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一.在动词suggest(提议,提出,建议), advise(劝告,忠告), order(命令,下令,吩咐), demand(要求), propose(提议), require(要求), insist(坚持, 坚决主张),

command(命令), request(请求, 恳求), desire(请求), prefer(提出)等动词后的宾语从句的谓语,这些词的过去分词作表语时主语从句的谓语,以及这些词的名词同位语从句、作主语时的表语从句的谓语常用“should + 动词原形”构成的虚拟语气, should可以省略。如:

1. The man demanded that Tom (should) apologize.

2. He insisted that we (should) take up the matter at the meeting.

3. I requested that he (should) use his influence on my behalf.

4. The general ordered the soldiers (should) cross the river at once.(宾语从句)

= The general’s order was that the soldiers (should) cross the river at once.(表语从句)

= It was ordered that the soldiers (should) cross the river at once.(主语从句)

= The general gave the order that the soldiers (should) cross the river at once.(同位语从句)

5. I suggest that he (should) be careful.(宾语从句)

= My suggestion is that he (should) be careful.(表语从句)

= It is suggested that he (should) be careful.(主语从句)

= I gave him the suggestion that he (should) be careful.(同位语从句)


1. How I wish I could fly to the moon.

2. He wishes I had come yesterday.

3. I wished he could come to give me a hand.

4. We wished he had received the news two days earlier.

三.在以 in order that, so that 引导的状语从句中,谓语常用“may, might, can, could, will, would, should + 动词原形”构成的虚拟语气。有时也可用“should + 动词原形”,特别是从句为否定结构。如:

1. The teacher spoke slowly so that the students could / might hear clearly.

2. What is needed in order that electrical charges may move?

3. She stood away so that I should enter first.

4. I got up early so that I should not miss the train.


四.在had better表示建议或劝告时,其后的从句谓语用过去式构成的虚拟语气。如:

I had better you came yesterday.

五.在“It is (high / about) time that-clause.”句型中,从句的谓语常用过去式或should加动词原形构成的虚拟语气。如:

1. It is time we had / should have lunch.

2. It’s (high) time I went and picked up / should go and pick up my little girl from school.

六.在“would/had rather that-clause,would sooner that-clause”结构中,从句的谓语用虚拟语气。现在或将来的动作用过去式,过去的动作用过去完成式。如:

1. I would much rather it was forgotten.

2. Would you rather I did it?

3. I had rather you did it.

4. I’d rather you knew that now, than afterwards.

5. I would rather they had gone there too.

6. I could go myself but would sooner you went.

七.在“would rather do sth. than that-clause”结构中的从句谓语,应用“should + 动词原形”构成的虚拟语气。如:

I would rather lose a dozen of cherry trees than that you should tell a lie.

八.在“would rather that-clause than that-clause”结构中,两从句的谓语用虚拟语气。现在或将来的动作用过去式,过去的动作用过去完成式。如:

1. I would rather you showed me with your hearts than you promised me with your words.

2. I would rather you had done it than Tom had.

九.在as if, as though, even if, even though引导的状语从句中,谓语常用虚拟语气(现在的动作用过去式,过去的动作用过去完成式)。如:

1. The old machine operates as if it were / was a new one.(现在的动作)

2. Even though she had been very busy, she would have helped us.(过去的动作) 十.含有介词without, but for, except for短语的句子,谓语常用虚拟语气,现在的动作用“should或would + 动词原形”,过去的动作用“should或would have + 过去词”。如:

1. But for Chairman Mao, we should at least be wandering about in the darkness.

2. Without your advice, I would have failed.

十一.在含有“if it were not for + 宾语”或“were it not for + 宾语”及“But that + 从句”表示的假设条件从句时,主句谓语应用虚拟语气,现在的情况用“情态动词的过去式 + 动词原形”,过去的情况用“情态动词的过去式 + 动词的完成式”。如:

1. Were it not for the leadership of our Party, we could not live a happy life.

2. Had it not been for the leadership of our Party, we should have failed. (属were it

not for的过去完成式)

