
智课网TOEFL备考资料托福写作TPO15综合写作详细解析阅读材料:The cane toad is a large (1.8 kg) amphibian species native to Central and South America. It was deliberately introduced to Australia in 1935 with the expectation that it would protect farmers’ crops by eating harmful insects. Unfortunately, the toad multiplied rapidly, and a large cane toad population now threatens small native animals thatare not pest. Several measures have been proposed to stop the spread of the cane toad in Australia.蔗蜍是一种原产于中南美洲的两栖动物,个头很大,重大1.8公斤。
One way to prevent the spread of the toad would be to build a national fence. A fence that blocks the advance of the toads will prevent them from moving into those parts of Australia that they have not yet colonized. This approach has been used before: a national fence was erected in the early part of the twentieth century to prevent the spread of rabbits, another animal species that was introduced in Australia from abroad and had a harmful impact on its native ecosystems.第一个阻止蔗蜍蔓延的方法是建立一个全国范围的围栏。

其实用最好的词表达最多的内容才是最厉害的写作方式,本文小编为大家整理了一篇新托福综合写作范文,来源于TPO 1—15。
瑞德托福模考系统是专业的托福模拟考试软件、托福在线模拟考试软件,提供在线托福全真模考,系统可创建真实托福模考(TOEFL iBT)环境,按照阅读、听力、口语、写作四部分进行考试。

综合写作 Reading Part:Large numbers of dinosaur fossils have been discovered in deposits onAlaska's North Slope, a region that today experiences an extremely cold, arcticclimate. One hundred million years ago, when those dinosaurs were alive, theenvironment of the North Slope was already inhospitable, especially during thewinter when it experienced several months of total darkness. How did thedinosaurs survive the wintertime? Paleontologists have proposed that one of themost common North Slope dinosaurs, the elephant-sized edmontosaur(Edmontosaurus), survived the winter by migrating south to more hospitableregions. Several arguments support the migration hypothesis.First, the edmontosaur's diet supports the migration hypothesis.Edmontosaurs fed exclusively on plants. Since there would have been no plantsgrowing during the cold and dark North Slope winter, it appears that theedmontosaur must have left for at least part of the year and migrated to moretemperate zones to find food.Second, many edmontosaur skeletons have been unearthed from the same site.This suggests that edmontosaurs lived in herd. Many modern-day migratoryanimals, such as caribou and buffalo, live and migrate in herds as well. Movingin herds helps animals coordinate their migration. The finding that edmonotsaurslived in herds further supports the migration hypothesis.Finally, edmonosaurs were physically capable of migrating long distances.To reach more hospitable regions, the edmontosaur had to migrate about 1,600kilometers southward. To make such a journey, the edmontosaur needed to move at about five kilometers per hour for several weeks, which is certainly could do. These animals could run very fast, reaching speeds up to 45 kilometers per hour. It could have easily used its locomotive power to move to warmer climate during the harsh arctic winters.综合写作 Listening Part:The hypothesis that the edmontosaur migrated every winter is notconvincing.First, the edmontosaur did not have to migrate to find food. One hundred million years ago the summer temperatures in the North Slope area were warmer than they are today. And remember in arctic regions like the North Slope the sun shines 24 hours a day at the peak of the summer, the warm temperatures and the extensive daylight created incredibly good growing conditions for plants, so much vegetation was produced during the summer that when the vegetation died as the winter came, there was a lot of nutritious dead vegetation around in the winter. The edmontosaur could have easily lived on the dead plant matter during in the winter.Second, just because edmontosaur lived in herds doesn’t mean they migrated. Animals lived in herds for many other reasons. Living in herds, for example, provides animals extra protection from predators. Having extra protection is useful even for the animals that live in the same area the whole year round. A modern example of this is the Roosevelt elk, a large plant-eater. Roosevelt elks live in the forests of western United States, they live in herds, but they do not migrate.。

托福TPO52综合写作题目听力文本:M: Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about:M: Many studies have found sucralose to be perfectly safe for people to consume. And it is useful for people who are trying to lose weight. The reading’s arguments against using sucralose can all be challenged.First, about sucralose affecting the thymus. If you look closely at the studies of sucralose consumption, there were no effects on the rats at all until they were eating extremely large quantities of sucralose. In order for a human to eat the equivalent amounts that affected the rats being studied, a human would have to consume about 4000 packets of sucralose per day for a month.Second, sure, some organochlorines are toxic. If they are consumed, they are digested and stored in fat tissue, and they continue to build up in the fat tissues till they reach toxic levels. But studies show sucralose is a bit different from the other organochlorines. Sucralose is not absorbed by the digestive system very well and so it does not accumulate in the body’s fat tissue. Since sucralose is not absorbed well by the digestive system and doesn’t build up to dangerous leve ls in fat tissue, it is unlikely to have the toxic effect that the otherorganochlorines do.Finally, there is the argument that many people who use artificial sweeteners in their drinks end up eating lots of real sugar in food like cake, and so they negate the benefits of using the sweetener. Well, that argument may hold true for many artificial sweeteners but sucralose has a unique property that makes it different. Most artificial sweeteners breakdown if they are heated too much, but sucralose does not break down when heated. That means that unlike other sweeteners, sucralose can be used to bake things, like cakes and cookies, for example. People craving something sweet can turn to cakes or cookies baked with sucralose, which helps them keep their diets on track.M: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific points made in the reading passage.