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Task Four : Listening
2a Listen and check ( ) the things Amy’s family are giving away and circle the things they are keeping.
book magazine toy bear toy lion toy tiger bread maker sweater dress hat scarf
Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.
课时重点: 1.掌握yard sale, sweet, cent, give away, in need, scarf, soft, board, check, board game, check out 等单词 和短语的意思。 2.掌握时间段的表达、how long 与延续性 动词连用的用法。 3.小组通过听力、对话等练习展开学习。 4.初步了解非延续性动合作词和延续性动词的转换。 5.捐赠旧物,关爱他人探,拥究有助人为乐的品质。
3.What kind of things do people sell at the yard sale? A:Something they don’t need any more. B:Something they think important.
4.Why do people like to buy things at the yard sale? A:Because the things are very cheap. B:Because the things they can’t buy in other place.
了。”如:It is two years since I came to No.6 Middle School.
探究点二: 非延续性(短暂性)动词与延续性动词
buy → have,
borrow → keep,
open → be open,
close → be closed,
Section A (1a-2b)
Xingguo No. 6 Middle School Li Xuemei
Yard sale 庭院旧货出售 这是国外的一种风俗, 也是一种独特的售货方式。 人们利用周末, 将家中搁置不用的物件, 放在自家庭院 中廉价出售, 因而被称作yard sale, 也可译作“家庭拍卖 会”。 庭院售卖的物品种类繁多, 大到家具, 电器, 小到玩 具, 衣物和鞋帽。这些物品虽多数为二手货, 但也有全 新的物品, 且价格合理公道, 甚至还可讨价还价。正是这种低廉, 公道的价格及买家淘宝和碰大运的心 理, 使得yard sale广受欢迎, 逐渐演 变成一种独特的文化现象。
2b Listen again and fill in the blanks.
1. Amy has had her favorite _b_o_o__k_ for three years. 2. Amy has had the toy _b_e_a__rsince she was a _b_a_b__y_.
begin →be on,
finish → be over
Come/go → be here/be in , die → be dead,
join → be in,
leave → be away, 等。
注意:与延续性动词连用的有 how long 和 时间段,含有时
间段的肯定句谓语动词要用延续性动词,在否定句中也可以用 非延续性动词与一段时间连用。(短暂性动词有完成时态)例 如:她已经借了我的自行车. She has borrowed my bike . 她已经借我的自行车三天了. She has kept my bike for three。
Task Five:
探究点一:时间段的表达法 探究点二:非延续性(短暂)动词
1. for +一段时间
e.g: for 8 years
2. since +过去的时间点 e.g: since 1999/ last spring
3. since + 一段时间+ ago
B:I have had it for three years
three years ago
since 2013.
for three years
agsoin是ce一2般01过3 去时态的标志词,
__ You can also give old things away to
people in need.
Task Three: Pairwork
1c Practice the conversation. Then make conversations about other things in the picture above.
Ask and answer
1.When do people usually have yard sales? A.On weekdays. B.On weekends.
2.Why are the sales called"yard sale"? A.They sell at their yard. B.Sounds good.
3. Amy’s mom has had the old bread for more than
__1_0__ years. 4. Amy can give away the s_w__e_a__te_randd_r__e_s_s_ because
they do not fit her anymore.
check v. & n. 检查;审查
check out 察看;观察 board n.. 板;木板
A:When did you buy the scarf ? B:I bought it three years ago. A:How long have you had it?
since three years ago.
Task Two: Listening 1b
Listen and check (√举) th行e庭fa院cts拍y卖ou会hear.
__ Jeff’s family is having a yard sale.
__ Amy thinks it’s hard to sell her old
1.Finish Jintaiyang Daoxue Ceping P57. 2.Prepare Section A (2d-3c)
A. has, died B.has, been dead
4.She has already finished (finish) her
1.学会本节课的单词(yard sale, sweet, cent, give away,
in need, scarf, soft, board, check, board game, check out ……) 。 2.掌握how long 和时间段与延续性动词连用的用法。 3.掌握时间段的表达(for+时间段,since……)。 4.初步了解非延续性动词和延续性动词的转换(buy → have, borrow → keep, open → be open…… ) 5.捐赠旧物,关爱他人,拥有助人为乐的品质。
A: Tnhoits…isanay rmeoarlely=onlodt baonyoklo.nger不再, B: Yes, I’ve had it再fo也r 不seven years. I’ve
read it three times. A: Why are you selling it? B: Because I don’t read it anymore. A: How much is it? B: You can have it for 75 cents.
Task One: New words
toy bear
bread maker
scarf n. scarຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidues(pl.)
soft toys
board games
Words & expressions
yard n. 院子 sweet adj. 甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的 memory n. 记忆;回忆
cent n.. 分;分币 bear n. 熊 maker n 生产者;制订者 soft adj. 软的;柔软的
toy bear (five years)
1a. Look at the things at the yard sale. When did you buy them? How long have you had them?
-When did you buy it? -I bought it …… -How long have you had the …? -I have had …for …years./since …years ago.
Task Six:当堂检测
1.I have been in (come) No. 6 Middle School
for two years.
2.My brother has been away (leave) home
since two years ago.
3.How long
your dog
e.g: since 23 years ago
4. since + 从句(一般过去时态) e.g: Since I came here
注意:对这些时间段提问用How long多久,并且how long 与延续性动词连用。对in+时间段提问则用 How soon多久以后。
另:It is +一段时间+since从句。意为“自从……有……年
其动词为memorize, 意为“记忆,背
__ Jeff has had his bike for more than诵1”0。
__ Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories.