大学英语模拟真题Test 5第一局部:交际用语〔共5小题;每题3分,总分值15分〕此局部共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的局部有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。
1. —Hello, may I speak to Liu Mei?—_________A. I’m Liu Mei.B. Liu Mei is me.C. My name is Liu Mei.D. This is Liu Mei speaking.2. —Would you like another slice of Christmas cake?—_________ I’m full.A. Yes, please.B. No more, thanks.C. Why not?D. Nothing more.3. —Susan is absent from today’s class.—_________ As far as I know, she has never missed a class.A. How come?B. So what?C. Why?D. What for?4. —Is it possible for you to work late tonight?—_________A. I like it.B. I’ll do that.C. I’d love to.D. I think so.5. —Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!—_________ This is not the end of the world.A. Good luck.B. Cheer up.C. Go ahead.D. No problem.第二局部:阅读理解〔共10小题;每题3分,总分值30分〕此局部共有2篇短文,在第一篇短文后有5个正误判断题,从每题后的两个选项中选出正确答案;在第二篇短文后有5个问题。
汉英禁忌语一、禁忌语和委婉语语言禁忌 (Language Taboo),语言禁忌源于人类最初对自然现象和自然力的困惑和误解。
前缀“eu”的意思是“good”(好),词根“-phemism”意为“speech”(言语),合起来意思是“word of good omen”(吉言或好听的说法)。
正如美国学者Hugh Rawson 所描述的那样,委婉语“如此深深地嵌入我们的语言,以至我们中间没有谁——即便是那些自诩言谈直截了当的人——能够在不使用委婉语的情况下过完一天的”。
中文术语英文术语通用翻译品质quality满足或高于消费者期望的产品综合质量公差tolerance保证质量前提下允许尺寸的波动范围不良标签defective product label表明制品,不良或不合格内容的小说明标示单identifying sheet list表明制品,物品,地点等特性或作用的小说明整理Seiri必要与不必要的物品分开处理整顿Seiton物品分门别类,按规定摆放并标识清扫Seiketsu去除赃污防止再次发生清洁Seiso将整理、整顿清扫制度化、标准化教养Shitsuke人人按照规定和制度行事,养成良好习惯安全Safe自身安全,他人安全和设备安全来料不良deficient purchase上一工序的产品质量不符合本工序质量要求刮伤scratch在制品表面因手或其它物体摩擦形成的影响制品外观质量的现象压痕dents由于重力或压力引起接触面的痕迹,可影响外观美观螺栓bolt起固定作用的栓件热注射成型thermoplastic injection molding通过加热使物料熔化在注射到模具内形成期望的制品控制面板contorl plat对设备参数控制的简易操作平台显示器pro-face显示设备必要信息的屏幕安全门saft door防止事故发生,增大安全系数的保护装置门注射座enjection blend注射成型机组成部件,支撑并协助注射的金属平台螺杆screw起旋转计量作用的螺纹状部件.是成型机的核心机械件料膛fabbrel树脂预塑的炮膛状部件,和螺杆配合俎件质量要求较高加热圈heater围绕在料膛周围,起迅速并均匀加热作用的片状加热器喷嘴nozzle连接注射成型机料筒与模具浇口套接触的像针头状的组件定模板plam可固定模具在成型机上的铁板,是成型机的一部分动模板moving plam成型机曲臂连接板,使模具固定在成型机上做开合模运动的动模板成型机顶杆ejector pin连接到模具上控制模具顶杆顶出或回退作用的连接杆手动操作man只能手动单一步骤状态操作半自动操作sengle man可半自动状态操作全自动操作auto根据设置的程序在全自动状态动作料膛清洗purge一般用PE料做射出动作来清除或淡化料膛内物料或颜色上料机loader在料杯树脂不足在传感器监控下吸取储备树脂的成型辅助设备温调机控制模具温度,保持在设定温度以内的温度控制设备参数监控画面对设备具体参数设定的画面,一般配有图表生产管理画面product menut在全自动生产状态下对产品质量和数量控制的页面模板控制画面plam control模板动作状态控制页面顶出控制画面ejector control顶出动作状态控制画面加热管理画面heat control材料加热控制画面注射速度画面speed control注射过程中对速度控制的画面注射压力画面fulling pressure control注射过程中注射压力控制画面保压控制画面packing pressure control注射后保持设定压力提高制品质量的控制画面计量控制画面excit control计量尺寸和相关参数控制画面报警显示画面alarm view设备动作异常或监控报警预览最大高度maximum daylight成型机模板打开的最大尺寸最小高度能满足成型机性能的最小模具厚度锁模力clamping force成型过程中为保证动,定模相互紧密配合而需施加的在模具上的力锁模系统clamping system模板控制系统,注塑机上系统的一部分控制系统control system计算机通过检测、处理信息并重新输入计算机进行控制相关参数抽芯距core-pulling distance将侧型心抽至不防碍制品脱落的滑块滑动的距离抽芯力core-pulling force从模内的成型塑件中,抽拔出侧型心所需要的力生产周期Cycle time生产每个制品的时间或是单位时间内生产制品的个数液压系统hydraulic system液压动力注射机上的压力系统短射short shot由于一次注射压力不足或速度偏低引起的浇不足现象喷射jetting材料水份超标,结构不良引起的表面气泡等不良现象白化制品破坏前变形引起的颜色差异缩痕shrinkage热熔体在收缩情况下表面会形成凸凹状现象的统称收缩差异asymmetric shrinkage制品厚度不均匀或分子排列不同引起的不均匀收缩熔接线lines两股或多股熔体结合位置形成的线状痕迹亮线color change一种有明亮痕迹的注塑成型缺陷,一般为线状少为带状冷熔接Cold welding低温区域的熔接,多见于冲填结束,不同塑料熔前交汇造成困气air traps又称包气,熔体流动将气体堵住或包住不能及时排出烧伤burn填充时模具内部气体不能迅速排出产生压缩高温,导致制品局部变色黑斑black specks注射成型过程中因高温或树脂分解等原因引起的黑色不良现象料纹black streads树脂在模具腔内流动时由于层流因素引起的外观不良现象烧焦burn marks因高温引起的成型缺陷的一种色差discoloration制品本身颜色有其他杂质颜色混入形成的不良现象脆化brittleness成型缺陷(因树脂性质发生变化引起的脆化或者破裂)蠕变Creep高聚物在恒定温度和应力下,长度随时间延长而逐步深长的现象位移Displacement熔体内部压力差引起高压部份向低压部分推移现象,可产生层次感分层表面剥离delamination同一树脂或不同树脂发生层流后产生的 现象三角洲效应delta effect局部温度差方向收缩diectional shrinkage由大分子链排列引起的具有方向特性的收缩尺寸变化dimensional variation生产出的制品在不同的环境下都会产生尺寸的变化尺寸稳定性dimensional stability制品尺寸的稳定性和一致性密度Density单位体积的质量翘曲warpage有多种原因引起的变形现象,如收缩翘曲,配向翘曲等变形distortion产品在内应力或外力的作用下产生的尺寸变化以及形状变化迟滞hesitation熔体的某一部份发生停止流动或极缓慢流动的现象垂直于流动方cross-flowshrinkage发生在垂直于熔体流动方向上的收缩向的收缩热变形温度deflection temperatu re热力的作用下,塑料可以发生变形的温度。
1.plain prose2.seckill 秒杀3.chinadonisia 中国、印度、印度尼西亚4.broken society 道德沦丧的社会5. PIIGS 欧猪五国(欧洲主权债务危机最严重的葡萄牙,意大利,爱尔兰,希腊,西班牙五个国家的首字母合成词。
Portugal,Italy,Ireland,Greece,Spain)6.game theory 博弈论(博弈论又被称为对策论(Games Theory),是研究具有斗争或竞争性质现象的理论和方法,它既是现代数学的一个新分支,也是运筹学的一个重要学科。
)7.ghost estate 三无房产、废弃房产(无人居住,无人修缮,或尚未完工的废弃房产)8.defriend:解除好友关系9.cultural pluralism10.Obama-mess:奥巴马乱/困境11. Localization本土化12. 敲门砖:a stepping stone (to)13. 蜗居: humble abode14.富二代:affluent second generation15.房奴:home mortgage slave16汉化英语:Chinglish17. 典故:allusion/ literary quotation18. 典籍英译:old scripture19. 模拟国际会议口译:stimulated international conference interpreting20. 陪同口译: escort interpreting21.翻译专业硕士:Master of translating and interpreting22. 建设中国特色社会主义: build socialism with Chinese characteristics23. 偏方: folk prescription26.隐婚族: concealing-marriage clan27.翻译标准: translation criteria28.增强政治和文化建设: strengthen the construction of political culture29.农家乐: rural/farm tourism30.Escorticism:31.orientalize:东方化32.copycatting:山寨,模仿的产品33.功能对等:functional equivalence34.学术翻译: academic translation31.NASA:national aeronaustics and space administration航空航天医学:aerospace medicine水利枢纽工程:water conservancy project储蓄银行:savings bankAIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndromes),affirmative action:反歧视行动实施科教兴国战略: implement the strategy of vitalizing the country through science and educationGATT: General Agreement on T arrifs and Trade关税暨贸易总协定UNESCO联合国教科文组织CPPCC(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)中国人民政治协商会议hard currency硬通货,强势货币favorable balance of trade:贸易顺差,贸易出超天人合一:unity of man and nature实事求是:seek truth from facts公诚勤朴:严谨求实团结创新:妄自菲薄:belittle/ look down upon/underestimate oneselfYogi瑜伽修行者IMF:International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织SPCA:Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty of Animals英国动物保护协会speak in tongue:讲方言,讲不为人知的语言物流logistics家电下乡:home appliances going to the countryside畅通重庆:traffic-smooth Chongqing面子工程:image/vanity project二线城市:second-tier city医患纠纷:doctor-patient dispute酒驾:driving under the influence叙利亚危机:the crisis in SyriaTOEFL :Test of English as a Foreign Language托福考试NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织smog雾霾4、intellectual property知识产权5、 5、first-aid treatment急救6、6、the voice of people is the voice of god人民的声音就是神的声音7、7、diplomatic ettiquet 外交礼仪8、拜年 a New Year’s visit9、同学会 :homecoming/alumni association10、民意调查:opinion poll11、自助者天助 :God help those who help themselves.12、经济一体化 :economic integrationad hoc: 临时的,特定的,特别地NASA:美国国家航空和航天管理局national aeronaustics and space administration Socrates:苏格拉底~argument苏格拉底论证rule of law:法治worst-case scenario :最恶劣情形(in the worst-case scenario)Midas :迈达斯,传说中的弗里吉亚国王Ponzi scheme:庞氏骗局庞氏骗局”是金字塔传销的模板之一,是一种非法集资。
下面是小编给大家带来的带翻译的高三英语作文,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧!带翻译的高三英语作文1For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic : Information Security. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1) 信息安全问题日益重要2) 信息安全事故可能导致的危害3) 如何做到信息安全题目:Information Security正文: The human beings are stepping into the information society. The information industry develops very rapidly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious white-collar criminals. Thus, information security becomes an impending important issue.In case of information breach, the victims-----government department, an organization or an institution, or a company will inevitably suffer great or small loss. Government may be threatened with national security. Companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects. And the public’s and users’ con fidence will be Then how to deal with this issue? Technology is only a partial solution to information security. What’s more important is that organizations and companies should promote the awareness on information security to its staff. However, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough. Companies andorganizations should adopt a dual approach to information security management by combing prevention and detection techniques.翻译:现在人类正步入信息社会。
