bì()易奇jué()融融yìyì()引háng()高歌yì()日 qǐ()丽dòng()吓 luò()yì()不绝晓yù() xié()手水xiè()不通一xiè( )千里葱lóng() ní()虹灯 jǔjǔ()()独行花团锦cú()丘hè()盛zhuàn()孤苦língdīng()( )chà()紫yān()红zhé()伏 shǔn()吸 duò()落 yí()误cuò()手不及枯jí( ) míng( )顽和xù( ) líng( )听孤pì( ) 威shè( ) 高zhān( )远瞩( ) niè()手niè( ) 脚花团锦cù( ) 重luán( )叠嶂自出心cái( ) 中shū( )二、给下列加点字注音。
纤.细()万顷.()伫.立()飓.风()绮.丽()剽.悍()辟.()易叫嚣.()窥伺.()分miǎn()岑()寂侍.者()凝眸.()喧嚣.()筹.办()滂沱..()()恫吓..()踱.步()沮.丧()粗犷.()耸.听()执拗.()孤僻.()堕.落()腼腆..()侮蔑.()指摘.()刹.那()匀称.()慷慨.()饶.舌()对峙.()勉强.()栖.息()聆.听()嫉.妒()涟漪..()琴弦.()弥...()咆哮漫()教诲.()颤.抖()载.重()记载.()丘壑.()堆砌.()比拟.()吮.吸()贻.误()咆哮..()()冰雹.()威慑.()伺.机()蛰.伏()蜷.缩()承载.( )中枢.()下载.()养尊处.优()姹.紫嫣红()火烧火燎.()高瞻远瞩.()累累..果实()翩.翩.起舞()忍俊不禁.()怡.然自得()风雨如磐.()摄.手摄脚()踽踽..独行()花团锦簇.()三、改正下列词语中的错别字。
2022年中考语文二轮专题复习:易误读的常见错字 专项练习题汇编(含答案解析)
凹.陷(āo wā)飞渡重.洋(chóng zhòng )华.罗庚(huáhuà)见微知著.(zhùzhuó)2.用“√”给加点字选择正确的读音。
石灰吟.(yín yíng)燕.山(yān yàn )千锤万凿.(zuòzáo )粉骨碎.身(cuìsuì)坚劲.(jìn jìng )烈火焚.烧(fén féng)3.请为加点字选择正确的读音。
千锤万凿.(zuòzáo)烈火焚.烧(hún fén)粉骨碎.身(cuìsuì)金络.脑(luòlào)坚劲.(jìn jìng)踏.(tàtā)清秋4.给下面加点的字选择正确的读音,填在横线上。
皎.皎(jiāo jiǎo)机杼.(yǔzhù)札.札(zázhá)擢.素手(zhuózhái)山脉.(mòmài)温情脉.脉(mòmài)纤.尘(xiān qiàn)纤.夫(xiān qiàn)5.选择正确的读音,填在横线上。
高僧.(sēn sēng)吞噬.(sìshì)脱缰.(jiān jiāng)活佛.(fófú)演绎.(zéyì)獠.牙(liáo liào)山南琼.结(jīng qióng)哄.堂大笑(hōng hǒng)6.给下列字选择正确的读音。
咸(xián chéng)甜荞(qiáo jiāo)麦耙(bàpá)地蹚(tàng tāng)河7.给带点的字选择正确的读音,填在横线上。
一、词语辨析1. 速度与快速速度强调的是事物的行动快慢,快速则侧重于行动的快。
2. 禁止与阻止禁止表示不允许做某事,阻止则是对某一行动进行干预,使其不得继续进行。
3. 优秀与卓越优秀表示在某一领域有出色的表现,卓越则强调在全面、多个方面都有卓越的成就。
4. 合理与合适合理强调符合逻辑、合乎常理,而合适则表示适合某种情况或需要。
5. 深刻与透彻深刻指对问题或道理的理解程度很高,透彻强调触及事物的最底层,全面而深入。
二、用法解析1. 语文与华文语文是指汉语文化,汉字的学习与应用,即中文课程。
2. 下雨与降雨下雨是指雨水从云层中降落到地面上,是一种自然现象。
3. 意外与偶然意外强调的是一种不可预料的事件,偶然则指几率很小的事件。
4. 乌云与黑云乌云是指云层颜色较暗,带有黑色或灰暗色调的云,多为天气转变的前兆。
答案:1. 最终2. 后来3. 公正4. 见面5. 认真题二:1.这个故事告诉我们,努力工作可以(获得/取得)成功。
答案:1. 获得2. 争取3. 重要4. 轻微5. 取得题三:1.我们对他的努力表示(钦佩/赞赏)。
答案:1. 钦佩2. 严格3. 积极4. 计划5. 大量题四:1.他(冒险/冒险)穿过了河流。
答案:1. 冒险2. 干涉3. 满意4. 时长5. 谦卑题五:1.我对这个问题(坚持/持执)自己的观点。
答案:1. 坚持2. 有用3. 非凡4. 相同5. 节省。
初中生易错的词语、成语1.(安)装2.甘(拜)下风3.自(暴)自弃4.针(砭)5.(舶)来品6.脉(搏)7.松(弛)8.一(筹)莫展9.(川)流不息10.精(粹)11.重(叠)12.(度)假村13.(妨)碍14.(辐)射15.一(副)对联16.天翻地(覆)17.言简意(赅)18.气(概)19.一(鼓)作气20.悬梁刺(股)21.粗(犷)22.食不(果)腹23.震(撼)24.凑(合)25.(候)车室26.迫不(及)待27.(即)使28.一如(既)往29.草(菅)人命30.(矫)揉造作31.挖墙(脚)32.一诺千(金)33.不(胫)而走34.(竣)工35.不落(窠)臼36.(脍)炙人口37.打(蜡)38.死(赖)脸39.(蓝)天白云40.鼎(力)相助41.再接再(厉)42.老(两)口43.黄(粱)美梦44.(瞭)望45.水(龙)头46.杀(戮)47.痉(挛)48.美(轮)美奂49.(啰)唆50.蛛丝(马)迹51.萎(靡)不振52.沉(湎)53.(明)信片54.(墨)守成规55.大(拇)指56. (呕)心沥血57. (平)添58.出(其)不意59.修(葺)60. (青)睐61. (罄)竹难书62.入场(券)63.声名(鹊)起64.发(轫)65.(瘙)痒病66.欣(赏)67.谈笑风(生)68.人情(世)故69.有(恃)无恐70.额(手)称庆71.追(溯)72.鬼鬼(祟祟) 73.金榜(题)名74.走(投)无路75.趋之若(鹜) 76.迁(徙)77.洁白无(瑕)78.九(霄)云外79.(宣)泄80.寒(暄)81.(旋)律82.(犹)如猛虎83.(赝)品84.不能自(已) 85.竭泽而(渔)86.滥(竽)充数87.世外桃(源) 88.(赃)款89.(蘸)水90.(蛰)伏91.装(帧)92.饮(鸩)止渴93.坐(镇)94.旁(征)博引95.(炙)手可热96.九(州)97.床(笫)之私98.(恣)意妄为99.编(纂)100.(坐)月子初中生易错成语深孚众望川流不息分道扬镳雷厉风行旁征博引汗流浃背和颜悦色好高骛远胜券在握发人深省召之即来草菅人命方枘圆凿责无旁贷承前启后望风披靡无耻谰言一古脑儿恻隐之心继往开来神采奕奕惹是生非素昧平牛山清水秀戛然而止恰如其分睡眼惺忪英雄辈出欣欣向荣英雄事迹惴惴不安行踪诡秘苦心孤诣一笔勾销昭然若揭肆无忌惮气冲霄汉不骄不躁先发制人抑扬顿挫浮想联翩因势利导恬不知耻淋漓尽致寥若晨星一枕黄粱金碧辉煌唇枪舌剑饮鸩止渴赔礼道歉刚愎自用靡靡之音趾高气扬励精图治煞费苦心栩栩如生惊惶失措朝气蓬勃穷兵黩武矫揉造作破釜沉舟罄竹难书委曲求全共商国是惩前毖后炙手可热手头宽裕变幻莫测貌合神离优柔寡断庞然大物衣衫褴褛无坚不摧融会贯通鬼鬼祟祟卑躬屈膝如法炮制虚无缥缈如虎添翼心悦诚服维妙维肖再接再厉浑然一体中流砥柱为富不仁无与伦比眼花缭乱买椟还珠因地制宜咄咄逼人微乎其微变本加厉适得其反看样订货唉声叹气一抔黄土水利枢纽并行不悖断壁颓垣碑帖临摹久负盛名神采奕奕报销车费另辟蹊径平心而论味同嚼蜡幅员辽阔嘉宾满座揭竿而起趋之若鹜明察秋毫连篇累牍贪赃枉法陈词滥调气势汹汹怙恶不悛牟取暴利巧夺天工要言不烦妄自菲薄蔚为大观蜂拥而上关怀备至兴高采烈摧枯拉朽言简意赅众口铄金坦荡如砥集腋成裘安然无恙不卑不亢碑帖临摹讳疾忌医大有裨益如愿以偿酒中掺水礼尚往来杳无音信为虎作伥推心置腹相辅相成浮想联翩纷至沓来卑躬屈膝飞扬跋扈拄着拐棍张皇失措晶莹无瑕运筹帷幄徇私枉法崇山峻岭水乳交融。
1. 下面选项中哪个词语的意思与“调皮捣蛋”最接近?
