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管脚长lead long 屏蔽罩击穿shield breakdown

脱脚lead pull off PCB不清洁PCB dirty

弯脚角度大lead bend angle big PCB变形PCB deformation

弯脚角度小lead bend angle small PCB来料不良Incoming PCB NG

元件插反component insert inverse PCB线路不良Circuit NG on PCB

元件插错component insert wrong PCB有裂/缺PCB crack/flaw

元件漏插missing component 批峰burr

元件损伤component damaged 破损dilapidation

元件压铜皮component press pad 偏移shift

按键不良keystroke no click 气泡air bulb

按键装反keystroke assemble inverse 其它others

表盖刮伤surface cover scratch 日期印漏missing date code stamp

包焊excess solder 日期印错wrong date code stamp

标签不良label NG 日期印模糊date code stamp vague

标签刮伤label scratch 绕线交叉wrap wire cross

标签漏missing label 绕组不均匀wrap no even

标签来料不良incoming label NG 绕组错coil wrong

标签模糊label vague 输出插头松output plug loose

标签填错fill wronly in label 手插管脚长M/I lead long

标签贴错label stick wrongly 手插管脚短M/I lead short

标签贴反label stick inverse 输出.输入线破损output&input wire dameged 标签贴偏label stick with offset 少插跳线missing jumper wire

标签贴斜label stick lean 输出线断output wire open

标签有气泡label with air bulb 输出线内部错位output wire wrong inside 标签脏污label dirty 输出线头断output wire head breakdown 有灰尘dust 手插元件插错M/I component wrong

板响board with noise 手插元件插反M/I component inverse

保险管夹松fuse clip loose 手插元件多插M/I component excessive

变压器断线wire of transformer breakdown 手插元件高M/I component high

插错insert wrongly 手插元件漏插miss M/I component

初,次级绕反inverse 手插元件损伤M/I component damage

贴反mounting inverse 少垫片lack of gasket

次级对磁蕊短路secondary short to magnet 上盖变形upper case deformation

初级短路primary circuit short 少件lack of component

次级短路secondary circuit short 高件component raise up

初级断线open circuit in primary 红胶溢出red adhesive overflow

次级断线open circuit in secondary 竖件component stand up

初级胶带破tape damage in primary 少锡insufficient solder

次级胶带破tape damage in secondary 元件氧化component oxidize

初级圈数多excessive primary wrap 元件虚焊empty solder

初级圈数少insufficient primary wrap 元件短路component short circuit

次级圈数少insufficient secondary wrap 元件贴反component mount inverse

次级圈数多excessive secondary wrap 元件翘起component lift up

次级绕错匝数is wrong 元件损伤component damage

插破侧盖side cover break 元件偏移component excursion

插破骨架bobbin break 元件翻面component turnover

超声波压伤ultrasonic press injury 元件多贴excessive component

磁头装反magnetic core inverse 元件漏贴missing component

错位wrong position 元件脱落component break off

磁芯不干净magnetic core dirty 输入插头松input plug loose


磁芯破magnetic core break 输入线头断input wire head breakdown

磁芯松动magnetic core loose 上下盒不吻合the upper case can't match lower case

磁芯套变形deformation 丝印不良silkscreen NG

插座不良socket NG 贴错mount wongly

插针漏插miss inserting connector 贴反mount inverse

插座破connector break 套管破sleeve tube break

插针倾斜connector bent 套管松脱sleeve tube peel off

插针少lack of connector 脱焊solder peel off

插针松动connector loose 条码不能扫描barcode can't be scanned

插针歪connector twist 铜箔断copper foil broken

对地短路short to ground 铜箔短路copper foil short

多垫片excessive gasket 铜箔开路copper foil open

电感倾斜inductor bent 元件掉件component fall off

钉刮伤scratched by nail 元件贴翻component mount inverse

打胶不良add adhesive NG 烫伤&刮伤scald&scratch,

短路short circuit 跳铜皮copper pad peel off

钉来料不良incoming nail NG 跳线断jump wire break off

垫片破损washer damaged 铜线露出copper wire come out

多锡excessive solder 无标记no mark

多元件,数量多excessive parts 外壳划伤case scatched

断柱column break 外壳沾有异物case with foreign body

底座划伤base scratch 未露管脚leads hide

缝隙过大big gap 无输出no output

盖板断扣the buckle of top case broken 未上锡no solder

高件component raise up 线包不良wrap NG

管脚短short lead 线包大wrap big

骨架断钉bobbin with broken nail 小板坏small board damage

管脚长longlead 线不良wire NG

骨架开裂bobbin crack 线插错wire insert wrongly

管脚连铜线lead connect with copper wire 线断wire break off

骨架破损bobbin broken 矽钢片变形lamination deformation

骨架烫伤bobbin scald 矽钢片多插insert excessive laminations 挂锡pending solder 矽钢片松lamination loose

光学盒断裂optics box broken 矽钢片少插insufficient lamination

焊错位solder wrong position 矽钢片氧化lamination oxidize

焊点不良solder NG 线刮伤wire scratched

盒座刮伤box base with scratch 线焊反wire solder inverse

后盖划伤back cover with scratch 线路割错circuit cut wrongly

焊接不良defective solder 锡裂solder crack

盒内有响声noise in box 线路划伤circuit scratched

簧片不清洁spring dirty 线路开/断路circuit open

簧片刮伤spring scratch 线路露铜copper out of wire

簧片来料不良incoming spring NG 线路没割断circuit no cut off

簧片松spring loose 线路起泡circuit blister

焊盘氧化pad oxidize 线没接好wire connect no well

焊盘有绿油pad with green oil 线内部开路wire open inside

盒座变形box base deformation 线破皮insulation of wire broken

盒座来料不良incoming box base NG 线圈变形coil deformation

盒座烫伤box base scald 线头长wire head long

盒座装反box base assemble inverse 线头短wire head short
