基础防雷外文资料翻译 精品

附件2:Fundamentals of Lightning ProtectionIntroductionLightning is a capricious, random and unpredictable event. Its' physical characteristics include current levels sometimes in excess of 400 kA, temperatures to 50,000 degrees F., and speeds approaching one third the speed of light. Globally, some 2000 on-going thunderstorms cause about 100 lightning strikes to earth each second. USA insurance company information shows one homeowner's damage claim for every 57 lightning strikes. Data about commercial, government, and industrial lightning-caused losses is not available. Annually in the USA lightning causes more than 26,000 fires with damage to property (NLSI estimates) in excess of $5-6 billion.The phenomenology of lightning strikes to earth, as presently understood, follows an approximate behavior:1. The downward Leaders from a thundercloud pulse towards earth seeking out active electrical ground targets.2. Ground-based objects (fences, trees, blades of grass, corners of buildings, people, lightning rods, etc., etc.) emit varying degrees of electric activityduring this event. Upward Streamers are launched from some of these objects. A few tens of meters off the ground, a "collection zone" is established according to the intensified local electrical field.3. Some Leader(s) likely will connect with some Streamer(s). Then, the "switch" is closed and the current flows. We see lightning.Lightning effects can be direct and/or indirect. Direct effects are from resistive (ohmic) heating, arcing and burning. Indirect effects are more probable. They include capacitive, inductive and magnetic behavior. Lightning "prevention" or "protection" (in an absolute sense) is impossible.A diminution of its consequences, together with incremental safety improvements, can be obtained by the use of a holistic or systematic hazard mitigation approach, described below in generic terms.Lightning RodsIn Franklin's day, lightning rods conducted current away from buildings to earth. Lightning rods, now known as air terminals, are believed to send Streamers upward at varying distances and times according to shape, height and other factors. Different designs of air terminals may be employed according to different protection requirements. For example, the utility industry prefers overhead shielding wires for electrical substations. In some cases, no use whatsoever of air terminals is appropriate (example: munitionsbunkers). Air terminals do not provide for safety to modern electronics within structures.Air terminal design may alter Streamer behavior. In equivalent e-fields, a blunt pointed rod is seen to behave differently than a sharp pointed rod. Faraday Cage and overhead shield designs produce yet other effects. Air terminal design and performance is a controversial and unresolved issue. Commercial claims of the "elimination" of lightning deserve a skeptical reception. Further research and testing is on-going in order to understand more fully the behavior of various air terminals.Downconductors, Bonding and ShieldingDownconductors should be installed in a safe manner through a known route, outside of the structure. They should not be painted, since this will increase impedance. Gradual bends (min. eight inch radius) should be adopted to avoid flashover problems. Building steel may be used in place of downconductors where practical as a beneficial part of the earth electrode subsystem.Bonding assures that all metal masses are at the same electrical potential.All metallic conductors entering structures (AC power, gas and water pipes, signal lines, HVAC ducting, conduits, railroad tracks, overhead bridge cranes, etc.) should be integrated electrically to the earth electrodesubsystem. Connector bonding should be thermal, not mechanical. Mechanical bonds are subject to corrosion and physical damage. Frequent inspection and ohmic resistance measuring of compression and mechanical connectors is recommended.Shielding is an additional line of defense against induced effects. It prevents the higher frequency electromagnetic noise from interfering with the desired signal. It is accomplished by isolation of the signal wires from the source of noise.GroundingThe grounding system must address low earth impedance as well as low resistance. A spectral study of lightning's typical impulse reveals both a high and a low frequency content. The high frequency is associated with an extremely fast rising "front" on the order of 10 microseconds to peak current. The lower frequency component resides in the long, high energy "tail" or follow-on current in the impulse. The grounding system appears to the lightning impulse as a transmission line where wave propagation theory applies.A single point grounding system is achieved when all equipment within the structure(s) are connected to a master bus bar which in turn is bonded to the external grounding system at one point only. Earth loops and differential risetimes must be avoided. The grounding system should be designed to reduce ac impedance and dc resistance. The shape and dimension of the earth termination system is more important a specific value of the earth electrode. The use of counterpoise or "crow's foot" radial techniques can lower impedance as they allow lightning energy to diverge as each buried conductor shares voltage gradients. Ground rings around structures are useful. They should be connected to the facility ground. Exothermic (welded) connectors are recommended in all circumstances.Cathodic reactance should be considered during the site analysis phase.Man-made earth additives and backfills are useful in difficult soils circumstances: they should be considered on a case-by-case basis where lowering grounding impedances are difficult an/or expensive by traditional means. Regular physical inspections and testing should be a part of an established preventive maintenance program.Transients and SurgesOrdinary fuses and circuit breakers are not capable of dealing with lightning-induced transients. Lightning protection equipment may shunt current, block energy from traveling down the wire, filter certain frequencies, clamp voltage levels, or perform a combination of these tasks. Voltage clamping devices capable of handling extremely high amperages of the surge, as well as reducing the extremely fast rising edge (dv/dt and di/dt) ofthe transient are recommended. Adopting a fortress defense against surges is prudent: protect the main panel (AC power) entry; protect all relevant secondary distribution panels; protect all valuable plug-in devices such as process control instrumentation, computers, printers, fire alarms, data recording & SCADA equipment, etc. Further, protect incoming and outgoing data and signal lines. Protect electric devices which serve the primary asset such as well heads, remote security alarms, CCTV cameras, high mast lighting, etc. HVAC vents which penetrate one structure from another should not be ignored as possible troublesome electrical pathways. Surge suppressors should be installed with minimum lead lengths to their respective panels. Under fast rise time conditions, cable inductance becomes important and high transient voltages can be developed across long leads.In all instances, use high quality, high speed, self-diagnosing protective components. Transient limiting devices may use a combination of arc gap diverters-metal oxide varistor-silicon avalanche diode technologies. Hybrid devices, using a combination of these technologies, are preferred. Know your clamping voltage requirements. Confirm that your vendor's products have been tested to rigid ANSI/IEEE/ISO9000 test standards. Avoidlow-priced, bargain products which proliferate the market (caveat emptor). DetectionLightning detectors, available at differing costs and technologies, sometimes are useful to provide early warning. An interesting application is when they are used to disconnect from AC line power and to engage standby power, before the arrival of lightning. Users should beware of over-confidence in such equipment which is not perfect and does not always acquire all lightning data.EducationLightning safety should be practiced by all people during thunderstorms. Preparedness includes: get indoors or in a car; avoid water and all metal objects; get off the high ground; avoid solitary trees; stay off the telephone. If caught outdoors during nearby lightning, adopt the Lightning Safety Position (LSP). LSP means staying away from other people, taking off all metal objects, crouching with feet together, head bowed, and placing hands on ears to reduce acoustic shock.Measuring lightning's distance is easy. Use the "Flash/Bang" (F/B) technique. For every count of five from the time of seeing the lightning stroke to hearing the associated thunder, lightning is one mile away. A F/B of 10 = 2 miles; a F/B of 20 = 4 miles, etc. Since the distance from Strike A to Strike B to Strike C can be as much as 5-8 miles. Be conservative and suspend activities when you first hear thunder, if possible. Do not resumeoutdoor activities until 20 minutes has past from the last observable thunder or lightning.Organizations should adopt a Lightning Safety Policy and integrate it into their overall safety plan.TestingModern diagnostic testing is available to mimic the performance of lightning conducting devices as well as to indicate the general route of lightning through structures. This testing typically is low power, 50 watt or less. It is traceable, but will not trip MOVs, gas tube arrestors, or other transient protection devices. Knowing the behavior of an event prior to occurrence is every businessman's earnest hope. With such techniques, lightning paths can be forecast reliably.Codes & StandardsThe marketplace abounds with exaggerated claims of product perfection. Frequently referenced codes and installation standards are incomplete, out dated and promulgated by commercial interests. On the other hand IEC, IEEE, MIL-STD, FAA, NASA and similar documents are supported by background engineering, the peer-review process, and are technical in nature.SummaryIt is important that all of the above subjects be considered in a lightning safety analysis. There is no Utopia in lightning protection. Lightning may ignore every defense man can conceive. A systematic hazard mitigation approach to lightning safety is a prudent course of action.References1.API 2003, Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning,and Stray Currents, American Petroleum Institute, Washington DC,December 1991.2.Golde, G.H., Lightning, Academic Press, NY, 1977.3.Hasse, P., Overvoltage Protection of Low Voltage Systems, PeterPeregrinus Press, London, 1992.4.Hovath, Tibor, Computation of Lightning Protection, John Wiley, NY,1991.5.IEEE Std 1100, Powering and Grounding of Sensitive ElectronicEquipment, IEEE, NY, NY. 1992.6.KSC-STD-E-0012B, Standard for Bonding and Grounding, EngineeringDevelopment Directorate, John F. Kennedy Space Center, NASA, 1991.7.Morris, M.E., et.al., Rocket-Triggered Lightning Studies for the Protectionof Critical Assets, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 30,No. 3, May/June 1994.8.Sunde, E.D. Earth Conduction Effects in Transmission Systems, D. VanNostrand Co., NY, 1949.9.Towne, D., Wave Phenomena, Dover Publications, NY.10.Uman, Martin, Lightning, Dover Publications, NY, 1984.附件1:外文资料翻译译文基础防雷简介闪电是一个反复无常,随机和不可预测的事件。

雷电防护第1部分:总则IEC: Protection Against LightningPart1:General principles目录前言 (3)简介 (4)1.范围和目标 (5)2.规范性参考文件 (5)3.术语和定义 (5)4.雷击电流参数 (11)5.雷电的损害 (11)5.1 对建筑物的损害5.2 对公共设施的损害5.3 损失类型6.对防雷的需求和经济利益 (14)6.1 雷电防护需求6.2 雷电防护的经济利益7.防护措施 (14)7.1 减少接触和跨步电压对活体损害的防护措施7.2 减少物质损害的防护措施7.3 减少电气和电子系统失效的防护措施7.4 防护措施选择8. 对建筑物和公共设施防护的基本准则 (16)8.1 雷电防护等级(LPL)8.2 雷电防护区(LPZ)8.3 建筑物防护附录A(资料性)雷击电流参数 (25)附录B(资料性)供分析用的雷击电流的时间函数 (34)附录C(规范性)供试验用的雷击电流的模拟 (38)附录D(规范性)对LPS部件受雷电影响的模拟及其试验参数 (42)前言1) IEC(国际电工委员会)是世界性标准化组织,其所有成员为国家电工委员会。

电子信息系统electronic information system:由计算机、有/线通信设备、处理设备、控制设备及其相差的配套设备、设施(含网络)等的电子设备构成的,按照一定应用目的和规则对信息进行采集、加工、存储、传输、检索等处理的人机系统。
电磁兼容性electromagnetic compatibility(EMC):设备或系统在其电磁环境中能正常工作,且不对环境中的其他设备和系统构成不能承受的电磁干扰的能力。
电磁屏蔽electromagnetic shielding:用导电材料减少交变电磁场向指定区域穿透的屏蔽。
防雷装置lightning protection system(LPS):外部和内部雷电防护装置的统称。
外部防雷装置external lightning protection system:由接闪器、引下线和接地装置组成,主要用以防直击雷的防护装置。
内部防雷装置internal lighting protection system:由等电位连接系统、共用接地系统、屏蔽系统、合理布线系统、浪涌保护器等组成,主要用于减小和防止雷电流在需防空间内所产生的电磁效应。
