



2013年上海大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)1,5 个词语互译。

全是中译英,清一色政治,偏政治性是预料中的,去年就是,好在看了ZF 报告北京周报和领导人讲话,明年考的亲要注意了,政府文件很重要。

A 文化软实力,B 文化自觉,C 贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,D 食品安全法,E 反不正当竞争法。

1 个理论简答。

“What do you think of the statement that different types of text call for differentapproaches to its translating?”没有字数限制。

正好背过一篇作文说了一些译法和文本genres ,写得还算顺畅。







是丹·布朗《圣诞的密码》二页A4 纸,较易懂,个别专用名词生词如HoolaHoop,Exeter baseball cap,Epcot,Phillies cap....讲的是圣诞节Brown 家庭的习俗Christmas Code 。

大致文意是作者和三个兄弟姐妹还有留学交换生Bea 一起找线索的故事,谜底就是EPCOT 五个字母,其实就是布朗父母给他们的礼物,那就是去Walt DisneyEpcot Center,大家都兴奋地手舞足蹈,最后就说这是最美好的一个圣诞节。

原文:Every family has its own holiday traditions. In the Brown household, Christmaswas always a time of delicious food, sing-alongs, colorful gifts, and mysterious codes.Yes, codes.When I was a kid, no Christmas morning was complete without the annual treasure hunt.When the last present under the Christmas tree had been opened, my siblings and I knew thatthere still remained one "big" present hidden somewhere in the house for us to find. Our onlyhope of locating it was a cryptic clue that traditionally resided in a lone envelope perched high onthe tree, out of our reach.One year the envelope contained a particularly mind-boggling treasure hunt that mybrother, sister and I still recall as The "TOCEP" Christmas Mystery. (In fact, this treasure huntdirectly inspired the scene on page 111 of The Da Vinci Code.)That was the year we had a foreign exchange student living with us. Bea wasSouth African and understandably was somewhat overwhelmed by the frenziedanticipation that led up to an American Christmas. Nonetheless, she embraced thedecorating, singing, and cooking with a zeal that made the holidays doubly special forus that year. So it was with great happiness, on Christmas morning, after all the presentswere opened, that my parents handed Bea the mysterious envelope and explained to her theBrown tradition of a Christmas Quest.Looking amazed that such a tradition could exist, Bea excitedly opened the envelope. Thepoem inside announced that this year's quest involved locating five letters of the alphabet, whichhad been hidden around the house. According to the poem’s final stanza, the first letter we needed to find was "T."You seek a letter in a nook(It's very hard to see).But of the places you might look,There’s just one spot for "T."Only one spot for T?My little brother Greg was the first to figure it out. He leapt up and dashed into the kitchen. We all ran after him as he retrieved a stool, dragged it into the breakfastnook, climbed up onto the counter, and grabbed the canister in which my mother kept her tea bags. Sure enough, inside was a note card emblazoned with the letter "T."Brilliant!Along with the letter "T" we found another clue, which ingeniously guided usdown to the basement where we found the letter "O" taped to an O-shaped HoolaHoop.Again, fiendishly clever!From there more clues led us all over the house. In the kitchen we found the letter"C" stuffed in a Vitamin C container. In the mud-room, the letter "E" was hiddeninside my Exeter baseball cap (bearing that same letter).By then, we had located four letters (T-O-C-E), and still we felt no closer tounderstanding our mysterious prize. We hoped the fifth and final letter would make it all come clear. The final clue, however, was baffling.The final letter in your quest,Is simple as can be.It's hidden in a special roomQuite natural for a "P."A special room quite natural for a P?I looked in the pantry around the canned peas. Nothing.My little brother checked his bedroom for his Phillies cap. Nothing.A natural place for "P"?It was Beatrice, our exchange student (having learned a good amount of American slang), who suddenly gasped, jumped to her feet, and dashed up the stairs. For a moment, my siblings and I thought she was ill... but then we heard her shriek with joy. We raced upstairs to find Beain the bathroom, laughing hysterically and pointing into the toilet. We peered inside, and there,to our enormous delight, we found the letter "P" taped inside the toilet bowl."P" in the toilet!The joke left all four of us kids rolling on the floor in hysterics. Surely my parentshad to be the two funniest people alive. Finally, when we all could breathe again, wehurried back to the living room to decipher the meaning of these five mysteriouslettersT-O-C-E-P?We spread the letters out on the living room floor and stared at them.T...O...C...E...P?They meant nothing to us.It was my younger sister Valerie who saw it first. She drew a startled breath andspun to my parents in disbelief. "No!" she exclaimed. "Really?"My parents were beaming. "Really. We leave tomorrow morning."The rest of us kids watched in rapt animation as little Valerie victoriously rearranged the five letters TOCEP.... to spell one magical word: EPCOT. Instantly, all four kids were dancing around the room, whooping for joy, chanting "Epcot! Epcot!" Even our exchange student Bea had heard of Walt Disney World's Epcot Center, and she joined in the dance. It was a dream come true. The very next morning, we allboarded a plane for Epcot.It was the best Christmas ever.。



