Amazing Grace(中英对照))
迪士尼电影花木兰一中英对照(完整版)花木兰Mulan匈奴入侵,快点烽火!We're under attack!Light the signal!现在全中国的人都知道你来了Now all of China knows you're here.好极了Perfect.启票皇上Your Majesty匈奴已越过北方边界the Huns have crossed our northern border.不可能,无人能越过长城lmpossible. No one can get through the Great Wall.他们由单于领军Shan-Yu is leading them.我们将保卫你的皇宫We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately.不,派你的军队保护朕的子民No. Send your troops to protect my people.赐福Chi Fu.是皇上Yes, Your Highness?通令全国各地征召壮丁Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces.紧急召集所有军人回营服役Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.皇上,恕臣直言Forgive me, Your Majesty,我相信我的军队就能阻挡单于but I believe my troops can stop him.朕不能冒这个险,将军l won't take any chances, General.小兵也会立大功A single grain of rice can tip the scale.有时候,一个人就是胜败关键One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.妇德就是文静,谦虚Quiet and demure.文雅 ……Graceful.礼貌Polite.雅致Delicate.举止优雅…小心…Refined. Poised. Punctual.'守时糟了Ai-yah!小白Little Brother!小白Little Brother!小……Lit...你在这儿啊?Ah! There you are.谁是世上最聪明的小狗狗Who's the smartest doggy in the world?来吧,小家伙Come on, smart boy.今天你能帮我做家务吗?Can you help me with my chores today?列祖列宗Honorable ancestors,让木兰今天给媒婆一个好印象please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.求求您,请帮帮她吧Please.Please help her.爹爹,我给您带来……Father, l brought your... Whoa!木兰Mulan.我多准备了一个l brought a spare.医生说清早三杯茶The doctor said three cups of tea in the morning...还有晚上上三杯哦and three at night.木兰,你早该进城了Mulan, you should already be in town.我们都指望你……We are counting on you替花家光宗耀祖啊to uphold the family honor.别担心,爹Don't worry, Father.我不会让您失望l won't let you down.祝我好运Wish me luck.快去吧Hurry!我要求祖宗多多保佑木兰l'm going to... pray some more.夫人,你女儿来了没?Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?媒婆可不是个有耐性的人哦The matchmaker is not a patient woman.她怎么老是迟到啊Of all days to be late.我早该求祖宗保佑的l should have prayed to the ancestors for luck.他们能保佑什么?How lucky can they be?他们死了啊They're dead.除此之外……我有Besides, l've got..我们需要的幸运符all the luck we'll need.你该有点用处了This is your chance to prove yourself.奶奶,小心啊Grandma, no!哇塞Yep,这只蟋蟀真是幸运this cricket's a lucky one!我来了l'm here.怎么了?What?娘,我必须..But, Mama, l had to...不要找借口None of your excuses.你先要打扮一下Now, let's get you cleaned up. @ This is what you give me to work with@ Well, honey, I've seen worse @ We are gonna turn this sow's ear@ Into a silk purselt's freezing.好冷哦lt would have been warmif you were here on time.@ We'll have you washed and dried@ Primped and polishedTil you glow with pride@ Trust my recipe for instant bride@ You'll bring honor to us all Mulan, what's this?Uh, notes.ln case l forget something. Hold this.We'll need more luck than l thought.@ Wait and see when we're through@ Boys will gladly go to war for you- @ With good fortune- @ And a great hairdo [together] @ You'll bring honor To us all@ A girl can bring her family @ Great honor in one way- @ By striking a good match - Huh?- @ And this could be the day- [laughs]@ Men want girls with good taste - Calm.- Obedient.@ Who work fast-paced@ With good breeding- @ And a tiny waist- [gasps]@ You'll bring honor to us all@ We all must serve our emperor @ Who guards us from the Huns @ A man by bearing arms@ A girl by bearing sons@ When we're through you can't fail@ Like a lotus blossom soft and pale@ How could any fellow say no sale@ You'll bring honor to us all@ You'll bring honor to us all There. You're ready.Not yet.An apple for serenity.A pendant for balance.@ Beads ofjade@ For beauty@ You must proudly @ Show it@ Now add a cricket@ Just for luck@ And even you can't blow it@ Ancestors, hear my plea@ Help me not to make a fool of me@ And to not uproot my family tree@ Keep my father standing tall @ Scarier than the undertaker@ We are meeting our matchmaker [townspeople] @ Destiny guard our girls@ And our future as it fast unfurls @ Please look kindlyOn these cultured pearls@ Each a perfect porcelain doll @ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us all @花木兰Fa Mulan.在Present.不要随便开口Speaking without permission.哦Oops.她火气这么大干嘛?Who spit in her bean curd?太瘦了Mmm. Too skinny.不容易生出儿子Hmph! Not good for bearing sons.妇有四德指的是什么?说呀妇德指导的是谦虚而妇言是少说话妇容是和悦,还有妇力……是妇功妇功意思是服从跟我来Hmm. This way.现在呢Now,倒茶pour the tea.取悦你未未的公婆To please your future in-laws,一定要谨慎望而却步、优雅you must demonstrate a sense of dignity...还要心存恭敬and refinement.你也必须注意仪态You must also be poised.对不起Um, pardon me.还要安静And silent!能不能还我一下?Could l just take that back?等一下One moment.为什么,你笨手笨脚Why, you clumsy...我认为进行得顺利,对吧?l think it's going well, don't you?快给我水,浇水呀Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!你实在是太不像话You are a disgrace!你也许看起来像个新娘You may look like a bride,可是永远不会为你们家争光but you will never bring your family honor!@ Look at me看看我@ I will never pass我永远成为不了@ For a perfect bride好新娘@ Or a perfect daughter或是好女儿@ Can it be可以吗@ I'm not meant to play this part 我不是有意要这样@ Now I see现在我知道@ That if I were truly to be myself 我是不是真的自我@ I would break my family's heart 我会伤了家人的心@ Who is that girl I see我看到的那女孩是谁@ Staring straight@ Back at me@ Why is my reflection为什么我的倒影@ Someone I don't know@ Somehow I cannot hide@ Who I am我是谁@ Though I've tried虽然我尝试了@ When will my reflection show @ Who I am inside@ When will my reflection show @ Who I am@ Inside @天啊My, my.今年花开得真漂亮啊What beautiful blossoms we have this year.可是你看,这朵迟了But look.This one's late.但我肯定等到它开花的时候But l'll bet that when it blooms,一定会是最美丽的it will be the most beautiful of all.什么事?What is it?木兰,你别出去Mulan.Stay inside.乡亲们Citizens我从京城带来皇上谕令l bring a proclamation from the imperial city.匈奴已侵犯中原The Huns have invaded China.皇上有令By order of the emperor,每家都要选出一名壮丁从军one man from every family must serve in the lmperial army.萧家接旨The Hsiao family.易家接旨The Yi family.我愿替我爹保卫国家l will serve the emperor in my father's place.花家接旨The Fa family.不no我已准备为国效劳l am ready to serve the emperor.爹,你不能去Father, you can't go.木兰Mulan!官爷,求求你Please, sir,我爹已经参加过战场了my father has already fought bravely...住嘴!Silence!你该教教你女儿You would do well to teach your daughter男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份?to hold her tongue in a man's presence.木兰,你让爹丢尽颜面Mulan, you dishonor me.明日到军营报到Report tomorrow to the Wu Zhong camp.是Yes, sir.楚家接旨The Chu family!你不应该去的You shouldn't have to go!木兰Mulan.有足够的年轻人为国打仗啊There are plenty of young men to fight for China.能够保家卫国是我的荣耀lt is an honor to protect my country and my family.就为了荣耀,连命都不要? So, you'll die for honor.我为国拐躯,死而无憾l will die doing what's right. -可是,如果…-我自有分寸- But if you...- l know my place!倒是你该管管自己lt is time you learned yours.木兰走了Mulan is gone!什么?What?怎么可能?lt can't be.木兰不你得快追她回来You must go after her.这要杀头的She could be killed.只有我们不说她才能活命列祖列宗,求求你们保佑木兰Watch over Mulan.木须,醒来吧Mushu, awaken!我复活了!I live!告诉我哪个凡人要我保护?老祖宗要我去,只要开口木须我来说几句,要是谁敢找我们花家的麻烦Let me say somethin'. Anybody who's foolish enough to threaten our family,我就好好收拾他vengeance will be mine!木须它们才是守护神它们…They...保护这个家protect the family.而你这降了级的And you, o demoted one?我…是负责敲锣l... ring the gong.说对了,现在去叫醒祖先们吧That's right.Now, wake up the ancestors.我这就去叫醒大家大家起来快起来,别偷懒了要办正事罗,别睡美容觉了我就知道……l knew it. l knew it!木兰从一开始就是个大麻烦That Mulan was a troublemaker from the start!别看我Don't look at me.她可是你家那边的人She gets it from your side of the family.她只想帮助她父亲She's trying to help her father.要是她被人发现lf she's discovered,花家就会永远抬不起头Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.花家祠堂会声望全无千百年传统沦丧家产全得没收我家孩子从没惹过麻烦My children never caused such trouble.他们全是针灸师傅They all became acupuncturists.总不能全都当针灸师啊Well, we can't all be acupuncturists.是啊,你的曾孙女还女扮男装哩No! Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross-dresser!派守护神带她回来Let a guardian bring her back.是啊,叫醒最精明的Yes, awaken the most cunning.不,那行动最快的No, the swiftest.不,最有智慧的No, send the wisest.安静Silence!我们得派能力最强的We must send the most powerful of all.好啦…我了解,我去Okay, okay, l get the drift.l'll go.你们以为我不行?Y'all don't think l can do it.看我的Watch this here.我不错吧?Aha! Jump back.l'm pretty hot, huh?谁敢让我试试看啊?你有机会去保护花家You had your chance to protect the Fa family.结果却把花嶝害得很惨对呀,多亏你了Yeah, thanks a lot.什么意思?And your point is?意思是……The point is ...我们要派真正的龙去找木兰we will be sending a real dragon to retrieve Mulan.什么?What? What?我是真正的龙啊l'm a real dragon!你根本就不够格You are not worthy of this spot.现在快叫醒石像神龙吧Now, awaken the great stone dragon.那你会重新考虑让我去吗?So you'll get back to me on the job thing?唉!唉!我只是要个机会嘛又不是要你老命lt's not like it'll kill ya.石头,醒醒啊Yo, Rocky, wake up!你得去追木兰Ya gotta go fetch Mulan!快起来,去追她去呀来呀有人在吗?有人在吗?醒醒!石头…Stony?他们会杀我Oh, man, they're gonna kill me.石像神龙你醒了吗?have you awakened?是啊…我刚醒uh, uh...Yes, l just woke up!我是伟大的石像神龙l'm... l am the great stone dragon.早上好,我会去追回木兰的Good morning!l will go forth and fetch Mulan.我有说我是石像神龙吗? Did... Did l mention that l was the great stone dragon?去吧go花家的命运The fate of the Fa family都交在你的手中了rests in your claws.别担心,我不会丢脸的Don't even worry about it.l will not lose face.我好像扭到我的筋骨了Oh. My elbow!l know l twisted somethin'.这下可好,现在该怎么办?That's just great.Now what?我死定了,都是因为男人婆l'm doomed, and all 'cause Miss Man干嘛要女扮男装惹祸? decides to take her little drag show on the road.去找她?Go get her?你有毛病吗?What's the matter with you?石像神龙已裂成两半除非她是英雄我才能回来等等,这就对了我让她变成英雄就能凯旋归来就这么办我真聪明谁说你能来的?Hey, what makes you think you're comin'?你运气好吗?You're lucky?我长得像呆子吗?Do l look like a sucker to you?你什么意思?我很衰?What you mean, ''a loser''?看我拔掉你的胡须如何?How 'bout l pop one of your antennas off?再看看谁比较衰?Then who's the loser?京城来的探子lmperial scouts.单于两位,干得好Nice work, gentlemen.你们找到匈奴军队了You found the Hun army.皇上会阻止你们The emperor will stop you.阻止我?Stop me?是他请我来的He invited me.他不断修筑长城向我挑战By building his wall,he challenged my strength.我只是陪他玩玩Well, l'm here to play his game.滚!Go!叫你们皇上派最强的军队来Tell your emperor to send his strongest armies.我等着l'm ready.送个信要多少人?How many men does it take to deliver a message?一个One.好嘛…这样呢?Okay, okay, how about this?对不起,该在哪里报到? Excuse me.Where do l sign in?我看见你有把剑Ha, l see you have a sword.我也有l have one, too.它们可是非常男人味和有力的They're very manly and... tough.我很努力在学哎l'm working on it!我骗得了谁?Oh. Who am l fooling?除非奇迹出现,我才能从军lt's going to take a miracle to get me into the army.是不是有人希望奇迹出现?Did l hear someone ask for a miracle?让我听你大声喊 “啊”Let me hear you say ''aaah''!啊!Aaah!很接近了That's close enough.鬼?A ghost.你的贴身护卫龙来了你的祖先派我来完成你代父从军的愿望快点,你想跟来就快扇呀听清楚了So heed my word!如果军队发现你是个女的'Cause if the army finds out you're a girl,就只有死路一条the penalty is death!你是谁?Who are you?我是谁?Who am l?我是谁?Who am l?我是迷失灵魂的守护神l am the guardian of lost souls.威力无比、欢乐无限l am the powerful,the pleasurable,且无坚不摧的木须the indestructible Mushu.哈帅吧?Oh. Ha, ha.Pretty hot, huh?我的祖先派只蜥蜴来帮我?Uh, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?喂,是龙,不是蜥蜴Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard.我不来吐舌头那套l don't do that tongue thing.你很……You're, um...很吓人?还是很威风?lntimidating? Awe-inspiring?很小Tiny.当然Of course.这是为了让你携带方便l'm travel-size for your convenience.如果是我真实的尺寸lf l was my real size会吓死你的牛your cow here would die of fright.跪下,母牛Down, Bessie.我的威力超越人们的想像My powers are beyond your mortal imagination.举个例For instance我眼睛能看透你的盔甲哦my eyes can see straight through your armor.好了,够了All right, that's it!你没面子!你家会没面子Dishonor!Dishonor on your whole family.你和你家的牛都会没面子Dishonor on you,dishonor on your cow, dis...慢点,对不起……Stop. l'm sorry. l'm sorry.我只是太紧张了l'm just nervous.l've never done this before.我从来没扮过男生那你得相信我Then you're gonna have to trust me.别再打我了And don't slap me no more.懂不懂?We clear on that?好吧,咱们上路吧All right.Let's get this show on the road!蟋蟀,拿袋子Cri-Kee, get the bags我们走罗Let's move it, heifer.好了,我们到了Okay, this is it.学学男人走路Time to show 'em your man walk.肩膀靠后、挺胸、叉开脚Shoulders back, chest high,feet apart,抬头,开步走head up and strut.神气点,一、二、三Two, three. Break it down.就这样,二、三Hup, two, three. And work it!很美,对吧?Beautiful, isn't it?他们好恶心They're disgusting.他们是男人No, they're men.你得学他们You have to act like them,注意看so pay attention.看Look.这刺青能保护我不受伤This tattoo will protect me from harm.我希望你能把你的钱拿回来l hope you can get your money back!我想我做不了这样子l don't think l can do this.都是态度问题lt's all attitude.耍狠,像这个人一样Be tough, like this guy here.呸!你看什么看?What are you lookin' at?扁他,男人都这样打招呼Punch's how men say hello.阿尧,你交了朋友哦,Oh, Yao, you've made a friend.打他屁股Slap him on the behind.他们喜欢那样They like that.我要狠狠地揍你l'm gonna hit you so hard,让你老祖宗都头昏it'll make your ancestors dizzy.阿尧,放轻松,跟我念Yao, relax and chant with me.南无阿弥陀佛……感觉好点了吗?Feel better?有Yeah.你不值得我打,胆小鬼you ain't worth my time.Chicken boy.胆小鬼?Chicken boy.有种当我面说,低能儒夫Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!对不起,阿宁Oh. Sorry, Ling.你死定了Whoa! You're dead!他去那儿了!Oh, there he goes!弟兄们Hey, guys.匈奴攻下这儿The Huns have struck here,这儿和这儿here and here.我要带主力军到同萧关l will take the main troops up to the Tung Shao Pass...在单于摧毁这个村庄之前阻止他and stop Shan-Yu before he destroys this village.好高明的战术Excellent strategy, sir.我真的喜欢这份惊喜l do love surprises.你将留下来训练新兵You will stay and train the new recruits.当赐福审核后你再加入我们 校尉When Chi Fu believes you're ready,you will join us, Captain.校尉?Captain?这是重要的任务啊,将军This is an enormous responsibility, General.也许找个更有经验的士兵会……Perhaps a soldier with more experience...全班第一名、熟知战术兵法Number one in his class,extensive knowledge of training techniques 优良军事家庭出身an impressive military lineage.我相信李翔会干得很出色的l believe Li Shang will do an excellent job.我会的,我不会让你失望Oh, l will. l won't let you down.这真是,我是说……This is... l mean...遵命Yes, sir.那样就好Very good then.我们会在胜利后在京城庆功We'll toast China's victory at the imperial city.三个礼拜后给我报告l'll expect a full report in three weeks.我的报告会一字不落And l won't leave anything out.李翔校尉Captain Li Shang.中国最好的军队的统帅Leader of China's finest troops.不,是有史以来最棒的军队No. The greatest troops of all time.还真不是普通的逊Most impressive.祝你好运了,校尉Good luck, Captain. Hyah!好运Good luck,父亲Father.第一天Day one.士兵们Soldiers!是他惹起的……He started it!我不想任何人在我的军营里惹麻烦l don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp.对不起Sorry. Uh...我是说抱歉,给你看到那样l mean, uh...sorry you had to see that.不过你也知道男人就是这样But you know how it is when you get those manly urges行动起来非得动手打架不可and you just gotta kill something,修理东西啦!野炊啦!Fix things, cook outdoors...你叫什么名字?What's your name?我…你校尉在问你话呢Your commanding officer just asked you a question.我有名字啊Uh, l've got a name.而且也是个男人的名字哦Ha! And it's a boy's name, too.阿宁,怎么样?Ling. How 'bout Ling?他才叫阿宁His name is Ling.我不是问他的名字l didn't ask for his name.我问的是你的名字l asked for yours!就叫…哈啾Try, uh, uh, ah, Chu.哈啾Ah Chu.哈啾?Ah Chu.保重身体啊!我真坏Gesundheit.Ha, ha. l kill myself.木须Mushu.木须?Mushu.-不,-那到底叫什么?-No,-Then what is it?叫平,平是我的最好的朋友Ping was my best friend growin' up.是花平lt's Ping.花平?Ping.当然啦,平抢走我的女...Of course, Ping did steal my...是,我叫花平Yes, my name is Ping.让我看下你的征召令Let me see your conscription notice.花弧,有名的花弧?Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou?我不知道花弧还有儿子?l didn't know Fa Zhou had a son.我爹很少提起我Um, he doesn't talk about me much.我有这种儿子也不会说出来好了,大伙儿Okay, gentlemen,多亏你们的新朋友,花平thanks to your new friend, Ping,今晚大家要把每一粒米捡干净you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice.明天,我们正式开始训练And tomorrow, the real work begins你得在人缘这方面多下工夫You know, we have to work on your people skills.太阳都升起来了,睡美人Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.起来,快……Come on. Hup, hup, hup.快穿好衣服,准备好Get your clothes on.Get ready.早饭给你弄好了Got breakfast for ya.看,稀饭哟Look, you get porridge,它在对你笑耶and it's happy to see you.滚开,你会害人生病的Hey, get outta there!You gonna make people sick.我迟到了吗?Am l late?没时间说话了No time to talk.今天是你第一天训练lt's your first day of training.要听老师话,别打架Listen to your teacher and no fightin'要乖Play nice除非有人想打你unless one of the other kids wanna fight.你才能踢他屁股Then you have to kick the other kid's butt.我不想踢人家屁股l don't wanna kick the other kid's butt.吃饭别说话Don't talk with your mouth full.让我看下你装狠Let's see your war face.这样吓不了人的求求你…吓吓我吧Come on! Scare me, girl.这才是我狠脸的战士That's my tough-lookin' warrior.走吧要让我感到骄傲哦Get out there and make me proud.军队已经出发了?The troops just left?他们什么了!They what?等下!你忘了你的剑了Wait! You forgot your sword.