共用接地系统common earthing system:将各部分防雷装置、建筑物金属构件、低压配电保护线(PE)、等电位连接带、设备保护地、屏蔽体接地、防静电接地及接地装置等连接在一起的接地系统。
等电位连接equipotent bonding(EB):设备和装置外露可导电部分的电位基本相等的电气连接。
等电位连接带equipotent bonding bar(EBB):将金属装置、外来导电物、电力线路、通信线路及其他电缆连于其上以能与防雷装置做等电位连接的金属带。
自然接地体natural earthing electrode:具有兼作接地的但不是为此目的而专门设置的与大地有良好接触的各种金属构件、金属井管、钢筋混凝土中的钢筋、埋地金属管道和设施等的统称。

闪电长期吸引着技术人员,研究闪电是电地性质,在两个世纪前和查尔斯斯坦梅茨在世纪年代在他地综合供电实验室产生人工闪电.雷电是可以看见地、发生在云内、云间或者是云地间地静电荷放电.科学家们仍然不完全理解是什么原因导致闪电,但多数专家认为,不同种类地冰晶相互作用.云内地上升运动将云内电荷分离,结果正极性电荷向上移动到云地底部,而负电荷极性电荷则向下运动到云底.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途当负电荷向下移动时,先导形成了.先导通过离散阶梯到地面,在天空中形成电离通道.最后地击中一般发生对一个高对象,并且闪电放电地大部分然后运载沿被电离地道路流动地回击.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途闪电可以击中地球上地任何地方甚至是南极和北极.美国任何地理位置,雷暴天气发生少则每年次多则每年次.美国地东北亚最有暴力地国家,因为雷暴地区域地球极高地电阻率.较高土壤电阻率(大地地电阻传导电流)增加了雷击地潜力.如果在没有雷电防护系统地情况下,该地区地建筑物如果被击中,通常会遭受更大地损坏.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途每年,成千上万地房屋和其他财产损遭雷击毁坏或破坏.在美国每年,它占了亿美元地财产损失.闪电导致地死亡和财产损失比起龙卷风,飓风和洪水要负更多地责任,但这些暴力性质地力量,闪电是唯一一个我们可以经济负担.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途闪电对一些财产有一种更高风险地损害.当考虑避雷系统地设施时,您可以想要估计这种风险. 一个风险评估指南为确定闪电损失为结构地所有类型在全国消防协会地避雷代码,可以被发现. 这个指南考虑到结构地建筑(木头、砖、混凝土、钢筋混凝土和钢框架建筑地)种类,类型,结构地点、地势、居住(人,动物),内容和闪电频率.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途闪电与雷暴有关.通常情况下,雷暴地特征与广泛区域(地雷雨)中地降水单体密切相关.这些降水单体在几分钟内地位置是固定地,平均起来,各个方向长达几英里.在美国大陆,雷暴单体沿着飑线自西向东移动.飑线宽约英里长达英里.雷暴单体地移动速度一般为每小时公里.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途雷暴内部迅速地上升地空气与迅速地下落地空气在雷暴之内相互作用,在云内互动分开地创造正电荷区和负电荷区. 空气作为绝缘体,但,当电荷加强超出它地能力地时,则在云内负电荷区地高度作为绝缘体,结果是我们看见作为闪电地火花. 闪电调平在正电荷和负电荷地区域里.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途四种类型地闪电是常见:在云(或内云)闪电从云地一个带电区域延伸到另一台、云云闪电延伸到两个云之间、云空气闪电从云延伸到空气中,不延伸到地面,和云对地闪电从云延伸到地面.闪电地来往可从清除空气地云、云到相邻地云,和地上地云地云内地点.这些闪烁分别被称为云闪、云空闪、云云内闪和云地闪.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途闪烁云中地电荷一半以上在北半球(乌曼及凯瑞德),闪电电荷再分配,云,云和云地空中闪烁不太常见.除了航空,这三种类型地闪烁对人地影响不大.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途云内对地面()闪光是有共同性和有大量文件证明地.它们在云彩和地面之间交换电荷.这些闪光对人有很大地影响,会造成伤害和死亡、杂乱地能量和通信,和会点燃森林火灾. 由于这些冲击,云内对地面闪光是研究题目. 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途云彩对地面闪电闪光可能根据闪光地来源降低正面()或负电荷( ). 这可以取决于冲击流地极性. 如表所显示,云内对地面闪光地负极和正极地特征地总结. 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途地面到云闪烁(从地面发起),以及发生,如大型建筑物,如帝国大厦地观察,但通常不区分研究中地地闪.在雷击地空气被加热非常迅速扩大,创建一个冲击波,我们所听到地雷声.雷声持续几秒钟,因为我们第一次听到地冲击波闪电是最接近我们地部分,然后我们继续听到闪电冲击波离我们越来越远,在稍后地时间就到达.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途雷电可被定义为和闪电放电相关地声波释放.包括组件型过程在内,不管云地闪电还是云内闪电,几乎所有地冲击过程都会产生雷声.雷声波普地主要成分从几赫兹扩展到几千赫兹.一般认为可闻声波(约赫兹以上)是一系列衰减震动波,衰减震荡波是由一些快速加热地闪电通道空气动态膨胀产生地,而当闪电快速转移大量电荷时,雷声地次声波(约赫兹以下)是与大量地雷雨云快速收缩有关.闪电到可闻雷声地时间,在闪电通道最近可闻地点,每千米约为秒.雷电测距是广泛用于普通人员和研究人员所采用地技术名称,由以光速或无线电波速度传播地电磁波与首闻雷声地时间间隔决定闪电距离.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途电磁(包括可选)辐射地传播渠道地在约(),到达一个观察员地光地速度,可以说至公里,约.相应可听到地雷声在摄氏度空气温度和大气压力下约()^,从而抵达时间约. 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途因此,电磁信号和雷声地到达之间地时间地间隔基本上被对于渠道地距离被声音地速度分割来确定.这个“闪光到反击地”时期是每到有关闪电渠道地最接近听得见地点地公里地距离地大约秒.“雷声测距”是给予技术,外行和研究员广泛使用通过地名字,从电磁信号之间地时间地间隔使闪电距离决定,在也光学或无线电频率,以及雷声地第一声音.电磁信号和雷声到达同一目标物地时间间隔本质上是由电离通道与该目标物地距离所决定.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途雷电对高大建筑物地破坏有着长期地记录,尤其是对教堂,从中世纪一直延续到现代.例如,.钟楼标记在威尼斯,是大约高,被闪电损坏或毁坏地年份年,年,年,年,年,年,年,年和年.,在由本杰明·富兰克林发明地雷电防护系统,和通常指以作为富兰克林杆,安装了系统,和没有进一步来发生了雷电损伤.在年,法国布列塔尼海岸沿线地教堂塔被雷击损坏,显然是在相同地一场风暴.,在意大利布雷西亚圣纳泽尔地教会遭雷击.约有吨火药在教会地仓库中保管,当闪电引起爆炸,约六分之一地城市被摧毁,三千多人被杀害.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途但是,有许多地历史建筑,有永远不会受到严重破坏闪电,显然是因为他们有安装避雷系统,实际上,相当于富兰克林稍后提出地雷电保护系统.例如,最初由所罗门建造地在耶路撒冷地圣殿,经历了闪电超过了一千多年地时间没有明显损坏.其他地例子,是在年米高地纪念碑纪念伦敦大火灾和日内瓦大教堂,是在城市中最突出地建筑.这座大教堂是免受雷击损坏,是在年前是配备一个富兰克林避雷系统.在年,富兰克林指出“从未闪电伤害地建筑物他们地屋顶覆盖着铅或其他金属,金属嘴继续从屋顶到地面地建筑物,因为每当它属于这类建筑物,它通过在金属而不是在墙上.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途在雷暴到来时敲响教堂里地钟以试图赶走雷电地做法在欧洲已经有很多世纪.因为钟楼较高,更容易成为雷击地目标,这种做法引起许多拉动绳索地人地死亡.事实上,超过年间,雷电击中教堂塔楼和杀害了钟地铃声,这是菲舍尔于年在慕尼黑出版地书报告.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途遗憾地是,生活地事实在数据通信环境当中使用地计算机、计算机相关产品和过程控制设备能够被高地浪涌电压和尖峰电压毁坏.强大地浪涌电压和尖峰电压常常是由雷击所引起地.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途然而,有些场合出现浪涌电压和尖峰由很多其他原因产生.这些原因包括与供电线路照明线路直接接触,在电缆和器件上静电起雷,从附近地电缆当中高能地瞬时脉冲耦合到设备中,不同设备相连时地之间地电势差,无线系统和设备使用者,人体也会产生静电,堆积在他们地衣服上.人体地静电放电可在μ内产生以上地峰值电压,并伴随数十安培地电流.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途生产坏境尤其易受人为产生地浪涌地影响,因为那里存在着马达和其他高压设备.最重要地一点要记住,由于其他原因引起地浪涌电压与雷电产生地浪涌电压没什么区别.同时,防护一种原因产生地浪涌同样也能防护其他原因产生地浪涌.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途浪涌电压往往破坏电子设备和系统在很大地程度上. 损害不仅仅是限于工业和商业系统. 楼宇自动化和日常家用电器也会受到影响. 如果不采取有效保护措施,防止浪涌电压,一个必须地维修或更换费用高地设施受到影响.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途在表中列出地是敏感电子线路与设备常常被浪涌电压所摧毁地.这就是强调了一个事实,避免浪涌电压地损毁地有效措施是对于家用设备有益限度与工业领域一样.楼宇自动化有效浪涌电压概念包括电源、电话系统、天线地字段,并接收站、数据处理和控制技术.这是特别重要地连接到设备地所有导体与合适地避雷器电压都相连.几乎所有地设备都有一个电源设备.例如,一台电视机,还需要一个天线电缆,它是小天线信号是否采取从天线或备用宽带地重要性.电视机地天线输入和电源线都应该受到保护.对这些线路全面恒久保护,可以同样适用于所有其他设备和系统.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途如果我们认为设备地总价值被保护,合适防护设备地安装通常得到好结果如果它曾经甚至仅仅防止一个电技术系统或设备地破坏.只要输出容量没有被不超过额定值,过电压保护装置就能多次有效.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途浪涌电压大大危害或破坏电气和电子装置. 因此, 在过去几年设备地损坏或损毁时常发生在人们需要依赖于该设备持续有效工作地时刻大幅上涨. 统计中数字清楚地承保.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途损害赔偿金到或设备地破坏经常发生在精确一个依赖于永久可用性地时刻.除了费用为更换货物或维修,更远地费用由于系统部分地停工导致或甚至由于软件和数据地损失.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途损坏一般表现在导线、印刷电路板或者开关柜地损坏,甚至是看得见地建筑设施地机械破坏.冲击电压保护是被授权单位地综合概念,可以避免这种损害.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途闪电和雷声是自然条件中雄伟壮观地现象.古人虚构了许多传说试图来解释雷电.最早地著作和象形文字包含闪电.最著名地传说就是宙斯,他可以发出雷声用来惩罚人们.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途雷电是源于云中静电荷地巨大电火花.在雷云中,复杂过程导致云内电荷地分离.通常,负电荷(电子或负离子)积聚在云地底部,而正电荷正离子则上升到顶部.云层之间地大气,是绝缘体,不允许电荷地释放.然而有足够地电荷就可以克服介质绝缘能力,就像电弧一样跳动,巨大地电弧就是闪电.当火花跳跃时,沿道路突然加热空气. 空气地突然地热化由电弧弄出声响我们叫雷.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途图一当中有三种类型地闪电.在右边,云内闪只是单一地存在于云内部.闪电也可发生在两云层之间.在这张图像当中,闪电是由飞机引起地,闪电大部分电流是流过飞机.这种情况常常发生,飞机也会存活下来,因为飞机被设计成能够承受严重雷击.左边地就是云地闪,这种闪电最为常见而且与我们地关系最密切地.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途雷电向地面物体放电时具有相当地破坏力.因为它地电压和电流非常高.在云地底端和地之间地电压可以大于万伏特(可用地交流电压一般在),电弧放电时电流可达到万万安培.(可用地电流时小于等于安培).一个简单地导电环路就可以防护直接雷击.闪电地过程中就是呆在车里面就是一个很好地建议.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途如果闪电击中汽车地顶部,那么雷电流就会通过汽车地金属外壳,然后传到地面.这声音可能很大,但人可以避免受到雷电流地电击.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途一万分之一秒雷电流就可以达到峰值电流(高速地汽车在这时间仅仅移动了三米).大型地金属物体(供电系统、金属桥梁和铁路等)没有损坏时因为冲击时间如此地短.然而,绝缘体和细线将被雷电流燃烧起来.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途大约年前,如果你在雷电风暴中幸存,这是一件很幸运地事情.然而,从世纪下半叶,人们开始意识到雷电能毁坏电子设备. 年以来,随着半导体器件地出现,电子设备变得复杂和精密,也很容易遭到雷击损坏.在如今,第一段可以以及吸烟废墟留下了我地计算机、电话系统和电视机.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途晶体管和集成电路常常被只有伏特地电压所损坏,它们通常是电子设备中最敏感地部位.电源线被设计为高效地数百公里地电力线.当闪电一打上或附近电源或电话地线,将由电缆进行闪电电流.因为闪电火花中有这么多地电力,甚至公里地闪电,可能有足够当前左损坏设备电缆中.电缆充当了引雷器,能捕捉住几公里远地闪电.这大大提高了设备地危险,因为即使是遥远地闪电能产生损害资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途保护电子设备可以非常困难,因为它连接到交流电源线和信号线,这种广告电话线路地天线.计算机和电话系统可以从调制解调器(电话) 地连接,或从交流电源损坏.电视机可以从天线线(或有线电视连接)已损坏或交流电源连接."飙升抑制器"——保护电子设备对损坏地设备——都可用.好地已正确安装,可以有效防止损害地闪电和交流电源问题几乎.为一台电视机地完整地保护,是必须要有一个保护器在天线行上和第二个交流线路保护装置.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途然而,这仍不是完整地保护因为地面连接并不完美.保护器使用接地连接——一种方式处理理论中地闪电电流,电流天线线,通过保护装置,在地下,降下来,消散.在现实中,地面并不完美,并通常会有一个长地导线,保护者和地面连接之间.在极度地岩石或干油地地区,可能不切实际,使地面地连接良好.如果地面不"完美",一些雷电电流将输入地电视机,可能会损坏之前它留下通过交流连接设置地电视.这个问题地答案是连接在一起("债券") 地面信号和交流保护器地连接.联合保护器然后传递闪电电流从出天线,通过交流电源线.实际上,保护者"走弯路"受保护设备周围地闪电电流.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途最极端地情况下,这是图所示,飞机没有接地连接,但它地所有电子仪表和控制装置一般会直接打击地生存. 这是因为有雷电保护器上地天线和其它电线到所有地平面,并通过皮肤地金属避雷周围地电流敏感仪器(和人民!)地平面内.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途我们可以保护其他设备(例如,传真机、计算机或电话系统)跟我们一样地将电视设置. 一个传真机连接到两个电源,并将它与电话线路. 因此,它需要一个保护装置,该电话线路,一个第二个保护器适用于交流线路,与地面连接组合. 保护器就像这都是现成地,几乎有效维护传真机、甚至在地区雷电天气地频繁.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途总之:闪电通过空气包括巨型电子火花.电从这些发火花可能损坏电子设备.这损伤可以由“浪涌电压保护器”防止,控制和限制过份电从闪电.为完全保护,所有导线到设备需要里穿过保护者.必须结合所有保护者地地线连接.地球被充电并且起着球形电容地作用.地球具有一百万库仑地净负电荷,同时等量地正电荷驻留在大气中.大气地电阻率以英里地高度在递减,在英里之内电阻率几乎是常数.这个区域被称为带电层.在地表与带电层之间有万伏特地电势差,在大气中形成了平均值约为伏米地电场强度.晴空条件下,靠近地表处地电场强度为伏米.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途如果大气中存在伏米晴空电场强度,你可以分开厘米放置两个电极,这两个电极起着电池地作用并且能驱动你地移动电话.其实你不能这么做因为这个电池不能正常工作.近地表处平方厘米横截面地电阻率为欧米,这样假象电池地内电阻大到不合理地程度.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途由于大气不是一个良好地结缘体,因此带电层与地表之间存在微小电流.负电荷从地球流出上升进入带电层.这称为晴空电流,任何时候约为安培.在这样地速度下,地表电荷不到一小时泄放殆尽,但是后来才发现,雷电通过传导负电荷回地球表面向地球再冲电.全世界任何时候约有个雷暴在发生,产生地云地闪电约为每秒次或每天万次.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途闪电与对流活动相关.雷电是专业技术人员用来对流活动剧烈地分类地依据.积雨云作为对流云地主要形式并且常常形成闪电.伴随闪电活动地积雨云一般被称为雷雨云.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途经典地雷雨云模型可以被描述为下面地负电荷区上面是正电荷区地正极性电偶极子.在云层底部弱正电荷区时,更多地带来地是双重偶极子结构.因为底部电荷区强度较弱.正极性电偶极子和双重偶极子均被用来描述普通雷云结构.积累三个电荷区地中心标志为.顶部区域地中心占据了云层顶部地一半.标志位地负电荷区位于云层地中间.最低层电荷中心是一个弱地正电荷,中心在云层底部.区和区电荷几乎相等构成正电荷偶极子.(年,雷电物理学家,英国大学出版社有限公司,页)记录了南非典型雷云区域地平面高度与区电荷值为.这些典型值随地形和云地个体差异地变化而变化.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途雷达地放射率和负极性闪电之间存在普通地雷达反射率.雷电放电源位于最高反射率区域附近,而不一定在最高反射率区域之内,这个观点得到了支持.在两份对带吉尼亚沃洛普斯离岛雷暴正在进行地报告中,发现最大地闪电区域,靠近降雨中心地边缘,定义为分贝地雷达反射率.尽管并没有说明这些闪电地极性,但可以推断它们来自负极性电荷中心.还观察到,在科达拉维洲了欧宝当中,在峰值雷电活动出现在反射率变化地梯度区域.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途。

外文文献翻译Building anti-radar designThe widespread usage of electricity promoted to defend the development of thunder product and be a high pressure power grid to provide motive and illuminate for the thousand 10000, thunder and lightning also a great deal of bane high pressure lose to change to give or get an electric shock an equipments.The high pressure line installs Gao, be apart from long, cross geography complications, is strike by lightning easily medium.The protection scope shortage of the lightning rod with protect up to thousand power lines, so avoid thunder line as to protect high pressure line of new connect a Shan machine to emerge with the tide of the times.After the high pressure line acquire a protection, the hair linked with high pressure line, go together with electricity equipments to be still conduct electricity to press damage, people discover this is because"respond thunder" is play tricks.(Respond the thunder is to respond the metals conductor of neighborhood because of keeping shot thunder to turn on electricity in, respond the thunder can pass 2 kinds to differently respond way incursion conductor, one is an electrostatic induction:When the electric charge in thunder cloud accumulates to gather, neighborhood of the conductor will also respond up the contrary electric charge and be a thunder to turn on electricity, the electric charge in thunder cloud quickly releases, and the conductor Central plains come to is tie up by thunder cloud electric field of the static electricity will also follow conductor fluxion to look for to release passage, will become electricity pulse in the electric circuit. The widespread usage of electricity promoted to defend the development of thunder product and be a high pressure power grid to provide motive and illuminate for the thousand 10000, thunder and lightning also a great deal of bane high pressure lose to change to give or get an electric shock an equipments.First, the building anti-radar classifies the anti-radar building category which pointed out explicitly to the standard, may apply mechanically directly. In the standard to some buildings only pointed out that is bigger than estimate thunder stroke number of times XX/every year, but belongs to two kinds or three kind of anti-radar buildings. Regarding these stipulations, only depends on the direct-viewing feeling and the experience in the design, cannot determine explicitly its building respective anti-radar category, causes to make two kinds anti-radar to make three kinds by mistake, should make three kinds anti-radar, but has not done, the result is to the building which completes creates certain hidden danger. This has the necessity according to the local annual mean thunderstorm day and the building locus geography, the geological soil, the meteorological environment and so on conducts thedetailed research and makes the corresponding computation, determines the anti-radar rank.For example: Under Jinan area Td=26.3 K=2 environment according to formula: N=0.024k · Td1.3 · Ae in the formula: N- building estimate thunder stroke number of times (/year) The K- correction factor (according to newly built building locus's geography, environment decides) Td- annual mean thunderstorm day Ae- and the building truncation receives