阅读文本:ReadingSucralose is an artificial sweetener that is used in place of natural sugar. Many people use sucralose as a substitute for sugar to control their weight. However, there may be several health risks associated with sucralose. Also, it is not clear whether sucralose actually helps people lose weight.First, researchers in Australia did studies on rats and discovered that sucralose consumption caused shrinking of the thymus in rats. The thymus is an organ that is crucial to maintaining a healthy immune system; in humans it is particularly active in childhood. If sucralose has similar effects on humans, then long-term use of sucralose could cause harm to the immune system, especially in children.Second, sucralose is created by replacing some of the atoms in natural sugar molecules with chlorine. This means sucralose belongs to a group of chemicals called organochlorines, which is another cause for concern. Organochlorines are known to be toxic to plants and animals, including humans. Some organochlorines are even used as pesticides. Sucralose is chemically similar to these toxic chemicals, so there may be a risk of poisoning if sucralose builds up in human body tissue (in fat tissue, for example).Third, substituting artificial sweeteners for real sugar in coffee, tea, and soft drinks often does not help people lose weight, since it reinforces the habit of enjoying sweet food. When people use artificial sweeteners in their drinks, their appetite for sugar remains strong, and they satisfy their sweetness cravings by eating greater portions of foods containing real sugar, such as cakes or cookies. Such eating habits can prevent them from achieving their goal of losing weight.Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how theysupport/contradict specific points made in the reading passage.答题思路:1. 阅读要点概括:Main point: Sucralose may bring about many health risks when used as a substitute for sugar.Sub point 1: Sucralose may cause harm to the immune system.Sub point 2: There may be a risk of poisoning if sucralose builds up in human body tissue.Sub point 3: Substituting artificial sweeteners for real sugar does not help people lose weight.2. 听力要点概括:Main point: Sucralose is perfectly safe for people to consume.Sub point 1: It requires a consumption of extremely large quantities of sucralose to affect the thymus.Sub point 2: Sucralose does not accumulate in the body’s fat tissue so that it is unlikely to have the toxic effect.Sub point 3: People can use sucralose to replace sweet while keep their diets on track.范文:The sp eaker rebuts the reading’s arguments by debunking the exaggerated tested side effect on the human body, the hasty generalization that sucralose is proven toxic, and unwarranted claims that Sucralose can increase one’s sugar intake.The speaker begins by stating that Sucralose does affect the thymus, but only when the individual consumes a very large quantity of it, over 4000 packets per day. Despite the claim from the reading that sucralose might exert similar detrimental effects on a human thymus given the conclusive side effect has been witnessed in rats, the professor argues Sucralose can only pose a threat to one’s health under mass usage.Contrary to the belief in the passage that it belongs to a group of toxic chemicals called Organochlorines, Sucralose has been shown to act differently than traditional Organochlorines. The professor argues that people have a hard time fully digesting it and it does not build up in the body, therefore it is much less toxic. This directly challenges the fundamental theory in reading.Lastly, the professor casts doubt on the validity of the assumption that sucralose can encourage binge intakes of sweet food. The reading reasons that sucralose can build a growing reliance on sweetness, thus further d amaging one’s health.However, the speaker maintains that the very nature of Sucralose can endure a high heating temperature, thus serving as a perfect candidate to replace artificial sweeteners. In that sense any unfair concern over Sucralose being a gateway sugar inducer would be groundless.。



阅读材料: A recent study reveals that people especially young people are reading far less literature – novels, plays, and poems –than they used to. This is troubling because the trend has unfortunate effects for the reading public, for culture in general, and for the future of literature itself. 最近的研究显⽰⼈们,尤其是年轻⼈不再像以前那样爱读想⼩说、喜剧或者诗歌这类⽂学作品了。
While there has been a decline in book reading generally, the decline has been especially sharp for literature. This is unfortunate because nothing else provides the intellectual stimulation that literature does. Literature encourages us to exercise our imaginations, empathize with others, and expand our understanding of language. So, by reading less literature, the reading public is missing out on important benefits. 在书籍阅读量下降的⼤⽓候下,⽂学类书籍阅读量下降更为明显。

托福TPO27综合写作题目 Reading Part:The little ice age was a period of unusually cold temperature in many partsof the world that lasted from about the year 1350 until 1900CE. There wereunusually harsh winters, and glaciers grew larger in many areas. Scientist havelong wondered what caused the Little Ice Age. Several possible causes have beenproposed.First, the cooling may have been caused by disrupting of ocean currents.Before the Little Ice Age, there was a period of unusually warm weather duringwhich glaciers melted. These melted glaciers sent a large amount of coldfreshwater into the Gulf Stream, a large ocean current that strongly affectsEarth’s climate. Some scientists believe that this freshwater was enough totemporarily disrupt the Gulf Stream. Such a disruption could have caused theLittle Ice Age.Second, volcanic eruption could have caused the Little Ice Age. Whenvolcanoes erupt, they send dark clouds of dust and sulfur gas into theatmosphere. These clouds, which can spread over great areas, block some sunlightfrom reaching Earth’s surface. This can decrease the global temperatures.Scientists know of several volcanic eruption that took place during the LittleIce Age.Third, substantial decreases in human populations may have contributedindirectly to the cooling of the climate. For a variety of reason(disease, warfare, social disruption), the human population just before the Little Ice Age and during the early part of it was lower than it had been in a long time.Forest trees started growing on fields that were no longer used for agriculture.Since trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, they decrease thegreenhouse effect that keeps Earth warm. With more forest trees carbon dioxide, earth became cooler.托福TPO27综合写作题目 Listening Part:Unfortunately,the arguments of the reading passage are a little out of date.Scientists now have new information that shows that none of the ideas the reading passage discusses could account for the Little Ice Age.First,about the Gulf Stream.Scientists now know that disrupting the Gulf Stream would cause cooling only in Europe and North America,but the Little Ice Age also affected the Southern hemisphere,in places like New Zealand and Southern Africa for example.Since the disruption of the Gulf Stream cannot explain why these southern areas became colder,it cannot explain the Little Ice Age.Second, the volcanoes theory.It’s true that if volcanic eruptions put enoughdust into the atmosphere.the result can be a cooler climate.But large amounts ofvolcanic dust in the atmosphere would have also produced striking visual effectthat people would have noticed at the time.For example.Dramatically colorfulSunsets or snow being grey or brown instead of white.But there are almost no reports of anything like that routinely happening during the Little Ice Age.So it seems that the volcanic eruptions during that period were simply not strong enough to release the large amounts of dust needed to lower globaltemperatures.Third, about forests on farmland stopping the warming greenhouse effect by removing carbon dioxide.There just was not enough time for this effect to work.The human population grew back to previous levels fairly quickly,which meant that forests were soon being cut down again to clear fields for the crops needed to feed the growing population.As a result,we know that the forests mentioned in the reading passage were not there long enough to cause the long—term global cooling of the climate.