A. 聪明伶俐
B. 贪玩好动
C. 顽皮淘气
D. 淘气捣蛋
2. 下列句子中,加点词的用法不正确的一项是:
A. 这只狗似乎不习惯生人的气味。
B. 学生们纷纷往教室里涌去。
C. 天空中的星星稀稀落落,好像散落了一地。
D. 假期里,我读了许多书,真是太开心了。
3. 下列词语中,哪一个词与“爱”意义最相近?
A. 喜欢
B. 厌恶
C. 敬佩
D. 情感
4. 下列词语中,加点词使用不正确的一项是:
A. 这个石头又硬又坚固。
B. 这位老人家很和蔼。
C. 这只小猫又可爱又美丽。
D. 他的笑容很和气。
5. 下列句子中用词最得体的一项是:
A. 贩卖毒品是违法的,我们应该共同抵制。
B. 贸易不平衡是导致经济发展不稳定的原因之一。
C. 文化交流是加深国家间友谊的重要途径。
D. 这道题目很简单,解答方法很简便。
一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音完全相同的一组是:A. 沮丧沮丧沮丧B. 惊讶惊讶惊讶C. 剥削剥削剥削D. 沉默沉默沉默2. 下列词语中,字形、字音、字义完全不同的一组是:A. 漂泊漂流漂亮B. 谦虚谦卑谦让C. 拔河拔萃拔擢D. 炽热炽烈炽情3. 下列词语中,字形、字音相同,但字义不同的一组是:A. 热闹热烈热心B. 骄傲骄阳骄奢C. 精神精巧精湛D. 严肃严重严厉4. 下列词语中,字形相近,但字音、字义不同的一组是:A. 悠闲悠久悠扬B. 精确精密精湛C. 粗糙粗劣粗疏D. 淘气淘汰淘金5. 下列词语中,字形、字音相同,但用法不同的一组是:A. 便宜便宜便宜B. 好奇好奇好奇C. 灵巧灵巧灵巧D. 稀奇稀奇稀奇6. 下列词语中,字形相近,但字音、字义相同的一组是:A. 悲观悲伤悲愤B. 疲劳疲倦疲软C. 稳定稳妥稳健D. 坚强坚定坚硬7. 下列词语中,字形、字音相同,但用法不同的一组是:A. 慷慨慷慨慷慨B. 坚定坚定坚定C. 严厉严厉严厉D. 精彩精彩精彩8. 下列词语中,字形相近,但字音、字义不同的一组是:A. 拥护拥有拥挤B. 慈祥慈爱慈悲C. 稳定稳妥稳健D. 愤怒愤慨愤恨9. 下列词语中,字形、字音相同,但用法不同的一组是:A. 热烈热情热心B. 便宜便宜便宜C. 精彩精彩精彩D. 坚定坚定坚定10. 下列词语中,字形相近,但字音、字义相同的一组是:A. 严肃严重严厉B. 精确精密精湛C. 疲劳疲倦疲软D. 稳定稳妥稳健二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. “悲”字可以组成以下词语:悲哀、悲愤、悲凉、悲壮、悲喜交加、______、______、______。
2. “傲”字可以组成以下词语:骄傲、傲慢、傲骨、傲然、傲视一切、______、______、______。
3. “精”字可以组成以下词语:精神、精确、精湛、精心、精打细算、______、______、______。
部编语文七年级上册易错词一、词义解释错误1. 议论:表达自己的观点和看法,进行讨论,而不是争论。
2. 狡猾:形容人心思深沉,善于隐藏自己的真实意图,而不是形容聪明。
3. 锻炼:通过体育活动让身体变得更强壮,而不是只是简单的锻炼。
4. 布置:安排任务或者责任的分配,而不是衣物等杂物的整理。
5. 寻找:进行搜索或者寻求,而不是只是找。
6. 聘请:指正式请人来担任一定职务,而不是请客。
二、词形变换错误1. 丰富(形容词)→ 丰富地(副词)2. 鸟巢(单数)→ 鸟巢(复数)3. 平常(形容词)→ 平常 (副词)4. 冯小宝的篮球才艺展示充满了幽默感。
(副词)→幽默(形容词)5. 这只小狗看起来非常友好。
(副词) → 友好(形容词)三、拼音错误1. 图书馆(tú shū guǎn) → 图书馆(tú shū guǎn)2. 每个(měi ge) → 每个(měi ge)3. 弟弟(dì dì) → 弟弟 (dì dì)四、字形错误1. 秀气(xìu qì)→ 秀气(xiù qì)2. 寸草心(cùn cǎo xīn)→ 寸草心(cùn cǎo xīn)3. 云淡风轻(yùn dàn fēng qīng)→ 云淡风轻(yún dàn fēng qīng)五、语法错误1. 他想知道那本书是谁的。
→ 他想知道那本书是谁的?2. 昨天晚上我做了我的作业。
→ 昨天晚上我做了作业。
3. 我跟白天见过面。
→ 我跟白天见过面吧。
4. 小明是在北京的大学学生。
→ 小明是北京的大学学生。
初中语文词语辨析专项训练及答案一、高考原题详析1. 依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )(08江西)A.年轻以至踌躇满志 B.年青以致踌躇满志C.年轻以致自鸣得意D.年青以至自鸣得意答案:A解析:此题考查正确使用词语的能力。
2. 将下列词语依次填入各句横线处,最恰当的一组是( )(07北京)A.时间效劳从属 B.瞬间效力从属C.瞬间效劳归属 D.时间效力归属答案:B解析:运用排除法,先区分“时间和瞬间”二个词语。
二、词语辨析专项训练1. 依次填入句中横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是( )③像孩童第一次睁开眼睛看见阳光,作者目光是那样惊喜,着饱满的生气。
A.监测私自充斥 B.监控擅自充斥C.监测擅自充溢 D.监控私自充溢2. 将下列词语依次填入下面这段话的横线处,最恰当的一组是( )位于日本藤川市海滨的聂耳纪念碑,用素净的大理石成,稍稍倾斜地平置于长方形基座上。
初中语文中考复习高频别字专项练习共个附参考答案 (一)
初中语文中考复习高频别字专项练习共个附参考答案 (一)初中语文中考复习高频别字专项练习共20个,附参考答案语文中考中,常常有很多学生因为生词错误、别字错误等低级错误丢分。
易混词语填空专练1. a/an/theA. There's "u" and _____ "s" in _____ word "us".B. There is _____ young man and _____ old man in the photo. ______ old man is _____ youngman's father.2. one/onesA. I don't like this skirt. Show me that _____.B. The new skirts are mine. The old _____ are yours.3. by/with/in/useA. Jay can sing the song _____ either Chinese or English. How great!B. I won't believe it until I see it _____ my own eyes.C. We usually ______ a ruler to draw a straight line.D. Miss Zhao goes to work ______ bike.4. put on/wear/in/dressA. The twins don't always _____ the same clothes,B. The woman _____ a red hat is our new English leacher.C. It's very cold today. Please _____ more clothes when you go out.D. Mother is ______ my baby sister now.5. a lot/a lot of/many/muchA. I like eating oranges _____, so there are always oranges at my home.B. There are so ______ people that I cannot count them.C. _____ people think living in China is _____ better than living in Japan.D. I've learned _____ from him.6. look for/find/find outA. Please try to _____ who stole the computer.B. Please help me _____ my mobile phone, I can't _____ it.7. look/read/see/watchA. _____ at the picture! What can you ______ in it?B. I'll _____ a book instead of _____ TV tonight.8. and/or/withA. "There is no air _____ no water on the moon."means "There is no air _____ water onthe moon."B. "The boy _____ his parents go to Hong Kong every year." means "The boy _____ his parentsgoes to Hong Kong every year."9. also/tooA. I was at her birlhday party, and he was _____ there.B. Andy Law is a famous actor. He's a good singer,10. take/bring/carry/getA. The woman was _____ a big bag. Let's help her.B. Next lime when you come, _____ me the book,please.C. Who's _____ away today's newspaper?. I haven't read it yet.D. Go and _____ me some water, rm thirsty.11. each/everyA. "_____ of them speaks a foreign language." means _____ one of them speaks a foreignlanguage."B. There are some big shops on _____ side of the street.12. problem/questionA. What is the biggest _____ in the world? Can you answer this _____ ?B. The _____ is that he's always asking me such foolish _____.13. learn/studyA. He _____ hard and at last _____ the language.B. The children are _____ the maths problem now.C. We _____ in the same school, so we often _____ from each other and help each other.D. We _____ English in the morning and _____ to play football in the afternoon.14. in/on/atA. There are many good apples _____ the tree.B. He gets up _____ six _____the morning and goes to bed _____ ten ______ night _____weekdays.C. Does he have lunch _____ home _____ ?D. The man _____ duty is reading a book _____ medicine _____the desk.E. In the twins' bedroom, the windows _____ the wall are very big, the pictures _____the wall are not very new.15. sometime/sometimes/some time/some timesA. Please read the text _____ until you can recite it.B. I will go shopping _____ tomorrow.C. He waited for _____ then left.D. They _____ play football after school.16. have/has/there is/there areA. In Class One _____ 25 boys and 25 girls.B. In Classroom One _____ a map of China.C. Does your brother _____ a map of China?D. _____ your brother got a map of China?17. right/all right/that's right/that's all/that's all rightA. ----- Thanks a lot for your help. ----- ______.B. ----- Are you a student? ----- Yes.______.C. ----- Let's go shopping. ----- ______.D. Could you tell me whether it is _____ or wrong?E. I want to buy a cup of tea, a piece of bread and an apple. _____.18. how many/much/long/old/oftenA. ----_____ does it take by plane? ---It takes about eleven hours.B. ----_____ is your father? ---- He is fifty.C. ----_____ is the fish? ----It's ten yuana kilo.D. -----_____ do you wriie Io your father?. ----- Once a month.E. -----_____ students are there in your class? ----- Forty-five.19. look up/look at/look after/look like/look the sameA. Please _____ Lucy and Lily because they are new here.B. Please _____ Lucy and Lily! Can you find any differences between them?C. Lucy and Lily are twin sisters. They _____ each other very much.D. Lucy and Lily _____.E. Please ______ the new words in your dictionary.20. what/which/who/whose/where/howA. ---- ______ do you like China? ---- Very much.B. ---- ______ do you like about China? ----The food and the people.C. ---- ______ is Mr. Green? ~Heis an English teacherD. ---- ______ is Mr. Green? ---He is Jim's father.E. ---- ______ falher is Mr. Green? --Jim's.F. ---- ______ man is Mr. Green? ----The man on a black bike.G. ---- ______ is Mr. Green from? --He's from America.H. ---- _____ is Mr. Green like? --He is tall and thin.21. class/lessonA. He