the same thunder stroke number of times equivalent area (km2)Calculates the length 100 meters, the width 25 meters, above two (H≥9 rice) the provincial level work building must make two kind of anti-radar. If through the computation, this kind of building actual does not make three kinds anti-radar or does not do is possible. From this sees, carries on the overall evaluation to some peculiar circumstance's building and makes the corresponding computation is very essential. the two, anti-radar electric inductions and the thunder electric waves invade the against long jab thunder the measure, the general layout personnel are very explicit. But, along with the technical development, electronic installation's popularization, the anti-radar electric induction and the thunder electric wave invasion must be clear in the design, and consummates gradually forms an anti-radar network. when the 1. thunder and lightning induces - the thunder discharge, has the electrostatic induction and the electromagnetic induction on the nearby conductor, it possibly causes between the metal part to produce the spark. Therefore is protected in building's metal earth, is the anti-radar electric induction key measure. First, completes the equipotential joint. To one, two kind of anti-radar buildings in parallel or overlapping placing metal pipeline, when its clear distance is smaller than 100mm, should use Jin Shuxian to bridge, is prevents the potential difference which the electromagnetic induction creates to be able the small gap breakdown, but produces the electric spark, every other ≤30m completes the earth. the 2. thunder electric wave invasion - as a result of the thunder and lightning to the air line either the metal pipeline's function, the thunder electric wave possibly along these pipeline invasion room, endangers the personal safety or damages the equipment. Therefore, completes the terminal the anti-radar protection, completes the equalizing ring and against flank attack thunder is the anti-radar electric wave invasion key measure. First, two kind of anti-radar construction low pressure coil in entire line uses buries straight said that is built on stilts the line introduces when the indoors many in a 15m section should trade the electric cable (metal armoring electric cable to bury straight, protective covering electric cable puts on steel pipe) the buyer, and is being built on stilts with the electric cable trades meets place completes the lightning protection protection. Two kind of anti-radar constructions work as the air line direct introduction, besides in the residence place addition arrester, and completes the buyer installment iron stock the earth, approaches on building's two telephone pole's iron stock alsoto complete the earth, and the impact earth resistance ≤30Ω, all weak electricity coil in's protection should with the strong electricity coil. The anti-radar building must complete the equalizing ring and against flank attack thunder protection. Equalizing ring from three starts, between link vertical range ≤12m, all downleads, building's metal structure and the hardware reliably connects with the link, the equalizing ring may use in the structure grid's steel bar (steel bar to link up ring circuit). A kind anti-radar constructs above 30m, two kinds anti-radar construct above 45m, three kinds anti-radar construct above 60m, must complete against flank attack thunder protection, makes one week level along the building outer wall to evade the mine belt, between the belt and the belt the vertical range ≤6m, in the outer wall all metal parapet, the windows and doors with evade the mine belt to connect reliably, evade the mine belt to connect reliably again with the downlead. The vertical placing's metal pipeline and the metal peak and the bottom end and the antimine device reliable connection, the goal lies in the equipotential, because and the both sides connection causes it to form the parallel with the downlead, causes the thunder electric current news fast to enter. three, anti-radar electric currents after downlead and when grounding has the high electric potential completes against long jab thunder, the thunder electric wave invasion and the thunder and lightning to the hardware or electrical line counter-attack measure induces, is not a complete anti-radar design. Because, in the building mostly uses together the grounding at present, when thunder long jab in this building antimine device, the supposition flows through approaches the low pressure electric installation place grounding the thunder electric current is 20KA, when impact earth resistance =1Ω, in the grounding the electric potential elevates is 20KV, but the general indoor low pressure installment bears the striking potential most to be high is 8KV. Its result causes the low pressure electric installation insulation to be weak place is possibly penetrated creates the short circuit, has the fire, to damage the equipment, this is very dangerous. Therefore, gives the enough value in the design, realizes omni-directionally, the multi-level anti-radar networks to the anti-radar building, causes the thunder and lightning the influence to reduce to the building is smallest.when building for high-pressured coil, high-pressured, the low pressure side each on supposes the arrester, with protects by the high-pressured coil in thunder and lightning and the operation (circuit breaker movement, throws cuts big electric motor and condenser bank and so on) the overvoltage. The electronic installation are many and the important construction, installs the overvoltage protection again in the low pressure power distribution branch, does for the reserve protection, mainly uses in further suppressing after the pretage protection limit on the surplus overvoltage and the power line the overvoltage which produces by the induction or the coupling.when building for low pressure coil, installs the overvoltage protector in the power source total coil in place. four, about meet dodges tomeet dodges - the direct truncation the lightning rod which is struck by lightning, to evade the mine belt (line), the lightning protection network, as well as serves as the metal roofing which and the steel work meets dodges and so on. In many buildings, the roofing for on person roofing, is high to the artistic request, according to the conventional procedure, clearly spreads the lightning protection network with the garden steel to do meets dodges is artistic on the influence, this standard to two kind of anti-radar buildings in two, three, eight, nine section of building pointed out that with in the reinforced concrete roofing, Liang, column's steel bar achievement meets suitably dodges, in the practical application, may use in the roofing parapet wall the capping steel bar to do meets dodges, is higher than the roofing each kind of iron stock to with the capping steel bar reliable welding (when construction must pay attention to coordination), the capping steel bar with makes in downlead's column four corner postsThe muscle completes the reliable electrical connection. This procedure must have the concretes fragment which regularly to the thunder stroke the possibility creates or withdraw carries on the service. five, earth body - bury in the soil or the concrete foundation does drifts with the conductor about earth body the . In the practical application, the big project uses in the foundation the steel bar to make the earth body generally, and uses the union earth body, the earth resistance value to request slightly ≤1Ω. But in some have the basement, in half basement construction, at the construction uses the waterproofing material to construct the ledger wall to make waterproof processing. At present, uses the waterproofing material has the very good insulating property, therefore, makes the earthed pole directly to this kind of building using the foundation steel bar, had the possibility not to be able to satisfy the project docking earth resistance request, must direct from the column muscle downlead place, one week made in the closed artificial earth body and the foundation along the building slope protection outside the steel bar and uses, like this could achieve the satisfactory earth resistance value.The intelligence mansion is generally and all a type of building, should build up comprehensive connect a ground of system, connect a ground of electric resistance to be no bigger than one Ω .Design in the building crest from avoid thunder to take, lightning rod or mixture constitute of connect a Shan machine, make use of steel pillar or sign the reinforcing bar in the pillar as to defend thunder to lead to log out, and and the foundation reinforcing bar of building, beam reinforcing bar, the metals frame conjunction gets up, become to shut to match good farad cage and construct inside the Shu toward the metals piping should each time all press of the 3 F and turn beam wreath connect with each other, all press wreath should with defend thunder device ad hoc lead to log out connect with each other.When building is more than 30 meters high, in response to 30 meters and the railing on above part ofoutside walls, the metals doors and windows wait a bigger metal direct or through metals doors and windows cover up an iron with defend thunder device a conjunction.The intelligence is various exchanges inside the mansion, the direct current equipments is numerous, the circuit maneuvers interleave, should exchanges work in the building ground, safe protection ground, direct current work ground, defend thunder to connect ground and the cage good conjunction of the building farad, become an etc. electric potential body, avoid connecting the existence potential difference of the of a ground of line, respond to conduct electricity reason of press the creation by cancellation.建筑物防雷设计当人们知道,雷电是一种电力的现象后,向崇拜的雷电与恐惧感逐渐消失,并开始与品味,科学来自新观察自然现象,这魔术,希望使使用或控制雷电活动,以造福人类.超过二百年以来几乎富兰克林为首的小康就技术开始挑战对雷电,他发明的避雷针可能被视为向在最早现阶段维护雷声大的产品和产品名称,今天这几乎由全体人民已知道.事实上,富兰克林发明避雷针是认为金属避雷针的角度谈谈对电力的功能,可合成电荷在积雨云,使积雨云和电场的地球一样低的水平,不能突破的空气中,避免罢工,因此,闪电发生时,当时的避雷针,必须要求尖利.但是事后研究阐述证明:闪电控制棒是发生不可避免的打雷的,因为它可以证明雷声大,是因为建筑物较高,是矗立在签署的避雷针改变了大气电场,使积雨云的一定范围内始终把对电力对闪电棒,也就是说,避雷针只是比它周围其他物体更容易连接山雷电,避雷针是罢工的闪电,但是它可以对其他物体加以保护,这是捍卫建筑物的一种方式,避雷针防雷更加深刻的研究表示,连接避雷针山的功能,几乎有一些建筑物不是很高,但没有形状,可说是避雷针不一定是雷声大,技术的境界,将会知道一起像现在这种类型的防雷装置。

xiexie! 38、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。——亚伯拉罕·林肯
36、如果我们国家的法律中只有某种 神灵, 而不是 殚精竭 虑将神 灵揉进 宪法, 总体上 来说, 法律就 会更好 。—— 马克·吐 温 37、纲纪废弃之日,便是暴政兴起之 时。— —威·皮 物特
38、若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律 是丝毫 没有力 量的。 ——菲 力普斯 39、一个判例造出另一个判例,它们 迅速累 聚,进 而变成 法律。 ——朱 尼厄斯
40、人类法律,事物有规律,这是不 容忽视 的。— —爱献 生

防雷、接地施工方案Construction scheme for lightning and grounding1编制说明防雷、接地工程是电气施工中重要施工工序之一,它对保证系统的工作稳定,以及设备和人员的安全都具有重要作用,因此为保证该工序的施工质量,促进施工技术进步,确保工用按时完工,特制定此方案。
5、施工方法与技术要求5.Construction method and technical requirement1). 材料出库施工前应根据施工图材料表认真核对材料的规格、型号、材质、数量等应符合设计要求,外观完好,材质证、合格证等产品文件应齐全。
1).Delivering material to siteCheck material carefully according to material table of construction drawing before starting work to ensure its specification type ,quantity and etc. Correspond with designer’s requirement ,visual condition is O.K, Certificates are available..Records shall be taken for qualified products and well kept ,non-qualified products shall be marked and kept separately and devoured back to storehouse concertratatively.2). 接地沟开挖按照施工图在现场放线,应做到横平竖直、避免弯曲,接地沟深度应严格按设计要求,若设计没有具体要求,则按-0.8m开挖,宽度应考虑到安装接地极,敷设接地线能方便施工为准。

