
Listening1.开头——复习+主旨例外:①课堂复习——不考标志过去时态开始标志:now,today, OK, while②老师道歉③归纳法的开头,先给出例子,再给出结论--记例子的主体&论点2.结尾——推断+细节3.注意重复的细节与观点4.举例——记例子主体,注意提示词5.定义解释——其中的关系6.注意可以的停顿7.注意课堂引导词——remember now OK while imagine today8.讲课中的问答9.因果关系10.听清层次——firstly secondly...11.注意转折12.Listen again 专业术语不变避免原词重复Speaking notesQ1&Q2To start with I believe most of people would choose... However i would like to choose...today i have two arguments to supports to support my idea.Today i mainly have one important argument to back up my ideaTake me for example... For instance... For exampleFurthermore what's moreTo summarize to conclude all in allBased on the two points i have already mentioned ...will always be my choice...Q31.The school wants/plans to doThe school policy is...The school wants to carry out a policy which is...2.sb suggests/advises that the university should stop do...3.In the conversation, the man disagrees, and he has two pointsIn the listening material, the man agree with the policy because of the following reasons...4.First, the school think, however the man think...Second...Based on the two points the man disagree.Q4In this set of material, the reading passage introduce a theory/principle/definition...which meanssuggests that...In the lecture, the professor uses/gives us/provides us/offers us one/two examples to explain/illustrate/demonstrate/clarify this theory.The first is about...The second is ...Q51.time conflict①to find sb else to replace/take place of youto find sb to help him②drop, give up,cancel one of the plans③reschedulePut off, delay, postpone,to find another day to do.Do/finish...before...④ask for extension/extra days/putting off the dead line2.course is not available①to take the same/similar course next semester②take it in another school③choose the graduate lessonQ6The lecture is about/the topic is about...The professor mainly talked about ...According to the lecture...In this listening material the professor explain...All in all/in conclusion...Tips1.DefinitionThe term ...is defined as..The definition of the term is...2.ResultThe/it result turn out to be...pareIn the experiment, students are divided into two groups.The first group is... In the second group the situation is totally different/is on the contrary.Writing一、Heading一方案1凸显主题引述观点我的立场1.凸显主题①As is often the case, Under many circumstances,Currently / In contemporary society, +X/ the issue of X+is widely discussed.is so much concerned that it has aroused a wide discussion.is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused. is much concerned at such a degree that a wide discussion has beenaroused.is much/ widely discussed to a point where a deep contemplation has been aroused.②so…that…He is so 2 that he is used to running outside at cold winter mid-night with nothing on.= subj+ v. + adj. / ved. + to a / the point whereHe is 2 to a point where he is used to running outside at cold winter mid-night with nothing on.= subj+ v. + adj. /ved. + at such a degree that…He is 2 at such a degree that…2.引述观点againstSome people maintain/ hold that it is …that…A few people hold the opinion that…One point is that…One perspective is that…One conventional idea/ acceptance / view / notion is that…forA common belief is that…A prevailing notion/ acceptance is that…题目核心名词不动题目中观点的方向不动3.我的立场程度+ 态度①程度to large extent,at large degree,on large scale,②态度I agree with this opinion.I am on the side of this claim / assumption / assertionI side with this claim.I stand with this claim.I would nod in agreement with this claim.I lean toward this claim.I disagree with this opinion.I am on the opposite side of this claim.I side on the opposite.I stand against this claim.I would cast doubt on this claim.I would frown on this claim.全局Currently, the issue of X is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused. Some people maintain that it is … that…. To large extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim. 二方案2一分钟快捷法:Some people hold / maintain that…I reckon/ deem thatagainstSome people maintain that…. To large extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim and reckon that it assumes a distorted and narrow view.forA prevailing acceptance is that…. To large extent, I am on theside of this claim and reckon that it sensible and rational. Body structureBody+support+strong二、基本思路框架:一1.让步Concede:客观性—题目观点有点道理To begin with, I have to concede that…2.主旨段1:分析—题目观点/言论谬误NeverthelessNonethelessthe claim—problematicAttention: 探讨论点 > 议论话题3.主旨段2:推理—后果严重,危害巨大At last, the influence—negative4.其他备选思路Optional 1: 可行性欠佳not feasibleOptional 2: 效用差ineffectiveOptional 3: 当A>B时,支持弱者B is also significantOptional 4:当题目中X is the …est,质疑“最”X is not the …est. Optional 5:因果关系不合理No direct relation between A and B二中心句:1 .让步To begin with, I have to admit that…To begin with, it is undisputable that…First of all, I have to concede that X, at some / certain degree, is/ can…First of all, I have to concede that doing some writing, at certain degree,is beneficial与题目立场一致.限制级让步—避免喧宾夺主…, to some / certain extent,……, at some/ certain degree,……, on some/ specific occasions,….…, in particular / certain cases, ……, under some / particular circumstances,……, theoretically speaking,……, in short-terms,…… is/ can somewhat…… is/ can relatively…2. against1—分析:题目观点谬误本质使然驳斥言论>质疑话题Nevertheless, X/ the assumption that…is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim / assertion open to question.Nevertheless, X/ the assumption that… is not immune to several defects, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative. Nevertheless, the assumption that… is also contaminated with several defects/ irrationalities, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative.Do—undertake Be engaged inTip:下定义A isB B=n. –A functionA serves asB / A functions as BFriends serve as companionships.media serve as sources of influence.作判断A is B B=adj. / n.A is accepted / acknowledged as BThis proposal is accepted as beneficial.This proposal, to large extent, is accepted as beneficial.3. against2—推理:后果很严重/危害巨大effect vs influenceNegative influence—destructive consequencesdisastrous consequencesAt last, the consequences/ misleading of…would be negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences/ misleading that … is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.4.其他备选思路中心句Option1: 这样做不可行 feasible = viable--It is not feasible the feasibility of … is open to question.--It is not viable the viability of… is open to question.The feasibility/ viability of … is vulnerable to any question or challenge.… can hardly be converted from blueprint into reality.