我的小宝贝要上战场了My little baby,off to destroy people.吵,你们吵什么?Order. People, order.我要炒一盘葱花蛋l'd like a pan-fried noodle.我要炒宫保虾仁,炒着肚丝啦Oh! Sweet and pungent shrimp.Moo goo gai pan.不好笑That's not funny!好像我们的新朋友今天睡过头了Looks like our new friend slept in this morning.你好啊,花平Hello, Ping.你饿不饿?Are ya hungry?是啊!因为我要赏你饱拳一顿Yeah, 'cause l owe you a knuckle sandwich.士兵们Soldiers!每天清早就要迅速整装集合You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning.任何人不听命令Anyone who acts otherwise我就让他好看will answer to me.好狠哦Ooh. Tough guy.阿尧Yao.谢谢你的自愿Thank you for volunteering.去把箭拿回来Retrieve the arrow.我去拿回来,小白脸l'll get that arrow, pretty boy,我穿着衣服也能拿and l'll do it with my shirt on.等一下One moment.你还少了点东西You seem to be missing something.这代表纪律This represents discipline,这代表力量and this represents strength.带着它们把箭取回吧You need both to reach the arrow.看来还有得训练呢We've got a long way to go. @ Let's get down to business - [all gasp]- @ To defeat the Huns- [all] Hoo-ah!- @ Did they send me daughters@ When I asked for sons@ You're the saddest bunch I ever met@ But you can bet before we're through@ Mister, I'll make a man@ Out of you[Li Shang] @ Tranquil as a forest @ But on fire within@ Once you find your center @ You are sure to win@ You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot@ And you haven't got a clue @ Somehow I'll make a man@ Out of you@ I'm never gonna catch my breath@ Say good-bye to those who knew me@ Boy, was I a fool in school For cutting gym[Mushu] @ This guy's got 'em Scared to death[Mulan] @ Hope he doesn't see Right through me@ Now I really wishThat I knew how to swim[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river@ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon@ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire@ Mysterious as the dark side Of the moon@ Time is racing toward us@ Till the Huns arrive@ Heed my every order@ And you might survive@ You're unsuited for the rage of war@ So pack up, go home you're through@ How could I make a man@ Out of you[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river@ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon@ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire- @ Mysterious as the dark side - [men cheering]@ Of the moon@ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river@ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon@ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire- @ Mysterious as the dark side - [all grunting]@ Of the moon @你们看到什么?What do you see?黑松木Black pine,来自高山的……from the high mountains.一匹白马,京城的良马White horse hair.lmperial stallions.硫磺,是大炮Sulfur, from cannons.这娃娃来自同萧关的村子This doll came from a village in the Tung Shao Pass,京城士兵在那儿埋伏where the imperial army is waiting for us.我们能轻松避开他们We can avoid them easily.不,最快进京城就是经过那关No.The quickest way to the emperor is through that pass.除此之外And besides,小女孩会想念他的娃娃the little girl will be missing her doll.我们该还给她We should return it to her.这不太好啦No, this is not a good idea.被人看到怎么办?What if somebody sees you?就算要看上去像男人Just because l look like a man 也不必弄得浑身发臭doesn't mean l have to smell like one.有些人袜子都没洗啊So a couple of guys don't rinse out their socks.挑剔Picky, picky, picky.我自己有点喜欢那股怪味道Well, myself, l kind of like that corn chip smell.够了…All right. That's enough.你再泡就要脱皮了Get out before you get all pruny and stuff.木须Mushu,如果你这么担心,就帮我看着啊if you're so worried,go stand watch.是啊…Yeah, yeah.帮我守着,木须Stand watch, Mushu,别让我被人揭穿,受不了while l blow our secret with my stupid girlie habits.'我们完蛋了!We're doomed!他们一定会发现有两点不同There are a couple of things l know they're bound to notice!花平Hey, Ping!嗨!哥儿们Oh, hi, guys.我不知道你们来了l didn't know you were here.我刚洗好l was just washing.现在干净了我要走了,再见So now l'm clean, and l'm gonna go. Bye-bye.回来嘛Come back here.我知道我们以前对你不太好l know we were jerks to you before,让我们重新开始吧so let's start over.嗨!我叫阿宁Hi. l'm Ling.我叫金宝And l'm Chien-Po.嗨!金宝我…And I..叫阿尧am Yao!石头之王King of the rock!跟你们这些娘娘腔不一样And there's nothin' you girls can do about it.是吗?Oh, yeah?我和花平就对付得了你Well, l think Ping and l can take you.我真的不想对付他l really don't wanna take him anywhere.花平,我们得打呀Ping, we have to fight!不,我们不要No, we don't.我们可以闭上眼晴We could just close our eyes 并且游远一点and swim around.来啦,别像个女...Come on. Don't be such a gir...有东西咬我Ouch! Something bit me!味道真恶心What a nasty flavor.蛇!Snake!有蛇!Snake!蛇……Snake!岩石之王不错嘛Some king of the rock. Aah!天啊,好险Boy, that was close.才怪,真下流!你欠我一个大大的人情No. That was vile.You owe me big.我再也不想看到脱光的男人l never want to see a naked man again.别看我Hey, don't look at me.我再不咬屁股了l ain't bitin' no more butts.你以为你军队准备好上战场吗? You think your troops are ready to fight?没两下就会被匈奴打垮Ha! They would not last a minute against the Huns!他们完成了训练They completed their training.那些小毛孩不适合做士兵……Those boys are no more fit to be soldiers你也不适合做校尉than you are to be captain.等将军看到我的报告Once the general reads my report,你们就别想上战场your troops will never see battle.你休想,我一定要让木兰上战场Oh, no, you don't!I've worked too hard to get Mulan into this war.那家伙坏了我的计划哎This guy's messin' with my plan.我还没说完We're not finished!小心点,校尉Be careful, Captain.将军是你的父亲The general may be your father,但是我是皇上的宰相but l am the emperor's counsel.顺便说一句…And, oh, by the way,那个职位是我靠自己努力得来的l got that job on my own.退下吧You're dismissed.我抓着他让你打Hey. l'll hold him, and you punch.当我没说Or not.我觉得……For what it's worth,你是了不起的校尉l think you're a great captain.我看出来了l saw that.什么?What?你喜欢他,对吧?You like him, don't you?没,我…No! l ..是的没错了!回你的帐篷去!Yeah, right, sure.Go to your tent!现在该我们掌控战局了l think it's time we took this war into our own hands.让我看看Let me see what you got.李将军书From General Li.儿子,我们在关口等待匈奴Dear son,we're waiting for Huns at the pass.如果你来支援就意义重大lt would mean a lot if you'd come back us up.''不错,不过你忘了,因为我们缺花粉That's great. Except you forgot,Since we're out of potpourri,也许你不介意带送一点来perhaps you wouldn't mind bringing some.''拜托,这是军书哎Hello! This is the army!要听起来更紧急一点Make it sound more urgent!知道我说的吗?Know what l'm talkin' about?这还差不多,走吧That's better.Much better. Let's go.阿汗小亲亲Khanny, baby.我们要搭个便车Hey, we need a ride.不知羞耻的无赖lnsubordinate ruffians!你们欠我一双新的拖鞋You men owe me a new pair of slippers!我才不会像娘儿们乱叫And l do not squeal like a girl.将军府有令Urgent news from the general.怎么,没见过特殊快递吗? What's the matter? You've never seen a black and white before?你是谁?Who are you?什么?我想问题是,你是谁Excuse me?l think the question is, who are you?我们正在打仗哎,老兄We're in a war, man!没时间问蠢问题There's no time for stupid questions!我应该摘下你的乌沙帽l should have your hat for that.Snatch it right off your head.但我今天大发慈悲But l'm feeling gracious today,就不告发你了so carry on before l report you.校尉,将军府来急今Captain, urgent news from the general!前线需要我们支援We're needed at the front.收拾行李,蟋蟀,我们走Pack your bags, Cri-Kee.We're movin' out.@ For a long time We've been marching off to battle长期训练只为上战场@ In our thundering herd We feel a lot like cattle像头大黄牛拉车耕田[mooing]@ Like a pounding beat our aching feet昂首迈大步@ Aren't easy to ignore不容忽视@ Hey! Think of instead待凯旋归来@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我That's what l said.我就这个意思@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ I want her paler than the moon 我的她皎白像月亮@ With eyes that shine like stars 眼眸赛星光[Yao] @ My girl will marvel At my strength我的她欣赏我健壮@ Adore my battle scars羡慕我满身伤疤[Chien-Po] @ I couldn't care less What she'll wear不管她穿啥衣裳@ Or what she looks like或长啥模样@ It all depends on what she cooks like我只希望她是好厨娘@ Beef, pork, chicken, mmm牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉@ Bet the local girls thought You were quite the charmer这里的姑娘以为你是个大帅哥@ And I'll bet the ladies Love a man in armor世上美女迷恋盔甲戎装的男人[men] @ You can guess What we have missed the most我们错过了什么- @ Since we went off to war自从我们去战场- [Ling] @ What do we want- @ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ My girl will think I have no faults我的她认为我没缺点@ That I'm a major find我是大好人@ Uh, how 'bout a girl who's got a brain聪明有智慧的女人如何呢- @ Who always speaks her mind- [together] nah!还有自己的主张 - 切@ My manly ways and turn of phrase我为人风趣@ Are sure to thrill her逗她乐弯腰@ He thinks he's such a lady-killer 他觉得自己是妇女杀手。
耶证 耶稣证言 TC-Testimony of Jesus
节 论节制 TE-Temperance
传证 给传道人的证言 TM-Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
历 历代愿望 DA-Desire of Ages,The
日记 怀氏日记 Diary
教 教育论 ED-Education
尚证 尚未出版之证言 E.from U.T.-Extracts Unpublished Testimoni-
公 全球总会公报 GCB-GC Bulletin
妙 奇妙的神恩 GAG-God's Amazing Grace
助 传道良助 GW-Gospel Workers
养 养生之道 L- How to Live(Six Pamphlets)
特证 给教会的特别证言 Sp.T-Special Testimonies The
救 救赎的故事 SR-Story of Redemption,THe
时 时兆 ST-Signs of the Times
指南 文字布道士指南 CM-Coporteur Ministry
路 天路 COL-Christ'Object Lessons
乡 乡间生活 Country Living
管 给管家的勉言 CS-Counsels on Stewardship
基教 基督教育原理 FE-Fundamentals of Christian Education
信 信仰的基础 FLB-Faaith I Live By,The
善 善恶之争 GC-Great Controversy,The
Hello. 你好! Hello. 你好! Hello. 你好! Hi. 嗨! Hello. 你好! Hello. 你好! Hello? 你们好! Queen Clarion. 克拉昂女王陛下来了 Born of laughter, clothed in cheer, 在充满快乐的笑声中 happiness has brought you here. 你诞生在这个欢乐的世界 Welcome to Pixie Hollow. 欢迎你来到小精灵山谷 小仙子 I trust you found your way all right, 我相信你一定有自己的愿望 I think so. 是的 Now, let's see about those wings. 这是你的翅膀 What are these things? 这些是什么东西? They will help you find your talent, little one. 它们会帮助你,找到自己的才艺 But how will I know which one is... 可是,我要怎么得到它呢? You'll know. 你会知道的 Hmm. 嗯. Whoa! 哇!
Tinker Bell’s Special Gift
Like every fairy ,Tinker Bell has a beautiful pair of transparent wing. A pretty little fairy was born into this world, welcomed by everyone, each one who came into the world of the elves have their own talent, and what is Bell’s?
So when a newborn baby gives her first laughter,there is a petal of a dandelion(英 ['dændɪlaɪən]n. 蒲公英)dancing with the wind and landing on the fairy kingdom.Since tnen,Tinker Bell was born.
《冰雪奇缘》台词中英文对照<music>Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰This icy force both foul and fair.冰雪严寒只等闲Has a frozen heart worth mining.誓破坚冰续奇缘Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.劈开冰块冷又坚Strike for love And Strike for fear.战胜恐惧求真爱See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.冰雪美人冷艳又危险Split the ice apart.掘开寒冰勇向前And break the frozen heart.用爱融化冰封的心!Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去Beautiful! Powerful!美丽又强大!Dangerous! Cold!寒冷又危险!Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.冰雪的魔力难驾驭Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.一当十一当百Stronger than a hundred men!谁人能挡寒冬至?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰This icy force both Foul and Fair.冰雪严寒只等闲Has a frozen heart worth mining.誓破坚冰续奇缘Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.劈开冰块冷又坚Strike for love and strike for fear.战胜恐惧求真爱There's beauty and there's Danger here.冰雪美人冷艳又危险Split the ice apart!掘开寒冰勇向前Beware the frozen heart.用爱融化冰封的心!Come on, Sven!快跟上斯特!Elsa. Psst艾莎喂Elsa!艾莎!Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒快醒醒Anna, go back to sleep.安娜快回去睡觉I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着天还醒着我也醒着so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?Come on, come on, come on, come on.快!快!姐姐快!Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法!用魔法!Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦!- 喔...This is amazing!哇!好神奇!Watch this!看好了!Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱!I love you, Olaf.我爱你雪宝Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我!-接住啦!Again! Wait!再来一次!-等下!Slow down!慢一点!Anna!安娜!Anna?安娜?Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸!You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的安娜姐姐抱Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾莎你做了什么?你又乱用魔法了!It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.都是我不小心对不起安娜- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉!-我知道怎样救她Ice?雪?Faster, Sven!快点斯特!Sven!斯特!Please... Help!请帮帮我们!My daughter!救救我的女儿!He is the King!哦!是国王!Trolls...?地精?Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘听听他们在说什么Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.小可爱干脆留下来别走了0Your Majesty!陛下!Born with the powers or cursed?她的魔力是天生的还是受到了诅咒?Born. And they're getting stronger.天生的而且越来越强了You are lucky it wasn't her heart.好在没有击中她的心脏The heart is not so easily changed,冰封的心很难融化But the head can be persuaded.打在头上,我还有办法Do what you must.快救救她吧I recommend we remove all magic,我会消除魔法的效果even memories of magic to be safe...还有关于魔法的记忆,也一同抹去But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.别担心我会留下快乐的记忆She will be okay.她会好的But she won't remember I have powers?她会忘记我有魔法?- It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,这样才安全- 听着艾莎your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大There is beauty in it...它会带来幸福But also great danger.也会带来灾难You must learn to control it.一定要学会掌控你的魔力Fear will be your enemy.记住,恐惧是你的敌人No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure.不我们会保护她她能做到的相信我Until then,在那之前we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门削减人手We will limit her contact with people减少她与外界的交往and keep her powers hidden from everyone...她的魔力决不能被别人知道including Anna.包括安娜Elsa?艾莎?<music>Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?Come on let's go and play.快来我们一起玩I never see you anymore. Come out the door.好久没有见到你了出来吧It's like you've gone away.你就像消失了一样We used to be best buddies.我们曾是最好的伙伴And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.现在你却不理我你能告诉我原因吗Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?It doesn't have to be a snowman.玩什么都可以呀Go away, Anna.走开安娜...Okay bye.好吧拜The gloves will help. See...这幅手套可以控制你的魔力...- Conceal it. - Don't feel it.隐藏好-别去想Don't let it show.别让别人发现<music>Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?Or ride our bike around the hall?还是在城堡里骑车?I think some company is overdue...我一个人烦闷又无聊..I've started talking to the pictures on the walls.每天跟墙上的画像讲话Hang in there, Joan.坚持住贞德It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms.这些房子空得让人好寂寞Just watching the hours tick by.只能盯着钟表数着一秒一秒I'm scared. It's getting stronger.我很害怕我的魔力越来越强大了Getting upset only makes it worse.你越害怕就越难控制它Calm down.冷静下来No. Don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you.别碰我我怕伤着你See you in two weeks.两周后见109- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine, Elsa.你们真的要去吗?-你会没事的艾莎Elsa?艾莎?<music>Please, I know you're in there.艾莎我知道你在里面People are asking where you've been,大家都在问你去哪了They say have courage and I'm trying to...他们叫我要坚强我会的I'm right out here for you. Just let me in.我在外面等你让我进来吧We only have each other.现在只剩我和你It's just you and me.姐妹相依为命What are we gonna do?我们该怎么办?Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?(三年后)Welcome to Arendelle! Thank you, Sir!欢迎来到阿伦戴尔欢迎!Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon.注意脚下大门马上要打开了Why do I have to wear this?我一定要穿这个吗?Because the Queen has come of age.今天城门就要打开了It's Coronation Day!女王的加冕日!That's not my fault.跟我有什么关系- What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什么斯特? -给我点吃的!What's the magic word? Please!先说口令!-求你了!A..a... a... a! Share!喂!给我留点!I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!真不敢相信,城门终于打开了!And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦!Faster, Persi!快亲爱的!Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.阿伦戴尔我们最神秘的贸易伙伴Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开大门,让我揭开你的秘密and exploit your riches.榨干你的财富...Did I just say that out loud?我是不是说的太大声了?Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to.我已经等不急要进去了See the Queen and the Princess.拜见女王和公主!I bet they're absolutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极了I bet they are beautiful.她们一定是大美女Princess Anna...?安娜公主?...Huh? Yeah?恩?- Sorry to wake you, ma'am but... - No, no, no. You didn't.很抱歉叫醒您-哦,没,没事I've been up for hours.我早就起来了...呵欠Who is it?嗯?谁在外面?It's still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon.呃,还是我,城门马上就要打开了Time to get ready. Of course!您该起床做准备了!-哦,当然!Ready for what?准备什么?Your sister's coronation, ma'am.