



大学英语四级阅读练习带答案大学英语四级阅读练习带答案The decline in moral standardswhich has long concerned social analystshas at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, for one, is glad.The fact the ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously about the nations moral climate, says this ethics (伦理学) professor at the University of Chicago, is reason to hope that new ideas will come forward to improve it.But the challenge is not to be underestimated. Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. The thought that Im in it for me has become deeply rooted in the national consciousness, Ms. Elshtain says.Some of this can be attributed to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors looked out for one another, she says. With todays greater mobility and with so many couples working, those bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self.In a 1996 poll of Americans, loss of morality topped the list of the biggest problems facing the U.S. and Elshtain says the public is correct to sense that: Data show that Americans are struggling with problems unheard of in the 1950s, such as classroom violence and a high rate of births to unmarried mothers.The desire for a higher moral standard is not a lament (挽歌) for some nonexistent golden age, Elshtain says, nor is it a wishful (一厢情愿的) longing for a time that denied opportunities to women and minorities. Most people, in fact, favor the lessening of prejudice.Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society, she says. Slowly, you recognize that the things that matter are those that cant be bought.36. Professor Elshtain is pleased to see that Americans ________.(A) have adapted to a new set of moral standards(B) are longing for the return of the good old days(C) have realized the importance of material things(D) are awakening to the lowering of their moral standards37. The moral decline of American society is caused manly by ________.(A) its growing wealth(B) the self-centeredness of individuals(C) underestimating the impact of social changes(D) the prejudice against women and minorities38. Which of the following characterizes the traditional communities(A) Great mobility.(B) Concern for ones neighbors.(C) Emphasis on individual effort.(D) Ever-weakening social bonds.39. In the 1950s, classroom violence ________.(A) was something unheard of(B) was by no means a rare occurrence(C) attracted a lot of pubic attention(D) began to appear in analysts data40. According to Elshtain, the current moral decline may be reversed ________.(A) if people can return to the golden age(B) when women and mean enjoy equal rights(C) when people rid themselves of prejudice(D) if less emphasis is laid on material things36. D 37. B 38. B 39.A 40. DIn the 1960s, medical researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed a checklist of stressful events. They appreciated the tricky point that any major change can be stressful. Negative events like serious illness of a family member were high on the list, but so were some positive life-changing events, like marriage. When you take the Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not reflect how you deal with stressitonly shows how much you have to deal with. And we now know that the way you handle these events dramatically affects your chances of staying healthy.By the early 1970s, hundreds of similar studies had followed Holmes and Rahe. And millions of Americans who work and live under stress worried over the reports. Somehow, the research got boiled down to a memorable message. Womens magazines ran headlines like Stress causes illness! If you want to stay physically and mentally healthy, the articles said, avoid stressful events.But such simplistic advice is impossible to follow. Even if stressful events are dangerous, manylike the death of a loved oneare impossible to avoid. Moreover, any warning to avoid all stressful events is a prescription (处方) for staying away from opportunities as well as trouble. Since any change can be stressful, a person who wanted to be completely free of stress would never marry, have a child, take a new job or move.The notion that all stress makes you sick also ignores a lot of what we know about people. It assumes were all vulnerable (脆弱的) and passive in the face of adversity (逆境). But what about human initiative and creativity Many come through periods of stress with more physical and mental vigor than they had before. We also know that a long time without change or challenge can lead to boredom, and physical and metal strain.21. The result of Holmes-Rahes medical research tells us ________.(A) the way you handle major events may cause stress(B) what should be done to avoid stress(C) what kind of event would cause stress(D) how to cope with sudden changes in life22. The studies on stress in the early 1970s led to ________.(A) widespread concern over its harmful effects(B) great panic over the mental disorder it could cause(C) an intensive research into stress-related illnesses(D) popular avoidance of stressful jobs23. The score of the Holmes-Rahe test shows ________.(A) how much pressure you are under(B) how positive events can change your life(C) how stressful a major event can be(D) how you can deal with life-changing events24. Why is such simplistic advice (Line 1, Para. 3) impossible to follow(A) No one can stay on the same job for long.(B) No prescription is effective in relieving stress.(C) People have to get married someday.(D) You could be missing opportunities as well.25. According to the passage people who have experienced ups and downs may become ____.(A) nervous when faced with difficulties(B) physically and mentally strained(C) more capable of coping with adversity(D) indifferent toward what happens to them21. C 22. A 23. A 24.D 25.C。



英语四级阅读理解考前必练及答案Method of Scientific InquiryWhy the inductive and mathematical sciences, after their first rapid development at theculmination of Greek civilization, advanced so slowly for two thousand years—and why in thefollowing two hundred years a knowledge of natural and mathematical science has accumulated,which so vastly exceeds all that was previously known that these sciences may be justlyregarded as the products of our own times—are questions which have interested the modernphilosopher not less than the objects with which these sciences are more immediatelyconversant. Was it the employment of a new method of research, or in the exercise of greatervirtue in the use of the old methods, that this singular modern phenomenon had its origin?Was the long period one of arrested development, and is the modern era one of normal growth?Or should we ascribe the characteristics of both periods to so-called historical accidents—tothe influence of conjunctions in circumstances of which no explanation is possible, save in theomnipotence and wisdom of a guiding Providence?The explanation which has become commonplace, that the ancients employed deductionchiefly in their scientific inquiries, while the moderns employ induction, proves to be toonarrow, and fails upon close examination to point with sufficient distinctness the contrastthat is evident between ancient and modern scientific doctrines and inquiries. For all knowledgeis founded on observation, and proceeds from this by analysis, by synthesis and analysis,by induction anddeduction, and if possible by verification, or by new appeals toobservation under the guidance of deduction—by steps which are indeed correlative parts ofone method; and the ancient sciences afford examples of every one of these methods, or partsof one method, which have been generalized from the examples of science.A failure to employ or to employ adequately any one of these partial methods, animperfection in the arts and resources of observation and experiment, carelessness inobservation, neglect of relevant facts, by appeal to experiment and observation—these arethe faults which cause all failures to ascertain truth, whether among the ancients or themoderns; but this statement does not explain why the modern is possessed of a greatervirtue, and by what means he attained his superiority. Much less does it explain the suddengrowth of science in recent times.The attempt to discover the explanation of this phenomenon in the antithesis of “facts” and“theories” or “facts” and “ideas”—in the neglect among the ancients of the former, and their tooexclusive attention to the latter—proves also to be too narrow, as well as open to the charge ofvagueness. For in the first place, the antithesis is not complete. Facts and theories are notcoordinate species. Theories, if true, are facts—a particular class of facts indeed, generallycomplex, and if a logical connection subsists between their constituents, have all the positiveattributes of theories.Nevertheless, this distinction, however inadequate it may be to explain the source of truemethod in science, is well founded, and connotes an important character in truemethod. A factis a proposition of simple. A theory, on the other hand, if true has all the characteristics of afact, except that its verification is possible only by indirect, remote, and difficult means. Toconvert theories into facts is to add simple verification, and the theory thus acquires the fullcharacteristics of a fact.1. The title that best expresses the ideas of thispassage is[A]. Philosophy of mathematics. [B]. The RecentGrowth in Science.[C]. The Verification of Facts. [C]. Methods of Scientific Inquiry.2. According to the author, one possible reason for the growth of science during thedays of the ancient Greeks and in modern times is[A]. the similarity between the two periods.[B]. that it was an act of God.[C]. that both tried to develop the inductive method.[D]. due to the decline of the deductive method.3. The difference between “fact” and “theory”[A]. is that the latter needs confirmation.[B]. rests on the simplicity of the former.[C]. is the difference between the modern scientists and the ancient Greeks.[D]. helps us to understand the deductive method.4. According to the author, mathematics is[A]. an inductive science. [B]. in need of simple verification.[C]. a deductive science. [D]. based on fact and theory.5. The statement “Theories are facts” may be called.[A]. a metaphor. [B]. a paradox.[C]. an appraisal of the inductive and deductive methods.[D]. a pun.词汇1. inductive 归纳法induction n.归纳法2. deductive 演绎法 deduction n 演绎法3. culmination 到达顶/极点4. conversant (with) 熟悉的,精通的5. exercise 运用,实行,执行仪式singular 卓越的,非凡的,独一无二的6. conjunction 结合,同时发生7. omnipotence 全能,无限权/威力8. Providence (大写)指上帝,天道,天令9. commonplace 平凡的,陈腐的10. inquiry 调查,探究(真理,知识等)11. doctrine 教义,学说,讲义12. correlative 相互关联的13. antithesis 对立面,对偶(修辞学中),对句14. coordinate 同等的,并列的15. subsist 生存,维持生活16. attribute 特征,属性17. connote 意味着,含蓄(指词内涵)长句解析1. Why the inductive and mathematical sciences,after their first rapid development at theculmination of Greek civilization, advanced soslowly for two thousand years are questions whichhave interested the modern philosopher not less thanthe objects with which these sciences are more immediately conversant.[结构简析] 破折号后面的内容(见难句译注2)先撇开。



大学英语四级阅读理解精练附答案Americans Looking To Chinese CultureTo Enrich Their Life The latest Chinese cultural icon to make its impact there is feng shui1, Chinasancient art of placement. In my recent trip to California, virtually all leading book stores and publiclibraries were well-stocked with plenty of publications on this highly esoteric subject.Why do Americans take to feng shui like fish to water? It owed its early success to the doggedefforts of a handful of Chinese feng shui experts. But from around 1990 onwards, numerous fengshui schools have sprung up in large American cities including San Francisco, New York, Chicago,Boston and Houston. Their enrolments have risen by leaps and bounds.Its adherents find its commonsensible approach to daily living an effective counterweight tomaterialism, and helps them to reduce the intrusion of technology into their lives. With itsemphasis on achieving balance and harmony and peace and tranquillity at home and at work,this time-honoured art relaxes their minds and helps them overcome stresses and strains ofmodern living. They firmly believe that once their mental and physical well-being are inequilibrium2, then good health, work efficiency and prosperity will come their way naturally.A conspicuous manifestation of feng shui is through the proliferation of miniature fountainsstrategically placed in the homes, offices, shops, restaurants and at other public places. This isbecause water attracts the all-important life -sustaining qi, or energy. The soothing rhythm ofrunning water gently beating down on pebbles or bamboos can uplift ones spirits as it symbolises avital source of life .Underpinning the growing popularity of Chinese things is the emergence of China as a potentialworld political and economic superpower. This coincided with its reopening up to the outside worldwhich has enabled an increasing number of Americans to travel there in order to experience at firsthand3 the splendours of this venerable civilisation.Added to this, the thriving Chinese communities in many American urban centres and theirreputation as a model minority have aroused further their interests in this distant land, which is sovastly different from theirs.One of the palpable strengths of the United States is that it is truly an open society. This makes iteasier for it to absorb cultural values and practices from other countries and to nurture them sothat they become part of the social fabric of its own multiethnic and multicultural community. 练习题:Ⅰ. Choose the best words to fill the blanks:1. Hitler, the enemy of Poland and the rest of European world, became more and more warlike.A. publicB. potentialC. ancientD. effective2. People who enjoy a good are respected by many.A. balanceB. harmonyC. tranquilityD. reputation3. The growing of Internet makes the parents worry about its negative side over their kids.A. equilibriumB. popularityC. iconD. emergence4. The main of feng shui is to reconsider mans relationship with nature .A. proliferationB. valueC. practiceD. fabricⅡ. Question:Which reason below Ca n No t explain why feng shui is so popular in US?A. The United States is truly an open society.B. The emergence of China as a potential world political and economic superpower.C. Feng shui as an effective counterweight to materialism.D. The dogged efforts of a handful of Chinese feng shui experts.E. Feng shuis theory and practice becoming easy.Ⅰ. 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. BⅡ. E。

