… can merely rest on the blueprint.Option1 效果欠佳--切断联系Step1 It can not solve this problemStep2 It fails to offer solutions to this problem.Step3For 建议This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a reference for...PracticeThis proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….Option2: B重要 for A>B 话题B is of great significance for …Great significance for…is closely attached to B--Great significance for the rise of a nation is closely attached to the promotion of education.--Great significance for leading a healthy life is closely attached to the preservation of environment.--Great significance for the duty of celebrities is closely attached to the participation of social services.Option4: X并非最佳There is no point to claim that X serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.It is groundless to assert that…serve as—function asOption5: 因果关系不合理There is no direct causal relation between A and BThis claim suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.This assumption/ assertion fails to establish a causal relation betweenA and B.三、Body一1.让步First of all/ to begin with, I have to concede that X, at certain degree, is beneficial / is effective.2.观点谬误Nevertheless, the assumption that… is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim/ assumption / assertion open to question. Nevertheless, the assumption that… is also contaminated with several irrationalities, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative.3 .后果严重At last, the consequences / the misleading that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive. / disastrous/ pernicious.4.可行性欠佳The feasibility / viability of X is vulnerable to any question or challenge.5. Ineffective即使有结果,也很难达到目的for 建议类话题To carry the idea further, this proposal / solution/ approach is awkward in serving as a key that guarantees the effectiveness and efficiency.for 定义/结论类话题To carry the idea further, this definition/ conclusion is awkward in serving as a convincing reference that can offer objective and accurate / reliable / trustworthy guidance.6. not the best/ --est for 最…话题There is no point to claim that... serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.7. 挽救B—B重要 for A>B 话题Great significance is also supposed to be attached to B.8. 因果关系不能建立This claim suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.First of all, I have to concede that…, at some / certain degree, is/ can…For one thing, X, on some occasions, is/ can…For the other, it is/ can also somewhat/ relatively…, on the ground that…, for the reason that…, for the sake that…First of all, I have to concede that doing some writing, at certain degree, is beneficial. For one thing, such exercises, on some occasions, contribute to promoting writing skills. For the other, writing can somewhat sharpen the mind.二方案1—双论据论点First of all, I have to concede that X, on certain occasions, is beneficial. 论据1For one thing, X serves as 是什么 through which 作用/效果论据2For the other, X also contributes to/ X is also effective in人例case of/ the case concerning … serves as an example/ evidence / an evident example which, to large extent, can support / solidify /consolidate my claim that it is… that…事例the personal experience of … serves as an example / evidence that/ which can largely consolidate/lend credible support to my claim that…方案2—单论据论点First of all, I have to concede that X, on certain occasions, is beneficial, CS2. against1—本质不好i Nevertheless, the inherited/intrinsic /inborn defect of X can largelyundermine the claim/ assumption that….ii Nevertheless, X/ the conclusion that…/ the proposal that… is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim/ assumption / assertion open to question.Nevertheless, X/ the conclusion that…/ the proposal that… is not immune to several defects, which degrades this claim as problematic /misrepresentative.For 建议类话题:复杂任务简单化As is often the case, / Under many circumstances,/ As a matter of fact, 待解决之问题/达成之目标 is acknowledged as a complicated task/ project/ cause whose solution involves/ requires a combination/ joint of efforts on both the internal and external layers and cannot possibly be tackled/ accomplished by XAs is often the case, 待介定之事物 is acknowledged as a complicated phenomenon / concept/ existence whose definition involves/ requires/ concerns a combination of elements / factors on both the subjective and objective layers and cannot possibly be defined by highlighting X.数据With reference for a survey by International …, % of the people / respondents between and in European countries / . claimed that…With reference for a survey by International …, % of the people / respondents between 15 and 65 in European countries / . claimed that X is the last option employed to…With reference for a survey by International …, %of the people / respondents between 15 and 65 in European countries / . had gloomy views over the effectiveness / the prospect of XAccording to a survey by International Deserts , the deserts all over the world are extending at a rate of 250 football fields every 3 hours.实事—caseThe case concerning … serves as an example/ evidence / an evident example which can, to large extent, support/ solidify/ justify / reinforce / bolster / consolidate my claim that…人例—personal experienceThe personal experience concerning … serves as an evident example which can largely consolidate my claim that…Optional结论/建议未必适用于所有情形无视个案差异… is not unexceptionally acceptable… is not undisputable all the time / under any circumstances The other flaw is that the validation of the view presented in this topic is not universally self evident. On occasions that…,/ On conditions that… , the utmost significance is supposed to be attached to X, whereas when this prerequisite/ the condition removes, the emphasis/ focus would also be switched to other….Tip: 本段质疑言论的组织架构:言论谬误The assumption/ assertion that… is problematic.谬误/漏洞1—复杂的事物被简化X复杂,解决/定义需要诸多 a combination of 努力 efforts/ 因素elements谬误/漏洞2—观点的合理性是有条件的X 不总正确not universally self-evident, 只有在…条件下,on conditions that…, 才合理,否则就不行X has been proved to be the most effective …/ the best …Any other efforts / possibilities have been proved to be vain attempts X has been proved to be the most effective …/ the best … that can ruleout any other …X enjoys the widest preference后果很严重At last, the consequences/ influence of… is negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.子论据1:负面影响+小的个体 individual 大到整体 society/ system/ industry One point that is worth of mentioning is that…The negative influence of X would be infectious.The negative influence of X would result in a series of chain reaction. The negative influence of X would give rise to Domino Effect/ Butterfly Effect.it can inevitably endanger/ jeopardize both the individual… and the whole society/ industry/ system.The negative influence of X would be infectious, which can inevitably jeopardize / endanger both the individual… and the whole…子论据2:弊大于利To carry the idea further,Other than that,In addition, advantages vs. disadvantagesthe disadvantages outweigh the advantages.