



第1篇As the year draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the past year and evaluate my performance. It has been a year filled with challenges, achievements, and personal growth. In thisannual summary, I will highlight my key accomplishments, areas of improvement, and self-evaluation.Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the professional growth I have experienced throughout the year. I have successfully completed various projects, which have not only contributed to the success of my team but also enhanced my technical and soft skills. I have become moreproficient in using different tools and software, which has enabled meto work more efficiently and deliver high-quality results.One of the major achievements I am proud of is the successful completion of a challenging project that required meticulous planning, coordination, and execution. I took the initiative to lead the project, ensuring that all team members were aligned with the goals and were working towardsthe same objective. Through effective communication and collaboration, we were able to overcome numerous obstacles and deliver the project ahead of schedule. This experience has not only boosted my confidencebut also taught me the importance of teamwork and leadership.In terms of soft skills, I have made significant progress. I have become more adaptable and flexible, able to handle unexpected situations with ease. I have also improved my communication skills, both written and verbal, which have helped me in conveying my ideas and resolvingconflicts effectively. Additionally, I have become more assertive, which has enabled me to express my opinions and contribute to discussions more confidently.However, there are areas where I believe I can improve. One of the key areas is time management. Although I have been able to manage my tasks efficiently, I often find myself working long hours, which can lead to burnout. To address this, I plan to prioritize my tasks better and set realistic deadlines, ensuring that I have enough time to relax and recharge.Another area of improvement is my public speaking skills. While I have improved in this area, I still find it challenging to deliver presentations confidently. To overcome this, I intend to practice more, seek feedback from colleagues, and join public speaking clubs to enhance my skills.In terms of self-evaluation, I believe that I have been a dedicated and hardworking employee throughout the year. I have consistently met my targets and have been committed to the success of the team. I have also shown a willingness to learn and adapt, which has enabled me to grow both professionally and personally.To conclude, the past year has been a rewarding experience. I have achieved a lot, both professionally and personally. However, there is always room for improvement. As I move forward, I am committed to addressing my areas of improvement and continuing to grow as a professional. I believe that with dedication, hard work, and a positive mindset, I will be able to achieve even greater success in the coming year.第2篇As the year comes to an end, it is time to reflect on the achievements and shortcomings of the past year. This year has been a year of challenges and growth, and I believe that I have made significant progress in both my professional and personal life. In this annual summary, I will evaluate my performance and provide insights into myself-improvement journey.1. Professional DevelopmentThis year, I have focused on enhancing my professional skills and knowledge. I have completed several online courses and workshops that have broadened my understanding of my field. I have also taken on additional responsibilities at work, which allowed me to develop new skills and gain valuable experience.One of the key achievements in my professional life was leading a successful project that resulted in a significant increase in revenuefor our company. I was able to effectively manage the team, communicate with stakeholders, and ensure that the project was completed on time and within budget. This experience has not only boosted my confidence but also demonstrated my ability to handle complex tasks.2. Personal GrowthIn addition to my professional achievements, I have also made efforts to improve myself personally. I have taken up new hobbies, such as painting and hiking, which have helped me relax and reduce stress. I have also made a conscious effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet.One of the most significant personal growth experiences was volunteering at a local community center. This experience allowed me to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and contribute to their well-being. It also taught me the importance of empathy and compassion, which I have incorporated into my daily life.3. Social RelationshipsMaintaining healthy relationships with family and friends has been a priority for me this year. I have made an effort to communicateregularly with them and attend social events to strengthen our bonds. I have also expanded my network by attending industry events and social gatherings, which has opened up new opportunities for me.4. Self-EvaluationWhile I am proud of my achievements this year, I also recognize the areas where I need to improve. Here are some of the key areas I would like to focus on in the coming year:a) Time Management: I often find myself overwhelmed with tasks and deadlines. I need to work on prioritizing my tasks and managing my time more effectively to ensure that I am not overworking myself.b) Communication Skills: Although I have made progress in this area, I still need to improve my ability to convey my thoughts and ideas clearlyand concisely. I will work on practicing active listening and effective communication techniques.c) Continuous Learning: I believe that continuous learning is crucialfor personal and professional growth. I will make a conscious effort to stay updated with industry trends and new technologies to remain competitive in my field.In conclusion, this year has been a year of significant growth and learning for me. I have achieved a lot in both my professional and personal life, but I also recognize the areas where I need to improve. I am confident that by setting goals, working on my weaknesses, and maintaining a positive attitude, I will continue to grow and achieve my aspirations in the coming year.第3篇As the year comes to an end, it is time to reflect on the achievements, challenges, and growth I have experienced throughout the past year. This annual summary and self-evaluation will provide an overview of my accomplishments and areas for improvement.Firstly, I am proud of the progress I have made in my professional life. Throughout the year, I have been committed to enhancing my skills and knowledge in my field. I have successfully completed several training programs and workshops that have helped me stay updated with the latest industry trends. This has allowed me to contribute more effectively to my team and deliver high-quality work.One of the significant achievements this year was the completion of a major project that was crucial for the success of our company. I played a key role in the project, taking on various responsibilities such as coordinating with team members, managing timelines, and ensuring that the project met the required standards. The successful completion of the project not only met the expectations of our clients but also received positive feedback from my colleagues and superiors.In addition to my professional achievements, I have also focused on personal development. I have taken the initiative to learn new skillsthat are relevant to my career, such as improving my public speaking abilities and mastering a new software program. These efforts have not only enhanced my job performance but have also made me more adaptable to changing work requirements.However, there are areas where I have encountered challenges and need to improve. One area that stands out is time management. I have foundmyself struggling to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines on several occasions. This has resulted in increased stress and reduced productivity. To address this, I have started implementing strategies such as creating to-do lists, setting realistic deadlines, anddelegating tasks when possible. I believe that with continued practice and self-discipline, I can improve my time management skills and become more efficient in my work.Another area that requires improvement is my communication skills. While I have made progress in this area, I still find myself struggling to convey my thoughts and ideas effectively in certain situations. This has sometimes led to misunderstandings and miscommunication with my colleagues. To overcome this challenge, I have been actively seeking opportunities to improve my communication skills. I have participated in workshops and seminars that focus on effective communication, and I have also been practicing active listening and empathy in my interactionswith others.In terms of teamwork, I believe that I have made significantcontributions to the success of my team. I have always been willing to collaborate with my colleagues and offer support when needed. However, I have recognized that I can further enhance my teamwork by being more proactive in sharing ideas and taking the initiative to lead certain projects. By doing so, I can contribute even more effectively to the overall success of the team.In conclusion, the past year has been a year of growth and developmentfor me. I have achieved notable successes in my professional life while also facing challenges that have prompted me to improve in various areas.I am committed to continuing my personal and professional development, focusing on time management, communication skills, and teamwork. Withdetermination and hard work, I believe that I can achieve even greater success in the coming year.。



