怎样去掉Windows XP的盗版提示警告TweakTown公布了解除微软正版增值计划对盗版Windows XP 系统的警告内容的方式。
那么有没有办法解除盗版Win XP的警告呢?怎样去掉Windows XP的盗版提示警告?接下来大家跟着店铺一起来了解一下去掉Windows XP的盗版提示警告的解决方法吧。
去掉Windows XP的盗版提示警告方法删除WGATray.EXE1.首先重启你的计算机,进入安全模式,登陆管理员帐号--保证你拥有进入Windows\system32以及Windows\system32\dllcache路径的权限。
2.进入注册表,进入HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinlogonNotify删除其中的“WGALOGON”文件夹--这将Windows将无法加载任何有关WGA的DLL文件。
3、win XP系统的处理流程依次打开控制面板,安全中心,Windows防火墙,选择启用点击开始,运行,输入cmd,确定执行下面三条命令net stop rdrnet stop srvnet stop netbt由于微软已经不再为XP系统提供系统更新,建议用户尽快升级到高版本系统。
5、建议仍在使用windows xp, windows 2003操作系统的用户尽快升级到window 7/windows 10,或 windows 2008/2012/2016操作系统。
西南公路2022年第2期近期网络安全形势品安全的曝光之外,还有一个值得关注的点,今年1 外交部:敦促美方立即停止针对全 3.15晚会首次设立了3.15信息安全实验室,本次晚会曝光了“以免费Wi-Fi为名诱骗用户下载恶意球的恶意网络活动APP”“应用软件平台强迫捆绑下载”“骚扰电6月15日,外交部发言人汪文斌主持例行记者话”“儿童手表安全防护等案件”。
的接入技术行动处(TAO)持续对全球互联网用户3 Black Moon僵尸网络在国内已感实施无差别数据窃密。
TAO将网络攻击武器交由染数百万终端美及“五眼联盟”国家使用,英国政府曾利用欧盟3月份,国家互联网应急中心监控发现,Black 电信运营商对欧盟总部进行网络窃密。
表明,英国等“五眼联盟”和部分欧洲国家的网络机构协助并参与了美国在全球范围内的网络窃密行4 北京健康宝遭到网络攻击,源头动,这表明美国正在打造一个以美国为核心的网络来自境外窃密轴心。
1. 防火墙软件防火墙软件是保护计算机免受未经授权访问和恶意软件攻击的重要工具。
以下是两款热门的防火墙软件推荐:1.1 ZoneAlarmZoneAlarm 是一款功能强大的个人防火墙软件,提供实时防御功能,可以监控系统中的网络连接和拦截潜在的恶意行为。
1.2 Comodo FirewallComodo Firewall 是一款免费的防火墙软件,拥有主动防御功能,可自动阻止未知和有害的应用程序。
2. 杀毒软件杀毒软件是保护计算机免受恶意软件感染和传播的关键工具。
以下是两款广受好评的杀毒软件推荐:2.1 AvastAvast 是一款广受欢迎的免费杀毒软件,具有强大的病毒扫描和实时保护功能。
2.2 KasperskyKaspersky 是一家知名的网络安全公司,其杀毒软件得到了广泛的认可和赞誉。
3. 反间谍软件反间谍软件是用于检测和清除计算机上的间谍软件、广告软件和其他恶意软件的工具。
以下是两款受欢迎的反间谍软件推荐:3.1 MalwarebytesMalwarebytes 是一款知名的反间谍软件,具有强大的扫描和清除能力。
I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2013, 5, 1-8Published Online April 2013 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2013.05.01Security Software Green Head for Mobile Devices Providing Comprehensive Protection from Malware and Illegal Activities of CyberCriminalsZhukov Igor, Mikhaylov Dmitry, Starikovskiy Andrey, Kuznetsov Dmitry, Tolstaya Anastasia,Zuykov AlexanderNational Research Nuclear University ―MEPhI‖, Moscow, Russia zhukov@inbox.ru, mdmitry@mephi.ru, userandrew@rambler.ru, kuzn.dmitry@, polynna@yandex.ru,avzuykov@Abstract —This paper deals with the description of the threats to mobile devices and suggests the security software that provides comprehensive protection of personal data and mobile telephone from malware and illegal activity of cyber criminals. The developed security software Green Head protects personal smartphones of majority of brands from spam, viruses and unauthorized access. It is an innovative software product ensuring information security of mobile phones from all currently existing threats that today does not have any full analogs. Green Head security software warns the user about wiretapping, which keeps professional and personal confidential information intact. The developed security software is universal for people using mobile phones in professional and personal life because any stored information is protected from various attacks.Index Terms — Security software Green Head, malware, wiretapping, spam, cyber criminalI.I NTRODUCTIONToday a mobile phone has become an integral part of our everyday life. Mobile phones have become more than just a way of making and receiving calls and sending massages. They can be ―smart‖ and used as a personal computer, for quick access to the Internet and to transfer and download data via the Net.Nowadays there are more than 6 billion mobile phones in the world [1]. With the growing number of mobile phone users, the problem of information security becomes rather significant.Mobile malware is now very much a reality and a growing threat. With the increasing functionality the number of cyber criminals and malicious software is growing as well.If a mobile device has been infected by specially designed malicious software a cyber criminal can make calls, send massages, wiretap private telephone talks, change settings of a device or ever block it, and finally steal money. Moreover, it can be difficult for user to know whether the device has been infected or not because all the manipulations with a mobile phone can be hidden [2], [3], [4].The paper