2011年攻读硕士学位研究生入学试题学科、专业:英语笔译考试科目名称:英语翻译基础考试科目代码:357答案一律写在考点统一发的答题纸上,否则无效1.Lexical Translation(30 points)1.Translate the following lexical items into Chinese(15points)1)global warming2)free-trade zone3)subhealth state4)green house effect5)low-carbon economy6)foreign currency reserve7)intellectual property8)genetically modified food9)the Six Party Talks10)Secretary of Treasury11)Washington Post12)General Motors13)CBS14)GATT15)UNESCO2.Translate the following lexical items into English(15points)1)房地产2)经济危机3)空气污染4)绿色食品5)社区服务6)失业保险7)信息产业8)电子图书馆9)可持续发展10)计算机辅助翻译11)安理会12)外交部13)新华社14)英国广播公司15)香港特别行政区2.text translation(120points)1.Translate the following text into Chinese(60 points)What is the essence of Disney World? Much of it revolves around Disney’s effort to create the illusion for visitors that they have entered a perfect world,which more closely conforms to their desires.It creates this “perfect world”in various ways.For example,it encourages visitors to see the park through the eyes of a child and definesitself as a place t hat “brings dreams of life.”But most essentially it creates a fictionalized version of a perfect world by inviting visitors to run away from reality so that they are no longer limited by time,distance,size and physical laws.In various attractions,visitors seem to float through the human body and through DNA;they travel to the past and future,and leave the earth.On the thrill rides(惊险娱乐项目),they resist gravity,moving at speeds and in ways that seem to violate what common sense tells them should be possible.Disney World also invites visitors to escape the fallen state of society and the self.It draws visitors into a world of endless celebration,full of parades and fireworks,with costumed performers and endless invitations to fun.The effect is not unlike participating in a 365-day-a-year holiday,in which negative emotions are discarded from life.When you pull all this together,it becomes obvious that Disney World offers visitors the fictionalized realization of humanity’s deepest dream:transcendence(超越).In Disney World,we transcend the mundane(世俗).In place of the world we normally find ourselves in,in which most opportunities are closed to us and most human motives are concealed,we go on a journey through symbolic worlds that are objective and material,but seemingly as weightless,carefree and fantastic as the imagination.2.Translate the following text into English.(60 points)中国2010年上海世界博览会于5月1日至10月31日举行,吸引了200多个国家和国际组织参展,参观者累计7000多万人次。



2013年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含答案)一、英汉互译1. RCEP(Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution)【答案】皇家环境污染委员会2. a bull market【答案】牛市3. Russian ruble【答案】俄罗斯卢布4. anti-dumping【答案】反倾销5. stock in trade【答案】库存,存货6. paid on delivery【答案】货到付款7. unanimous vote【答案】全票通过8. carbon footprint【答案】碳足迹9. recursive function【答案】递归函数10. provisional agenda【答案】临时议程11. ready-made garment【答案】成衣12. United Nation secretariat【答案】联合国秘书处13. Global Environment Facility【答案】全球环境基金14. International Refugee Organization 【答案】国际难民组织15. The World Travel and Tourism Council 【答案】世界旅行和旅游理事会16. 种族歧视【答案】race discrimination17. 就职演说【答案】inaugural speech18. 和谐共赢【答案】harmonious and win-win19. 文化事业【答案】cultural undertakings20. 全民健身【答案】nationwide fitness programs21. 本地化服务【答案】localization services22. 产能过剩行业【答案】industries with excess capacity23. 放宽市场准入【答案】liberalize market access24. 自主创新能力【答案】capacity for independent innovation25. 载人航天飞行【答案】manned space flight26. 促进生态修复【答案】promote ecological restoration27. 公共卫生体系【答案】public health system28. 科技成果产业化【答案】industrialization of scientific and technological achievements 29. 多语言跨文化交际【答案】multi-language cross- cultural communication30. 古为今用,洋为中用【答案】make the past serve the present, to make foreign things serve China二、英译汉:As long as there is class division and social inequality, Karl Marx will be the most relevant social thinker of the twenty-one century……三、汉译英:科学家们花了300年的时间,通过做实验并进行计算,才确定了光在真空中惊人的传播速度:每秒钟186,282英里(约折合299,784公里)。



2013年北京师范大学357英语翻译基础考研试题(回忆版)本试题由网友灿烂千阳Pamela、snowing宝宝提供翻译基础:economy class; Achilles' heel; a wet hen; child's play; 方便面;买一送一;粮食安全;彩票;暂停;吉日;山寨;两篇互译文章, 英译汉是讲美国应对当前经济全球化什么什么的。




30个英汉互译英译汉:tariff barrier 关税壁垒soft soap 奉承话trade partner 贸易伙伴a shallow laughter 浅笑?(我不确定……)prize fellow 获奖学金的学生archiles' heel 致命伤,大缺点demanding work 要求高的工作a wet hen 泼妇netizen 网民release a polla counter-offer 还价economy class 经济舱software wizard 软件向导polite society 上流社会child's play 容易干的事,不重要的事汉译英:(有一个想不起来了……想起来我再补进来)粮食安全 food security人肉搜索 internet mass hunting团购 group buying/purchase山寨 mountain village (山寨货:cottage cargo/ goods) 买一赠一 buy one and present one彩票 lottery tickets食用方法 edible methods大片 (不知要考什么 我写了两个 large mass of 和 slice of)水货 parallel/smuggled goods吉日 lucky day暂停 pause?归化 naturalization方便面 instant noodle(s)靶心 bull 's eye 或 target center第二部分是汉英文段互译汉译英是汴河泣玉的故事(我只记得大概了,可能有些句子不准确……) 在中国文化的历史长河中,不管是太平盛世玉,还是群雄争霸,人们一直喜欢佩戴玉饰,并写诗歌颂它。



【天津大学】翻译基础一、词条翻译(1分×30=30分)福利彩票welfare lottery连环恐怖袭击案series of terrorist attacks零团费no charge tour按揭贷款mortgage loan mortgage finance一带一路the belt and road扶贫supporting the poor微商micro business西藏高原Tibet plateau真人秀reality show true man show增值税added value tax餐桌污染table pollution九二共识;1992 consensus保险索赔insurance claim insurance indemnity命运共同体community with a common future探月工程moon probe project lunar exploration program moon exploration projectCAT computer aid translation 计算机辅助翻译HIV human immunodeficiency virusCPA certificated public accountant注册会计师civilian property agent 民间财产代理人DOJ department of justice 司法部modern pentathlon 现代五项运动transit-trade 过境贸易转口贸易graffito pollution 涂写污染credit-card fraud 信用卡诈骗animated feature 最佳动画长片campus entrepreneurship校园创业inter-city commuter 城际列车social media whiz 社交媒体专家binge-watch煲剧刷剧。