托福TPO27综合写作题目 Question:Summarize the point made in the lecture , being sure to explain how the cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.托福TPO27综合写作答案解析:In the reading passage, the author claims that the cause of the Little IceAge was due to three main reasons. The lecturer, however, reputes the writer’sopinion one by one with strong arguments.Firstly, the passage argues that the Gulf Stream formed in the previous warmperiod was responsible for the appearance of the unexpected Little Ice Age. Yet, the speaker argues that the so-called Gulf Stream only contributed to the cooling weather in Northern hemisphere while Little Ice Age took place all over the world. Thus, global Little Ice Age cannot be Next, according to the reading material, dust and sulfur gas caused by volcanic eruptions would block sunlight, and resulted in Little Ice Age. he lecturer, however, holds that volcanic eruptions should have led to other visual phenomena than cooling weather, like colorful sunsets or grey snow. But unfortunately none of them were reported. Once taken this into consideration, volcanic eruptions seems not strong enough to release the large amounts of dusts needed to lower global temperatures. Last but not least, the writer states that the substantial decrease in human population may cause the unusual Little Ice Age. Again the speaker argues.。

12月20日托福写作真题答案及解析12月20日托福综合写作Integrated Writing:READNINGLISTENINGAlaska whales 和Iceberg属于两种不同的种类1两种动物的颜色不太一样1 由于海藻本身有色差,加之在不同的季节颜色不一样,所以被其覆盖的whale 看起来会darker一些;同时观察时节不一样,也影响了观察的结果。
2 生存的水域不一样2 两种动物的饮食习惯不一样:一种喜欢吃mammals, 故原地不同;另一种喜欢吃fish,故被Russia海域的鱼吸引走了。
3 年龄不一样3 用fin测年龄不靠谱。
12月20日托福独立写作题目Independent Writing:Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to regulate in order to improve your health? 2012.1.13NA/2012.11.2ML1. The kind of food you eat2. The amount of exercise3. The amount of stress in your lifeModern society has turned humans into curious creatures. Our ancestors were highly active thanks to their hunter-gatherer lifestyle; they ate fairly balanced diets due to the limited availability of fats and simple carbohydrates; and they relied on stress as a survival mechanism that kept them alert during intermittent periods of danger. Now, many of us spend upwards of 8 hours a day sedentary at our jobs; we eat unbalance diets of pre-prepared foods in order to save time; and we are constantly stressed due to a never-ending bombardment of stressors coming from our contemporary lifestyle. Managing all three things--diet, exercise, and stress--would be a daunting task for anyone, so if I had to pick one thing to improve my health, it would probably be exercise.To begin with, exercise is much easier to manage than both your diet and your stress. In order to manage your diet effectively, need to reduce or eliminate certain foods you enjoy eating, as well as create a comprehensive plan that balances your intake of different nutrients like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. This is too much for most people, which explains the prevalence of “fad diets” that involve, for example, only eating a single type of food; these diets rarely ever work, and can even be dangerous. Managing stress is similarly difficult, because there are so many potential stressors to account for (work, kids, bills, etc.) and it may not be plausible to try and manage all ofthem. Exercise, on the other hand, can be effective even when simple. Take running: This exercise requires no forethought and can be done pretty much everywhere by pretty much everyone, yet carries a laundry list of health benefits ranging from boosting the immune system to lower the risk of breast cancer.Also, exercise has the scientifically measurable benefit of improving mood. When we perform physically demanding activities such as running, the brain releases a rush of endorphins that produces feelings of euphoria. From an evolutionary perspective, this is a neurological reward that encourages us to run and be healthy--we’r e basically built to be runners. If you can incorporate running (or some similar form of exercise) into your weekly routine, you’ll notice your mood improve almost immediately. And there’s also another, indirect way exercise improves mood: When you’re fit, you feel much better about yourself. I don’t just mean in the narcissistic way, either-- knowing that you’re exercising is just a good feeling.Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, exercise can lead to both better eating habits as well as lower overall stress. Exercise is in fact an excellent way to manage stress, and is recommended by medical authorities as a way to strengthen the brain’s buffers against it. It is even recommended by doctors for treating depression. This stress reduction from exercise can in turn lead to better food choices, since stress is an major contributor to poor eating habits, and eating healthy is much easier when you’re feeling good about yourself. Anyone who’s reached for junk-food during a stressful situation can tell you that.Obviously, diet, exercise, and stress management are all important for living a healthy life. However, if you had to choose only one, I’d say that exercise wins out when it comes to getting the most bang for your buck.。

综合写作 Reading Part:A little over 2,200 years ago, the Roman navy attacked the Greek port cityof Syracuse. According to some ancient historians, the Greeks defendedthemselves with an ingenious weapon called a “burning mirror”: a polished coppersurface curved to focus the Sun’s rays onto Roman ships, causing them to catchfire. However, we have several reasons to suspect that the story of the burningmirror is just a myth and the Greeks of Syracuse never rally built such adevice.First, the ancient Greeks were not technologically advanced enough to makesuch a device. A mirror that would focus sunlight with sufficient intensity toset ships on fire would have to be several meters wide. Moreover, the mirrorwould have to have a very precise parabolic curvature (a curvature derived froma geometric shape known as the parabola). The technology for manufacturing alarge sheet of copper with such specifications did not exist in the ancientworld.Second, the burning mirror would have taken a long time to set the ships onfire. In an experiment conducted to determine whether a burning mirror wasfeasible, a device concentratingthe Sun’s rays on a wooden object 30 meters away took ten minutes to setthe object on fire; and during that time, the object had to be unmoving. It isunlikely that Roman ships stayed perfectly still for that much time, Such aweapon would therefore have been very impractical and ineffective.Third, a burning mirror does not seem like an improvement on a weapon thatthe Greeks already had: flaming arrows. Shooting at an enemy’s ships with flaming arrows was a common way of setting the ships on fire. The burning mirror and flaming arrows would have been effective at about the same distance. So the Greeks had no reason to build a weapon like a burning mirror.