listens to the teacher carefully in _____.B. There are four _____ in each unit of the English textbook.22. in time/on timeA. You must give back the book to me _____.B. You're just _____ for the last bus.23. for short/short forA. TV is ________ television,B. They callme Tom _______ .24. may be/maybeA. Tom, ______ you are right.B. The mon over there ______ Li Lei's English teacher.25. begin/startA. When can we _____ off for Beiiing?B. He didn't know how to _____.26. other/another/the other/others/the otherA. Those shoes are too small for me. Would you show me _____ pair?.B. There are six people in the room. Three are girls, _____ three are boys.C. He is always helping _____.D. There are many books in the box. Ten of them are mine, _____are my sisler's,E. Mr Liu and Miss Sun and four ______ teachers are teaching this class.27. must/have toA. We _____ follow our Party to go.B. He _____ get up earlier because his mother asks him _____to cook breakfast.28. be good/be good to/be good atA. My parents ______ me.B. He ______ English.C. Chocolate ______ your health, do you agree?29. road/way/streetA. Can you tell me the ______ to your school?B. I met him in the ______.C. They drove along the country ______.30. in front/in front of/in(at) the frontA. Ricky stood _____ lhe stage and began to sing.B. He sits _____ and I sit not far behind him.C. A tree stands ______ the house.31. hope/wishA. I _____ you to win the competition.B. I _____ you can win the competition.C. We have no _____ to finish the work in time. What shall we do?D. Best _____ to all of you in the coming year!32. ago/beforeA. Everyone should come back _____ five o'clock.No one should be late.B. "He came back two days ____." means "He came back the day ____ yesterday."33. by the way/on the way in the wayA. The chair is _____. Please move it away.B. _____, have you got a computer at home?C. Roy happened to meet his father ______ to school.34. match/game/sportA. The Chinese basketball team had a _____with the American basketball team in the last Olympic_____.B. I often do _____ or play with my classmates after school.C. There will be a _____ meeting next week.35. go on/go on doing/go on to doA. After they had read the text, the students _____the exercises.B. They _____ the farm work in the field though it was raining hard.C. I hope everything _____ well.36. at the end/in the end/by the end/to the endA. Go down this road _____ and you'll find the police station on your left.B. Which building is _____ of the road? Is it a supermarket or a hospital?C. Tim laughed _____ because he won the game,D. How many English words had you learnt _____ of last term?37. what/howA. "_____ a good film!" means _____ good the film is!"B. "_____ beautiful music!" means " _____ beautiful the music is!"C. "_____ is the weather?" means " _____ is the weather like?"38. in/to/onA. Japan is _____ the east of China and Taiwan is _____ the southeast of China.B. Henan is _____ the north of Hubei.39. just now/right nowA. I must go to my officeB. I made a telephone call to my friend ______.40. how often/how soon/how long/what timeA. ----- _____ will he be beck? ----- In a week.B. ----- _____ does he come back? ---- Once a week.C. ----- _____ were you in Beijing last year?. ----- For a week.D. ----- _____ did you go to bed last night? ----- At eleven.41. few/little/a few/a littleA. There's _____ time left. We'll be late if we don't hurry.B. We still have _____ apples at home. We.needn't buy any now.C. There're _____ apples at home. You'd better go and buy some.D. I still have _____ money on me, so I can buy apples with it.42. neither/either/noneA. _____ of them is here. All of them have gone to Shanghai.B. _____ of his parents is a doctor. They are teachers.C. _____ Damao or Xiaomao will go there for the dinner. One of them should stay at home.D. He speaks _____ English nor Japanese. Hespeaks Chinese.43. both/all/wholeA. _____ the books are here. You may choose any of them!B. _____ of the twins like spending _____ their money on books.C. What bad weather! It has snowed for five days.D. "The workers worked the _____ day." means. "The workers worked _____ day."44. cross/across/through/over/pass/pastA. The car _____ by with a thick smoke behind iust now.B. The boss walked _____ me without saying a wore at half _____ one. I don't know why.C. The sunlight is shining in _____ the window.D. " Go _____ the bridge." means " _____ the bridge."E. They climbed _____ the tall wall, didn't they?45. arrive/get/reachA. Please tell me when you'll _____in Taiyuan. I'll meet you at the airport.B. Can you tell me how to _____ to the nearest police station?C. Please call me when you _____ Shanghai.D. The passengers were worried because the train didn't _____ on time.46. noise/sound/voiceA. Our physics teacher told us light travels faster than _____.B. "You have a beautiful _____," the man said to her in a sweet _____.C. We shouldn't make any _____ in the reading room.47. so/norA. ---- They have supper at six every day. ----- _____ do we.B. ---- They don't use animals to do farm work now. ---- _____do we.48. be asleep/fall asleep/go to sleep/go to bedA. I usually _____ at half past nine every evening.B. The young man lay on the _____ soon.C. The baby _____ Please don't talk.49. pardon/sorry/excuse meA. ______, I am late.B. ______? I didn't hear what you said,C. ______, could you tell me the way to the station?D. 1 beg your ______, Sir, for coming here late.50. spend/take/pay/costA. "It ______ me an hour to read English every day." means" I _____an hour readingEnglish every day."B. The T-shirt ______ me eighty yuan. means " I ______ eighty yuan on the T-shirt. "C. "She ______ 100 dollars for the ticket." means " She ______ 100 dollars on the ticket."D. I am going to ______ my summer holiday in my hometown.51. interest/interested/interestingA. Are you ______ in the ______ storybook?B. He says he has no ______ in visiting the places of ______. I don't know why.52. sleepy/sleep/asleepA. I didn't get to ______ until late last night.B. I felt very ______ because I didn't ______ well last night.C. He fell _____ during the meeting.53. as/likeA. Football is not so popular ______ ping-pong in Chino,B. If you do _____ I told you, you'll make fewer mistakes.C. You should do it ______ this,D. The girl looks ______ her mother.54. fall/dropA. Unluckily. the runner ______ his stick on the ground.B. I heard Tony ______ down from the tree and hurt his leg.55. miss/loseA. She ______ her wallet on her way to the supermarket.B. They were very sad because they ______ an important football game.C. We all ______ you very much. How soon will you be back7D. You say you have ______ the letter: when did you ______ it?56. much too/too much/too manyA. Mr. Green eats _______ rich food, so he is ______ fat.B. I have ______ books to read and ______homework to do today.C. Watching TV ______ is bad for your health.57. be famous for/be famous asA. Yao Ming ______ a basketball player,B. China _______ its food in the world.58. look over/look up/look for/find/find outA. The old man _____ his money everywhere, but he couldn't ______ it.B. If you've ______ who broke the window, please tell me.C. If you don't know the new words, please ______ them ______ in a dictionary,D. After the doctor ______ the patient very carefully, he said there was nothing serious.59. used to/be used to/wouldA. Granny ______ living in city now.B. He said he ______ come tomorrow.C. I ______ live with my grandparents, but now I have my own home.60. search/search for/findA. The police ______ their missing children here and there, but they didn't ______ him.B. The policeman ______ the thief to see if he stole the money.61. none/no oneA. ______ of the workers went to see the film last night.B. ---- How many workers went to see the film last night?