中文2068字外文资料翻译Reliability of Lightning ResistantOverhead Distribution LinesLighting continues to be the major cause of outages on overhead power distribution lines. Through laboratory testing and field observations and measurements, the properties of a lightning stroke and its effects on electrical distribution system components are well-understood phenomena. This paper presents a compilation of 32 years of historical records for outage causes, duration, and locations for eight distribution feeders at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) .Distribution type lightning arresters are placed at dead-end and angle structures at pole mounted wormer locations and at high points on the overhead line. Station class lightning arresters are used to protect underground cable runs, pad mounted switchgear and unit substation transformers. Resistance to earth of each pole ground is typically 15 ohms or less. At higher elevations in the system, resistance to earth is substantially greater than 15 ohms, especially during the dry summer months. At these high points, ground rods were riven and bonded to the pole grounding systems in the 1960's in an attempt to decrease lightning outages. These attempts were only partially successful in lowering the outage rate. From a surge protection standpoint the variety of pole structures used (in-line, corner, angle, dead end, etc.) and the variety of insulators and hardware used does not allow each 13.8 kV overhead line to be categorized with a uniform impulse flashover rating (170 kV, etc.) or a numerical BIL voltage class (95 kV BIL; etc.). For simplicity purposes in the analysis, each overhead line was categorized with a nominal voltage construction class (15 kV, 34 kV, or 69 KV). Six of the eight overhead lines (feeders 1 through 6) were built with typical REA Standard horizontal wood cross arm construction utilizing single ANSI Class55-5 porcelain pin insulators (nominal 15 kV insulation). The shield angle of the overhead ground wire to the phase conductors is typically 45 degrees. One overhead line (feeder 7) was built with transmission type wood pole construction because the line extended to a research facility which was to have generated electrical power to feed back into the grid. Pole structure of this line are of durable wood cross a construction which utilize double ANSI 52-3 porcelain suspension insulators to support the conductors (nominal 34 kV insulation). The shield angle of the overhead ground wire to the phase conductors for feeder 7 is typically 30 degrees. In 1969, an overhead line (feeder 8) was intentionally built with "lightning resistant" construction in an attempt to reduce lightning caused outages. Pole structures of the line have phase over phase 24-inch long fiberglass suspension brackets with double ANSI 52-3 porcelain suspension insulators to support the conductors (nominal 69 kV insulation). The shield angle of the overhead ground wire to the phase conductors for feeder 8 is typically 30 degrees. The failure data was compiled for each of the eight 13.8 kV feeders and is presented in Table, along with pertinent information regarding feeder construction, elevation, length, and age.A key finding of the failure analysis is that weather-related events account for over half (56%) of the feeder outages recorded. Fifty-seven of the 76 weather-related outages were attributed to lightning. Insulation breakdown damage due to lightning is also suspected in at least a dozen of the equipment failures observed. The data indicates overhead lines which pass over high terrain are less reliable because of the greater exposure to lightning. For example, feeder 3 had the most recorded outages (48), of which two-thirds were due to weather-related events; this feeder is also the highest line on the plant site, rising to an elevation of 450 above the reference valley elevation. Overhead lines that are longer and to which more substations and equipment are attached were also observed to be less reliable (more exposure to lightning and more equipment to fail). The age of the line does not appear to significantly lessen its reliability as long as adequate maintenance isperformed; none of the lines have had a notable increase in the frequency of outages as the lines have aged. As would be expected, the empirical data presented in Table I confirms the two overhead lines which have been insulated to a higher level (34 or 69 KV) have significantly better reliability records than those utilizing 15 kV class construction. Feeder 7 (insulated to 34 KV) and feeder 8 (insulated to 69 kV) have bad only 3 outages each over their 32 and 23 year life spans, respectively. These lines follow similar terrain and are comparable in length and age to the 15 kV class lines, yet they have a combined failure rate of 0.22 failures per year versus 4.32 failures per year for the remaining feeders.On typical 15 kV insulated line construction, lightning flashovers often cause 60 cycle power follow and feeder trip. With the higher insulation construction, outage rates are reduced by limiting the number of flashovers and the resultant power follow which causes an over current device to trip. This allows lightning arresters to perform their duty of dissipating lightning energy to earth. The number of re closer actions and their resultant momentary outages are also reduced. This is beneficial for critical facilities and processes which cannot tolerate even momentary outages. An additional benefit is that outages due to animal contact are also reduced because of the greater distance from phase conductor to ground on pole structures. Distribution line equipment to increase line insulation values are "off the shelf" items and proven technology. New lightning resistant construction typical by utilizes horizontal line posts, fiberglass standoff brackets or any other method which world increase the insulation value. The replacement of standard pin insulators with line post insulators of greater flashover value is an effective means to retrofit existing wood cross arm construction. The doubling and tripling of dead end and suspension insulators is also a means of increasing flashover values on existing angle and dead-end structures. Current fiberglass, polymer, and epoxy technologies provide an affordable means to increase line insulation.While the use of increased insulation levels to reduce lightning flashoversand the resultant outages on overhead distribution lines has been thoroughly tested and demonstrated in laboratory and experimental tests [5], long term history field data has positively demonstrated that the use of "lightning resistant" construction can greatly reduce outages. Field use at ORNL has shown that in areas which are vulnerable to lightning, the use of increased insulation and a smaller shielding angle is an impressive and cost effective means to appreciably increase the reliability of overhead distribution lines. This reliability study clearly illustrates that the insulation requirements for high-reliability distribution feeders should be determined not by the 60 Hz operating voltage but rather by withstand requirements for the lightning transients or other high voltage transients that are impressed upon the line. Electrical equipment (switchgear, insulators, transformers, cables, etc.) have a reserve (BE level or flashover value) to handle momentary over voltages, and by increasing that reserve, the service reliability is appreciably increased. As the electrical industry gradually moves away from standard wood cross arm construction and moves toward more fiberglass, polymer and epoxy construction, increased insulation methods can be applied as part of new construction or as part of an upgrade or replacement effort. In considering new or upgraded overhead line construction, the incremental increased cost of the higher insulation equipment is d in proportion to the total costs of construction (labor, capital equipment, cables, electric poles, right-of-way acquisition), Its cost effectiveness varies with the application and the conditions to which it is be applied. Economic benefits include increased electrical service reliability and its inherent ability to keep manufacturing processes and critical loads in service. Other more direct benefits include less repair of overhead distribution lines, which can have a significant reduction in maintenance cost due to less replacement materials and a large reduction in overtime hours for maintenance crews.抗雷击架空配电线路的可靠性闪电仍然是架空配电线路上的中断1的主要原因。

变电站中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述XXXns are an essential part of electrical power systems。
servingas the interface een high-voltage n lines and lower-voltage n lines。
They play a critical role in XXX homes。
and industries.Types of nsThere are several types of ns。
including n ns。
n ns。
and customer XXX to the end-users and step down the voltage for n to XXX a single customer or group of customers.XXXns consist of us components。
including transformers。
circuit breakers。
XXX are used to step up or step down thevoltage of the electricity。
XXX are used to control the flow ofXXX to the system.XXXXXX stages。
including site n。
layout design。
equipment n。
XXX n lines。
land availability。
and environmental ns。
The layout design involves determining the placement of equipment。
XXX appropriate transformers。
circuit breakers。
and other components。

图5.6 避雷带在女儿墙上安装
避雷带(网) 在建筑物天沟上安 装使用支架固定时, 应随土建施工先设 置好预埋件,支架 与预埋件进行焊接
②用女儿墙压顶钢筋做暗 装避雷带
女儿墙上压顶为现浇混凝土时, 可利用压顶板内的通长钢筋作为 建筑物的暗装避雷带;当女儿墙 上压顶为预制混凝土板时,就在 顶板上预埋支架设避雷带。
除按要求接好接闪器外,将建筑物内的金属设备、管道可靠接 地。。
在进户处加装避雷器。对易燃易爆建筑物,采用电缆进线或 铠装电缆进线,铠皮接地。
反击;即防雷装置引雷时,其上会产生瞬时高压,此高压会 与金属物体放电,这种现象称反击。
防止措施;(1)将防雷装置与金属物体保持一定距离。 (2)防雷装置与金属物体不宜隔开时,金属物体接地。
②引下线在地面上1.7m至地面下0.3m一段, 用50mm硬塑料管保护。
③本工程采用25×4扁钢做水平接地体,绕建筑 物一周埋设,其接地电阻不大于10Ω。施工后达不到 要求时,可增设接地极。
④施工采用国家标准图集D562,D563,并 应与土建密切配合。
由图5.27知,该住宅建筑避雷带沿 屋面四周女儿墙敷设,支持卡子间距为1 m。在西面和东面墙上分别敷设2根引下 线(25×4扁钢),与埋于地下的接地体 连接,引下线在距地面1.8m处设置引 下线断接卡子。固定引下线支架间距 1.5m。由图5.28知,接地体沿建 筑物基础四周埋设,埋设深度在地平面以 下1.65m,在-0.68m开始向外, 距基础中心距离为0.65m。

Lightning protection groundingAbstract The significance of lightning p.rotection and mitigation on very little money to prevent large losses, and its function is to use scientific means avoid natural disasters. Grounding is to make the system has been included in the lightning protection lightning energy discharge into the earth, and good grounding can effectively reduce the online guide overvoltage, avoid counterattack. Avoid ground is the most important aspect of technology, whether sings rem, induction lightning, or other forms of ray, ultimately the lightning current into the earth. Therefore, no reasonable and good grounding device is can't reliably the lightning strikes. The smaller the grounding resistance, come loose flow is quicker, lightning objects the time to maintain high potential more short, the less riskKey Words:Lightning protection; Grounding; Current; potential1 introductionIn recent years, many domestic and foreign standards do not advocate information equipment using independent grounding device, recommend the use of common earthing system. For example, the 2000 edition of the GB50057-94" design code for protection of structures" in point out clearly:" every building itself should adopt common earthing system" to be the buildings within the various grounding are unified to buildings based on, or outdoor grounding device. When the building was hit by lightning, power system voltage and electrical equipment grounding voltage rises at the same time, keep the equipment working voltage constant, so that the electronic equipment from lightning strikes can work normally. Common earthing system usually use the building foundation grounding electrode, the grounding resistance less than 1 ohm in general, if the equipment grounding resistance requirement is lower, should take the minimum value.The ground that has been incorporated into the lightning protection system of lightning energy drain into the earth, good grounding downlead to effectively reduce the voltage on the back, to avoid the occurrence of. In the past some requirements of electronic equipment grounding alone, the purpose is to preventstray current and transient current in power network disturbance of the normal work of equipment. Before 90 time, forces of the communication navigation equipment electronic tube device, using analog communication mode, analog communication on particularly sensitive to interference, interference, so will take power and communications grounding separate way. Now, the lightning protection engineering fields do not advocate a separate ground. In the IEC standards and ITU standards are not advocating a separate ground, American Standard IEEEStd1100-1992more sharply pointed out: not recommended the use of any kind of so-called separate, independent,computer, electronic or other such incorrect ground as equipment grounding conductor of a connection point. Grounding is the most fundamental aspect of the lightning protection system. The ground is not good, all the measures of lightning protection effect can play. Lightning protection grounding is ground communication stationCode for construction and acceptance of the basic safety requirements, the grounding of PLC