毕业公证书中英文篇一:毕业证公证英文模板NOTARIAL CERTIFICATEShang Fu Zheng Wai Min Zi No. 35Applicant: Feng Bingru, female, was born on January 17, 1994, ID Card No.: ………………………., now resides at No.3, Feng Yi Lane, North of Dongguang Street, Chengguan Town, Xiayi County, Henan Province, China.Notarial affair: Graduation CertificateThis is to certify that the above copy conforms to the original Graduation Certificate issued to Feng Bingru by Xiayi County High School of Henan Province on June 2, 20XX. The original is authentic. The English translation attached to the above copy conforms to the content of Chinese original.Shangfu Notary Public Office of Shangqiu City Henan Province the People’s Republic of China Notary: Song HelinJanuary 8, 20XX篇二:毕业证英文公证书notarial certificateshang fu zheng wai min zi no. 35 applicant: fengbingru, female, was born on january 17, 1994, id card no.: ?????????., now resides at no.3, feng yi lane, north of dongguangstreet, chengguan town, xiayi county, henan province, china. notarial affair: graduation certificate this is to certify that the above copy conforms to the original graduationcertificate issued to feng bingru by xiayi county high school of henan province onjune 2, 20XX. the original is authentic. the english translation attached to the abovecopy conforms to the content of chinese original. shangfu notary public office of shangqiu city henan province the people’srepublic of chinanotary: song helin january 8, 20XX篇二:毕业证书公证件翻译件公证书(20XX)鄂洪兴证字第5171号兹证明前面的影印件与xx大学于二00九年六月三十日发给xx的证书编号为123456789的《毕业证书》原件相符。
篇一:公证书英文版certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130(编号)this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 2013 by qinzhou university (diploma no. 1160742013000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county, qinzhou city notary public office guangxi provincethe peoples republic of chinanotary:date:篇二:英文公证书范本英文公证书范本[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:2009-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ] 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。
一般来说,英文公证书包含三部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)被公证的文件在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证明文书非常重要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。
该文书一般政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭(supreme court)、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部(ministry of government services)、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院(supreme court)。
----------------------------------------------------------------------courts servicean tseirbhis chúirteannai, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certify that it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose name is subscribed to the annexed document was on the 30th day of july 2000 appointed a notary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the present time on the roll of notaries.of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believe the same to be her proper handwriting and her seal.dated this 18 day of october 2008 thsignature--------------------- name of the registrarassistant registrarseal of the supreme court英文公证书范本第一部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)英文公证书范本第二部分:公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)其他证件翻译>>篇三:公证书中英文对照版下载亲属关系公证书(如:(2012)湘州乾证字第1174申请人:xxx男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:关系人:xxx,男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:公证事项:亲属关系兹证明xxx是xxx的儿子。
亲属关系公证书英文模板Notary Certificate of Family RelationshipCertificate No: XXXXXXXThis is to certify that Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Full Name of Applicant], [Date of Birth: DD/MM/YYYY], is related to Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Full Name of Relative], [Date of Birth: DD/MM/YYYY] by blood as[Father/Mother/Brother/Sister/Aunt/Uncle/Niece/Nephew/Cousin] as evidenced by the following details:1. Full Name: [Relative's Full Name]Relationship: [Relationship with Applicant]Date of Birth: [Relative's Date of Birth]Place of Birth: [Relative's Place of Birth]Nationality: [Relative's Nationality]Father's Name: [Relative's Father's Full Name]Mother's Name: [Relative's Mother's Full Name]2. Full Name: [Relative's Full Name]Relationship: [Relationship with Applicant]Date of Birth: [Relative's Date of Birth]Place of Birth: [Relative's Place of Birth]Nationality: [Relative's Nationality]Father's Name: [Relative's Father's Full Name]Mother's Name: [Relative's Mother's Full Name]3. Full Name: [Relative's Full Name]Relationship: [Relationship with Applicant]Date of Birth: [Relative's Date of Birth]Place of Birth: [Relative's Place of Birth]Nationality: [Relative's Nationality]Father's Name: [Relative's Father's Full Name]Mother's Name: [Relative's Mother's Full Name]This certificate is issued for the purpose of [State the specific purpose of the certificate, e.g., immigration, legal proceedings, etc.] and is based on the information provided by the applicant. The undersigned notary public has verified the authenticity of the provided documents and confirms the accuracy of the information provided herein.Given under my hand and official seal this [Date: DD/MM/YYYY].