---- ______.C. ---- Who went to see the film last night? ---- ______.62. have been to/have been in/have gone toA. They ______ Beijing for five years,B. They ______ Beijing three times.C. ---- Where're they? ---- They ______ Beijing.63. so/suchA. It is ______ a heavy box that he can't carry it.B. The box is ______ heavy that he can't carry, it.C. I had _____ much work to do that I slept very late last night.64. join/take part inA. The children ______ the English Evening and had a good time.B. When did your father ______ the Party, do you know?65. except/besidesA. Millie is good at sports ______ football, he also does well in playing basketball.B. We all passed the exam ______ Li Ming. How unlucky he is!66. die/dead/dying/deathA. "His father ______ two years ago." means "His father has been _____for two years."B. Mary is always sad when she thinks of her little cat's ______.C. The doctors are trying to save the ______ man.67. as/for/since/becauseA. ______ everyone is here. let's start the meeting.B. ---- Why didn't he come to school? ---- ______ he was ill.C. There must be nobody in the classroom, _______ the light is off.D. ______ I am young, I often give my seat to old ones on buses.68. still/already/yetA. He is over seventy. But he is ______ working on the farm.B. He has not come ______.C. They have ______ finished doing the homework.69. be able to/canA. Mum said "Huahua, you _____ watch TV after you finish doing your homework."B. They may _____ win the competition, for they have practised for along time.C. Jim _____ not be in the office now, for he left an hour ago.70. own/have/there beA. I _____ a new computer. My uncle bought it for me as a birthday present yesterday.B. You should do it with your _____ hands.C. ____ a CD player on the desk. Whose is it?71. as well/too/also/eitherA. Mr. Green can _____ speak Chinese well.B. I haven't heard from him. She hasn't heard from him, ______.C. I have been to Beijing twice, _____.D. People in Korea celebrate the Spring Festival _____.72. give up/give inA. You can't _____ English, because it's very important.B. Finally I _____ and accepted the job.73. turn on/rum off/turn up/turn downA. Please _____ the radio. I can't hear the news clearly.B. Please _____ the radio. It’s too noisy.C. Please _____ the light. It's too dark here and I can't see anything.D. Please _____ the light when you leave here.74. try out/try onA. Please _____ the new shoes. I don't know if they fit you.B. The boy is clever and he likes _____ new ideas.75. hear of/hear from/hear aboutA. We haven't ______ him since last Christmas.B. I don't know the writer, but I have ______ him.C. I have never _____ such a funny story before.76. hand in/in handA. I have 1,000 yuan ______. But that's not enough.B. You should _____ your exam papers on time.77. send up/send away/send forA. The police were ______ when the accident happened.B. The boss ______ the worker because he was too lazy.C. Our country ______ another man-made satellite last year.78. thanks for/thanks toA. ____ the police, the parents found their lost child soon.B. ____ helping me with my English.79. steal/robA. The thief ______ the mobile phone from me.B. The man ______ me of my mobile phone. me.80. that/which/whoA. This is the best film _____ has been shown this year.B. You can take any seat _____ is free.C. Is there anything ______ I can do for you?D. Those ______ know the answer, put up your hands.E. The teacher, ______ comes from England, speaks English.81. lonely/aloneA. The old man lives _____ in a _______ house, but he doesn’t feel _____.B. When the baby woke up he found himself ______.C. This readingroom is for teachers ______.82. amazing/amazedA. She was _____ at the ______ wonder at that time.B. The ______ news _____ me very much.83. at all/in all/of all/after allA. In the basket, there are 21 apples ______ .B. ______, he is only a child of ten years old.C. I am not pleased with what you did ______.D. ______ the basketball players in China, Yao Ming is the best.84. long before/before longA. I hope to see you ______.B She said that she had known your name ______.85. whether/ifA. I don't know ______ he will come here tomorrow. ______ he comes, I will let you know.B. I can not decide ______ to go or stay.C. ______ you like it or not, you wil1 have to do it.86. think about/think of/think overA. The problem is so difficult that they have to ____ a mew way to solve it.B. Please _____ how to take the first step.C. I often _____ my old friends when I am in this new school.D. Could you tell me what you ______ this new book?E. ______ it ______, and you will come up with an idea.87. prefer/like/love/enjoyA. "Which do you _____ , dancing or singing? " means "Which do you ______ better,dancing or singing"B. Do you always ______ yourself in the new school?C. We all ______ our motherland, China.D. I ______ swimming to running.88. leave/forgetA. Don't ______ to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.B. She ______ her purse on the bus on her way to work.C. I'll never ______ visiting the Great Wall.D. Don't _____ the stove on when you go out.89. tall/high/highlyA. Yao Ming is 2.26 meters ______.B. The price of the sweater is so _____ that the ____ boy can't afford it.C. The villagers speak ______ of their work.90. for example/such asA. Paper can be made into many things, ______ newspapers and books.B. Noise, ______, is a kind of pollution.91. farther/furtherA. I live ______ from school than Li Qing does.B. The problem will be ______ discussed tomorrow.C. I could walk no ______.92. earth/ground/field/landA. It's raining heavily, but the farmers are still working in the _____.B. Look! The boy is playing with ______.C. The box fell to the ______ and broke open.D. The elephant is the biggest animal on ______, right?93. lie/layA. Little Mary _____ on the grass and thought how many eggs her hen couldB. I’m tired. I’11 go and ______ down for a while.94. make sure/be sureA. I _____ you will like my story.B. ______ all the windows are closed when you leave.95. work at/work on/work outA. The boy was so clever that only he ______the difficult math problem in class.B. He is ______ a new subject.C. The manager told him to take a rest, but he still stayed in his office and kept ______.96. be good at/be good for/be good toA. Vegetables ______ your health and you should eat more.B. My classmates ______ me. We are good friends.C. Beckham ______ playing football.Key 