铁路信号专业词汇英文翻译1 、4毫米锁闭 check 4mm opening of a switch point2、矮型信号机 dwarf signal3、安全电路 vital circuit4、安全接点 safety contact5、按钮 push-in button6 、按钮表示 button indication7、半自动闭塞机 semi-automatic block machine8、半自动闭塞联系电路 liaison circuit with semi-automatic blocks9 、半自动化驼峰系统 semi-automatic hump yard system10、保护区段 overlap protection block section11 、备电源 stand-by power source12 、被控点 controlled point13 、闭路式轨道电路 close type track circuit14 、闭塞分区 block section15、闭塞机 block instrument16、臂板接触器 contacts operated by semaphore17 、臂板转极器 pole changer operated by semaphore18、变压器箱 transformer box19、标准分路灵敏度 standard shunting sensitivity20 、表示 indication21、表示灯 indication lamp22、表示灯电源 power source for indication lamp23 、表示电路 indication circuit24 、表示对象 indicated object25 、表示杆 indication rod26、表示连接杆 connecting rod for indication27 、表示盘 indicating panel28 表示器 indicator29 表示周期 indication cycle30 并联式轨道电路 multiply connected track circuit31 并置信号点 double signal location32 不对称脉冲轨道电路 asymmetrical impulse track circuit33 不限时人工解锁 manual non-time release34 材质不良 bad material35 操纵台 operating console36 侧撞 conering37 测长 distance-to-coupling measurement38 测试环线 test loop39 测速 speed measurement40 测重 weight sensing41 测阻 rollability measurement42 插接不良 plug-in trouble43 岔中绝缘 insulated joint within a turnout44 场间联系电路 liaison circuit between yards45 车档表示器 buffer stop indicator46 车辆存在监测器 presence monitor47 车辆加速器 car accelerator48 车轮传感器 wheel detector49 车门自动控制 automatic train door control50 车站控制 station master control51 出站信号机 starting signal52 储风罐 air reservoir53 储酸室 acid store room54 传动系统 driving system55 传输继电器 transmitting relay56 串联式轨道电路 serially connected track circuit57 磁路系统 magnetic circuit58 从属信号机 dependent signal59 错溜 miseroute60 错误办理 wrong handling错误关闭信号 false stopping of a signal62 错误解锁 false release63 错误开放信号 wrong clearing of a signal64 错误锁闭 false locking65 错误显示 wrong indication66 大功率转辙机 heavy duty switch machine67 大站电气集中联锁 relay interlocking for large station68 带柄道岔表示器 switch indicator with level69 带动道岔 switch with follow up movement70 单独操纵继电式电气集 individual level type all-relay interlocking71 单独操纵作业 manual operation72 单断 single break73 单轨条式轨道电路 single rail track circuit74 单频感应器 single frequency inductor75 单线臂板信号机 single wire semaphore signal76 单线继电半自动闭塞 single track all-relay semi-automatic block system77 单向自动闭塞 single-directional running automatic block78 单置信号点 single signal location79 弹力继电器 spring-type relay80 导管调整器 pipe compensator81 导线导轮 wire carrier82 导线调整器 wire compensator83 导线反正扣 wire-adjusting screw84 导线立轮 vertical wheel85 导线平轮 horizontal wheel86 导线平轮组 horizontal wheel assembly87 导线装置 wire installation88 导向安全 failure to the safe side89 到发线出岔电路 protection circuit with switch lying in receiving-90 道岔表示 switch indication91 道岔表示电源 power source for switch indication92 道岔表示器 switch indicator93 道岔错误表示 false indication of a switch94 道岔定位表示 switch normal indication95 道岔动作电源 power source for switch operation96 道岔反位表示 switch reverse indication97 道岔封锁 switch closed up98 道岔控制电路 switch control circuit99 道岔控制电源 power source for switch control100 道岔密贴 switch point closure101 道岔启动 switch starting102 道岔区段 section with a switch or switches103 道岔人工解锁 manual release of a locked switch104 道岔失去表示 loss of indication of a switch105 道岔顺序启动 sequential starting of switches106 道岔顺序转换 sequential transiting of switches107 道岔锁闭表示 switch locked indication108 道岔握柄 switch lever109 道岔中途转换 switch thrown under moving cars110 道口接近区段 approach section of a highway level crossing111 道口闪光信号 highway level crossing flashing signal112 道口室外音响器 highway level crossing out door audible device 113 道口信号机 highway level crossing signal114 道口信号控制盘 highway level crossing signal control panel115 道口遮断信号 highway level crossing obstruction signal116 道渣电阻 ballast resistance117 灯光转移 to transfer of lighting indication118 灯丝断丝 filament burn-out119 灯丝断丝报警 alarm for burnout of filaments120 敌对信号 conflicting signal121 地面感应器 wayside inductor122 地面设备 wayside equipment123 地中电缆盒 underground cable terminal box124 第二接近区段 second approach section125 第二离去区段 second departure section126 第一接近区段 first approach section127 第一离去区段 first departure section128 电动臂板电锁器联锁 interlocking by electric locks with electric semap129 电动臂板信号机 electric semaphore signal130 电动传送设备 electric motor operated conveyer131 电话闭塞 telephone block system132 电机集中联锁 electro-mechanical interlocking133 电空传送设备 electropneumatic conveyer134 电码轨道电路 coded track circuit135 电码自动闭塞 automatic block with coded track circuit136 电气路牌闭塞 electric tablet block system137 电气路牌机 electric tablet instrument138 电气路签闭塞 electric staff system139 电气路签机 electric staff instrument140 电气锁闭 electric locking141 电压过低 voltage below level142 电压自动调整器 automatic voltage regulator143 电液转辙机 electrohydraulic switch machine144 电源端子 terminals for power supplies145 电源转换屏 power switching over panel146 调车表示器 shunting indicator147 调车表示器电路 shunting indicator circuit148 调车区电气集中联锁 interlocking for shunting area149 调车线始端减速器 tangent retarder150 调车信号机 shunting signal151 调度集中分机 field equipment of ctc152 调度集中总机 control office equipment of ctc153 调度控制 dispatchers control154 调频轨道电路 frequency modulated track circuit155 叠加轨道电路 overlap track circuit156 定点停车 stopping a train at a target point157 定反位锁闭 normal and reverse locking158 定期维修 periodical maintenance159 定位接点 normal contact160 定位锁闭 normal locking161 动程 stroke162 动接点 contact heel163 动态长度 distance-to-go164 动作杆 throw rod165 动作连接杆 operating rod for driving a switch166 对向重叠进路 route with overlapped section in the opposite dire 167 额定值 rated value168 扼流变压器 impedance transformer169 二次参数 secondary parameter170 二显示自动闭塞 two-aspect automatic block171 发车表示器 departure indicator172 发车表示器电路 departure indicator circuit173 发车进路信号机 route signal for departure174 发车线路表示器 departure track indicator175 发车信号 departure signal176 反位接点 reverse contact177 反位锁闭 reverse locking178 反装 left-handed machine179 方向电源 directional traffic power source180 方向转接器 directional switch181 防护变压器 protective transformer182 防护道岔 protective turnout183 防护区段 protected section184 防止重复 prevention for repetitive clear of a signal 185 妨害故障 hindrance fault186 非安全电路 non-vital circuit187 非机械化驼峰设备 unmechanized hump yard equipment 188 非集中道岔 locally operated switch189 非进路调车 to hold route for shunting190 非进路调车电路 circuit to hold a route for shunting 191 非联锁道岔 non-interlocked switch192 非联锁区 non-interlocking area193 非自复式按钮 stick button194 分割区段 cut section195 分路 shunt196 分路道岔 branching turnout197 分路灵敏度 shunting sensitivity198 分线盘 distributing terminal board199 分线盘端子 terminals on distributing board200 分向电缆盒 cable branching terminal box201 风管路调压设备 air pipeline pressure governor 202 风压调整器 manometer regulator203 封锁 close up204 峰下减速器 master retarder205 浮充供电 floating charge power supply206 复示信号 repeating signal207 复示信号机 repeating signal208 干线供电 main linely connected power supply 209 杆上电缆盒 cable terminal box on a post210 感应式机车信号 inductive cab signaling211 钢轨绝缘 rail insulation212 钢轨绝缘不良 bad rail insulation213 钢轨引接线 track lead214 高柱信号机 high signal215 工作电流 working current216 工作值 working value217 共用箱 cab signal box218 股道空闲 track clear219 股道占用 track occupied220 故障-安全 fail-safe221 故障办理 emergency treatment after failure 222 故障复原 restoration after a failure223 故障积累 failure accumulation224 故障升级 progression of failure225 故障修 corrective maintenance226 光带 light strip227 光带式表示 stript indication light228 光点式表示 spotted indication light229 轨道变压器箱 track transformer box230 轨道变阻器 track rheostat231 轨道电抗器 track reactor232 轨道电路电码化 coding of continuous track circuit 233 轨道电路调整状态 regulated state of a track circuit 234 轨道电路分割 cut-section of a track circuit235 轨道电路分路状态 shunted state of a track circuit 236 轨道电路蓄电现象 track storage effect237 轨道接触器 track treadle238 轨道生电现象 track galvanic effect239 轨道受电变压器 track relay transformer240 轨道送电变压器 track transformer feed end241 焊接式钢轨接续线 welded bond242 后接点 back contact243 后圈 back coil244 后退信号 backing signal245 环状供电 looply connected power supply246 缓动继电器 slow-acting relay247 缓放继电器 slow release relay248 缓放时间 slow release time249 缓吸继电器 slow pick-up relay250 缓吸时间 slow pick-up time251 汇流条 bus-bar252 混合电源 ac-battery power source253 混合供电制 ac-battery power supply system254 机车感应器 locomotive inductor255 机车接近通知 approaching announcing in cab256 机车设备 locomotive equipment257 机车信号测试区段 cab signaling testing section258 机车信号作用点 cab signaling inducter location259 机务段联系电路 liaison circuit with a locodepot260 机械臂板信号机 mechanically operated semaphore signal261 机械化驼峰设备 mechanized hump yard equipment262 机械集中联锁 mechanical interlocking263 机械锁闭 mechanical locking264 基本进路 basic route265 基本联锁电路 fundamental interlocking circuit266 极性检查电路 polarity checking circuit267 集中道岔 centrally operated switch268 集中电源 centrally connected power source269 集中供电 centrally connected power supply270 挤岔报警 alarm for a trailed switch271 挤切 dissectible272 挤切销 dissectible pin273 挤脱 trailable274 计划修 planned maintenance275 计轴自动闭塞 automatic block with axle counter276 继电并联传递网路 successively worked parallel relay network 277 继电并联网路 parallel relay network278 继电串联网路 series relay network279 继电器防震架 shock absorber base for relays280 继电器控制电源 power source for relay control281 继电器灵敏度 relay sensitivity282 继电器释放 relay released283 继电器吸起 relay energized284 继电器箱 relay case285 继电式电气集中联锁 all-relay interlocking286 加封 sealing287 加速推送信号 humping fast signal288 尖端杆 front rod of a point289 监督对象 surveillanced object290 减速器工作状态 retarder in working state291 减速器缓解状态 retarder released292 减速器接近限界 clearance of a retarder293 减速器制动状态 retarder in closed state294 减速推送信号 humping slow signal295 减速信号 restriction signal296 检修不良 not well inspected and repaired297 交流电源屏 ac power supply panel298 交流二元二位继电器 ac two element two position relay299 交流供电制 ac power supply system300 交流计数电码轨道电路 ac counting coded track circuit301 交流计数电码自动闭塞 automatic block with ac counting code track ci 302 交流继电器 ac relay303 交直流继电器 ac-dc relay304 较大限制信号 more restrictive signal305 较大允许信号 more favorable signal306 接车进路信号机 route signal for receiving307 接车信号 receiving signal308 接触不良 bad contact309 接地报警 grounding alarm310 接点闭合 contact closed311 接点断开 contact open312 接点系统 contact system313 接点压力 contact pressure314 接发车进路信号机 route signal for receiving-departure315 接杆 pipe jaw316 接近表示 approach indication317 接近发码 coding during train