= the advantages are outweighed by the disadvantages.the disadvantages overshadow the advantages.= the advantages are overshadowed by the disadvantages.Advantages:The expected/ the foreseeable benefits and opportunities / solutions…can offerFor conclusion The expected reference and guidance … can offer Disadvantages:the potential risks and uncertainties … can incurFor conclusion--the potential confusions and misleading … can incurDisadvantage > advantage--the potential risks and uncertainties … incurs far outweigh the expected benefits and opportunities it can offer.--the potential confusions and misleading … incurs can rule out any reference and guidance it can offer.To be exact, it is tantamount to an act of trading A for Btrade long-term … for short term…trade … in the long run for … at presenttrade the possibility of sustainable development for the reality of present interests.trade the unique… for common…trade the cherished… for common / ordinary …trade the invaluable … for the valueless …trade everything for nothing子论据3影响负面且深远Even worse, It runs the risk of driving …to a dead end.This proposal / conclusion is acknowledged as an illogical and irrational assumption/ assertion which indicates / reveals / mirrors a set of misplaced values that run the risk of driving … to a dead end.三思路框架:1.让步To begin with, I have to concede that knowing how to use money effectively, at certain degree, is beneficial. For one thing, it somewhat minimizes the risk of financial problems in the future. For the other, the acquisition of such knowledge and skills, at certain degree, contributes to relatively sensible consuming habits.2.因素分析Nevertheless, the claim of emphasizing the role that learning money management at young age plays in making a financially responsible adult is contaminated with several intrinsic irrationalities. As is often the case, implanting a sense of financial responsibility into an individual is acknowledged as a complicated task whose solution involves a combination of efforts on both the internal and external respects and cannot possibly be tackled/ accomplished by simply making children learn management. The personal experience of Madoff serves as an evident example which can largely consolidate my claim. Although Madoof received good education for money management since he was young, he did not have any sense of responsibility and was labeled as a cheater in 2008. The other flaw this assumption suffers from is that it ignores the differentials among cases. On conditions that that the learning of managing money is combined with the instillation of conscience and moral, or that this proposal has been proved as the most effective measure which can rule out any other solutions, making children learn to manage money is acceptable, whereas when this prerequisite removes, the things would be otherwise.3. 演绎推理At last, the consequences that this proposal is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive. One point that is worth of mentioning is that the misleading and confusion that relating managing money to financial responsibility can incur far outweigh the expected benefits and solutions it can offer. Other than this, learning money management on early stage bears the possibility of bringing in materialism into our education and misplacing the values, which runs the risk of driving the healthy growth of our next generation to a dead end.EndingTo sum up, at large degree, I would cast doubt on this assumption. What is more, it is essential for us to have circumspection over all the factors before any critical decision-makings.Tip:其他备用思路:Option1--可行性欠佳What is more, the feasibility of X is vulnerable to any question or challenge.A host of impediments that are expected to encounter like A, B, C andD are acknowledged as significant factors that play decisive rolesin minimizing the viability.In this sense, it is almost a mission impossible to…重要因素表达—用于论点+论据… serves as a significant factor that plays decisive role in….… serves as an indispensable element that is not supposed to be overlooked.Tip :不可行的障碍--show no respect the legal principles--overlook the basic laws of nature--violate the ethical bottom line--the unsatisfactory voices from the public--limited budgets or financial problemsOption2--即使有结果,也很难达到目的个性化方案—选配--牵强的联系For 建议This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a convincing/ credible reference for...教师是否应该根据他们的表现而支付薪水Paying teachers in accordance with their performance is awkwardin serving as a key to enhancing / improving/ promoting /upgrading the education.This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….+切断联系 For 建议As a matter of fact/ In effect, A/ the former does not function as the exclusive prerequisite for B/ the latter.+冲淡联系1 原因多样Under many circumstances, a host of solutions/ possibilities such as A1, A2, A3 and A4 are also indispensable/ significant approaches that are not supposed to be overlooked....is a significant factor that plays a decisive role in…… is also an indispensable element that is not supposed to be overlooked.+冲淡联系2 结果无效On the other hand, such oversimplified strategy would be doomed/ deemed as counterproductive.+阶段性结论In this sense, there exists no direct causal relation between A andB the result and the proposal.For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a convincing/ credible reference for...+切断联系For 结论A does not serve as an exclusive prerequisite for gaining a betterunderstanding about B+冲淡联系1可能性多样Under certain circumstances, B can be concluded as A1, whereas under others, the definition/ conclusion like A2, A3, A4 are also sensible/ acceptable/ rational.+冲淡联系2 定义/概括无效GeneralOn the other hand, such over generalized conclusion fails to be representative.