is organized in the following way:∙introduction telling about main tendencies in the field of mobile technologies;∙description of common attacks on mobile devices without proper level of antivirus security,namely Malicious mobile applications, Phishingpages, Fake messages, Wiretapping, Danger offiles transmitted via Bluetooth, Virus websites,Payment for free services;∙description of the developed security software for mobile devices that provides comprehensiveprotection from malware and illegal actions ofcyber criminals;∙conclusion.II.C OMMON ATTACK ON MOBILE PHONESAt the present moment, security threats to a mobile device include the following [2]:∙access to wireless transmission networks (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM, mobile Internet accesstechnologies –GPRS, EDGE, 3G) to obtainharmful content or send confidential datawithout the user's authorization and, possibly,spend money from the user's account by makingcalls or sending massages using paid mobileservices;∙access to personal data without the user's authorization in order to send them to a thirdparty or to use them in an illegal manner.Personal data include the contact list, massagecontent, and other confidential information;∙unauthorized access to video and audio recording functions (camera and microphone).Such activities may be used for audio or videoeavesdropping;2Security Software Green Head for Mobile Devices Providing Comprehensive Protection fromMalware and Illegal Activities of Cyber Criminals∙screen freeze. The application presents a sort ofa Screen Lock similar to Windows WinLockprograms (the screen is blocked with a prompt tosend paid massages or transfer money to receivethe unblocking code);∙unauthorized access to other features on themobile device – vibration, speaker, backlighting–in order to disturb the device's normaloperation.Hereafter we would like to consider attacks that mayaffect a mobile device with insufficient level of securityprovision.A. Malicious mobile applicationsMobile phones are getting more and more functional,thus, the diversity of mobile applications is alsoincreasing. For some devices such applications, forexample games, are placed on the official resources,however, a lot of applications are freely available in theInternet. Often they may contain malicious code. And it isnot enough to install applications only from the officialwebsite, since even they can be harmful, for example, the ―new version‖ or addition to the popular application [5].The most malicious applications are that request morerights than they need to perform their functions. In otherwords, it is obvious that calculator does not need toidentify user`s location and work with messages. Suchapplications can initiate calls, turn on and off camera,microphone or discharge the battery with no reason,change the settings of a device and even block it.Mobile applications can be sophisticated but the cybercriminal can easily insert a malicious code in populargame [6]. The user downloads a game, install it and at thesame time the smartphone becomes infected.B. Phishing pagesMany people use mobile phone in order to access theInternet without worrying about the device safety.Networks contain a lot of so-called ―phishing‖ pages thatreplicate the well-known resources changing, for example,only one letter in the address [7].Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire informationsuch as usernames, passwords, and credit card details(and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as atrustworthy entity in an electronic communication.Phishing is typically carried out by email spoofing orinstant messaging and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. [2], [8].After visiting such a webpage the phone is infected, ora person enters their username and password to access theresource sending it to attacker. The smartphone user mayeven lose money on his or her bank account iferroneously sending credit card details to a cyber criminal.C. Fake messagesNowadays the use of fake messages to attackunprotected mobile phones is getting very