approaching318 接近连续式机车信号 approach continuous cab signaling 319 接近区段 approach section320 接近锁闭 approach locking321 接收线圈 receiving coil322 解除闭塞 block cleared323 解锁按钮盘 manual release button panel324 解锁电路 release circuit325 解锁进路 released route326 解锁力 releasing force327 尽头信号机 signal for stub-end track328 近程监督分区 directly surveillanced subsection329 近程网路 directly surveillanced network330 进路表 route sheet331 进路表示器 route indicator332 进路表示器电路 route indicator circuit333 进路操纵作业 semi-automatic operation by route334 进路储存器 route storaging devices335 进路电路 route selecting circuit336 进路分段解锁 sectional release of a locked route337 进路继电式电气集中联 route type all-relay interlocking 338 进路解锁 route release339 进路人工解锁 manual route release340 进路锁闭 route locking341 进路锁闭表示 route locking indication342 进路信号机 route signal343 进路一次解锁 route release at once344 进行信号 proceed signal345 进站信号机 home signal346 警惕按钮 acknowledgment button347 警惕手柄 acknowledgment lever348 静态长度 car space349 局部电源 locally supplied power source 350 局部控制 local control351 局部控制电路 local control circuit352 局部控制盘 local control panel353 绝对信号 absolute signal354 绝缘不良 bad insulation355 开路式轨道电路 open type track circuit 356 开通 put into operation357 可调拐肘 adjustable crank358 空气压缩机室 air compressor room359 控制点 controlling point360 控制对象 controlled object361 控制盘 control panel362 控制台单元 control desk element363 控制台室 control room364 控制周期 control cycle365 快动继电器 quick-acting relay366 快速转辙机 quick-acting switch machine 367 快吸继电器 quick pick-up relay368 拉钮 pull-out button369 雷达测速器 radar speedometer370 雷电干扰 lightning interference371 离去表示 departure indication372 离去区段 departure section373 励磁电路 energizing circuit374 连接杆 pipe link375 连续式轨道电路 continuous track circuit376 联锁表 interlocking table377 联锁道岔 interlocked switch378 联锁区 interlocking area379 联锁图表 interlocking chart and table380 联锁箱 point detector381 联锁箱联锁 interlocking by point detector382 联系电路 liaison circuit383 两点检查 released by checking two sections384 列车运行控制系统 train operation control system385 列车自动调速 automatic train speed regulation386 列车自动限速 automatic train speed restriction387 邻线干扰 interference from neighboring line388 零层端子 terminals of layer 0 of a relay rack389 溜放进路自动控制 automatic switching control of humping yard by rou 390 溜放速度自动控制 automatic rolling down speed control391 漏解锁 missing release392 漏锁闭 missing locking393 路牌 tablet394 路牌携带器 tablet pouch395 路牌自动授收机 automatic tablet exchanger396 路签 train staff397 路签携带器 staff pouch398 路签自动授收机 automatic staff exchanger399 乱显示 false indication400 轮修 alternative maintenance401 脉冲继电器 impulse relay402 脉冲式轨道电路 pulse track circuit403 密贴调整杆 adjustable switch operating rod404 灭火花电路 spark extinguishing circuit405 摩擦电流 frictional working current406 摩擦联结器 frictional clutch407 目标打靶控制 target shooting408 内燃牵引干扰 diesel traction interference409 排列进路 route setting410 偏极继电器 polar biased relay411 票据传送设备 classification list conveyer system412 破封 break a seal413 牵纵拐肘 escapement414 前接点 front contact415 前圈 front coil416 强电干扰 high voltage interference417 桥梁通知设备 bridge announciating device418 桥梁遮断信号 bridge obstruction signal419 切断音响按钮 button for cut-off an audible signal420 侵入限界绝缘 insulated joint located within the clearance limit 421 区段锁闭 section locking422 区段遥控 remote control for a section423 区段占用表示 section occupancy indication424 区间封锁 section closed up425 区间空闲 section cleared426 区间联系电路 liaison circuit with block signaling427 取消闭塞 to cancel a block428 取消进路 to cancel a route429 去禁溜线信号 shunting signal to prohibitive humping line430 热力继电器 thermal relay431 人工分路 manual shunt432 人工解锁 manual release433 人工解锁表示 manual release indication434 人为故障 human failure435 容许信号 permissive signal436 熔断器断丝 fuse burn-out437 熔断器断丝报警 fuse break alarm438 塞钉式钢轨接续线 plug bond439 三点检查 released by checking three sections440 三显示自动闭塞 three-aspect automatic block441 闪光电源 flashing power source442 设备停用 equipment out-of use443 失去联锁 loss of interlocking444 施工妨碍 construction interference445 事故照明 emergency lighting446 释放时间 drop away time447 释放值 release value448 手柄 handle449 手动调压 manual voltage regulation450 受电端 receiving end451 枢纽遥控 remote control of a junction terminal452 双断 double break453 双轨条式轨道电路 double rail track circuit454 双面调车信号机 signal for shunting forward and backward455 双频感应器 double frequency inductor456 双线臂板信号机 double wire semaphore signal457 双线继电半自动闭塞 double track all-relay semi-automatic block system458 双向自动闭塞 double-direction running automatic block459 双重控制 dual control460 水分离器 water separator461 水鹤表示器 water crane indicator462 顺向重叠进路 route with overlapped section in the same directio 463 瞬时分路 instantaneous shunt464 瞬时分路不良 instantaneous loss of shunting465 死区段 dead section466 四点检查 released by checking four sections467 四显示自动闭塞 four-aspect automatic block468 送电端 feed end469 送受分开电路 sending and receiving separated circuit470 速差制信号 speed signaling471 隧道通知设备 tunnel announciating device472 隧道遮断信号 tunnel obstruction signal473 锁闭电路 locking circuit474 锁闭杆 locking rod475 锁闭力 locking force476 锁闭系统 locking system477 条件电源 conditional power source478 条件电源屏 conditional power supply panel479 跳线 jumper480 铁道信号 railway signaling481 听觉信号 audible signal482 停车信号 stop signal483 停电 power failure484 通过按钮电路 through button circuit485 通过信号 through signal486 通过信号机 block signal487 同意按钮盘 agreement button panel488 推峰速度自动控制 automatic control for humping speed489 推送小车辆 propelling trolley490 推送信号 start humping signal491 脱轨表示器 derail indicator492 脱线修 off line maintenance493 驼峰电气集中 electric interlocking for hump yard494 驼峰复示信号机 humping signal repeater495 驼峰机车遥控 remote control of hump engines496 驼峰机械修理室 hump mechanics repair room497 驼峰溜放控制系统 humping control system498 驼峰信号机 hump signal499 晚点表示 delaying time indication500 微机-继电式电气集中? microcomputer-relay interlocking501 微机联锁 microcomputer interlocking502 维修不良 not well maintained503 无岔区段 section without a switch504 无极继电器 neutral relay505 误用故障 misuse fault506 吸起时间 pick-up time507 吸起值 pick-up value508 下峰信号 down hump trimming signal509 下坡道防护电路 protection circuit for approaching heavy down grad 510 显示距离 range of a signal511 线路点 field location512 线路区段 track section513 线路占用表示 track occupancy indication514 线路遮断表示器 track obstruction indicator515 线群出站信号机 group starting signal516 线束减速器 group retarder517 线头脱落 wire lead drop out518 限界检查器 clearance treadle519 限时人工解锁 manual time release520 相敏轨道电路 phase detecting track circuit521 小站电气集中联锁 relay interlocking for small station 522 信号大修 signal overhaul repair523 信号点 signal location524 信号复示器 signal repeater525 信号故障 signal fault526 信号关闭 signal at stop527 信号关闭表示 stop signal indication528 信号机点灯电路 signal lighting circuit529 信号机点灯电源 signal lighting power source530 信号机后方 in rear of a signal531 信号机前方 in advance of a signal532 信号集中修 signal centralized maintenance533 信号检修 signal inspection534 信号开放 signal at clear535 信号开放表示 cleared signal indication536 信号控制电路 signal control circuit537 信号桥 signal bridge538 信号托架 signal bracket539 信号握柄 signal lever540 信号无效标 signal out of order sign541 信号选别器 signal slot542 信号整治 signal renovation543 信号中修 signal intermediate repair544 行车记录设备 train movement recording equipment545 行车信号机 train signal546 蓄电池供电 storage battery power supply547 蓄电池室 battery room548 选路 route selection549 选路制信号 route signaling550 循环检查制 cyclic scanning system551 咽喉信号机 signal in throat section552 遥控区段 remotely controlled section553 遥信区段 remotely surveillanced section554 夜间信号 night signal555 一次参数 primary parameter556 一次电池供电 primary cell power supply557 一送多受 single feeding and multiple receiving track circui 558 油压动力室 hydraulic pressure engine room559 有极继电器 polarized relay560 迂回进路 detour route561 预办闭塞 preworking a block562 预防维修 preventive maintenance563 预告标 warning signs for approaching a station564 预告信号 approaching signal565 预告信号机 distant signal566 预排进路 presetting of a route567 远程监督分区 relayed surveillanced subsection568 远程网路 relayed surveillanced network569 钥匙路签 staff with a key570 允许预推信号 permissive prehumping signal571 运行图描绘仪 train diagram plotter572 在线修 on line maintenance573 占线表示 occupancy indication574 站场型网路 geographical circuitry575 站间联系电路 liaison circuit between stations576 站界标 station limit sign577 站内道口联系电路 liaison circuit with highway crossings within the 578 照查锁闭 check locking579 遮断信号 obstruction signal580 遮断信号按钮 obstruction signal button581 遮断信号机 obstruction signal582 遮断预告信号机 approach obstruction signal583 整流继电器 rectifier relay584 整流器供电 rectifier power supply585 正常动作继电器 normal acting relay586 正装 right-handed machine587 直角拐肘 right angle crank588 直流电源屏 dc power supply panel589 直流供电制 dc power supply system590 直流轨道电路 dc track circuit591 直流继电器 dc relay592 中继站 repeater station593 中间电缆盒 intermediate cable terminal box594 中途返回 midway return operation595 中心控制 centrallized control596 终端电缆盒 cable terminal box597 重叠区段 overlap section598 重复检查 repeated checking599 重力继电器 gravitation type relay600 昼间信号 day signal601 昼夜通用信号 signal for day and night602 主灯丝断丝报警 alarm for burnout of a main filament603 主电源 main power source604 主体信号机 main signal605 注意信号 caution signal606 转换时间 transfer time607 转换锁闭器 switch-and-lock mechanism608 转极时间 pole-changing time609 转极值 pole-changing value610 转向杆 deflecting bar611 转辙机安装装置 switch machine installation612 转辙锁闭器 plunger lock613 追钩 catch up614 自闭电路 self-stick circuit615 自动闭塞联系电路 liaison circuit with automatic blocks 616 自动操纵作业 automatic operation617 自动抄车号 automatic car identification618 自动点灯 automatic lighting619 自动调压 automatic voltage regulation620 自动化驼峰系统 automatic hump yard system621 自动缓解 false release by itself622 自动开闭器 switch circuit controller623 自动栏木 automatic operated barrier624 自动通过按钮电路 automatically through button circuit 625 自动限时解锁 automatic time release626 自动转接 automatic switching over627 自复式按钮 nonstick button628 综合架 composite rack629 总出站信号机 advance starting signal630 组合 unit block631 组合端子 terminals of a unit block632 组合柜 modular block rack633 组合继电器 combination relay634 组合架 unit block assembly rack635 组合式电气集中联锁 unit-block type relay interlocking 636 组合式信号机构 modular type signal mechanism637 组匣 modular block638 组匣端子 terminals of a modular block639 组匣柜 modular block rack640 组匣式电气集中联锁 modular type relay interlocking 641 最大限制信号 most restrictive signal642 最大允许信号 most favorable signal。