综合写作 Listening Part:The claims that the burning mirror would have been impractical and technologically impossible are unconvincing.First, the Greeks did not need to form a single sheet of copper to make a large, burning mirror. An experiment has shown that dozens of small individually flat pieces of polished copper could be arranged into aparabolic shape and form a large, burning mirror. The Greek mathematicians know the properties of the parabola and so could have directed the assembly of small mirror pieces into the parabolic shape.Second, about how long it would take to set a ship on fire with a burning mirror. The experiment the reading selection mentions assumes that the burning mirror was used to set the wood of the boat on fire, that’s what takes ten minutes. But Roman boats were not made just of wood. There were other materials involved as well. For example, to seal the spaces between wooden boards and make them waterproof, the ancient boat-builders used a sticky substance called pitch. Pitch catches fire quickly. An experiment showed that pitch could be set on fire by a burning mirror in seconds. And once the pitch was burning, the fire would spread to the wood even if the ship was moving. So a burning mirror could have worked quickly enough to be an effective weapon.。

Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific methods proposed in the reading passage.
高分词汇:measure, decline, establish, pesticide, pragmatic, endanger, infection, antifungal, scale, object, reverse, trigger
话题:Biology 生物学

4月23日托福写作答案解析4月23日托福综合写作Topic 议题:feeders are bad for birdsReadingListeningSub-point 1分论点1Birds gather easily, thus spreading diseases.The diseases that spread in Hinch are always group-by-group. It has nothing to do with humans.Sub-point2分论点2Birds are exposed to predators.If humans feed birds, extra nutrition will make them stronger and healthier,enhancing the speed of reproduction. The number of new-born birds will be larger than the number of dead birds.Sub-point3分论点3It 眀椀氀氀influence birds’migration pattern.It will not disturb the pattern of natural migration, because birds will depend on shortened sunlight to decide the migration time.Sample answer:The writer and the speaker have a debate on feeding bird during the winter. The writer believes it has negative influences on birds, which is opposed by the following lecture.First, the writer claims that birds gather easily, thus spreading diseases. While the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle, according to him/her, the diseases that spread in Hinch are always group-by-group. It has nothing to do with humans.Secondly, the passage states that bad weather results in shortage of food supply. However, the speaker casts doubt on this opinion by saying that if humans feed birds, extra nutrition will make them stronger and healthier, enhancing the speed of reproduction. The number of new-born birds will be larger than the number of dead birds.Last, the writer argues that it will influence birds’migration pattern. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, this claim does not hold water. It will not disturb the pattern of natural migration, because birds will depend on shortened sunlight to decide the migration time.4月23日托福独立写作:作文题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports teaches people more important lessons about life.题型类别:同不同意类题材类别:事实类相关旧题:2010.12.19ML/2015.6.14ML写作思路:这道题是比较典型的事实类题目。

阅读材料: Rembrandt is the most famous of the seventeenth-century Dutch painters. However, there are doubts whether some paintings attributed to Rembrandt were actually painted by him. One such painting is known as attributed to Rembrandt because of its style, and indeed the representation of the woman’s face is very much like that of portraits known to be by Rembrandt. But there are problems with the painting that suggest it could not be a work by Rembrandt. 伦勃朗是⼗七世纪荷兰最富盛名的画家。
First, there is something inconsistent about the way the woman in the portrait is dressed. She is wearing a white linen cap of a kind that only servants would wear-yet the coat she is wearing has a luxurious fur collar that no servant could afford. Rembrandt, who was known for his attention to the details of his subjects’ clothing, would not have been guilty of such an inconsistency. ⾸先,这幅画上的⼀个问题就是画中⼥⼦的⾐着有些不协调。


智课网TOEFL备考资料托福写作TPO14综合写作详细解析阅读材料:Every year, forest fires and severe storms cause a great deal of damage to forests in the northwestern United States. One way of dealing with the aftermath of these disasters is called salvage logging, which is the practice of removing dead trees from affected areas and using the wood for lumber, plywood, and other wood products. There are several reasons why salvage logging is beneficial both to a damaged forest and to the economy.每年,在美国西北部,森林火灾和一些严重的暴风雨会给森林造成严重的损害。
First, after a devastating fire, forests are choked with dead trees. If the trees are not removed, they will take years to decompose; in the meantime, no new trees can grow in the cramped spaces. Salvage logging, however, removes the remains of dead trees and makes room for fresh growth immediately, which is likely to help forest areas recover from the disaster.首先,每次森林火灾之后,森林都被死树堵住了。
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080105CNW1【08 年1 月5 日大陆托福机经写作第1 题-综合写作】The reading passage explains the negative effects of introducing foreign species into a local ecosystem. The lecture, on the other hand, offers counterarguments to prove that introduced species many not necessarily be harmful.First, according to the reading, imported species may destroy the existing balance within an ecosystem. However, the lecturer argues that these species don’t always do harm to the local ecosystem. Instead they may bring benefits to local agriculture.Second, the reading states that imported species may destroy the useful aspects of local species. Yet the lecturer points out that this is not always the case. He points out that it depends on local circumstances. For example, the cane toads introduced into the state of Florida have helped to exterminate pests that have infested local harvest.Finally, the reading contends that imported species may add to the local economic burden. Again, the lecturer refutes this point by saying that the impact on local economy varies from place to place. He/She uses the example of mesquite to illustrate this point. This plant imported into Africa has been used as food and firewood by the local people, a useful contribution to the local economy.080427CNW1The reading passage provides three pieces of evidence to support author Gavin Menzies’s claim that it was Chinese who first visited the Americas. However, the