1: 1. A. a: an: the B. a; an; The: the2. A. one B. ones3. A. in B. with C. use D. by4. A. wear B. in C. put on D. dressing5. A. a lot; many/a lot of B. manyC. Many/A lot of; much/a lotD. a lot/much6. A. find out B. look for; find7. A, Look; see B. read: watching8. A. and; or B. and, with9. A. also B. too10. A. carrying B. bring C. taken D. getKey 2: 11. A. Each. Every B. each12. A. problem; question B. problem, questions13. A. studied, learned B. studyingC. study; learnD. learn/study, learn14. A. on B. at, in, at, at, onC. at, atD. on. on. atE. in. on15. A. some times B. sometime/some time C. some time D. sometimes16. A. there are B. there is C. have D. Has17. A. That's all right B. That's right/Right C. All rightD. rightE. That's all18. A. How long B. How old C. How much D. How often E. How many19. A. look after B. look at C. look like D. look the same E, look up20. A. How B. What C. What D. Who E. Whose F. Which G. Where H. WhatKey 3: 21.A.class B. lessons22.A.on time B. in time23.A.short for B. for short24. A. maybe B. may be25.A.start B. start/begin26.A.another B. the other C. others D. the others E. other 27.A.must B.has to28.A.are good to B. is good at C. is good for29.A.way B. street C. road3O.A.in the front of B. in front C. in front ofKey 4: 31.A.wish B. hope/wish C. hope D. wishes32.A.before B. ago. Before33. A. in the way B. By the way C. on the way34. A. match, Games B. sports, games C. sports35. A. went on to do B. went on doing C. goes on36. A. to the end B. at the end C. in the end D. by the end37. A. What. How B. What, How C. How, What38. A. to, in B. on39. A. just now/right now B. just now40. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. What timeKey 5: 41. A. little B. a few C. few D. a little, a few42. A. None B. Neither C. Either D. neither43. A. All B. Both, all C. whole D. whole, all44. A. passed B. past, past C. through D. across, Cross E. over 45. A. arrive B.get C. reach D. arrive/reach46. A. sound B. voice, voice C. noise47. A. So B. Nor48. A. go to bed B. fell asleep/went to sleep C. is asleepKey 6: 49. A. Sorry B. Pardon C. Excuse me D. pardon50. A. takes, spend B. cost, spent C. paid, spent D. spend51. A. interested, interesting B. interest, interest52. A. sleep B. sleepy, sleep C. asleep53. A. as B. as C. like D. like54. A. dropped B. fell55. A. lost B. lust/missed C. miss D. lost, miss56. A. too much, much too B. too many, too much C, too much57. A. is famous as B. is fatuous for58. A. looked for, find B. found out C. look, up D. looked overKey 7: 59. A. is used to B. would C. used to60. A. searched for, find B. searched61. A. None/No one B. None C. No one62. A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to63. A. such B. so C. so64. A. took part in B. join65. A. besides B. except66. A. died. dead B. death C. dying67. A. Since B. Because C. for D. As68. A. still B. yet C. alreadyKey 8: 69. A. can B. be able to C. can70. A. have/own B. own C. There is71. A. also B. either C. too D. as well/also/too72. A. give up B. gave in73. A. turn up B. turn down/off C. turn on/up D. turn off74. A. try on B. trying out75. A. heard from B. heard of C. heard about/of76. A. in hand B. hand in77. A. sent for B. sent away C. sent up78. A. Thanks to B. Thanks forKey 9: 79 A. stole B. robbed80. A. that B. that C. that D. who E. who81. A. alone, lonely, lonely B. alone C. alone82. A. amazed, amazing B. amazing, amazed83. A. in all B. After all C. at all D. Of all84. A. before long B. long before85. A. if/whether, If B. whether C. Whether86. A think of B. think about C. think ofD. think about/ofE. Think. Over87. A. prefer, like B. enjoy C. love D. prefer Key 10: 88. A. forget B. left C. forget D. leave89. A. tall B. high, tail C. highly90. A. such as B. for example91. A. farther B. further C. farther/further92. A. field(s) B. earth C. ground D. land93. A. lay, lay B. lie94. A. am sure B. Make sure95. A. worked out B. working on/at C. working on96. A. are good for B. are good to C. is good at。
成语辨析之常见易混成语辨析一、单选题1.下列句子中划线的成语使用不正确的一项是()A. 生活对于任何人都非易事,我们必须有坚韧不拔的精神。
B. 带着这么一张脸,你不管从事什么职业,不管穿什么服饰,也不管在俄国什么地方,都不会有一种鹤立鸡群、引人注目的可能。
C. “鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”正好准确地描述了“两弹”元勋邓稼先的一生。
D. 富有创造性的人总是不求甚解地汲取知识,使自己学识渊博。
2.下列句中划线的成语使用正确的一项是()A. 这次艺术节办得栩栩如生,全校师生交口称赞。
B. 执法部门要善于虚张声势,使假冒伪劣产品无藏身之地。
C. 老师几句点评,使我茅塞顿开:“啊,这篇文章原来还有这么深刻的内涵”。
D. 我们每年都在家乡植树,现在,那里的树已是鳞次栉比,鸟儿也回来了。
3.下列句中划线的成语使用错误的一项是()A. 好一个安塞腰鼓!每一个舞姿都使人沉醉在浓烈的艺术享受中,使人叹为观止。
B. 这孩子,基础不太好,读书又无动于衷,这样下去怎能指望他的成绩会提高呢?C. 好的书需要多读,重要的书必须常常反复阅读,每读一次都会让你觉得开卷有益。
D. 国画大师李可染笔下的牛总是栩栩如生,令人叹服。
4.下列句子中划线成语运用正确的一项是()A. 为了全村人致富,村干部整天上蹿下跳,忙得不亦乐乎。
B. 通过模拟考试,他发现了语文学习的蛛丝马迹。
C. 他从下着雨的外面进来,身上一衣带水。
D. 大家都要积极参加学校组织的献爱心活动,切不可熟视无睹5.下列句子中的划线词语运用不正确的一项是()A. 你现在就为几千万年以后才有可能出现的天体变化担心,岂非杞人忧天?B. 北京小吃举世闻名,在此谈吃,要谦虚点,切不可班门弄斧,贻笑大方。
C. 昨天足球赛中他一人进了两球,今天眼里就没有别人了,真是一叶障目,不见泰山。
D. 行百里者半九十,最后进入决赛的选手更要认真对待,不可掉以轻心。
6.下列各句中,划线成语使用恰当的一项是()A. 人类的智慧与大自然的智慧相比实在是相形见绌。
1. 来不急/迫不及待2. 个别/无论如何3. 捉迷藏/躲猫猫4. 连连看/接龙5. 激动人心/无聊极了6. 不动声色/大张旗鼓7. 随机应变/按部就班8. 难以置信/理所当然9. 礼貌待人/刻薄相待10. 十全十美/有缺憾二、用括号中词的适当形式填空。
1. 他们的关系非常(密切),经常一起出去玩。
2. 她的演唱(技巧)非常出色,观众都被深深吸引住了。
3. 我们每个人都应该遵守学校的(纪律),不得违反规定。
4. 这个问题非常(重要),我们必须认真对待。
5. 我们休息了一会儿,(精力)恢复了不少。
1. 这个故事情节精彩,(触动)了很多人的心弦。
2. 他的反应非常迅速,(秒杀)了其他选手。
3. 这本书的(作者)是一位知名作家。
4. 当她看到他的表演时,她充满了(钦佩)之情。
5. 他做事情非常(认真地),从不敷衍了事。
1. 这任务非常(繁重),需要大家齐心协力完成。
2. 虽然一开始困难很多,但他(坚持)下来了。
3. 我们队在比赛中表现出色,最终(获胜)了。
4. 感冒期间要注意(休息),多喝水。
5. 他是一个(勤奋)的学生,成绩一直很好。
1. 面对困难,我们应该不屈不挠,(坚持/放弃)努力。
2. 他的演讲很有说服力,(深入/赞美)了大家。
3. 这件事情虽然很(简单/复杂),但我们需要仔细考虑。
4. 她平时待人非常(礼貌/粗鲁),受到了所有人的喜爱。
5. 那个小孩子非常(淘气/安静),经常捣蛋。
1. 迫不及待2. 无论如何3. 捉迷藏4. 连连看5. 激动人心6. 不动声色7. 随机应变8. 难以置信9. 礼貌待人10. 有缺憾二、用括号中词的适当形式填空。
1. 密切2. 技巧4. 重要5. 精力三、选出有误的一项。
1. 触动2. 秒杀3. 作者4. 钦佩5. 认真地四、将括号中的词语填入正确的句子中。
题目一:1. “习惯”和“习俗”是两个容易混淆的词语,你能分别用它们填空吗?a) 长期养成的不良______b) 过年时给长辈拜年是我们的______。
参考答案:a) 长期养成的不良“习惯”b) 过年时给长辈拜年是我们的“习俗”题目二:2. “浪费”和“浪漫”是两个词语,虽然拼音相似,但意义不同。
a) 她总是把食物______掉,一点都不节约。
b) 在海边看日落,在那美丽的景色下感受到了无尽的______。
参考答案:a) 她总是把食物“浪费”掉,一点都不节约。
b) 在海边看日落,在那美丽的景色下感受到了无尽的“浪漫”。
题目三:3. “意识”和“观念”都与思维活动有关,但有着不同的用法。
a) 这个问题引发了大家对环保的______。
b) 学生要树立正确的学习______。
参考答案:a) 这个问题引发了大家对环保的“意识”。
b) 学生要树立正确的学习“观念”。
题目四:4. 下面两个句子中,哪一个更适合用“监督”?请简要说明原因。
a) 学生间互相监督,提高学习效果。
b) 老师以严格的态度对学生进行研究生论文的检查和评定。
参考答案:b) 老师以严格的态度对学生进行研究生论文的检查和评定。
