2020新牛津译林版高二英语选择性必修二Unit2 reading 课件

Unit 2 Sports culture Welcome to the unit&Reading
Q: What do you know about the 2021 Tokyo Olympics?
Q: Could you list some sports at the 2021 Tokyo Olymppic Games ?
Read the website article again carefully and decide whether the following statements are facts (F) or opinions (O).
1. The ancient Olympic Games were held at Olympia in Greece every four years until around the year 393. Fact/Opinion
Read para.4-5 again carefully and answer the following questions.
Q4: Muhammad Ali and Jessica Ennis-hill are mentioned in the article. What do they have in common?
Q3: What are the differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games?
The ancient Olympic games were always held at the same place while the modern Olympic games were held in different places across the world. At the ancient Olympics, only Greek men were allowed to compete. At the modern Olympics, both male and female athletes from all over the world can participate。
新牛津译林版高中英语选修二Unit2Building the future-Reading知识点课件

世界各国正通过投资可再生能源,在向低碳未来迈进的道路上你追 我赶。可再生能源目前正逐步与交通运输、通信和电力供应系统等基础 设施相融合。中国是热切欢迎可再生能源革命的国家之一。中国制造了 最先进的太阳能电池板和风力涡轮机,在生产为电动汽车供电的电池, 以及在电网上储存可再生能源的电池方面,中国全球领先。可再生能源 消耗占中国能源消耗总量的 20% 以上,这一数字还在增长。在过去的十 年里,中国在清洁能源技术的研发和应用方面一直处于领先地位,这使 得中国有可能在 2030 年前二氧化碳排放量达到峰值,2060 年之前实现 碳中和。
那么,既然可再生能源有这些优势,已经取得了这么多进展,为什 么不用可再生能源完全替代化石燃料呢?事实是,利用可再生能源发电 还充满了挑战。不是任何地点、任何时间都有可以利用的可再生能源。 例如,潮汐能只在沿海地区才有;太阳能和风能不能全天候发电。更大 的挑战是如何将多余的能量储存在电池中以供日后使用。目前大多数电 池的存储容量都不足以满足我们的日常电力需求。某些大容量电池存在 制造成本高、环境危害大等问题。例如,电池中使用的稀有金属开采成 本高,并且如果电池没有合理回收,就会向环境中泄露有毒的化学物质。
With these challenges in mind, a future with renewable energy may be difficult to predit. However, it is possible. Renewable energy sources exist in all kinds of places, including space. Space-based solar power projects aim to collect solar energy in ourter space and distribute it everywhere it is needed on the Earth. A solar collector would be placed in a location where there is constant sunlight ot capture higher levels of solar energy for longer periods. Scientists are also working hard to solve the energy storage problem. Thermal batteries, for instance, can store the extra renewable energy as heat up to the extremely high temeprature of 1,000℃ in an inexpensive storage medium like sand or water. Compared with common batteries, these thermal batteries are considerably cheaper, and have a longer life as well as a higher storage capacity. Better still, they are completely recyclable.
新牛津译林高中英语必修二Unit2Be sporty,be healthy-Reading课件

Q:What happens when you stop exercising? ➢ Less fit. ➢ Loss in VO2 max (最大摄氧量). ➢ Smaller muscle cells. ➢ Larger fat cells. ➢ Depression (沮丧). ➢ Low self-esteem. (自卑)
Why not take exeairs and answer the questions.
Q1: What might prevent people from starting exercise?
Possible reasons • Lack of time • Lack of skills • Lack of motivation (动力) • Lack of energy • Extreme weather conditions • Fear of injury • High costs and lack of facilities •…
Topic Text type Target readers Author’s identity
Writing purpose
Exercise A guide (指南) Beginners of exercise
An expert in exercise
To give some guidance (指导) on how to start exercising
Things are always difficult at the start.

Some people believe that while space exploration expands our understanding of the universe, it is a waste of the public purse and does nothing to enhance the quality of our lives here on the Earth. Why do we continue to explore space, then?
The results of these space investigations have made major contributions to an understanding of the origin, evolution, and likely future of the universe, such as planets, stars, andall other forms of matter and energy. Exploring space helps address fundamental questions about our place in the universe and the history of our solar system.
In1969,when Neil Armstrong first landed on the Moon, many people thought that soon we would be regularly visiting other planets in our solar system and would even dare to travel beyondit.This is clearly not the case. The reality is that space exploration is extremely difficult and dangerous, can take a very long time and costs a huge amount of money.
Unit2Extendedreading教案 牛津译林版高中英语选修性必修第二册