no less … than等七种否定句型翻译
no less … than等七种否定句型翻译英语中的否定结构是翻译中的一个常见而以比较复杂质问题。
本文章节标题一、no less … than等七种比较结构中的否定现象翻译二、部分否定三、全部否定四、双重否定五、形式肯定但意义否定六、形式否定但意义肯定七、否定成分的转译一、no less … than等七种比较结构中的否定现象翻译英语中表示比较的句型相当多,如果句型中插进了一个否定词,其意义和用法就很难掌握。
下面介绍几种常见的表达方式:1.no better than:表示“和……一样;实际等于……”,如:1) He is no better than a beggar. 他实际上等于一个乞丐。
2) The patient is no better than he was yesterday. 病人的情况和昨天一样。
3) He has no better a say in the matter than I have. 他和我一样在这件事上没有发言权。
2.not. . . any more than或no more. . . than:表示“同……一样不”,如:1) I could no more do that than you. I could not do that any more than you. 你不能做这件事,我也不能做。
Geoffrey Leech 在《语义学》(Semantics)一书中将语言的意义分为七种类型:a.概念意义(Conceptual Meaning)、b.含蓄意义(Connotative Meaning)、c.社会意义(Social Meaning)、d.情感意义(Affective Meaning)、e.反应意义(Reflected Meaning)、f.搭配意义(Collocative Meaning)和g.主体意义(Thematic Meaning)。
同时Leech将b-f统一划入联想意义(Associative Meaning)。
1. Pakage Insert (Insert) 说明书2. Drug Name (Medicine) 药品名称3. Description 性状4. Action 作用5. Indication 适应症6. Contraindications 禁忌症7. Precaution 注意事项 8. Side Effects 副作用9. Dosage and Administration 剂量和用法 10. Dacking 包装失效期 12. Manufactring Date 出厂日期参考文献药品名称一、英语药品说明书一般用商品名,由生产厂家向该国政府有关部门申请注册正式名称,受该国政府法律保护,在药品名称的右上角有个○R的符号,意思是已经申请注册的法定名称,不可随意改变名称。
○R=Recive 在药品之后有时Issued to(for) the Medical profession only短语,意:仅供医界参考。
例:Mobic ○R Issued to(for) the medical prfession.二、译法:分四种译法1. 音译:按英语读音用相应的汉字译出例: Mobic 莫比可 Rifampicin 利福平2. 意译:按药品名称各组成部份的英语意义译成汉语例: Streptomycine 是由Strepto和mycine组成,其中Strepto(链球状),mycine(霉素),则按英语意思,译成:链霉素。
Nitroglycerine 由Nitro(硝基)+glycerin(甘油)组成,则意为硝酸甘油Aminophylline由Amino+phylline 译:氨茶碱3. 音意并译:按英语药名组成,前面部份按音译,后面部份按意译。
不良现象英语作文The Phenomenon of Bad Behavior。
In today's society, we are witnessing a growing trend of bad behavior among people of all ages. This phenomenonis not only a concern for individuals, but also for the community as a whole. In this essay, we will explore the causes and consequences of this issue, as well as potential solutions to address it.One of the main causes of bad behavior is the lack of proper education and upbringing. Many individuals grow upin environments where they are not taught the importance of respect, honesty, and empathy. As a result, they may develop a sense of entitlement and disregard for others, leading to behaviors such as rudeness, dishonesty, and aggression.Another contributing factor to bad behavior is the influence of mass media and popular culture. With the riseof social media and reality TV, people are constantly exposed to images and messages that promote materialism, superficiality, and instant gratification. This can lead to a distorted sense of values and priorities, as well as alack of empathy and understanding towards others.Furthermore, the pressures of modern life, such as work stress, financial difficulties, and social expectations,can also contribute to bad behavior. When individuals are overwhelmed by these challenges, they may resort tonegative coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse, aggression, or deceit, in order to alleviate theiremotional pain and frustration.The consequences of bad behavior are far-reaching and can have a detrimental impact on both individuals and society. In personal relationships, bad behavior can leadto conflict, mistrust, and emotional harm. In the workplace, it can result in decreased productivity, low morale, and a toxic work environment. In the community, it can lead to crime, violence, and social unrest.In order to address the issue of bad behavior, it is important for individuals, families, and communities totake proactive measures. Firstly, parents and educators should emphasize the importance of moral values, empathy, and self-discipline in the upbringing and education of children. By instilling these qualities at a young age, we can help prevent the development of bad behavior in the future.Secondly, the media and popular culture should be held accountable for promoting positive messages and role models that encourage empathy, kindness, and social responsibility. By creating a more positive and inclusive media environment, we can help shape the values and behaviors of the next generation.Lastly, individuals should seek support and resourcesto cope with the pressures and challenges of modern life in healthy and constructive ways. This may involve seeking counseling, practicing mindfulness and self-care, or engaging in community activities that promote social connection and well-being.In conclusion, the phenomenon of bad behavior is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a collective effort to address. By understanding the causes and consequences of this issue, as well as taking proactive measures to promote positive values and behaviors, we can work towards creating a more respectful, empathetic, and harmonious society for all.。
A Red Light for scofflaws的翻译
Title: A Red Light for scofflaws:1)Law-and –order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue inU.S. history. 2)Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let lone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 3)Indeed, there are moments today—amid outlaw litter, tax cheating, illicit noise and motorized anarchy —when it seems as though the scofflaw represents the wave of the future. 4)Harvard Sociologist David Reisman suspects that a majority of Americans have blithely taken to supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course.对违法者亮红灯法律和秩序是美国历时最长,也许还是人们最津津乐道的政治问题。
96 型芯
97 支架
injection housing
98 推块
ejector pad
单位体积的质量 有多种原因引起的变形现象,如收缩翘曲,配向翘曲等 产品在内应力或外力的作用下产生的尺寸变化以及形状变化 熔体的某一部份发生停止流动或极缓慢流动的现象 发生在垂直于熔体流动方向上的收缩 热力的作用下,塑料可以发生变形的温度 保压后制品在模具内部成型完毕脱离模具的现象 方便成型制品脱离模具而设计的角度 成型制品不容易脱离模具的现象 残留在制品内部因各种原因产生的应力 很多小分子连接而成的具有较大质量的长分子连 熔体在模具内冷却状态之一的数学表示方法 成型后制品拿出的过程 毛坯加工或留有大量余量的待加工品 配合CPU工作的马达 完成一个组件或产品经过的步骤 以塑料为原料生产的制品 通过注射方式成型的模具 倾斜于分型面、随模具的开闭产生相对运动的圆柱零件 斜向镶块或滑动的镶块 组合方式之一 使镶件或拼块定位并紧固在一起的框套形结构零件 成型模具内表面突起的组件 使动模能固定在压机或注塑机上的L型垫块 在腔内起部分成型作用,并在开模时把塑件从型腔内推出的零件
quality tolerance defective product label identifying sheet list Seiri Seiton Seiso Seiketsu Shitsuke Safe deficient purchase scratch dents bolt thermoplastic injection molding contorl plat pro-face safety door injection seat screw chamber heater nozzle
土力学词汇英汉对照编写人:**审核人:刘松玉、张克恭东南大学交通学院二00五年三月Aabsorbed water 吸着水accumulation sedimentation method累积沉淀法active earth pressure主动土压力E aactivity index 活性指数Aadamic earth,red soil 红粘土additional stress(pressure)of subsoil 地基附加应力(压力)σzadverse geologic phenomena 不良地质现象aeolian soils风积土aeolotropic soil 各向异性土air dried soils 风干土allowable subsoil bearing capacity地基容许承载力[σ0]allowable settlement 容许沉降alluvial soil 冲积土angle between failure plane and major principal plane破坏面与大主平面的夹角angle of internal,external (wall) friction 内摩擦角ϕ、外(墙背)摩擦角angular gravel,angular pebble角砾anisotropic soil各向异性土aquifer含水层aquifuge,impermeabler layer 不透水层area of foundation base 基础底面面积Aartesian water head承压水头artificial fills 人工填土artificial foundation 人工地基Atterberg Limits阿太堡界限attitude 产状average consolidation pressure平均固结压力average heaving ratio of frozen soil layer 冻土层的平均冻胀率ηaverage pressure ,additional pressure of foundation base基底平均压力、平均附加压力p、p0Bbase tilt factor of foundation基础倾斜系数b c、b q、bγbase tilt factors基底倾斜系数b c、b q、bγbearing capacity 承载力bearing capacity factors承载力系数N c,、N q,、Nγ[California]Bearing Ratio [CBR] 承载比bearing stratum 持力层bedrock,original rock 基岩beginning hydraulic gradient起始水力梯度(坡降)i oBiot consolidation theory 比奥固结理论Bishop’s slice method 比肖普条分法bound water 结合水(束缚水)boulder漂石Boussinesq theory 布辛奈斯克理论bridge 桥梁bridge pier 桥墩broken stone,crushed stone碎石bulk modulus 体积模量buried depth of foundation 基础埋置深度d buoyant density 浮密度ρ'buoyant gravity density(unit weight)浮重度(容重)γ’CCalifornia Bearing Ratio(CBR)加州承载比capillary rise 毛细水上升高度capillary water毛细(管)水categorization of geotechnical projects 岩土工程分级cementation胶结作用central load 中心荷载(轴心荷载)characteristic value of subsoil bearing capacity 地基承载力特征值f akchemical grouting 化学灌浆circular footing圆形基础clay 粘土clay content 