• Music can make body relax. Good music can relieve stress, avoid stress disorder because of the autonomic nervous system and lead to chronic diseases.
2023最新整理收集 do something
• Different music make people different mood.Music by its tones can affect the person's mood,as early as in ancient Greek times it attracted people's attention .
• They think the E-major stability,the D-major enthusiastic,the Cmajor stand for love ,the B-major plaintive,the A-major means high ,the G-major blunderingly.
• 感谢阅读
• Music can knock a closed mind, relieve depression, depressed mood, and even music can also achieve some degree of psychological treatment.
• Music can help sleep, enhance immunity, increase nerve conduction velocity, enhance memory and attention, let people both physically and mentally moderate development.
The Chainsmokers
As far as I am concerned,of all music,I like pop music and Electronic music best.I think they are of great interest and wonderful.In my spare time or when I am tired,I usually listen to some pop music and it makes me feel better.
Nowadays more and more people like music,and generally speaking,different people like different music.Some like pop music,such as the songs sung by the HK singers.Some like Jazz,and others like classical music.
Pop music, in popular and contemporary parlance, is a subgenre of popular music. Since the term spans many rock, hip hop, rhythm and blues (R&B), country, dance and operatic pop acts, it is reasonable to say that "pop music" is a loosely defined category.
yellow flicker beat
• Portray [por‘tre] 描绘 • Rhythm [‘rɪðəm] 节奏,韵律 • Emotional [ɪ‘moʃən!] 易激动的
• Recreational [,rɛkrɪ‘eʃən!]
造温馨浪漫的 情调,带有休 闲性质,因此 又得名“情调 音乐”(Mood Music)。
出现最早并且是在世界上影响 较广的一个乐种,爵士乐实际 就是美国的民间音乐。欧洲教 堂音乐、美国黑人小提琴和班 卓传统音乐融合非洲吟唱及美 国黑人劳动号子形成了最初的" 民间蓝调","拉格泰姆"和"民间 蓝调"构成了早期的爵士乐。
• Jazz another origin, is
轻音乐,可以使 你紧张了一天的 神经得到松弛和 调理,让你高质 量地睡一觉。
Hale Waihona Puke 轻音乐轻音乐指介于古典音乐和流行音乐
之间的一种通俗音乐形式。轻音乐 以通俗方式诠释乐曲,其来源可以 是原创,也可以是对古典音乐、流 行音乐或者民谣进行改编而成。其 结构简单、节奏明快、旋律优美。
• Soft Music can build
sweet romantic emotional appeal, with recreational nature, therefore is the name "emotional appeal Music" (Mood Music).
士之父。他的代表作是《what a wonderful world》。 》
Listen to a soft music has a lot
of advantages. Teenagers to listen to the health and beauty light music, help the brain or so the two hemispheres of the mutual improvement memory, progress the learning efficiency.
• Recreational [,rɛkrɪ‘eʃən!]
造温馨浪漫的 情调,带有休 闲性质,因此 又得名“情调 音乐”(Mood Music)。
出现最早并且是在世界上影响 较广的一个乐种,爵士乐实际 就是美国的民间音乐。欧洲教 堂音乐、美国黑人小提琴和班 卓传统音乐融合非洲吟唱及美 国黑人劳动号子形成了最初的" 民间蓝调","拉格泰姆"和"民间 蓝调"构成了早期的爵士乐。
• Jazz another origin, is
轻音乐,可以使 你紧张了一天的 神经得到松弛和 调理,让你高质 量地睡一觉。
Hale Waihona Puke 轻音乐轻音乐指介于古典音乐和流行音乐
之间的一种通俗音乐形式。轻音乐 以通俗方式诠释乐曲,其来源可以 是原创,也可以是对古典音乐、流 行音乐或者民谣进行改编而成。其 结构简单、节奏明快、旋律优美。
• Soft Music can build
sweet romantic emotional appeal, with recreational nature, therefore is the name "emotional appeal Music" (Mood Music).
士之父。他的代表作是《what a wonderful world》。 》
Listen to a soft music has a lot
of advantages. Teenagers to listen to the health and beauty light music, help the brain or so the two hemispheres of the mutual improvement memory, progress the learning efficiency.
介绍音乐 英语ppt
Different Types Of Music
• Music can generally be divided into two kinds , classical music and popular music.
Popular music is a kind of attractive music which has a large amount of audiences . It has several different forms .