2019年年度考核个人总结英文年度考核个人总结英文NO1:Thisyear,asinthepasttooneselfasajuniorhighschoolEnglishTeac hingintheideologicalwork,lovethemotherland,lovetheparty'sed ucation,resolutelysupporttheparty'sbasicline,law-abiding,en terprisingspiritofhighsenseofresponsibilityandatthesametime ,obeytheleadershiparrangement,seriousandresponsibletopletet hetaskofeducationandteaching,andactivelyfulfilltheirduties.Teachersandstudentsinaccordancewiththerulesofeducation,anda ctivelyguidethestudentsconcernedaboutcurrentaffairs,concern thesocialconsciousness,theimplementationofqualityeducation, andachievedgoodresults.Since,inhiscurrentposition,Ialwaysputtheteachingworkinthefi rstplace,tobeeagoodscholarteachersastheirgoal,constantlyrem indourselvestostudyhardandstrivetoimprovetheirtheoreticallevel,graspthenewtrendofthenewreformgoalsofEnglishsubject,und erstandthecurriculumreformandthedirectionofthecountry.Fromtheyearsbothbusyandsubstantial.Intheschool,theyarefilledwithenthusiasmtoworkinteaching,con scientious,hardworking.Inthemeantime,IalsocarriedontheeasylisteningtestandgoodEngl ishreviewofseniorhighschoolentranceexamination,theannualcol legeentranceexaminationinEnglishEnglishtestpapercarefullytr ytofigureout,throughrepeatedtodoin-depthexperience,butalsot hroughtheunderstandingandanalysisofthepapersistofindoneofth eimportantmeanstoimprovetheirEnglishteachingmethods.Two,intheteachingwork,Istrivetothenewconceptofpragmatic,eff icientandinnovative,forallthestudents,developdifferentteach ingmethodsandclassworktoencouragestudentswithsolidfoundatio n,adheretotheprincipleofindividualized,alwaysputthe"learning"ofthestudentsinteachingthecoreposition,payattentiontothes tudents'learningmethodsguide.Intheclassroom,themethodofstrengtheningthebasicknowledgeofE nglishisusedtotrainthebasicknowledge,tosumupeverylanguagepo int,tomaketheknowledgesystematic,andtopayattentiontothemeth odsandskillsofsolvingtheproblem.Indoingtheirownwork,butalsoagoodgraspofthegeneraleducationo fstudents,binedwithtypicalexamples,individualcounseling,tim elyincentivesandothermethods,focusonthecultivationofstudent s'interestsandhabits.Forexample,intheusualEnglishtraining,theuseofthephraseandke ysentencepatternstocultivatestudents'oralEnglishability,tos timulateandkeepthestudents'enthusiasmforlearningenglish.Three,strictdemandsonstudents,activelistening,humblyaskforadviceatthesametime,paymoreattentiontotheregulareducationstu dents'moraleducationanddailymanagement,asfaraspossibletound erstandtheirthinking,andtimelymunicatewiththem,move,reason, topayattentiontothecultivationofstudents'morality.Thestudentsintheclassofprehensiveunderstanding,prehensivean alysis,withtheirownpersonalitycharmtoinfectthem,butalsopaya ttentiontothecontactwiththeparentsofthestudents,improvesoci alandparentseducationefficacy.Therefore,inthetransformationofbackwardstudents,andachieved goodresults.Four,inteaching,Ipayattentiontotheimplementationoftheteachi ngroutine,andearnestlytotheclassroomtoquality,tobenefit,tos tudythetextbookcarefullybeforeclass,masterthestructureofthe textbook,thekeyanddifficultpoints.Andwhenthelecturecanbeadjustedaccordingtothefeedbackofthest udentsinatimelymanner,teachingisnottoteachlessonplans,butto writelessonplansforteaching.Ialsobinethedifferentsituationsofstudentstodoindividualcoun seling,eachstudent'shomeworkistimelycorrection,eachgradedoh avescoresanddates,toencouragestudentstofinishthejobintime.Afterclass,theyalsocontinuetolearn,charge.Iamintheteaching,seriouslyparticipateintheschool'sbusinessl earning,toparticipateintrainingatalllevelstoupdateteachingc onceptsandmethods,sothattheireducationandteachinginlinewith therequirementsofthenewteachingconcept.Inthenewyear,Iwillcontinuetoworktostrengthentheirownlearnin g,businessandpoliticaltemper,continuetoimproveeducationleve landmanagementability,andstrivetoimprovetheoverallqualityofstudents,tomakeagreatercontributiontothedevelopmentofthesch ool,Iwillbemorestrictdemandsonthemselves,topromotetheadvant agesofcontinuouslyimproveandperfecttheirownshortingsandstri vetobeeagoodteacher.年度考核个人总结英文NO2:Iamfromthefouraspectsofoneyearsincedenengqinji,educationand teachingworkaresummarizedasfollows:Politicalandideologicalaspects:IhavealwayssupportedtheleadershipoftheCommunistPartyofChina ,lovethesocialistcountry,andtheeducationoftheparty.Ilovetheschool,havegoodethics,law-abiding,consciouslyabideb ythe"primaryandsecondaryschoolteachersoccupationethics",str ictdemandsonthemselvesandseriouslystudythe"Eighteenspirits" andrelatededucationteachingtheory.Inotonlypayattentiontothestudyofpoliticaltheoryinpeacetime, butalsopayattentiontoabsorbnutrientsfromthebooks,updatethee ducationconcept,andactivelyparticipateintheschool-basedtrai ningandnewcurriculumtraining,andmadenotesandnotesalotofpoli ticaltheory.Icareforstudents,teachingandeducation,sothatstudentsinGerma ny,Chile,body,theUnitedStates,laborandotheraspectsofthepreh ensivedevelopment.Istrivetodotheirownwork,andinthepletionoftheirownworkundert hepremise,binedwiththeworkneeds,consultwithanopenmind,andst rivetoforgeahead,andconstantlyimprovetheirlevelofeducationa ndteaching.Two,educationandteachingwork:Theteacheristopromotestudentlearning,cultivatinglearningabi lity,isthestudentlifeguide.Thetaskoftheteacheristoteachandeducatepeople,butnotonlytobe a"teacher",butalsotobea"educator"".Specificpracticesareasfollows:1,beforetheclasscarefullystud ytheteachingmaterials,preparationofdeeppreparationthroughea chlesson.2organizetheclassroomteaching,payattentiontoallthestudents, payattentiontotheinformationfeedback,mobilizetheattentionof thestudents,sothatitremainsrelativelystable.Atthesametime,stimulatestudents'emotions,sothattheyproducea pleasantstateofmind,tocreateagoodclassroomatmosphere.Classroomquestionsforallstudents,payattentiontoarousestuden ts'interestinlearningEnglish,saidthebinationofpracticeincla ss,extracurricularhomeworklessandrefined,reducethestudent's academicburden.3theuseofsparetimetodoagoodjobofstudentlearningcounselingan dhelpwork,inparticular,payattentiontothetransformationofbac kwardstudents.Backwardstudentstodofromafriendlystart,forexample,domoreide ologicalwork,careabouthimfromlife.Fromallthepeopletopraise,tounderstandandrespectfromothers,s o,andpoorstudentsinconversation,expresseddeepunderstandinga ndrespecttohissituation,ideas,andbeforeinthecriticismofstud ents,lackoftalkabouttheirwork.4lovethestudents,equaltreatmentofeachstudent,sothattheyallf eeltheteacher'sconcern,agoodrelationshipbetweenteachersands tudentstopromotethelearningofstudents.Inteaching,Istrivetoimprovetheiraffinityforstudents,andstud entstoestablishaharmoniousandfriendlyrelations.Ibelievein"closetohisteacher,wecantrusthisway".Onlyreallycareaboutstudents,careforstudents,withstudentstom akefriends,heartsareinterlinked,studentswillbewillingtoclos etoyou,closetoyou,willbewillingtolearnthesubjectyouteach.Intheusualteachingwork,Ialwaystrytodoit.Three,workattendance:Ilovemyjob,neverbecauseofpersonalpersonaldelaysintheirwork.Theschoolorganizationoftheteachingandresearchactivities,Iac tivelyparticipatedintheorganizationofteachingandresearchgro upmeeting,theflagraisingceremony,andalltheactivitiesofthetr adeunionclass-breaksetting-upexercise.Inthisschoolyear,notbeabsentorlateandleaveearlyandsickleave phenomenon,strictlyabidebytherulesandregulationsoftheschool .Four,achievedresultsInthisyear'swork,Imadesomeachievements,fromeverymonththisye ar'sexamandinterscholasticLeaguetestscores,Iteachtheclassin termsofaverage,thenumberofpassesandthenumberofstudentsaream ongthebestinthesamegrade.Ofcourse,"Everybeanhasitsblack.",intheteachingworkwillinevi tablyhavedefects.Forexample:thetransformationofsomestudentsarenotsuccessful, theclassmanagementexperienceisnotmatureenough,andtheseprobl ems,hopeinthefutureofeducationandteachingworktosolve.。