lecturer dismisses this claim as unfounded.First, as to the markings resembling Chinese characters discovered on a rock on Bimini Road, the lecturer argues that these markings are natural formation rather than human engraving. It looks as if they were carved by humans but a closer examination by geologists would immediately reveal that they are formed by natural forces.Second, regarding the donut-like anchor found off the Coast of Bimini, which seems to be made by Chinese, the speaker suggests that this does not necessarily mean Chinese had been there first, because similar anchors had long been used in navigation by many other countries.Finally, the lecture refuses to view the stone towers on Bimini Island as evidence of the arrival of Chinese sailors earlier than others. He points out that although these towers look like a Chinese lighthouse from a distance, they are in fact built in an English architectural style. Furthermore, carbon dating technique has indicated that the construction by Chinese sailors took place much later than the 15th century.090118CNW1The lecturer argues against the theory presented in the reading that the inhabitants of Easter Island originally came from South America.The first point in the reading is that settlers from South American could have arrived at Easter Island by taking a raft and sailing with wind. However, the lecturer argues that there were no remains of rafts or boats on the island that had signs of a South American origin.Secondly, the reading refers the stone walls on Easter Island as evidence because they had similar structure with the Inca stone walls in South America. However, the lecturer says that they only have superficial similarity. A closer study reveals that the stone walls on Easter Island were hollow inside, unlike those in South America.Finally, the reading states that some plants on Easter Island clearly came from South America, but the lecturer throws doubts on that evidence. He explains that the seeds of native South American plants could have drifted across the ocean and reached Easter Island, and then germinated and propagated there. Studies show that even after several days of being immersed in sea water, the seeds can still grow.090222CNW1Some dinosaur fossils were discovered in Ghost Ranch which, according to the reading passage, could explain the death of a heard of dinosaurs in that area. Three possible hypotheses were given as to why these dinosaurs died, but the lecturer challenges these explanations.The first hypothesis is that the dinosaurs may have been stuck in the mud and eventually died there because they could not escape. This theory was supported by evidence that mud was found around the bones. Weixin:laoxikou. However, the lecturer argues that if the dinosaurs did indeed die stuck in the mud, their bones found at the site would have been found lying down instead of standing up.The second hypothesis is that the dinosaurs died after drinking poisoned water since there were poisonous chemicals found in their bodies. However, the lecturer points to the remains of fish also found in the same site, arguing that these fish showed no signs of being poisoned, indicating that poisoned water may not have been the cause of death.The last hypothesis is a sudden flood which had drowned the dinosaurs to death. This is supported by evidence that the skeleton of the dinosaurs remained complete. The opposing evidence, however, is that the dinosaurs appeared to have died with their necks curved inward. This posture indicates that their death occurred before the flood.090613CNW1The reading passage provides three reasons to argue against paying admission charges to national parks. However, in the lecture, the professor states that admission charges are reasonable.The first point in the reading is that most national parks are built and maintained by taxpayers’ money, so they should provide free access to every taxpayer. The professor, on the other hand, points out that not every tax payer would pay a visit to the national park, so it would only be fair if those who do visit the park are charged with some admission fees, and those who never visit the park are not.Second, the reading claims that the number of visitors to national parks will decline if they are not free. However, the lecturer does not agree with this. He argues that, on the contrary, parks that charge admission will receive even more visitors. This is because people will think of parks that charge high admission fees as more worth visiting than those parks that charge less or provide free entranceFinally, according to the reading, work related with ticket sales and disposal may distract staff’s attention from doing more important things such as providing safety measures and protecting park environment. Yet the lecturer regards such work as beneficial because it gives employees at the park opportunities to get close to visitors, learn about their needs, and listen to their suggestions on how to improve the park.090808CNW1(=071028CNW1)The reading passage challenges a claim that a cave discovered in North America has a history of 20,000 years. However, the lecture supports this claim.First, the reading argues that carbon dating does not necessarily produce convincing data about the true age of this cave, because the carbon samples used for dating might have originated from somewhere else. However, the professor questions this argument. He says that, if these carbon elements indeed came from other sources, there should have been signs of erosion, or indications in the ground water.(由于机经回忆不详,无法还原更多答案细节,考试时请注意听)Second, the reading states that the last ice age was about 20,000 years ago. The plants and handicrafts excavated from this cave could not have dated so long ago because they require warm conditions for preservation. However, the professor argues that the cave could have supported a warm condition, because it was located at lower altitudes, and temperatures tended to increase at such altitudes.Third, the reading points out that human or animal activities over the ages might have moved lower layers of archaeological objects to upper layers, making interpretation of the age of these objects less accurate. However, the lecturer refutes this theory by saying that human or animal activities could only have affected stratifications close to the surface of the soil. Excavation of the cave was deep beneath the soil, so destruction at that depth was less than possible.091018CNW1Many farms in the US suffer crop damage from hail. Cloud seeding is a common technique used to prevent such damage. Cloud seeding works by dispersing chemicals such as silver iodide into the cloud, turning hail into light snow. Three pieces of evidence in the reading passage prove that cloud seeding is very effective in preventing hail damage to crops. However, the lecture refutes each of them.First, the lecturer argues that success in lab experiment is not sufficient to prove that cloud seeding is beneficial in reality. Silver iodide not only reduces hail, but also reduces natural