belongs to a low-voltage electrical equipment of single point grounding modeLow voltage electrical equipment of single point grounding mode can be divided into: tandem type single point grounding, parallel type single point grounding, multiple branching of single point grounding.2 single point grounding methodTandem type single point grounding: or first grounding ways. Method : the number of low voltage electrical equipment grounding terminal equipment with the same root near the ground wire connecting, then through this grounding and grounding device. The grounding system is: save manpower, material resources; while the disadvantage is that: when the public grounding line open circuit, if the grounding system has a device leakage, can cause other equipment which occurred on voltage, a threat to the safety of personnel.B ackup ground terminal introducing a grounding line, and then the number of lines at the same time received a grounding device. The grounding system is: when the grounding system in which a device grounding wire broken circuit, will not cause other equipment enclosure voltage, to ensure personal safety. This grounding mode is: if it is not perfect on the interference of high frequency electronic equipment or other highly sensitive electrical equipment, high frequency interference from other devices ( such as converter, intermediate frequency stove thyristor converter parts) will be from the common place of string, causing the device is not working properly.Multiple branching of single point grounding: or third grounding ways. Grounding method: each equipment grounding terminal alone received a grounding device. Earthing method and second kinds of grounding is the difference: the device has a separate grounding body ( or a change of: received directly from the grounding body recent grounding device ( or grounded source office ), each device in the electrical ground loop on the distance is far more (for example, more than 50meters ) ). This effectively avoids the mutual electrical equipmentMagnetic interference.But this grounding mode time-consuming, laborious and separate grounding the source is not good for.In the usual construction, in fact the grounding of PLC way adopts the second grounding ways, as for electromagnetic interference: if the cabinet is provided with a plurality of high power frequency converter, can be in the PLC power supply is installed in front of a single-phase power filter can be, generally designed in the inverter PLC near the front end are equipped with power supply filter.The interference effect of DC and AC equipment, can be connected together -- even if the DC and AC circuits because of some reason connectivity, because they are not the same as a loop ( grounding is not part of the loop ), will not cause damage to the equipment. People have AC220V power and DC24V circuit connected to it, but the equipment work remains normal.Digital and analog ground suggested separately ( unless you're a low-voltage electrical equipment power supply voltage only a few tens of volts ), because the digital circuit belongs to positive and negative 5V,12V,24V level, are vulnerable to interference, and once the external abnormal voltage once the series will very possible equipment damage. I just go to work in the factory has a 1000 tons of SACMI press, because other equipment and digital ground causes the electronic facilities burned down last several times, Italy sent technicians ( just graduated from secondary school students ) and replacement equipment, conductor of the in situ dug a pit, buried a piece of ground the brass and the earthing filler, engage in a separate grounding.3 Lightning proof grounding device for part of a concept(1) Lightning receiving device directly or indirectly accept the lightning rod ( flash ), such as lightning, lightning protection zone ( net ), overhead ground wire and arrester. (2) lead: for the lightning current from the lightning arrester is conducted to the grounding conductor. (3) grounding: electrical equipment, tower grounding terminal and a grounding body or the zero line connected with the normally not current-carrying metal conductor.(4) grounding body ( polar ): buried in the soil and directly touch the earth metal conductor, known as the grounding body. Divided into vertical grounding electrode and level of grounding body.(5): grounding device grounding and grounding. (6): grounding grid by vertical and horizontal grounding body composition having discharge and pressure equalizing function network grounding device. (7): grounding resistance of grounding body or natural grounding resistance to the ground of the sum, a grounding device resistance, its value is equal to the grounding device of voltage to the ground and through the grounding body into ground current ratio. At the same time the grounding resistance of grounding device is a constant level indication.4 The grounding device is easy to corrosion location mainly(1) equipment grounding downlead and connecting screws; (2) each welding head; (3) cable channel equalizing zone; (4) the horizontal grounding body,Anti corrosion measures,grounding body using copper, copper clad steel earth body or hot galvanized materials; welding brush asphalt paint or powder coating; use of cathodic protection.One, ground resistance test requirements: a. AC grounding, grounding resistance should be less than4 ohm; b. Safety grounding, grounding resistance should be less than4 ohm; C DC grounding, grounding resistance should be according to the computer system specific requirements determined; lightning protection to D. Grounding resistance should be less than10 ohm; e for shielding system if the joint grounding, grounding resistance should not be greater than1 ohms.Two, ground resistance tester ZC-8grounding resistance meter is used for measuring the power system, electrical equipment, lightning and grounding resistance value. Also measuring low resistance conductor resistance and resistivity of soil.In three, the instrument by hand generator, current transformer, a slide wire resistor and galvanometer etc., all arranged in the plastic shell body, and the shell is convenient for carrying. Accessory auxiliary probe wires, installed in the accessory bag.The working principle of the voltage comparing type.I n four, before use to check whether the complete tester, tester comprises the following device. In 1, ZC-8 type grounding resistance tester, a2auxiliary grounding rods two root of 3,5m,20m,40m wire aGround resistance tester, usually hand ZC-XX series, including a short black lines, a20M line, a40M line, testing line connected at one end of a tested object whose the other end is connected with a shake table on each of two short connecting terminals, and the remaining 2terminal 20M line with P terminal,40M line C terminal to terminal, after the 20M and 40M line according to the ribbon (that is, to shake table for the endpoint of a triangle ) or linear completely out, hit good probe. In the shake table select file and then to 120RPM speed swing table, side table edge with a shake shake table can dial0, until the pointeron a shake table center scale 0, with stalls multiplied by the dial corresponding numerical result this grounding grounding resistance.Wire grounding is an important electrical safety technical measures, the operation should be serious, serious, comply with the requirements of technical specifications, must not be careless. Therefore, correctly use the ground, normative hanging, remove grounding behavior, consciously cultivate rigorous safety work style, improve their awareness of safety, to resist the danger from thousands of miles away, in order to avoid the ground causes electrical accident.A ccording to the practical work, ground use should pay attention to the following matters.1work must be checked before grounding wire. Soft copper wire is broken, the screw loose connections, hook line stretch is normal, do not meet the requirements should be replaced or repaired before use.2 hanging wire must be a priori power, not checking cable grounding is the base of common habitual violations, in suspension when the grounding body and physical contact.3 in the work place two segment ends hanging earthing, lest the user would send electric, induction electricity, suffer a number of examples.4 in the play ground pile, you should dial can borrow to physical fast dredge accident current, grounding the quality guarantee.5to protect the earth. Grounding wire in use in the process may not be twisted, should not soft copper wire wheel, grounding in removed, not from the air leaving or anywhere to fall, use rope transfer, pay attention to ground cleaning work.6new staff must go through ground wire using the training, learning, after passing the examination, can the individual engaged in ground operation or use of the work.According to the different voltage levels corresponding to7specifications of the grounding wire selection.8prohibited the use of other metal wire instead of grounding wire.The 9 grounding wire has two sides, it has a safety function, improper use will produce destructive effect, so after work to timely removal of ground wire. With the earthing switch may damage electrical equipment and the destruction of the power grid stability, can lead to severe malignant electric accident.10field work not less hanging earthing conductor or alter the articulated ground location.5 Lightning protection system construction methods and technical measuresLightning protection system grounding engineering major required close coordination, interspersed with civil completed. In civil unit beam, column and reinforced structure modeling is to follow up the grounding body ( line ) of the lap welding and grounding lead welding. In order to prevent the welding fault leakage, during each lightning protection on the ground ( body ) after welding, are on the main reinforcement is painted in eye-catching mark, for the benefit of a layer.Wire, mesh welding.Lightning protection construction methodAccording to the design institute to provide the drawings, using the foundation steel (including pile steel mesh cage bars ) as the lightning protection and grounding, using column within 2main bar as lead, using concrete foundation beam reinforced bar as electrode connection, use of roof beam reinforcing steel bar and reinforced parapet coping as dark installed lightning protection belt.Flank-Striking lightning protection construction method:1straight buried metal pipes and metal top and lightning protection device.2into the building of buried metal pipeline, roof all the metal pipeline and its structure also and lightning protection device.3note that in the construction of grounding body ( line ) of the lap length must comply with the following provisions:3.1flat to2 times its width ( and at least 3edge welding);3.2bar is connected by double lapped continuous welding of , weld length not less than 6 times the diameter, good weld appearance;3.3round steel and flat steel connections, its length is6 times the diameter of round steel;3.4flat steel and steel, flat steel and angle steel welding, in order to reliable connection, except in the contact area on both sides of the welding, and welding to steel bent into arc ( or angle ) clips or directly by the strip itself curved surface arc ( or angle ) and steel ( or angle ) welding.3.5 exposed lightning strip galvanized special clamping support code support, avoid the support member and lightning belt welding.3.6steel pipe for lightning protection grounding device (including needle, etc. ), tube wall thickness not less than2.5mm. The butt welding of the tube, pipe is provided suitable liner pipe diameter. And connecting pipe diameter dovetails, lining length not less than4 times the outside diameter.From3.7in the first layer of ground1.51.8m leads to easy operation and maintenance of the permanent test. Test points are obvious grounding mark and reliable and anti-corrosion measures.The 3.8grounding resistance should be performed to detect, plus or minus 0part test point were tested individually, + 0above part can use test point of each of the three layer is a detection, i.e. each completed a lightning arrester grading ring or band is installed you can usee lectrode leading-out wire of a test work. The grounding resistance measurement requirements of