年终考核总结个人 英文范文

年终考核总结个人 英文范文

年终考核总结个人英文范文全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Annual Performance Review SummaryAs we come to the end of another year, it is important to reflect on our progress, achievements, and areas for improvement. The annual performance review is a key opportunity for individuals to receive feedback on their work and set new goals for the upcoming year.第二篇示例:Achievements:One of my biggest achievements this year was leading a project team to successfully launch a new product in the market. This project required strong leadership, effective communication, and strategic planning. Through collaboration with my team members and stakeholders, we were able to meet our project deadlines and deliver a product that exceeded expectations. This achievement not only showcased my project management skills but also demonstrated my ability to work effectively in a team.第三篇示例:Year-End Performance Review SummaryAs the year comes to a close, it is important to reflect on our performance over the past twelve months. The year-end performance review is a time for self-assessment and evaluation of our achievements, shortcomings, and areas for improvement. It is a critical process that allows us to set goals for the upcoming year and ensure continued growth and development.Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to another successful year ahead.第四篇示例:Year-End Performance Review SummaryAs the year comes to a close, it is important to reflect on the achievements and challenges of the past 12 months. A performance review is a valuable tool for both employees and managers to assess individual progress, set goals for the future, and ensure alignment with organizational objectives. In this year-end performance review summary, I will evaluate my personal performance over the past year and outline areas for improvement and growth in the coming year.。



个人英文工作总结范文7篇篇1Annual Personal Work Summary ReportIntroductionAs the year concludes, it’s essential to take a moment to reflect on my professional journey and the accomplishments achieved during this period. This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of my work in the past year, focusing on my responsibilities, challenges faced, skills utilized, and future aspirations.Responsibilities and Achievements1. Project Management:* Led multiple cross-functional teams to execute projects with an average success rate of 95%.* Developed project scopes, timelines, and budgets, ensuring all resources were allocated efficiently.* Managed project risks and implemented mitigation strategies to minimize potential impact on deliverables.2. Client Relations:* Conducted quarterly client reviews to gather feedback and improve service quality.* Maintained strong client relationships, resulting in a client retention rate of over 98%.* Coordinated with clients to resolve issues and ensure satisfaction with project outcomes.3. Content Creation and Strategy:* Developed marketing collateral for various campaigns, increasing brand awareness by 20%.* Created quarterly content plans, aligning with company goals and market trends.* Managed social media platforms, achieving significant growth in engagement rates.4. Team Development:* Initiated regular team training sessions to enhance skills and knowledge among team members.* Coached and mentored team members, contributing to their professional growth and improved team performance.Challenges Encountered and Solutions Implemented1. Language Barrier: As an international team, language differences sometimes caused communication challenges. To address this, I implemented a regular language exchange program and encouraged the use of professional dictionaries and tools for better understanding.2. Project Deadlines: Managing tight deadlines under pressure was a challenge at times. To overcome this, I developed a system of priority allocation and regular progress reviews with teams to ensure timely delivery.3. Client Expectations: Managing client expectations when their needs are constantly evolving is a dynamic challenge. I addressed this by establishing clear communication channels and consistently delivering above average quality to build trust.Skills Utilized1. Excellent project management skills, with the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.2. Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to engage diverse audiences effectively.3. Excellent client relations management skills, with an ability to understand and meet client needs effectively.4. Creative content creation skills, with an ability to develop engaging content for various platforms and channels.5. Ability to mentor and coach team members to enhance team performance and achieve objectives effectively.ConclusionLooking back at the past year, I am proud of what our team has achieved despite various challenges we faced. However, there is still much to learn and improve upon. In the coming year, I aim to further develop my skills in strategic planning and team leadership, focusing on enhancing team morale and achieving company objectives even more efficiently. I am excited about the opportunities ahead and look forward to contributing further to the success of our team and organization.Future Plans and Goals1. To further develop my strategic planning skills, aiming fora more holistic understanding of business objectives and how they align with market trends.2. To enhance team leadership skills, focusing on improving team communication and collaboration for better results.3. To expand my knowledge in new technologies and tools related to my field, staying ahead of the curve in terms of industry developments.篇2英文工作总结一、引言随着全球化的深入发展,英语在各个领域的应用越来越广泛。



用英文写年终总结(精选5篇)第一篇:用英文写年终总结用英文写年终总结身在外企的你可能不可避免要用英语做文章,那么一篇好的英文个人工作总结要怎么入手呢?六步帮你轻松搞定!Six-Step Process to Conducting a Year-End Review of六步写好年终个人工作总结The end of the year is often a time of many events--wrapping up business for the year while also wrapping holiday presents.This article presents something you can give to yourself--something that you can get done during the holiday lull or over some vacation days--a quick and easy process for examining what you’ve accomplished in your career this year and where you want to go with it next year.年底事情多,一边忙着节日送礼,一边还要忙着做年终总结。



Of course, you may have already done at least some preliminary work on reviewing the year--especially if your employer hands out year-end bonuses or conducts year-end performance reviews--and if so, that’s a good place to start your year-end review.你可能已经做过一些基本的回顾了,特别是在老板给你发年终奖的时候,或者是在做全年业绩汇报的时候。



年度总结英文范文年度总结英文【一】Inthefirsthalfyear,underthevigorousesupportofGGFandtheenthu siasticcrewintheoffice,thejobhasbeenalmostfinishedbytheendo fthisyear.Majortaskforthefirstyear:A.InnerAdjustment:Foralltheofficecrewjoinedtheassociationforobligation,thehav elittleexperienceofenvironmentalprotectionandlessspecialkno wledgeofbirds.InordertomakethembetterunderstandthetaskofNGO ,andalsotoimproveworkingefficiency,wehavegottogethertostudy ""and"TheReformofChineseOrganization"atthebeginningofthisyea r.WefocusedonthesituationandforegroundofNGOinchina.Atthefol lowingtimeweconcentratedonhowtodevelopourselvesandwhatmeans canweusetostreghten,ect.Afterapproximatelytwoweeks‘argumentation,welearntmanyaboutwhatweshoulddo.Now,wecanco operatewitheachothermuchbetter.B.Activities:1.Personalexperience:weareallinfirmbelievingthatthemovement ofobservingbirdsbeingagreatmeasurement,whichwillincreasepeo ple‘sloveforthem.Dalianisahillyareawhichmakesitquitedifferent fromheretothere.Forthesakeofgatheringmoresuitableplacetoobs ervebirds,the8ofourcadremenwenttotheBinHaiRoad,Daheimountai n,LushunFarmlandandcircumjacentvillagesandtowns.Finally,wec hoseLaoTieMountain。