粘粒含量clay minerals 粘土矿物clayey silt 粘质粉土clayey soils ,clayly soils 粘性土coarse aggregate 粗骨料coarse-grained soils 粗粒土coarse sand 粗砂cobble卵石Code for design of building foundation 建筑地基基础设计规范coefficient of active earth pressure 主动土压力系数K acoefficient of passive earth pressure 被动土压力系数K Pcoefficient of collapsibility湿陷系数δs coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数a coefficient of curvature 曲率系数C c coefficient of earth pressure at rest 静止土压力系数Kcoefficient of lateral pressure侧压力系数K0coefficient of permeability 渗透系数k coefficient of secondary consolidation 次固结系数coefficient of uniformity 不均匀系数coefficient of vertical consolidation竖向固结(压密)系数c v.coefficient of vertical ,horizontal permeability 竖向、水平向渗透系数k h coefficient of vertical ,horizontal,tangential additional stress beneath a uniform strip load 均布条形荷载下竖向、水平向、切向附加应力系数αsz、αsx、αsxz coefficient of vertical additional ,average additional stress beneath a uniform round load at centre point均布圆形荷载中点下竖向、平均附加应力系数αr、coefficient of vertical additional ,average additional stress beneath a triangular distributed rectangle load at corner point 三角形分布矩形荷载角点下竖向、附加、平均附加应力系数αt1、αt2、、coefficient of vertical additional ,average additional stress of beneath a uniform rectangle load at corner point 均布矩形荷载角点下竖向、附加、平均附加应力系数αc、coefficient of vertical additional stress beneath a concentration load 集中应力系数αcoefficient of viscosity 粘滞系数coefficient of volume compression体积压缩系数m Vcoefficient of weathering 风化系数cohesionless soils 无粘性土cohesive soils 粘性土collapsibility 湿陷性compactibility 压实性compaction by rolling 碾压法compaction test 击实试验compaction factor 压实系数λccompactness密实度composite ground 复合地基compressibility 压缩性compression index压缩指数C ccompression(constrained modulus)压缩(侧限)模量E scompression zone 受力层,压缩层compression-curves压缩曲线(e-p和e-log p曲线)compressive strength 抗压强度concentrated load 集中力P[static]cone penetration test[CPT]静力触探试验confined water head 承压水头confining pressure [周]围压[力]consistency 稠度consistency limit 稠度界限consolidated quick (direct) shear test 固结快剪(直剪)试验consolidated quick shear cohesion、angle of internal friction 固结快剪粘聚力、内摩擦角c cq 、ϕcq consolidated undrainedtriaxial compression test[CU-test] 固结不排水三轴压缩试验consolidated-undrained cohesion 、angle of internal friction 固结不排水粘聚力、内摩擦角c cu 、ϕcuconsolidation apparatus 固结仪、压缩仪、渗压仪consolidation curve 固结 (d -和d -log t 曲线) consolidation settlement 固结沉降s cconsolidation test (contain compression test ) 固结(压密)试验(含有压缩试验) constrained diameter of soil partical 限制粒径d 60constrained modulus 侧限模量E scontact stress( pressure) 接触应力(压力) contaminated soil 污染土 corner-point method 角点法Coulomb ’s theory of earth pressure 库伦土压力理论 creep 蠕变critical edge 、critical, ultimate load of subsoil bearing capacity 地基承载力的临塑荷载p cr 、临界荷载p 1/3 p 1/4、极限荷载p u critical height of slope (土坡)临界高度 critical hydraulic gradient 临界水力梯度i crcritical void raio 临界孔隙比 crushed stone,broken stone 碎石 culvert 涵洞 cushion 垫层cyclic triaxial test 周期三轴试验 Ddamping ratio 阻尼比λ Darcy ’s law 达西定律 Debris flow 泥石流 deep foundation 深基础 deep mixing method 深层搅拌法degree of compaction 压实度λcdegree of consolidation 固结度U degree of saturation 饱和度S rdensification by sand pile 挤密砂桩 density 密度depth factor of foundation 基础深度系数d c 、d q 、d γ differential settlement 沉降差dike,levee 堤 dilatancy 剪胀性diluvial fan 洪积扇 diluvial soils 洪积土direct shear test 直[接]剪[切]试验 dispersive clay 分散性粘土 disturbed samples 扰动土样 double layer 双电层drainage cohesion, angle of internal friction 排水[剪]粘聚力、内摩擦角c d 、ϕd drained shear strength 排水抗剪强度τd[consolidated]drainedtriaxial[compression ]test [CD-test][固结]排水三轴[压缩]试验 drift-sand 流砂[现象] dry density 干密度ρddrygravity density (unit weight) 干重度(容重)γddynamic elastic modulus 动弹性模量E d dynamic load 动荷载dynamic penetration test 动力触探试验 dynamic triaxial test 动三轴试验 dynamic shear modulus 动剪切模量G d dynamic strain ,stress 动应变εd 、动应力σd EEarth dam 土坝 Earth material 土料earth pressure at rest 静止土压力E 0 earthquake engineering 地震工程学 earth -rock dam 土石坝earthwork 土石方工程eccentric load 偏心荷载eccentricity of foundation base loading (result of forces) 基础底面荷载合力偏心距e effective angle of internal friction有效内摩擦角ϕ’effective cohesion 有效粘聚力c’effective grain size 有效粒径d10effective stress 有效应力σ’effective stress path[ESP]有效应力路径elastic modulus,Young’s modulus 弹性模量E electro-osmosis 电渗embankments 路堤engineering geologic columnar profile 工程地质柱状图engineering geologic exploration工程地质勘察engineering geologic drilling 工程地质钻探engineering geologic evaluation 工程地质评价engineering geologic map 工程地质图engineering geologic mapping 工程地质测绘engineering geologic profile工程地质剖面图engineering geology 工程地质学environmental geotechnics 环境岩土工程学equipotential lines 等势线excavation开挖excess hydrostatic pressure 超静水压力excess pore water pressure (stress) 超孔隙水压力(应力)expansibility and contractility 胀缩性expansion ,swelling index 回弹指数C e expansive soil 膨胀土experience factor of settlement calculation 沉降计算经验系数Ffactor of safety 安全系数failure strength 破坏强度failure surface 破坏面fault 断层field identification 土的现场鉴别field observation 现场观测fill 填土film water,film moisture 薄膜水filter 反滤层final settlement 最终沉降量sfinal settlement by settlement observation calculating 沉降观测推算的最终沉降量s∞fine sand 细砂fine-grained soils, fines 细粒土fissured soils 裂隙粘土fissured water 裂隙水flocculent structure 絮凝结构flow line流线flow net流网fold 褶皱flowing sand流砂[现象]fluvial soils冲积土footing ,foundation基础foundation settlement地基(基础)沉降fraction粒组free swelling ratio自由膨胀率δeffree water 自由水free water elevation ,surface地下水位freezing method 冻结法friction coefficient of foundation base 基底摩擦系数μfriction-resistance ratio摩阻比frost boiling翻浆frozen heaving properties 冻胀性frozen soils冻土GGap-graded soil不连续级配土General-shear failure 整体剪切破坏generalized procedure of slices[GPS]普通条分法[vertical]geostatic(self weight) stress (pressure) [竖向]自重应力(压力)σc、σczgeosynthetics 土工合成材料geotechnical engineering岩土工程geotechnical investigation岩土工程勘察geotextiles土工织物glacial soils冰积土grading curve级配曲线grain size 粒径grain size accumulation curve粒径累计(积)曲线granularity粒度gravel 圆砾gravelly sand砾砂gravelly soils砾类土gravitational acceleration重力加速度g gravitational water重力水gravity density 重[力密]度γgravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙ground tilt factor地面倾斜系数g c、g q、gγground treatment地基处理ground water 地下水、潜水ground water level [GWL],groundwater elevation ,surface, [ground] water table[GWT] 地下水位groundwater dynamics 地下水动力学grouting 灌浆Hhalf-space(semi-infinite body)半空间(半无限体)Hansen’s formula of ultimate bearing capacity 汉森极限承载力公式hardness degree of rock 岩石坚硬程度head [of water]水头Hheavy dynamic penetration test[HDPT]重型动力触探试验height of retaining wall 挡土墙高度Hheigth of tensile area 拉力区高度hhigh liquid limit clay ,mo[CH],[MH]高液限粘土、粉土highway 公路honeycomb structure 蜂窝结构hydraulic gradient 水力梯度Ihydraulic head 水头Hhydrometer method 比重计法hydrostatic pressure 静水压力Iillite伊利石immediate settlement 瞬时沉降s dimpermeable lager,impervious stratum 不透水层inclined load 倾斜荷载influence coefficients of settlement 沉降影响系数ω、ωo、ωc、ωm、ωrinitial collapse pressure 湿陷起始压力initial tangent modulus初始切线模量E i inorganic mineral substance 无机矿物质in-situ test原位测试in-situ bearing test 现场承载力试验intermediam liquid limit clay [CI]中液限粘土internal friction angle 内摩擦角internal scour潜蚀isotropic soil各向同性土JJanbu’s method of slices杨布条分法jet grouting method 高压喷射注浆法joint节理Kkaolinite 高岭石karst land feature 喀斯特地貌K0-consolidation K0固结Llaminar flow 层流landslide 滑坡land subsidence 地面下沉lateral geostatic stress 侧向自重应力σcx,σcy laterite红土layer-wise summation method分层总和法length of foundation base 基础底面长度l limit equilibrium condition极限平衡条件limit of plasticity 塑限w Plinear shrinkage ratio 线缩率line load 线荷载liquefaction 液化liquefaction resistance 抗液化强度liquid limit[LL] 液限w Lliquidity index[LI] 液性指数I Lloading test 载荷试验local shear failure局部剪切破坏loess黄土logarithmic spiral 对数螺旋线low liquid limit clay,mo[CL],[ML]低液限粘土、粉土MMagmatic rock (igneous rock) 岩浆岩(火成岩)major, intermediate, minor principle stress 大、中、小主应力σ1、σ2、σ3marine soils海积土mass circle sliding method整体圆弧滑动法maximum ,minimum void ratio最大、最小孔隙比emax 、eminmaximum 、minimum pressure of foundation base 基底最大、最小压力p max、p minmaximum, minimum dry density最大、最小干密度ρdmax、ρdminmaximum dry density 最大干密度maximum expanded depth of plasticity region 塑性区最大发展深度z maxmedian grain diameter中值粒径d30medium sand中砂meniscus弯液面metamorphic rock 变质岩method of slice 条分法mingle soils混合土miscellaneousfill杂填土mo,silts,silty soils粉土(粉性土、粉质土) modulus of deformation, elasticity 变形模量E0弹性模量Emodulus of recompression再压缩模量modulus of resilience 回弹模量Mohr-Coulomb law 摩尔库仑定律moisture-density test 击实试验moisture ,water content 含水量(率)w montmorillonite 蒙脱石muck, muck soils淤泥、淤泥质土mulching soils覆盖土mud pumping 翻浆冒泥Nnatural angle of repose自然(天然)休止角nomal stress法向应力σx、σy、σznon-cohesive soils无粘性土non-uniform settlement 不均匀沉降normally consolidation 归一化normally consolidated soils[N.C.soils] 正常固结土Ooptimum moisture content 最优含水率organic soil有机质土Oedometer modulus侧向压缩模量Eoed、Es oedometer固结仪、压缩仪、渗透仪one-dimensional consolidation 单向固结(压密)optimum moisture,(water) content最优含水量(率)w oporganic soil有机质土,有机土organic substance,organic matter有机质original rock 基岩over coarse-grained soils巨粒土overburden soils覆盖土overconsolidated soils[O.C,soils]超固结(过压密)土overconsolidation ratio [OCR]超固结(过压密)比Pparameters of shear strength抗剪强度参数partical