Pachelbel(原作者)在他10几岁的时候,流浪到英 Pachelbel在Barbara Gabler离开后才发现原来 在这期间村长的儿子看上Barbara Gabler ,村长 而且你也不喜欢钢琴。”Barbara Gabler听后, 自己已经不知不觉的爱Barbara Gabler,只是因 国被英国一个小村庄的琴师收养,之后他天天听那 的儿子很清楚Barbara Gabler已经心有所属,就 对自己说:“不要说我不行!Pachelbel。我回去 个他弹琴,也学会了钢琴。在他们旁边的镇上上有 为她学琴不努力所以就埋没了对她的喜欢。当时 叫人从前线运回来一具碎尸体,说那就是 一定要好好弹琴,半年后我要拿到本地的钢琴第 一个女孩子叫Barbara Gabler,家里有钱有势, 他准备写一首歌,做为向Barbara Gabler求婚的 Pachelbel,但没有人可以对证,Barbara 一名的!” 半年里,Barbara Gabler天天练习, Barbara Gabler也是镇上最漂亮的女孩,自从到教 礼物,当他完成了卡农的1/3的时候。他被招去打 Gabler相信Pachelbel真的已经死了,趴在 饿了就叫家里的用人送些吃的,困了就趴着睡一 堂听Pachelbel弹的曲子,就爱上了他。很多有钱人 仗了,在战乱中,自己的生命多次都是九死一生, "Pachelbel"的尸体上哭了3天3夜,那时,村长 会。半年一转眼就过去了,Barbara Gabler参加 上门向Barbara Gabler提亲都被拒绝了,因为 每当心中不舒服的时候都会想到Barbara Gabler, 的儿子买了很多的礼物去找Barbara Gabler提亲, 了比赛,果真的拿了奖。Barbara Gabler想拿这 Barbara Gabler心里只喜欢Pachelbel。但女孩比较 想到教她弹琴的日子......那段时光真是值得怀念啊。 Barbara Gabler没有理睬。在3天后晚上, 个奖杯去Pachelbel向他表达自己的爱意 害羞,从小被宠到大的Barbara Gabler一直不敢向 之后他完成了卡农剩下的2/3。在Barbara Gabler Barbara Gabler割腕自杀了。而Pachelbel在 Pachelbel已经走了。当时正值战乱,Pachelbel Pachelbel表白,后来Barbara Gabler就找了个理由, 自杀后了第2个月,Pachelbel回到了村里。他从 Barbara Gabler离开的半年里,他发现没有 被征去打仗,Barbara Gabler说:“好,我等他 说要去Pachelbel那里学钢琴,她对Pachelbel说自 村民的口中知道了Barbara Gabler的故事和她为 Barbara Gabler在身边,自己少了很多很多的快 回来。”就这样Barbara Gabler等了Pachelbel3 己热爱音乐,希望可以拜师学艺。Pachelbel很高兴 自己做的所有事后,他咆哮着,放声大哭。他找 乐。 年多。 的收下了这个徒弟。但Barbara Gabler她的目的并 到了Barbara Gabler的家人,问她现在葬在哪。 她家里人都不肯告诉Pachelbel,随后的一次礼拜, 不是弹琴,所以几乎不把精力花费在钢琴上,遭到 了Pachelbel一再的责骂。Barbara Gabler心里委屈, Pachelbel招集他们村和Barbara Gabler村上所 但还是一直跟Pachelbel,希望Pachelbel能明白自 有的人,他坐在钢琴前强忍着泪水,弹出了卡农 己的心意。终于有一天Pachelbel对Barbara Gabler “Canon(D Major)”。之后,在场的所有人都落 说:“你走吧,你真的不适合弹钢琴。 泪了。
R&B的全名是Rhythm & Blues,一般译作 “节 奏布鲁斯”(R&B),时至今日,R&B已经成了黑人 流行音乐的代名词,尽管它更多的是作为一种区别 于说唱乐(Rap)、灵魂乐(Soul)、都市歌(Urban)的 音乐种类被特殊的听众和唱片界人士提及。
R. Kelly American R&B and rap music is the most outstanding singer, songwriter and producer, making him one of the music can always very good music rap music, R&B and soul perfect confluence is together and create beautiful melody, thus can get r. Kelly produced album never let the fans, and he himself suffer ear or 1990s album sales of the best male singer.
Country music is a kind of contemporary pop music, originated in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains. Country music is rooted in the 1920s, the traditional folk music, integration Gospel music and music, Celtic in music. Country music melody, generally very smooth phrasing structure, beautiful, also is simple.
R. Kelly American R&B and rap music is the most outstanding singer, songwriter and producer, making him one of the music can always very good music rap music, R&B and soul perfect confluence is together and create beautiful melody, thus can get r. Kelly produced album never let the fans, and he himself suffer ear or 1990s album sales of the best male singer.