Unit 2 Sports cultureExtended reading: Sports idioms◆内容分析:【What】本板块的语篇围绕单元话题“体育文化”,介绍了从足球、棒球和拳击这三项广为流行的体育运动中演变而来的一些英语习语,并详细解释了这些习语的由来、含义和它们在日常生活中的应用。
◆教学目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. understand the meaning and usage of the sports idioms mentioned in the article;2. make sentences using the sports idioms;3. compare the similarities and differences between English and Chinese sports idioms;4. use English to express Chinese idioms.◆教学重难点:Students will figure out a little bit hard for them to:1. make sentences using the sports idioms;2. use English to explain the Chinese sports idioms.◆教学过程:Step 1 Lead-inEnjoy a video. Do a quiz about the sport idioms.Key: 1. keep your eye on the ball; 2. saved by the bell; 3. to win hands down.Step 2 DefinitionTell students the definition of IDIOM:An idiom is a group of words that have a different meaning when used together from the one they would have if you took the meaning of each word separately.Step 3 AppreciationAsk students the four idioms they may have known the meanings.1. Raining cats and dogs;2. Killing two birds with one stone;3. As cool as a cucumber;4. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.Step 4 Reading—Fill in the blanksHave students read the article and fill in the following chart.Step 5 Careful readingHave students read each paragraph and answer the questions: Para. 1:Q: What are the definition and function of idioms? Paras. 2-4: Football idiomsParas. 5-6: Baseball idiomsParas. 7-8: Boxing idiomsPara. 9: ConclusionTranslateSport is challenging and so is life. However, when you are thrown a curveball, do not throw in the towel—work hard, be careful not to score an own goal, and you are sure to make it!运动是有挑战性的,生活也是如此。
Unit2 Extended Reading 知识点课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第二册

Practice makes perfect.
1. He suggested __f_o_ll_o_w__in__g_ (follow) the advice properly. 2. I suggested to him that we (_s_h_o_u_l_d_)_s_o_l_v_e_ (solve) the problem. 3. Are you suggesting that I __a_m____ (be) not suited for the job? 4. His cool response suggested that he __d_i_d_n_'_t_l_ik_e___(like) the idea.
v.显示,表明 evidence/results/data/studies suggest(s) that ...
hesitate ➢hesitation n. ➢hesitant adj.
hesitate to do sth.做某事有顾虑 hesitate about/over...对……犹豫不决 without hesitation毫不犹豫地
admit (admitted, admitting) vi./vt. (不情愿地)承认;承认(过错) She admits being hard on her children. No organization has admitted responsibility for the bombing. vt. 允许进入 The ticket admits one person only. She is admitted into/to his ideal university. be admitted to/into (the) hospital ➢ admission n. 承认;允许进入;录取;收治

Sport is challenging and so is life.
Read the paragraphs about football idioms and fill in the following table.
We were not expecting to see Joan. When she arrived out of the blue, we were all surprised.
Suddenly, unexpectedly
He is very experienced in this kind of problem. Helping you solve the problem will be a piece of An easy job
Football (or soccer, as it is called in the USA) is
one of the most popular sports in the world and
many countries have their own football leagues.
Sport is challenging and so is life.
Every language has its idioms, which are groups of words with meanings different from the meanings of the individual words. Idioms make language more colourful and expressive. Since sport is an inseparable part of day-to-day life, there are lots of sports idioms that have found their way into everyday language. Let’s take a look at some of them!
新版牛津必修二 Unit2 A beginners's guide to exercise 注解

新版牛津高中英语必修二 Unit 2 Reading A beginner’s guide to exercise 注解1 / 2了解锻炼的好处大多数人认为有规律的锻炼对身心都有好处-但它究竟对健康有什么好处呢?首先,体力活动增强你的心脏和肺的功能。
Unit 2 Extended reading 课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册

The youth is the hope of a country.
The reasons __w_h_y___we desire to explore space are as follows. First of all, it is out of our natural c_u_r_i_o_si_ty_about the unknown. _T__h_a_t we are fascinated by the sky is evident in ancient tales from around the world, such as that of Chang’e. Secondly, the results of the space i_n_v_e_s_ti_g_a_ti_o_n_s(investigate) have made major contributions to an u_n_d_e_r_s_ta_n_d_i_n_g_(understand) of the origin, evaluation, and likely future of the universe. Thirdly, with technologies first researched and developed for space _e_x_p_lo_r_a_t_io_n_(explore), we can solve some of the big problems _f_ac_i_n_g_(face)mankind, _m__a_k_in_g_ (make) our lives safer and easier. Fourthly, the space industry can actually bring great _e_co_n_o_m__i_c(economy) value as well as job opportunities. Furthermore, __w_h_a_t these people do can provide education and _in_s_p_i_ra_t_io_n_ (inspire) for the next generation.
Unit 2 Reading 2 课件-2021-2022学年高二上学期英语牛津译林版