+阶段性结论In this sense, there exists no direct relation between the conclusion/ definition and the phenomenon.In this sense, A can tell just part of the story.Option 3-- ... is not the ..estThere is no point to claim that A serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.A multitude of other options/ elements/ possibilities / solutions such as B, C, and D are also significant factors that are not supposed to be overlooked.In this sense, it is groundless to put ultimate premium on A.Option 4--挽救B-B重要 for A>B 话题Great significance is also supposed to be attached to B.Option5—因果无法建立:Furthermore, the claim that… suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.Furthermore, the claim that … rests on a gratuities causal relationship which is in short of legitimacy.In effect, the former does not serve as the exclusive prerequisite for the latter.Under many circumstances, a host of approaches / solutions/ reasons/ possibilities as A, B, C and D are also acknowledged as significant factors that are not supposed to be overlooked.In addition, this conclusion runs the risk of misleading the understanding / the definition of…In addition, this proposal bears the possibility of driving the result to quite different paths.In this sense, there exists no direct causal relation between A and B.Topics:Because we are busy, we can do few things well.Because we are busy, politeness has become unnecessary and out of fashion. In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first.For这样很好本性使然… is blessed/ gifted withadvantagemerit in …./thatgeniusX is blessed with a multitude of merits.As it stands, X enjoys many advantages like A, B, C and D.According to a survey by…, X% of the respondents …这是不可避免的 indispensable / 重要部分A is a part of B= A is included in B= A serves as / functions as an indispensable episode in composing B the absence of… would result in…Families serve as indispensable episode in composing our society.Failures in every segment of our life serve as indispensable episodes in composing our growth.Competition serves as indispensable episode in composing our market. The multimedia and the internet serve as indispensable episodes in composing our modern life.The quantum leaps in science and technology serve as indispensable episode in composing our civilization.这样做可行且运转良好What is more, the feasibility of X can withstand question or challenge.A host of factors such as A, B, C and D are acknowledged as significantelements that play decisive roles in maximizing the viability.Not only does it enjoy feasibility, but also it can operate in a smooth way.如果这样,结果诱人Other than this, the positive consequences of X would turn out to be profound.it will benefit both the individual and the whole systemit contributes to promoting …., boosting …..and …will thereafter beenhancedIt contributes to promoting the advance of economy, boosting the communication among cultures and the reputation of a city is thereafter enhanced.It contributes to promoting the efficiency, boosting the effectiveness and our self-confidence is thereafter enhanced.It contributes to promoting our skills in getting along with others, boosting our abilities in thinking over things and our minds are thereafter sharpened.Advantage> Disadvantage应该这样,因为这样做不仅有益,而且无害;A andB can co-exist harmoniouslyA andB are not 2 mutually exclusive matters.A andB are compatibleA andB are 2 mutually exclusive matters. As a matter of fact, the former andthe latter can co-exist harmoniously.The existence/ advance of A does not act/ serve as a terminator forBThe existence / advance of A does not bring negative influence / consequenceon BTo sum up, I side on the opposite of the claim that… What is more, it is essential for us to pay more attention to …/ What is more, special attention is called for to四、Tip1.若要/为了X目的, 就得YX and Y are closely relatedthere is a direct causal relation between X and YY serves as the exclusive prerequisite for Xcreate—creativity,advent,reckon,doomed to be,the sin revelation 2.这样不好/不应该本性/本质使然be born with / to be inherit intrinsic natureinborn problematiclast, the consequences/ influence of… is negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.and more--an/ the increasing number of +可数名词--the increasing + 不可数名词--the increasingly + adj. + n.Give rise toof great significance for…great significance for… is closely attached to…great significance for your future career is closely attached to your study.great significance for the effectiveness of leadership is closely attached to the respect from the public.7.可能…, to large extent, …… bears the possibilities that…… runs the risk of…--This measure runs the risk of triggering disasters.switch alter convertDo undertake be engaged in estimate assess9.10.没有上过大学Lyndon Johnson AbrahamLincolnGrover Cleveland—honest + independent Andrew Jackson—the incarnation of courageMike Dell Stephen Jobs Zuckburge接受过优秀教育OxfordMargaret Hilda Thatcher David Cameron Bill ClintonStephen Hawking Mr. BeanHarvardFranklin Roosevelt Obama John F. KennedyGeorge W. Bush Gary Faye Locke素材accumulate the knowledge train the skills broaden the horizon experience the defeats/ failures strengthen the willsharpen the mind develop personalities shape valuespurify the soul detach the view12.媒体books:magazine; text book; bibliography; encyclopedia; novelTV programs; TV networksvideo; audience; display; screenread—reading—reader words; lines; passages重要影响力杂志New Yorker;the Times—实事评论性杂--through which we can extract insightful thoughts.Vogue;ELLE;—时尚杂志--let us breathe fashionable airReader’s Digest—综合性期刊National Geography—人文景观the Palace museumthe Louver Palacethe Expos—有必要出现暴力内容的娱乐the western movies—pioneering spiritGone with Wind--setting Atlanta on fire—chaosSchindler's List--Whoever saves one life, saves the world entireSaving Private Ryan-- the value of lifeBrave Heart-- shedding blood and sacrificing for just one chance for freedom Negative—过分暴力的娱乐-- Transformer 3-- justice do not have to be exchanged by extreme violencenor at the price of the whole Chicago City with thousandsof innocent lives.small step though it is for young people, a giant leap for the future life.That's one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind.Achilles’ Heelthe absence of innovation/ sympathy is acknowledged as the Achilles’Heel of our education.the absence of creditability is acknowledged as the Achilles’ Heel of political leadership.significant五、综合写作一HeadingThelecturerefutesobjects tosides on the opposite ofthepointsillustratedinthereadingmaterial.In accordance with With reference forAccordingto the listening,theprofessorthe lecturerclaims /asserts that。

(4)皮皮想让你和他一起去游泳。 Pipi ______ you ______ ______ _____with him.
• 知识点8
• The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. 唯一的问题是晚上除了读书没什 么事可做。
• (2)Anything special意为‘特别的东西’, Anything 为复合不定代词,类似的复合不定代词还有‘something’ ‘everything’ ‘nothing’ ‘someone’ ‘everyone’ ‘anyone’ ‘no one’ 。当形容词修饰他们时,放在其后。
• 我大部分时间只是待在家里读书、休息.
• 【讲解】most of the time 大部分时间,其中most为代词,意为
‘大部分,大多数,大体上’。 Most of … 意为‘…中的大多 数’,做主语时,谓语动词取决于most of 后修饰的名词。当of 后接代词时,代词用宾格。
• Stay at home 待在家里 • Most of time Lily studies hard. 大部分时间莉莉学习都很刻苦 • Most of us are going to the park. 我们大多数人都要去公园
Unit 1 精讲笔记A
姓名________ ______ 学队________
Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪里度假了?