phenomenon such as snow and rain, which may lead to drought. This is even worse for the crops.Second, success in Asia cannot be repeated in other places. Asian cities have a high level of pollution so there are large amounts of particles in the air which react with silver iodide for cloud seeding to work. Weixin:laoxikou.However, in the US, the skies over farmlands are not polluted and do not have these particles. So cloud seeding is not likely to work well in these regions.Finally, local study is not convincing either. Indeed local records show that in some places that use cloud seeding, occurrences of hail damage are reduced. But in other places where cloud seeding is not used, there is also a decrease in hail damage. So the improved situation may not be the result of could seeding. They may be due to other environmental factors.091025CNW1Some high schools require students to participate in volunteer activities for at least 2 hours every week. The reading passage claims that such requirement is not meaningful, while the lecture argues that volunteer work is beneficial to high school students and therefore justified.Firstly, the reading says that some high school students can easily fulfil this requirement by reporting that they have done some work in places like their grandparents’ gardens. There is no way the school can monitor their work. However, the lecturer says that students’ own report is only part of the evaluation. The school also checks with relevant local authorities at the students’ place of work, asking for official document as proof of the student’s record of volunteer service.Secondly, the reading raises the concern that volunteer work mandated by the school may instill a concept in students’ mind that volunteer work is actually tied with some forms of benefits. This may prevent students from participating in volunteer work in the future when there is no such benefit. Yet the lecturer explains that many students who have done some types of volunteer work such as working in the hospital regard such experience as very powerful and rewarding. They feel motivated to continue doing volunteer work in the future.Finally, according to the reading passage, requiring students to do volunteer work is a violation of student’ freedom and rights, which is illegal. The lecturer, however, draws an analogy between volunteer work and academic curricula. He argues that if there is nothing wrong with schools requiring students to take academic courses such as math, then they are not violating any student’s right when they demand the student to do some volunteer work.091121CNW1The reading passage states that it is impossible to establish permanent human presence on Venus, due to significant challenges caused by the plant’s hostile surface environment. Yet the lecturer argues that there are ways to overcome these challenges.The first challenge is pressure. The atmospheric pressure on the surface of Venus is far greater than on Earth, so any spacecraft that tries to land on Venus for more than one hour would inevitably crush. [s-keygen-aswer-20110108]However, the lecturer argues that 50 meters above the surface of Venus, the atmospheric pressure is similar to that on Earth, so humans can probably establish floating stations above Venus like balloons.Furthermore, water and oxygen, both essential for human survival, are almost absent from Venus. But the lecturer states that water and oxygen can be produced by chemical process. Venus provides plenty of raw materials to allow such process so there is no need to transport water and oxygen from Earth to Venus.The final challenge is the dense layer of clouds over Venus, which blocks sunlight, making navigation based on solar power unlikely over Venus. However, the lecturer explains that solar cells can be used effectively because there is plenty of sunlight above the clouds and these clouds also reflect sunlight down below, providing abundant sources of electricity091205CNW1(=070721CNW1)The dodo bird is an extinct species native to the island of Mauritius. The reading passage attributes the extinction of the dodo to the Dutch settlement on the island. However, the lecture rejects this view.First, the reading states that the dodo is a flightless and so defenseless bird, but they were unafraid of humans, making it easy prey for the Dutch settlers on the island. However, the lecturer argues that the Dutch settlers found that the dodo meat was unpleasant to eat. Actually, the Dutch called the dodo, in their native language, the disgusting bird.Second, the reading claims that when the Dutch settled on the island, they had destroyed the forest, which severely reduced the territory in which dodos could live and reproduce. The lecturer admits that there was deforestation on the island, but he argues that deforestation did not cover the entire island. He also points to the fact that many other bird species did not become extinct because of deforestation.Finally, in contrast to the reading’s argument that a disease brought by the Dutch may have killed the dodos, the professor says the dodo population may already have been declining. He then blames the extinction of the dodo on natural disasters such as massive cyclones that destroyed their nests and eggs.100221CNW1The lecture rejects views presented in the reading passage regarding the effectiveness of iron fertilization. Contrary to what the reading says, the lecturer argues that iron fertilization is a promising solution to global warning.First, the reading criticizes that iron fertilization is an ineffective solution because experiments show that only a small amount of carbon dioxide can be absorbed. Yet the lecturer rejects this criticism,arguing that experiments last too short (only a month) for the effect of iron fertilization to be visible. Increased CO2 absorption would only be significant in the 2nd or 3rd month.Second, the reading warns us that toxic chemicals released in the process of iron fertilization will harm local fishery as well as humans who eat contaminated fish. However, the lecturer argues that contamination is limited within certain areas only. By practicing iron fertilization in isolated areas away from the fish population would help to reduce such risk.Finally, regarding the reading’s worry that iron fertilization may cause unpredictable damage to a region’s marine eco-system, the lecturer argues that such risk is worth taking because iron fertilization address a more important issue – global warming, which causes a much higher level of risk to the ocean environment across the entire globe. So iron fertilization is completely justifiable. 