less than 1ohm.6 Lightning protection engineering construction quality defects and Its CountermeasuresRoofing exposed metal pipe and equipment and component without lightning protection connection, or the connection does not meet the requirements, there is the potential for harm of thunder and lightning.Construction countermeasures:1strictly implement the" design code for protection of structures" ( GB5005794) concerned regulation, ensure the impulse grounding resistance to meet the requirements.The 2connecting leads not directly in galvanized steel pipe welding, suitable for welding or bolt connection in the special grounding wire card ( or metal pipe bracket ).The 3lightning protection connection lead should be concealed, grounding bar welding not fusion, resulting in effective contact area is reduced, the lightning will fuse risk.Construction countermeasures:Construction should pay attention to the appropriate electrode angle, swing, pay attention to the melting of lap joints on both sides.,Earthing and equipotential connection:1 all electrical equipment metal shell, frame, line pipe, cable bridge must have good ground, make it a good grounding path.2used for outdoor grounding bar welding length not less than 6times the diameter of round steel, flat steel two surface welding; the connection between the flat width for2 times, three surface welding; round steel and flat steel bar connection for6 times, two surface welding.3potential galvanized round steel welded beam in foundation of the main grounding bar, and small ground lines are connected, in the connection equipotential box galvanized plate, welding seam must be full. Indoor draught to the equipotential box is connected with the circuit to be connected is complete, the grounding wire specifications of not less than 4mm2, and ensure reliable contact.4 ground connection of all welds must oil antirust paint two times ( with the exception of concrete structure welding ); galvanized grounding bar, flat steel in the underground buried depth should not be less than0.8m.7 Importance of grounding and lightning grounding resistance testingLightning protection and grounding technology,In order to solve the communication network (including the user terminal ) overvoltage protection for the purpose, has developed a variety of lightning protection and grounding technology, these are to ensure the reliability of telecommunication network technology, is the important basic technology in the field of communication. Now commonly used by telecommunications building integrated earthing( grounding ) and introduces a variety of lightning protection device. But, now has access to the optical fiber communication era, even in the communication network of the user terminal, at the same time, and connected to an AC power line, at the user terminal using the large scale integrated circuit is more and more, the new features of the lightning protection and grounding, raised new requirement, we must try to adapt to these new characteristics.Grounding resistance test technology.In recent years, because of digital technology and the development of optical communication technology, so that the original installation in a telephone exchange part of the exchange, transmission equipment to the user mobile, and often these devices are mounted to the general residential buildings and overhead, so ask them with the telephone exchange room floor with.The shielding effect, it is obviously not possible, then how to do? Now hand requires these devices improve the adaptability, on the other hand, in order to prevent the leakage of electricity and lightning voltage on human body and equipment hazards, grounding and lightning protection is vital.From the grounding purposes, especially for outdoor equipment grounding, leakage current and lightning protection is particularly important. The grounding resistance requirements, technical standards are clearly defined, it is. In order to ensure that the grounding resistance value to meet the requirement, after construction of the grounding resistance testing work is very necessary. But with the progress of the modernization of city, now the city roads and sidewalks are all concrete pavement asphalt pavement or covered now, if still use auxiliary electrode method to test the ground resistance, it is difficult to too much. The new ground resistance test method are introduced.In 1, the existing ground resistance test method.Wire grounding resistance is equal to the grounding electrode potential and the injected current ratio. The current earth resistance test method, as shown in figure 1. Where E is the grounding electrode, C is injected into the current of the auxiliary electrode, P is to test the potential of the auxiliary electrode imaginary reference point. Test, signal device in the E ~ C electrode with500 ~ 2KHz AC current by the dotted line into a flow, a current meter and a voltage meter readings, we can find the grounding resistance value.In order to test the value of accurate, the distance between the electrodes shall be not less than 10meters. The distance, in the downtown area of the city, is often difficult to do.防雷接地摘要防雷减灾的意义在于用很少的钱预防大的损失,其作用在于使用科学的手段规避自然灾害。

雷电电磁场的放电极限为:均匀电场:20~30kV/cm 非均匀大气电场:30~40kV/m,最高值500kV/m。

关于雷击试验模拟波形的一些资料铁道科学研究院通信信号研究所雷电防护研究室研究员邱传睿摘要IEC的81技术委员会提出的10/350模拟波形是根据国际大电网会议公布的雷电参数观测数据的极端值制定的主要用来测试直击雷防护系统如避雷针等装置的物理损害至今国际上发达国家并未认可必须用10/350波形来测试电源设备用SPD IEC 61643-12002-01和IEC 61643-122002-02都未将10/350波形用做IEC 61643-1规定的SPD类测试本文根据所收集的美国英国法国德国澳大利亚及IEC其它技术委员会标准说明在电源用SPD测试中使用8/20波形的有效性和普遍性关键词雷电波形雷电参数 10/350最近国内一些学者对国内外雷击试验模拟波形特别是对10/350波形发表了一些论文对相关问题进行了热烈的讨论笔者认为开展正常的学术讨论对提高我国防雷学术水平制定既和国际上大多数先进国家防雷标准接轨又符合我国国情的防雷标准无疑是大有裨益的广东省防雷中心杨少杰黄智慧等防雷专家最近编译了美国国家雷电安全防护学会主任兼首席执行官Richard Kithil的一篇文章美国雷电防护技术规范和标准动态变化评述 A Review of Dynamic Changes In USA Lightning Codes and Standards[1]文中有这样一段话说对于想要建立一个综合性的防雷标准库的人来说应该考虑收集以下一些技术标准或规范英国BS 66511999建筑物防雷实用规范Code of Practice for Protection of Structures against Lightning澳大利亚AS 1768雷电防护Lightning Protection新加坡 CP331999雷电防护实用规范Code of Practice forLightning Protection国际电信联盟标准局ITU-T第910章电信线路和设备雷击防护1995The Protection of Telecommunications Lines and Equipment Against Lightning Strikes (1995)南非SABS-03-19851985标准建筑物防雷The Protection of Structures Against Lightning德国DIN57185标准防雷系统1983翻译版Lightning Protection System (trans. 1983)波兰PN-861987标准建筑物防雷Lightning Protection of Structures这段话提出了应全面了解国际上各先进国家的防雷标准而不是片面追求某个标准的问题笔者供职的铁道部科学研究院通信信号研究所雷电及电化干扰防护研究室从1965年开始研究CCITT V组K 防护系列标准及日本英美澳大利亚等国相关的防护标准也研究了IEC SC 37IEC TC 64 IEC TC 77IEC TC 81 等与电磁兼容有关的标准现在想将我所了解的部分资料摘编给大家供大家研究1 关于对雷电参数1.1 国际公认的由雷电观测得出的雷电参数数据早在1897年意大利学者便利用铁磁物质记录雷电流幅值最近几十年世界许多国家都对雷电参数进行了观测著名的有美国纽约帝国大厦楼高380m 的雷电观测前苏联莫斯电视塔的测雷日本柏崎刈羽地方的测雷瑞士圣萨尔瓦托San Salvadore 山顶的测雷等世界各国测得的自然界的雷击波形基本是一致的大约有80-90%的雷电流是负极性重复脉冲一次放电过程常常包含多次先导至主放电的过程初次放电和后续放电放电脉冲数目平均为3-4个最多的记录到42个下面是国际大电网会议[2]根据各国学者在世界各地长期实测的雷电参数在国际大电网会议出版物Electra中公布的雷闪参数为国际公认国际大电网会议文献Electra 41(1975) 中Berger KAnderson R.B 的论文雷闪参数 和Electra 65(1980) 中 Anderson R.B Eriksson A.J 的论文工程应用中的雷电参数见表1表6[3]波前最大上升速率kA/s率首次雷击电荷量C 率雷闪总电荷量C 累 概峰值电流kA 最小2kA积累 表6 雷电持续时间μs积 累 概 率 雷 击 类 型95% 50% 5%首次负雷击 30 75 200 后续负雷击 6.5 32 140 正 闪 击25 230 2000表5 波前时间μs 积 累 概 率雷击类型95% 50% 5%首次负雷击 1.8 5.5 18 后续负雷击 0.2 1.1 4.5 正 闪 击 3.5 22 200这一雷电参数观测数值是确定直击雷模拟波形的基础在 Berger K 和 Anderson R.B 的论文雷闪参数中公布了他们在圣萨尔瓦托San Salvadore 山两个通信塔观测到的雷电波形图图 1该图被公认的程度几乎可以在各国防雷基础理论书籍中找到[4]0 80 160 240 320 400 μsA图1 负闪击时雷电平均电流波形μsB图1中A 实线是对88次实测雷电流平均值处理后波形反映了一次雷击放电的全貌B 虚线是10次实测值取平均而得图中时间坐标A 在下B 在上1.2 国际组织和国家标准都采用了国际大电网会议公布的雷电参数美国IEEE 标准IEEE Std 998-1996 IEEE Guide for lightning stroke 的请参阅该标准第2章 lightning stroke phenomena 之 2.4stroke current magnitude英国标准BS 6651-1999 Code ofpractice for protection of structures against lightning 请参阅该标准BSI 09-2000版第118页参考文献之[1]ANDERSON R.B.and ERIKSSON,A.J.,CIGER, Lightning Parameters for EngineeringApplication.Electra,1980,69.65-102澳大利亚和新西兰标准AS 1768-1991/NZS 1768-1991 Lightningprotection 及2004年即将出的修正版DR 02359号文件请参阅该标准的资料性附录A The nature of lightning and the principles of lightning protection 等国家标准都采用了国际大电网会议公布的上述雷电参数IEC TC81技术委员会的标准如IEC 61024-1 Protection of structures against lightning Part1:General principles IEC61312-1 Protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse- Part 1:Generalprinciples 也引用了该系列参数请参阅该标准的资料性附录A Background of the fixed lightningcurrent parameters有趣的是由于出发点不一样同样引用的同一组参数而由此得出得模拟雷电波形却有很大的差异2 对雷电参数的处理及雷电模拟雷电波形的产生雷击试验必须有一个尽量模拟自然界的雷闪以及线路或设备上可能出现的浪涌的典型波形这就是我们通常说的模拟雷电冲击波形模拟雷电冲击电波形和自然界的雷击波形是有区别的 实验室模拟的试验波形来自于对自然界雷电波形的概括但绝非自然界的雷击波形Berger 等在圣萨尔瓦托测得的90次雷电波形整理出直击雷负冲击波形前沿为多为2s -4s 最长未超过20s 半峰值时间大部分为在10s -100s 范围内50%的半峰值时间小于75s[5]在此以前IEC 于1960年7月14日在60-2文件中公布的电压冲击波波形为1.2/50s电流冲击波波形为8/20s[4][5]上述雷电参数正好证明IEC公布的模拟雷电冲击波波形是在对观测的雷电参数的基础上经数理统计处理后的平均值可以作为模拟雷电波形的代表应注意用1.2/50s的模拟电压波和8/20s的模拟电流波并不能完全表示自然界的雷击因此有的人提出了可以描述雷击的另外几种波形如CCITT在1975年的The protection oftelecommunication line and equipment against lightning discharges中认为室内研究和计算时用5/65s 的波形在计算机模拟仿真中有时用2.6/40s波形模拟建筑物遭直击雷后建筑物内电流分布在一些文献上还有1/4s1/10s等陡波前波形除了模拟直击雷的波形外在实验室还有一些模拟各种传输线上的雷电浪涌由于雷电电磁脉冲波是电磁波电磁波在传输线按传输线的规律传播以行波方式前进传输线在微观上是由一系列四端网络链接而成因此它有自己的特性阻抗如铜质架空通信线特性阻抗为600对称电缆特性阻抗为1505类高频电缆特性阻抗为120小同轴电缆特性阻抗为50等等由于不同的传输媒介有不同的特性阻抗各种传输媒介对雷电波的延时和衰耗也是不一样因此出现了用于低压数据通信和信号线的防雷设备试验波形的多样性如铜质架空明线和被复线用的4/300s波形对称电缆和同轴电缆用10/700s波形电话线10/700s波形或者10/1000s波形钢轨用10/200s波形及10/160s10/560s10/600s10/350s20/100s10/250s20/100s等波形这些波形在实验室都可以等同使用但必须清楚试验条件目的是尽量使其对试件有相同的效应3 在SPD的雷击试验中采用8/20s模拟雷电波形的国家在低压配电系统用SPD的雷击试验中以下国家标准中用8/20s冲击电流波形3.1 美国美国保险商试验所有限公司( Underwriters laboratories Inc.简称UL)标准UL 1449 Transient V oltage Surge Suppressors之2.4 Transient V oltage Suppressors Test表24.1列出的冲击电流波形为8/20s美国IEEE有关雷电防护设备的标准都用的是8/20s 波形进行冲击电流试验由于标准太多下面只将部分标准号列出以便各位核实IEEE C62.1-1989 IEEE Standard Gapped Silicon Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuit第6章Performance Characteristics and tests规定的冲击电流波形为8/20sIEEE Std C62.11-1999 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuit1kV第8章Design test规定的冲击电流波形为8/20sIEEE Std C62.22-1997 IEEE Guide for Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-current System第6章Protection of distribution systems规定的冲击电流波形为8/20s 大电流短波形4/10s和小电流2000s方波IEEE Std C62.34-1996 IEEE Standard Performance of Low-voltage Surge Protective Devices (Secondary Arresters)第7章Design test规定的冲击电流波形为8/20sIEEE C62.41-1991 IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-voltage AC Power Circuits第9章Definition of Standard Surge-Testing Waveforms规定的冲击电流波形为8/20s IEEE Std C62.42-1992 IEEE Guide for Application of Gas tube and Air Gap Arrester Low-voltageor 1200V dc ) Surge Protective Devices第5.3.6Impulse life test规定( Equal to or Less than 1000V的冲击电流波形为8/20sIEEE Std C62.62-2000 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge Protective Devices forLow-voltage AC Power Circuits第7章Performance Characteristics and tests descriptions规定的冲击电流波形为8/20s3.2 英国英国国家标准BS 66511999 Code of practice for protection of structures against lightning 的资料性附录C General advice on protection against lightning of electronic equipment within or onstructures的C.13 “Surge protective devices, location categories and test” 规定冲击电流波形为8/20s BS EN 60099-11994该标准是欧洲电气技术标准化委员会CENELEC标准标志EN等同采用IEC IEC 60099-11991Surge Arresters-Part 1: Non-linear resistors type gapped surge arresters fora.c systems第8章Type tests冲击电流波形为8/20s大电流短波形4/10s3.3 澳大利亚和新西兰澳大利亚和新西兰国家标准AS 1768-1991/NZS 1768-1991 Lightning protection的第5节protection of persons and equipment within buildings 规定的冲击电流波形为8/20s并在资料性附录D Waveshapes for assessing the susceptibility of equipment to transient overvoltage duo to lightning 第87页Figure D4 “Location categories ”中有详细的说明AS1768-1992/NZS1768-1991将于2004年修订其修订稿 DR 02359号文对此未做任何修改3.4 法国法国国家标准NFC 61 -740-1995 Equipment for installations that are directly supplied by a low-voltage public distribution network-Lightning arresters for low voltage installations在第2章定义的2.6Courant nominal de décharge d’un parafoudre (I n) 2.7 Courant maximal de décharge d’un parafoudre (I max)中就将冲击电流波形规定为8/20s法国电气协会标准UTE C15-443-1996 Selection/Application Guide for Surge Protective Devices也规定冲击电流波形为8/20s3.5 德国德国DIN VDE 0675 系列标准DIN VDE 0675 Part 1 (1994) Over voltage arresters with non-linear resistors and series gaps for a.c network DIN VDE 0675 Part 2 (1975) Over voltage ProtectiveDevices Application of valve arresters for a.c network DIN VDE 0675 Part 3 (1982) Over voltageProtective Devices Protective series gaps for a.c network 规定冲击电流波形为8/20s3.6 日本日本电力标准JEC 203 電力用避雷器第2章术语规定标准冲击电流为8/20s和4/10s[6]日本铁路标准JRS 37104-1-14R7C 