size 粒径partical size analysis 颗粒分析试验passive earth pressure 被动土压力E ppath of percolation 渗[透途]径Hpeat 泥炭pebble圆砾penetration resistace 贯入阻力percent of soil particles 土粒百分含量p i perched water上层滞水perennially frozen soil 多年冻土permeable layer ,pervious stratum透水层permeability渗透性permeability test渗透试验phreatic line浸润线phreatic water潜水、地下水physical properties of rock 岩石的物理性质piezocone test[CPTU] 孔压静力触探试验piezometric head 测压管水头piezometer head 测压管水头hpiping 管涌plane strain test 平面应变试验plastic failure 塑性破坏plastic flow塑流plastic limit[PL] 塑限w Pplastic strain塑性应变plastic zone塑性区plasticity chart塑性图plasticity index[PI] 塑性指数I pplate loading test 平板载荷试验point loading 点荷载试验Poisson’s ratio 泊松比μpoorly-graded soils不良级配土pore air pressure孔隙气压力pore water pressure(stress)孔隙水压力(应力)upore pressure(stress) parameters孔隙压力(应力)系数A、Bpore pressure ratio 孔隙压力比porewater 孔隙水porosity 孔隙率n preconsolidation pressure先(前)期固结压力p cpreloading method 预压法pressure bulb 压力泡pressuremeter test[PMT] 旁(横)压试验primary consolidation 主固结primary mineral 原生矿物principal stress 主应力σ1、σ2、σ3principle of effective strress 有效应力原理proctor [compaction]test普罗克特[击实]试验proportional limit load比例界限荷载p prpumping test 抽水试验punching-shear failure 冲[切]剪[切]破坏Qquality ofsoil, soil particles (solids),water土、土粒、水的质量m、m s、m w Quaternary deposit 第四纪沉积层quicksand 流砂[现象]quick shear cohesion, angle of internal friction 快剪粘聚力、内摩擦角c q、ϕqquick[shear] test快剪试验RRadius of influence 影响半径Rankine’s theory of earth pressure朗肯土压力理论rate of settlement 沉降速率ratio of length to width 长宽比mrebound modulus 回弹摸量recompression curve 再压缩曲线rectangular footing 矩形基础red clay ,adamic earth 红粘土regional soils 特殊[性]土,区域性土relative density [RD] 相对密(实)度D rresidual deformation 残余变形residual soils 残积土residual strength 残余强度rubble ,rubble-stone块石running sand流砂[现象]rupture surface 破坏面Ssaline soil 盐积土sand drain 排水砂井sand particle content 砂粒含量sand boiling 砂沸(涌)现象、喷水冒砂sandy silt 砂质粉土sandy soils, sands砂土(砂类土、砂性土、砂质土)saturated density 饱和密度ρsatsaturated gravitydensity饱和重度γsatscale effect 尺度效应screw plate loading test[SPLT]螺旋板载荷试验seasonally frozen soil 季节冻土secondary compression (consolidation)index 次压缩(固结)指数Cαsecondary compression (consolidation)settlement ,creep settlement次压缩(固结)沉降s ssecondary mineral 次生矿物secondary red clay 次生红粘土seepage[flow]渗流(漏)seepage deformation渗透变形seepage failure 渗透破坏seepage discharge 渗流量Qseepage force 渗流力(动水力)G Dseepage line 浸润线(渗流线)seepage velocity 渗流速度vseepage path 渗径[verticale ]self weight (geostatic)stress(pressure)[竖向]自重应力(压力)σcz 、σcsemi—infinite elastic 半无限弹性体sensitivity 灵敏度Stsettlement calculation depth 沉降计算深度zn shallow foundation浅基础shape factor of foundation基础形状系数s c、s q、sγshear failure 剪切破坏shear modulus 剪切模量Gshearresistance 剪阻力或抗剪力shear strain 剪应变shear strength 抗剪强度τfshear strength envelope 抗剪强度包线shear stress 剪应力τsheet pile wall 板桩墙shrinkage limit[SL] 缩限w ssieve analysis test 筛分试验silty clay 粉质粘土silty sand 粉砂silty soils,silts,mo 粉土(粉性土、粉质土) single-grained structure 单粒结构size fraction 粒组slip surface 滑动面slope stability 土坡稳定性slope wash,slope materials 坡积土slow shear cohesion,angle of internal friction 慢剪粘聚力、内摩擦角c s、ϕsslow(direct)shear test 慢剪试验soft clay 软粘土soft foundation 软弱地基soil 土soil classification 土的分类soil cohesion, angle of internal friction 土的粘聚力c、内摩擦角ϕsoil dynamics 土动力学soil fabric 土的组构soil flow 流土soil mechanics 土力学soil nailing 土钉soil sampler 取土器soil skeleton 土骨架soil structureand texture土的结构和构造soil supporting layer,substrate地基持力层、下卧层soil,foundation and superstructure interaction地基、基础与上部结构相互作用soils and Foundations地基及基础soilsimprovement 地基处理special soils 特殊(性)土specific gravity of soilparticles土粒比重G sspecific penetration resistance比贯入阻力p sspecific surface 比表面(积)split test 劈裂试验(巴西试验)SPT blow count 标[准]贯[入试验锤]击数N square footing 方形基础stability of foundation soil 地基稳定性stability against sliding抗滑稳定性stability number 稳定数N sstability number method 稳定数法standard penetration test [SPT]标准贯入试验static penetration test[CPT] 静力触探试验static failure strength 静力破坏强度σfstip foundation条形基础Stokes’ law 司笃克斯定律Stones,stoney soils碎石[类]土stress、strain 应力σ、应变εstress history,path,level应力历史、路径、水平stress concentration 应力集中strength envelope 强度包线strength of active earth pressure主动土压力强度σastrength of passive earth pressure主动土压力强度σpstrength of earth pressure at rest静止土压力强度σ0strip load 条形荷载subgrade 路基、地基subgradereaction 地基反力superimposed pressure of foundation base 基底平均附加压力psuperimposed stress (pressure)of subsoil地基附加应力(压力)σzsurcharge[load] 超载surface tension 表面张力surfacewater 地表水surface wave velocity method 表面波法Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧法swelling force 膨胀力swelling,expansion index 回弹(膨胀)指数C e swelling ratio 膨胀率syncline 向斜T[ground]table 地下水Terzaghi’stheory of one dimensional consolidation太沙基一维固结理论Terzaghi’s ultimate bearing capacity太沙基极限承载力thaw collapse融陷thick wall sampler 厚壁取土器thinwall sampler 薄壁取土器thixotropy 触变性three phase diagram 三相图tilt factors of load荷载倾斜系数i c、i q、iγtime factor 时间因数total stress总应力σtotal stress path [TSP]总应力路径transducer 传感器triaxial compression test 三轴压缩试验true triaxial test真三轴试验two-dimensional consolidation 二维固结(压密)two-dimensional flow 二维流turbulent flow 紊流Uultimate bearing capacity极限承载力unconfined compression strength of remolded soil 重塑土的无侧限抗压强度q u'unconfined compressive strength无侧限抗压强度q uunderconsolidated soil欠固结土underground diaphragm wall 地下连续墙underlying stratum 下卧层undisturbed soil sample 不扰动土样(原状土样) uniformly distributed load 均布荷载undrained shear strength cohesion ,angle of internal f riction不排水抗剪强度τu、粘聚力c u、内摩擦角ϕυ[unconsolidation]undrained triaxialcompression test[UU-test][不固结]不排水三轴压缩试验unit weight 容重γ[un]uniformity coefficient 不均匀系数C u unsaturated soil 非饱和土VVan der Waals’ [bonding]forces 范德华(键)力[field]Vane shear test [FVT][现场]十字板剪切试验vertical average degree of consolidation 竖向平均固结度vertical force of foundation top基础顶面竖向力Fvertical time factor 竖向时间因数T vVesic’s formula of ultimate bearing capacity 魏锡克极限承载力公式vibration frequency 振次n[dynamic] viscosity[动力]粘[滞]度ηvoid ratio 孔隙比evolumetric strain 体应变volume of soil,soil particles (solids), water , air土、土粒、土中水、土中气的体积V、V s、V w、V avolume of void 孔隙体积V vvolume shrinkage ratio 体缩率WWater,moisture content 含水量(率)wwater content ratio 含水比uwater table 地下水位weak ground 软弱地基weathering 风化weighted average gravity density(unit weight) 加权平均重度(容重)γ0well-graded soil 良好级配土wet density 湿密度ρwidth of foundation base 基础底面宽度bYyeilding flow 塑流yellow clay ,loess 黄土yield 屈服yield criteria 屈服准则Young’s modulus,elastic modulus 弹性模量E。
86 sub-circuit 子电路
87 substrate 基板
88 Telecom 电信
89 Thermal Information 热性能信息
48 Line regulation 电源调整率
49 load regulation 负载调整率
50 Lot Number 批号
51 Low Dropout 低压差
52 Miller 密勒 53 node 节点
54 Non-Inverting 非反相
55 novel 新颖的
56 off state 关断状态
72 pull up 上拉
73 Pulse by Pulse 逐脉冲(Pulse by Pulse)
74 push pull converter 推挽转换器
75 ramp down 斜降
76 ramp up 斜升
77 redundant diode 冗余二极管
78 resistive divider 电阻分压器
57 Operating supply voltage电源工作电压
58 out drive stage 输出驱动级
59 Out of Phase 异相
关于汽车保养的专业英文单词汽车维修、保养、养护专业英语词汇汽车维护Vehicle maintenance汽车修理Vehicle repair汽车维修制度System of vehicle maintenance and repair汽车维修性Maintainability of vehicle汽车技术状况Technical Condition of Vehicle汽车完好技术状况Good condition of vehicle汽车不良状况Bad condition of vehicle汽车工作能力Working ability of vehicle汽车技术状况参数Parameters for technical condition of vehicle汽车极限技术状况Limiting condition of vehicle汽车技术状况变化规律Regularity for change of technical condition of vehicle 运行缺陷Operational defect制造缺陷Manufacturing defect设计缺陷Design defect事故性缺陷Accidental defect汽车耗损Vehicle wear-out汽车零件磨损Wear of vehicle part磨损过程Wear process正常磨损Normal wear极限磨损Limiting wear允许磨损Permissible wear磨损率Wear rate机械磨损Mechanical wear化学损耗Chemical wear热磨损Thermic wear疲劳磨损Fatigue wear腐蚀性磨损Corrosion wear故障磨损Failure wear故障Malfunctioning断裂Breakdown损坏Damage更换(零件)Replacing擦伤Scratching刮伤Scoring点蚀Pitting粘附Adhesion咬粘Seizure烧伤Burning穴蚀Cavitation老化Aging疲劳Fatigue变形Deformation缺陷Defect汽车故障Vehicle failure完全故障Complete failure局部故障Partial failure致命故障Critical failure严重故障Major failure一般故障Minor failure汽车故障现象Symptom of vehicle failure 抢气Mixture robbery呛油Fuel fouling盘车Turning飞车Run way工作粗暴Rough running早燃Preignition回火Back fire自燃现象Dieseling (after run)爆震(爆燃)Detonation火花(点火)爆燃Spark knock燃料爆燃Fuel knock (gas knock)不发火(不点火)Misfiring调速不匀Hunting过度停顿Flat spot调速器工作不匀Governor hunting回流Backflow窜气Blow-by稀释Dilution滤清器阻塞Clogged filter润滑超量Overlubrication(气缸)上油Oil pumping(柴油喷射系)渗漏滴油After dripping (燃料系)气阻Vapor lock结胶Gum deposit敲缸Knock拉缸Cylinder score咬缸Cylinder sticking轴颈擦伤Journal score刮伤Scuff拉瓦Bearing score(化油器)汽湿现象Percolation化油器结冰Carburetor icing活塞敲缸Piston knock (piston slap)活塞裙部挤扁Collapse of piston skirt气门挺杆发响Tappet noise (valve knock) 气门弹簧颤动Valve spring surge(蓄电池)硫化Sulphation(蓄电池)过度放电Over discharge(火花塞)铅沉积Lead fouling(火花塞)积碳Carbon fouling真空提前失效Defective vacuum advance 高压线跳火错乱Secondary wire crossfiring 转向反冲Steering kickback离合器炸裂Clutch explosion制动踏板发软Spongy brake pedal制动踏板费力Hard pedal制动器发响Noisy brake制动踏板过低Low brake pedal制动盘摆动Disc runout制动失效Brake fade减振器失效Defective shock absorber轮胎烧耗Burn rubber轮胎急速磨耗Peel rubber漂滑效应Hydro-planning (aqua-planning)(由于紧急制动)紧急滑行Impending skid充气不足Under-inflation异响Abnormal knocking泄漏Leakage过热Overheat失控Out of control乏力Lack of power污染超限Illegal exhaust