以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年英语四级阅读考试练习及答案解析,希望能给大家带来帮助!Now let us look at how we read. When we read a printed text, our eyes move across a page in short, jerky movement. We recognize words usually when our eyes are still when they fixate. Each time they fixate, we see a group of words. This is known as the recognition span or the visual span. The length of time ofr which the eyes stop ---the duration of the fixation ----varies considerably from person to person. It also vaies within any one person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text. Furthermore, it can be affected by such factors as lighting and tiredness.Unfortunately, in the past, many reading improvement courses have concentrated too much on how our eyes move across the printed page. As a result of this misleading emphasis on the purely visual aspects of reading, numerous exercises have been devised to train the eyes to see more words at one fixation. For instance, in some exercises, words are flashed on to a screen for, say, a tenth or a twentieth of a second. One of the exercises has required students to fix their eyes on some central point, taking in the words on either side. Such word patterns are often constructed in the shape of rather steep pyramids so the reader takes in more and more words at each successive fixation. All these exercises are very clever, but it’s one thi ng to improve a person’s ability to see words and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently. Reading requires the ability tounderstand the relationship between words. Consequently, for these reasons, many experts have now begun to question the usefulness of eye training, especially since any approach which trains a person to read isolated words and phrases would seem unlikely to help him in reading a continuous text.Q:1. The time of the recognition span can be affected by the following facts except ________ .A. one’s familiarity with the textB. one’s purpose in readingC. the length of a group of wordsD. lighting and tiredness2. The author may believe that reading ______.A. requires a reader to take in more words at each fixationB. requires a reader to see words more quicklyC. demands an deeply-participating mindD. demands more mind than eyes3 What does the author mean by saying “but it’s one thing to improve a person’s ability to see words and quite another thing to im prove his ability to read a text efficiently.” in the second parapraph?A. The ability to see words is not needed when an efficient reading is conducted.B. The reading exercises mentioned can’t help to improve both the ability to see and to comprehend words.C. The reading exercises mentioned can’t help to improve an efficient reading.D. The reading exercises mentioned has done a great job to improve one’s ability to see words.4. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The visual span is a word or a group of words we see each time.B. Many experts began to question the efficiency of eye training.C. The emphasis on the purely visual aspects is misleading.D.The eye training will help readers in reading a continuous text.5. The tune of the author in writing this article is ________A criticalB neutralC prssimisticD optimistic【答案及详解】答案:CCCDA1 C。



大学生英语四级阅读模拟练习题带答案大学生英语四级阅读模拟练习题带答案2017年英语考试备考工作正在进行中,备考复习资料必不可少,下面是小编为大家搜索整理的英语四级辅导练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!As regards social conventions, we must say a word about the well-known English class system. 『This is an embarrassing subject for English people, and one they tend to be ashamed of, though during the present century class-consciousness has grown less and less, and the class system less rigid.』① But it still exists below the surface. Broadly speaking, it means there are two classes, the “middle class” and the “working class”. (We shall ignore for a moment the old “upper class”, including the hereditary aristocracy, since it is extremely small in numbers; but some of its members have the right to sit in the House of Lords, and some newspapers take a surprising interest in their private life.) The middle class consists chiefly of well-to-do businessmen and professional people of all kinds. The working class consists chiefly of manual and unskilled workers.The most obvious difference between them is in their accent. Middle-class people use slightly varying kinds of “received pronunciation” which is the kind of E nglish spoken by BBC announcers and taught to overseas pupils. Typical working-class people speak in many different local accents which are generally felt to be rather ugly and uneducated. One of the biggest barriers of social equality in England is the two-class education system. To have been to a so-called “public school” immediately marks you out as one of the middle class. The middle classes tend to live a more formal life than working-class people, and are usuallymore cultured. Their midday meal is “lunch” and they have a rather formal evening meal called “dinner”, whereas the working man‘s dinner, if his working hours permit, is at midday, and his smaller, late-evening meal is called supper.As we have said, however, the class system is much less rigid than it was, and for a long time it has been government policy to reduce class distinctions. 『Working-class students very commonly receive a university education and enter the professions, and working-class incomes have grown so much recently that the distinctions between the two classes are becoming less and less clear. 』②However, regardless of one‘s social status, certain standards of politeness are expected of everybody, and a well-bred person is polite to everyone he meets, and treats a labourer with the same respect he gives an important businessman. Servility inspires both embarrassment and dislike. Even the word “sir”, except in school and in certain occupations (e.g. commerce, the army etc.) sounds too servile to be commonly used.1. The middle class mainly refers to people ______.A. who were born as aristocratB. who have the right to sit in the House of LordsC. who speak in many different local accentsD. who are prosperous businessmen or who work in some professions2. The most obvious difference between the working class and the middle class in English is their ______.A. dressB. workC. accentD. meal3. Why isn‘t the word “sir” commonly used in Britain?A. Because it sounds too servile and is likely to cause embarrassment.B. Because it can only be used in some certain occupations.C. Because it is an impolite word.D. Because it shows that the speaker is not a well-bred person.4. The “upper class” in England today ______.A. are extremely small in number so that media pays no attention to themB. still uses old words like “Sir” in their everyday lifeC. includes the hereditary aristocracyD. refers only to the royal family5. Which of the following is not true about the English class system?A. It is an embarrassing subject for English people.B. Working-class students cannot receive a university education.C. The class system is much less rigid than it was.D. The class system still exists below the surface.词汇与短语1. convention n. 习俗2. embarrass v. 使困窘3.rigid adj. 严格4. hereditary adj. 世袭的5.manual adj. 体力的6. accent n. 口音7. received pronunciation adj. (英语的)标准发音8.well-bred adj. 有教养的9. servility n. 卑屈10. occupation n. 职业长难句解析①【解析】这是一个复合句,主句由“and”引导的两个并列句组成,“though”引导的让步状语从句,也是由两个并列的句子组成。



大学英语四级阅读题带答案大学英语四级阅读题:【原文】Many private institutions of higher education around the country are in danger.Not all will be saved,andperhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quality schools just as there are low-quality business.We have no obligation to save them simply because they exist.But many thriving institutions that deserve to continue are threatened.They are doing a fine job educationally,but they are caught in a financial squeeze,with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenuessignificantly.Raising tuition doesnt bring in more revenue,for each time tuition goes up,the enrollment goes down,or the amount that must be given away in student aid goes up.Schools are bad businesses,whether public or private,not usually because of mismanagement but because of the nature of the enterprise.They lose money on every customer,and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students.Even a very good college is a very bad business.It is such colleges,thriving but threatened,I worry about.Low enrollment is not their chief problem.Even with full enrollments,they may go under.Efforts to save them,and preferably to keep them private,are a national necessity.There is no basis for arguing that private schools are inherently (固有地)better than public schools.Examples to the contrary abound.Anyone can name state universities and colleges that rankas the finest in the nation and the world.It is now inevitable that public institutions will be dominant,and therefore diversity is a national necessity.Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education.In an imperfect society such as ours,uniformity of education throughout the nation could be dangerous.In an imperfect society,diversity is a positive good. Enthusiastic supporters of public higher education know the importance of sustaining private higher education.大学英语四级阅读题:【题目】Choose correct answers to the question:1.According to the authors opinion,schools are bad businesses because of _______.A.mismanagementB.too few studentsC.financial squeezeD.their characteristics2.The author used the phrase “go under” in Para. 3 to mean “_______”。




:Directions:There are 2 passages in this secaon.Each passage isfoll...下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。

:Directions:There are 2 passages in this secaon.Each passage isfollowed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each ofthem there arefour choices marked A.,B.,C.andD..You shouM decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuesaons 56 to60 are based on thefollowingpassage.When it comes to noise cancelling headphones,sometimes the best offense is a good defense.While there are plenty of active noise cancelling headphones that use a complex(and pricey)method to block distracting sounds,there are simpler ways.How about headphones with a snug fit that simply plug up your ear canals?This process is called passive isolation.Its not uncommon for a consumer faced with the choice between thedescriptors"passive"and"active"to choose the stronger-sounding technology,but great passive isolation can be just as effective and cost a lot less.The AKG K323 XS headphones($59 MSRP)are just such a pair.Sleek and portable,they produce a huge sound marked with prominent bass,supportive mids,and very healthy highs.Theyre also the best passive isolators that weve tested in a long time.Like most in-ears,the XS headphones are quite small and simply designed,available in white,blue,orange.yellow,green—the list goes on.The Android version packs a one-button universal remote,and theres also a three.button version for iOS.The XSs teeny formfactor,featherweight frame,and smalI carry case are additional on.the.go perks(特权享受).The cable is simple,but of decent quality,Its shorter than most cords—just 3.5 feet—which may or may not be desirable depending on how you use them.Ears come in all different shapes.and so do the speaker covers.AKG includes four different options:extra small,small,medium,and large.In the audio test labs.these AKGs proved to be a straight.A student.Thanks to moderate bass notes and very prominent middle and high notes,music sounds both full and balanced.From classical,to jazz,to hip hop,every genre benefits from this even-handed sound quality.Listeners will enjoy big,thumping bass that doesnt obscure subtler insmunents like violin and piano.These tiny in.ears aced distortion tests,to—you wont find one drop of unwanted or distorted sound.The K323 XS really shines.even in a crowded market.Its hard to pick which glowing attribute to praise first:The massive,well.balanced sound stage?The distortion.free listening experience?The$59 price tag?The monster isolation?Thetiny,portable design?These AKGs are simply aces(王牌),and online sale prices of around$40 kick everything up another notch(等级).56.What can you learn from the first two paragraphs?A.All active isolators are technically complex.B.Consumers are more likely to choose active isolators.C. Passive isolation isnt as effective as the active one.D.Consumers prefer those low-priced passive isolators.57.What are the extra perks of XS?A. The tiny shape。




