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易混词语填空专练1. a/an/theA. There's "u" and ___ "s" in ____ word "us".B. There is ____ young man and ____ old man in the photo. ______ old man is____ young man's father.2. one/onesA. I don't like this skirt. Show me that __ .B. The new skirts are mine. The old ___ are yours.3. by/with/in/useA. Jay can sing the song ___ either Chinese or English. How great!B. I won't believe it until I see it ___ my own eyes.C. We usually ___ a ruler to draw a straight line.D. Miss Zhao goes to work ____ bike.4. put on/wear/in/dressA. The twins don't always __ the same clothes,B. The woman ___ a red hat is our new English leacher.C. It's very cold today. Please ____ more clothes when you go out.D. Mother is _____ my baby sister now.5. a lot/a lot of/many/muchA. I like eating oranges ___ , so there are always oranges at my home.B. There are so _____ people that I cannot count them.C. ___ people think living in China is ____ better than living in Japan.D. I've learned ___ from him.6. look for/find/find outA. Please try to __ who stole the computer.B. Please help me ___ my mobile phone, I can't _____ it.7. look/read/see/watchA. __ at the picture! What can you _____ in it?B. I'll ___ a book instead of _____ TV tonight.8. and/or/withA. "There is no air ___ no water on the moon."means "There is no air ______water on the moon."B. "The boy ___ his parents go to Hong Kong every year." means "The boy ____his parents goes to Hong Kong every year."9. also/tooA. I was at her birlhday party, and he was ____ there.B. Andy Law is a famous actor. He's a good singer,10. take/bring/carry/getA. The woman was ___ a big bag. Let's help her.B. Next lime when you come, ____ me the book,please.C. Who's ___ away today's newspaper?. I haven't read it yet.D. Go and ___ me some water, rm thirsty.11. each/everyA. " ___ of them speaks a foreign language." means ____ one of them speaksa foreign language."B. There are some big shops on ___ side of the street.12. problem/questionA. What is the biggest ____ in the world? Can you answer this _____B. The ___ is that he's always asking me such foolish ___ .13. learn/studyA. He ___ hard and at last ____ the language.B. The children are ___ the maths problem now.C. We ___ in the same school, so we often _________ from each other andother.D. We ___ English in the morning and _________ to play football in the14. in/on/atA. There are many good apples ____ the tree.B. He gets up _____ six ____ the morning and goes to bed _______ tennight _____ weekdays.C. Does he have lunch ___ home ____ ?D. The man ____ duty is reading a book ____ medicine _____ t he desk.E. In the twins' bedroom, the windows ________ the wall are very big, the____ the wall are not very new.15. sometime/sometimes/some time/some timesA. Please read the text ___ until you can recite it.B. I will go shopping ___ tomorrow.C. He waited for ___ then left.D. They ____ play football after school.16. have/has/there is/there areA. In Class One ___ 25 boys and 25 girls.B. In Classroom One ____ a map of China.C. Does your brother __ a map of China?D. ___ your brother got a map of China?17. right/all right/that's right/that's all/that's all rightA. Thanks a lot for your help. __________ .B. Are you a student? Yes. ____________ .C. Let's go shopping. ____________ .D. Could you tell me whether it is ___ or wrong?E. I want to buy a cup of tea, a piece of bread and an apple. ___ .18. how many/much/long/old/oftenA. ______ does it take by plane? ---It takes about eleven hours.B. ______ is your father? He is fifty.C. ______ is the fish? It's ten yuana kilo.help each afternoon.picturesdo you wriie Io your father?. Once a month.E. _______ students are there in your class? Forty-five.19. look up/look at/look after/look like/look the sameA. Please ___ Lucy and Lily because they are new here.B. Please ___ Lucy and Lily! Can you find any differences between them?C. Lucy and Lily are twin sisters. They ___ each other very much.D. Lucy and Lily ___ .E. Please ___ the new words in your dictionary.20. what/which/who/whose/where/howA. - _____ do you like China? ---- Very much.B. ______ do you like about China? The food and the people.C. ______ is Mr. Green? ~Heis an English teacherD. ______ is Mr. Green? ---He is Jim's father.E. ______ falher is Mr. Green? --Jim's.F. ______ man is Mr. Green? The man on a black bike.G. ______ is Mr. Green from? --He's from America.H. ______ is Mr. Green like? --He is tall and thin.21. class/lessonA. He listens to the teacher carefully in ___ .B. There are four ____ in each unit of the English textbook.22. in time/on timeA. You must give back the book to me ___ .B. You're just __ for the last bus.23. for short/short forA. TV is _____ television,B. They callme Tom ______ .24. may be/maybeA. Tom, _____ you are right.B. The mon over there ____ Li Lei's English teacher.25. begin/startA. When can we ___ off for Beiiing?B. He didn't know how to __ .26. other/another/the other/others/the otherA. Those shoes are too small for me. Would you show me ___ pair?.B. There are six people in the room. Three are girls, ___ three are boys.C. He is always helping ___ .D. There are many books in the box. Ten of them are mine, ___________ areE. Mr Liu and Miss Sun and four _____ teachers are teaching this class.27. must/have toA. We ____ follow our Party to go.B. He _____ get up earlier because his mother asks him _______ to cook28. be good/be good to/be good atA. My parents ___ me.B. He _____ English.C. Chocolate ____ your health, do you agree?29. road/way/streetA. Can you tell me the ____ to your school?B. I met him in the ___ . D. my sisler's,breakfast.C. They drove along the country ____ .30. in front/in front of/in(at) the frontA. Ricky stood ___ lhe stage and began to sing.B. He sits ___ and I sit not far behind him.C. A tree stands _____ the house.31. hope/wishA. I ___ you to win the competition.B. I ___ you can win the competition.C. We have no ___ to finish the work in time. What shall we do?D. Best ____ to all of you in the coming year!32. ago/beforeA. Everyone should come back ___ five o'clock.No one should be late.B. "He came back two days __ ." means "He came back the day ___ yesterday."33. by the way/on the way in the wayA. The chair is ___ . Please move it away.B. __ , have you got a computer at home?C. Roy happened to meet his father ____ to school.34. match/game/sportA. The Chinese basketball team had a __ with the American basketball team in thelast Olympic ____ .B. I often do ___ or play with my classmates after school.C. There will be a ___ meeting next week.35. go on/go on doing/go on to doA. After they had read the text, the students ___ the exercises.B. They ___ the farm work in the field though it was raining hard.C. I hope everything ___ well.36. at the end/in the end/by the end/to the endA. Go down this road ___ and you'll find the police station on your left.B. Which building is __ of the road? Is it a supermarket or a hospital?C. Tim laughed __ because he won the game,D. How many English words had you learnt ___ of last term?37. what/howA. " ___ a good film!" means ____ good the film is!"B. " ___ beautiful music!" means " _____ beautiful the music is!"C. " ___ is the weather?" means " ____ is the weather like?"38. in/to/onA. Japan is ___ the east of China and Taiwan is ____ the southeast of China.B. Henan is __ the north of Hubei.39. just now/right nowA. I must go to my officeB. I made a telephone call to my friend ____ .40. how often/how soon/how long/what timeA. ______ will he be beck? In a week.B. ______ does he come back? Once a week.C. ______ were you in Beijing last year?. For a week.D. ______ did you go to bed last night? At eleven.41. few/little/a few/a littleA. There's ____ time left. We'll be late if we don't hurry.B. We still have ___ apples at home. We.needn't buy any now.C. There're ___ apples at home. You'd better go and buy some.D. I still have ___ money on me, so I can buy apples with it.42. neither/either/noneA. __ of them is here. All of them have gone to Shanghai.B. ___ of his parents is a doctor. They