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中职高中部期末考试 《旅游英语》试题

一.词汇选择 括号内)

1.健身中心 ( ) A. night club B. ballroom C. health club D. keep-fit gym

2. 台球房( )A. billiard room B. massage parlor C. bowling alley D. tennis court

3.九柱戏( )A. settler B. skittle C. archery D. martial

4.杠铃( )A. dumb bell B. spring grip C. chest expander D. wall bar

5.织锦段( )A. souvenir B. velvet C. lukewarm D. brocade

6.药材柜( )A. jewelry counter B. garment counter C. toy counter D. pharmacy counter

7.针织品柜( )

A. foodstuff counter

B. arts and crafts counter

C. knitwear counter

D. handicrafts 8.甜食( )A. champagne B. alcohol C. dessert D. juice

9. 酒水单( )A. team work B. spirit C. wine list D. command 10.纪念物( )A. souvenir B. commodity C. garment D. rinse

二、判断对错(每小题1分,共10分。正确的在括号里打“√”,错误的打“Χ”) 1.The Recreation Center is in the charge of the Housekeeping Department.( ) 2.A healthy and interesting night life has become a must for those foreign tourists in China. ( ) 3.Those who cut and style hair for people are called hairdressers. ( ) 4.Wooden balls have been used in bowling games even since its invention. ( ) 5.Taijiquan is very powerful in combat in spite of its steady movements. ( ) 6.Most tourists will buy gifts of their China tour for their families and friends. ( )

7.The silk clothes can be washed in hot water. ( )

8.Tea, wine, and coffee have close relations with the traditional Chinese culture. ( )

9.The best hotel is a hotel where no guest will make any complaint. ( )

10.A head waiter is the leader of a restaurant 。. ( )



( play , have a little problem with , call for , give off ,match , related with ,

only if , get rid of , would rather ,treat with )

1.The Recreation Center an import role in our hotel’s operation.

2.The new barber his spoken English.

3. We must try our best to bad habits.

4. Is there any problem that immediate solution?

5. The sun heat and light, on which all living beings live.

6. you study hard can you learn English well.

7. Don’t you think my jacket my pants. 8. I suggest you buy a souvenir closely our ancient civilization.

9. I try something hot , Sichuan dishes ,I think 。

10. In American, restaurants often guests bread and butter free of charge. 四、补全对话(每小题2分,共20分。用题后方框内所给的句子补全对话,将所选的句子的序号填在相应空行后的括号内,每个句子只能使用一次) (A )

(SA —shop assistant; G —guest )

1.SA : ( ) G :Yes, do you have any woolen T-shirt ?

2.SA: ( ) G:40

3.SA: ( ) G: The color is a little dark.

4.SA:Will you try on this one ?

G: It looks good. ( ) SA:2310 Yuan RMB, Sir.

5.G: ( ) SA: Sorry, sir. The price is already reasonable. The best I can offer is 10% G:OK, I may take it later.


Guest —G clerk —C

1.G: My doctor has told me I must keep in good physical condition. I hear that your hotel is one

of the best ones in China for that kind of thing .Could you tell me what facilities you have here?

C: . ( )

G: That sounds very interesting.

2. C: . ( )

G: Very good and what about swimming?

3. C: . ( )

G: Oh, good.

4. C: . ( )

G: How about outdoor activities?

5.C: ( )

G: Thank you very much for your information.C: My pleasure, sir.

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