As the year comes to an end, it is a good time to reflect on the past year's work and achievements. This year has been a year of growth, challenges, and new opportunities. In this summary, I will highlight my key accomplishments, lessons learned, and areas for improvement.I. Key Accomplishments1. Project Management: Throughout the year, I have successfully managed multiple projects, ensuring that they were completed on time and within budget. I have developed strong project management skills, including effective communication, stakeholder management, and risk management.2. Team Collaboration: I have actively participated in team projects, collaborating with colleagues to achieve common goals. By fostering a positive and supportive work environment, I have helped to enhance team cohesion and productivity.3. Professional Development: I have taken the initiative to expand my skill set and knowledge. I have completed several online courses and certifications, which have helped me to stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices.4. Customer Satisfaction: I have consistently delivered high-quality work, which has resulted in satisfied customers. By understanding their needs and providing exceptional service, I have helped to build strong relationships with clients.II. Lessons Learned1. Time Management: This year, I have learned the importance ofeffective time management. By prioritizing tasks and setting realistic deadlines, I have been able to maintain a balanced work-life schedule.2. Adaptability: The workplace has presented various challenges, and I have learned to adapt quickly to change. By remaining flexible and open-minded, I have been able to overcome obstacles and continue to excel in my role.3. Communication: Effective communication is crucial in the workplace. I have learned to communicate clearly and concisely, both in written andverbal forms. This has helped to reduce misunderstandings and improve collaboration.III. Areas for Improvement1. Leadership Skills: While I have made significant progress in my role,I recognize that there is still room for growth in my leadership skills.I plan to attend leadership training sessions and seek opportunities to lead projects and initiatives.2. Work-Life Balance: Balancing work and personal life can be challenging, and I aim to improve my work-life balance next year. By setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care, I hope to achieve a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.3. Networking: I want to enhance my professional network by attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and engaging with colleagues. This will help me to expand my knowledge and seek new opportunities.In conclusion, this year has been a rewarding and enriching experience.I have achieved several milestones and learned valuable lessons alongthe way. As I move forward, I am excited about the opportunities thatlie ahead and am committed to continuous improvement and personal growth. Thank you to my colleagues, managers, and clients for your support and guidance throughout the year.。






个人工作总结英文版范文dell to work for nearly a year. also learned a lot of knowledge and technology. the most important is to learn the job and working attitude.1.when beginning to dell. is a very strange environment for anything. don"t know. it"s also met so many questions. for me, the best way is to put the record troubleshooting. every time a new problems that are organized into their notes or document that appear similar problems can quickly after the solution.2.when customers coming. tt i would first send mail to inform customer if i were to restart type or shutdown would first and customers confirmation downtime. to solve the problem. if the problem is i will notify to the owner problem. when there is progress of server to build. found a very efficient way is tosupport the dhcp. premise. visit altris server in the server list altris drac through iso files. connect to iso and then build do in the local computer by remote control drac open again.i.e. artirs server effect is starting to iso files. altris server must correspond to the local lab or dc) such as dalian and xiamen corresponding xmn2max01 is local computer is open and remote control operated interface. reduced pressure artirs server. don"t need artirs in the server remotely operated for four server startup. is no problem. i tested. plus, if network audit and config without problems or hardware. within one day after can be successfully completed 8 sets the remote server build.3.when there is a problem. the methods to solve the problems actually there will be many. but only one best way. when problems arise when the work under simple analysis process. make a clear, and efficiency of working process is very important. but must be good at summing up. many server broken, for example, memory and disk after such a motherboard hardware problems. under normal circumstances should be to apply for to buy new again, but can be found in the server these home before the server can provide the corresponding hardware replace (premise is to replace the hardware specifications must match.)this is neither can solve problems can also reduce unnecessary costs. dalian on the server is so many home in the server drop again.4.when faced with a new problem didn"t know how to solve. absolutely not relying on their ideas or experience to do. to understand must consult the expert predecessors. only in this way can we know what to do, why do, what to do good to others. when will consult the euphemism polite people not to ask.5.in this year. do yourself. research job is linux operating system and the vmware has been my pursuit of the path and ideals. if there is a chance for dell. will it do in a proficient linux vmware senior engineer.6.i didn"t finish all the training. i"ll try to attend the training must be on hand. if no matter the job. i"ll pick out some additional training and career development to help me to attend.finally dell. thank you very much for me to let me in good chance landings study and work here. thank you for the recognition and kennie me at work all the people who helped me. i"ll work harder to make their own contribution to dell.个人工作总结英文版范文up and down the chain of command, year-end performancereviews fill people with dread or with resentment, and very rarely with joy. both the givers and the receivers spend a lot of time on the reviews, yet they generally see them as an empty exercise. after all the procedural t’s are crossed and the i’s dotted, it takes people skills to get a real return on investment from this important, labor-intensive process. leaders need to set an example by turning a ritual into a productive effort.this column addresses giving a review. in a subsequent article i’ll tackle how to get the most out of receiving a review. both articles aim to challenge you to shift your focus to the emotional experience on both sides of the table, and to increase the payback from year-end reviews by developing some key psychological skills.the organizational barriers to having productive year-end reviews can be formidable. the tight link between reviews and compensation discourages openness and honesty. managers at all levels may think as much about their organization’s needs as about individual performance when they do the reviews. for example, interdepartmental rivalries can force a kind of uniformity on your reviews as you try to do the best you can for your people in terms of compensation. if your organization’s culture discourages open and honest feedback ("we don’t do warm and fuzzy"), you may feel constrained to just focus on the numbers. anything else might make you feel like an outlier and make your direct report feel singled out and anxious.but even in an unfavorable organizational environment there are things you can control to get more from the process. by better understanding the experience on a gut emotional level and working on some key psychological skills, you can create a more useful experience and become a better leader in the process.ideally, the year-end review is all about the employee’s development. as a leader committed to optimal performance, you understand the importance of the fit between an employee’s skills, talents, and career goals and his or her organizational role. when you know how best to connect the arc of individual development with the direction of your organization, you form a partnership for growth with the employee. this partnership depends on candid feedback on the individual’s performance, your identification of personal and organizational barriers to better performance and your ongoing availability to help remove those barriers.managers commonly get derailed from the ideal developmentalfocus in year-end reviews by their own personal psychological challenges. it happens in these ways:--conflict avoidance: a fear of conflict can lead you to avoid difficult--and also meaningful--performance discussions with your subordinates. that fear of conflict can arise from deep-seated personal issues, a lack of skills for managing conflict or both.--need for approval: a strong need for approval often goes hand in hand with conflict avoidance. managers approach their roles as a vehicle for acceptance and admiration more often than is commonly acknowledged. if you seek affirmation from your employees, even unconsciously, you may be sacrificing longer-term development and performance in favor of short-term comfort and acceptance. at the same time, your inability to put your own needs aside makes it difficult to earn subordinates’trust and respect.--mistrust: your overall mistrust of people and their motives may make you think that employees don’t want to hear corrective feedback, can’t take it in and won’t use it constructively. if you have a high level of mistrust, you may be convinced that people in general are incapable of changing, are motivated by fear and learn only by being punished.--lack of self-awareness: an inability to acknowledge your own motives and goals for the year-end review can mean mixed messages for your employees, sabotaging the process. for example, by denying your own negative feelings toward a subordinate, you may force the review into a developmental framework that’s frustrating for both you and the employee, who really needs to be managed out of the organization. at the other extreme, you could be hijacked by your own feelings of disappointment or envy and end up attacking an employee.work on the following core psychological skills and you will increase the benefit you and your employees get from the reviews you must give this year:--empathy: i take empathy to mean an accurate understanding of another’s emotional experience. empathy toward your employees starts with your reviewing your own experiences receiving feedback. it always pays to be able to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. be guided by an understanding that people generally overestimate their own performance. we humans are hard-wired to maintain a positive self-image, and we tend to reject painful criticism. your empathy increases when you deliberately seek to grasp what motivates people, what career goals are most important to them, what kind of standards theyset for themselves and how they react to not living up to those standards. empathy will enable you to craft each review message in a way that motivates each person to grow.--trustworthiness: without trust, the year-end review is dead on arrival. the effective review depends on trust; it is also a prime opportunity to build trust. work on your trustworthiness to make the review process more productive for all concerned. do you consistently have your employees’ best interests in mind? do you follow through on your commitments to facilitate their development? will you act in ways that go beyond your self-interest? take time to look in the mirror and consider whether others see you as trustworthy.--self-knowledge: it isn’t easy to keep your own personal likes and dislikes out of your objective assessment of someone else’s work, achievements or failures. you need to be scrupulously honest with yourself, confronting your own needs, motives and biases whenever you approach your employees. take the time to reflect on your own experience receiving reviews to guide you to a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses in the process. when you have strong personal feelings about an employee, you may want to consult trusted colleagues to get a different perspective.going at the year-end performance review ritual with a fresh psychological perspective is a quick way to increase your payback from all the hours you will spend writing, reviewing and delivering important information. this year, acknowledge the strong emotions reviews elicit in you, as the giver, and in each person who receives the formal feedback. develop your own empathy, trustworthiness and self-knowledge to enable yourself to strike a better balance between the evaluative and developmental aspects of the review. your skill in laying out a path for better performance, identifying the employee’s core barriers to achieving his or her performance goals and providing ongoing assistance will enable you to both get the most from year-end reviews and grow as an authentic leader.。