[Notary Public's Full Name][Notary Public's Official Title][Notary Public's Registration Number][Notary Public's Address][Notary Public's Contact Information]※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※Disclaimer:The information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I, the undersigned applicant, certify that I am solely responsible for the authenticity of the documents submitted to obtain this notary certificate. I understand that any false or misleading information provided may result in legal consequences.※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※。
二、合同基本情况合同编号:____________合同名称:____________合同双方:____________(以下简称甲方)和____________(以下简称乙方)签订地点:____________签订日期:____________三、合同内容(中文版)鉴于甲方与乙方就____________(项目名称)进行合作,双方经过友好协商,达成如下协议:一、合作事项及内容1. 双方就____________进行合作。
2. 合作具体内容为____________。
二、合同金额及支付方式1. 本合同总金额为人民币________元。
2. 支付方式:____________。
三、履行期限及方式1. 双方应按照合同约定履行各自的义务。
2. 履行方式为____________。
四、保密条款及知识产权归属1. 双方应对涉及本合同的所有信息进行保密。
2. 知识产权归属为____________。
五、违约责任及解决方式1. 若一方违反合同约定,应承担违约责任。
2. 若发生纠纷,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可以向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。
(英文版)WHEREAS Party A and Party B are to cooperate on ________ (Project Name), both parties, through friendly negotiation, have reached the following agreement:I. Scope of Cooperation and Contents1. The two parties shall cooperate on _________.2. The specific content of the cooperation is _________.II. Contract Amount and Payment Method1. The total amount of this contract is RMB ________ yuan.2. Payment method: _________.III. Term of Performance and Method of Implementation1. Both parties shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the contract.2. The method of implementation is _________.IV. Confidentiality Clause and Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights1. Both parties shall keep all information related to this contract confidential.2. The ownership of intellectual property rights is _________.V. Liabilities for Breach of Contract and Settlement Methods1. If one party breaches the contract, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract.2. Any disputes arising shall be settled by friendly negotiation between the two parties; if no settlement can be reached, the parties may initiate a lawsuit in the people's court of the place where the contract is signed.四、公证声明与证明事项1. 本公证机关郑重声明,本公证书系在审查合同双方的资质证明文件、授权委托书及合同内容真实合法的基础上作出。
合同公证书(中英版)6篇篇1合同公证书(中英版)Contract Notarization Document一、合同公证书的定义Definition of Contract Notarization Document合同公证书是由具有公证资格的公证员在法律下进行公证的重要证件,主要由签约双方发起,并经公证员进行审核确认,具有法律效力。
A contract notarization document is an important document notarized by a notary with notarial qualifications under the law. It is initiated by both parties to the contract and verified and confirmed by the notary, with legal effect. As a formal notarized document, a contract notarization document has legal effect, which can protect the rights and interests of both parties and effectively prevent risks such as contract breach. Currently,contract notarization documents are widely used in various industries in China, especially playing an important role in cross-border trade and international business cooperation.二、合同公证书的内容Content of Contract Notarization Document1.合同订立的主体信息:包括签约双方的名称、地址、联系方式等基本信息;2.合同的签订时间:明确合同签订的具体时间;3.合同的约定事项:具体说明合同的内容、条款、权利义务等;4.合同的履行方式:明确合同的履行方式、期限等;5.合同的违约责任:在合同中对违约责任进行规定;6.合同的争议解决方式:详细说明合同争议的解决方式,可以选择仲裁、诉讼等方式;7.其他约定事项:根据具体合同情况进行其他约定,如保密条款、协议变更等。
篇一:公证书英文版certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130(编号)this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 2013 by qinzhou university (diploma no. 1160742013000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county, qinzhou city notary public office guangxi provincethe peoples republic of chinanotary:date:篇二:英文公证书范本英文公证书范本[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:2009-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ] 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。