popular. Aperson receives messages from a well-known phonenumbers, or on behalf of the mobile operators that are actually sent by hackers.For example, each person has contacts like ―mum‖ or ―dad‖. This peculiarity can be used by a fraudster. He may write ―mum‖ in the sender`s address and the mobile phone user will perceive the massage as one sent from his relatives.Such a technique is used by fraudsters to mislead the victim and to persuade him or her, for example, to send a message to a certain number to get a discount on mobile communication, or even something more serious. If a person replies they can not only lose private information and money but also have their phone infected by malicious software [9].The problem lies within the impossibility for the phone user to detect a fraud number without special software but it is quite possible for cyber criminal to fake the sender's name.D. WiretappingA mobile phone can be used by hackers to wiretap personal phone conversations. It is not even necessary to infect the smartphone with malware [10].The cyber criminal can secretly put the microphone of a device on even if the telephone itself is switched off. After that he can wiretap confidential information.E. Danger of files transmitted via BluetoothBluetooth is a wireless data exchanging technology. And a lot of viruses are spread via Bluetooth. Data transfer channel itself is secured, but attackers can play on the users’ credulity and curiosity.If Bluetooth is turned on in visible mode the mobile phone can suddenly receive a request to accept the file. It is quite possible that the file contains a virus that will infect the device [11], [12].Such attacks are widely spread in public places: shopping malls, subways, universities, museums, cafes, etc.F. Virus websitesNowadays viruses that infect websites are getting sophisticated. Today they also aimed at users of mobile devices.When viewing infected computer resources via a personal computer browser, a person will not mention something strange. But once they visit it from a smartphone the device will be immediately redirected to a fraudulent page.Usually, at this page the user will be offered to download critical software updates, or check the safety devices. But attackers will just write off money from the account. In both cases the user of the phone loses money [2].This kind of viruses can ―live‖ on websites for a long time. The owners will stay in dark about it because they are likely to visit it from PCs. This peculiarity makes such viruses dangerous and tenacious.G. Payment for free servicesAlmost all cellular operators provide services –the ability to subscribe to any information (weather, jokes, etc.) The point is that a person enters their number on awebsite of a service supplier who in turn communicates with the mobile operator and asks to send to the user a message with a confirmation code.Once the user receives the confirmation code, he or she types it at website of a provider and then the code is sent to a mobile operator. If the code is correct –then the mobile phone is successfully subscribed to the mailing list. After that a defined amount of money will be written off the account.However, this scheme may be used by fraudsters. Most users believe that the money will not be written off until they personally send a message, so they easily type the phone number and a confirmation code on the fraudulent site. However, after that procedure they lose money without being provided with any service [13], [14]. III.C OMPREHENSIVE SECURITY PROVISION FOR MOBILEPHONESAs we can see from the information mentioned above the number and complexity of malicious software is growing from day to day. Security software is available today for protecting personal computers (e.g., desktop and laptop computers) against at least some forms of malicious software. Mobile phones are also susceptible to malicious software. At least in part because of the wide range of functions that may be performed by smartphones, there is a wide range of possible types of attack by malicious software or other