The website article gives a lot of specific information. Find the sentences B3 using numbers or years.
This is the Olympics—an extraordinary sporting event that was first celebrated about 3,000 years ago. The ancient Olympic Games began in the year 776 BCE. The ancient Olympic Games were held at Olympia in Greece every four years for almost 12 centuries, until they eventually died out around the year 393. More than 1,500 years later, however, the Games rose again.
Divide the following sporting events into different categories. Add your own events or categories if possible.
springboard diving
table tennis
compete Summer Youth Olympic Games. This was another great success
rank and China topped the medal table again.
Unit 2 Extended reading 课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)+必修第二册

Nowadays people tend to believe that Chen Wangting, a 17th-century master of Chinese martial arts, developed tai chi based on martial arts skills.
2. Why was the author interested in tai chi in his first few classes?
slowly improved. d. When my friend first suggested that we join the new
Tai Chi Club at school, I hesitated. e. The first few tai chi classes were fun and easy, and the
1. What are the two different explanations for the origin of tai chi?
Zhang Sanfeng, a 13th-century Taoist, was said to have invented tai chi after drawing inspiration from a fight between a snake and a bird.
3. Do you know any other moves in tai chi with descriptive names?
Part the Wild Horse’s Mane on Both Side 左右野马分鬃 Grasping sparrow tail 揽雀尾 …
White crane spreading its wings (白鹤亮翅)
Unit 2 Reading 课件-2022-2023学年高中英语牛津译林版选择性必修第二册

3. ___F_a_c_e_d__(face) with a difficult situation,Arnold decided to ask his bos s for advice.
Who is your favorite sports star? Why?
After watching this video, talk about the influence of sports on you and share your work with us tomorrow
Muhammad Ali(Boxer Cassius Clay)
• Nationality:_____U_S__A__ • 1960 in __R_o_m__e_O__ly_m__p_i_cs_, champion of __li_g_h_t_h_e_a_v_y_w__ei_g_h_t___. • 1964 in WBA, champion of __h_e_a_v_y_w_e_i_g_ht • 1996 in _A_t_la_n_t_a__O_l_y_m_p_i_c_s, torch bearer to __li_g_h_t_t_h_e_O__ly_m__p_i_c_f_la_m__e__ at the opening ceremony • 2016 died as one of the greatest boxers.
A. 1896
B. 1906
C. 776 BCE
2.Where were the ancient Olympic Games held?

牛津译林版选修一Unit2 The universal languageReading 知识点语言聚焦一.The company is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.这家公司与几家海外合伙人在联合开发新产品。
3. Iguarantee you'll enjoy it! (page 17)我保证你会喜欢这首曲子的!guarantee w. 保证,担保guarantee + (that) 从甸We can't guarantee (that) our flights will never be delayed.我们无法保证我们的所有航班均不误点。
guarantee sb sth 保证某人某事guarantee to do sth 保证做某事The ticket will guarantee you free entry. 这张票可保证你免费人场。
We guarantee to behave ourselves in school. 我们保证在学校守规短。
【归纳拓展】guarantee n. 保证,担保;保修单,保用证书give a guarantee of good behaviour 保证行为端正sonion10/wThe mobile phone comes with a year's guarantee• 这手机有一年的保修期。
1. Angry and sad, Liang falls sick and dies. (page 16)梁山伯悲愤交加,抱病而终,【解析】angry and sad 是形容词短语,在句中作状语。
He arrived home, tired and hungry. 他回到家,又累又饿Curious about everything, the little boy always asks his mother many interesting questions.因为对一切都好奇,这个小男孩总是问他妈妈很多有趣的问题。
高中英语 Unit 2《Reading2》课件 牛津模块选修5

A stable economy 12.speak freely Open the floor
Important language points
1.In addition,many sea creatures are being
Turn over:to change position so that the other side is facing outwards or upwards
The car skidded and turned over.
7.But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.(line45)
betterrefcoyrctlheed environment,because
Industry responsibility
population Earth
It means we do not need to cut down more trees and cause the destruction of more forests.The________winildl ussttilrlygrow,but Earth will not have to suffer.We should also pay attention to what we eat.People should take_____________for not buying certain
They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times.
高中英语牛津译林版(2020) 必修第二册 unit2Reading 课件高中英语精品公开课