一般来说,英文公证书包含三部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)被公证的文件在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证明文书非常重要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。
该文书一般政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭(supreme court)、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部(ministry of government services)、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院(supreme court)。
----------------------------------------------------------------------courts servicean tseirbhis chúirteannai, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certify that it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose name is subscribed to the annexed document was on the 30th day of july 2000 appointed a notary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the present time on the roll of notaries.of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believe the same to be her proper handwriting and her seal.dated this 18 day of october 2008 thsignature--------------------- name of the registrarassistant registrarseal of the supreme court英文公证书范本第一部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)英文公证书范本第二部分:公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)其他证件翻译>>篇三:公证书中英文对照版下载亲属关系公证书(如:(2012)湘州乾证字第1174申请人:xxx男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:关系人:xxx,男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:公证事项:亲属关系兹证明xxx是xxx的儿子。
【优质文档】公证书英文模板-word范文模板 (14页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==公证书英文模板篇一:公证书英文版Certificate(90)Lu Zi, No. 1130(编号)This is to certificate that Miss.Yao Xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in June, 201X by Qinzhou University (Diploma No.116074201X000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the University and the signature by President Xu Shuye Lingshan county,Qinzhou city Notary Public Office Guangxi Provincethe People's Republic of ChinaNotary:Date:篇二:公证书英文版(共6篇)篇一:公证书英文版certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130(编号)this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 201X by qinzhou university (diploma no.116074201X000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county,qinzhou city notary public office guangxi provincethe peoples republic of chinanotary:date:篇二:英文公证书范本英文公证书范本[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:201X-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ]此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。
ENGLISH VERSION:Notarial Certificate of Contract (Both in Chinese and English)Notarial Certificate Number: [Certificate Number]Party A (Principal): [Name of Party A]Address: [Address of Party A]Telephone: [Telephone Number of Party A]Party B (Notary): [Name of Notary Office]Address: [Address of Notary Office]Telephone: [Telephone Number of Notary Office]According to the application of Party A, Party B has notarized the contract provided by Party A. After examination and verification, the content of the contract is hereby certified as follows:I. Basic Information of ContractParty A has entered into a [Name of Contract] with [Other Party to Contract] on [Date of Contract Signing]. The main matters covered by the contract include [Specific matters such as subject matter, price, performance method, duration, etc.].II. Review of Authenticity and合法性of ContractIII. Notarization MattersIV. Notarization FeesParty A needs to pay Party B a notarization fee of RMB [Amount] yuan. After payment of the fee, Party B will issue a formal notarial certificate and bear the relevant expenses incurred during the notarization process.V. Confidentiality ObligationDuring the notarization process, Party B has a confidentiality obligation to Party A's business secrets and personal privacy, and shall not disclose or misuse them.VI. Effectiveness of Notarial CertificateThis notarial certificate is an effective proof to confirm the authenticity and legality of the contract signed by Party A and [Other Party to Contract]. The notarial certificate is effective from the date of issuance and has legal effect.VII. Legal LiabilityVIII. Other Agreements以上为甲乙双方关于合同公证书的完整协议,甲乙双方对此均无异议。
中华人民共和国XXXX公证处公证员:XXXXXXX年X月X日)NotarialcertificateofKinshipon.PeoplesRepublicofChinaNotaryOfficeoftheXiangxiTujiaandMiaoAutonomousPrefectureGan chengNotary:XXXNovemberXX,XXXX)篇二:中英文委托公证书书样本doc委托书本人本人姓名(性别,出生日期,身份证号)和(前)配偶姓名(性别,出生日期,身份证号)是孩子姓名(性别,出生日期,护照号)的父母。