and noise费油Excessive consumption of fuel and oil振抖Fluttering故障率Failure rate平均故障率的观察值Observed mean failure rate 故障树型分析法Fault tree analysis汽车维护类别Class of vehicle maintenance定期维护Periodic maintenance季节性维护Seasonal maintenance技术保养Technical service清洗Washing技术检查Check-up保养周期Service cycle保养里程Mileage between services每日保养Daily service防护Preserving冬季保养Winter check-up夏季保养Summer check-up走合维护Running-in maintenance汽车修理类别Class of vehicle repair汽车大修Major repair of vehicle汽车中修Medium repair of vehicle汽车小修Current repair of vehicle总成修理Unit repair零件修理Parts repair计划修理Scheduled repair定期修理Regulating repair视情修理Repair on technical condition非计划修理Unscheduled repair修复Reconditioning修理里程Mileage between repair拆开Separating拆下Withdrawing拆卸Disassembling校正Aligning装配Fitting重新装配Reassembling调整Adjusting单独修理Individual repair汽车报废Motor vehicle liquidation报废Scrapping汽车维护工艺Technology of Vehicle Maintenance汽车维护作业Operation of vehicle maintenance汽车维护工艺过程Technological process of vehicle maintenance 汽车修理工艺Technology of vehicle repair汽车修理工艺过程Technological process of vehicle repair技术检验Technical checking检视Inspection零件检验分类Inspection and classification of parts走合,磨合Running-in冷磨合Cold running-in热磨合Hot running-in修理尺寸Repair size走(磨)合期Running-in period走(磨)合过程Running-in process走(磨)合工况Running-in conditions加速磨损期Period of accelerated wear极限间隙Limiting clearance允许间隙Permissible clearance装配间隙Assembling clearance汽车维修工艺设备Technological equipment of vehicle maintenance and repair 汽车修理技术标准Technical standard of vehicle repair汽车诊断Vehicle diagnosis汽车检测Detecting test of vehicle诊断参数Diagnostic parameters诊断规范Diagnostic norms汽车维修管理Administration of Vehicle Maintenance汽车维护方法Method of vehicle maintenance汽车维护流水作业法Flow method of vehicle maintenance汽车维护定位作业法Method of vehicle maintenance on universal post汽车修理方法Method of vehicle repair汽车修理流水作业法Flow method of vehicle repair汽车修理定位作业法Method of vehicle repair on universal post总成互换修理法Unit exchange repairing method周转总成Reversible unit混装修理法Depersonalized repair method就车修理法Personalized repair method汽车维修指标Indices of vehicle maintenance and repair汽车维护生产纲领Production program of vehicle maintenance汽车修理生产纲要Production program of vehicle repair汽车维修周期Period of vehicle maintenance汽车诊断周期Period of vehicle diagnosis汽车维修竣工辆次Number of vehicle being received from maintenance or repair汽车大修平均在厂车日Average days in plant during major of vehicles汽车大修平均在修车日Average days during major repair of vehicles汽车大修平均工时Average man-hours of vehicle maintenance and repair汽车维修平均费用Average costs of vehicle maintenance and repair汽车大修返修率Returning rate of major repair of vehicle汽车小修频率Frequency of current repair of vehicles汽车大修间隔里程Average interval mileage of major repair of vehicles汽车修理工人实物劳动生产率Labour productivity of repair-man汽车维护企业Enterprise of vehicle maintenance and repair汽车维护场(站)Maintenance depot (station) of vehicles汽车停车场(库)Park汽车修理厂Vehicle repair plant汽车总成修理厂Unit repair plant for vehicle汽车诊断站Vehicle diagnosis station汽车检测站Detecting test station of vehicle汽车维修网点Network of vehicle maintenance and repair汽车维修工具和设备Instrument and Device for Vehicle Maintenance and Repair螺丝刀Screwdriver花扳手Ring spanner锉刀File双头扳手Double-ended spanner鲤鱼钳Combination pilers轮胎螺栓扳手Wheel wrench厚度规Feeler gauge杆式气缸量规Bar-type cylinder gauge气缸压力表Cylinder compressor gauge活塞台钳Piston vice活塞加热器Piston heater活塞环工具Piston ring tool活塞环钳(活塞环拆装钳)Piston ring pliers (piston ring tongs)压环器Piston ring compressor活塞环锉Piston ring file活塞销拉器Piston-pin extractor连杆校正器Connecting rod alignment fixture气门座刀具Valve seat cutter气门弹簧压缩器Valve spring compressor气门研磨工具Valve grinding tool (valve lapper)调整气门间隙扳手Tappet wrench浮子室液面仪Float level gauge歧管压力表Manifold pressure gauge set点火正时灯(正时观测灯)Ignition timing light (stroboscope) 燃烧分析仪Combustion tester断电器触点闭合角Dwell meter火花塞间隙量规Plug gap gauge火花塞套筒扳手Spark plug box (socket) spanner蓄电池液体比重计Battery hydrometer汽车架Car stand (jack stand)轮轴架Axle stand前束量尺Toe-in gauge外倾测量器Camber gauge制动踏板压下器Brake depressor制动器放气软管Hose for brake bleeding车架量规Frame gauge轮毂拆卸器Hub puller车轮拆卸器Wheel wrench拆装轮胎用撬杠Tire-lever打气筒Tire pump螺旋千斤顶Screw jack轮胎压力计Pressure gauge油壶Oil can手油泵Manual fuel pump黄油枪Grease gun起动摇把Starting crank工具袋Tool bag车身修整工具Body bumping tool发动机测功机Engine dynamometer发动机综合试验机Engine analyzer发动机示波器Engine scope (oscillograph)电子诊断式发动机试验仪Electronic-diagnostic engine tester 滚筒式测功试验台Roller type dynamometer (test bed)发动机加速测功仪Free acceleration engine tester容积式油耗计Volumetric fuel meter红外线废气分析仪Infrared rays exhaust gas analyzer异响诊断仪Abnormal engine noise diagnosis equipment 气缸漏气率检验仪Cylinder leak tester发动机分析仪Engine analysis apparatus进气歧管真空度表Intake manifold vacuum meter气缸压力表Cylinder pressure gauge调整用的试验检测仪Tune-up tester底盘测功机Chassis dynamometer底盘润滑机Chassis lubricator曲轴箱窜气量测定仪Blow-by meter反作用力制动试验台Reaction type brake tester惯性式制动试验台Inertia type brake tester转向盘间隙测量仪Steering wheel freeplay gauge测滑试验台Side-slip checking stand前照灯检验仪Head light checking equipment气缸孔垂直检验仪Cylinder perpendicularity gauge主轴承座孔同轴度检验仪Main bearing aligning gauge 移动式车轮平衡机Portable wheel balancer固定式车轮平衡机Wheel balancer车轮动平衡机Dynamic wheel balancer镗缸机Cylinder boring machine气缸珩磨机Cylinder honing machine直线镗削机Line borer气门修整机Valve reseater(活塞)销孔珩磨机Pinhole honer曲轴磨床Crankshaft grinding machine气门研磨机Valve grinding machine气门面磨光机Valve refacer气门座磨光机Valve seat grinder气门座偏心磨光机Eccentric valve seat grinder研磨机Lapping machine电子点火试验器Electronic ignition tester点火线圈试验器Ignition coil tester氖管火花试验器Neon spark tester电容器试验器Condenser tester电枢试验器Armature tester制动盘专用车床Disc lathe制动蹄片磨削装置Brake shoe grinder制动鼓车床Brake drum lathe制动液自动更换装置Brake flusher(液压)制动系空气排除器Brake bleeder18|评论(2)求助知友无所谓的伤感|十级采纳率33%擅长领域:外语学习英语考试梦幻西游按默认排序|按时间排序其他回答共3条2007-12-13 16:15cindy9129|六级防冻液anti-freeze fluid刹车片brake plate备胎spare tire脚垫floor mat过滤器air cleaner发动机油engine oil不知道你还需要什么。
以下是一些常见的英文离开的名词:1. Departure:离开,通常指从一个地方或情况离开。
2. Exit:出口,表示离开一个建筑物或场所的行为。
3. Farewell:告别,通常用于表示在离开前与他人告别或结束某种关系。
4. Withdrawal:撤退,通常用于描述军队或组织从某个地方或位置撤离的行为。
5. Abandonment:放弃,指放弃某个项目、计划或责任而离开。
6. Egress:通道,指离开某个建筑物或区域的通道或方式。
7. Retreat:撤退,通常用于描述军队或团体从战斗中或危险中撤退。
8. Evacuation:疏散,通常用于描述人们从危险或紧急情况中撤离。
9. Abandonment:遗弃,通常指离开某个地方或物品而不再关心或照顾。
10. Departure Lounge:候机厅,通常是机场里用来等待飞机起飞时乘客集中的地方。
不良的社会行为英语作文英文回答:Negative social behaviors encompass a wide range of undesirable actions that can disrupt the harmony and well-being of society. These behaviors can manifest in various forms, including aggression, discrimination, incivility, and rule-breaking.Aggression refers to any intentional act that aims to inflict pain or harm upon another individual. It can take physical, verbal, or psychological forms. Physical aggression involves using force or weapons to cause bodily injury, while verbal aggression involves using words to inflict emotional harm. Psychological aggression encompasses tactics such as gaslighting, intimidation, and social isolation.Discrimination occurs when individuals are treated differently based on factors such as race, gender, sexualorientation, religion, or disability. It can involvedenying opportunities, withholding resources, or engagingin hostile or offensive behavior. Discrimination can have profound effects on individuals and communities, undermining their sense of worth and belonging.Incivility refers to a lack of respect andconsideration for others. It can manifest in everyday interactions, such as cutting in line, speaking rudely, or ignoring social etiquette. While incivility may not always rise to the level of harassment or discrimination, it can create an unpleasant and unwelcoming environment.Rule-breaking encompasses any behavior that violates established norms or laws. It can range from minor offenses, such as jaywalking or littering, to more serious crimes, such as theft, vandalism, or assault. Rule-breaking can disrupt social order, undermine trust, and create a senseof insecurity.In addition to these specific behaviors, other negative social behaviors include:Bullying: repeated, intentional, and harmful behavior directed towards a weaker individual。
不良行为的英语作文Title: Addressing Negative Behavior: Understanding, Addressing, and Overcoming。
