


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Native Place of the Yellow Emperor is just one of them. It located 38 kilometers south of the Zhengzhou urban area in Xinzheng city.This small city is part of Zhengzhou and is also famous for its long history. Our ancestor started to live here about 8000 years ago. And Xinzheng is also famous for one thing—Chinese date. The Chinese dates here can supply people with richer vitamin C than oranges and taste sweeter than suger cane. The native place of Emperor Huangdi is the sacred place where Emperor Huangdi,the ancestor of the Chinese nation was born and his capital founded,hence the root of the Chinese all over the world.And the annual Memorial Ceremony to Ancestor that is held in the Native Place of the Yellow Emperor, also attracts Chinese people from all over the world to cmon here and find their roots.

Now we’ve arrived at our destination, let’s get off the bus and let our tour begin. We’ll gather back here in the parking lot at 12 o’clock, please rember the bus number YuAL1007, and my phone number i n case you can’t find our bus.


Here we are, the Native Place of the Yellow Emperor.

The first memorial gate was built under the Hong Kong Chinese Nation International Friendship Association in


This square built in the end of

1998.It covers an area of 15000 square meters,of which 7900 square meters are covered with trees and flowers.The trees represent Chinese nationalities, and the flowers are Chinese people.This is the reason of building the square.

Well, ladies and gentlemen , Let's go to visit the Main Hall. This statue is the Yellow Emperor----the first ancestor of Chinese civilization.Look!Are they beautiful?

The eight murals painting on the wall vidly describe the great achievements of the Yellow Emperor. Now I'd like to introduce several famous murals of them to you.

Aright,please follow me.This is Making Youxiong the Capital.When the Yellow Emperor defeated Chiyou,he became renowned far and wide.Every tribe admired him so much,and elected him the head of all tribes.Then,the Yellow Emperor led his tribe to go back to his native place and issued an imperial edict to all the tribes that making Youxiong his capital,present Xinzheng City,Henan, the first capital in Chinese history.

So until now,the visit in the Native Palace of the Yellow Emperor is almost over.I think you may have some questions about the scenic spot,or you want to take some photos,so,please do rember,you will have an hour.After an hour we will gather at the gate,and make sure you'll be there on time.Then we are going to the next

place.Thank you for your attention!
