship squat for a given situation then the following advantages can be gained:1. The ship operator will know which speed to reduce to in order to ensure the safety of his/her vessel. This could save the cost of a very large repair bill. It has been reported in technical press that the repair bill for the QEII was $13 million … plus an estimate for lost Passenger bookings of $50 million!!2. The ship officers could load the ship up an extra few centimetres (except of course where load-line limits would be exceeded). If a 100 000 tonnesdwt Tanker is loaded by an extra 30 cm or an SD14 General Cargo ship is loaded by an extra 20 cm, the effect is an extra 3% onto their dwt. This gives these ships extra earning capacity.3. If the ship grounds due to excessive squatting in shallow water, then apart from the large repairb ill, there is the time the ship is ‘out of service’. Being ‘out of service’ is indeed very costly because loss of earnings can be as high as £100 000 per day.4. When a vessel goes aground there is always a possibility of leakage of oil resulting in compensation claims for oil pollution and fees for clean-up operations following the incident. These costs eventually may have to be paid for by the shipowner.备注:Dr C.B.Barrass.Ship Design and Performance for Masters and Mates[M].Butterworth-Hei nemann,2004.148~179<文献翻译一:译文>船舶在开敞水域和受限航道的坐底现象什么是船舶的坐底现象?当船舶在水中向前航行时,她会推开在船首的水。