Wearewillingtocoveralltheexpensesofourchildincurredduringth etraveling。
亲属关系中英文公证书亲属关系中英文公证书篇一:留学专用-亲属关系公证书中文版亲属关系公证书中文版:公证书的编号(以事实情况而定) 申请人:孩子的名字(****),性别(男/女),出生年月日,现住址。
中华人民共和国(具体哪个市哪个区的公证处) 亲属关系公证书英文版: Transla tin Ntaria l Certific ate f Kins hip Applic ant: (chil d’s name), Sex(Male/Female), d ate f birt h. N resid ing addres s: Related Party: (F ather’s na me), Male,date f bi rth. N res iding addr ess: (Mthe r’s name),Female, da te f birth. N residi ng address: This ist certifythat appli cant (Chil d’s name)is the (Fa ther’s nam e Mther’sname) sn /daughter.Ntary Pub lic: (Seal ed) NtaryPublic ffi ce f ****** The Pepl e’s Republ ic f China公证员名字具体日期 (公证处盖章)(N.) (Seal ed) Date:篇二:中英文版(亲属关系证明公证) 中英文版(親屬關係證明公證)亲属关系证明书(201X)穗越证字第810 号申请人:姓名,性别,年月日出生,现住____省____市,中国护照号码:关系人:姓名,性别,年月日出生,现住澳门,澳门身份证号码:港澳居民来往内地通行证号码:<。
中英文学历公证书中英文学历公证书篇一:学历公证涉外公证中英文(固定格式,办理前准备好,不用花冤枉钱)图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看篇二:关于公正处英语范文的资料1. 出生证明(Birth Cer tificate)Birth Cert ificate (81) Ning Zi, N. 1232This is tcertify th at Guangzu u, male,as brn n M ay 21, 1941, in Nanj ing, Jiang su Prvince. Guangzu’s father i s Yide u,and Guangz u’s mtheris MeiqinShi. Nanji ng Ntary P ublic ffic e JiangsuPrvince Th e Peple’sRepublic f China Nta ry: Xia Na n Septembe r 20, 1981出生证明书 (81)宁公证字第1232号吴光祖,男,1941年5月21日在江苏南京市出生。
中华人民共和国江苏省南京市公证处公证员:肖南 1981年9月20日 2.死亡证明 (D eath Certi ficate) De ath Certif icate (78) Ning Zi,N.859 This is t cert ificate th at Yide u, died f il lness n Nv ember 27,1967. Yi de u, male, native f Nanjing,Jiangsu Pr vince, brn in July,1908. N anjing Nta ry Publicffice Jian gsu Prvinc e The Pepl e’s Republ ic f China Ntary: Xi a Nan Febu rary 19, 1978 死亡证明书 (78)宁公证字第859号兹证明吴义德,男,1908年七月生于江苏南京,于1967年11月27日病故。
现将相关条款列明如下:1.1 公证书的适用范围及目的:本公证书旨在确认持有人的出生事实及相关个人信息的准确性,适用于需要提供出生证明的各类场合,包括但不限于教育、就业、旅行等国际交流活动。
1.11 英文版本效力:本公证书同时提供英文版,与中文版具有同等法律效力。
1.12 文件格式要求:公证书采用统一格式打印,包括但不限于个人信息部分的填写方式以及公证机关印章的位置安排。
1.2 个人信息确认:1.21 姓名:指被证明人的法定全名,需按照户口簿或护照上记载的信息准确填写。
1.22 出生日期:精确到日、月、年,依据医院出具的出生医学证明或其他官方文件记录。
1.23 出生地点:具体到城市级别,根据被证明人实际出生地确定。
1.24 性别:依据出生时的生理特征确定,仅限于男或女两种选择。
1.25 父母信息:列出父母双方的全名,若其中一方缺席或未知,则注明“不详”或“未提供”。
1.3 公证程序说明:1.31 申请流程:申请人需携带有效身份证明原件及复印件前往指定公证处办理,填写相关表格并接受工作人员审核。
1.32 审核标准:公证人员依据国家法律法规对提交材料的真实性、合法性进行审查,必要时可要求补充资料或进行实地调查。
特此公证!公证机关:__________________公证员:__________________日期:__________________(英文版)Notarial CertificateCertificate Number: XXXX-XXXParty A (Principal): ___________________Party B (Donee): ___________________Based on the principal-agent contract between Party A and Party B, I, as a notary public, hereby legally notarize this contract. After carefully examining the supporting documents and related materials provided by both parties, and confirming that the contract content is in accordance with laws and regulations, I make the following certification for this contract notarization:1. Party A and Party B, on a voluntary, equal, and fair basis, have reached the following agreement through friendly consultation on __________ (contract matters).2. When signing this contract, both parties have fully understood and acknowledged all terms and conditions, and have no objection to the validity and legal consequences of the contract.3. Party A shall pay relevant fees to Party B in accordance with the contract, and Party B shall perform corresponding obligations. Both parties shall earnestly perform all contents of the contract and bear corresponding legal responsibilities.4. The notary public has carefully reviewed the supporting documents and related materials provided by both parties, and confirmed their authenticity, legitimacy, and validity. The notary public has witnessed the entire process of contract signing and confirmed its legality.5. Based on the application of Party A, I, as a notary public, legally certify the legal effect of this contract and provide notarization for the process and result of this contract signing. This notarial certificate is an important document to prove this contract and has legal effect.6. This contract becomes effective from the date of notarization. Both parties shall earnestly perform the contract terms and maintain the seriousness and authority of the contract. Any disputes should be resolved through legal channels.7. This notarial certificate is made in duplicate, with each party holding one. This contract has the same legal effect as the notarial certificate.Notary Public: ___________________Notary: ___________________Date: ___________________(注:以上仅为示例性文本,实际合同内容需根据具体情况进行调整和完善。
合同主要内容为:____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________(此处详细列明合同的主要内容)。
