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1.It always seemed strange to me that a man so capable of systematic thought, and

so elegant in his appearance, should care so little for order in his surroundings. 一个思维如此缜密、外表如此优雅的男人,对周围环境的整洁状况竟是如此的不在意,这总是让我感到奇怪。

2.But in my opinion this is more of a case for Dr. Watson than for us. 但在我看来,


3.Nothing less would interest these London messenger boys that much.. (至少是谋


4.I suggest that you follow your line and I mine. 我建议你按你的思路调查,我按


5.It was at such moments that for an instant he ceased to be a reasoning machine,

and revealed a more normal pleasure in being the object of admiration and respect.



The Pen of My Aunt

1.France may be an occupied country, a ruined nation, and a conquered race, but

we will keep, if you please, the usages of civilization. 法兰西也许是一个被占领的国家,一个被毁了的民族,一个被征服的种族,但是,请记住,我们仍将保持文明礼数。

2.After the last few months I should not have thought that soldiers coming up

the avenue was a remarkable fact. 经历了过去几个月,我不会再把士兵从大路那边过来看做是什么了不起的事情。

3.Convention is anathema to them, and there is no sin like conformity. Even a

collar is an offence against their liberty, and a discipline not to be borne by free necks. 习俗让让他们无法容忍,顺从是天大的罪恶。哪怕是一个衣领,也是对他们的自由的冒犯,是自由惯了的脖子不能忍受的约束。

Lord Byron’s Love Letter

4.It was almost as though I had moistened the tip of my pen in a shallow bowl

full of milk, so delicate was the blue in the dome of the heavens. 就好像我在盛满牛奶的浅碗中将笔尖润湿一样,天空的蓝色是那样柔和。

5.The SPINSTER follows to the door, and shields her eyes from the light as she

look after the MATRON. 那女人跟着到了门口,用手遮挡住外面的光线,朝那个太太的背影望去。


1.Brave, unarmed actors leaped at villains holding forty-fives, and ingénues

were saved from death by the knife the quick thinking of various handsome and intrepid young men勇敢的、赤手空拳的演员扑向手握。45口径手枪的歹徒;思维敏捷、英俊无畏的年轻人把无辜少女的生命从刀下挽回。

2.Blaisdell weighed a hundred and twenty pounds but that hadn’t topped Peter

any more than the fact that the spies all had two guns apiece ever stopped the FBI men on the screen. 如同在电视上,每人携带两只枪的间谍从未能阻挡联邦调查局的人员一样,体重120磅的布雷斯戴尔也没能阻止彼得。

3.He was going to be a dangerous man, he felt, when he grew up, but one to

whom the weak and the unjustly hunted could safely turn.. 他觉得长大后他会成为一个危险人物,但弱者和那些被无辜追杀的人可以放心地来寻求他的帮助。

4.Until recently he hadn’t liked the dark too much and he always turned on

lights wherever he went, but you had to practice being fearless, just like anything else. 直到最近,他还不太喜欢黑暗,他总是走到哪儿都开灯。但他得锻炼胆量,就像锻炼其他任何本领一样。


1.An interesting sight when the tie is low is a herring gull flying along forty feet up,

a calm held tightly in its hooked bill, looking for a suitable boulder. 落潮时可以


2.Niagara Gorge looks like the track eaten into an apple by a worm. (从高处看,)


3.Some of them are much higher than Niagara, and perhaps more beautiful, but they

lack mass and cutting power. Niagara belongs to the heavyweights----where a whole solid river plunges bodily over a cliff. 有些瀑布比尼亚加拉瀑布高很多,甚至可能更美丽,但却缺少尼亚加拉瀑布那样雄伟的气势和削切的力量。尼亚加拉是属于瀑布中的重量级—整条河流一下子从峭壁上冲泻下来。

4.It thrives from one host to another, often ending by forming tangled mats of

yellow or orange yellow. 菟丝草寄生在一个又一个的依附物上,生长得非常繁茂,经常互相缠绕在一起,长成黄色的或橘黄色的草层。

5.The stillness is invaded by your feet cracking on the frosty meadows. The

mountains ring with the notes of bull elk issuing their challenges. 当你走在结霜的草地上,脚下沙沙的声音打破了寂静。山中回荡着公麋鹿挑战的叫声。6.As a scientific resource, wilderness serves as a living laboratory, a control plot,

where the biologist and ecologist can measure the behavior of living things free of human intervention. 荒野还是一种科学资源,为生物学家和生态学家提供活实验区和对照区。在这里,他们可以对生物在不受人类干涉的情况下活动进行观察和判断。


1.It may not be stretching the truth to say that there are more bears than people in

the country. 那个县里熊比人多,这个说法并不夸张。

2.After the first weekend of the season, they catch on quickly, and very few are

killed later in the month. 在狩猎季节的头一个周末过后他们很快就明白了形势,在这个月的余下时间里就很少有熊被猎杀了。

3.Sometimes my wife would put a few nuts on the deck or the bench seat, only to

have Little Bit ignore them and nuzzle her to be hand-fed. 有时候我妻子会放几个坚果在露台或长椅子上,但小比特却不理睬它们,而是用鼻子轻碰她,要求她用手拿着喂它。

4.For the hunters, starving bears made for easy pickings. 对猎手而言,饥饿的熊成


5.They left us with memories of carefree days spent with Little Bit, the bear who