2013年对外经济贸易大学357英语翻译基础考研试题)回忆版)(回忆版本试题由网友resuming、cassielau提供一、词组翻译英译汉:Glocalization, counter trade, patent,汉译英:合资企业、利率、贬值、绩效评估、二、缩略语NAFTA, MERCOSUR, GSP, UNIFC, IFC, ASEAN,三、篇章翻译英译汉是有关语言在经济活动中的影响,其中有许多公司和品牌名称,字数大约为400字,B5纸一页多:汉译英为典型的ZF文件类,都是动宾词组,如促进产业结构升级,推进城镇化建设,重点放在中西部,优先发展东部地区等,字数为300字左右。










网上的英文对照:Carry out strategic adjustment of the economicstructureThis is the major goal of accelerating the change ofthe growth model.We must strive to remove major structural barriers tosustained and sound economic development, with a focus on improving the demandmix and the industrial structure, promoting balanced development betweenregions and advancing urbanization.We should firmly maintain the strategicfocus of boosting domestic demand, speed up the establishment of a long-termmechanism for increasing consumer demand, unleash the potential of individualconsumption, increase investment at a proper pace, and expand the domestic market.We should focus on developing the real economy as a firm foundation of theeconomy.We should adopt policies and measures to better facilitate thedevelopment of the real economy.We should make the economy more demand-driven,promote the sound growth of strategic emerging industries and advancedmanufacturing industries, speed up the transformation and upgrading oftraditional industries, develop and expand the service sector, especiallymodern service industries, and make the geographical and structural layout ofthe development of infrastructure and basic industries more balanced. We shoulddevelop next-generation information infrastructure and modern IT industry,better ensure information security, and promote the applicationof informationnetwork technologies.We should enhance the core competitiveness of large andmedium-sized enterprises and support development of small and microbusinesses,especially small and micro science and technology companies.We should continueto implement the master strategy for regional development and fully leveragethe comparative advantages of different regions.We should give high priorityto large-scale development of the western region, fully revitalize oldindustrial bases in northeast China,work vigorously to promote the rise of the central region, and support theeastern region in taking the lead in development.以上试题来自网友的回忆,仅供参考,纠错请发邮件至suggest@。