英语四级阅读理解练习及参考答案英语四级阅读理解练习及参考答案:Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A ),B., C. andD. . You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Educators today are more and more often heard to say that computer literacy is absolutely necessary for college students. Many even argue that each incoming freshman should have permanent access to his or hcr own microcomputer. What advantages do computers offer the college students?Any student who has used a word processor will know one compelling reason to use a computer: to write papers. Although not all students feel comfortable composing on a word processor, most find revising and editing much easier on it. One can alter, insert, or delete just by pressing a few keys, thus eliminating the need to rewrite or re-type. Furthermore, since the revision process is less burdensome, students are more likely to revise as often as is necessary to end up with the best paper possible.For these reasons, many freshman English courses require the use of a word processor.Computers are also useful in the context of language courses, where they are used to drill students in basic skills. Software programs reinforce ESL(English as a Second Language ) instruction, as well as instruction in French, German, Spanish, and other languages. By using these programs on a regular basis, students can improve their proficiency in a language while proceeding at their own pace.Science students take advantage of computers in many ways. Using computer graphic capabilities, for example, botany students can represent and analyze different plant growth patterns. Medical students can learn to interpret computerized images of internal body structures. Physics students can complete complex calculations farmore quickly than they could without the use of computer.Similarly, business and accounting students find that computer spreadsheet programs are all but indispensable to many aspects of their work, while students pursuing careers in graphic arts. marketing, and public relations find that knowledge of computer graphic is important. Education majors learn to develop grading systems using computers, while social science students use computers for analyzing and graphically displacing their research results.It is no wonder, then, that educators support the purchase and use of microcomputers by students. A versatile tool, the computer can help students learn. And that is, after all, the reason for going to college.56. The word "literacy" (Line 1, Paragraph 1) means__________.A. the ability to read and writeB. the ability to useC. literatureD. the knowledge of language57. The main purpose of this passage is to __________.A. persuade the educators to increase computer use in their own classroomB. analyze advantages and disadvantages of computer use among college studentsC. identify some of the ways that computers benefit college studentsD. describe how computers can be used to teach foreign languages58. According to the author, a word processor can be used to__________.A. revise papersB. retype papersC. reduce the psychological burden of writing papersD. improve the writing skills of a student59. In this passage, the writers argument is developed primarily through the use of __________.A. cause-effect analysisB. comparison and contrastC. inductionD. examples60. According to the author, the reason for students to go to college is__________.A. to learn somethingB. to perfect themselvesC. to improve computer skillsD. to make the best use of computers英语四级阅读理解练习及参考答案:Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.Language is, and should be, a living thing, constantly enriched with new words and forms of expression. But there is a vital distinction between good developments, which add to the language, enabling us to say things we could not say before, and bad developments, which subtract from the language by rendering it less precise. A vivacious, colorful use of words is not to be confused with mere slovenliness. The kind of slovenliness in which some professionals deliberately indulge is perhaps akin to the cult (迷信) of the unfinished work, which has eroded most of the arts in our time. And the true answer to it is the same that art is enhanced, not hindered, by discipline. You cannot carve satisfactorily in butter.The corruption of written English has been accompanied by an even sharper decline in the standard of spoken English. We speak very much less well than was common among educated Englishmen a generation or two ago.The modem theatre has played a baneful (有害的) part in dimming our appreciation of language. Instead of the immensely articulate dialogue of, for example, Shaw (who was also very insistent on good pronunciation),audiences are now subjected to streams of barely literate trivia, often designed, only too well, to exhibit lack of communication, and larded (夹杂) with the obscenities (下流的话) and grammatical errors of the intellectually impoverished. Emily Post once advised her readers: "The theatre is the best possible place to hear correctly-enunciated speech. " Alas, no more. One young actress was recently reported to be taking lessons in how to speak badly, so that she should fit in better.But the BBC is the worst traitor. After years of very successfully helping to raise the general standard of spoken English, it suddenly went into reverse. As the head of the Pronunciation Unit coyly (含蓄地) put it, "In the 1960s the BBC opened the field to a much wider range of speakers." To hear a BBC disc jockey talking to the latest ape-like pop idol is a truly shocking experience of verbal squalor. And the prospect seems to be of even worse to come. School teachers are actively encouraged to ignore little Johnnys incoherent grammar, atrocious spelling and haphazard punctuation, because worrying about such things might inhibit his creative genius.61. The writer relates linguistic slovenliness to tendencies in the arts today in that they both __________.A. occasionally aim at a certain fluidityB. appear to shun perfectionC. from time to time show regard for the finishing touchD. make use of economical short cuts62. "Art is enhanced, not hindered, by discipline" (Lines 6~7, Paragraph 1 ) means __________.A. an artists work will be finer if he observes certain aesthetic standardsB. an unfinished work is bound to be comparatively inferiorC. the skill of certain artists conceals their slovenlinessD. artistic expression is inhibited by too many roles63. Many modem plays, the author finds, frequently contain speech which__________.A. is incoherent and linguistically objectionableB. is far too ungrammatical for most people to followC. unintentionally shocks the audienceD. tries to hide the authors intellectual inadequacies64. The author says that the standard of the spoken English of BBC__________.A. is the worst among all broadcasting networksB. has raised English-speaking up to a new levelC. has taken a turn for the worse since the 1960sD. is terrible because of a few popular disc jockeys65. Teachers are likely to overlook the linguistic lapses in their pupils since__________.A. they find that children no longer respond to this kind of discipline nowadaysB. they fear the children may become less coherentC. more importance is now attached to oral expressionD. the children may be discouraged from expressing their ideas。




以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的大学CET4考试阅读练习及答案,希望能个大家带来帮助!The motor vehicle has killed and disabled more people in its brief history than any bomb or weapon ever invented. Much of the blood on the street flows essentially from uncivil behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and moral rights of others. So the massacre on the road may be regarded as a social problem.In fact, the enemies of society on wheels are rather harmless people or ordinary people acting carelessly, you might say. But it is a principle both of law and common morality that carelessness is no excuse when one's actions could bring death or damage to others. A minority of the killers go even beyond carelessness to total negligence.Researchers have estimated that as many as 80 per cent of all automobile accidents can be attributed to the psychological condition of the driver. Emotional upsets can distort drivers' reactions, slow their judgment, and blind them to dangers that might otherwise be evident. The experts warn that it is vital for every driver to make a conscious effort to keep one's emotions under control.Yet the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to drivers. Street walkers regularly violate traffic regulations; they are at fault in most vehicle walker accidents. And many cyclists even believe that they are not subject to the basic rules of the road.Significant legal advances have been made towards safer driving in the past few years. Safety standards for vehicle havebeen raised both at the point of manufacture and through periodic road-worthiness inspections. In addition, speed limits have been lowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has decreased. But the accident experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave. The only real and lasting solution, say the experts, is to convince people that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration. Those who fail to do all these things pose a threat to those with whom they share the road.62. The word “massacre” in line 3 paragraph one means _____A) mass-killing.B) disaster.C) tragedy.D) accident.63. What is the author's main purpose in writing the passage?A) T o show that the motor vehicle is a very dangerous invention.B) To promote understanding between careless drivers and street walkers.C) To discuss traffic problems and propose possible solutions.D) To warn drivers of the importance of safe driving.64. According to the passage, traffic accidents may be regarded as a social problem because _____.A) autos have become most destructive to mankindB) people usually pay little attention to law and moralityC) civilization brings much harm to peopleD) the lack of virtue is becoming more severe65. Why does the author mention the psychological condition of the driver in Paragraph Three?A) To give an example of the various reasons for road accidents.B) To show how important it is for drivers to be emotionally healthy.C) To show some of the inaccurate estimations by researchers.D) To illustrate the hidden tensions in the course of driving.66. Who are NOT mentioned as being responsible for the road accidents?A) Careless bicycle-riders.B) Mindless people walking in the street.C) Irresponsible drivers.D) Irresponsible manufactures of automobiles.答案解析:62-66:ACBBD。



英语等级考试四级阅读题每日一练英语等级考试四级阅读题每日一练Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的'英语等级考试四级阅读题每日一练,希望能给大家带来帮助!Early in the age of affluence (富裕) that followed World War Ⅱ,an American retailing analyst named Victor Lebow proclaimed, “Our enormously productive economy...demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption. We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced and discarded at an ever increasing rate." Americans have responded to Lebow's call, and much of the world has followed. Consumption has become a central pillar of life in industrial lands and is even embedded in social values. Opinion surveys in the world's two largest economics-Japan and the United States-show consumerist definitions of success becoming ever more prevalent. Overconsumption by the world's fortunate is an environmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth. Their surging exploitation of resources threatens to exhaust or unalterably spoil forests, soils, water, air and climate. Ironically, high consumption may be a mixed blessing in human terms, too. The time-honored values of integrity of character, good work, friendship, family and community have often been sacrificed in the rush to riches. Thus many in the industrial lands have a sense that their world of plenty is somehow hollow, that misled by a consumerist culture, they have been fruitlessly attempting to satisfy what areessentially social, psychological and spiritual needs with material things. Of course, the opposite of overconsumption, poverty, is no solution to either environmental or human problems. It is infinitely worse for people and bad for the natural world too. Dispossessed (被剥夺得一无所有的) peasants slash, and burn their way into the rain forests of Latin America, and hungry nomads (游牧民族) turn their herds out onto fragile African grassland, reducing it to desert. If environmental destruction results when people have either too little or too much, we are left to wonder how much is enough .What level of consumption can the earth support ?When dose having more cease to add noticeably to human satisfaction?1. The emergence of the affluent society after World War II .A) led to the reform of the retailing systemB) resulted in the worship of consumerismC )ve rise to the dominance of the new egoismD) gave birth to a new generation of upper class consumers2. Apart from enormous productivity, another important impetus to high consumption isA) the people's desire for a rise in their living standardsB) the concept that one's success is measured by how much they consumeC) the imbalance that has existed between production and consumptionD) the conversion of the sale of goods into rituals3. Why does the author say high consumption is a mixed blessing?A) Because poverty still exists in an affluent society.B) Because overconsumption won't last long due to unrestricted population growth.C) Because traditional rituals are often neglected in the process of modernization.D) Because moral values are sacrificed in pursuit of material satisfaction.4. According to the passage, consumerist culture .A) will not alleviate poverty in wealthy countriesB) will not aggravate environmental problemsC) cannot thrive on a fragile economyD) cannot satisfy human spiritual needs5. It can be inferred from the passage that .A) human spiritual needs should match material affluenceB) whether high consumption should be encouraged is still an issueC) how to keep consumption at a reasonable level remains a problemD) there is never an end to satisfying people's material needs。



大学英语四级阅读练习17题(详细解析)【1】Personality is , to large extent, inherent --A-type parents usually bring about A-type offspring. But the environment must also have a profound effect, since if competition is important to the parents, it is likely to become a major factor lives of their children.One place where children soak up A characteristics is school, which is ,by its very nature, a highly competitive institution. Too many schools adopt the "win at all costs" moral standard and measure their success by sporting achievements. The current passion for making children compete against their classmates or against the clock produces a two-layer system, in which competitive A types seem in some way better than thier B-type fellows. Being too keen to win can have dangerous consequences:remember that Pheidippides ,the first marathon runner,dropped dead seconds after saying:"Rejoice,we conquer!".By far the worst form of competition in school is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations . It is a rare school that allows pupils to concentrate on those things they do well.The merits of competition by examination are somewhat questionable,but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positively harmful.Obviously, it is neither practical nor desirable that all A youngsters change into 'B's. The would needs types,and schools have an important duty to try to fit a child's personality to his possible future employment. It is top management.1.Acoording to the author,waht factors contribute to the building of personality?a.inheritanceb.inheritance,competition and environmentpetitiond.environment2.Which of the following statements is not ture according to the author of the passage?a.Schools usually adopt severe competitive policies.b.Students are often divided by competition results.c.School is place where children cultivate their characteristics.d.The stronger desire for winning,the better.3.The phrase "soak up" is closest in meaning to ____.a.pull upb.take upc.take ind.pull in4.What attitude does the author hold toward examinations in schools?a.positiveb.negativec.doubtfuld.neutral5.what suggestion does the author make concerning the management of schools?a.All students be made into competitive A types.b.A child's personality be considered in regard to his possible future job.c.All students be changed into B characteristics.d.Schools abolish all forms of examinations.答案:bdccb【2】Asked to name their favorite city, many Amerians would select San Francisco began as a small Spanish outpost located on a magnificent bay.The town was little more than a village serving ranchers when the United States took possession of it in 1846 during the war with Mexico. San Francisco sprang into a city overnight because of the nearby discovery of gold in 1848.A great rush to California took place.Wagon trains plodded their dangerous way across 2000 miles of prairie and mountains,while hundreds of sailing vessels made the equally hazardous trip around the Horn.The vessels disgorged thousands of passengers -- then the crews deserted teir ship and hundreds of vessels were left to rot in the bay.Within two years,California had enough population to become a state and San Francisco was for many years the hub of that newly-arrived population. The city's present popularity is due to an excellent climate, an easy style of living ,good food,and numerous tourist attractions. The city is famous for its cable cars which "clang and bang" up the steep hills,and for its excellent seafood stals along the wharf. Most visitors arriving from nations in the Pacific Basin spend several days getting to know the town.1.According to this article, who were the first Californians?a.deserters from sailing shipsb.spanish ranchersc.gold minersd.tourists2.san francisco's appeal includes all of the following factors____.a.attractive lifestyle,good seafood,desirable weatherb.tourist attactions,extreme seasons,cable carsc.wagon trains,gold mining,good climated.cable cars,pleasent climate,flat terrain3.san francisco today is a thriving city because of ____.a.heavy industryernmental headquartersc.goldminingd.trade and tourism4.In waht year did California become an American state?a.1850b.1852c.1846d.1848答案:bada【3】When one looks back upon the fifteen hundred years that are the life span of the English language, heshould be able to notice a number of significant truths. The history of our language has always been a history of constant change—at times a slow, almost imperceptible change, at other times a violent collision between two languages. Our language has always been a living growing organism, it has never been static. Another significant truth that emerges from such a study is that language at all times has been the possession not of one class or group but of many. 『At one extreme it has been the property of the common, ignorant folk, who have used it in the daily business of their living, much as they have used their animals or the kitchen pots and pans.』① At the other extreme it has been the treasure of those who have respected it as an instrument and a sign of civilization,and who have struggled by writing it down to give it some permanence, order, dignity, and if possible, a little beauty.As we consider our changing language, we should note here two developments that are of special and immediate importance to us. One is that since the time of the Anglo-Saxons there has been an almost complete reversal of the different devices for showing the relationship of words in a sentence. Anglo-Saxon (old English) was a language of many inflections. Modern English has few inflections. We must now depend largely on word order and function words to convey the meanings that the older language did by means of changes in the forms of words. Function words, you should understand, are words such as prepositions, conjunctions, and a few others that are used primarily to show relationships among other words. A few inflections, however, have survived. And when some word inflections come into conflict with word order, there may be trouble for the users of the language, as we shall see later when we turn our attention to such maters as WHO or WHOM and ME or I. The second fact we must consider is that as language itself changes, our attitudes toward language forms change also. 『The eighteenth century, for example, produced from various sources a tendency to fix the language into patterns not always set in and grew, until at the present time there is a strong tendency to restudy and re-evaluate language practices in terms of the ways in which people speak and write.』②1.In contrast to the earlier linguists, modern linguists tend to .A. attempt to continue the standardization of the languageB. evaluate language practices in terms of current speech rather than standards or proper patternsC. be more concerned about the improvement of the language than its analysis or historyD. be more aware of the rules of the language usage2.Choose the appropriate meaning for the word “inflection” used in line 4 of par agraph 2.A. Changes in the forms of words.B. Changes in sentence structures.C. Changes in spelling rules.D. Words that have similar meanings.3.Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?A. It is generally believed that the year 1500 can be set as the beginning of the modern English language.B. Some other languages had great influence on the English language at some stages of its development.C. The English language has been and still in a state of relatively constant change.D. Many classes or groups have contributed to the development of the English language.4. The author of these paragraphs is probably a(an) .A. historianB. philosopherC. anthropologistD. linguist5.Which of the following can be best used as the title of the passage?A. The history of the English language.B. Our changing attitude towards the English language.C. Our changing language.D. Some characteristics of modern English.Vocabulary1.span n. 跨度,范围,期间2.imperceptible adj. 觉察不到的,极细微的anism n. 生物体,有机体4.possession n. 拥有,占有,领土5.ignorant adj. 无知的6.folk n. 人们,民族7.permanence n. 永久,持久8.Anglo-Saxons n. 盎格鲁—撒克逊语(人),地道的英国人9.reversal n. 颠倒,反向,逆转 10.inflection n. 词尾变化11.preposition n. 前置词,介词 12.conjunction n. 联合,关联,连接词13.in terms of 根据,按照,用……的话,在……方面长难句解析①【解析】“who”引导非限制性定语从句,修饰“the common, ignorant folk”。