(英文版)Notarial Certificate of ContractCertificate Number: XXXX-XXXParty A (Principal): ____________________Party B (Recipient): ____________________Based on the application of Party A, our institution is authorized to notarize the contract signed by both parties. After examination, we hereby notarize the contract and issue this certificate.I. Basic Information of the ContractThe contract was signed by Party A and Party B onXX/XX/XXXX at __________ (location). The main content of the contract is as follows:____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (Details of the contract contents are to be specified here).II. Notarial MattersAfter review, we found that the content of the contract is true and legitimate, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and no violation of national laws and regulations was found. The representations of both parties are true, and the signing process of the contract is legal.III. Notarial ConclusionBased on the above review, our institution confirms the authenticity and legitimacy of the contract signed by Party A and Party B, and issues this notarial certificate. This notarial certificate is a certificate of the contract and has legal effect.This certificate is issued in both Chinese and English. If there is any discrepancy between the two languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.(Signature of Notary)Notary: ____________________ (Seal)Date of Issue: XX/XX/XXXX (Official Notary Seal)Agency: _________________ (Notary Agency)篇2(中文版)公证书编号:XXXX-XXX甲方(委托人):____________________(填写甲方姓名或单位名称)乙方(被委托人):____________________(填写乙方姓名或单位名称)根据甲、乙双方的申请,本人作为法律顾问,对双方签订的合同条款进行公证。
2024版合同公证书(中英版)合同编号:[______]合同双方:名称:[甲方法人名称]地址:[甲方地址]法定代表人:[甲方法定代表人]联系方式:[甲方联系方式]名称:[乙方法人名称]地址:[乙方地址]法定代表人:[乙方法定代表人]联系方式:[乙方联系方式]第一条合同标的本合同的标的为:[详细描述合同标的,包括商品、服务或其它]第二条合同价款甲方向乙方支付的合同价款为人民币[金额]元(大写:[人民币金额大写]),付款方式如下:1. [付款方式1]2. [付款方式2]3. [付款方式3]第三条履行期限本合同的履行期限自[开始日期]起至[结束日期]止。
第四条履行地点本合同的履行地点为:[履行地点]第五条履行方式1. [履行方式1]2. [履行方式2]3. [履行方式3]第六条违约责任1. 如一方违反本合同的任何条款,另一方有权要求违约方赔偿因此造成的损失。
2. [其他违约责任条款]第七条争议解决本合同的解释和执行均适用中华人民共和国法律。
第八条其他条款1. [其他条款1]2. [其他条款2]3. [其他条款3]本合同自甲乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方(盖章):_________________ 日期:____年__月__日乙方(盖章):_________________ 日期:____年__月__日Contract Number: [______]Parties:Party A (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"):Name: [Name of Party A's legal representative]Address: [Address of Party A]Legal Representative: [Legal representative of Party A]Contact Information: [Contact information of Party A]Party B (hereinafter referred to as "Party B"):Name: [Name of Party B's legal representative]Address: [Address of Party B]Legal Representative: [Legal representative of Party B]Contact Information: [Contact information of Party B]Article 1 Subject Matter of the ContractThe subject matter of this Contract is: [Detailed description of the subject matter of the contract, including goods, services, or others]Article 2 Contract PriceThe contract price to be paid Party A to Party B is [Amount] yuan (in words: [Amount in Chinese characters]), and the payment method is as follows:1. [Payment method 1]2. [Payment method 2]3. [Payment method 3]Article 3 Performance PeriodThe performance period of this Contract shall be from [Start Date] to [End Date].Article 4 Place of PerformanceThe place of performance of this Contract shall be: [Place of Performance]Article 5 Method of PerformanceParty A and Party B shall perform the Contract in accordance with the following methods:1. [Method of Performance 1]2. [Method of Performance 2]3. [Method of Performance 3]Article 6 Liability for Breach of Contract2. [Other terms of liability for breach of contract]Article 7 Dispute ResolutionThis Contract shall be governed the laws of the People's Republic of China. In the event of a dispute, the parties shall first seek resolution through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, either party shall have the right to file a lawsuit with the people's court where the contract is signed.Article 8 Miscellaneous Provisions1. [Other Provisions 1]2. [Other Provisions 2]3. [Other Provisions 3]Party A (Seal): ___________________ Date: __/__/__Party B (Seal): ___________________ Date: __/__/__2024版合同公证书(中英版)合同编号:[______]合同双方:名称:[甲方法人名称]地址:[甲方地址]法定代表人:[甲方法定代表人]联系方式:[甲方联系方式]名称:[乙方法人名称]地址:[乙方地址]法定代表人:[乙方法定代表人]联系方式:[乙方联系方式]第一条合同标的本合同的标的为:[详细描述合同标的,包括商品、服务或其它]第二条合同价款甲方向乙方支付的合同价款为人民币[金额]元(大写:[人民币金额大写]),付款方式如下:1. [付款方式1]2. [付款方式2]3. [付款方式3]第三条履行期限本合同的履行期限自[开始日期]起至[结束日期]止。