1. 名词。
- 可数名词与不可数名词。
- 常见的可数名词(如book,pen等)和不可数名词(如water,information 等)的例子。
- 可数名词的复数形式变化规则(一般加 -s,以s/x/ch/sh结尾加 -es,以辅音字母 + y结尾变y为i加 -es等特殊情况)。
- 名词的所有格。
- 有生命的名词所有格('s形式,如Tom's book)和无生命的名词所有格(of 结构,如the window of the room)。
2. 代词。
- 人称代词(主格I,you,he/she/it,we,you,they和宾格me,you,him/her/it,us,you,them)的用法和区别。
- 物主代词(形容词性物主代词my,your,his/her/its,our,your,their和名词性物主代词mine,yours,his/hers/its,ours,yours,theirs)的用法及转换。
- 指示代词(this,that,these,those)的用法,例如指代近处或远处的事物。
3. 形容词和副词。
- 形容词的用法。
- 用来修饰名词,放在名词之前,如a beautiful flower。
- 形容词比较级和最高级的构成(一般加 -er和 -est,以e结尾加 -r和 -st,双写最后一个辅音字母加 -er和 -est等特殊情况)以及用法(比较级用于两者之间比较,最高级用于三者或三者以上比较)。
- 副词的用法。
- 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,如run quickly,very beautiful,extremely well。
- 副词的比较级和最高级的构成和用法与形容词相似(多以 -ly结尾的副词,比较级加more,最高级加most)。
4. 动词。
- 动词的分类(及物动词、不及物动词、系动词、助动词和情态动词)- 及物动词(后面直接跟宾语,如I like apples)和不及物动词(不能直接跟宾语,如He runs fast)的区别。

检 测 题
易 错 提 醒
预 学 案
17、在含有字母的式子里,字母中间的 乘号可 省略不写 。数和字母 以记作“·”,也可以 相乘时,省略乘号后,一律将 数 写在 字母 前 面。 例如2×a这样一个式子里,可以写成2·a 还可以省略乘号写成2a 思考: 用式子表示下面的量 ①a和5的乘积 ②a与b的和的一半
错 提 醒
预 学 案
精 学 笔 记
14、从不同方向观察同一物体,看到的形状 可能是不同的。 站在任一位置都不能同时看到长方体所有的 面,最多只能看到它的 三个面 。 15、辨认从不同方向看立体图形得到的平面 图形时,可以假设自己是观察者,站在不同 方向看到的图形是什么形状,从而判断给出 的图形是从哪个方向看到的。
易 错 提 醒
检 测 题
预 学 案
3、求积的近似数的方法:首先明确要保留的 小数位数;再看保留的小数位数 下一位 的数 字,若大于或等于5向前一位 进1 , 若小于5 舍去 。 例如积是0.024,要求保留两位小数怎么办? 首先找到小数点后第二位,然后看第三位。 第三位是4,小于5所以舍去,最终结果是 0.02 思考: 0.281保留两位小数 0.285保留两位小数 0.28 0.29
易 错 提 醒
检 测 题
预 学 案
8、一个数除以小数,先去掉 除数 的小数点, 重 看原来 除数 有几位小数,被除数的小数点也 点 向 右移动几位,然后按照除数是整数的计算 展 现 法则计算。
精 学 笔 记
例如0.12÷0.2=?先去掉除数0.2的小数点, 因为0.2有1位小数,将被除数和除数向右移 动一位,变成1.2÷2,再按照除数是整数的 除法计算,得0.6

1. 税法概念。
- 税收与税法的定义。
- 税收的特征(强制性、无偿性、固定性)- 税法的功能(财政收入功能、经济调节功能等)2. 税法原则。
- 税法基本原则。
- 税收法定原则(包括税收要件法定原则和税务合法性原则)- 税收公平原则(横向公平和纵向公平)- 税收效率原则(经济效率和行政效率)- 实质课税原则。
- 税法适用原则。
- 法律优位原则(法律>行政法规>规章)- 法律不溯及既往原则。
- 新法优于旧法原则。
- 特别法优于普通法原则。
- 实体从旧、程序从新原则。
- 程序优于实体原则。
3. 税法要素。
- 总则(立法目的、适用范围等)- 纳税义务人(自然人和法人等)- 征税对象(区分不同税种的标志)- 税目(对征税对象分类规定的具体征税项目)- 税率。
- 比例税率(如增值税基本税率)- 累进税率(超额累进税率如个人所得税综合所得;超率累进税率如土地增值税)- 定额税率(如车船税)- 纳税环节(生产、批发、零售等环节纳税)- 纳税期限(按日、月、季、年等)- 纳税地点(机构所在地、销售地等)- 减税免税(税基式减免、税率式减免、税额式减免)- 罚则(对违反税法行为的处罚规定)- 附则(解释权、生效时间等)4. 税收立法与我国税法体系。
- 税收立法机关。
- 全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会(制定税收法律)- 国务院(制定税收行政法规)- 地方人民代表大会及其常务委员会(制定地方税收法规,仅限部分地区)- 国务院税务主管部门(制定税收部门规章)- 地方政府(制定税收地方规章)- 我国现行税法体系。
- 税收实体法体系(按征税对象分类,如商品和劳务税类、所得税类等)5. 税收执法。
- 税务机构设置(国家税务总局及各级税务机关)- 税收征管范围划分(国税、地税征管范围,目前国地税合并后的调整情况)- 税收收入划分(中央税、地方税、中央与地方共享税的划分)6. 税务权利与义务。


➢ A. for B. with C. on D. to do
➢ 知识点3
➢ How often do you watch TV? 你多久看一次电视?
➢ 【讲解】
➢ How often 意为‘多久一次’,用来提问频率,回答时可用 once/twice/three times a day ,以及sometimes,never等频度副 词。
➢ 知识点 2
➢ Help with housework 帮助做家务
➢ 【讲解】
➢ Help (sb.) with sth. 意为‘帮助(某人)做某事’
➢ Can you help me with my English? 你能帮我学英语吗?
➢ 拓展:help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth.
Beijing from here?
How far is it from here to the park?
多久以后,用来询问将来的时间,指时 How soon will they come back?
---In two weeks.
➢ 知识点5 重点短语、搭配
一种…. (a kind of animal 一种动物)
➢ All kinds of +名词 各种各样的….