2013年郑州大学翻译硕士真题 211翻译硕士英语

2013年郑州大学翻译硕士真题 211翻译硕士英语

2013年郑州大学翻译硕士真题(211翻译硕士英语)1.Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)Part A: Multiple Choice (20 points,1 point each)Choose the best one from the four choices given in each sentence and write the correct answer on your Answer Sheet.1.An ideal is a standard _____ people judge real phenomena.A.WhatB.WhichC.by whichD.by what2.A lawyer by training ____ he was, he proved himself to be a greater novelist.A.IfB.AsC.WhileD.since3.The girl was lying on the lawn, her hands ____ under her head.A.were crossingB.were crossedC.crossingD.crossed4.There is _____denying that Moyan, winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, is an influential Chinese writer.A.NoB.NotC.NothingD.none5.The tension between the two countries is _____that any provocative action on either side might lead to a full-scale war.A.AsB.LikeC.SuchD.so6.We will keep close contact with you and _____you of any change in the plan.A.ReportB.AnnouncermD.propose7.The trade agreement between the two companies will _____ next month.B.DescendC.ExpireD.exploit8.She is determined to carry on with her plan ____of any objection.A.RegardingB.RegardlessC.DisregardingD.with regard9.Your wish to go out for a walk does not ____your leaving the baby alone in the house.A.JustifyB.TerrifyC.DignityD.exemplify10.China has a large rural population, and thus our government has _____great importance to protecting farmers’ interests.A.abstainedB.accessedC.avengedD.attached11.We had known each other for over twenty years and considered each other as a ______friend.A.ChestB.BreastC.bosomD.body12.He fainted while climbing the mountain alone. When he_____ consciousness, it was already in the middle of the night.A.RevisedB.regainedC.resolvedD.revolved13.Talking and _______are not the same, for to talk and to talk well are two different things.A.eloquenceB.endowmentC.elopementD.engagement14.To get a higher profit, the magazine is trying to get more readers to ______to.A.ascribeB.subscribeC.describeD.prescribe15.Now that all the eye witnesses are dead, it is really difficult to _____ whether his alibi is true or not.A.imprintC.overlookD.reinforce16.Energetic and ______, college students are in the best period of their life.A.imaginaryB.imaginativeC.imaginableD.imagied17.As an environmental activist, she gave numerous public speeches to ____a lower-carbon life to protect the environment.A.championmandC.conceiveD.convert18.The three western countries have 0.3,0.4 and 0.6 hectares of cropland per person____.A.respectfullyB.relativelyC.respectivelyD.respectably19.Hot metal ____ as it cools down gradually.A.reducesB.condensespressesD.contracts20.Radio reception isn’t very good because of a disturbance in the atmosphere, and the announcer’s voice sounded very_______.A.disputedB.distortedC.discardedD.dismissedPart B: Proofreading and Error Correction (10 points,1 point each)Identity one error in each numbered sentence, write out the error and give the correct word(s)on the Answer Sheet.Usually merchants sell objects that people need, that make their lives better. (1) However, the salespeople promote cigarette smoking among young people may be making American a “merchant of death” More and more American cigarette companies make their advertisement not in the U.S., but overseas. Outside the U.S., advertising shows is presented as part of the American lifestyle. (2) In these ads, cigarettes stand up for American, and smokers are shown as rich, attractive, and romantic. These ads are meant to appeal to young people, (3) and as a result these romantic pictures, children around the world are being lured into cigarette smoking at a very young age. (4) Once they begin to smoke, they are likely to stop; cigarette smoking becomes a habit. This nicotine addiction is very hard to break. (5) If children give in to this advertising and begin to smoke before they are 18 years old, he may become smokers for life.Tobacco companies deny that they create new smokers; instead, they say that they only appeal to those who already smoke. (6) However, experts say that it is clear how advertising encourages children to smoke.(7) The health effects on nations can be devastated: every year, millions of people die from the effects of smoking, and nations spend millions of dollars on related health costs.The problem for U.S. cigarette companies is that smoking in the United States is decreasing. Stockholders want to see the companies they own make profit. Because their sales in the U.S. have decreased, they are expanding their markets abroad. (8) If more smokers create internationally, particularly young smokers, the stockholders will get rich.(9)Many nations realize the benefit of smoking and have tried to ban ads completely so that children never see them, or at least shorten smoking advertisements so that they are not widespread.(10) But these controls are futile; by and by, they have not curbed cigarette advertising.II. Reading Comprehension (40 points)Part A:Read the following three passages, and choose the correct answer from the four choices given and then write it on the Answer Sheet. (30 points,2 points each)(1)When the wind blows, many things go. History is filled with stories of people who used wind and air for fun and travel. One story that goes back about 3,000 years into history tells of two Greek men who escaped from prison by using wings made of feathers and wax. The story says the wax wings melted when one man flew too near the sun. His feathers fell off and he crashed into the sea. If those Greeks had used hang glide or self-soaring wings for their prison escape, there wouldn't have been any wax for the sun to melt. Of course, no one believes they got near the sun, anyway.For self-soaring or hang gliding there should be wind, plenty of it. A wind of 20 miles per hour or more is good for flying. Before flying, a rider sets up his kite at the top of a hill. The kite must be unfolded and set up facing into the wind. If the front isn’t facing the wind, the kite may go flying without the rider.Hang-glide kites are made of tightly woven cloth, lightweight metal rods, and strong wires. The cloth is so tightly woven that it's almost airtight. The rods and wires should be made of very strong material.People have always wanted to fly, and people have always wanted to add beauty to their lives. Self-roaring people add beauty to their kites with colors and decorations. Quite often a person may have a kite custom-made by a professional kite builder. The kite builder can let the buyer pick the cloth for colors and decoration. But when it comes to the shape, the kite has to be built to fly. That is why the shape is important.After being strapped in, a hang-glide kite flier is ready to go. The flight starts with a downhill run into the wind. The wind catches the kite and gives the rider the lift needed to fly. For the first part of the ride, the rider tries for speed and altitude. Without these, a flight may be over before it even starts. As soon as the kite gains speed and altitude, a flier can start to control the direction of flight. For a right turn, the rider leans to the right and moves the steering bar to the left. This tips the kite to the right and it makes a turn. For a left turn, the rider leans left.1. Which of the following is true about the two Greeks in the story?A. One escaped and the other was capturedB. One was killed and the other was capturedC. One escaped and the other was killedD. Both of them escaped2. What is the hang glide made of?A. Cloth, metal rods and wiresB. Wax and feathers.C. Cloth of different shapes and colors.D. A steering bar and a flier.3. How does one begin the flight of a hang-glide kite?A. By moving the steering bar.B. By running downhill into the wind.C. By letting the kite go with the wind.D. By giving it a hard pull.4. What is the most important for a successful flight if a glide kite?A. AltitudeB. DirectionC. SpeedD. Wind5. The best title for this passage may be_____.A. Flying a kiteB. The importance of hang-glidingC. Flight if hang-glide kitesD. Flying kites: add beauty to our lives(2)One of the earliest forms of money, borrowed from the Indians, was wampum, black and white polished beads made from clam shells. Wampum circulated as legal tender for private debts in Massachusetts until 1661 and was used as money in New York as late as 1701. In Maryland and Virginia, tobacco was initially the principal medium of exchange, while other colonies designated as "country pay" (acceptable for taxes) such items as hides, furs, tallow, cows, corn, wheat, beans, pork, fish, brandy, whisky, and musket balls.Hurried public officials were often swindled into receiving a poor quality of “country pay” Clearly, one of the major problems in using commodity money, besides inconvenience, spoilage, and storage difficulties, was quality control because it was in an individual's self-interest to make payments whenever possible with low-quality goods. One of the earliest domestically initiated regulations, the Maryland Tobacco Inspection Act of 1747, addressed this issue. This move toward ultimately set firm standards of quality control for tobacco money and raised the value of Maryland's tobacco exports.Despite the problems, commodity money was extensively used in the colonies in the seventeenth century. By the early eighteenth century, however, both specie (gold or silver) and paper currency were common in the major seaboard cities, and by the end of the colonial period, commodities —particularly furs —were accepted only in communities along the westernBecause of the sizable colonial trades with many overseas areas, the gold and silver coins of all the important commercial countries of Europe and their dependencies in the Western Hemisphere were freely exchanged throughout the eastern seaboard. More important than English coins, which could not be legally exported from Britain to the colonies, were the sliver coins of the Spanish mint. These were struck in Mexico City and Lima and introduced into the colonial economy via vigorous trading with the Spanish colonies. Spanish dollars were so common in the colonies that the coin was eventually adopted as the monetary unit of the United States.Although Massachusetts first attempted to mint coins of low bullion content as early as 1652, the colonies eventually turned to paper to increase their meager and undependable money supply. The promissory notes of well-known individuals and bills of exchange drawn on English merchants readily exchanged hands for several months. In addition, treasures of the various colonies began to issue promissory notes in advance of tax collection and issue written orders to town officers requiring the payments of obligations from local stores; like other negotiable instruments, these pieces of paper were exchanged as money.6.According to this passage, which disadvantage of the commodity money troubled the public official and led to the birth of Maryland Tobacco Inspection Act?A. The commodity money was borrowed which was of low quality.B. Many people paid with the commodity money which was of low quality.C. People would easily damage and spoil the commodity money.D. It was inconvenient to carry and store the commodity money.7.The specie and the paper money didn’t become widely used until ____as mentioned in the passage.A. the eighteenth centuryB. the seventeenth centuryC. around 1701D. around 16528.The silver coins of the Spanish mint had a greater importance than the English coins because____.A. this kind of coins had been widely used in the colonies at that timeB. this kind of coins could be freely exchanged throughout the eastern seaboard.C. this kind of coins could be exported legally but the English coins could notD. this kind of coins was eventually adopted as the monetary unit of the United States9.In the last paragraph, the underlined parts “undependable money supply” refers to________.A. bills of exchangeB. the commodity moneyC. promissory notesD. the gold and silver coins10.