forms of interaction [5].That is why it is vital to develop software that is aimed at protecting special features of mobile devices. For this purpose Green Head security software has been designed. It is an innovative software product ensuring information security of mobile phones from all currently existing threats that today does not have any full analogs.In a general aspect, Green Head is the security software providing complex protection of a personal mobile device (and the user) on a number of directions. It comprises comprehensive protection from malicious software, counterfeit massages with substitution of number, unauthorized interception, wiretapping and also compromises of private data.The security software easily adapts to the characteristics of popular operating systems for mobile phones and emerging ―new items‖from developers of viruses and other malicious programs.The security software controls and alerts unauthorized access to the wireless information transmission channels, prevents from downloading malicious content and protects user’s data from being sent to the third parties and its improper use. Green Head detects malicious application at the moment it is trying to perform an undesirable actions. This allows preventing adverse effects on the system. Database is updated every time when program updating is performed.Green Head security software comprises three main products:∙Green Head Antispam reliably protects user from receiving unnecessary and maliciousinformation, performs the functions ofprotection against attacks with the forgery of thenumber and other types of mobile fraud.∙Green Head Antivirus monitors the activity of the installed applications, protecting users frommalicious actions that can endanger the securityof mobile devices. The basis of Green HeadAntivirus is a unique method of proactiveprotection.∙Green Head PROcontrol provides confidentiality of conversations. It also protects from malwaremassages and from switching the camera ormicrophone on by malicious apps. PROcontrolaffords to hide contacts. It has SOS button,antitheft option and file encryption. Green HeadPROcontrol includes the first two products.The main application provides the user with a list of all modules available for downloading and starting, and is responsible for their activation, updating, and password-protected running.Except the main functions, the Green Head user can supplement them with options. The user can activate all possible options or only some of them depending on the need.A. Antivirus protectionAndroid has become one of the most popular platforms on the IT market [15]. It is programmed in the Android system that when installing an application the user has to confirm permissions for using the mobile device's functions; but users actually do not know exactly why the application needs any particular rights and in the majority of cases they simply pass over this information.The problem is complicated by the fact that Android provides neither clear functional division of certain groups of permissions, nor well-developed documentation on them. Besides, the installation dialog in some Android versions does not help the user concentrate on the permissions requested. This module's primary objective is to assist the user in controlling applications' access to potentially dangerous functions on mobile devices in real time in the context of the threats mentioned above [16].Each Android application operates under its own Linux account (on the shell level) and runs as an individual process within its own Dalvik virtual machine [17]. Thus, direct interaction between processes and penetration of a process to the memory space of another process become impossible, including access to data of another process. Interaction between active applications and joint use of data is very limited and regulated by the application providing data during its installation.The Android system basically prevents the creation of ―classic‖computer viruses that embed their code in the memory space of other processes and install themselves as system