您姐姐的加冕典礼,殿下My sister's cor-neration...我姐姐的加冕...It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!<music>The window is open! So's that door!所有的门窗都打开了!I didn't know they did that anymore.真不敢相信门开了!Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates...?宴会的盘子足有八千个For years I have roamed these empty halls.空荡荡大厅独徘徊Why have a ballroom with no balls?不举办舞会好寂寞Finally, they're opening up the gates!今天终于把门打开了!There'll be real, actual people四方宾客汇聚一堂It'll be totally strange.这是多么奇妙的事But wow am I so ready for this change!为了今天的改变,我已准备多时了!For the first time in forever,这将是我生命里第一次There'll be music, there'll be light.引吭高歌点亮希望For the first time in forever,这是我生命里第一次I'll be dancing through the night.热舞狂欢彻夜不眠Don't know if I'm elated or gassy,也许我太激动了But I'm somewhere in that zone.但我真的好开心'Cause for the first time in forever,因为这将是我生命里第一次I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone... 我不会再寂寞!我已等不及见大家了What if I meet "the one"?对了,如果遇到那个"他"?Tonight, imagine me gown and all.想象今夜穿着新晚装Fetchingly draped against the wall.优雅妩媚倚着墙The picture of sophisticated Grace.美丽端庄又大方I suddenly see him standing there,有个帅哥站一旁a beautiful stranger tall and fair.身材高大眼睛亮I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!我心跳加速小鹿撞,想把巧克力全吃光!But then we laugh and talk all evening,我们整晚欢笑聊不停Which is totally bizarre.这感觉美妙又奇异Nothing like the life I've led so far.我的生活此刻才开放For the first time in forever,这将是我生命里第一次There'll be magic, There'll be fun.感受惊喜充满乐趣For the first time in forever,这是我生命里第一次I could be noticed by someone.邂逅爱情不再孤单And I know it is totally crazy.这种想法也许很疯狂To dream I'd find romance.幻想就要遇到真爱But for the first time in forever,但这至少是我第一次At least I've got a chance!改变人生的好机遇!Don't let them in. Don't let them see.别让人知道别让人发现Be the good girl You always have to be.做个好女孩,就像你的从前Conceal. Don't feel.躲藏收敛Put on a show.在众人面前Make one wrong move and everyone will know. 一出错会让大家都发现But it's only for today.但是只有在今天It's only for today! It's agony to wait.-只有在今天!-跟痛苦说再见It's agony to wait.-跟痛苦说再见Tell the guards to open up the...让守卫把大门全打开!The gate!-打开!For the first time in forever.这是我生命里第一次Don't let them in don't let them see-别让人知道别让人发现I'm getting what I'm dreaming of.多年梦想终实现Be the good girl you always have to be.-做个好女孩,就像你的从前A chance to change my Only world.改变我孤单的世界Conceal. Conceal. Don't feel.-藏好,别去想- A chance to find true love - Don't See, Don't Feel, Don't Let them know.找到真爱的机遇-躲藏收敛不要被发现I know it all ends tomorrow,一切将结束So it has to be today!从今天开始改变!'Cause for the first time in forever...这将是我第一次...For the first time in forever!这是我生命里第一次!Nothing's in my way!幸福前路无人挡!Hey! -I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?喂!!-对不起!你没事吧?Hey!嘿!I-ya, no. No. I'm okay. - Are you sure?哦我...没事-真的吗?Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going.我刚刚走路没看路...- But I'm great, actually. - Oh, thank goodness.但是我没事,真的- 哦!谢天谢地Oh... Umm... 喔...嗯...Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.我是南艾尔斯的汉斯王子Princess Anna of Arendelle. -Princess...?我是阿伦戴尔的安娜公主-公主?My Lady.殿下!Hi... again.嗨...呵呵Oh boy.噢...欸Ha. This is awkward. Not you're awkward,嗯...这有点尴尬,呃...我不是说你but just because we're...I'm awkward.但我们确实...我是说我挺尴尬的You're gorgeous. Wait, what?你很...优雅...呃,什么?I'd like to formally apologize for我正式的为我不小心hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...骑马撞上了美丽的阿伦戴尔公主以及...And for every moment after.之后所有的事情道歉!No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT Princess.哦...没关系的,我不是“那种”公主I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...如果你撞到的是我姐姐艾莎,喔~~那可惨了... Cuz, you know...你懂的,哈哈...Hello.你好啊~~But, lucky you, it's-it's just me.还好,你...撞到的是我Just you?你?...The bells. The coronation.哦!敲钟了,典礼要开始了I... I...我...哎呀我...I better go. I have to...I better go.我要走了,我要...我真的得走了...Bye!再见!Your Majesty, The gloves.陛下,手套!(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok诵经krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear...诵经...Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎Princess Anna of Arendelle!阿伦戴尔公主安娜Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay.站这儿?你确定?我觉得有点...好吧Hi.嗨Hi me...? Oh. Um. Hi.跟我说吗? 噢...嗨You look beautiful...Thank you.你很今天漂亮-谢谢You look beautifuller. I mean, not Fuller.你更“泡亮”...哦,不是“泡亮”You don't look Fuller, but more beautiful.不是“胖”...我是说...你更漂亮一些Thank you.谢谢So, this is what a party looks like?原来,舞会就是这样的啊?It's warmer than I thought.比我想的还要热闹一点And what is that amazing smell?这是什么味道? 好香... Chocolate.巧克力!Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.陛下猥琐屯公爵求见Weselton. The Duke of Weselton..威斯顿!我是威斯顿公爵...Your Majesty,陛下As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的贸易伙伴It seems only fitting that I offer you.我想邀请您跳加冕后的第一支舞Your first dance as Queen.望陛下赏光Thank you... Only I don't dance.谢谢...但我不会跳舞But my sister does.不过我妹妹会Lucky you... -Oh, I don't think...你真幸运-我可不觉得...If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you.如果你被我转晕了,我会接着你的Sorry.不好意思Like an agile peacock...看我像只灵活的孔雀Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.你们能打开城门真是太好了Why did they shut them in the first place?以前干嘛要关上呢?Do you know the reason? Hmm?你知道原因吗? 嗯?No. -No...不知道-不知道?Oh, all right. Hang on.好吧,我们继续They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.我可是个“舞林高手”哦!Like a chicken...with the face of a monkey... I fly.看我跳“鸡舞”...“猴子舞”...飞起来啦!Let me know when you're ready for another round, M'Lady.希望下次还能有幸邀您公主殿下Well, he was sprightly.哈!他真是活跃Especially for a man in heels.穿了高跟鞋还这么能蹦跶Are you okay? - I've never been better.你还好吗? -我好得很呢!This is so nice.我今天好开心I wish it could be like this all the time.真希望永远都能像今天一样Me too...我也希望...But it can't.但是不行Why not? -If...It just can't.为什么不行? -就是..不行Excuse me for a minute.对不起我失陪一会儿Glad I caught you. - Hans!又接住你了-汉斯!I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide...Oops. Sorry.经常只有我一个人在大厅里滑...哦不好意思... Your physique helps I'm sure too....你这么强壮肯定没问题What's this? I was born with it,这是什么?-哦,生下来就长了Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.其实,我曾梦到被一个地精吻过I like it.真有趣Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.对!整个都吞下去!哈哈,你做到了Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?对了,你有多少兄弟来着?Twelve older brothers.十二个哥哥Three of them pretended I was invisible...其中三个哥哥在过去两年里...literally... for two years.完全把我当透明的- That's horrible. - It's what brothers do.太可怕了-兄弟之间就是这样... And sisters.姐妹之间也是Elsa and I were really close when we were little.我跟艾莎小时候玩的可好了But then, one day she just shut me out, and...可是有一天,她突然把我关在门外不理我了And I never knew why.直到现在我都不知道为什么I would never shut you out.我的门永远向你敞开Okay, can I just say something crazy?呃,我能不能说点“疯话”?I love crazy.你说什么我都爱听<music>All my life has been a series of doors in my face.我的一生总有很多门挡着我And then suddenly I bump into you.直到今天遇见你I was thinking the same thing, because like...我也是这么想的,因为...I've been searching my whole life to find my own place.我也用我的一生寻找新天地And maybe it's the party talking,大概是舞会上的偶遇Or the chocolate fondue.不知是否有意义But with you...直到遇见你...I found my place.我看到新天地I see your face.我找到新感觉And it's nothing like I've ever known before.这种感觉我从来未有过Love is an open... door!爱的门打开了!Love is an open... door...Door...爱的门打开了Love is an open... door...爱的门打开了With you! With you!遇见你!遇见你!Love is an open door.爱的门打开了I mean it's crazy. What?我们很疯狂-怎么了?We finish each other's...Sandwiches!我们吃彼此的... -三明治!That's what I was gonna say!你抢了我的词!I've never met someone...Who thinks so much like me.我从未见过谁想法和我一致Jinx... jinx again.巧合...你看多巧!Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one explanation, 我们心有灵犀,这只有一种解释You and I were just meant to be.我和你注定在一起Say goodbye.昨天To the pain of the past.痛苦说再见We don't have to feel it anymore!不用再感受它的折磨Love is an open... door!爱的门打开了!Love is an open door!爱的门打开了!Life can be so much more...with you! With you!生活有多快乐...能够跟你一起!Love is an open... door.爱的门打开了Can I say something crazy...?我能不能说句“疯话”?Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?Can I just say something even crazier?我能说句更疯狂的吗?Yes.我愿意Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there?哦!不好意思,借过!Thank you. Oh, there she is.谢谢...哦,她在这儿Elsa! I mean... Queen...艾莎! 我是说...陛下...Me again. May I present,我又来了我想向您介绍Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.南艾尔斯的汉斯王子Your Majesty.女王陛下We would like...your blessing...希望您能...祝福我们的...of... our marriage!婚礼!Marriage...? Yes!婚礼?!-是的!I'm sorry, I'm confused.不好意思...我有点晕Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.好吧我们确实还有一些细节需要商量We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony.得花上几天好好策划一下我们的婚礼Of course we'll have soup,宴会上要有鲜汤roast, and ice cream and then...烤肉,冰淇淋还有...Wait. Would we live here?等下我们可以住在这里吗?Here? -Absolutely!这里?-当然!Anna...安娜...Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us...也可以把你的十二个哥哥都请来住... What? No, no, no, no, no.什么? 不不,等一下Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...这里的房间足够给他们住,而且... Wait. Slow down.不,等一下No one's brothers are staying here.他们不能住在这儿No one is getting married.你也不能和他结婚Wait, what?什么?May I talk to you, please. Alone.我能单独跟你谈谈吗? 就我们俩No. Whatever you have to say, you...不无论你想说什么 can say to both of us.跟我们两人一起说好了Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.好吧你不能嫁给一个你才刚认识的人You Can if it's true love.我能,如果是真爱就可以Anna, what do you know about true love?安娜你知道什么是真爱吗?More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.比你清楚,你只会把人拒之门外You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.你要我祝福你们两人的婚礼我的答案是不可以Now, Excuse me.不好意思,我失陪了Your Majesty, if I may ease your...陛下,请允许我...No, you may not. And I-I think you should go.我不允许而且我想...你该走了The party is over. Close the gates.舞会结束了把门关上Yes, Your Majesty.是,陛下What? Elsa, no. No, wait!什么? 艾莎不!不!别...Give me my glove!把手套还给我!Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore.艾莎,求你了!我不能再忍受这样的生活了... Then leave.那就...离开吧... What did I ever do to you?!我到底哪里招惹你了?Enough, Anna.别说了...安娜No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!不为什么?为什么要把我拒之门外?Why do you shut the world out?!为什么要把自己和整个世界隔绝?!What are you so afraid of?!你到底在害怕什么?I said, enough!别说了!Sorcery. I knew there was妖术我早知道something dubious going on here.这里一定藏着不可告人的内幕Elsa...?艾莎...?There she is.女王来了-Your Majesty! -Long live the Queen! -Queen Elsa...-陛下!-女王万岁!-女王陛下...-Come drink with us.-来跟我们一起喝酒-Queen Elsa.-女王陛下Your Majesty? Are you all right?陛下?你没事吧?There she is! Stop her!她在那!抓住她!Please, just stay away from me.求你们,离我远一点...Stay away!远一点!Monster... Monster!妖怪...她是个妖怪!Elsa!艾莎!Elsa...艾莎...Wait, Please!请等一下!Elsa, Stop!艾莎不要走!Anna! -No.安娜! -不!The Fjord.看!峡湾...Snow?下雪了?Yes, snow!是雪!Are you all right? -No.你没事吧?-有事Did you know? -No.你以前知道吗?-不知道Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!看!下雪了!下雪了!The Queen has cursed this land!女王诅咒了这片土地!She must be stopped!一定要阻止她!You have to go after her... -Wait, no!你们快去追她-等等,不要!You! Is there sorcery in you, too?你!你也会使妖法吗?Are you a monster, too?你也是个妖怪吗?No. No. I'm completely ordinary.不不我只是个普通人That's right she is.当然,她很普通... In the best way.我是说...很正常的人And my sister's not a monster.我姐姐也不是妖怪She nearly killed me.她差点杀了我!You slipped on ice...-Her ice!你自己在冰上滑倒了... -那可是她变出来的!It was an accident. She was scared.这只是一次意外她被吓坏了She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this...她不是有意的,不是有意造成这一切... Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚全是我的错惹恼了她So I'm the one that needs to go after her.我一定要把她追回来-What? -Yeah. -Bring me my horse, please.什么? -把我的马牵来Anna, no. It's too dangerous.安娜别去太危险了Elsa's not dangerous.艾莎一点也不危险I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.我会带她回来把一切恢复原样I'm coming with you... -No.我跟你一起去.. -不I need you here to take care of Arendelle.我需要你留守阿伦戴尔On my honor.十分荣幸!I leave Prince Hans in charge!我授权汉斯王子暂时负责这里!Are you sure you can trust her?你真的信任她吗?I don't want you getting hurt.我不能让你受伤She's my sister,她是我的姐姐She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我<music>The Snow glows white on the mountain tonight,白雪发亮今夜铺满山上Not a footprint to be seen.与世隔绝的地方A kingdom of isolation.孤寂的王国很荒凉And it looks like I'm the Queen.我是这里的女王The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.狂风呼啸就像心里的风暴一样Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried...只有天知道我受过的伤...Don't let them in, Don't let them see,绝对不能让人发现Be the good girl you always have to be.做个好女孩就像你的从前Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know.藏好,别让他人看见Well, Now they know.但已被发现Let it go. Let it go.随他吧随他吧Can't hold it back anymore.回头已没有办法Let it go. Let it go.随他吧随他吧Turn away and Slam the door.一转身不再牵挂I don't care what they're going to say.我不管随他们说什么Let the storm rage on.任凭风吹雨打The cold never bothered me anyway.反正冰天雪地我也不怕It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small. 远离喧嚣我心终得安逸And the fears that once controlled me.曾经困扰我的恐惧Can't get to me at all.已远离我回忆It's time to see what I can do,现在开始放下一切To test the limits and Break through.挑战我的突破和极限No right, No wrong, No rules for me...没有规则,没有界限I'm free!自由的天地!Let it go! Let it go!他吧随他吧I am one with the wind and sky.与风和天空对话Let it go! Let it go!随他吧随他吧You'll never see me cry.眼泪不再掉下Here I Stand And...让我坚持Here I'll stay.让我留下Let the storm rage on...哪怕风雪一直刮My power flurries through the air into the ground.我的力量从空气中扩散到地上My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around.我的灵魂与冰共舞塑造各种形状And one thought crystallizes like An icy blast...我的思想结晶变成锋利的闪光I'm never going back,我永不回头看The Past is in the Past!过去已被埋葬Let it go! Let it go!随他吧随他吧And I'll rise like the break of Dawn.曙光找回自我Let it go! Let it go!随他吧随他吧That perfect girl is gone.多年压抑全随风去Here I stand in the light of day.拥抱阳光我重获新生Let the storm rage on!就让风雪咆哮吧The cold never bothered me anyway.反正冰天雪地我也不怕Elsa! Elsa!艾莎! 艾莎!Elsa, It's me, Anna...艾尔莎是我安娜..Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.我并不是想让你把全城都冻住I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault.对不起都是我...我的错Of course, none of this would have happened真是的,她以前怎么不告诉我if she'd just told me her secret... ha...早知道的话,这一切也不会发生了...She's a stinker.真讨厌Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No.啊!别跑别跑快回来不Oooo-Kay.好...吧Snow, it had to be snow,雪干嘛非要是雪She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic她怎么不使个什么火焰系的魔法that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm...把峡湾铺上热带沙滩还有暖和的...Fire! Whoa!火!有人生火!Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.旅行者的奥肯小屋Ooh! And Sauna...喔!还有桑拿...Big summer blow out.嗨!夏日大酬宾Half off swimming suits, clogs,泳装半价木屐打折And a sun balm of my own invention, yah?还有我自己发明的防晒霜,怎么样?Oh, great.哦,好For now, how about boots,不过...有靴子吗Winter boots... and dresses?冬天穿的...还有冬装?That would be in our winter department.都在冬季服装专区Oh. Um, I was just wondering...Has another young woman,哦,嗯,我打听一下...有没有一位年轻的女士The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?看起来像是女王什么的,可能是吧...路过这里?Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear.只有你这样的奇葩才会在这种天气出门,亲You and this fellow... Hoo hoo.又进来一朵...哟呼!Big summer blow out.夏日大酬宾Carrots. -Hah?胡萝卜!-啊?Behind you.你后面Oh, right. Excuse me.哦,不好意思A real howler in July, Yes?七月飞雪,好大的雪啊Where ever could it be coming from?你这是打哪嘎达过来的?The North Mountain.北山North Mountain.北山?That'll be forty.一共40,谢谢Forty? No, ten.40?10块!Oh dear, that's no good. See.这可不行,亲These are from our winter stock,这些都是我们冬季的存货where supply and demand have a big problem.反季商品,我已经亏本卖了You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?你跟我说亏本?I sell ice for a living.我可是卖冰的啊亲!Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now.晕,这种天气卖冰块...I mean, that is really...你可真会做生意Ahem. That's unfortunate.倒霉孩子Still forty. But I will throw in a不,不能还价,不过可以免费...visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo!赠送一次奥肯桑拿哟呼!Hi, family.嗨亲们!Ten's all I got. Help me out.我就剩10块了,帮个忙Ten will get you this and no more.10块,那就只能买萝卜了Okay, just tell me one thing...What was等下,我先打听个事儿......happening on the North Mountain?北山那边到底发生了什么?Did it seem magical?被人施了魔法?Yes! Now, back up是的!你先闪边儿while I deal with this crook here.看我怎么收拾这个奸商What did you call me?你叫我什么?Okay. Okay, I'm-Ow! Whoa!别别我...哇!哎呀...Bye bye.拜拜No Sven, I didn't get your carrots.没有,斯特,我没买到胡萝卜But I did find us a place to sleep.但是我找到了一个过夜的好地方And it's free.免费哦I'm sorry about this violence.不好意思没吓着你吧I will add a quart of lutefisk,我可以附送一罐腌鱼So We'll have good feelings.作为小小的补偿Just the outfit and boots, yah?衣服和靴子还要点别的吗?Reindeers are better than people.驯鹿的心地比人好Sven, Don't you think that's true?斯特你早知道-Yeah, People will beat you & Curse you & Cheat you.-那些人会打你会咒你会骗你-Every one of em's bad, Except you.-他们的人品可没你好Oh, Thanks, Buddy.哈,谢了兄弟But People smell better than Reindeers.但是驯鹿的气味可没人好Sven, Don't you think I'm right?斯特,你说是吧?-That's once again true, For all Except you.-没错人身上可没臭味,除了你You got me. Let's call it a night.还说我赶快睡觉吧-Good night.-晚安Don't let the Frostbite bite.不要冻伤了就好Nice duet.唱的挺好啊Oh, it's just you.又是你What do you want?有事吗?I want you to take me up the North Mountain.我想让你带我去北山I don't take people places.我不带人Let me rephrase that...那么我换一种说法...Take me up the North Mountain...带我去北山Please.请带我去Look, I know how to stop this winter.我知道怎样终结这个严冬We leave at Dawn...天亮出发...And you forgot the carrots for Sven.你忘了斯特的胡萝卜Oops. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't...噢不好意思我不是故意...We leave now. Right now.我们现在就出发!Hang on! We like to go fast!坐稳了!我要加速了!I like fast!没事我不怕Whoa, whoa! Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer.喂!把脚放下来这可是刚上的漆Seriously, were you raised in a barn?说真的你是在乡下长大的吧?Ew. No, I was raised in a castle.呃,我是在城堡里长大的So tell me, what made the Queen go all ice-crazy?说说看,女王是怎么把全国都给冻上了?Oh well, it was all my fault.唉其实其实是我的错。