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. The earliest form of money in the world was a kind of wampum borrowed from the Indians.B. Tobacco had acted as the principal medium of exchange in Virginia and MarylandC. The coins of all the important commercial countries of Europe could be freely exchanged throughout the eastern seaboardD. Sometimes certain kind of promissory notes and bills of exchange could be exchanged as the(3)In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods. Although much has been accomplished for the modern period, pre-modern cultures have proved more difficult., sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory. Thus it is not particularly surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far gone unchallenged. An example is Johann Bachofen's 1861 treatise on Amazons, women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancient Greece.Starting from the premise that mythology and legend preserve at least a nucleus of historical fact, Bachofen argued that women were dominant in many ancient societies. His work was based on a comprehensive survey of references in the ancient sources to Amazonian and other societies with matrilineal customs--societies in which descent and property rights are traced through the female line. Some support for his theory can be found in evidence such as that drawn from Herodotus, the Greek "historian" of the fifth century B.C., who speaks of an Amazonian society, the Sauromatae, where the women hunted and fought in wars. A woman in this society was not allowed to marry until she had killed a person in battle.Nonetheless, this assumption that the first recorders of ancient myths have preserved facts is problematic. If one begins by examining why ancients refer to Amazons, it becomes clear that ancient Greek descriptions of such societies were meant not so much to represent observed historical fact--real Amazonian societies--but rather to offer "moral lessons" on the supposed outcome of women's rule in their own society. The Amazons were often characterized, for example, as the equivalents of giants and centaurs, enemies to be slain by Greek heroes. Their customs were presented not as those of a respectable society, but as the very antitheses of ordinary Greek practices.Thus, I would argue, the purpose of accounts of the Amazons for their make Greek recorders was didactic, to teach both male and female Greeks that all-female groups, formed by withdrawal from traditional society, are destructive and dangerous. Myths about the Amazons were used as arguments for the male-dominated status quo, in which groups composed exclusively of either sex were not permitted to segregate themselves permanently from society. Bachofen was thus misled in his reliance on myths for information about the status of women. The sources that will probably tell contemporary historians most about women in the ancient world are such social documents as gravestone, wills, and marriage contracts. Studies of such documents have already begun to show how mistaken we are when we try to derive our picture of the ancient world exclusively from literary sources, especially myths.11.All of the following are stated by the author as problems connected with the sources for knowledge of premodern cultures EXCEPT_____.A. partial completenessB. restricted accessibilityC. difficulty of interpretationD. limited quantity12.It can be inferred from the passage that the probable reactions of many males in ancient Greece to the idea of the Amazons could best be described as________.A. wary and unfriendlyB. confused and dismayedC. curious but fearfulD. respectful and approving13.The primary purpose of the passage is to______.A. introduce a new approach to understanding the role of women in ancient societiesB. analyze the nature of Amazonian society and compare it with the Greek worldC. criticize the value of ancient myths in determining the status of women in ancient societiesD. provide some information on ancient mythology and legend14.The main reason for the long-lasting influence of Bachofen’s work is that_____.A. feminists have shown little interests in ancient societiesB. Bachofen’s knowledge of Amazonnian culture is true and reliableC. reliable information about the ancient world is difficult to acquireD. ancient societies show the best evidence of women in positions of power15.The author’s attitude toward Bachofen’s treatise is best described as______.A. approvingB. contradictoryC. neutralD. disagreeingPart B: Short-Answer Questions (10 points,2 points each)Read the following passage, and then answer the questions on the Answer Sheet.In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.The pattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality, and this in turn leads to further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than their parents did and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the “battle of the sexes”.If the process goes too far and man's role is regarded as less important and that has happened in some cases -- we are as badly off as before, only in reverse.It is time to reassess the role of the man in the American family. We are getting a little tired of “Momism”-- but we don't want to exchange it for a “neo-Popism”. What we need, rather, is the recognition that bringing up children involves a partnership of equals. There are signs that psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decided that women should not receive all the credits -- nor all the blame. We have almost given up saying that a woman's place is in the home. We are beginning, however, to analyze man's place in the home and to insist that he does have a place in it. Nor is that place irrelevant to the healthy development of the child.The family is a cooperative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules, because each family needs to work out its own way for solving its own problems.Excessive authoritarianism has unhappy consequences, whether it wears skirts or trousers, and the ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is pertinent not only to a healthy democracy, but also with a healthy family.(Please answer the following questions with your own words. Your answer should be brief and relevant)1.How can the equality between the male and female be achieved in a family?2. If the man’s role is undervalued, what will the result be?3.What do“Momismand” “neo-Popism” mean respectively?4.What does the underlined sentence at the end of the third paragraph suggest?5.What is the main idea of the passage?III. Writing (30 points)Write an essay of about 400 words based on the following topic on the Answer Sheet.Honesty and Success。