modules, as well as propagate themselves through data communications networks (since it is impossible to run a malicious application setup process on a remote device) [19].Green Head Antivirus uses absolutely new approach to protection against malicious applications. Previously, files were scanned for a malicious applications' codebased on the existing virus database. Such protection called signature analysis has a fundamental defect – even the slightest change of a malicious application's code makes it unidentifiable to the antivirus until the code is included in the signature database. As a result, antivirus software using such protection is only able to identify widespread malicious applications, and they are vulnerable in the context of new threats that may be a mere modification of the old ones.Green Head Antivirus software is based on a proactive protection idea the main task of which is to identify security threats in real time by monitoring applications’activities related to potentially dangerous operations (data transfer, positioning, massages transmission, outgoing calls, user data reading and use of built-in functions of the telephone – camera, microphone) and to prevent them by blocking such processes and providing a warning to the user.Installation packages of the Android-based applications (.apk) contain compiled Java code for JVM Dalvik and compiled resource files [17], [18]. When monitoring an application, the Antivirus software modifies the .apk file by embedding its code into it to enable the Antivirus to receive notifications about potentially dangerous processes, inform the user, and suppress them. Once the .apk file has been modified, the Antivirus suggests re-installing the application in order to apply the modifications made.B. Spam prevention and verifying validity of massage sender numberGreen Head Antispam protects mobile device from receiving malicious, fake and useless information. The Antispam module checks incoming messages for:∙fake or potentially fake number/sender's name with the respective notification to the user;∙presence of the sender's number in the user's black/white list or presence of a part of themessage (in black list only) with suppression ofsuch a message (staying outside the system);∙presence of the sender's number on a fraudster list with suppression of such a message;∙presence of unwanted content in the message (links to harmful websites, fraudulent scams orspam) with a notification given to the user. Sender number validation is a unique function of Green Head Antispam. It protects the user from many threats which may result from third parties' ability to send their messages in other mobile subscribers' names and in the operator's name.At the present time, mobile operators do not validate the delivered messages, and the mobile phone software makes fraud easier by applying overly broad comparisons when searching numbers in the phonebook.In order to discover a fake contact name, the address is compared to all possible transliterations of contact names (if a name is entered using Latin letters, the address is compared to it). For example, if a person receives a message from someone named Petya or Petja, and they have Petr in a contact list (including last name or other words in the Name field), the program will give the following warning: ―Sender uses a fake name!‖If there are no matching names, it is checked if the phone number is recorded in the address. If it is a number, the following warning is given:‖Sender's name is fake!‖General algorithm for incoming message processing is presented in Fig. 1.Figure. 