➢ What kind of movie do you like best? 你最喜欢哪种电影? ➢ The elephant is a kind of animal. 大象是一种动物 ➢ There are all kinds of toys(玩具) in the shop. ➢ 商店里有各种各样的玩具

1. pattern.- 作名词时,有“模式;图案;样品”等意思。
例如:- The pattern on this dress is very beautiful.(这件连衣裙上的图案非常漂亮。
)- We are trying to follow the pattern of successful companies.(我们正试图效仿成功公司的模式。
)- 作动词时,意为“模仿;以图案装饰”。
例如:- She likes to pattern her hair after the movie star.(她喜欢模仿那个电影明星的发型。
)2. inherent.- 形容词,意为“固有的;内在的;与生俱来的”。
例如:- There are inherent difficulties in this plan.(这个计划存在内在的困难。
)- The ability to learn languages is inherent in some people.(学习语言的能力是某些人与生俱来的。
)3. resemble.- 动词,“类似;像”,通常不用于进行时态。
例如:- He resembles his father very much.(他非常像他的父亲。
1. “In man, the genes which help to build up the brain and nervous system may be the most important.”- 这是一个主从复合句,“which help to build up the brain and nervous system”是一个定语从句,用来修饰先行词“genes”。
”2. “So far, we have been looking at the way man's genes have built him as an individual.”- 这里“have been looking at”是现在完成进行时,表示从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在的动作。
员工培训管理精讲 笔记汇总

员工培训管理精讲官方笔记汇总第一章目录思维导图本节重点单项选择练习题一、思维导图二、本节重点一、员工培训的含义二、员工培训的目的三、员工培训的特点与意义(一)特点:“此木桶真货”-“次目统针活”目的性,针对性,层次性,灵活性,系统性三、员工培训的形式(选择、填空、名词)四、员工培训的原则(选择)一、员工培训在人力资源管理中的地位(一)人力资源的主要职能(二)员工培训和人力资源各职能的关系二、员工培训存在的问题和发展趋势(一)国内企业员工培训存在的主要问题(二)国内企业员工培训的调整对策(三) 现代企业员工培训的发展趋势三、单项选择在企业人力资源管理过程中,管理人员通过制定相关政策,调节企业和员工、企业员工之间的相互关系,从而促进组织目标的实现。
这一培训原则是()A.目标导向原则B.按需培训的原则C.与实践相结合的原则D.服务于企业战略规划的原则员工培训管理精讲官方笔记第二章目录思维导图本节重点单项选择练习题一、思维导图二、本节重点2.1 员工培训理论的发展一、传统理论阶段二、行为科学阶段2.2 学习理论一、行为主义的学习理论具体的行为反应取决于具体的刺激强度“S - R”(刺激—反应)作为解释人的一切行为的公式二、认知主义的学习理论(4)奥苏伯尔的认知同化理论三、人本主义的学习理论四、建构主义的学习理论知识观:①知识不是对现实的准确表征,只是一种解释、一种假设。
五、成人学习理论六、培训迁移理论涵义:接受培训者将在培训的环境中学习到的知识、技能、态度等有效地应用到工作中去的程度培训迁移的过程可划分为四个关键阶段(1)培训前的动机(2)学习(3)培训绩效(4)迁移结果影响培训迁移的主要变量培训迁移模型(霍尔顿)由霍尔顿提出,重点放在个人绩效上认为培训有三个主要的结果:学习、个体绩效和组织结果(个体绩效是核心)2.3 人力资本理论舒尔茨人力资本的主要观点三、单项选择3.人力资本理论的代表人物是()A:亚当·斯密B:阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔C:加里·贝克尔D:欧文·费希尔四、配套练习题2.最早大胆明确地提出把人的能力划归为固定资本的,是古典经济学创始人之一的英国经济学家()A:亚当·斯密B:欧文·费希尔C:舒尔茨D:贝克尔员工培训管理精讲官方笔记第三章目录思维导图本节重点单项选择练习题一、思维导图二、本节重点3.1 培训需求分析的含义和作用一、培训需求分析的含义是指在规划与设计每项培训活动之前,由培训管理部门采取各种方法和技术,对组织及成员的目标、知识、技能等方面进行系统的鉴别与分析,从而确定培训的必要性及培训内容的过程二、培训需求产生的原因三、培训需求分析的目的三、培训需求分析的作用(1)培训需求分析能够帮助组织寻找问题和问题产生的原因。

物流英语课文内容精讲笔记第一章:物流概念与体系1.1 物流定义•物流是指商品从生产者到消费者全过程中的管理、运输和仓储活动的有组织的流动过程。
1.2 物流体系•物流体系主要包括供应链管理、仓储管理、运输管理等各个环节,通过有效管理和协调,实现产品的高效流通。
第二章:物流英语基础词汇2.1 重要词汇•Freight(运费) - 货物运输过程中的费用•Inventory(库存) - 企业储备的物资•Distribution(配送) - 将商品送达消费者手中的过程•Supply chain(供应链) - 由生产商、分销商和零售商组成的供货链条2.2 常用短语•Lead time(交货期) - 客户订购商品后,交货的时间•Just-in-time(准时生产) - 在需要时生产,减少库存浪费•Out of stock(缺货) - 没有现货可供销售第三章:物流管理实践3.1 供应链管理•供应链管理是全球物流领域的重要趋势,通过优化供应链,提高效率和降低成本。
3.2 仓储管理•有效的仓储管理可以降低库存成本,保证货物安全存储并提高物流效率。
3.3 运输管理•运输管理包括货物运输方式的选择和运输过程中的跟踪管理,确保货物快速、准时送达目的地。
第四章:物流行业发展趋势4.1 科技创新•物流行业越来越依赖科技,如物联网技术、无人机配送等,提高效率和降低成本。
4.2 环保可持续发展•物流行业应关注环保问题,减少碳排放,推动可持续发展。
4.3 国际化合作•跨国物流合作将更加紧密,加强国际间货物流通和信息交流。


新概念英语第二册笔记目录Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 (4)Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐 (11)Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 (16)Lesson 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 (21)Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞 (25)Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西.巴顿斯 (31)Lesson 7 Too late 为时太晚 (38)Lesson 8 The best and the worst 最好的和最差的 (44)Lesson 9 A cold welcome 冷遇 (49)Lesson 10 Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐 (55)Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来 (60)Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风 (64)Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年 (68)Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? (74)Lesson 15 Good news 佳音 (80)Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求 (85)Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻 (90)Lesson 18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事! (96)Lesson 19 Sold out 票已售完 (99)Lesson 20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟 (104)Lesson 21 Mad or not? 是不是疯了? (110)Lesson 22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封 (115)Lesson 23 A new house 新居 (119)Lesson 24 It could be worse 不幸中之万幸 (122)Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? 英国人讲的是英语吗? (125)Lesson 26 The best art critics 最佳艺术评论家 (130)Lesson 27 A wet night 雨夜 (136)Lesson 28 No parking 禁止停车 (143)Lesson 29 Taxi! 出租汽车! (149)Lesson 30 Football or polo?足球还是水球? (154)Lesson 31 Success story 成功者的故事 (159)Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便 (165)Lesson 33 Out of the darkness 冲出黑暗 (171)Lesson 34 Quick work 破案“神速” (177)Lesson 35 Stop thief! 