Grace of Monaco《摩纳哥王妃(2014)》完整中英文对照剧本
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Cut, great.停太棒了That's a wrap, everyone!各位拍摄完毕!Great job, fantastic!干得漂亮棒极了!Fantastic!棒极了!That was amazing!太不可思议了!Nice. Beautiful job.真棒干得真棒That was glorious. Thank you.您简直是我们的荣耀太谢谢了Grace Kelly, the Academy Award winning Movie Star,格蕾丝·凯利出生于美国费城的born in Philadelphia, USA, is about to rejoin Prince Rainier III of Monaco, 奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角即将嫁给摩纳哥大公雷尼尔三世whose chance meeting with Grace in Cannes led to a whirlwind courtship, 他们在戛纳相遇后迅速的坠入了爱河and a feat no Hollywood leading man was ever able to accomplish,他完成了好莱坞一线男星遥不可及的梦想winning Grace Kelly's hand in marriage.与格蕾丝·凯利携手走入婚姻殿堂With their storybook romance nearing its happy ending,他们将迎来童话故事般浪漫的结局Miss Kelly boarded the liner Constitution with the rest of the Kelly family, 凯利小姐和她的家人将搭乘宪法号♥including her father Jack,包括她的父亲杰克who built a construction business that made him a millionaire这位从事建筑业并因此成为百万富翁的男人and an embodiment of the American dream.就是美国梦的化身Hollywood royalty joins Monegasque royalty...好莱坞显贵与摩纳哥皇室的结合...the century's biggest wedding in the world's smallest state.这一世纪婚礼将在世界上最小的国家举办Best wishes and presents have arrived from all over the world,全世界都向他们送上最好的祝福和礼物from kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers,这些祝福来自国王和王后们总统和首相们movie magnates and millionaires.影视圈巨头和百万富翁们Grace Kelly... now Her Serene Highness, the Princess of Monaco...格蕾丝·凯利... 现在的她是尊贵的殿下摩纳哥的公主...has left behind everything she's ever known for a new life in a new world,她为了新的世界新的生活舍弃了过去的一切destined to live happily ever after with her charming prince.注定今后会和她迷人的王子幸福地生活From here you can see the whole of Monaco, Mr Hitchcock.从这里你可以看到整个摩纳哥希区柯克先生Yes, I know.是的我知道You are to refer to her as Your Highness.你要称呼她为尊贵的殿下Or if you speak French, you can call her Votre Altesse.如果你讲♥法♥语也可以叫她尊贵的阁下Just Altesse is also acceptable, but Highness is not. Nor is Princess.只叫阁下也可以但是不能叫殿下也不能叫公主Are you coming or not, Mr Hitchcock?你要进来吗希区柯克先生?Remember to nod your head when you first make her presence, but do not bow. 记得见到她的时候点头示意但是不要鞠躬She's not the Queen of England.她不是英国女王Oh! You've grown so big!哦! 你都长这么大了!This is for you. First prize of the Monaco Young Poets' society.这个是给你的摩纳哥小小诗人社团第一名Oh!哦!Ma'am, you can't bend down.夫人您不能弯腰Oh... Pardon.哦... 抱歉Hitch!希区!This is the part where I say, "Cut!"这个时候我就该说停Marnie.艳贼记Marnie?艳贼记?So who's the leading man?那男主角呢?I don't know. Cubby Broccoli just made a spy movie with some Scottish fellow 我不知道卡比‧布洛柯里刚和一伙苏格兰人拍了一部间谍片he's raving about.他很有兴趣We go into production in spring.我们打算春天开机And Universal will pay you $1 million.环球公♥司♥会给你一百万的片酬Well, it's not about the money, Hitch.这不是钱的问题希区It's going to be the role of a lifetime, Gracie.这会是个千载难逢的角色格蕾丝Do I look that unhappy?我看起来这么不开心吗?You look tired.你看起来很累Where's Rainier?雷尼尔在哪儿?We rarely see each other.我们很少见面He er... He works a lot.他呃... 他工作很多We've prepared a room at the palace for you. You'll stay?我们在宫里给你准备了一间屋子你要留下吗?I have to get back to LA. Oh, please!我还得回洛杉矶去哦留下吧!I'm sorry, I left Evan alone with Cary Grant.抱歉我留伊万一个人和加里·格兰特在一起And goodness knows what they've done to my Birds script.天晓得他们会把剧本鸟改成什么样(鸟希区柯克著名影片之一)How is Cary?加里最近怎么样?Cary's great.他很好But his wife still sticks pins in your effigy every night.不过他老婆每天晚上都用大头针戳你的头像You're still an artist, Gracie.你还是个演艺家格蕾丝Don't forget it.别忘记这一点Hitch!希区!I'm fine.我过得很好Doesn't get better than this.不会再比现在更好了Highness.殿下Hey, when I screw a woman, I'm in it for the long haul, so to speak. 嘿这么说吧如果我上了一个女人那我就会一直上她That's what I said to Maria. Hey, be proud of your scandals.我就是这么跟玛丽亚说的嘿你得引以为荣啊What else are they gonna write about when you're gone?看看等你走的时候他们还会写些什么?That's not how it happened at all. No.事情才不是那样子的不是吧I was hoping we could talk privately.我希望我们能单独聊聊President De Gaulle is worried for French jobs.戴高乐总统很担心法国的工作We have to do something. Our treasury is practically empty.我们必须做点儿什么我们的国库几乎快空了So you steal our taxes...所以你偷我们的税 pay for all of this?来举办这种宴会?This is all an image, Monsieur Denard.这都是为了撑门面德纳尔先生Your president knows that. This is all we have left to sell.你的总统知道的我们只剩下门面可以卖♥♥了Madam, did you know you are sitting on the world's largest penis? 夫人你知不知道你正坐在世界上最大的阳♥具♥上面? My bar stools, made from whale's scrotum. Ari! Please!我的酒吧椅是用鲸鱼的阴♥茎♥做的安里! 别这样!It's all right, Antoinette. Mr Onassis was joking.没关系安托瓦妮特奥纳西斯先生只不过在开玩笑Ari, would you like me to confiscate your boat?安里你想让我把你的船充公吗?I'd like to leave now.我现在就想走了You're his sister, you have to stay.你是他的姐姐你必须呆在这儿Are any of your Hollywood friends here?你有好莱坞的朋友在这儿吗?Uh... no. No. This is Mr Onassis's party.呃... 不没有这是奥纳西斯先生的宴会He likes to be the biggest drunk on the boat.他喜欢当船上最大的酒鬼Well, our point is, the British will always side with the Americans.好吧我们的重点是英国永远都会和美国站在同一边Their Atlanticism will be the end of our culture.他们的大西洋文明会终结我们的文化的President de Gaulle believes we must pool our wealth and finance a third pillar, 戴高乐总统让我们必须将财力和经济发展成世界第三大支柱between the Soviets and the United States.介于美国和苏联之间That's what Europe must become.欧洲必须达成这一点What should I do about my children? About what?那我的孩子们该怎么办? 关于什么?Well, they're Monegasque and they're American.他们既是摩纳哥人又是美国人Perhaps I should drop them in the middle of the ocean?也许我应该把他们扔到海中间去?France is stuck in a terrible war in Algeria, Your Highness.法国正与阿尔及利亚陷入苦战殿下Many lives have been lost.我们失去了很多生命The very stability of our country is under threat.我们国家的安定正在受到威胁That means the stability of Europe is under threat.这就意味着欧洲的安定正在受到威胁One would ask why you are fighting a war in Africa.有人会想问为什么要在非洲开战Conflict is often a necessary evil.战争是不可避免的灾难Especially in the colonies.尤其在殖民地Oh, but colonialism is so last century.哦但是殖民♥主♥义都已经是上个世纪的事了I suspect one shouldn't occupy a princess with such... matters.我觉得不应该让一个公主参与到这种... 事务中I was brought up to participate.我从小就关心时局My father would have been most upset to see someone without enthusiasm.我父亲对那些不参与时事的人一向不耻Of course.当然It is the American way.美国人就这样Perhaps if it was the European way, we wouldn't have had Fascism, Communism如果欧洲也人人参与就不会出现法♥西♥斯♥主义共♥产♥主义or the need for your president's third pillar.也不需要你的总统的第三大支柱This is not America, Grace!这里不是美国格蕾丝!People don't just speak their minds. And why not?人们不是想什么就说什么的为什么不呢?Because that man is the chief treasury agent...因为那个人是国家财务部长...That man is a bully!那个人是个混♥蛋♥!He's the chief treasury agent to Charles de Gaulle!他是夏尔·戴高乐的国家财务部长The most powerful voice in Europe.欧洲最有发言权的人And I need him on my side if I'm ever to modernise this country.如果我想让摩纳哥走现代化的道路就必须让他站在我这边So what did you expect me to say? Say nothing! Say nothing!那你希望我说什么? 什么都不要说! 什么都不要说!Because everything you say has consequences.因为你说的每一句话都会产生影响Not now, Madge. Not now.现在不用马奇现在不用Isn't this what you wanted me to teach Caroline and Albert? Isn't it?这难道不是你想让我教给孩子们的吗? 难道不是吗?Never be afraid to speak your mind?教他们勇于说出心中所想?That's what you said you loved about me.你说你就是爱我这一点Madge said...马奇说...Hitchcock came to see you.希区柯克来找过你Madge said that?马奇说的?Yes, he came to see how I was.没错他来看看我过得怎么样He was passing through, and...他正好路过然后...It was nice to see him.见到他很高兴I wish you told me.我希望你能告诉我的I'd like to have seen him.我很想见见他This hospital's been abandoned for years.这家医院被荒废了好几年We don't even know if the floors are sound.我们甚至不知道这里的地板会不会响Ma'am, we simply cannot justify these repairs.夫人我们的财力不够修葺这家医院The hospital already accounts for most of our spending.这家医院占用了我们大部分的花销How about the palace gives you an endowment,如果宫里给你们捐赠and the Red Cross Committee matches it?然后红十字会也来捐助可以吗?If you pay to expand the orphanage,如果你出资扩建孤儿院the retirement homes will expect you to do the same, and then the schools.那么养老院也会希望你这么做然后是学校And you don't have the funds.而你没有基金My dear Countess, it's really very, very simple and necessary.亲爱的伯爵夫人这件事真的非常非常简单而且有必要All we have to do is convert this space into an open dormitory.我们所要做的就是把这里改成一个开放的宿舍And then we put partitions and each child will have their own separate living area. 然后我们做一些隔断这样每个小孩子都会有他自己的生活空间Simple.很简单Maybe we can vote for it in our plenary session tomorrow.也许我们应该在明天的全体大会上投票表决But now we must get back,但是现在我们必须回去了there's the small issue of the Annual Red Cross Ball to organise.还有一些关于红十字舞会的小事要处理But that's not due until October.但那是十月份的事It's the most important event in our social calendar.那是我们社交日历上最重要的事情了Besides, you just don't have the money for renovations right now.而且你现在也没有足够的钱来翻新I'm sorry, Countess, I mistakenly thought we were here to repair a hospital. 很抱歉伯爵夫人我本来以为我们在这儿是商量重建医院的103 new companies registered offices in Monaco in the last two years.在过去的两年里有103家新的公♥司♥在摩纳哥注册开业90 percent of them relocated from France.其中百分之90是从法国搬来的All of them came for your zero-tax.他们全都是冲着你的零税收来的And what do you want us to do about it?那你想让我们怎么办?Stop courting them. Oliver, come here! Come on!别再向他们献殷勤奥利弗过这儿来! 过来!Casinos. Come here, now!赌场过来快!That's what I've inherited, Emile.那是我所继承下来的埃米尔Good dog!好狗狗!A playground for French aristocrats.法国贵族的游乐场And that's a problem?那有什么问题吗?Oh, for the 10,000 people who live here, yes.哦对住在这里的一万多居民来说有问题Ordinary people need schools, hospitals.老百姓需要学校医院We make nothing, we export nothing.我们什么都不能生产什么都不能出口If France is going to drain Monaco of all she has,如果法国要将摩纳哥所有的一切都掏空it's not unreasonable to expect French businesses to pay for it.那么让法国的商人们来支付一点费用也不是什么不合理的事吧We find ourselves at an impasse, Your Highness.我觉得我们陷入了僵局殿下Because the President wants you to not only impose income tax in Monaco, 因为总统不仅希望你在摩纳哥征收所得税but to pay the proceeds to France.同时还希望你向法国纳税You want us to pay tax to France?你想让我们向法国纳税?This is a French protectorate因为摩纳哥是法国的庇护国which has only ever existed because of French good will.我们庇护你们是出于善意This is a sovereign nation.摩纳哥是主♥权♥国家Oliver, come on, boy.奥利弗过来好孩子My peers in Paris are not as understanding as I am.我巴黎的同僚们可不像我这么通情达理I'm to return tomorrow with your full acceptance.我希望明天带着你全盘接受的态度回国Please work with me, Your Highness.请合作殿下Does de Gaulle really want the children of Monaco戴高乐想让摩纳哥的孩子to grow up to be croupiers?长大都成为赌场总管吗?Some would say that would be an improvement.有人会说那也算是进步呢Some of Monaco's children are running around like their mother,有些摩纳哥的小孩像他们的母亲那样不识时务the offspring of a Philadelphia bricklayer.那些费城建筑工的后代Let me go.我们走Let me go. Mr. Pelletier...我们走佩尔蒂埃先生...May I, Mr. Pelletier?可以吗佩尔蒂埃先生?He slapped a French representative?他打了法国代表?Yes, he sent me away, expelled me from Monaco.他的他送走了我然后把我驱逐出了摩纳哥Tell De Gaulle he's becoming dangerously anti-French.告诉戴高乐他已经成了危险的反法分子You've been the principality priest for a long time.你已经当了公国的神父这么长时间You must know how complicated things are here, Tuck.你一定知道这里的事情有多复杂塔克Yes, I know, Gracie. I feel I made a mistake.是的我知道格蕾丝我觉得我犯了错误What kind of mistake?什么错误?Everything I do or say is wrong.我所说的所做的一切都是错的Everything.一切Do you know how I spent my afternoon?你知道我是怎么度过这个下午的吗?I was trying to persuade the good ladies of the Red Cross我劝说红十字会的那些贵妇人that repairing a hospital wing重建一幢医院的副楼might just be more important than... planning a ball.这事应该要比... 筹划舞会来的更重要You're in Monaco, Grace.你现在是在摩纳哥格蕾丝I know I'm in Monaco.我知道我在摩纳哥What do you think would happen if I went back to making movies? 你觉得如果我再回去拍电影的话会怎么样?What's it about?什么电影?A frigid, compulsive thief.一个冷漠迷人的女贼Really? Hm.真的吗? 唔But it's a great role.但那真是个非常棒的角色I'm sure it is.我相信一定是Have you spoken to Ray about this?你和雷尼尔说了这件事吗?What do you think?你觉得呢?Of course not, it's always...当然没有他总是...I don't know, it's always politics with him.我不知道怎么说他总是有一大堆政事缠身Ray is never gonna accept the idea of his princess雷尼尔绝不会接受她的公主going back into the movies, you know that, Gracie.重返大荧幕你知道的格蕾丝After 7 years of conflict in Algeria, disorder reigns in France.在同阿尔及利亚开战七年后法国陷入混乱To consolidate power and secure her borders,为了巩固政♥权♥以及维护边界the government must finance the war effort.政♥府♥必须为战争提供资金In its sights, Monaco.他们把手伸向了摩纳哥Mr. Denard spoke to the French this afternoon from the Elysée. 德纳尔先生今天下午在爱丽舍宫向法国民众发表讲话On the orders of the French President,根据法国总统的命令Monaco has a 6-month ultimatum to begin taxing her citizens摩纳哥必须在六个月内向国民开征所得税and cease her open courting of French companies.并且停止以优♥惠♥政策吸引法国企业入驻Unless they stop scheming to steal French revenue,除非摩纳哥停止偷窃法国财政收入and demand that Monaco become part of France.否则我们会要求摩纳哥并入法国Our food, our water, our power, everything runs through France. 我们的食物我们的水我们的一切都依靠法国来维持We'd be squashed in an instant.我们会瞬间被榨干Ray, you don't have an army.雷尼尔你没有军队You're in no position to hardball the French President.你没有资格和法国总统抗衡It's so nice to have a real family meal for a change.能有机会吃一顿真正的家庭午餐真的太棒了I only wish I could stay and enjoy it. I have a meeting with Onassis.我只希望我能好好享受一下我等一下要和奥纳西斯开个会What if de Gaulle doesn't accept your apology?如果戴高乐不接受你的道歉该怎么办?Then we'll have the shortest war in the history of mankind.那么我们就会发起人类历史上最短的战争What happens in a war, Maman?战争里会发生什么妈妈?Oh... Big bad men decide that they're tired of talking哦... 大坏蛋觉得谈判累了and so they er... pull each other's noses.所以他们呃... 打了对方的鼻子Someone once asked my father,有人曾经问过我的父亲"If you could be any monarch, which monarch would you be?""如果你能成为君王你想成为哪个君王?"He said...他说..."The Tsar of Russia, or the Prince of Monaco."苏联的沙皇或者摩纳哥的王子The Tsar, because he knows the name of none of his subjects,想成为沙皇是因为俄♥国♥版图辽阔臣民他都叫不上名the Prince of Monaco... Thanks.想成为摩纳哥的王子... 谢谢...because he knows all of them."...是因为他认识所有臣民"Why don't you just pay him? How?那就不能给他纳税吗? 怎么纳?We could mortgage some of the estate.我们可以抵押一部分房♥产It's already mortgaged.已经抵押了How did it go with the Red Cross? Will they pay for the orphanage?红十字那边怎么样了? 她们会为孤儿院出资吗?The treasury'll put up a share, which leaves Countess Baciochi no choice 国库会发起捐助这让巴奇奥奇伯爵夫人别无选择but to match it with her funds.只能出资You're forcing her to do something other than for her own benefit? 你是强迫她做些无利可图的事情吗?You should see the conditions, Ray.你要看看现在的情况雷These children, they can't live like this. It's appalling.这些孩子们他们不能像这样生活这简直太可怕了Well, don't upset her too much, OK?好吧别让她太生气好吗?I need her husband's political support.我需要她丈夫的政♥治♥支持We're running out of money and he has a lot of it.我们的钱快花光了而他还有很多Hitchcock offered me a role.希区柯克给了我一个角色I think it might be inappropriate to accept it now.我觉得现在接下来并不合适Were you considering accepting?你考虑过接受吗?I wanted to ask you.我想想问问你Well, if you really can't do without it, I won't stand in your way.