100626CNW1(=080816NAW1)The reading passage presents three pieces of evidence for microscopic life in a meteorite from Mars. However, the lecturer challenges this view, claiming that the evidence is flawed.First, microscopic image of meteorite fragments show fossils of tube-like organisms which suggests that a primitive form of life may have existed on Mars. However, the lecturer argues that these fossils may have appeared as a result of changes in the meteorite sample’s shape and characteristic feature as it was prepared for microscopic scanning.Second, a chemical compound found on the meteorite is very similar to a chemical compound on Earth called boron ( 硼), a necessary ingredient for life. Weixin:laoxikou.Yet this view is contested by the lecturer, who states that this chemical substance does not necessarily originate from Mars. The meteorite could have contained this chemical due to its impact with Earth during period of volcanic activity.Finally, grains of magnetite were found on the meteorite, resembling those produced by bacteria on Earth (类细菌生命体所产生的磁铁矿颗粒), which can be taken as signs of biological activity on Mars. However, the lecturer says that compared with Earth, the magnetic field on Mars is too weak, so it’s unlikely that these grains of magnetite were used by microbes on Mars to follow its magnetic fields.101009CNThe reading passage criticizes fish farms for causing a number of problems to the local environment. However, in the lecture, the professor argues that solutions have already been found to address each problem.The first problem fish that grow in fish farms may produce large quantities of by-products and wastes that may contaminate the surrounding water. In the lecture, the professor points out that a kind of bacteria (也可能是marine animal) has been introduced in fish farms to effectively break down (或eat) the waste.The second problem is that when the fish escape from the farms and breed with their wild relatives, they could produce offspring with genetic weakness and low viability. However, according to thelecture, domestication has made fish in the farms genetically different, and their reproductive ability much lower than that of the wild fish, so successful breading for the escaped fish in the wild is highly unlikely.The third problem concerns the overconsumption of freshwater resources in fish farms. To address this problem, the lecture says, scientists have invented a water recycling system, in which water is continuous filtered and recycled so the amount of water needed to run a large-scale fish farm is minimized. Furthermore, a type of plant called () can be grown in salt water to help with the cleaning process.101017CNW1【10年10月17日中国大陆托福机经写作第1题-综合写作】原创高分答案Microcredit is a form of financial service which provides small loans to help the poor start their business. The reading passage points to three inherent problems with microcredit. The lecture, however, addresses each of these questions.The first problem is that receivers of microcredit usually do not possess the knowledge and skills necessary to run a business, so their business is likely to fail. However, according to the lecture, microcredit service is more than just providing loans. Borrowers are also taught many useful skills such as how to budget the balance and how to lower their cost. These, together with the credit they are given, will help receivers successfully run their business.The second problem is that microcredit will increase the administrative cost of the bank, and therefore it is an inefficient practice. The lecture argues that this is not necessarily the case, since the bank often lends microcredit to a small group of 4 to 5 people at a time, rather than just to one individual, so the administrative cost involved is significantly reduced, which means more loans can be provided to a larger number of people.Finally, another problem with microcredit is that it takes away the valuable funds which the government could have invested in more important areas like education and infrastructure. The lecture, however, contends otherwise. It explains that microcredit is often financed by non-government institutions. So it does not decrease government fund. On the contrary, with small businesses being financed by microcredit, the government could focus its limited budge on financing larger projects, such as the construction of bridges and roads.10326CNThe reading passage presents three pieces of evidence to support the theory that the Permian–Triassic mass extinction was triggered by a meteorite impacting Earth. However, the lecturer rejects this theory by pointing out its weaknesses.The first evidence is the recent discovery of meteorite fragments containing mineral grains which dated to 250 million years ago, the same time when the extinction occurred. However, the lecturer rejects this theory as unconvincing, arguing that any substance would be transformed completely after 250 million years of gradual chemical process, so the minerals now preserved in the fragments must have been formed quite recently.The second evidence is the scattered meteorite fragments in China, India and [], indicating the magnitude of a disastrous meteorite impact that could wipe out almost the entire species on Earth. Yet according to the lecture, the fact that the fragments were only found in three countries, and notin the rest of the world such as Europe, was actually proof that the meteorite collision was not strong enough to cause such a massive extinction.The third evidence is a large crater found off the coast of Australia. Its size matches that of a meteorite, indicating that it was an impact site for a meteorite collision. Nevertheless, the lecturer proposes a different theory. He explains that this crater may have been caused by Earth’s internal forces such as volcanic activities.110423CNW1(=090227NAW1)Gopher tortoises are listed as an endangered species in the United States. The reading passage introduces three measures that are expteded to help restore the gopher tortoise population. However, the lecture rejects each of the measures as unlikely to succeed.The first measure mentioned in the reading is the conservation of longleaf forest, a vital habitat for gopher tortoises. However, the lecturer argues that the abundance of longleaf pine trees may actually have a negative impact on the ecosystem, because they block the sunlight that is necessary for the growth of a type of grass that gopher tortoises depend on.The second measure is to bring young gopher tortoises to research laboratories where they are fed and their disease is cured, before releasing them to the wild. However, the lecturer considers this as a risky practice because gopher tortoises brought up in laboratory environment is more susceptible to diseases when they are released into the wild, and these diseases may spread very quickly among the tortoise population.The third method is to translocate gopher tortoises to other carefully selected places. The lecture rejects this measure as even more dangerous. Gopher tortoise, the professor argues, have a strong homing instinct and will try to return to their original habitat no matter where they are taken. On their way back, they may run into a series of risks, like being run over by a car while they try to cross a busy road.110514CNW1 (=110514NAW1)The reading passage present three theories as likely explanations for the first mass extinction of species on Earth, while the lecture rejects these theories as