When we analyze the salt salinity of ocean waters, we find that it varies only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salt stays behind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white salt would be left behind; this, by the way, is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtained.The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation.Normally, in hot regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.A third process by which salinity may be altered is associatedwith the formation and melting of sea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind.. In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared. Of course, when this ice melts, it will tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water.In the Weddell Sea, the densest water in the ocean is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portion of the oceans of the world.26. This passage mainly tells us about_______.A. the analysis of the salinity of ocean watersB. the causes of the variation in oceanic salinityC. the importance of the changes in oceanic salinityD. the different forms of salts in ocean waters27.It can be known from the passage that increase in the salinity of ocean water is caused by______.A. melting of sea iceB. precipitationC. evaporationD. supplement of salt28.Which of the following is not the cause of the decrease in the oceanic salinity?A. Precipitation.B. Rain and snow.C. Formation of ice.D. Addition of water by rivers.29.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Oceanic salinity has great effect on sea life.B. Many factors combine to cause changes in oceanic salinity.C. The movement of the water is related to the amount of salt.D. The temperature of the water has much to do with theoceanic salinity.30.The purpose of mentioning the Weddell Sea is_______.A. to give an example of cold-water salinityB. to point out the location of deep watersC. to make a comparison between hot-water salinity and cold-water salinityD. to show that the water in the Weddell Sea varies in salinity from place to place答案:26. B 27. C 28. C 29. D 30. A大学英语四级考试阅读练习题及答案篇1Not all sounds made by animals serve as language, and we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery of echolocation (回声定位) in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly practical role.To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. Everyoneknows that if he shouts near a wall or a mountainside, an echo will come back. The further off this solid obstacle, the longer time it will take for the return of the echo. A sound made by tapping on the main body of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps andthe receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated. So was born the echo-sounding equipment, now in general use in ships. Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object. A shoal of fish will do this. So it is a comparatively simple step fromlocating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. With experience, and with improved equipment, it is now possible not only to locate fish but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well-known fish, by the pattern of its echo.A few years ago it was found that certain bats emit squeaks (吱吱声) and by receiving ’he echoes they could locate and steer clear of obstacles--or locate flying insects on which they feed. This echolocation in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.练习题:Choose correct answers to the question:1.The main purpose of this passage is to ______.A. describe that animals can make different soundsB. prove that animals’ voices can play practical rolesC. inspire the readers to make more inventionsD. startle the readers with some shocking facts2. The discovery of echolocation may help with all of the following EXCEPTA. measuring the depth of the seaB. distinguishing different kinds of fishC. improving the functions of radarD. varying the size and nature of an object3. By saying "A shoal of fish will do this"(Lines 6-7, Para. 2), the author means ________.A. only one special kind of fish can reflect soundsB. only one special kind of fish can be used to help locate a shipC. a large group of fish can reflect soundsD. a large group of fish can be used to help locate a ship4. As it is discussed in the passage, the squeaks of bats can be functionally compared with ________.A. human languagesB. a mountainsideC. a shoal of fishD. taps on a ship5. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?A. Animals are more intelligent than humans.B. Humans are more intelligent than animals.C. Animals are often compared with human inventions.D. Humans are often inspired by animals.答案解析1.[B] 主旨大意题。



英语四级阅读积累练习题及答案英语四级阅读积累练习题一:The University of California was chartered in 1868 and established at Berkeley in 1875. South Hall, an ivy-covered Gothic-revival building of red brick, is the only survivor of the nineteenth century campus buildings. Today, the Berkeley campus is the senior member of the nine-campus University of California System. Berkeley offers a full range of academic majors in programs. In a national survey published in fall 1992, Berkeley placed highest of all public universities in ranking that included five attributes: reputation, selectivity, faculty resources, financial resources, and student satisfaction. More students who earn bachelors degrees at Berkeley complete Ph. Ds than graduates of any other university in the country.Undergraduate students can choose from more than 5,000 different courses and over 100 majors or they can design their own individual majors. The graduate division offers professional and academic degrees in more than 100 majors. Aiding students in their course work is a campus network of twenty-four libraries, including one especially for undergraduates. There are also many support facilities and services available, such as the Student Learning Center,financial aid counseling, housing assistance, graduate and professional school advising, and career placement assistance. The 1, 200-acre campus stretches from downtown Berkeley through wooded hillsthat overlook San Francisco Bay. The city of Berkeley (population 105,000) offers the lively background of one of Americas more culturally diverse and politically adventurous small cities. The surrounding San Francisco Bay area provides an abundance of recreational and cultural events.26. In Paragraph One, the author mainly states about______.A. the greatness and wonderfulness of the Berkeley campusB. the Berkeley campus ranking in all the public universitiesC. the history and the present situation of the Berkeley campusD. the overall impression of the Berkeley campus27. More students have graduated from Berkeley than from any other university in gaining ______degree.A. MBAsB. bachelorsC. Ph. DsD. masters28. From the essay, we can know that______.A. the Berkeley campus is the University of CaliforniaB. the Berkeley campus is only an old branch of the University of CaliforniaC. the Berkeley campus is an absolutely independent university, which is built in CaliforniaD. the Berkeley campus is an independent college.29. Which is TRUE according to the essay?A. Now the Berkeley campus is the best public university.B. You can finish bachelors courses or Ph. Ds courses but not masters courses.C. The Berkeley campus does not do well in helping students in their studies.D. The Berkeley campus is not far away from the city of San Francisco.30. The city of Berkeley is______.A. situated within the Berkeley campusB. found to be a melting pot of various culturesC. a recreational placeD. trying to increase its population26. C 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. B英语四级阅读积累练习题二:The Laws of NatureThe phrase "A law of Nature" is probably rarer in modern scientific writing than was the case some generations ago. This is partly due to a very natural objection to the use of the word "law" in two different senses. Human societies have laws. In primitive societies there is no distinction between law and custom. Some things are done, others are not. This is regarded as part of the nature of things, and generally as an unalterable fact. If customs change, the change is too slow to be observed. Later on kings and prophets could promulgate new laws, but there was no way ofrevoking old ones. The Greek democracies made the great and revolutionary discovery that a community could consciously make new laws and repeal old ones. So for us a human law is something which is valid only over a certain number of people for a certain period of time.Laws of Nature, however, are not commands but statements of facts. The use of the same word is unfortunate. It would be better to speak of uniformities of Nature. This would do away with the elementary fallacy that a law implies a law-giver. Incidentally, it might just as well imply a parliament or soviet of atoms. But the difference between the two uses of the word is fundamental. If a piece of matter does not obey a law of Nature it is not punished. On the contrary, we say that the law has been incorrectly stated, It is quite probable that every law of Nature so far stated has been stated incorrectly. Certainly many of them have. Nevertheless, these inaccurately stated laws are of immense practical and theoretical value.They fall into two classes-qualitative laws such as "All animals with feathers have beaks", and quantitative laws such as "Mercury has 13,596 times the density of water"(at 0C and 1 atmospheres pressure). The first of these is a very good guide. But it was probably not true in the past. For many birds which were certainly feathered had teeth and may not have had beaks. And it is quite possibly not today. There are about a hundred thousand million birds on our planet, and it may well be that two or three of them are freaks which have not developed a beak. But have lived long enough to grow feathers. It was thought to be a law of Nature that female mammals (defined as warm-blooded vertebrates with hair) had mammary glands, until Prof. Crew of Edinburgh found that many congenitallyhairless female mice lacked these organs, though they could bear young which other females could then foster.And quantitative laws generally turn out to be inexact. Thus water is nothing definite. It is a mixture of at least six different substances. For in the molecule H20, one or both of the hydrogen atoms may be either light or heavy, and so may the oxygen atom. Similarly, mercury consists of several different types of atom. Thus the ratio of the densities of mercury and water is not fixed, though in the case of ordinary samples the variation is too small to be detected. But it can be detected if the water happens to have been taken from an accumulator which has been used for some time.In his theory of Probability (Oxford, 1939) Jefferys has something new to say about induction. Two contradictory theories are in vogue as to the laws of Nature. The older view is that they are absolute, though of course they may have been inaccurately formulated. The extreme positivistic view, enunciated by Vaihinger, is that we can only say that phenomena occur as if certain laws held. There is no sense in making any definite statements, though it is convenient to do so.Now Jeffreys points out that, if a number of observations have been found to conform to a law, it is highly probable that the next one will do so whether the law is true or not. In Jeffreys words "A well-verified hypothesis will probably continue to lead to correct inferences even if it is wrong. "Positivists and idealists have made great play with the fact that many laws of Nature, as formulated by scientists, have turned out to be inexact, and all may do so. But that is absolutely no reason for saying that thereare no regularities in Nature to which our statements of natural law correspond. One might as well say that because no maps of England give its shape exactly it has no shape.What is remarkable about the laws of Nature is the accuracy of simple approximations. One might see a hundred thousand men before finding an exception to the rule that all men have two ears, and the same is true for many of the laws of physics. In some cases we can see why. The universes is organized in aggregates, with, in many cases, pretty wide gaps between them. Boyles law that the density of a gas is proportional to its pressure, and Charles law that the volume is proportional to the temperature, would be exact if gas molecules were points which had no volume and did not attract one another. These laws are very nearly true for gases at ordinary temperatures and pressures, because the molecules occupy only a small part of the space containing the gas, and are close enough to attract one another only during a very small part of any interval of time. Similarly, most of the stars are far enough apart to be treated as points without much error when we are considering their movements.And most men manage to protect themselves from injury so far as is needed to keep both ears. Whereas trees cannot protect themselves form the loss of branches. It is very rare to see a completely unmutilated, and therefore completely regular tree. Mendels laws, according to which two types occur in a ratio of 1: 1 in some cases and 3 : 1 in others, are theoretically true if the processes of division of cell nuclei are quite regular, and if neither type is unfit so as to die off before counts are made. The first condition never holds, and the second probably never does. But the exceptions to the first condition are very rare. In one particular case a critical division goes wrong about one in ten thousandtimes. The effect of this on a 1 : 1 ratio or 3 ! 1 ratio could be detected only by counting several hundred million plants or animals. Differences in relative fitness are more important. But even so the Mendelian ratios are sometimes fulfilled with extreme accuracy, and are generally a good rough guide.Jeffreys points out that in such cases it is often much better to stick to the theoretical law rather than the observed data. For example, if you are breeding silver foxes and a new colour variety occurs which, if crossed to the normal, gives 13 normal and 10 of the new colour, you are much more likely to get a ratio of about 1:1 than 13:10 if you go on with such matting, even though if you breed many thousands the 1: 1 ratio will not hold exactly. The mathematical theory which Jeffreys has developed concerning such cases is particularly beautiful, but can hardly be summarized here.1. Ordinarily, gas molecules are so close that they attract one another for only a very short time.2. The statement that atoms in the molecule H2O may be light or heavy is a sample of quantitative laws.3. Human law is similar to natural law in essence.4. Charles law and Boyles law are based on observations made at ordinary temperatures and pressures.5. Since cell-division is sometimes irregular and certain types die off early, we sometimes get neither 3 : 1 ratio nor 1 : 1 ratio.6. Differences in relative fitness are more frequent than irregular cell-division.7. We must see many human beings before stating the rule that all men have 2 ears.8. Compared with human laws, laws of nature are accurate because they are expressed in the form of_______.9. In considering the movements of stars, scientists need not consider their_______.10. _______laws can serve as good guides.I. Y 2. Y 3. N 4. N 5. Y 6. NG 7. N 8. approximation 9. distance 10. Qualitative。