第1篇As we approach the end of the year, it is a time for reflection and assessment of the past twelve months. This year has been filled with both challenges and triumphs, and I believe it is crucial to take a moment to acknowledge the growth and achievements I have made. Here is my annual personal summary for the year 2023.Professional Growth:This year has been dedicated to my professional development. I successfully completed a series of training programs that enhanced my skills in project management, leadership, and communication. These new competencies have not only made me more efficient in my current role but have also opened up new opportunities for career advancement.I was promoted to a senior position within my organization, which came with increased responsibility and a broader scope of work. I embraced this challenge with enthusiasm and have been able to lead my team effectively, fostering a positive and collaborative work environment. Through strategic planning and team coordination, we achieved several significant milestones, including the successful completion of a major project ahead of schedule.Personal Development:On a personal level, I have made significant strides in my self-improvement journey. I recognized the importance of maintaining a work-life balance and have implemented several strategies to ensure I am not overwhelmed by the demands of my career.I began practicing mindfulness and meditation regularly, which has helped me manage stress and improve my overall mental well-being. Additionally, I took up a new hobby, photography, which has become a great way to relax and express my creativity. I have been able to capture beautiful moments in nature and share them with friends and family, which has brought immense joy to my life.Health and Fitness:Physical fitness has always been a priority for me, and this year I have taken it to a new level. I have been consistently working out at the gym, focusing on strength training and cardio exercises. As a result, I have noticed significant improvements in my endurance, flexibility, andoverall fitness.Furthermore, I have adopted a healthier diet, incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into my meals. This lifestyle change hasnot only helped me maintain a healthy weight but has also provided me with more energy and vitality.Social Connections:Building and maintaining relationships has been a focal point for methis year. I have made a conscious effort to spend quality time with friends and family, attending social events and engaging in meaningful conversations. This has enriched my social life and allowed me to forge deeper connections with the people I care about.Community Involvement:I have also been actively involved in community service, volunteering my time to local organizations that support underprivileged children andthe elderly. These experiences have been incredibly rewarding, as I have seen firsthand the positive impact I can have on others' lives.Looking Ahead:As I reflect on the past year, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped me. I am excited aboutthe future and the potential for continued growth and success.In the coming year, I plan to further enhance my leadership skills, explore new professional opportunities, and continue to invest in my personal development. I aim to maintain a healthy lifestyle, nurture my relationships, and stay actively involved in community service.In conclusion, the year 2023 has been a year of transformation and achievement. I am proud of the progress I have made in all aspects of mylife and am eager to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.第2篇As the year comes to an end, it is time to reflect on the past year and summarize my achievements, challenges, and personal growth. This year has been filled with both triumphs and setbacks, but it has ultimately shaped me into a more mature and resilient individual.First and foremost, I am proud of the professional progress I have made. In my current job, I have taken on more responsibilities and challenges, which have helped me develop my skills and knowledge. I have successfully completed several projects, demonstrating my ability to work independently and as part of a team. Additionally, I have improved my communication and leadership skills, which have enabled me to effectively manage my team and contribute to the success of the company.One of the most significant achievements this year was completing my Master's degree. The journey was not easy, as it required a great deal of time, effort, and dedication. However, I am proud of my hard work and the knowledge I have gained. The Master's program has equipped me with the tools and skills necessary to excel in my career and make a positive impact in my field.On the personal front, I have also made great strides. I have developed a healthier lifestyle by incorporating regular exercise and a balanced diet into my daily routine. This has not only improved my physical health but also my mental well-being. I have also made an effort to spend more quality time with my family and friends, which has strengthened my relationships and provided me with emotional support.Despite these achievements, I have faced my fair share of challenges. One of the most significant challenges was managing my time effectively. With multiple responsibilities and commitments, it was often difficult to prioritize tasks and maintain a healthy work-life balance. To address this issue, I have implemented better time management strategies, suchas setting specific goals and deadlines, and prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency.Another challenge I encountered was overcoming my fear of failure. At times, I found myself hesitating to take risks or pursue new opportunities due to the fear of not succeeding. However, I have learned to embrace failure as a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. By stepping out of my comfort zone and taking calculated risks, I have become more confident and resilient.In terms of personal growth, I have become more self-aware and reflective. I have learned to recognize my strengths and weaknesses, and I am continuously working on improving myself. I have also become more open to feedback and constructive criticism, which has helped me develop a growth mindset and become more adaptable.In conclusion, the past year has been a transformative experience. I have achieved a great deal in both my professional and personal life, but I have also faced challenges that have pushed me to grow and learn. As I look forward to the new year, I am determined to continue my journey of self-improvement, embrace new opportunities, and strive for excellence in all aspects of my life.第3篇As the year draws to a close, it is a time for reflection and introspection. This year has been a mix of challenges and triumphs, growth and setbacks. Below is a summary of my experiences and achievements over the past twelve months.Professional GrowthProfessionally, this year has been incredibly rewarding. I successfully completed a certification program in digital marketing, which has expanded my skill set and opened up new opportunities. I applied these newfound skills to several projects, resulting in a significant increase in engagement and conversions for my company. Additionally, I took on a leadership role in a cross-functional team, which allowed me to hone mymanagement and communication skills. Through this experience, I learned the importance of empathy and adaptability in a diverse team environment.Personal DevelopmentOn a personal front, I have made significant strides in my self-improvement journey. I adopted a regular exercise routine, which has not only improved my physical health but also boosted my mental well-being.I have also made a conscious effort to cultivate a positive mindset, which has helped me navigate the ups and downs of daily life withgreater resilience.In terms of personal relationships, I have worked on strengthening my connections with family and friends. I made a point to reach out more frequently and spent quality time with loved ones. This effort has paid off, as I feel more supported and connected than ever before.Learning and EducationThis year, I have continued to invest in my education. I enrolled in an online course on advanced data analysis, which has provided me with valuable insights into statistical methods and their applications inreal-world scenarios. I also participated in several webinars and workshops that focused on emerging technologies and industry trends. These experiences have kept me informed and have inspired me to stay ahead of the curve in my field.Volunteering and Community InvolvementI have been actively involved in community service projects throughout the year. I volunteered at a local food bank, where I helped distribute meals to those in need. Additionally, I participated in a clean-up drive, which aimed to improve the cleanliness and safety of public spaces inour neighborhood. These experiences have been humbling and have reinforced my commitment to giving back to the community.Challenges and Lessons LearnedDespite the achievements, this year has not been without its challenges.I faced several setbacks, including unexpected professional challengesand personal issues. However, these experiences have taught me valuable lessons about perseverance, adaptability, and the importance of seeking support when needed.Looking AheadAs I look forward to the new year, I am filled with optimism and excitement. I am committed to building upon the progress I have made and to continuing my personal and professional growth. I plan to further develop my leadership skills, expand my knowledge base, and stay involved in community initiatives.In conclusion, this year has been a year of growth, learning, and self-discovery. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and the lessons I have learned. As I step into the new year, I am ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with an open heart and an optimistic spirit.。

