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• 2.夸张型 就是把菜肴加以夸张和想象,安上一个华贵的名 称。如“天下第一菜” (fried shelled shrimps on toast),这道菜是将锅巴在滚 油中炸酥,再用虾仁、熟鸡丝、鸡汤等熬成浓 汁,送上桌时将汁浇在锅巴上,盘内发生“嘶 啦”一声,冒出一缕青烟,香味扑鼻。乾隆帝 品尝后觉得鲜美异常,即赞道:“此菜堪谓 ‘天下第一菜’”。从此得名,留传至今。
四川名小吃担担面 Dan Dan Noodle
This sack is a kind of hot-spiced noodles or spicy peanut noodles.It is favored with a sauce containing dried shrimp, shredded preserved vegetables,crushed roasted peanuts, sesame seeds, chilli oil,soy sauce,vinegar and garlic. Dandan refers to shoulder poles. In the earliest time when a noodle peddler shoulder his pole, he usually carried two baskets on either side as he walked along streets. The baskets contained his noodles and sauce. He sold his noodles to passers-by and residents who lived on the streets. His noodles cost almost nothing, and gradually local people called it Dandan Noodle.
• 中国 的食文化源远流长。中国菜名讲究 风雅,有时单从菜单上判断我们根本不知 其为何物,在这种情况下我们可以采用直 译+解释的办法,即先按字面的意思译出 菜名,再将其中隐藏的典故传说介绍给客 人,这样可以增添谈话乐趣,传播中国的 饮食文化。
• the Buddhist monk jumping over the wall— ingredients used for the casserole are all delicacies of Chinese cooking: shark‟s fin, sea cucumber, abalone, dried scallop, ham, chicken, duck, lamb, bamboo shoots, mushrooms and various spices. The se are sealed inside the casserole and boiled for long hours, ensuring the essence of each ingredient is being extracted. Thus, besides the wonderful taste, the casserole also has high nutritive values. The meaning of the dish is that, it is so delicious that the Buddhist monk can not help to jump over the wall and have a taste
• Husband and wife lung slices—it got its name from the customers of a small restaurant run by a couple
Beggar‟s Chicken---There is a legendary story connected to it. Long long ago there was a beggar. One day he stole a chicken and was pursued by the owner. He was almost caught when he suddenly hit upon a good idea. He smeared the chicken all over with clay, which he found nearby and threw it into the fire he had built to cook it. After a long while the beggar removed the mudcoated from the fire. When he cracked open the clay he found, to his astonishment, that the clay together with the feather had formed a hard shell in which the chicken had been baked into a delicious dish with wonderful flavour. That night he had a very enjoyable meal. Hence the name of the dish
如果再具体分类,艺术命名法可 以分为以下3种类型:
• 1.喜庆型 即给菜肴取一些吉祥的,祝福性的名字。例如 四块一盘的红烧肉,取名为“四喜肉” (braised brisket with brown sauce), 便有了"四喜临门"的好口彩。听到这道菜的名 称,人们会产生喜悦心理。所谓“四喜”,旧 时是指福、禄、寿、禧;也可以是指《四喜诗》 所赞美的四件喜:“久旱逢甘雨,他乡遇故知, 洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时”。菜肴以“四喜” 为名,表示对美好生活的向往。