捉贼 (180)Lesson 36 Across the Channel 横渡海峡 (186)Lesson 37 The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 (193)Lesson 38 Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气 (198)Lesson 39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈? (203)Lesson 40 Food and talk 进餐与交谈 (208)Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗? (213)新概念英语第二册笔记Lesson 42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 (219)Lesson 43 Over the South Pole 飞越南极 (224)Lesson 44 Through the forest 穿过森林 (229)Lesson 45 A clear conscience 问心无愧 (234)Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪 (238)Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 (243)Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么吗? (247)Lesson 49 The end of a dream 美梦告终 (250)Lesson 50 Taken for a ride 乘车兜风 (256)Lesson 51 Reward for Virtue 对美德的奖赏 (262)Lesson 52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 (267)Lesson 53 Hot snake 触电的蛇 (272)Lesson 54 sticky fingers 粘糊的手指 (278)Lesson 55 Not a gold mine 并非金矿 (282)Lesson 56 Faster than sound! 比声音还快! (291)Lesson 57 Can I help you, madam? 您要买什么,夫人? (298)Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗? (305)Lesson 59 In or out? 进来还是出去? (311)Lesson 60 The future 卜算未来 (315)Lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble 哈勃望远镜的困境 (318)Lesson 62 Affer the fire 大火之后 (323)Lesson 63 She was not amused 她并不觉得好笑 (329)Lesson 64 The Channel Tunnel 海峡隧道 (334)Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the police 小象对警察 (339)Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!像蜜一样甜! (344)Lesson 67 V olcanoes 火山 (349)Lesson 68 Persistent 纠缠不休 (357)Lesson 69 But not murder!并非谋杀! (359)Lesson 70 Red for danger 危险的红色 (362)Lesson 71 A famous clock 一个著名的大钟 (366)Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird“蓝鸟”汽车 (369)Lesson 73 The record-holder 纪录保持者 (371)Lesson 74 Out of the limelight 舞台之外 (376)Lesson 75 SOS 呼救信号 (380)Lesson 76 April Fools' Day 愚人节 (386)Lesson 77 A successful operation 一例成功的手术 (388)Lesson 78 The last one? 最后一枝吗? (392)Lesson 79 By air 乘飞机 (397)Lesson 80 The Crystal Palace 水晶宫 (400)Lesson 81 Escape 脱逃 (403)Lesson 82 Monster or fish? 是妖还是鱼? (406)Lesson 83 After the elections 大选之后 (409)新概念英语第二册笔记Lesson 84 On strike 罢工 (412)Lesson 85 Never too old to learn 活到老学到老 (415)Lesson 86 Out of control 失控 (419)Lesson 87 A perfect alibi 极好的不在犯罪现场的证据 (421)Lesson 88 Trapped in a mine 困在矿井里 (423)Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue 口误 (426)Lesson 90 What's for supper? 晚餐吃什么? (429)Lesson 91 Three men in a basket 三人同篮 (434)Lesson 92 Asking for trouble 自找麻烦 (437)Lesson 93 A noble gift 崇高的礼物 (439)Lesson 94 Future champions 未来的冠军 (442)Lesson 95 A fantasy 纯属虚构 (445)Lesson 96 The dead return 亡灵返乡 (447)新概念英语第二册笔记Lesson 1 A private conversation【New words and expressions】生词和短语(12)private adj. 私人的conversation n. 谈话theatre n. 剧场,戏院seat n. 座位play n. 戏loudly adv. 大声地angry adj. 生气的angrily adv. 生气地attention n. 注意bear v. 容忍business n. 事rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地★private adj.私人的① adj. 私人的private life 私生活private school 私立学校It's my private letter. (如果妈妈想看你的信)It's my private house. (如果陌生人想进你的房子)② adj. 普通的private citizen 普通公民I’m a private citizen. (citizen n. 公民)private soldier 大兵《Private Ryan》(《拯救大兵瑞恩》)public adj. 公众的,公开的(private 的反义词)public school 公立学校public letter 公开信public place 公共场所privacy n.隐私It’s privacy. 这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的)★conversation n.谈话have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式subject of conversation 话题They are having a conversation.talk 内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人5新概念英语第二册笔记Let’s have a talk.dialogue 对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈China and Korea are having a dialogue.chat 闲聊,就是北京人说的“侃”,说的是无关紧要的事。

《飞屋环游记》精讲笔记1. do sb a favor: 帮助某人。
常用的句型有: Would you do me a favor please? 请你帮我个忙,好吗?此外,我们还常用in favor of来表示“赞成,支持,有利于”,而curry favor with则表示“巴结,拍马屁”。
2. so long: 再见,非正式用语,相当于see you later。
例如:See you tonight. So long.(今晚见,再见了。
)3. snipe: 鹬,沙锥鸟。
此外,snipe还可以表示“冷言冷语地指摘;抨击”,而“抨击某人”,就可以用snipe at someone来表示。
4. goggle: 护目镜。
此外,goggle做动词还可以表示“(尤指由于惊恐而)瞪大眼睛看”,常用goggle at sb/sth 来表达。
5. soil: 弄脏。
例如:She soiled her dress with ink. 她的衣服被墨水弄脏了。
6. steer:驾驶,掌舵。
例如:Steer the boat for that island.(把船驶向那个岛。
)7. jerk: 急拉,猛推。
而jerk sb around则表示“(尤指通过不诚实的手段)给某人出难题,为某人设置障碍,为难某人”。
8. cumulonimbus:积雨云。
9. stay up: 不睡觉,熬夜。
例如:I am going to stay up late to finish my paper.(为了完成报告我打算熬夜不睡。
《YES MAN》精讲笔记

《YES MAN》精讲笔记1. Bonjour: 法语,“你好”。
2. Did you block your number: 你把来电号码屏蔽了?Peter故意这样做,因为他知道如果Carl看见是自己的手机号,他肯定不会接电话。
3. hang out: 闲荡,闲呆着。
例如:do a lot of hanging out in barrooms(常上酒吧泡着)hang out还有“居住,住宿,经常出没” 的意思。
例如:Do you know where he hangs out?(你知道他住在什么地方?)4. jammed up: 表示因为压力而感到焦虑和紧张。
请看例子:The stress of this golf tournament has Keith all jammed up.这次高尔夫联赛让基斯感到压力很大。
5. off the grid: 没有上社交网(例如facebook之类)。
6. Darn it to heck: 真见鬼,该死!darn的意思是“该死”,是damn一词的委婉表达。
7. in exact sync with: 与……完全同步。
in sync表示“同步的,协调的”。
反之,out of sync就是“不同步的,不协调的”。
看一下例子:There was something out of sync with him.(他有点儿别扭。
)8. hung up the spurs: 罢手不干,引退。
9. pending: 悬而未决的。
例如:a pending lawsuit(未判决诉讼案件)。
例如:a pending civil strife(即将发生的内乱)。

2.2023mathercup 数学建模A 题概述
3.Fick 定律在数学建模中的应用
4.Fick 定律的参数识别问题及其挑战
2023mathercup 数学建模竞赛的A 题为模型参数识别问题,涉及到了
数学建模中的重要方法——Fick 定律。
Fick 定律是描述物质扩散现象的宏观规律,由生理学家Fick 于1855 年发现。
在实际应用中,Fick 定律被广泛应用于各种扩散过程的计算和模拟。
在Fick 定律中,一个关键的参数是扩散系数。
2023mathercup 数学建模竞赛的A 题要求参赛团队根据给定温度下扩散对物质输运的影响,运用Fick 定律建立数学模型,并解决参数识别问题。
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辨析; be able to , can 1)be able to 表示客观能力;can 作为情态动词,表示主观能力。 例如 I can swim .