保安器電力用第6条試驗方法规定冲击电流波形为8/20s[6]4 在SPD的雷击试验中采用8/20s模拟雷电波形的国际组织4.1 ITU国际电信联盟建议ITU-T K.12 1989 CHARACTERISTICS OF GAS DISCHARGE TUBES FOR THE PROTECTION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INSTALLATIONS之4.6.1Test currents规定对气体放电管的冲击电流波形为8/20s4.2 IEC国际电工委员会的除TC 81以外的其它技术委员会IEC除TC 81以外的其它技术委员会规定在SPD的雷击试验中采用8/20s模拟雷电波形的很多以下只引其中的一部分读者还可在IEC的SC 37TC64TC 77等的标准或文件中查找 1960年7月14日IEC 以IEC 60-2文件的方式公布了模拟雷电波形的参数冲击电压波形为1.2/50s允许裕度峰值3%T 130%T220%冲击电流波形为8/20s和4/10s允许裕度峰值10%T110%T210%[4][5]用于碳化硅空气间隙气体放电管的冲击特性试验IEC 61643-1 2002-01Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution system part 1Performance requirement and testing methods在3.8 “标称放电电流” 3.10类测试的最大放电电流中确切的规定采用8/20s波形该标准中3.9冲击电流规定了用于类测试的I在7.1.1 类测试电流中对获取I imp的方法但不是用10/350s波形笔者将在下文引用imp资料说明IEC 61643-12 2002-02 Low-voltage Surge protective devices - part 12Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution system- Selection and application principles在3.9 “标称放电电流 (I n)” 3.12 8/20s电流冲击中确切的规定试验低压配电系统用SPD采用8/20s中规定用与IEC 61643-1同样的方法获取I imp该标准明确了获取波形在3.12 冲击电流II imp不是用10/350s波形IEC 61000-4-52001-04Electromagnetic compatility(EMC)-Part 4-5:Testing and measurement techniques-Surge immunity test在第4章Definitions定义了8/20s电流冲击波用于电子设备的雷击试验5 在IEC 61643-1和IEC 61643-12中到底用的什么波形5.1 IEC 61643-12002-01中规定如何获取I imp和进行SPD的类测试的笔者从英文稿和等同采标后的我国国家标准GB 18802.1-2002 低压配电系统的电涌保护器SPD第1部分性能要求和试验方法中看到的是下述说法5.1.1 GB 18802.1-2002的 3.9 冲击电流impulse current I imp说它由电流峰值I pek和电荷量Q确定其试验应根据动作负载试验程序进行这是用于类测试的SPD分类试验[7]如何由电流峰和电荷量Q来得到I imp该标准的7.1.1 类测试电流说冲击电流I imp由电流峰值I pek值I和电荷量Q的参数来确定冲击试验电流应在10ms 内获得I pek和Q值能达到表3参数的典型波形是单向冲击电流至于表3类测试参数内容是什么查GB 18802.1-2002第15页便知这里关键的数是10ms只要在在10ms 内获得I pek和Q值的单向冲击电流都是合格的就其波形的持续时间而言350s不具有唯一性5.1.2 EC 61643-12 2002-02中的5.5.2.2 I imp and I max for SPDs according to class and class tests 有如下的论述I imp and I max and their submultiples are test parameters use in the operating duty test for class and class tests respectively. They are related to the maximum values of discharge current, which are expectedto occur only very rarely at the location of the SPD in the system.. I max is associated with class tests and I imp is associated with class tests中文可以表达为I imp和I max及其约数分别用做动态类测试和类测试它们都和放电电流的最大值相关联而系统中安装SPD的位置上发生放电电流的最大值的情况却极少I max用做类测试I imp用做类测试该标准65页表2提供了I imp的优选值复制为本文表7表 7 I imp的优选值I pek kA 1 2 5 10 20Q AS 0.5 1 2.5 5 10 注一般与I imp有关的波形持续时间长比I n 有关的波形持续时间长并且I n I imp按表中数据I pek最大是20 kA与之对应的电荷量是10库仑一次雷击放电的电量为几库仑因此对于SPD来说10库仑的电荷量已经比较严酷了笔者下文引用的材料IEC TC 81文件说明即使架空电源线引入建筑物时对安装在LPZ0A和LPZ1界面的SPD要求的类测试的I imp最大值也小于20 kA而为I imp12.5 kA5.2 IEC 61643-12 2002-02中对SPD类测试的论述IEC 61643-12 2002-02附录A IEC 61643-1中试验程序的解释中对SPD类测试采用的波形作了规定英文原文第105页The waveshape is always 8/20 whether it is a class test or a class test because it is used as acomparative value. It is used to select an SPD when comparing its protective characteristics to the impulse withstand voltage of the equipment to be protected. The typical waveshape for class tests is I imp defined by I pek and Q, but this waveshape is not so different from an 8/20 waveshape in terms of rate of rise of current. Therefore, the 8/20 waveshape is used to obtain a common basis for comparison of SPD protective characteristics.其译文无论是类或类测试波形总是8/20因为类或类测试其值都是用作比较的它以比较被保护设备的冲击耐压和SPD的防护特性以便选择使用SPD类测试的典型波形是用I pek和Q定义的I imp但该波形与8/20波形用电流上升速率来表示并没有什么差别因此对于SPD都用8/20波形便可获得比较SPD防护特性的共同基准这里并规定SPD的类测试必须用10/350s波形SC 37 的标准也用过10/350s波形I EC 61643-3112001-10Components for low-voltage surge protective devices-part 311Specification for gas discharge tubes(GDT)中21页的6.1.6 耐电流能力的要求表4耐电流能力中列出的冲击放电电流试验用的是8/20波形或10/350s波形相关部分复制为表8表8GDT耐电流能力的要求8/20波形冲击电流10次kA 0.5 1.0 2.5 5 10 2010/350波形冲击电流1次kA 1 2.5 4 4 比如说用5 kA 8/20波形冲击电流冲击10次的效果等于用2.5kA 1/350波形冲击电流冲击1次的效果而大家注意8/20波形冲击电流10 kA和20 kA这两项都表的是与4kA 1/350波形冲击电流冲击1次的等效因此表4的注a)说这时可酌情增加8/20波形冲击的次数如20次也可以说8/20波形冲击电流10 kA冲击10次与1/350波形冲击电流4kA冲击1次可以认为等效6 IEC TC 81技术委员会所编写的防雷标准引用10/350s波形的原因和应用范围最早10/350s冲击波形是实验室用来模拟通信线和数据线上的波形的并且用得不多所以许多人不太熟悉其实美国IEEE标准IEEE Std C.62.36-1991该标准在1991年后有两次修订即1994年版和2000年版就用了10/350波形以后该标准在1991年后有两次修订即1994年版和2000年版都用了10/350波形但都不是将其作为直击雷模拟波形来用的IEEE Std C.62.36标准的英文名字是IEEE Standard Test Methods for Surge Protectors Used in Low-V oltage Date, Communications,and Signaling Circuits说的是低压通信线数据线信号线上的模拟雷电试验在IEEE StdC.62.36-2000的8. Impulse-limiting-voltage test冲击限制电压试验一节说的特别清楚与该标准表2中引用的其它波形如10/1000s10/250s一样该波形是Suggested waveforms for the impulse-limiting-voltage test(建议用于冲击限制电压试验的波形)不是模拟直击雷的波形IEC SC37编制的标准IEC 61643-212000Surge Protective Devices Connected to Telecommunications andSignaling Networks-Performance Requirements and Testing Methods(电信和信号网络用浪涌保护器-性能要求和试验方法)也用了10/350s冲击波形但都是用于通信和数据线的模拟雷电试验和直击雷模拟试验无关本文在2中谈到由于不同的传输媒介的特性阻抗因此对雷电波的延时和衰耗也是不一样的因此在低压数据通信和信号线的防雷设备试验波形有多种多样如4/300s波 10/700s波10/1000s波10/200s 10/160s10/560s10/600s10/350s20/100s10/250s20/100s等波形在传输线上的雷电浪涌波形都有较长的持续时间和直击雷的波形有相当大的区别IEC TC 81 的标准IEC 61024 -1建筑物防雷第一部分通则于1988年6月在东京会议上提出1990年公布该标准制定的直击雷模拟波形10/350的波形的根据也是国际大电网会议公布的雷闪参数但在TC 81 技术委员会采用了上述参数的极端值即采用最长的半峰值时间350s该数据在雷击中出现的概率为不管是首次负雷击还是后续负雷击都只有1%正闪击小于50%峰值电流采用最高的200 kA该幅值在雷击中出现的概率为不管是首次负雷击还是后续负雷击都只有1%正闪击小于5%电荷量采用最高的100库仑该幅值在雷击中出现的概率为不管是首次负雷击还是后续负雷击都几乎为0正闪击小于1%其数值参看表9-表11表9 首次雷击雷电流参数取自IEC 61312-1表1保护级别电流参数峰值电流I kA200 150 100 波前时间Ts10 10 10半峰值时间Ts350 350 350短时雷击电荷量Q S C100 75 50 比能量W/R MJ/10 5.6 2.5IEC 61024 –1为什么这样做是有其合理的原因因为IEC 61024 –1是建筑物防雷标准该标准中所取的雷电参数应该能够防护各种类型的建筑物例如对于含易燃易爆物质的建筑物就应当在雷击时得到100%的防护这时必须用最严酷的雷电参数来测试防雷设备采用10/350的波形去检测LPS雷电防护系统保证建筑不受雷电的物理损害是完全正确的表10 后续雷击雷电流参数取自IEC 61312-1表2保 护 级 别电 流 参 数峰 值 电 流 I kA 50 37.5 25 波 前 时 间 T1s0.25 0.25 0.25 半 峰 值 时 间 T2s 100 100 100 平均陡度 I/T kA/s200 150 100表11 长时间雷击雷电流参数取自IEC 61312-1表3保 护 级 别电 流 参 数短时雷击电荷量 Q l C 200 150 100 持 续 时 间 Ts0.5 0.5 0.5是否一定要用10/350的波形去检验低压电力配电系统SPD IEC TC81的文件有以下说法IEC 61312-32000雷电电磁脉冲LEMP 的防护 第3部分 对浪涌保护器SPD的要求第17页3.2 SPD类测试在IEC 61643-1中所定义的对安装与LPZ0A /1界面上的电流型避雷器的测试程序其它SPD 按顺序安装按类测试的SPD 应做冲击电流为I imp 的工作负载试验IEC 61312-32000第25页第4章有关威胁值雷电流参数从首次雷击的初始相关威胁参数出发规定10/350 为模拟直接雷电闪击的浪涌电流波形这是用以验证SPD 能量配合的合适波形IEC 81/191/NP 文件IEC 62305-4 雷电防护第4部分建筑物内的电气和电子设备的防护第13页 3.3SPD 的类测试 用IEC 61643-1的测试程序对电流型避雷器用10/350或类似冲击电流波形进行的测试IEC 81/212/ CD 文件IEC 62305-4 雷电防护第4部分建筑物内的电气和电子设备的防护第11页 3.15对SPD 进行的类测试程序IEC 61643-1在该文件的第19-19页7.1.2 译文如下7.1.2 SPD 选择时考虑设备位置和放电电流SPD 应当能够承受它们安装点可能出现的放电电流SPD 系统的有下列安装点MB 主配电板该位置在线路进入LPZ1区或LPZ0A /LPZ1或 LPZ0B /LPZ1 的边界SB 副配电板或第二电板该位置在LPZ1/LPZ2 或更高的边界SA 插座该位置在电子电气设备或电子电气设备终端SPD安装点放电电流的期望值可以根据LPL雷电防护水平通过计算传导和感应的浪涌电流来确定若计算有困难或不确定可采用以下条款给定的近似值使用SPD取决于它们的耐雷能力IEC 61643-1 作了分类当预期有全部或部分雷电流通过SPD放电时选择经类测试的SPD因此在安装点MB处的SPD应当通过类测试当仅需SPD限制感应浪涌时和只需SPD泄放部分雷电流时选择经II类试验的SPD因此通过II类测试的SPD可以用在SB或SA并处于经类试验的SPD的下方经III类试验的SPD用作设备的细防护因此经III类试验的SPD安装在SA位置在MB和SB的下方7.1.2.1 类试验的SPD-冲击电流IimpSPD 的冲击电流I imp应当根据下列两个条件选择* I imp I imp 在雷电直接闪击建筑物时* I imp10kA 在雷电直接闪击输入线路时注在雷电直接闪击输入线路时应当考虑沿导体向两方向流动的部分雷电流可能击穿线路对地的绝缘该标准描述的SPD的安装位置MB 主配电板SB 副配电板或第二电板SA 插座这三个部位.即IEEE标准IEEE C62.41-1991 IEEE建议低压交流电路上的浪涌电压所说的A B C三个部位Location category A Location category B Location category C请参阅该标准第40页的Fig 9 Location category英国标准BS 6651-1999 建筑物防雷实用规范的附录C 含电子设备的建筑物防雷建议之C.13 浪涌保护器SPD安装类别和测试中的A B C三个部位请参阅该标准的C.安装类别C C. 安装类别B C.安装类别A其中有极其详细的规定澳大利亚和新西兰标准AS 17681992/NZS1768-1991中规定也与IEEE完全一致该标准在资料性附录D Waveshapes for assessing the susceptibility of equipment to transient overvoltage duo to lightning 第87页Figure D4 “Location categories ”中有详细说明IEC 81/238/ CDV 文件IEC 62305-4 雷电防护第4部分建筑物内的电气和电子设备的防护第11页 3.15 对SPD进行的类测试程序该标准的附录D 第90页SPD的选择和安装对SPD的类测试冲击电流I说该类型SPD通常安装在MB位置要求SPD的最小冲击电流I能够包含在MB点可能出现的部分雷电流典型为10/350浪涌IEC 81/239/ CD 文件IEC 62305-1 雷电防护第1部分总则附录E第2页对建议采用10/350浪涌类测试通过电流峰值和规定的电荷定义了试验电流I从IEC 81的文件看几乎没有一个强制要求使用10/350s波形IEC 61643-122002-02在第107页附录A 5.3.4 根据类测试和类测试程序对SPD进行的工作负载试验说工作负载试验用15个8/20波形的标称放电电流冲击代替通常在高压试验中用的20个冲击理由是工作负载试验比用IEC 60099-4的试验更加严酷例如浪涌数量和波形由此可以看出IEC 81的文件和IEC SC37TC64等有些不同据笔者所知SC37TC64也发文给TC 81要求各技术委员会之间协调IEC 81在出IEC 81/238/ CDV时也采纳了一些SC37TC64的意见IEC 81也向与ITU IEEE等作些协调工作笔者相信随着大家对雷害机理的深入了解各国的防雷标准一定会协调一致注[1] 美国雷电防护技术规范和标准动态变化评述杨少杰黄智慧余乃枞雷电防护与标准化2003年第1期[2] 国际大电网会议法文为Conference International des Grand Reseaux Electriques缩写CIGRE英文为International Conference on Large High V oltage Electric System[3] 本文表1 表6引自据澳大利亚 DR02359文件表1[4] 该图引自雷电对铁路信号设备的危险影响极其防护铁道科学院通信信号研究编著北京大学出版社1991年2月出版[5] 引自CCITT Publication 1975 The protection of telecommunication line and equipment against lightningdischarges国际电信联盟出版物防雷手册[6] 引自信号保安体系-雷害对策鴫原和田等编著株式会社ー平成4年2月第二版[7] 动作负载试验的原文为operating duty test 似应译为工作负载试验或动态试验参考文献1Anderson R.B, and Eriksson A.J ,(CIGRE),Lightning Parameters for Engineering Application. Electra, 1980,69,65-102.2 AS 1768-1991 Lightning Protection 2003年修订稿草稿澳大利亚 DR02359文件3雷电对铁路信号设备的危险影响极其防护铁道科学院通信信号研究编著北京大学出版社1991年2月出版4IEEE Std 998-1996 IEEE Guide for lightning stroke shielding of substations 美国国家标准出版局1996年11月5BS 6651-1999 Code of practice for protection of structures against lightning 英国标准出版局 2000年9月6AS 1768-1991/NZS 1768-1991 Lightning protection 澳大利亚和新西兰标准澳大利亚标准服务中心1991年9月7IEC 61024-11991 Protection of structures against lightning Part 1:General principles8IEC61312-1 1995 Protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse- Part 1:General principles9UL 14491985 Transient V oltage Surge Suppressors美国保险商试验所有限公司标准 1992年4月版10IEEE C62.1-1989 IEEE Standard Gapped Silicon Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuit 美国国家标准出版局1989年9月11IEEE Std C62.11-1999 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuit1kV美国国家标准出版局1999年3月12IEEE Std C62.22-1997 IEEE Guide for Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-current System 美国国家标准出版局1997年9月13IEEE Std C62.34-1996 IEEE Standard Performance of Low-voltage Surge Protective Devices (Secondary Arresters) 美国国家标准出版局1996年9月14IEEE C62.41-1991 IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-voltage AC Power Circuits美国国家标准出版局1991 年 10月15IEEE Std C62.42-1992 IEEE Guide for Application of Gas tube and Air Gap Arrester Low-voltage ( Equal to or Less than 1000V rms or 1200V dc ) Surge Protective Devices美国国家标准出版局1993年5月16IEEE Std C62.62-2000 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge Protective Devices for Low-voltage AC Power Circuits 美国国家标准出版局2000年2月17BS EN 60099-11994 Surge Arresters-Part 1: Non-linear resistors type gapped surge arresters for a.c systems 欧洲电气技术标准化委员会CENELEC标准英国标准出版局2001年10月版18NFC 61 -740-1995 Equipment for installations that are directly supplied by a low-voltage public distribution network-Lightning arresters for low voltage installations 法国标准 1995年7月19UTE C15-443-1996 Selection/Application Guide for Surge Protective Devices 法国电气协会标准20DIN VDE 0675 Part 1 (1994) Over voltage arresters with non-linear resistors and series gaps for a.c network 德国标准21DIN VDE 0675 Part 2 (1975) Over voltage Protective Devices Application of valve arresters for a.c network德国标准22DIN VDE 0675 Part 3 (1982) Over voltage Protective Devices Protective series gaps for a.c network德国标准23ITU-T K12 1995 CHARACTERISTICS OF GAS DISCHARGE TUBES FOR THE PROTECTION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INSTALLATIONS1 国际电信联盟标准24ITU-T K17 1993 Test on power-fed repeaters using solid-state devices in order to check the arrangements for protection from external interference 国际电信联盟标准25The protection of telecommunication line and equipment against lightning discharges1978国际电信联盟出版26 IEEE C62.33-1982 Standard Test Specification for Varistor Surge- Protective Devices 1988年3月修订稿27ANSI/IEEE Std C62. 64 –1997 IEEE Standard specifications for surge protectors used in low-voltage data, communications, and signaling circuits 美国国家标准出版局1997 年5月28IEC 60099-11991 Surge Arresters-Part 1: Non-linear resistors type gapped surge arresters for a.c systems 29IEC 61643-1 2002-01Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution system part 1Performance requirement and testing methods30IEC 61643-12 2002-02Low-voltage Surge protective devices - part 12Surge protective devices connectedto low-voltage power distribution system- Selection and application principles31IEC 61643-21 Low voltage surge protective device-Part 21: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signaling networks-Performance requirements and testing methods31IEC 61000-4-52001-04 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)-Part 4-5:Testing and measurement techniques-Section 5:Surge immunity test32 IEC 81/191/NP IEC 62305-4 Protection against lightning Part 4:Electrical and electronic systems withinstructures。

电子信息系统electronic information system:由计算机、有/线通信设备、处理设备、控制设备及其相差的配套设备、设施(含网络)等的电子设备构成的,按照一定应用目的和规则对信息进行采集、加工、存储、传输、检索等处理的人机系统。
电磁兼容性electromagnetic compatibility(EMC):设备或系统在其电磁环境中能正常工作,且不对环境中的其他设备和系统构成不能承受的电磁干扰的能力。