好吧如果你真的很想去演我是不会阻止你的But would it be appropriate?但是那样合适吗?I don't want people saying that I'm running away or abandoning you. 我不希望人们说我要逃跑或是抛弃你Why would they say that?他们为什么要这么说?The only thing I ask is, you manage the publicity.我只有一个要求你得处理好公众舆♥论♥Really?真的吗?It's a risk. But take it if you must.这事有风险但是如果你必须演那就去吧I miss it.我很想演I can't stand it, I'll die!我受不了了我要死了!I'll die!我要死了!If you touch me again, I'll die!如果你再碰我我就会死!I can't stand it, I'll die! If you touch me again...我受不了了我要死了! 如果你再碰我...If you touch me again, I'll die!如果你再碰我我就会死!I can't stand it, I'll die.我受不了了我要死了If you touch me again, I'll die!如果你再碰我我就会死!Gentlemen, I have wonderful news.先生们我有个很棒的消息I am going to make a film for Mr Alfred Hitchcock.我要去参演阿弗雷德·希区柯克先生的一部电影And I'd like to introduce to you Rupert Allan,并且我想向你们介绍鲁伯特·艾伦my publicist from Hollywood.从好莱坞来的我的宣传顾问Try not to look too astonished.别露出这么震惊的表情No Princess of Monaco has ever taken to the stage before, Altesse.以前摩纳哥从没有过王妃出现在舞台上的殿下It's not the stage, it's the screen.不是舞台是大荧幕There is a first time for everything, Mr Delavenne.凡事都有第一次达拉文尼先生Yes, what about your duties, ma'am, and the crisis?是的那你的职责怎么办夫人还有现在的危机?As your press officer, I don't know how to present this without causing outrage. 作为你的新闻发布官我不知道该如何公布这个消息才能不引起骚动Monsieur Cornet! I can be a mother and a wife,康尼特先生! 我可以同时当一个母亲和一个妻子and hold down two jobs without the people getting too upset, can't I?并且同时做好这两个职责不让人失望难道不是吗?But what about the Prince? The Prince is very supportive.那王子该怎么办? 王子很支持As the Minister of the Interior, it is my duty to protest.作为内政部部长我有责任和义务反对What if the studio wants to publicise it?万一电影公♥司♥想大肆宣传怎么办?It'll cause unrest.这会引起动荡的Mr Hitchcock has agreed to be discreet.希区柯克先生同意谨慎应对Yes, they will not publish until the palace publishes.是的制片方会等皇室发布之后才发布Which won't be until this crisis is over.而且肯定是在危机解决之后Making her return to Hollywood,因决定重返好莱坞her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco摩纳哥王妃格蕾丝has accepted to appear for Mr Alfred Hitchcock已经接受了导演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的邀请in Universal Pictures' Marnie.将出演环球影视公♥司♥出品的电影艳贼记Good.很好And this is the only copy of the release?这份申明是唯一一份吗?Yes.是的And action!开拍!I'm gonna be the queen of the all Western...我将会成为欧洲的皇后...Phyllis, the microphone's in film.菲利斯麦克风都出现在镜头里了We're going to be famous!我们都会成为名人!I'm John Wayne! No, I'm John Wayne!我是约翰·韦恩! 不我才是约翰·韦恩!Ha ha! Action!哈哈! 开拍!Yes, that's it.真棒演得好Spare me the indignation, Madge.别再对我发火了马奇We're just playing. Maman is an actress!我们只是在玩游戏妈妈是个大明星!One more time before bed. And action!睡觉前最后玩一次了啊开拍!It's a good likeness, no?画得是不是很像我?Yeah.是的Our readers want to know, how important has the hospital project been to you? 我们的读者想要知道医院改造的项目对您来说有何意义?Well, I mean... I think that people have to work hard enough我觉得所有人都应该做出努力to make sure that the standards for those who aren't as privileged以确保那些并没有我们幸运的人are no different than from those who are.也能生活得跟我们一样好Wherever in the world they may be.不管他们是来自哪个国家的Not everybody is lucky enough to marry a prince.并不是所有人都有幸嫁给一位王子Au revoir!再见!Au revoir!再见!Let's move back, guys, move back.退后大家伙儿都退后Will you let President de Gaulle's ultimatum您会让戴高乐总统的最后通牒affect your philanthropic work, ma'am?影响到您的慈善活动吗王妃?Oh, I think we'll all find out it's been a terrible misunderstanding.噢我觉得大家最后会发现目前只是误解颇深而已When will you start on Marnie, Your Highness?王妃请问您什么时候开始出演艳贼记呢?I'm sorry?什么?Look magazine.我是来自视野杂♥志♥的We received a copy of your press release today from Universal Pictures.今天我们从环球影视公♥司♥那收到了一份新闻发布稿"Princess Grace has accepted to appear"格蕾丝公主已经同意during her summer vacation in the motion picture Marnie,在暑期参演电影艳贼记to be made by Mr Alfred Hitchcock and shot in the United States."由阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克担当导演在美国拍摄"Are you going back to Hollywood, Your Highness?您是要回到好莱坞吗殿下?No, no.不不Hollywood rocked, and the world as well,好莱坞震惊了全世界亦然as Academy Award-winning actress Grace Kelly奥斯卡奖得主著名的女演员格蕾丝·凯利has been announced to star in Alfred Hitchcock's new picture, Marnie. 宣布将出演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的新片艳贼记Fans of the silver screen are sure to be delighted,电影爱好者肯定十分高兴but what does this mean for the State of Monaco?但此举对摩纳哥意味着什么呢?No, no, no. Focus on the bloody birds.不不不这些该死的记者Hello?你好?Yes, of course. Put her through.好的当然接通她的电♥话♥Grace?格蕾丝?Hitch! The studio said they would wait. That...希区! 电影公♥司♥答应对暂时此事保密的...The press release came from the palace.那份新闻发布稿是从皇室传出来的The studio only published a response.电影公♥司♥只是发表了回应Are you sure?你确定吗?Yes, I told Wasserman I'd leave Universal是的我告诉过沃瑟曼if there was any monkey business.如果这事有什么猫腻我就离开环球电影It's going to be tricky now.现在这事有点麻烦了I'll need some more time.我需要多点时间Can you wait?你可以再等等吗?Of course, darling.当然了亲爱的The world needs Grace Kelly back on the big screen now.现在世界都等着格蕾丝·凯利回归大荧幕Hitch, thank you.希区谢谢你"The fact that wife Grace Kelly is returning to her movie career,"王妃格蕾丝凯利回归电影生涯的事实说明了no matter what the reason,不论具体原因到底是什么is indicative that in some ways, something has gone wrong with her marriage."她的婚姻在某些方面出现了问题"Why do they write such lies?他们怎么能乱写呢?Try to avoid what Hedda Hopper's been writing.别看海达·霍珀写的东西I think she's been after your obituary for a while, now.我觉得现在她都已经在写你的讣告了The bigger question... is how did the release get out from Mr Cornet's office?最大的疑点应该是新闻发布稿是怎么从康尼特先生的办公室传出来的Yes.没错Well, I have the only key to the bureau.呃只有我有文件柜的钥匙And only one other person knew where I put the release.而且除了我只有一个人知道稿件在哪How dare you, Mr Cornet? I know. I'm only suggesting that a mistake may have happened. 你怎么敢这么说话康尼特先生? 我只是在说可能出了什么岔子There are certain things about which I do not make mistakes.在某些事的处理上我绝不可能出岔子Maybe it wasn't a mistake.也许根本就不是出岔子Don't play that game with me, young lady.别跟我玩文字游戏年轻人OK. OK. That is enough. Thank you.好了够了谢谢你I really don't think this was an accident, Tuck. Somebody leaked it.我真的觉得这不是意外塔克有人故意泄漏的消息Why would they do this to me? This isn't about you, Grace.为什么他们要这么对我? 这与你无关格蕾丝Somebody is using you to light a fire under Ray's problem.有人想利用你给雷再添麻烦This is all about how de Gaulle reacts.就是要看看戴高乐有什么反应了Why does everything have to be so complicated?为什么所有事情都这么复杂?Listen to me.听着In 15 minutes, Ray is going to ask de Gaulle to come to the negotiating table.15分钟后雷就要说服戴高乐上谈判桌了If he even suspects there's a French spy in the palace,如果他哪怕是怀疑皇宫里有法国间谍he's going to reach into the phone and punch de Gaulle right on the nose.他就会立即打电♥话♥给戴高乐训斥他一顿Is there anybody on your staff you trust unequivocally?你的人里有你完全信任的吗?Phyllis. I hand-picked her.菲利斯她是我亲自挑选的All right, get her and conduct your own investigation.好的那你就跟她一起你们自己调查一下At all costs, Ray mustn't be troubled.我们要尽全力不给雷添麻烦Ray mustn't be troubled by what?什么事会给雷制♥造♥麻烦?Altesse was wondering whether we should fire Mr Cornet.殿下在考虑是否应该解雇康尼特先生It seems the Press Department's rather messed up the Hitchcock announcement. 看来新闻发布部门确实把希区考克的声明给弄砸了Well, I did say it was a risk.我确实说过这件事很有风险You did say you'd manage it.你也确实答应过你会好好处理You should see to the children.你应该去照看孩子了Hold on tight, Oliver! Giddy up!抓紧了奥利弗! 快Come on, push!快来推!I got you!我抓到你了!Giddy up!快。
Amazing grace歌词
![Amazing grace歌词](
Amazing grace歌词英语原文:Amazing grace! How sweet the sound!That saved a wretch like me!I once was lost but now I am found,Was blind but now I see.Was grace that taught my heart to fearAnd grace my fears relieved;How precious did that grace appearThe hour I first believed!Through many dangers, toils, and snares,I have already come;This grace has brought me safe thus far,And grace will lead me home.The Lord has promised good to me,His word my hope secures;He will my shield and portion be,As long as life endures.Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,And mortal life shall cease;I shall possess, within the vail,A life of joy and peace.The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,The sun forbear to shine;But God, who called me here below,Will be forever mine.中文翻译一:(摘自《生命圣诗》)奇异恩典,何等甘甜,我罪已得赦免;前我失丧,今被寻回,瞎眼今得看见!如此恩典,使我敬畏,使我心得安慰;初信之时,即蒙恩惠,真是何等宝贵!许多危险,试炼网罗,我已安然经过;靠主恩典,安全不怕,更引导我归家!将来禧年,圣徒欢聚,恩光爱谊千年;喜乐颂赞,在父座前,深望那日快现!英文歌词:[ti:Amazing Grace ][ar:Hayley Westenra][al:pure][offset:500][00:03.40]Amazing Grace[00:20.18][00:27.40]Amazing grace, how sweet the sound[00:36.92]That saved a wretch like me.[00:46.99]I once was lost but now I'm found, [00:57.06]Was blind but now I see.[01:07.39]T'was grace that taught my heart to fear [01:16.82]And grace my fear relieved[01:27.07]How precious did that grace appear, [01:37.16]The hour I first believed.[01:47.02]Through many dangers, toils and snares [01:57.02]We have already come[02:06.78]T'was grace that brought us safe thus far [02:17.00]And grace will lead us home.[02:29.81]When we've been there ten thousand years [02:39.57]Bright shining as the sun;[02:49.60]We've no less days to sing god's praise [03:09.69][02:59.75]Than when we first begun.中文翻译:(Jason Lee提供)[offset:500][00:03.40]奇异恩典[00:20.18][00:27.40]奇异恩典,如此甘甜。
殿下Your Highness...有一段时间在不久以前There was a time, not very long ago,我们生活在一个梦幻的世界when we lived in an enchanted world那里有金碧辉煌的宫殿和建筑of elegant palaces and grand parties.那是1916年The year was 1916我的儿子尼古拉and my son Nicholas是俄♥国♥的沙皇was the Czar of lmperial Russia.你好亲爱的Hello, darling.我们在庆祝我们家族统治300周年We were celebrating the 300th anniversary of our family's rule.我亲爱的安娜塔西亚我的孙女And, that night, no star burned brighter than that of our sweet Anastasia, 是那晚最亮的星my youngest granddaughter.她求我不要回巴黎She begged me not to return to Paris,为了使分别更加轻松so I had a very special gift made for her我为她准备了件特殊的礼物to make the separation easier for both of us.给我的是珠宝盒吗For me? Is it a jewelry box?迪米崔你该呆在厨房♥Dimitri! You belong in the kitchen.看Look.它能演奏摇篮曲It plays our lullaby.在睡前你可以打开它You can play it at night before you go to sleep就像我在给你唱歌♥一样and pretend that it's me singing.乘着风On the wind越过海洋'Cross the sea听到此歌♥便记得Hear this song and remember很快到家共齐聚Soon you'll be home with me十二月的某一天Once upon a December看看上面写了什么Read what it says."相聚在法国""Together in Paris."真的噢外婆Really? Oh, Grandmamma.但我们不可能在法国相聚了But we would never be together in Paris,因为一个黑影来到了罗曼诺夫家for a dark shadow had descended upon the house of the Romanovs. 他的名字叫拉斯普♥京♥His name was Rasputin.我们本以为他是个好人但他是个骗子We thought he was a holy man, but he was a fraud,疯狂而又危险power-mad and dangerous.你还敢回到宫殿How dare you return to the palace?我是你的心腹啊But I am your confidant.心腹Confidant?你是个叛徒出去You are a traitor. Get out.你以为你能赶走伟大的拉斯普♥京♥吗You think you can banish the great Rasputin?用我心中的邪恶的力量我要赶走并诅咒你By the unholy powers vested in me, I banish you with a curse!记住我的话Mark my words.两周内你的全家都会死去You and your family will die within the fortnight.我会不停的努力直到罗曼诺夫家族灭亡的那一天I will not rest until I see the end of the Romanov line forever!由于对尼古拉以及他家族的憎恨Consumed by his hatred for Nicholas and his family,拉斯普♥京♥把他的灵魂出♥卖♥♥♥给了可以毁灭他们的力量Rasputin sold his soul for the power to destroy them.去吧Go.完成你黑暗的使命Fulfill your dark purpose摧毁沙皇和他家族的命运and seal the fate of the Czar and his family永远地消灭once and for all.从那一刻起我们国家不和谐的火花From that moment on, the spark of unhappiness in our country窜成大火不用多久就会要了我们的命was fanned into a flame that would soon destroy our lives forever.-救命 -快孩子们-Help! -Hurry, children.-我的八音盒 -安娜塔西亚-My music box. -Anastasia!回来回来Come back! Come back!安娜塔西亚Anastasia...-请快点 -走这里从仆人的住处走-Please, hurry. -Come this way. Out the servants' quarters.-快安娜塔西亚 -拉斯普♥京♥ 她跑了-Hurry, Anastasia. -Rasputin, she's getting away.-我的八音盒 -走走-My music box. -Go! Go!同志们在这Comrades, in here!他们在哪孩子Where are they, boy?-奶奶 -跟上我亲爱的-Grandmamma... -Keep up with me, darling.-拉斯普♥京♥ -请让我走吧-Rasputin! -Let me go. Please.你逃不掉的孩子永远不会You'll never escape me, child. Never!巴托克Bartok!主人Master!安娜塔西亚快快点Anastasia, hurry. Hurry.-奶奶 -快点抓住我的手-Grandmamma! -Here, take my hand.-抓住我的手 -别松手-Hold onto my hand. -Don't let go!安娜塔西亚Anastasia.安娜塔西亚Anastasia!那晚很多人都丧命了So many lives were destroyed that night.这里的一切永远的消失了What had always been was now gone forever.我的安娜塔西亚我亲爱的孙女And my Anastasia, my beloved grandchild,永远也没再见到她I never saw her again.安娜斯塔西娅十年后圣彼得堡很阴沉Saint Petersburg is gloomy圣彼得堡很凄凉Saint Petersburg is bleak整周站在这我的内♥裤♥都冻上了My underwear got frozen standing here all week自从大革命以来我们的生活都是灰色的Since the Revolution our lives have been so gray通过闲聊我们过着每一天Thank goodness for the gossip that gets us through the day 你听说过圣彼得堡有个传闻吗Have you heard there's a rumor in Saint Petersburg?你听到大街上他们都说什么吗Have you heard what they're saying on the street?虽然沙皇没有生还但他的女儿也许还活着Although the Czar did not survive, one daughter may be still alive 安娜塔西亚公主The Princess Anastasia但请不要外传But please do not repeat这只是一个传闻一个传说一个谜It's a rumor, a legend, a mystery事情可以在街头巷尾传开Something whispered in an alleyway or through a crack传言是历史的一部分It's a rumor that's part of our history他们说皇太后会出巨资悬赏They say her royal grandmamma will pay a royal sum能找到公主的人To someone who can bring the princess back-乌伊拉 -德迪米崔-Vlad. -Dimitri.这幅画要1卢布A ruble for this painting这是皇室的我发誓It's Romanov, I swear看看尤苏波夫亲王的睡衣买♥♥吧朋友Count Yusupov's pajamas -comrades, buy the pair这是我从宫中拿到的真皮毛的I got this from the palace, it's lined with real fur如果是她的它将会价值连城It could be worth a fortune if it belonged to her好的迪米崔我租了个戏院Well, Dimitri, I got us a theater.一切都按照计划进行着我们就缺那个女孩了Everything's going according to plan. All we need is the girl.想想吧乌伊拉德不用再伪造签证不用再偷东西Just think, Vlad, no more forging papers, no more stolen goods. 我们买♥♥了三张票你一张We'll have three tickets out of here: one for you,我一张安娜塔西亚一张one for me and one for Anastasia.是传闻是传说是那个谜It's the rumor, the legend, the mystery是安娜塔西亚公主将助我们成功It's the Princess Anastasia who will help us fly你和我将会被写入历史You and l, friend, will go down in history我们要找个女孩假扮告诉她该说什么We'll find a girl to play the part and teach her what to say把她打扮一下送她去巴黎Dress her up and take her to Paree想想她的外婆会怎样奖赏我们吧Imagine the reward her dear old grandmamma will pay除了我们还有谁能办到呢Who else could pull it off but you and me?-我们将会富有 -我们将会富有-We'll be rich -We'll be rich-我们将离开这 -我们将离开这-We'll be out -We'll be out圣彼得堡又会有新的话题了And Saint Petersburg will have some more to talk about你听说过圣彼得堡有个传闻吗Have you heard there's a rumor in Saint Petersburg?你听到他们在街上说些什么吗Have you heard what they're saying on the street?你听说过圣彼得堡有个传闻吗Have you heard there's a rumor in Saint Petersburg?你听说过吗朋友你怎么看Have you heard? Comrades, what do you suppose?-一个充满诱惑的谜 -史上最大的骗局-A fascinating mystery -The biggest con in history安娜塔西亚公主The Princess Anastasia是生还是死Alive or dead?谁知道Who knows?我为你在渔场找了份工作I got you a job in the fish factory.沿着路一直走看见岔口左转You go down this path till you get to the fork in the road. Go left... 再见Bye!-你在听吗 -各位再见-Are you listening? -Bye, everybody!我在听费宁考夫同志I'm listening, Comrade Phlegmenkoff.从来到这的那一刻起你就给我添麻烦You've been a thorn in my side since you were brought here.不过是一个无名小卒却像示巴女王一样嚣张Acting like the Queen of Sheba instead of the nameless no-account you are. 在这十年我供你吃供你穿For the last ten years, I've fed you, I've clothed you, I've...帮你遮风避雨Kept a roof over my head.为什么你记不起以前的事How is it you don't have a clue who you were before you came to us,却只会背诵我说的话but you can remember all that?-我记得起 -我知道-I do have a clue to... -I know."相聚在法国""Together in Paris."那么你想去法国找你的家人吗So, you want to go to France to find your family?安亚小姐对生活要现实一点Little Miss Anya, it's time to take your place in life.现实的生活In life and in line.也要知足And be grateful, too."相聚在法国""Together in Paris"!知足Be grateful."要知足安亚""Be grateful, Anya."我很知足知足能离开这I am grateful. Grateful to get away."左转" 她说"Go left" she says.好吧我知道左边有什么Well, I know what's to the left.那样我就会永远都是"孤儿安亚"I'll be "Anya the orphan" forever.但是如果向右走也许我会找到But if I go right, maybe I could find...给我这个项链的人一定很爱我Whoever gave me this necklace must have loved me.这太疯狂了我去巴黎This is crazy. Me? Go to Paris?给我点提示Send me a sign.一个暗示A hint.什么都行Anything!我现在没时间玩好吗我在等一个提示I don't have time to play right now, OK? I'm waiting for a sign. 你能离我远点吗把那个还我Would you please leave me alone? Gimme that back.