The guide can be divided into four parts. Skim the guide and complete the chart below with the main idea of each part.
Understanding the benefits of exercise
Besides the sports events mentioned in the posters, what other sports or events would you like to watch or try? Among all the events, which one is your favorite? Why? How often do you do it?
• Physical benefits • _M__e_n_ta_l__b_e_n_e_fi_ts_
Planning your exercise routine • (2)W__h_a_t__y_o_u_e_x_p_e_c_t t_o_i_m__p_r_o_v_e_______ • What types of exercise you enjoy
Have your meal an average of 1.5 to 2.5 hours before exercising. Wait at least 30 minutes after a typical routine, or as much as an hour after a hard workout.
How does flexibility training help you? It helps stretch our muscles and improve our body’s range of movement.
高中英语牛津译林版必修第二册unit2 Extendedreading and Project语言点

Extended reading and Project1.hesitate vi. 犹豫,迟疑(P21) When my friend first suggested that we join the Tai Chi Club at school, I hesitated.当我的朋友第一次建议我们在学校加入太极俱乐部时,我犹豫了。
If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wilson never hesitates to buy them a meal.(2019 北京卷)如果一个学生在往返学校的长途车程中感到饥饿,威尔逊从不犹豫给他们买一顿饭。
拓:hesitate about/over doing sth 对(某事)犹豫hesitate to do sth 做某事犹豫don’t hesitate to do sth毫不犹豫去做某事hesitation n. 犹豫without hesitation 毫不犹豫练:He is still __________over whether to leave or not.Some parents _______ to take these steps because they suspect that their child is exaggerating.【答案】1. hesitate 2. hesitate1.admit vt.&vi. 承认(过错);招认vt.准许进入;接受....入院,收治(P25) After the first class, however, I had to admit that I had been wrong about tai chi.然而,上了一堂课后,我不得不承认我之前对太极的认识是错误的。
They were almost knee-deep when they realized it was a hot spring. Later they all admitted they’d felt cold water at first. (2018天津1卷)当他们意识到这是一个温泉时,他们几乎是齐膝深的。
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[ himə'leiəz]
A North African kingdom. Casablanca, is the largest city. The famous movie Casablanca tells a story which happened in this city.
dates addresser friendly greetings
jokes past events contractions
Reading Strategy
It is a(_a__n__) formal /i_n__f_o__r_m___a__l letter.
Unit 2 Wish you were here
Please read the following letter quickly and answer these questions.
• 1.How will Colin and Toby travel through the desert?
They will travel on camels. • 2. What activity does Toby think is dangerous?
White-water rafting and watching wildlife up close. • 3. How long will the brothers stay in Africa?
About four weeks.
Fill in the blanks with proper words:
Title: An adventure in Africa
The Sahara Desert
Go there by 1)__p_l_a_n__efrom London 1.Travel through the desert by 2)_c_a__m__e_l_
Unit 2 Wish you were here
Reading An adventure in Africa
New words of places:
the Sahara Desert
Tanzania (Kilimanjaro)
the River Nile Lake Victoria
It is the highest mountain in Africa. It stands in northeastern Tanzania. The top is covered by snow and ice all year round.
•The mountains, located in Asia are one of the highest mountain ranges(山脉) in the world.
3. Get close 7)__________ to take photos of the
1.Many people feel sick while climbing 8)______
2. Have a 9)_______ rest before climbing.
Go to the Himalayas after the trip in 10)_______
Reading An adventure in Africa
white-water rafting
Adventure is an unusual,
series of events.
mountain climbing
the Sahara Desert
It is the world’s largest desert, covering 9,065,000 square kilometers.
the River Nile
Flowing quietly and peacefully, it enjoys the fame of “The cradle of African civilization(文明)”.
rock climbing
Have you ever thought of visiting Africa one day?
• 1. What words come to your mind when we talk about Africa?
• 2.What interests you most about Africa?
The River Nile 1. Start at Lake Victoria
2. In 5)_______ not to fall into the water,
1.Live with the local people in their villages.
2. Walk across the land and follow the tracks
Go there by 1)_______ from London
The Sahara De the desert by 2)________ 2. 3)_______ in tents.
3. Sleep on the ground and on4)_______nights
2. 3)_C__a_m__p_ in tents.
3. Sleep on the ground and on4)_c__le__a_r_nights
Lake Victoria
It is named after Queen of England in the 19th century. It is the world’s largest tropical(热带 )lake and the second largest freshwater lake(淡水湖).