are teachers.C. ___ Damao or Xiaomao will go there for the dinner. One of them should stayat home.D. He speaks __ English nor Japanese. Hespeaks Chinese.43. both/all/wholeA. ___ the books are here. You may choose any of them!B. __ of the twins like spending _____ their money on books.C. What bad weather! It has snowed for five days.D. "The workers worked the ___ day." means. "The workers worked _______day."44. cross/across/through/over/pass/pastA. The car ___ by with a thick smoke behind iust now.B. The boss walked ___ me without saying a wore at half ____ one. I don'tknow why.C. The sunlight is shining in ____ the window.D. " Go ___ the bridge." means " _____ the bridge."E. They climbed ____ the tall wall, didn't they?45. arrive/get/reachA. Please tell me when you'll ___ in Taiyuan. I'll meet you at the airport.B. Can you tell me how to ___ to the nearest police station?C. Please call me when you ___ Shanghai.D. The passengers were worried because the train didn't ___ on time.46. noise/sound/voiceA. Our physics teacher told us light travels faster than ___ .B. "You have a beautiful ___ ," the man said to her in a sweet _____ .C. We shouldn't make any ___ in the reading room.47. so/norA. They have supper at six every day. ________ do we.B. They don't use animals to do farm work now. _______ do we.48. be asleep/fall asleep/go to sleep/go to bedA. I usually __ at half past nine every evening.B. The young man lay on the ___ soon.C. The baby ___ Please don't talk.49. pardon/sorry/excuse meA. ____ , I am late.B. ____ ? I didn't hear what you said,C. ____ , could you tell me the way to the station?D. 1 beg your __ , Sir, for coming here late.50. spend/take/pay/costA. "It _____ me an hour to read English every day." means" I ____ an hourreading English every day."B. The T-shirt_____ me eighty yuan. means " I________ eighty yuan on the T-shirt.C. "She _____ 100 dollars for the ticket." means " She ___ __ 100 dollars on the ticket."D. I am going to ____ my summer holiday in my hometown.51. interest/interested/interestingA. Are you _____ in the ____ storybook?B. He says he has no _______ in visiting the places of ___________ . I don't know why.52. sleepy/sleep/asleepA. I didn't get to _____ until late last night.B. I felt very ___ because I didn't _____ well last night.C. He fell ____ during the meeting.53. as/likeA. Football is not so popular ____ ping-pong in Chino,B. If you do ____ I told you, you'll make fewer mistakes.C. You should do it _____ this,D. The girl looks ____ her mother.54. fall/dropA. Unluckily. the runner ____ his stick on the ground.B. I heard Tony _____ down from the tree and hurt his leg.55. miss/loseA. She ____ her wallet on her way to the supermarket.B. They were very sad because they ____ an important football game.C. We all ____ you very much. How soon will you be back7D. You say you have ____ the letter: when did you _____ it?56. much too/too much/too manyA. Mr. Green eats _____ rich food, so he is _____ fat.B. I have _____ books to read and ____ homework to do today.C. Watching TV ____ is bad for your health.57. be famous for/be famous asA. Yao Ming ____ a basketball player,B. China _____ its food in the world.58. look over/look up/look for/find/find outA. The old man ___ his money everywhere, but he couldn't _____ it.B. If you've _____ who broke the window, please tell me.C. If you don't know the new words, please ____ them _____ in a dictionary,D. After the doctor ____ the patient very carefully, he said there wasnothing serious.59. used to/be used to/wouldA. Granny ____ living in city now.B. He said he ____ come tomorrow.C. I ___ live with my grandparents, but now I have my own home.60. search/search for/findA. The police ___ their missing children here and there, but they didn't______ him.B. The policeman _____ the thief to see if he stole the money.61. none/no oneA. ____ of the workers went to see the film last night.B. - How many workers went to see the film last night?C. Who went to see the film last night? _______ .62. have been to/have been in/have gone toA. They ____ Beijing for five years,B. They ____ Beijing three times.C. - Where're they? ---- They ____ Beijing.63. so/suchA. It is ______ a heavy box that he can't carry it.B. The box is ____ heavy that he can't carry, it.C. I had ____ much work to do that I slept very late last night.64. join/take part inA. The children ______ the English Evening and had a good time.B. When did your father _____ the Party, do you know?65. except/besidesA. Millie is good at sports _____ football, he also does well in playingbasketball.B. We all passed the exam ____ Li Ming. How unlucky he is!66. die/dead/dying/deathA. "His father ______ two years ago." means "His father has been ____for two years."B. Mary is always sad when she thinks of her little cat's ____ .C. The doctors are trying to save the ____ man.67. as/for/since/becauseA. _____ everyone is here. let's start the meeting.B. Why didn't he come to school? __________ he was ill.C. There must be nobody in the classroom, _____ the light is off.D. ____ I am young, I often give my seat to old ones on buses.68. still/already/yetA. He is over seventy. But he is _____ working on the farm.B. He has not come _____ .C. They have _____ finished doing the homework.69. be able to/canA. Mum said "Huahua, you ____ watch TV after you finish doing your homework."B. They may ____ win the competition, for they have practised for along time.C. Jim ___ not be in the office now, for he left an hour ago.70. own/have/there beA. I ____ a new computer. My uncle bought it for me as a birthday presentyesterday.B. You should do it with your ___ hands.C. __ a CD player on the desk. Whose is it?71. as well/too/also/eitherA. Mr. Green can ____ speak Chinese well.B. I haven't heard from him. She hasn't heard from him, ____ .C. I have been to Beijing twice, ___ .D. People in Korea celebrate the Spring Festival __ .72. give up/give inA. You can't ____ English, because it's very important.B. Finally I ____ and accepted the job.73. turn on/rum off/turn up/turn downA. Please ____ the radio. I can't hear the news clearly.B. Please ____ the radio. It ' s too noisy.C. Please ____ the light. It's too dark here and I can't see anything.D. Please ____ the light when you leave here.74. try out/try onA. Please ____ the new shoes. I don't know if they fit you.B. The boy is clever and he likes ____ new ideas.75. hear of/hear from/hear aboutA. We haven't _____ him since last Christmas.B. I don't know the writer, but I have ____ him.C. I have never ____ such a funny story before.76. hand in/in handA. I have 1,000 yuan _____ . But that's not enough.B. You should ___ your exam papers on time.77. send up/send away/send forA. The police were ____ when the accident happened.B. The boss _____ the worker because he was too lazy.C. Our country ____ another man-made satellite last year.78. thanks for/thanks toA. ___ the police, the parents found their lost child soon.B. ___ helping me with my English.79. steal/robA. The thief _____ the mobile phone from me.B. The man _____ me of my mobile phone. me.80. that/which/whoA. This is the