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Specialists’suggestions seem to be everywhere nowadays. They frequentlyappear in advertisements, TV shows, and the news discussion and so on. However,some people hold the opinion that the specialists’suggestions are not asauthoritative as before. We should not trust them anymore. However, in myopinion, I think we can believe in specialists as long as they are honest, andthe products they recommend to us are proved to be good.

First of all, there are more than a few fake specialists in China. Thesefake specialists pretend to be professional in the public. Some of the immoraladvertisers use money to hire the fake specialists to be their productsspokesmen. Then the consumer will fall for the beautiful lies the so calledspecialists tell them. The truth is that the real specialists are forbidden totake up these kinds of ads; they should stay in their labs and do

experiments.Second, the real specialists are quite intelligent and they are able to solvemany problems. They can teach us lots of knowledge that we ever learn from thetextbooks. For instance, they may teach us how to stay in good health througheating particular food, or the effective way to reduce stress. The mostimportant thing is the words they say are proved to be true. In this case, wecan believe in the specialists. 高考英语作文范文2

My holidays This summer, I was very happy. Although I didnt go out totravel. But my friends and me to a nursing home to help old people.In a nursinghome, we introduce myself after, began to work for the old people. First of all,we first points groups. Some go to sweeping the floor, others to help old peopleback on,

some with old people, and my sorrows and other friends to help the oldman sun wash the quilt.We started, we use the washing powder on the old peopleon the quilt, rub with the brush and rub, very tired. I understand the mothershard work. Then, we will bask in the quilt.We stayed for a nursing home in theafternoon, and the old man say good-bye, I have decided to help your parents dosome housework more in the future. 高考英语作文范文3

They looked like a real football team —with snarling coach included. Butthe 10 men arrested at theweekend in Spain’s southern province of Cadiz were notgoing to play a match, despite their yellow and blue kit. They were drugtraffickers who used their footballs, knapsacks and club strips, emblazoned withthe team name of a local town, Guillen Moreno CF, as a ruse to fool borderpolice as they passed from the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, in North Africa, toAlgeciras, on the southern Spanish mainland, a police spokesman in Cadizsaid.

The fake team would usually cross the Straits of Gibraltar into theprovince of Cadiz on Saturday afternoons with the hash tucked beneath theirjerseys and stage a drama to enhance their credibility before border agents. Thesupposed manager, 49, would carry a roster in his hand and continuously bark atthe young men “Everybody pay attention, everybody stay right here!”and “Comeon, follow me!”.

The players would cross back to Ceuta on Sundays after the fictional matchand actual drug sales in Spain. Police do not know how long the fake seasonlasted before a tip spurred an investigation. The game ended when officersstopped their cars in Cadiz and found a total of 16kg of hash hidden beneath