1. General Algorithm for Incoming Message ProcessingThere is also a feedback function making it possible for users to send unwanted messages that were not identified by the Antispam module to the developers for inclusion in the database and to the mobile operators for recording fraudster numbers on the black lists.Green Head specialists, who maintain the server, receive notifications about all messages that have accumulated a certain number of complaints from different users, verify them and, if the massages are confirmed to be malicious, the sender’s number is added to the black list automatically. When databases are updated next time, the number is uploaded to all clients.C. Protection against wiretappingThis module ensures the user's protection against unauthorized eavesdropping on conversations. The following unique functions are supported:∙protection against undetected enabling of the phone's microphone by malicious applicationsfor eavesdropping on the user's and the userpartners' conversations;∙protection against the recording of phones calls by third party software installed on the phone;∙protection against imitation of the cellular operator's base station.The application's functionality is based on the concurrent operation of the tracking modules for phone conversation recording, recording of conversations of the user and the user's conversation partners, and tracking of virtual cells (fake base stations).General algorithm for the wiretapping security module (base stations checking) is presented in Fig. 2.Figure. 2. General Algorithm for the Wiretapping Security Module (Base Stations Checking)Tracking modules for phone conversations and conversations of the user with the user's conversation partners have black and white lists of applications that are allowed or prohibited to perform recording, respectively. Applications from the black list are automatically suppressed (only for Android 1.6 and 2.1 OS versions). Tracking module for the virtual cell uses databases of cellular operators' bases stations and several algorithms for identification of a fake base station.D. Hiding contactsThis module is used to store information about selected contacts, as well as messages and calls diary records with them, in a hidden mode. Contact hiding is used to prevent unwanted access to the user's valuable contacts.This module makes it possible for the user to hide all information about selected contacts with the ability to view them again, send messages and make calls to the numbers of the hidden contacts using the module only. Once a contact has been hidden, correspondence with such contact and call records will be hidden as they appear, thus, the contact will remain hidden even if a message arrives from him while the phone is controlled by someone else.E. Theft protectionThe theft protection module protects the phone and user`s data against theft via the following methods: ∙device locking;∙deletion of user data;∙sending the device's location information (from the thief's number as well).The theft protection functions can be enabled automatically when the device's SIM card is changed or manually by sending a controlling message.F. Checking microphone and baseband processor current status to detect hidden audio transmissionA mobile device is capable of unauthorized sending data in response to an external controlling command. The baseband processor is periodically queried if there are any active calls or auxiliary services initiated by the network using AT (attention) commands in order to check its current status and detect connections hidden from the user.Microphone is checked on the subject of sending data to the baseband processor to control its current status. The user will be notified if there are any unauthorized connections.Specific features of the system include checking current status of the microphone and baseband processor to detect an unauthorized operation by means of external controlling commands and notification of the user about hidden audio transmission.G. SOS buttonSOS button is widget for a smartphone's home screen for quick sending of a predefined text and device coordinates to a preset number. In a dangerous situation, the person will only need to press the widget and confirm sending. Hence, only send and delivery status notifications will be displayed. They will remain in the notification line until removed by the user. This minimizes the required operations with the phone making it possible to send the message secretly.Transmission of algorithm is as follows: the user