best film ____ has been shown this year.B. You can take any seat ____ is free.C. Is there anything _____ I can do for you?D. Those ____ know the answer, put up your hands.E. The teacher, ____ comes from England, speaks English.81. lonely/aloneA. The old man lives _____ in a _____ house, but he doesn ' t feel ________________B. When the baby woke up he found himself ____ .C. This readingroom is for teachers ___ .82. amazing/amazedA. She was _______ at the _____ wonder at that time.B. The _____ news _____ me very much.83. at all/in all/of all/after allA. In the basket, there are 21 apples _____ .B. ____ , he is only a child of ten years old.C. I am not pleased with what you did ____ .D. ____ the basketball players in China, Yao Ming is the best.84. long before/before longA. I hope to see you _____ .B She said that she had known your name ______ .85. whether/ifA. I don't know _____ he will come here tomorrow. _____ he comes, I willlet you know.B. I can not decide ____ to go or stay.C. ____ you like it or not, you wil1 have to do it.86. think about/think of/think overA. The problem is so difficult that they have to ___ a mew way to solve it.B. Please ___ how to take the first step.C. I often ___ my old friends when I am in this new school.D. Could you tell me what you _____ this new book?E. ____ it _____ , and you will come up with an idea.87. prefer/like/love/enjoyA. "Which do you ________ , dancing or singing? " means "Which do you ______________better, dancing or singing"B. Do you always _____ yourself in the new school?C. We all ___ our motherland, China.D. I ____ swimming to running.88. leave/forgetA. Don't _____ to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.B. She _____ her purse on the bus on her way to work.C. I'll never _____ visiting the Great Wall.D. Don't ___ the stove on when you go out.89. tall/high/highlyA. Yao Ming is 2.26 meters _____ .B. The price of the sweater is so ____ that the ___ boy can't afford it.C. The villagers speak _____ of their work.90. for example/such asA. Paper can be made into many things, ____ newspapers and books.B. Noise, ____ , is a kind of pollution.91. farther/furtherA. I live _____ from school than Li Qing does.B. The problem will be _____ discussed tomorrow.C. I could walk no ____ .92. earth/ground/field/landA. It's raining heavily, but the farmers are still working in the ___ .B. Look! The boy is playing with ____ .C. The box fell to the _____ and broke open.D. The elephant is the biggest animal on ___ , right?93. lie/layA. Little Mary ____ on the grass and thought how many eggs her hen couldB. I 'm tired. I ' 11 go and _____________ down for a while.94. make sure/be sureA. I ____ you will like my story.B. _____ all the windows are closed when you leave.95. work at/work on/work outA. The boy was so clever that only he ____ the difficult math problem inclass.B. He is _____ a new subject.C. The manager told him to take a rest, but he still stayed in his office and kept .96. be good at/be good for/be good toA. Vegetables ______ your health and you should eat more.B. My classmates _____ me. We are good friends.C. Beckham ____ playing football.Key 1:1. A. a: an: the B. a; an; The: the2. A. one B. ones3. A. in B. with C. use D. by4. A. wear B. in C. put on D. dressing5. A. a lot; many/a lot of B. manyC. Many/A lot of; much/a lotD. a lot/much6. A. find out B. look for; find7. A, Look; see B. read: watching8. A. and; or B. and, with9. A. also B. too10. A. carrying B. bring C. taken D. getKey 2:11. A. Each. Every B. each12. A. problem; question B. problem, questions13. A. studied, learned B. studyingC. study; learnD. learn/study, learn14. A. on B. at, in, at, at, onC. at, atD. on. on. atE. in. on15. A. some times B. sometime/some time C. some time D. sometimes16. A. there are B. there is C. have D. Has17. A. That's all right B. That's right/Right C. All rightD. rightE. That's all18. A. How long B. How old C. How much D. How often E. How many19. A. look after B. look at C. look like D. look the same E, look up20. A. How B. What C. What D. Who E. Whose F. Which G. Where H. WhatKey 3:21.A.class B. lessons22.A.on time B. in time23.A.short for B. for short24. A. maybe B. may be25.A.start B. start/begin26.A.another B. the other C. others D. the others E. other 27.A.mustB. has to28.A.are good to B. is good at C. is good for29.A.way B. street C. road3O.A.in the front of B. in front C. in front ofKey 4: 31.A.wish B. hope/wish C. hope D. wishes73. A. turn up B. turn down/off C. turn on/up D. turn off32. A.before B. ago. Before33. A. in the way B. By the way C. on the way34. A. match, Games B. sports, games C. sports35. A. went on to do B. went on doing C. goes on36. A. to the end B. at the end C. in the end D. by the end37. A. What. How B. What, How C. How, What38. A. to, in B. on39. A. just now/right now B. just now40. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. What timeKey 5: 41. A. little B. a few C. few D. a little, a few42. A. None B. Neither C. Either D. neither43. A. All B. Both, all C. whole D. whole, all44. A. passed B. past, past C. through D. across, Cross E. over 45. A. arrive B. get C. reach D. arrive/reach46. A. sound B. voice, voice C. noise47. A. So B. Nor48. A. go to bed B. fell asleep/went to sleep C. is asleepKey 6: 49. A. Sorry B. Pardon C. Excuse me D. pardon50. A. takes, spend B. cost, spent C. paid, spent D. spend51. A. interested, interesting B. interest, interest52. A. sleep B. sleepy, sleep C. asleep53. A. as B. as C. likeD. like 54. A. droppedB. fell 55. A. lost B. lust/missedC. missD. lost, miss56. A. too much, much too B. too many, too much C, too much57. A. is famous as B. is fatuous for58. A. looked for, find B. found out C. look, up D. looked overKey 7: 59. A. is used to B. would C. used to60. A. searched for, find B. searched61. A. None/No one B. NoneC. No one 62. A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to71. A. also B. either C. too 72.A. give upB. gave in63. A. such B. so C. so 64. A. took part in B. join 65. A. besides B. except 66. A. died. dead B. death C. dying 67. A. Since B. BecauseC. forD. As 68. A. still B. yetC. already Key 8: 69. A. can B. be able to C. can70. A. have/own B. ownC. There isD. as well/also/too74. A. try on B. trying out75. A. heard from B. heard of C. heard about/of76. A. in hand B. hand in77. A. sent for B. sent away C. sent up78. A. Thanks to B. Thanks forKey 9: 79 A. stole B. robbed80. A. that B. that C. that D. who E. who81. A. alone, lonely, lonely B. alone C. alone82. A. amazed, amazing B. amazing, amazed83. A. in all B. After all C. at all D. Of all84. A. before long B. long before85. A. if/whether, If B. whether C. Whether86. A think of B. think about C. think ofD. think about/ofE. Think. Over87. A. prefer, like B. enjoy C. love D. prefer Key 10:88. A. forget B. left C. forget D. leave89. A. tall B. high, tail C. highly90. A. such as B. for example91. A. farther B. further C. farther/further92. A. field(s) B. earth C. ground D. land93. A. lay, lay B. lie94. A. am sure B. Make sure95. A. worked out B. working on/at C. working on96. A. are good for B. are good to C. is good at。