unfounded.The first theory is that declining sea levels caused the extinction of coastal living and eventually mass extinction of all species. However, the lecturer suggests that the sea level flucuation was a gradual process, so coastal lives should be able to adapt to such change. This theory, therefore, is not valid because it does not explain why the mass extinction was so rapid.The second theory attributes the mass extinction to volcanic activities which produce excessive amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Earth’s atmosphere and subsequently initiated a drop in global temperature. Yet the lecturer argues that the increase in SO2 levels was not so significant, and that any increased amont would eventually fall back to the ground in the form of acid rain.The third theory links the mass extinction to an asteroid impact. A giant crater was formed and the dust and debris from such impact blocked the sunlight, causing plants and animals to die out. However, the lecturer points out that a possible asteroid impact was recorded around 12 million years ago, which came too early to have been the cause of extinction.110529CNW1The reading passage supports deep-sea mining for minerals near volcanic vents while the lecture raises doubts about such practice. The speaker argues that the benefits mentioned in the reading overlook several important concerns.First, the reading passage states that there are abundant mineral resources that could be exploited near volcanic vents. However, the lecturer says that these minerals may not be easily available because currently the technology needed for separating and transporting the minerals is not sufficiently developed.Second, according to the reading passage, deep-sea mining is environmentally safe because the mining site is considerably far away from the shore. Yet the lecturer argues that contamination could spread over a large area of the ocean because contaminating minerals could drift a long way. Some of the contaminants may even move back to the volcanic vent, endangering the animal species that inhabit there.Finally, the reading passage mentions that international laws and agencies can help to ensure the safe running of mining facilities and prevent accidents, to which the lecturer expressed his doubts. He points out that many deep-sea mining facilitates are operated off the coast that belongs to a particular country, in which case international laws and agencies are not applicable because they only govern international sea waters.110619CNW1 (=100227NAW1)The lecture and the reading passage both address the question why humans need sleep. The reading proposes three theories to explain the purpose of sleep, but the lecture throws doubts on each of them.The first theory is that people need sleep in order to organize and consolidate information that has been acquired during the day. The reading cites REM as evidence of this theory because people’s brains are so active during REM sleep. However, the speaker argues that sleep may not be essential for memory, because some people don’t think about their daytime memories during sleep. They don’t show REM either.The second theory suggests that sleep is needed for revitalizing energy, as is illustrated by some nocturnal animals which prey during the night and sleep during the day. Yet the lecturer states that to restore energy, one simply needs to rest awake. So restoration may not be an essential function of sleep.Thirdly, some experiments have shown that sleep helps to remove toxins that have been accumulated in the body so damaged brain cells can be repaired. However, the lecturer points outthat these experiment results may not be valid, because they are based on extreme cases, in which subjects are kept awake for several days before being allowed to sleep.110625CNW1 (=091017NAW1)The lecture throws doubts over the claim made in the reading passage that T.rex was not able to run. It challenges the three pieces of evidence presented in the reading passage.The first point in the reading is that T. rex had such a huge body that if it could run, then when it fell, the danger could be fatal. However, the lecturer argues that such risk was much less than the benefit that T. rex could gain from the ability to run, because it would enable T. rex to chase its prey, a skill needed for survival. This applies to many other animals, for example the monkey, which would swing from tree to tree at the risk of getting fatally hurt if it drops to the ground.The second point in the reading is that T. rex had long and thin legs, which were not strong enough to sustain the force imposed on them when T. rex was running. The lecturer refutes this argument, using the example of modern day animals such as horses, which had thin legs but are still fast runners. The horse is able to adjust its running postures to minimize impact on its bones. It does so by making small steps and repeating them fast in order to move forward. Weixin:laoxikou.The third point is that it is calculated that in order to run, a T. rex would have 86% of its body weight spread among its legs, which was not possible. But the lecture points out that this calculation is based on a hypothetical model of T. rex. Under this model, many parameters could be wrong. We could draw a totally opposite conclusion if some of the parameters were changed, such as the size of T. rex’s internal organs, or the posture of its body when it was running.110709CNW1 (=100410NAW1)The reading passage introduces to the readers the benefits of genetically modified crops, while the lecture tries to convince us that these benefits are over exaggerated.The first benefit is that GM crops are good for the environment because they possess pest-resistant genes which can reduce the need to use pesticide. However, the lecturer argues that if these resistance genes spread to wild crops, they will grow out of control which may bring more damage to the environment.The second benefit is that GM crops can increase farmers’ profits because GM crops can produce good yields even in dry seasons. However, the lecturer points to the fact that farmers of GM crops have to pay a heavy sum of money to GM seed companies, and they have to do it annually. This brings up the cost of growing GM crops significantly.The third benefit is that GM plant can add important nutrients like vitamin A to the diet of people who lack those nutrients. However, according to the lecture, the nutrients introduced through GM crops are far from enough. The correct and more effective way to deal with nutrient deficiency is to encourage people to eat more vegetables like sweet potatoes.110918CNW1 (=110121NAW1)The reading passage discusses why a whale sometimes strands itself on the beach. It attributes whales’ beaching behavior to three possible causes, but the lecturer does not believe any of these causes to be true.First, the lecturer says that disorientation caused by sickness could not have been the cause of whales’ beaching behavior, because when beached wales were discovered and their bodies were。