太好了一只狗想我去圣彼得堡Great. A dog wants me to go to Saint Petersburg.好吧我可以接受这个提示OK, I can take a hint.心不要使我失望Heart, don't fail me now勇气不要放弃我Courage, don't desert me不要回头Don't turn back我们在这里了Now that we're here人们总是说People always say人生充满了选择Life is full of choices没人提到恐惧No one ever mentions fear世界将会变得很大Or how the world can seem so vast在一个On a journey找寻过去的旅途To the past在路的某处Somewhere down this road我知道有人在等我I know someone's waiting多年的梦不会错的Years of dreams just can't be wrong手臂张开了Arms will open wide我将安全而又舒适I'll be safe and wanted终于回到了属于我的家Finally home where I belong从现在起Well, starting now我要多多的学习I'm learning fast在这个On this journey找寻过去的路途To the past家爱家人Home, love, family以前我也一定拥有There was once a time I must have had them, too 家爱家人Home, love, family在我找到你前I will never be complete我将不会完整Until I find you一步又一步One step at a time一个希望接着一个One hope, then another谁知道这路通向何方Who knows where this road may go?回到我的过去Back to who I was找到我的未来On to find my future我心中一直想知道的事Things my heart still needs to know是的把它当成一个提示Yes, let this be a sign让它成为我前进的路Let this road be mine让它带着我找寻过去Let it lead me to my past带我回家And bring me home终于At last-一张去法国的票 -出境签证-One ticket to Paris, please. -Exit visa.-出境签证 -没有签证就没有票-Exit visa? -No exit visa, no ticket.去找迪米崔他能帮忙See Dimitri. He can help.-哪里能找到他 -老宫殿里-Where can I find him? -At the old palace.但不是我告诉你的But you didn't hear it from me.-走走走 -迪米崔-Go, go, go. -Dimitri...好好很好Nice. Nice. Very nice.-我看起来像是公主 -好的-And I look like princess. -OK...-我跳起舞来像是羽毛 -谢谢谢谢下一个-I dance like a feather. -Thank you. Thank you. Next, please. 奶奶是我Grandma, it's me.安娜塔西亚Anastasia.老兄Brother.够了迪米崔游戏结束That's it, Dimitri. Game over.我们把最后一个铜板用在这个跳蚤滋生的戏院上Our last kopeck gone for this flea-infested theater却仍然找不到能扮成安娜塔西亚的女孩and still no girl to pretend to be Anastasia.我们会找到的乌伊拉德We'll find her, Vlad.她就在附近我们眼皮底下She's here somewhere, right under our noses.一看到这个珠宝盒One look at this jewelry box,太后就会以为我们找到了真的安娜塔西亚the Empress will think we have the real Anastasia. -我在找 -在她发觉之前-I'm looking for... -Before she catches on,我们就已经花完了那一千万卢布we'll be off spending the 10 million rubles.普卡Pooka.普卡Pooka.普卡你在哪Pooka, where are you?-你听到什么了吗 -没有-Did you hear something? -No.嗨Hello?有人在家吗Anybody home?这个地方This place.这It's...这就像是我梦中的记忆It's like a memory from a dream.跳舞的小熊Dancing bears着色的翅膀Painted wings我几乎能回忆起的Things I almost remember还有首歌♥And a song这样唱的Someone sings十二月的某一天Once upon a December有人温暖而又安全的抱着我Someone holds me safe and warm马在银色风暴中奔腾Horses prance through a silver storm 人们在我的记忆中Figures dancing gracefully温文的跳舞Across my memory有人温暖而又安全的抱着我Someone holds me safe and warm 马在银色风暴中奔腾Horses prance through a silver storm 人们在我的记忆中Figures dancing gracefully优雅的跳舞Across my memory在遥远的过去Far away, long ago发着模糊的光泽Glowing dim as an ember我本应记起的事情Things my heart used to know我渴望记起的事情Things it yearns to remember还有一首歌♥And a song这样唱的Someone sings十二月的某一天Once upon a December你在这干什么What are you doin' in here?停下停下Stop! Stop, stop, stop!别走别走Hold on a minute. Hold on!你是怎么进来的Now, how did you get in here?抱歉孩子Excuse me, child...乌伊拉德你知道我看见的吗Vlad, do you see what I see?不知道No.知道了Yes. Yes!-你是迪米崔吗 -可爱-Are you Dimitri? -Cute.也许是那要看是谁在找他了Perhaps. Depends on who's looking for him.我是安亚我需要出国签证My name is Anya. I need travel papers.他们说可以找你虽然我不能说是谁告诉我的They say you're the man to see, even though I can't tell you who said that. 嘿你为什么围着我转And what... Hey, why are you circling me?-你前世是秃鹰吗 -对不起安妮亚-What, were you a vulture in another life? -I'm sorry, Anneya.-是安亚安亚 -安亚安亚-It's Anya. -Anya.你简直是太像It's just that you look an awful lot like...对了你是说过你想要出国签证Never mind. Now, you said something about travel papers?是的我想去法国Yes. I'd like to go to Paris.-你想去法国 -这是谁-You'd like to go to Paris? -Who is this here?-看它喜欢我 -多好的狗啊-Look. He likes me. -Nice dog.我来问问你安亚对吧Now, let me ask you something... Anya, was it?-那你的姓是什么呢 -实际上-There's a last name that goes with that? -Well, actually...听起来可能会不可思议我不知道我的姓This is gonna sound crazy. I don't know my last name.在我8岁的时候我是被捡到的I was found wandering around when I was eight years old.那之前呢你8岁前呢And before that? Before you were eight?我知道这很奇怪但我不记得了I know it's strange, but I don't remember.我只记得一点点以前的事I have very few memories of my past.那太好了That's perfect.不过我有个线索就是巴黎I do have one clue, however. And that is Paris.巴黎Paris?是的那么你们二位能帮我吗Right. So can you two help me or not?乌伊拉德乌伊拉德车票Vlad, Vlad, tickets.当然能了说也奇怪我们也正想去巴黎呢Sure would like to. In fact, oddly enough, we're going to Paris ourselves.我有三张这张是我这有三张车票And I've got three... Well, this one is... But I've got three tickets here.不幸的是第三张是留给她的Unfortunately, the third one is for her.安娜塔西亚Anastasia.我们要让俄皇公主安娜塔西亚和她的外婆团聚We are going to reunite the Grand Duchess Anastasia with her grandmother. -你和她长的很像 -一样的蓝眼睛-You do kind of resemble her. -The same blue eyes.-罗曼诺夫家族的眼睛 -尼古拉的微笑u3000u3000u3000-The Romanov eyes. -Nicholas' smile.-亚历山德拉的下巴 -看-Alexandra's chin. -Look.她甚至有外婆的手She even has the grandmother's hands.一样的年龄一样的体格She's the same age, the same physical type.你们是在说你们觉得我就是安娜塔西亚吗Are you trying to tell me you think that I am Anastasia?全国我看过数以千计的女孩I've seen thousands of girls all over the country.没人比你更像俄皇公主了Not one of them looks as much like the Grand Duchess as you.-看那个画像 -我一开始以为你疯了-Look at the portrait. -I knew you were crazy.-我现在知道你们两个都是疯子 -为什么u3000u3000-But now I think you are both mad. -Why?-你不记得你的过去 -没人知道她的经历-You don't remember what happened to you. -No one knows what happened to her. 你要去巴黎找你的家人You're looking for family, in Paris.她唯一的家人就在巴黎And her only family is in Paris.你想过这个可能性吗Have you ever thought about the possibility?我可能是皇族That I could be royalty?我也不知道当我睡在潮湿地板上的时候Well, it's kind of hard to think of yourself as a duchess很难把自己想象成公主when you're sleeping on a damp floor.但每个孤单的女孩都会渴望自己是个公主But, sure, every lonely girl would hope she's a princess.在某处一个小女孩她就是公主And, somewhere, one little girl is.安娜塔西亚这名字就意味着 "她会重生"After all, the name Anastasia means "she will rise again."我们是想帮忙Wish we could help,但第三张票是为安娜塔西亚准备的but the third ticket is for the Grand Duchess Anastasia.祝你好运Good luck.你为什么不告诉她我们美妙的计划Why didn't you tell her about our brilliant plan?她只是想去巴黎All she wants to do is go to Paris.为什么要把奖赏多分一份Why give away a third of the reward money?我们走得太快了I tell you, we're walking away too soon.别担心一切尽在我的掌握Not to worry. I got it all under control.好吧那走慢点All right, but walk a little slower.三二一Three, two, one...-迪米崔 -尽在我们掌握-Dimitri! -Right in the palm of our hand.-迪米崔等等 -你叫我吗-Dimitri, wait! -Did you call me?如果我不记得我是谁了If I don't remember who I am,那谁能保证我不是公主呢then who's to say I'm not a princess or a duchess, right?继续Go on.如果我不是安娜塔西亚太后马上就会发现的If I'm not Anastasia, the Empress will know right away.-那么这就只是一个善意的错误 -有道理u3000u3000u3000-So it's just an honest mistake. -Sounds plausible.而且如果你的确是公主But, if you are the princess,那么你就可以知道你是谁并且和你的家人团聚了then you'll finally know who you are and have your family back.他说得对You know, he's right.-无论怎样你都会去巴黎了 -好了u3000u3000u3000-Either way, it gets you to Paris. -Right.让我来介绍尊贵的俄皇公主安娜塔西亚May I present Her Royal Highness, the Grand Duchess Anastasia?-普卡我们要去巴黎了 -不不带狗去u3000u3000u3000u3000-Pooka, we are going to Paris. -No, the dog stays.-你说什么狗要一起去 -不能带狗去u3000u3000u3000u3000u3000 -What are you saying? The dog goes. -The dog does not go.-我说带它去 -我对狗过敏-I say he's going. -I'm allergic to dogs.安娜塔西亚只有一个问题安娜塔西亚早就死了Anastasia? You have just one problem there, fella. Anastasia's dead. 罗曼诺夫家族的人都死了都死了All the Romanovs are dead. They're dead.死了死了死了Dead, dead, dead.我说的对吧朋友我是说那怎么可能是安娜Am I right, my friend? I mean, how could that be Ana...噢我要相信这么多年后Oh, come on. Am I supposed to believe那个东西会苏醒过来吗that thing woke up after all these years只因为有人说她是罗曼诺夫家的人just because some guy claims she's a Romanov?好了我知道了OK, OK, I get the message.你那些放光的烟雾已经够了Enough already with the glowing and the smoke people.如果那东西复活了那就表示安娜塔西亚还活着If that thing's come back to life, it must mean Anastasia's alive. -扔下那狗 -我不会扔下它的-Leave the dog. -I am not leaving the dog.-她就是 -我们要赶火车-And that's her. -We've got a train to catch.救命救命Mayday! Mayday!烫烫烫It's hot!噢天啊Oh, boy.噢我告诉你噢Ow! I tell you what... Ow!是谁敢来打扰我的独居Who dares intrude on my solitude?出去出去Get out! Out!巴托克是你吗Bartok? Is that you?主人你还活着Master? You're alive?是的某个程度上Yes. In a manner of speaking.喔这个掉出来了Whoa, that fell right out there, sir.-有事发生了 -是的-Something's happened. -Yeah.-糟糕 -我就知道-Whoopsie. -I knew it.我能感到黑暗的力量在活动I could feel the dark forces stirring.我不感到吃惊因为我看到她了安娜塔西亚I'm not surprised, because I saw her. Anastasia.安娜塔西亚还活着Anastasia? Alive?主人你的嘴唇它们Sir, your lips, they're...那个罗曼诺夫家的小鬼That Romanov brat!我想是诅咒不灵验了Ain't that the kick in the head? I guess a curse just ain't what it used to be. 这就是我被困在炼狱里的原因That's why I was stuck here in limbo.我的诅咒没有完成My curse is unfulfilled!看看我Look at me.我要解体了I am falling apart!我是个废人I'm a wreck!事实上算上你死了多久你的情况还不错Actually, considering how long you've been dead, you look pretty good. -主人不错了 -真的吗-Sir, you do. You do. -Really?这是一个会对你撒谎的蝙蝠的脸吗Sir, is this the face of a bat who would lie to you?快点只用几分钟你就会恢复的Come on, for a minute there, you had your old spark back.如果我没把黑暗力量给我的礼物丢掉我就能If only I hadn't lost the gift from the dark forces.恢复我的力量The key to my powers.什么你是说这个遗骨盒吗What? You mean this reliquary?-你从哪拿的 -我找到的-Where did you get that? -I found it.-把它给我 -好吧好吧别那么贪婪-Give it to me! -All right, all right. Don't get so grabby.我的老朋友My old friend.我们又在一起了Together again.现在我能完成我的黑暗使命了Now my dark purpose will be fulfilled.罗曼诺夫家最后的生还者也要死了And the last of the Romanovs will die!在黑暗的晚上我颤抖我翻转In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning 我的恶梦要多坏有多坏And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be它把我吓坏了It scared me out of my wits尸体碎成小块A corpse falling to bits当我睁开眼睛发现那个恶梦就是我Then I opened my eyes and the nightmare was me 我曾经是俄♥国♥最通灵的人I was once the most mystical man in all Russia当皇室背叛了我他们错了When the royals betrayed me they made a mistake 我的诅咒使他们付出了代价My curse made each of them pay但一个小女孩逃脱了But one little girl got away安亚小心点拉斯普♥京♥醒了Little Anya beware, Rasputin's awake在黑暗的深夜邪恶会降临于她In the dark of the night, evil will find her在黑暗的深夜黎明前In the dark of the night, just before dawn复仇的感觉好极了Revenge will be sweet当诅咒完成的时候When the curse is complete-在黑暗的深夜 -她就会消失-In the dark of the night -She'll be gone!嗨女士们听着Hi, ladies. Listen, l...我能感觉到我的力量在复苏I can feel that my powers are slowly returning系上我的腰带为我喷些古龙香水Tie my sash, add a dash of cologne for that smell 当它们相继出现As the pieces fall into place我会看到她到处爬行I'll see her crawl into place再见了安亚Do svidaniya, Anya, Your Grace再见Farewell在黑暗的深夜恐怖会降临她In the dark of the night, terror will strike her恐怖是我能作到最差的了Terror's the least I can do!在黑暗的深夜邪恶正在酝酿In the dark of the night, evil will brew不久她就会感到Soon she will feel恶梦都是真的That her nightmares are real在黑暗的深夜In the dark of the night她完了She'll be through!在黑暗的深夜不幸会降临到她In the dark of the night, evil will find her降临到她Find her在黑暗的深夜恐怖会降临In the dark of the night, terror comes through-毁灭她 -亲爱的这是个信♥号♥♥ -Doom her -My dear, here's a sign这是世界的末日It's the end of the line在黑暗的深夜In the dark of the night在黑暗的深夜In the dark of the night过来我的奴才们Come, my minions使你们的主人复活Rise for your master让你们的邪恶发光Let your evil shine在黑暗的深夜In the dark of the night找到她Find her now是的飞得快点Yes, fly ever faster在黑暗的深夜在黑暗的深夜In the dark of the night In the dark of the night她将是我的She'll be mine!狗可以坐在窗边The mutt gets the window seat.别再玩那东西坐直一点Stop fiddling with that. Sit up straight.别忘了你是尊贵的公主Remember, you're a grand duchess.你怎么知道公主做什么又不做什么How do you know what grand duchesses do or don't do? 知道那些是我的工作I make it my business to know.安亚我只是想帮你好吗Look, Anya, I'm just trying to help, all right?迪米崔你认为我真是皇族吗Dimitri, do you really think I'm royalty?-你知道我是这么想的 -那你就别来管我u3000u3000 -You know I do. -Then stop bossing me around.她的确有自己的想法She certainly has a mind of her own.是的我不喜欢女人那样Yeah. I hate that in a woman.看我想我们是有些误会Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot.我也这么想u3000u3000u3000u3000u3000u3000I think we did too.-但我接受你的道歉 -道歉-But I appreciate your apology. -Apology?我说过要道歉了吗我是要说An apology? I was just saying...请不要再说话这只能让我更生气Please, don't talk anymore. It's only gonna upset me.好吧我会安静如果你也会的话Fine. I'll be quiet, if you will.好吧我会安静的All right, I'll be quiet.-好吧 -好吧-Fine. -Fine.-好吧 -好吧-Fine. -Fine.-你不会想念它吗 -想念什么你的唠叨-Think you'll miss it? -Miss what, your talking?不俄♥国♥No. Russia.-不会的 -但那是你的家-Nope. -But it was your home.那只是我曾经住过的地方It was a place I once lived.那你是想把巴黎当做你的家Then you plan on making Paris your home?家对你来说有什么特别的吗What is it with you and homes?首先家是每个正常人都想要的Well, for one thing, it's something every normal person wants. -另外就是 -什么-For another thing, you... -What?-忘了吧 -好吧-Just forget it. -Fine.多亏你来了请你让他从我的视线消失Thank goodness it's you. Please, remove him from my sight. -你对她做什么了 -我是她-What have you done to her? -Me? It's her.你对她着迷了An unspoken attraction.着迷那个瘦小的顽皮鬼你傻了吗Attraction? That skinny little brat? Have you lost your mind? -只是一个简单的问题 -着迷荒谬u3000u3000u3000-Only asking a simple question. -Attraction. Ridiculous!上个月签证是蓝色的Last month, the traveling papers were blue.但现在却是红的了But now they are red.签证签证Papers. Papers, please.这就是我为什么讨厌这个政♥府♥It's what I hate about this government.-所有东西都是红的 -红的-Everything's in red. -Red?我看我们还是去行李车吧免得被警卫发现I propose we move to the baggage car before the guards come.我建议我们下车吧I propose we get off this train.对不起我以为你是外人呢Sorry. I thought you were someone else.是你啊那就没事了It's you. Well, that's OK then.-我们要走了 -我们去哪-We've got to go. -Where are we going?你打我鼻子I think you broke my nose.男人真幼稚Men are such babies.好的好的这样就好了Yes. Yes, this will do nicely.-她在这会被冻上的 -在巴黎就会解冻了-She'll freeze in here. -She can thaw in Paris.行李车我们的签证没问题吧先生The baggage car? There's nothing wrong with our papers, is there, maestro? 当然没有陛下Of course not, Your Grace.我只是不想让你和那些平民掺和在一起It's just that I hate to see you forced to mingle with all those commoners.-怎么了 -我不知道-What was that? -I don't know.但我们和餐车脱节了But there goes the dining car.-别压着我 -我在试-Get off of me! -I'm trying.-迪米崔 -干什么-Dimitri! -What?我想有人烧了我们的引擎I think someone has flambeed our engine.有些不对劲Something's not right.在这等着我去看看Wait here. I'll check it out.这有人吗Anybody here?我们开得太快了We're going way too fast!没人在驾驶我们得跳车了Nobody's driving this train. We're gonna have to jump.你说要跳车吗Did you say jump?-你先跳 -好吧那我们先把车厢分开-After you. -Fine. Then we'll uncouple the car.快我要个扳子或斧子什么都行Come on! I need a wrench, an ax, anything!给你Here.嘿一定有比这更好的东西Come on, there's gotta be something in there better than this! 这个行That'll work.走走Go, go, go!孤儿院都教了你些什么What did they teach you in the orphanage?煞车没用了The brakes are out!用点力Turn harder!别担心有足够的轨道我们会滑行直到停止的Don't worry. We've got plenty of track. We'll just coast to a stop. 你刚才说什么You were saying?我有主意了乌伊拉德来帮帮我I got an idea, Vlad. Gimme a hand with this.把链条给我Hand me the chain.-不是叫你 -乌伊拉德现在很忙-Not you! -Vlad's busy at the moment.想想那个也许会是你And to think that could have been you.如果我们熬过这关提醒我谢谢你If we live through this, remind me to thank you.这没什么抓紧了Here goes nothin'. Brace yourselves.好了我们到站了。
amazing grace中文版翻唱的歌
![amazing grace中文版翻唱的歌](
amazing grace中文版翻唱的歌引言概述:《Amazing Grace》是一首经典的英文赞美诗,深受全球音乐爱好者的喜爱。
本文将从五个大点入手,详细阐述《Amazing Grace》中文版翻唱的歌。
正文内容:1. 《Amazing Grace》中文版的背景1.1 《Amazing Grace》的原版与背景1.2 《Amazing Grace》中文版的译者和演唱者1.3 《Amazing Grace》中文版的翻译与创作2. 《Amazing Grace》中文版的歌词和曲调2.1 《Amazing Grace》中文版歌词的翻译与改编2.2 《Amazing Grace》中文版的曲调和音乐风格2.3 《Amazing Grace》中文版的演唱风格和表达方式3. 《Amazing Grace》中文版的意义和影响3.1 《Amazing Grace》中文版的文化传承3.2 《Amazing Grace》中文版的宗教意义3.3 《Amazing Grace》中文版的社会影响4. 《Amazing Grace》中文版的流行和演绎4.1 《Amazing Grace》中文版在各个领域的流行4.2 《Amazing Grace》中文版的翻唱和改编作品4.3 《Amazing Grace》中文版的演唱会和音乐会5. 《Amazing Grace》中文版的感受和评价5.1 《Amazing Grace》中文版的感人之处5.2 《Amazing Grace》中文版的艺术价值5.3 《Amazing Grace》中文版的听众反响和评价总结:综上所述,通过对《Amazing Grace》中文版翻唱的歌的探讨,我们可以看到这首歌在中文版中保留了原曲的内涵和情感,同时融入了中文的翻译和演绎风格。
雅马哈PSR E343中英对照
![雅马哈PSR E343中英对照](
Prelude op.28-15 "raindrop" Nocturne op.9-2 (F. Chopin) Etude op.10-3 “Chanson de l’adieu”(F.