2019-英文,工作总结-word范文模板 (8页)

2019-英文,工作总结-word范文模板 (8页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==英文,工作总结篇一:英文版工作总结Work summaryI’m XXX, a graduate student from XXX University. My major is Electrical Automation. I will graduate in July next year. Before I applied for graduate study, I worked in XXX for over a year, I have some design experience in my last job, As an intern, I came to XXX in November 17. Counting on my fingers, I have stayed here for about four weeks. In here I make a brief summary for this four weeks practice work.First of all thanking you for giving me this internship opportunity, I had a chance to begin my career in advance, at the same time; I took part in the two weeks’ training about XXX. During the training, I was inquisitive and tried to improve myself. Every day I seriously record the knowledge our teacherexplained, while studying specification related to automation design at night so as to prepare for future design work. Meanwhile, I seized every chance to learn from colleagues who participate in projects, in this way, the technology of automation and ability of practice had been improved.In this way, I comprehensively studied the drawing of Automation design, and understood the Culture and regulations of our company; I am skilled in the using CAD, Office Software. Although I can't log on the system of XXX, XXX, I know how to use them. For instance, I know how to create a loop diagram with XXX.Moreover, I pay attention to the relationship with colleagues. We learn from and help each other; I would take initiative to do something, whenencountering some problems that I couldn’t resolve, I usually ask and learn from them.In short, during the period,I have grown up a lot, both in work, and the way of getting along with others. I had become more mature and stable. Consciously, I feel I have reached the company's requirements and are still growing and improving. In here I gave a summary for passing probation. I would like to contribute my knowledge, energy and enthusiasm to XXX.XXX篇二:个人年终总结 (英文版)Annual Personal SummaryThe new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 201X, there are so many memorable moments.Annual SummaryI take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands andsometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit.One year's accumulation(with colleagues’ help) makes me more mature both in attitude and personality. Every success would bring me alittle more confidence; every encouragement would make me happy all day long; every positive smile in leader's eyes would make me more staunch. I would like to face the challenges and I am pleasant to conquer anyobstacles in work, in which process my potential seems to be unleashed. I like this kind of sensation and also I hope to win the friendship of all the colleagues.New Year WishI believe 201X will be my lucky year. I will live my life and do my job with enthusiasm and vibrant spirit. Try to bring the profit to company and meanwhile eich myself with knowledge.P.S.: I like the collective activities very much, everyone wouldenjoy the happiness without bothering fussy work. While if we could play together more other than playing seperately, I guess it would be better for our solidarity and friendship. 时间过得真快,不觉间在新的岗位上已经工作了两个春秋。



工作年终总结英文(精选3篇)工作年终总结英文篇1The year end is coming, before we move on to the new year, it’s high time for all of us to do a review for the year. To me, doing this annual review is like getting a report card. it’s no different with my annual review –except these results aren’t for my studies –they’re bigger. They’re for my life.时间转瞬到年底,在我们步入新的一年之前,我们所有人都应该对这一年做个回顾总结。



what have you experienced this year? what have you learned from them? with every experience we face, there are important things to learn. we can either let these incidences paus by, or we can stop to understand, internalize them, and draw lessons from them. life is your school, and the lessons are dressed up as your everyday incidences. You don’t want to be living year after year without learning from your experiences. That’s just sleepwalking your life away.这一年,你经历了些什么?从中你又学到了些什么?我们面对的每一次经历,都有一些重要的东西值得学习,我们可能会让发生的这些事情就从我们的生命中匆匆而过,或者我们也可以选择停下来,理解并消化这些经历,从中学到经验教训。