Tang Wensheng Associate Professor
• 中国人历来对食文化偏爱有佳。“People regard food as their prime want, and food safety is a top priority.”随着中国加入WTO,越来越多的外 国人可以品尝到色香味俱全的中国食物。但很多老外对 星级酒店提供的菜谱英译大为吃惊。如在《北京晨报》 看到的一个有关菜肴翻译的消息:“口水鸡”被译为“流 着口水的鸡”;而“童子鸡”译为了“没有过性生活的 鸡”;“鱼香肉丝”被译为“鱼和肉丝”,结果老外在 吃饭时无论如何也找不到鱼在哪里。这样的蹩脚翻译只 能使外国人品尝美食的欲望大打折扣。因此一份清晰明 了而又不失文化韵味的菜谱不仅可以起到提升品位的作 用而且也宣传了中国的文化。
• 又如“太极芋泥”(Taiji taro cream), 这道菜一边是芋泥,一边是深色的乌豆沙, 和谐对称,体现了一种既对立又统一、既 柔美又壮美的和谐美,表达了一种如意、 健康、明朗、喜庆、吉祥、幸福的愿望。 “太极”是根据菜肴的造型如“八卦”而 取的。翻译此类菜名时可用意译法,直译 +意译法,转译法
• 在中国的厨艺行业流行“七分墩,三分灶” 的说法,就是说厨师的七分工夫在菜墩上, 其余的三分工夫在烹调技法上,由此可见, 刀工非常重要。事实也证明同样的原材料 采用不同的刀工而成的形状其口感也的确 不同。
• 切、削(cutting),切片(slicing),切丝 (shredding),切碎(mincing),切丁 (dicing),切柳(filleting),去骨(boning), 去皮(skinning/peeling),刮鳞(scaling), 剁末(mashing),刻、雕(carbing)等。 • 经过加工后的原料具有丁、条、丝、片、块等 几何形状,如肉丝(pork shreds),鸡块 (chicken slices)等。 • 其他的加工方法还有酿(stuffing),腌 (picking/salting),浸\泡(marinating), 去壳(shelling),刨丝(grating)等
• 一道菜名本身就是从诗词歌赋、典故、成 语或者优美的传说中引用而来的,一张菜 单本身就具备了很高的文学欣赏的价值。 如甲鱼炖鸡(steamed turtle and chicken)这道汤菜取名为“霸王别 姬”。此类菜名一般不反应菜肴的烹法或 原料,翻译时适合用意译法或直译+释意 法。
• 炒 stir-frying;sauté ,煎pan-frying,爆 (溜)quick-frying,炸deep-frying,其中 还分为干炸(dry deep-frying),软炸 (soft deep-frying)和酥炸(crisp deep frying)。烧 braising ,红烧braising with soy sauce,煮 boiling ,煮还可以分 为涮(to boil instantly),掸(blanch), 快煮(quick boiling),煲/炖/煨/焖/卤 simmer;stewing,熏 smoking
• 烘烤铁烧“烧烤” to roast指的是在明火上 直接烤,如“烧烤乳猪” roast suckling pig;“烘烤” to bake是在密封的容器中烘 烤,如烘面包;“铁烧” to barbecue,是 放在铁架上烧烤broiling或grilling ,还有 “铁板烧/炙烤” to broil,“干烧”dry braised,“叉烧” spit-roasted,“肉串 签”skewer, “盐烤”salt-baked,如 “盐焗鸡”salt-baked chicken
• 3.典故型 即菜名含有故事,非同一般。如湖北名菜 “草船借箭”(deep-fried mandarin with egg and bamboo shoots)是 用鳜鱼作船,蛋松充草人,笋丝比箭,制 成形态逼真的“草船借箭”佳肴,就是出 自《三国演义》中一段脍炙人口的故事。
• “菜肴名称翻译的核心 内容 是菜用什么原料, 用什么烹调 方法 做出来的。”好的菜谱应当 让顾客一目了然地知道菜的原料、制作方法及 刀工等等。在此情况下直译是最好的办法。下 面举几个例子: (1)清蒸桂鱼:steamed mandarin fish。(2)咸牛肉:salted beef。(3)酸 甜鸡: sweet and sour chicken。(4) 红烧肉:braised pork with brown sauce。
• 烧鱼柳(grilled fish with butter sauce),铁烧牛扒(grilled beefsteak),烧乳猪(roast suckling pig) • 白灼(scalding或blanshing),将食 物放在沸水中烫熟,然后取出再放佐料或 用热锅炒。此法主要用于新鲜海味,如白 灼海螺片(scalded sliced conch)。
• 中餐菜名的命名主要是根据料、味、 形、质、色、时令、烹调技法、地名、 人物、典故、比喻、寄意、抒怀、数 字等。从大的方面看,可以概括为三 大类:
• 这是由实指词汇组合构成菜名的方法,是 中菜命名中最主要和采用最广泛的直观方 法,观其名称,就能了解菜肴的某些特点,如 原料的组成、颜色和形状,烹制方法,菜 肴的味道等。此类菜名翻译时适合用直译 法,直接明了。如“蒜茸蒸龙虾” (steamed lobster with garlic)。
• 这是就菜肴某一方面特征进行美化的命名 方法,其名称由实指词汇和虚指词汇组合 构成,实中有虚,看菜名即知其原料,同时, 还有几分雅趣。“如兰花小竹笋(sauté fresh bamboo shoots shaped like orchids)是精选鲜嫩小竹笋,笋尖 用刀切成兰花形状再用油煎。” “兰花” 表示笋成菜后的造型,这是对菜肴形状的 美化。