Chopin) romanze serenade k.252 Arabesque (J.F. Burgmüller) La Chevaleresque (J.F. Burgmüller) Für Elise (L.v. Beethoven) Turkish March (W.A. Mozart) 24 preludes op.28-7 (F. Chopin)
02 6
Aloha Oe (Q.Liliuokalani)
珍重再见(夏威夷民 07
02 7
Sippin‘ Cider Through A Straw (Traditional)
07 8
02 8
Old Folks at Home (S.C. Foster)
07 9
02 9
Ten Little Indians (Septimus Winner)
On Top of Old Smoky (Traditional)
My Darling Clementine (Traditional)
Oh Susanna (S.C. Foster)
Radetzky March
What have you done这是一首来自within temptation的歌曲叫做what have you done ,个人觉得真的蛮好听的就是这种风格可能不是大家都会很接受呵呵大家来试试吧这种哥特音乐的分支的风采。
这首歌来自专辑An Acoustic Night At The Theatre ,大家有兴趣的可以多去尝试听一下他们的作品。
歌词附上:I know I better stop tryingYou know that there's no denyingI won't show mercy on you nowI know I should stop believingI know that there's no retreatingIt's over nowWhat have you done?What have you done now?I, I've been waiting for someone like youBut now you are slipping away(what have you done now?)Why? Why does fate make us suffer?There's a curse between usBetween me and youWhat have you done?Would you mind if I killed you?Would you mind if I tryed to cause you haveTurned into my worst enemy?You carry hate that I feelIt's over nowWhat have you done?What have you done now?I, I've been waiting for someone like you But now you are slipping away(what have you done now?)Why? Why does fate make us suffer? There's a curse between usBetween me and youWhat have you done?I will not fallWon't let it goWe will be free when it endsI, I've been waiting for someone like you But now you are slipping away(what have you done now?)Why? Why does fate make us suffer? There's a curse between usBetween me and youWhat have you done?影视音乐:新西兰天籁国宝海莉薇思特拉Amazing grace《奇异恩典》这首感人至深的奇异恩典amazing grace其实是首圣诗,西方歌手演唱此曲的版本很多。
海莉·韦斯特娜,新西兰跨界女高音、歌曲作家,曾在亚洲成功发行过八张专辑。海莉两岁就能演唱《平安夜(Silent Night)》,如今热衷公益慈善。
《奇异恩典(Amazing Grace)》这首圣诗更加著名,由英国牧师约翰·牛顿于1779年所写,历经二百多年而不衰。
冰雪奇缘--中英文字幕Trolls?山精?Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘! 我正听着呢Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.小可爱我要把你们留下来Your Majesty.陛下Born with the powers, or cursed?与生俱来的力量还是诅咒?Here, here.过来过来Born. And they're getting stronger. 生下来就有的而且越来越强大You are lucky it wasn't her heart. 真幸运,魔法并没有伤到她的心The heart is not so easily changed, 心里的伤可不容易被转变But the head can be persuaded.但头里的问题还是有办法的Do what you must.做你必须做的I recommend we remove all magic.我建议消除她身上所有的魔法even memories of magic to be safe. 甚至那些关于魔法的记忆,为了安全起见But don't worry, I'll leave the fun. 但别担心,我会留下那些快乐的记忆She will be okay.她会没事的But she won't remember I have powers? 但是她会忘记我拥有魔力吗?It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa, 这样最好 -听着埃尔莎Your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大There is beauty in it...你会发现魔力的美好But also great danger.但同时也伴随着巨大的危险You must learn to control it.你必须要学会控制它Fear will be your enemy.恐惧会成为你的敌人No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure.不我们会保护她她会学会控制它的我确定Until then,在此之前we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门裁去城内人员We will limit her contact with people 减少她与别人的接触and keep her powers hidden from everyone. 不让任何人知道她的魔力including Anna.包括安娜Elsa?埃尔莎?♪Do you wanna build a snowman?♪你想堆个雪人吗?♪Come on, let's go and play♪来吧,我们一起来玩♪I never see you anymore. Come out the door♪我好久没见到你了快点出来吧♪It's like you've gone away♪你就像消失了一样♪We used to be best buddies♪我们曾是最好的伙伴♪And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why♪但现在却不是了我希望你能告诉我为什么♪Do you wanna build a snowman?♪你想堆个雪人吗?♪It doesn't have to be a snowman♪并不是一定要堆个雪人啦Go away, Anna走吧安娜♪Okay bye♪好吧拜The gloves will help. See带上手套就没事了看到了吧See? Conceal it -Don't feel it看到了吧?隐藏它 -不要去想它Don't let it show别让它显现出来♪Do you wanna build a snowman?♪你想堆个雪人吗? ♪Or ride our bike around the hall?♪或者在走廊里骑车?♪I think some company is overdue♪我觉得还有许多事没有做♪I've started talking to the pictures on the walls♪我开始试着跟墙上的画像讲话♪Hang in there, Joan♪坚持住琼♪It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms♪这些空房间让人觉得有些寂寞♪Just watching the hours tick by♪仅仅看着时间滴答滴答地走过I'm scared. It's getting stronger!我很害怕魔力越来越强大了!Getting upset only makes it worse.不安只会让情况变得更糟Calm down.冷静下来No! Don't touch me! Please. I don't want to hurt you.不!请别碰我!拜托了我不想伤到你们See you in two weeks!两周后再见!- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine, Elsa. 你们必须要去吗? -你会没事的埃尔莎Elsa?埃尔莎?♪Please, I know you're in there♪拜托了我知道你在里面♪People are asking where you've been♪人们都在问你去哪儿了♪They say "have courage" and I'm trying to♪他们都说要勇敢而我也正在努力♪I'm right out here for you. Just let me in♪我现在就在你门外请让我进去吧♪We only have each other♪现在我们只剩下彼此了♪It's just you and me♪仅仅你我两人♪What are we gonna do?♪我们该怎么办?♪Do you wanna build a snowman?♪你想堆个雪人吗?三年后All ashore!都上岸!Welcome to Arendelle!欢迎来到艾伦戴尔!Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon.请小心脚下大门马上就要打开了Why do I have to wear this?我为什么一定要穿这件?Because the Queen has come of age.因为女王成年啦It's Coronation Day!今天是加冕日!That's not my fault.这跟我又没关系What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack! 你想要什么斯文? -给我点吃的!What's the magic word? - "Please."那暗号是什么呢? -"拜托了"Uh! Uh-uh-uh. Share.呃!呃呃呃分享I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!我真不敢相信他们终于把大门打开了And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦!Faster, Persi!快点佩西!Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.啊,艾伦戴尔,我们最神秘的交易伙伴Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开那些门让我揭开你的秘密and exploit your riches.挖掘你的财富Did I just say that out loud?我刚才是不是说得太大声了?Oh! Me sore eyes can't wait to See the Queen and the Princess.我已经迫不及待想看看女王和公主了I bet they're absolutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极了I bet they are beautiful.我相信她们一定很美丽Princess Anna?安娜公主?Huh? Yeah?恩?什么事?Oh. Sorry to wake you, ma'am.抱歉叫醒了你小姐No, no, no, you didn't.不不不不,没关系I've been up for hours.我已经起床几个小时了Who is it?外面是谁?Still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon. 还是我小姐大门马上就要打开了Time to get ready. -Of course是时候准备准备了 -当然Ready for what?准备什么?Your sister's coronation, ma'am.你姐姐的加冕礼小姐My sister's cor-neration.我姐姐的加冕礼It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!♪The window is open! So's that door!♪那些门和窗户都已经打开了♪I didn't know they did that anymore♪我不知道他们已经做了如此多的准备♪Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates? 谁知道我们竟然准备了8000个沙拉盘子♪For years I have roamed these empty halls♪多少年来我一直徘徊在这些空荡荡的大厅里♪Why have a ballroom with no balls?♪为什么我们的舞厅里不举行任何舞会?♪Finally, they're opening up the gates! 终于,他们将要把大门打开了!♪There'll be actual, real, live people 会有活生生的人们来到这里♪It'll be totally strange♪这感觉肯定会奇妙♪But wow! Am I so ready for this change! 但我已经为这些改变做好了准备!♪ 'Cause for the first time in forever 因为有生以来第一次♪There'll be music, there'll be light 这里将会充满音乐和灯光♪For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次♪I'll be dancing through the night♪我将会跳舞直到黎明♪Don't know if I'm elated or gassy♪不知道我是太高兴还是有点胃胀气♪But I'm somewhere in that zone♪但我现在就是这么高兴♪'Cause for the first time in forever 因为有生以来第一次♪I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone!♪我再也不孤单我等不及想见见大家!♪What if I meet "the one"?♪如果我遇见"那个他"怎么办?♪Tonight, imagine me gown and all♪想象一下今晚盛装出席的我♪Fetchingly draped against the wall♪穿着褶皱礼服迷人地靠着墙♪The picture of sophisticated Grace♪那画面脱俗而又优雅♪I suddenly see him standing there♪我突然见到伫立一旁的他♪a beautiful stranger tall and fair♪一位高大而又帅气的陌生人♪I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face! 我的心一定会被巧克力堵上!♪But then we laugh and talk all evening 我们欢笑畅谈整晚♪Which is totally bizarre♪那感觉一定很奇妙♪Nothing like the life I've led so far 与我之前的生活完全不同♪For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次♪There'll be magic, There'll be fun♪这里将会充满魔力和欢乐♪For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次♪I could be noticed by someone♪我将会被某人注视♪And I know it is totally crazy♪我知道这一定很疯狂♪To dream I'd find romance♪去期待浪漫的来临♪But for the first time in forever♪但有生以来第一次♪At least I've got a chance!♪至少我有了一次机会♪Don't let them in. Don't let them see 别让他们进来别让他们看到♪Be the good girl You always have to be 做个好女孩就像你从前那样♪Conceal. Don't feel♪隐藏情感不去感受♪Put on a show♪好好掩饰自己♪Make one wrong move and everyone will know♪只要一犯错别人就会知道♪But it's only for today♪但是,仅此一天♪It's only for today. It's agony to wait 仅此一天这痛苦的等待♪It's agony to wait♪这痛苦的等待♪Tell the guards to open up the..♪让守卫们快打开♪The gate!♪那大门!♪ For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次♪ Don't let them in Don't let them see 别让他们进来别让他们看到♪ I'm getting what I'm dreaming of♪我梦寐以求的时刻即将到来♪Be the good girl you always have to be 做个好女孩就像你从前那样♪A chance to change My lonely world♪一个改变我孤独世界的机会♪Conceal♪隐藏情感♪ A chance to find true love♪一个找到真爱的机会♪ Conceal, don't feel Don't let them know 隐藏情感不去感受不要让他们知道♪ I know it all ends tomorrow我知道明天一切都将结束♪So it has to be today!♪所以一定要把握住今天!♪'Cause for the first time in forever 因为有生以来第一次♪For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次♪Nothing's in my way!♪没有什么能阻止我!Hey!嘿!I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?我很抱歉你受伤了吗?Hey!嘿!Uh... No, no. I'm okay.不不我没事Are you sure?你确定?Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going.我刚刚没有看路But I'm great, actually.但我没受伤真的Oh... Thank goodness.噢,谢天谢地Oh! Uh...噢!Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.我是南方群岛的汉斯王子Princess Anna of Arendelle.我是艾伦戴尔的安娜公主"Princess"?公主?My Lady.我的女士Hi. Again.嗨,又来了.Oh boy!噢,小子!Ha. This is awkward. Not "You're awkward,"呃,真是尴尬不是说你but just because we're...I'm awkward. 只是因为我们...是我自己比较尴尬You're gorgeous. Wait, what?你帅呆了 -等下怎么了?I'd like to formally apologize for我想正式地为我hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...骑马撞上了艾伦戴尔的公主And for every moment after.以及之后所有的一切而道歉No! No, no. It's fine. I'm not that princess.不,不,不,没关系的我不是“那个”公主I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...Yeesh!我的意思是如果你撞到的是我姐姐埃尔莎那就不好了...Because, you know...因为,你懂的...Hello.哈喽But, lucky you, it's just me.但是算你走运撞到的仅仅是我Just you?仅仅是你?The bells. The coronation.铃响了是加冕礼I... I...我..我... I better go. I have togo. I better go. Uh 我得走了我必须走了我得走了呃...Bye!拜!Your Majesty, The gloves.陛下您的手套(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok♪古斯堪的那维亚语♪krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear...♪古斯堪的那维亚语♪Queen Elsa of Arendelle.艾伦戴尔的埃尔莎女王Queen Elsa of Arendell!艾伦戴尔的埃尔莎女王!Queen Elsa of Arendelle.艾伦戴尔的埃尔莎女王Princess Anna of Arendelle.艾伦戴尔的安娜公主Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay.这里?你确定吗?我不觉得我应该... 好吧Hi.嗨"Hi" me...? Oh. Um (i)跟我打招呼吗?噢嗨You look beautiful.你看起来很漂亮Thank you.谢谢You look beautiful-ler. I mean, not Fuller.你看起来更漂亮我的意思不是清洁工(英语谐音)You don't look Fuller, but more beautiful. 你不像清洗工而是更漂亮Thank you.谢谢So, this is what a party looks like.原来这就是派对啊It's warmer than I thought.比我想象的要暖和一些What is that amazing smell?是什么东西这么香呢?Chocolate.巧克力Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown. 陛下这位是鼬鼠城公爵"Weselton"! Duke of Weselton.“威斯顿”(与鼬鼠同音)威斯顿公爵..Your Majesty,陛下As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的交易伙伴It seems only fitting that I offer you 由我来邀请您跳加冕后的第一支舞Your first dance as Queen.再合适不过了Thank you. Only, I don't dance.谢谢但我不会跳舞But my sister does.但我妹妹会What? Oh! -Lucky you.什么?噢 -算你走运Oh, I don't think...噢,我可不这么认为...If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you. 如果头晕的话告诉我我会接着你Sorry.不好意思Like an agile peacock.像只灵活的孔雀Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.说到这个打开城门真是太好了Why did they shut them in the first place? 一开始干嘛要关上呢?Do you know the reason? Hmm?你知道原因吗?No. -No.不知道 -不知道么All right. Hang on!好吧抓紧了!They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.人称小北斗星可不是白叫的Like a chicken with the face of a monkey, I fly.就像一只长了猴子脸的鸡我可以飞Let me know when you're ready for another round, M'Lady.准备好再来一次的话告诉我我的女士Well, he was sprightly.哇哦,他真是太活跃了Especially for a man in heels.特别是对一位穿着高跟鞋的男士来说Are you okay? I've never been better. 你还好吗? -好得不能再好了This is so nice.这感觉真是太好了I wish it could be like this all the time. 真希望我们能一直像现在这样Me, too.我也是But it can't.但这不行Why not? It just can't.为什么不行? -反正就是不行Excuse me for a minute.对不起,我离开一下Glad I caught you. Hans真高兴我接住了你 -汉斯I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide! -Oops. Sorry.我经常一个人在客厅滑来滑去 -哦不好意思Your physique helps I'm sure too.我敢肯定,你的身材也起到了作用What's this? I was born with it,这是什么? -这是我出生就有的Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll. 尽管我梦见我被一个山精亲过I like it.我喜欢Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.耶,一整块!你做到了!Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?好的,等等,你有多少个兄弟?Twelve older brothers.12个哥哥Three of them pretended I was invisible, 有3个当我完全不存在literally, for two years.差不多有两年了吧That's horrible. - It's what brothers do. 真是太糟糕了 -哥哥就是这样的And sisters.姐姐也是Elsa and I were really close when we were little.小时候我跟埃尔莎非常亲密But then, one day she just shut me out, 但后来有一天她突然不理我了And I never knew why.直到现在我都不知道原因I would never shut you out.我永远都不会不理你Okay, can I just say something crazy? 好吧,我能说些疯话吗?I love crazy.我喜欢疯话♪All my life has been a series of doors in my face♪我的生活中有很多扇门挡在我面前♪And then suddenly I bump into you♪直到我无意中遇见了你♪I was thinking the same thing, because like..♪我跟你想的一样因为,就像♪I've been searching my whole life to find my own place♪我这一生一直在寻找属于自己的归宿♪And maybe it's the party talking♪大概就是这派对里的偶遇♪Or the chocolate fondue♪也可能是巧克力干酪♪But with you♪直到遇见了你♪I found my place♪我找到了归宿♪I see your face♪我注视着你的面容♪And it's nothing like I've ever known before♪而这是如此的与众不同♪Love is an open door!♪爱是一扇打开的门!♪Love is an open door Door♪爱是一扇打开的门!♪Love is an open door♪爱是一扇打开的门!♪With you With you♪和你在一起和你在一起♪Love is an open door♪爱是一扇敞开的门!