1. 词语互译。

SOI APEC INTERPOL, morbidity rate, European Commission, China Meteorological Administration, International Maritime Organization. Capitol Hill, dialectics, 八旗制度,三个代表思想,环境论,鸦片战争,信息化战争,失业保险,问题戏剧。

2. 英译汉。

讲了our strength can go out of our weakness, 比较偏文学性,生词好几个,意思大家都能翻译出来,但是想要出彩不容易。

3. 汉译英。





Today the theory of evolution is about as much open to doubt as the theory that the earth goes round the sun, but the full implications of Darwin's revolution have yet to be widely realized. Zoology is still a minority subject in universities, and even those who choose to study it often make their decision without appreciating its profound philosophical significance. Philosophy and the subjects known as “humanities” are still taught almost as if Darwin had never lived. No doubt this will change in time. In any case, this book is not intended as a general advocacy of Darwinism. Instead, it will explore the consequences of the evolution theory for a particular issue. My purpose is to examine the biology of selfishness and altruism.
from Chinese to English, within 60 minutes.
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1 EI Nino
2 emerging industries
3 suspended particles 4export license
5 integrated circuit
6 Fortune
7 think tank 8 extensive development
9 Pierre de Coubertin 10 Davos Economic Forum
11 World Intellectual Property Organization 12 Suez Canal
13 United Nations Environment Programs 14 WMO 15 OECD
1禽流感 2清洁能源
3载人飞船 4义务教育
5法定代表 6智能手机
7知识型经济 8外向型经济
9温室气体排放 10高素质人才库 11珍稀濒危野生动物 12唐宁街
13《水浒传》 14教育部
Chinesemultinational companies (MNCs) still lack numerous resources, which mayseverely hinder their foreign expansion efforts. They need to developstrategies to compensate for their relative lack of resources and theirreputation of inferior quality. The larger Chinese firms now have the abilityto provide high quality products at a lower cost than their WesternCounterparts. Competing abroad requires larger R&D investments, strongermarketing programs, more extensive sales organizations and sophisticated supplychain systems, as well as careful public relations. The biggest difficulty forChinese firms investing abroad is to determine who is going to own thecommercial networks, how to develop efficient distribution schemes andsuccessful brands, and how to master human resources policies in countries unfamiliarto them. To sustain their internationalization efforts, Chinese MNCs may try tobuild the necessary skills demanded by foreign markets through organic growthin a step-by-step approach, through alliance, or through the acquisition ofselected foreign companies. Companies such as Haier and Huawei decided to buildtheir own brands, which shows that, however difficult it may be, organic growthis not totally out of reach for Chinese MNCs. “Link-type” alliance are oftenseen as a more efficient way to get rapid access to
foreign markets, whereasacquisitions to strengthen presence in foreign markets should consideralliances or joint-ventures because of their relative lack of knowledge of themarkets they aim at.
R&D:research and development 研发



国家和地方ZF一直在与企业和社会合作,确保ZF采购(public procurements)以透明诚实的方式进行。