Country music is a kind of contemporary pop music, originated in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains. Country music is rooted in the 1920s, the traditional folk music, integration Gospel music and music, Celtic in music. Country music melody, generally very smooth phrasing structure, beautiful, also is simple.
Pop Metal Progressive Metal Speed Metal Thrash Metal .Neo-Classical
Black slang, equivalent to "talk" (talking), produced in poor black neighborhoods in New York. It's the rhythm in the mechanical context of sound quickly tell characterized by a series of rhyming verse
CHAMBER POP refers to the elegant, noble, refined popular music, it has a certain feeling of classical music.
BOSSA NOVA is a species with a taste of Brazil JAZZ music,
Reggae music originated in Jamaica, its roots come from New Orleans of the R & B Reggae music combined with traditional African rhythms, American rhythm and blues and original folk music of Jamaica
【 acappella 】
ACAPPELLA was referring to the musical accompaniment of songs, when it comes to pure singing voice are ACAPPELLA, but today we say that there are multiple ACAPPELLA usually refers to the kind of singing and singing, and even the musical accompaniment by the human voice singing.
提高音乐英语听力水平,有助于更好地理解音乐作品,提高音乐 鉴赏能力。
通过听音乐英语歌曲、电影对白、演讲等,进行听力训练,提高英 语听力水平。
选择适合自己水平的听力材料,从简单到复杂,逐步提高听力难度 。
解释和声的概念,以及如 何运用对位法创作音乐。
解析节奏和节拍的构成, 以及它们在音乐中的重要 性。
介绍吉他、小提琴等弦乐 器的特点和使用方法。
讲解长笛、萨克斯等管乐 器的发声原理和演奏技巧 。
介绍鼓、铙钹等打击乐器 的演奏方式和表现力。
概述古典音乐的特征和发展历程 。
分析不同音乐风格的特点和表现形式 ,如爵士、古典、流行等。
列举常见的音乐术语,并解释其含义 和用法,如旋律、和声、节奏等。
介绍音乐历史的发展脉络,包括 不同时期和风格的音乐特点和代
介绍音乐史上重要的事件和人物, 如作曲家、演奏家、音乐流派等。
• The piano is played by means of a keyboard. And it widely used in Western music. • It is called the king of Musical Instruments.
• 2.Type of music • 3.Music pioneer
How much do you know abuot music?
• 4.Famous singers
• 5.Do you remember them
• Saxophone was invented in 1840 by Sax。 • Mr Sachs (1814-1894) is famous in Belgium instrument producer and inventor. • Sachs is a kind of western Musical Instruments, it is good at playing jazz
• The urheen begins in the Tang Dynasty, until now already some more than 1000 years history .
As a traditional instrument ,Erheen can express the sorrow in people's hearts Its soft voice touches the audience deeply ae well
英语 音乐介绍PPT
The most influential musicians---Beethoven
Often listen to light music can Light music originated in a postwar England Eliminate pressure Improve insomnia Relieve fatigue Light music often appears in anime too
Chinese music cultured is verve, have connotation ,not like western music .And I like chinese music ,because it can not only make the mood relaxing, still can make the soul get distillation
Black Metal Death Metal Thrash Metal Doom Metal
Glam Metal
Melodic Death Metal Pop Metal Heavy Metal Industrial Metal Progressive Metal Speed Metal Maybe,,many people think that metal music is noise ,but many people crazy for it and it begin to form a kind of culture
Pop music is straightaway, some pop music can surviving ,but most were gone
The most influential musicians---Beethoven
Often listen to light music can Light music originated in a postwar England Eliminate pressure Improve insomnia Relieve fatigue Light music often appears in anime too
Chinese music cultured is verve, have connotation ,not like western music .And I like chinese music ,because it can not only make the mood relaxing, still can make the soul get distillation
Black Metal Death Metal Thrash Metal Doom Metal
Glam Metal
Melodic Death Metal Pop Metal Heavy Metal Industrial Metal Progressive Metal Speed Metal Maybe,,many people think that metal music is noise ,but many people crazy for it and it begin to form a kind of culture
Pop music is straightaway, some pop music can surviving ,but most were gone
摇滚是一种音乐类型;起源于1940年代末期的 美国;1950年代早期开始流行;迅速风靡全球; 摇滚 乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音乐节 奏表达情感;受到了全世界年轻人的喜爱;
Bill Haley
Bill Haley was called the father of rock; founder of the rock
American music major types
Hip Hop嘻哈 R&B 节奏 Rock&roll摇滚乐 American country music 美 国乡村音乐 Classical古典 …
Hip Hop 嘻哈 说唱
Hip hop is 20 years ago the American street began a black culture; also referring to rap Hip hop four culture includes rhythm expression to speak; rhyme; playing and dancing street; crow turntable skill art So hip hop rap just a kind of culture with other elements; dance; clothing; life attitude to constitute a complete hip hop text
The best soul/R&B singer
Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖
R&B singer global sales of the best
全球销量最佳 R&B女歌手
Bill Haley
Bill Haley was called the father of rock; founder of the rock