大学英语四级阅读理解模拟试题及答案大学英语四级阅读理解模拟试题及答案「篇一」1. C 细节题。




2. D 词汇题。


3. A 细节题。





4. B 推断题。



5. B 推断题。

如果本文是一篇文章的第一部分,那么在文章的第二部分将介绍谁呢?可以从文章第一句分析出来,在Leadville的黄金年代,其多彩的特点当中,Tabor及其第二任妻子Elizabeth McCourt是值得大书特书的,接着,文章都在讲述有关H.A.W.Tabor发家致富的历史,如先买下匹兹堡矿,后又买下Matchless矿,最后成为市长,代理州长,等等,所以涉及到的全是男主人公,因此下边再讲的话,应成为女主人公即Elizabeth McCourt的天地了,她是Tabor的第二任妻子。



1There are three kinds of goals: short-term,medium-range and long-term goals.Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less,or two weeks,or possible months.It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation ,out long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals.Upon completing our short-term goals,we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.The intermediate goals bukld on the foundation of the short-range goals.They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year,or they could even extend for several years.Any time you move a step at a time,you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step,you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow adn succeed.And as your list of completion dates grow,your motivation and desire will increase.Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is nota static thing.We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.1.Our long-term goals mean a lot__.a.if we complete our short-range goalsb.if we cannot reach solid short-term goalsc.if we write down the datesd.if we put forward some plans2.New short-term goals are bulid upon__.a.two yearsb.long-term goalsc.current activitiesd.the goals that have been completed3.When we complete each step of our goals ,__.a.we will win final successb.we are overwhelmedc.we should build up confidence of successd.we should strong desire for setting new goals4.Once our goals are drawn up,__.a.we should stick to them until we complete themb.we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunitiesc.we had better wait for the exciting news of successd.we have made great decision5.It is implied but not stated in the passage that ___.a.those who habe long-term goals will succeedb.writing down the dates may discourage youc.the goal is only a guide for us to reach our desinationd.every should have a goal答案:adcbc2There are two factors which determine an individual's intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual—the sort of environment in which he is reared. If an individual is handicapped envionmentally ,it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attainthe level of intelligence of which he is capable.The importance of environment in determining an individual's intellingence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark X. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old , their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster homes. Peter was reated by parents of low intelligence in an isolatedcommunity with poor educational pooprtunities.Mark was reared inthe home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. He was read to as a child , sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually.This enviromental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were giben tesets to measure their intelligence. Mark's I.Q. was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities , the twins , having identical brains,would have tested at roughly the same level.1.This selection can best be titled_________.a.Measuring Your Intelligenceb.Intelligence and Environmentc.The Case of Peter and Markd.How the brain Influences Intelligence2.The beststatement of the main idea of this passage is that _____.a.human brains differ considerablyb.the brain a person is born with is improtant in determining his intelligencec.environment is crucial in determining a person's intelligenced. persons having identical brains will have roughly the same intelligence3.According to the passage , the average I.Q.is _____.a.85b.100c.110d.1254.The case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that _______.a.individual with identical brains seldom test at same levelb.an individual's intelligence is determined only by his enviromentck of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligenced.changes of enviroment produce changes in the structure of the brain5.This passage suggests that an individual 's I.Q.______.a.can be predicted at birthb.stays the same throuthout his lifec.can be increased by educationd.is determined by his childhood答案:bcbcc3The economy of the United states after 1952 was the econnomy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despit occasional alarms, the country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. A n economic survey of the year 1955, a t ypical year of the 1950’s, may be typical as illustrating the rapid economic growth of the decade. The national output was value at 10 percent above that of 1954 (1955 output was estimated at 392 billion dollars). The production of manufacturers was about 40 percent more than it had averaged in the years immediately following World War 2. The country’s business spent about 30billion dollars for new factories and machinery. National income available for spending was almost a third greater than it had been it had been in 1950. Consumers spent about 256 billion dollars; that is about 700 milliondollars a day ,or about twenty-five million dollars every hour , all round the clock. Sixty-five million people held jobs and only a little more than two million wanted jobs but could not find them . Only agriculture complained that it was not sharing in the room. To some observers this was an ominous echo of the mid-1920’s . As farmer’s shre of their products declined , marketing costs rose. But there were , among the o bservers of the national economy, a few who were not as confident as the majority . Those few seemed to fear that the boom could not last and would eventually lead to the oppsite-depression.1. What is the best title of the passage?a. The Agriculatural Tr ends of 1950’sb. The Unemployment Rate of 1950’sc. U.S. Economy in the 50’sd. The Federal Budget of 19522. In Line 4 , the word “boom” could best be replaced by______.a. nearby explosionb. thunderous noisec. general public supportd. rapid economic growth3. It can be inferred the national from the passage that most people in the United States in 1955 viewed the national economy with an air of _________.a. confidenceb. confusionc. disappointmentd. suspicion4. Which of the following were LEAST satisfied with the national economy in the 1950’s?a. Economistsb. Frmaersc. Politiciansd. Steelworkers5. The passage states that incom available for spending in the U.S. was greater in 1955 than in 1950 . How much was it ?a. 60%b. 50%c. 33%d. 90%答案:cdabc4In the 1960s, many young Americans were dissatisfied with American society. They wanted to end the Vietnam War and to make all of the people in the U.S. epual. Some of them decided to "drop out" of American society and form their own societies . They formed utopian communities , which they called "communes," where they could follow their philosophy of "do your own thing." A group of artists founded a commune in southern Colorado called "Drop City." Following the ideas of philosopher and architect Buckminster Fuller they built domeshaped houses from pieces of old cars. Other groups, such as author Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters, the followers fo San Francisco poet Steve Gakin, and a group that called itself the Hog Farm, lived in old school huses and traveled around the United States. The Hog Farm become famous when they helped organize the Woodstock Rock Festival in 1969. Steve Gaskin's followers tried to settle down on a farm in Tennessee, but they had to leave when some members of the gruop were arrested for growing marijuana.Not all communes believed in the philosophy of "do you own thing," however . Twin Oaks , a communefounded in Virgiania in the late 1960s, was based on the ideas of psychologist B.F.Skinner. The people who lived at Twin Oaks were carefully controlled by Skinner's "conditioning" techniques to do things that were good for the community. In 1972, Italian architect Paolo Soleri began to build Arcosanti, a utopian city Arizsona where 2500 people will live closely together in one large building called an "archology" Soleri believes that people must live closely together so that they will all become one.1.Why did some young Americans decide to "drop out" of scoiety during the 1960s?a.They were not satisfied with American society.b.They wanted to grow marijuana.c.They wanted to go to the Vietnam War.d.They did not want all people to be equal.2.Where did the members of the Hog Farm commune live?a.In dome-shaped houseb.In old school husesc.On a farm inTennesseed.In an archology in Arizona3.Who gave the people of Drop City the idea to bulid dome-shaped house?a.Paolo Solerib.B.G.Skinnerc.Steve Gaskind.Buckminster Fuller4.What was the Twin Oaks commune base on ?a.The philosophy of "do your own thing"b.Virginaia in the late 1960sc.The ideas of psychologistd.The belief that people must live closely togerher.5.What is an "archology"?a.A person who studies archaeologyb.A large building where people live closely togetherc.A city in A rizonad.A technique to contorl people答案:abdcb5Women are also underrepresented in the administration and this is because there are so few women full professors. In 1985,Regent Beryl Milburn produced a report blasting the University of Texas System adminitration for not encouraging women.The University was rated among the lowest for the system.In a 1987 update ,Milburn commended the progress that was made and called for even more improvement.One of the positive results from her study was a System-wide program to inform women of available administrative jobs.College of Communication Associate Dean Patrica Witherspoon,said it is important that woman be flexible when it comesto relocating if they want to rise in the ranks.Although a woman may face a chilly climate on campus , many times in order for her to succeed , she must rise above the problems around her and concentrate on her work.Until women make up a greater percentage of the senior positions in the University and all academia,inequities will exist."Women need to spend their energies and time doing scholarly activities that are important here at the University." Spirduso said. "If they do that will be successful in this system.If they spend their time in littlegroups mourning the sexual discrimination that they think exists here, they are wasting valuable study time."1.According to Spirduso,women need to ____.a.produce a report on sexual discriminationb.call for further improvement in their working conditionsc.spend their energies and time fighting against sexual discriminationd.spend more time and energy doing scholarly activities2.From this passage ,we know that _____.a.there are many women full professors in the University of Texasb.women play an important part in adminitrating the Universityc.the weather on the campus is chillyd.women make up a small percentage of the senior positions in the University3.Which of the following statements is true?a.the number of women professors in the University in 1987 was greater than that of 1985b.the number of women professors in the University in 1987 was smaller than that of 1985c.the number of women professors was the same as that of 1985d.more and more women professors thought that sexual discrimination did exit in the University4.One of the positive results from Milburn's study was that _____.a.women were told to con centrate on teir workb.women were given information about available administrative jobsc.women were encouraged to take on all the administrative jobs in the Unversityd.women were encouraged to do more scholarly activities5. The title for this passage should be _______.a.The University of Texasburn's Reportc.Women Professorsd.Sexual Discrimination in Academia答案:ddabd6Today ,as in every other day of the year ,more than 3000 U.S. adlescents will smoke their first cigarette on their way to becoming regular smokers as adults. During their lifetime,it can be expected that of these 3000 about 23 will be murdered,30 will die in traffic accidents, and nearly 750 will be killed by a smoking-related disease. The number of deaths attributed to cigarette smoking outweithts all other factors, whether voluntary or involuntary, as a cause of death.Since the late 1970s, when daily smoking among high school seniors reached 30 precent , smoking rates among youth have declined . While the decline is impressive ,several important issues must be raised.First, in the past several years,smoking rates among youth have declined very little. Second,in the late 1970s ,smoking among male high school seniors exceeded that among female by nearly 10 percent . The statistic is reversing.Third ,several recent studies have indicate high school dropouts have excessively high smoking rates, as much as 75 percent .Finally, thouth significant declines in adolescent smoking have occurred in the past decade,no definite reasons for the decline exist. Within this context,the Naional Cancer Instiute (NCI) began its current effort to determine the most effecive measures to reduce smoking levesl among youth.1.According to the author, the deaths among youth are mainly caused by _____.a.traffic accidentsb.smoking-related deseasec.murderd.all of these2.Every day there are over_____high school strdents who will become regular smoker.a.75b.23c.30d.30003.By "dropout" the author means______.a.students who failed the examinationb.students who left schoolc.students who lost their wayd.students who were driven out of school4.The reason for declining adolescent smoking is that ________.a.NCI has taken effective measuresb.smoking is prevented among high school seniorsc.there are many smokers who have died of cancerd.none of these5.What is implied but not stated by the author is that ________.a.smoking rates among youth have declined very littleb.there are now more female than male smokers among high school seniorsc.high smoking rates are due to the incease in wealthd.smoking at high school are from low socio-economic backgrounds7As the pace of life continues to increase ,we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through lift,being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.Stress is an natural part of everyday lift and there is no way to avoid it. In fact ,it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be .A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation adn give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress,and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between "fight" or "flight" and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes endangered.Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress.Since we cannot remove stress from our lives(it would be unwise to do so even if we could),we need to find ways to deal with it.1.People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because_____.a.they do not know how to enjoy themselvesb.they do not believe that relaxation is important for healthc.they are travelling fast all the timed.they are becoming busier with their work2.According to the writer ,the most important character for a good manager is his ________.a.not fearing stressb.knowing the art of relaxationc.high sense of responsibilityd.having control over performance3.Which of the follwing statements is ture?a.We can find some ways to avoid stressb.Stress is always harmful to peoplec.It is easy to change the hagit of keeping oneself busy with work.d.Different people can withstand different amounts of stress4.In Paragraph 3, "such a reaction" refers back to_______.a."making a choice between 'flight' or 'fight'"b."reaction to stress both chemically and physically"c."responding to crises quickly"d."losing heart at the signs difficulties"5.In the last sentence of the passage,"do so " refers to ______.a."expose ourselves to stress"b."find ways to deal with stress"c."remove stress from our lives"d."established links between diseases and stress"答案:dadbc8As she walked round the huge department store,Edith reflected how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.She wish that he was as easy to please as her mother, who was always delighted with perfumeBesides,shoppong at this time of the year was a most disgreeable experience :people trod on your toes,poked you with their elbows and almost knocked you overin their haste to get to a bargain ahead of you.Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter where some attracive ties were on display. "They are real silk," the assistant assured her, trying to tempt her. "Worth double the price." But edit knew from past experience that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father.She moved on reluctantly and then quite by chance, stopped where a small crowd of man had gathered round a counter. She found some good quality pipes on sale-----and the prices were very reasonable. Edith did not hesitate for long : although her father only smoked a pipe occasionally, she knew that this was a present which was bund to please him.When she got home,with her small well-chosen present concealed in her handbag, her parents were already at the supper table. Her mother was in an especially cheerful mood, "Your father has at last to decided to stop smoking." She informed her daughter.1.Edith's father _______.a.did not like presentb.never got presentc.preferred tiesd.was difficult to choose a present for2.The assistant spoke to Edith because she seemed_______.a.attractiveb.interested in tiesc.tiredd.in need of comfort3.Edith stopped at the next counter_________.a.puroselyb.suddenlyc.unwillinglyd.accidentally4.Edith's father smoked a pipe_______.a.when he was obligedb.on social occasionsc.from time to timed.when he was delighted5.Shopping was very disagreeable at that time of the year because_______.a.coustomers trod on each other's toesb.coustomers poked each other with their elbowsc.customers knocked each otherd.customers were doing their shopping in a great hurry答案:dbdcd9Social customs and ways of behaving change. Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was considered impolite behaviour for a man to smoke on street. No man who thought of himself by smoking when a lady was in a room.Customs also differ from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or the right of a woman in your country? Or doesn't it matter? Should you use both hands when you are eating? Should leave one in your lap,or on the table?The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also, most Englishmen will open a door for a wonman or offer their seat to a woman , and so will most Americans. Promptness is important both in England and in America. That is , if a dinner invitation is for 7 o'clock , the dinner guest either arrives close to that time or calls up to explain his delay.The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable-----especially if they are your guests. When the food was served , one of the guests strated to eat his peas with a knife . The other guests were amused or shocked , but the host calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.1.If one has accepted a dinner invitation ,what should he do if he is tobe late for the dinner?a.He should find an excuseb.He should adk for excuse.c.He should say sorryd.He should telephone to explain his being late.2."It would have been bad manners to make his guests feel foolish or uncomfortable." "Bad manners " means ________.a.uglyb.dishonestc.impolited.shameful3.which of the following do you think is the best tiltle for this passage?a.Social Customs and Customsb.Social Lifec.American and British Customsd.Promptness Is Important4.According to the text, the best host_______.a.tries his best to make his guests feel comfortableb.makes his guests feel excitedc.tries to avoid being naughty to his guestsd.tries to avoid being foolish5.The author of this article may agree with which of the following?a.The guest who ate his peas with a knifeb.The other guests who were amused or shockedc.The host who picked up his knife and began eating in the same wayd.None of the above答案:dcaac10What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow , orange ,red? If you do ,you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer greys and blues? Then you are probably quiet,shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be a pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know,because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colours preference, as well as the effect that colours have on human beings. They tells us, among other facts,that we do not choose our favourite clour as we grow up----we are born with our preference.If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.Colours do influence our moods-there is no doubt about it .A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand ,black is depressing. A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area ----until it was repainter green.The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply ;perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.Light and bright colours make people not only hppier but more active. It is an established fact that factory workers work better,harder ,and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.1."You would rather follow than red" means_______.a.you don't like to follow othersb.you would be a member rather than a leaderc.you would be afraid of following othersd.you would like to be a leader rather than a follower2.If one enjoys life, one is sure to prefer________.a.red to yellowb.blue to orangec.red to greyd.blue to yellow3."They tell us, among other facts,that we don't choose our favourite colours as we grow up." "Among other facts" means______.a.besides other factsb.in regard to other factsc.not considering other factsd.according to other facts4.Which of the following is facts?a.People's preference of one colour to another is instinctb.People's preference of one colour to another is acquired as they grow up.c.More people happen to love brown because they saw something brown when they were bornd.Colours have little influence on our moods5.Those who committed suicide preferred the bridge over the Thames River near london to others because of _______.a.its shapeb.its structurec.its colourd.its building materials答案:bcaac11If the population of the earth goes on increasing at its present rate, there will eventually not be enough resources left to sustain life on the planet.By the middle of the 21st century,if present trends continue, we will have used up all the oil that drives our cars,for example.Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race,the crowded conditions on earth will make it necessary for lus to look for open space somewhere else. But none of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem, however,has recently been suggested by American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan.Sagan believes that before the earth's resources are compleetely exhausted it will be possible to change the atmophere of Venus and so create a new world almost as large as earth itself. The difficult is that Venus is much hotter than the earth and there is only a tiny amount of water there.Sagan proposes that algae organisms that can live in extremely hot or cold atmospheres and at the same time produce oxygen,should be bred in condition similar to those on Venus.As soon as this has been done, the algae will be placed in small rockets. Spaceship will then fly to Venus and fire the rockets into the atmosphere .In a fairly short time, the alge will break down the carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon.When the algae have done theri work, the atmosphere will become cooler,but befor man can set foot on Venus it will be neccessary for the oxygen to produce rain. The surface of the planet will still be too hot for man to land on it but the rain will eventually fall and in a few years something like earth will be reproduced on Venus.1.Inte long run, the most insoluble problem caused by population growth on earth will probably be the lack of ______.a.foodb.oilc.spaced.resources2.Carl Sagan believes that Venus might be colonized from earth because _____a.it might be possible to change its atmosphereb.its atmosphere is the same as the earth'sc.there is a good supply of water on Venusd.the days on Venus are long enough3.On Venus there is a lot of ________.a.waterb.carbon dioxidec.carbon monoxided.oxygen4.Algae are plants that can____.a.live in very hot temperatures。



大学英语四级级阅读理解每日一练一Recent research has claimed that an excess of positive ions in the air can have an ill effect on peoples physical or psychological health. What are positive ions Well, the air is full of ions,electrically charged particles, and generally thereis a rough balance between the positive and thenegative charged. But sometimes this balance becomes disturbed and a larger proportion of positive ions are found. This happens naturally before thunderstorm,earthquakes when winds such as the Mistral, Hamsin or Sharav are blowing in certain countries. Or it can be caused by a build-up of static electricity indoorsfrom carpets or clothing made of man-made fibres, or from TV sets, duplicators or computer display screens. When a large number of positive ions are present inthe air many people experience unpleasant effects such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and someparticularly sensitive people suffer nausea or even mental disturbance. Animals are also affected,particularly before earthquakes, snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably. This has led the US Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in an effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California. Conversely,when large numbers of negative ions are present, then people have a feeling of well-being. Natural conditions that produce these large amounts are near the sea, close to waterfalls or fountains, or in any place where water is sprayed, or forms a spray. This probably accounts for the beneficial effect of a holiday by the sea, or in the mountains with tumbling streams or waterfalls. To increase the supply of negative ions indoors, some scientists recommend the use of ionisers: small portable machines, which generate negative ions. They claim that ionisers not only clean and refresh the air but also improve thehealth of people sensitive to excess positive ions. Of course, there are the detractors, other scientists,who dismiss such claims and are skeptical about negative/positive ion research. Therefore people can only make up their own minds by observing the effects on themselves, or on others, of a negative rich or poor environment. After all it is debatable whether depending on seismic readings to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than watching the cat.1.What effect does exceeding positive ionization have on some peopleA.They think they are insane.B.They feel rather bad-tempered and short-fussed.C.They become violently sick.D.They are too tired to do anything.2.In accordance with the passage, static electricity can be caused by___.ing home-made electrical goods.B.wearing clothes made of natural materials.C.walking on artificial floor coverings.D.copying TV programs on a computer.3.A high negative ion count is likely to befound___.A.near a pound with a water pump.B.close to a slow-flowing river.C.high in some barren mountains.D.by a rotating water sprinkler.4.What kind of machine can generate negative ions indoorsA.Ionisers.B.Air-conditioners.C.Exhaust-fansD.Vacuum pumps.5.Some scientists believe that___.A.watching animals to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than depending on seismography.B.the unusual behavior of animals cannot be trusted.C.neither watching nor using seismographs is reliable.D.earthquake答案:BCDAA二Which is safer-staying at home, traveling to work on public transport, or working in the officeSurprisingly, each of these carries the same risk,which is very low. However, what about flying compared to working in the chemical industry Unfortunately, the former is 65 times riskier than the latter! In fact, the accident rate of workers in the chemical industry is less than that of almost any of human activity, and almost as safe as staying at home.The trouble with the chemical industry is that when things go wrong they often cause death to those living nearby. It is this which makes chemical accidents so newsworthy. Fortunately, they are extremely rare. The most famous ones happened at Texas City (1947),Flixborough (1974), Seveso (1976),Pemex (1984) and Bhopal (1984)。




As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art o...下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。

