同济大学 中西艺术比较课程-Presentation 7(英)

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Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665),Βιβλιοθήκη BaiduSelf-Portrait (1650), Paris, Louvre (left) Autoportrait, 1630, British Museum
Poussin (le Raphael francais), Ecstasy of St. Paul (1650), Paris, Louvre Raffael, Vision of Ezechiel (1518), Florence, Pitti Palace
Pierre Patel, Versailles Castle and Gardens (1668)
Versailles Bedchamber of the King (chambre du roy) Franç ois Marrot, Ceremony awarding the sash of the Order of Saint-Louis by the king in his bedchamber (1710)
Hallé, Reception of the Guenese Doge by Louis XIV in the Gallery of Mirrors, Versailles (1685)
Jacob Wouteresz Vosmaer, Still life of Flowers (ca. 1615-20)
Philippe de Champaiggne, Vanity, 1641, Paris, Fondation Maeght
(left) Willem Claesz, Still Lifes (1637, 1648) (right) Willem Kalf, Still Lifes (1653, 1662)
Louis XIII. (1601-1643), by F. Pourbu / Louis XIV. (1638-1714) by J. d’Egmont (1661) and by H. Rigaud (1701)
Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Equestrian statue for Louis XIV (1665), a) drawing, b) model, c) mutilated marble
The Rise of Paris and the French Monarchy 17th / 18th Cents.
Philipp the Fair (1268-13145) "imperator in regno suo" (emperor in his own reign)
Unknown Painter, Defeat of the Spanish Armada 8. 8. 1588, late 16th. Cent., National Maritime Museum
Europe at War 1618-1648
Protestants vs. Catholics Spain vs. France
Johannes Vermeer, The Milkmaid (ca. 1657), Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Bernini, Ecstasy of St. Teresa, 1652, Roma, Madonna dellla Vittoria
Charles Le Brun, The Entry of Alexander the Great into Babylon (1668), Paris, Louvre
Charles Le Brun, The Entry of Alexander the Great into Babylon (1668), Paris, Louvre (1686), Paris, Louvre Map of the Reign of Alexander the Great (356323BCE)
Joachim Beuckelaer, Kitchen scene (1566), Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Bible (Luke), 10, 38-42: "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her."
Adriaen van Ostade, The Violinist (1673), Den Haag, Mauritshuis; Adriaen Brouwer, The Master of Drinking, Amsterdam; Willem van Herp, Rustic Interior, Paris, Fondation Frits Lugt;
Royal Academy of Fine Arts founded 1648 reformed in 1663 (supremacy over the guilds) and installed under guidance of Colbert in the Louvre
Le Nain Brothers (1642), Happy Family and Peasant’s Meal, Paris, Louvre
Charles Le Brun (1610-1690), by Nicolas de Largilliere (1696), Paris, Louvre
Charles Le Brun, The Repentant Magdalen, 1655, Paris, Louvre Raphael, The Transfiguration (Detail), Rome, Vatican Museum,
Tongji Lecture 20. 11. 15
Diego Velazquez, Emperor Philipp IV. (1605-1655), Madrid, Prado Velazquez, Pope Innocent X (1574-1655), Rome, Galleria Doria Pamphili
Charles Le Brun, The Family of Darius before Alexander (1660/1), Paris Louvre
Castle of Versailles (1664-1684) 1664-72 (Louis Le Veau), c) 1678-84 (Jules Hardouin-Mansart) Louis XIV. roi soleil (sun king) grid with emblem of sun, Versailles, castle
Pieter de Hooch, Woman beside a linen chest (1662); Jansen Elinga, Dutch Interior, ca. 1668, Frankfurt, Museum Städel; Emanuell de Witte, Interior with Lady playing a Virginal (ca. 1665), Rotterdam, Bojmans Van Beuningen Museum
Pietro Tacca, Equestrian Statue Henri IV (1604)., Paris Pont Neuf, Paris
(above) Paris, Palais du Luxembourg (1615-24) (left) P. P. Rubens, Maria de Medici as Minerva, Medici Cycle (1621-24), Paris, Louvre (below) Palazzo Pitti, Florence, late 16th Cent.
Pieter de Hooch, Man Reading a Letter (ca. 1665), Private Collection Pieter de Hooch, The Messanger (ca. 1669), Hamburg, Kunsthalle
Gabriel Metsu, Woman Reading a Letter (ca. 1666), Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland Johannes Vermeer, The Love Letter (1666), Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
Jean-Baptiste Colbert 1618-1683, Minister of Finances (1665-83) painted by Philippe de Champaigne, (1666)
Henri Testelin, Colbert presents to Louis XIV the members of the Academy of Science (1667). Versailles, Museum
Johannes Vermeer, Young Woman Reading a Letter (ca. 1657), Dresden, Gemäldegalerie
Robert Campin, St. Barbara (Werl Altarpiece), 1438, Madrid, Museo del Prado
Quiringh Gerrits van Brekelenkam, a) The Tailor’s Workshop (1661), Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum; b) Domestic Interior with Family (1655), Sotheby’s; c) Family Group in an Interior, Malibu (ca. 1650), J. Paul Getty Museum
Andre Felibien, lecture 1663: "There are four different acions evident in Alexander's gestures. His compassiion towards the princesses is apparent both in his bearing and in the look in his eye. His open hand reveals his clemency and is a perfect expression of the mercy he shows to the entire court. His other hand, resting on Hephaistion, shows that the latter is his favourite or, rather, an incarnation of himself. His left leg, which is pulled back, is a mark of civility he shows towards the princesses."
Katherina de Medici (1519-1589), from 1547-59 Queen of France and Wife of Henri II miniature by F. Clouet Maria de Medici (1575-1642), Queen and Wife of Henri IV (1600-1610), Regent of France 1610-30, Painting by Agnolo Bronzino