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Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!


be full of 充满

noise pollution 噪音污染

burn coal 烧煤

black smoke 黑烟

close down 关闭

cut down 减少

used to 过去常…

the bottom of …的底部throw…into…扔…进入

play a part in 扮演角色

clean up 打扫卫生

cut down 减少

be badly polluted 被严重地污染

instead of 代替

too much rubbish and waste太多垃圾和废物

make a difference 起作用,有影响

lead to 通往……

hear of 听说…

each time (+ 从句) 每次

be harmful to …对……有害

cut off 切断

the food chain 食物链

at the top of 在……顶部或顶端

no longer /not …any longer 不再

no more / not … anymore 不再ocean’s ecosystem 海洋生态系统be in danger= be endangered处于危险中的

the number of …的数量scientific studies 科学的研究

turn off 关掉

take part in 参加

pay for 付费;付出代价take action 采取行动

throw away 扔掉;抛弃recycle books and paper 回收书和纸paper napkins 纸巾

in the last 20 to 30 years 近二三十年里put sth. to good use 好好利用某物think about 考虑

pull down 拆下;摧毁

turn upside down 上下颠倒;倒转set up 建起,成立

an inspiration to sb. 对某人是一个启示be known for 因……而闻名

build …out of 用… 建造

not only … but also 不但…而且

be known for 因而出名

look like 像

the importance of …的重要性environment protection 环境保护bring back 还原

public transportation 公共交通

get worse and worse 变得越来越糟




in,on就跟spend去,for在pay后不客气;cost物前人后移,It takes…to do在一起。




Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade7. 重点短语:

do a survey 做调查

be over 结束

play the keyboard 演奏电子乐器help sb.with sth. 帮助某人做……win a prize 获奖

meet the standards of sb.满足某人的

标准remember to do sth. 记得去做……remember doing sth. 记得做过……memories and experiences 回忆和经

in a row 连续

take a break(from…)= take breaks


be patient with sb. 对某人耐心work out 算出,解决好teaching methods 教学方法

no matter how 无论怎样

do better in 在……做得更好encourage sb. to do sth.

鼓励某人去做explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事because of 因为

put in more effort 付出更多的努力go shopping 去购物

look back at 回首(往事);回忆;回

顾overcome fear 克服恐惧

make a mess 弄得一团糟(一塌糊涂)

keep one’s cool 沉住气;保持冷静prepare for 为……做准备

at the end of year 在一年结束的时候junior high school 初中

senior high (school) 高中

go by (时间)逝去;过去

deal with 处理,对付believed in 信任;信赖

look forward to 盼望

be thirsty for 渴望;渴求

be thankful to sb. 对某人心存感激fail to do sth. 没有做成某事

first of all 首先

ahead of 在……前面

along with 连同;除……以外还be responsible for 对……有责任;负责

set out 出发;启程

be responsible for 对……感到骄傲give up 放弃

make mistakes 犯错误

separate from 分离;隔开

get good/bad grades in English




盼望(look forward to)习惯(be used to)却完毕(finish),想要(feel like )花费(spend)去练习(practice),

忍不住(can’t help)还介意(mind)。