As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. But relaxation is __1__ for a healthy mind and body.Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to __2__ it. In fact, it is not the bad thing as it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of __3__ that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some peoplw are not afraid of stress, and such __4__ are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first sight of __5__ difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both physically and __6__. In fact we make choice between "flight or fight" and in more __7__ days the choices made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but howeverlittle the stress, it involves the same __8__. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued __9__ to stress, that health becomes endangered. Since we cannot __10__ stress from our lives it would be unwise to do so even if we could, we need to find ways to deal with it.A)exposure B)characters C)answer D)chemicallyE)avoid F)psychologically G)primitive H)transferI)unusual J)control K)remove L)escapeM)response N)backward O)essentialANSWER:1.选O)。



...英语四级阅读练习及答案Passage One:As the horizons of science have expended, two main groups ofscientists have emerged. One is the pure scientist, the other,applied scientist.The pure or theoretical scientist does original research in order tounderstand the basic laws of the nature that govern our world.The applied scientist adapts this knowledge to practice problems.Neither is more important than the others, however, for the groupsare very much related.f Sometimes, however, the applied scientist finds the“ problems 〞the theoretical scientist to work on. Let’ s take a particular problemof the aircraft industry: heat-resistant metals. Many of the metalsand alloys that perform satisfactorily in car cannot be used in ajet-propelled (喷气推进式 ) plane, New alloys must be used, becausethe jet engine operates at a much higher temperature than anautomobile engine. The turbine wheel涡(轮 ) in a turbojet (涡轮喷气发动机 ) must withstand temperatures as high as 1,600 degreesFahrenheit, so air craft designers have to turn to the researchmetallurgist for the development of metals and alloys that would dothe job in jet-propelled planes.Diving scientists into two groups-pure and applied-is only one broad way of classifying them, however. When scientific knowledge was very limited, there was no need for men to specialize. Today, with the great body of scientific knowledge, scientists specialize in many different fields. Within each field, there is even further subdivision. And, with finer and finer subdivisions, the various sciences have become more and more interrelated until no branch is entirely independent of the others. Many new specialties-geophysics and biochemistry, for example-have resulted from combining the knowledge of two or more science.1.The applied scientistA)does original research to the basic laws of natureB)applied the result of research to practical problemsC)provides the basic knowledge for the pure scientistD)is not interested in practical problems2. The example given in the third paragraph illustrates howA)pure science operates independently of applied scienceB)the applied scientist discover the basic laws of natureC)applied science defines all the areas in which basic research is doneD)applied science suggests problems for the basic scientist3.Finer and finer subdivision in the field of science has resultedinA)the loss of the need for specialistsB)greater interdependence of each scienceC)greater dependence of each scienceD)the need for only one classification ifscientists 4. Geophysics and biochemistry are .A)examples of new specialties resulting from combing sciencesB)totally dependent sciencesC)among the oldest sciences known to manD)both B)and C)5.“ The horizons of science have expanded,〞(para 1) means thatA)scientists can see further out into spaceB)science has developedmore field of human endeavorC)the horizon changes size from year to yearD)scientists have made a machine for enlarging the horizon Passage Two:Friends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take the friendship for granted, we often don’ t clearly understand how we make friends. While we get on well with only a number ofpeople, we are usually friends with only a very few. For example,the average among students is about 6 per person. In all the cases of friendly relationship, two people like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degree of intimacy between them and the reasons for their shared interest vary enormously .As we get to know people we take into account things like ages ,race, economic condition, social position, and intelligence. Although these factors are not of prime importance, it is more difficult to get on with people when there is a marked difference in age and background.Some friendly relationships can be kept on argument and discussion, but it is usually for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs, to have attitude and interests in common—they oftentalk about“ being on the same wavelength〞. It generally takes timeto reach this point. And the more intimately involved people become, the more they rely on one another. People want to do friends favors and hate to break an promise. Equally, friendshave to learn to put up with annoying habits and to tolerant differences of opinion.In contrast with marriage, there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association between two people. But the supporting and understanding of each other that results from shared experiences and emotions does seem to create a powerful bond,which can overcome differences in background and break downof age, class and race.6.According to the author,.A)all those who get on well with each other are friendsB)friends are closer than people who just get on well with each otherC)everyone understand clearly how to make friendsD)every students has 6 friends7.When we make friends, we consider such things as age, race and background becauseA)it is not easy to have a friendly relationship with people when there is a marked difference in age and backgroundB)the degreed of friendship between people and the reasonfor their shared interests can vary greatlyC)friends need to know all these thingsD)these are the most important factors to make friends8. In paragraph 2 ,“ being on the same wavelength. 〞 meansA)using the same frequency while talkingB)keeping the same friendly relationship as other people doC)having similar ideas, beliefs, attitudes and interestsD)having the same background9. Which of the following is not implied or directly stated in thepassage?A)Even friends may have differences of opinionsB)Friends never argue with each otherC)It generally takes time for people to become close friends.D)Someone’s habits may annoy his friends.10. To strengthen friendly relationship, peopleA)must hold friendship ceremoniesB)have to eliminate differences in backgroundC)should make friends with those who are of the same age and the same raceD)should support and understand each other throughshared experiences and emotionsPassage Three:The movement toward centralization of authority in state departments of education has in some cases created friction with communities, which regard this modern policy as usurpation(篡夺 ,夺取 )of their rights. Constitutionally, there can be no doubt that thestate has a right to prescribe(指示 )to the local districts in any degree which it will. Legislatures(立法机构 )have been given power by State Constitutions which make them the most importantpolicy-making agent for education in a state. Legislatures establish the framework(机构 )for education; they make direct appropriations for education; they create educational institutions; and they determine whether of not certain educational programs are to be authorized, expanded, decreased, or eliminated(废除 ).The Legislature usually authorizes a State education department to administer its policies. It may, however, provide for a state board of education to advise it regarding policy and to administer the educational program. The central agency may define the extent of the local district and may determine in detail what shall be done within this district. While this is the constitutional right of the state, the practical fact is that the local district conducts its schools in very large measure according to its own desires, and local officers often talk upon state supervision as indefensible interference11. About the centralization of authority in state department of education, some communities feel that .A)their rights are improvedB)their rights are ignoredC)their rights are violatedD)their rights are protected12.According to the article, which of the following rights areNOT belong to the state?A)The right to administer entrance examination.B)The right to expand or decrease educational programs.C)The right to budget school programsD)The right to created educational institutions.13. What does the Legislature usually do in administering Policies?A)It administers policies by itself.B)It authorizes a State education department administer its policies.C)It is authorized by a State education departmentto administer its policies.D)It authorizes a state board of education to administer the educational program.14. Which of the following is NOT true about actualeducational situation?A)The local district has a lot of control over its schoolsB)The central agency may extend the extent of the local districtsC)State supervision is not always welcome to local districts.D)Local officers forbid State supervision if they think it is a kind of interference15. which of the following titles can best summarize the article?A)The Legislature Administers its PoliciesB)The Centralization of Authority in State Department ofEducationC)The Role of the State in EducationD)The Rights of the Local DistrictsPassage Four:Some people believed that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to live together. Others say that the opposite is true: those international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sports encourage international brotherhood. Not only was the recent incident of tragedy involving murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by lesser incidents caused principally by mi-nor national contests.One country received its second-place medals with visible anger after the hockey(曲棍球 )dinal, There had been noisy scenes at the end of the hockey match, the loser objecting to the final decisions. They were convinced that one of their goals should not have been disallowed and their opponents’ victory was unfair. The presidentof the Federation(联合会 )said later that such behavior couldresult in the suspension of the team for at least three years.The American basketball team announced that they would not yield first place to Russia, after a disputable end to their contest. The game had ended in disorder. It was thought at first that the United States had won by a single point, but it was announced that there were three seconds still to play. A Russian player then threw the ball from one end of the court to the other, and another player plopped it into the basket. It was the first time the US had ever lost an Olympic basketball match. An appeal jury debated the matter for four and a half hours before announcing that the result would stand. The American players then voted not to receive the silver medals.Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played competitively rather than for the love of the game. Thesuggestion that athletes should compete as individuals, or innon-national teams, might be too much to hope for. But in the present organization of Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive(行为过分的 )patriotism(爱国心 ).16.The author thinks that in recent years Olympic gameshave.A)showed little international friendshipB)greatly encouraged international brotherhoodC)created goodwill between the nationsD)created only misunderstanding and hatred’ t hockey.17. What did the manager mean by saying“ This isnHockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished 〞?A)This is not a standard hockey matchB)The Federation would not exist any longer after thismatch was overC)His team would not enter the game in three yearsD)The unfair decisions ruined both hockey and the Federation.18. The basketball match showed thatA)the Russian team should not have taken advantage of thelast three seconds.B)aggressive patriotism was displayed in the incident.C)The appeal jury was too ineffective in making a decisionD)the American team should have taken the first place.ndrd19. The author gives 2 examples in the 2 and the 3 paragraphs isin order to show thatA)contests often end in disorderB)no contest is fair in Olympic GamesC)competition discourages international friendshipD)unfair decisions are common in sports20. Which statement best summarizes this passage?A)Athletes should compete as individualsB)The organization of the Olympic Games must be improved.C)Any team that has disrespectful behavior should be suspended.D)Different teams often have disputes when fighting for the first place.Passage Five:Urban life has always involved a balancing of opportunities and rewards against dangers and stress; its motivating force is, in the broadest sense, money. Opportunities to make money mean competition and competition is stressful; it is often at its most intense in the largest cities, where opportunities are greatest. The presence of huge numbers of people inevitably involves more conflict, more traveling, the overloading of public services and exposure to those deviants and criminals who are drawn to the rich pickings of great cities. Crime has always flourished in the relative anonymity of urban life, but today’ s ease of movement makes its control more difficult than ever; there is much evidence that itsextent has a direct relationship to the size of communities. City dwellers may become trapped in their homes by the tear of crime around them.As a defence against these developments, city dwellers tend to use various strategies to try and reduce the pressures upon themselves: contacts with other people are generally made brief and impersonal; doors are kept locked; telephone numbers may be ex-directory; journeys outside the home are usually hurried, rather than a source of pleasure of pleasure. There are other are other strategies, too, which are positively harmful to the individual, for example, reducing awareness through drugs or alcohol. Furthermore, all these defensive forms of behavior are harmful to society in general; they cause widespread loneliness and destroy thecommunity ’s concern for its members. Lack of informal social contact and indifference to the misfortunes of others, if they are not personally known to oneself, are amongst the major causes of urban crime.Inner areas of cities tend to be abandoned by the more successful and left to those who have done badly in the competitive struggleor who belong to minority groups; these people are then geographically trapped because so much economic activity has migrated to the suburbs and beyond.Present-day architecture and planning have enormously worsened the human problems of urban life. Old established neighborhoods have been ruthlessly swept away, by both public and private organizations, usually to be replaced by huge, ugly, impersonal structures, People have been forced to leave their familiar homes, usually to be rehoused in tower blocks which are drab(单调乏味的 ), inconvenient, and fail to provide any setting for human interaction or support. This destruction of established social structures is the worst possible approach to the difficulties of living in a town or city. Instead, every effort should be made to conserve the human scale of the environment, and to retain familiar landmarks.21. According to the author, living in a city causes stress because there are so many people who are.A)In need of helpB)naturally aggressiveC)likely to commit crimeD)anxious to succeed22. The author thinks that crime is increasing cities because .A)criminals are difficult to trace in large populationsB)people do not communicate with their neighborsC)people feel anonymous thereD)the trappings of success are attractive to criminals23.According to the article, what is the worst problem facing people living in cities?A)Crime.B)Finding somewhere to live.C)Social isolation.D)Drugs and alcoholism.24.The majority of people who live in inner cities do so because they.A)have been forced by circumstances to do soB)have turned against societyC)dislike having to travel far to workD)don ’t like the idea of living in the suburbs25. Architectural changes have affected city life by.A)forcing people to live on top of each otherB)making people move to the suburbsC)giving the individual a say in planningD)dispersing long-established communitiesPassage Six:People do not travel for pleasure on the roads and trains leadinginto cities on weekday mornings; they are commuting. Commuters represent the exact opposite of Robert Louis Stevenson’s view of traveling that“ For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel ’ s sake. 〞 Commuters travel because they have to; the destination is the only thing that matters.Commuting is modern. Up until the 1950’ s most workersdin livethe shadow of their workplace and within earshot of its whistle or hooter; people walked or cycled to work, even going home for their lunch. As cities grow and as the pressure on city center property increases, so ever more people have had to move further awayfrom their place of work. The suburbs grow and this results in the awful rush hours, many of which tail back to the suburbs themselves, To ease the commuter congestion city governmentsbuild new roads, especially ring roads, but these generate more traffic, adding to the traffic jams and bad health. San Francisco introduced BART (the Bay Area Rapid Transit) to take the pressureoff its roads, but after an initial positive response the scheme was overtaken by the sheer magnitude of commuter growth.Trains and subway systems are little better. In Tokyo“ pushers〞employed to squeeze commuters into carriages, in London and New York the underground systems are near capacity and unpleasant toride. In Paris petty crime on the Metro (地铁 ) is widespread. InSoweto the trains are so crowded that commuters hang on theoutside of the “ back only 〞 trains. The associated health hazards are rivaled by those caused by traffic accidents and the stress-related diseases created by the tension in all forms of commuting.The bigger the city, the larger the daily commuting public and thelonger the distances traveled. Many commuters see neither theirhouse nor their children in daylight for almost six months of theyear. In a large city like London the average daily time spentcommuting to and from work is almost two hours. As a workingday is eight hours or less, this means that the average commuterreally “ works〞 in excess of a six day week. Cities which try toalleviate the lot of the commuter are those which are most worthliving in, but it is a hard and uphill task to do anything constructive.〞 metro stations surround Washington, but Special“ Kiss and Rideare as little used as the -On〞“busRides. People appear toprefer the traffic jams on the Beltway.of Although most people dislike the unpleasant“dead time〞commuting, some people turn it to their advantage. J. M. Keyneswrote his General Theory en route from London to Cambridge, andthere are classes in French, business studies, bridge and chess(among other topics) on commuter trains into the London main-linestations. Other people, especially those who can afford the comfortof first-class tickets, catch up on their reading, do the preparationfor the day ’ s work, use their computers or the train telephones, or listen to music Others take the view that commuting should make you fit. They walk, run, cycle, row, sail, skate and skate-board into work.26.San Francisco ’ s Bay Area Rapid Transit scheme .A)took a long time to become successfulB)was eagerly awaitedC)could not cope with the numbers of passengersD)has been a big success27.As a solution to the rise in the number of commuters, trains and subways are.A)more effective than new roadsB)not as effective as new roadsC)rather more effective than new roadsD)scarcely any more effective than new roabs28. It is more pleasant to live in cities which.A)are small enough for people not to need to commuteB)encourage commutingC)have efficient public transport systemsD) improve conditions for commuters29. Washington’ s metro trains are.A)less popular than its busesB)more popular than its busesC)as popular as its busesD)as unpopular as its buses30. The majority of travelers.A)don ’t enjoy wasting their time commutingB)make the most of the time they spend commutingC)keep fit while commutingD)exercise their minds while commutingPassage Seven:One phase of the business cycle is the expansion phase. This phase is two-fold one, including recovery and prosperity. During the recovery period there is ever-growing expansion of existing facilities, and new facilities for production are created. More businesses are created and older ones expanded. Improvements of various kinds are made. There is an ever increasing optimism about the future of economic growth.Much capital is invested in machinery or "heavy" industry. More labor is employed. More raw materials are required. As one part of the economyDevelops, other parts are affected. For example, a great expansion in automobiles results in an expansion of the steel, glass and rubber industries. Roads are required, thus the cement and machinery industries are stimulatedDemand for labor and materials results in greater prosperity for workers and supplest of raw materials, including the various segments of the population. This prosperity period may continue to rise and rise without an apparent end. However, a time comes when this phase reaches a peak and stops spiraling upwards. This is the end of the expansion phase.31.We may assume that in the next paragraph the authorwill discuss____.A. cyclical industriesB.union demandsC. the higher cost of livingD.economic declineperiod32.The title below that best expresses the idea of this passage is_____A The Recovery Stage B. Attain prosperityC.an Expanding societyD. the Period of GoodTimes33. Prosperity in one industry_____A. reflects itself in many other industriesB. will spiralupwardsC. will end abruptlyD. will help all segments of societyexcept the farm34 Which of the fooling industries will probably be a good indicator of the period of expansion?A. Foodstuffs.B.Machine toolsC.Cosmetics DFarming35. During the period of prosperity, people regard the future _____.A. cautiouslyB. in a confident mannerC.indffferently D in ahappy moodPassage Eight:On average, American kids ages 3 to 12 spent 29 hours a week in school, eight hours more than they did in 1981. They also did more household work and participated in more such organized activities as soccer and ballet芭(蕾舞 ). Involvement in sports, in particular, rose almost 50% from 1981 to 1997: boys now spend an average offour a week playing sports; girls log half that time. All in all, however,children ’ s leisure time dropped from 40% of the day in 1981 to25%.“ Children are affected by the same time crunch危(机 ) that affectstheir parents,〞says Sandra Hofferth, who headed the recent studyof children ’ s timetable. A chief reason, she says, is that moremothers are working outside the home. (Nevertheless, children inboth double-income and “male breadwinner 〞 households spentcomparable amounts of time interacting with their parents, 19hours and 22 hours respectively. In contrast, children spent only 9hours with their single mothers.)All work and no play could make for some very messed-up kids.“ Play is the most powerful way a child explores the world andlearns about himself,〞says T. Berry Brazelton, professor atHarvard Medical school. Unstructured play encouragesindependent thinking and allows the young to negotiate theirrelationships with their peers, but kids ages 3 to 12 spent only12 hours a week engaged in it.The children sampled spent a quarter of their rapidly decreasing“ free time 〞 watching television. But that, believe it or not, was one’re of the findings parents might regard as good news. If theyspending less time in front of the TV set, however, kids aren’ treplacing it with reading. Despite efforts to get kids more interested in books, the children spent just over an hour a week reading. Let face it, who’s got the time?36. By mentioning“ the same time crunch〞(Line 1, Para.2) Sandra Hofferth means.A)children have little time to play with their parentsB)both parents and children suffer from lack of leisure timeC)both parents and children have trouble managing their timeD)children are not taken good care of by their working parents37.According to the author, the reason given by Sandra Hofferth for the timecrunch is.A) partially trueB) quite convincingC) rather confusingD) totally groundless38. According to the author a child develops better if.A)he has plenty of time reading and studyingB)he is free to interact with his working parentsC)he is left to play with his peers in his own wayD)he has more time participating in school activities39.The author is concerned about the fact that Americankids.A)are involved less and less in household workB)are spending more and more time watching TVC)are engaged in more and more structured activitiesD)are increasingly neglected by their working mothers40. We can infer from the passage that.A)most parents believe reading to be beneficial to childrenB)efforts to get kids interested in reading have been fruitfulC)most children will turn to reading with TV sets switched offD) extracurricular activities promote children’s intelligenceKey:1-5. BDBAB21-25 DACAD6-10 BACBD26-30 CDDDA11-15. CABDC31-35 DDABB16-20 ADBCB36-40BACCA。

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最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:/wenkxd.htm(报名网址)Passage 10It has been thought and said that Africans are born with musical talent. Because music is so important in the lives of many Africans and because so much music is performed in Africa, we are inclined to think that all Africans are musicians. The impression is strengthened when we look at ourselves and find that we have become largely a society of musical spectators(旁观). Music is important to us, but most of us can be considered consumers rather than producers of music. We have records, television, concerts, and radio to fulfill many of our musical needs. In most situations where music is performed in our culture it is not difficult to distinguish the audience from the performers, but such is often not the case in Africa. Alban Ayipaga, a Kasena semiprofessional musician from northern Ghana, says that when his flute(长笛)and drum ensemble(歌舞团)is performing. “Anybody can take part”. This is true, but Kasena musicians recognize that not all people are equally capable of taking part in the music. Some can sing along with the drummers, but relatively few can drum and even fewer can play the flute along with the ensemble. It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping, singing, or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound. Performing nucleus and the additional performers, active spectators, and passive spectators may be difficult to draw from our point of view.46. The difference between us and Africans, as far as music is concerned, is that________A) most of us are consumers while most of them are producers of musicB) we are musical performers and they are semiprofessional musiciansC) most of us are passive spectators while they are active spectatorsD) we are the audience and they are the additional perfrormers47. The word “such”(Line 8) refers to the fact that________A) music is perforated with the participation of the audienceB) music is performed without the participation of the audienceC) people tend to distinguish the audience from the performersD) people have records, television sets and radio to fulfill their musical needs48. The author of the passage implies that____________A) all Africans are musical and therefore much music is performed in AfricaB) nor all Africans are born with musical talent although music is important in their livesC) most Africans are capable of joining in the by playing musical instrumentsD) most Africans perform as well as professional musicians49. The word “nucleus”(Line 15) probably refers to ____________-A) musicians famous in Africa B) musicians at the center of attentionC) musicians acting as the core in a performanceD) active participants in a musical performance50. The best title for this passage would be ___________A) The Importance of Music to African PeopleB) Differences Between African Music and Music of Other CountriesC) The Relationship between Musicians and Their AudienceD) A Characteristic Feature of African Musical PerformancesPassage 10人们一致认为并传说着非洲人生来就有音乐天赋。






Alban Ayipage,一名来自加纳北部的喀萨纳半职业音乐家在他的长笛与鼓歌舞团表演时说道,“任何人都可以参加”。





Passage 10It has been thought and said that Africans are born with musical talent. Because music is so important in the lives of many Africans and because so much music is performed in Africa, we are inclined to think that all Africans are musicians. The impression is strengthened when we look at ourselves and find that we have become largely a society of musical spectators(旁观). Music is important to us, but most of us can be considered consumers rather than producers of music. We have records, television, concerts, and radio to fulfill many of our musical needs. In most situations where music is performed in our culture it is not difficult to distinguish the audience from the performers, but such is often not the case in Africa. Alban Ayipaga, a Kasena semiprofessional musician from northern Ghana, says that when his flute(长笛)and drum ensemble(歌舞团)is performing. “Anybody can take part”. This is true, but Kasena musicians recognize that not all people are equally capable of taking part in the music. Some can sing along with the drummers, but relatively few can drum and even fewer can play the flute along with the ensemble. It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping, singing, or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound. Performing nucleus and the additional performers, active spectators, and passive spectators may be difficult to draw from our point of view.46. The difference between us and Africans, as far as music is concerned, isthat________A) most of us are consumers while most of them are producers of musicB) we are musical performers and they are semiprofessional musiciansC) most of us are passive spectators while they are active spectatorsD) we are the audience and they are the additional perfrormers47. The word “such”(Line 8) refers to the fact that________A) music is perforated with the participation of the audienceB) music is performed without the participation of the audienceC) people tend to distinguish the audience from the performersD) people have records, television sets and radio to fulfill their musical needs48. The author of the passage implies that____________A) all Africans are musical and therefore much music is performed in AfricaB) nor all Africans are born with musical talent although music is important in their livesC) most Africans are capable of joining in the by playing musical instrumentsD) most Africans perform as well as professional musicians49. The word “nucleus”(Line 15) probably refers to ____________-A) musicians famous in Africa B) musicians at the center of attentionC) musicians acting as the core in a performanceD) active participants in a musical performance50. The best title for this passage would be ___________A) The Importance of Music to African PeopleB) Differences Between African Music and Music of Other CountriesC) The Relationship between Musicians and Their AudienceD) A Characteristic Feature of African Musical PerformancesPassage 10人们一致认为并传说着非洲人生来就有音乐天赋。