Negative behavior, whether exhibited by individuals or within a group, is a complex issue that requires understanding, empathy, and proactive measures for resolution. In this essay, we will delve into the various facets of negative behavior, its impact, and strategies for addressing and overcoming it.Firstly, it's crucial to recognize that negative behavior can manifest in diverse forms, ranging from aggression and defiance to passive-aggressiveness and withdrawal. These behaviors often stem from underlying factors such as personal struggles, emotional distress, environmental influences, or even societal pressures. Understanding the root causes behind negative behavior is the cornerstone of effective intervention.One common cause of negative behavior is unmetemotional needs. Individuals may resort to disruptiveactions as a means of seeking attention, validation, orrelief from internal turmoil. In such cases, fostering a supportive environment where individuals feel heard, valued, and understood can significantly mitigate negative behavior. Encouraging open communication channels and providing avenues for emotional expression can help addressunderlying issues constructively.Moreover, negative behavior can also be a manifestation of unaddressed trauma or past experiences. Traumatic events or adverse childhood experiences can leave lasting scarsthat manifest in behavioral patterns later in life. Recognizing the signs of trauma and providing appropriate support and resources for healing is essential inaddressing negative behavior effectively.Additionally, social and environmental factors play a pivotal role in shaping behavior. Peer pressure, societal norms, and cultural influences can exert significant influence on individuals' actions and attitudes. Creating apositive peer culture that promotes empathy, respect, and cooperation can counteract the negative impact of external influences. Building a sense of community and belonging can empower individuals to resist negative peer pressure and uphold positive values.Furthermore, it's essential to adopt a proactive approach to addressing negative behavior, rather than merely reacting to incidents as they arise. Prevention strategies such as promoting social-emotional learning, conflict resolution skills, and mindfulness practices can equip individuals with the tools they need to navigate challenging situations constructively. By fostering resilience and self-regulation, individuals can better manage their emotions and responses, reducing thelikelihood of engaging in negative behavior.In cases where negative behavior does occur, it's important to respond with empathy and understanding, rather than punitive measures. Punishment alone often fails to address the underlying causes of behavior and may exacerbate feelings of resentment and alienation. Instead,adopting a restorative approach that focuses on accountability, reconciliation, and learning from mistakes can promote personal growth and positive behavior change.Moreover, fostering a culture of empathy and compassion within communities can have a ripple effect, influencing individuals to support one another and cultivate a sense of collective responsibility. By promoting empathy and understanding, we can create environments where individuals feel valued, respected, and empowered to make positive choices.In conclusion, addressing negative behavior requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses understanding, empathy, and proactive intervention. By recognizing the underlying causes of negative behavior, fostering supportive environments, and promoting positive values, we can empower individuals to overcome challenges andcultivate healthier, more resilient communities. Through collective effort and commitment to positive change, we can create a brighter future for all.。
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中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称管脚长lead long 屏蔽罩击穿shield breakdown脱脚lead pull off PCB不清洁PCB dirty弯脚角度大lead bend angle big PCB变形PCB deformation弯脚角度小lead bend angle small PCB来料不良Incoming PCB NG元件插反component insert inverse PCB线路不良Circuit NG on PCB元件插错component insert wrong PCB有裂/缺PCB crack/flaw元件漏插missing component 批峰burr元件损伤component damaged 破损dilapidation元件压铜皮component press pad 偏移shift按键不良keystroke no click 气泡air bulb按键装反keystroke assemble inverse 其它others表盖刮伤surface cover scratch 日期印漏missing date code stamp包焊excess solder 日期印错wrong date code stamp标签不良label NG 日期印模糊date code stamp vague标签刮伤label scratch 绕线交叉wrap wire cross标签漏missing label 绕组不均匀wrap no even标签来料不良incoming label NG 绕组错coil wrong标签模糊label vague 输出插头松output plug loose标签填错fill wronly in label 手插管脚长M/I lead long标签贴错label stick wrongly 手插管脚短M/I lead short标签贴反label stick inverse 输出.输入线破损output&input wire dameged 标签贴偏label stick with offset 少插跳线missing jumper wire标签贴斜label stick lean 输出线断output wire open标签有气泡label with air bulb 输出线内部错位output wire wrong inside 标签脏污label dirty 输出线头断output wire head breakdown 有灰尘dust 手插元件插错M/I component wrong板响board with noise 手插元件插反M/I component inverse保险管夹松fuse clip loose 手插元件多插M/I component excessive变压器断线wire of transformer breakdown 手插元件高M/I component high插错insert wrongly 手插元件漏插miss M/I component初,次级绕反inverse 手插元件损伤M/I component damage贴反mounting inverse 少垫片lack of gasket次级对磁蕊短路secondary short to magnet 上盖变形upper case deformation初级短路primary circuit short 少件lack of component次级短路secondary circuit short 高件component raise up初级断线open circuit in primary 红胶溢出red adhesive overflow次级断线open circuit in secondary 竖件component stand up初级胶带破tape damage in primary 少锡insufficient solder次级胶带破tape damage in secondary 元件氧化component oxidize初级圈数多excessive primary wrap 元件虚焊empty solder初级圈数少insufficient primary wrap 元件短路component short circuit次级圈数少insufficient secondary wrap 元件贴反component mount inverse次级圈数多excessive secondary wrap 元件翘起component lift up次级绕错匝数is wrong 元件损伤component damage插破侧盖side cover break 元件偏移component excursion插破骨架bobbin break 元件翻面component turnover超声波压伤ultrasonic press injury 元件多贴excessive component磁头装反magnetic core inverse 元件漏贴missing component错位wrong position 元件脱落component break off磁芯不干净magnetic core dirty 输入插头松input plug loose中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称磁芯破magnetic core break 输入线头断input wire head breakdown磁芯松动magnetic core loose 上下盒不吻合the upper case can't match lower case磁芯套变形deformation 丝印不良silkscreen NG插座不良socket NG 贴错mount wongly插针漏插miss inserting connector 贴反mount inverse插座破connector break 套管破sleeve tube break插针倾斜connector bent 套管松脱sleeve tube peel off插针少lack of connector 脱焊solder peel off插针松动connector loose 条码不能扫描barcode can't be scanned插针歪connector twist 铜箔断copper foil broken对地短路short to ground 铜箔短路copper foil short多垫片excessive gasket 铜箔开路copper foil open电感倾斜inductor bent 元件掉件component fall off钉刮伤scratched by nail 元件贴翻component mount inverse打胶不良add adhesive NG 烫伤&刮伤scald&scratch,短路short circuit 跳铜皮copper pad peel off钉来料不良incoming nail NG 跳线断jump wire break off垫片破损washer damaged 铜线露出copper wire come out多锡excessive solder 无标记no mark多元件,数量多excessive parts 外壳划伤case scatched断柱column break 外壳沾有异物case with foreign body底座划伤base scratch 未露管脚leads hide缝隙过大big gap 无输出no output盖板断扣the buckle of top case broken 未上锡no solder高件component raise up 线包不良wrap NG管脚短short lead 线包大wrap big骨架断钉bobbin with broken nail 小板坏small board damage管脚长longlead 线不良wire NG骨架开裂bobbin crack 线插错wire insert wrongly管脚连铜线lead connect with copper wire 线断wire break off骨架破损bobbin broken 矽钢片变形lamination deformation骨架烫伤bobbin scald 矽钢片多插insert excessive laminations 挂锡pending solder 矽钢片松lamination loose光学盒断裂optics box broken 矽钢片少插insufficient lamination焊错位solder wrong position 矽钢片氧化lamination oxidize焊点不良solder NG 线刮伤wire scratched盒座刮伤box base with scratch 线焊反wire solder inverse后盖划伤back cover with scratch 线路割错circuit cut wrongly焊接不良defective solder 锡裂solder crack盒内有响声noise in box 线路划伤circuit scratched簧片不清洁spring dirty 线路开/断路circuit open簧片刮伤spring scratch 线路露铜copper out of wire簧片来料不良incoming spring NG 线路没割断circuit no cut off簧片松spring loose 线路起泡circuit blister焊盘氧化pad oxidize 线没接好wire connect no well焊盘有绿油pad with green oil 线内部开路wire open inside盒座变形box base deformation 线破皮insulation of wire broken盒座来料不良incoming box base NG 线圈变形coil deformation盒座烫伤box base scald 线头长wire head long盒座装反box base assemble inverse 线头短wire head short中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称盒座脏污box base dirty 线烫伤wire scald胶带少缠tape wrap insufficiently 线脏污wire dirty加工反manufacture inverse 锡珠&锡渣solder ball&solder residue假焊void solder 有灰尘dust结合缝大connective gap is big 溢胶adhesive overflow金脚上锡gold foot wih solder 元件表面脏污component surface dirty镜面污点mirror surface with spot 元件变形component deformation键盘坏keyboard brokrn 元件成型反componet moulding inverse金手指长短不一variance 元件脚插错位lead insert to wrong position金手指划伤gold finger scratch 元件脚断lead broken金手指上锡gold finger with solder 元件开路component open金手指脏gold finger dirty 元件内部短路component short inside绝缘片破insulative sheet broken 元件内部开路component open inside绝缘片歪insulative sheet bent 元件破损component damaged绝缘线破insulative wire broken 元件贴错part mount wrongly接触不良contact NG 元件贴歪part mount incline刻度盘刮伤dial scratch 元件用错wrong component刻度盘黑点dial macula 元件一脚未插入one of lead no insert刻度盘印刷不良dial print NG路component short with heat sink 开关刷变形switch brush deformation 元件装反component assemble inverse控制面板划伤control panel scratch 元件阻值偏差resistor value deviation滤波器响filter with noise 有亮点light dotLCD多划LCD with excessive display 压伤press injuryLCD少划LCD with insufficient display 压铜皮press copper foil漏插&漏贴miss insertion/mounting 有响声with noise漏灌胶missing filling glue 异物foreign body冷焊cold solder 支架未装到位bracket don't be fixed correctly 漏焊miss soldering 针孔(锡孔)soldering hole漏件miss component 磁芯间有间隙gap between magnetic cores来料不良incoming material NG 装配不良assemble NG螺丝不良screw NG 扎线不符合要求tie out of requirement螺丝打错wrong screw 总装错误final assemble NG螺丝漏打miss screw 绿油掉green oil peel off螺丝没打紧no fasten screw tightly 绿油起泡green oil blister连铜皮connect with copper foil 漏装绝缘片miss assembling insulative sheet 连锡solder bridge 漏装塑胶上壳case连锡致短路solder bridge to short 漏装磁芯miss assembling magnetic core尼龙盖破nylon cover broken。