♪I mean it's crazy. What?♪我觉得这很疯狂 -什么?♪We finish each other's Sandwiches♪我们吃了彼此的 -三明治♪That's what I was gonna say!♪你抢了我的词!♪I've never met someone Who thinks so much like me♪我从没见过想法和我如此一致的人♪Jinx! Jinx again!♪巧合...你看多巧!♪Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one explanation♪我们的想法如此一致只有一个解释♪You and I were just meant to be♪你和我注定要♪Say goodbye♪告别♪To the pain of the past♪过去的痛苦♪We don't have to feel it anymore!♪我们再也不用忍受了!♪Love is an open door!♪爱是一扇敞开的门!♪Love is an open door!♪爱是一扇敞开的门!♪Life can be so much more with you With you♪与你一起的生活能够如此多彩♪Love is an open door♪爱是一扇打开的门!♪Can I say something crazy?♪我能说一些疯话吗?♪Will you marry me?♪你愿意嫁给我吗?♪Can I just say something even crazier? 我能说些更疯的话吗?♪Yes!♪我愿意!Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there?不好意思能借过一下吗?Thank you. Oh, there she is.谢谢她在这里Elsa! I mean, Queen.埃尔莎! 我是说女王Me again. May I present,我又来了请允许我向您介绍Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.南方群岛的汉斯王子Your Majesty.陛下We would like...your blessing...我们希望您能祝福of... our marriage!我们的婚姻Marriage...? Yes!婚姻? -是的!I'm sorry, I'm confused.不好意思我有点糊涂Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.好吧我们还没想好所有的事宜We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. 我们需要几天的时间来计划婚礼Of course we'll have soup,当然,我们要准备鲜汤roast, and ice cream and then...烤肉冰淇淋还要...Wait. Would we live here?等下我们可以住在这里吗?Here? -Absolutely!这里? -当然!Anna!安娜!Oh, we can invite all 12 of your brothers to stay with us...我们可以邀请你那12个哥哥过来和我们一起住What? No, no, no, no, no.什么?不不不不,那可不行Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...当然我们有足够的房间我不知道他们中一些人必须...Wait. Slow down.等下,慢点No one's brothers are staying here.没有任何人的哥哥将会住在这里No one is getting married.没有人将会结婚Wait, what?等等,什么?May I talk to you, please? Alone.我能跟你谈谈吗?单独No. Whatever you have to say, you...不无论你想说什么you can say to both of us.你可以当着我们两个人的面说Fine. You can't marry a man you just met. 好吧你不能嫁给一个你刚认识的人You Can if it's true love.如果是真爱的话就可以Anna, what do you know about true love? 安娜你知道什么是真爱吗?More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.反正比你知道得多你只知道把人关在门外You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.你请求我的祝福但我的答案是不可以Now, Excuse me.现在不好意思Your Majesty, if I may ease your...陛下请允许我解释... No, you may not. And I think you should go. 不,不行,我认为你该走了The party is over. Close the gates.派对结束了把门关上Yes, Your Majesty.遵命陛下What? Elsa, no. No, wait!什么?埃尔莎不不等下!Give me my glove!把手套还给我!Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore.埃尔莎求你了求你了我不能再这样过下去了Then leave.那就离开What did I ever do to you?我到底哪里得罪你了?Enough, Anna.够了安娜No. Why? Why do you shut me out?不为什么?为什么要把我关在门外?Why do you shut the world out?!为什么你要把整个世界关在门外?What are you so afraid of?你究竟在害怕什么?I said, enough!我说,够了!Sorcery. I knew there was巫术我就知道something dubious going on here. 这里发生了什么可疑的事情Elsa埃尔莎There she is!看,女王来了!The Queen!是女王!Yes! It is her!是的!是她!40100:27:58,299 --> 00:28:00,219 Queen Elsa.埃尔莎女王40200:28:00,500 --> 00:28:02,545 Our beautiful queen!我们美丽的女王!40300:28:02,589 --> 00:28:05,599 Your Majesty? Are you all right? 陛下?您没事吧?40400:28:06,200 --> 00:28:07,000 No.不405There she is! Stop her!她在那!阻止她!Please, just stay away from me. 请离我远一点Stay away!走开!Monster Monster!怪物怪物!Elsa!埃尔莎!Elsa!埃尔莎!41100:28:48,049 --> 00:28:50,049 Wait, Please!请等等!41200:29:02,019 --> 00:29:03,929 Elsa, Stop!埃尔莎停下!41300:29:03,929 --> 00:29:05,769 Anna! No.安娜!-不41400:29:11,729 --> 00:29:14,019 The Fjord.峡湾41500:29:31,869 --> 00:29:34,039 Snow?下雪了?41600:29:34,209 --> 00:29:35,209 Yes, snow!是的,是雪!41700:29:35,209 --> 00:29:37,209 Are you all right? No.你没事吧? -没事41800:29:37,379 --> 00:29:40,419Did you know? No.你知道吗? -不41900:29:40,959 --> 00:29:42,719Look! It's snowing! It's snowing! 看!下雪了!下雪了!42000:29:42,719 --> 00:29:44,419The Queen has cursed this land!女王诅咒了这片土地!42100:29:44,419 --> 00:29:46,129She must be stopped!一定要阻止她!42200:29:46,129 --> 00:29:48,089You have to go after her...Wait, no! 你得追上她 -等下不!42300:29:48,339 --> 00:29:50,349You! Is there sorcery in you, too? 你!你也会巫术吗?42400:29:50,349 --> 00:29:52,389Are you a monster, too?你也是怪物吗?42500:29:52,509 --> 00:29:55,429No. No. I'm completely ordinary.不不我绝对很普通42600:29:55,429 --> 00:29:57,429That's right she is.没错她是的42700:29:57,679 --> 00:29:59,439In the best way.是好的那一方面42800:29:59,519 --> 00:30:01,189And my sister's not a monster.我姐姐也不是什么怪物42900:30:01,189 --> 00:30:02,859She nearly killed me!她差点杀了我!43000:30:02,939 --> 00:30:04,399You slipped on ice. -Her ice你在冰上滑倒了 -她的冰43100:30:04,519 --> 00:30:07,069It was an accident. She was scared.这只是个意外她被吓坏了43200:30:07,069 --> 00:30:10,149She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this她不是有意的她不是有意造成这一切的43300:30:10,149 --> 00:30:12,399Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚错在我是我刺激了她43400:30:12,399 --> 00:30:15,119So I'm the one that needs to go after her. 所以我必须去把她追回来43500:30:15,119 --> 00:30:17,029What? -Bring me my horse, please.什么?-请把我的马牵来43600:30:17,029 --> 00:30:19,239Anna, no. It's too dangerous.安娜别这样这太危险了43700:30:19,529 --> 00:30:21,239Elsa's not dangerous.埃尔莎一点都不危险43800:30:21,409 --> 00:30:23,329I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.我会带她回来然后搞定这一切43900:30:23,329 --> 00:30:25,079I'm coming with you. -No.我跟你一起去 -不44000:30:25,079 --> 00:30:27,869I need you here to take care of Arendelle. 我需要你留在这里帮我照看艾伦戴尔44100:30:28,169 --> 00:30:29,879On my honor.以我的名誉担保44200:30:31,669 --> 00:30:34,459I leave Prince Hans in charge.我授权汉斯王子来掌管这里44300:30:35,339 --> 00:30:37,339Are you sure you can trust her?你确定能相信她吗?44400:30:37,629 --> 00:30:39,379I don't want you getting hurt.我不想你受到伤害44500:30:39,379 --> 00:30:41,219She's my sister,她是我的姐姐44600:30:41,219 --> 00:30:43,219She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我44700:31:23,709 --> 00:31:26,799♪The Snow glows white on the mountain tonight♪今夜的山林已被白雪覆盖44800:31:26,919 --> 00:31:30,379♪Not a footprint to be seen♪杳无人迹44900:31:30,629 --> 00:31:33,719♪A kingdom of isolation♪在这样一个与世隔绝的王国45000:31:33,879 --> 00:31:37,179♪And it looks like I'm the Queen♪我似乎才是女王45100:31:38,299 --> 00:31:44,269♪The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside♪大风呼啸就像我心中汹涌的风暴45200:31:45,309 --> 00:31:50,269♪Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried..♪再也无法隐藏天知道我已经尽力...45300:31:52,189 --> 00:31:55,739♪Don't let them in, Don't let them see ♪别让他们进来别让他们看到45400:31:55,739 --> 00:31:59,239♪Be the good girl you always have to be ♪做个好女孩就像从前一样45500:31:59,239 --> 00:32:03,909♪Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know ♪隐藏情感拒绝感受不要让他们知道45600:32:05,369 --> 00:32:08,449♪Well, Now they know♪但是现在他们知道了45700:32:08,749 --> 00:32:12,419♪Let it go. Let it go♪随心而行随心而行45800:32:12,419 --> 00:32:15,919♪Can't hold it back anymore♪反正再也无法挽回45900:32:15,919 --> 00:32:19,289♪Let it go. Let it go♪随心而行随心而行46000:32:19,289 --> 00:32:23,009 ♪Turn away and Slam the door♪转过身甩上门46100:32:23,509 --> 00:32:26,000♪ I don't care♪我不在乎46200:32:26,000 --> 00:32:30,000♪ What they're going to say♪任何闲人闲语46300:32:30,009 --> 00:32:33,639♪Let the storm rage on♪任风暴咆哮吧46400:32:33,969 --> 00:32:37,429♪The cold never bothered me anyway♪严寒再也无法侵扰我46500:32:41,269 --> 00:32:47,029♪It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small♪有趣的是距离使一切都变得渺小46600:32:47,569 --> 00:32:51,029♪And the fears that once controlled me ♪那些曾经控制我的恐惧46700:32:51,029 --> 00:32:55,409♪Can't get to me at all♪再也无法困扰我46800:32:55,409 --> 00:32:58,949♪It's time to see what I can do♪是时候展现真正的自我46900:32:58,949 --> 00:33:02,499♪To test the limits and Break through ♪去突破未知的极限47000:33:02,499 --> 00:33:06,709♪No right, No wrong, No rules for me..♪没有对错,不再被规则所束缚47100:33:06,709 --> 00:33:09,079♪I'm free!♪我自由了!47200:33:10,129 --> 00:33:13,709♪Let it go! Let it go!♪随心而行随心而行47300:33:13,709 --> 00:33:17,259♪I am one with the wind and sky♪驾驭着狂风与天空的我47400:33:17,259 --> 00:33:20,839♪Let it go! Let it go!♪随心而行随心而行47500:33:20,839 --> 00:33:24,349♪You'll never see me cry♪你再也不会看到我哭泣47600:33:24,849 --> 00:33:28,219♪Here I Stand♪这就是我的主张477 00:33:28,219 --> 00:33:31,519♪And here I'll stay♪这就是我的坚持47800:33:31,519 --> 00:33:35,269♪Let the storm rage on♪任风暴咆哮吧47900:33:43,229 --> 00:33:49,119♪My power flurries through the air into the ground♪我的魔力如冰雪般从天而降48000:33:50,279 --> 00:33:56,199♪My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around♪我的灵魂随着四周的冰晶盘旋而上48100:33:57,119 --> 00:34:03,129♪And one thought crystallizes like An icy blast..♪思想化为结晶犹如一场冰暴48200:34:03,789 --> 00:34:06,669♪I'm never going back♪我再也不会回头48300:34:06,669 --> 00:34:11,379♪The Past is in the Past!♪过去都已成往事48400:34:11,379 --> 00:34:15,049♪Let it go! Let it go!♪随心而行随心而行48500:34:15,049 --> 00:34:18,639♪And I'll rise like the break of Dawn ♪我将像破晓的旭日一样升起48600:34:18,639 --> 00:34:22,139♪Let it go! Let it go!♪随心而行随心而行48700:34:22,139 --> 00:34:25,939♪That perfect girl is gone♪那个完美女孩已不复存在48800:34:26,349 --> 00:34:29,000♪Here I stand♪我就站在这48900:34:29,000 --> 00:34:33,669♪In the light of day♪光天化日之下49000:34:34,569 --> 00:34:39,569♪Let the storm rage on!♪任风暴咆哮吧49100:34:40,319 --> 00:34:43,739♪The cold never bothered me anyway♪严寒再也无法侵扰我49200:34:49,039 --> 00:34:53,039Elsa! Elsa!埃尔莎! 埃尔莎!49300:34:55,629 --> 00:34:57,629Elsa, It's me, Anna.艾尔莎是我安娜49400:34:57,629 --> 00:35:00,709Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.我并不是想让你冰住整个夏天49500:35:01,169 --> 00:35:04,469I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault.对不起都是我的错(哆嗦)49600:35:06,429 --> 00:35:08,429Of course, none of this would have happened当然了如果她把秘密告诉我的话49700:35:08,429 --> 00:35:10,389if she'd just told me her secret... ha... 这一切就不会发生了49800:35:10,599 --> 00:35:12,929She's a stinker.她真讨厌49900:35:17,729 --> 00:35:20,189Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No.不回来不50000:35:21,229 --> 00:35:23,559Oooo-Kay.好吧♪哆嗦♪50100:35:28,859 --> 00:35:31,649Snow, it had to be snow,雪到处都是雪50200:35:31,649 --> 00:35:34,659She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropicalmagic她为什么不能用热带魔法♪哆嗦♪50300:35:34,659 --> 00:35:38,529that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm...把峡湾覆盖上白沙和温暖的...50400:35:39,529 --> 00:35:41,199Fire! Whoa!火!哇哦!50500:35:49,000 --> 00:35:51,680Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold.冷死了冷死了50600:36:05,639 --> 00:36:08,639 Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.流浪橡树交易站50700:36:08,889 --> 00:36:10,639Ooh. "And Sauna"!喔还有桑拿!50800:36:18,779 --> 00:36:20,319Big summer blow out.夏日大甩卖50900:36:20,319 --> 00:36:22,609Half off swimming suits, clogs,半价泳装木屐51000:36:22,609 --> 00:36:25,449And a sun balm of my own invention, yah? 还有我自己发明的防晒霜,怎么样?51100:36:26,279 --> 00:36:27,869Oh, great.噢,太好了51200:36:27,869 --> 00:36:30,319For now, how about boots,但现在,有靴子么?51300:36:30,319 --> 00:36:32,739Winter boots and dresses?冬靴和连衣裙?51400:36:32,739 --> 00:36:35,199That would be in our winter department. 那应该在我们的冬季用品区51500:36:39,539 --> 00:36:43,709Oh. Um, I was just wondering. Has another young woman,呃,我只是有个疑问是否有另一位年轻的女士51600:36:43,709 --> 00:36:47,049The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?我也不清楚可能像女王这样的路过这里呢?51700:36:47,049 --> 00:36:50,299Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear.只有像你这种疯子才会在这暴雪里乱走亲爱的51800:36:57,099 --> 00:36:58,809You and this fellow. Yoo-hoo.你和这家伙51900:36:58,809 --> 00:37:00,559Big summer blow out.夏季大甩卖52000:37:05,599 --> 00:37:07,269 Carrots. -Hah?胡萝卜 -啊?52100:37:08,809 --> 00:37:10,559 Behind you.在你后面52200:37:10,559 --> 00:37:13,189Oh! Right. Excuse me.哦!好的. 对不起52300:37:13,689 --> 00:37:16,399A real howler in July, Yes?一只出现在七月的吼猴,对吗?52400:37:16,399 --> 00:37:18,239 Wherever could it be coming from? 你从哪里来的?52500:37:18,989 --> 00:37:20,779The North Mountain.北山52600:37:21,069 --> 00:37:22,409 North Mountain.北山527 00:37:22,739 --> 00:37:24,329That'll be forty.这些大概40块钱52800:37:24,329 --> 00:37:25,869Forty? No, ten.四十?不,最多十块钱52900:37:25,869 --> 00:37:27,499Oh dear, that's no good. See.亲爱的这可不好你看53000:37:27,499 --> 00:37:29,159These are from our winter stock,这些是我们的冬季库存53100:37:29,159 --> 00:37:31,159where supply and demand have a big problem.现在供需问题已经很严重了53200:37:31,159 --> 00:37:33,459You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?你想谈谈供需问题吗?53300:37:33,459 --> 00:37:35,129I sell ice for a living.我以卖冰为生53400:37:35,129 --> 00:37:37,089Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now.就现在这天气,这可真是笔难做的生意啊53500:37:37,089 --> 00:37:39,049。
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Amazing Grace
amazing grace, 奇异恩典
how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me 甘甜的音符让我罪以得赦免
i once was lost, but now i'm found 我曾经的失去,今天被寻回
was blind, but now i see 迷失但得看见
twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that fear relieved 如此恩典使我敬畏使我心得安慰how precious did that grace appear the hour i first believed初信之时即蒙恩惠真是何等宝贵through many dangers, toils, and snares i have already come许多危险试练网罗我已安然经过
'tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home 靠主恩典安全不怕更引导我归家how sweet the name of jesus sounds in a believer's ear ,闻主之名犹如甘露
it soothes his sorrows, 慰我疾苦
heals his wounds and drives away his fear 给我安宁
must jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free 以己一身救赎世人
no, there's a cross for everyone and there's a cross for me. 舍弃自我跟随我主
when we've been here ten thousand years bright shining as the sun,将来禧年圣徒欢聚恩光爱谊千年we've no less days to sing god's praise than when we first begun 喜乐颂赞在父座前深望那日快现。