American music major types
Hip Hop嘻哈 R&B 节奏 Rock&roll摇滚乐 American country music 美 国乡村音乐 Classical古典 …
Hip Hop 嘻哈 说唱
Hip hop is 20 years ago the American street began a black culture; also referring to rap Hip hop four culture includes rhythm expression to speak; rhyme; playing and dancing street; crow turntable skill art So hip hop rap just a kind of culture with other elements; dance; clothing; life attitude to constitute a complete hip hop text
The best soul/R&B singer
Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖
R&B singer global sales of the best
全球销量最佳 R&B女歌手
Hip hop music 嘻哈音乐
Hip hop music
• Hip hop music, also referred • 嘻哈音乐,也被称
to as rap music, is a music
genre(流派) typically
consisting of a rhythmic vocal style called rap which is accompanied with backing
• Practice is the most important thing RAP bite word and secondly on speed and feeling. Especially English pronunciation clear right, the RAP is especially important. Because the RAP, but not speaking soon despite completely is unclear. The RAP even read English, so if you pay attention to practice English RAP you intend to do, now is the first reading English articles, loudly read, read familiar with! Then slowly and language training pronunciation.
Rock and Roll
•Rock and Roll •摇滚
Your crazy Rock (London) is a 摇滚摇滚是是一一种音种乐音类型乐,起类
Pop music
Rock music is a genre of popular music that originated in the 1950s and is characterized by damaged electrical guides, powerful drums, and often a strong blue influence
Dance music
Background music is designed to provide a pleasant atmosphere without calling too much attention to itself It is often used in restaurants, coffee shops, stores, and other businesses to create a relaxing environment
African music
Polyphony: African music of features multiple medical lines that interweave and create a dense, layered texture
Instrumentation: African instruments include the talking drum, the smartphone, and various types of strung instruments
Detailed description: Symphony usually consists of four movements, each with different emotions and atmospheres. Symphony orchestras typically include string instruments, wind instruments, percussion instruments, and keyboard instruments. Symphony works usually require a high level of musical literacy and technical proficiency, so performers need to undergo long-term professional training.
Different Types Of Music
• Music can generally be divided into two kinds , classical music and popular music.
Popular music is a kind of attractive music which has a large amount of audiences . It has several different forms .
泰勒· 斯威夫特是美国最受欢迎的歌手之一。她出生于1989年12月 3日。她年轻貌美,善于歌唱。她大部分的歌都是乡村音乐,但也有 流行音乐,嘻哈,摇滚。 泰勒仅仅在3年内就赢得了22个奖项,并且还有35项提名。她赢得 了2009年MTV最佳女艺人奖。她还获得了2009年的年度艺人奖, 泰勒是该奖项有史以来最年轻的获奖者。
Classical Music
According to Longman dictionary , classical music is a music that people consider serious and that has been popular for a long time. Classical music is a word that has a broad meaning. Owing to the limit of time , I can not introduce all of them to you . Now I’d like to play a song for you. It names Cannon in D for violin.
Country music (乡村音乐) Pop music (流行音乐)
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The origin of electronic music
• Along with the time evolution, musicians have more making music method. Electronic music, with the synthesizer, music is generated by such as computer software, the electronic noise to make music. Electronic music range, often can hear surroundings in film soundtrack, advertising, even some mandarin pop can be helpful in electronic dance music, but for the most. Many people think that electronic music is a cold, no emotional music. In fact in electronic music can also be crazy, a variety of elements such as ROCK、JAZZ even BLUES and full of emotion • 随着时代的演进,音乐家有了更多 制作音乐的方法。所谓电子音乐, 就是以电子合成器,音乐软体,电 脑等所产生的电子声响来制作音乐 。电子音乐范围广泛,生活周遭常 常能听到,在电影配乐,广告配乐 ,甚至某些国语流行歌中都有用到 ,不过以电子舞曲为最。很多人认 为电子乐是一种冷冰冰,没有感情 的音乐。其实电子乐也可融入 Rock、 Jazz甚至Blues等多种元 素而充满情感的。
Jimmie Rodgers
——Country music's father
Jimmie Rodgers to American country music's influence is huge, although most of his career in the U.S. economy is the weakest, and he spent time and often focus on the performance of the poorest regions, but when we are in his album covers read: "in his heyday, have not bounteous villagers grocery store and bought some necessities, all will have another of his latest album," we won't. He is "the village will sing guy", but also people hero. JimmieRodgers对美国乡村音乐的影响是巨大的,尽 管他的演艺生涯大部分是在美国经济最不景气的时期度过, 而他的演出又常集中在最贫穷的地区,但当我们在他的纪念 专辑封套上读到:“在他的全盛期,手头并不宽裕的村民踏 进商店,买了一些生活必须品之后,全都会再要一张他的最 新唱片”时,我们不会不为之感动.他是“村里会唱歌的小 伙子”,也是老百姓心中的英雄.
Rap godfather(说唱界教父 )
Real Name(本名) Shawn Corey Carter
American hip-hop music artist, entrepreneur. In April 2008 with Beyonce marriage. Most NBA players are listening to songs of JAY – Z 美国嘻哈音乐艺术家、企业 家,于在2008年4月4日与碧 昂丝结婚。NBA大部分球员 都是听着JAY-Z的歌长大的
Bill Haley
Bill Haley was called the father of rock, founder of the rock. Bill Haley 被称之为摇滚乐 之父,也是摇滚 乐的创始人。
Heavy Metal
Guitar 吉他
Keyboard Bass
键盘 贝斯
Crazy 疯狂
Passion 激情
Country music is a kind of contemporary pop music, originated in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains. Country music is rooted in the 1920s, the traditional folk music, integration Gospel music and music, Celtic in music. Country music melody, generally very smooth phrasing structure, beautiful, also is simple. 乡村音乐是一种当代的流行音乐,起源于美国南 部与阿帕拉契山区。乡村音乐的根源可追溯至 1920年代,融合了传统民谣音乐、凯尔特音乐、 福音音乐及古时音乐。乡村音乐的曲调,一般都 很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。
R&B Rhythm and Blues is full of translation "R&B," (R&B), today, R&B music has become the pronoun of black popular, although it is more of a kind of difference in Rap (Rap), Soul (there), Urban song (music by the situation) types of special audience and record circles mentioned.
(R&B)ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Pop music's Several forms 电子音乐
Hip Hop 嘻哈 说唱
Hip hop is 20 years ago - the American street began a black culture, also referring to rap. Hip hop - four culture includes rhythm expression to speak), (rhyme, playing and dancing street, crow turntable skill art. So hip hop rap just a kind of culture - with other elements, dance, clothing, life attitude to constitute a complete hip hop - text. Hip-hop是20多年前始于美 国街头的一种黑人文化,也泛指 说唱乐。 Hip-hop 文化的四种 表现方式包括有节奏(押韵地说 话)、街 舞、玩唱片及唱盘技 巧、涂 鸦 艺 术。 因此说唱只是 hip-hop 文化中的一种元素,要 加上其它舞蹈、服饰、生活态度 等才构成完整的hip-hop文化。
R&B的全名是Rhythm & Blues,一般译作 “节 奏布鲁斯”(R&B),时至今日,R&B已经成了黑人 流行音乐的代名词,尽管它更多的是作为一种区别 于说唱乐(Rap)、灵魂乐(Soul)、都市歌(Urban)的 音乐种类被特殊的听众和唱片界人士提及。
R. Kelly American R&B and rap music is the most outstanding singer, songwriter and producer, making him one of the music can always very good music rap music, R&B and soul perfect confluence is together and create beautiful melody, thus can get r. Kelly produced album never let the fans, and he himself suffer ear or 1990s album sales of the best male singer. R. Kelly是美国R&B和说唱音乐 中最出色的歌手,制作人和词曲 作者之一,由他制作的音乐总能 很好的把说唱音乐,R&B音乐以 及灵魂乐完美的融合在一起并创 造出优美的旋律,因而能够得到 R. Kelly制作的专辑决不会让歌迷 的耳朵受罪,同时他本人还是90 年代专辑销量最好的男歌手之一。
Rock&roll music is a kind of type, originated in the 1940s and 1950s end of early American pop, quickly became popular in the world. Rock with its flexible bold expression and passion music rhythm expression of emotion, the young people around the world. 摇滚是一种音乐类型,起源于1940年代末期 的美国,1950年代早期开始流行,迅速风靡全球。 摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音 乐节奏表达情感,受到了全世界年轻人的喜爱。