She is able to walk after a few days in hospital .
2式)b为e caobulled
to .
练一练 1. We are planning to go for a picnic
this weekend , but it _c____
the weather .
A. keeps on B puts on C depends on
2 . 你不能永远依靠你的父母。
_Y_o__u___c_a__n_'_t___d__e_p_e__n_d____o_n____y_o__u_r____p__a_r_e_n_t_s____f_o_r_e_ver .
苏珊比朱迪踢足球踢得好。 Susan is better at football than Judy。 练一练 李宁擅长打篮球。
___L_i__N_i_n_g___is___g_o_o_d___a_t__p_l_a_y_in_g____fo_o_t_b_a_l_l _. ______.
Sometimes a long passage has several small parts . 有时候一个长的段落分为几个小部分。
例如 The baby still couldn’t walk at the age of three .
The baby will be able to walk in a few weeks .
c 练一练
Will you _____ finish your home work this evening?
形容词和副词比较级和最高级的规则变化: 1. 单音节形容词后面直接加-er或-est tall—taller—tallest cheap --- cheaper --- cheapest 2. 以-e结尾的单音节形容词直接加-r或-st large—larger—largest nice—nicer—nicest 3. 以-y结尾的形容词 ,改-y为-i再加-er或-est busy—busier—busiest heavy--heavier- heaviest 4. 形容词是重读闭音节时,双写最后的辅音字母,再加-er或-est hot—hotter—hottest big—bigger—biggest 5. 多音节形容词前面直接加more或most delicious—more delicious—most delicious beautiful—more beautiful—most beautiful 6. 不规则变化 Good -better—best bad —worse—worst
互讲互签 ______________
You may be unaware of them . 你也许无法察觉它们。
be unaware of = don’t realize/know 没有意识到 反义: be aware of = realize/ know意识到
E.g. The student is unaware of his mistake. 那个学生未意识到他的出错误. Are you aware of the danger before you? 你意识到前面的危险了吗?
如: —How many times do you watch TV every week?你每周看几次电视?
—Some times.好几次。
4)some time也是名词短语,意为“一段时间”, time是不可数名词,对它提问用how long。
如: She will stay in Beijing for some time.她将在北京呆一段时间。 —How long can I be away?我能离开多久? —Some time.一段时间。
如: —When can you finish the work?你何时能完成这项工作。 —Sometime next month.下个月某个时候。
3)some times是名词短语,意为“几次(倍)”, time是可数名词。对它提问用how many times。
互讲互签 ______________
知识点九 形容词的比较级和最高级的用法:
当两种物体之间相互比较时,我们要用形容词的比 较级;
Your computer is bigger mine.
当相互比较的物体是三个或三个以上时,我们就要 用形容词的最高级。
Jim is the tallest in our class.
In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language. 除英语外,他还得学一门第二外语。
lie is their youngest child. _B_____, they have a son and a
形容词 比较级和最高级的句子公式:
比较级 形容词物体A + am / are / is + 形比 + than + 物体B.
I am taller than you. Pasta is more delicious than pizza.
最高级 1)物体A + am / are / is + the + 形最高级 + 比较范围(of + 人/物, in +地方).
I am the tallest in the class. Pasta is the most delicious food of the three.
练一练 一. 词形变换。
• E.g. Rose seems to be a very cute girls .
• 罗斯看上去是一个非常可爱的女孩。
• 拓展:1)seem 后可接名词、形容词、动词不定式做表语。
• E.g. It seems a lovely cat .
• They seemed happy today .
A can B may C be able to D are able to
For example , they may be better than doctors at doing their job . 例如,他们会更擅长做医生工作。
be better at…than 是be good at的 比较级形式,意即“比…更擅长…”的意思。be good at 擅长于......如:
1.有时我六点起床。som__e_t_im__e_s_ I get up at six.
2.下周某个时候新同学就要到校上学了。New students will come to school s_o_m__e_ti_m_e__ next week.
3. 他总是花费一些时间来学习英语。She always spends _so_m__e__t_i_m_e__ on her English. 4. 上月我在街道上遇见他几次。 I met him _s_o_m_e__t_im__e_s__ in the street last month.
In addition, computers can do important jobs like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships.
此外,计算机还能做像操控铁路系统、驾驶飞机和宇宙飞 船这样的重要工作。
点拨:in addition 意为 “除......以外( 还 )” 拓展:in addition to另外,是介词短语,后面跟名词或代 词等作宾语,意为“除……之外(还)”。如:
• A . seems B sounds C looks D feels
• 2.It seems _to___ra_i_n_ ( rain ).
互讲互签 __________
• 知识点二
• Computers are expensive . • 电脑是昂贵的。
• expensive 形容词,意为 昂贵的 ,expensive 的比较级是 more expensive , 最高级是 most expensive .
Unit 3
• 知识点一
• You never seem to be short of pocket money , Lo .
• Lo , 你似乎从不缺零花钱 。
• 点拨:该句为 “主语 + seem(s) + to do sth.” seem 在此作连 系动词, 意为“似乎是......”。
如: Sometimes I watch TV with my parents.有时我和父母一起看电 视。
—How often do you write to your father?你多久给你父亲写一次信? —Sometimes.有时。
• 拓展 描述物品的价格高用high ,价格低用low . • expensive 意为贵的 ,用于描述物品,反义词为
cheap .
• 口诀 物品有贵(expensive)贱(cheap),价格有高 (high)低(low)。
• E.g. This coat is expensive . That coat is cheap .