年终总结个人英语一年即将结束之际,对自己的过去一年的工作进行总结,进行自我评价,以下是为您整理的年终总结个人英语相关资料,欢迎阅读!Timeflies,unconsciously20XXhasquietlywavedgoodbyetous.Looki ngbackoverthepastyearofworkandlife,ua llybusy,thereisnotmuchtimeandopportunitytositdownandsummari zetheworkthatIhavedone.It'sverynecessaryformetosumupthegain sandlossesintheyear'sworkandfindoutmyownshortingsalltheyear round,soastomakearrangementsandplansforthenextyear'swork.Im akethefollowingsummaryabouttheworkoftheyear:1.StrengthenstudyandpayattentiontopracticeIndailywork,Iearnestlylistentotheexperienceofteachers,makeg oodrecords,andpersonallypracticeintheirwork,sothatthelevelo fworkincontinuouslearningandpropracticeisconstantlyimprovin g.Forexample,intheprocessofrepairingthevalveinthegasentranc ealthoughverytired,butafterthehands,witheyes,fromtheleaders hiptostudymethodofremovingasingleactingcylinderandcylindera ndpiston,modeofaction.AftertheentrancevalvemaintenancecabiI ofthesingleactingactuatorhasamoreprofoundunderstanding.Two.SummingupexperienceandimprovingefficiencyTherearemanyrepeatedproblemsinourdailywork.Ifwedoagoodjobof ourdailysummingup,wewillgettwicetheresultwithhalftheeffortt osolvetheproblem.Forexample,aftertwoyearsofexperience,wesum marizethespecificcircumstancesofunitareainwinterinstrumentn eedinsulation,thisyearawinterinstrumentstaffforheatinsulati onoftheinstrumentwilltakemeasurestoachievegoodresults,instr umentoperationisverynormal.In20xx,Iwillcontinuetosumupmyexp erience,improveworkefficiency,andensureasmoothandsuccessful pletionofthework.Three.UnityandcoordinationandcoordinationIn20xx,therelationshipbetweencolleagueswasbeingmoreandmorei ntimate.Intheclass,weworkedtogethertopletetasks.Afterentert ainment,wecouldnotenhanceourintercourseandfriendship.In20xx ,Iwilltrytodomybesttomakemyrelationshipwithmycolleaguesfurt her.ckofsearchandperfectionWhenIfinishedmyworkin20xx,Ialsosawmyownshortings.First:some problemsareplausible,andthedegreeofunderstandingisnotdeep.F orexample,thelackoffamiliaritywiththeSIEMENSlocatorandtheAWseriesexecutorcan'tbefoundoutwell.Thesolution:summingupthed ataaftertheevent,makingagoodrecordoftheproblemsineachstep,a ndreviewingitagainandagain.Second:itiseasytobeunfamiliarwiththeunmonlyusedsoftware.Int heuseofPACTware,youhavetousethepleteettingstepbychanceandha vetorelocatethedata.Solution:summarydata,oftencheck,improve thefamiliarity,sothenextworkneedstoeinhandy!Inaword,wehavemadesomeachievementsinthepastyear,butthereiss tillacertaingapparedwithourrequirements.Iwillcontinuetowork hardtoovereandimproveitinthefuturework.Ayearago,thesecuritydepartmentinthehospitalleadershipundert heguidanceofCollegePartybranchinthesupportandconcern,incoor dinationwithvariousdepartments,allsecuritypersonnelworkseri ously,givefullplaytotheroleofthesecuritydepartment,assistth epublicsecuritanstobatandpreventvariouscriminalactivities,t oensurethatthehospitalareacase,goodorderandtocreateastablew orkingenvironmentfortheemployees,makepositivework,bythescho olleadersandthepublicsecuritansfromnowwillbeayearofworkands tudyaresummarizedasfollows1,allsecuritypersonneltoconscientiouslystudyMarxismLeninism ,MaoZedongthought,DengXiaopingtheoryandtheimportantthoughto fThreeRepresents,maintainamunistadvancedcation,andactivelyp articipateintheschooltanizecollectiveactivities,abidebythel aw,strictlyabidebytherulesandregulations,firmlyestablishthe loftymoralwholeheartedlyservethepeople,todefendayearthrough researcherscontinuetostudyhard,tobetterpletethefoundationwo rktodefend.2,implementtheresponsibilitysystem,theprehensivemanagemento fsocialsecuritytargethospitalstotrulyimplementthepersoninch argeofsecuritydepartmentwiththeDepartmentsignedaprehensives afetymanagementtargetresponsibility,cleardepartmentresponsi blefortheprehensivemanagementofhumanfirstsafetyresponsibili tyatthesametime,theimplementationofquartercasessystem.3,furtherdeepenandimprovethepublicsecurityprecautions,effec tivelycetheincidenceofcriminalcasesinhospitals,andchangethe politicaloutlookofthehospital.Thehospitalisapublicplace,out ofthemiscellaneouspersonnel,therearealotofpeopleoutofthehos pitaleveryday,dosecurityworkinsomanypeople,thereissomedifficulty,accordingtothespecialsituationofourdepartment,makeful luseoftheexistinghardwarefacilitiesfor24hoursmonitoring,and strengthenthesystemconstruction,eachdutysecuritypatrolworkp letestheregistrationdothework,who,whoisresponsiblefor.Stren gthentheresponsibilityofthesecuritystaff.4.Openmanagementisimplementedinourhospital.Theflowofpersonn elislargeandmiscellaneous.Inthesickareasandoutpatients,purs esandmobilephonesareeasilystolen,andwehavetakencorrespondin gmeasures.Therateoftheftwasgreatlycedintheoutpatientdepartment,thepha rmacywindow,thechargewindow,andthewardPatrol(especiallythes inglewardandtheelevatormouthward).Theelectronicmonitoringequipmentofeachfloorwasreformed,them onitoringequipmentwasoptimized,andthewarningsignsweresticku pintheoutpatientpharmacyandthepaymentwindow.Doubleguardpose dofcivilairdefenceandsafety,sothatourhospitalincidencerated ecreasedsignificantly.Throughthejointeffortsofthegeneraldepartment,thesecuritydepartmenthasbeeagoodwindowinourhospital.Becausefromthestaffvi sittotraffic;fromsecuritytofireprotectionfacilities;wehaved onecivilization,scientific,rigorousandefficientwhileintheca reandsupportoftheleadership,inComradeshelpwehavemadecertain achievementsintheworkbutfromtheleadershipoftherequestandCom radeshopeandacertaingap.Therearesomeunsatisfactoryplacesint hework.Wewillconscientiouslylearn,learnlessons,sumupexperie nce,andstrivetoimproveourprehensivequality,andmakeourduecon tributionstooursecuritywork.Ayearago,intheleadershipandtheleadershipoftheDepartment'sco ncernandsupport,incooperationwiththehelpofotherrades,Ibased ontheirown,dosolidwork,controltheestablishedworkplanandquan titativeassessmentrules,actively,strengthentheimplementatio nandsuccessfullypletedhistask,hasmadesomeprogressinideologi calandpoliticalworkaspect.First,strengthenpoliticallearning ,andconstantlyimprovethepoliticalandideologicallevelandacti velyparticipateinthanizationofthepoliticallearningactivitie s,seriouslystudyandunderstandthespiritofXXXXandthethirdplen arysession,adheretothe“xxxx”theimportantthoughtandScientificOutlookonDevelopmentarmourm indstoguidepracticeandpromotethework,throughlearning,hispoliticalideasandimprovethelevelof.Enhancetheworkenthusiasm,in itiativeandresponsibility.Two.LovethejobandworkwellanddoagoodjobBeingadriver,servingtheleadersandrades,promotingthenormalde velopmentoftheworkoftheunit,playsanimportantroleinthelogist icswork.1,followtheprofessionalethics,andmaintainastrongsenseofwork responsibility.Lovealinewhenyoudoit.Ifirstclarifytheirjobre sponsibilities,followtheoccupatiohics,adheretothepersonalin tereststoglobalinterests,strengthentheconceptoftime,obeythe leadership,call,sacrificeholidays,overedifficulties,toensur ethesuccessfulpletionofthetask,notaffectedbytheirworkunits. 