confirms SOS sending; massage with a predefined text will be sent immediately; then, while the message is being delivered successfully, the device starts waiting for location data from the Google server (using cell towers ‐ with large inaccuracy; using Wi‐Fi access points ‐with average inaccuracy) and from the built‐in GPS (with high precision). If the phone is within the network coverage zone or there are Wi‐Fi access points nearby (if Wi‐Fi is enabled), the coordinate data arrives almost immediately, while the GPS may be getting started and looking for satellites for several minutes; therefore, the coordinates will be sent to the preset number as they become available.When new coordinate information is received, they are checked if more precise coordinates had already been sent. The message is sent after waiting for 5 seconds in case more precise coordinates arrive. The device will wait for information about the coordinates until the coordinates with an inaccuracy radius of less than 30 meters are received, or after waiting for 5 minutes.VI.C ONCLUSIONSThis paper is devoted to description of security software Green Head providing comprehensive protection from all current types of malware and cyber criminals` actions. Green Head software detects dangerous application at the moment it is trying to perform an undesirable actions. This allows preventing adverse effects on the system. A software implemented method for mobile device security system comprising: controlling third party applications executing on the device, including executing modified versions of the application that include security code, and validating communication at the device, including validating massage communication.R EFERENCES[1]Amanda Wills. The World Will Soon Have MorePhones Than Humans. 2012. URL: /2012/07/19/more-phones-than-humans.[2]Zhukov Igor, Mikhaylov Dmitry, Ivashko Andrey.Mobile phone protection from attacks. Moscow.FOILIS, 2011. -192 pages.[3] A.G. Beltov, I.Yu. Zhukov, A.V. Novitskiy, D.M.Mikhaylov, A.V. Starikovskiy. Security issues of mobile devices. Safety of information technologies."Mobile communication security ", 2012, №2. 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360 天擎
3.4.4 病毒.....................................................................................................28 3.4.5 木马.....................................................................................................30 3.4.6 插件.....................................................................................................31 3.4.7 系统危险项 .........................................................................................32 3.4.8 安全配置 .............................................................................................33 3.4.9 外接设
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4.2经常外出办公的员工,需提出书面申请,经总经理批准后方可购买notebook 。
已配备notebook 的员工不再配台式计算机。
天融信WEB应用安全防护系统TopWAF产品说明天融信TOPSEC®市海淀区上地东路1号华控大厦100085:+86传真:+87服务热线:+8610-400-610-5119+8610-800-810-5119http: //声明本手册的所有容,其属于天融信公司(以下简称天融信)所有,未经天融信许可,任何人不得仿制、拷贝、转译或任意引用。
所有不得翻印© 1995-2012天融信公司商标声明本手册中所谈及的产品名称仅做识别之用。
TOPSEC®天融信公司信息反馈目录1. 产品概述 (1)2. 产品主要特性 (1)2.1先进的设计理念 (2)2.1.1“三高”设计理念 (2)2.1.2“一站式”解决方案 (2)2.1.3 “无故障运行时间提升”的核心原则 (2)2.2独有的核心技术 (2)2.2.1稳定、高效、安全的系统核 (2)2.2.2领先的多维防护体系 (2)2.2.3“主动式”应用安全加固技术 (2)2.3丰富的数据展现 (3)2.3.1多角度的决策支撑数据 (3)2.3.2多角色视角的数据展示 (3)2.3.3清晰详尽的阶段性报表 (3)3. 产品功能 (3)3.1产品核心功能 (4)3.1.1 WEB应用威胁防御 (4)3.1.2网页防篡改 (5)3.1.3抗拒绝服务攻击 (5)3.1.4 WEB应用漏洞扫描 (6)3.1.5 WEB应用加速 (6)3.1.6 业务智能分析 (6)3.2产品功能列表 (8)4. 产品部署 (11)4.1透明串接部署 (11)4.2反向代理部署 (12)4.3单臂部署 (13)5. 产品规格 (14)6. 产品资质 (15)7. 特别声明 (15)1. 产品概述天融信WEB 应用安全防护系统(以下简称TopWAF )是天融信公司根据当前的互联网安全形势,并经过多年的技术积累,研制出品的专业级WEB 威胁防护类网络安全产品。
交互式培训软件说明书12020年5月29日多媒体交互式教学软件2 2020年5月29日郑州长河电子工程有限公司32020年5月29日目录索引第一章:................................... 多媒体交互式教学软件简介错误!未定义书签。
第二章:............................... 红蜘蛛软件 - 总体框架和结构错误!未定义书签。
总体框架说明 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
运行不需要服务器..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
学生机数量的限制..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第三章:................... 红蜘蛛软件 - 软硬件要求和安装问题错误!未定义书签。