电磁屏蔽electromagnetic shielding:用导电材料减少交变电磁场向指定区域穿透的屏蔽。
防雷装置lightning protection system(LPS):外部和内部雷电防护装置的统称。
外部防雷装置external lightning protection system:由接闪器、引下线和接地装置组成,主要用以防直击雷的防护装置。
内部防雷装置internal lighting protection system:由等电位连接系统、共用接地系统、屏蔽系统、合理布线系统、浪涌保护器等组成,主要用于减小和防止雷电流在需防空间内所产生的电磁效应。
共用接地系统common earthing system:将各部分防雷装置、建筑物金属构件、低压配电保护线(PE)、等电位连接带、设备保护地、屏蔽体接地、防静电接地及接地装置等连接在一起的接地系统。
等电位连接equipotent bonding(EB):设备和装置外露可导电部分的电位基本相等的电气连接。
等电位连接带equipotent bonding bar(EBB):将金属装置、外来导电物、电力线路、通信线路及其他电缆连于其上以能与防雷装置做等电位连接的金属带。
自然接地体natural earthing electrode:具有兼作接地的但不是为此目的而专门设置的与大地有良好接触的各种金属构件、金属井管、钢筋混凝土中的钢筋、埋地金属管道和设施等的统称。
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毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系(院):电子与电气工程学院专业:电气工程及其自动化姓名:学号:外文出处:(用外文写)Baidu library附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
它的物理特征包括:电流超过400 kA;温度超过50000华氏度,速度接近或超过三分之一的光速。
采用壁垒防御是一种需要谨慎的行为:其可以保护主面板,保护所有相关二次配电盘,保护一切有价值的插件设备,如过程控制仪表,计算机,打印机,火灾报警,数据记录和SCADA 系统设备等。
30,第3号,5 / 1994年6月。
Viemeister,彼得,闪电书,麻省理工学院出版社,剑桥大学硕士,1972年附件2:Fundamentals of Lightning Protection IntroductionLightning is a capricious, random and unpredictable event. Its' physical characteristics include current levels sometimes in excess of 400 kA, temperatures to 50,000 degrees F., and speeds approaching one third the speed of light. Globally, some 2000 on-going thunderstorms cause about 100 lightning strikes to earth each second. USA insurance company information shows one homeowner's damage claim for every 57 lightning strikes. Data about commercial, government, and industrial lightning-caused losses is not available. Annually in the USA lightning causes more than 26,000 fires with damage to property (NLSI estimates) in excess of $5-6 billion.The phenomenology of lightning strikes to earth, as presently understood, follows an approximate behavior:1. The downward Leaders from a thundercloud pulse towards earth seeking out active electrical ground targets.2. Ground-based objects (fences, trees, blades of grass, corners of buildings, people, lightning rods, etc., etc.) emit varying degrees of electric activityduring this event. Upward Streamers are launched from some of these objects. A few tens of meters off the ground, a "collection zone" is established according to the intensified local electrical field.3. Some Leader(s) likely will connect with some Streamer(s). Then, the "switch" is closed and the current flows. We see lightning.Lightning effects can be direct and/or indirect. Direct effects are from resistive (ohmic) heating, arcing and burning. Indirect effects are more probable. They include capacitive, inductive and magnetic behavior. Lightning "prevention" or "protection" (in an absolute sense) is impossible.A diminution of its consequences, together with incremental safety improvements, can be obtained by the use of a holistic or systematic hazard mitigation approach, described below in generic terms.Lightning RodsIn Franklin's day, lightning rods conducted current away from buildings to earth. Lightning rods, now known as air terminals, are believed to send Streamers upward at varying distances and times according to shape, height and other factors. Different designs of air terminals may be employed according to different protection requirements. For example, the utility industry prefers overhead shielding wires for electrical substations. In some cases, no use whatsoever of air terminals is appropriate (example: munitionsbunkers). Air terminals do not provide for safety to modern electronics within structures.Air terminal design may alter Streamer behavior. In equivalent e-fields, a blunt pointed rod is seen to behave differently than a sharp pointed rod. Faraday Cage and overhead shield designs produce yet other effects. Air terminal design and performance is a controversial and unresolved issue. Commercial claims of the "elimination" of lightning deserve a skeptical reception. Further research and testing is on-going in order to understand more fully the behavior of various air terminals.Downconductors, Bonding and ShieldingDownconductors should be installed in a safe manner through a known route, outside of the structure. They should not be painted, since this will increase impedance. Gradual bends (min. eight inch radius) should be adopted to avoid flashover problems. Building steel may be used in place of downconductors where practical as a beneficial part of the earth electrode subsystem.Bonding assures that all metal masses are at the same electrical potential.All metallic conductors entering structures (AC power, gas and water pipes, signal lines, HVAC ducting, conduits, railroad tracks, overhead bridge cranes, etc.) should be integrated electrically to the earth electrodesubsystem. Connector bonding should be thermal, not mechanical. Mechanical bonds are subject to corrosion and physical damage. Frequent inspection and ohmic resistance measuring of compression and mechanical connectors is recommended.Shielding is an additional line of defense against induced effects. It prevents the higher frequency electromagnetic noise from interfering with the desired signal. It is accomplished by isolation of the signal wires from the source of noise.GroundingThe grounding system must address low earth impedance as well as low resistance. A spectral study of lightning's typical impulse reveals both a high and a low frequency content. The high frequency is associated with an extremely fast rising "front" on the order of 10 microseconds to peak current. The lower frequency component resides in the long, high energy "tail" or follow-on current in the impulse. The grounding system appears to the lightning impulse as a transmission line where wave propagation theory applies.A single point grounding system is achieved when all equipment within the structure(s) are connected to a master bus bar which in turn is bonded to the external grounding system at one point only. Earth loops and differential risetimes must be avoided. The grounding system should be designed to reduce ac impedance and dc resistance. The shape and dimension of the earth termination system is more important a specific value of the earth electrode. The use of counterpoise or "crow's foot" radial techniques can lower impedance as they allow lightning energy to diverge as each buried conductor shares voltage gradients. Ground rings around structures are useful. They should be connected to the facility ground. Exothermic (welded) connectors are recommended in all circumstances.Cathodic reactance should be considered during the site analysis phase.Man-made earth additives and backfills are useful in difficult soils circumstances: they should be considered on a case-by-case basis where lowering grounding impedances are difficult an/or expensive by traditional means. Regular physical inspections and testing should be a part of an established preventive maintenance program.Transients and SurgesOrdinary fuses and circuit breakers are not capable of dealing with lightning-induced transients. Lightning protection equipment may shunt current, block energy from traveling down the wire, filter certain frequencies, clamp voltage levels, or perform a combination of these tasks. Voltage clamping devices capable of handling extremely high amperages of the surge, as well as reducing the extremely fast rising edge (dv/dt and di/dt) ofthe transient are recommended. Adopting a fortress defense against surges is prudent: protect the main panel (AC power) entry; protect all relevant secondary distribution panels; protect all valuable plug-in devices such as process control instrumentation, computers, printers, fire alarms, data recording & SCADA equipment, etc. Further, protect incoming and outgoing data and signal lines. Protect electric devices which serve the primary asset such as well heads, remote security alarms, CCTV cameras, high mast lighting, etc. HVAC vents which penetrate one structure from another should not be ignored as possible troublesome electrical pathways. Surge suppressors should be installed with minimum lead lengths to their respective panels. Under fast rise time conditions, cable inductance becomes important and high transient voltages can be developed across long leads.In all instances, use high quality, high speed, self-diagnosing protective components. Transient limiting devices may use a combination of arc gap diverters-metal oxide varistor-silicon avalanche diode technologies. Hybrid devices, using a combination of these technologies, are preferred. Know your clamping voltage requirements. Confirm that your vendor's products have been tested to rigid ANSI/IEEE/ISO9000 test standards. Avoidlow-priced, bargain products which proliferate the market (caveat emptor). DetectionLightning detectors, available at differing costs and technologies, sometimes are useful to provide early warning. An interesting application is when they are used to disconnect from AC line power and to engage standby power, before the arrival of lightning. Users should beware of over-confidence in such equipment which is not perfect and does not always acquire all lightning data.EducationLightning safety should be practiced by all people during thunderstorms. Preparedness includes: get indoors or in a car; avoid water and all metal objects; get off the high ground; avoid solitary trees; stay off the telephone. If caught outdoors during nearby lightning, adopt the Lightning Safety Position (LSP). LSP means staying away from other people, taking off all metal objects, crouching with feet together, head bowed, and placing hands on ears to reduce acoustic shock.Measuring lightning's distance is easy. Use the "Flash/Bang" (F/B) technique. For every count of five from the time of seeing the lightning stroke to hearing the associated thunder, lightning is one mile away. A F/B of 10 = 2 miles; a F/B of 20 = 4 miles, etc. Since the distance from Strike A to Strike B to Strike C can be as much as 5-8 miles. Be conservative and suspend activities when you first hear thunder, if possible. Do not resumeoutdoor activities until 20 minutes has past from the last observable thunder or lightning.Organizations should adopt a Lightning Safety Policy and integrate it into their overall safety plan.TestingModern diagnostic testing is available to mimic the performance of lightning conducting devices as well as to indicate the general route of lightning through structures. This testing typically is low power, 50 watt or less. It is traceable, but will not trip MOVs, gas tube arrestors, or other transient protection devices. Knowing the behavior of an event prior to occurrence is every businessman's earnest hope. With such techniques, lightning paths can be forecast reliably.Codes & StandardsThe marketplace abounds with exaggerated claims of product perfection. Frequently referenced codes and installation standards are incomplete, out dated and promulgated by commercial interests. On the other hand IEC, IEEE, MIL-STD, FAA, NASA and similar documents are supported by background engineering, the peer-review process, and are technical in nature.SummaryIt is important that all of the above subjects be considered in a lightning safety analysis. There is no Utopia in lightning protection. Lightning may ignore every defense man can conceive. A systematic hazard mitigation approach to lightning safety is a prudent course of action.References1.API 2003, Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning,and Stray Currents, American Petroleum Institute, Washington DC,December 1991.2.Golde, G.H., Lightning, Academic Press, NY, 1977.3.Hasse, P., Overvoltage Protection of Low Voltage Systems, PeterPeregrinus Press, London, 1992.4.Hovath, Tibor, Computation of Lightning Protection, John Wiley, NY,1991.5.IEEE Std 1100, Powering and Grounding of Sensitive ElectronicEquipment, IEEE, NY, NY. 1992.6.KSC-STD-E-0012B, Standard for Bonding and Grounding, EngineeringDevelopment Directorate, John F. Kennedy Space Center, NASA, 1991.7.Morris, M.E., et.al., Rocket-Triggered Lightning Studies for the Protectionof Critical Assets, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 30,No. 3, May/June 1994.8.Sunde, E.D. Earth Conduction Effects in Transmission Systems, D. VanNostrand Co., NY, 1949.9.Towne, D., Wave Phenomena, Dover Publications, NY.10.Uman, Martin, Lightning, Dover Publications, NY, 1984.。