2,scrupulouslyabideby“safetyfirst”theprincipleofensuringthesafetyofvehiclestorage.Inordertoen surethesafetyofthevehicle,Istrictlyabidebytheofficesofthe"d rivermanagementsystem",donotdrivefast,donotdrinkdriving,not secretlyoutofthebusetc..Whenthecardoesnotgooutonthesameday, itisstoredinthewarehouseimmediately.Aftergettingoff,agoodst eeringwheellocks,thedoorislocked,andthealarmofburglaralarmi sopened.Weshouldconscientiouslydoagoodjobofsafetyprecautions,eliminatethehiddendangersofsecurity,improvevigilanceatall times,strictlyobservetherulesandregulations,andeliminateany safetyaccidents.3,lovecarlikeoneself,payattentiontomaintenance,checkregular ly,repairintime.Keeparegularmaintenanceofthecarandkeepthebo dyclean.Aftertakingthecarfromworkeveryday,cleanthecarthorou ghlyandkeepthehealth.Instrictaccordancewiththemaintenancesc leitems,regularperiodicinspectionandmaintenanceofvehiclesar emadetoensurethatvehiclesdonotfailduringdrivingandenhancesa fety.Inaddition,Ialsoseriouslystudyautomobileknowledge,mast erthebasicstructureandworkingprincipleofthecar.Findabnormal inthetrain,trytofindoutthefaultandeliminateitintime.4,drivingscientifically,savingoil.Inordertosavefuel,Ipayatt entiontoscientificdriving.Beforedriving,makecleartheterrain route,runtheroadless,donothurry,brakeandovertake.Toavoidunn ecessaryhighspeeddrivingandlowspeeddrivingonhighlevel,theec onomyofdrivingisguaranteed.Three,downtotheground,continuetodoagoodjobinthefutureofthew orkInretrospectofpreviouswork,althoughsomeachievementshavebeen achieved,paredwiththerequirementsoftheleadership,thereissti llabiggapparedwiththeotheradvancedrades.Inthefuture,Iwillbe morestrictwithmyself,carryforwardmyachievements,makeupforde ficiencies,andacplisheverytaskwithmyheartandsoul.Inordertoe nsuredrivingsafety,strengtheneconomyandpayattentiontoguarda gainsttheft,weshouldfurtherservewarmly,courteous,andciviliz ed.Underthecareandsupportoftheleaders,withthehelpofourrades ,Ibelievethatthroughunremittingefforts,myworkwillbeabletogo onanewstep.TheyearofXXising,andusherinanewyear.Ourpartyheld theSixteenthCongress,formulatedthegoalofbuildingawell-offso cietyinanall-roundway,andmadegreatachievementsintheworkofth epartyandthecountry.Lookingbackonourworkoverthepastyear,weh avefoundthatourachievementshavealsobeenfoundtobeinadequate. Westrivetomakeaserioussummaryofthisyear'sworksothatwecandob etternextyear.Forus,safetyinproductionislife.Conscientiousl ycarryoutvarioustasksinthepanyandfactories,andattheendofXX, accordingtotheworkrequirementsinthefactory,wesummarizeourwo rkthisyear.First,IstudythepoliticalthoughtofDengXiaopingtheoryandtheimportantthoughtof“xxxx”,learningthespiritofGeneralSecretaryJiangspokeatthe 80thanniversaryconferencetomemoratethefoundingofthepartyspi rit,consciouslylearnXXand"citizenmoralsImplementationOutlin e"clearly.Ourpartyworkinthenewcenturyandthenewperiodofbuild ingawell-offandcentersocialgoals,andstrivetoachieveinthetho ughtandcognitionconsistentwiththePartyCentralCommittee,alwa ysmaintainthespiritofkeepingpacewiththetimes.Atthesametime, Ialsosetuptheconceptoflifelonglearning,theuseofsparetimetol earnputer,legalknowledge,andfurtherstudyoftheirownbusinessk nowledge.Two.WorksituationInthisyear'swork,carefulstudyofbusinessknowledge.Inthisposi tion,inaccordancewiththearrangementandrequirementsofthefact oryleaders,Icanpleteallthetasksontimeandsafely,andtryourbes ttodotheirjobwell.AsaXXX,inadditiontoensuringtheproductiono fvehicles,activeparticipationinvariouspulsorylabor.Inordert ocethecostofproduction,activeworkhasbeenmadeforenergysaving andconsumptionctionindailytrafficandmaintenance.Intheplantl eadershipandDepartmentoflongundertheleadershipofallmemberso fmyclasstogetherwithXXX'spletesecurityXXyearsofwork,canconsciouslyabidebythetrafficregulationsandtherulesandregulation softheunitinthisyear,toworkhardatwork,intheleadershipandthe productionneedwhethersoonerorlaterorunpaidholidaysoncall,no plaints.OntheoccasionofwinterIplantstonesinkbasinduringthep umpinstallationequipment,machinerepairworkshopallmyradesint heevening,hardworkovertenhoursonthesiteeveryday,thesuccessf ulpletionofthetask,aleader.Inpeacetime,wemustobeythedriving systemstrictly,punctuallyleavethecar,conscientiouslymaintai nthevehicle,keepthebestperformanceofvehicleperformance,stri vetostudytechnology,masterdailymaintenanceanddrivingvehicle 'sperformance,andactivelyparticipateinsafetylearning.Listen tothetrafficpolicemand,notdrunkdriving,civilizeddriving,cou rtesythreefirst,ensurethesafetyoftrafficaccidentsalltheyear .Three,existingproblemsandplansDespitesomeefforts,mybusinesslevelhasbeenimprovedalot,butit needstobefurtherimproved.Inthefuturework,Iwillstrengthenthe consciousnessofindependentmanagement,bebraveinopeningupandi nnovating,strengthenthestudyoftheoryandbusiness,andconstant lyimprovethelevelofbusinesstechnology.Nextyear,Iwillworkhar dwithotherradesinclassXXXtoachieveahigherlevelofwInthepastyearundertheleadershipofPartymitteesandleadersinCo mradescare,supportandhelpyoufocusonpoliticalstudyandstrengt henworldoutlookandstrengthenbusinesslearningtoimprovetheira bilityandstrictlyimplementtherulesandregulationsofworkhavea chievedcertainresultsbasicallythesuccessfulpletionofthetask sassignedbysuperiors,personalyear-endsummary.Ideologicalaspect:ayearofsoldiers,agreatchangeinthought.Inm emory,fromthenewrecruits,theyoftenshoutsuchaword,"loyaltoth eparty,theloveofthepeople,thecountry,themission,thehonor."J ust20words,oneyearmilitarycareerthatIhaveadeeperunderstandi ng,amartialartsisnotonlytofulfilltheirobligations,butalsoin cludesaresponsibilityandmission.Politicalcationnotonlymademeawareoftheharmandpunishmentofcr imesmittedbydiscipline,butalsoanincentiveforhumannature,imp rovingmyideologicalrealmandfosteringmyidealsandbeliefsandva luepursuit.Asapartymember,Ilovemyownpartyandmycountry.Theex emplaryleadingconsciousnessofPartymembersisalwaysstoredinmy mind,servingforthepeopleisthepurposeofourarmy,andthehistori calmissionofdedicatetonationaldefenseisaheavyburdenonthem.Iwasamemberofthepeople'sarmy,Iwantawordwithhisyouthtoaddchee r,Iwillrememberthearmyregulations.Learning:adheretoconstantlyimprovethelevelofworkbecausethey justdon'tefromthetroopsinthebusinessandworkisnotveryfamilia rbutIcanusesometimetostrengthenlearningandconstantlyenricha ndperfecttheirowneffortstobeethepeoplethatworkwiththedevelo pmentofthesituationofreserveworkunderthenewsituationemergin gnewsituationsandnewproblemstointhenewperiodofthemilitiawor k.Wemuststrengthenthestudycontinuouslyenrichandperfecttheir ownlearningproblemsdeeplyfeeladryoldtolearnlearningworldwit houtendonlycontinuouslearningtoadapttothechangingsituationo fthecouragetofacethecouragetoexploreandmakeyourselfdonotmee ttheneedsoftheworkbehindtoseriouslystudythethreegenerationo fcoreofleadershipaboutlearning,politicsandintegrityimportan texpositionbystudyingvideoguidanceexchangeforumtodeepentoca rryoutexperience"ThecationofPartymembers'progressivenessis" tounderstandtheimportanceandnecessityofpartyspiritandpartyc onductcation,andconstantlyimprovethetheoreticallevelthrough learningmilitiareserveworkregulations,documents,"Chinesemil itia","theYellowRivermilitia"andotherdatapublications.Intheaspectofstyle,strictdisciplineandfinestyleareanimporta ntguaranteeforourarmy'sfightingability.Fromthestartofthenew recruits,sortingouttheinternalaffairs,cleaningthehealth,the queuetraining,professionallearning,littledrops,alwaystestth ewillandphysicalstrengthofeveryone.The5000meterslong,everyd aybackandforthorderlyqueue,unifiedorderplacementandinterior finishing,allkindsofconstraintsintheintangible,testedthe"fo rbearance"exercise"Qin",inspiredadmitdefeatandnevergiveuppe rsonality,enhancethesenseofteamwork,developavarietyofgoodha bitsandstyle.Allthis,Icallitwealth.WhenIamwithapositiveattitude,Iwillfindthatthearmyisahugetre asure,ameltingpotofironandsteel.Understandthis,intheusualtr ainingandwork,Iwillbemoreseriousandcareful.Thefoldingquilti stheembodimentofattentiontodetail.Runningistheexerciseofthe body,thestrengtheningofperseveranceinthedisciplineofdiscipl ine,alittlegrowthandprogress.Work:strengthenthesenseofresponsibilitytofinisheachtaskcanp uxiashenzaiaskeveryoolearntoaskMastertrainingaccordingtothe trainingscleofeachperiodtrainingplantoassistinthetrainingbasetopletethefirsthalfofthetrainingworkanddoallkindsofworkin atimelymannerintermsoftrainingdataaccumulatedinthefirsthalf ofheadofficetraining.。
















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