支持的操作系统 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
网络环境要求 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
网络协议要求 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
硬件要求 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
语音教学需要声卡支持............................. 错误!未定义书签。
安装步骤与方法 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
硬件加密锁的安装方法............................. 错误!未定义书签。
目录一、物理访问制度ISMS-3001 ................ 错误!未定义书签。
1.目的................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2.范围................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.职责................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.员工外出管理........................ 错误!未定义书签。
5.来宾出入管理规定.................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.相关记录无.......................... 错误!未定义书签。
二、外部相关方信息安全管理规程ISMS-3002 .. 错误!未定义书签。
1.目的................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2.范围................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.职责................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.管理规定............................ 错误!未定义书签。
三、与政府相关资质申报及年审规定ISMS-3003 错误!未定义书签。
1.目的: ............................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.职责: ............................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.技术部相关管理要求: ................. 错误!未定义书签。
4.相关资质申报年审管理要求............ 错误!未定义书签。
1.目的................................ 错误!未定义书签。
安全警告——“Windows 已经阻止此软件因为无法验证发行者”
∙ 逃兵兵
∙ 1楼 上网浏览网页的时候,经常会出现提示“Windows 已经阻止此软件因为无法验证发行者”
1、打开浏览器“Internet 选项-安全-自定义级别”,在弹出的窗口中把“下载未签名的ActiveX 控件”设置为“启用”,并且把里边有关ActiveX 控件项的所有选项全改为“启用”,重新打开浏览器,看能不能用。
迅维文印安全管理软件 管理员使用手册说明书
迅维文印安全管理软件管理员使用手册软件版本编制时间编制人员手册版本修订原因V3.02022.5Kennan 1.0制订_2022__年_5_月目录一、引言 (4)1.1编写目的 (4)1.2系统背景 (4)1.3产品定位 (4)1.4功能模块 (5)1.5版权声明 (6)二、系统概述 (7)2.1系统应用场景 (7)2.2系统功能架构 (7)2.3系统功能版本 (8)2.4系统部署环境 (9)2.4.1硬件环境 (9)2.4.2软件环境 (9)2.4.3端口占用表 (10)三、系统使用指南 (11)3.1仪表盘 (11)3.1.1文印概况 (12)3.1.2设备状况 (13)3.1.3特征分布图 (13)3.1.4趋势图 (13)3.1.5印量排名 (14)3.2作业管理 (14)3.2.1作业列表 (14)3.2.2留底追溯 (16)3.2.3待审批作业 (17)3.3设备管理 (19)3.3.1打印机管理 (19)3.3.2设备组 (21)3.3.3设备型号 (21)3.3.4读卡器管理 (22)3.3.5卡号解析管理 (22)3.4成本管理 (26)3.4.1计费单价管理 (27)3.4.2配额规则 (29)3.5用户管理 (31)3.5.1用户管理 (31)3.5.2部门管理 (33)3.5.3域管理 (33)3.5.4角色管理 (35)3.6报表管理 (36)3.6.1设备报表 (36)3.6.2用户报表 (37)3.6.3部门报表 (37)3.6.4配额报表 (38)3.6.5双面使用率 (38)3.6.6作业趋势图 (39)3.6.7作业明细 (39)3.7运维管理 (40)3.7.1活动墙 (40)3.7.2网络抄表 (40)3.8系统管理 (42)3.8.1授权信息 (42)3.8.2管控服务 (44)3.8.3系统参数配置 (44)3.9企业设置 (45)3.9.1邮箱配置向导 (45)3.9.2WeLink配置 (45)3.9.3IMC配置 (46)3.10企业定制 (46)3.10.1WEB端定制 (46)3.10.2客户端定制 (47)一、引言1.1编写目的本文档是用于指导、培训迅维文印安全管理软件V3.0的客户,配置、使用、维护本系统时所必备的参考资料,本手册针对增强版编写,专业版或旗舰版可能存在部分说明与实际页面不符,敬请谅解。
SUMA VISION使用说明书多功能解码器EMR-D8020北京数码视讯科技股份有限公司SUMAVISION TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.前言版本说明北京数码视讯科技股份有限公司版权所有,并保留一切权利。
本手册对应产品为:SUMAVISION EMR-D8020 多功能解码器本说明书版本号为关于本书的任何修改和版本升级将不再另行通知用户。
第一种方案:盗版xp变正版!!!绝对有效首先,新建个文本文件,输入下面这些:-----------------------------------------------------------------------ON ERROR RESUME NEXTDim VOL_PROD_KEYif Wscript.arguments.count<1 thenVOL_PROD_KEY=InputBox("Powered By "&vbCr&vbCr&" 本程序将自动替换你当前Windows 的序列号,通过微软验证完全正版。
"&vbCr&vbCr&"序列号(OEM版无效,默认版本为XP VLK):","Windows XP序列号自动更换器","MRX3F-47B9T-2487J-KWKMF-RPWBY") if VOL_PROD_KEY="" thenWscript.quitend ifelseVOL_PROD_KEY = Wscript.arguments.Item(0)end ifVOL_PROD_KEY = Replace(VOL_PROD_KEY,"-","") 'remove hyphens if anyfor each Obj in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("win32_WindowsProductActivation")result = Obj.SetProductKey (VOL_PROD_KEY)if err = 0 thenWscript.echo "OK!去微软验证吧!"end ifif err <> 0 thenWscript.echo "替换失败!输入的CD-KEY 与当前的版本不匹配。
第七条各部门负责组织员工参加相应培训以掌握陕西广电办公和营业终端设备的使用方法和了解相关管理规范.第八条任何使用人在未经许可的情况下不能使用他人或其它未经授权的IT 终端设备,也无权将所使用的IT终端设备任意转借他人.第九条确因工作需要,使用人可以允许非陕西广电人员在受监控的情况下操作其负责的IT终端设备,但该使用人应承担使用过程中的全部责任。
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1 版本号: 1.0 签发人:
1 Microsoft Small Business Server 2000
2 Microsoft Windows XP 中文专业版
3 Microsoft Office XP 中文专业版
4 Microsoft Office XP 中文开发版
5 瑞星杀毒软件2002版
6 Autodesk Architectural Desktop 3.3 中文版